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Bottom tackle on bream with her own hands. How and where is the bream in the spring? Tackle for catching bream in spring. Features of day fishing

(Fishing: catching bream for beginners)

Summary of article:

  1. Donka on bream.
  2. Snap for catching bream.
  3. Catching bream in summer.
  4. Catching bream at night.
  5. Catching bream on the video video.

Hello, dear fishermen and fishermen ""! In this article we will talk about one of the ways of catching bream, namely the conversation will go about the Donke, which our local breeds catch.

Catching bream bottom tackle for today without exaggeration is the most efficient way to catch this fish. This article is based on the experience of reusable summer fishing raids and includes sample analysis and errors, which led me to the choice of an optimal inexpensive bottom tack, designed for our domestic reservoirs.

Donka on bream

The tackle presented is the traders faithfully not one decade, and the effectiveness I received, forced to devote a separate article to her. I draw your attention that at this time is the cheapest budget tackle on the bream, which will help the novice fisherman to catch it.

Tackle for bream

Bream - the average largest fish, the weight of which only occasionally exceeds the mark more than five kilograms. The most common size of copies falling on hooks is usually held in the range of 1-3 kg. Although it is not the record weight of the fish, but our bottom tackle, due to the used snaps, (which will be discussed just below) should be rather rude.

The concept of "Tackle for bream" includes:

  • rod on the Donka;
  • coil on the donka;
  • leske on a donkey.

We do not need anything expensive. All this is "good" in our bazaar in full assembly worth a maximum of ten bucks. Or another option - to collect everything yourself, partly from the fishing arsenal abandoned by you and "non-thendition."

Rod on Donka

When choosing a rod, focus on the approximate weight of the snap. A little run in advance and I will say that in almost all the sucks presented will be used springs weighing 20-30 grams plus mass of bait. Accordingly, the form test should allow us to throw a snap-in weighing 30-40 grams.

The length of particular importance does not have. You can take both a short up to two meters and more authentic, more than three. It is only desirable that the rod is at least a little worked out fish jerks, otherwise there will be frequent gatherings at the final stratitude of the consideration.

If you are no longer a "new man" in fishing, then you have one hundred percent somewhere in the corner you dust with old spinning with broken vertices or simply "unloved" rods. So, they fully fit the role of our "cheapest" docks.

Coil on Donku.

As a coil, any Chinese cheap product can be used. We will be the main time to stay waiting for a bone and throw it rarely. Therefore, the usual Chinese random coil of the middle size will serve you not one year.

Another thing, if, along with bream, you decide to be afraid also a small fish in the form of a guster, roach or pumped. Accordingly, the purchase of high-quality coil will not be avoided.

For our purpose, inertial "Nevsky" coils will also be suitable. Again, focusing on the weight of our equipment, with the "Nechoves" it can be quite far to throw the bait, and I don't say about the quality of the mechanism about rumors - they are simply unnecessary.

Leske on Donku.

I did not notice a special difference between the shares of millimeters in the cross section. It should not be very thin and not very thick, somewhere in the range of 0.2-0.35 mm. Our tackle to sports feeder fishing rods is very far and on athletes it is not calculated. The main task is to make a reliable donon, not subject to shoot and allowing careless comfortable fishing "no nerves".

Only the course of the river can affect the choice of the thickness of the fishing line. The dependence is simple - the stronger the water current, the thinner of the fishing line. If with a line 0.2 mm, the snap is still demolished, it makes sense to wind a thinner braid. But it is only as a last resort, since for our rough donkey, the extensibility of the fishing line will be a very big plus.

Snaps for catching bream on the Donka

Now one of the main chapters of the article. To present you the simplest snap-in for bream, I had a whole summer of all experiments. In our snap, the diacon includes three main components:

  • spring;
  • leash with crochet;
  • carabinchik with swearing.


The capacious spring is taken with its own load. Many fishermen make them themselves at home. True, it seems to me that these are people with a special attitude to fishing, as these springs can be bought on the market for almost a penny.


A leash is made exclusively from a wicker fishing line with a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm. Length depending on the circumstances may vary from 5 to 10 cm, since the leash itself should be in the immediate vicinity of the spring.

Hooks on bream

It must be the highest quality part of the snap, as we will use the effect of samopod fish. The size of the hooks used, we will cut off a trifle. For myself, I imposed a few different leashes with different hooks. In the absence of Kleva, I simply put small hooks and absolutely always (even in a bad day) catching smaller pillars.

Spring snapshots

We will use two different snapshots using a spring: one for day fishing, the other for the night.

The first is a deafly attached spring with two short leashes - one at the beginning of the spring, the other at the end. The second is a bit similar to the first, only at the beginning of the spring is tied four leashes are as long as the spring. We have this equipment called "nipple".

For leashes, a woven fishing line is used, with which beginner fishermen may have problems. I will give a couple of tips for knitting knots.

The braid is not monophile and if you make it the same node, then it will unleash it with the load. The first way to eliminate this shortage is to pour a free tip on the node that is cut off. It turns out a small droplet that will serve as a lock and will not give to unleash.

The second method is an improved double knot. It fit in almost the same way as an ordinary fishing unit, only all the actions produce twice. Swim around the hook is twice as much (8-9 revolutions) and twice stretch into a free loop for fixation. To facilitate the tightening of the node, just wet his saliva.

Bait and bait for snap with spring

As bait, we will use an ordinary grandfather pea mastyr, prepared (not purchased!) At home. Why? Yes, it just does not always meet my requirements. The main thing is that it is appreciated in the home mastyrka - this is the smell of pea, and how much I did not take it in the bazaar, I did not observe the smell that I need (no offense to familiar sellers). I describe the recipe in detail on the site of the site in the heading "bait and bait", so we will not repeat.

For bait, we will use (according to the degree of importance):

  1. foam balls with a diameter of 0.3-0.7 mm;
  2. passed whole peas;
  3. mastery for bait;
  4. muckworm;
  5. oparish

So we have the tackle, the snaps are imposed, the bait was welded. It's time to go fishing!

Catching bream in summer

This year my first breasters on bream fell just at the beginning of the summer. Then stood stable warm weather, which foreshadowed a good Klevel. On the eve of the work, I drove to the river to determine a good place for future catching. According to the experience of past fishing, I knew an approximate relief of the bottom of the river for several kilometers, so I did not invent and chose the place of rotation with a deep pit.

On the shore lonely sat the grandfather with the Donks and naturally had to ask him about this place. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that there is a bream here and his population is quite significant. In confirmation, the Local Besznost, Grandfather Vasya demonstrated two and a half kilogram handsome.

At first fishing took his feeder tackle. I came straight, but as it turned out not the first. Grandfather Vasya as it turned out already sitting with abandoned gears. After the precision, the depth chose a long brow, as it relys, and abandoned the bait (then still masturbation). He began to actively grasp the roach, Guster, and sometimes slipped the brake. In general, bream never waited, although there were three grandfather in his grandfather. And not a single roach, only the brake and bream.

It became interesting how my neighbor was able to cut off an unnecessary trifle and naturally I asked my grandfather Vasya. Without all sorts of secrets, he pulled out one of the Donocks and proudly presented his snap-in described above. But she surprised me, but what was on the hook instead of baiting. These were foam balls with a diameter of 0.5 cm.

I prepared several of the same springs on the next fishing, the mastyrki welded and bought a foam. As it turned out to be a lot on the market, and the most diverse in size and color. For comparison, made several feeder snaps and started parallel fishing.

The bait on the feeder took a diverse "trifle" literally "on the fly", but the spring before the first bite stood somewhere half an hour. The rod without small oscillations began to be laughing in the arc and in the fact that the credential instance was caught. After some time, I started in the subset of the first bronze bream caught by spring snap to foam.

Then he began to experiment with bait. The worm, corn, male and barley went to move. The fish responded almost immediately to all these bait, though her size left much to be desired. A large bream simply did not have time for an insatiable smaller.

More or less succeeded after replacing hooks on larger carp series with the use of paired peas and corn, based on 3-4 pieces immediately, but the opening of the foam just struck me. Therefore, the main goal was the study of this particular phenomenon. After several successful days of fishing doubts, they disappeared themselves and fishing on foam began to be one of the most effective ways to achieve a positive result.

So I caught with varying success until the middle of the summer, when it is better when worse ... And here is the height of July, incredible heat ... Bream absolutely stopped pending. The river began to swim the islands of dead snails. My calculations were summarized that the fish should be sought on the deepest point, in the heart of the pit, but all my searches were unsuccessful.

Quite by chance, when I transferred, I felt the caustic smell of the spring. Clearly, in such a sump about the fish could not have any speech, so I decided to do not standard - I switched to the nearest shallow place with a stronger course. Made the first cast and did not have time to put the rod on the stand, as someone had already died from my hands the Donka. Someone turned out to be a weighty bronze bream, which took place from one and a half meter depth. Accident?

The result of that fishing I'm afraid to call in kilograms. Even before lunch, there was all the gram of the bait and had to simply turn out due to the lack of such. But it is most likely an exception to the rules. The following rain rains put everything in their place.

At the end, I would like to tell briefly about my experiments with a springs snap. It seems to me that I tried all her varieties - changed the location of the leashes, their number, the length, also tried the sliding spring and came to the conclusion that for fishing on the foam, the optimal option would be a deaf loaded 30-gram with two leashes (as in the photo).

Catching bream at night

Night fishing is somewhat different from daytime and time to tell about the second snap-in called "Nipple".

Since the foam on the night fishing did not bring me the desired result, it was decided to continue the search for the "grandfathers" methods of fishing. In this, I was again helped by the breeder of the grandfather. He told how to adapt the spring overnight, namely, remove the rear leash and bind three more. Then the mason is stuffed in the spring, and the masting balls with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm are embraced on the hooks, after which these balls are added to the bulk of the mass in a circle.

It turns out a lump of bait with the tubercles, in which the hook is located. Fish sucks a tubercle and pass through the hook in it. Hence the name itself of this snap.

The catchness of this "nipple" I also checked in parallel with others and I can fully guarantee its night efficiency. I will only add that night fishing brought a slightly greater average fish size. If the average size of the daily bream is 1-1.5 kilograms, then at night he often overturned the day.

I will finish on this while I will hope that this article will help you. In the future, I will return more than once to this topic, so I propose to become a subscriber of the site, so as not to miss the release of new articles, the announcement of which will come to the mailbox you specified for free.

Successful fishing and to new meetings on the site!

Catching bream on donkey video

In conclusion, I bring to your attention an interesting video that will expand the subject of the article.

Fishing bream on the Donka is available and novice fishermen, and can satisfy the requests of experienced fisheries lovers, which makes it very popular. Despite the visible simplicity, the bottom tackle can provide a good catch and even bring a trophy. In addition, it is universal and can assist successful fishing and other types of bottom fish.

You can catch on a donka almost anywhere in the reservoir, excluding areas with a littered and repairing bottom, as well as with a thick layer of il at the bottom. If the bottom in the selected place is pure enough, then you can safely throw the tackle. However, it is necessary to figure out whether there is a bream here.

This fish is found in the reservoirs everywhere, the flocks of it are very numerous. It should be noted that the small and medium bream leads mainly through the lifestyle, it is knocked in flocks and moves along the reservoir in search of food.

The largest specimens prefer to hold on alone, avoid flocks and lead a settling lifestyle. The locations of their stay are pits, pools, places with an unprecedented flow. And only in the spring, during a spawning, large summits are suitable for the shore, and if spring is late, they can be caught on coastal shallows and in June.

During the day, bream changes the place of feeding. In the afternoon, he feeds at the depth, and in the evening it goes closer to the shore, where it can be caught at night.

Also the location of bream depends on the time of year:
  • in the spring bream, as a rule, is near the shore, refilling after wintering;
  • in the summer, most often the breaks in the depth, going only on the feed, especially in the heat;
  • in the fall ceases to leave the holes, preparing for wintering;
  • in winter, the breakdown of bream - browch, and oxygen starvation can drive it out in shallow water.

Knowing the peculiarities of the bream behavior at different times of the day and time of the year, the fisherman can prepare for fishing properly. The bottom fishing rod can serve as an excellent gun for catching bream and shallow water, and at a depth.

How to make a donka? Selection of components and installation of bottom tackle on bream is not difficult. The simplest donka can be built from old unused gears lying without a case.

So, the Donka consists of:
  1. Forers.
  2. Georgal with feeder.
  3. Leads with hooks.
  4. Rods with a coil (but you can do without them).
  5. Punching alert.

The thickness of the main fishing line must be chosen depending on the weight of the load and the filled feeder, but in any case it cannot be thinner than 0.2 mm. When casting the main fishing line is experiencing heavy loads, in addition, it must keep nodes well. It is also necessary to take into account the presence and strength of the flow in the place of fishing. The stronger the course, the thinner there should be a fishing line.

Georgic must be equipped with a feeder and be such a weight so that it does not become the current. The feeder today has become the necessary attribute of the bottom tackle and without it already few risks fishing. You can make a load with a feeder with your own hands, and you can buy ready-made in the store. The main thing is that it responds to the conditions of fishing. The feeder can be a spring, plastic or rubber tube with holes, a metal grid. When installing, we need to take into account the strength of the flow, the number of holes in the feeder, the stability of the feeding to blur.

Leashes - a prerequisite for the donkey on the bream. On the leash in some cases, checked, as well as hooks. The bottom tackle has an increased "hooking", so the leashes will be removed from the tackle from the complete cliff. When catching breams on the Donka there is always a chance to endure a decent copy of the instance, so the leashes must be strong enough, but not thick.

Quality durable hooks are a completely necessary condition when installing gear. They must be sharp and withstand significant loads when retarding large fish. Hooks are used from №6 to 14, depending on the size of the bream.

The rod can be anyone able to withstand the cast of tremendous ship. The long tackle is not needed here, so it is suitable, for example, spinning up to two meters, including old ones.

The selection of the coil is also very simple: it must contain enough fishing line and be able to help the fisherman carry out the deployment of caught fish. Will this ordinary coil of the "Nevsky" type or undertaking - depends only on fisherman's preferences.

Donka with a trough on bream can be gathered and without rods and coils: the main fishing line is wound on the reel. In this case, the casting is done, pre-gently decomposing the fishing line on the shore, and fix the fishing line on the flexible rod stuck into the soil. Such a bottom tackle is called inquiring.

Punching alert is a traditional bubber attached to a rod or a modern electronic device. But you can do and a simple thick wand attached to the fishing line.

Consider now how to make a donkey and equip it.

The donkey snap-in with the feeder is two species: deaf and sliding. With a deaf snap, the loaded on the main fishing line is motionless, with a sliding - loading can move along the main fishing line. The first option increases the chance of samopod fish, but does not differ in high sensitivity. Sliding tooling is more sensitive, but you can forget about samopod.

A deaf snap is simple:
  • the fishing line is wound on the coil;
  • at the end of the main fishing line through the swivel, the loads with the feeder are tied;
  • above Georgian knit leashes with hooks in any convenient way.

The tackle made in this way is good when it is known that the fish will be guaranteed to peck and is expected to be a good catch. With sluggish, a deaf snap will bring only disappointment.

Mounting sliding equipment more complicated and has many variations:
  • the fishing line is wound on the coil or reel;
  • through the hole in the ship, the main fishing line is passed;
  • at the end of the fishing line is attached to the stopper. It may be bead, lead crushing, swivel;
  • below the stopper is tied by a rocker from a wire with two leashes and hooks;
  • the stopper is attached to the above loaded so that it has a free move. A leash with a crochet can also be tied here.

Mounting options for a sliding snap-in set, including the so-called feeder, which allow you to increase the sensitivity of the gear for catching bream.

Catch the bream on the Donka must necessarily having a lot of diverse baits, not to mention the babies. The ability to quickly change the appearance of the nozzle can be a key to success.

The immutable rule for fishing on the bream: in bait must contain elements of bait. That is, if fishing happens on the worm, then it is necessary to add cutting worms in the lure. This significantly increases the chances of successful fishing.

Make lore is not so difficult. In addition, there are many ready-made mixtures compiled, taking into account the experience of professional fishermen.

For the preparation of bait, the following ingredients will be required:
  1. Crupes to cook porridge (pearl, "Hercules", millet, corn and others).
  2. Bread crushers (option: Cookies sold like scrap).
  3. Flavoring (vanilla, cinnamon, garlic and other).
  4. Elements of the bait used (cutting worm, macaw, corn grains, etc.).

Duck need to be prepared directly on the river. The ingredients are mixed in any dish, the coastal soil of water and water is necessarily added in them. After mixing, the bid should be swollen for 20 minutes - half an hour, then you can form balls from it to throw or make the starting burst using the feeder.

The presence of porridge is optional. Although opinions on this occasion will greatly differ. But, as practice shows, lure with the addition of any porridge works more efficiently.

The consistency of the bait should be such that it is not washed in the process of falling on the bottom of the feeders, and gradually got into the water already at the bottom. In addition, it should not fly when casting.

The bream bailings apply a wide variety of:
  1. Oparish
  2. Worm.
  3. The larvae of various beetles.
  4. Pasta.
  5. Pearl barley.
  6. Peas.
  7. Pea Masters or Corn Mamalyga.
  8. Wooden wheat.
  9. Crackers or croutons.

And this is an incomplete list of what bream can be caught. It is desirable to take 2-3 types of bars on the river so that you can quickly change it on the hook or combine each other.

Prepared to fishing, it is possible to advance on the reservoir. The first thing on the shore is mounted bait, and only then proceed to the tackle of tackle, while the lures of "matures".

Well, if the fisherman imagines a picture of the bottom relief at the selected place of fishing. It is possible to study the bottom of the cargo by drawing along it or applying a special echo sounder.

Collecting the Donka, score feeding feeder and make three or four start-up casts, cutting the liner to the lord fall out of the feeders and stay on the place of fishing. You can throw the lure to the place of consideration by making small balls from it, but the cast must be point.

It remains only to put the bait and proceed to catch the bream.

The choice of bait depends on the place of fishing and from time to year and day:
  1. In the spring bream feeds seashells and larvae living in the water, which finds near the coast. Far Rate is not required. Also in the spring bream is well catching on the moth.
  2. With the arrival of the summer, the composition of the feed changes. For the flow of bream in the summer, dung worms, larvae of insects and, like in the spring, and moth are suitable. In addition, macaroni, bread, corn and foam can be used. Located, as a rule, far from the coast.
  3. Autumn brings its own characteristics, as the fish goes to the pits and practically ceases to react to lures. Moth, mackered and vegetable bait (sparkled grains, corn) - here are the bars for bream in the fall.
  4. Winter in terms of production of bream is not very good time, mainly at this time they catch the pothole on the moth or moron.

It is very promising to catch bream at night. At this time, the fish becomes not so cautious, suitable close to the shore and fisherman has more chances to catch a major instance.

Donka on bream demands from the fisherman of the maximum attention, because with the method of catching with the covering it is not necessary, especially if you catch a bream for the flow. Therefore, the fisherman must constantly be alert.

Donka - Tackle Universal, it can be caught from the shore, and from the boat. The boat allows you to choose a more promising place in terms of success, but without it a bottom tackle can give an excellent result. In the hands of an experienced fisherman who knows how to handle the donkey, it can compete with Fideer.

Catching bream on the Donka is very popular with our fishermen, as this is a widespread representative of the Karpov family, which can be caught at any time of the year and even in winter from underground.

As a crucian, this fish prefers the bottom layers of water. And this is the main reason why the donkey on bream is the most catchy snap. Many fishermen are interested in how to catch the bream to the Donka correctly, and it is about it that will be discussed.

The habitat of bream is wide enough, and in our country it is often found in rivers with a strong flow, and in lakes with standing water. Snacks and sub-convertible places, sediments of sandy and or etc - is here you should look for bream. The right choice of fishing is a prerequisite for successful fishing. The main bream is:

  • mosquito larva;
  • snail;
  • shell;
  • zooplankton;
  • insects;
  • hacks.

In search of food, bream moves at considerable distances, but feeds in a bright time of the day, preferred to hide into the shelter. Active Klevel of this fish begins at the beginning of summer, but the first successful fishing on the day and early spring, even before the start of the spawning period.

In the summer, in hot weather on a lake and other reservoirs with standing water, bream does not show activity, and it is necessary to catch it early in the morning, or at sunset. Autumn fishing from the shore gives particularly weighty catches, because in the autumn months and before the early winter, bream feeds very actively, putting fat for the entire winter. For catching bream used:

  • float Tackle;
  • feeder tackle;
  • donka.

Features of behavior

This is a very careful fish, so large copies of fishing on the swimming task practice almost do not come across. Fishing feeder has its own specifics and deserves separate consideration. Catching bream on the Donka is a particularly fascinating and efficient occupation, and with the right choice of equipment, bait and nozzles await you worthy of catch.

Bottom tackle on bream

The most popular bottom gears for catching bream are:

  • domank with spring;
  • a donkey with a rubber shock absorber (or gum);
  • tyrolean wand;
  • bottom tackle with a triangular feed "Method".

These snaps are used for fishing and other types of white fish preferring to feed from the bottom. But the rubber band, the Tyrolean wand and the tackle with the feeding "Method" show the best results.

Collect a donkey for catching bream

Make a donkey on bream with your own hands is easy, and this uses inexpensive and widely available components.

Tackle on the bream Tyrolean wand

For catching bream, you will need:

  • spinning or rod long 330-390cm;
  • selfless coil with fishing line 0.25-0.28;
  • bottom equipment;
  • bite alarm.

In fishing stores are available for sale simple and catching snaps on the bream of the type of donkey-tyyrolki, however, you can make them yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • lead cargo cone-shaped;
  • soft plastic tube 10-15 cm long and 1.5-2 mm diameter;
  • cut line with a diameter of 0.25-0.28, 50 cm long;
  • 3 leash from the dryer with hooks 10-18 numbers on the European classification;
  • 2 swivel 6-8 number.

For the manufacture of Tyrolean sticks need:

  1. put the line into the tube;
  2. skip the fishing line through the loaded and tie the swivel for better fixation;
  3. tightly insert the loaded into the tube, so that no gap remains;
  4. pour the tube from the opposite side;
  5. at a distance of 5 cm from the seaned end of the tube, tie the first leash by the "Eight" knot;
  6. above, at a distance of 10 cm from the first to tie the second hook;
  7. tie a third hook by 10 cm above the second;
  8. to the top, free end of the fishing line to bind the swivel for the connection with the main fishing line.

Next, it is necessary to bind the main line to the snap and throw it into the point of fishing. The advantage of the structure for catching bream on the Donka - Tyrolean sticks in front of other types of equipment is that when stretching along the bottom when the tackle is exhausted, it will not get stuck between the stones and is not confused in the grass.

Due to the flexible tube, the equipment is easily pulled out, even falling into narrow slits, and it can be used in the most difficult conditions. High flight characteristics of this equipment make it possible to throw it at 70-90 meters and further.

Important! In the manufacture of Tyrolean sticks, it is necessary to wear a tube tightly on both sides, for this it can be heated above the ferry.

Rubber on bream

With active Klevel bottom fish, it is necessary to reboot the tackle very often. In order to get rid of yourself from unnecessary exercise, you should use a donon-rubber. When catching bream on a gum, the snap is always located at the catch point. Her delivery is carried out by tensile the rubber acting as a shock absorber. For the manufacture of gum on bream will be needed:

  • cut transparent line 1 m long, with a diameter of 0.25-0.28mm;
  • 5-10 leashes from the monofil line with hooks 10-14 numbers on the European classification;
  • 2 swivel 6-8 number;
  • Fishing gum 15-20 meters long.

Procedure for manufacturing gum:

  1. bind the swivel from one end of the fishing line;
  2. on the other hand, the heliplog bind the gum;
  3. at a distance of 10 cm from each other, ranging from the swivel, tie the leashes by the "eight" knot;
  4. cut off an excess life, leaving 20 cm;
  5. bind the swivel for fastening to the main fishing line;
  6. tail to the free end of gum cargo.

What kind of weight to choose

As a cargo, cast lead blanks are used with an eye to fasten the gum that can be made independently. If for some reason no lead cargo is under hand, you can use the usual stone of the appropriate weight.

The weight of the cargo should be more than 3 kg, so that when tensioning the gum does not shift it from the place. The gum will be covered on a boat to a complete stretch, and the cargo falls on the bottom. The hooks are put on the hook, and the tackle goes to the place of fishing due to the elasticity of the gum.

Important! It is useful to put the place of fishing, immediately after the load is lowered into the water, the hooks will be located at the bottom in the area of \u200b\u200bthe goods, and it can be seen where exactly should be roaming.

Tackle on the bream with the feeding "Method"

The snap-in for catching the bream with the feed "Method" is very popular with European fishermen, but we have successfully used. Three-edged plastic feeders have high flight characteristics and "hold" the bait well, so the fisherman is confident that the snap is in the working position. For the manufacture of such a snap will need:

  • cut line 70 cm long, with a diameter of 0.25-0.28;
  • feeder method;
  • leash from the monofil line with a diameter of 0.10-0.14 mm;
  • 2 swivel 4 number.

To mount the "Method" tackle need:

  1. take the line in the feeder and tie the swivel;
  2. draw it into the body of the feeder;
  3. to the supervision to tie a leash;
  4. to the free end of the fishing line to tie the second swivel.

The weight of the feeder is chosen depending on the conditions of fishing. For a strong current, the feeders weighing 60-10 gr, and when fishing on the lake - 30-50gr. The classic "methodological" equipment is "deaf", and during the periods when the bream is particularly careful, it is better to make it sliding. To do this, before the lower swivel with a leash, a bead is placed, and when biting a fishing line will freely move in the body of the feeder.

How to catch - tactics and technique

Bream very attentive and cautious fish, so the fisherman is important to comply with complete silence on the shore and the maximum disguise, even if fishing is carried out on a solid distance. During the periods of weak Kleva, it is necessary to lengthen leashes. When catching on the course with the feeders "Method" they reach 50-70cm.

The bream bumps are very neat, and it is advisable to use electronic alarms to register. The alarm is configured so that he can react to the slightest pawing of the fishing line, and the fisherman has managed to keep the fish on time. When fishing in standing water, not very sticky bait is used, but on the fast river, only sticky bait should be applied.

It is not difficult to make bait on your bream. It must be present in it, it is used as a nozzle. Bream large pea lover, but also the semolina grip must be used, it provides the viscosity of the mixture. To prepare home bait, you will need:

  • 1 kg of yellow peas;
  • 0.5 kg of semolina;
  • 0.5 kg of corn or wheat flour;
  • 200g Ground Sunflower Seeds.

The peas for bait should be soft, so it is necessary to cook it like this:

  1. 1.5 liters of water poured into the pan and is brought to a boil;
  2. peas poured into boiling water and boiled up to complete readiness;
  3. in the softening peas, we gradually stick to the semolina;
  4. Cooking continues for another 10 minutes;
  5. seeds are added;
  6. mixed dough with the addition of corn cereals.

The finished dough is laid out on a rag and cools. The cooled dough turns into a wet cloth and placed in the refrigerator. In such conditions, it will continue at least a month and will be fresh.

Important! It should be stirred by peas at cooking so that it does not burnt. If when you knead the test, it becomes dry, you need to wet your hands with water.

Features of bait at different times of the year

When catching bream on bottom equipment, it is actively feeding bream only in the warm season, when the water temperature is more than 10-12 degrees. To feed the point of fishing, the boiled whole peas is used with corn, and this mixture is spread over all of the sum.

If trambling is underway in October for a feeder or other bottoms, in addition, there is no need for the feed, which is served in the feeders. Catching bream in November involves the use of maximum delicate snaps and super-long leashes.

Important! Even with an active knee bream, it is necessary to regularly register the point of fishing. For this, the bait rockets or boats are used.

Catching bream on the Donka at any time of the year and on any reservoir very fascinating look of fishing. Despite the fact that the trophy instances of this fish fall on the hook is not so often, choosing the right tactics and catching tackle, you can still seek decent results.

Tackle for catching bream is distinguished by a large variety due to several factors. First, the habitats of this fish are extensive, from small rivers to huge reservoirs. Secondly, each fisherman has its favorite methods. Thirdly, the parking lots of the bream representatives of the ichthyofauna: the pillars, Sintin, the gusters vary at the time of the year.

All the above and determines the choice of one or another fishing rod for catching bream. We will try to tell about the peculiarities of their construction and use directly on fishing.

Classification of gear

To begin with, we simply list what you can catch your bream and companion fish:

  • floth: Mach, Plug, Bologna and Match;
  • donks: Curl, half daughter, gum, donkey with a coil, feeder;
  • boat tackle: Kivk fishing rod, rings.

We marked tackle for fishing from the boat only two positions, although fishing from swimming agents can be carried out and ordinary float or bottom rods.

Machy rod

The mane fishing rod is a simple form or a rod, equipped with a fishing line, float, load and hook. If the coil is placed on such a rod, then it is usually the most simple and used exclusively as the storage facility.

I catch a maney fishing rod or from the shore of a steep clod or pit, or from a boat on water bodies without a flow or in river bays.

Leske for bream maha is selected with a 0.18-0.22 millimeter thickness with a diameter of 0.14-0,16. It is attached to the spindle-shaped float weighing about one gram.

It is necessary to reload the tackle with a system of three, four crushers, the smallest of which should be located immediately before the short, ten-centimeter leash. The equipment is adjusted in such a way that the slightest touch of fish to the subpaste is immediately transmitted to the float and caused its horizontal or vertical offset.


Modern plug fishing rod applied solely in coastal fishing, both during and without it. This tackle works especially well on the river when you need to keep the snap at a specific point.

The plug is equipped with a bream as follows:

  • rubber shock absorber - 1-1,4 millimeter;
  • the main fishing line is 0.12-0,16;
  • leash - 0.10-0.14;
  • flat float for strong current or spine-shaped for standing water;
  • speed \u200b\u200bLoading.

The choice of specific parameters of the equipment depends on the terms of the catch and size of the alleged trophy.

Bologna Rod for catching bream applied in several cases:

  • the need for further casting than when using Mach or plug;
  • catching in wiring on rivers with a slow or middle course from the shore;
  • catching release by flow from the boat.

A telescopic rod of 3-5 meters long with rings is equipped with an erroneous or wiring coil of light stroke. It is wound on her working line, most often it is a monophile thickness of 0.18-0.20 millimeters.

Most often, such a fishing rod is equipped with a sliding snap, it includes:

  • locking knot;
  • sliding float;
  • sliding olive with subpastes;
  • leash with a diameter of 0.10-0.14 millimeters;
  • hook under a concrete bait.


Catch the match is convenient at a big distance, so far I am visible float. Moreover, used both for conducted and stationary fishing. Depending on which conditions will have a fishing, and the rod is equipped:

  • far cast in standing water at a small depth - a deaf tooling;
  • the same with great depth - sliding with the separated Loading;
  • conditional fishing - with sliding olive and subpask.


The simplest donka consisting of reeling, fishing line, sore or feeders, as well as leashes with hooks is used on any reservoir. Rights of the tackle depends on the selected ship and the strength of the fisherman itself. Returning is carried out for the fishing line, so the main cord is taken quite thick, with a diameter of 0.30-040 millimeters, leashes 0.14-0.18.

Currently, the curtains are almost not used, more advanced gum and dons with coils came to replace them.


The donkey with the rubber shock absorber is compared to the usual coin in a very winning position, here is its advantages:

  • there is no need to pull the tackle from the water at any bite;
  • the possibility of compensating for the cavalry of caught fish;
  • the equipment lies in one place, which means that the bait is more effective.

Rubbermen are powerful to explore from a boat on a large river or reservoir. Other designs suggest throwing a hand, like inkid.

Donka with coil

This fishing rod is an advanced crush. This tackle allows you to throw a snap from hand, but with a rod and an erroneous coil. Moreover, the Chinese spinning crocodile and a Cobra coil is considered to be the classic genre.

A suspension swingers is used as a lighthouse. It is better to catch such a tackle on the reservoirs without a flow, because the jet stretches the line and raises the signing device to the forms, preventing the visualization of the bippy.

In the accessories such a donkey already uses feeder motifs.

Before the appearance of the feeder, this tackle was very popular when catching a bream for the flow. Unlike the previous fishing rod, there is a long rod from four to six meters long. It is installed on the shore under the angle so that from its tip to the surface of the water there was a distance of about one meter.

On a line with a diameter of about 0.20 millimeters, a float is worn, which is located at 15-20 centimeters from the water, and the equipment, like the previous tackle, is located in the right place at the bottom of the reservoir.


The English Donka today is the leader in its class of gear. It is like that of the feeder, the package of gear allows you to perform the following works:

  • perform point cast;
  • cope with any wind, both during cast and when observing the tackle;
  • track the slightest touch of fish to the bait;
  • perform a clear quotation of trophies.

The feeder rod is equipped with such a scheme:

  1. Rodar from 10 to 15 feet dina, depending on the reservoir with replaceable flexible vertices - quivertips.
  2. Braided cord with a diameter of 0.12-0.14 millimeters.
  3. Shock leader from monophile with a diameter of 0.2-0.28 millimeters.
  4. Snap.
  5. Leash 0,10-0.14.
  6. Hook the size of a concrete bait.

The following snaps are used in the feeder and other bottom rods:

  • paternoster;
  • gardner loop;
  • helicopter;
  • inline;
  • garland;
  • spring with leashes;
  • method.

For fishing from a boat at a slow flow, a side rod with a nod is used as on treated fishing. It is easy to assemble with your own hands from such elements:

  • a smoothie about one meter long;
  • coil for storing the stock of the fishing line;
  • semi-rigid hlystics sufficient for the lips of fish lips;
  • nod under the chosen mud;
  • lesk diameters about 0.20 millimeters;
  • leash in 0.14 millimeters;
  • morry with a crochet, its weight depends on the size of the flow.

Catching is made from the boat in the direction of the flow. The tackle lowers in the water so that the Mormushka is equipped with the bait on the bottom and tall nod. With the slightest flexion or extension of the nod, the cut is made.


This tackle, on the contrary, works only for a sufficiently strong course. We present the order at which its installation will be understood:

  • a greater outdated grid, its volume is 5-7 liters, pour bait;
  • swim on the river bed;
  • yelling on stretching across the flow;
  • lower the feeder on a thick monophile, with a diameter of one millimeter from the board, which is treated downstream;
  • smijan equipped with a coil with a fishing line at 0.22-0.25 millimeters;
  • at the end of the fishing line, we wear a lead ring ear, and then tie the carbine for fastening the garlands with hooks;
  • in the rings section, we enter the cord from the feeders and descend the tackle into the water.

Now our garland with hooks is in the loaf of the bait, washing the flow of the feeder. When buying a carabiny tackle rests in the ear of the rings and tackle with the fish pulls into the boat along the feed cord.

Summer tackle. It is impractical to catch her in the spring and autumn, since a large number of cereals and crackers in cold water can scare off cautious bream.

Donka - type of gear having a large number of adherents among fishermen. Dong design options are quite a lot and, probably, each experienced fisherman makes some kind of improvements in this tackle. One of the objects of fishing using this tackle is bream. This fish, as you know, loves to stay at large depths, in the pits. With the help of the Donki, there is an opportunity to deliver the barrier to the habitat of the bream, followed by the extraction of it from the native element. One of the undoubted advantages of the Donki is the possibility of fishing into windy rainy weather, when the bream is lowered deeper and fishing with the help of a fishing rod is not successful.

Distracy Tackle for catching bream

Donka, in the classic and simplest of her form, consists of a fishing line, hooks, loaded, a small rod with a fader for a fishing line, and a waggered for the obstacle. A somewhat enhanced tackle will be a donkey with a spring. The spring performs the function of the feeder, to attract the fish, and is also part-time by ship, holding the hooks in the desired place of the bottom of the reservoir. The spring is made of thin wire to 1 mm in diameter. It is best for this purpose that the wire made of stainless steel will fit.

Distribution loads can have a variety of shape and weight, their choice depends on the nature of the bottom, the flow rate and other circumstances. As a rule, if the bottom is covered with a deep layer of il, they choose the load of the round shape. For a solid bottom, pear-shaped sores are well suited. Flat is better to use with a strong current, as they will reliably hold the bait in one place.

Usually, the drill was attached to the very end of the fishing line, while leashes with hooks are located somewhat higher - closer to the rod. Fasten loads either with a hard way, or make them moving along the fishing line. Sometimes they are attached to the main cord on a separate leash.

On the Donke is usually no more than three leashes, a length of up to 50 cm. A larger number of leashes can lead to confusing, so that 2-3 pieces are the optimal option.

When catching on the Donk, it is understood that the fish will be counted itself, so it is necessary to approach the choice of hooks with special attention, choosing the most acute of them.

A bell tip, or a rod tip, serves as a guide on the classic dock.

Bait for catching bream on the Donka

Bream is usually caught using bait, in which you need to take peas, corn, peashed porridge. In the bait, you can add something strongly and pleasantly smelling, for example, fried and ground sunflower seeds.

A prerequisite for feeding is its viscosity, due to which it crumbles on the bottom. To achieve the desired viscosity, oatmeal is added to it in the preparation of their feeding.

After the feeder was abandoned, she needed to give her time at the bottom for a while, after which a short sharp movement moves to the bottom and then get the tackle. Usually, the feeding feeders produce twice, so that there is a lot of tagging for bream treats, which contributes to increasing the frequency of the bow.

Distance and accuracy of cast when catching bream on the Donka

The exact role in the transaction is played by the accurate cast of docks. A sufficiently large number of fishermen - pharmacists, use a spinning rod to throw. Some are used to throw a small stick to which the load and hooks are put, after which such an "elongated hand" is sent to the tackle for a decent distance. The location of the cast, in which the fisherman must be aimed, is the point, located above the flow than the place where the hooks should drop, because after throwing, they will definitely demolish the flow. Of course, for each reservoir at a different speed of flow and different depth, the amendment to the demolition of the bait with the ship should be its own.