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7 but I look older. Scientists have learned why some look older and others younger than their age. Trouble sleeping, resting, and constant stress

Pungent genetic diseases that make you look older than your age are rare, but still occur. There is no special treatment for them and this is very scary.

1. A woman who has learned to love her wrinkles.

Model Sarah Gyurts, 26, was only 10 years old when she was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. It is a connective tissue disorder that affects the body's ability to produce collagen. She has a rare form of this disease called dermatosparaxis, which causes the skin to wrinkle prematurely.
Gyurts claims that at only 20 years old, she fell in love with her wrinkled body. Now she hopes that through modeling, she can become the face of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and show other people like her that they are beautiful the way they are.

2. Mysteriously aged young Vietnamese woman.

These photos may look like a photo of an attractive young woman and a photo of her grandmother. But these are pictures of the same face taken several days apart. A young Vietnamese woman, Nguyen Thi, has aged several times. It all started with the usual itch caused by a seafood allergy. After taking the medication, the itching stopped and the skin all over the body began to sag at an astonishing rate.

3. The first black girl with Progeria.

Ontalametse Falatse died in 2017, shortly after celebrating her 18th birthday. In 2009, doctors diagnosed progeria, a rare genetic disorder that accelerates the aging process. She was predicted that she would not live longer than 13 years. However, Ontalametse, contrary to expectations, celebrated her 18th birthday with South African President Jacob Zuma in Pretoria before passing away two months later.

4. Brothers with a rare genetic condition aging too quickly.

Brothers Ramesh and Lakshman Jadhav, aged 8 and 13, suffer from a genetic disorder that ages them too quickly. As a result of the disease, they have no teeth and live exclusively on a liquid diet. They also have high cholesterol levels, blood pressure and arthritis. Mother Savita Jadhav, 30, from Pune in central India, is worried that her sons will die young because doctors cannot give the boys an accurate diagnosis. The brothers are afraid to go out and hide under their mother's clothes to avoid ridicule from other children.

5. Young woman diagnosed with Cutis laxa.

At the age of 12, Zara Hartshorn was mistaken for a woman of 40 years. She has a rare condition called Cutis Laxa, which, in addition to the obvious symptoms of rapid aging, causes serious health problems affecting the lungs, heart and arteries. She inherited this genetic disorder from her mother, a 43-year-old woman who looks like a pensioner. At the age of 16, Zara had to undergo a facelift.

6. A Chinese babe who looks old and wrinkled.

This baby is only one year old, but he already looks at all 80. The girl's skin was already saggy when she was born. In addition to the rare diagnosis of Cutis laxa, Yuxin has congenital heart disease, pneumonia and asthma. She is now at a clinic in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province in central China.

Bayezid Hossein of Magura, southern Bangladesh, suffers from a swollen face, hollow eyes, sagging skin, sore joints, difficulty passing urine and already has weak and broken teeth. And this child is only 4 years old. Doctors believe that Bayezid suffers from progeria. Children are afraid to play with Bayezid despite his above average intelligence.

8. The real Benjamin Button from Bangladesh.

A child with an extremely rare genetic disorder called Progeria was born at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital. On his first day of life, he looks like an old man. He was already nicknamed Benjamin Button, the man from the movie of the same name, whose age went in reverse order.

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Nowadays, looking your age is practically bad form. Women are ready to give all their money and soul in addition to hear the cherished: "You will never be given your age!" And men have not considered their wealth for a long time, although they do not demonstrate this so obviously. Against this background, it seems even strange that there are people who consider a too young appearance a real problem.

And they are. We tried to find out what prevents those who look 10 years younger than their age from living.

Daria, 27 years old: "The child will be run over!"

- It's nice to look younger than your age, but it often gets in the way. I worked in a shopping center as a promoter, and a woman came up to me every day and said that the employer had no right to exploit me for 10 hours, because I was a minor, and this was a violation of the Labor Code. I could not convince her that I had already graduated from the institute. At rush hour, aunts on the bus usually shout, looking at me: put the child in, otherwise he will be run over!

Maria, 26 years old: "Everyone is rude to me!"

- I hardly wear makeup, I wear a backpack, overalls and a Panama hat. I am twenty-seven, but even the doctors at first decide that I am at most seventeen years old. There is only one thing that worries me: automatically deciding that I have not yet crossed the threshold of majority, people often treat me condescendingly, if not rudely. It is especially difficult to deal with the official world of Russia like passport offices and hospitals. There, everyone is sure to be rude to me: from those who wait to those who receive them. However, as soon as they find out that I’m about to thirty, they fall into confusion - a clear illustration of "expectations and reality." This dynamic is especially offensive: why don't I deserve the same detailed calm tone of communication, if I am N years younger than you thought?

Andrey, 29 years old: "They demanded to return the car to their parents!"

Because of my teenage appearance, I look 14, so I cannot arrange my personal life. It's hard to find a girl who wants to look older than her man. I dreamed of working as a driver, but they constantly stop me and check my documents at every checkpoint. When they see age, they are surprised. A couple of times I was braked in the middle of the road and demanded to return the car to my parents. When I showed my license and invited me to my 30th birthday, they apologized. You have to move by metro and bus, because you never know how the trip by car will end.

Marina, 36 years old: "They decided that I was a young mother!"

- I am petite, short in stature. The clients at the bank did not perceive me because I looked like a teenager. I had to add more years to myself with "age" hairstyles and formal clothes. And when I got married and my husband and I moved to a new house, the neighbors started asking questions. When my daughter was born, I began to go out into the street with a stroller and noticed that the grandmothers at the entrance looked at me somehow askance. Once I heard people discussing me. They decided that I was a young mother, although I was already 27. Once in a kindergarten, a new teacher, giving me the child, muttered that the parents themselves could come for their daughter, and not send a sister for her. But I can wear youth clothes and do not look ridiculous in them. My daughter and I buy the same funny T-shirts or sundresses for a family look in the children's store. And on the playground, I can climb with the child on any ladder or slide.

Evgenia, 27 years old: "I was not hired!"

- I always looked 10 years younger than my age. Because of this, they did not take me to work at the bank, despite the red diploma. Although at university I might not have learned anything at all, the teachers were ready to give me grades for an angelic look. I tried to paint harder, but it looks funny. I'm married, but I'm not ready to have children yet, because I feel like a half-child.

Irina, 42 years old: "He just didn't know what to do!"

- It turned out funny with my second husband. I fell in love so much that for the first time in my life I began to take more or less active steps, made it clear that I wanted to meet with him. And he just didn't know what to do. I'm 39, I looked young, the men were surprised, they say, you can give a maximum of 32. And he is almost 50, and he thought that the difference between us was 18-20 years. And so he almost shied away from me, they say, why would he make such a big difference, he wanted a family, he was looking for a woman a little younger than himself, but obviously not for almost 20 years! When he found out my age, he exhaled directly and relaxed, began to make appointments.

- I'm 26, but I look at most 16! This gives me a huge inconvenience! It's okay that the store asks for a passport, I'm used to it. It’s funny, though, to see how wide the salespeople’s eyes go when they see my date of birth. In the hospital, when I go through the medical examination, they also constantly ask how old, like, boy, you need to go to the children's hospital - enrages! When I meet on the Internet without a photo, they give me 25 years of communication, but when I show my photo, they write: don’t lie, it’s not you! But those who like it, and especially those who are older and we are on the same level of communication, always do not let go beyond the friend zone ... Sometimes I just negotiate with accessible girls, because my peers are not interested in me, and youngsters are not interesting to me.

Olga, 27 years old: "They thought I was 12!"

- I have long been accustomed to not being sold alcohol, so at the checkout I immediately show my passport, without waiting for questions. The funniest incident happened at the wedding of a cousin. The guests opposite noticed that I had a bottle of whiskey in my hands, and they said: "You try a little, and then give it to the adults, okay?" They thought that I was 12. Friends reassure me that at 40 I will look 30, but now it doesn't make it any easier.

Tatiana, 28 years old: "I was late for the lesson!"

- Pupils also sometimes think that I am still in school, and colleagues take it for a student. Last winter, I go to the school where I work, I stand waiting for my glasses to sweat, then the guard comes up to me and asks me so warmly: "What, was I late for class?"

Anastasia, 30 years old: "How was such an expensive camera entrusted to you?"

- I have long been accustomed to the fact that they seem to give me about 22-23 years old, and if without makeup, then generally 16-17 years old. The matter is aggravated by my short height - 160 cm, natural blonde hair and baby dimples on my cheeks. There are funny situations in connection with my occupation. I am a photographer (I shoot weddings, portraits, etc.). And a couple of times, when I came to the shooting, the groom’s parents, for example, or other people who didn’t know by sight, came up to me and said: “Girl, when will the photographer come? How did she only entrust you with such expensive equipment to keep? .. ”I laugh, and they blush and turn pale with awkwardness when it turns out that I am a photographer, and not just guarding the camera ...

You can look young and attractive at any age, but the older a woman becomes, the more she needs to make efforts for this. It is very important to know what exactly will make you look younger than you really are. Therefore, here are 15 tricks that will help you with this.

1. Wear pink, peach and beige blouses and sweatshirts. These shades will make your face look fresher and your skin will look younger. And vice versa - do not use sweaters, T-shirts, shirts and scarves of earthy and marsh shades, so as not to add visual age to yourself.

2. It is very important that your hair color is darker than your complexion. The widespread fashion for blond today often turns mature women into old women, because they use shades that contrast with their complexion, clearly not in favor of the latter.

3. It is very important when creating makeup to first form the correct face shape. With age, the oval of a woman's face changes, folds appear, and skin tone decreases. Therefore, all age grooves should be lightened, and the contours of the oval should be emphasized with powder, a tone darker than you use on the entire face.

4. Give up baggy clothes - believe me, they are not able to hide extra pounds. On the contrary, start using only outfits and accessories that emphasize all your feminine charms. A feminine, proportional figure is a symbol of youth.

5. Get rid of excess weight once and for all - saggy sides and cellulite will immediately cover you for 5-10 years. But, it is also worth remembering that being too thin will make your skin saggy and accentuate all wrinkles.

6. Be sure to stop drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and quit smoking. Not only do these two habits rob you of precious health, but they also seriously age your skin.

7. Apply the blush correctly - with dark, beige or golden blush, emphasize the line of the cheekbones, and on the "frosty cheeks" area, apply a gentle pink or peach blush.

8. Never forget that youth is always associated with naturalness and naturalness. Therefore, there is no need to overuse cosmetics and use it for other purposes.

9. Do not give up the black color in your image - it does not age, but on the contrary, due to the contrast it can refresh your complexion. Take, for example, an elegant black dress - it can not only not add to your age, but also visually rejuvenate.

10. And vice versa - excess white, especially in outerwear, will make you look older, as it contrasts and emphasizes all the imperfections of your skin. Use light shades, not white.

11. Do not wear teenage clothes, even if you think they are insanely beautiful and fashionable. Due to the contrast between the outfit and your appearance, you will look pointedly older than your age.

12. Do not leave makeup on your face overnight, and if possible, do not use it during the day. The fact is that decorative cosmetics, even the highest quality ones, do not help preserve the youthfulness of the skin, and with prolonged use, pigments can penetrate deep into and worsen your complexion.

13. Use the most natural makeup during daylight hours - in daylight, excess makeup will age you. Also, in daytime makeup, it is not recommended to use eyeshadows or glitter pencils.

14. Never use a solarium - an artificial tan, especially on the face, visually adds a couple of extra years. Also, if you like a natural tan, do not forget to protect your face - a too dark, sunburnt face cannot look young, and in addition, the sun dries out the skin.

15. In clothes, it is important to adhere to the chosen style, diluting it with accessories and following the trends of modern fashion. Outfits that were up to date 10 years ago, or using just the classic style, does not make you look younger.

Both guys and girls ask this question. FoxTime has compiled a selection of reasons why you can evaluate yourself and, who knows, perhaps the conclusions will push you to take decisive action in favor of your health and appearance.


Nutrition is the main process of life. To prolong youth and energize your body, you need to monitor the intake of important building components, vitamins and minerals. Processed foods, fast food, convenience foods, and everyone's favorite snacks and snacks are high in salt and sugar to enhance the flavor. If you constantly "sit" on such food, there is an unconscious consumption of salt in a volume larger than the body needs.

When a large amount of salt is consumed in the body, the water balance is disturbed, an additional load on the heart, liver and kidneys occurs, which inevitably leads to weight gain, a slowdown in metabolism and edema.

Sugar is considered a fast carbohydrate, which means it is the easiest and fastest way to replenish strength. But, alas, you have to pay for this with the condition of your teeth, constant hunger and fatigue.


Many not only do not protect their skin from the sun, but also regularly use self-tanning or go to the solarium. With such merciless exploitation, the skin acquires an earthy hue, the deep layers of the dermis dry out, the aging of the skin occurs faster. The skin of the face and body becomes like a stretched drum, which undoubtedly visually adds a dozen years.


Again and again we do not get tired of repeating that movement is life. Easy walking, Nordic walking, swimming, dancing, or fitness can provide tremendous benefits to your muscles and joints. The body begins to look fit, the metabolic process speeds up, the heart becomes stronger and the mood improves.


Constant lack of sleep leads to memory impairments, aggression and, among other things, it affects the face: circles under the eyes, a haggard and tired look. Resting problems lead to burnout and depression. Stress keeps cortisol levels high, which is not conducive to recovery. All of these factors also lead to problems with nutrition and digestion, skin, hair and nails.


Smoking and alcohol are both known to lead to health problems - not even worth mentioning. Due to smoking and drinking alcohol, the body dehydrates, tissues lose elasticity, and it takes longer for them to regenerate. Bad habits lead to swelling, puffiness, and the skin is covered with 50 shades of scarlet - all this does not add freshness and beauty to you.


If you do not consume enough clean water, it becomes more difficult for the body to perform its basic functions. Fruits and vegetables also help you get enough fiber. With a balanced diet, the risk of disease is reduced, which can help you feel better and be more active.


Regular sex has a relaxing and calming effect. Under the influence of the hormones oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, the level of depression and insomnia decreases. The circulation of blood in the body saturates the tissues with oxygen and hormones, which leads to an improvement in the elasticity of the skin, prolonging its youth.