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I threw my wife how to deal with a protracted depression. What if I threw my wife? Exit from depressive condition and new life

A man does not always come well with his woman. And the modern woman has the right to stay with her husband or leave him. If the wife threw, and the man understood that he lost a valuable person for himself, then his question arises what to do to bring her back ..

So the wife is gone. The first question to which you want to answer is: why? What prompted a woman to leave the husband, whom she once loved, respected, trusted? And here can actually be a lot of reasons:

  1. She sobbed, so she went to another.
  2. She sobbed her husband, so she went into her free swimming.
  3. She is tired of problems in their relationship.
  4. She could not forgive her husband's treason.
  5. She is tired of family life. There are such women who, in principle, cannot live in a family.
  6. She is tired Ot
  7. She is tired of everyday problems. Either she is tired of life, which she is doing all the time, or she is tired of financial poverty, so wishes to find a richer prince.

This list is incomplete. It should be understood that women have often not alone, but several reasons, because of which they break up with husbands. And here you need to know that all the causes of divorce concern the men themselves. This husbands created such conditions in relations in which the wives cannot be. Despite the fact that women are more inclined to endure and sacrifice themselves for the sake of family, in some cases the family is not worth the victims to which the lady is going.

All to quit for love

Many people love and know how to be selfless. It seems to them that if they donate all for the sake of love, then their second half will follow the same example, and life will reward positive surprises. But reality differs from those ideas that people themselves draw in the head as a result of numerous views of soap series and romantic films. And if you decide to quit everything for love, it is better to think about whether this love can require victims from you.

What does it mean "all to quit for love"? This is the fact that a person refuses everything he had in his life to satisfy the desires of his second half, which is jealous, nervous or just wants her beloved (beloved) to obey and be controlled. Many people go to such sacrifices: they challenge, refuse friends, cease to communicate with relatives. But all these limitations and concentration on a beloved person do not bring the desired results. It does not become more sincere and strong.

Often, in such situations, the "self-sacrifice" faces the fact that all his efforts are not just not coming, but also do not cause a response to anything. Not only have you abandoned everything that had before the start of the relationship, so you also notice that you cease to appreciate, respect, listen. You just command, require something. And love, happiness, joyful moments is becoming less and less. Naturally, as a result of such a state of affairs, you can feel unhappy, fall into depression. And this is all the result of what you all threw the sake of love.

To begin with, you are invited to understand the true meaning of love to realize that the real feeling never requires the victims of the victims. Like real beauty and real love does not wait until you narrow all your world to one person. Love does not require victims. Moreover, she, on the contrary, fuses if you stop living as they lived before it appears. After all, if you do not live, do not rejoice not only to your beloved person, but also yourself, your activities, friends, etc., then love in you can not be. Therefore, you should not go to stupid sacrifices that only destroy your relationship. To do this, you should remember yourself, about your desires, needs and just start living, to do something, get carried away.

First steps towards reconciliation

So, the wife left, so you decided to return it. First, think carefully: Do you really need a wife to return? Maybe this is a gift of fate that the wife herself decided to give you freedom. Perhaps she did the right thing that broke up with you. Now you and she will live happily each other.

But if you still understand that you can't live without your wife, you really love her, then it may be the only reason for her return. If you want a wife to take revenge or cause her pain, then it should not return better. Go to your beloved only from the feeling of love and respect, and not anger.

What could be your first steps towards reconciliation?

  1. Do not be too good. Despite the fact that you want to make it with my wife, do not forget about your self-esteem. Do not humiliate, do not agree absolutely for all inconceivable return conditions. No need to go on my wife. If she wants to humiliate you while you return it, she doesn't love you. Hold on your wife on a par, otherwise think again how much you need it.
  2. Do not fall asleep former gifts. Of course, pleasant surprises do need. But do it exclusively from the sense of sympathy for it. No need to ask gifts your favorite. You buy it in this way. If she comes back to you because you quarrel with money, think about whether it loves you specifically. Perhaps you need her while you have money to which she can buy a lot of different things.
  3. Decide the problem. Wife left not just so, but because. What a problem in your relationship arose, because of what you quarreled, and the wife left you? Think how to solve this problem. And these options should consider the wishes of your wife. If during a quarrel you insisted in your opinion (and the wife is on your own), now think about how your wishes to combine so that the problem is solved most advantageous for you both. No need to infringe on your interests, but also about women's wishes should not forget.
  4. Do not talk about your love without silence. You can confess my wife in love, but it is better to do it once. It is enough that you are trying to return my wife - it already talks about your love for her. If you start talking about your love, that you can't live without my wife and the day, then we will show yourself a person addicted to her. She will sit on your neck in the end.
  5. Do not give power over your life. Wives have a tendency to believe if they are returned, it means they won. No, do not let the women of this! You will return not to become a "dog" in your hands, but because you wish to build an equal relationship with it. If a woman is trying to manage and disappear, then show her that you are not ready to go.
  6. Do not reject the help that will contribute to the return of relationships. It may be help from girlfriends and even native wife. It may be a friend's help who will talk to your wife. If you know that the wife appreciates someone's opinion, then you can get the support of this person.

Parting Ponaroshka

The following question remains a very important point: the wife broke up seriously or ponamosh? Women have such a feature, how to punish men with "deprivation". If a man did not bought a fur coat, then the woman does not sleep with him. If a man did not give his wife to a restaurant, she can't cook him. If a man shouted on his wife, she threw him.

In other words, wives often do not really leave for a real one, but a ponarone. A man behaves badly, leans from work on home, Grubits, pays little attention, has bad habits ... The woman soon decides to punish him, allowing the situation in its favor. One of the most erroneous solutions that she can accept for himself is a ponaroshka.

Soft methods do not help and seem ineffective, and the woman resorts to at least. She tells a man that parted with him, since he does not make something that proudly slams the door and leaves. In fact, a woman is not going to part with his beloved, she just wants to scare him and make it do in his own way. Both lovers cannot live a friend without a friend, so when the time of boredom and longing comes, they will be laid, agreeing with all the wishes. But such a happy outcome can not always happen. If such a method is used pretty often, a man may not want to more return his beloved back.

The separation method is not always an effective and only way to achieve the desired one. Sooner or later, this game can lead to undesirable consequences. After all, how can a woman allow her husband to suffer and nervous? Can we talk about love here?

What can be the negative consequences of a female game in a ponarow?

  • A man will believe that she is bad with him, and leaves to give her a chance to build his happiness with another man.
  • If a man understands that this is just a game, then he will not do anything until the woman returns. But in this case it will be stupid and sorry to look only she.
  • A man can return his wife back, but this result will be temporary. Subconsciously, he will understand that since he managed to return it once, hence, and for the second time he will succeed. He feels that the wife is only playing, so the next time the "number with parting a ponaroshka" will not pass.
  • A man truly dispelled with a woman, but she will not know about it. There will be something like a "hanging" state. The wife will assume that a man comes to put up to her, but as soon as he notices that immediately after he received everything from her, which he wanted. In this case, a man comes to a woman when he needs something from her, but the relationship no longer restores.

Parting Ponaroshka is an effective method for only the first time. After that, serious changes may occur in the minds of a man, after which it will drastically change his attitude towards a woman. Therefore, to solve conflict situations, it is better to choose other methods and methods: the presentation of claims, conversations, requests, and so on.

If you guess and are convinced that the wife broke up with you, then it is very easy to act here: wait until my wife comes to you. In fact, the woman did not leave you, but simply demonstratively offended and waiting for you to shivery for her knees to push forgiveness and agree on all its conditions. It is not necessary to do anything like this.

  • If you want a passionate, then come to my wife with flowers, with words about love, even wait on the lap, so that she felt the queen and became predisposed to surrender to you.
  • But if you are not playing a relationship, and intend to build a serious union in which a man and a woman will be present - equal partners, then let the wife stay alone and come to you when she wants himself.

Believe me if the wife broke up with you, then she will not go anywhere. Breaking and will come. If the wife is so proud and not loving you, that will go to walk with other men, perhaps you already put the question about divorce. Then she commemorates themselves to you to make up and sue all sins.

Parting the first, my wife does not intend to throw you. She just thus punishes you, trying to make you do what she wants.


Not only husbands are thrown wives, but the opposite. Motives and reasons in each case are different. Here you need to look at the situation separately and take those solutions that will help keep your face and return your wife at the same time.

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Everyone knows that the perception of the life of men and women is radically different.

Men perceive family relationships in their own, and women see it in their light.

And it seems that everything is fine. Life flows by its move, quietly and calmly until the trouble happens - the wife leaves the house. Initially, a man cannot understand what happened and why. Then slowly comes to himself, and does not know how to react to what is happening

7 Causes of care

If the wife left the house, then there were reasons for it. Before making some conclusions, find out the true causes of her care. Most likely, a woman called the reason why he no longer wants to stay in this house. If you analyze your conversations or scandals, you will certainly understand why she did this.

  • Tired all pull on yourself.

It is no secret that in the modern world on the fragile shoulders of the woman lies care more than she can carry. Work, monitor the house, cook for a family and raise children - Nosa, unbearable for a beautiful floor. Woman created by fragile. And if she has to drag more laid, it can break. Women's fatigue develops in irritability and discontent. For some time she tolerates until he explored. Child this explosion is extremely difficult. Often, its action is irretrievable. If the edge of the patience of the woman came, considerable efforts will be required to take the broken.

  • Lack of understanding.

A woman needs to communicate and understand the spouse.

If a man does not communicate with his beloved, then she begins to feel lonely, while some other man will not fill her soulful loss.

Women can not live without communication. Stupid men neglect by this, and wise - successfully enjoy.

  • No help.

The worst thing for a woman is loneliness. If it begins to feel like this, then the search for an object is automatically turned on, which could fill the resulting hole. She is looking for a friend rather than a lover.

If you did not become another my wife, it will destroy your relationship.

The lack of help in household matters, participation in her life, the disinterest of her personality and hobbies - these are the reasons for which she decided to abandon relationships with you. The most interesting thing is that the man will be near, who fully gives it to her what she needs.

And then do not blame the other, because you could not or did not want to give it what she is worthy.

  • Your wife does not feel that you love her.

When was the last time you gave her flowers? And did they make gifts or drove into a cinema? You will answer that all this did when they met with her. Before your first child appeared, and before the mortgage was drawn to the apartment.

For a woman there is no difference, you meet her week or married 10 years. She is still, as and 10 years ago, wants to feel his beloved and desirable.

How long have you said that you love her? Do you often spend time with her and children? Or are employed so much that time for sleep is missing? Having earned all the money of the world, you lose your family, if you do not give love and do not develop relationships.

Most families rushes due to the fact that there is absolutely no relationship between her husband and wife. They work, hurry, run, and occur closer to night. And there is no time to talk, because after a few hours to work again.

Determine priorities. If the wife is more important than work and relationship with it - the real value, it's time to change everything in your life.

  • You have become other people's people.

This comes from the fact that you rarely have at home. Different interests, rare communication, various friends. Each spouse begins to line up his life, independent of the other. And in the end you begin to feel others.

  • No good sex.

If you think that sex is important for men, and women don't care, you are mistaken.

The reason for 50% of divorces is the absence of sex.

Women need to satisfy physical needs as well as men. And sometimes, the appetites of women are difficult to quench, and it begins to seek satisfaction on the side.

Remember the golden rule: satisfied woman - happy woman.

You must always work on the item:

Often, men sit at home and sleep until lunch, while their married women are running on two works. No matter how the men did not deny, but they are the breadmen and hunters. In the time of primitive, the women sat in the caves, and engaged in children while their husbands hunted and brought food. If the partners change social roles, there is a change in relationships. A woman stops depending on the man and tries to dominate, in every way showing his superiority. This negatively affects family relationships.

How to take this fact

Sometimes a man never thinks that the wife can ever leave such a "ideal" man and leave in another direction. But if this happened, accept this fact. Not the time to go out of myself and smash furniture in the house. Stop and calm down.

The rampant deeds will exacerbate your relationship, and the planned methods on the return of the wife will give you a chance to restore the family.

The first thing you need to decide for yourself, are you ready to fight for my wife? There are considerable efforts to return the woman with whom you lived in marriage.

Decision to change your life

To return your favorite woman, first of all, you need to admit that it was not right.

The awareness of their guilt will help forget about the resentment and pride. It sabs and make you think: "What did I do wrong?".

If the wife left you, then it does not suit how things are. Only changed and realizing the mistakes, you can return it.

And if you still think that in all right, and all the "sins of the world" should lie on her head, change, unfortunately, you will not succeed. The decision to change your life is the first key to family recovery.

How to find an approach to a woman

  • A woman wants to feel all the time in the spotlight. And there is no difference, she is 10 years old or 50, she is still a woman. Inside each lady sits a princess that requires attention and adoration. Only so woman feels truly happy.
  • Each of the representatives of weak gender needs communication. It is like air. If a woman is deprived of communication, she will begin to go out every day, and you will not have time to blink, as she will collect her things and move towards her mother.
  • Women are conflicting nature. If a man is quite successive and straightforward, possessing basically logical thinking, then there is no rules for thinking and behavior of women. The rules it comes up with the move, depending on the mood and condition of the soul. A woman can say "no", which does not always mean "no", but rather "yes" or "don't know." Then change your mind, offended by the fact that you do not understand her from half off and talk again.

Sometimes men take their heads from what women do not understand. They can not imagine what is happening in this little head, and what the sequence of her thoughts. This understanding will help you do not in the head of a woman and pay attention to non-verbal gestures (smile, glances, facial people).

How to return your loved one

If you love your wife and are ready to go to everything to be again with you, first of all, forget about pride. This trait is not useful to you.

  • Accept her decision to leave. And it does not matter that you disagree with her, and you think differently. When you respect her opinion, you give her the opportunity to feel independent. At this point, she will be able to objectively assess the situation.
  • Forget about the insulted and unpleasant words that the wife said in your address. Mutual accusations do not decide the case, but only aggravate the situation. Harmony often prevents soberly thinking, and the self-sufficiency is triggered. Now not the time to regret yourself, time to act.
  • Let her understand that you are the best man on the planet.If you return faith in yourself as in a man, she will be with you again.

The basis of a happy relationship with a woman is her faith in what she is with the best man.

  • Forget about reproach, whining and threats. These are the enemies number one.
  • Do not leave a woman for a long time. Sometimes men think that a woman needs to give a month to think that she realize that he made a mistake, and now ready to return. So think men. As for women, the situation here is directly opposite - do not leave a woman for a long time. During this time, she will marry alone even more and decides in his little head such that it will be much more difficult to unrest than to twist the ocean. Try to be near, show your wife that she can count on you at any time.
  • Acts, and again a deed. A woman assesses a man not according to, but on affairs. Often it is waiting for some unpredictable actions from the man. Something that will turn its world and ideas about the husband with legs. Remember youth, and send her a huge bouquet of flowers by courier mail. Or bring a huge teddy bear to her door. Shlit letters, throwing multicolored envelopes in the mailbox. It is the mailbox, and not SMS or messages in Viber. She is waiting for actions that will cost for you effort, money and time.

Simple, banal SMS: "Return, I will still forgive" and "love you" may not bring the desired result. And if you buy a expensive dress about which she dreamed of, climbing the third floor on the balcony with an oakhaw flowers and balls, or buy a ticket to exotic countries for her and a child, such an act will appreciate.

You yourself know about the unfulfilled dreams of your wife and its preferences. Perform her cherished dream, and you will see how her heart will begin to melt.



If love is still burning in your heart, and your wife is the very half, without which you do not imagine your life, it is worth "rolling the sleeves" and prove your love to her. Not as you do it usually. Show patience and tenderness to a woman whose heart once you have already won. While there is still love, there is a chance to return your loved one.

When two people who loving each other are part of each other, it is always painful and unpleasant. Especially if married couple decays. And whoever is to blame, both people suffer. A woman is easier to express their emotions: she can openly show their experiences and tears. The man in this regard is more difficult, because they cry and suffer from everyone out of men. Although a man suffers no less than a woman, and sometimes it is given to him harder, for example, if his wife was abandoned, and he was not the initiator of the gap.

If the wife threw - a comment of the psychologist

All psychologists in one voice say: the wife will just never go away, there is a serious reason for it. Also, a woman will never throw a spouse spontaneously, most often, this is a thoughtful decision that matured in the head for more than one month. Care from the husband is a significant change in life, and after all, for women, the celers of the hearth is very important to have a family, their own corner, established life. Very difficult to throw everything at one moment.

All women in such difficult moments think first of all about children. Therefore, the wife can tolerate a lot: treason, borrowed, physical violence, before you leave forever. It seems to her that for children the main thing is a full-fledged family.

Also, many women simply have nowhere to leave, especially those who married in her youth without receiving education. Having devoted himself to home and family, the woman faces that in the event of a divorce, she has nowhere to go, there is nowhere to live and no place to work.

If the wife threw her husband, it means that there was not everything smoothly in family relationships, and most likely a husband knew about it. Of course, his fault is that he did not attach importance to problems, most likely, he argued that his wife was not going anywhere. And maybe simply did not perceive them seriously.

How to behave if the wife threw

But here's the accomplishment: the wife threw you. All women do it in different ways: someone leaves the scandal, loudly slamming the door, before that, breaking all the dishes in the house, someone is taught, leaving a note (some and notes are left), and someone finds the strength break up calmly. But whatever the departure of the wife, you need to keep composure. In no case do not need:

  • roll scandals;
  • apply physical violence;
  • threaten;
  • to humiliate and begging to return;
  • solve alcohol problems.

It is necessary to wait for a while, to give an opportunity to come to yourself, cool, think well and take a solid solution: what to do next. If you think that your family still has a chance, then you need to use it. After all, what a wife threw you, does not yet mean that they have cooled feelings. It may be, for her it is a way to make you think and realize your mistakes. If there is no hope for a family recovery, then the best way out is to save good relations with each other, because if there are common children, communicate and meet all life.

Well, and when at least a month passes, you can proceed to decisive actions to return my wife. First of all, you need to ask a question, why did the wife go? As already mentioned, the woman will not leave just so from the family where she was happy. So, you need to look for the cause, though, for sure, it is known. Women throws their men for the following reasons:

  • Lack of mutual understanding. Invulsion to agree, the lack of common interests lead to quarrels, and in the end and to the divorce.
  • Muga alcoholism - This is a problem, because of which not one family collapsed.
  • Physical violence. This problem as a result follows from the previous one - addiction to alcohol. Przresvev, a man repents and asks for forgiveness, but then everything is repeated again, and in the soul of a woman there are resentment, which lead to the fact that it leaves the family. But also violence can also apply a non-drinking man, just rude by its nature.
  • Financial difficulties, The reluctance of her husband to solve sooner or later serve as a divorce.
  • Excessive jealousy And the control of the husband is for the manifestation of disrespect and distrust.
  • Problems in intimate life. After years, the passion passes, sexual life becomes monotonous, in connection with this, the spouses are distinguished from each other and even the relationship between the relationship on the side.
  • Treason husband. Some women can endure the spouses on the side of the whole life, and some are unable to forgive them.
  • Love wife. Bentily, but there are cases when the wife turns the lover, whom he falls in love and goes just to him. In this case, return the wife is much more complicated.

Often, all these reasons flow out one of the other. Thus, alcoholism leads violence, misunderstanding, problems in sex, treason.

Of course, everyone has their own individual relations and the reason is also individual. Based on this reason, and you need to look for a way out of the current situation.

It should be understood that if the wife threw you for one reason or another, it will return only if you change. Relationships in this case will have to be built differently. If you are ready to go to change in yourself, listen to your wife's desires, then dare! At such a moment you need to remember that the main thing is to preserve the family, so the pride is not comrade here. If it is difficult to restructure, change, it will not hurt to turn to a psychologist who will help. The wife will not return to the man from which she left, so the need to change is obvious.

If you understand that the wife does not return, then in any case you need to reason soberly. Not a place of jealousy and anger - these emotions can push into desperate actions and not even a crime.

It is necessary to remain a man in any case, one cannot be weak, it will disappoint your wife. And there is a weakness in threats, blackmail, scandals, persecution and humiliation.

It is necessary to respect the decision of the wife, even if she threw you for the sake of another man. Maybe, it is your peace of mind and friendly behavior will help her understand what you need to return.

Perhaps the departure of his wife is a manifestation of a crisis in family relationships, and not still lost, so you need to just work on your mistakes to avoid them in the future. For his happiness you need to fight - if you sit, folded your hands, then save the family will not work.

Men rarely appeal for help after gap with his wife. This is not due to the fact that men are not thrown. There are biological and social factors here. Science is aware that the woman loves stronger than a man, but calms down when she is thrown, faster than a man.

This is due to the fact that men are introverts by their nature, that is, the principles of which they live, they change slowly, and their behavior is determined by internal ideas.

But if it is changed, then he will immediately begin to come in accordance with them. And it is already difficult to knock him down the path. Women in nature are usually extroverts, that is, their behavior is rather determined by external ideas. It is easier for her to go to some other way.

From the point of view of society, this is due to the fact that when a man throws his wife, a woman sympathize with men and women. And when a woman throws a man, men and women laugh above him.

That's why a man will rather end the life of suicide than to complain. And in vain! He can help. But all this is statistics. In real life, the opposite happens.

Sample work with a man who threw a wife

I here are quite detailed by the technique of working with a man who threw a wife. With this man, I mostly rewrite, occasionally called back, but I did not see him in my eyes. Here I am now and publish this correspondence. In the course of the case I will insert my comments. Names and place of residence changed.

May 4 from Tambov called a man. His voice was sad. He said that his wife is out of him. He lost all life guidelines, for lived for his wife and child, and is ready to end the life of suicide if it happens and is ready for everything to keep the family.

I asked him to acquire my book "Psychological Vampirism", which published "Psychological Aikido", as well as the "Sperm Principle", where depreciation letters were published, and send a letter with a detailed description of the situation. And if it turns out, write a depreciation letter to my wife.

After a few hours I received an answer. "I am 31, my wife 28, daughters 5. We live together for 7 years, met on our work, she was married(Search by Freuda, apparently, married it on him - M. L.). But I loved her, helped her to get comforted at work and get an increase, and she went to me.

For me, she became a woman of my life, we can say that life itself. According to her, before the wedding she did not think that we would be good in sex, but it turned out not so. We had a very good and happy marriage, I think so and she.

We always lived separately from your parents, by the birth of a child bought a one-room apartment, unfortunately, we still live in it, but we were ready to buy something more this year. I will not be afraid to say that we lived with her soul in the soul, I do not remember the cases when we seriously quarreled. (And it is a pity that people do not analyze their small conflicts. It would help to avoid significant conflicts. - M. L.).

A little more than a year ago she found a new job. She said that he wanted to realize himself. So it turned out that I did it quite successfully in my activity. I am not very correctly taken to her new work, I will explain why.

Probably, I am such a type of person for whom not super good prosperity, money is important (it must be present, but for me it is not an end in itself). I am more important than peace of mind at home so that there was a close, native person nearby. She began to devote all the time work, work as damned, disappear there(or meet with another person - M. L.).

I sat with a child, maybe I didn't do a lot with him, but I was with him. I sat with him when he was sick, I had such an opportunity, I was sitting with him in the evenings. She took hospital only when she was completely a guard, or I insisted on it. I will not say that she is a bad mother - she loves our child very much, she was just very fond of her work(or employee - M. L.).

She is a very neat person in everyday life, you can say quietly, I'll tell you so, became Neakkurata, relaxed, feeling that everything is good. I began to notice that she began to give away from me, and the last weeks that something was happening or had something that happened.

I wrote her a letter on paper, with my feelings and 1.5 weeks ago we had an explanation. She said that she loved another person, which does not know how to be, but wants to go to him. What the child wants from him.

She says that yes, we had everything just great, it's just great that I am a very good person that she appreciates me and respects me. I love her and want her to be always there. I am ready to do everything to stay, I know that I have enough strength, patience, courage to start everything first.

To start everything first, it means - to fall in love with him again, for my feeling for her did not fade and did not shake for a second. I am ready to do everything to bring it back and conquer again. It is very closed man by nature, because Her mother is a rather hard man and was harsh with her as a child, and she remembers it so far.

She recently told me about things that she was hurt, spoke. It seems to me that a kind sign, but I'm still afraid to lose it. I know that we can be happy together.

At the beginning of our marriage, we had a dad's relationship, now she grown greatly, it is very proud of what she reached at work, which, in her words, "the office will fall" that she is an indispensable person there. Timofey.

"Hello dear Mikhail Efimovich!

Thank you so much for pushed me to read your books. Indeed, without them, the request for writing the letter is a meaningless spending of your time. I almost finished reading your book "Psychological Vampirism", in line with me "Sperm Principle". (In these books published "Psychological Aikido" and depreciation letters - M. L.).

There are very many things, but almost everything, looked in a new way.(Here it is a change of principles! The relationship algorithm has changed, now changes the algorithm of behavior. There were no unnecessary discussions about the correctness of the rules set out in my books .- M. L.).

I found a lot of new things for myself in rules and aphorisms. I wrote them out and breaking it periodically. I do not know how right I am, but it seems that I was in life to blaspheme immortal.(I blast the immortal, I call people who live not for themselves, but for someone. Among the relatives of their patients, I saw them in bulk. Bad is a patient, but twitching the wicked immortal and prevents help to help them closely. Most often - Moms, less often sisters and Sick wives. On the sight of pretty women, and actually blasting immortal, the soul of which is in the body of the patient relative. - M. L.)

I understand that almost everything did not correctly, although in general - she tried to go to the goal: not stand still. I understood a lot about our relationship with my wife, what and where I missed where it was wrong. And most importantly, I realized that I can change only myself! I believe in it, and I am ready to make all your strength so that after returning it to continue your height.

I was very interested in the head about drug addictic compulsive love: many moments are very similar on the psychological portrait on my wife, and on how she describes the man in which she fell in love. I would like to get your advice on this too. If this is true, can this be a problem for applying a depreciation letter?

You asked me to write a sample of the depreciation letter - here it is, based on our realities. Unfortunately, I am a professional in psychology and can not appreciate some moments of the letter, since I have doubts. I'm afraid that without your help, I do something wrong. I am very pleased with your personal advice. When can I call you and arrange a meeting?(So \u200b\u200bwe did not meet with him. According to the correspondence and on the phone, everyone decided - M. L.).

I apologize for perseverance, demanding a speedy meeting. Just possible, more efficiently send this letter before its decision turns into a deed. Although what I say - she has already committed a deed. "

And here is the letter itself.


You do the right thing that you do not want to live with me. I am no longer so sunny, not so teshe, which was before. I am now no longer so smart, not so sensitive and not so gentle, as it was before, I don't help you so well around the house, and most importantly, I was not good in intimate relationships and all the time pressed on you.

I write to you this is not to return, and in order to thank you for the happiness that you gave me and ask for forgiveness that I could not answer you the same. Now I understand how hard you were with me: not to love and so well treat me.

They say that time heals, although it is still difficult for me to believe it. But you don't worry about me. I will try to calm down and live a happy life, if, of course, it is possible. I am writing to you and so that you helped me drop away from you. Let's not meet.

You will leave your daughter at Mom, and I will pick it up from there, and at work we will dine at different times. And one more request: Tell me what qualities I have to purchase, and from which to get rid of to please such a woman like you. I understand that such as you, no longer a meeting, but if somebody will fall, who will even remind you of you, I will not miss my chance. I wish you happiness. Timofey.

And this is my answer.


You are a capable and disciplined student. Send as it is. Call again. M.Litvak.

I was really shocked by his partnership. If he had spread a discussion, then I do not know what it would come out of it. He believed in the idea. He did not doubt it. He doubted himself. Whether he performed correctly.

Unfortunately, many begin to work without faith in the idea, and when something does not work, the principle of depreciation is beginning to scold, instead of looking for their mistake. That is why the case is often stretched for months and years, although everything can be done within a few days.

"Dear Mikhail Efimovich!

As I said, I wrote and gave her a letter! Unfortunately, until we give a letter to a person in which she fell in love, I can't, because Still, I do not know what his name is.(And no need to know. "The deep one who loved my wife," and then a letter. You need to do everything quickly. - M. L.). I think that over time, I can do it, I already wrote a letter.

With surprise, I look at what changes come in me, and I understand that they like me. I used to think only about what happened, about Touré, about hopelessness. Now I gladly turned on music in the car and began to think about work with interest.

It was interesting to look like, what I'm doing will act on people. She is (no longer a wife and not beloved, but she is M. L.). She really wants us to go to Ryazan to her parents, there is a suspicion that she wanted to talk to their shag there. He began to hide behind the child, that she already wants to go there.(Think less about her and do not give her any instructions, and most importantly, do not expose it - M. L.). I said that the child himself must cope with it.

I think it will be not bad if I, to limit our communication, I will spend more time at work.(Yes it's great - M.L.). How do you think? There is another question: if she says, "I love you," she can say it and for visibility, and herself will continue to love the person in the soul. How do I avoid, more precisely, to catch this moment?(And you believe her and do what you want. Most importantly, you will lead correctly. If she sewed, she is worse. Speak with an unloved person, that is, with you, on your own desire. And in general, consider it my husband, and yourself . Then the balance will be on your side. - M.L.). If she decides so to speak for some kind of reasons.

Can such a person, how to deal with this situation in this situation, what I do, to do it, do it hurt yourself, hate?(Again you think about her. If you think, then think about it well. After all, you want it to return. It means that it is not harmful. Do not contradict yourself. And if it is harmful, then immediately everything becomes clear and the desire to be with It will disappear. See her black soul. - M.L.).

After all, it happens that we do something from the harm, on the wrongness of what is. (Yes, it happens. But they do it stupid and bad people. - M.L.).

For some reason it seems to me that there is no. It is wonderful to have goals in life and move towards them, not on a straight road "jumping from the 10th floor, and finding a staircase or an elevator." While I will not build plans for the future, as we have it, but then you must think about how to understand how to build what will come.

What do I need to become happy? There is another moment that worries me: what if she accidentally understands, finds out about your methodology, will understand that she was manipulated?(You are too good an opinion about her. If she had at least something understood something, it would not leave you. But if I understand, you just admire you. And what kind of manipulation is. Manipulation is when I win, And the partner loses. Here you are in the loss, and it will win. You do it very humane, sacrificing your interests. You allow her to do what she wants, and demand from her actions that you need, they do not strain her. So they do those who love. Unfortunately, you still do not know how to love, once doubt the correctness of these actions. Now just learn. - ML).

Although I did everything so that this does not happen.

I will definitely seek to take a high guidance station in our company, in my opinion, a wonderful goal. I want to become a self-sufficient person, living in a "good house with walls and a ceiling and make a beautiful wallpaper in the house." What do you think, what of your books should I learn next? (What will be interesting for you. Me, the author, they are all roads, and I think that you need to read everything. But I can be wrong. So decide for yourself. - M.L.).

Probably "if you want to be happy." Thank you very much. With deep respect, Timofey from Tambov. "

Immediately came the answer to this letter.

"Dear Mikhail Efimovich!

Thanks for the answers, you are absolutely right. He has already passed the letter. So everything did quickly, as you said. How can I be if she wants to talk to household topics: who pays money, how to be with a child. I think to say how to do - then I decide, and now there is nothing to say.

But he is offended not to give a devotee not to be. She wants to go with his daughter to relax, but without him. He said that he gives money, because she went to him. I happen here. Here are the news so far.

I work, moving ... I will keep you informed. How time will fall - I will try to describe everything more. I think maybe tomorrow.

Sincerely, Timofey.

My answer was extremely short.


You are well done! Not afraid to act, do not be mistaken. Successes. M.Litvak.

"Hello Mikhail Efimovich! I send you a report for previous days.

May 08.
So I become the one who should be: strong, confident, a successful person. Let's try to restore yesterday: she wrote me a note that I am a wonderful good, sensitive person, thank you for love, for everything I did for her. I unsubscribed that this is not that if it were, as she writes - she would love me, and did not leave.

At night I wrote another letter, because She constantly "rushed" by how much I did good, as it was good, etc. etc. After a conversation, I said that I don't have to torment me, I don't have to turn everything into my torture for me, try to imagine myself in my place, she wore scary, ripped out what I wrote.

The content of the letter to it: "Favorite, you are now leading myself with me as a sadist, very cruel. Understand that, I love you very much, and I want you to be happy. ( Small inaccuracy. Instead of "floodplain" it would be better to write "You understand." Behind the word "Understand" this is heard "The fool, you are sorting". But for the beginner of psychological aikido is forgiven - M. L.).

I want you to be with your loved one. For me, it is not necessary to do anything out of pity, it is only worse from it.

Understand when you worry about me, you want to stroke, hug, touch it, I am very hard for it. You gave me a lot of happiness, it was very happy for me seven years of life, thank you for it.

I could not give you what you deserve. I was not fit to you. This is a fact, because you leave for your beloved person, but you do not love me. I want to try to forget you, I do not know if it will be possible to me.

Imagine that your loved one will tell you, you know, you're so wonderful, but the other - I love more. What torture then all his touch and actions from compassion for you, from pity for you, will turn into what torture.

You do not need to talk to me, sorry me, do not think about me, think about myself, about your loved one. I'm not fit to you. I also ask you to tell me what I need to become, so that if I suddenly meet a woman like you, so as not to repeat the mistakes that I made with you. Please tell me it someday. Loving you, Timofey. "

There were also mini dialogues, I said - what are you pulling - go to him, because you have already decided everything for a long time, now it is only more painful. She says I have nowhere to go that I still live here too. That she is also very bad that she understands how bad to me.

Asked me what love is? Now I understand that you need to answer that you know what you know, you know. He brought your example about the house and beautiful wallpaper, could not resist and added that a successful family is the calculation plus love, it is possible without love. I think it was not quite right.(Well done! He himself found a mistake. - M. L.).

I say that I need to change to become worthy of such a woman as she.

Yesterday, until I was, removed in the apartment, prepared dinner, from the products that I bought. He really wants on vacation with his daughter. I say, go also with her. After the night heavily exhausted. He said yesterday that the legs do not obey. She said that I did not think that I would do that.(Interestingly, how did she want him to do? After all, he let her go and without reproaches. I would also add that "You're happy. You have love. But what remains me?" But for a beginner and so great. - M. L.).

A little talked about plans about the child. Wants to pick up daughter. She understands which injury it will be for a child, and it torments her greatly. He said that that man has 2 children daughter of 9 years old and son 2 years old.

I said, probably, it's wrong that I don't want our child to live in one family with such a person, and even in another city. He said that he was translated into St. Petersburg, which is very important for her career, that she is a careerist. Understands that there will be no very good financial position, because 50% will go to alimony. She said that this apartment was mine (I really earned it) that she did not pretend to her. It suits me quite.

I asked that the money that I would translate would go only on my daughter. Today she said that she was exhausted that he wanted to be alone, think. I said that I don't have to think about me, I am not worthy, to be next to her, he said to think about what would be better to her. Earlier, the phrase was repeatedly sounded from me in the dialogs: not mistaken.(Comments Excess - M. L.). In the evening she asked me to go to bed early, because Very tired and very exhausted. I replied, "How to say, Favorite."

Yesterday evening and today passed calmly. Especially I did not fuck. Only yesterday wrote SMS "When will I be at home?". I said that you should not worry about me - you need to think about who you love.

Today, all day was able to act in the appropriate key. We went by car for the child to the cottage. She asked to get behind the wheel, I said that this car was not enough. I began to insist, I said - how to say cute. During the way - he called. I said that I don't need to be shy, "she asked her alone. My answer, "How to say dear". I learned this phrase very well. Also constantly say that I want it to be happy and what I love it very much.

In general, her condition became quieter, because I made myself plans that he would go with a child on vacation, plus she said that such a situation as now, will reach about 2 months, that she now has nowhere to go, because He himself is not from Tambov, there is no apartment here.

I think that because of such a certainty, it will not reach the parents, and it became quieter. Then, it seems, there are plans that he will be translated into St. Petersburg, and they will go there, and with our child, that somehow does not suit me very much. She will be clearly in plus, because She simply cuts all the ends and get rid of the pressure of the parents.

She is very tormented by the thoughts about our child. Sometimes, when looking at us with her daughter - eyes on a wet place. She said that she could not throw a child for someone, and he could. He says he does it for her for her. Asks to go with the child to the salute.

I first suggested that she goes with her beloved, she asked us to go, I agreed. When they went to the salute - I looked at me on the side, said that I was very thin. In general, I tried not to call, do not talk to me, do not touch.

Maybe you need to shake it again, knock out a rut?(As I want to still be aggressive - M.L.). She became much calmer. It really wants to visit the children's psychologist to smooth the consequences for our child. My strategy is still: Think about yourself, about your loved one, about the child, and I don't need to think about me, I do not stand it, and you do not love me. I will do everything so that you are happy, but yourself to destroy themselves, that I am strong and therefore do that.

May 10.

In the morning I got a conversation about the child. Asked for a walk with her, because She needs to stay alone to meet him (she did not say the latter, because he said that he could not pronounce this aloud). I said that I do not need to be shy, because I want you to be happy. Because She takes the daughter with him to St. Petersburg, I slowly need to fall from her that I was a unworthy father that he would be better for her, but I don't need to think about me, I don't stand it.

What is better for me to take a position on the issue of communicating with a child?

It seems to me that it is not entirely right that it is engaged in themselves, and I sit with the child. I also have my plans, and I need to live on. I think it will be right. And again I wrote her a letter:

"Hello Bella!

I want to write you this letter so that you were a little calmer. I want to tell you what I am better now. I began to sleep better, I had an appetite. I think that the percentage on 20 loving you.

I am very grateful to you, because I read a lot of books, met with interesting people, learned a lot of new things, became stronger, greatly grew morally. Forgive you, but let's tell you about the parents. You know, we have not had sex for a long time (when well both), and I want to find someone, and if parents are not aware, how will I look in their eyes?

I need a lot to work on myself, to do a lot to, if I meet a woman like you, keep it. Therefore, I can't go home for a long time. Besides, because You want to pick up the daughter with you to Petersburg, already start trying to live with her herself, without my help, and even she begins to fall from me.

This is me to the fact that next week I will not be able to go to a long time. Share herself who will sit with her. I still love you and I am very glad that everything is fully established. For my daughter do not worry, I will always be her dad. Let's decide when we tell the parents, I also want to talk to your parents, write them a letter, explain everything and thank them. Just understand(Again "Understand" - M. L.), you have happiness and love, I also want to try (and suddenly it turns out) to find yourself a loved one who will love me.I wish you happiness. Timofey.

I read the letter 2 times asked when we tell the parents. I said, how to say, honey. While there was no more reaction. Maybe a little add about "became fat", and the like?(Again an unnecessary desire to be aggressive - M.L.).

In the evening she said that he thinks that if she had told me at once - then nothing would have happened, in the sense that everything would be fine with us. Today I will continue my line of behavior. So far I have not decided what position to take on the court about the child. I don't know yet.

What do you think do I need to take some extra steps now, or just continue your behavior line?

Sincerely, Timofey.

My answer.

In principle, all your behavior is correct. Changing it by sending a letter to parents. Exercise - you took an example from her. She, when you changed, did not inform you. After all, when you converged, she promised you not to change.

Noble people are first bred, and then fall in love with another. And she, like a kolobok, rolled. This is her understanding of nobility, and you agreed with him. And, in addition, you want to save a good relationship with her parents. "And how to save them if I am unworked." But it is better to say, she is to send a letter.

Although it really will be like it, when it comes down with her beloved. And it will start pulling it when they will cease to receive information about you. So it is not necessary to do much effort. You can do anything.

If you begin to press it, it will only unite with your loved ones, and the problem of returning will be harder. Communicate with the child from the position that you love it. Who to be, to solve her.

If she decides to be with you, then you can sue. But here you need to consult with lawyers. Here is the best position of the biblical woman who has noticed her child. Two women were simultaneously born on the boy. But one of the children soon died. Women defended their right to a living child and appealed to the king Solomon.

When Solomon said that he could decide whose child, he could not, and awarded to cut the child in half, the true mother refused the child. So you do not waste the child on the part. Better give it to your spouse.

The phrase is suitable here: "I love you, daughter, and I want you to be good. I really want to live with you. But if you are better with my mother, stay with my mother. " Nothing new need. You can only write that love continues to decrease. Successes. M. Litvak.

Immediately I got the answer and this letter.

"Hello, Mikhail Efimovich!

Yesterday I talked with her parents and told them what was going on. Now I am on a "siege position", because Each her phrase goes to me in a rigid ironic manner. I do not cling, answer: "How to say, honey".

An example of her replica: "You have such angels with us: just growing wings." She really does not want to communicate and talk with their parents. It is very afraid that all this will pop up at her at work, that she will lose work. Her dad (he is an old partner, and remembers even times when the team condemned and "returned to the Lono of the family") wants to talk to her team.

What do you think this conversation can lead to? Is it worth it to resist or impatiently push?

Formally, it may not be able to work there further, and he may not get an increase in St. Petersburg. It will be in plus to me in court, I still want to leave the child at myself. She had no conversation with her parents, she doesn't want him very much, because It believes that it will be there to water mud. In principle, her mother can do this. (I cease to understand what we do. The return of the prodigal wife in the Lono of the family or having a child? Let's define, and we will deal with something one - M. L.).

I am very glad that you can leave for a while and is very counting on vacation, goes early next week. The money gives her a loved one that it suits me. Something appeared doubts, whether to let go of a child with her on vacation. Probably let's let go. (This is right - M. L.).

She now clearly looked at me. Trying to prick and make pain in everything. So viciously, but she has such behavior, as if she was completely drove into the angle. Sometimes I just give my hands, but I try to hold on. Already found a good lawyer for broken-water processes. I am preparing for any options.

So far all the news for today, with respect, Timofey.

My answer.

"Timofey! I already answered this question. Of course, it can be fired from work from work, but will she come back to you? In general, the smaller the intervention, the better. And if she calls you an angel, then you can agree. Depreciation perfectly worked.

"Of course an angel. That's because I am an angel, so you and you do not want to live. With angels are not interested. I will try to become a devil so that the next woman does not leave me. " Still, you do not always have depreciation. Successes. M. Litvak.

Dear my readers!

I do not know what you think you think, but I believe that Timothy's behavior is impeccable. After all, with all that it suggested, agreed. He proceeded from that position that all people are good. Scenes of jealousy did not suit, offered his wife to meet her beloved in the apartment.

All the blame for breaking relationships took over. There were no words of criticism in the address of his wife. But he had to protect himself. He did not want to communicate with her. But Timofey has already become a stranger to Bail. And she also began to hate. He is not to blame that parents have become on his side. He thought they would support their daughter. And in just guise, he used all the techniques of psychological aikido, the principle of depreciation is true, almost all of its options.


Happy for you. My comments in the body of the letter. I wish you success. M. Litvak.

"News with battle fields ... (This is the title of Timofey).

Hello, Mikhail Efimovich!

I just talked to my wife's parents, after informing it about it and saying that I was hard to lie to them. I realized that I was very easier for me after this conversation: first, it was very nice to see how they treat me, secondly - you don't need to lie more and smash.(Lit and deceive very hard. It causes a large emotional tension. It is necessary to remember who you said. It is necessary to have very good memory and strong nerves. Somewhere I wrote in detail. And with his nerves there were a bad thing about it. He After all, I was going to endorse the life of suicide. It would definitively be a lies - M. L.).

I spoke still in the same vein that I love her, I am very glad that I have a good relationship with them (her parents), and I don't want to lose them in the future, I know that they love her and everyone will understand . But if I were in her place - I would be strongly strained.

Now the facts:

  • they want to talk to her (this is quite natural for parents);
  • They said that if she wants to live temporarily with them, they will not accept her;
  • They said they would like the child to stay with me that if I decide to fight for him, they would perform on my side, (I start thinking about it seriously);
  • Her dad has an idea to make a small "presentation" at her work, in terms of exposing them for the team, set up against them the society in which they work.
I wonder what you think about this idea?(I would not do this. Lying do not beat. Yes, it may rather damage the idea of \u200b\u200breturning it to you. They just get reunited soon. Urgently dissuade anything. I will only be stagnant. - M. L.);
  • her mother wants to talk to her beloved person, that, though she wants to tell him - I do not know(And this should not be done. This is only short. - M. L.).
  • they said that if earlier helped her with a child, so that she was easier to work, now they will not do it yet - let him spin himself, although the grandson they love very much and miss him very much, (In vain, of course - M. L.);
  • parents are unambiguously against her to go on vacation with our daughter without me. (And in general, it would be better if they did not change their behavior towards her. It is possible to express their attitude, but it is impossible to change behavior. But they already did it. Unfortunately, we have no psychological culture. There is a thought to write a book on this topic . - M. L.).
The letter I wrote to my wife's parents:

"Dear Maria Petrovna and Leonid Vasilyevich!

It is still difficult for me to talk about some things, so I write to you this letter. I am very grateful to Ball for those seven years happiness that she gave me. I still love it very much and I want it to be happy, I hope that everything will be fine. Probably, I'm not the person she is worthy.(The word "probably" would not be inserted better. This is not depreciation. It turns out that it is not right. Of course, you are not the person. Everything else is right. - M. L.).

I know that you love her very much that you will understand everything. I am very regretting that a little communicated with you before, perhaps it would help me to keep it, make it happy. I hope that we will stay with you friends, and I can still ask your advice. I do not want to repeat the same mistake if in the future, suddenly, I will meet a woman at least a little bit like Ball.

I hope you tell me what I did not do what I made mistakes, so as not to repeat the same. Sincerely, Timofey.

He is seriously thinking about how he will negotiate himself.(Let's think about it when she gives to court. Maybe she will return to you. After all, we are engaged in her return, but psychologically competently! Have you already forgotten about it? Or are we already dealing with? - M. L. )?

I feel the strength, I think I can leave my daughter(And I'm sure about this. - M. L.). Good lawyers are already looking for.(But the most important thing is how you will behave. The main thing is that she filed for divorce. I will send you the defendant's speech in court. But wait again. Maybe she will return to you. Let's finally finish one thing. - M. L.).

I know that if she says that he decided to stay, for me it will be possible only if she says "I love you." In any way, it will not be immediately, and in order to try to collect those fragments that now we have, you will need a lot of strength, patience and time and labor to do this.

I know that I will continue to live, work and strive for success, regardless of whether it will be back or not. What I'm even glad(But it's great that we are glad. - M. L.) , That life sent me such a test. Without him, I would not start moving up, and so it would be sitting in my swamp. Thanks for your advice, with respect, Timofey.

Here you see, my dear readers, as psychologically, competent behavior with an unjust goal led to the correction of the goal. I think that the Jesuites are wrong, stating that the goal justifies the funds. From my point of view, the most important thing is the right means. They and the wrong goal will change.

Once again I want to emphasize that returning the left spouse in the Lono of the family - the target is unrighteous. It is impossible to make her own, no one with an unloved person. Otherwise, the house will be imprisoned with life imprisonment and constant torture. And the last letter of Timothy.

"Hello, dear Mikhail Efimovich!

I look at myself from the side and I enjoy the changes that occur in me. I strongly grew up motivation to work: I really want to advance in my work. Slowly happens, what you told me: What I will not be ready to take her back if she wants to return. I understand that at the moment I love it while I am ready for it to come back.

But I realized that it was ready to do it only if she sincerely could show me that she loved me, which he understood what she was seeking to see what she had from life and why she wants to return. (Highlighted by Timothy).

I understand that it is still a very long way for it and it is unknown where I will be when she passes it and whether it will pass, because I'm also not going to stand still. Yesterday she talked for a very long time with her father, and, according to Mom, all Punchova came out from there.

As far as I know, Dad simply talked to her so that she would have weighed everything and against his decision, told her his vision of the situation, life, from the height of his life experience. Due to the fact that I changed my attitude to what is happening and what happened, we had such a dialogue:

"You said you want to be good with me, you know that I still love you, but I can not exercise my love, because You love another person. You have already decided that you want to be with him, but it's hard for me when you are near, so because You still gather to leave, maybe you will start looking for an apartment.

I do not chase you and do not put any dead, but it's very hard for me to be near you, love you and not be able to realize my desires. I want to try to forget you, and so it will be easier for me to do it.

With my daughter, I do not know how to do, but I will do it so that it was good. I know how you love our daughter and want her to stay with you, but I have to be sure that it will be well secured financially that she will be given enough time, and that she will live in good terms.

Repeated her words that she wants from his beloved man, that if she stays with me, we will not have more children that she will hate me. I said that if she decides to return, I will be ready to accept her, only if I see some things, but what I did not say. He said that while the door was opened for her, but half closed half.

I began to understand that she was absolutely not ready for such a reversal of events, because Its plans included me not to twin and not even inform about what is happening. I agreed to go on vacation with everyone in order to wait until her loved one will be transferred to Petersburg, and then re-move. Those. Fully play for my back.

A very interesting moment that she does not even know for sure, whether he told his family, what plans he had about the divorce with his family. He says that he seems to be told all his wife. So far, as far as I know, he is not in Tambov (he himself is not Tambov), but with his family somewhere there.

When analyzing the situation now, I have the thoughts that it is trite, in the first time, could use, fuck, as they speak in the people, just sleep, and then she turned out to be just a comfortable person for further life. Although it can easily be completely wrong, and they are really new Romeo and Juliet (for some reason it is hard to believe in it).

She is very afraid that everything will be aware of their work, as the leadership will look at it, their leader is a very decent person, with his family, with two children, very intelligent and educated.

It can easily be tritely asked to write them both a statement on his own desire, although it may not do that. It is very worried about it, because Work for it is number 1. Those. She is clearly not ready to go somewhere, but I don't want it to go. Leaving go. Her parents see her in her house do not want.

I understand that at the moment I do not, not according to the principle of depreciation, but I found myself and a sense of own dignity and a feeling of pride and I do not want me to use me. May it be so! The only thing I don't want to at least somehow touched our daughter.

According to one woman (we are friends of families) Bal - such a person who has not experienced real difficulties in life, and now she subconsciously found them on his head (or what else). I decided that I would not interfere with the findings of these difficulties. Want - take.

She said that he hates me that he would not talk to me. I tried to insult me \u200b\u200bthat I had to stop. I said that it is great that she will not talk that it is absolutely what I need.

I also said that in the communication of the house, you must, first of all, think about the daughter, and if we start to water each other with mud, it will only be worse, that it is not necessary to drag it from the side to the side that it is necessary to consult with a children's psychologist, How do we better behave with him. What I love her and respect her. What you do not need to behave like me.(But, since "More ..." I did not need to talk. After all, it is a banal truth that his wife is already known for 20 years. And in general, what is known to say everything is not worth it, because it will sound like an insult. This is Anyway, how to say a person that you need to wash your hands before eating, brushing your teeth in the mornings and evenings, to do in the mornings charge and pr.- M. L.).

In short, to my pleasure, we now do not communicate at all, though, I understand that it is bad for our daughter. ( But this is not a fact - M. L.).

I realized that my attitude to what was happening continues to change and does not stand still. I don't know what position I will loan on the court about the child, it will depend on my knowledge of the conditions in which it will live on the attitude towards him.

There will be confidence that he will be well in the long run - and I will not say words.(I am in a hurry. We are engaged in returning Bale. Let's first deal with it. Do you return it or do you refuse it? I don't understand anything at all. - M. L.).

Sports foregoing: while it remains 1.5 open questions for me.

1 - what to do with the child.

0.5 - Will I be able to accept it if she wants to return.(She was still not asked yet. That's when I am asked, then start thinking. After all, Jesus Christ advised us to take care of today's day. And tomorrow I will take care of myself, M. L.).

Thank you very much. By the way, I said that I consider consultation successful. I am your debtor. With deep respect, Timofey. "

And my farewell letter.


My congratulations. You are well done. Self-esteem is the main value. You have it. Consider that you paid to me with your disciplined attitude and thereby confirmed the correctness of my theoretical concepts and practical recommendations. Usually this work at my wards left to six months. But you figured out in less than a week. This is faster than I even thought.

I said my ward that if I could accommodate in you, I would kake the situation of the week for two. You got faster. Of course, soon she is asking for you, but I'm almost sure that you will not accept it, although in principle the woman is good.

Just she has a scenario of a kolobka. She rolled away from your predecessor to you. If she stays with your opponent, then after he helps her move, she will roll to another. But the main thing is not that.

The main thing is the saved sense of your own dignity. With him you can live, even if a woman threw you and live decently. Now you will make this party and without me. You have mastered the techniques of psychological aikido.

And do not consider yourself my debtor. Your rapid mastering methods for psychologically competent communication is quite compensation for my efforts. Yes, and I put your story in the book. But if you in the process of your intensive activity will inform me about your affairs, I will be very pleased, and if I can be useful to you, then I will be just delighted. Successes. M. Litvak.

When I talked about this case on one of my lectures, one young sexy woman with indignation exclaimed: "What a brutal technique!" Yes, cruel from the position of this woman! What do you think, and if she did not roll like a kolobok, from one man to another, would she fall into a similar situation?

What do you think, is my dear reader, is it a brutal technique or not?

I think not. For a kolobka, maybe this is also useful to this shake. And then, after all, it is possible to come to the fox, and that it certainly will eat. And good should be able to defend himself, otherwise it will not be good, but evil.

Finally, the last letter of Timothy, which can be called an epilogue.

"I'm all good. Now actively engaged in sports (I want to gain a slight form), a lot and willingly work. The plans are better to learn German and be sure to get to one of your seminars.

As for my relationship to his wife: I still love her yet, but I can no longer accept and even more so understand its actions and actions towards me and our daughter. The desire to manipulate it so that she returned to gone.

Why do I need this dummy, albeit with a beautiful body? This is not for me. I am worthy of the best. I really want it to quickly leave: it seems she took off the apartment, and soon it should happen. I look forward to. It seems that there is not a very nice section of the property ahead, but I think I will handle it without big losses. I still do not want to give yourself offense.

In relations with her, now my position is not to give it to me free or unwarked harm. I have a good relationship with her parents, with friends. I all have great support, although the main support for me is me myself. But nevertheless, such a relationship from their part is very nice.

One of the important issues for me is to build good relationships with a child, on a different level. If possible, over time I will ask your advice on this issue. Relationships with daughter are important to me, and I want to be a good father for her. So far like this. If possible, I - how will time and (for now) the wife will not be at home - I'll call you to talk a little.

Thank you so much for your help. With deep respect, Timofey. "

Men rarely appeal for help after gap with his wife. This is not due to the fact that men are not thrown. There are biological and social factors here. Science is aware that the woman loves stronger than a man, but calms down when she is thrown, faster than a man.

This is due to the fact that men are introverts by their nature, that is, the principles of which they live, they change slowly, and their behavior is determined by internal ideas.

But if it is changed, then he will immediately begin to come in accordance with them. And it is already difficult to knock him down the path. Women in nature are usually extroverts, that is, their behavior is rather determined by external ideas. It is easier for her to go to some other way.

From the point of view of society, this is due to the fact that when a man throws his wife, a woman sympathize with men and women. And when a woman throws a man, men and women laugh above him.

That's why a man will rather end the life of suicide than to complain. And in vain! He can help. But all this is statistics. In real life, the opposite happens.

Sample work with a man who threw a wife

I here are quite detailed by the technique of working with a man who threw a wife. With this man, I mostly rewrite, occasionally called back, but I did not see him in my eyes. Here I am now and publish this correspondence. In the course of the case I will insert my comments. Names and place of residence changed.

May 4 from Tambov called a man. His voice was sad. He said that his wife is out of him. He lost all life guidelines, for lived for his wife and child, and is ready to end the life of suicide if it happens and is ready for everything to keep the family.

I asked him to acquire my book "Psychological Vampirism", which published "Psychological Aikido", as well as the "Sperm Principle", where depreciation letters were published, and send a letter with a detailed description of the situation. And if it turns out, write a depreciation letter to my wife.

After a few hours I received an answer. "I am 31, my wife 28, daughters 5. We live together for 7 years, met on our work, she was married(Search by Freuda, apparently, married it on him - M. L.). But I loved her, helped her to get comforted at work and get an increase, and she went to me.

For me, she became a woman of my life, we can say that life itself. According to her, before the wedding she did not think that we would be good in sex, but it turned out not so. We had a very good and happy marriage, I think so and she.

We always lived separately from your parents, by the birth of a child bought a one-room apartment, unfortunately, we still live in it, but we were ready to buy something more this year. I will not be afraid to say that we lived with her soul in the soul, I do not remember the cases when we seriously quarreled. (And it is a pity that people do not analyze their small conflicts. It would help to avoid significant conflicts. - M. L.).

A little more than a year ago she found a new job. She said that he wanted to realize himself. So it turned out that I did it quite successfully in my activity. I am not very correctly taken to her new work, I will explain why.

Probably, I am such a type of person for whom not super good prosperity, money is important (it must be present, but for me it is not an end in itself). I am more important than peace of mind at home so that there was a close, native person nearby. She began to devote all the time work, work as damned, disappear there(or meet with another person - M. L.).

I sat with a child, maybe I didn't do a lot with him, but I was with him. I sat with him when he was sick, I had such an opportunity, I was sitting with him in the evenings. She took hospital only when she was completely a guard, or I insisted on it. I will not say that she is a bad mother - she loves our child very much, she was just very fond of her work(or employee - M. L.).

She is a very neat person in everyday life, you can say quietly, I'll tell you so, became Neakkurata, relaxed, feeling that everything is good. I began to notice that she began to give away from me, and the last weeks that something was happening or had something that happened.

I wrote her a letter on paper, with my feelings and 1.5 weeks ago we had an explanation. She said that she loved another person, which does not know how to be, but wants to go to him. What the child wants from him.

She says that yes, we had everything just great, it's just great that I am a very good person that she appreciates me and respects me. I love her and want her to be always there. I am ready to do everything to stay, I know that I have enough strength, patience, courage to start everything first.

To start everything first, it means - to fall in love with him again, for my feeling for her did not fade and did not shake for a second. I am ready to do everything to bring it back and conquer again. It is very closed man by nature, because Her mother is a rather hard man and was harsh with her as a child, and she remembers it so far.

She recently told me about things that she was hurt, spoke. It seems to me that a kind sign, but I'm still afraid to lose it. I know that we can be happy together.

At the beginning of our marriage, we had a dad's relationship, now she grown greatly, it is very proud of what she reached at work, which, in her words, "the office will fall" that she is an indispensable person there. Timofey.

"Hello dear Mikhail Efimovich!

Thank you so much for pushed me to read your books. Indeed, without them, the request for writing the letter is a meaningless spending of your time. I almost finished reading your book "Psychological Vampirism", in line with me "Sperm Principle". (In these books published "Psychological Aikido" and depreciation letters - M. L.).

There are very many things, but almost everything, looked in a new way.(Here it is a change of principles! The relationship algorithm has changed, now changes the algorithm of behavior. There were no unnecessary discussions about the correctness of the rules set out in my books .- M. L.).

I found a lot of new things for myself in rules and aphorisms. I wrote them out and breaking it periodically. I do not know how right I am, but it seems that I was in life to blaspheme immortal.(I blast the immortal, I call people who live not for themselves, but for someone. Among the relatives of their patients, I saw them in bulk. Bad is a patient, but twitching the wicked immortal and prevents help to help them closely. Most often - Moms, less often sisters and Sick wives. On the sight of pretty women, and actually blasting immortal, the soul of which is in the body of the patient relative. - M. L.)

I understand that almost everything did not correctly, although in general - she tried to go to the goal: not stand still. I understood a lot about our relationship with my wife, what and where I missed where it was wrong. And most importantly, I realized that I can change only myself! I believe in it, and I am ready to make all your strength so that after returning it to continue your height.

I was very interested in the head about drug addictic compulsive love: many moments are very similar on the psychological portrait on my wife, and on how she describes the man in which she fell in love. I would like to get your advice on this too. If this is true, can this be a problem for applying a depreciation letter?

You asked me to write a sample of the depreciation letter - here it is, based on our realities. Unfortunately, I am a professional in psychology and can not appreciate some moments of the letter, since I have doubts. I'm afraid that without your help, I do something wrong. I am very pleased with your personal advice. When can I call you and arrange a meeting?(So \u200b\u200bwe did not meet with him. According to the correspondence and on the phone, everyone decided - M. L.).

I apologize for perseverance, demanding a speedy meeting. Just possible, more efficiently send this letter before its decision turns into a deed. Although what I say - she has already committed a deed. "

And here is the letter itself.


You do the right thing that you do not want to live with me. I am no longer so sunny, not so teshe, which was before. I am now no longer so smart, not so sensitive and not so gentle, as it was before, I don't help you so well around the house, and most importantly, I was not good in intimate relationships and all the time pressed on you.

I write to you this is not to return, and in order to thank you for the happiness that you gave me and ask for forgiveness that I could not answer you the same. Now I understand how hard you were with me: not to love and so well treat me.

They say that time heals, although it is still difficult for me to believe it. But you don't worry about me. I will try to calm down and live a happy life, if, of course, it is possible. I am writing to you and so that you helped me drop away from you. Let's not meet.

You will leave your daughter at Mom, and I will pick it up from there, and at work we will dine at different times. And one more request: Tell me what qualities I have to purchase, and from which to get rid of to please such a woman like you. I understand that such as you, no longer a meeting, but if somebody will fall, who will even remind you of you, I will not miss my chance. I wish you happiness. Timofey.

And this is my answer.


You are a capable and disciplined student. Send as it is. Call again. M.Litvak.

I was really shocked by his partnership. If he had spread a discussion, then I do not know what it would come out of it. He believed in the idea. He did not doubt it. He doubted himself. Whether he performed correctly.

Unfortunately, many begin to work without faith in the idea, and when something does not work, the principle of depreciation is beginning to scold, instead of looking for their mistake. That is why the case is often stretched for months and years, although everything can be done within a few days.

"Dear Mikhail Efimovich!

As I said, I wrote and gave her a letter! Unfortunately, until we give a letter to a person in which she fell in love, I can't, because Still, I do not know what his name is.(And no need to know. "The deep one who loved my wife," and then a letter. You need to do everything quickly. - M. L.). I think that over time, I can do it, I already wrote a letter.

With surprise, I look at what changes come in me, and I understand that they like me. I used to think only about what happened, about Touré, about hopelessness. Now I gladly turned on music in the car and began to think about work with interest.

It was interesting to look like, what I'm doing will act on people. She is (no longer a wife and not beloved, but she is M. L.). She really wants us to go to Ryazan to her parents, there is a suspicion that she wanted to talk to their shag there. He began to hide behind the child, that she already wants to go there.(Think less about her and do not give her any instructions, and most importantly, do not expose it - M. L.). I said that the child himself must cope with it.

I think it will be not bad if I, to limit our communication, I will spend more time at work.(Yes it's great - M.L.). How do you think? There is another question: if she says, "I love you," she can say it and for visibility, and herself will continue to love the person in the soul. How do I avoid, more precisely, to catch this moment?(And you believe her and do what you want. Most importantly, you will lead correctly. If she sewed, she is worse. Speak with an unloved person, that is, with you, on your own desire. And in general, consider it my husband, and yourself . Then the balance will be on your side. - M.L.). If she decides so to speak for some kind of reasons.

Can such a person, how to deal with this situation in this situation, what I do, to do it, do it hurt yourself, hate?(Again you think about her. If you think, then think about it well. After all, you want it to return. It means that it is not harmful. Do not contradict yourself. And if it is harmful, then immediately everything becomes clear and the desire to be with It will disappear. See her black soul. - M.L.).

After all, it happens that we do something from the harm, on the wrongness of what is. (Yes, it happens. But they do it stupid and bad people. - M.L.).

For some reason it seems to me that there is no. It is wonderful to have goals in life and move towards them, not on a straight road "jumping from the 10th floor, and finding a staircase or an elevator." While I will not build plans for the future, as we have it, but then you must think about how to understand how to build what will come.

What do I need to become happy? There is another moment that worries me: what if she accidentally understands, finds out about your methodology, will understand that she was manipulated?(You are too good an opinion about her. If she had at least something understood something, it would not leave you. But if I understand, you just admire you. And what kind of manipulation is. Manipulation is when I win, And the partner loses. Here you are in the loss, and it will win. You do it very humane, sacrificing your interests. You allow her to do what she wants, and demand from her actions that you need, they do not strain her. So they do those who love. Unfortunately, you still do not know how to love, once doubt the correctness of these actions. Now just learn. - ML).

Although I did everything so that this does not happen.

I will definitely seek to take a high guidance station in our company, in my opinion, a wonderful goal. I want to become a self-sufficient person, living in a "good house with walls and a ceiling and make a beautiful wallpaper in the house." What do you think, what of your books should I learn next? (What will be interesting for you. Me, the author, they are all roads, and I think that you need to read everything. But I can be wrong. So decide for yourself. - M.L.).

Probably "if you want to be happy." Thank you very much. With deep respect, Timofey from Tambov. "

Immediately came the answer to this letter.

"Dear Mikhail Efimovich!

Thanks for the answers, you are absolutely right. He has already passed the letter. So everything did quickly, as you said. How can I be if she wants to talk to household topics: who pays money, how to be with a child. I think to say how to do - then I decide, and now there is nothing to say.

But he is offended not to give a devotee not to be. She wants to go with his daughter to relax, but without him. He said that he gives money, because she went to him. I happen here. Here are the news so far.

I work, moving ... I will keep you informed. How time will fall - I will try to describe everything more. I think maybe tomorrow.

Sincerely, Timofey.

My answer was extremely short.


You are well done! Not afraid to act, do not be mistaken. Successes. M.Litvak.

"Hello Mikhail Efimovich! I send you a report for previous days.

May 08.
So I become the one who should be: strong, confident, a successful person. Let's try to restore yesterday: she wrote me a note that I am a wonderful good, sensitive person, thank you for love, for everything I did for her. I unsubscribed that this is not that if it were, as she writes - she would love me, and did not leave.

At night I wrote another letter, because She constantly "rushed" by how much I did good, as it was good, etc. etc. After a conversation, I said that I don't have to torment me, I don't have to turn everything into my torture for me, try to imagine myself in my place, she wore scary, ripped out what I wrote.

The content of the letter to it: "Favorite, you are now leading myself with me as a sadist, very cruel. Understand that, I love you very much, and I want you to be happy. ( Small inaccuracy. Instead of "floodplain" it would be better to write "You understand." Behind the word "Understand" this is heard "The fool, you are sorting". But for the beginner of psychological aikido is forgiven - M. L.).

I want you to be with your loved one. For me, it is not necessary to do anything out of pity, it is only worse from it.

Understand when you worry about me, you want to stroke, hug, touch it, I am very hard for it. You gave me a lot of happiness, it was very happy for me seven years of life, thank you for it.

I could not give you what you deserve. I was not fit to you. This is a fact, because you leave for your beloved person, but you do not love me. I want to try to forget you, I do not know if it will be possible to me.

Imagine that your loved one will tell you, you know, you're so wonderful, but the other - I love more. What torture then all his touch and actions from compassion for you, from pity for you, will turn into what torture.

You do not need to talk to me, sorry me, do not think about me, think about myself, about your loved one. I'm not fit to you. I also ask you to tell me what I need to become, so that if I suddenly meet a woman like you, so as not to repeat the mistakes that I made with you. Please tell me it someday. Loving you, Timofey. "

There were also mini dialogues, I said - what are you pulling - go to him, because you have already decided everything for a long time, now it is only more painful. She says I have nowhere to go that I still live here too. That she is also very bad that she understands how bad to me.

Asked me what love is? Now I understand that you need to answer that you know what you know, you know. He brought your example about the house and beautiful wallpaper, could not resist and added that a successful family is the calculation plus love, it is possible without love. I think it was not quite right.(Well done! He himself found a mistake. - M. L.).

I say that I need to change to become worthy of such a woman as she.

Yesterday, until I was, removed in the apartment, prepared dinner, from the products that I bought. He really wants on vacation with his daughter. I say, go also with her. After the night heavily exhausted. He said yesterday that the legs do not obey. She said that I did not think that I would do that.(Interestingly, how did she want him to do? After all, he let her go and without reproaches. I would also add that "You're happy. You have love. But what remains me?" But for a beginner and so great. - M. L.).

A little talked about plans about the child. Wants to pick up daughter. She understands which injury it will be for a child, and it torments her greatly. He said that that man has 2 children daughter of 9 years old and son 2 years old.

I said, probably, it's wrong that I don't want our child to live in one family with such a person, and even in another city. He said that he was translated into St. Petersburg, which is very important for her career, that she is a careerist. Understands that there will be no very good financial position, because 50% will go to alimony. She said that this apartment was mine (I really earned it) that she did not pretend to her. It suits me quite.

I asked that the money that I would translate would go only on my daughter. Today she said that she was exhausted that he wanted to be alone, think. I said that I don't have to think about me, I am not worthy, to be next to her, he said to think about what would be better to her. Earlier, the phrase was repeatedly sounded from me in the dialogs: not mistaken.(Comments Excess - M. L.). In the evening she asked me to go to bed early, because Very tired and very exhausted. I replied, "How to say, Favorite."

Yesterday evening and today passed calmly. Especially I did not fuck. Only yesterday wrote SMS "When will I be at home?". I said that you should not worry about me - you need to think about who you love.

Today, all day was able to act in the appropriate key. We went by car for the child to the cottage. She asked to get behind the wheel, I said that this car was not enough. I began to insist, I said - how to say cute. During the way - he called. I said that I don't need to be shy, "she asked her alone. My answer, "How to say dear". I learned this phrase very well. Also constantly say that I want it to be happy and what I love it very much.

In general, her condition became quieter, because I made myself plans that he would go with a child on vacation, plus she said that such a situation as now, will reach about 2 months, that she now has nowhere to go, because He himself is not from Tambov, there is no apartment here.

I think that because of such a certainty, it will not reach the parents, and it became quieter. Then, it seems, there are plans that he will be translated into St. Petersburg, and they will go there, and with our child, that somehow does not suit me very much. She will be clearly in plus, because She simply cuts all the ends and get rid of the pressure of the parents.

She is very tormented by the thoughts about our child. Sometimes, when looking at us with her daughter - eyes on a wet place. She said that she could not throw a child for someone, and he could. He says he does it for her for her. Asks to go with the child to the salute.

I first suggested that she goes with her beloved, she asked us to go, I agreed. When they went to the salute - I looked at me on the side, said that I was very thin. In general, I tried not to call, do not talk to me, do not touch.

Maybe you need to shake it again, knock out a rut?(As I want to still be aggressive - M.L.). She became much calmer. It really wants to visit the children's psychologist to smooth the consequences for our child. My strategy is still: Think about yourself, about your loved one, about the child, and I don't need to think about me, I do not stand it, and you do not love me. I will do everything so that you are happy, but yourself to destroy themselves, that I am strong and therefore do that.

May 10.

In the morning I got a conversation about the child. Asked for a walk with her, because She needs to stay alone to meet him (she did not say the latter, because he said that he could not pronounce this aloud). I said that I do not need to be shy, because I want you to be happy. Because She takes the daughter with him to St. Petersburg, I slowly need to fall from her that I was a unworthy father that he would be better for her, but I don't need to think about me, I don't stand it.

What is better for me to take a position on the issue of communicating with a child?

It seems to me that it is not entirely right that it is engaged in themselves, and I sit with the child. I also have my plans, and I need to live on. I think it will be right. And again I wrote her a letter:

"Hello Bella!

I want to write you this letter so that you were a little calmer. I want to tell you what I am better now. I began to sleep better, I had an appetite. I think that the percentage on 20 loving you.

I am very grateful to you, because I read a lot of books, met with interesting people, learned a lot of new things, became stronger, greatly grew morally. Forgive you, but let's tell you about the parents. You know, we have not had sex for a long time (when well both), and I want to find someone, and if parents are not aware, how will I look in their eyes?

I need a lot to work on myself, to do a lot to, if I meet a woman like you, keep it. Therefore, I can't go home for a long time. Besides, because You want to pick up the daughter with you to Petersburg, already start trying to live with her herself, without my help, and even she begins to fall from me.

This is me to the fact that next week I will not be able to go to a long time. Share herself who will sit with her. I still love you and I am very glad that everything is fully established. For my daughter do not worry, I will always be her dad. Let's decide when we tell the parents, I also want to talk to your parents, write them a letter, explain everything and thank them. Just understand(Again "Understand" - M. L.), you have happiness and love, I also want to try (and suddenly it turns out) to find yourself a loved one who will love me.I wish you happiness. Timofey.

I read the letter 2 times asked when we tell the parents. I said, how to say, honey. While there was no more reaction. Maybe a little add about "became fat", and the like?(Again an unnecessary desire to be aggressive - M.L.).

In the evening she said that he thinks that if she had told me at once - then nothing would have happened, in the sense that everything would be fine with us. Today I will continue my line of behavior. So far I have not decided what position to take on the court about the child. I don't know yet.

What do you think do I need to take some extra steps now, or just continue your behavior line?

Sincerely, Timofey.

My answer.

In principle, all your behavior is correct. Changing it by sending a letter to parents. Exercise - you took an example from her. She, when you changed, did not inform you. After all, when you converged, she promised you not to change.

Noble people are first bred, and then fall in love with another. And she, like a kolobok, rolled. This is her understanding of nobility, and you agreed with him. And, in addition, you want to save a good relationship with her parents. "And how to save them if I am unworked." But it is better to say, she is to send a letter.

Although it really will be like it, when it comes down with her beloved. And it will start pulling it when they will cease to receive information about you. So it is not necessary to do much effort. You can do anything.

If you begin to press it, it will only unite with your loved ones, and the problem of returning will be harder. Communicate with the child from the position that you love it. Who to be, to solve her.

If she decides to be with you, then you can sue. But here you need to consult with lawyers. Here is the best position of the biblical woman who has noticed her child. Two women were simultaneously born on the boy. But one of the children soon died. Women defended their right to a living child and appealed to the king Solomon.

When Solomon said that he could decide whose child, he could not, and awarded to cut the child in half, the true mother refused the child. So you do not waste the child on the part. Better give it to your spouse.

The phrase is suitable here: "I love you, daughter, and I want you to be good. I really want to live with you. But if you are better with my mother, stay with my mother. " Nothing new need. You can only write that love continues to decrease. Successes. M. Litvak.

Immediately I got the answer and this letter.

"Hello, Mikhail Efimovich!

Yesterday I talked with her parents and told them what was going on. Now I am on a "siege position", because Each her phrase goes to me in a rigid ironic manner. I do not cling, answer: "How to say, honey".

An example of her replica: "You have such angels with us: just growing wings." She really does not want to communicate and talk with their parents. It is very afraid that all this will pop up at her at work, that she will lose work. Her dad (he is an old partner, and remembers even times when the team condemned and "returned to the Lono of the family") wants to talk to her team.

What do you think this conversation can lead to? Is it worth it to resist or impatiently push?

Formally, it may not be able to work there further, and he may not get an increase in St. Petersburg. It will be in plus to me in court, I still want to leave the child at myself. She had no conversation with her parents, she doesn't want him very much, because It believes that it will be there to water mud. In principle, her mother can do this. (I cease to understand what we do. The return of the prodigal wife in the Lono of the family or having a child? Let's define, and we will deal with something one - M. L.).

I am very glad that you can leave for a while and is very counting on vacation, goes early next week. The money gives her a loved one that it suits me. Something appeared doubts, whether to let go of a child with her on vacation. Probably let's let go. (This is right - M. L.).

She now clearly looked at me. Trying to prick and make pain in everything. So viciously, but she has such behavior, as if she was completely drove into the angle. Sometimes I just give my hands, but I try to hold on. Already found a good lawyer for broken-water processes. I am preparing for any options.

So far all the news for today, with respect, Timofey.

My answer.

"Timofey! I already answered this question. Of course, it can be fired from work from work, but will she come back to you? In general, the smaller the intervention, the better. And if she calls you an angel, then you can agree. Depreciation perfectly worked.

"Of course an angel. That's because I am an angel, so you and you do not want to live. With angels are not interested. I will try to become a devil so that the next woman does not leave me. " Still, you do not always have depreciation. Successes. M. Litvak.

Dear my readers!

I do not know what you think you think, but I believe that Timothy's behavior is impeccable. After all, with all that it suggested, agreed. He proceeded from that position that all people are good. Scenes of jealousy did not suit, offered his wife to meet her beloved in the apartment.

All the blame for breaking relationships took over. There were no words of criticism in the address of his wife. But he had to protect himself. He did not want to communicate with her. But Timofey has already become a stranger to Bail. And she also began to hate. He is not to blame that parents have become on his side. He thought they would support their daughter. And in just guise, he used all the techniques of psychological aikido, the principle of depreciation is true, almost all of its options.


Happy for you. My comments in the body of the letter. I wish you success. M. Litvak.

"News with battle fields ... (This is the title of Timofey).

Hello, Mikhail Efimovich!

I just talked to my wife's parents, after informing it about it and saying that I was hard to lie to them. I realized that I was very easier for me after this conversation: first, it was very nice to see how they treat me, secondly - you don't need to lie more and smash.(Lit and deceive very hard. It causes a large emotional tension. It is necessary to remember who you said. It is necessary to have very good memory and strong nerves. Somewhere I wrote in detail. And with his nerves there were a bad thing about it. He After all, I was going to endorse the life of suicide. It would definitively be a lies - M. L.).

I spoke still in the same vein that I love her, I am very glad that I have a good relationship with them (her parents), and I don't want to lose them in the future, I know that they love her and everyone will understand . But if I were in her place - I would be strongly strained.

Now the facts:

  • they want to talk to her (this is quite natural for parents);
  • They said that if she wants to live temporarily with them, they will not accept her;
  • They said they would like the child to stay with me that if I decide to fight for him, they would perform on my side, (I start thinking about it seriously);
  • Her dad has an idea to make a small "presentation" at her work, in terms of exposing them for the team, set up against them the society in which they work.
I wonder what you think about this idea?(I would not do this. Lying do not beat. Yes, it may rather damage the idea of \u200b\u200breturning it to you. They just get reunited soon. Urgently dissuade anything. I will only be stagnant. - M. L.);
  • her mother wants to talk to her beloved person, that, though she wants to tell him - I do not know(And this should not be done. This is only short. - M. L.).
  • they said that if earlier helped her with a child, so that she was easier to work, now they will not do it yet - let him spin himself, although the grandson they love very much and miss him very much, (In vain, of course - M. L.);
  • parents are unambiguously against her to go on vacation with our daughter without me. (And in general, it would be better if they did not change their behavior towards her. It is possible to express their attitude, but it is impossible to change behavior. But they already did it. Unfortunately, we have no psychological culture. There is a thought to write a book on this topic . - M. L.).
The letter I wrote to my wife's parents:

"Dear Maria Petrovna and Leonid Vasilyevich!

It is still difficult for me to talk about some things, so I write to you this letter. I am very grateful to Ball for those seven years happiness that she gave me. I still love it very much and I want it to be happy, I hope that everything will be fine. Probably, I'm not the person she is worthy.(The word "probably" would not be inserted better. This is not depreciation. It turns out that it is not right. Of course, you are not the person. Everything else is right. - M. L.).

I know that you love her very much that you will understand everything. I am very regretting that a little communicated with you before, perhaps it would help me to keep it, make it happy. I hope that we will stay with you friends, and I can still ask your advice. I do not want to repeat the same mistake if in the future, suddenly, I will meet a woman at least a little bit like Ball.

I hope you tell me what I did not do what I made mistakes, so as not to repeat the same. Sincerely, Timofey.

He is seriously thinking about how he will negotiate himself.(Let's think about it when she gives to court. Maybe she will return to you. After all, we are engaged in her return, but psychologically competently! Have you already forgotten about it? Or are we already dealing with? - M. L. )?

I feel the strength, I think I can leave my daughter(And I'm sure about this. - M. L.). Good lawyers are already looking for.(But the most important thing is how you will behave. The main thing is that she filed for divorce. I will send you the defendant's speech in court. But wait again. Maybe she will return to you. Let's finally finish one thing. - M. L.).

I know that if she says that he decided to stay, for me it will be possible only if she says "I love you." In any way, it will not be immediately, and in order to try to collect those fragments that now we have, you will need a lot of strength, patience and time and labor to do this.

I know that I will continue to live, work and strive for success, regardless of whether it will be back or not. What I'm even glad(But it's great that we are glad. - M. L.) , That life sent me such a test. Without him, I would not start moving up, and so it would be sitting in my swamp. Thanks for your advice, with respect, Timofey.

Here you see, my dear readers, as psychologically, competent behavior with an unjust goal led to the correction of the goal. I think that the Jesuites are wrong, stating that the goal justifies the funds. From my point of view, the most important thing is the right means. They and the wrong goal will change.

Once again I want to emphasize that returning the left spouse in the Lono of the family - the target is unrighteous. It is impossible to make her own, no one with an unloved person. Otherwise, the house will be imprisoned with life imprisonment and constant torture. And the last letter of Timothy.

"Hello, dear Mikhail Efimovich!

I look at myself from the side and I enjoy the changes that occur in me. I strongly grew up motivation to work: I really want to advance in my work. Slowly happens, what you told me: What I will not be ready to take her back if she wants to return. I understand that at the moment I love it while I am ready for it to come back.

But I realized that it was ready to do it only if she sincerely could show me that she loved me, which he understood what she was seeking to see what she had from life and why she wants to return. (Highlighted by Timothy).

I understand that it is still a very long way for it and it is unknown where I will be when she passes it and whether it will pass, because I'm also not going to stand still. Yesterday she talked for a very long time with her father, and, according to Mom, all Punchova came out from there.

As far as I know, Dad simply talked to her so that she would have weighed everything and against his decision, told her his vision of the situation, life, from the height of his life experience. Due to the fact that I changed my attitude to what is happening and what happened, we had such a dialogue:

"You said you want to be good with me, you know that I still love you, but I can not exercise my love, because You love another person. You have already decided that you want to be with him, but it's hard for me when you are near, so because You still gather to leave, maybe you will start looking for an apartment.

I do not chase you and do not put any dead, but it's very hard for me to be near you, love you and not be able to realize my desires. I want to try to forget you, and so it will be easier for me to do it.

With my daughter, I do not know how to do, but I will do it so that it was good. I know how you love our daughter and want her to stay with you, but I have to be sure that it will be well secured financially that she will be given enough time, and that she will live in good terms.

Repeated her words that she wants from his beloved man, that if she stays with me, we will not have more children that she will hate me. I said that if she decides to return, I will be ready to accept her, only if I see some things, but what I did not say. He said that while the door was opened for her, but half closed half.

I began to understand that she was absolutely not ready for such a reversal of events, because Its plans included me not to twin and not even inform about what is happening. I agreed to go on vacation with everyone in order to wait until her loved one will be transferred to Petersburg, and then re-move. Those. Fully play for my back.

A very interesting moment that she does not even know for sure, whether he told his family, what plans he had about the divorce with his family. He says that he seems to be told all his wife. So far, as far as I know, he is not in Tambov (he himself is not Tambov), but with his family somewhere there.

When analyzing the situation now, I have the thoughts that it is trite, in the first time, could use, fuck, as they speak in the people, just sleep, and then she turned out to be just a comfortable person for further life. Although it can easily be completely wrong, and they are really new Romeo and Juliet (for some reason it is hard to believe in it).

She is very afraid that everything will be aware of their work, as the leadership will look at it, their leader is a very decent person, with his family, with two children, very intelligent and educated.

It can easily be tritely asked to write them both a statement on his own desire, although it may not do that. It is very worried about it, because Work for it is number 1. Those. She is clearly not ready to go somewhere, but I don't want it to go. Leaving go. Her parents see her in her house do not want.

I understand that at the moment I do not, not according to the principle of depreciation, but I found myself and a sense of own dignity and a feeling of pride and I do not want me to use me. May it be so! The only thing I don't want to at least somehow touched our daughter.

According to one woman (we are friends of families) Bal - such a person who has not experienced real difficulties in life, and now she subconsciously found them on his head (or what else). I decided that I would not interfere with the findings of these difficulties. Want - take.

She said that he hates me that he would not talk to me. I tried to insult me \u200b\u200bthat I had to stop. I said that it is great that she will not talk that it is absolutely what I need.

I also said that in the communication of the house, you must, first of all, think about the daughter, and if we start to water each other with mud, it will only be worse, that it is not necessary to drag it from the side to the side that it is necessary to consult with a children's psychologist, How do we better behave with him. What I love her and respect her. What you do not need to behave like me.(But, since "More ..." I did not need to talk. After all, it is a banal truth that his wife is already known for 20 years. And in general, what is known to say everything is not worth it, because it will sound like an insult. This is Anyway, how to say a person that you need to wash your hands before eating, brushing your teeth in the mornings and evenings, to do in the mornings charge and pr.- M. L.).

In short, to my pleasure, we now do not communicate at all, though, I understand that it is bad for our daughter. ( But this is not a fact - M. L.).

I realized that my attitude to what was happening continues to change and does not stand still. I don't know what position I will loan on the court about the child, it will depend on my knowledge of the conditions in which it will live on the attitude towards him.

There will be confidence that he will be well in the long run - and I will not say words.(I am in a hurry. We are engaged in returning Bale. Let's first deal with it. Do you return it or do you refuse it? I don't understand anything at all. - M. L.).

Sports foregoing: while it remains 1.5 open questions for me.

1 - what to do with the child.

0.5 - Will I be able to accept it if she wants to return.(She was still not asked yet. That's when I am asked, then start thinking. After all, Jesus Christ advised us to take care of today's day. And tomorrow I will take care of myself, M. L.).

Thank you very much. By the way, I said that I consider consultation successful. I am your debtor. With deep respect, Timofey. "

And my farewell letter.


My congratulations. You are well done. Self-esteem is the main value. You have it. Consider that you paid to me with your disciplined attitude and thereby confirmed the correctness of my theoretical concepts and practical recommendations. Usually this work at my wards left to six months. But you figured out in less than a week. This is faster than I even thought.

I said my ward that if I could accommodate in you, I would kake the situation of the week for two. You got faster. Of course, soon she is asking for you, but I'm almost sure that you will not accept it, although in principle the woman is good.

Just she has a scenario of a kolobka. She rolled away from your predecessor to you. If she stays with your opponent, then after he helps her move, she will roll to another. But the main thing is not that.

The main thing is the saved sense of your own dignity. With him you can live, even if a woman threw you and live decently. Now you will make this party and without me. You have mastered the techniques of psychological aikido.

And do not consider yourself my debtor. Your rapid mastering methods for psychologically competent communication is quite compensation for my efforts. Yes, and I put your story in the book. But if you in the process of your intensive activity will inform me about your affairs, I will be very pleased, and if I can be useful to you, then I will be just delighted. Successes. M. Litvak.

When I talked about this case on one of my lectures, one young sexy woman with indignation exclaimed: "What a brutal technique!" Yes, cruel from the position of this woman! What do you think, and if she did not roll like a kolobok, from one man to another, would she fall into a similar situation?

What do you think, is my dear reader, is it a brutal technique or not?

I think not. For a kolobka, maybe this is also useful to this shake. And then, after all, it is possible to come to the fox, and that it certainly will eat. And good should be able to defend himself, otherwise it will not be good, but evil.

Finally, the last letter of Timothy, which can be called an epilogue.

"I'm all good. Now actively engaged in sports (I want to gain a slight form), a lot and willingly work. The plans are better to learn German and be sure to get to one of your seminars.

As for my relationship to his wife: I still love her yet, but I can no longer accept and even more so understand its actions and actions towards me and our daughter. The desire to manipulate it so that she returned to gone.

Why do I need this dummy, albeit with a beautiful body? This is not for me. I am worthy of the best. I really want it to quickly leave: it seems she took off the apartment, and soon it should happen. I look forward to. It seems that there is not a very nice section of the property ahead, but I think I will handle it without big losses. I still do not want to give yourself offense.

In relations with her, now my position is not to give it to me free or unwarked harm. I have a good relationship with her parents, with friends. I all have great support, although the main support for me is me myself. But nevertheless, such a relationship from their part is very nice.

One of the important issues for me is to build good relationships with a child, on a different level. If possible, over time I will ask your advice on this issue. Relationships with daughter are important to me, and I want to be a good father for her. So far like this. If possible, I - how will time and (for now) the wife will not be at home - I'll call you to talk a little.

Thank you so much for your help. With deep respect, Timofey. "