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If you don't care your husband. The signs that scream about the fact that the wife is moving and maybe no longer loves her husband anyway where

Hello, respected community participants.
I never endured my problems for people, but now I'm in complete blind, and it seems to me that I will soon go crazy.
My problem is that I have increasingly began to appear the thoughts that we will have to part with my husband.

There will be many letters, the theme of children (actually, she appeared if not the main one, then one of the few major reasons for such thoughts.

So, my husband and I am 10 years old, in January we will (if we) celebrate the "anniversary"
We met when we were 17 years old, before it I had only one short-term relationship with a guy who turned out to be "not at all with a spark" (nothing of the series of outgoing, I did not kill about this)

I'm tired, depressed, I'm scared, but I scares the prospect that it will be more terrible that I will stay without children of the Sorokalenny Old Virgin, the head of himself a kitty and I will eat the ice cream by banks.

If you have something to advise or speak, please do not silent. I am important to me any opinion on the part. For any questions I am ready to answer.

Everyone The person creates a family with the hope that he will live with his spouse in love and harmony to the end of his days, raising his children together and sharing the joy of grandchildren. But during the years of living in the majority of married couple, love gradually fades and becomes clear that their marriage has come to an end. There are 8 signs that indicate that the spouses it is time to part than try to keep relations that bring only pain and deprive both spouses chance for happiness. So, by what signs you can understand that your marriage has come to an end:

1. No desire to like and amaze. If the spouse is indifferent to what her wife looks like, and she has no desire to delight her husband with delicious dishes and make him a pleasant one, then it is the beginning of the end. Absolute indifference to what the spouse makes a characteristic sign of lack of love. If you are delayed at work or leave for a long time on a business trip, and my wife or husband calls you and does not write SMS-ki, then it's time to think about whether it is worth living with a person you are not needed. But do not confuse jealousy and resentment with the cooling of feelings. Think about whether you still want to please the spouse of the expensive gift? If your answer is yes, then you need to talk with my spouse to souls.

2. No desire to communicate with my spouse. Often, the husband and wife come home, silently dine, and then diverge in different rooms, where each of them is engaged in his business. The joint conversation and communication is tiring. If you are just waiting for the spouse from home, and you can enjoy loneliness, and every your conversation with him goes into a quarrel, then we no longer have to expect a happy end of such relationships. In this case, it is better to part than try to keep relationships, deliver each other suffering and drag the "suitcase without a handle."

3. Some separately. If the husband and wife sleep in different rooms, and they are engaged in sex only for a tick, then this is a sure sign of fading. Alienation and reluctance to have sex with a partner says that a person is no longer close. A joint bed, touch during sleep and communication in the dark play an important role in family relationships, and they sleep separately mostly those spouses who caught a partner in treason or are very jealous of it.

Do not try to patience of each other, the lack of intimate relations sooner or later leads to treason. If, during sex, expressions come to your mind: "Nightmare", "Dirt", "Flour" and "Why am I patting it?", Just let go of a partner and let him find his happiness. And begin to search for new relationships that will bring you sincere equilibrium and sexual satisfaction.

4. Do not want to spend leisure together. Ask yourself whether you want a friend or girlfriend at the bottom of the birth of a friend or girlfriend, where your spouse was present. If you think that he will only spoil you the mood at the festive evening and that you better rest in the company of friends or girlfriends without him, then you are most likely awaiting parting with the spouse. Save marriage In this case, it is worth only for the sake of children, but here you have to think if the child benefits a co-stay in one house in the essence of people. If you are not in a hurry to go home after work and try to spend all your free time in the company of friends, then this is also a sign of exhausted relationships.

5. Do you think you love two immediately. All people to some extent polygamus, everyone in youth, I want to like not only your partner, but also to hear compliments and take courtship from others. The desire to "try an apple from someone else's garden" is present at all up to 45-50 years, although not everyone is recognized in this and are solved on treason. But if you think that you love two immediately, then the spouse will have to part. Because if he were really good for you, then I would simply be right.

6. Spouse. The first sign of cooling the feelings of a husband is his reluctance to spend his wife's needs. If he stopped buying you gifts and pay for you, it means that it does not matter to him that you think about him. No need to build illusions about the fact that the husband began to earn less or became economical. He just decided for himself that you became a stranger for him, and he should provide only relatives and people close to him.

7. You constantly compare the spouse with others. My girlfriend is happy in marriage, but her husband has bald early. I somehow nectactically asked her, did not change her attitude towards her husband after he lost his hair, and with them and former beauty. A friend with a smile replied that she didn't even notice that her had a bald husband, he remained the most beloved and expensive man, which was before. If you began to assume that your spouse has changed a lot and now unworthy of admiration, then do not torment it further and release. No need to constantly humiliate it and compare with others, to say that this other formed, stronger, richer and cooler. The neighbor is always better, but his native is more expensive. If it does not seem painful, then this is a sign that your marriage has come to an end.

8. You are constantly humiliated. If the spouse constantly humiliates you, insults in obscene words or even raises his hand, then he does not value your attitude towards him. No matter how much we say that you need to part with those whom we are no longer experiencing any feelings, unfortunately, many of us lack determination to first make this responsible step. An obstacle can be common children, the need for property division, financial difficulties and habit.

we tespim humiliation and try not to see that we have long ceased to respect. Moreover, we are in no way which we are trying to refresh the feelings that have long been no longer predicted by loving in order to preserve the family and not deprive the children of the father or mother. Is it worth doing this? Maybe it is better to immediately break the relationship and parting than in old age to regret that life has passed, and happiness as it was not, and not?

Causes of a bad relationship of her husband

How did it become that a joint family life turned out at all like you dreamed of? Do normal family relationships show only Disney's fairy tales? Why did Cinderella and the Prince, everything began to be romantica, like with your husband, but all romance went to everyday life? It seems that the husband does not care about your existence.

1. Same to blame

What nonsense? How can a wife be to blame for her husband to do not care? She did not want to specially achieve a senior relationship from her husband, his wife wanted love and happiness, this is all the husband to blame. And if not my husband is to blame, then this is all mother-in-law or former, and even an evil chief, but the wife is not to blame for anything.

It is a wife in response for the atmosphere in the house, for comfort and harmony in the family. Is your husband immediately after the wedding, has become negligious to you? Think what has changed? Ask him, what pushed him into family life?

  • Take responsibility for your life, for your happiness on yourself and blame in all errors yourself. It will give you the opportunity to fix them.
  • I proper psychological exercise.
  • Write in the list what frustures you in the husband.
  • In the second column write what you think when the husband makes these things.
  • This will give you the opportunity to find out the reason for a negative relationship.
  • Earn this cause yourself or at a psychologist.

For example: Husband shouts at you, coming after work. You think he shouts at you, because you are indifferent to him and he wants to get rid of you. And he screams because you have not fed it yet, they did not give to relax, but we climb with the stories about the mask from the second floor and about what happened in "Let them say."

2. Problems at work

In men, work in the first place, because without work he will not be able to adequately contain a family and hold a given honorary place in society. Therefore, when the husband has a problem at work, then manifest all your patience. My husband needs to be maintained and inspired, and not to lift self-esteem at his expense.

If my husband does not care

To start, disperse, whether the husband does not give a damn to you, because the possibility of what you yourself have been vocked, and they yourself are offended.

1. The difference of thinking

Women's logic and men are very different, so you maybe you interpret the behavior of the husband is completely wrong. Dialogue is the best solution to the problem. Give your husband clearly and clear your position. Hints here will not help.

2. Responsibilities

Did you talk with your husband who does the responsibilities do at home? Does the husband know that you consider it obliged to endure garbage and knock out the carpet?

Does he know that everyone does not escape the rugs do you regard as a spit in the soul and disrespect? This is your mistake that they did not distribute the duties, and now wind up the scenarios of the Mexican series in a domestic scale.

3. Egoism

When was the last time you ourselves did something nice for her husband? Maybe enough to demand gratuitous venerations and worship, but is it time to show his love for her husband himself? He must, he must, why not do it? And what did you do to maintain your relationship except infinite whining and complaints?

4. Work on yourself

5. Family values

Are your family values \u200b\u200bsimilar to your husband? Have you defined a clear family model for yourself, as the responsibilities have distributed, that love is for you. Earn in your head these moments. Very often, the girls get married, having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family life from fairy tales and fashion magazines in the head.

Now you have a little experience. How do you now imagine a family life? What is values \u200b\u200bfor you in family life? Clear positioning will help you outline the way how to achieve happiness in family life. For example, you are important a passion for family life and well-being. What did you do in order to revive the former passion? How do you behave a family budget? Do you help your husband to improve? Revise your goals and installations. Then you will immediately become clear, with the current husband, is it possible to carry out your goals and dreams, or it is an unreliable comrade.

Bad relationships in the family undermine the psyche, loose nerves and beat on self-esteem. Here are some ways to raise a woman self-esteem:

1. Do not compare yourself with others, all people are different, each has their own advantages and their shortcomings.

2. Do not scold yourself, and so grabs the negative around, at least make yourself compliments.

3. Take compliments. No need to refuse, oh what you, I'm not so. This! You are the best!

4. Complete the rate of improving self-esteem, choose options, which are more convenient for:

5. Write a list of your positive qualities. Re-read and complement your list.

6. Put small goals, reaching each, you increase your self-esteem. Sewing a large goal for small, every little victory in any business will help you assert.