Repairs Design Furniture

How to assemble the shelf for the bathroom Primanova. Shelf in Angle: Selection of material and installation. On special holders and brackets

The most significant functional component of any bathroom is the plumbing in it. But to fulfill mandatory hygienic procedures and solutions other important tasks, additional furniture items are required, which, fulfilling their functions, will help increase the level of comfort in the bathroom. A corner regiment presented in the market in a large manifold occupies a special place in the list of similar products.


At the end of the repair work related to the finishing of surfaces in the bathroom, or deciding a little or radically change the interior in the room, you should proceed to the choice of accessories. Since most of the modern bathrooms, unfortunately, are constrained in size, practical and convenient additional items, should be harmoniously fit into the proposed dimensions and not hammer the space.

Due to the installation of angular shelves, the interior in the bathroom will be different functionality and comfort. This is explained by the features of the configuration of such devices that will allow the use of space correctly, unlike attached and bulky cabinets.

The main task of the shelves is the storage of personal hygiene, appliances used in the bathroom, bath, towels, household chemicals, etc. Corner structures have several shelves on which it is possible to place everything you need, and it can also be equipped with hooks, on which items hang out.

In addition to the configuration, an important value is the raw material from which the design is made.As a rule, manufacturers prefer strong species of materials that are resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations, as well as loads and mechanical effects. The presence of the above characteristics will provide the subject of a large operational period. Therefore, this nuance should pay close attention.

The equipment and the size of the corner shelves for the bathroom takes into account the small area of \u200b\u200bthe room, due to which many different types of products are produced, for example, telescopic or attached models.

In addition to the size and configuration, the advantage of such products is the features of the shelves surfaces that are processed by special compositions so that the products can be used when in contact with water.

The corner shelf for the bathroom is a universal interior subject, which will allow to revive and decorate the room, the diversity of innovations available on the market will allow you to choose products that harmoniously fit into any style. And since the angles in the room, as a rule, do not have any practical significance, will expand the functionality of this area and can rationally use the entire space.


The classification of angular products occurs according to the method of their placement. Based on this, several types of shelves are distinguished. The first one is outdoor furniture. It is designed to store the necessary in the bathroom and appliances. The shelf is not attached to any surface indoors, and is located on the floor. Usually, the product has semicircular tiers and legs with special overlays against slipping or wheels. For the assembly of this product, manufacturers use plastic, glass, metal or wood.

The main positive feature of such models is their mobility. If necessary, such furniture can be easily located in another part of the room, which provides greater comfort during its operation, and also makes it possible to experiment on the placement of furniture in the bathroom and the common design in it. Such models can have different heights, things - bathrobes and towels are perfectly fit on the lower tiers, the upper shelves are usually intended for hygiene products, the height of such shelves should be at the level of the washbasin, it will be more convenient to use the compositions stored there.

By cons can be attributed to the inability of such a variety of angular shelves not to occupy a certain part of the room, so in small bathrooms it will not help rationally use the designated area. Outdoor cabinets and shelves are better placed in spacious bathrooms.

Built-in variations of angular structures have fundamental differences from other models only by the fastening method. You need to collect such a model at the stage of wall decoration indoors.

A plus of similar products is the organic with which the corner built-in shelves fit into the bathroom design. Thanks to such furniture, you can place accents in the interior at your request. Models of hook shelves will help to find a bath towel.

The only disadvantage of embedded structures is considered to be the specifics of their installation on the wall. Most often, for these purposes will have to use the services of specialists, which is associated with additional trips.

Suspended angular structures to mount in the bathroom. It is necessary to special fastening elements - brackets. Based on ergonomics, this type is the most acceptable. On the shelves, which will be suspended at the level of human growth, can be stored many different items, and a washing machine or a high wicker or plastic laundry basket will easily be fitted. The disadvantages of the suspended shelves should include the complexity of their attachment, if the installation will need to be performed on plastic or plasterboard, where there are no mortgage elements.

Telescopic corner shelves for the bathroom are similar to the previous design, but the principle of their installation does not require the presence of brackets, since the product is fixed to the surface of the wall on the sliding bar. It is moved to the desired length, located in the corner, in the space between the bases.

The indisputable advantage of telescopic products is its installation. The bar practically does not take place on the floor. And the height of the shelf and the distance between the tiers can be adjusted according to their needs. At the expense of its positive features, such a shelf will be relevant for use in families with young children. For them, at the bottom you can select a personal shelf.

Chrome plated metal tiers and glass shelves are a classic and original option for most interiors. The disadvantages include its inability to withstand heavy loads, so the model does not fit for the placement of things or instruments with a lot of weight. And for storage of shampoos, soap, gels and cosmetics, the telescopic corner model will be very by the way. For bathrooms with stretch ceiling, the design is not suitable for its specific installation.

By purchasing such models, it is better to give preference to plastic three-tiered products: it will have a minimum weight and will well shift itself in the course of use in a wet room with temperature differences. Manufacturers recommend to purchase telescopic structures for the bathroom with the reverse fold. It will save the design from sliding down, if you move with a weight that are on it objects.

Materials manufacturing

Another nuance for which the angular shelves can be classified is the type of raw material from which the design is made. Today, manufacturers of furniture and accessories for plumbing rooms produce products from a different kind of materials.

Buyers are presented models from the following raw materials:

  • wooden structures;
  • shelves from laminated MDF;
  • plastic goods;
  • glass corner shelves;
  • metal stainless steel structures, bronze, brass;
  • combined products.

Despite the attractiveness, luxury and sophistication of wooden structures, the angular shelves in the wood bath are not the right acquisition, it is due to the specificity of the microclimate of the room and the frequent contact of the wooden base directly with water in the liquid state. Such exploitation, sooner or later, will adversely affect the product state - the raw material will swell, will lose the color or the processes of rotting will begin on the design. But the categorical ban on the use of wooden shelves in the bathroom is, of course, no, since the products from oak with a special coating, perfectly manifests themselves when used in wet rooms. This is explained by the specific properties of this wood.

Oak designs have a significant minus - high cost.The interior where the tree plays exactly the tree, requires the harmony of all components of the room, including the angular shelves. Such products can be with a mirror or contain closed tiers.

Shelves from MDF are always distinguished by the originality of the design. In addition, products are quite available at the cost, which explains its popularity among consumers.

But the models have a drawback - a small operational termSince the injection of a large amount of water on the surface of the material leads to the fact that the product loses its shape, absorbing moisture, saves and often collapses. This also applies to the edges on the shelves. In addition, in places in which moisture accumulated is mold and fungus. Functionality and aesthetics of such a shelf is lost at all.

Plastic products are popular and practical. Among the main advantages of raw materials, the following properties are allocated: an acceptable price, a large selection of color and shapes, low weight and durability, quick installation.

Products are the most unusual colors, sizes and textures. Due to what plastic shelves are suitable for any bath. The design is very easy to wash, and there are no traces on the surface of the water. The ease of the product does not affect its strength, but, of course, within reason.

The angular shelves made of glass attract their sophistication. Glass design seems weightless. Such products are practical and functional, however, to the lack of glass shelves, consumers include traces and divorces on the surface of water. Based on this, it will take a specialized agent for glass to go behind the shelf. The material is resistant to moisture and with proper maintenance of the glass shelf will become the decoration of the entire room. Glass structures are very well harmonized with almost all styles of the decoration.

But there is a small chance to break the glass shelf during careless operation. Therefore, in the bathroom, which will be used by children, do not purchase such a construction. It is necessary to control the weight of objects that will be stored on the shelves to excessively do not load the design. A small double shelf will be a practical option when placing it in the corner next to the bathroom.

Metal products are most often found from chromium, raw materials has a high degree of moisture resistance and perfectly copes with loads. In addition, metal shelves attractively look, especially in combination with a crane and a mixer from the same material.

A small minus of the products is their impressive weight, in comparison with plastic products, due to which it is necessary to carefully approach structures.

The cost of corner shelves from stainless steel above glass products, but the quality of the material is worth the tools spent. The advantages of metal include resistance to mechanical exposure and hygienicity, raw materials are not afraid of moisture and heating.

You can find the combined angular shelves on sale, glass, in combination with metal, can be used. In some collections of manufacturers, even bronze semi-brongeous products occurs.

Mirror shelves are an analogue of glass structures, but with some distinctive features, the main of which is the sophistication of such a shelf. Such products can be made of mirrors of a matte shade or decorated with various drawings. Therefore, such products will become a real interior decoration.

Methods of fastening

There are many embodiments of the shelves, most often it grieve material from which it is made.

Plastic models of angular shelves are found, the fastening of which occurs with silicone suction cups. Install such a product will not be difficult, if necessary, it can be transferred to another place. However, this option does not differ in reliability - if you exceed the permissible level of load, the design will fall.

Avoiding such situations will help the waterproof glue, which are processed by suction cups and surface of the walls. This method will secure the design reliably, even in contact with moisture.

Metal products of small mass are sometimes fixed on vacuum suckers. They will fix the shelf better and stronger.

When choosing a shelf for the bathroom, you can view many options, but it is the shelf to the corner bathroom possess special advantages. And, above all, it is an opportunity to use useless space. Agree, the corners of the bathroom are almost always empty, and such models fit perfectly there. And today we will look at all possible variations of angular shelves.

What are the angular shelves for the bathroom

Glass shelves

The glass shelf enjoys great success and at the same time it is quite practical. The glass refers to those materials that are not deformed and not destroyed, perfectly carry sharp differences of temperature and humidity (which is very characteristic of the bathroom room).

To bring it in order is very simple. For this, glass is enough to treat the usual tool to clean the windows and wipe with a soft cloth. And the shelf will again acquire a presentable look.

Glass corner shelves for the bathroom have one disadvantage. The accessory becomes a dangerous subject if the manufacturer chose low-quality materials. Such a regiment may not withstand weights or simply crash from an inadvertent impact. Therefore, when choosing such products, pay attention to the quality of the glass and the manufacturer of products.

But at the same time, the shelves made of glass are very easily mounted and perfectly fit into any interior. They do not occupy a lot of space and can even visually expand the space if they are supplemented with mirrors or shiny metal surfaces.

Metal shelves

Interesting in all plans to the bathroom accessory. The durability and strength of the metal makes it possible to make the product quite large if necessary, due to the solid fastening. It will be perfectly harmonized with the shared bathroom style, if, of course, chosen correctly.

Metal shelf in the bathroom corner, if it is really made of high-quality material, will last for a very long time. When choosing, it is necessary to give preference to chromed products, and combining it with other accessories of the same shade will allow you to express the necessary original accents.

Plastic shelves

Plastic shelves are the most popular because they cost very and very inexpensive. After all, it makes no sense to acquire expensive glass when you can choose a completely decent plastic analog.

The corner shelves for the bathroom produced from plastics are completely immune to temperature drops and a sharp change of air humidity, which in the bathroom occur quite often.

Such a shelf can withstand a significant weight. She can't crash if she accidentally hurt either to drop. And even if it breaks, it will take a relatively small amount to buy a new. The only "but": models made of plastic are rarely distinguished by exclusive forms, and to pick up something interesting will need to wander up shopping.

Telescopic shelves

The telescopic angular regiment is quite simple, but it does not lose functionality, design. And before the options already considered, it has one good advantage - moving shelves.

Visually, it represents the base (), which is attached in any corner of the bathroom. In this case, the shelves made from durable plastic can freely move both up and down. You get the opportunity to adjust the height of the space between them, which is very convenient.

Telescopic shelves harmoniously complement the modern design of the bathroom, of course, if it is not an exclusive antique style. And for the standard bathroom - it is just a great solution.

By purchasing a telescopic model, be sure to try the stroke of the shelves based on the base. Ideally, the shelves themselves must have latches that will not give them the opportunity to fall under the weight of the cargo.

Wooden shelves

A tree is an excellent natural material that is perfect for stylized bathroom room, because the shelf will not be a simple stylish accessory. The wooden shelf for the bathroom corner will become part of the general image of the room, harmoniously complementing it.

Of course, the wood shelves are not too long and will require a more careful and attentive relationship.

When buying, pay attention to the tree coating. It must be processed by special means capable of withstanding high humidity.

Hinder the angular shelf in the bathroom yourself

Corner shelves in the bathroom, regardless of the appearance and materials, hang on their own it will not be too complex task. So, let's begin.

  1. And the first thing you need to do is determine the location of the shelf in the bathroom. Hang the shelf so that all family members it is convenient to use it, that is, it is possible to reach it enough simply, but it does not interfere with anyone.
  2. It is also necessary to hang the shelf smoothly. The easiest solution to this task is to focus on the edge of the tile, which are lined with walls.
  3. Quite often, the angular shelves are equipped with suction cups. But, as you understand, the fastenings of this type are very unreliable. Silicone fastening and weight of the product withstands with great difficulty. To ensure the high-quality grip of the silicone and the wall surface, you can use the following cunning: to smear the surface of the suction cup by universal glue "moment". Just, practical, and most importantly, firmly. The shelf will be firmly fixed after 15 minutes. The only drawback of this option - glue will be visible on the surface if you decide to remove the shelf.
  4. If there is a need to drill tiled walls, then it is necessary to do this in two stages. The first hole is drilled in the tile itself and only then it deepens. A ready-made dowel robbed into the hole and self-supeza is already attached to it. The next step is to hang the shelf itself.

Some nuances

Professionals have their tricks that we share:

  • If foam concrete or gas blocks were used as the main material of the wall, it is possible to deepen the hole using a drill or a shurtpers. Brick and concrete walls can take only a perforator. Alternatively, you can use a shock drill, after turning off the "Strike" mode.
  • For preferably use a winning drill. Then the hole is low, and the tile itself will remain without any damage.
  • The miniature shelves for the bathroom in the additional strengthening of the attachment do not need. There will be quite enough short screws. But in general, it is necessary to take into account the total weight of the items that are planned to be located on the shelf surface.

Here in principle, and all that we wanted to tell you about the corner shelves for the bathroom. Now, knowing the features of each model, you can choose the most suitable option.

September 2, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (bookmark the foundation, construction of walls, roof design, etc.). Domestic construction work (laying internal communications, roughing and finishing). Hobbies: Mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

Few, except our compatriots, as well to plan the interior of sanitary premises, after all, bathrooms in apartments, for the most part, are not different. To accommodate the necessary items, each corner of the room is used. An excellent help is plastic, wooden, metal or glass corner shelf for the bathroom.

It is this design that is the subject of today's material.

Varieties of shelves for bathrooms

The angular shelf is a fairly common product for the arrangement of plumbing premises. There are many options on sale, but to help you make the right choice I distributed all available models into several groups and depicted all this in the scheme:

And now about each variety in more detail.

By material

Let's start with the materials from which the shelves are made. There are options for sale:


I really like glass angular shelves for their very attractive and elegant appearance, as well as high performance. Shelves placed in the corner of the bathroom help not only conveniently place all the necessary hygiene objects and cosmetics, but also to do it as beautiful as possible.

Just hanging in the corner of the glass shelf, you already decorate and refresh the design of the room.

Especially relevant angular glass shelves in small plumbing spaces. They not only occupy a minimum of free space (especially since the area in the corners is usually not used), but also do not "take away" the interior, since they are made of transparent material.

For the manufacture of described models, tempered glass is used, which can withstand significant loads - static and drums. Edges and angles have a bevelled form to avoid injuries. The product can be completely transparent, matte, painted into some color or decorated patterns. The shelf may be one or have several tiers of different shapes.

The glass perfectly transfers operation in humid air with constant temperature fluctuations, and it can be laundered from contamination with conventional household detergents. However, contain an angular shelf in perfect cleanliness is quite difficult.

The fact is that on the surface all the time traces of mineral sediments from water (traces), which constantly need to remove with a dry cloth. Therefore, it will be paid attention to her after each shower taking.

When buying, give preference to proven manufacturers. Cheap models made on unknown Chinese factories are often distinguished by increased fragility. And if you post too many jars and colums, the shelf can burst. And it may not do it immediately, but at the most inappropriate moment.

Another point that I wanted to mention. If you have small children at home, hang the shelf at such a height so that they cannot reach it. Nevertheless, the possibility of injuries is not excluded with non-accurate handling of products.


An angular metal shelf is also often used for bathroom equipment. They are characterized by such advantages:

  • very high strength;
  • increased reliability;
  • long service life.

However, for this it is necessary that the metal is reliably protected from destructive impacts characteristic of the bathroom microclimate. This is increased humidity and constant temperature fluctuations. To protect the chromium, the layer of which is covered by the shelves, or imposed in several layers.

I am more like an angular regiment in the bathroom from stainless steel. It looks just fine, it is easy to wash, it is almost imperceptible traces of water drops. And the stainless steel retains its original appearance regardless of the level of moisture and the integrity of the decorative coating (which is simply not).

Unlike glass shelves, almost any amount of bubbles and jars can be placed on steel. The main thing is to endure the mount by which the regiment is installed on the spot.

Another big plus is that the products are beautifully combined with cranes, mixers and other suitable plumbing. With the help of metal shelves, you can create an exquisite interior in the bathroom, which will indicate your high artistic taste.

An interesting alternative is a wrought angular regiment in a plumbing room, which gives the design of a bathroom luxurious and unique features. However, such models need to be selected individually, and better - to order their production from a specialist in their own project.


If you do not want to spend a lot of money on the purchase, I propose to consider this option like an angular plastic bathroom shelf. Low cost does not mean at all that the product is bad. Plastic models are perfectly coping with tasks assigned to them and have an excellent appearance.

Plastic is easily treated and can be painted in different. Thanks to this, you can find options for products of all possible forms, colors, shades and sizes.

The angular shelf in the bathroom from plastic pleases with high strength, and a long service life. Hung on the wall or installed on the floor it is easy to contain clean.

Plastic is poorly prone to pollution and the tracks from the drops are invisible. The shelf can be easily soaked with plenty of water with detergent. Non-aggressive chemical solutions do not destroy the shelf.

The only one from my point of view is minus - low strength to mechanical effects. The surface of the plastic is quickly covered with small scratches, which somewhat deteriorate the appearance of the shelf. But it does not matter, because thanks to a low price at any time, the product can be replaced.


Wood does not become popular as material for the manufacture of shelves, which are supposed to be used in the bathroom. After all, the tree does not tolerate high humidity, especially in combination with constant temperature fluctuations. Despite the use of various hydrophobic protective agents, the regiment quickly loses its appearance and operational properties, coming into disrepair.

However, this does not mean that wooden products do not exist at all. After all, the angular shelves made of wood have a luxurious and solid appearance. Therefore, they are excellent for equipment of large plumbing rooms equipped with an effective ventilation system.

I advise you to choose wooden shelves made of dense wood varieties. For example, oak. And do not use glued sheets in the bathroom (chipboard, MDF). Although such options are possible, so the final choice remains yours.

In order for the shelf longer thanks, I recommend installing it in the third or fourth moisture zone in such a way that drops and jets of water from the shower or bath do not fall on the product. It is also not worth buying outdoor shelves whose legs can get wet from water falling on the floor while performing hygienic procedures.

By method of placement

The shelves listed above can be classified on another criterion - a method for their placement in the room. There are several:

  1. Outdoor. Products for storing various trifles in bathrooms, which are not attached to the walls, and are located on the floor. For this, either legs with rubber anti-slip overlays or rollers are served. In my practice there were models from different materials - plastic, glass, metal.

The advantage of floor angular shelves is that at any time you can be transferred to another place by changing the design of the bathroom or placing more conveniently. However, the disadvantage personally for me is that they occupy the area on the floor of the room, which means free space in the bathroom is not too rational.

  1. Built-in. This type of angular shelves differs from other varieties only by the installation method. They are made and hollowed during the decorative decoration of walls in the bathroom. This uses hidden emptiness, features of the enclosing surface and finishing cladding. The photo below shows the angular regiment, which is mounted in the ceramic tile.

Plus, such structures are that they are very organically fit into the design of the sanitary room, can complement or emphasize those or other elements of the interior, as well as to play the main role in the room.

  1. Suspended. As can be seen from the name, the model of this type is fixed in the corner of the bathroom on the wall with the help of brackets (talk to them just below). This is the optimal option, if we consider from the point of view of ergonomics. On the shelves suspended above the floor, which do not take free space on the floor, you can place a large number of items. And at the bottom to place a bath, washing machine or something else.

There are practically no shortcomings in the design, except that they need to hang onto the wall, and this process is not as simple as it seems. Especially if the walls are decorated with plasterboard or plastic, and you did not bother on the mortgage parts under the shelf.

The following option can be output from the position.

  1. Telescopic. This shelf is different from other varieties of consolidation. According to the design, the product is very similar to the suspension model, but the fixation is made using a sliding rod (arranged by the type of crossbar for vinyl curtains in the bathroom).

To install, it is necessary to push the bar for the desired length (slightly more than the distance between the ceiling and floor), after which it is possible to put it into an angle into the spacer between the two surfaces.

Plus the telescopic shelf is that it is very easy to install, it does not take place on the floor and allows you to store a large number of different cosmetic and detergents. The minus is that it cannot withstand too much load, and it is also impossible to put it if you have a stretch ceiling in your bathroom.

I advise you to buy telescopic shelves made of plastic. Their price is small, plastic is well tolerating operation in wet air with constant temperature fluctuations, and also has a small weight.

By type of brackets

If you decide to purchase a suspended angular shelf, which is the best for strength and ease of use, it is important to immediately pay attention to the type of brackets used for mounting.

There are such options for sale:

  1. Traditional loops with holes.They are used for hanging the shelves made of natural wood and glued plates. The loops can be part of the shelves (which is often in cases with metal or plastic products) or to bond separately (like wooden models). Loops for glass shelves are attached using brackets with gaskets that protect the glass from damage.

To install the shelves on traditional loops in the bath walls, drill holes where the dowels with screws are inserted (the system "quick installation"). If your surfaces are lined with a cafeter, drill holes very carefully so as not to damage the decorative finish.

  1. Brackets for glass shelves.Their design is somewhat unusual, for which among the builders, the product was called "Pelican". Brackets can hold the shelves with glass thickness from 8 to 34 mm. By the way, with their help you can mount the shelves from other materials, but it is precisely with transparent panels "Pelicans" looks most effectively.

The advantage of this embodiment is that with the help of such mounting, an angular shelves of any size can be installed. You need to buy fasteners, and then order in the workshop glass suitable size. Be sure to check that their angles and cuts are processed accordingly (did not have acute faces contributing to injuries).

The Pelicans themselves are attached to the wall with screws with dowels.

For special aesthetes on sale you can find fasteners and other forms, but they all work according to a similar principle.

  1. Decorative brackets.They not only reliably fix the angular shelves from any materials, but also serve as an independent detail of the interior of the bathroom. Very nice in the bathroom looks brass, but there are options for stainless steel and conventional metal, protected by chrome or paint from corrosion.

The specific method of fastening depends on the model of the decorative bracket. A large plus is that with their help you can construct any shelf that will decorate the corner in your bathroom and serve as a place to store a large number of things you need.

  1. Secret installation.The device, which is a horizontal long pin, which is attached on the wall using the "Quick Installation" system. It is inserted into the hole done in the shelf, and becomes completely invisible. It turns out that the shelf hangs on the wall without visible support.

For the angular regiment, such a solution is not suitable. First, the shelf will have to do from wood or glued plates that quickly deteriorate in the wet air bathroom. Secondly, the fastening will support the shelf only on the one hand (otherwise you will not give it on it). And it will affect the strength. But some of these options are used, so the choice remains yours.


Focusing on the above information, you can easily choose a suitable model of bath shelves. Instructions on how to collect and install the shelf with your own hands is set out in the video in this article.

You can leave your opinion on the outlined information in the comments below.

September 2, 2016.

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A room in which every thing has its purpose is a pleasure if harmony reigns in it. This also applies to the bathroom, where any thing, including the barbecue bar, is playing a significant role in the interior.

In this article, we will consider what should be a bar for a curtain, in order to ensure the necessary practicality, and the harmony is maintained in the room.

Bathroom rod

How and what barbell it is better to choose

Modern baths are produced in a wide variety of geometric shapes: rounded, angular, etc., depending on this, and choose a curtain cornice.

Many years ago the most popular was the attachment of the bathroom curtains on the so-called string. Special choice, what to fix and how to attach the industry did not provide, not what now. However, this method of fastening as a string is currently used.

On the shelves stores there are a variety of types and modifications of strings. However, with a string attachment, you do not give the desired shape under the bath, and moreover, with time, it saves, which is also unparalle. In this and the lack of such a fastener for the curtain.

Roll rules for the bathroom:

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the rings for fastening the curtains. They are produced from plastic, metal or metal with a plastic coating. Conventional metal rings are badly slide on the eaves that, with a constant opening or closing, the curtain causes them.

Plastic models are short-lived and quickly break. The most optimal choice will become metal rings with plastic coated.

In addition to the rings and eaves, the bathroom interior must be harmoniously pick up a curtain. It carries the main functional task.

For their manufacture use polyethylene with printed patterns. But such curtains do not last long, because with time the drawing is erased, and polyethylene due to fragility fails. Consequently, you will need to buy a new chart.

How to fix the bar in the bathroom

Telescopic bar model

One of the factors for choosing a cornice model is the type of fastening. The attachment methods there are mass, and all of them depend on the form and other features of the eaves, as well as the shape of the bathroom itself. In any case, the most convenient is the telescopic form of the cornice.

All of the installation of the rod is to choose the necessary length and its hard mount to the walls. In the case of the use of a telescopic model, fasteners act on the strut principle, but it is applicable only with rectangular shape of the bathroom.

The rod fasteners are usually carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Usually in the standard set already lies with everything you need for mountingBut often, depending on the quality of the wall and its coating, additional fastening equipment is necessary.
  2. Marking is performed for future holes Under fasteners.
  3. In places drilling walls you need check the lack of water supply pipes, electric pipe.

With the right installation of the rod, the place of attachment looks pretty aesthetically

When drilling tiles, use drills with special feathel tips.

  1. In the brick wall, the holes are made using a drill perforator type. For the concrete wall, a perforator with a brown of the desired diameter is used.
  2. The rod is attached with the help of self-tapping and spacer dowels. For installation, a cruciform screwdriver of the pH brand is used.
  3. If the plasterboard was used as a material for the walls, then, depending on the load, a dowel "Butterfly" or the "MoLL" screws are used.

The correctly chosen bar for the bathroom is the key to its long and reliable service life, the normal functioning of the curtains for the bathroom and, of course, the attractiveness of the overall interior of the room.