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Minnikhanov education. Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich. Biography. Higher education in Kazan

The entire biography of the politician is inextricably linked with Tatarstan. He was born in the small village of Novy Arysh on March 1, 1957, where he spent his childhood. The young man went to Kazan to get an education. After graduating from the Agricultural Institute, he received a diploma in mechanical engineer. A decade later, he graduated from another university in the same city: a branch of the Moscow Trade Institute and became a qualified merchandiser. Returning home, he began his career in the Sabinsky district department with diagnostics of agricultural machinery. Then he worked under the supervision of his father, who headed the timber industry, was a senior, and then the chief power engineer.

Political career

Rustam Minnikhanov's political career began in 1983. At various times, he headed the government bodies of three regions: Sabinsky, Arsky and Vysokogorsky. High efficiency, skillful management of people allowed Minnikhanov to rise higher in the career ladder of the civil service. In 1996, he was appointed minister of finance of the republic, and two years later - chairman of the government of Tatarstan. The official has devoted more than ten years to this position. At the same time, Rustam Nurgalievich became the head of the board of directors of OAO TATNEFT. The enterprise provides about half of the financial receipts to the budget of the republic. Apparently, through this appointment, the regional leadership wanted to exercise control over the most profitable sector of the economy.

Everyone knows Minnikhanov as an ardent supporter of the achievements of science and technology. As prime minister, he was remembered for the fact that he completely abandoned paper media himself and forced his subordinates to do the same. All heads of divisions were equipped with modern telephones, and the meetings were held via video communication, which was especially convenient for remote regions of the country. To fulfill the task of universal computerization of the country, the system of "electronic government" was introduced, and regional schools are equipped with laptops. The President of Tatarstan pays special attention to social networks, even organized a course of lectures for his subordinates on the correct placement of information. He actively maintains his pages, regularly filling them with news about work and leisure.

President of Tatarstan

In January 2010, Mintimer Shaimiev, who held the highest post in the country for more than 20 years, resigned. Rustam Minnikhanov was proposed to replace him. The presidential elections held a year later confirmed the correctness of the center's decision - more than 94% of voters voted for the current head.

The republic is growing and developing. According to experts, the investment climate in Tatarstan is the best in the country. The capital of Tatarstan Kazan is not only a cultural and scientific center, some of them are rightfully called the sports capital. For two decades, a developed sports infrastructure has appeared in the city, and a huge experience has been accumulated in holding various international competitions. It should also be noted that in the rating of "friendly relations" between regional authorities, small and medium-sized businesses, Minnikhanov took the top line.

The republican leader is demanding of his subordinates, he is not afraid to criticize them, if he is not satisfied with the work. He is interested in the real result in the economy and the social sphere, and not in the semblance of well-being. The head of Tatarstan often meets with his colleagues in charge of other regions of the country; his political friend can be called the President of Chechnya.

Personal life

Rustam Nurgalievich has been married for a long time. His wife Gulsina Akhatovna tops the list of the richest wives of governors. In addition to household chores, she is engaged in the beauty industry. Her elite salon is named after the Italian hairdresser Luciano De Aloya. Once a month, he specially visits Kazan and demonstrates his professionalism, I must say that the cost of the master's services is very high.

The Minnikhanov family had two children. But the terrible disaster of 2013 claimed the lives of 50 people, including their eldest son Irek. A Boeing 737 returning from the Russian capital crashed while landing at Kazan airport. The work and responsibility for the millions of fates of other people helped my father survive a huge grief. In memory of the deceased child, a little granddaughter remained. The youngest son Iskander is growing up.

Rustam Minnikhanov recently celebrated his 60th birthday. He is in excellent athletic form, plays well hockey. The head of the republic heads the board of trustees of the Kazan football club "Rubin". The team has repeatedly won Russian and Commonwealth Cups. The club's home stadium is the famous Kazan Arena. But the president's real passion, his hobby, is motorsport. Honored Master of Sports, he has personally taken part in republican, Russian and international competitions. He has many famous victories in autocross, rallycross and track races behind him.

In his recent interview with a regional TV channel, the President of Tatarstan shared his long-term plans for his work. The topic of the socio-economic development of the region until 2030 was touched upon. The head of the republic believes that it is necessary to pay more attention to the prestige of blue-collar professions, civil initiative and to solve the problem of persistent defaulters of alimony. Rustam Nurgalievich always has a busy schedule, but without work it is difficult for him, he does not hesitate to talk about his love for his work. He tries to spend his rare hours of rest with family and friends, walking along the embankment, Old Tatar settlement or winter fishing.

Irek Minnikhanov had a wedding with a Frenchwoman just three months ago

Irek Minnikhanov had a wedding with a beautiful Frenchwoman just three months ago

In a terrible plane crash in Kazan, 50 people were killed. The passenger Boeing 737-500 crashed on Sunday, November 17, at 19.30 while approaching. The liner hit the ground and caught fire. The flight of the "Tatarstan" airline followed from the Moscow airport "Domodedovo", on board, among other passengers, flew the eldest son of the President of Tatarstan Irek MINNIKHANOV and the head of the FSB for the republic Alexander ANTONOV. The wife and daughter of the famous sports commentator Roman SKVORTSOV () also died in the accident. There could have been more victims: on the eve of his trip to Moscow, Irek Minnikhanov forbade his wife to fly with him because of her pregnancy - his 23-year-old wife, French citizen Antonia GISHAR, is now eight months old.

In the summer, Antonia told her boyfriend that she was expecting a baby, and the couple played a wedding with those closest to them. The celebration took place in secret: on August 16, the young people signed in Kazan, and then went to the girl's homeland in France. The couple's baby is due in December.

The first-born of the head of Tatarstan for work often traveled to Moscow - he worked in "AK BARS" bank. His wife often accompanied him, but this time, due to the long gestation period, Irek forbade Antonia to fly with him. It saved her life.

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The eldest son of the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov Irek Minnikhanov was born in 1990, graduated from the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (formerly Ulyanov-Lenin KSU). He worked in the bank "AK BARS" and was engaged in his own business, establishing LLC "Stroyindustriya" in 2008 together with the son of Rifkat Minnikhanov (brother of the President of Tatarstan and head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan). On August 16, 2013 Irek married a Frenchwoman Antonia Guichard, whom he met several years ago while studying in Switzerland.

After the death of the first child, Rustam Minnikhanov had a younger son - 5-year-old Iskander. Minnikhanov's wife Gulnara owns an elite Kazan beauty salon "Luciano Beauty Studio" and is one of the ten richest wives of governors.

Rustam Minnikhanov became president of Tatarstan in 2010. Minnikhanov - Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation, professional sportsman-race car driver. He regularly participated in Tatarstan, Russian and international competitions, including the European Championships. In 2004 and 2005 he took 3rd place at the European Championship in one of the automotive categories. Having become the President of Tatarstan, he continued to participate in a number of motorsport competitions - in particular, on August 21, 2011, in the next 4th stage of the RTCC Russian Automobile Circuit Racing Championship. Multiple laureate and winner of the Tatarstan President's Cup in motorsport, including already being the President of Tatarstan. Freely controls the helicopter.

Records from the "black boxes" decrypted

Information that the son of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Irek Minnikhanov was in the cockpit at the time of the Boeing-737-500 crash in Kazan was confirmed. This is eloquently indicated by the recordings from the flight recorders, which were deciphered by specialists.

IAC experts deciphered part of the recording of the crew's conversations inside the cabin of the Boeing-737-500 that crashed in Kazan.

Recall that immediately after the plane crash, the son of the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov appeared.

According to the co-founder of the St. Petersburg Aviation Training Center Arkady Orlov, judging by the records of the "black boxes", at the time the plane entered the runway, there was a stranger in the cockpit besides the pilots - a high-ranking official, most likely, it was the son of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Fontanka reports .RU" .

According to the expert, the presence of a high-ranking official could have influenced the actions of the aircraft crew, which led to a number of critical errors in the autopilot control. And this, possibly, was the reason for the crash of the liner.

Note that the International Aviation Committee has not yet officially announced the preliminary results of decoding the voice flight recorder.

Let us remind you that the plane crash occurred on November 17 during the landing approach at the Kazan airport. 500 meters before the runway, the crew commander informed the controller about the "non-landing configuration" of the aircraft and the decision to go around, after which the airliner fell vertically between the runway and the taxiway. The victims of the Boeing-737-500 crash were 44 passengers and 6 crew members. In Kazan and Moscow, genetic examination of the remains of the dead continues. As of November 27, the remains of 47 victims have been identified.

Earlier, that the last word of the pilot was the word "circle", which he uttered after receiving the command from the controllers to climb 500 m and work with a circle at a certain frequency for a repeat approach. Before the pilot reported about the non-landing position of the aircraft, that is, about the inconsistency of the aircraft's motion vector to the end of the runway and the go-around, in general, negotiations with the ground controllers were of a regular nature. The first transcripts of the flight recorder records showed that there were no technical problems with the aircraft.

"BUSINESS Online" congratulates the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on his 60th birthday in the interval between the official and real dates of his birth

The round date of the head of the republic will undoubtedly become one of the main topics for discussion in Tatarstan this week. At the same time, officially his 60th birthday will come tomorrow, on the first day of spring, however, according to established tradition, in a narrow circle, the president celebrated his birthday the day before. Exactly in the middle between these two dates "BUSINESS Online" decided to recall the key episodes of the hero of the day - both widely known and not so well known.


Officially its 60th anniversary Rustam Minnikhanov celebrates March 1st. However, for those who know him well enough, it is no secret that the real date of birth of the head of the republic is February 27. An interesting tradition was born from this discrepancy - on March 1, Minnikhanov receives official congratulations, and a day or two before that he celebrates with friends and associates.

There is nothing unusual in the spread of dates, after all, we are talking about a Soviet village in the mid-50s ( Minnikhanov was born in the village of Novy Arysh, Rybno-Slobodsky district of the Tatar ASSRapprox. ed.), where such things were not treated with pharmaceutical precision. A close childhood friend of the head of the republic Kamil Galiev, who studied with the president at school and institute, recalls in a conversation with BUSINESS Online: “Minnikhanov was born on February 27, and he was recorded on March 1. Why they did this, I don't know. " Indirectly confirmed this information and the head of "Tatspirtprom" Irek Minnakhmetov... On the eve, he posted on his Instagram a photo of the head of the republic with hashtags # 60 # minnikhanov best # with no birth.

The anniversary banquet was held the day before: the singer Salavat Fatkhetdinov posted on Instagram my photo with Nikolay Baskov and words ( spelling and punctuation of the author preservedapprox. ed.): “We are at the jubilee of President Rustam Nurgalievich. Basque is a super host, super toastmaster. "

Well, the mystery of the date of birth is generally a typical story for major statesmen. Perhaps it is still a matter of superstition?


With parents - Nurgali Minnikhanovich and Vasiga Mubarakovna

In Tatarstan politics and economy, family and kinship ties are of serious importance from the point of view of career advancement, although their role should not be absolutized. It is believed that at one time the Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Management of the TASSR Mintimer Shaimiev with the leading director of the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise Nurgali Minnikhanov introduced the head of the republic at that time Fikryat Tabeev... A great friendship ensued. As they say, little Rustam literally grew up "on the knees" of the future first president of the Republic of Tatarstan. “I remember well how Mintimer Sharipovich came to us. Smiling, kind person. It was interesting to talk to him, he plays chess very well, loves and understands horses, so every meeting was a joy for me, ”Minnikhanov recalls about his childhood in a recently published book from the ZhZL series about the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Shaimiev himself completely denies the role of this factor in Minnikhanov's career. He talks about this, in particular, in the same book: “They immediately dragged here my long-standing friendship with the father of the candidate [for the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan], himself with my sons - he knows them from auto racing. Yes, I thought then, some of my colleagues do not know me well if they admit that I can, on the principle of nepotism, propose people for public office. "

There is a lot of truth in these words. On the one hand, for Shaimiev, such a category as the genus, which is responsible for a person, his origin, has always played an important role - getting to know a new person, he always tried to find out what his roots are. However, it is also true that a person like Shaimiev always had an order of magnitude more friends than relatives, friends, and relatives, and therefore business qualities are still in the first place.


Despite the fact that the father held a fairly high post, the children were brought up in severity and modesty. Photo from the archive of the Minnikhanov family

A deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation spoke about the principle of education that the Minnikhanov brothers received. Fatih Sibagatullin: “I heard a very wise thing from Nurgali Aby. He said: "My children Rifkat, Rustam, Rais are not my sons, but friends and advisers." Mom of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Vasiga Mubarakovna last year she celebrated her 85th birthday, people who know the Minnikhanov family say that Vasiga apa is a holy woman who has been engaged in the preservation and maintenance of the family hearth all her life, but has never tried to interfere in the issues that her husband and sons have decided on duty.

The future president of Tatarstan went to school at the age of six, so, for example, his older brother Rifkat Minnikhanov, although he was two years older, he gnawed the granite of science only a class higher. They say that, allegedly, little Rustam himself insisted on early admission to school, so Nurgali Minnikhanovich's father even had to use "administrative resources." “After all, Rustam and I studied in the Russian class at school, although there were Tatar classes at the school of the Sabinsky forestry enterprise, it helped - it was a little easier to master science, to pass exams,” recalls the same classmate Galiev. In high school, they already completed their studies in Sabakh, where they lived in a boarding school - they came home for the weekend.


Studied at the Zamkomsorga course Minnikhanov for good and excellent Photo:

After graduating from school, Minnikhanov moved to Kazan, where he entered the agricultural institute (at the same faculty as Shaimiev) and was educated as a mechanical engineer. Eyewitnesses recall that the young student had money - apparently, he worked somewhere. He often visited the Tatarstan restaurant on the first floor of the famous hotel, where he never forgot to generously leave the waiters for tea.

But at the same time, Rustam lived with everyone in a university hostel. His classmate Galiyev says that even then Minnikhanov was well trained in technical disciplines: “I remember passing the subject“ Tractors and Cars ”, there was such a head of the department, Doctor of Sciences Yuldashev. Rustam came in, I followed him, the others did too. The teacher turned to us: if you answer the question correctly how to repair the car, I put five and let him not take tickets. Rustam answered on the fly, showing excellent practical knowledge, and left, but we stayed, we had to get out. " He studied at the Minnikhanov course at the Zamkomssorg for good and excellent. Interestingly, at the same time, his father also received a higher education here on a correspondence course, sometimes they even collided in the corridors of the institute.


“Rustam loved technology very much. There are three of them - Rifkat, Rustam, Rais, my father had a GAZ-69, which was prescribed by the state. Rifkat only sat there out of necessity, Rais was small, while Rustam was spinning around the car every free time " Photo from the archive of the Minnikhanov family

“Rustam loved technology very much. There are three of them - Rifkat, Rustam, Rais, my father had a GAZ-69, which was prescribed by the state. Rifkat only sat there out of necessity, Rais was small, Rustam was spinning around the car every free time, ”a fellow villager recalls in a conversation with our correspondent Gaziz audit... The passion of the future president of the Republic of Tatarstan for automotive technology has literally overgrown with legends. Sibagatullin says that schoolboy Minnikhanov in high school traveled from the forestry enterprise to study in Bogatye Saby on a motorcycle: “He went to school 15-17 kilometers from home. People then traveled from the forestry to Bogatye Sabov by bicycle. And one day, on a windy day, he barely returned home and threw the bike, saying that he would not ride it again. The next day he took his father's motorcycle "Izh" and drove off on it, and so on until the end of his studies. "

As you know, later Minnikhanov developed a childhood hobby - he has the title of "Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation", is the winner and prize-winner of numerous car races. In addition, he actually got the whole republic hooked on motorsport, having built the High Mountain autodrome when he was the head of the local district. As a result, the circuit became a real breakthrough for its time, it hosted Russian championships and international competitions even in the most prestigious cross discipline - rallycross.

Even the numbers on my father's motorcycle have survived from those times. Photo: "BUSINESS Online"

One of the ancestors of motorsport in Tatarstan recalled this in "BUSINESS Online" Arkady Dadaev: “They call me and say that at that time the head of the Vysokogorsky district had a desire to develop motorsport. I clarified: “This person is not a chatterbox?” I came to a meeting in Vysokogorsky district to see its then head Rustam Minnikhanov ... He said that he was determined to compete and asked: “What should be done in order to hold these competitions in Tatarstan? “I began to list the necessary conditions for him, and he agreed with literally everything. It was even suspicious. I had doubts. But I continued to communicate and said that it was necessary to engage in construction, and for this it was necessary to conclude an agreement: either legal or gentlemanly. We settled on the gentleman's, shook hands, and things immediately began to move. " Shaimiev later wondered how he managed to carry out this project without asking for help from the republican government.


Many people choose slalom - this is a smooth descent from the mountain, and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan always prefers a downhill downhill. What can you do, such is the need for speed (photo: at Dombai, 1985)Photo from the archive of Zufar Gayazov

“We started skiing in Dombai a little earlier, but Rustam Minnikhanov quickly got used to it and a year later he was skiing with us on the steepest slopes,” says Zufar Gayazov, General Director of Tatinter Restaurants LLC. - He has a good trait - to be serious about the task at hand.

Many, according to him, choose slalom - this is a smooth descent from the mountain, and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan always prefers a downhill downhill. What can you do, such is the need for speed. “I remember we descended from a height of 4,000 meters in 3 minutes,” recalls Gayazov. "And this adrenaline cannot be compared with anything."

So it is no coincidence that in Tatarstan, on Sviyaga, in the absence of any mountains, a modern ski complex appeared, here the owner of the PSO "Kazan" Ravil Ziganshin clearly caught the wave. But it all started with Dubyazov, when Minnikhanov, being the head of the Vysokogorsky district, opened the first ski slope there, which is still operating.


Having received a diploma of higher education in 1978, Minnikhanov worked for 15 years in various positions before becoming at least some notable figure at the republican level. This confirms once again that family ties are not the main factor in career growth. To begin with, he rose to the rank of chief power engineer at the Sabinsky timber industry enterprise, where his father was director. “I worked as the head of the planning department, Rustam Nurgalievich then already attached great importance to the economy, he could correctly assess all the risks. He was very scrupulous about the use of money, he tried to save money. The skills of an economist were planted in his heart. He always thought about the mechanization of production, freeing from manual labor. I remember saying that it is better to buy a new tractor than to fix the old one. The benefit will be twice as much ", - recalls in a conversation with" BUSINESS Online " Zubarjat Mugtasimova, who then worked in the leshoz. At the same time, according to her, the director's son did not enjoy any privileges in the team, on the contrary, there was more demand from him than from others: “During the meetings, Nurgali Minnikhanovich was the first to pick him up and ask why the equipment was standing, why is it so” ...

The modern bike, of course, cannot be compared with my father's motorcycle. Photo:

And then he began to make a career through the regional consumer society (raypo): first he was the deputy head of the Sabinsky raypo, after which from 1985 to 1990 he headed the raypo in the Arsk region, at the same time he received a second higher education in absentia - at the Moscow Institute of Soviet Trade. “Raipo is the only place in the USSR where you could do business. There was trade, procurement, sale, and profit. He went through it all. Cooperation was a harbinger of market relations, "Sibagatullin is sure. “Working in consumer cooperation was a good school, I learned the basics of a market economy,” Minnikhanov himself recalled.

In 1990, he headed the Arsk regional executive committee, and then became the first deputy head of the district. “This is a great rarity, I know only two people who have moved from the district police system to the civil service to the chairmen of the executive committee,” Sibagatullin is sure. By the way, our hero of the day worked in Arsk under the supervision of Vagiza Mingazova... Apparently, this explains the fact that after the collapse of the Vamin empire, the personal fate of its boss was not so sad. The President of Tatarstan, in full accordance with the principle of "we do not abandon our own", did not give up the man who contributed to his career at an early stage, although at that moment it was the easiest thing to do.


The President of the Republic of Tatarstan respects two-wheeled transport ... Photo:

In 1993, Shaimiev appoints 36-year-old Minnikhanov as the head of the Vysokogorsk region. Those who worked with him then note that the head himself did not like to talk a lot, and demanded from subordinates to report briefly and to the point, so the briefings lasted no longer than 5-10 minutes. Famous farmer Murat Sirazin recalls: “I was then the head of the PMK ( mobile mechanized columnapprox. ed.), he never called me to any meetings in all the years, and his style of work was something like this: if he needed something, he passed by and asked me to go out on the road - on the Kazan - Arsk highway. He asked questions, asked to do this and that. I asked: do you have any questions? He gave a clean company letterhead, put a visa on it, said where to go with it in order to resolve a work issue. This is the style of work - no bureaucracy. "

He plays well hockey ...

Sirazin also told a story pointing to the head of the district Minnikhanov as a politician. At the time of his appearance, there was neither a church nor a mosque in the Vysokogorsk region. They were ordered to be built by a new head: “Mobilized all collective farms and enterprises. They restored it, even when they put a cross on the church - the helicopter drove in. " And then he ordered to repair the crumbling monument to Lenin, which was bold for the early 90s. Some suggested dismantling it altogether, to which Minnikhanov said that some pensioners go to church, some to the mosque, and some, on the birthday of the leader of the revolution, April 22, always come with flowers to the monument, they should not be deprived of this opportunity.

“Once more than twenty years ago, in Bekh’s office ( Nikolay Bekh - Former General Director of OJSC KAMAZapprox. ed.) we sit, and he says: the head of the Vysokogorsky district called, do you know him? I wanted to come and resolve some issues. I knew, Bekh continued, that it would take at least two hours to get from Vysokaya Gora to Chelny, even though he was a racer. Therefore, he said that I would schedule a meeting in 50 minutes, and if he arrived, we would resolve the issues. So after 50 minutes the chapter was in my place. I was taken aback and solved all his questions, - recalls the head of the CCI RT Shamil Ageev... “This is such an entrepreneurial spirit of Rustam Nurgalievich ... How he managed to get there, no one knows, but even then he was fond of air transport.”

And runs long distances Photo:

By the way, Minnikhanov himself at a meeting with journalists in the middle of last year that work in the districts is very important from the point of view of recruiting personnel for leadership positions: “We need to test these people, they have to go a certain way, work somewhere. Even here I - I worked in three districts, before arriving in Kazan, in different directions. And this helps me in my work, I can navigate the trade system, in engineering aspects, in the work of power structures, the executive committee, I know the communal economy and others. That is, young people should be tested in different positions, given difficult tasks. And if he showed himself, he goes further. " “Rustam Nurgalievich knows life,” - this is how Shaimiev characterized his successor.


At the Energy Saving Technologies Exhibition, 2002

And then there was a personnel sensation. According to the testimony of those who closely followed the financial and economic life of Tatarstan in the mid-1990s, the appointment of the 39-year-old head of not the largest, besides not the industrial region of the republic as the minister of finance, plunged the then elite into almost shock.

Minnikhanov even stylistically had clear differences with the image of a typical representative of the financial bloc of the Cabinet of Ministers. Both in the federal government and in the regional ones, these were almost always urban refined financiers who demonstrated their orientation towards Western models not only in macroeconomics, but also in external appearance. This was also the predecessor of our hero in the Ministry of Finance Dmitry Nagumanov... And then, like a "devil from a snuffbox", the village head Minnikhanov jumps out. Then, not yet accustomed to government etiquette, the new minister, as they say, sometimes could literally escape from journalists through the service entrance, despite the planned press approach. “Several candidates were considered for the Minister of Finance, but that is what Mintimer Sharipovich had an internal talent for, to know who to stake on. Another big plus of Minnikhanov is that he never rushed to power, "Ageev tells BUSINESS Online.

Nevertheless, the new head of the Ministry of Finance has shown himself to be an effective manager. Shaimiev, he was remembered as the head of the Vysokogorsky district for his activity and passion for innovation, a desire to immerse himself and thoroughly know every little thing that concerns his immediate responsibilities. Here is how the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan himself speaks about it in a book from the ZhZL series: “I once visited him in the Vysokogorsk region, and he kept telling me that the Ministry of Finance does not work that way, he doesn’t work properly ... I listened to this and left. The second time he came, and he told me the same thing again. After that I said: you criticized the Ministry of Finance so much that I, perhaps, will propose your candidacy for the post of minister. "

The time was like this: either the chest in crosses, or the head in the bushes. The anti-crisis minister “from the plow” had to clean up the crisis of non-payments, and huge debts to Gazprom, and the collapsed pyramid of bills of AK BARS Bank. The head of the Ministry of Finance was so in place that the President of Tatarstan then for the first time managed to distract himself from everyday economic issues, focusing on strategic issues. “Rustam Nurgalievich made the financial flows of all large companies transparent in a short time. This impressed me greatly, ”Shaimiev recalls. And here is what Minnikhanov himself tells about those times: “The times were extremely difficult, especially in the field of finance. There was practically no money. Instead of them, there were all sorts of substitutes - promissory notes, offsets ... And thanks to the support of Mintimer Sharipovich, we - I mean the staff of our Ministry of Finance - were able to stabilize the budgetary system of Tatarstan, put it in order. "


Mintimer Shaimiev nominated 41-year-old Rustam Minnikhanov for the post of prime minister
Photo: Maxim Bogodvid, RIA Novosti

Then Shaimiev got the idea to appoint Minnikhanov to the actual firing position - the head of the government of the Republic of Tatarstan. Economic clouds were gathering over the country, 1997 - 1998 - the peak of the crisis, default was not far off, so the political prime minister Farid Mukhametshin no longer matched the challenges of the time. And together with Minnikhanov, a whole team of "young financiers" had already come, who were destined to later occupy key positions: Robert Musin, Rinat Gubaidullin, Rinat Khairov,Ayrat Shafigullin,Alexey Semin... “Minnikhanov, as a knowledgeable, strong-willed leader, has assembled a team of professional economists, managers, as they say now. Which of the previous prime ministers had it? " - recalls Shaimiev.

The problem was that Shaimiev's new course of changing generations, establishing order and strengthening his own power, as is often the case, did not suit the old guard. As a result, at the session of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, where Mukhametshin was supposed to take the chair of the speaker of parliament, and his place - Minnikhanov, there was almost a "coup of heads" who were ready to remove Shaimiev to the limit.

Until now, few people know that the head of the republic on that day as a compromise behind the scenes proposed to the leader of the "putschists", the mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny Rafgat Altynbaev, post of the prime minister. If he accepted the offer, perhaps the story would have turned out completely differently.

However, what happened happened: Kamil Iskhakov after the votes were counted, he announced that Mukhametshin was becoming the speaker of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. And Shaimiev, who for some time headed the government himself, soon realized his plan, nominating 41-year-old Minnikhanov for the post of prime minister.


The new head of the Tatarstan cabinet of ministers has very clearly blended into the political trend. He came to power very soon Vladimir Putin, the decline of the era of regional political heavyweights like Eduard Rossel, Yuri Luzhkov or Dmitry Ayatskov... The emphatically apolitical prime minister with a taste for modern financial technologies - this turned out to be exactly what is needed to talk in a new way with the federal center. With all the seemingly difference in mentality, Minnikhanov easily found a common language already in the zero years with sislibs from the federal government like Alexey Kudrin or German Gref, who to this day, already in their new roles, are considered great friends of Tatarstan. Minnikhanov himself, in a book from the ZhZL series about Shaimiev, recalls the years of his premiership: “This is a big and difficult job. This is also a real school, and I went through this school successfully because for all 11 years Mintimer Sharipovich worked nearby and supported me with his strong shoulder ... The Prime Minister is the president's right hand. We did a lot together, we succeeded in some ”.


Time has shown that the choice was accurate

Now, after the passage of years, it seems that there was no alternative to Minnikhanov as Shaimiev's successor. However, this is far from the case: for all 11 years of premiership, he skillfully kept aloof from political issues and did not show any far-reaching ambitions.

The middle-aged Shaimiev, as they say, had both Mukhametshin and Ilsur Metshin, and Ilshat Fardiev, and Marat Akhmetov, and Asgat Safarov... Theoretically, the option of a Varangian from Moscow was not excluded (conditionally the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Rashida Nurgalieva), although the wise Babay did everything in the first two Putin presidential terms to build a constructive dialogue with the Kremlin, excluding such an option.

However, by 2010, it was Minnikhanov who turned out to be the main favorite in this invisible race. In addition to the fact that he was objectively the best prepared candidate for this position, in all likelihood, good connections in Moscow also affected. A variety of forces came out in favor of him in the capital - from the liberal Kudrin-Gref group to the siloviki like Sergey Chemezov... Time has shown that the choice was accurate.


The new president immediately took an incredible pace, to which part of the establishment still cannot get used to. Its formula in economics is simple and logical: it is necessary to bring into the republic as many resources as possible from outside - money, brains, competencies. And for this it is necessary to create conditions on the spot, to be able to negotiate, and most importantly - to travel endlessly, to travel, to travel around the world.

As for politics, it was in vain that some thought that the financier Minnikhanov, literally and figuratively, would sell what Shaimiev defended. Yes, in the lexicon of the current president of the Republic of Tatarstan there are no words "federalism" and even more so "sovereignty"; rather, his credo is contained in the phrase "The country needs a king" (just like every single region, we note).

However, the top officials of Sistema and Lukoil, who specially came to Kazan to offer the sale of Tatneft, left with nothing. He did not give up the post of "President of Tatarstan" either. He fought off all attempts to "raise" him, transferring him to a high post in the country (and they offered, as they say, both the post of Minister of Agriculture and the rank of Deputy Prime Minister). Minnikhanov is flesh of the flesh of his land, his people, he clearly realizes that this is precisely his strength.

“I had to observe the style of work of the leaders of the republic - Musin, Tabeyev, Usmanov, Shaimiev, Minnikhanov. In him [Minnikhanov] the styles of Musin and Tabeyev are combined to a greater extent, ”says Ageev. - It is precisely the concreteness and love for the construction theme that Musin had, and a certain breadth of approach that Tabeyev had. The most interesting thing that unites them with Mintimer Sharipovich is that they are constantly working on themselves and growing, that is, those who came to one position as one person, then became another, react to life, to specific questions, and this bread is not sweet at all especially in today's changing world. "

What became the main thing for Minnikhanov as president? Perhaps the path from the comfortable role of a technocrat manager to big politics. Fasting obliges, but life compels. Who would have thought that the head of the Vysokogorsk region would have to play a role in the annexation of Crimea and in reconciliation with Turkey ...


Who is Minnikhanov's inner circle? Usually several names are given. For example, among the closest advisers to the president is named the General Director of OJSC "Holding Company" Ak Bars " Ivana Egorova, with whom they could get to know closely from the time of Minnikhanov's work in the district post office, and Egorov in the field of trade. Since then, the latter has been implementing many important assignments of one of the leaders of the republic. With General Director of the Gasification Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan Jaudat Minnakhmetov the president is connected by an even longer friendship, of the same age - they could have crossed paths back in the Sabinsky school. Later, Minnakhmetov replaced Minnikhanov twice - in 1990 as the head of the Arsky district administration, in 1996 as the head of the Vysokogorsky district. Another close friend, this time from his student days, is the current head of Rosreestr in the Republic of Tatarstan Azat Zyabbarov... But there is also the closest team with which Minnikhanov is connected, if not close personal, but certainly close professional relations. This is part of the "young reformers" mentioned above, some of them are still in the ranks, and the head of SINKH and AK BARS Bank Valery Sorokin, and a long-term assistant to the current president, now heading the apparatus of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, Shamil Gafarov.

With Olesya Baltusova (right) and Natalia Fishman (left) Photo: "BUSINESS Online"

At the same time, in fact, Minnikhanov's team is a very narrow circle of people, and he does not limit himself to them at all and is ready to work with any decent personnel. A dynamic president trusts young people, appreciates a fresh stream - take at least his advisers who appear out of nowhere, like Olesya Baltusova or Natalia Fishman, which, like viruses, shake up the system from the inside and do not allow it to stagnate.

Another important constant of Minnikhanov's presidency is that he literally protects the unity of the local elite like a fragile vase, realizing that any split will be immediately taken advantage of by external forces. He had plenty of opportunities and reasons to arrange a "game of thrones". As soon as Rustam Nurgalievich became president, there was talk about the imminent decline of the stars of many influential figures, starting with the mayor of Kazan Metshin. However, the head of the republic took the path of unification. A case in point: he appointed Safarov, the man of the flesh of the team of the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan, his former bodyguard, as the head of his own apparatus. Iskhakov and Exam Gubaidullin, saved the post until the last Ravil Muratov... Only a very strong person of power can afford to put the principle of loyalty to a common cause above the principle of personal loyalty.


With Minister Mentor of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, 2010 Photo:

Like his predecessor, Minnikhanov is in constant search of a model for Tatarstan. But, unlike Russian liberals, the rulers of the republic have always looked with interest not at Europe, but at Asia with its examples of authoritarian modernization. It all started with the Malaysian experience, which was promoted in the republic by the former head of the AIR RT Linar Yakupov... He even in 2010 in Kazan, the father of the "Malaysian economic miracle" Mahathira Mohamada, although the scale of this figure, it seems, was not understood then in Tatarstan. Minnikhanov himself was carried away by the example of the father of the "Singapore miracle" Lee Kuan Yew- as they say, with the filing German Gref and chapters "Troika-Dialogue" Ruben Vardanyan... Also Rustam Nurgalievich and the Chinese experience. "You should be Deng Xiaoping and Lee Kuan Yew, not Kim Jong Il!" - aphoristically the head of the republic of his subordinates at one of the meetings devoted to new technologies.

By the way, this approach is also manifested in relations with the press: Lee Kuan Yew, as you know, openly fought with publications funded from abroad, but at the same time encouraged discussion and criticism in the local, truly Singaporean media.

Not being Kim Jong Il and prioritizing the disclosure of people's creative potential is the key idea of ​​Strategy 2030, which was prepared for Tatarstan by Kudrin's Moscow team, which, by the way, will probably be taken as the basis for such a document at the federal level as well.


The passion of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan for the newfangled technological "bells and whistles" is well known. He was one of the first among Russian politicians to make his own Instagram and Twitter popular, which was unthinkable for officials before him. The picture was even more striking - the head of the republic did not part with his phone at any event and took pictures, which were immediately sent straight to the Internet. He also likes to test all sorts of novelties - from virtual reality helmets to fitness trackers, any new Apple or Samsung, it seems, immediately appears at Minnikhanov's. Of course, this creates a correct "advanced" image of the republic and its leader in IT circles.

A peculiar tradition of Rustam Minnikhanov to photograph the morning Freedom Square and wish his subscribers good morning appeared almost immediately after the appearance of the account of the head of the Republic of Tatarstan on Instagram Photo: Rustam Minnikhanov's account on the VKontakte social network

They say that Minnikhanov's love for IT was largely instilled in Alexander Yurtaev, the main ideologist of the "Electronic Government of Tatarstan", who passed away in 2013. At one time, the still young Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan literally ordered the head of the information and analytical department to lecture him on various topics related to information technology. Later he flew out of Yurtaev's "nest" Nikolay Nikiforov, who moved from the chair of the Tatarstan minister of informatization to a similar federal one.


The President of the Republic of Tatarstan actually became Putin's confidant in the Islamic and Turkic world, heading the group of strategic vision "Russia - Islamic world" (pictured: during a visit to Saudi Arabia) Photo:

The topic of religion has unexpectedly become a key issue for the leader of the republic in recent years. His childhood friend Galiyev recalled that during their student years they often went to the Al-Marjani mosque. Her current imam Mansur Jalyaletdin this confirms: "Minnikhanov himself said that, as a student, he often came here, to Al-Marjani, especially before exams, and it resembles his youth."

Now all this has gone to a slightly different level, now they speak of Minnikhanov as a religious person who performed the Hajj and Umrah, who enjoys authority in the Islamic world. It is no coincidence that the President of the Republic of Tatarstan actually became President Putin's confidant in the Islamic and Turkic world, heading the group of the strategic vision "Russia - the Islamic world." He partly shares this role with the head of Chechnya. Ramzan Kadyrov, who, however, is responsible for relations with the Arabs.

“The Bulgarian Islamic Academy alone is worth something! Minnikhanov begged for it from Putin, ”Jalyaletdin recalls. But in parallel with this, the president maintains a confessional balance: the Kazan synagogue was restored, the construction of the temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God began. “As a representative of a religious organization, I can say that there was no topic or question for us to turn to and he did not help us. We hear this from our Orthodox colleagues and Jews, so we would like to thank our president for the fact that we, leaving the territory of our republic, said with pride: we are from Tatarstan! He is a man of the people. Together we made the Hajj and a small pilgrimage (I will die), everywhere he delved into, was sincere. I want to quote the following hadith: “Don't be deceived by a person’s prayer and fasting, look when dinars and dirhams fall into his hands”. When a person prays and fasts, he obeys the order of the Lord, but what does he do when dinars and dirhams fall into his hands? Rustam Nurgalievich behaves with dignity in all respects, ”says the Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil Samigullin 4% Achievements of sports teams

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A family

Father, Nurgali Minnikhanovich(1930-2001), from 1962 to 1990 was a director Sabinsky timber industry enterprise, to which the leaders of the ASSR often came to hunt, including the Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Republic Mintimer Shaimiev.

Wife - Minnikhanova Gulsina Akhatovna (born 1969).

Sons: Irek (03/04/1989 - 11/17/2013, died in a plane crash) and Iskander (born 2008). Gulsina Munirovna owns an elite Kazan beauty salon "LucianoBeautyStudio".

With an income of 8.1 million rubles received in 2010, Gulsina Minnikhanova was one of the ten richest wives of governors.

On December 17, 2013, the wife of the deceased Irek Minnikhanov, Anthony Gishar, gave birth to a daughter, the granddaughter of Rustam Nurgalievich.

Minnikhanov has two brothers. As of January 2010, Rifkat was the head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rais- the head of the municipal formation "Sabinsky municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan.


1978 - graduated Kazan Agricultural Institute in the specialty "agricultural mechanization", qualification "mechanical engineer".

1978-1980 - worked as a diagnostic engineer in Sabinsky regional association "Selkhoztekhnika".

From 1980 to 1983 he worked for his father in the timber industry as a senior power engineer.

1983 - 1985 Minnikhanov held the position of deputy chairman of the board of the Sabinsky regional consumer society (raypo), and in 1985 he headed the raypo in Arsk.

In 1986, Minnikhanov received his second higher education at the Moscow Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade specializing in commodity science and organization of food trade.

1996 - Minnikhanov defended his thesis on "improving the efficiency of feed production in the suburbs."

In 2003, Minnikhanov defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics on the topic "Organizational and economic substantiation of the development of innovative processes in the agro-industrial complex"

Minnikhanov is the chairman of the board of directors OAO TATNEFT JSC "Tatneftekhiminvest-holding", chairman of the board of directors OJSC "Svyazinvestneftekhim", chairman of the board of trustees of the football club "Ruby".

Rustam Minnikhanov - Honored master of Sport RF. He was a professional race car driver, regularly took part in Tatarstan, Russian and international competitions, including European championships. In 2004 and 2005 he took 3rd place at the European Championship in one of the automotive categories.

He won several victories in rally-raids as part of the KamAZ-Master team, in particular, he participated in the rally "Paris-Dakar".

Having become the President of Tatarstan, he continued to participate in a number of motorsport competitions - in particular, on August 21, 2011, in the next 4th stage of the RTCC Russian Automobile Circuit Racing Championship. Multiple laureate and winner of the Tatarstan President's Cup in motorsport, including already being the President of Tatarstan.

Minnikhanov always drives a company car himself. Freely controls the helicopter.

State awards:

Order of Friendship (2002); Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree (2007) Order of Service to the Republic of Tatarstan (2007); Medal "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg" (2003); Medal "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan" (2005); Medal "In commemoration of the production of 3 billion tons of oil in Tatarstan" (2007); Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (2008); Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2009); Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation (2009); Certificate of honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010); Commendation of the President of the Russian Federation (2012); Gratitude from the Government of the Russian Federation (2012, 2013); Order of Honor (2014).


Minnikhanov's path to big politics began in the district administration of the Sabinsky district, where he was deputy chairman of the board in 1983-1985.

1985-1990 - Chairman of the Board of the Arsk District Administrative District, in 1990-1992. - Chairman of the Arsk regional executive committee, in 1992-1993. - First Deputy Head of the Arsk District Administration.

In 1993-1996. - Head of the Administration of the Vysokogorsky District.

While holding this post, Minnikhanov built an autodrome in the area, where the rally for the President of the Republic's Cup and other car competitions took place, in which the sons of the head of Tatarstan Shaimiev took part.

In 1996-1998 - Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The press noted the rapid career rise of the former district leader and associated him with a close acquaintance with the Shaimiev family.

In 1997 Minnikhanov was included in the supervisory board of the bank "AK Bars" and the board of directors of the company Tatneft.

In 1998 he headed the government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In May 1998, Minnikhanov was elected a deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan, but he did not combine this post with a ministerial portfolio for long.

In July 1998, Minnikhanov was elected to the post of Prime Minister of Tatarstan, replacing Farida Mukhametshina... The press wrote that republican officials greeted Minnikhanov with distrust because of his intractability and even nominated an alternative candidate, the mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny, in the elections. Rafgata Altynbaeva... Although Minnikhanov won by a small margin, this was not enough for his appointment. Shaimiev called the May 1998 vote a "putsch", dismissed all of Altynbaev's supporters from his administration, and in July Minnikhanov was unanimously elected.

In June 1999, Minnikhanov was elected chairman of the board of directors of Tatneft, and later headed the board of directors "Tatneftekhiminvest-holding".

In June 1999, being prime minister, he was elected chairman of the board of directors of the open joint-stock company Tatneft. The election of the prime minister to the post of chairman of the board of directors of Tatneft, which provides about 40% of the budget in Tatarstan, according to experts, reflects the desire of the republic's government to gain greater control over the financial flows of the largest enterprises.

In May 2001, he again headed the new government of the republic, formed after the re-election of Mintimer Shaimiev to the post of President of Tatarstan.

On April 29, 2005, by a resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, he was again approved as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.

As Prime Minister Minnikhanov paid a lot of attention to the Internet portal "Electronic Tatarstan" and demanded that his subordinates use modern information technologies.

January 22, 2010 President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev after the self-recusation of Mintimer Shaimiev, he announced that he would recommend the State Council of Tatarstan to empower the President of the Republic of Tatarstan with the current Prime Minister of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

On January 28, 2010, it was announced that Minnikhanov's candidacy was submitted for consideration by the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On January 29, 2010, the Presidium of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan appointed consideration of the issue of vesting Minnikhanov with the powers of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan for February 4, 2010.

On February 4, 2010, the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan unanimously approved Minnikhanov's candidacy for the position President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The inauguration ceremony of Rustam Minnikhanov as president of the republic took place on March 25, the day when Mintimer Shaimiev's term of office expired.

In December 2010, Russia passed a law prohibiting the heads of regions from being called "presidents"; the deadline for correcting the names was January 1, 2015. In June 2012, it became known that, unlike other regions, Tatarstan resisted the renaming of the position of the head: its leadership feared that such renaming could be perceived as a "reduction in the status" of the head and a "symbolic loss." Minnikhanov himself said that he liked the name "president", but admitted in this connection that there was a problem requiring a solution.

According to the information on income and property submitted in 2009, Minnikhanov's income for 2008 was 6.6 million rubles... The next year, Minnikhanov declared income of about 4.5 million rubles, but already in 2010 his income amounted to almost 7.5 million rubles.

In September 2011, Minnikhanov was included in the list of candidates from the ruling party in the elections to the State Duma of the sixth convocation, in which he won first place in the regional group of Tatarstan. According to the official results of elections held in December 2011, United Russia was supported in Tatarstan 77,83% who took part in the voting.

After the elections, Minnikhanov refused from the deputy mandate that was due to him.

Minnikhanov's family income in 2011 was 11 million rubles... The Minnikhanov family owns real estate with a total area of ​​564 m² and 21.9 acres of land. In 2010, the president's family income was 15.5 million rubles.

In October 2015, the Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC) published the traditional rating of the influence of the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The three leaders of the rating remained unchanged. The first place is still held by the mayor of the Russian capital. The head of Chechnya is one position lower, the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov continues to hold the third line.

Rumors (scandals)

"Vechernyaya Kazan" wrote in 1996 that Minnikhanov liked to drive on ordinary roads at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour and reduced the speed to 110 kilometers per hour only when he was talking on a cell phone.