Repairs Design Furniture

How to transform an old stool. Restoration of chairs at home. Required tools and consumables

Surely at home for each of us there is one old one, or even a couple of good goodwood wooden chairs, which, however. And nothing, but their appearance leaves much to be desired. It seems to be a thing with history - practically family value, so throwing a sorry. But why throw away if there is a restoration of chairs with your own hands? It is absolutely optionally to turn to the master who can do it for you. After all, firstly, you still need to try to find such a master. And, secondly, in this old item you can embody your new ideas and design fantasies. Try your strength, and we will tell you how to drag the chair with your own hands and make it a highlight of your interior!

Where to begin?

First of all, it is necessary to really assess the volume of upcoming work. Remember that any chair in any condition he was. You can always replace the wear and broken parts for new ones. After an objective view, you need to think about the final result. That is, what would you like to get from this stool in the end. Think carefully, in what room it will be. And already repel the following. The interior in which the updated chair will be located, and will be the point of departure in the restoration at home this subject of furniture.


Whatever repair you roam, staining or coating the surface of the chair surface - be sure. To give this subject to the interior of the updated type, you should get rid of the old coating. Therefore, you will need to use sandpaper. With it, you can easily remove the cramped paint or varnish. But it should be previously removed the seat and upholstery. For these purposes, use the hammer and, if necessary, dismissed. In some chairs, the seat is attached by nails, so it will need a nail to remove them. Upon completion of this stage, you can safely skull legs, a back and frame with sandpaper. If you decide to repair furniture at home, be prepared to work well by sandpaper. Perhaps this is the most tedious stage in the restoration of wooden coatings. The tree can be painted by several layers of varnish or paint, so at first it is better to work with a sandpaper with a large graininess. Grinding is carried out fine-grained skurt.

Now you can go directly. It is known that the tree absorbs any liquid very well. Therefore, our repair will not work without primer. It will allow paint to more evenly host the surface and live much more time. The primer can be white or colorless. The first is better to use if you are going to paint the chair. Colorless primer will be needed to those who continue to use varnish and does not want to overlap the wooden texture. After applying one or more layers of primer, it is necessary to wait for its complete drying. Now it remains to walk with a fine-grained skin and start to apply paint or varnish. But if you want to give a product of an even more rugged look, use a special wax balsam. It is applied after drying the primer before applying paint. He must be good, after which it will need to carefully polish the brush. Now you can paint. In order for the product longer in priority form, it is best to apply two layers of the dye, pre-giving each well to dry.

You can realize your designer ideas.

Sometimes the interior project does not provide for use of soft seats. Therefore, the repair of the chair ends on the seat staining and screwing it to the frame. If you want to repair the chair completely using a new upholstery, go to the next item.

Replacing upness

It is important that the upholstery, the chair itself and the interior, are not knocked out from one designer solution. Therefore, we need to think over everything to the last little things. Use only dense upholstery fabric, even if you not only make repair of a soft seat, but also sequerate the pillow for the chair.

Remove all the staples from the old seat. Make it easily with a large tweezers. Now proceed to the replacement of batting. A pre-carved piece must be planted on a thermoclay and give it well to gain. If this is the first furniture repair in your life - we recommend to do with a monophonic cloth. (And even more strips) will have to constantly check how exactly it is located. And for the beginner it may be quite complex and troublesome.

For each edge, you will definitely leave the five-meant meter of the fabric. You can even a little more. Secure the cloth with pins on the surface to control the location of the pattern. Gradually pull the upholstery by fixing it with a building stapler at a distance of no more than 1-2 centimeters. Depending on the shape, the fabric on the corners can be fixed like this:

If you discovered that an old chair was completely strained, do not hurry to throw it away. Often old furniture items carry pleasant memories of people and events in your family's life. And what kind of sin to hide? Previously, the furniture was done on the century ...

Therefore, a renovated chair may well listen not only to you, but also to your children. Just changing its appearance, you can return to the furniture former attractiveness and novelty. Good now there are many options. Everything will depend only on your imagination.

How to update the old chair? Preliminary cleaning

To begin with the surface of the chair is necessary clear from the old coating Whatever it is. If there is a soft upholstery of the seating, it must be previously removed. To do this, it will not necessarily need "Male Strength". Try turning the chair with legs up, and you will see that the seat is fastened with screws from which you need to get rid of. To do this, it is necessary to arm a hammer (to knock out the seating) and scolding (straight or cruciform).

Now you can proceed to remove the old coating. To do this, you can take advantage of the usual "sandpaper" of different grain or grinding sponge. It is important to span the surface of the tree. This will help you easily apply the selected coverage in the future. It is worth saying that this work is not from the lungs.

But there is a possibility to a little simplify the process, periodically moistened to the treated surface. So you can get rid of dust. Just do not be afraid that the old varnish is becoming viscous. This is normal. After the chair is completely dry, it is necessary to completely polish the entire surface with small "sandpaper".

How to update the old chair? All in order

Now it all depends on your imagination.If you decide to cover the surface of the chair with varnish, then you need to use the colorless primer so that the texture of the tree is clearly visible through the protective layer. The primer layer will have to take advantage of anyway. Even if you decide to paint the chair in the future.

The fact is that the paint is better and serves longer if the surface is pre-primed.
Varnish must cover the surface in two layers. It is important that the first layer is good to dry before applying the second. Varnish can be brought with a tassel or spraying it on the surface.

Cancel chair can be in any color. Now very fashionable is the white furniture. And the upholstery of the seating can be chosen contrast. Now there are many ways to show originality. For example, use stencil. Let it be flowers or any other ornament.

Another way to cover the surface of the chair - balm from bee wax.The surface is also pre-extended and ground with oil. Then covered with a thin layer of balm with a rag. Twelve hours later, the surface is polished with a brush.

Now you can proceed to restoration of upholstery. Old it is necessary to delete. Previously, she was attached to the seat with the help of ordinary nails. From the foam rubber will also have to get rid of. It is necessary to cut a new one by old standards. The fabric needs to be cut with a bent margin. Material for upholstery can be the most different: both special fabric for upholstered furniture and ordinary flax or tight cotton. Bashed cloth better than a furniture stapler. But if you do not have this, do not be discouraged. You can use conventional nails, having a hammer. It is important to remember that the material must be well stretched from all sides.

Now the seat can be inserted into the former place and fasten with screws.

Update the old chair with a cover

There is another way to aK update the old chair - Use cover. It can be made of any fabric, the fracture of defects and disadvantages without major intervention. The case can be with a variety of lean, ruffles, bows, tassels ... you can make several options. Festive option and everyday. Show fantasy! Do not rush to throw out old furniture, try to become a designer, we are sure that you will succeed!

How to update the old chair? Photo

The old chair that got from the grandmother, with a wiped upholstery, locked can become a pearl of the interior, if you attach hands to it. To cope with this task, you need to get acquainted with the technique of restoration work, armed with the necessary tools and be patient. Consider the stages of turning the used furniture item into a chic rarity, an expensive heart as a memory of loved ones.


There are various approaches to update old furniture. Restoration is a classic approach that involves restoring the initial appearance of the subject with all the same characteristics. This method is used if you need to restore the valuable object of the situation in the original form. It is assumed here a rather complicated technique that will require the use of a special purpose of chemicals to restore the coating, the product of carpentry work to eliminate functional faults, it may be necessary to replace part of wood or veneer.

This requires special skills and professional carpentry tools, acquiring special types of wood. The full restoration of the chairs is justified for collecting purposes or when one of the items of expensive headset are damaged. This is a fairly expensive process, so it is better to entrust him to professionals.

If for certain reasons, the appeal to the joiner's restoration workshop is impossible, then the repair of old chairs can be carried out at home with their own hands.

Start recovery work is necessary with a consistent implementation of the following actions:

  • First, we think about the design of the future furniture subject, as it will look in the interior, what color it should be, what you need to remake for ease of use.
  • Then we disassemble the chair to the components, determine the degree of wear of the parts and the need to replace some elements, measure each item.
  • After that, we make an estimate of consumables based on the size of the stool details, we go to the store with this list and get everything you need.
  • Finally, we replace the worn parts and the coating of varnish or paint. If the chair retained the strength, it is enough to repaint it enough to make a new object of the situation. You can paint the old shore chair in a new bright color and paint the simple pattern, which the child will be extremely happy.

Preparation of instruments

Having determined the degree of worn out of the design details, you need to stock the necessary tools. Let's try to figure out what will be needed for repair.

To strengthen the frame, you will have to get a chisel, joinery glue or PVA glue, wooden blocks for replacing furniture spikes or struts. Spikes serve to fasten the framework parts.

If the legs of the chair are loosened, the spikes need to be removed, wrapped with glue and insert into the design, after that the elements must be fixed for several hours. At home you can use the usual belt for the screed of parts.

Chairs can be covered with varnish, mourn or paint. To remove the damaged coating, you need to sand the surface of the chair - it is not necessary to completely remove the old layer of paint or varnish, just to align. Here we need sandpaper a large and small fraction or grinding machine. With a complete design change, it is worth using a special composition that dissolves paint - technical acetone.

After preparing the framework for a new staining, you need to apply a primer under the paint - it is usually gray or white. Laco-colorful materials will be required. They select them depending on the terms of use whether this item will be subjected to adverse effects from moisture, steam or sun. An instruction is attached to each coloring tool. After reading her, choose the right one.

Before the coating varnish for the safety of wood, it is treated with a mourn, wax or oil. These facilities for furniture are produced in different colors corresponding to different colors of natural wood. After coating a frame of a wooden chair, a layer of varnish should be a layer of varnish, when using a polymer base, a varnish coating is optional.

Next to decide which will be the seating. If it is a rigid seat, then it is painted according to the same rules as the framework. If you have to do a soft seat, you need to stockpowder and fabric for upholstery. The furniture stapler is useful here with suitable brackets. The fabric can be fixed with the help of special furniture nails and hammer.

When working with a spring unit, the springs or the entire block may be required. It is necessary to ask in advance whether these materials for repair work or need to change the strategy and abandon the springs in favor of foam rubber.

Disassembly design

The diagram of the connections of the chair is well known, the disassembly of the design is not difficult. First unscrew the back and rear legs. The assembly of the chair occurs in the reverse order, then all the grooves will fall into place. If the chair is fastened on glued spikes, you need to melt the hot water of the connection - for this, a hot wet cloth is applied several times or a steam generator is used.

The detected cracks are poured with a mixture of sawdust and glue or stuck and tightened for fixation to drying. In case of damage to thickening compounds, new plugs are made instead of old, and to strengthen the CARD connections, they use a pelle-groove and gluing mount. It is necessary to drill a thin hole to the spike and pour the glue into the syringe, fix before drying. If the legs are inserted into the special grooves in the bottom of the chair and the chair is risen, then the legs are removed and the upper part is crushed, it becomes more and more tightly included in the groove.

If the children's highway is updated, in addition to the above, it may be necessary to replace the loops or the rotary mechanism for the transformation. Most wooden children's highchair consists of a large number of details that ensure the safety of the child. It is not bad to smoke their joinery glue for strength.

Viewing the folding chair, it is enough to remove axial pins connecting the back back and seat and unscrew the seat. The chairs on the metal frame are simply scanned, models with cast frames are unscrewed only the seat and a soft part of the backrest.

The seat of the chair can be equipped with a spring block. The block itself does not need to be dismantled and separated from the base, if necessary, replace individual springs.

The recovery process of stages

So, at the first stage, our chair is disassembled, the design damage is eliminated, the old paintwork is deleted, and you can begin directly update.

At the second stage, the purified surface is applied to the purified surface corresponding to the type of stainable material. After its drying, it follows the re-processing of sandpaper more subtle sizes. Then we apply the first layer of paint or varnish and after drying, check - if the base is shifted, we apply another or two layers.

Each material has its own characteristics when staining.The carcasses of iron chairs are applied by the first layer of the anti-corrosion primer, after drying, the main color is applied, and if the paint is transparent, it is applied in stages in two or three layers. When painting metal chairs is better to use enamels for metal.

The frame of a wooden chair is originally treated with wax, causing a slice of a slice and thoroughly rubbing it into wood, or covered with a brush with oil primer. Next impose one or more layers of acrylic paint. Such coatings of the NW generation are easy to use, do not smell, dry quickly, are suitable for work in the room.

To restore the Viennese chairs, use a lacquer coating on the basis of wax or to the primer.

For plastic chairs, painting is undesirable, since the flexibility of the material will provoke peeling, it is better to sew covers or pillows made of suitable fabric.

Finally, at the last stage, you need to upgrade the soft pieces of the chair. After the old upholstery is removed, the porolon of the desired thickness is cut on the shape of the base of the seat, it can be fixed with glue. Stuffed fabric taking into account the allowance for the bending around the foam rubber with plywood.

Furniture stapler On the reverse side, the fabric is fixed first from the opposite sides so that it is tightly stretched, then the corners are embarking on the jack, are sweeping on and fixed with brackets in several places from the reverse side so that the fabric does not shine. It is better to use a fabric with a floral print or monochrome. The geometric pattern requires a special location of the lines. The drawing skew can happen, so you need skill.

When the seat with the springs is preheating, batting or other dense material is first stacked, then a layer of foam rubber. The fabric cuts out and attached by the same technology as with one foam rubber, however, it is important to pull the upholstery harder to smooth out the relief of the springs.

Assembly and finishing

When the frame of the chair is updated and the soft pieces are pulled by a new upholstery, it remains only to assemble the design. The main rule is to collect in the same order as they disassembled. The legs and details of the back should be installed in the same grooves where they were originally, so the design will not lose strength. Phaneru, on which the seat is mounted, usually screwed to the frame, in the Viennese chairs, the adhesive is the adhesive.

Knowing all stages of the restoration of the chair, it is not difficult to create a stylish and unique object with the help of finishing from the unattractive object of furniture. Just painting chairs in pink, blue, pistachio color, you can get a bright color accent interior in the style of Fusion.

When updating old chairs, decoupage technique apply.This operation is performed using glue, varnish and paper-based pattern, it is convenient to use and napkins. The paper with the selected pattern is cut or burst into parts, then with the help of glue, these fragments are fixed on the frame and the seat, after drying, it is covered with varnish. As a result, this piece of furniture is completely transformed and becomes an art object.

In modern interiors, designers often use one or two objects performed under the antiquity. For this purpose, chairs are required by vintage structures. First, they are painted with white paint, then a thin transmission layer of gold, bronze or silver paint is applied to the entire chair or separate parts, depending on the surrounding and finishing of the entire interior. The final stage becomes a layer of varnish-cracker. It creates small cracks throughout the coating, giving a luxurious staining.

Such chairs can be separated in the style of Ampir. The frame painted in white, paint the gold paint over the thread, on smooth elements you can copy the suitable pattern of the pencil and paint the gold paint according to this pattern. In this case, the seat is covered with a cloth with glitter - atlas, a parolh, velvet. The composition is very spectacular.

Restoration of chairs in the 21st century has become a popular business. Many people, equipping their apartments, seek to fill them with the objects of antiques. But the purchase of antiques can afford not everyone. And so the owners prefer to update the old furniture, which inherited them and in memory of the past was not thrown into a landfill.

Having a non-primary kind of interior items, long time driving on dachas and attics, are in the hands of professionals, to then decorate the rooms of their home who has gained the second life of furniture. But to update the old soft part, the back and legs, it is not necessary to turn to the masters, because it can make it the owners themselves.

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How to update the chair?

Restoration of old chairs with their own hands is an interesting and easy lesson. Knowing some of its subtleties and armed with the necessary tools and materials, in just a few hours you can turn a shabby and flexible object into a bright and unique element of the interior of your own home, cottage or apartment.

The main problems of all solid wooden chairs are:

  • sealing paints and varnish;
  • holes, flowed in small insects;
  • scratches and cracks;
  • the drying of the details, as a result of which the subject began to stagger.

All these problems are easily eliminated by damageing the damage to joinery glue, staining with special compositions and coating of each wooden element.

To restore the chair, consisting not only of solid, but also from soft parts (seats and backs), the tissue or leather material of which is fading over time and is damaged, it is necessary to replace the filler in the protruding element and decorate the upholstery with a fashionable cloth.

Restoration methods by decorating the chair

To give an old object of the interior of fresh and attractive species, the following methods are used:

  • Application on wooden elements of several layers of varnish or paint.
  • Application technology decoupage.
  • Furniture object decoration with fabric material.
  • Repair of frame and hauling upholstery.

Restoration of the old chair should be taken carefully and without a rush, so as not to damage and do not break it.

Decor with fabric

Among the types of restoration work carried out above the furniture, the decor is often found with the help of tissue. It looks unusually and can be used both for temporary and for the constant transformation of the chair.

This method is that parts of wood products are decorated with ribbons and satin strips of one or more colors. They can either simply cover individual elements, or make luxury flowers, butterflies from the fabric, tie bows and reorganize the back of the subject. Such a decor is often used to decorate a festive event (thematic party, birthday, new year meeting).

The restoration of the chair can be done with the help of a jute rope. For this purpose, it is necessary to remove the soft parts of the product, and instead of them to wind the rope on the frame, weeping it with a mesh or in the Macrame technique.

Before decorating old furniture, it should be updated with the fabrics (repair and paint), since the material does not close the entire product. An interesting option to update the interior item will be tailored for him. You can make several product options and periodically change them.

Decoupage technique

Decoupage is a decoration of interior items with ornaments or pictures cut from special napkins, wallpaper or paper and pasted on a pre-prepared surface.

To with the help of decoupage, transform an ancient chair, restore its solids step by step:

  1. With wood, the entire old layer of paint or varnish is removed.
  2. The top of the product is aligned with putty.
  3. For the elements of the subject is applied primer.
  4. Furniture paint the composition of a suitable shade. For the technique, decoupage is better to make a wooden surface lighter than it was (it is worth painting the product in white or cream color, then the drawing will look more effectively).
  5. From the paper, the desired picture is cut and glued to the decorating site.
  6. The glued pattern is blocked by the edges of a translucent composition.
  7. All product is covered on top acrylic varnish.

The technique of decoupage is easy. But more time is spent on this work than on other ways of decoration, because one layer of coverage (primers, paints, etc.) should be dry completely, and then you can already apply another layer on it.

Restoration of chair by staining

Faster than everything you renovate a wooden chair by staining. Before this, the surface of the product must be cleaned from the previous coating with sandpaper. Okrating part of the interior object, you need to move the sandpaper in the direction of wood fibers so that they do not get up with a bar. Dust, resulting during this process, should be removed with a dry cloth, otherwise the paint will be lying unevenly. The next step will be the surface coating of the primer. After its drying, you can start painting.

The product is covered with mourn, oil, enamel, acrylic and chalk colors. With the help of the tassels, they are applied by several layers on the solid parts of the chair with the back, so that the compositions lay evenly. If you want the object of the interior of the glitter, then on top of the paint, make a lacquer coating.

Restoration with upholstery

And for trusted Vienna, and for simple furniture, a soft part is used for simple furniture. For fresh upholstery, you can use a variety of materials: Microfibra, Jacquard, Flock, Shenille, etc. The main condition is that the fabric for the restoration of the chair should be tight to the touch, durable, well cleaned, wear-resistant and non-burning in the sun.

To perform a preheating upholstery, you need to remove the old material. It is useful as a pattern template. Put the seat on a foam rubber, felt-tip pen or marker, cut the base, cut it on the drawn line. Fucking or torn fabric impose on the tight material and perform the same action as the foam rubber.

If you decide to renovate the old chair yourself, turning a solid wooden subject of the interior in the one on which it is comfortable to sit, then for upholstery, select the amount of material, by 5-6 cm exceeding the size of the foam rubber. The allowance is needed in order to overcome the seat under the seat. When the matter is cut, put it on the foam rubber, slightly stretching, and align all the folds. Then secure the upholstery on the soft element using the bracket.

Step-by-step instruction restoring chair

The correct restoration of the stool, performed at home, includes the following operations:

  1. Prepare tools and materials necessary for work.
  2. Clear and wash all parts of the product from dust and dirt.
  3. Thorough dry furniture.
  4. Disassemble the product.
  5. Repair wooden elements: legs and frame.
  6. Okrew solid parts.
  7. Collect the frame.
  8. Cove the tree with paint and varnish compositions.
  9. Decorate with cloth, ribbons, jute rope.

If you need to turn a solid stool in a comfortable, then while the parts are dried out of the tree, make a comfortable seat or perform its drawing. Then there is a connection of soft elements of furniture with its frame.

The appearance of furniture with time can become non-primable. In addition, it sometimes breaks and requires repair. Restore the chair, which can serve for many years, is not at all difficult. Sometimes it is only necessary to update the surface - change the upholstery or make a stronger seat. For restoration, many materials are in the house - cut of dense fabric, foam rubber, etc. An updated chair covered with beautiful varnish, looks no less gently than when buying.

The appearance of furniture with time can become non-primable.

The chair updated at home can be issued better than it looked before. For restoration, you need a minimum of materials and tools. Change the thumbnail or rubbed upholstery is the case of one hour.

If the stool is antique, then it is necessary to restore it very carefully.

You can independently clean the wooden surface of the old furniture and coat with a transparent or tinted composition, make new items in the decor. For example, stools are made with a carved legs or back, enhance the seat to use it for a long time for its intended purpose.

For restoration, many materials are in the house - cut of dense fabric, foam rubber, etc.

Restoration costs at home are minimal. Before buying a new chair, think - whether it is impossible to renovate the old and significantly save at the same time. The restoration of antique furniture is especially expensive because it requires great accuracy and exclusive materials. Updating furniture on its own will cost much cheaper.

An updated chair covered with beautiful varnish, looks no less gently than when buying.

Restoration process: Step-by-step instruction

If "native" bolts connecting the supporting structure are separated, they are strengthened with an extra washer. For greater reliability, you can add a little universal glue to the grooves.

Replace the sea grass used in the old days as fillers and horse-haired hair.

The proceeded seat is updated by replacing the basics with lamellas and / or completely restored the upholstery. The worn surface is exempt from the old material. Chair prepared for further restoration:

  • cut a piece of plywood in the size of the seat;
  • it is placed on the basis of the foam (width - 3-4 cm);
  • fasten the Faneur around the perimeter;
  • stretch up the upholstery fabric on the finished base;
  • fix the material with a stapler and brackets.

The chair updated at home can be issued better than it looked before.

You can completely replace the back on the curly, if the design allows.

You can not remove the fabric to the outer side of the seat. Then the upholstery is separated around the perimeter inside. The skeleton of the seat will be visible.

The fabric is selected resistant to abrasion and mechanical exposure, quite dense.

Change the thumbnail or rubbed upholstery is the case of one hour.

When updating, you can use a variety of materials. With good joinery skill, a renovated chair acquires an individual style. This takes into account the material - the breed of wood, density, texture.

You can independently clean the wooden surface of the old furniture and coat with a transparent or tinted composition, make new items in the decor.

Chairs included in the kit must be arranged in one style.

If the stool is antique, then it is necessary to restore it very carefully. Be sure to give time to dry the deposited composition.

For an antique chair, decorative material with embroidery is chosen.

For your information. Antique chairs are often with springs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seat, so it will be necessary to find the same or similar, and the old, rusted and lost elasticity - delete. Replace the sea grass used in the old days as fillers and horse-haired hair.

Restoration costs at home are minimal.

Screw the edges using the jigsaw, clean the edges of sandpaper.

Necessary materials and tools

For restoration of the chairs, you will need the following:

  • quick-drying varnish (transparent or tinted);
  • paint;
  • fabric for upholstery;
  • foam;
  • plywood;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal washers and bolts (screws);
  • springs (for a specific type of chairs).

The sandpaper will be required to clean the surface of the furniture from irregularities, chipping and cracks of varnish.

The fabric is selected resistant to abrasion and mechanical exposure, quite dense. Suitable tapestry, flock, horizon, etc. For an antique chair, decorative material with embroidery is chosen.

Updating furniture on its own will cost much cheaper.

Pick up the density in advance, the texture is a wooden foundation, cut it out in size and use the desired drawing with the help.

The sandpaper will be required to clean the surface of the furniture from irregularities, chipping and cracks of varnish. It is necessary to completely sand the chair (wooden structure) for the smooth application of the laminating composition.

For a serious repair, the chair can be disassembled, broken parts replace new and bolted with bolts or screws.

To update the chair, you need tools:

  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • wooden hacksaw (sprinkle the surplus plywood under the seat);
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver.

For greater reliability, you can add a little universal glue to the grooves.

For a serious repair, the chair can be disassembled, broken parts replace new and bolted with bolts or screws. Seat frames also often require restoration.

Seat frames also often require restoration.

Viennese chair or any other better looks like this.

Important! It is necessary to use close to the density and texture of the tree of wood so that the chair is functional and looked presentable.

The proceeded seat is updated by replacing the basics with lamellas and / or completely restored the upholstery.

Restoration methods by decorating the chair

There are several options for designing the appearance of the furniture. Chair can be updated in such ways:

  • staining;
  • lamination;
  • decoupage.

It is necessary to use close to the density and texture of the tree of wood so that the chair is functional and looked presentable.

As a decor, you can use both the upholstery itself, picking up the fabric of an interesting colors like the tapestry and the other parts of the furniture, making them carved, figured.

You can not remove the fabric to the outer side of the seat.

The monophonic seat is decorated with smooth embroidery or applique. It must be done before the start of the trim.

The monophonic seat is decorated with smooth embroidery or applique.

The wooden surface of the support structure and the back is laminated, that is, covered with resistant varnish in several layers. The coating tone is closer to the natural shade of the tree (light, dark or moderate). Viennese chair or any other better looks like this.

A renovated chair can be additionally decorated - make a wooden surface with lighter or darker, to make a back or legs differently.

You can completely replace the back on the curly, if the design allows. Pick up the density in advance, the texture is a wooden foundation, cut it out in size and use the desired drawing with the help. Screw the edges using the jigsaw, clean the edges of sandpaper.

The wooden surface of the support structure and the back is laminated, that is, covered with resistant varnish in several layers.

The chairs included in the kit must be arranged in one style so that they do not get out of the overall picture - "single-caliber" furniture can look good in different rooms, but behind a common table, for example, when celebrating a family celebration, it looks careless.

When updating, you can use a variety of materials.

Video: Restoration of the chair: how to make a chair with your own hands. Master class from Katerina Sanina: design, interior