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Signs to give an icon for a wedding. Is it possible to give icons as a gift: Signs, the opinion of the Church. How to give the icon to say: words

Icons are often referred to as saints. According to the reference, they bring well-being, peacefulness, understands the family destruction.

Today it has become fashionable to give birthday icons or other holidays. But many people are afraid of such a gift, because they do not know how the church applies to this.

Note! The priests insist on the fact that they are not easy to give them, but even need, because the image of the saint protects a person from evil influence and protects. Images can be given even a naked person.

The tradition of donation of images came to us since the ancient centuries. Our ancestors deliberately presented as a gift icons as a sign of respect and good attitude towards a person.

After the gift, the gift was put in an angle, where people most often prayed and asked the Lord mercy and happiness at the Lord.

The ministers of church noted that the donation of saints spreads faith in God among people, so the church is positive to such gifts.

If a person is a believer, then as a birthday gift, he can choose an icon on a horoscope sign.

Table: what images to give different zodiac signs for the birthday

Zodiac sign Title icons on birthday and zodiac sign
Capricorn Power
Aquarius Vladimirskaya, Unplained Cupina
Fish Iversion, all mournful joy
Aries Kazanskaya, Sofronia of the doctor, Innocent Moscow
calf Iverskaya, Sporoshnica
Twins Vladimirskaya, the recovery of the dead, unhappy bina
Cancer Kazan, all grieving joy
a lion Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Virgo Passionate, unhappy bina
Libra Pochaevskaya, unalimized bina
Sagittarius Tikhvinskaya, sign

When can you not give an icon?

There are a number of cases when to give church images is undesirable:

  1. It is advisable only to people of Christian religion. If a person confesses Islam, the Orthodox or Catholic Icon will not delight him, but grieves it.

    According to Muslim faith, it is prohibited to depict the saints on the canvas, so the Muslim is such a gift to consider an insult to his religion.

  2. To present as a gift, images of saints can not atheists.
  3. To give someone else's icon or take it as a gift is prohibited.

Important! It is forbidden to give them to people who are dismissing relating to religion and the church.

What icon give newlyweds to the wedding parents?

The icons give to the wedding even if the newlyweds are not wary in the church.

It is better for a wedding gift to convey newlyweds the images of parents with whom they got married, because they retain incredible power.

But if this does not do this, then the parents can give to the wedding of newlyweds such icons:

  1. "Saint" and "Our Lady". These licks of the saints protect a young family from divorce, quarrels, misunderstanding. They defend, guard, bring understanding, well-being.
  2. "Peter and Fevronia". This image patronizes with married couples.
  3. "Fedorov's icon of God's Mother." It helps future mothers in conception and birth of a strong kid.

Icons for other holidays

Icons give to such holidays:

  1. Wedding.
  2. Epiphany.
  3. Housewarming.
  4. Wedding.
  5. Birthday.

Note! For a gift, the shrine is selected based on the occasion of the holiday.

Table: What shrines to give on various holidays

Holiday Name shrine
Birthday On the birthday of the shrine is selected on the basis of the floor of the birthday room.

Woman gives such images:

  • "Kazan".
  • "Vladimirskaya".
  • "The Mother of God Troyorchitsa."
  • "Iversion".
  • "Bethlehemskaya".

The man gives such images:

  • "Savior Successful."
  • "Lick of St. Nicholas."
  • "Icon of the Guardian Angel."
Christening Both the boys and the girl are suitable such lines of saints:
  • "Merry". It must match the toddler's growth on the day of baptism.
  • Name icon is chosen based on the church name of the crumbs. It is depicted in holy with the same name as the baptized baby. Such a leak protects the crumb, protects against the evil and damage.
  • "Pantelemon Healer."
  • "Matrona Moscow".
  • "Our Lady."
  • Nicholas Wonderworker.
  • "Pokrov".
  • "Apostles Peter and Paul"
  • The fold, consisting of 3 small icons with the image of Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Virgin.
  • "Unbreakable wall".
  • "Sporian bread".
  • "Inadequate joy."
  • "Matrona Moscow".
  • "Peter and Fevronia".

Images of saints give not only festive events. Pregnant woman can give a face

The Most Holy Theotokos "Assistant in childbirth", and a young man who goes into the army can be presented by the Icon "Alexander Nevsky".


With the gift of shrines associated a lot. That is why now many people are afraid to take a gift to the saints.

If you gave the shrine should not be upset and disappeared. It will be right to appeal to a gift, because he brings happiness to the house and serves as a strong facing family.

But people tend to believe the signs that are forbidden to accept as a gift. These signs appeared during the destruction of churches and alienation from the church.

In our country there was a time when the government prohibited faith, so the people were massively imposed on the fact that all church attributes carry a threat and evil, but then not.

Signs, why not accept the icon as a gift:

  1. The presented image attracts misfortune. To say that this sign is correct incorrectly. The image of saint cannot attract troubles and misfortunes into the family.

    The licks of the saints protect the dwelling from the other world, protect a person from adversity.

  2. The shrine is done damage. Previously, many thought that the presented licks of the saints were damaged to a person.

    The shrine was put on a prominent place, so its negative impact spread faster on people.

    Therefore, many preferred not to take such a gift, but to buy the shrine on their own.

    This sign is not justified. Even black witches do not dare to bring damage to the church shrine. This is one of the biggest sins.

    Finding into the hands of a man, the icon begins to "work" to him for the benefit, even if the gift is stained with black magic.

  3. You can not give embroidered or independently drawn images. The people believe that homemade images are not powerful, so they are useless.

    But the church says the opposite. The force lies in the image of the saint, and how it appeared on the canvas, the value has no value.

Not only church shrines protect and protect. Embroidered or hand-written icons are also greater strength, but they should be consecrated by the priest before the donation.

Important! Believe it or no signs - the solution of each person. But I would like to note that faith always inspires, saturates forces and spiritually cleans a person, so it is better to take a gift to the icon in order not to show his neglect to the Church and Christianity.

Hello, dear friends! Surely, you happened to be seen in church shops on the icons, and perhaps the question arose: can I give icons as a gift? What signs exist on this? If so, then, in what cases, which one to choose and how to behave during the gift. That's about it and talk.

A bit of history

Icon is not just a picture, it is an Orthodox shrine having deep historical roots.

With the arrival of Christianity on Rus, the first icon painters appeared. They wrote saints, creating creations, painting the first temples. These images are the most ancient and valuable. The faces of the saints wrote for rich princely childbirth, royal dynasties. As a rule, the icon painters in men's monasteries were engaged.

Feeling a special gift, transfer the image of Christ and his apostles, some masters retired that life vitality would not interfere with them to exalt God. In the Middle Ages, and in the future, up to the October Revolution of 1917, the images of the saints in Russia were of great importance for the state as a whole. The sacred face was blessed by warriors on tactful feats. Construction of the temple, at home also began with blessing.

None wedding did without parental blessing of the family relic. The young family family was transmitted from parents or close relatives and became a family shrine for many years, and on the century.

In the twentieth century, after the October Revolution of 1917, the worship of the images was not welcomed, and among believers, their readings were not exhibited.

Another thing is collectors. They are always interested in replenishing their collections with a valuable specimen and are ready to post a rather impressive amount for the old thing. Therefore, for people passing by the collection of valuable items, its rare copy will be the most desirable.

Is it possible to give icons as a gift to each other?

There are no obstacles to donation (unlike knives). If you know a person quite well, you are sure that he attaches the meaning of the holy image, or even needs any shrine, darite boldly. Reasonable reasons.

  • It may be a birthday, anniversary or name - the day of the memory of the saint, whose name is called you.
  • They are presented to the wedding thing and for a wedding, while the words of wishes are heard to bother each other, and the relic helped to preserve the family during any vital difficulties.
  • The image can be presented as a gift to business partners - as a sign of sincere cooperation with the wish of prosperity.
  • When opening an office, the image will become a significant gift, taking one of the prominent places. But this is despite the fact that you know exactly that the head is an Orthodox man and visits the temple.
  • At the birth of a child and with baptism, the fold can be given to the parents of the kid.
  • For speedy recovery, you can also choose a suitable image that suits this case.
  • Arriving to visit native or friends, you can give a sacred image, which, for sure, they do not have. Perhaps you will get it in a monastery or temple, i.e. In one of the particularly revered believers.

What are the signs about Orthodox icons?

  • From ancient times, the saints were responsible, they tried not to take a gift from random people, not knowing how sincere they were in the soul. Therefore, they were purchased in church shops in temples.
  • Similar fears are absolutely groundless. The fact is that a similar thing is given solely after consecrated in the temple a priest. It is believed that it is endowed with a special force and is able to help when contacting it. Of course, it cannot be the subject creating miracles to the right and left. First of all, a person must be believers and not be lazy to turn to the shrine with prayers.
  • There is also prejudice that it is impossible to give icons embroidered or written by simple people who are not icon painters working in the temple. And this is just a fear. Such work can become real shrines if they are consecrated. If you yourself can cut the saint's face on a wooden floor, draw or embroider threads, beads, then your work can be quite worthy. The main thing before giving, go to the temple and ask the father to sanctify your creation. After the ritual, the work you created will not differ from others.

Who and in what cases can Icons give?

Shrines as a gift to women

  • One of the most revered and beloved women icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Protects from diseases and contributes to the preservation of family well-being. It is given to both young families and the anniversary of the wedding.
  • Creates to delight from the heart disease Vladimir icon. Parents pray the icon for their children.
  • A woman who dreams of finding a family, to have a child to be presented to the gift of Bethlehem icon.
  • On the forgiveness of sins pray to the Iverland Mother of God.
  • To protect the house and all his households, the image of the Virgin Troechitsy is given.

Shrines as a gift for men

  • A loved one can give the image of the guardian angel. It is believed that he is able to protect a man from different temptations and misfortunes.
  • Many men often travel or are on the road. Give the image of St. Nicholas to store your spouse, brother, father, relative or friend on the way.
  • Young people and everyone who is looking for themselves in the profession will help the face of the patron saint in matters. Such a gift is appropriate as graduates of schools, universities and business people.
  • Many men do not have the opportunity to visit the temple constantly, so you can prevent yourself as a gift.

Icons that give a housewarming

The new home is associated with the hopes for the well-being of the family, to a new happy life. In addition to household and interior items, which are given to the housewarming, you can prevent the name of the icon as a gift. Your gift is not only respected by the owners, will emphasize your concern for the prosperity of the family and its protection, but also can become a family relic. Do not forget to consecrate.

  • You can give the image of the Savior, as an intercession and patron.
  • From quarrels and disagreements in the family and with neighbors will help to get rid of the holy icon of the Virgin "Seven Straightened", it is also called the "softening of evil hearts".
  • The wooden house will protect the "unhapable Kupaulina", which is eliminated by the folk belief of the house from the fire and from the defeat of the lightning.
  • "Bride spine" helps believers to avoid material difficulties, helps to maintain physical forces in work.

Icons that give christening

  • Invited can handle the Mother of God, Nicholas Wonderworker or Guardian Angel.
  • A child with a relaxed health is better to choose the image of Panteleimon healer, or the image of saint matron.
  • Now they have increasingly began to give the baptism of measuring icons, which are ordered in advance in the icon-painted Orthodox workshop. It usually has a height corresponding to the growth of the child, although it is not necessary.
  • If the birth date of the child coincides with one of the Orthodox holidays, then you can present the image that is dedicated to this day. For example, January 7 - Christmas of Christ, January 19 - Epiphany, April 7 - Annunciation of the Mother of God, etc. Therefore, choosing a child to a child, it is still worth checking the coincidence of his birthday with an Orthodox holiday. For the baby's parents, such attention from the doning will be nice.

Icons that give to wedding

Many couples today fasten their union not only in the public institution - the registry office, but also in the temple, where the church sacrament occurs, the sky itself connects two halves. Such a solemn, the wedding situation is accompanied by cardiac congratulations and gifts of close relatives.

And, of course, something special, symbolizing the bond of the union, corresponding to the spiritual state of the marriage pair is given. In this case, the image is one of the ideal spiritual items.

  • There is a "family icon", on which the image of the Mother of God is surrounded by the saints, which will patronize a young family.
  • Often give the faces of the blessed Peter and Fevronia, who guard their marriage of spouses. The history of this pair is interesting and instructive. Before becoming a husband and wife, the share of Peter and Fevronia fell out the tests with which they coped, and until the end of their days were true to each other. The only thing they prayed for God, so to die on one day. So it happened.

From 2008, July 8, in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the day of family, love and loyalty is celebrated in our country.

  • "Installing a baby" is also given to christening, and is among believers especially honorable.

Icons that give for speedy recovery

  • Pray and give the image of Christ the Savior.
  • Wishing speedy recovery and presented as a gift to the leak of Panteleimon healer.
  • Most strongly has a "fast-silent", to which the blindness and suffering from diseases of the legs are treated for help. And the image of God's Mother "Allorrow's joy." Also about getting rid of blindness and with eye disease turns to the Kazan God's Mother of God.
  • In case of hand diseases, turn to the image of Troyorukitsky.
  • Believers talk about the wonderful properties of the Icons "Umunion of Seraphim Sarovsky".
  • Pray for the health of children and get rid of the infertility of Our Lady "Healer".
  • During pregnancy, and before childbirth, they turn to the shrines "The Word Flest" and "Mammal".

All these images can be given. But at the same time consider whether such gifts are appropriate to a particular person, whether he belongs to Orthodox people, whether the gentlemen are taken as the intercession and the Savior. In a word, the soul of someone you give, should be open to the adoption of the shrine.

At the same time, the donor itself needs to come seriously to the choice of spiritually valuable thing. Not to acquire all the things that you like, but to ask the story, to consider it, think about what words will accompany the presentation.

But the most important thing, and the donor, and the owner of the icons should remember that the images of the saints need to pray sincerely. In case of diseases, he is also seriously engaged in their health, contacting doctors. All together - medicine and prayer - help a person to gain health. Doctors maintain the physical condition of the patient, and the spiritual component of Orthodoxy helps not fall in spirit, and through faith in the Lord, finding forces for recovery.

Believe in good and do good deeds yourself. Support your loved ones with an appropriate look and heartcand, help in trouble and in joy. Sometimes, maybe you should not wait for the reason to give a small icon with a holy face. Just hand it with a close person, and tell me what you think about him and happy when everything is fine.

I wish you health and joy in life. I hope that the blog helps you, find an interesting idea. Tell us about the article to friends. All you benefits!

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva

Often people are interested in whether it is possible to give icons as a gift. Acquisition of the appropriate icon as an overlap responsible step. Icon is a saint face from the biblical plot. Signs associated with the removal of the image as a gift is very contradictory. Before presenting the saint's face, you need to know the attitude of the person himself to faith, because if he is far from this, the gift will not be useful, but perhaps, even the opposite. So it is possible to really give the icons - we will deal with this question below.

Will it be useful presented face?

Is it possible to give icons signs:

  • our grandmothers believed that, the presented icon could bring grief, so they bought them in the temples alone;
  • in addition to the overag for a believer, the face can bring misfortune if he was spoken with unkind intent;
  • most often, the charm hang in the most prominent place, which is visible from all sides of the house, and therefore damage acts immediately to the whole family.

On the other hand, if a gift is presented with a native person, it is hardly possible to expect negativity from him. For example, if you present a mother or sister icon. Such gifts will be presented only after sanctifying, so the negative will be very difficult to lay in it.

Another sign is broadcasting that it is impossible to present my own icons made by the Icons. Some Christians even believe that the process of making a gift is already sin, they say, not a clergyman was made, so there is no connection with God. In fact, a person puts the soul when it works, and therefore, if it is consecrated, then the benefit from it will be more than from the bought in the temple.

Birthday present

Is it possible to give icons as a birthday present? The birth of man is the most important process. If a person's face of the saint patron siest is presenting on this day - it will only prove your positive attitude and desire to strengthen friendship. Moreover, the face will be a reminder of you, even if you cannot constantly be near a person and protect it from adversity.

Icons can be given, that's just the choice of such a present you need to come together with all seriousness. There are faces that give women, and there are those that are presenting only a strong half of humanity. To finally understand what you need, you need to study all the associated information.

Men's and women's charms

Consider women's images below in more detail.

  1. Kazan Lady Mother - brings well-being and treats from all sorts of ailments.
  2. Vladimirskaya - helps to cure heart diseases, mother pray to her about her children.
  3. The Virgin Troechitsa - protects the dwelling from negative, cleans the soul from grief.
  4. Iverskaya - helps to save the soul from the severity of sin.
  5. Voflevskaya - it is given to women who can't get pregnant.

Men give the icon of the Savior of the Unclean in the case when for some reason it is not possible to visit the temple. Saint Nicola is the patron saint of all travelers, his face is often hanging in the car. Guardian Angel - this icon is given to the lover, to cover it from adversity and protect from temptations. The saint patron in business is given to people who cannot stand on the right path or are on climbing, also the face promotes consistency in family relationships.

Why are presents presented with saints?

Previously, it was made to pretend the licks of the saints to the wedding, when the children were baptized, as well as on the housewarming. For the most part, such gifts did the closest people, that is, mostly relatives. Such gifts are able to cover the abode from evil spirits, bring in the family of the way and remove the stone from the soul into the heavy moments of life.

The church claims to present the iconographic gifts thoroughly examining all the nuances. The universal icon is the icon-intercession, selected depending on the date of birth or in accordance with the name of the Guardian angel. The Mother of God Pochayevskaya is intended for people who have lost faith, it is able to heal the spiritual wounds and treat diseases.

What lines are presented for a happy marriage?

Today, many newlyweds are crowned in the church. The main task of parents of the bride and groom, pick up a wedding couple for them. It is allowed to transfer your wedding icons to the inheritance son or daughter. Although, all such better buy new icons of St. Saint and God's Mother.

Wedding couple icons protect a young family. As a wedding couple, Peter and Fezron are often chosen. An excellent gift for the wedding of Lick Fedorovskaya Mother of God. It is considered a patroness of women, helps a successful conception and protects pregnant women. The icon of the Holy Framets gives it to in the future only that a lot of beautiful, healthy kids have been born in the future.

No strict rules in choosing a wedding couple for young. If in the Holy Temple, you liked an icon that is not included in the list of the above, you can not doubt, but boldly buy and present to the wedding. The main thing is that the gift is presented only with the most good intentions. Before giving the icon, it must be consecrated.

To whom and when they give icons

12 reasons to give the icon

Folk signs about icons

Baptismal images

The rite of baptism is an important responsible moment, rather not even for parents, but for the godfather. After all, they will now be spiritual mentors of a little man and answer God for his spiritual education. The most appropriate gift for the baby to the baptists is an Orthodox image.

The measuring icon should be bought be sure. She is given the godparents. It is believed that it should be made strictly according to individual sizes corresponding to the kid's growth. An excellent option is a personal icon, depicting the saint patron of the child.

Any icon must pass a consecration rite before will be presented. The child is given a face only after the baptism ritual. Hang him on the very prominent place for the child. So he will be able to communicate with his guardian angel.

Gifts for housewarming

Settlement on a new living space is a very important point. There are a number of folk superstitions associated with moving to a new residence. Most often in such cases prefer the icon of the Intercession. She protects against fire, flood, evil eye. The gift should be presented so that less who saw it, and before the celebration begins.

The ideal option, give such a present in advance so that the family came to a new dwelling with him in their hands. If the home owners already have such an icon, then you can give a fold. This image consists of three folding parts with images of the Faces of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas.

Images that give to the housewarming:

  • icon with a cross - does not allow the house of envious, and ill-wishers;
  • unbreakable wall - an image that covers the dwelling from thieves and destruction, as a result of natural cataclysms;
  • unalmable bina - protects from fire and lightning;
  • the impassable door - does not admire the house of people who want to harm your family;
  • deaders of bread - helps a person to update the forces and achieve conceived.

Opinion of priests

From a long time, a tradition to give the icons to us. Previously, almost all images were decorated with silver and gold, lined with expensive stones, so such a gift was very valuable. The lyric was installed in that corner in which he can see everything, going to the abode.

Icons can be given and need if you want to show a person what really take care of him. In the temple, you can choose the appropriate face, ideally suitable for a close man. The priests say that it is not necessary to pay attention to the folk signs associated with the negative in relation to such gifts. Make a negative promise to the sanctified image is simply impossible.

How to take the iconographic gift?

If you know that a person does not nourish good feelings to you, but still gives you an iconographic gift, it is better not to think about decency, and refuse to immediately take a gift. Taking an icon with a sprinkler, you risk not only your health, but also of your family. Icons in no way should be thrown away. A gift that causing doubt is better not to take at all or attribute immediately to the temple and there they will tell you how to do with the icon.

Let's summarize

Is it possible to really give icons? - Today, many are asked as a question by choosing a gift. Folk signs say that such a gift can bring misfortune to the house if he is accepted from the enemy. The Church has a completely different opinion on this.

Priests say that the face is the best gift that will show your attitude towards a person. With the mind, the selected icon is able to return to man faith in herself, protect their relatives, their accommodation, remove heavy stone from the soul. If you decide to give the iconographic present, feel free to go to the temple and pick up the image. Often, icons are presented to the wedding with young, on christening, housewarming and birthdays.

People can damage. And since the saints face is located in a prominent place, in the room where people most often are located, the effect of this damage hits every day. Households start and quarrel with each other.

Free from its negative impact is possible only by communion. At the same time, the icon must be given to the church, in no case should it be thrown away.

When you can give icons

Church believers argue that the gift of the icon is a great sacrament, because it carries a particle of spiritual and eternal. Therefore, it is possible to give the saint's face, but only from a pure heart and only an Orthodox person. A similar gift, presented with the whole of the soul, will bring only happiness and welcome it.
At the same time, a person should understand that the icon is not just an element of the interior, it requires a relationship corresponding to itself - respectful and respectful.

Despite the fact that the icons can be made, it is necessary to understand that not every holiday is a reason for this offer. Most often bring as a gift with some celebrations.

With baby. On the day of this sacrament, dimensional icons are usually given. This tradition originated in the royal family when the godfather gave a newborn icon equal to its growth. She had to protect him from misfortune and grief.

In Russia, the growth was called "measure", hence the name of the icon - "Merne".

On the . In honor of this celebration, this gift usually makes parents to their children, blessed them. It is believed that the icon will strengthen the family union, giving joy and love to the house. Such an icon can be transferred as a valuable relic from generation to generation.

For birthday. In this case, the registered icons depicting the face of the Saint Patron are granted as an overchareg.

On a church holiday.

Who can give icons

You can give icons to any Orthodox person. Relative, friend, colleague, business partner - not so important. The main thing is that the gift is carried positive energy and is consecrated in the church or temple, otherwise the saint's face will be just a picture.

For colleagues and partners, as a rule, the icons of Georgy Victorious and Alexander Nevsky choose. They put in the workplace, they will contribute to the spiritual development of a person and bring success to all of his endeavors.

Many believers are worried, is it possible to give icons. Icons are an important attribute of Christianity. They symbolize faith as part of human life. They depict the saints, and their face can help the patient, a family or lonely person.

Give the icon with caution

Church Icons and Signs

Church icons are not accepted to give without a special occasion. There is a clear list of cases when such a gift is appropriate. Traditionally, the church attribute to the newlyweds, baptized children from the godfare parents, believing on large Orthodox holidays, when the saint is brought into the person's house to enhance protection. Is it possible to give icons to outsiders explained below.

  • Such a gift is a manifestation of disrespect, if a person's religion is unknown or he does not like to talk about faith.
  • The gift may be dangerous if brings to the house in unfavorable days.
  • Gifts of this kind are inappropriate if a person does not believe in God or folk signs.

Warnings and various signs that relate to the Orthodox attributes are carried. Any thing is capable of keeping positive or negative energy, through the church attribute you can send a family, problems and frequent conflicts. Icons are symbolic gifts. They are placed in the dwelling in the most prominent place. If a person who brings such a thing to the house, he is offended or wants to harm, the problems of households cannot be avoided. In order to promptly recognize the danger use the signs that reveal the true intentions of the guest.

Total meaning

Icon is a special attribute. From a long time, it was transferred from generation to generation: such a legacy was not thailate danger. New images were bought with a certain goal. A special rite was conducted. At first they asked the Council from the Church Supervisor or the Spiritual Father, and only then they made a purchase of an image. Such a gift has always paid a lot of attention. If a person sincerely believes in God, the icon brought to the gift is a special thing showing a good attitude towards man, love and respect for his family. A hundred years ago, the image obtained as a gift even from a close friend was perceived as a prediction of the ambulance. Superstition warned, avoid danger will not succeed. As soon as the saint's face was located in the house (if a person took a gift), conflicts and problems in the house began. Children hurt, and adults appeared problems at work.

The overall value of the gift from loved ones (relatives and loved ones) - Changes are coming. This is a long-awaited transformation, to which personality has stronged for a long time.

About whether you can give icons to children, you should know young parents. This is a happy sign. The image of the saint is the blessing of the newborn. So parents give to the baby's defense and help him grow without disease. The negative values \u200b\u200bof the image of the saint, as an unusual gift, proceed from the message of a person: that he invests as a gift and as he pretends. Conditionally signs about presented icons are divided into positive, negative and warning of danger.

Icons are traditionally inherited


Symbolizes human holiness icon. This is his desire and desire to be better, kinder, compassionate. Brings the church attribute to the house of another person, the guest declares good intentions. Get such a birthday present - to rapid success. A person will be able to advance through the career ladder, find like-minded people and new business partners. Gifted by the birth of a child The image of Saint promises health. The baby will hurt less if the badge is depicted on the icon or written by Saint Nikolai. Favorable meaning when donated the image of the saint, whose name is chosen for the child. Such an icon will serve for many many years before the kid. A positive is a gift where the image is designed in bright colors. It is necessary to consider that dark images do not give children and unmarried women.


Negative is an image that is given in the days of the falling moon. During this period, the negative on the person's family is satisfied. The icon is negatively affecting and when the ill-wisher brings a gift in a nonsense packaging. If the frame with the image is closed with a cloth, then soon it will bring a strong disease from which it will be difficult to cure. Other negative signs associated with the Present:

  • presented icon immediately fell - money problems are waiting ahead;
  • the presented image of the saint has chips (on a frame or glass) - quarrels and conflicts will begin in the family, which will not end for a long time;
  • on the glass or under the glass there are stains - wait for diseases (in most cases, children and pets will suffer).

Signs of negative signs can appear in the first days.

If the icon was placed in the living room and quickly covered with dust or web - you need to wait for unpleasant news. If it constantly falls, but the glass remains the whole - wait for betrayals or treason.

The meaning is negative and in the event that the image of the saint darned in a few days. Superstition promises trouble: Small troubles will spoil the mood and lead to loss of vitality. You need to beware of enemies in cases where a gift is constantly crooked.

Danger warning

The sign associated with a gift can serve as a warning of danger. If it is difficult to find a new place to find a new place (it is not enough or you can not drive a nail under the icon), a permanent negative is satisfied with the person's family. Proof of superstition are constant troubles. To avoid danger, you need to clean the house and look at the close surrounding. The danger is foreshadowed and then when the gift is brought unclean. Divorces or dirt on the glass indicate the tricks of competitors: they act behind the back of a person or dissolve rumors. If you do not take action, the situation will only worsen.

What affects the value

The value of signs largely depends on the conditions in which the image of the saint was presented. Such aspects are important:

  • times of Day;
  • a special occasion (for what holiday icon was prepared);
  • relations between those who give the image of the saint, and those who take it;
  • details (wrapping materials, frame, additional elements).

The values \u200b\u200bwill take relating to the face of the saint, have many nuances. To recognize the danger, you need to evaluate the gift entirely, to understand what he was brought to the dwelling. It is important how a person disposes of them later. The location of the face of the saint determines its influence on the person and family.

As brought

It is necessary to strictly observe the canons. If the icon is transferred through the threshold at night - it is impossible to wait for good from the gift. Liquors only give in the bright time of the day, otherwise they will attract a lot of trouble.

If the icon is presented without a reason (special case), take it and hang it in the house - to a rapid ruin. From the troubles after such a present it is difficult to get rid of.

The icon should be given in the daylight

Who prevents her as a gift

A gift is a message. So a person says he is experiencing to a birthday language or newborn. What means such a gift taken from different hands is considered below.

  • From friend. Get an unusual gift from each other - to a long friendship. If a gift is made with good intentions, it is not worth afraid of negative consequences. Promises such a presentation of mutual understanding. While the image of the saint is in the house, and the person periodically sees him, friendship will not end. It is important that the icon is intact and stood in a frame of natural stone.
  • From your beloved. Favorite man gives an icon as a sign of affection. Such a gift indicates the readiness to build a serious relationship, predicts the strengthening of the Union. It is necessary to hang the icon in the bedroom. At the entrance door, the present is not exhibited, otherwise the quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided.
  • From colleagues. You can not accept a gift from a competitor or rival. If he brings the saint to the house, a gifted person will soon suffer: his professional reputation is under threat.
  • From an old friend. It is impossible to take an icon as a sign of reconciliation with a long-time friend. Spoiled relationships are enhanced by the negative: the old friend calls to trouble in the house through a gift. It is dangerous sign for young families who only build a family nest or plan a child's birth.
  • From the former lover. A similar situation when a former lover brings the image of the saint, the history of which is unknown. It is impossible to take such a gift: it is not recommended to take an icon in the hands or immediately place it in the house. So that unfavorable signs did not come true, you need to thank for a gift, but do not touch him until the old lover leaves.
  • From a unconscious man. Do not take church attributes from people whose motives are still unknown. This is fraught with the consequences for the whole family. Take someone else's icon (which belonged to another person) to a big misfortune, which is difficult to dare.

Additional elements show how much strength was invested as a gift. Wooden frame icon symbolizes strong relationships. The sign is favorable when the guest took care of the design of the gift, but a lot of tests placed or placed in a plastic frame of the icon, which will soon fall on the human life path.

What to do with a gift

If the gift got into the house, it is impossible to straighten with it. Whatever the reason for the present, for him you need to thank. It is impossible to show embarrassment or disgust. After all guests go away, you need to wrap a gift and take it out of the house. The smaller contacts with the thing, if you follow the people's superstitions, the less its influence. On the street over the way the saint is read by a simple prayer. After that, the gift refers to the church in the form of alms. Then the entire living space is cleared, and if there is an old icon in the dwelling, all the angles are having. It is important that the gift never appeared in the house.

To tell where the icon is caught, it is impossible. If a person who brought the saint's face will find out the truth, the trouble will return to the house again.

It is impossible to burn the icon, otherwise all happiness burns with her. Note warns that it is not worth destroying the face of the saint. Such behavior will cause even more problems. It is impossible to give or hand over the saint face to not lose wealth and health.

A presented icon can be attributed to church

How to prevent the icon correctly

In order not to stick on yourself or loved ones, you need to know how to give an icon. Rules when and how can I give the saint's face, look like this:

  • if a person has a birthday, for happiness and good luck, only the icon of the saint, whose name is wearing a birthday room, neglected such a superstition - independently urge bad luck into the house of close;
  • if a person is sick, a saint healer will be given, such an icon will bring long-awaited recovery, you can make a present at any time of the year and any day;
  • the authorities need to give an icon that helps in work if you give a personal icon (attracting love), you can call it anger in the near future.

You need to be careful with gifts, otherwise the good intention turns into a negative. For young girls, a gift is suitable, which depicts holy applying. Other images of saints belong to the house of a single person contraindicated. Young men give holy worships (a small icon, which is better to hide from prying eyes). For couples, icons are selected that enhance family connections. Only parents can give an icon for the wedding, from other people such a gift is not accepted. It promises a lot of quarrels and rapid parting. The bride is presented to the icon of the Virgin, and the groom gives the Savior Jesus Christ.


Icons are an unusual gift that can be brought to the house only at special cases. It is allowed to take such a present only from loved ones, in whose intentions a person is confident. You can not take an icon from the hands of an enemy or an old friend. It is better to give a gift to the church, and at home there is only your saints.