Repairs Design Furniture

Phased apartment repair. How to save on repair of apartments - tips for beginners and experienced masters. Floor preparation in the apartment: photo, video

The word "repair" at many immediately causes negative emotions. Such a feeling is due to the fact that it is a very time-consuming, long and cost-effective process. Especially if the work is performed independently. This article describes in detail where to start repairing in the apartment depending on its species, which materials to choose and in what sequence to perform work to repair the repair takes place without problems, and the result exceeded all expectations.

Stages of repair of the apartment and the cost of work depends on the condition of the room, the type of repair and size covered by the territory, that is, it may be the whole apartment or its separate premises. There is a capital, cosmetic and renovation. Each of them has its own clear sequence of actions, from the correctness of which the final result and the duration of the operating period depends.

Overhaul is considered the largest and time-consuming, which will require not only a lot of strength, but also significant financial costs. It involves the full reconstruction of the apartment with a possible redevelopment, replacement of windows, doors, engineering communications, ceiling, wall and flooring. Usually it starts with scratch.

How to legitimize the resurrection of the apartment. How to get permission to redecessing your own housing.

Selection of interior design

How to start repairing the room or apartment in general? From the selection of the style of the room. Properly selected interior design will help create comfortable and stylish housing. Its choice depends on taste, character and look at the life of the owner of the apartment. Today there is a variety of interior styles with distinctive features that should be studied before making repairs to be able to successfully implement the selected direction into life.

All existing style directions designers are divided into certain groups:

  • classic, where Provence is included, Ampir, Baroque, English and Antique Style;
  • ethnic style covers Japanese, Egypt, African, Scandinavian and Chinese direction;
  • modern style unites country, modern, classicism and minimalism.

The most popular interior design remains the most popular. The characteristic features of the direction are the pomp, greatness, functionality that causes aristocraticity and noble grace. All interior elements indicate the high status of the owners of the apartment.

The rooms are drawn up in restrained pastel colors. A business card becomes massive expensive furniture with carved handmade patterns. An unusual picturesque is towers on the ceiling. In classic style, large-sized apartments are often drawn up, in which you can not save on the free space.

Modern youth prefers to draw up a room in a modern style. It is especially justified for apartments with a small square. Everything should be simple, restrained and concise. In the premises there is a minimum number of furniture, which should be compact, mobile, functional and modern. You can dilute the calm decorative decorative palette with the help of bright decor elements.

The ethnic direction reflects the predisposition of the owner to a certain culture, the main features of which are embodied in the interior design. With the help of modern technologies and finishing materials, you can implement your dreams to reality and create a imitation of your beloved country in your apartment. This direction choose non-standard thinking people with great love for adventures and travels. You can more clearly consider each style in the photo of apartments with repairs.

Where to start repairing an apartment: the main strategy

After the design project of the apartment was developed and the issue was resolved, in what sequence to make repairs, you can start performing work, which consist of such steps:

  • preparatory stage;
  • draft work;
  • finish decoration.

How to start repairing in the apartment with your own hands? From the preparatory stage, which lies in the implementation of a set of dismantling work. This applies to the new building and the old apartment. Despite the fact that it is planned to repair, cosmetic or capital, all surfaces must be cleaned of the old finish. At this time, the window blocks are disassembled with the subsequent installation of better products. The entrance door also needs to be replaced. Here it may be necessary to expand or reduce the doorway. Based on the project, dismantling and the construction of partitions, seal or device doorways to install interroom doors or creating arches are performed.

Helpful advice! Room repair should be started with dismantling interroom doors.

The preparation of the surface is one of the most important steps of repair with their own hands. How to start performing the process depends on the state of the base. This stage includes cleaning of walls, ceiling and floor from the old coating and the elimination of all flaws on the surface of the structures using building materials. It is from the quality of the work of this stage that will depend on how tight and neatly the new finishing coating will be held.

The first thing from the old coating is cleared the ceiling. The whits are washed away with a brush dipped in water. Old putty is removed using grinding with an iron brush.

It is possible to remove the usual wallpaper from the walls with a spatula, in a mixture of them. Vinyl wallpaper is quite resistant to moisture, so you can remove them using a steam generator or iron. If there is no such device, you can use the usual iron with a sweeping function, which is made to the wall at a distance of 10-15 cm. Under the influence of pair, the wallpaper easily depart from the wall. You can remove the paint with a grinder with a special nozzle or a construction dryer. Next, it is necessary to remove old floor coverings.

Helpful advice! If the project is provided for installation of a hinged or stretch ceiling, an old coating can not be deleted. It is enough to treat all problematic places with a strengthening primer and antiseptic.

Where to start repairing an apartment with a rough finish in a new building

Where to start decoration of the apartment depends on the state of its structural elements. Usually, the developer performs the necessary minimum of work, strictly without adhering to the technologies of their implementation and without the use of high-quality building materials. Therefore, all elements of the premises need a rough black decoration of the apartment with their own hands or with the help of specialists, which is to fulfill such events:

  • dismantling the old and the construction of new undesupply structures on the basis of a new planning;
  • replacement of windows;
  • preparation of holes in the walls for laying new engineering communications according to the designed scheme;
  • wiring of electrical wiring;
  • installation of technological communications: water supply, drainage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning interconnection;
  • alignment of all concrete surfaces;
  • installation of insulation and sound insulation;
  • floor screed.

After performing draft repair work in the apartment, the finishing of the premises is performed. Solving the issue how to plan repairs at the final stage will depend on the type of finishing material and the method of its laying. For example, if the walls and ceiling are painted with paint or floating with wallpaper, the finishing works begin with the ceiling, then the walls are facing and the floor covering is stacked. In the case of hinged ceiling, installation works are performed after finishing walls.

If the parquet is mounted, then the works are performed before finishing the walls and the ceiling so as not to damage the surface. Doors can be mounted both before and after decoration of the walls. If the platband is absent, then the installation of the door leaf is performed until the finish finish is to be able to embed the joint between the wall and the door frame. In the case of a platband, the clearance is filled with foam, and the casing is attached to the wall after decoration of the walls.

After completing all the finishing works, the installation of plinths, sockets, switches, platbands, lighting and plumbing devices are proceeded. Then the general cleaning is made, after which you can proceed to the arrangement of furniture and decor elements. It is in such a sequence that the repair is carried out on its own.

Where to start repairs in the draft apartment: Mounting work

The list of mounting works when performing repair from scratch includes:

  • erection of nonsense partitions;
  • replacement of windows and doors;
  • works related to the laying of electrical wiring and other communications.

The construction of nonsense interior partitions is performed on the basis of the previously developed plan. For installation of structures, gas, foam concrete blocks, brick or metal frame with plasterboard trim can be used.

Concrete blocks create a solid construction that can withstand a significant console load. Therefore, it is the most suitable option if a TV or a mounted cabinet hangs on the wall. The surface needs a base plaster for further decorative finishes.

Much less often the partitions are erected from the construction brick. This is explained by the fact that the design occupies a significant part of the free space. After all, in order for it to be stable, the thickness of the partition should be at least 170 mm. In addition, such a design creates a significant burden on the base.

The most popular option is to create a partition from a metal frame, which is trimmed with plasterboard. The design has good sound insulation and does not create a significant burden on the support element of the building.

Helpful advice! In plasterboard partitions, it is necessary to establish the installation of mortgage parts that will withstand the load from possible attachments .

Installation of windows and entrance doors should be entrusted to specialized organizations, on the quality of the work of which will depend on the nature of the protection of the apartment from the cold and the probability of the penetration of hackers.

Features of montage of communications

How to start repairing your hands after redevelopment of the apartment? With the electrical wiring and laying of other engineering communications. Initially, you need to perform all water pipes. New radiators are installed, and the pipelines are connected to the general heating system. Pipe layout is carried out to connect mixers, toilet, washing machine, washing, bathtubs, shower, water heater and dishwasher. Before making installation, it should clearly know the location and features of the connection of all devices.

Hot and cold water pipes can be hidden in wall niches or mounted in plasterboard or plastic boxes. It is recommended to use polypropylene, which has high strength and operational characteristics.

Helpful advice! The size of the holes for laying plumbing communications must be twice as much as the diameter of the pipelines, which is associated with a high value of the coefficient of temperature expansion of the material.

Wiring is usually performed hidden. All cables and wires are stacked in the strokes of the walls, over a suspended or stretch ceiling, or in the floor under the tie.

Important! When repairing panel apartments, the stroke of the walls for the future wiring is performed only vertically. Horizontal sites are mounted on the wall of the wall and floor or under the ceiling.

Works must be started with marking, which is performed based on the developed plan of the apartment. On this markup, the walls are performed. The size of the holes is determined by the amount and thickness of the cable paved. In new buildings, all wiring is mounted from scratch, ranging from the electrical panel. In old apartments, when performing a major overhaul, electrical cables can also be completely changed, or mount its separate sections needed to connect electrical appliances based on a new design project.

At this stage, it is necessary to provide a laying of cables for the intercom, television, telephone and the Internet, which can also be hidden.

What starts in the apartment starts the repair of the ceiling?

How to start repairing a rough apartment? All repair work in the apartment is customary from top to bottom. So you need to start with the ceiling. In new buildings, it is represented in the form of a monolithic concrete slab, the surface of which must be cleaned, plastering, process to and lining with decorative trim. If the repair is performed in the old apartment, then at the first stage it is necessary to clean the surface from the old finishing material.

A further action plan depends on the selected version of the ceiling. If the surface is perfectly smooth, the simplest and cheap option is her whitewashing or painting. If the basis requires preliminary elimination of defects with plastering, then this option will be very laborious and expensive.

Another budget, but not such a time-consuming option is the installation of ceiling tiles, which can even perform a beginner. The base surface does not need preliminary alignment. The main thing is to choose high-quality finishing material and glue.

A more acceptable, but expensive solution is to create a mounted design of plasterboard, which can be any form and have several levels, which determines the cost and time of work. Thanks to this solution, you can get free space between the ceiling and design for laying and installing point luminaires.

A modern decision today is the creation of a stretch ceiling of PVC web. As a result, it turns out the perfectly level base of any texture and shade. Installation is performed in the watch as a specialized brigade. Before performing work, it should be pre-prepared wall structures. Because the installation process of the stretch ceiling involves the execution of edging from baguettes. In addition, in the room it is necessary to finish all dirty work so that dust and possible pollution can be seen on the pure ceiling.

Finishing wall structures

The alignment of the walls is an important event, the quality of which depends the durability and aesthetic type of future decorative finish. Usually, when repairs, apartments with draft finish are faced with fairly smooth concrete walls that need easy adjustment with plaster mixes. However, if the walls are made of clay blocks, gas silicate or bricks, quite laborious and costly related to their leveling are required.

Before you begin to equalize the walls, it is necessary to carefully clean the surface from the old coating. This is a mandatory stage to perform the overhaul of old apartments. All detected cracks or other defects need embelling. For this, problem areas need to be sewed, process to and close with cement mortar, putty or sealant. Wide gaps and cracks in the corners can be filled with mounting foam.

Wall alignment can be carried out in two ways:

  • plastering wall with construction mixtures;
  • finishing the walls of GLC and GBL sheets.

The first option involves the use of plastering mixtures on a plaster or cement basis. If the wall has minor irregularities, visual alignment is performed using a construction level. If the surface has a significant difference, then alignment is advisable to perform under beacons. This is especially important when the walls will be painted. When installing furniture along a smooth wall, the likelihood of cracks is eliminated.

Together with the alignment of wall surfaces, perform the finishing of door and window openings. To do this, you can use plaster, drywall or plastic panels.

The second option is preferable when the walls are made of bricks or have significant irregularities. The use of plaster turns out to be an unjustified costly and time-consuming event. Glk or GVK sheets are mounted on a previously installed metallic frame. As a result of such a finish, the gap is formed between the wall and the facing, in which different communications can be hidden. This process is distinguished by the lack of dirty work and low labor intensity. The walls do not need further plastering before finishing with decorative material.

The main disadvantage of such a structure is its fragility. Therefore, if attached furniture or technique will be located on the surface, you should take care of mortgage parts that are mounted before performing the leveling layer.

What does floor repair begins?

The apartment begins with a screed, which is used to eliminate significant damage and irregularities of the base relative to the horizon. This occurs due to filling or filling of the floor with a special composition, which forms a perfectly smooth surface needed for further laying of the floor covering. In addition, the screed is used to strengthen the surface of the concrete slab and increasing its strength characteristics. Before it is performed, it is necessary to create a sound and thermal insulation layer. To do this, it is often used clayzite, which is stacked with a thickness of at least 5 cm. Due to the leveling layer, it is possible to raise the floor level or perform a technological slope.

Helpful advice! In the bathroom it is advisable to set a certain bias of the floor for water flow in case of a flood that will prevent the addition of the entire apartment.

Floor screed can be:

  • concrete;
  • cement-sand;
  • self-leveling;
  • dry;
  • semi-dry.

A traditional method for adjusting the surface of the floor is considered to use concrete or cement-sand solutions, which are advisable to apply to eliminate significant irregularities and surface damage. It is they used when installing heat and sound insulation.

The most practical and contemporary solution is the use of self-leveling compositions consisting of two variants of the mixture: levelover and level. The first is used to eliminate the significant irregularities of the base, the second is the finish layer creating a smooth and smooth surface without defects.

However, despite the less labor-intensive process when using these compositions, their value significantly exceeds traditional mixtures. Therefore, self-leveling formulations are advisable to use when the height difference relative to the horizon does not exceed 4 cm.

Semi-dry or dry option is used to equalize the base when the height difference reaches more than 3-5 cm. This is a good alternative to traditional compositions, but the new layer will create much less pressure on the concrete slab. Therefore, this method is recommended when repairing apartments in old and houses under the laying of carpet and laminate.

Floor screed

First you need to prepare the base of the floor. For this, the old floor design is revealed with dismantling of plinths, flooring and an old screed. Next, the surface is cleared of construction waste and dust. In case of detection of cracks, chosel and chipping, it is necessary to perform repairs when using sealing mixtures. To eliminate deep damage, an extension method is used, which consists in performing perpendicular relative to the cracks of the propyl depth of 20 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. Further, all damage must be seen by concrete solution.

Floor alignment begins with its markup, namely the definitions of the lowest and high point relative to the horizon. The walls are denoted by the level, which indicates the thickness of the future layer of fill. Based on the markup, lighthouses and guides are installed. Pouring the mixture starts from a long corner of the room. The solution is distributed and aligned with a metal rule.

The concrete screed must dry out for three weeks. After 24-30 hours after the completion of the work, it is necessary to make the surface once a day.

Helpful advice! To obtain a durable and qualitative basis, it is not recommended to violate the natural process of evaporation of moisture with the help of heating devices and air ventilation.

In the same way, the floor surface is aligned with a semi-dry solution, which is evenly distributed and tamped with a conventional shovel. After complete drying, the surface must be treated with wooden grout. The process is performed until the floor surface becomes perfectly smooth.

Dry screed involves laying a layer of claympsite with a fraction of 1-5 mm, on top of which gypsum-fiber plates are mounted. They are connected to each other with the help of self-samples with the scope of the end edges with special glue. This is the easiest way to align the floor that allows you to get a coverage of increased strength. After the floor screed is performed, you can start the installation of the selected floor covering.

Turnkey apartment repair. Price per square meter

Regardless of which it is planned to repair in the apartment, you can make it yourself or use the services of professionals. You can also attract specialists to perform specific species or stages of work in the entire apartment or in a certain room.

The cost of cosmetic repairs includes the following list of works:

  • dismantling the old finish from the elements of the room;
  • painting or bleaching ceiling;
  • partial alignment of walls;
  • fliselinic or paper wallpaper;
  • laying outdoor coating;
  • partial replacement of electricians and plumbers;
  • laying tiles.

The cost of such a list of works begins with 2500 rubles / m², which depends on the complexity of the process. Repair will cost 85 thousand rubles, 2-room - 110 thousand rubles, three-room - 120 thousand rubles. It's all without taking into account the value of materials.

If you need to perform draft work, which includes installation and disassembly of wall structures, alignment of all elements of the room and electrical work, the price of services is an average of 3500-4000 rubles / m².

When it is necessary to fulfill all electrical workforce work in the new building, the price of the work will be 25 thousand rubles for one-room apartment, 2-bedroom - 35 thousand rubles, three-room - 45 thousand rubles.

The cost of overhaul turnkey is on average 5500 rubles / m². It all depends on the state of the apartment and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Many specialists offer to perform premium-class repair, which includes the development of an individual designer project. The price of such a repair is about 7500 rubles / m².

Frame repair price with materials

The cost of repair work taking into account materials depends on many factors: an apartment area, its present state (new or secondary housing), the volume and complexity of the stages of the work and quality of the construction materials used. You can approximately calculate the cost of repair using an online calculator, which is located on specialized sites. It takes into account the average cost of repairing an apartment per square meter of the square. More accurate information can be obtained only after drafting the estimates in each individual case.

Thus, the cost of the budget repairs of the apartment in a new building will cost an average of 6-6.5 thousand rubles / m². If more expensive building materials for the apartment repair are used, the price of works will be about 11-12 thousand rubles / m². Those who wish to arrange their accommodation with exclusive finishing products should prepare at least 20 thousand rubles / m². The repair price of secondary housing will be 10-15% lower, which is determined by the state of the apartment.

Also on the cost of repair with materials affects the functional purpose of the room. So repair of the residential room will cost 6000 rubles / m², corridor - 6500 rubles / m², kitchens - 8500 rubles / m², bathroom - 8000 rubles / m², loggia or balcony - 5000 rubles / m².

When solving the question, where to start repairing in a house or apartment, you need to study in detail each process. Especially when it comes to performing work with your own hands. If there is no confidence in your own opportunities, it is better to entrust the fulfillment of all works or a specific stage of professionals that will be offered a clear plan for repairing an apartment. As a result, the work will be performed qualitatively and in a short time.

Repair of the apartment do it yourself. Video plot

After reading the recommendations, even those who never kept the spatula in their hands will be able to make cosmetic repairs. The article is written on the basis of personal experience. If a non-professional woman was able to upgrade the room, then you all work.

Not everyone has means to hire a construction team for repair. In addition, people not always found on the ad will really do everything on conscience. If you do not need a global reorganization of the room, you can make cosmetic repairs yourself. This is a very exciting and simple process. The main thing is to acquire everything you need, comply with the phase of work, do everything neatly and with a soul.

Required materials, tools

That's what you need to purchase before the start of cosmetic repair:

  • Spatulas are wide and narrow;
  • Primer;
  • Putty (dry or finished);
  • Wallpaper;
  • Ceiling tile and glue for it;
  • Flat brush, rag;
  • Plinths for floors and ceiling;
  • Sexual coating (linoleum, laminate);
  • Roller on a long handle;
  • Cuvette;
  • Glue for linolyum (if you can retain it);
  • Film, tape for furniture shelter.

Preparatory work, dismantling wallpaper

To free the space, remove the furniture. Put things from the cabinets to large packages, bags and also transfer them to another room. If the wardrobe is heavy, there is no possibility to conntove it to another room, disassemble, carefully folding components. If this method is also not suitable for you, push the wardrobe from the wall, cover it with a wide cellophane film from all sides, secure it with a stapler or scotch.

After the room is removed all too much, proceed to dismantling. First, take off the old plinth. If they are wooden, it is convenient to remove them with the help of a nail. If these are plastic plinths on the screws, the screwdriver or screwdriver will help.

If you do the repair of Khrushchev do it yourself, you want to save, you can sit on the floor of the linoleum. It is rolled for this, put it with the invalid side, they are allowed to look around, then glue is applied, turn over and glued to the base. If the floor is uneven, you can lay a solid substrate, for example, from plywood.

When the wallpaper is completely dried, drag their upper part with the ceiling plinth. To do this, apply glue for PVC tile on its wrong side, attach to the desired location and hold 10? 15 seconds. After glued first, proceed to the second.

In a used part of the sex basement, you will remove the wires, screw it on the screws. After that, put on the top of the plastic plinth.

  • Read the article about your own hands.
That's how to make inexpensive repair with your own hands. The updated room will certainly please and every time you will raise the mood.

Video about cosmetic repairs for 3 days:

Overhaul in the apartment consists of a number of stages. The sequence of these stages is very important. Otherwise, some of the work already made will have to remake, which will lead to the delay in the repair time and an increase in its value. The article shows where to start a major overhaul in the apartment. And also, what a sequence of actions will need to be observed during major repairs. These recommendations will help avoid repeated and unnecessary, challenges of masters on the object, and accordingly damage already made volumes. Why start repairing an apartment?

Initial stage of major repairs

At the initial stage, repairs in the apartment, it is necessary to start with the preparation of the repair of repair. It should consist of:

  • planning obtained after repair;
  • communication Planning Plan (sewage, water supply, electrical wiring);
  • plan for the placement of technological equipment (bath, toilet, washbasin, water counters, air conditioning, built-in furniture).

Repair in the apartment.

This is not a repair project. This is an interior design project.

Without a project, you can easily encounter the situation when the washbasin does not work out due to the riser sewn. And electricity is not supplied to the luminaire of the mirror. The cost of correcting such errors is very often at times exceeds the cost of the project. Do not save on the project - on the contrary, it will save your money. The prerequisite for its compilation is fresh measurements directly at the facility. Do not blindly trust the dimensions specified in the passport on the apartment.

The main thing in the repair project is the thoughtful placement of the required technological elements and the convenience of exploitation of the apartment after repair.

The next stage is the approval of the project by the Customer with the direct participation of the Contractor. The customer is hardly understandable in the intricacies of the use of building materials, as well as the technologies of their installation. Therefore, the assertion of the project should arrange the masters. In addition, the types of materials used to finish the types of materials should be defined.

After approval of the drawings before the start of repair in the apartment, a device of temporary networks is performed - water, sewage, electricity. With major repairs, the apartment changes everything - from the wiring to the flooring. At the same time, repairing the apartment, without water, sewage and electricity is simply impossible.

Disposable tool for cape repair in the apartment:

Disposable tool for repair, implies a consumable material that we need. It:

  • roulette
  • plumb
  • level
  • spatulas
  • pussy
  • rollers
  • pulberizers
  • vice
  • foods
  • painting ribbon.
  • schucker (different graininess)
  • glue gun.
  • paint Bath for various mixtures, primers, cements, paints and so on.

Very often, repair brigades do not include them in the cost of performing work and require them from the customer. For the latter, it does not rarely become news.

Then the purchase of expenditure equipment should be purchased - bags for garbage, brooms, scoops, dust bags for a vacuum cleaner, etc.

Dismantling work (repair in the apartment)

Dismantling works are the most noisy and trash stage of the capital repairs of apartments. The removal of all finishing layers on the capital walls occurs. All not necessary and non-carrying partitions are demolished (if the apartment is redeveloped). The configuration of door openings changes (their location, size). As well as the floor covering and replaced structures, the fencing of balconies and loggias.

Before starting dismantling, it is advisable to talk to the neighbors. To warn them about noise, assure the deadline for such inconvenience as soon as possible. In the end, we will agree at what time you make repairs in the apartment in order to not particularly interfere with the neighbors.

In advance, should be declared how the garbage will be exported. With standard "doubles", several trucks are easily obtained (depending on the volume of dismantling and the capacity of machines). Storage warehousing at the entrance, including temporary, can lead to a conflict with neighbors.

The amount of garbage during the repair of the apartment is not rarely surprised by the customer.

The garbage collection will never be able to make one once. As the work performed, it will be possible to occur periodically the need to export remnants of materials, packages, etc. The total expected number of machine-walker is better to speak in advance with the performer of work.

Customers usually strongly underestimate volumes, and therefore costs, a number of works. Feel free to discuss your financial costs in detail with a contractor. So it will be easier for you to control it, and the Contractor, in turn, will be sure that he will receive the appropriate payment.

Main installation

Door and window openings

Floor preparation

Finish montage

At the finishing stage, when repaired, the apartment often plans for the hiding radiators of heating and the means of secret retractable doors (if necessary).

Singing radiators heating

The heating radiator sewing allows you to hide the pipes and the radiator itself (which is especially relevant, if it is old). And also, it helps to avoid almost not solved difficulties in the decoration in the area of \u200b\u200bthe junction with floors and the ceiling.

Cleaning communications

In the same period, the communications firmware box are mounted. Without this operation, no repair of the bathroom in an apartment building is not accounted for.

Plasterboard box - a solution that has become standard.

After plasterboard works, primer is carried out, setting the corners, putty.

All surfaces covered with plasterboard are subject to spatle.


After all surfaces are formed, you need to cause a measurer for stretch ceilings (if the ceilings will be tensioning). At the same time, the loggia or balcony is finished, adjacent node device, laying tiles in the bathroom, in the kitchen, bathroom installation.

The finishing floor alignment, it is with overhaul, very desirable. This is explained by the fact that when performing a large amount of work on the floor, various damage to the surface layer will inevitably appear. Therefore, it will hardly save from this new screed. It is more convenient to displaced the main screed in height per 1 cm, and at the end of all the "heavy" work to make a "self-sewn" pure layer.

Finishing walls

After the end of work on the floor, you can move to the last types of finishing work. It includes the latest primer and finishing walls (wallpaper or painting), the installation of stretch ceilings and laying flooring (laminate, linoleum, etc.). After that, only the interior doors will remain. Then make arches and portals (if available).

Finishing apartment repair stage

Our repair is almost finished. To complete it, you will need:

  • installation of kitchen and all built-in furniture,
  • installation of plinths
  • finishing electricity and interior blocks of air conditioners.

In parallel with this, we perform the installation of pure plumbing (washbasin, toilet). Then follows cleaning.

Last barcode - installation of curtains, blinds, shelves, mirrors and installation of furniture.

We hope that this article will help you understand where to start the overhaul of the apartment and what a sequence of actions will continue to adhere to.

For some, the need to carry out repairs in its apartment causes a reaction far from positive. The first place becomes the financial side of the issue. The painstaking counting of funds begins, with the delimitation of the acquisition of materials and payment for the services of specialized construction brigades.

Repair can be cosmetic and limited to the colorful, pasting and appearance update. And may be capital with the replacement of electrical wiring, plumbing and installation of modern acrylic bath.

The reproduction process itself is perceived as a long period of time with a multitude of inconvenience. The result ultimately turns out of the desired in the laid, and instead of a sense of satisfaction, there is a feeling of fatigue and extension.

It is very different about people with figurative thinking. Visually presenting how the apartment will look like after decoration, they are easier to break up with money, in the hope of quickly seeing all the victims.

People from the same category that are not burdened in the means are often resorted to designers. Master Home Interior Designer using computer programs can develop a 3D apartment apartment. In many ways, this method is considered a strong incentive to action, since it allows you to see the results in advance.

However, people are targeted and high internal enthusiasm never lower their hands even in a situation where there is a strong limitation of funds. For such people, the output from the position becomes independent partial or complete repair.

Someone chooses a thorough capitalization of housing with redevelopment, and someone has enough to hold inexpensive repairs in the apartment, which is more often called cosmetic.

Stage in repair

Solving the question of what to start repairing the apartment, some believe that it is necessary to start purchased materials and tools. In general, it is correct, but in order to correctly spend money and not to acquire superfluous, you need to make preliminary calculations. Calculate the main geometric parameters of each room: height, length and width. Determine the size of window and doorways.

The data obtained will help determine the exact volume of work and calculate the amount of each type of building material.

When deciding to carry out a global change in the inner view of the apartment on its own, it is necessary to pre-draw a phased plan. It is the correctly developed plan that includes the phased repair of the apartment becomes a key to successful workflow.

The first point will go dismantling work:

  • layer enclosing the inner walls and partitions for expanding space;
  • dismantling wooden windows to replace plastic windows;
  • removing door canvases or complete dismantling of door boxes.
  • removal of old floor coatings;
  • dismantling wall coatings or clearing walls from painting compositions;
  • clearing or blur ceilings.

Categories of the complexity of working processes

The most labor-intensive works are the device screed on floors and plaster walls. It is especially difficult to deal with surfaces endowed with a large number of drops. Some of them are eliminated by hammering, but only an aligning screed or a similar plaster layer can truly save.

To carry out high-quality strokes of wall surfaces, plaster beacons are used. To do this, they buy aluminum rails or metal pipes of a small square or rectangular cross section.

In the first case, the material is inexpensive, but when buying it is worth aware that when removing the seams from the seams after drying the plaster, they are no longer possible to use in operation.

Metal pipes are more expensive, but the percentage of their preservation after dismantling is much higher. In addition, some people prefer to leave them in a solution for greater layer strength.

The most economical way to achieve flatness of the screed is considered a device of mortar lights on the floors. But this process is very painful and only those who have the appropriate skills can decide on it.

The simplest view of the work is painting. At least, the majority thinks so. The opinion is simultaneously true and erroneous. The truth of approval lies in carrying out the final process, that is, painting itself, using high-quality tools.

Paint rollers and brushes, plastic baths with grids for rollers rolling. Working with high-quality instruments, you can avoid leaps on the walls and the release of vertical painting strips.

Improve the impression

For the sake of interest and to confirm your personal participation, a large number of people make a photo of the apartment repairs before and after. Sometimes it is poured into a whole series of pictures with separate initial and final views of each room.

Some lovers lay out photos on the Internet, because today it is considered a fashionable occupation, and someone simply uses them for viewing with friends and acquaintances. In any case, photo repair of an apartment made with your own hands is not only memory, but also confirmation of personal skills.

Stock Foto Repair apartment with their own hands

When repairing the apartment repairs, many face a huge number of problems and questions that do not know the answer. Especially most often difficulties arise from those who have never done such work with their own hands. In this article we will tell you what kind of repair can be and wonder all its stages step by step, you will find out where to start repairing the apartment with your own hands and how it is better to do it, we will offer step-by-step instructions that will help you determine the order of work.

We will also talk about how to perform the draft decoration of the apartment so that further repairs will be done without any problems, what materials are the best, what the price of them, and more about many other things, which will help us determine the order of repairs in the apartment with your own hands.

Repair of the apartment is a few species: capital, cosmetic renovation.

  1. Overhaul

The overhaul of the apartment will require a lot of time, forces and of course nerves. The price of such a repair will not be small, so you prepare for big spends. Overhaul of the apartment implies a complete reconstruction and replacement of windows, doors, wall and flooring, pipes, and so on. The amount of work is included:

  • Competent layout of the size of the premises, if necessary, then you can split or connect the premises.
  • Full replacement of plumbing or its reconstruction.
  • Change the location of old sockets and the installation of new ones.
  • Questions are being decided with old and new lighting, if necessary, the stratobic works are carried out, they are needed to lay the wiring.
  • Plastering. It will takes the execution of the draft apartment of the apartment with special accuracy.
  • Full replacement of door and window openings.
  • Selection of embedded furniture.

Above you can see photos of repairs of apartments before and after major repairs.

It will take a lot of time for the overhaul of the apartment, but if you competently decide how to start and paint the order of work, then time costs will be significantly reduced, and your apartment without decoration will very soon acquire aesthetic appearance.

The first thing you should do is free to free the room from the furniture existing there. In order not to work so that you have to sleep right on the floor somewhere in the corner of the room among the heaps of paint and building materials, encouraged wallpaper, so it is better to solve the issue in advance with the night - for some time I will live in relatives or remove the room.

And in order to repair in the apartment without finishing, do not take much time, you will need to decide the very question again, we talked about it above, where to start repairs in the new apartment, it will be this decision to further affect the time, and the price and Procedure of work. It is also necessary to consider that the carnovaya decoration of the apartment must be high-quality, so you will significantly simplify and speed up the process of performing work.

  1. Redecorating

With this apartment repair, their own hands implies cosmetic work that will help slightly update your rooms. The price of such a repair will depend on the amount of work and the number of materials used. Repair of an apartment without decoration will only affect the replacement of coatings of one or all rooms, without replacing the available communications.

Also here is the replacement of the old floor covering on the new, the ceiling and wall decoration: painting, pasting with wallpaper, shtatleving. In a word, the cosmetic apartment renovation does not take much time with you, but this is if it is competent and calmly approach the works, in this case you will leave for repair for a couple of weeks, whereas the capital will need a month and even a few, depending on The volume of work, the main thing is determined by which to start, and then it will be seen. If necessary, you can make a rough finish of the apartment, however, then the price of your repair will slightly increase.

Below is a photo of the apartment repairs with your own hands.


The concept of a renovation is, it can be said, such a conditional, it came to us from the beginning of the nineties. Then, with a renovation, all the work was carried out strictly on European standards and with only the use of expensive construction and finishing materials of imported production, which is why the price of the European repair was too high.

Currently, renovation is the original designer approach to the design of the premises, the use of unique technologies, bold style solutions, the European zoning of the rooms and so on. In short, the renovation provides customer with comfortable, beautiful and exclusive housing.

The decision in favor of the Eurore repair should be given in the event that you put forward enough high demands for the repair of your housing and want to see its complete transformation. This repair can afford not all, because it will be the price for many simply inherent.

Above the photo repair photo is a renovation.

When repairing an apartment with their own hands, not only the elimination of existing defects of premises is carried out, this is also a complete replacement of heating systems, lighting, air conditioning systems, the development of a color solution in the future design.

Before you begin to re-repair, you should create a competent designer project of your home, cottage or apartment and determine the order of work. If you wish, you yourself can develop a design using the most original types of finishes.

It is also very important to determine where to start work with your own hands so that they go fast and efficiently. If you like to do the future design yourself, it suggests that you are a creative personality, and then the results of repair do not make you wait.

How to start repairing in an apartment with a rough finish with your own hands?

If you do not know where to start repairs in an apartment with a draft finish, in this case you will need to make a detailed plan, where the stages of work will be stages. A phased repair plan should be based on the fact that you want to obtain as a result of the repairs. In addition to the plan, you will need to independently develop a designer project for an apartment without finishing, choose materials, wallpapers, color solution, and so on.

Thanks to the design project and plan, you can determine the price of your future repair, because the necessary materials are indicated there, their number and much more. Of course, when repairing with your own hands, you will still not be able to correctly plan everything, you need a more detailed instruction, but this information will also help you avoid the mass of typical errors that most often make those who have never done repairs on their own.

Now you know where to start the repair of the apartment without finishing yourself and how to determine its price, albeit approximate, but it is better to know at least something that nothing at all.

The photo above shows an exemplary repair plan, but it can be taken as the basis.
To understand where to get better repairs in the apartment, watch the video:

Stages of repair

So, if you do not know where to start repairing an apartment without finishing with your own hands, below we staminously describe all the steps that will need to be performed.

  1. Installation of windows.
  2. Installation of doors.
  • Installation of heating radiators.
  1. Installation of pipes.
  2. Installation of electrical wiring.

All these work should be done in the first place. Why? The fact is if you first produce a repair that provides for finishing works of the ceiling, gender and walls, but only then proceed to the above works, you can spoil the work already done, for example, splash the new wallpapers with a solution, and then you will have to do repairs rebel.

If you do not have enough finance for full repair, then put in priority toilet repair, bathroom repair, battery mounting and window installation. And to repair the rest of the rooms, begin to gradually buy materials: tile, wallpaper, putty and so on.

And to more accurately determine the costs, solve the question where to start repair do it yourself, what to do next and how to finish, in this case you will know exactly what materials need to buy, their price, what you can do with your own hands, where to start repairing Apartment when you need a challenge of a specialist.

All other stages of repair of the apartment are independently carried out in the following order:

  1. At first, when repairing an apartment without decoration, you need to finish the premises with your own hands, in such work it includes: installation of partitions, wall plaster, floor alignment (screed), installation of plasterboard ceiling.
  2. At this stage of repair, the flooring is carried out.
  • Installation of plumbing products: toilet, bath, etc.
  1. Conducting the finish tank. This repair stage is very important.
  2. Wall decoration and ceiling. Repair associated with the ceilings must be carried out correctly.
  3. Installation of the required electricity: switches, lamps, etc.
  • Next, we install doors with your own hands.
  • At the last stage, install the plinth.

If you doubt that you can independently make repairs and install the electrician and plumbing, then refer to the specialists. When they are repaired, ask them to make a plan for you existing communications, this will not only help you well when repairing it with your own hands, but also eliminates the risk that you accidentally damage the pipe and cable laid in the wall.

If you are under the repair of the apartment with your own hands, adhere to the procedure for performing work and will accurately know where to start work, it will help to avoid a huge number of errors, which in turn will significantly save the time costs of repairs in the new apartment and help well reduce the price.

Which room start repairing in the apartment?

It must be said that repairs in the apartment requires a lot of time and of course financial investments, so if your budget does not allow you to repair the apartment at all right away, then it is better to make one room, after a while another. The main thing is to determine where to start repair, more precisely from which room.

If you ask the beautiful half of humanity, from which room it is better to start doing the apartment repairs, then most likely every second of them will answer that with a bathroom or with a kitchen, and there is some truth in it. After all, it is in the kitchen that we spend more time, and if guests come, first of all they will want to wash their hands before walking into the kitchen and sit down to the table.

Choose interior style

No, probably, such people who would not want to repair in an apartment or house with their own hands in full compliance with modern design decisions, so every owner of the apartment itself chooses a style decision for the interior of its premises, which will answer one hundred percent and answer and His personal wishes, and modern trends.

If you prefer to see in your interior ease and freedom, then choose the style of minimalism or hai - tech. Many prefer to see their interior in the classic style, which is ideal for different areas of the rooms and to any lighting options.

If your apartment has a small size, and you want to equip it with your own hands as comfortable as possible, then your country style, and for risky and business people, the most attractive will be the style of modern, where the most original ideas are concentrated, sometimes even too causing.

In a word, everyone chooses the style of the interior based on their tastes and preferences, someone comfortably live in a semide apartment with a minimum of furniture and decor elements, and for others the house should be a "full bowl" literally in everything. But where to start the choice of future design for your apartment will tell you your imagination.

You also need to say, the complexity of the selected interior will largely depend on the cost of your repair. If you prefer to see sophistication and luxury in everything, then you will prepare for the fact that the price of creating such an interior will be far from small.

This photo presents the ceiling, which is made in the style of Rococo.

In the photo above you can see the decor of the living room, which is made in an Indian style.

The photo above shows the classic style in the interior.

In the photo above, you can see the bedroom, which is made in the style of constructivism.

Preparation plan of the upcoming repair

If you started repairing an apartment with your own hands, but you don't know where to start, a step-by-step instruction will be proposed below, which will determine the order of work in the apartment, it will help you very much when you ask yourself a question where to start repairs in the apartment without finishing What is its approximate cost, what materials will need to buy and so on

Stage 1 - Disassembly of old coatings

We delete your own hands the old finishing material from the walls, ceiling and floor. If wallpapers are pissed on the walls, they must be able to tear. The fact is, many so as not to lose your time glue new wallpaper on old - this is another error that is often done during the repair. It is impossible to do this, because old wallpapers can be turned off under new ones, but together with new wallpaper, which will entail an extra weight of money and time, you will need to buy and glue the wallpaper again.

If your draft floor in the apartment became unsuitable, it is not necessary to touch it, such work should be left for later. If you are not going to completely change the draft floor, then it is necessary to cover something to something, for this purpose it will be suitable for a plastic film, which will need to fasten the painting ribbon along the edges. To protect it from mechanical damage, you can apply a cardboard, it is much reliable than if you used paper for these purposes.

For those who do not know where to start the dismantling of old finishing coatings in your apartment - start from the walls: Remove the old wallpaper or other finishing material, clean the surface of the walls from glue residues, close the cracks, in one word, spend all the work so that you are in front of you The clean wall remains.

The photo shows the dismantling of old wallpapers from the walls.

On the video below, you can see how to clean the walls under the shook wallpaper.

Stage 2 - Laying of wiring and pipes in the wall

There is already a laying in the wall of existing pipes and electrical wiring with their own hands. This stage of repair in the apartment is considered the most dirty, but also most important. Perform these works in the apartment next time will be quite difficult, and in some cases it is impossible without performing one more major overhaul.

It should also be noted that it is better not to save money on the electrician and plumbing, because the wiring and pipes hidden in the wall may be damaged, then to repair you will need to dismantle, just imagine what it works, and this is despite the fact that yours The rooms are already completely renovated and are saved by expensive wallpaper.

The stroke of the walls should be carried out strictly according to the scheme, which in no case cannot be thrown away, it will further help you drive your nails into the wall in safe places. In their hands made, the shoes must be gently putting the pipes and the wires of the desired section and then close the shoes. Tip: For stacking in a shorter, it is better to use propylene pipes.

At this photo repair photo shows how you need to pull the walls yourself under the laying of pipes and electrical wiring with your hands.

On the video below, you can get acquainted with how work is carried out on the stroke of the walls under wiring.

Stage 3 - Installing new windows

At this stage of draft works, they make a replacement in the apartment of old windows to new ones. Such works are quite time consuming and require professionalism. If you are a novice in this matter and do not know where to start your work yourself, then the installation of winds endure specialists. Once the windows in the apartment will be delivered, they will need to be protected from dust and ingress of dirty splashes, without which no rough finish is passed.

To protect the new windows during the draft finish, they need to be closed with a film or paper curtains of Plears, their price is low, while they look pretty aesthetic. Well, then you can start a draft finish - prepare the ceiling and floor to the finish finish.

The roughing decoration of the apartment implies alignment of the surface of the walls, then putting out all the available seams and cracks, then the putty begins. The material for holding a draft finish in the apartment needs to be chosen based on the type of finishing finishing. Now you know how and where to start working on replacing windows in your apartment.

Above the photo repair photo is shown.

At this photo, you can see how the installation of new windows is.

To make it better clear how dismantling and installing new windows, see the video below:

Stage 4 - Grounding of Walls

At this stage, the draft decoration in the apartment will need to make a primer, it gives the ceiling and the walls with better strength. After applying the primer, it is necessary to wait until it dry completely and only then you can paint the ceiling.

The photo is presented a photo repair of an apartment, where you can see how the primer of the ceiling surface occurs.

This video shows the work on the ceiling primer.

Stage 5 - floor alignment in the apartment

At this stage, you can proceed to the black floor finish. In case you are satisfied with the old floor in your apartment, then you do not need the fifth stage. But if you decide to change your floor, then you will need to pour the base of the draft floor with a solution or perform a screed.

It is better to use a self-leveling solution in the black floor apartment, since you will need much more time and strength on the screed. Here decide what is better for you and more profitable. As soon as work on the tie of the floor in the apartment will be completed, it is necessary to wait until the solution will dry well and only after that you can proceed to other work. After completing the work, you will already be clear to start the next stage of repair in the apartment.

The photo shows the stage of draft work on floor alignment using a self-leveling solution.

To be clearer how work on the alignment of self-leveling mixtures look at the video below

The photo shows the stage of draft work on floor alignment with a cement solution.

On the video below, it is shown how to correctly align the floor with a cement - sandy solution.

Stage 6 - wall decoration with your own hands

At this stage, we will deal with the walls of the walls in the apartment with their own hands. The material for finishing should be chosen on the basis of its wishes and the money component. For wall decoration, you can buy beautiful wallpaper, better fliseline.

Currently, the modern market simply fountains the abundance of finishing materials, so you will not have any problems with the choice, there are both dear options for finishing and cheap. In addition to the option with wallpaper, you can choose painting, decorative plaster and others. If your finance allows you to buy decorative types of finishes in an apartment, though the price of them will be significantly higher, but the result will certainly please you.

If we decided on the choice of finishing materials, then think about how and where to start the walls of the walls in the apartment yourself. If you glue the wallpaper, then make the pastries so that the patterns coincide. Finishing panels should be carried out from the corner of the wall. Important: Finishing materials will be well to bed on the surface of the walls only if the blackhouse decoration of the apartment was performed competently and efficiently.

In the photo you can see the decorative wall decoration with your own hands, it looks very beautiful.

Important: When carrying out the draft walls in the apartment, carefully monitor the surface to be perfectly smooth, in this case you can choose any type of finish. If the blacks finish of the apartment was performed badly and on the walls remained irregularities, then among the finishing materials offered today, you can choose only a few options that are suitable for your walls when repaired apartments. Now you know where to start the walls of the walls with your own hands and how to further repair in the new apartment.

The photo shows the wall decoration with the help of wallpaper.

Stage 7 - Flooring

At this stage of repair, we carry out work related to the installation of the floor covering. You can buy carpet, linoleum, floorboard parquet, laminate, etc. If you decide to put a tile on your floor, then it is better to put it after working with the ceiling will be finished. So that the tile lay well, the draft floor should be perfectly smooth.

If the blacks finish of the apartment and the floor was made poorly and left irregularities, then the laying of most outdoor materials will not be available, since the floor is required for them, which is characterized by perfect smoothness. In this case, you will have or re-implement a black floor finish, or resort to other methods that will make a draft floor even.

That is why it is necessary to avoid such errors to avoid such mistakes, the apartment is very serious, then it will be clear to you, where to start one or another work associated with the installation of flooring. If the repair is made competently, then your new apartment will acquire aesthetic appearance.

The photo shows the preparatory work for laying outdoor coverage.

The photo above shows how to lay a floor covering.

Stage 8 - Ceiling

It must be said that the apartment's repairs delivers a lot of trouble with their own hands, especially if it comes to the black ceiling finish. But it is not easier to carry out the finishing finish. The rough finish of the new apartment, especially the ceiling worries those people who bought their homes in the secondary market.

Such a purchase of a new apartment very often leads to the fact that most of the owners of such apartments almost every day have to deal with a lot of problems, the plaster will disappear, then in the other, and there is nothing to say about the appearance of cracks. Many looking at such disgrace do not even know where to start the correction of such problems. In this case, the rough finish of the new apartment must be performed with special care.

So why do you need to start repairing the apartment with your own hands, especially the ceiling? The answer is: repairing the apartment with your own hands, including the ceiling, you need to perform at exactly the same scheme as the black finish of the apartment, the floor, the surfaces of the walls, that is, dismantling, screed, whirlpool or painting.

The photo shows how the black ceiling alignment is carried out in the new apartment with their own hands.

The photo shows how the installation of a plasterboard ceiling is carried out.

Final stage repair

The final stage of repair implies: Installation of door frames, installed plinths and so on. Along with this, furniture objects and decorative elements are added to the interior. That's all, now you can love to admire how the new repair will breathe the same new life in your premises.

And most importantly, you can be proud of, because you had to independently fulfill all these eight stages of the apartment repair with your own hands and achieve excellent results to fulfill their own repair. In addition, such a repair will teach you to competently perform the black decoration of the apartment that you are very useful in the future.

In the photo you can see the last stage of repairing a new apartment with your own hands - installation of interroom doors.

The cost of repairing an apartment

There are several indicators that play a huge impact on the cost of repairing turnkey apartment. Three such indicators:

  1. The complexity of the created project. The harder the project will be, the higher the cost of repairing the apartment turnkey with their own hands.
  2. The cost of repair turnkey will depend on the number of materials used and their price.
  3. The cost of repair, which will be carried out turnkey a great influence provide technologies that are used to implement the developed project.

Calculate yourself the cost of repairing turnkey for an inexperienced person will be difficult, but today there are other ways with which you can definitely determine how much you will cost the repair with your turnkey hands.

  1. The first option is to call the master at home, which competently makes you the estimate of the cost of repairing turnkey.
  2. The second option - you can use the online calculator, it quickly and competently makes calculating the cost of future repair. To make the cost of repair, you will need to answer a number of questions that you will be offered and fill in a special form, then you should click on the button "Calculate" and everything, the results in your pocket.
  3. Third option, in this case you will need to ask what rates for apartment repairs today offer construction companies, so you will learn more accurate cost. Below for you is presented to the table in which the average cost of turnkey repair is indicated.

The cost of repairing manually does not have to have. We invite you to save time and use one of the following options:

  • call wizards for free to compile the estimate for the apartment repair in St. Petersburg. To do this, you need to contact us one of the phones and call the wizard. Our specialist will come to you, will calculate the cost of repair and will be the estimate - completely free. Moreover, the arrival of the Master is possible on the day of the call;
  • perform calculation (on-line) cost of repair of an apartment. To do this, you need to answer asked questions and fill the form of a calculator of the cost of repair of an apartment - an exclusive opportunity for our customers only;
  • estimate the approximate cost of repair by reading the prices for apartment repairs. You can do this with the help of a price list, where the average cost of repair work is shown.

By the cost of repairs apartments is divided into categories:

Conditional categories of repair work The approximate cost of repair per 1 m2-handed area is expressed in rubles.
Repair work Materials used Total cost.
Normal apartment repair. From 3000 rubles. up to 5000 rubles. From 2000 rubles. up to 3000 rubles. From 5000 rubles. up to 8000 rubles.
High-quality apartment repairs. From 4000 rubles. up to 6000 rubles. From 2000 rubles. up to 5000 rubles. From 6000 rubles. up to 11000 rubles.
High-quality apartment repairs. From 6000 rubles. up to 11000 rubles. From 5000 rubles. up to 10,000 rubles. From 11,000 rubles. up to 21,000 rubles.

In this table you can only see the approximate cost of the apartment repair with your own hands. In order to more accurately find out the cost of the planned repair, you still better call the wizard, which competently make sure that you estimate from the volume of work performed and the cost of them.

It must be said that repairs in the apartment, this is water and fire in one bottle. For those who face such a work for the first time, repairs in the apartment not only take a lot of time, but also spoil a lot of nerves. If you have never done repairs in the apartment yourself, in this case it is better to ask for help for knowledgeable people, it will save you from numerous errors and save money, plus the repair will be performed at the highest level, especially if we are talking about the draft apartment .

Below is an instruction from the expert to which you can rely on before carrying out our own repairs in the new apartment.

  • It is best to buy doors that have high sound insulation. If finance allow, then think about the overall soundproofing of your housing. Such a repair will provide you with comfortable and quiet accommodation in the apartment, because you will not disturb the noise, which comes from the neighbors from above, the noise of passing cars, wind noise ...

In the photo above, you can see the doors with good sound insulation.

  • To repair the repair in the new apartment, hire highly specialized specialists, the practice has been proven that high-grade specialists make their work somewhat worse because they feel that there are no indispensable, but other people can do good repair.
  • If small kids will live in the house, then when repairing and finishing the walls, give preference in favor of washing wallpaper, you can wash off the arts of children at any time.

The photo shows washable vinyl wallpapers.

  • Before proceeding to repair in a new apartment, you need to remove the furniture, as it will definitely remain intact and unharmed.
  • When repaired in the apartment, you should not install the doors between the rooms before the start of independent repairs, because then it can happen that the doors you have to be written, for example, if the screed level will be made with your own hands above.
  • If repairs in the apartment will be capital, then think about installing passage switches in corridors and passing rooms.
  • Before starting a draft repair in a new apartment, pay in advance where electrical appliances and furniture items will be located. If you know the location of electrical equipment, it will be able to correctly determine the exact number of outlets and resolve the issue with their location. By the way, this is perhaps the most common mistake that is allowed when repaired in a new apartment. Such errors lead to a lack of outlets, which forces to resort to the help of extension cords.
  • Many who make a draft repair in the new apartment tries to save money on wiring, this cannot be done in any case. The fact is that cheap wires often do not cope with electrical load, begin to melt, closed and can cause a fire.

The photo shows how the installation is carried out.

To understand how the electrical wiring is carried out and electrotechnical works are conducted. You can watch the video below.

  • If you plan to install the washing machine in the bathroom or some electrical equipment in the bathroom, then in this case it makes sense to install an RCO for this room for this room at no more than ten mA. In the old apartment type apartments, you will not get grounding, because it has not been provided there, but with the Uzo you will ensure good protection of installed equipment.

In the photo above you can see the scheme, how to connect the RCD correctly.

  • Pipes of metal-plastic in no case cannot be completely hidden in the walls, it is necessary to provide free access to thread connections, because they will need to pull it from time to time. If, when repaired in the new apartment, you decided to climb the pipes in the walls, in this case you need to buy polypropylene pipes, they are not twisted, and roll, so in places the connection will not flow even after a long time.

At this photo, it is possible to see pipe-based water pipes made of metalplastic.

  • If the floor in the bathroom floor is covered with tiles, then it is better to make a warm floor.

In the photo you can see the warm flooring device in the bathroom.
The photo shows how the installation of a warm floor is occurring.

On the video below, you can see how the rush of the warm floor is carried out:

  • Carrying out a rough repair in the new apartment, you do not need to lay a thick layer of tiled glue to align the roughing floor under the laying of the tile. The first - glue will give a shrinkage, the second - its price is not so small. Best of all when repairing in the new apartment irregularity of the draft floor is aligned with cement-sand solutions. Such a draft repair can be performed in a short time.
  • If there are large irregularities on the ceiling, then it will be wisp with a rough repair to finish a stretch-type ceiling.
  • If the new apartment has interchaltering plates in the new apartment, then before installing the stretch ceiling, you need to make the seams that are located between the stoves, the pieces of plaster will be constantly falling on the stretch ceiling. Such a draft repair in the new apartment is easy to produce and yourself, of course, a inexperienced person will have to suffer first, but this is the first five minutes, then it will go very quickly, and most importantly, with the help of a car repair, you get rid of the falling plaster for a long time.

The photo shows the seam between the plates on the ceiling