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The husband who throws the family will not be happy. Consequences after a divorce for both spouses. Ten basic causes of husband's care

The company of people on the beach loudly discussed a common acquaintance. Opinions are clearly divided.
Rather, there was a blonde middle-aged, and everyone else tried to prove to her that she was wrong.

And I think this is the most real betrayal! - Passed blonde's blonde. - Throw a family with two children, one of which is only a year - this is above my understanding. Well, how so, or? .. a year ago, it means, I loved my wife, the child planned, and then once - it was silent? .. And the most important thing is that it does not fit in my head - why doesn't anyone condemn him for such such? Do not cease to file hands, greet, do not whisper behind your back? ..

Come on! - Peace-lovingly answered her bald man. - For what to condemn something, you will say too! Well, they sobbed a person, it happens ... we do not have a serfdom right. In the end, he left his wife, but not from children. He still remained for children to children! Alimony pays, calls, communicates ...

Oh, keep me seven! Alimony! - Blonde boiled. - Dozen on the three of them, considering that the wife in the decree is a merit, or what? .. "Father stayed", even even! For three months, four times called the eldest, eight-year-old, daughter, and once reduced her to walk on his birthday - awesome father! And the youngest and in general will not know him ... Father is the one who brought up! And to educate children, you have to live with them, here! .. Won Mother - all day like a squirrel in the wheel! Feed, walk, remove, read books. She is not at all! .. This is called - raises children. And more than once a month sees on holidays! ..

Well, what do you want, do not understand? - almost a chorus entered the dispute a couple of years twenty-five. - Why was he doing something? Live with an unloved woman through power, or what? Without love?? Only for children?

What do I want? I want things to call our own names, here! .. I did not "divorced," and escaped from difficulties! Not "left", and threw his wife and children! I showed egoism, meanness and cowardice! .. I want to be turned away from such friends, and married to the divorced man who left the children in marriage was a shame! Well, or, at least, the lot of unfortunates who do not shine anything more in life ... Imagine, and if a woman did it like that, left the children with her husband and went into a new life, whatever condemnation erase her? And why do men do not condemn? What, in principle, the difference? ..

And how do you feel about men who gone from families with young children?
Do you condemn, consider treason? God bore - grow first, and then go to all four sides ...
Or think that everyone is in his right, and if a man pays what should according to the law, then well done? And if if from time to time, calls and copes, how are things in children, and at all the hero?
What do you think?

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 4 minutes


As it comes in one, known to many, the song: "The most important weather in the house ...", and creates this weather - a woman. It is from her wisdom and tricks that the atmosphere of the house depends on. And, if the husband left the family, then the woman itself is to blame. To prevent departure from the family of the head of the family, analyze your relationship in advance and make a "work on errors" - maybe it's still not too late to preserve marriage and peacefulness in the family.

See also:

After listening to many stories for men who have left the family, you can highlight 8 of the main reasons for this action:

  1. Loss of interest in a woman
    After several years of living together, the passion fades, sucking work, life. Family life becomes similar to the "Surk Day". It is necessary to make something new, bright, causing a splash of positive emotions. For example, arrange a romantic dinner, buy tickets for the match of your husband's favorite team, etc. See also:
  2. Lack of sexual relationship
    For men, sex is almost an upper step in family relationships. Satisfied sexually man will never look "left" and perform almost any whim of his wife. But sexual life should be diverse. Sex on schedule is also not an option.
    As one man says: "A woman sees a manifestation of love in the material values \u200b\u200bpresented to it, and a man - in the form of caress and love. I want me to love me. I want the wife to see a man in me, then a sexual desire will always be. " See also:
  3. Material difficulties
    All men, sooner or later, face a material problem: loss of work, a small salary, etc. And if the spouse is in this difficult moment instead of holding morally, cheer up, saying that everything begins to "cut" a husband, then the quarrel is inevitable. As a result, the husband "lowers hands" at all to do something, a wife with a double strength splashes his discontent to her husband and everything is married to her husband. Wise Wife, on the contrary, with caress, warm words, support will make new ideas, new horizons and a higher level of income.
  4. Differences in characters
    Different glances for life, disrespect for each other, inability to restrain their emotions, unwillingness to give up, quarrels on household soil (did not put a cup of space, scattered socks, chasing at the table). Similar, it seemed, little things could serve as a reason for the grand and everyday scandal. And even the most loving husband with time tired of constant scandals, quarrels and reproaches. And why not sit and peacefully discuss the fact that everyone does not suit each other. Do not silence problems, but discuss them and come to a compromise. A woman needs to try to make her husband, with joy, returning home, so that he was drawn not to friends, and in the family - this is the guarantee of a strong marriage.
  5. Appearance of women
    Some women in marriage stop watching themselves. Think, married came out - now he is not going anywhere from me. Furbed figure, gray hair, no makeup - It is unlikely that it attracts her husband in you. Remember what kind of beauty you were before marriage. Take yourself in hand and put in order. From a well-groomed blooming woman who can make compromises and loves her spouse, the husband will never leave.
  6. Family values
    Woman in marriage should be able to find a common language with her husband's relatives. If the mother-in-law is on your side, will become your allied, then 20% of the success in the marital life you will have. And if your relationship with my husband and so "hold on the hair", yes, then his mother "oils in the fire poured, then everything is married. Learn to get along with your husband's mother, with his other relatives (brothers, sisters), then even with your family disagreements, they will strive to remear you.
  7. Male leader
    Do not forget that in their essence a man is the leader. If the wife does not want to make a concession to her husband, he constantly insists on his own, then the husband, or turn into a "rag" or just a man wants to leave the family. Let him feel that he is a man, he is a winner, he is the main family. Do not forget that in the family a man is a head, and the woman is the neck, and where the neck will turn, and the head rushes.
  8. Treason
    This is almost the most recent reason for the main list. According to statistics, only 10% of marital couples are disintegrating precisely in connection with this reason. Although, if you look at the essence of the problem, the betrayal does not occur simply so, in a flat place, this is the result of dissatisfaction with one of the partners in family life.

Abandoned women are often wondering why men throw a family . Here is the story of one of them. It can be seen from her story what mistakes she made and, perhaps, analyzing the situation, she can still return her husband and father to his children.

Olga:The husband found himself another. For two months it walks with her. I am going to shoot with her an apartment and said that it submits for divorce. He says that the mistress is nothing to do with the family for two years ago. I admit, it is largely to blame: often sawed, there was no harmony in the sex. He doesn't even want to go anywhere with me - I'm ashamed. After giving birth, I was very much recovered and I had launched myself with the three children, I turned into Cookukhuk. And he can afford after work beer drink, sleep calmly at night - he has to work! And I run midnight to a small child - I sit at home! So, girls, appreciate what you have ...

Going married, still "on the shore" discuss with your future husband all fundamental questions What you can put up with, and with what never come across.

And if you created a family for love, then say to save these relationships By adding heat, trust and care.

And what causes of a man's care from the family are known to you? We will be grateful for your opinion!

Valeria Protasova

Psychologist with experience in practical work in social psychology-pedagogy for more than three years. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and lifestyle. I write what I know about. I believe that human relationships are important in all spheres of our life.

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Good day. This situation is: my husband, a rather washyroid man, you can, so to speak, forced me to create a family with him (I really didn't really want this, then young for this). But it happened that the child was born, and he was walking and continued to do it, while I had to sit at home. A year after birth, he got a job, albeit not highly paid, but still. To my suggestions, so that I worked, and he sat raised his son, answered the refusal, they say I will work, and you raise up. Ok, a year passed: the work was tired of him, during this time he regularly went to drink a couple of days, tired. As if I am having fun. I could not have any new things (you look so good), no hairdresser (why spend money, if in the paint store cheaper). Slightly, immediately offended. Not that I suffered it, I would rather still. And then one day, he goes to work and does not come. It turns out a new page on the Internet, adds old friends and I have a word. It does not respond to the hives, eventually wrote SMS that he needed to stay alone and relax. So I as if all day in the resorts.
Time is coming, he writes rarely, it answers dry, well, in general, it does not burn with the desire to communicate and do something. About the child does not ask in general.
A month later, all types are normally, I will return, I love miss. Ok, before that, I did not come across the meanness and thought it could indeed thought and decided. Leaving in the morning to work and everything, neither lead a response. I decided to apply for divorce. In the morning I call, to find out if he will give me a statement to the court, and the girl with whom he has been found for several days! I have shock, panic. It turned out that he told everyone that I had already formerly, and I would not give my son and generally a migraine. At the same time, I did not achieve anything from him, he turned out to be not enough that dishonest, so also a coward that could not tell the truth.
The application was filed, but the precipitate remained.
It seems that I love, and the brains celebrate the exemption from the Balast pulling down.
It seems that I want it to be there, and on the other hand, it does not want to take any obligations on 24 years old.
So I understand what to do, but there is no strength, and complete apathy.
I don't know the reason, most likely, this is due to the fact that he did not fit (although the "family game" himself started), or he simply does not want to take on any obligations and the complete absence of the desire to achieve something or achieve.
I have an appearance if that is not neglected, low, but slim, watching yourself, I do not go in a bathrobe and bigudum))
Help, please understand yourself

The universal law consists of one simple wisdom - do not do others badly so that they do not do it badly, but it can be safely added to this "and not to worsen your karma."

One of the worst karmic actions is the betrayal - the carma of the men who threw the family is very negative, because he caused a woman a lot of pain and suffering. And therefore, the payback for such unfavorable accomplishments will inevitably overtake it, and then, when it seemed, everything was forgotten, these are the laws of the world.

What a karma becomes when the husband betrayed?

"The laws of karma (in contrast to the legislation) cannot be circumvented. If you try to avoid karmic duties, they will overtake you and force them to fulfill their duty in more rigid and even; ugly form. You will suffer, but the universe will make you post the energy that needs it in her great development (but if your soul is in harmony with your karmic tasks, then most likely you will be happy) "

The meaning of the family is to protect each other, give his love and kindness, continue the genus in the atmosphere of coziness and spiritual harmony. This is one of the most important tasks of any person. Alas, but modern life postpones his imprint - now it has become fashionable to give his wife with young children, it does not particularly care about the feelings of the once close person, waving on your hand and think only about yourself.

But, according to karmic laws, such an act is completely negative, it greatly worsens a man's karma, and also deprives him of the future to be loved.

In general, the person's karma is drawn up precisely from his actions - good improves aura, make our fate, readily and happier, but bad actions are injured with cruel melts and life lessons who have to work and learn in addition to their will.

Since in marriage, a man takes on the role of a miner and a strong side, he is liable for him. The present cavallers do not always cope with it and prefer simply run away, leaving a woman alone, without help and support.

That is, men independently deny their direct purpose to be the protection and head of the family. The universe reads it and ... really deprives a man of all its advantages, and sometimes even sexual strength.

"Karma men in the most common features are an opportunity and obligation to be a creator, builder, the propulsion of mankind. A man who is actively breaking through the darkness of the unknown, is a fighter, the invader of new spaces, new knowledge, new perfection. He is a man, and a lot of fortune. Karma women - to be all what will provide a person (and humanity) movement, development, construction and perfection. Apparently, this task is slightly more complicated, so a woman is initially given a little more: a little more opportunities and a little more duties, a little more potential forces and a little more problems, a little more intuition and a little more tests for the soul "

From the book "Karma Women, Karma Men"

Particularly contacted the karma of those men who throw their little children - such an offense will entail a real meld, to get rid of which will not work. Not only is the man leaves the family, he deprives the defenseless creation of his love and custody, literally refuses him, although he himself made him on the light.

The more suffering and pain such an act bring close, the more powerful will be karmic payback. The suffering of small children and are completely delayed to such a state that sometimes you pay for karmic accounts and in subsequent lives.

All the horror of this is that the child can not imagine why his father threw him, he considered him with something permanent, one of the closest people, and therefore a sudden father's departure is permanently honored by the fate of the child.

It is for this reason that many of those who threw their families in the future are not a happy life, and this is only aggravated over the years, the karma comes into the course. Men leaving for a variety of reasons, but if this care was not motivated by weighty arguments (for example, if the wife changed or belongs to her husband), then it will definitely worsen karma.

Although many representatives of the strong sex are sincerely believe that this is their personal right: I want to be married, I want to divide. But it is not. You are not right to take responsibility for another person and create a union with him, so that in the end it is easy to destroy it and leave a partner alone with your pain.

If you are not ready to be with one woman all my life, give birth to children and put them on your feet, taking care of them - it is better not to create a family.

"The karmic task of a man is the development of the world, the divine penetration of the soul into the most dense matter of the universe. A man is mastering new lands and spaces. He boldly goes to the unknown. On the territory disheighted from eternity, he builds wonderful locks and grips sprouts that will feed new generations of builders and researchers. He is a leader and creator. And it does not matter what a man does: sow bread, builds cities and ships, opens up new laws of the physical world or the subtle world of the human psyche, improves technology, ensures people the comfort of earthly existence, etc. - the main thing is that he makes it like It can be thorough. Everything that the man is building must serve the harmony of the world. And if so, then the man does its main karmic problem. He is a leader. He is a sunny ray, penetrating tight matter of our world. It fills the mind of the mind everything is touched. He is logic. He learns the laws of nature and puts them to the service of mind. He tame a wild beast around the nickname, he puts order in life. He is a creator and builder "

From the book "Karma Women, Karma Men"

In fact, this quote makes it clear how far contemporary men from their primary task, from their own essence. Discarding your main tasks and your destination, a man seems to send a signal into space: "I don't want to be a man, I don't like it, I do not cope with my earthly duties."

In the future, the fate of the one who threw their family and caused her a lot of pain, completely non-deposition: many of those who threw their wives and children begin to drink, roll down the inclined. They are not like there is no place in this world, they begin difficulties with work, difficulties in sexual sphere and in personal life. This is karma.

Is his wife feels pain abandoned husband: karma women

"The woman itself is designed to generate life, apparently, so all the contradictions of life are concentrated in it literally in hypertrophied form! Men such problems will not dream and in a nightmare "

From the book "Karma Women, Karma Men"

In fact, women now leave no less often than men. And although there are no such amazing karmic tasks, like a man, there is no beautiful floor, it still remains that negatively reflects on women's karma is pain and moral torments that the left man is worried.

Naturally, even after the cooler of the former feelings or their disappearance, people remain more connected with invisible threads for some time. Many women ask - can a former wife feel the experience of an abandoned spouse? Here everything is individually, because spiritual development and esoteric abilities from all of us are different.

If the love between you was strong, and you know how to understand people well, you have a gift from nature, then you will feel unclear experiences at the time when the man left will suffer the most acute. For other women, it passes completely without a trace: they do not feel anything or even in a certain euphorical state from newly familiar freedom.

But do not forget about the karmic melts - if you threw a man who did not deserve such a fate, then worked out to work out in their future life.

In addition, such actions have a turnover, the mirror side - according to Karma's teachings, you will wait the same evil after you caused someone in the past. But only enhanced several times so that you repented in the deed and understood what pain you forced to feel the devotee.

"And a woman? The woman itself is as if part of the matter, part of the Divine Nature, to which the sunshine touches. In any case, she is closer to matter and therefore can help a man to understand the matter, but rather, feel it. Woman wise - as a conductor helps to penetrate the male ray of light to the very depths of matter. She is like a lens that can dispel too hard beam, soften its radiance, or maybe, on the contrary, collect, concentrate male light ray for more thin and accurate work. It can be said that a woman is the cell cell of the original deity. It is intuitive and sensitive. A man is the spark of the Divine Mind, aspiring to realize his body "

From the book "Karma Women, Karma Men"

It can be concluded that a complete life of a man without a woman can not be, exactly as the opposite. Initially both these matter - men's and female, are designed to merge together, it allows a couple to achieve unprecedented success, support each other in everything and create an ideal family structure in which everyone is good and comfortable.

When a woman leaves a man, she also deprives him of an important part, without which he becomes very difficult. To some extent, the departure of his wife from the family can break the future life of an abandoned spouse if he lost his strength and faith in herself.

And in this case, alas, karma of the former wife or companion will also worsen. After all, each of us has quite obvious tasks in this world, and unjustified separation can cause acute pain, comparable to physical - as if from a person, a piece of body was cut off from a person. And this is naturally a bad karmic act.

For this reason, the karma of a man who threw the family and karma of a woman who left her companion is largely similar. And it would be wrong to believe that the woman will have to pay in the future for karmic debts less, and the man is more. Here, rather, he plays the role of secondary factors - so, the weak half of humanity prefers to throw her husbands only at good reason - when the husband changes, drinks or is engaged in hand-drawing.

Naturally, in such situations, no karma has nothing to say, the man deserves it. But the strong floor is more often guided by the low-lying instinct - to quit the family, because it is hard, because the children interfere with the career, because the wife had a bad figure and she stopped being beautiful. And in such cases, we begin to talk about betrayal, about the bad act and that the person will wait for the karmic payback.

Man with whom it is impossible to build normal, happy family, gives out itself in the first months of dating, if you look closely. Having found the obvious signs of one of the following 9 types of menYou should not hope that it will change, and trust it with self officer and promises. Such a man is not just "not ideal" or has "shortcomings", but it is generally not capable of normal relations. It is waiting for only frustration and pain ... Do you need it?

What should alert in a man

1. Signs of windy romance or a furist

You did not have time to meet, and he already confesses to love and makes an offer? Romantic! But think about yourself: a person who understands what family is and responsible, or that relationship is deep intimate, will the proposal of a practically unfamiliar girl under the influence of sudden charm? Such frivolity is characteristic of an immature, infantile man.

Scammers are still doing themselves, counting you "fuck" as soon as possible. But even if he does not turn out to be a marriage sweat, he still will refuse his intentions with the same ease with the slightest difficulties, and indeed it is unlikely to imagine what serious relationship is, twisted in.

He is not ready to cope with difficulties. Such men usually easily give a lot of promises and take on a lot of obligations, trying to impress and assure in their reliability. But really reliable people very rarely give promises, carefully weighing first whether they can actually fulfill them. And more often do not promise, but do.

2. Signs of alcoholic (or any dependent)

It is not about the fact that he occasionally skips a bottle of beer after work or sometimes play a "shooter", although it should alert, but about dependencies With all the consequences. People of a certain psychological type (dependent personality disorder) have a tendency to depend on the dependence, with which the normal family is unrealistic. Even if such a person does not use, he prefers to leave problems instead of solving them, and also does not affect their actions.

In the candidate and bakery period you may not know that he likes to drink or day hangs in games. How to determine such a leaning? Listen, how and what he says. Such a man often speaks of herself in a pledge or consuming impersonal speech, type: "So it turned out," "I was brought up," "I was forced," "I was not lucky" - That is, always finds the reason that it happens and what he does, not in himself, but in something or someone else. This is the future (or already real) alcoholic or, at least, the infantile person with whom will have to nurse.

Even if he exalcuts at the same time, having sinking her "divine" qualities, allegedly inaccessible to a man, - he still does not recognize her, manually refusing to her at the "male" compensation. This will be brighter, as soon as he deems that to the standards of the "goddess" some woman does not reach - she immediately becomes a "goat", unworthy of a human relationship.

A man who despises women in principle, considers them a "second grade" and is able to be sad, it will be the same to treat them with time and to you, no matter how much I assured that you are "special" and on those "goats" not similar. Naturally, you can immediately say goodbye to a man if he talks about how he struck (pushed, threatened, humiliated - and thus put in place) Someone from your former, if you do not want to walk with bruises.

Everything that a man accuses former, then will be addressed to you!

5. Signs of Hama

Ham is a person who is unable to respect others: their interests, opinion, personal space. Such a person always does not respect himself - and this is not treated. Make a Hama make an exception for you personally will not work. Worse, rudeness over the course of life will turn frankly rudeness, up to the use of power methods, especially with children. In the period of courtship, it can be gallant and preventive. But this warning is a showful, and not born sincere attention, and in the trifles he will give himself anyway.

War down if a man: late, not warning, "forgets" your requests and warnings, does not follow your appearance, pulls hands and climbs to kiss when you do not want it. Laughing, overcomes your weak resistance - such a man is often convinced that the female "no" is "yes" And he comes in accordance with this "Truth".

But the easiest way to recognize Ham in relations with other people. If he is drinking dust into the eyes, then he will not ceremony with others. See how he behaves with taxi drivers, waiters, in line, as talking with his friends, and especially with those with whom is in conflict. It is in the conflict of HAM manifests itself in all its glory! A person who respected himself and others will never cross certain borders - will not insult, humiliate, to be understood ... Ham keeps himself within the framework, only as long as everything is fine or when circumstances are forced.

6. Signs of home Tirana

A man loves to reason on the topic "Woman should"? He speaks: "I need a woman such something and fucking something - and you just approach"? It's too obvious here that such a person is unable to build relationships - he needs a servant and a cook and one to open someone ... Perhaps he will even fulfill what "MUST" is, but he is not interested in anyone, as a person, nor yours Feelings and interests. And you will not be interested. Are you ready for this?

It happens that first tyran is masked. He is emphasized respectfully to your freedom and choice, while avoiding the expressions of his desires and preferences. It should alert. If a person really respects the other, he also assumes the same respect for himself - and not only asks about your desires, but he will voiced his own, to come to mutual agreement, and will not jerlery, trying to shift responsibility.

A normal person is not afraid of conflict of interests, able to solve conflicts without going beyond mutual respect. The tyrant at first can avoid any conflicts, knowing that he will not be able to hide its essence. Instead, he will expect (even demand in the depths of the soul) so that the close "themselves guessed" about his needs, and to be offended by intense, accusing them in the inattention and indifference.

He can say: "As you say!", "Everything is for you," because I do not believe in the possibility that you can agree with the interests of both. He has a scheme "Or-or": "Won-lost". Sooner or later, the poles will change - and you will need "everything for him", he will try to "win" at your expense.

7. Signs of eternal bachelor

Is your chosen one - "Soul Company"? These men are very attractive - they possess charm, a sense of humor, etc. They have a lot of friends and many ideas, as you can have fun. There is nothing wrong with that a person can relax. Bad - when he lives only for the sake of entertainment and communicating with friends. He is not interested in work, study, career growth ... and family too.

What does he tell what is proud of? If all the conversations are built around the entertainment, friends and hobby, he has no business plans, and the highest assessment of something from him: "Kaif" is a bad sign. Such a man is very zealous to their "freedom". He can get carried away by you, but still will keep you at a distance, and you will see that the relationship with you in his life is occupied by ... - the tenant. Perhaps you will be able to marry him, promising that you will not object to his friends and hobbies. But do you need it?

You will have to have fun with him and take his friends, which can be very fun until the children go. Family is not entertainment, he will be bored and hard, and he will all the time to run away to friends while you and your child will fluff, solving all the problems themselves. And if he is at home, it will still find how to have fun (will hang in social networks, for example), - and you will not reach ... Even if this does not run away from "Ultrasonic Marriage", then you really will actively "be alive husband. "

8. Signs of a walking man

"You are the most beautiful of all the girls I met!" - Such recognition issues his passion for "collecting" girls. The womanizer enjoys success in women, he knows how beautiful, "professionally" to care, while in the depths of the soul he is a low opinion about women, and believes that you can seduce anyone. And usually he has "all women - whores".

He needs victories, not a relationship. And after the victory, he bounces. And if you hear reasoning from the series: "All men are polygamins" and "We only change the body - and this does not mean anything, the main thing is that it is not clear with it: he will not miss the chance to" change the body ": ) An unjustified jealousness can be an unpleasant surprise from such a man - after all, a person should be judged by himself.

9. Signs of jealous

Jealous to find out, I think, the easiest thing. The trouble is that the women of his own standing should be flattered - it seems to them that it is love that they allocate them among others. Although in fact, jealousy speaks of his deep insecurity. But the other is terrible - the jealous of the woman does not trust and does not respect her. He does not consider it capable of choosing and be faithful to his choice. It is impossible to build a normal relationship without trust, not to mention the fact that the jealous is just dangerous.

A jealous man refers to a woman as his property, an inanimate subject. At first, it appears romantic: "I will not give you anyone!", "You are my and only mine!", I don't want someone staring at your beauty, except me - to wear this skirt only at home. " Maybe "carefully" to fasten on people the upper goalkeeper on your blouse ... And when jealousy acquires threatening forms, alas, get rid of the jealous of the jealous.

How not to make a mistake in a man?

Normal something worthy men are generally found?! - Of course, meet - and often! Even some of the above signs may not be a "diagnosis" - it is necessary to take into account age and the family in which the man grew up.

For example, sociability at 16-20 years does not necessarily indicate that the young man will live for the sake of entertainment is just the features of age. Pulling rudeness can be just a bravada, awkward demonstration of "masculinity", which will also pass. The use of alcohol and the game does not necessarily indicate a tendency to alcoholism, and it may be just a tribute to the company - there is not the fact that the fact of drinking is not important, but the personality warehouse and the degree of involvement. We will still talk about alcoholism - subscribe to updates.

Of course, it is worth looking at his father and a relationship with the mother. There is a chance that a man who has grown out without his father will be a good husband and father, if his mother's relationship is good (healthy!) - Such boys are already able to build a normal relationship with a woman, and having grown up without dad, hardly throw their child. But if the boy grew up with an unworthy father, then the probability that he will reproduce his model of relations in the family and life position, almost 100%, no matter how much he says that he does not understand and condemns father's behavior.

Conversely, if his father is a decent and decent person and mother with him happy, that is, hope that some negative signs that you notice in a man will disappear without a trace in the future. But if you find an obvious signs of the above-mentioned types in the chief, and especially several at once, then you should not hope for changes!

Many negative signs are interconnected and follow one of the other, that is, they can be combined in one person. Jonah often happens alcoholic. Misogynist or jeep more often - home tyrant. There are all signs in one. However, it is useless to try to understand men and to memorize the signs of unworthy, without deciding their problems.

Who and why do we choose? If your personal life is unfortunately all the time, you come across exclusively the heroes of this article, and you do not even believe that there are others, but you hope to heal them with your "love" or just tolerately suffer, considering it a "female share", then the problem is in you ourselves. But it is fixable - I recommend, for example, to get acquainted with the book and start to sweep the "cockroaches" that are inhabited by unhealthy relations.

If it seems that he deceived you, pretended to "Prince", and then turned out to be a "monster" - it seems. No one pretends - a person is always revealed from the best side when falling in love. And we all characterize everything unconsciously demonstrate qualities, directly opposite to the disadvantages. But that's why we close our eyes to "calls", happily believing in the primary demonstration and immediately starting to dream about the family and children - a good question. Most often because, and the person of men interests little.

© Nadezhda Dyachenko