Repairs Design Furniture

How to rinse the ceiling on wooden beams. Comparison of ceiling binder methods with various materials. Wooden ceiling.

The sheltered ceiling is now even more popular than in the previous times whitewashed. Today, materials that can be seen the ceiling in the markets and in stores just a huge amount. Everyone can be found - and plastic, and wood, and under the tree, and GLK, right up to steel plates and under the brick. During the selection of the material gets up a large number of questions - cost, durability, rationality, aesthetics, and so on. We suggest to still figure out than to rinse the ceiling will be better. However, in this article, we will review the options for finishing the ceiling and give the characteristics of the materials, their advantages, which justifies the choice and, of course, the existing shortcomings. We will talk about the technologies of installation a little later.

General information on the sheathed ceilings

The ceiling binder technology is not something complex and affordable only. experimental masters. This is not stretch ceilingthat do it yourself will be somewhat problematic. In our case, any special tools or equipment will be required, and high professional knowledge will not be needed. Even, it can be said that the skills of working with materials will be not too important, because All of them easily either cut the knife, or they are sawing, and also have a small specific mass, simply are placed, fixed by conventional screws or special for this.

Immediately say that one of the main advantages of the trimmed or suspended ceilings It is that inside and on them you can pave wiring and communications. Another general advantage is that it does not need to carefully prepare the main surface before installation. If you still need a ceiling alignment, then you can read the article. Well, with the draft binder, you do not need it. The frame of the future ceiling will be perfectly held, and all defects and irregularities will be hidden.

Review of materials for finishing the ceiling


Plasterboard is the most common material. It is perfect for ceilings in wooden houses, for apartments and country houses.

Advantages of plasterboard ceilings:

  • Easy mounted;
  • Not high cost;
  • Simple operation;
  • Long service life;
  • It has excellent sound insulation and necessary heat insulation;
  • Additional plus - when the moisture is used, it can take any curved forms, which will be a convenient point when arranging exquisite designs.

The last property can be attributed to the disadvantages. After all, with excessive moisture or under intense vaporization (kitchen), the GLC reduces its strength and begins to deform, up to the fact that there is a complete scattering. Accordingly, the bathroom and kitchen will disappear according to the technical parameters of this material.

GLC is a lightweight material (15-19 kg per m² of surface), therefore, for the manufacture of frames, it is necessary to use alumopropille. This, by the way, is quick and convenient. Besides, plasterboard sheets On wooden guides will serve a little less. This is due to the fact that the tree is a longer material. What does it mean? This means that it is under the influence of the temperature drop and humidity it is narrowed from time to time and expands. Therefore, such deformations negatively affect the weak fastenings of GLC, respectively, reducing the service life of the entire structure.

PVC panels

PVC panels are also not very expensive material, which meets the basic requirements for the ceiling binder. It has good sound and thermal insulation. However, he has a serious drawback - easy flammability. Modern manufacturers are trying to improve PVC panels with various additives that should reduce burning, but in fact it is not too efficient. And if more precisely, it does not help.

The advantages of the material:

  • Ease in building assembly;
  • Low weight of the whole design;
  • Ease of care;
  • High service life;
  • The infertility of the formation of mold and fungi;
  • Large selection of colors and textures.

PVC panels, as well as individual lamellas can be chosen in any home interior.

PVC panels are attached to the ceiling PVC profiles. During installation, it is necessary to be neat, because The material is rather fragile. In the main residential rooms, these profiles can be replaced by wooden barsHowever, this is unacceptable in the bathroom due to expansion during a set of humidity.

Please note that if the PVC panels are made of incorrect care, the length of the ceiling service will not be too long.

However, when proper montage And the corresponding care is the initial type of material will be maintained for more than 15 years.

Metal rails

Another embodiment of the ceiling finishes is the cutting ceilings. Reiki, performed "for metal" or real metal, too, a fairly popular view of the ceiling binder in the house. By the way, probably comes third in popularity. Pretty popular material for finishing bathrooms. What other options can you learn from the article ""

The advantages of the material:

  • The material itself does not require any processing. The surface of the base of the ceiling does not need preparation;
  • Lack of combustible materials in its composition. 100% fire safety. Spraying that is applied to give the color to raiks does not count, because It is only a few microns thick;
  • Ease. Can be mounted on any ceiling. However, wooden homes are not recommended to apply them.

The material has its big minus - the lack of sound insulation as well as everyone metal materials. That is why the installation is necessary with sound insulation materials.

Metal rails are easy to clean. However, it is necessary to be careful in the process, because On the surface of the material, scratches from various abrasive materials remain easily.

MDF plate and panel

Wood fiber is also excellent option Finishing the ceiling in an apartment or house.

The advantages of the material:

  • Perfectly saves heat and delays the sound;
  • You can use in rooms with high humidity. In some embodiments, additional protection may be required.
  • Surface lamination provides long service life and simplicity in cleaning;
  • Ease in the assembly;
  • The small mass of the material makes it possible to mount lightweight frames;

The main disadvantage of the material - Most of the selling MDF ceiling plates do not have the final processing. Therefore, it will be necessary to spend painting and lamination. But back side is the cost of material.


Another material in question, which can be used the ceiling - wood. It can be highlighted in a separate group into which the lining can be attributed, as well as various euro veneer types.

In order to understand the beauty, beauty and comfort material enough to look at different photos Ceilings that are covered with wood. A tree has a lot of advantages. The first is durability. However, the main advantage is the natural naturalness, as well as the inherent properties for the tree of creating a favorable microclimate and coziness in the room.

Product specifications:

  • Well maintained warmth. No additional thermal insulation is required. Preliminary preparation The surface of the ceiling is also not required.
  • The material is perfectly "breathing." This means that the air flows well, which contributes to the ventilation of the ceiling space.

There are no minuses, but there are some inconveniences:

  • Quite a lot of weight, which will require a massive framework;
  • Horregious. However, it is worth saying that quality costs money.

So we reviewed the basic materials of the ceiling finishes. Installation technology and how to rinse the ceiling by each of the materials will be considered in other articles.

If uneven overlap in the apartment, then the exit from the position will be a stevy ceiling.

The drywall, plastic, gypsum, wood, or foam plastic hobs, and the surface will hide, and the surface will become perfectly smooth.

Impeccable ceiling - the basis of any interior.

This surface is located in the most prominent place and if there are defects or flaws on it, then no tricks will help to give the room a cozy and respectable look.

Features of a stitched ceiling

It is necessary to distinguish beerable and suspended ceilings. The suspension is attached to the overlap using the suspension system, that is, there remains free space between the overlap and the suspended ceiling.

Installation of a stitched ceiling comes on another scheme. The profile is attached directly to the overlap without suspensions and a minimum clearance remains between the real and fake ceiling (see photo).

The tail ceiling practically does not reduce the height of the room, which is very important if the room is already a small height.

In the gap between the slabs of the overlap and the tail ceiling will not be placed ventilation pipes or thick cable.

There will be able to fit only the usual 2-3-core residential electric wireWith which the room lighting will be mounted.

It is unlikely that the insulation or sound insulation can be placed above the staircase ceiling, since the distance between the overlap and the false platform will be only 5 - 10 cm.

However, thanks to the air gap, the tail ceilings themselves perform the function of the insulation. Soundproofing the case is the opposite.

The cable ceiling does not grind the sounds that come from above, and the noise enhances them, so if the noise penetrates on the housing, then you will have to forget about the withdrawal structures and make a suspended ceiling with full soundproofing.

If necessary, the tail ceiling can be made independently without resorting to the services of hired masters.

Most often, stitched ceilings are made of drywall, wood plates (chipboard, fiberboard, plywood), different options Plastic, metal (can be used aluminum and copper panels, galvanized). Each of these materials has pros and cons.

Each owner chooses, from which to do the tail ceiling, based on the capabilities of its budget and personal preferences.

Most often in urban apartments, tail ceilings made of drywall and plastic, in country houses - from various vehicles, ranging from a muster fiberboard and ending with expensive panels from natural tree valuable varieties (see photo).

Whatever material you have chosen, technology will be the same in all cases.

For the construction of any tail ceiling will be required:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • a set of screwdrivers and hammer;
  • measuring and leveling tools;
  • metal fasteners;
  • guide and ceiling profiles or wooden bar.

Wooden tail ceiling

Wood never comes out of fashion. The extensive ceiling of wood looks comfortable, homely.

It is better to purchase nonlackated vehicles - in this case, you can be sure that the ceiling will not cover the cracks from behind the poor varnish.

One of the advantages of the vehicle is easy cutting. Wooden plates And the boards can be easily cut if necessary, but still, acquiring building materials, it is better to choose them of this size so that as little as possible I had to cut off and put it.

So you will save strength and time, and extra seams on the ceiling, too, for nothing. Do not regret money on a good varnish.

Wooden tail ceiling is done for many years and even for decades, so you need to give it the most beautiful and neat appearance, and in no case cannot save on finishing compositions.

Paint and varnish coatings are applied to the tree before the installation starts. Varnish are applied in several layers. The previous layer must completely dry.

A tree is one of the most severe materials for suspended ceilings, of course, if it is not thin fiberboard. Therefore, the ceiling of wood needs a solid frame.

For a frame, you can buy a regular bar 4 by 3 cm. To the main overlap of the bar is fixed with dowels, self-drawing or grouse nails.

So that the ceiling is perfectly smooth, you need to carefully make marking. It is more convenient to use for these purposes not a water, but a laser level.

Bruks are stuffed around the perimeter of the room and throughout the ceiling area with such a step so that the plates or boards are subsequently saved.

After the framework is made, and the varnish on wood dries, you can mount the hematic material to the crate.

Installation leads with nails with small hats. The tree is mounted on the ceiling, ranging from the window and moving towards the entrance door.

This technique allows you to fix the remnants of the material in the most imperceptible place - at the entrance to the room.

Boards and sheets to the frame are nourished as carefully. If the ceiling is made from the lining, they try to drive fasteners so that the hats of nails or screws are on the same line.

When installing the lining can not be used without self-tapping screws, and the hidden fasteners - kleimers. There may be a gap between the boards - this is normal.

The slots between the sheet material are sealed with putty (you can purchase materials for repairing parquet).

After the last details are installed on the frame, the ceiling is sharply covered with varnish. To make the varnish layer, do not use a brush, but roller.

Between the walls and edge of the cable ceiling should be left a gap 3 - 5 mm. In the future, he will hide behind the plinth and will not be visible.

These are the so-called thermal gap - when changing the temperature in the wood room, it is expanding or compressed.

Lastly fix decorative plinth and mount the lamps. Wiring for lamps is paved before the start of installation work.

It is possible to make a cable ceiling from the tree alone, especially if you use tipped boards (lining). It is harder to fasten alone wood sheets of a large area: Faneru, OSP.

Bearing ceiling of GLC

The experimental ceiling of plasterboard begins with marking. The first thing in several places around the perimeter measure the height and find the highest and lowest room of the room.

If the difference is more than 2 cm, then the cortex will not work.

We will have to do suspended, since only the metal-mill to align such a drop of height is impossible - the suspensions are needed.

If the height difference is within 2 cm, then you can go to the store for the material for the binder.

The lowest room is taken per point of reference. From it, using the level, spend a horizontal mark around the perimeter of the room.

Through a line every 40 cm, a number of holes are paved. If the walls are wooden, alend concrete or dranny, then you do not need to drill holes - in such materials, the fastener is screwed easily.

UD 27/28 profile scratched in places matching with holes. Cookies and dowels are clogged into the wall and the profile is screwed around the perimeter of the room.

In the guides pinned on the wall insert the profile CD 60/27 in a step of 60 cm. If the room is large, then the profile can be additionally grabbed to the overlap in several places "crabs".

At the bog of the UD and CD profiles are "bedlops". At each stage, the horizontal frame of the frame is tested by the level, and the height is stretched horizontally between the opposite walls of the thread.

When the last element of the frame will be fixed, it will only be left to suspend the sheets of HCL. To mount the GLC on the metal profile, screws for metal are used, spinning them with a screwdriver.

Tip: Do not try to twist the screws with a perforator.

The self-tapping screws are twisted after 20 - 25 cm. The fastener head is slightly intermitted in the cardboard. If the hand is not packed, then you can use a bit with a depth lock.

Slices of drywall are trying to establish in a checker order. If the gap between the overlap and sheets of drywall will be less than 5 cm, then install spotlights It will not work, and you will have to limit the chandelier in the center of the room.

Fixing drywall, proceed to painting work. The seams are squeezed with a mesh and shaply, the sheets are ground, pass on them the finish putty and in conclusion are painted with water-emulsion paint.

The last step in creating a laid ceiling from drywall will be gluing ceiling plinthclosing the place of convergence of foxpers with the walls.

Ceiling surface - an integral element of the interior of any room. The method of finishing the ceiling often helps to solve several tasks at once. For example, visually enlarge the room, make the ceilings above, or vice versa, reduce their height and make the room more cozy. In addition to the aesthetic purposes of the tail ceiling can also help in solving the task, how best to hide communication. In addition, the ceiling can perform the function of heat and noise insulation if necessary. For these and other purposes, you can use various finishing ceiling materials.

For the rational selection of the appropriate finishing material for the ceiling surface, some factors should be taken into account.


  • Temperature and humidity conditions indoors;
  • The probability of flooding ceiling in apartment house;
  • Way of lighting device;
  • The need for heat and sound insulation ceiling;
  • The need to hide the available communications;
  • Possible change in the height of the ceiling;
  • Aesthetic requirements for the ceiling surface, etc.

All these factors directly affect the selection of finishing material, with which the ceiling in the house will be performed.

So, in the case of a standard apartment located in an apartment building, for rooms besides bath and kitchen, you can use several types of finishing ceiling materials.


  • Plasterboard;
  • PVC film;
  • DVP, chipboard, decorative phaneur;
  • Plastic panels.

For bathrooms, baths and kitchens, loggias, balconies are suitable such materials like:

  • PVC film;
  • Plastic panels;
  • Aluminum panels.

In addition, for the loggia and the balcony will also be suitable plates OSB. (They are also called OSP or OSB). As a finishing material for the ceiling in the country or in country house You can use decorative faeer or wooden lining.

It should be noted that in order to the autumn-winter period the roof of the cottage did not flow, and the owners did not meet the icicles hanging from the ceiling, and the rooms in the house did not turn into ice caves, it is necessary to take care of a quality roof, for example, covered with a straighteard, and Heat ceiling. For thermal insulation ceilings, it is advisable to use modern insulationwhich simultaneously perform sound and vaporizolation (this is mainly foil materials).

Choosing finishing ceiling material It depends primarily on its physicochemical characteristics and temperature and humidity conditions in a room where this material will be used.

As for the choice of material in order to sew a ceiling in a non-residential room, then, in this case, the ceiling finish must withstand the temperature differences, increased humidity, be resistant to the effects of fungi and not lose appearance.

For non-residential premises and buildings, such as garages, arbors, etc., you can use "unpretentious" materials for covering the ceiling, which are well withstanding temperature fluctuations and increased humidity, of course, subject to the appropriate protection of these finishing elements. So, the gazebo, the ceiling of which is laid by boards, processed by antiseptic and paints, for a long time, the owners and guests will delight, protecting from the sun and bad weather.

In addition to wood, the ceiling trim in the gazebo can also be performed using:

Optimal and affordable option for the gazebo - Sew the ceiling with OSB plates or plastic panels.

How to sunmate the ceiling

When binder ceiling various materials You should consider a number of nuances.


  1. As a rule, all materials, to cover the ceiling, are attached to such a device like a frame (a doom) made of wood (in rooms with low humidity and insignificant temperature differences) or metal.
  2. The carrier frame can be attached to both walls and ceiling overlap.
  3. Geometrically correct mounted frame Provides perfect flat base To create a smooth ceiling.
  4. The size of the frame cells is determined by the peculiarities and size of the staircase material. These same factors determine the fastening step to the frame of the frame.
  5. As a rule, for fastening the cruise material to the crate is used different kinds self-tapping screws, the length of which exceeds the width of the liner 2-3 times. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the panel or plates with a certain indentation from the edge (10-20 mm).

When binder ceiling wood materials Clases (2-3 mm) should be left between sheets or plates for taking into account temperature and humidity deformations.

With regard to specific types of ceilings, the main features of their installation are as follows:

  1. Stewed ceiling from boards. One of the simplest types of ceilings in the midst of your own hands. Before installing the board, it is desirable to handle the antiseptic composition and paint or purchase ready-made wooden panelswhich are already processed as necessary
  2. Stretch ceiling of PVC film. Mounted using a thermal gun on a preset frame. Installation of the stretch ceiling from polyvinyl chloride is carried out by firms specializing in the manufacture of stretch ceilings.
  3. Ceiling from DVP, chipboard, decorative plywood. This kind of ceilings when fastening them with focus on the walls can also serve as an antleesole.
  4. Plastic panels. Installation of the ceiling from plastic panels spend on a frame from metal profile With the help of self-tapping with a press washer. To create a beautiful ceiling, you should choose high-quality PVC panels.
  5. Ceiling of plasterboard. Plasterboard ceiling is more convenient to install together. When working with this material, scald edges of sheets should be avoided.
  6. Ceiling from OSP plates. Plates data are suitable for installation of temporary accommodation or non-residential premises Due to the discharge into the surrounding space of such harmful chemicals as phenol, which is used in the manufacture of OSP-plates.
  7. Aluminum rack ceiling. For attaching aluminum rails to the carrier frame, fastening elements are not required.

Aluminum panels are attached to a universal tire-stringer with simple snaps.

It must be said that, despite the fact that there are different methods Ceiling covering using various materials, the basic rule in the device of a tail ceiling is the creation of a geometrically correct framework.

What is trimmed first: wall or ceiling

According to experts, first of all, the walls should be sewed, and then the ceiling, since its finish is the final stage.

And in the implementation process you can:

  • Correct the height of the walls and the ceiling;
  • Hide flaws and communications;
  • Correct lighting.

Thus, the ceiling is advisable only after decoration of the walls.

How to sunmate the ceiling (video)

By summing up, it should be noted that the modern construction industry offers a wide range of finishing materials for the ceiling to enhance, both natural and synthetic. However, the key to creating a beautiful and functional ceiling is a geometrically correct frame and high-quality extensive material.

I plan to strip the draft ceiling (25mm board) directly to the beams (200x100) from the bottom (the distance m / at 1m beams on the axes), and then the framework with GLC. How, by strength, such a design with 50% of minvata-50% sawdust? And another question is bothering - the waterproofing in places of bookmarks of beams in the wall (block ceramzite + silicate brick) - How to save beams healthy?

Yesterday I answered a similar question, to print for a long time I decided to copy and now insert. Read beneficial for yourself: "1. It's much more reliable in the overlap to use beams not 150 * 150, and two to 150 * 50 shot down together. This will be enough. If the distance between the simplests is large between the boards, the strip 1Santimeter Filters 150 wide throughout is long Beams. This will betray considerable strength and stability to loads. The beam is 150 * 150 (this is not effective in the overlap as it should be the height of the beam to be greater than its width. KRYMERA 150 * 100 or 200 * 150) is missing even under its weight . To the Tamuja in such a beam there weak spots (Swirls), and in the sewn of two these places overlap. In general, it is so much more reliable ... 2. Regarding the warming of the overlap between 1st floors.! From the bottom of the beams score of the nails 40mm without finishing them about 20mm, before the middle of the nail. Nails clog about 150-180mm on them from the beams to the beam stretch the knitted wire (section somewhere 0.7-1mm) by turnover, two turns on each nail. Then, nails are scored completely at the same time the wire still stretches ... further on the beams below, on top of the wire, we settle down the parobaire, carefully smoking the joints with a double-sided tape or a special bitumen ribbon. Parosolation should not pass moisture, especially when filling the floor on the 1st floor of evaporation there will be a lot and the insulation will come into disrepair. Next, from the bottom over the entire length of the beam, you feed the rail, and in your case it will be a board 100 * 25 thus further strengthened the wire (on which the insulation will lie) and vaporizolya. Here is the principle and all the mostenation from the bottom of the beams. Further-wants do an independent frame attacking him to the raiks that we hit the bottom of the beams, but do you want a stretch ceiling, it is attached to the walls and has nothing to do with the beams (although stretch ceilings in the whole house? Maybe again thinking about this position.) From the top of the beams again We freely settle the insulation with a layer of 100-150mm - this is enough for overlapping. Next, you have a "spool of sex 50mm, pergamine, plywood 12mm, cover coating. "- Breyed! This is done if there is no translating between the beams 1000-1200mm. In your case, it is a 35mm pin, you want to the Faner 8-10mm Although it is possible and the plates of the OSP or the chipboard 10-12mm well and the first coating. Overlapping the 2nd floor on the same Scheme But the solar is at least 200mm. (here is less than anyone because of 70% of heat rising up goes through a bad ceiling.) "
Warming up 50% Minvata-50% sawdust is the stone age, or the woody age, or just a shit idea-call as you want. Owls _The is a fire hazard, insecto-insulating insulation with weak heat-noise insulation on modern standards. 100mm layer Minvati replaces a 400mm layer somewhere wood waste. If you have it up with this stove, the stove, Salo on her, just throw out in the end, but do not use the insulation in any case, this is nonsense!
Regarding the beams of overlapping, do not bother ... It is advisable to be waterproof, soaked, to process, but without this, there are enough of them on your age, and then let the grandchildren of the right to themselves break their heads to repaired or replace them. Well, if you're going to live forever, of course you can "dismantle, waterproof, install in place." How advises a durable citizen of the RESA123!

After building wooden house Any owner has a question about how to produce internal and external finishing works. Most often the structure of wood has beam overlapwhich when performing finishing operations try to close. For these purposes, it is necessary to arrange a draft ceiling.

Big variety modern materials Allows you to create beautiful and aesthetic ceiling structures. Therefore, how and than to felt the ceiling in wooden house, you need to think about the design and construction of the house. At the same time, the choice of material and the peculiarities of the performance is important.

Appointment of rough ceiling

For high-quality execution finishing work Padded is produced rough ceiling by wooden beamsThe taking design is provided for laying the layer of thermal insulation and waterproofing, as well as fastening the decorative layer or suspended ceilings.

From the cold draft ceilings are not able to protect interiorTherefore, a multilayer thermal insulation system is done. In a single-storey wooden structure, special insulation plates can be laid on the attic room or simply falling down a layer of wood sawdust.

Also, the draft ceiling can be arranged in buildings with reinforced concrete floors. In this case, it serves mainly for high-quality insulation of the room.

Features of the device of the draft ceiling

Typically, the design of the draft ceiling is made at the stage of compiling a common project project. This applies to the premises that are equipped with the erection of new homes. In the event that the acquired housing requires repair workThere are some features of the ceiling binder on wooden beams.

In wooden one-story house For work, it often arises the need for a complete dismantling of an old coating. If the dwelling is used for permanent residence, then this process greatly complicates the repair process, since in attics there is often a dry coating of straw with clay or clay. Such a layer when dismantling creates a large amount of dirt and dust.

In a two-story wooden house, to produce a complete disassembly of the old overlap is inappropriate. Therefore, if you need to rush the draft ceiling to implement the process, it is necessary to gradually, in small areas. Works are carried out with the phased firmware layer of the insulation. Of course, such technology much complicates the repair process, but it is prerequisite.

Requirements for finishing materials

Any barking host before the start of finishing work is thinking about to strip the draft ceiling on wooden beams. The most harmonious in wooden houses are watching overlap from various types of wood.

The ceiling under wooden beams should be made by materials that meet the following requirements:

  1. High resistance to moisture, which can be achieved as constructive feature Material and preprocessing various moisture-repellent means.
  2. With seasonal operation of residential premises, the material must have resistance to low temperaturesas well as to drops temperature mode.
  3. Comply with environmental and fire safety. This means the lack of excretion of harmful substances both in heated and the usual state.
  4. The durability of the material is helped less often to repair residential or domestic premises.
  5. The beautiful appearance of the material will make it possible to match the overall design of the walls in the room.

Most often try to use natural materials that are able to provide appropriate air circulation inside ceiling construction.

Basic materials for the ceiling

Previously, the ceiling stitch was used on wooden beams board. Modern technologies Production makes it possible to use various types of other materials for these purposes.

To achieve high-quality indicators and creating aesthetic interior of the room apply the following materials:

  • lining;
  • plywood;
  • plastic panels;
  • plasterboard;
  • panels covered with wooden veneer;
  • charming array

All these materials have different properties that need to be considered when carrying out construction and repair work. Than to rinse the ceiling on wooden beams, solves the owner on the basis of his financial situation and aesthetic preferences.


Board, having a groove and spool for easy installation and processed on special equipment, called clapboard. This natural and environmentally friendly material is tremendous with the objects of the ceilings, as such a design is perfectly passes the air and absorbs the surplus of moisture.

Possessing a fairly large service life, the lining is a good heat insulator. And appearance transmitting structure wooden surfacewill allow you to successfully solve many design solutions.

Made a wagon from deciduous and coniferous rocks Tree. The material of several classes, characterized by wood quality and processing method.

Classes lining:

  • Extra is characterized by the use of valuable wood, without various irregularities and bitch.
  • A and B class may have minor defects in the structure of the tree, which do not at all affect the strength of the material.
  • Class C is made of inexpensive wood breeds, has a large number of bitch and minor surface irregularities, therefore it is considered to be a budget option.

Thanks to the use of lining, you can create several options for interior interior design:

  1. For premises small square It looks good to mount the wall paneling in one direction.
  2. When laying the material between the beams, the direction of the lining can be changed, which contributes to the separation of the room into separate functional zones.
  3. You can create a design for ancient with a pre-processing of the material by the veneer, which also mimics the valuable wood.


Plywood is much easier to sunmatch the ceiling on wooden beams than clapboard. It is due to the large size of the sheet. With the help of multi-layer plywood, it is easy to arrange an interior of the room with original design ideas, while unnecessary costs will not be needed.

When choosing plywood you need to consider the following factors:

  • the number of layers of material affects its strength;
  • the moisture resistance level should be taken into account for installation in a room without heating;
  • the type of wood from which the material is made;
  • the presence of ground surfaces, for the decoration of the residential premises, one side of the plywood should be processed.

The black ceiling under wooden beams with plywood is made on a pre-installed cladder. The lamp is performed from wooden Reques or aluminum profile. The cut of plywood sheets is made in such a way that the place of the material docking falls on the rail.

To create a smooth surface of the hole, are slightly expanded to hide the screws of the screws. In the future, the location of the connection and screws are embarrassed by putty or close with a decorative rail. The ceiling under the beams ceiling in many ways is similar to the technology of working with drywall (see below).

Veneer-covered panels

To enhance the decorative effect, wooden panels are covered with a special veneer that can imitate any wood breeds. Therefore, the question of how to rinse the ceiling on wooden beams - with a wallpaper or veneer panels - in lately Solved towards the last material. And although the cost of panels exceeds the price of the lining, they still acquire greater popularity, as they differ simplicity of installation.

Clean the ceiling with a veneer panels are easily with their own hands, not even possessing the experience and the skill of finishing works. The principle of fastening the panels is similar, like lining. They are connected to each other using special locks (spikes and grooves), which are installed on each bar.

Array of wood

The woody array is made from natural valuable wood species, therefore is the most prestigious material for finishing the ceiling construction.

The most important characteristics Wood massif are:

  • high quality indicators that are entirely dependent on the manufacture of wood breed;
  • panels out natural wood have high strength;
  • the use of valuable wood provides long service life of panels;
  • aesthetic appearance perfectly fits into the interior of any room;
  • thanks to the system of built-in locks, the installation of the array is easy to implement independently.

If, as an answer to the question of how to rinse the ceiling on wooden beams, panels made of wood massif are chosen, then it is necessary to evaluate their financial capabilities, as this is the most expensive material.

Plastic panels

The most practical and inexpensive materials for the ceiling covering, almost in any room, are panels of plastic material. The use of such a coating was made possible by the development of the modern production of artificial materials.

Plastic panels have low weight, which is very important for ceiling structures, easy to mounted even with the help of a stapler, and are also well purified by contamination.

Main flaw artificial material - inability to pass air flows, which sometimes leads to the formation of fungus or mold.

If the ceiling has smooth surfaceThe plastic panels can be attached directly to it. If necessary, it is necessary to correct the curvature of the base. It will be possible to mount a laminate from wooden rails or aluminum profiles.

It is very convenient to use plastic panels for decoration of the bathroom. But here they are not suitable for the ceiling ceiling.


Recently, the ceiling ceiling was very popular on wooden beams. The use of this material allows you to create a perfectly smooth surface of the ceiling, as well as arrange ceiling structures in several levels.

The main advantages of plasterboard are:

  • cardboard sheets are made from natural gypsum, which is an environmentally friendly material;
  • the use of drywall allows installation of the design in as soon as possible;
  • the ability to correct many irregularities and defects wooden buildings;
  • the gaps between cardboard and base are commonly used for laying hidden electrical wiring;
  • in wooden houses, you can easily make a ceiling binder on the beams;
  • the use of drywall allows you to safely implement any design project of the room.

Along with the advantages, there are several drawbacks to which you want to pay attention to:

  • the material is afraid high humiditytherefore it is necessary to consider the room ventilation system or acquire expensive moisture resistant plasterboard;
  • only strict observance of the technological process during installation of drywall will allow to avoid the appearance of cracks and deformations in the location of the docking;
  • the need for additional finishing operations.

Installation of plasterboard is performed on a pre-prepared cladder of wooden rails or aluminum profiles. You can mount the material directly on the smooth surface of the draft ceiling.

Fastening is carried out with the help of special self-tapping screws, the use of nails is extremely undesirable.

Before you rinse the draft ceiling on wooden beams with the help of drywall, it is necessary to understand the following technological nuances:

  • installation of plasterboard should be carried out regardless of the walls of the room to avoid its cracking and deformation;
  • it is necessary to create a gap between the base of the ceiling and cardboard, to create a material surface ventilation;
  • mounting sheets need to be dispersed to eliminate the docking of four sheets;
  • produce high-quality reinforcement special Material for finish finish Plasterboard.

The fulfillment of these simple operations will extend the life of the ceiling coating.

Ceiling coating device

Installing the draft ceiling is easy. But before you rinse the draft ceiling on wooden beams, you need to evaluate the state carrier structures. If there are traces of mold or fungus on the beams, then it is necessary to determine the affected places and treat them with an antiseptic solution. Cracks and chips need to sharpen. These actions will not allow in the future to develop microorganisms affecting wood.

Most often, a cutting board is used for the black ceiling device, which must be impregnated before installing a special septic. This will prolong the service life of the coating.

Houses made of wood have ceilings made by solid rolling or steer design. The sheathing of rolling ceilings is made according to a predetermined crate. But the beam cumulative ceiling is made of boards, linked between carrier beams.

For the manufacture of a draft ceiling must be performed next work:

  1. Before you rinse the ceiling on wooden beams from below, it is necessary to attach the film of the vaporizolation layer from the room. Fastening the film can be carried out by the stapler.
  2. Then, on the beams, the draft ceiling from edged board.
  3. The next step will be laying heat insulating material. Mineral wool, foam or clamzite can be used as such a material.
  4. Then the second vapor insulation layer is superimposed on top of the insulation layer.
  5. The final stage will be a device lag for roughing.

The edged boards are nailed without a gap, close to each other.

Ceiling decoration with wooden beams

Many lovers vintage style Wish to rush the ceiling between beams as in a rustic hut. For these purposes, the existing beam structures are not needed. We will have to carry out additional processing of beams. There is no strict rules for processing, here the desire and fantasy of the Owner of the premises are coming to the fore.

Wood needs to be cleaned from the bark, and then make a brush or processing in a textured way. These operations give the beams the effect of natural aging.

You can purchase ready-made decorative beams already on the construction market, and modern manufacturers Offers products not only from wood. Falc balks are made of polyurethane, and have a small weight and type of natural wood.

Than to rinse the ceiling on the beams created artificially, decides each owner alone. It looks very nice in this case a wooden array, but its value is quite high.

Ceiling device in the bath

Registration country plot With a wooden house, it will be incomplete if there is no bath on its territory. Therefore, after its construction, the question appears "how to sunmage the ceiling in the bath between the beams." Basically, technological process The execution of work on the decoration of the ceiling in the bathroom is not much different from the wooden house.

The focus should be paid correct selection Bath ceiling material material. Since the room temperature should be maintained on high levelYou need to create a good layer of heat insulation.

According to the law of physics, warm air rises up, so the ceiling material must be moisture-resistant and withstanding high temperature. Deciding the ceiling is used by deciduous wood. The coniferous material at a high temperature highlights the resin, so it cannot be applied.

Most often in the bath is arranged with a stewed draft since this type of construction fully meets all the requirements. The lining is often used as the finish layer.

Works on the ceiling binder in a wooden house do not represent a special complexity. Therefore, they can be made independently. The main thing is to determine the material for creating a ceiling construction, which the modern industry offers a wide variety.