Repairs Design Furniture

Facing the walls of a ceramic tiles of a smooth surface. Technology cladding with ceramic tiles. Requirements for facade tiles

Facing the walls with tiles is a rather complicated event that requires compliance with a certain technology that allows you to create a truly reliable and beautiful coating. Of course, currently this material is used much less than in the old years, but its popularity is steadily returns. This is due to the fact that the tile has numerous advantages that cannot be underestimated.

Some time ago, this material was used exclusively for lining of bathrooms and shower rooms, as well as a kitchen zone. The arrival of new materials to the market pins the tile from its rightful place. In addition, the product was distinguished by a rather dull decorative species. Now the situation has been extremely changed. What is the reason?

  1. Wear resistance. What other material boasts that within fifty years can save its qualities.
  2. Strength. There is a small load on the walls, but it is capable of spoiling any decorative coating. Finishing with tiles is an excellent solution that will avoid almost any problems.
  3. High hygienic indicator. This property remains unnoticed when it comes to other, more expensive materials. But the human health depends on it. The tile does not absorb foreign smells and pollution, which prevents pathogenic microbes.
  4. Excellent moisture resistance. No wonder it is used in rooms with high humidity.
  5. Absolute environmental friendliness. Ceramics does not allocate substances harmful to health.
  6. Fire safety. Due to the technology of manufacturing the material used - the product does not burn and does not contribute to the spread of fire.
  7. Wide selection. There are various types of wall tiles. But pleases the other, a great many diverse decorative options have appeared, which allow you to create real masterpieces.

There are some drawbacks:

  • Bad sound insulation. Indeed to create reliable sound insulation will have to use additional materials that are pre-surface.
  • Difficulty in working with walls. If you want to hang on the wall a locker or a shelf, then you have to try. After all, the tile is quite fragile, the wrong abuser will lead to its damage.
  • High price. Yes, the cost of the product is satisfied high. Elements with a pattern that are sold piece or square meters are especially expensive. But the plot lined with a cafeter - always looks winning.

It should be noted that one of the shortcomings is the complexity in the work. A certain skill requires that the perfect surface is really. It is not necessary to count on the first time. But it is not necessary to despair, any work can be done yourself. The main thing is to attach the necessary efforts and certain persistence.

What is required for high-quality laying

Naturally, you should prepare a tool that should be in perfect order. The required list is standard, but if need arises, each device can be replaced with a suitable option.


  • Separate water tank. The volume should be more than five liters.
  • Tar for kneading a solution. It should be convenient for the preparation of the mixture and for its fence.
  • Master OK. This tool can be replaced with a metal spatula.
  • Rubber spatula. Need for grouting seams.
  • Toothed spatula. They apply a mixture.
  • Various measuring devices - roulette, level, cord.
  • Kiyanka. Many use a wooden hammer, but the rubber weapon is much better.
  • Passatia. Conventional nippers are suitable.
  • Spray.
  • Platekorez. The tool should be reliable, some cheap options are simply failed.
  • Set of dowels.

Separately acquired a solution (mastic) for sticking and grouting.

Independent preparation of solution

The mixture for laying tiles can be prepared independently. This does not mean that it is impossible to trust purchased options. It simply makes it possible to determine the cost savings.

The most common composition that is used to work is cement. It serves as the basis for which sand (sacred) and water is added. Their ratio may vary.

There is a standard option that suits almost all types of work with tiled material. For the mixture you will need:

  1. Cement (M400) - one part will be required.
  2. Sand (shallow fraction) - Two and a half is taken.
  3. Water is half.

On a note! For one part - a conditional indicator is taken, the container in which the ingredients is set. For example, a liter children's bucket.

Mixing begins with dry components. They are poured into one container and stirred. It is required to achieve a homogeneous composition. Next, begin to add water. It is better to do parts, kneading every time.

Check the quality of the prepared mixture

To make sure that the solution turned out to be reliable and high-quality, it is checked. It's just done:

  • a separate ceramic element is wetted with water (it is convenient to use a pulverizer);
  • apply the prepared mixture;
  • tile turn over and shake;
  • from the wrong side should remain a layer of cement at least three millimeters.

If it was not possible to achieve such a result, then re-kneading and adding the necessary ingredients (cement or sand).

Conducting facing works in rooms with high humidity - use special tile glue. This will avoid possible problems, as well as to preserve the necessary properties of the material longer.

Surface preparation

Proper technology of wall cladding with ceramic tiles requires mandatory preparation. This procedure can only be ignored in the case when the surface has already been subjected to all necessary manipulations.

It is believed that the permissible vertical error is about six millimeters (two meters of the wall). Check this indicator is simple enough. The two-meter aluminum rail (level) is applied to the surface. Different gaps can be formed between the two planes. If they make up more than six millimeters - marked, these sites should be treated with a plaster mixture.

Tip! When laying a tile, no need to bring the wall to perfection. Small roughness that remains after applying plaster - will even be useful. This will provide a better clutch of the material with the surface.

The general procedure for preparing is:

  • All old coatings are removed. It is believed to paint, wallpaper is removed.
  • The work plot is carefully closed. This uses a small hammer. It is necessary to determine whether there are voids. In such places, the finish will need to remove and apply a new layer of plaster or cement mixture.
  • Fat stains are cleaned. Otherwise, nothing will be kept. Degreasing is carried out by a special solution of hydrochloric acid (three percent). It is applied and left for three to four minutes. Next, we are well washed with water and give dry.
  • Breaks that are more than three to four millimeters are knocked down.
  • If there is an opportunity, the surface is better to fully shock, removing the old layer. Of course, it will be longer and more expensive, but for old houses, it is the guarantee of the reliability of the coating.
  • Be sure to make notches. They are applied in random order on the whole wall. They must be a small depth and will serve for a good fixation of the solution.
  • When everything is ready - progress.

On a note! It is not always possible to remove the old paint, while the base remains strong enough. Such a plot must be covered with multiple deep scratches. Only so can ensure that the mixture will hold.

Laying tiles

Facing with ceramic tiles begins with pre-markup of the surface. This is done using a cord. Immediately determines the height of the floor. It is necessary to calculate this indicator in advance. Having calculated all the values, taking into account the size of the seams (it can be different), installed on the edges of the wall of the dowel with self-draws, and stretch between them the cord.

Preliminary marking is done in the case when the laying scheme is quite complex or not necessary skills.

The overall work order looks like this:

Tip! The lower area is better to leave until the last moment of the finishing process. That is, they begin to engage after laying the floor. If necessary, the tile can be quickly cut with stoveturis.

End stage - filling of seams

It should be understood that wall cladding tile is only part of the required process. Followed by .

This way is coming:

  1. Give tiles to be cured within a day. Mazzka picks up the required color.
  2. With the help of a rubber spatula - the mixture is transferred to the seams. It is necessary to do it confidently, carefully filling all the intervals.
  3. Immediately pick up too much and wipe the face of the material. But it is impossible to touch the seam itself. If this is the final stage, you should form a beautiful gap. To do this, you can spend between the elements of the finger. Although when work is to have a lot, this is not the best option. There is a special tool that allows you to work faster.
    On a note! For the formation of seams, the cutting of an electrical cable can be used. It is important to choose the necessary diameter so that it does not remove the excess grout.
  4. If the work is carried out at the objects of high humidity, the sealant is additionally used. It is applied using a gun. Pick up such a composition that will be suitable for a specific process.
  5. When the seams are frozen - remove excess. This is done with a damp cloth.

Facing tiles allows you to get a beautiful and reliable surface. The main thing is that everything is done in compliance with the necessary rules and without excessive rush.

In continuing the topic of overhaul in the bathroom in this article, I want to highlight the question in detail how the laying of the tile on the wall is done with your own hands.

What you need to consider and what materials to purchase

We will proceed from the fact that with the design of the bathroom we decided - chose the color and size of the tile, calculated the number of main tiles, decorative elements and curbs. How to do this, you can read more in the article "Make the right choice of ceramic tiles, and every morning it will inspire you to new accomplishments."

Determined with the placement of furniture and plumbing devices (bathroom, toilet bowl, sinks, etc.). All communications on the supply of hot and cold water were hidden in the wall, planned places for the installation of a bathroom mixer and water conclusions to the sink and toilet. Walls we have smooth and vertical, or at least deviations in permissible limits and can be corrected with glue thickness.

Bought a tile on the wall and glue for sticking it. You can proceed to laying ceramic tiles on the wall.


To work, we need the following tools: Spatula toothed, straight straight spatula, 2 levels (long and short), tool for cutting tiles, plastic corners for batch, square, line, pencil.

Step-by-step instructions for cladding walls with ceramic tiles with their own hands

Prepare the surface

It is necessary to approach this issue very responsibly. From how qualitatively our surface will be prepared - the final result will be dependent.

The surface should be clean, without dust, dirt and oil spots. If, for example, as I, the tile will fit on the painted surface it is necessary to make notches over the entire painted surface. Be sure to cover the walls with a soil of concrete contact of large graininess for a better tile clutch with a surface. As a result, the wall will look something like the photo below.

Whole peeling plaster, lagging paint, dropping slices of wall, whitewash and putty on a polymer basis must be removed.

Determine with the location of horizontal rows

If you already have a high-quality horizontal finishing floor, you can attach to it, and the first row of ceramics will start from the floor. This is the most preferred option, following which row will go very much and horizontally. The first row is placed on the floor with a certain gap equal to the thickness of the seams between the tiles.

Unfortunately, the ability to apply this option does not always happen, most often you have to start laying from 2 rows or even with 3 rows. This is due to the fact that:

Sometimes only walls are faced, and the floor remains untouched and rarely happens perfectly horizontal.

Downstairs along the walls undergo external communications that need to be bypassed.

And most importantly: when planning horizontal series, it is necessary to calculate how much tiles fit in a vertical row and, if necessary, or slightly lift, or slightly lower the level of the first support row so that in the last, top, the row have all the whole tiles and they exactly approached the ceiling with a gap of 3-5 mm.

If this can not be done, it will turn out that approaching the ceiling will be found that it is necessary to put a strip in the highest row, for example 2-4 cm. Cut such a strip is very hard, and it will look at the top it will be bad.

The calculation is best started from above, placing the location of horizontal series and not forgetting to take into account the distance equal to the magnitude of the seam between the rows. So, moving downward down, we get the level on which the second horizontal (support) row and the size of the first row will be crapped.

Using this technique, guaranteed the upper, the most prominent row, will consist of integer non-venerable tiles, and all the trimming falls on the first row located on the floor and the lowest.

After it was determined with the location of the bottom line of the support row, using the hydraulic layer to carry this mark throughout the perimeter of the room. We connect our marks, stick the horizon support line and screw the supports that our row will support. It is very convenient as a support for the first row to use a galvanized profile for mounting plasterboard sheets in size 27 * 28 mm. It is very smooth, unlike wooden plates, easy to attach to the wall and has a very low price.

When lining the walls of glazed ceramics in its bathroom, I was tied to the level of the already installed bath.

This was due to the following considerations. First, from this level, I, taking into account the magnitude of the seams between horizontal rows, clearly approached the ceiling with a whole tile. Secondly, along the wall, I have a drain sewer tube Ø 100 mm., Which prevents from the floor. Thirdly, this series is very well adjacent to the bathroom and disappears the question with waterproofing the gap between the bathroom and the wall. And, fourth, for the bathroom, I did not lay out facing ceramics at all, which is also a kind of savings.

Of course, there is a certain minus - it was necessary to make an additional support for the second row below when it was laid out. But, I considered that, compared to the number of advantages that I could go to such a sacrifice.

Determine with the location of the vertical series

This operation must be done for each wall of the bathroom separately and approach this creative question.

We expect how much whole tiles are placed in a horizontal row on the wall, taking into account the width of the seams. Most often it turns out that one tile will have to cut. If it turns out a very narrow insert in the corner, you can use the following methods:

Disinteg all rows and cut the tile in one or another corner so that they are the same width. In the photo below, you can see how I solved this task on my wall.

This reception will give the symmetry of the location of the elements in the row and, accordingly, the wall will be better to look. When using decorative elements, they will also position beautifully and symmetrically.

Locate the cut vertical row in the place where it will be the least noticeable. For example, in the corner that is not striking at the entrance to the bathroom. Or in the corner in which the shower will stand.

Deciding the task with the location of the vertical rows, watches with a plumb or the level vertical lines in the corners, where the whole does not require trimming tile ends.

Compliance with the drawn square formed by the lower support line of the first laid horizontal series and 2 vertical lines in the corners will not allow the rows to be rejected, both in the vertical and horizontal direction.

By making a clear markup on all walls of the room, you can start styling ceramics on the wall.

We put the tile on the wall

Step 1. To the support attached to the wall lay the first support row in accordance with our markings of the vertical of the rows. It should be put all the tiles, except for extreme in a row that require trimming. The horizontal of the row provides us with our reference bar, the verticality of the element controls using a level, making it vertically to the stacked tile.

Putting 3-4 tiles need to check the flatness of the row. We apply the level to the edge to a row, as in the photo below, and see how the tool is adjacent to the plane formed by the face layer. If somewhere is visible to the gap - we achieve flatness, slightly adjusting the tiles located next to the slit and a little discovered.

When laying, do not forget to insert suture crossbars for uniform seam width in a vertical row.

Putting the whole range of one wall, finally check the verticality, horizontal and flatness of the row with a long level.

We place extreme tiles in a horizontal row, cutting with a cutter for the tile of their desired width and put in place. The range is completely ready, go to the next wall and repeat all operations. Similarly, we do around the perimeter of the room. As a result, we get a reference horizontal range throughout the perimeter of the room as the photo below.

Step 2. Go to the installation of the next row. We start from any side (right or leftmost element) from our vertically fascinated line.

We apply glue on the wall from the support row to the height of a little longer than the tile length. In the width, you can capture 3 tiles at once.

We apply glue to the stacked ceramics. Moreover, the glue on the wall and on the ceramics I nano in different directions so that when contacting the strips from the comb spatula formed. (See the photo below).

Extreme, cut tiles do not touch, we will put it last, after laying the entire row of the wall.

We apply an element into a place aligning the vertical support line and tile end. We insert between the lower support near and our tiled suture crosses to provide a seam between the rows. Apply the vertically level to our first laid tile, and exhibit the verticality of the row. We get this picture.

Left is visible vertical supporting line, which runs parallel to the adjacent wall.

We lay out all the elements of the series, controlling the vertical, horizontal and flatness of the row using the level. The plane must be monitored both along the laid tiles of the row and in the vertical direction, negotiating the laid row with the lower side.

In conclusion, as well as in the previous horizontal row, we lay the cropped extreme elements of the row.

Go to the next wall, we repeat all the procedures and closing a row throughout the perimeter of the room.

Similarly, we turn to the next row, we repeat all operations and reach the ceiling. Do not forget to invest decorative elements and borders, according to our layout of the tile.

Step 3. In conclusion, it remains to put the lowest horizontal range. Location the length of the tiles and cut them. For convenience, I pierced all the places of tiles around the perimeter and numbered the cut elements in order not to be mistaken when laying.

If necessary, we caulate and make the insertion of the element to the sewage pipes, the conclusions of hot and cold water.

To make beautiful holes in the ceramic tiles, use different drills on ceramics, circular drills and crowns. Cutting and subside all items can be made of glue and start laying the final series. Control the row on the verticality and observance of the surface plane, both in the vertical and horizontal direction.

Here this way is to lay the tiles on the wall in the bathroom and the whole room is facing. This work, of course, not one day, so every time after the completion of the work, do not forget to clean the seams between the tiles and wipe the tiles themselves from the glue glue. In the future, it will facilitate the grout of the seams and will make them more aesthetic.

I have everything on this. All light repairs. See you.

Sincerely, Ponomarev Vladislav.

Facing the walls of the ceramic tiles of the bathroom, the bathroom and kitchen can be called a traditional finish option. Ceramics is not afraid of moisture, does not require much care and strong enough. Does not conduct an electric current because it is an insulator. It absolutely does not emit harmful substances, which makes it an environmentally friendly facing material.

Facing for walls is represented by the great manifold of colors and shades. It can introduce a buyer into confusion. However, simple rules exist to select walls:

  •  If the room is not large, then you need to choose wall light tones and shades. This visually will expand the space
  •  Ceramic for walls thinner than for floors
  •  Qualitative ceramic facing tile should have the right geometric shapes.

It's important to know! In order to check the quality, take two tiles from the package and attach them to each other. Lights should not be. Also should not be gaps if you apply two ceramic tiles with the front sides.

  •  Register from the seller the certificate for the purchased game
  •  If you take a few packages, be sure to check the color in each box (sometimes it may differ if the parties are different)
  •  Ask the seller which glue is recommended to use to lay the purchased facing material.

Preparation of wallpapers

The quality of the work performed is directly related to how much smooth walls. Check it easily and use for this construction plumbing is a ship on a solid rope. It is applied to each wall around the perimeter and determine the curvature of the walls.

It's important to know! If you put the ceramic tile on the wall curves, it will lead to an overrunning tile glue.

In addition, stick the tile on the thick layer is very difficult. This is caused by the fact that the glue solution will sail down and over each tile will have to sit for 15-20 minutes while the glue does not grasp. Fat layer of glue will not give a durable wall connection and tiles

Facing the walls with tiles requires smooth walls. Align the walls can be used two simple ways:

  •  Walking with cement solutions
  •  Alignment of walls with moisture resistant plasterboard

The first option is quite complicated and requires certain skills. In addition, plaster is a long process. Before laying the tile on the plaster, it is necessary that it is completely dried, and this process takes 3 weeks.

Stucco alignment technique:

  •  Installation on walls of vertical beacons and an interval of not more than 1 m
  •  Preparation of sand-cement or lime mortar
  •  Plugging the mixture into space between beacons
  •  Sign of mortar by the Rule of Lighthouses

The second option is deprived of such drawbacks. Pouch the plasterboard on the walls in one day. The next day, laying tiles on the walls. Saving time on the face. Special skills are not required, so any master can cope with this.

Wall alignment technique Plasterton:

  •  The wall is pre-ground the composition of deep penetration
  •  To keep the sheet to the wall stronger, tile glue on the perimeter and the center
  •  Plate of moisture-resistant drywall (it is covered with paper greenish color) attached to the wall of dowels 6 x 40 mm
  •  The vertical of the drywall is verified by the rule of 1.5 m with the level
  •  Level adjustment makes dowels, tightening them or releasing them
  •  Louified walls are ground for the best adhesion tiled glue and leaf

Laying on the wall

The technology of cladding walls by ceramic tiles requires to decompose it at the wall to determine how much whole tiles fit in the row. Rezany It is recommended to be placed symmetrically (in the corners).

After that, it is necessary to prepare a solution of tile glue. The dry mixture is added to the plastic bucket with water and thoroughly mix the drill or a perforator with a nozzle for mixing liquid solutions. Proportions for mixing are shown on the package, and they must be strictly observed.

After stirring in the glue should not contain lumps. It is impossible to make glue liquid, as the tile can crawl. It is also impossible to make it tough - in this case there will be no good adhesion with a wall and tiles.

The finished glue is applied to the wall with a toothed spatula. The whole tile is applied on the wall and tightly pressed with your hands. If the tile of large sizes, then it can be sophisticated with a rubber hammer. Vertical and horizontality check the rule with the level.

Plastic crosses are inserted between adjacent tiles. They allow you to make intercutric seams are the same.

It is possible to double the tile after its laying within 10-15 minutes. If not satisfied during, the solution is removed from the wall and tiles, after which they repeat the operation.

For trimming tiles, tiles are used. Whole tile is placed a ruler, a pencil and laid into the device. Slightly pressing the cutting tool lever, spend on a tile 1-2 times. After that, it will easily break in the place of the cut.

In the corners of the room, you can lay plastic corners. It is filled with cut tiles, which makes the seams in the corners perfectly smooth. If there are water pipes in the wall, then they need to be circumvented, cutting into the holes of the hole in the tile. To do this, you can apply a diamond crown of the desired diameter and drill.

If there are no such tools, then tongs for ceramic tiles are used. They are swollen from the edge of the tile, a rounded segment and put it under the pipe. Complete pipe trap with a second tile with the same spill segment.

Grouting or Fuggement of Intercine Shvi

When the facing of ceramic tiles is complete, the adhesive must be given to dry around 24 hours. After that, the crosses are cleaned, and the seams are cleaned from the tiled glue with a spatula. For walls are used gypsum grout. It can be produced different colors, so it should be selected in the tone of the ceramic tile.

Important! For grouting floor tiles, mixtures based on sand and cement are used.

The solution is bred with water in a shallow package and applied by a rubber spatula to intercutric seams. At the same time, the composition should penetrate deep into the seam for reliable fixation. Surplus grouts are removed with a wet sponge.

After 2 hours, the lined tile washed off from the residues of the grouts (fugues) with warm water and cloth. If questions appeared, it is recommended to see the walls of the walls with ceramic tiles on the video presented on this page.

Ceramic tile is considered the most popular material for wall cladding. It has a waterproof surface, resistant to many mechanical damage. Ceramics compete perfectly with other popular materials, such as plastic panels, plywood, decorative plaster, etc. About how the walls are made by the ceramic tiles, we will tell further.

The tile has a number of advantages, namely:

  1. Water resistance.
  2. Durability.
  3. Strength.
  4. The ease of washing.
  5. Practicality.
  6. A wide range of colors and textures.
  7. Wear resistance.
  8. Hygienicity.
  9. Ensuring the protection of walls from destruction.

Usually, with facing works, it is assumed that the tile will not change for several years. Therefore, the choice of this material should be approached very responsibly. Today on sale there is a fairly large assortment of tiles. It is distinguished by the surface, color, drawing, etc. Most choose it, based only on their color preferences. Although it is necessary to take into account the technical specifications and scope.

So, there is a tile that has a heat-resistant outer surface. Such material will be required for facing the apron near the stove. In rooms with high humidity, moisture-resistant tile is most suitable.

Calculation of materials

After determining the required amount of work, the desired amount of materials should be calculated. To do this, you will need a roulette, pencil and paper. The roulette should be measured under the masonry. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account which the corners are available. So, for direct angles it will be necessary to provide a reserve of tiles. To understand straight corners or not, it is enough to measure with the help of a roulette diagonal. For measurement accuracy, it is recommended to apply a roulette strictly horizontally or vertically.

  1. It should be understood that if you need to remove the old tile before you do the masonry new, then the size of the working area will eventually turn out to be more. If the walls need to be placed, then the dimensions of the surface, on the contrary, will become less.
  2. In order to visually see all the bulges and potholes, the design of the room area should be drawn. This scheme will help to more accurately calculate the amount of the required material.
  3. In addition, if necessary, you need to decide on the presence and position of borders, friezes and decorative elements. They are also better to mark on paper. In general, the amount of tile required must be calculated in such a way that in the corners of the room there were no narrow pieces of ceramics.
  4. Before performing the facing of the outer walls, ceramic tiles are recommended how to align the working surface. So it will be easier to calculate the amount of the required material. When working you need to customize the size of each tile individually.
  5. In addition, when preparing the walls, you must remove all sockets, switches and existing wires. All irregularities should be sharpened and clean the surface from extraneous elements.
  6. As a rule, on each wall, the number of tiles is calculated separately. The use of pieces and parts of the material is also reflected in the calculations.

Technology facing

To date, there are several types and technologies of cladding walls with ceramic tiles. Namely:

  1. "Sooh in seam".
  2. "Soo Zigzag (Christmas tree)."
  3. "In the dispersion."
  4. "Diagonally".

The type of laying method affects how much tiles will need for work.

Consider more each of these laying options.

Method "Diagonal"

This is perhaps the most difficult way in implementing the method, but thanks to it you can create the effect of distortion of space when using tiles of various textures and shades.

To begin with, it is necessary to correctly draw the diagonal on which laying will be carried out, and prepare a tile cutting tool. In this case, the required amount of material is calculated in two stages. On the first one should foresee how many diagonals during the diagonals are required. On the second - to determine how much the material is needed. This value is calculated by the following formula:

(DPV) / (1.44 * DP + 2 * RS), where:

  • DPV is the length of the perimeter of the surface.
  • DP - Tile length.
  • RSh - seam size.

The result should be rounded into the biggest.

"Sooh in seam"

This version of the stacking due to its simplicity is most often used. In this case, the tiles are placed in a row. Therefore, you need to ensure that no irregularities are on the surface. Otherwise, they will be noticeable.

This method is good in that it allows you to minimize the amount of risen tile. This, in turn, helps to save during work. Should eventually get long horizontal and vertical seams.

  1. The height of the wall is divided into the height of one tile.
  2. The width of the surface is divided into the width of the tile.
  3. Find the product of the two of these results.

At the same time, it is always necessary to round up to the biggest. It should be said that this option does not require any additional costs for materials.

"Seam in the dispersion"

In this case, the method of laying each next row is lined with a displacement of half tiles. It can be performed both vertically and horizontally.

If you have a high-quality cutting of the tile, then you can achieve efficiency when it is laying. When using a different color and text material, you can create a surface of any configuration.

"Seam Christmas tree"

This laying option can be used only with rectangular tiles. At the same time, the material consumption increases by 5-10% than using the seam "in the dispersion". This method is often used for mounting paving slabs. When calculating the amount of material it is recommended to take 5% more, in case of chips during transport or during styling. Most often, in this way the walls are facing the ceramic tiles "SNiP".

Preparatory work

Before you independently do the facing of the inner walls with ceramic tiles, you should study the order of the main work and what difficulties may arise. Fortunately, modern tools facilitate this process.

The first thing to do is to decide on the required amount of work. Perhaps, in addition to the facing itself, you will need to conduct auxiliary activities that eventually increase the repair period. For example, often before facing it is required to make dismantling of the old tile and level the walls. This is the preparatory work before the cladding of the walls by ceramic tiles. The price of their holding is quite acceptable.

Facing the outer surfaces is practically no different from the internal work. Ceramics are separated by external walls usually in order to give the house an attractive view. For this purpose, ceramic granite is popular, which is considered a cheaper alternative to natural stone. Facing the work of the outer walls should be carried out only at the air temperature above 5 degrees. Otherwise, microdiformations are possible.


The following tools will be required to work:

  1. Plologist small power.
  2. Toothed spatula.
  3. Level.
  4. Large straight spatula.
  5. Installation cross-separators.
  6. Glue, mortar or liquid nails.

Woven ways walls

Ceramic tiles wall cladding: Photo

There are three ways of wall cladding:

  1. With the help of cement mortar.
  2. Liquid nails.
  3. Adhesive compositions.

Method 1

Consider a details of the facing with the help of a cement solution:

  1. In this case, the laying should be started with markup. For this, the horizontals and verticals are nailed raters. They are set strictly by level.
  2. Since the solution will dry quickly, it is recommended to dissolve it with small portions, which will be enough for 1-2 rows of material.
  3. Then you need to put the lighthouse tiles that will perform the role of the lining level. Each of them is set taking into account the thickness of the solution in a step of 600 millimeters from each other. To begin with, lay the upper tiles, and then the bottom. It is important that they are on the same level both vertically and horizontally.
  4. After that, the horizontal is attached to the guide cord.
  5. You can start the process of cladding both from above and below. For each tile, a little solution should be applied with a flat spatula. After that, it is recommended to remove excess to the toothed tool. Then the tile with a slight force evenly in the center is pressed against the wall. Between them it is recommended to install plastic crosses. It is necessary in order for the seams to be the same.
  6. The finished cement is applied to the reverse side of the tile. So that the solution does not crawl, it is recommended to give the shape of a truncated pyramid. At the same time, you need to monitor the edge of the tile concerned the guide cord.
  7. With a little effort, you need to put pressure on the tile. Next, you should knock the hammer, but not by the ceramics itself, but along the rail, which is superimposed on top.
  8. Then necessarily with the help of a lighthouse rail must be checked so that there is no waviness. The vertical of the seam can be determined using a plumb.
  9. Finally, special linings are placed between tiles in the grooves.
  10. For complete drying, the solution is required from 20 to 32 hours. When it dries, the lining are removed, and the grooves are treated with a mixture for grouting of intercutric seams.

Method 2.

Now consider the option of cladding using adhesive solutions:

  1. Before laying, you need to choose the right glue. From this largely depends on the service life of the lined surface. The glue should be chosen marked on the packaging "for interior decoration." It is necessary because ceramics is usually fitted indoors. Today, there are ready-made mixes on a polyurethane based and dry, packaged by bags. Ready glue in liquid form apply only for smooth surfaces. For all other cases, dry mixes are suitable. Such means can be used even without prior applying layer of plaster.
  2. When cladding the walls it is especially important to correctly perform styling tiles on the corners. For this purpose, special plastic corners are usually used. Thanks to them, you can give the walls completed. In addition, they serve the protection of the end of the material from the destruction. The required number of corners and their type is selected according to measurements made using a roulette.
  3. Initially, the surface is thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt and small particles. Then it is aligned and ground with a pv-dispersion solution (8%). In this case, there is marking before facing on the wall. This requires a building level and fixing rails.
  4. Adhesive solution (it may be mastic or special glue) is applied to the rear side of the tile. After that, it is superimposed on the wall. It should be done extremely gently.
  5. Tile must be pressed to the wall so that the mastic evenly filled the entire space and displaced the air. Excess adhesive composition, which is extruded out, should be removed.
  6. When the first horizontal layer of ceramics will be ready, it is necessary to put it on the support rail using a plumb and cord. After that, the level of laying material vertically and horizontal is regulated.

Method 3.

Liquid nails are a new method of fastening the material.

Order of work:

  1. Before proceeding with cladding in such a way, some preparatory work should be carried out. So, initially you need to clear the place where the tile is glued. On the surface there should be no dust, fat, foreign substances, paints and other contaminants, which may worsen the properties of liquid nails.
  2. It is advisable to process the working surface with a special primer that will improve the adhesion.
  3. In addition, before the start of the facing, it is recommended to explore the instructions for the use of liquid nails. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the safety regulations.
  4. The mixture in increments of 2-3 centimeters is applied in small stripes on the prepared surface.
  5. Then you need to attach a tile.
  6. Liquid nails are quickly folded. Usually in order to align the tile, an employee has about ten minutes. If necessary, plastic crossings are inserted into the joints.
  7. The first row is lined with a whole tile. On the latter you can already use pieces of material.

Otherwise, this method of cladding is practically no different from the techniques using special solutions.

Ceramic tiles wall cladding: video

The article contains information about facing tiles for the facade of the house: the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of this material, and the facade cladding technology tiles is also considered.


Requirements for facade tiles

Let's start with the requirements, because the facade is subjected to all known natural loads, the aggregate of which is not withstanding any finish.

    High moisture resistance. The moisture differences of street air are known, so the facing should calmly withstand the highest humidity: the main thing is not to absorb it.

    High sustainability to chemical impact. The contaminated air environment quickly leads to disrepair by many building materials. The facade tile must resist the chemical influence.

    High mechanical strength.

    Light cleaning, optimally - no clock to pollution.

    Easy laying.

Types of facade facing

The tile for the facade of the house is made from a variety of raw material, using several manufacturers. We list the most popular types:

    ceramic tile;




    tile from aglomerata;


Consider each type separately.


Ceramic facade

Ceramic tile, it is a tile, material known for its variety of decorative design and high moisture resistance. It is used more often to finish indoors, but there are among them and the facade variety. It differs from the usual high indicator of frost resistance. Because the usual tile laid on the street already in the first year of operation cracks in the cold.

For other characteristics, this finishing material from a conventional tile is practically no different. It is just necessary to designate that manufacturers offer not the widest range in terms of decorative design. More often is imitation of bricks, stone, monophonic tiles of inappropriate colors.



In essence, it is the same ceramic tile, but with higher strength and other characteristics. Because its production technology is not only firing at temperatures above + 1000c, but also pre-forming of products by pressing high pressure (400-500 kg / cm²). It is the last operation that gives a special strength to porcelain.

Initially, this material was intended for finishing floors that are exposed to high loads. Over time, the approach has changed. Designers and architects began to offer cladding and from this material. Moreover, it perfectly copes with any natural loads. True, it should be noted that the porcelain stoneware needs to be placed on special adhesive compositions intended for this material.



Clinker tiles for the outer finish of the house facade are one of the most amazing and beautiful materials. It makes it, as well as ceramics with porcelain stoneware, from clay. Only here does not use a white clay with an admixture of kaolin, but shale. At the same time, the production technology is based on the extrusion method, when the finished clay mass is passed under pressure through a gap forming the tape. It is subsequently cut on the tiles and burned at a temperature of + 1300c.

In addition, it should be noted that the clinker tile is a structure of small pores, hence the high moisture protection characteristics of the finishing material and resistance to cracking, especially in winter frosts. By frost resistance, the clinker is much superior to durable porcelain.


It should be noted that today manufacturers offer clinker tiles collected in the panel. Models are offered with insulation. They are called thermopanels. The convenient option collected on the frame or special dowels. Facing panels are made easily and quickly, besides there is no need to think about how to insulate the house outside. Everything has already been included in the facade facing.

Tile from agmiterat

Agglomerate is nothing but an artificial stone. These are the granules of stone rocks, which are binding to cement or polyester resins. Manufacturers to give a stone an unusual texture, add to the raw material mixture various components: metal chips, sewer, glass of different colors, pigments on a synthetic basis. Hence the huge variety of designer design.

For the finishing of facades, the tile is used, into which the reinforcing grid is laid during production - it increases the strength of the product several times. It should be noted that the agglomerate on its filling by stone rocks is close to the natural stone itself, because this concentration is in the range of 80-95%. For example, in a corona or any other composite, this value does not exceed 70%.

More often an agglomerate is used to produce product and interior products: window sills, countertops, pilasters, railing, columns, and so on. Recently, manufacturers began to offer tiles from the agglomerate to facing the house outside. Excellent material, not inferior in its technical characteristics, no similar type of facing.


Terracotta tile

A distinctive feature of this facing material is that it does not add dyes and pigments. This is a kaolin clay formed in the tile and burned at different temperatures. The higher the temperature, the darker color.

It should be noted that the terracotta tile - the material is hygroscopic, that is, absorbs moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for finishing facades located under a wide cornice or under a canopy. The main thing is that atmospheric precipitations do not fall on it.

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Concrete facade tiles

This type of cladding is not as popular as the previous ones. The thing is in the material itself. Concrete products are heavy. Under them have to pour a good large foundation, which leads to material expenses. If the installation is used to use dry installation technology, then a powerful framework is collected under the tile. And this is again financial expenses.

Although it should be noted that the variety of sizes, textures and color is quite large. And here this material is not inferior to others.



This is an artificial material, which includes sand, polymer and dyes. All components are mixed with each other in certain proportions. The prepared mass is then fed into the form where the mixture is squeezed under greater pressure. At the same time, the piston of the press is heated to a high temperature.

Under the action of temperature, the polymer is melted and sins with sand. That is, he acts as a binder. The pressure of the press creates the strength of the material obtained. Of all the proposed plates, the polymerpess is the cheapest.


House Facing Facing Technology

The finish of the house tiles is carried out on two different technologies: wet and dry. Consider each separately. But immediately indicate that in independence from the method of laying a facing, the surface of the front wall is necessarily prepared:



    strengthen primer solutions.

Wet way of facing

It is called so only because the tile "plant" on the aqueous adhesive composition: cement, polymeric or resin-based. But in any case, this solution is mixed on the water. Please note that special adhesive compositions are used to work with facades. They are frost-resistant.

The technology of facing at home tiled is nothing from the styling of the tile in the bathroom or in the kitchen is no different. That is, on the prepared surface, starting below, put the tiles with gaps, which are formed by plastic crosses.

Video Description

We offer to watch a video, as a wet method, a wall cladding is carried out by clinker tiles:

Dry facing method

This is a more complex technology called a frame. That is, on the facade, a frame of metal galvanized profiles is first assembled, on which the tile itself is mounted. Such facades are called ventilated, because the gap remains between the finishing material and the wall of the building, which is not closed. That is, the air in it moves without problems. So the facade ventilation occurs.

This gap is often filled with thermal insulating material, creating insulation outside. What is used for slab products from polystyrene or mineral wool. In this case, the insulation is attached to the wall with special mushroom-like plastic dowels. In the photo below, they are clearly visible.


The most important operation is a frame assembly. There are already ready-made frame structures under a certain cladding material, which includes brackets in the form of a corner and guides. How the montage of the frame is carried out.

    First produce marking on the wall.

    According to the applied lines determine Places of installation of brackets.

    Them for these points mount With the help of anchors.

    Spend insulation Walls, for which, in places of coincidence with brackets in the insulation, make a knife slot. Please note the holes can not be done. Plates of thermal insulation laid tightly to each other. It is impossible to leave even the smallest gaps or gaps.

    Spend fastening Heat insulation plates with mushroom dowels - two on one plate.

The frame is ready, it remains only to install a tile for facing the facade of the house. For this use klyamimers. Install the first lower row of fasteners on the horizontal guides. Insert one tile in them, two more klyamimers are applied on top, which, as well as the bottoms are attached to the guide screws for metal. Such a fastening is very reliable, not weaker than cement mortar. In addition, this type of fasteners makes it easy to dismantle the tile without a break, if such a need appeared.

Video Description

In the video, it is described about how to carry out the facade clamps with a dry way:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we told you about all the facade tiles. A variety is wide enough, choose from what. In addition, in each model range a large number of products, different color design, sizes and form. So dare, choose. But be sure to consult with masters, what way is the facing to mount. So that it was inexpensive, but with a guarantee of long-term exploitation.