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The first symptoms of alcoholism in men. How to recognize alcoholic behavior and on external signs. When alcohol is useful

Or on your happiness, parents did not reward you, or its necessary genes to obtain such a high title, can be quite simple. The one who knows how to watch the truth will feel it right away. Not always, but often, the transition to alcoholism happens like a jump. A month ago was not an alcoholic, and then once, and had already moved to another category.

In a half-hearth, you can advise an easy way. Very man and look at it tomorrow. If tomorrow he will be drunk again, it means an alcoholic. Although, I have already spoken, not all wind alcoholics.

I do not quite understand, but rather, I do not understand at all, for which the doctors of alcoholism are divided. From the early so-called "stages of alcoholism" it is quite possible to return to normal state. In memory of dozens of examples.
The last "stage" of the return is not. This is the only "stage" in fact, and should be called alcoholism.

Well, love the fog to impart specialists from medicine. I understand so, since you argue that alcoholism is incurable, then why you call an alcoholic of whom you can cure. It is due to no coding, because it is not a treatment, but just a way to tie with alcohol. The stage of alcoholism, as well as freshness of sturgeon, can only be one, the first. She is the latter. And the term is still stupid - "chronic alcoholism". And when they are blind, it's how to call? "Acute alcoholism?"

In addition, according to the assertion of the same specialists, only two of the three people can become an alcoholic. According to other data, four out of five. That is, every third-fourth Russian, no matter how drinking, the alcoholic will not become. But if you judge the symptoms described by narcologists for the initial "stages of alcoholism", then alcoholics can, or have already become anyone who has ceased to tear after the first glack. Where is the logic?

So, no matter how hard you tried, no matter how much vodka is shuffled, the chance of becoming an alcoholic you have two to one. Now it is already able to determine DNA analysis. But while such pleasure is not available to everyone. So it is better not to risk, there will be no way back.

But back to the topic how to determine the alcoholic you or not. I remember well how the fracture in the body happened with me. He worked in the summer at sea.
The bot was profitable. Every day the average salary in the country. Restaurants, girls, bosses for all thumbs look. In short, I drank almost around the clock for about two months. Well, there were a respite for two or three days, however.

Here the summer ended, revenues decreased, it is necessary to tie. As if nothing had happened, I decided to endure the day that, the first time, or tomorrow everything would be fine. But waking up on the second day, I was surprised to find that I was so bad that I went to sleep yesterday in the insole drunk.

At the third morning, it was better not better, I was already covered by panic. It began to seem that it will always be so. And only for the fourth day I already felt absolutely normal. Began to ask familiar what it may mean. No one could see anything intelligible to tell me until I shared my problem with one colleague for work. He was over twenty years older than me. So he opened my eyes.

"It," says, "darling, you have alcoholism." It is impossible to bloom now.
I am:
- Wait, well, I didn't drink three weeks ago, there was nothing.
- Well, there was no two weeks ago, now there is, congratulations. So it happens.
- And now?
- Like what? I told you could not drink. If you do not want to come to myself three days each time.
I did not understand anything. Again asked:
- Well, if I do not but drink a year, or two, will come to normal?
- No, at least ten.
About forever. You think. Why I do not drink. Fifteen years I do not drink. That is why. Also, once forces did not calculate. Yes, you do not worry. And without vodka, you can live normally. There are fewer problems.

So, if someone wants to determine if he is an alcoholic, for the first sign, let him take, how much time he needed to come back in the norm after, let's say, two or three day roules. If, after a day, the body is restored, then everything is fine. Still alright. And the thunder can roll at any time.

You must also say that the hangover of an alcoholic is qualitatively different from a normal hangover. Begin to visit black thoughts. It seems that yesterday did something bad. There is a feeling that some kind of trouble should happen. In general, fears and feelings of guilt in front of the whole world are peculiar to alcoholics. A healthy person after any number of such spiritual discomfort is not tested.

Then what kind of thing is notable. Everyone knows that after an abundant inspired, the next morning I really want to drink. The people say - "Sushnyak", the "pipes are burning", etc. Alcoholics Susnyak does not happen.

The fact is that ethyl alcohol splits in a healthy body in two stages. First, alcohol with the help of the liver enzyme turns into acetaldehyde, a strong poison, which mainly causes a hangover. Then another enzyme, and quite quickly, acetaldehyde is converted to a conventional harmless vinegar, which causes severe thirst.

Alcoholic, the splitting comes only to half.
There is alcohol turned into poison, and it remained. Hence the nightly gravity of the hangover. And the fact that, vinegar is not formed, and explains the lack of thirst characteristic of the usual hangover in the morning.

So, if you observe such symptoms, you can congratulate you. Soon you will start looking for ways to tie with vodka. Just try to watch the truth. Because you will deny obvious facts, nothing in your body will change.

Online and literature can be found, so-called alcoholism tests. Utter nonsense. Nothing, as a rule, these tests, you really do not define. They were people who have about the problem of alcoholism, very, very, vague representation. Nothing figured out nothing, but that in the head was born, they believed, and they told us.

Even in Wikipedia, on request, what alcoholism is, such an approximately answer is given: alcoholism, it is a disease that causes painful addiction to alcohol. It is impossible, of course, to be called not. Only not quite exactly. If an alcoholic has no desire to drink vodka, he will not drink it.
And what, he is not an alcoholic now? And the thrust appeared, became an alcoholic again? So it turns out, for this definition.

Therefore, you can seriously talk about alcoholism when the normal liver reaction to the alcohol intake is disturbed. And the psychic moments can only affect whether a person will drink or not. Drunkenness and alcoholism, things are different, although the last, otherwise, how through drunkenness, you will not add. It is made only, so to speak, persistent, unbearable labor.

How to understand that in front of you is an alcoholic?

The criteria of alcoholism are blurred and differ in different sources and in different countries. The authoritative American manual for the diagnosis and statistics of mental disorders, DSM-IV, distinguishes two problematic situations: alcohol abuse and dependence on it.

The most common signs of early alcoholism

First of all, if a person began to wonder: " How to understand what are you alcoholic?"This is an alarming sign. At the same time, one question is not enough - it is necessary to find an answer on it.

The degrees of alcoholism are described in detail below.

  1. Alcohol is easily transferred. If you used to have enough two hundred grams for a holiday, now the dose has grown significantly, up to one bottle per person.
  2. The appearance of hangover symptoms the day after the adoption of alcohol. You notice fatigue, dizziness, sharp thirst.

  3. You need to "dream" to take a bottle of beer or a glass of vodka in order to lead yourself to the feeling.
  4. Inability to control the dose of drunk. You cannot determine when you should stop. Stop drinking when alcohol ends or a consciousness is turned off.
  5. Inadequate behavior. You lose control of yourself, disoriented in space, crawl items around, climb into a fight or, on the contrary, show a large tide of sympathy to unfamiliar people.
  6. Memory loss. You can not remember the events of the previous day when they drink. About your antics and manner of behavior have to learn from other persons.
  7. Docks. You start taking alcohol more than 2 days in a row.
  8. Decreases appetite. You do not want to eat, the feeling of satiety comes from eateries.
  9. Sleep disorder. You often sleep in the afternoon, and at night you have signs of an attack of insomnia. Solve the problem is trying to alcohol and only aggravate the problem.
  10. The emergence of anxiety and hallucinations. Silence begins to scare you, visual hallucinations appear in a state of intoxication.
  11. The ability to drop after a small dose. You need less than less alcohol to get drunk. Enough literally glasses.
  12. Degradation of personality. You are not concerned about the appearance surrounding events. Work is lost, life is launched. The only thing that worries you is a question how to get alcohol.

When it is true to disturb

A I do not drink ... 0
Why why throw, if it does not interfere with me? ... 1
In the bracket from the new year, for sure ... 2
R i often tie for a while, and then start again ... 3

But still, how to understand that you are sick by alcoholism?

You have no feeling of intoxication for a long time, there is no long-awaited euphoria and the state of complete relaxation.

Second stage - Pathological attraction to alcoholic drinks occurs spontaneously, the ability to the self-control drops sharply. In a drunken state, a person begins to behave unpredictably and even aggressively. In some cases, psychosis and hallucinations may be observed. The second stage lasts from 5 to 15 years, gradually leading to complete identity degradation and loss of creative abilities.

Of course, is an alcoholic in a river, or not. How hard it takes the hangover, and the more after a margin, depends on many reasons, some of which are also psychological. But the basis of alcoholism, nevertheless the improper work of the liver.

I have recently got one test for alcoholism, you can watch the test for alcohol dependence in my opinion, typical nonsense. You can't define anything else.

In any case, these are only indicative characteristics. Only narcologist can be installed and only after a comprehensive survey. In any case, alcoholism is not a sentence. This is not social promiscuity or weakness. This is a disease with which it is quite realistic to cope under the guidance of the doctor.

A source:clinic "Alkomed"

What are the stages of alcoholism?

The first stage of alcoholism: All begins with the fact that a person has an attraction toxication in effect, and therefore it becomes difficult to control the process and the amount of alcoholic beverages drinks. When using alcoholic beverages in the amount of 100-200 grams of vodka or other alcoholic beverages, an irresistible desire to continue drinking alcoholic beverages appears in a person, which, as a rule, ends only when a person is drunk enough, or the money ran out. In the sober state of thrust for the separation of alcoholic beverages is not very strong, unlike other stages of alcoholism, but a person does not see anything bad in the use of alcohol, and at the first opportunity he will be happy to eat them. At the first stage of alcoholism in a person who has to drink alcoholic beverages, a sense of revival appears, the activity of actions increases, and if the drinking does not take place, severe irritability and discontent appear.

Over time, the use of alcoholic beverages is increasing, while the person is not alien to this and does not notice the increase in alcohol consumption, while in the first stage of alcoholism a person continues to work and engage in his hobbies. Over time, the amount of alcohol consumed, so somehow the amount of alcohol, which previously led to euphoria, in this stage alcoholism no longer gives that relaxing effect, which is why a person increases the dose of alcohol. In the further use of alcohol in humans, the patient of the first stage of alcoholism disappears the sense of saturation alcohol, which leads to an even greater dose of drunk. In this stage, the person, with the appearance of a hangover syndrome, is not trying to drown out it with an additional amount of alcohol, and trying to do it exclusively with tea, coffee shower, shower, etc. We recommend reading if the father is drinking?

The results of the first stage of alcoholism: the patient of this stage does not recognize himself an alcoholic and categorically denies his drunkenness, and also tries to convince himself with all justifications that it consumes the amount of alcohol for alcoholism. At the same time, a person every one of his case of drinking alcoholic beverages justifies, by some event, and can also show examples of other patients with alcoholism and say that it is not an alcoholic. During the first stage of alcoholism, there may be failed failures in memory, and when using a large amount of alcohol, the patient may not remember anything the next day.

The second stage of alcoholism: the second stage of alcoholism, in contrast to the first stage, is characterized, first of all, by the fact that upon the occurrence of a hangover, a person to strive to remove his breaking with tea and coffee, as at the first stage of alcoholism, but by adopting additional doses of alcohol. At the beginning, such a wings is forced when taking large doses of alcohol, over time, begins and with the very weak hangover and the adoption of the minimum amount of alcohol. At the second stage of alcohol addiction, the number of alcoholic beverages used, and reach 0.5 liters vodka from one bottle and more, in some cases it comes to consumption of 2 liters of vodka per day. In a sober state, drinking drinks may not be the purpose of life, and the person can still restrain itself, but when using the slightest amount of alcoholic beverages, a person has a huge addiction, and he can no longer stop, drunken time comes to one week, sometimes more. Such a period is called a mellow, after its end, a person begins to return to natural life until the next dose of alcohol.

The results of the second stage of alcoholism: this stage is expressed mainly only that a person goes into long-term ribs, during which it is completely removed from the world, and he doesn't care about everything, just to drink. After getting out of the foam, a person can return to normal life and live, like to the feed, but it will continue until the first drop of alcohol, which has fallen into the mouth of a sick person, and if this happens, a person goes back long. The failures in memory become more reinforced and frequent than at the first stage, while they appear even with small alcoholic intoxications. We recommend reading the stage of intoxication.

The third stage of alcoholism: the third stage of alcoholism is the last stage of alcohol dependence, and it is characterized by the fact that a person who entered this stage ceases to realize its significance, he loses all interests, and alcoholic beverages are used for such a patient. The man of the sick third stage over time loses all his friends, loses the meaning of life, while his memory worsens, it becomes simple and sometimes meaningless. The mental activity of man falls to such an extent that a person ceases to understand the elementary things and lives practically on instincts. Nervous disorders appear, expressed in the appearance of hallucinations, which call white hot.

The results of the third stage of alcoholism: a person begins to drink alcohol daily, for him, drinking alcohol becomes the norm of life and live without them the patient can not just like the ordinary man without water can live. The amount of alcohol consumed increases to the maximum amount and is used until the person can raise a bottle and pour into a glass, or until there is money, to buy alcoholic beverages. The use of alcoholic beverages without parsing is used, any liquid containing alcohol in itself is used. We recommend reading what to do if the husband drinks?

Stages of disease and symptoms

Alcohol addiction has 3 stages. For each characteristic of their symptoms.

At the first stage, the symptoms of alcoholism are hidden either weakly pronounced, and it is difficult for others to understand, a man is sick or not. Dependence is not yet high, it manifests itself unless in strengthening the desire to meet with friends and drink. Heavy abstinence syndrome does not occur. However, if you do not stop at this stage, continue to drink, alcoholism will go to the second stage - much more serious and dangerous.

In the second stage, signs of alcohol dependence becomes noticeable to those surrounding. Psychological dependence present in the first stage is intensified, physical is added to it. A person is beginning to attend thoughts about alcohol, if there is no alcohol, it begins to break it. He is looking forward to when, finally, it will be possible to drink. And the dose is also growing. Yesterday's 100 grams of vodka today is not enough to feel Euphoria. You have to drink more and more. Domestic drunkenness becomes the most real misfortune, drinking alcoholism develops, is chronic.

At the third stage, it is not close to work to understand that they live shoulder to shoulder with a real alcoholic. Abstineent syndrome occurs terrible, it is possible to remove it only with a new portion of alcohol. The patient shakes not only the hands, and shakes the whole body. Hallucinations occur. He practically sleeps. If falling asleep, then sees nightmares.

If you do not start treatment and stop drinking now, alcoholic delirium will begin. It is fraught with deprivation of reason, speech impairment and even paralysis.

What does an alcoholic look like?

Alcoholism is a disease whose progression is visible to the naked eye. The appearance and behavior of the dependent person change dramatically. External signs of alcoholism, which are reflected in behavior, are as follows:

  • One feed is replaced by another. I can easily understand that a person is dependent when he drinks "not giving up."
  • Alcoholic is in the state of depression until he will drink. After the first glass, it improves the mood.
  • Abstineent syndrome has all the more rigid symptoms.

External signs of alcoholism, which are manifested in how a person looks like: noticeable aging, dry skin, wrinkles, manifestation of veins on hands and legs, swelling under the eyes, burst capillaries in the eyes, yellow skin, constant trees. If a woman is drinking, understand it is much easier to understand. She swells his face and radically changing the voice, an uncertainty, disturbed coordination of movements, is thrown into the eyes.

The first "swallows" of the disease

The first signs of alcoholism are rather psychological character. In men, women and adolescents, they manifest themselves in different ways. A person may not be aware of either, realizing, hide his addiction. Some signs still have, they relate to them and will be able to determine the progressive dependence.

The first signs of alcoholism in men:

  • Drinking alcohol with friends goes into drunkenness alone - the availability of a company with which you can drink, for an alcoholic is already insignificant.
  • The desire to have a drink replaces other interests. Football campaigns with friends, walking with a child a man is already very interested. It attracts only such entertainment, during which you can drink.
  • The mood is changing. It becomes more aggressive, intolerable to the family. But it is worth a drink, as he will immediately turn into a caring and attentive husband and father.

It is necessary to understand that the woman began to drink, much easier - this is visible in appearance. Bags appear under the eyes, the capillary mesh stands on the skin, the voice is changed. It ceases to pay attention to elementary care, it looks untidy, neglected.

The husband and children should alert the fact that Mom began to drink in the evenings alone. Everything begins with a bottle of wine. Then the brandy can go into the move. And its dependence will begin to deny. Gradually appear flashes of aggression, which will be replaced by fuses.

If child drinks

Teen alcoholism in recent years has become a common phenomenon. Commercials, which promotes the harmlessness of beer, which teenagers began to drink liters. It is impossible not to take into account that the spirits used to be just a symbol of "adulthood", today - also status. To come to a disco in a state of intoxication - fashionable.

The main thing is that parents can know in time that their child drinks, and engaged in the question of his treatment. Alcohol has a strong destructive impact on a young organism. A nervous system is disturbed, cerebral cells and liver cells die away.

The first symptoms of alcoholism in a teenager:

  • Increased irritability, aggression - states that adults are usually called "youthful maximalism."
  • Later return home when parents are already sleeping.
  • Gent at school, problems in communicating with teachers.

It is worth especially to pay attention to the health of the child in adolescence. Increased body temperature, pressure jumps, decrease in blood glucose and leukocytes in the blood, reduced memory, sharpness of thinking and reaction rate - precisely such symptoms and consequences have children's drunkenness.

Parents, suspecting something wrong, in no case should not write off everything for a pubertal period and hope that it will take place. Alcoholic dependence in adolescence should be treated as soon as possible until ethyl alcohol struck irreparable harm.

What methods are best to treat alcoholism?

Alcoholism treatment should be comprehensive: consisting of detoxification and drug therapy, rehabilitation, socialization. If possible, it is necessary to ensure that the person himself want to be treated. Then there will be more chances.

To do this, it is better to apply for advice to the rehabilitation center, whose specialists will recommend how to influence an alcoholic, or come to the house and will be interconnected. Then should follow the treatment under the supervision of a narcologist, better in the hospital.

The most popular method for today is an alcohol-dependent method - the Minnesota anonymous program "12 steps", which involves working with the inner "I". Classes are held in group form, dependent are combined with a common misfortune. This creates an atmosphere of mutual support. Looking at the "brothers in misfortune", the alcoholic realizes that not one faced with a similar problem, it begins to better understand himself, finds and recognizes his own mistakes. The group becomes a medium for him, where he conducts "work on errors", finds support and draws strength to overcome the addiction.

If a person does not agree to the treatment, the native should be resorted to the perversive therapy. We will have to give an alcoholic without his knowledge drugs that can cause disgust for alcohol.

Such expressions as "alcoholism are incurable", "former alcoholics do not happen" - erroneous. Alcohol addiction can be defeated, you just need to notice the signs of its development in time and begin treatment.

How to understand that in front of you is an alcoholic?

The criteria of alcoholism are blurred and differ in different sources and in different countries. The authoritative American manual for the diagnosis and statistics of mental disorders, DSM-IV, distinguishes two problematic situations: alcohol abuse and dependence on it.

ABOUT abuse They speak in the context of social problems: this diagnosis is made, if a person from time to time neglects with its working responsibilities due to drunkenness, or falls into dangerous situations (for example, sitting behind the wheel in a drunk), or he has because of alcohol problems with Law, or he continues to drink, despite the deterioration of relationships with friends, family or colleagues.

Alcohol addiction It is determined by seven criteria, common to all psychoactive substances: tolerance, cancellation syndrome, uncontrolled use, unsuccessful attempts to reduce the amount of alcohol, a large amount of time spent on the search and consumption of alcohol, damage to the family, work or rest and continued use without amendments to problems with Health caused by alcohol. It is not necessary to recruit all seven criteria.

In Russian textbooks on narcology, the criteria are not so clearly formalized. Usually allocated three stages of alcoholism (Four, if you consider the "zero", in which a person is already seeking to eat alcohol, but calmly refrain from him when the situation does not contribute to drinking). Each is characterized by a flexible complex of parameters, but the most noticeable of them is suppressing a vomit reflex in the abuse of alcohol in the first stage of dependence, expressed by the abstineent syndrome and the need to "dream" in the second stage and the complete inability to feel coming out intoxication - on the third.

The development of each of them can take several years, and in the second stage, a person can fully cope with his work, and with the establishment of social connections, so that others may not consider it to be patients. Appropriate household criteria in order to understand that man alcoholic and for him no need to marry- This is a hangover, accompanied by a desire to drink more. A healthy person who fought on the eve and now cruelly suffers from headache and other unpleasant effects, the idea of \u200b\u200bdrinking a bottle of beer will be disgusted, because he is bad because he has become a blood alcohol in a poisonous aldehyde. Alcoholic has such an idea to enthusiasm, because he is bad due to the fact that alcohol in the blood ran out.

Another sign of alcoholism is ability to proper up to failures in memory. This is called alcoholic paletps, a person cannot reproduce the entire chain of events that happened to him during alcohol intoxication. It is important here that the appearance of paletmpes is one of the diagnostic criteria of alcoholism. They appear in the first stage of dependence and are aggravated by the second and third. A healthy person can not drink so much so that he has a palimpside, the vomit reflex will arise before.

How to prepance to white hot

With severe alcohol dependence, as it generally often happens with drug addiction, the needs of the remuneration system come into contradiction with the needs of the other parts of the brain and body. The person who has long and drinks a lot, pH blood shifts towards the acidification, and the content of ions and trace elements falls in it. This leads to the fact that the water goes out of the blood into the intercellular space, a person swells and sweats, his blood is thick, and the heart is very hard to drive it in the body, the pressure jumps, the head hurts. The liver does not cope with the load, its cells are dying, the body is poisoned not only by alcohol, but also the remains of their own deceased cells.

A person feels very badly, and he wants to drink even to be better than it. But after a few weeks or months of the feed, the body was poisoned so much that a person simply can no longer. He has to stop.

However, the brain during the swallowers is so accustomed to alcohol that its braking systems are practically ceased to work, and activation systems, on the contrary, work with all their might. At best, it simply leads to anxiety, fear and insomnia. But sometimes alcoholic delirium develops, he delirium tremens.

Supercpension of the brain against the background of disgusting well-being leads to very realistic and very frightening hallucinations, with whom the person begins to fight in the measure of his forces. Narcologist Pavel Oblostvenov (who helped me make this chapter relatively easily perceived and at the same time relatively correct) somehow once described the case from clinical practice on his blog.

They brought a patient to him, who calmly told the following story from life: she sat in the kitchen and did not touch anyone, as suddenly heard noise from the bathroom. I went to check and met a giant alien jelly-male there. In addition to the supreets, she had a member who was raped by a woman. Healthily reasoning that alien rubbish could infect her in some venereal disease, the woman boiled the water in the kettle and washed with steep boiling water. After that, the victim of White Goloti still decided to call the "ambulance", but "ambulance", having heard her story, brought her to a psychiatrist narcologist, who had to call his colleagues from the burn branch and retell this heartbreaking story.

When alcohol is useful

With careful use, alcohol is not such a bad thing. There are studies showing that moderate alcohol use is even more useful for health than complete abstinence from it.

The risk of coronary heart disease when you turn on alcohol in the menu drops by 30%, and the total mortality from all reasons is by about 18%. But it is about truly small doses: up to 14 g of pure ethanol per day for women and up to 28 g - for men. It corresponds to 100 or 200 ml of wine.

When leaving these limits, mortality will first increase to the same values \u200b\u200bas in absolute sober, and after 40 g of pure ethanol per day, drinking people become more susceptible to diseases than those who refrain from alcohol. In general, we can say that it is safe to drink safely, even if you do it every day, but it is harmful to drink a little, even if you rarely do it.

When can I get drunk?

There is a single situation when science permits to exceed the recommended dose. We are talking about a one-time admission of alcohol on the day of strong uncontrolled stress - the sudden tragic death of a loved one, parting with the beloved, loss of work and the like. In the textbook "Biology of Conduct" psycho-endocrinologist Dmitry Zhukova says that in this situation, the admission of alcohol reduces the likelihood of depression.

If this is so, then get drunk and in fact reasonable: depression really passes longer and is more painful than hangover. But, as far as I understand, it came to this conclusion of Zhukov, and no one checked him experimentally. It would be a rather complicated experiment scheme: I would have to take 100 subjects, to provide them with all difficult stress (for example, to persuade their spouses for the sake of science to suddenly submit for a divorce), half send to get drunk, the second half to keep in sobriety and after a few weeks to compare the frequency of development of depressive Episodes in both groups.

By itself, the idea that alcohol can have a soothing action, no doubt causes. In older (and already classic) works narcologist E.E. Bechtor notes that alcohol allowed volunteers to experience smaller fear and anxiety when receiving electric current discharges - such an experience in the laboratory is easier than experience with a destroyed life. But there is nothing good in this, because it is the desire to constantly reduce anxiety, apparently, and performs one of the key factors in the development of addiction.

Listing the features of the character associated with an increased risk of developing alcoholism, Bechel allocates such features as low stress resistance, reduced self-esteem, a high level of anxiety, the lack of a pronounced desire for work and the ability to organize an interesting vacation, incomplete assimilation of the moral and ethical standards adopted in the society. Hmm, it seems, I'm not bad for this description.

How are the alcoholics

Fortunately, the formation of alcoholism - the process is unprecedented, and it can be noticed, to realize and stop. The first disturbing call serves syndrome of the desirability of alcoholization: Thinking habit: "But it would be nice to go drink!" In all situations that pull on the occasion (Friday evening, Monday evening, success, failure, fatigue, vigor, acquaintance with the beautiful young lady, acquaintance with an unpleasant person, etc., etc.).

In parallel, in the case of regular drunkenness, begins to grow tolerance to alcohol: To achieve the same effect for which a liter of beer was needed, now you need to drink one and a half.

The next serious sign of approaching alcoholism is syndrome bonds intoxication. He manifests itself in the fact that a person is experiencing a distinct frustration, if the planned drunk is canceled or it has to stop over time. The future alcoholic has already configured, he has already anticipated, and he will make every effort to get drunk, and if it does not work, it will be annoyed and offended by the whole world.

Next stage - foresting phenomenon saturation: A person becomes noticeably more difficult to achieve the state of "Mom, I can't drink anymore!" - And at the same time he is discomfort, if it stops to get drunk earlier than it was still possible.

In general, if a person noticed even the very first of these signs, he makes sense to introduce dry law in his head and go to gain pleasure from something more useful - otherwise it may later be too late. This quagus sucks gently and slowly. Be careful, go away from the edge of the platform.

We are all accustomed to thinking that alcoholic is "it's not about me, yes I will bother at any time!" It would seem, yes. After all, according to medical definition, an alcoholic is called a person whose body depends on the constant flow of alcohol into it.

This is a chronic disease in which a person is not able to control the consumption of alcohol, even if it starts to create serious problems in personal relationships, at work and at home.

How does addiction arise?

Regular alcohol consumption violates the balance of chemicals in the brain. A complex medical explanation sounds like this: the balance of gamma-amine oil acid is disturbed, which controls the impulsivity, the glutamate that stimulates the nervous system, and the hormone of the pleasure of dopamine.

- Defamine's metabolism gradually changes in the centers of pleasure and centers of the award, and a person simply ceases to have fun without these substances, "explains the expert of the National Narcology Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Candidate of Medical Sciences Alexei Nadezhdin.

This leads to the fact that the human brain requires alcohol to get rid of unpleasant sensations and feel good.

Dependence may be genetic

Scientists allocate several signs that alcoholism may threaten:

1. Genetics.

There are specific genetic factors that make some people more prone to developing alcohol dependence. Those, in whose families there is a history of drug use or alcohol, become alcohol dependent in six times more often.

2. Early contact with alcohol.

The results of the study show that people who began to use alcohol to 15 years, more often suffer from alcoholism.

3. Smoking.

According to scientists, in five times more often, alcoholism is manifested in those who smoke at least sometimes.

4. Stresses.

Since stress hormones cause anxiety, a decrease in mood and performance, some people are trying to drink alcohol in an attempt to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

5. Wriveling for the company.

People who have friends regularly drink or already have alcohol problems, also begin to eat alcohol too often.

6. Depression.

People with depressive symptoms can consciously or not to eat alcohol as self-medication. But, as the research results show, the use of psychoactive substances leads to the risk of development of depression, and does not facilitate its symptoms.

Alcohol is often depicted by the attribute of the "beautiful" life. Experts believe that advertising alcohol and mention of him in a positive key in the media creates the confidence of the admissibility of excessive use of alcohol.

And now actually signs of alcoholism:

1. Wrinking alone.

A person stops looking for a company in order to drink, and can take any amount of alcohol alone with himself.

2. Clearly experienced desire to drink.

The reception of alcohol does not depend on the situations - the holiday or availability of the company - but is determined only by the need to adopt alcohol.

3. Blinking secret from friends and loved ones.

Frequent trips "to the country", "on a picnic", the appearance in the pockets of a large number of candies, chewing gum and means that are smelling alcohol.

4. Alcoholic "Stacks".

Hidden in secret places started bottles with alcohol, alcohol in an unusual container - plastic bottles, decanters or jugs.

5. No control of the amount of drunk.

A person takes alcohol until it is able to do it - that is, actually before poisoning. The sense of measure and the ability to refrain from the next winery is disappeared.

6. Dips in memory during drinking.

After rubbed, a person may not remember some of the events that occurred during alcohol intake.

7. The appearance of drinking rituals.

Alcohol consumption before or after work, while watching TV, "for appetite". A person annoys if the ritual fails to follow, or someone lets about their comments.

8. Loss of interest in your favorite classes.

A person forgets about the many years of hobby, ceases to care for pets, communicate with relatives, refuses traveling and traveling.

9. Aggression in relation to loved ones.

The intake of alcohol provokes quarrels, family scandals and aggressive actions towards friends and close.


Is it time to tie?

Learn it is very simple. Answer honestly a few simple questions:

- Have you ever had problems with the law in a drunken form? Deprivation of the rights for drunkenness driving, overnight in the detox, administrative or criminal offenses committed in a drunk ...

Human life is full of surprises and unexpected turns of fate. It is sometimes beautiful, sometimes demanding, sometimes there is a person for strength. She gives him the opportunity to feel the bitterness and despair so that he learned to appreciate happiness and joy. But not always and not all people today know how to deal with their failures on their own. Often they resort to the help of narcotic substances and alcohol in order to forget and distract from the worldly negative. And at that moment something is coming is that something is unnoticed, the fact that the unfortunate victim is not realized to the end. How to understand that you are an alcoholic?

The concept of alcoholism

Speaking about such a problem as alcoholism - and this is nothing more than a serious problem - it is necessary to consider it in the perspective of the pathological state of health, in which a person daily, every day, would like to use alcohol. This physical dependence on the desire to facilitate its experiences, if any, or immerse yourself in the mood of euphoric ecstasy, to which a person comes, skipping several cups of high-graduate drink. This is a snake who sits in the man's head and at the subconscious level pushes him to the next adoption of the "lifeful" dose. In the end, this is a serious illness that requires emergency intervention and immediate treatment.

Who is alcoholic

But how to understand that a person is an alcoholic? And who is an alcoholic in general? This is not just that unfortunate tramp without a permanent place of residence in torn dirty clothes with eternally, the SIZY is swollen face, which is constantly silent from the next "Nailivaki". An alcoholic can be quite healthy, educated, intelligent man, who does not suspect.

The desire to drink and bring the desire to action is synchronously, without postponing information about the fact that this is the first "disturbing bell". Some kind of life shot, divorce, financial inconsistency, loss of loved one - all this is accompanied by a bottle of whiskey or brandy, which over time becomes a kind of rescue circle for the suffering person. It is increasingly applied to a glass with a malicious drink, no longer distinguishing the time frame and the place of alcoholic violence over himself. He does not look at the fact that today is not Friday and not Saturday, that tomorrow you need to hurry to work, be fresh and vigorous, but it is not black. He is deeply convinced that such a booze is the so-called rehabilitation or a matter of peculiar therapy, or something. And in no way he thinks he will not be able to stop in time and what needs to be stopped in general, in principle. But alas, it is the deepest self-deception.

How to understand that you are an alcoholic

People very rarely come to the right conclusions in a timely manner and even less often can get out of the vicious circle of alcohol pops on their own. But how to understand that you are an alcoholic, not allowing diseases to the point of non-return? After all, it is not even necessary to be defeated in confusion or sadness on any occasion to "drink" thus their failures. It can occur both in moments of joy, and about it, and without. Especially dangerous such a moment for modern youth. Going on Friday night in a nightclub at a party, young people in order to use an entertainment high-graduate substance. Such a situation is also repeated in the evening of Saturday, because the weekend continues. Subsequently, the sharp need to consume on weekends, the same great way to "relax" and distract from gray everyday life and working problems.

Young people themselves do not notice how Friday and Saturday "Relaxation" are rapidly, repeating and on Wednesday while watching a football match under beer, and on Thursday about meeting with friends, and even on Sunday - after all, "Tomorrow will begin a new hard work week." . So, people are completely imperceptible to sickness under the name "Alcoholism". They don't even ask themselves for themselves about how to understand that you became an alcoholic. Although the answer to this question is quite simple: abstaining from alcohol during a couple of months or inability to refrain even a week from fraught potion will be able to find out who is who.

Symptomatics of alcoholism

Related people should take note of a number of factors that may indicate that their close fell into a trap called "Alcohol addiction". How to understand that the husband is an alcoholic? How to find out that a young son is overly fond of alcoholic beverages? How to protect the unmarried sister who saved depressed, from alcoholism? How to understand that alcoholic is you yourself? manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • the presence of a regular desire to drink regardless of whether there is a reason for this or it is missing;
  • it takes absolutely anyway, what a alcoholic drink drink, because it is not that he wants to enjoy the taste of real living beer or a high-quality cognac of many years of exposure, his main goal is to go to the euphoria of intoxication;
  • consistent mood swings from deep confusion in a sober state and to violent joy after drinking alcohol;
  • the appearance of a peculiar immunity to alcohol: increasing the resistance to large doses and constant increases;
  • the absence of vomit reflexes after consuming a large amount of alcohol;
  • manifestations of abstinence syndrome and the strongest hangover;
  • a noticeable degradation of the appearance: dry skin, extended veins on the limbs, yellowed eye proteins and the soaping capillaries in the orphanages, swelling and yellowness of the face, bruises under the eyes, tremor hands;
  • the deterioration of attitude towards your appearance, especially in women: negligent, fatigue on the face, a coarse voice.

Speaker Question to man: "How to understand, is I alcoholic?" - It is necessary to simply look into the mirror and analyze the listed signs. If symptoms converges, the affirmative verdict is obvious.

Causes of alcoholism

Why do people become alcoholics? It is mostly influenced by negative events that occurred in the life of a winding man on the eve:

  • divorce or parting with a loved one - she is from massive reasons why people hit the alcoholic "marathon";
  • loss of ability due to physical injuries - many people, becoming disabled, are very hard to transfer such an incident in their lives, so they turn to alcohol to at least somehow forget;
  • the loss of a loved one is even more frequent cases of people's appeal to the filings are the result of the death or death of someone from their relatives;
  • financial failure - it often happens that the ex-weaving rather secure people sharply become bankrupts or lose their savings due to the loss of work, and then another bottle of high-modes alcohol becomes another for a long time;
  • weavolois - sometimes the cause of alcoholism becomes the most ordinary inability of a person to resist the desire to drink, even if there are no special causes.

The listed prerequisites for disinfectants explain the initial reason for the formation of a person addicted to a combination with symptomatic features. How to understand that you are an alcoholic? It is enough to analyze the previously preceding events and compare your behavior with the listed symptoms.

Consequences of alcohol addiction

Many abuse alcohol, but not everyone is thinking about the consequences. And they are sufficiently unpleasant, and sometimes scary. How can alcoholism can bring?

  • The deterioration of the psycho-emotional state is the man becomes irritable, emotionally excited, insomnia is tormented and permanent inappropriate.
  • A detrimental effect on the nervous system - alcohol destroys the cells of the brain, spreading their activities and for nerve endings. A person has tremor hands and a motility worsens.
  • Negative impact on the cardiovascular system - many fed representatives are often observed with heart attacks and strokes.
  • Localization of the reproductive system - constantly consisting women's beer reduce the opportunity to become moms, and men have initial signs of sexual dysfunction.

Help relatives

Native and close people are the only rescue circle for those who have become alcohol dependent on alcohol. How to understand that the guy is an alcoholic? How to help him get out of the cobweb of alcohol proliferations? Only patience, zeal and a great desire to help affect the situation and cope with unpleasant for a person and his surroundings are ailment.

The complex struggle with alcoholism should include several of the most important aspects, namely:

  • family intervention - only relatives can affect an alcoholic and help him get out of the "alcohol pit";
  • mandatory hospitalization - medical assistance and long-term therapy with coding are simply necessary in particularly launched cases;
  • the desire of the Alcoholic itself is only the one who seeks to cope with their illness, and does not try to indulge in it, maybe overcome pathology called "Alcoholism".

"All happy families are equally the same, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way," the wise words of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, who very true emphasized the realities of life.

Today, the problem of alcoholism is especially acute, despite the number of "saviors" growing in geometric progression: grandmothers, healers, signs, doctors, representatives of private clinics, etc. However, more and more families continue to collapse, more and more children remain orphans, and women drift on the verge of divorce or save. Most often, men suffer from alcoholism, and women are in the role of victims. An alcoholic husband in the family is a grief, and for all: wives, children and his own.

Alcoholic husband - Fate or own wine?

Those who have never turned out in a similar situation, exclaim: "She does not appreciate himself! How can I live with an alcoholic? So I would ... " However, those women who at least once had such a sad experience know how difficult and morally tearing such painful relations, especially if there are children in the family. Such women take on the role of a man in the house, hammering on their fragile shoulders all the troubles and solving problems, feeling their savior, and in the evening, shed tears in the pillow. They are deeply unhappy, it is read in their glance, complete hopelessness and hope that the alcoholic husband is taught. However, as life shows, most people suffering from alcoholism do not change their lifestyle.

There are women who are driving a relationship with alcoholics men throughout their lives. Of course, in this case, you need to go to a psychologist, because, first of all, she herself must solve this problem and find out why it pulls it precisely to such men. Remember, lovely women, there is no such thing as "fate live with an alcoholic, because we are the forges of our destinies, and if there is a problem, it is necessary to look for its reasons, first of all in yourself. I had to see a lot of women who were able to change such "fate", today they are happy in new relations and do not even remember this sad experience of life with an alcoholic.

How to understand what your husband / boy is alcoholic or is already close to this?

Alcoholism in the family is a serious problem, which, besides the destruction of relations between spouses, entails many other, no less poor consequences. That is why, when once again, the spouse or guy begins to demand to drink something alcohol "for appetite," think about that it can entail. The earlier start to beat the alarm, the more chances will save the family and the relationship.

I want to talk about a letter from one of my subscribers - Olga, who was in a difficult situation.

But recently, I completely accidentally discovered that he enters 100 grams into the local eatery before work, and then rides. After that, it began to pay attention already specifically, my fears were confirmed - he could not live without vodka, he drinks even himself, I'm shocked. I began to prohibit drinking, he began to insult me \u200b\u200band even to spread his hands, which was not found before him. How could I live with this man for 15 years without noticing his dependence? Tell me what to do, how to do with it? I do not want to divorce, we live in his apartment.

I sincerely sorry Olga, because such situations happen very often. Perhaps if she had previously could see the alarming bells, everything could be different.

So, begin to beat the alarm if:

Here are the basic signs that a person can be inclined to alcoholism.

What if you have noticed at least a few signs from your husband or a guy?

If you noticed any of the above signs, then starting to be alarming until it's too late. This is a reason to turn to a narcologist, which has a good reputation in working with similar patients. If the financial situation leaves much to be desired, then you can contact a group of anonymous alcoholics. Russia has many charitable organizations that help to deal with this problem.

If nothing helps, and the man continues to drink, making the impossible family life, bringing suffering to children and relatives, immediately leave him.

If you accompany the painful relationships all my life, which nothing but disappointment do not bring, and you do not know what the reason, I will tell you how to get rid of painful connections and, which will make you happy and will get rid of disappointments.

There are several stages of alcohol addiction, so it is necessary to know all signs of alcoholism in a man in a timely manner. Since the disease itself is inclined to their chronic flow, the patient and its close surrounding is required immediately. Otherwise, pronounced signs of alcoholic are fraught with the most irreversible consequences for already shameless health.

What is alcoholism

Alco-dependence is the pathological condition of the body, in which the alcoholic was addicted to alcoholic beverages, and their regular paint made the norm of his daily life. Drinking gradually destroys the internal organs and systems, violates the functionality of the entire body. The consequences of alcohol are irreversible, especially if we are talking about chronic dependence. If there is a lot and often drink, hallucinations begin, and in the behavior of the alcoholic aggression is traced. The degree of severity of signs depends on the stage of alcoholism.


Not only the internal state of the body depends on the amount of drinking alcohol, but also the degree of development of intelligence. Vodka contributes to the degradation of the person, and the person gradually turns into a "vegetable". If during the feast, not to know the sense of measure, alcoholism develops, the signs of which are rapidly growing. The disease starts from the first stage, which is characterized by the following changes in general well-being and everyday behavior:

  • wish to shackle;
  • rudeness in behavior;
  • vomit reflex on large doses of alcohol;
  • forgetfulness, disadvantage;
  • libido reduction, impotence;
  • irritability, pickiness to small things;
  • the tendency to melancholy, depression.

The second stage of alcoholism is characterized by the following signs:

  • sleepy state;
  • frequent attacks of aggression;
  • tremor of the upper limbs;
  • edema of the limbs;
  • round-the-clock pullout thrust;
  • physical addiction;
  • improved alcohol portability.

For the third stage of alcoholism, men are obvious signs of liver cirrhosis, amnesia attacks, full exhaustion of the body, the absence of vomiting when painting large doses of alcohol, paranoia, global problems with potency, failures in memory and mental disorders. It is almost impossible to cure such pathological changes in the men's organism, and among the complications, doctors do not exclude a sustainable fatal outcome.


If the symptoms of alcoholism in men are defined in a timely manner, and the main provocation factor is derived from a person's life, intoxication products gradually come out of the body. The liver parenchyma is prone to self-healing, but additional drug therapy is needed to the patient. If the signs of alcoholism in a man remain without attention, and the days will be afraid of the principle: "There is no reason not to drink", first developing cirrhosis of the liver, and then the patient dies in a relatively young age.

Signs of alcoholism in men

If drinking surrogate, the liver is destroyed much faster, the last stage of alcoholism progresses. Therefore, control is needed not only by the amount of drunk, but also for quality. If there are signs of a hangover in the morning, a bad sign, since it immediately wants to dreamed. Not all men understand that they become frequent participants in mass drunkenness, they consider such a walking of the norm and favorite entertainment in the circle of friends. The problem with health is allowed to react in a timely manner, otherwise being trouble.


The characteristic signs of beer alcoholism in men are an alarming bell that a detrimental dependence is formed in a person's life. This is not a chronic drunkenness and immoral behavior, but no longer the norm. It is difficult for a person alone to recognize the presence of the problem, but his closest surroundings should pay attention to such signs of a hidden illness:

  • frequent desire to drink;
  • thumping syndrome;
  • search for a reason for drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • irritable state;
  • sharp mood swings.


There are also external signs of alcoholism, with the appearance of which one can judge the progressive problem in the life of a man. You can just look at the person and according to the features of his appearance to make logical conclusions that it is a chronic alcoholic. In fact, it is easier to make it simple, especially if the following signs of a characteristic ailment are present:

  • eyefather of the face - lips, cheeks, chin;
  • tremor of the upper limbs;
  • reduced muscle tone;
  • bags, dark circles under the eyes;
  • sonishness of lips and skin.

Signs of beer alcoholism

It is easier to determine the symptoms of such dangerous pathology, since in most clinical paintings the patient is in consciousness, gives a partial report to everything that happens around. From sober people, it is distinguished by the beer belly, the frequent attacks of heartburn and the unpleasant smell of mouth. Other symptoms only confirm the guesses of the nearest environment. More often it:

  • the use of beer in large quantities;
  • periodic problems with potency;
  • fudgeted attacks of migraine;
  • disturbed sweating when the beer fails;
  • emotionally unstable state.

Signs of Zavoy

If the alcoholic went into pie, the signs of the characteristic state can be classified as inadequate behavior, confusion, incoherent speech and pronounced attacks of aggression. A man does not understand what is happening, and where he is, moreover, there will not recognize the once native and close faces. Abuse of alcoholic beverages is replaced daily by hangover syndrome, and such a state can continue up to 2 weeks.

Signs of chronic alcoholism

To identify an "alcoholic with experience" will not be great, since the enean-dependent men have a compacted skin structure and its characteristic shade. In addition, scares the outflowed eye color, tremor limbs, the presence of pigmentation foci on the top layer of the epidermis. With alcoholism, men have internal pathological processes. It:

  • liver destruction;
  • changing the chemical composition of blood;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • identity degradation;
  • reduction of intelligence functions;
  • aggravation of chronic organism diseases;
  • frequent failures in memory.

Test for alcoholism for men

To determine the presence of alcohol addiction, it is recommended to perform a laboratory test of blood. Although in most clinical paintings of the collection data of the history of more than abused man's final diagnosis. In addition, modern scientists KK, Yakhin and V.D. Mendelievich was the development of a special method of control, according to which alcoholism can be recognized in the body at an early stage. The patient must be answered by a few questions, after which the specialist will make conclusions about the threat of alcoholism.

It is difficult to be objective when you need to understand whether there is a problem with drinking you or your second half. Emotions are excavated, a logical explanation and denials are confused and, it seems, it is difficult to carry out a clear line between what is still acceptable and the fact that it has already come too far. Let us give the 10 most important alarming features that can be a serious reason for concern.

1. Deception or concealment of alcohol

Negiation - the usual case for a person with alcohol problems. Alcoholics can either hide the fact that the fact of use can or the smallest amount of drunk. This is a concerning factor in the presence of a serious problem.

2. Drinking alcohol to relax or feel better

Almost all people fighting alcohol addiction do not recognize that alcohol is the root cause of their emotional problems. Resorting to alcohol as facilitating negative feelings, such as stress, depression or anxiety - is a risky habit. The resulting "relief" brings only a temporary effect, in the future the situation is exacerbated. If a larger amount of alcohol you drink either in a stressful situation, or to feel truly relaxed - this is a serious sign that alcohol acts as your emotional crutch.

3. Regular "Disable"

The next call is that you have alcohol problems are the use of a large amount of alcohol to a state when you do not remember what happened to you. Simply put, you regularly overdo it. If you notice that this happens to you or with someone from your loved ones, ask the question: What is the reason for such excessiveness? It is clear that you do it not for fun. Try to figure out what is the reason?

4. The inability to stop after you started

If you always empty an open bottle of wine or drink all available beer in the house, this is another sign that the situation with alcohol comes out of control and, perhaps you have a problem.

5. Drinking alcohol in a dangerous atmosphere

You drink when it is inappropriate. For example, before going to work, before traveling in the car, neglecting the prohibition of your doctor or during the reception of drugs. This is another sign that you have a problem. Regularly risking life, you must clearly realize that alcohol for you in the first place.

6. Neglect of your duties

If you have started problems with work or study, if you drink instead of climbing the house or cook dinner, you have a problem. Alcohol has already switched to the line when you could occasionally afford to drink: now he is seriously affected by your life.

7. Relationship problems

Directly related to the previous paragraph. If the problems with alcohol affect your relationship with friends, a close person, family and relatives are the symptom that alcohol has the greatest priority in your life, overweight even the most important people. The last two points are characteristic of any type of dependence. This may mean that you are already outside the stage of an ordinary amateur to drink, inevitably moving towards alcoholism.

8. Alcohol tolerance

Alcohol tolerance is still the cause of dependence. If you need to reach the desired effect, you need to drink more than you drink usually and your dose is growing steadily - this is a clear sign that you become an alcoholic.

9. Abstineent syndrome

Do you know what the difference between the cancellation syndrome from the ordinary hangover? With an abstineent syndrome, there is no possibility to drink, you feel strong irritation, depression, fatigue, depression, nausea and anxiety. Other signs are problems with sleep, the loss of appetite, the feeling of trembling and tremor in the body.

10. Infertility attempts to quit

If you (or someone who cares about you) realized that the drink had already become a problem, but attempts to abandon alcohol did not lead to anything, you should seriously think about

Please note if you have one of the above signs, it does not mean that you are addicted to alcohol or are an alcoholic. But if you marked or your close person a few signs, then perhaps your fascination with alcohol has gone too far. The presence in the history of the last five items eloquently suggest that you are a dependent alcoholic, and not drinking occasionally.

Perhaps ahead of you awaits not an easy way, but one day you will understand that the day came when the life began to change for the better.

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