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Female hermaphroditism - features of the pathology and its detailed description. Sexual mixing Who are hermaphrodites among people

There are many actions that people perform automatically, without thinking about this or that issue. For example, when filling out a questionnaire, a person automatically indicates data on gender, age, race, etc.

For many people, the concept of gender does not bring any doubt that a woman is a female and a man is a male. But not everything is so categorical, as it seems, because there is a group of people who do not fit into the general framework.

These are hermaphrodite people and for them such an item in the questionnaire is a big question that is not so easy to answer. Let's try to figure out who hermaphrodite people are, how they look and how they differ from others.

Hermaphrodites are individuals who have the sexual characteristics of both sexes, i.e. both women and men. In relation to hermaphrodites, it is also customary to use the definition of "androgyne", translated from Greek, meaning "aner" - a man, "gyne" - a woman.

The concept of hermaphroditism originates from ancient Greek legends. When the son of the gods Aphrodite and Hermes was born, the boy was named such a big name as Hermaphrodite, which was coined from the two names of his parents (Phroditus from Aphrodite and Hermes from Hermes). At the age of fifteen, a nymph who lived in water fell in love with a young man, he also kindled with a reciprocal passion and asked the gods to unite them into one, the gods fulfilled his request. And so the first hermaphrodite appeared.

And already in the Middle Ages, this kind of sexual metamorphosis was considered the work of evil spirits and, according to the inquisitorial practice of the 16th-17th centuries. cases of persecution of hermaphrodites have been identified. For example, in the 16th century in Darmstadt, a baby of dubious sex was baptized, who was given the name Elizabeth, and then John, after which John again turned into Elizabeth, who, in order to exclude such transformations, was burned at the stake.

Features of the body structure

It is known that each human embryo transforms into a male or female fetus, and during development in the uterus has a natural tendency to take on female flesh, or is subject to change on the basis of chromosomes, which determine the sex of the unborn baby. However, one should not exclude genetic and hormonal causes that can affect the development of the embryo or fetus and lead to the birth of a non-standard cub.

In some species of animals, hermaphroditism is the norm, in humans the situation is different, and such a pathology is primarily a violation of sexual differentiation. Despite the fact that among people this phenomenon is quite rare, it still has a certain percentage of the risk of improper development of the human body in our time. According to statistics, a similar pathology occurs in one out of two thousand newborns.

A hermaphrodite is a person in whose body there may be the genital organs of a man, and the breast of a woman and instead of the ovaries there may be a mixture of tissues from them and from the testicles. According to such features of the human body, it is very difficult to determine the sex, because the hybrid tissue is not capable of synthesizing hormones, since it does not have eggs and follicles, therefore hermaphrodites cannot reproduce and live in a life of sexual uncertainty.

It is also possible to have mixed external genital organs with the correct formation of the gonads according to the female or male type.

The difference in the first and second cases is explained by the varieties of hermaphroditism:

  • true hermaphroditism;
  • pseudohermaphroditism.

It happens that a person is born with both a penis and a vagina, that is, with full-fledged female and male genital organs, while having both ovaries and testicles. But these individuals still do not have the ability to reproduce, since their genitals are inactive.

To date, there is only one such case, which was described in the journal "The New York Journal of Medicine".

One interesting human being (a hermaphrodite) had both full sexual organs, ejaculated sperm and experienced menstruation, and was also able to have normal sexual relations with both a man and a woman. Such an amazing phenomenon was revealed when a twenty-eight-year-old woman was arrested for prostitution.


Pseudohermaphroditism is the following cases:

  • when the genitals of both men and women are formed in such a way that they outwardly resemble the genitals of the opposite sex, while their internal structure is normal;
  • a hermaphrodite woman is faced with the problem of the development of the clitoris, it grows to an enormous size, to the point that it is mistaken for a penis;
  • in hermaphrodite men, the scrotum and testicles are pulled inside and become like two skin folds that resemble the labia;
  • there are cases when men, as a result of random atrophy of the testicles, showed external female signs (for example, a female figure and appearance).

Causes of the disease

The following reasons can lead to the birth of a child with signs of a hermaphrodite:

The desire to be cured and get rid of such a disease in many people is accompanied by strong psychological upheavals, because in fact sex adjustment is their second birth in a completely different body. The life of hermaphrodites in a new capacity can be real torture, so the help of a psychologist in this case is mandatory.

However, not every person with such a problem is able to pay for quality medical care, so he continues to live with signs of hermaphroditism. He constantly faces such problems as: replacing documents, transferring to another educational institution, medical care, etc. And yet this may seem like a trifle before later life, because a person must adapt to think about his personality, develop and not lose his sense of own dignity.

The life of famous hermaphrodite people

During the existence of the first hermaphrodites on earth, fate was cruel for them. In the Middle Ages, people with deviations from the norm were subjected to extermination, and bisexual people were treated with particular cruelty.

For example , Antide Kollas, declared in 1559 a hermaphrodite, was deprived of liberty and examined by doctors. They could not explain the reasons for such an abnormal state of her body and she was accused of having entered into a relationship with Satan, for which she was burned.

A few years later, a law was put forward that people with such features could use the right given to them and declare the choice of one flesh, but without changing their decision later.

Attitudes towards hermaphrodites often depended on the status of their family.. An example of this is the life of Charles de Beaumont, Chevalier d'Eon, also known as Genevieve de Beaumont and Mademoiselle d'Eon. This man was a pseudo-hermaphrodite and had a significant influence on the politics of France in the 18th century. He chose the gender of a man, lived for 82 years, and showed no interest in any of the women, the same attitude was towards men, because his true gender was a mystery to him. Despite the fact that Charles made a huge contribution to politics, for unknown reasons he was expelled and lived in London as a woman, but after examination by the royal doctor, who announced his female gender, he was allowed to return on the condition that he take a vow of monasticism.

In the 19th century there were attempts by scientists to find out the phenomenon of hermaphroditism, but it was not easy to diagnose this disease. For example, an American from a wealthy family, Marie Dorothy, was brought up as a woman, despite the fact that she was a hermaphrodite, and only when a question arose with a will in which a man was declared the heir, doctors began to examine her. Two doctors recognized her as a woman, three as a man, and one as both a woman and a man. The court ruled that half of the state is due to the male half of Marie Dorothy.

Very soon, hermaphrodites became popular on open-air deformity rides. Public displays of body parts were forbidden, so hermaphrodites grew hair on the right side of the body, like men, and shaved the left side, to represent a woman's appearance. Notable hermaphrodite actors of the time were: Diana/Edgar, Donald/Diana and Bobby Cork.

In 1966, the hermaphrodite Bill Ruskam, who later became a woman and took the name Rene Richards, became famous thanks to the big sport and the scandalous defense of his own rights, because the topic of the mismatch of the sex of several participants in the athletics competition was raised, because of which the European sports the federation decided to conduct special tests. In order not to undergo a humiliating procedure, many athletes stopped participating in competitions, the rest easily agreed, believing that any manifestations of hermaphroditism would only give them popularity.

Renee Richards also decided to participate in a tennis tournament, but she refused to take tests that determine the real gender of the participants in the competition and brought the case to court. However, she still had to undergo an examination, since it was not limited to one physical examination and was based solely on the results of analyzes of chromosomal cells in the oral mucosa. Rene Richards' measurements were impressive: 80 kilograms of weight and 185 centimeters of height; due to her physical fitness and stamina, she was an excellent opponent for both male and female players, and achieved tremendous success in her sports life.

Another well-known hermaphrodite of our time is Caster Semenya, a South African runner who resisted the American Federation's decision to ban people with hermaphroditism from international competitions. After a series of tests passed, she was still classified as a woman, she competed and for a long time no one attached importance to the characteristics of her body.

The biggest scandal erupted on August 19, 2009, when Kaster Semenya received a gold medal at the World Championships in Berlin in the 800 meters; many drew attention to the absence of the female figure of the athlete, as well as male facial features. But despite everything, the famous runner has cemented her status as an athlete and has become the most famous hermaphrodite in sports in recent years.

There are a considerable number of actions performed by people completely automatically, that is, during the implementation of which a person does not think: why exactly? For example, filling out numerous questionnaires that require information about age, gender, race, etc.

In the matter of indicating gender for most people, everything is clear and understandable: there are men and there are women.

However, not everything is so categorical, and there is a group of people who do not fit into the general framework. For them, this item of the questionnaire is a question that they find it difficult to answer. Earlier, in the time of the ancient gods, they themselves were ranked among the demigods born on earth from heavenly parents.

The concept of hermaphroditism originates in ancient Greek legend. Hermaphrodite was the son of two gods - Hermes and Aphrodite.

The Middle Ages were marked by the beginning of a harsh and cruel persecution of these people with a unique body, declaring them to be the fiends of hell.

Genetics or developmental disorder?

Hermaphroditism is considered by many overly suspicious people to be the machinations of evil spirits, and people with this deviation do not have the right to further life in society. Since the Middle Ages, the attitude towards hermaphrodites has not changed much, although they were no longer burned at the stake.

People of science are outraged by this attitude - in fact, hermaphroditism is a consequence of the incomplete development of the human body. Other deviations, except for the special structure of the genital organs, are not noticed in hermaphrodites. Except, perhaps, behavior that is non-standard for an ordinary person, which is explained by two different personalities in one body, but not all of them.

The cause of the problem lies in the genes - sometimes during the development of the fetus, a genetic failure occurs that violates the further order of development.

A little theory:

Embryos are initially female, but until 9–10 weeks of development, their sex is not finally determined. That is, before this period, the fetus contains both male and female anatomical features, and its further gender predisposition is, in fact, a lottery.

However, the basic sex of the fetus is female, with its inherent external data. And its development in the event of a genetic error or failure can go the following way:

  1. The transformation of sex into male requires the production of a large amount of testosterone, comparable to its amount in an adult. A mutation or a mistake in a gene leads to a disruption in this process, and as a result, a woman is born with two different indicators: a male chromosome set and characteristic genital organs. That is, a woman on the outside, and a man on the inside.
  2. A similar situation can occur with a female-oriented fetus. Suppose one of the two chromosomes is missing for some reason, or the adrenal glands malfunction, and instead of the sex hormones produced in the female body, they begin to intensively produce testosterone. As a result, obstetricians joyfully shout that a boy was born, looking at the characteristic signs, but in fact it is a girl, with all the inherent internal organs.

Such a deviation is not uncommon by genetic standards - one in ten thousand newborns can be a girl in the body of a boy.

Hermaphroditism in humans, in which male and female glands are simultaneously present in a person, is an extremely rare phenomenon.

There are true and false hermaphroditism:

  1. True (gonadal) - characterized by the simultaneous presence of male and female genital organs, along with this, there are both male and female sex glands. The testicles and ovaries in this form can either be combined into one mixed gonad, or located separately. Secondary sexual characteristics have elements of both sexes: a low timbre of voice, a mixed (bisexual) type of figure, more or less developed mammary glands. The chromosome set in such patients usually corresponds to the female.
  2. False hermaphroditism (pseudohermaphroditism) occurs when there is a contradiction between the internal and external signs of sex, that is, the gonads are formed correctly according to the male or female type, but the external genitalia have signs of bisexuality. The reason for this is a failure at the genetic level during the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Fatal mistake

The work of chromosomes is not yet a sufficiently studied process, and raises many questions from specialists. It is still not clear at what stage of fetal development hermaphroditism may appear. Most experts are inclined to believe that the risk of becoming a hermaphrodite may arise even at the time of conception of a child. However, the real reasons for this and the mechanism of development are not yet fully understood. As a result, several external factors have been identified, due to which hermaphroditism can develop:

  • exposure to radiation;
  • chemical poisoning;

The mutated gene can belong to either parent, or it can exist in both at the same time. There are frequent cases of transmission of this pathology by inheritance - when in the same genus with constant periodicity children were born with genitals that did not correspond to the sex of the child.

The most famous case in medical circles: when a family of 6 children who looked like girls, but in fact were boys, came to see a doctor.

This is called testicular feminization, and, like the well-known hemophilia, can only be transmitted from mother to son.

However, often such people stand out for their exceptional beauty and sharp mind. They achieve high performance in sports, thanks to male hormones, which significantly affect endurance, speed and strength. Among ordinary women, they are distinguished by stronger physical data, which allows them to easily take leading places in various sports. However, they often suffer from a sense of their own inferiority, largely due to the inability to start a normal family and two opposites, enclosed in one body.

They are also often prone to various kinds of psychological disorders and phobias, mostly they are dominated by the fear of being isolated from the rest of society.

This makes the life of hermaphrodites simply unbearable, and the number of suicides among people with such a diagnosis is quite high. In addition, they breed very reluctantly, fearing that their children may repeat the fate of their parents. Often people with this feature are infertile.

Body transformation

Despite the fairly widespread opinion about the visibility of such deviations, often hermaphroditism cannot be quickly recognized. Indeed, in many cases it does not appear outwardly. Already in adolescents, characteristic signs inherent in the other sex begin to appear: girls can notice with horror the appearance of mustaches and stubble, while boys begin to grow breasts and, in addition, critical days appear.

Among specialists, cases of detection of deviations at the stage of transformation are the most problematic and unpleasant. The fact is that the sooner a feature is identified, the more active the treatment will be, allowing in the future to avoid most of the problems experienced by hermaphrodites. The ideal age for detection and initiation of intervention is the first year of a child's life.

Carrying out correction already at a conscious age means causing significant psychological trauma, after which not everyone can recover. Often, the discovery of the truth about one's gender leads to deep depression and associated suicide attempts or the use of drugs and alcohol.

The most difficult thing for doctors is the correct determination of the future sex of the child. To do this, you need to choose which types of sex hormones - male or female, will be treated. After taking such drugs, there is no turning back, and a mistake can be fatal.

It is not worth making hasty decisions, and even if there is some confidence in the dominance of one of the principles in the body, thorough tests should be carried out.

Genetic expertise has greatly simplified the work of specialists, reducing the likelihood of error to a minimum. Currently, doctors correct the gender of the child at the stage of fetal development, which helps to avoid psychological trauma in the future.

The latest technology helps to reveal the sex of the child and, if necessary, to carry out a correction even in the womb, thanks to which hundreds of healthy and whole personalities are born.

third floor

What about those who did not pass the examination on time and now live with “foreign” genitals? Sex reassignment in adult life is accompanied by severe psychological suffering, because in fact for them it is a second birth in a completely opposite body. Returning to a former life in a new capacity can be a real torture for them, and the help of a psychologist is sometimes mandatory.

However, not everyone can receive timely and high-quality psychological assistance, not to mention the social problems of people who had hermaphroditism at birth. They experience difficulties with the replacement of documents, transfer to another place of study, medical care, etc. And this, given the attitude of others

However, everything may seem like a mere trifle before the further existence of hermaphrodites. After all, a person needs to adapt to think of himself as a representative of the opposite sex, demonstrating the appropriate model of behavior.

In them, female and male behavior is so closely intertwined that it is sometimes simply impossible to separate them.
Doctors have developed their own theory, which will greatly facilitate the life of hermaphrodites. In their opinion, hermaphroditism is a phenomenon inherent in people of the third sex. That is, something in between, not related to either men or women. In modern society, hermaphroditism is quite common: men's skirts, women's trousers, etc.

Now society is gradually blurring the lines between men and women, practicing equality, regardless of gender.

Yes, and the natural mechanism of development itself allows you to think about the emergence of a third sex - embryos are initially bisexual, and this is the norm.

Maybe the old legend about the bisexual creatures that previously inhabited the earth, cursed by the gods and placed in different bodies, with different genitals, is not lying? Then it is quite possible that real human nature begins to gradually win back its positions, producing hermaphrodites.

In any case, with such problems, you need to consult a doctor. And it is also very important, if you met such a person in your life, to remain human yourself. No need to shy away from them, as from lepers, it is indicative to regret, to scoff. However, it is not necessary to elevate this phenomenon to the rank of a new norm for society and propagate it for a massive change in the sex of people.

Sexopathologist-andrologist of the 1st category. Head of the Kherson branch of the Ukrainian Association of Family Planning.

Hermaphrodites- These are individuals who have sexual characteristics of both men and women. In relation to such people, they also use such a definition as "androgyne", which comes from the Greek words "aner" - a man and "gyne" - a woman.

Each human embryo transforms into a male or female fetus. During its development in the womb, the human fetus, which has a natural tendency to take on female flesh, is subject to change based on the chromosomes that determine the sex of the future newborn.

Various causes, including hormonal and genetic disorders, can affect the development of the fetus. Consider only two main types of bisexual creatures: true hermaphrodites and pseudohermaphrodites.


In the world of vegetation, an individual often possesses both female and male reproductive organs. The same can be said about some of the lower vertebrates, such as bivalves, gastropods, earthworms and leeches. But neither in higher animals nor in humans does this occur.

Sometimes it may happen that a person is born with a penis and a vagina, and even with ovaries and a testicle. But these individuals are not capable of reproduction and always one or even both genitals are inactive.

So far, only one extraordinary case is known when a human being was capable of normal sexual relations with both a man and a woman.

This individual had a penis 14 cm long and a vagina 8.5 cm. The New York Journal of Medicine wrote that he/she had both ovaries and testicles, experienced menstruation and vomited semen.

Such an amazing phenomenon was discovered when the police arrested a twenty-eight-year-old woman for prostitution. Some time later, the same person was arrested again, this time for rape!


Often people are called hermaphrodites, whose genitals are formed in such a way that they resemble the genitals of the opposite sex. In such cases, we are dealing with pseudo-hermaphroditism, which affects both men and women. The construction of their internal genital organs is normal, and the external ones give the impression of organs of the opposite sex.

In women, the clitoris develops to such a huge size that it can be mistaken for a penis. In men, the testicles and scrotum change and retract in such a way that two skin folds adjacent to each other, resembling the labia, remain. Some pseudo-hermaphrodite males retain certain masculine features, such as facial hair and a flat chest, while others have a female figure. Through a simple operation one can completely get rid of femininity, but such a person will never be able to have a child.

Female pseudohermaphrodites are born much less frequently. From the point of view of genetics, their internal structure is the same as that of all women. The individual possesses, for example, ovaries, oviducts, uterus, but external genitalia develop into a penis.

At the time of birth, not all sexual characteristics that distinguish a man from a woman are formed. Newborns have neither breasts nor body hair, and the torso and pelvis of a male and female child are built identically.

It is very easy to make a mistake, because the only key feature by which we distinguish a boy from a girl is the appearance of the external genitalia.

And then the children are brought up as representatives of the opposite sex, which is the cause of many abnormal phenomena, both sexual and psychological.

There are cases when external female signs in a man were only the result of random atrophy of the testicles. Among the ancient Scythians, there were allegedly many men with female figures. Herodotus and Hippocrates attributed this anomaly to an excess of intense riding during puberty.

At the beginning of our century, the American professor Hammond, who studied the Pueblo Indians in New Mexico, described the men of this tribe who possessed all the tertiary female sexual characteristics.

Anthropologist Henry Mage, who also studied the Pueblo Indians, said that they have well-shaped chests, small genitals, high voices and very modest body hair. In his opinion, such anomalies are artificial and arose in the process of puberty "due to excessive masturbation and riding horses.


In Greek mythology, Hermaphrodite was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite. Legend tells that at the age of fifteen he traveled through Halicarnassus and at the end of his journey stopped by a lake, wanting to bathe. The nymph Salmakis, seeing a naked man, fell in love with him without memory. However, unable to charm him, she turned to the gods with prayers so that they would unite their bodies forever.

The prayer was heard and an androgynous creature appeared in the world. Since then, fame has been attached to the lake: every couple who bathed in it experienced a similar transformation.

There were many bisexual creatures in Greek mythology. Aesop explained the appearance of such creatures as follows:

"One night, while visiting Bacchus, a drunken Prometheus started modeling human bodies from clay, but made several mistakes..."

Thus, androgynes were born. Plato suspected that in the foreseeable past the human race consisted entirely of hermaphrodites, each with two bodies, one male, one female, and two faces on one head.

These self-righteous creatures quarreled with the gods and Zeus divided them into two sexes as punishment. Plato explained that the sexual attraction of opposite sexes is based on the desire to reunite the separated halves.

Some medieval Christian theologians believed that Adam was androgynous. Saint Martin of Amboise wrote:

"Before the fall, when man was in a state of innocence, he was self-satisfied, like his Creator. He could multiply and produce offspring, contemplating his divine body, because he was a spiritual hermaphrodite."

However, original sin was the reason that the person was divided into two halves, which differ not only in appearance, but also in spiritual preferences. Moreover, intelligence and devotion to God are signs, mainly male, and love, admiration, idolization are female.

The weaknesses and imperfections of each of the sexes can only be corrected through marriage, the sole and main purpose of which is the re-deification of human nature through reunion into one.

Many of those who adhered to the theory that, together with the end of the world, both halves, both flesh, both sexes will unite in one body, were burned at the stake in the Middle Ages, since a different point of view then dominated. And even today, Catholic law commands that "a hermaphrodite must decide what kind of flesh predominates in his body and preserve himself according to such a declaration."

Fate was cruel for hermaphrodites. Despite their supposedly divine origin, they lived much worse than the rest of the human race. It was the custom among many ancient peoples to kill children of indeterminate flesh as soon as they were born. Thus the Greeks sought to preserve the perfection of their own race.

For the Romans, such unfortunates were an evil sign, an unkind omen, and the Egyptians, although they honored such gods as Bes or Ptah, recognized bisexuals as an insult to Nature. At the beginning of our era, the Romans stopped pursuing hermaphrodites, although even Titus Livy said that in his entire life he had seen many such creatures, but they were all thrown into the river. Some ancients recognized hermaphrodites as the quintessence of perfection, and many of them are immortalized in classical works of art.

In the Middle Ages, human characteristics, deviations were subjected to extermination, and bisexuals were persecuted with particular cruelty. According to church teaching, they were in league with the devil and many died during the Inquisition.

The fate of Antide Kollas, for example, was typical of that time. Declared a hermaphrodite in 1559 and deprived of her liberty by law, she was examined by several doctors, who admitted that her abnormal condition was the result of a relationship with Satan. For communication with the devil, the unfortunate woman was burned at the stake in the main market of the city.

However, not all hermaphrodites were killed. It was possible once to use a special right and declare your choice in favor of one or another flesh, but without the possibility of changing the decision later.

How difficult it was to apply such a right in practice is well illustrated by the example of Margaret Malor.

Being an orphan, until the age of twenty-one, Margaret was convinced that all women were like her, and only when she fell ill in 1686, a doctor from Toulouse made the following diagnosis:

"An extremely unusual hermaphrodite, more male than female."

The Bishop's office in Toulouse, on pain of death, ordered Margaret to wear men's clothes. The girl, struck by this discovery, fled from Toulouse to Bordeaux, where she went to work as a servant in a wealthy family. But in 1691, a Toulouse who arrived in Bordeaux recognized her and she became a prisoner. On June 21 of the same year, the municipal court of Bordeaux decided that she should change her name to the male Arnaud and forbade her to wear women's clothes under pain of flogging.

Having a female figure, face, habits and inclinations, Margaret was forced to look for male work. "Arno" did not possess the physical strength inherent in men and therefore had to be fed from alms, begging. Having somehow managed to get to Paris, "Arno" sought out the famous doctor, the surgeon Savyard, who in the end made the only correct diagnosis and issued a certificate indicating that the bearer of this, in his physical and mental state, is much closer to a woman than to a man.

But doctors and judges did not want to admit their mistakes and their sentence remained in force until the lawyer, sympathizing with Margaret's torment, convinced the king to intervene in her fate.

The degree of persecution of pseudohermaphrodites often depended on the general status of the family to which he/she belonged. An example of this was Charles de Beaumont, Chevalier d'Eon, better known as Genevieve de Beaumont, Mademoiselle d'Eon.

Charles-Genevieve-Louis-Auguste-Andre-Timote d'Eon de Beaumont was a pseudo-hermaphrodite who had a huge impact on the politics of France in the 18th century.

Eon was extraordinary. Until the age of three, he was brought up as a girl, but when the time came to study, he entered a military school. As an adult, he had a girlish figure, pleasant features and a female voice, which did not prevent him from gaining the fame of the best swordsman and archer in Europe. Soon the king called Charles to court, because he believed that d "Eon could be used as a secret agent.

Charles was sent to Russia to spy on Queen Elizabeth II. At that time, he was introduced as one of her court ladies named Lea de Beaumont.

One of his most successful cases was the organization of the Treaty of Paris. He managed to reach an understanding so useful to France that the English statesman John Wilkes remarked: "This treaty must be called God's Peace, because it does not fit within the boundaries of understanding."

In 1745, d "Eon got involved in intrigues with the Scots, who were at war with England, and persuaded them to pursue a policy useful to France. His role was so great that Beaumarchais once exclaimed:" d "Eon is the new Jeanne d "Arc!", to which Voltaire replied: "Neither a man nor a woman - namely, de Beaumont is recognized for such a creature - should fate experience such a hard time."

Later, for unknown reasons, Charles was exiled to London, where he lived as a woman. He was then allowed to return on the condition that he go to a monastery. d "Eon returned to Paris, where, after examination, the royal doctor declared him a woman. De Beaumont took the vow of a nun.

During the French Revolution, Charles offered his services to the new French government, but they were not used. It is said that he ended his life in England as a woman, but she made a living by teaching swordsmanship.

In the 19th century, there was a breakthrough in an attempt, relying on scientific foundations, to elucidate the amazing phenomenon of hermaphroditism. Diagnosing hermaphroditism is not easy. The difficulties in this can be illustrated by the example of an American woman named Marie Dorothy, who belonged to a very wealthy family, who was dressed and raised as a woman, but was a hermaphrodite. In 1823, it turned out that she was the only heir to a huge fortune. However, in the will for the inheritance it was specified that only a man could be the heir.

Marie was examined by some of the most famous doctors of the day. Two of them recognized her as a woman, three others - a man, and the sixth - admitted under oath that this creature is both a man and a woman.

The case went to court and the judge announced a truly Solomon decision: the male half of Marie Dorothy receives half of the state.

Another notable phenomenon was Joseph Mazo, born in 1830. The parents named the newborn Marie and raised her as a girl until the age of twelve, then the doctors stated that it was a boy. Then the name was changed to Joseph.

According to doctors, Joseph's testicles remained in the abdominal cavity. An extremely enlarged clitoris was mistaken for a penis.

After Mazo's death in 1864, pathologists stated that despite the male appearance of the head and body, he was essentially a woman who had a vagina, uterus and ovaries. Marie/Josefa had countless connections with women, smoked, drank, was interested in politics.

During the 19th century, hermaphrodites became extremely popular as a deformity attraction. Circus directors claimed that with a good "fifty-fifty" - another name for androgyny - the success of the show was guaranteed. However, public display of intimate parts of the body, even as a subject of scientific interest, was unconditionally prohibited.

In order to somehow satisfy the interests of the public, they came up with a variety of tricks. According to an age-old belief, the right side of the body is masculine and strong, while the left side is delicate and more feminine. And hermaphrodites allowed hair to grow on the right side of the body, while the left side was carefully shaved.

Short, straight hair on the right side of the head contrasted with free-growing long or carefully combed curls on the left side.

With the help of special exercises, the right biceps were enlarged. The left side of the face was adorned with make-up, and the left hand and wrist with a huge amount of costume jewelry. To achieve the full effect, silicone was often injected into the left breast.

Some of the hermaphrodites were huge successes, such as Diana/Edgar, Bobby Cork, and Donald/Diana, who spoke publicly as early as 1950.


Some "fifty-fifty" aroused real passion. Joseph Nilton was such an attractive hermaphrodite that an American soldier left his wife and children for him.

Another, François/Françoise Murphy, was raped by a sailor on the New York subway.

Evelyn S. changed sex at the age of 40 and married her own children's governess.

George W. Jordansen changed sex in 1952 at the age of 26. The doctor who performed the operation had to repeat it six more times, then he prescribed two thousand hormonal injections to the patient. After that, George changed his name to Christina and became a cabaret dancer. One pilot sergeant who had an affair with her claimed that Christina had the most beautiful female body he had ever seen.


In 1966, during European athletics competitions, the topic of the real gender of some female competitors was exaggerated, which forced the European Sports Federation to subject the athletes to tests. Many wished to stop participating in the tournament, so as not to undergo a humiliating procedure. The rest readily agreed, believing that hermaphroditism would only give them popularity.

This happened, for example, with Bill Ruskam, the famous ophthalmologist, recognized as one of the most promising American tennis players. In 1975, at the age of forty-two, Bill Ruskam declared himself a woman and took the name Renee Richards. That same year, he made the decision to compete in the United States Women's Championship.

Refusing to undergo tests that determine the real gender of the participants, Renee brought the case to court. It should be recalled that the examination is not limited to physical examination, but is based solely on the analysis of chromosomal cells of the oral mucosa.

Rene's dimensions were quite impressive: 185 centimeters tall and 80 kilograms of weight. Being an excellent opponent for both male and female players, she literally amazed athletes with the power of her backhand.

Caster Semenya, South African hermaphrodite runner

The American Tennis Federation considered this technique to be the most convincing argument in favor of the male Rene and forbade her to compete in international competitions. However, Renee played as a woman in the Australian Open Championships.

Now there are a few more persons whose sex is difficult to determine. However, the successes of surgery and psychiatry make it possible for such either men or women to make an unequivocal decision to change their sex. Men become good housewives, and women priests, soldiers or athletes.

South African runner Caster Semenya has become the sport's most famous hermaphrodite in recent years. At first, after a series of tests, she was classified as a woman.

Then no one gave any importance to it. The flame flared up a few months later, when on August 19, 2009 Semenya won the gold medal in the 800 meters at the World Championships in Berlin. Then many journalists paid attention, in particular, to the obvious absence of female features in the figure and appearance of the athlete.

After that, Semenya underwent a series of checks that showed that the athlete's level of the male hormone testosterone went off scale. However, later, as a result of gender tests, it was proved that Semenya is a woman.

A hermaphrodite is a person who has both female and male sexual characteristics. Where did such an unusual name come from? In order to answer this question, let us turn to ancient Greek mythology. According to legend, Hermaphrodite is the son of two Hermes and Aphrodite. Accordingly, his name is an anagram of the names of his parents. The god of trickery and beauty, for some reason, did not engage in raising his son. This role was assumed by non-poisons. The young man grew and developed. When he was fifteen years old, the nymph Salmakida, who lives in the spring, kindled with love for him. Their eyes met as Hermaphrodite leaned over the water to drink. The nymph could not leave her source, but the young man's passion was so strong that he called on the gods and asked to be forever united with his beloved. So they became one being - half man, half woman.


So, a hermaphrodite is a bisexual creature. Features of its development depend on many factors and may be different. For example, a male child with a penis may be born, and later he will develop lush mammary glands. The reverse situation is also possible: a woman who has male testicles in place of the ovaries. Therefore, it is quite difficult to attribute a person suffering from hermaphroditism to a particular gender. By the way, the suffering of such a being, his difficulties with self-identification are described in detail in the novel by an American with Greek roots Jeffrey Eugenides "Middle Sex". If you are wondering what hermaphrodites look like, photos of people suffering from this disease can be found in the medical directory.

Clinical picture

This phenomenon, as a rule, is caused by congenital anomalies of the external. Its formation occurs up to the eighteenth week of fetal development. According to doctors, hermaphroditism is observed in about six percent of cases, but there are no official statistics at this time. The thing is that most patients are diagnosed with such diagnoses as “testicular feminization”, “ovotestis”, “adrenogenital syndrome”, etc. There is a false opinion that a hermaphrodite is a person who needs to be subjected to compulsory treatment.

Varieties of the disease

Today in medicine it is customary to distinguish between true and false hermaphroditism. The first is widespread in the animal and plant worlds. Worms, fish, shrimps, lizards, leeches - they all have the characteristics of both sexes. True is characterized by the presence of both male and female gonads in the body. In the second case, the gonads of one sex are observed, and the external genital organs of the other. For example, such hermaphrodite women are distinguished by a normal internal tube, ovaries), and they are something resembling a penis and scrotum.


As you know, the sex of the child is established at birth (or even earlier, on ultrasound) and is recorded in all documents. That is why it is very important to define it correctly. With hermaphroditism, each specific case must be checked according to six criteria (in this regard, genetic, gonadal, hormonal, phenotypic, psychological and legal sex are distinguished).

Of course, any individual decides on the correction and transformation of sex independently. In principle, gender reassignment is possible and widely practiced. Treatment begins with hormone therapy. If it is successful, you can resort to surgical intervention and, finally, fix all this legally.

The concept of "hermaphroditism syndrome" refers to a group of disorders of sexual differentiation that accompanies many congenital diseases and manifests itself in quite diverse symptoms. Patients suffering from this pathology have signs of both men and women.

Below we will talk about why hermaphroditism occurs, what clinical manifestations it can be accompanied by, and also acquaint the reader with the principles of diagnosis and treatment of this pathology.

False hermaphroditism is distinguished when the structure of the genitals does not correspond to the sex of the sex glands (gonads). In this case, the genetic sex is determined by the affiliation of the gonads and is called pseudohermaphroditism male or female, respectively. If a person has elements of both the testicle and the ovary at the same time, this condition is called true hermaphroditism.

In the structure of urological and gynecological pathology, hermaphroditism is recorded in 2-6% of patients. There are no official statistics regarding this pathology today, but it is tacitly believed that hermaphroditism is more common than doctors register it. Such patients often hide under other diagnoses (“gonadal dysgenesis”, “adrenogenital syndrome” and others), and also receive therapy in psychiatric departments, since their sexual disorders are incorrectly regarded by doctors as diseases of the sexual centers of the brain.


Depending on the mechanism of development of hermaphroditism, its 2 main forms are distinguished: violations of the differentiation of the genitals (genital organs) and violations of the differentiation of the gonads, or gonads.

There are 2 types of genital differentiation disorders:

  1. Female hermaphroditism (partial appearance of male sexual characteristics, while the set of chromosomes is 46 XX):
    • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
    • intrauterine virilization of the fetus under the influence of external factors (if the mother suffers from any tumor that produces male sex hormones - androgens, or takes drugs with androgenic activity).
  2. Male hermaphroditism (inadequate formation of male sexual characteristics; the karyotype is as follows: 46 XY):
    • testicular feminization syndrome (tissues are sharply insensitive to androgens, which is why, despite the male genotype, and hence the person's belonging to this sex, he looks like a woman);
    • lack of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase;
    • inadequate synthesis of testosterone.

Violations of the differentiation of the gonads are represented by the following forms of pathology:

  • bisexual gonad syndrome, or true hermaphroditism (one and the same person combines both male and female gonads);
  • Turner syndrome;
  • pure agenesis of the gonads (complete absence of the patient's gonads, female genital organs, underdeveloped, secondary sexual characteristics are not determined);
  • dysgenesis (violation of intrauterine development) of the testicles.

Causes and mechanism of development of pathology

Both hereditary factors and factors affecting it from the outside can disrupt the normal development of the genital organs of the fetus.

The causes of dysembryogenesis, as a rule, are:

  • mutations of genes in autosomes (non-sex chromosomes);
  • pathology in the field of sex chromosomes, both quantitative and qualitative;
  • external factors affecting the body of the fetus through its mother at a certain period of development (the critical period in this situation is 8 weeks): tumors in the mother's body that produce male sex hormones, her intake of drugs with androgenic activity, exposure to radioactive radiation, various kinds of intoxication .

Each of these factors can affect any of the stages of sex formation, as a result of which one or another complex of disorders characteristic of hermaphroditism develops.


Consider each of the forms of hermaphroditism in more detail.

Female pseudohermaphroditism

This pathology is associated with a defect in the enzyme 21- or 11-hydroxylase. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner (that is, it is not related to sex). The set of chromosomes in patients is female - 46 XX, the sex glands are also female (ovaries), formed correctly. External genitalia have signs of both male and female. The severity of these disorders depends on the severity of the mutation and varies from mild hypertrophy (increase in size) of the clitoris to the formation of external genitalia, almost similar to those of men.

Also, the disease is accompanied by severe disturbances in the level of electrolytes in the blood, which are associated with a deficiency of the hormone aldosterone. In addition, the patient may be found to be caused by increased blood volume and high sodium levels in the blood due to a deficiency of the 11-hydroxylase enzyme.

Male pseudohermaphroditism

As a rule, it is manifested by androgen insensitivity syndrome. The nature of inheritance is X-linked.

Due to a mutation in the androgen receptor gene, testicular feminization syndrome may develop. It is accompanied by the insensitivity of the tissues of the male body to male sex hormones (androgens) and, on the contrary, their good sensitivity to female hormones (estrogen). This pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the set of chromosomes is 46 XY, but the patient looks like a woman;
  • aplasia (absence) of the vagina;
  • insufficient hair growth for a man or the complete absence of the latter;
  • development of the mammary glands characteristic of women;
  • primary (although the genitals are developed according to the female type, but are absent);
  • absence of a uterus.

In patients with this pathology, the male gonads (testicles) are formed correctly, but are not located in the scrotum (it is absent), but in the inguinal canals, the region of the labia majora, in the abdominal cavity.

Depending on how the tissues of the patient's body are insensitive to androgens, there are complete and incomplete forms of testicular feminization. There is a variety of this pathology, in which the external genital organs of the patient look almost normal, close in appearance to those of healthy men. This condition is called Reifenstein's syndrome.

Also, false male hermaphroditism can be a manifestation of testosterone synthesis disorders that have arisen due to a deficiency of certain enzymes.

Violations of the differentiation of the sex glands

Syndrome of pure gonadal agenesis

This pathology occurs in connection with point mutations of the X or Y chromosome. Patients of normal growth, their secondary sexual characteristics are underdeveloped, there is sexual infantilism and primary amenorrhea (initially no menstruation).

External genitalia, as a rule, have the appearance of women. In men, sometimes they develop in a male pattern.

Turner syndrome

It is caused by a genetic mutation - monosomy (full or partial) on the X chromosome. There are also anomalies in the structure of this chromosome or mosaic variants of the mutation.

As a result of such an anomaly, the processes of differentiation of the sex glands and the function of the ovaries are disrupted. On both sides, there is a dysgenesis of the gonads, which are represented by streaks.

Non-sex chromosome genes are also affected. The growth processes of somatic cells and their differentiation are disturbed. Such patients are always undersized and have many different other anomalies (for example, a short neck, pterygoid folds of the neck, high palate, heart defects, kidney defects, and others).

Testicular dysgenesis (testis)

There are 2 forms:

  • bilateral (bilateral) - the testicles are underdeveloped on both sides, do not produce normal spermatozoa; karyotype - 46 XY, however, anomalies in the structure of the X chromosome are determined; the internal genital organs are developed according to the female type, the external ones may have signs of both male and female; the testicles do not produce testosterone, so the level of sex hormones in the patient's blood is sharply reduced;
  • mixed - the sex glands are asymmetrically developed; on the one hand, they are represented by a normal testicle with preserved reproductive function, on the other, by a streak; in adolescence, some patients develop secondary sexual characteristics according to the male type; in the study of the chromosome set, as a rule, anomalies in the form of mosaicism are detected.

True hermaphroditism

This pathology is also called bisexual gonadal syndrome. This is a rare disease characterized by the presence in the same person of the structural elements of both the testicle and the ovary. They can be formed separately from each other, but in some cases the so-called ovotestis is found in patients - tissues of both gonads in one organ.

The set of chromosomes in true hermaphroditism is usually normal female, but in some cases male. There is also mosaicism along the sex chromosome.

The symptoms of this pathology are quite diverse and depend on the activity of the testicular or ovarian tissue. The external genital organs are represented by both female and male elements.

Diagnostic principles

Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the gonads.

The process of making a diagnosis, as in other clinical situations, includes 4 stages:

  • collection of complaints, anamnesis data (history) of life and current disease;
  • objective examination;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • instrumental diagnostics.

Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Complaints and anamnesis

Among other data, in case of suspicion of hermaphroditism, the following points are of particular importance:

  • whether the patient's next of kin suffer from similar disorders;
  • the fact of an operation to remove it in childhood (this and the previous points will prompt the doctor to think about the testicular feminization syndrome);
  • features and growth rates in childhood and adolescence (if the growth rate in the first years of a child’s life was ahead of that of their peers, and at the age of 9-10 it stopped or slowed down sharply, the doctor should think about the diagnosis of “adrenal cortex dysfunction”, which arose against the background of an increased level of androgens in blood; this pathology may also be suspected in a child with).

Objective examination

Here the most important point is the assessment of the sexual development of the patient and his physique. In addition to sexual infantilism, detection of growth disorders and minor anomalies in the development of other organs and systems makes it possible to diagnose "Turner's syndrome" even before karyotyping.

If during palpation of the testicles of a man they are determined in the inguinal canal or in the thickness of the labia majora, male pseudohermaphroditism can be suspected. The detection of the fact of the absence of the uterus will convince the doctor of this diagnosis even more.

Laboratory diagnostics

The most informative method for diagnosing this pathology is karyotyping - a cytogenetic study of chromosomes - their number and structure.

Also, patients with suspected hermaphroditism determine the blood concentration of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, testosterone and estradiol, less often mineral and glucocorticoids.

In difficult diagnostic situations, a test with hCG is performed.

Methods of instrumental diagnostics

To assess the condition of the genital organs, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and in some cases, computed tomography of this area.

The most informative is the endoscopic examination of the internal genital organs and their biopsy.

Principles of treatment

The main direction of treatment for hermaphroditism is surgery to correct the sex of the patient. The latter chooses his gender, in accordance with this decision, surgeons reconstruct the external genital organs.

Also, in many clinical situations, such patients are recommended to undergo bilateral gonadectomy - completely remove the sex glands (testicles or ovaries).

Female patients, if they have hypogonadism, are prescribed hormonal therapy. It is also indicated for patients who have had their gonads removed. In the latter case, the purpose of taking hormones is to prevent the development of post-castration syndrome (insufficiency of sex hormones).

So, patients can be prescribed such drugs:

  • estradiol (one of its trade names is Proginova, there are others);
  • COCs (combined oral contraceptives) - Mercilon, Logest, Novinet, Yarina, Janine and others;
  • drugs for hormone replacement therapy for post-onset disorders (climodien, femoston, and so on);
  • synthetic analogues of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids (depending on which hormone deficiency occurs in a particular patient); they are prescribed for adrenal dysfunction, which resulted in sexual disorders;
  • to stimulate the growth of the patient, persons suffering from Turner's syndrome are prescribed growth hormone preparations (Norditropin and others);
  • testosterone (omnadren, sustanon) - it is recommended to use it for the purpose of hormonal therapy for males.

Patients suffering from hermaphroditism, even after surgery, should be under the supervision of an endocrinologist. Also, many of them are shown consultations of a psychotherapist, sexologist or psychologist.

A hermaphrodite is a plant, animal or person that has both male and female reproductive organs. Here we will analyze the human part of the question. Now hermaphrodite people are more often called intersex people.

There are two main types of hermaphroditism: false and true. With a false one, both male and female external genital organs can be developed in a newborn baby, but at the same time, internal genital organs are developed only according to the female or male type. He also most often feels like only a representative of one particular gender. In this case, surgery easily corrects the gender problem.

But sometimes all the external and internal genital organs are developed equally and also function well, and their carrier cannot decide who he wants to be "a boy or a girl." Representatives of the latter case are called true hermaphrodites.

Hermaphrodites have been born at all times and have always aroused great curiosity. Legends were made about them, sometimes they were idolized, and sometimes they were considered the offspring of the Devil. In our time, they also continue to attract increased attention from the press and the public. Next, we will talk about the most famous hermaphrodites of the last few decades.

1. Don Langley Pepita Simmons (1922-2000)

He was a highly prolific British writer and biographer. His original name was Don Langley Hall. For many decades, no one suspected that the writer who was considered a man actually considered himself a woman all this time.

The child was born with such large and swollen genitals that he was immediately recorded as a boy. In fact, these were female genital organs, only deformed. On the inside, it was also a woman. The child was raised by his grandmother, who was little worried about the strange behavior of her grandson.

In 1968, Don Langley finally had sex reassignment surgery, took the name Pepita, and then married a black man, John-Paul Simmons, in what was the first interracial marriage in South Carolina. For this, the spouses were threatened to be blown up, and then their wedding gifts were set on fire.

In 1971, Don Langley Pepita had a daughter, Natasha. Later, Pepita was attacked and raped. The family then moved to New York. In 1982, Pepita divorced her husband because of his onset of schizophrenia.

2. Cheryl Chase (1956)

At birth, Cheryl greatly surprised the doctors with her mixed genitals. Doctors could not understand what gender the child belongs to and for a long time could not perform an operation on him. She had a full complex of external male and female genital organs, and inside was a uterus and ovaries.

Parents considered the child a boy and even gave him the name Brian Sullivan. At the age of 18 months, the baby was nevertheless decided to be operated on and the male genital organ, which was a greatly enlarged clitoris, was removed. After that, the child officially became a girl named Bonnie Sullivan, and the parents and the child moved to another city so that there would be no gossip.

I was very good at many difficult things and in my low level of emotionality was like a man."

After returning from Japan, to this day, Bonnie is an activist for an American intersex group. In the 90s, she simultaneously began to use the names Beau Laurent and Cheryl Chase for herself. She made documentaries about intersex people and worked for a hermaphrodite magazine.

In 2017, Chase spoke out against rushed surgeries on babies born with mixed and indeterminate sex organs. Chase has come out as a lesbian and is now living with her partner Robin Mathias.

3. Del LaGrace Volcano (1957)

Born in California with male and female external genitalia, but raised as a girl and considered herself exclusively a woman until the age of 37. Later, she decided that she is neither a woman nor a man, but combines both sides, so I am sure that it is more correct to call her the word genderqueer.

It is a gender identity distinct from male and female. The concept of genderqueer focuses on the fact that the rejection of a binary understanding of gender identity is not limited to understanding the possibility of combining male and female traits within an individual.

Del LeGras Vulcano looks like a man with female breasts" align="" src-original=" width=">" align="" src-original=" width=">

At birth, he was defined as a girl, but now lives as a man. Mauro's first problems with sex occurred during adolescence, when Mauro's body "turned out to be incomplete and different from the body of a girl." Mauro later went through two gender reassignment surgeries.

Thanks to Mauro's work, in 2012 the Argentine Senate passed a law that a person can change their gender without a court order, surgical procedures or clinical treatment.

5. Tony Briffa (1971)

Tony Briffa, an Australian from Melbourne, was born with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome and was identified as a girl at birth, although he also had male genitalia.

At the age of 7, he had all male organs removed so that he would finally stop considering himself a boy, but after the onset of puberty, Briffa finally decided that he was a boy and lived as a man for some time. Now Tony Briffa calls himself both a man and a woman in one body.

Here I have some pages from my medical record. The doctor writes that the patient's mother is ready for the removal of the male genital organs of the child, although the results of histology have been obtained that the testicles are in order. But the doctor forces my mother to undergo surgery, assuring her that "removing the testicles will make your baby normal."

Afterwards, Briff describes how he was operated on that summer and permanently left large scars in his groin that remind him of that day.


From a journalist's diary.
A familiar gynecologist said that for many years of practice he had only once had a case when, during an ultrasound scan, he discovered an abnormal structure of the genitals in the fetus. Rather, at first he simply suspected a defect and did not let the pregnant woman go for more than an hour until he carefully examined the child. But which of the diagnosticians, especially in antenatal clinics, where kilometer-long queues of pregnant women line up, will examine some genitals for an hour? The heart is working, the legs and arms are intact, the head is in order - and forward.
Now I’m calling like crazy to all my pregnant girlfriends and campaigning for paid ultrasounds from highly qualified specialists: “Demand proof that your children are not hermaphrodites!” I scare them with ominous statistics.
“And what will happen to a child who is not a boy, not a girl? Chao, baby? Abortion?" I tortured my obstetrician-gynecologist friend.
“If the fetus is female, the mother will be given a steroid drug to prevent masculinization of the external genitalia. The woman will have to take hormones until the results of the chorionic villus biopsy are ready. If it turns out that the fetus is healthy, steroids can be discontinued.
“And the hormones during this time will not harm the child? Why poison the baby in vain? - I did not let up.
“No, this is too short a period for the medicine to have a negative effect on the development of the fetus,” the friend reassured. – If the fetus is male and has CVD, steroid treatment is also stopped. But if the fetus with HCHD is a girl, then the mother will have to take steroid drugs throughout the pregnancy. This will help not only to reduce the masculinization of the external genital organs, but also in the future, after birth, will reduce the volume of plastic surgery to correct the genitals. The only one who can be adversely affected by hormone therapy is the mother. Its complications are reduced to weight gain and increased formation of stretch marks on the skin.
Well, they will do an operation in early childhood, and then? What awaits such children?
“With proper and timely treatment, you can expect normal dates for the onset and course of puberty,” the friend continued. - In some cases, there is a late onset of menstruation and ovarian dysfunction. Girls with CHD have a normal uterus and ovaries. In boys with CHD, subject to compensation for the disease, the reproductive function is not impaired. Now, I hope you understand why early diagnosis and treatment is so important?

Our reference.
- masculinity, strengthening of male characteristics in a woman's body. During puberty, masculinization in girls leads to the development of secondary male sexual characteristics, an increase in the clitoris, depression of menstrual function, underdevelopment of the mammary glands and uterus, hirsutism, and loss of femininity. As a rule, masculinization in women is accompanied by an increase in libido (in rare cases, it reaches a pathological increase - nymphomania. Read about this disease on the website of our journal).
Primary sexual characteristics
- These are the external and internal genital organs (genitals).
In a girl: small and large labia, uterus, ovaries.
In a boy: penis, testicles.
Differentiation of primary sexual characteristics begins from the 7th week of embryonic development.
secondary sexual characteristics appear during puberty. In girls from the age of 8, the mammary glands increase, pubic and axillary hair appears. In boys, from the age of 9, hair growth and an increase in the external genital organs begin.
Each organism is characterized by a specific set of chromosomes called karyotype . The human karyotype consists of 46 chromosomes - 22 pairs of autosomes and two sex chromosomes. In a woman, these are two X chromosomes (karyotype: 46, XX), and in men, one X chromosome and the other is Y (karyotype: 46, XY). Each chromosome contains the genes responsible for heredity. The study of the karyotype is carried out using cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic methods.
Karyotyping - a cytogenetic method that allows you to identify abnormalities in the structure and number of chromosomes that can cause infertility, other hereditary diseases and the birth of a sick child.

- Does it happen that obstetricians skip NFP in the maternity hospital?
- It happens. It is precisely in the maternity hospital that they most often miss the situation when initially the development of the female type is indifferent. For example, a genetic boy is born with a purely female phenotype (female structure of the external genitalia). Outwardly, this is a girl, so obstetricians in full confidence declare to the woman in labor that she has a daughter. Until the age of 14-15, she grows quietly, and no one, including herself, suspects anything. And then her parents bring her to us with a complaint about the lack of secondary sexual characteristics: the mammary glands do not grow, there are no periods. We're doing a test, and the ultrasound shows that the girl doesn't have a uterus. We take blood for hormones, and the analysis shows that there are no estrogens, as if the ovaries are absent. To finally clarify the picture, we must make a karyotype, and then a revelation awaits everyone: the girl has a karyotype of 46, XY, that is, genetically she is a boy.

- Can't a mother understand for 14 years that her daughter is not like everyone else?
- If a child was born with a purely female structure of the genitals, it is almost impossible to determine that she is a boy, because outwardly it is not noticeable.

From a journalist's diary.
Now, if ultrasound of the small pelvis were done for all children without fail, then it would be another matter. And why doesn’t such an idea come to the officials of the Ministry of Health? And then as it happens in practice: the genetic sex is detected only when the child is admitted to the hospital for surgery.

- And what is the psychological portrait of such girls? Is it a sign of genetic sex that the daughter behaves like a boy: plays boyish games, for example?
- Clear behavioral signs that prove in children belonging to one sex or another have not been fully studied. Today, psychologists see that there is a difference, but so far it is at the research stage, especially in young children.

Our reference.
It is believed that before puberty, the psychological development of boys and girls is basically the same.

What would you advise mothers to pay attention to?
- On clitoral hypertrophy in girls. Normally, it should be covered by the labia if the girl was born full-term. If the clitoris protrudes beyond the labia majora, then this is a signal that the child should be shown to a pediatric endocrinologist. In a boy, attention should be paid to the presence of testicles in the scrotum. Mom can carefully probe them herself or ask a doctor about it. Until now, boys of 9-10 years old with an empty scrotum come to see me.

From a journalist's diary.
Previously, among doctors it was even considered indecent to touch a boy's penis and scrotum. 10 years ago, when I took my five-year-old son to the clinic, the doctor simply examined him visually - that's all.
I call a pediatrician I know, I ask an idiotic question: “How to distinguish a boy from a girl?”
“As for boys with NPD, it is easier with them, because their genitals are outside and you can immediately see that, for example, the scrotum is split or the penis is curved,” she explains. “But there is a big problem with girls: none of the parents know how they should be normal.”
There are complex forms of VDKN, when the girl's body produces male sex hormones in excess and she is born with a purely male structure of the genitals, that is, she has a normal penis, a normal scrotum, however, there are no testicles in it. Even without bothering to do an ultrasound, a lazy pediatrician can diagnose bilateral cryptorchidism and tell him to wait up to a year until the testicles themselves descend into the scrotum. In Moscow, such mistakes are almost never made, but in the regions, especially in the far corners of the country, where medicine is poorly developed, there are still such cases.

Today, it is customary to call a hermaphrodite a person who has both female and male genital organs. Such a definition can, in principle, be considered correct, but it is by no means the only one. Therefore, below we will talk about who a hermaphrodite is and why he got such a name.

Hermaphrodite in mythology

The word hermaphrodite appeared in Greek mythology. That was the name of one of the characters, who was the son of the god Hermes and the goddess Aphrodite.

This young man, at the age of 15, went to travel the world and, bathing in the spring of the nymph Salakis, fell in love with her. Their feelings were mutual, and the nymph persuaded the gods to unite their destinies forever. So their bodies and souls merged into one. Since then, a legend has appeared that every person who has bathed in this source at least once, himself became a hermaphrodite, if not in physical terms, then in moral terms for sure. And since then it has become customary to call all living simultaneously bisexual creatures by the name Hermaphrodite.

Who is a hermaphrodite today

Today, a hermaphrodite is commonly called a creature that has both male and female sexual characteristics. Most often, this is the name of a person who is a bisexual creature. This structure of the human body is abnormal and is quite rare. It is a consequence of disruption of the hormonal system and the work of DNA chains in the body. Abnormal hermaphroditism occurs not only in humans, but also in developed animals, such as monkeys.

Moreover, such hermaphroditism can be of two types:

  1. True. It is characterized by the presence of the genital organs of men and women at the same time. In such a situation, as a rule, only one genitals are left at the request of the patient.
  2. False. In this case, there is a significant contradiction between gender (external signs) and the psychological perception of one's self (internal signs). That is, a man feels like a woman and vice versa. In this case, either long-term psychiatric treatment or a sex change is required.

What is a hermaphrodite in the natural world

Even at school, in biology lessons, we were told about dioecious, polyoecious and monoecious plants. So, monoecious plants are natural hermaphrodites. But not only plants can be hermaphrodites, they are also some types of fish, coelenterates, crustaceans and even insects.

By creating such natural hermaphrodites, nature made sure that these species could create their offspring on their own.

True hermaphroditism is a condition that combines in the human body both the male testicle and the female egg or gonads, which have histological features of both sexes (ovotestis). Often, hermaphroditism concerns only the abnormal formation of the external genital organs, but there are incidents when the syndrome also affects the internal organs (very rarely).

In the initial stages of embryonic development, it is still difficult to determine the delimitation of the genitals. This is due to the fact that initially in its structure the gonad is bisexual. Only at a later stage do differences begin to form in the rudiment of the gonad. But there are also options when bisexual development occurs at more late stages, that is, the baby comes into the world with heterogeneous signs of one and the other sex.

Classification of true hermaphroditism

The severity of the deviation may also vary. Therefore, it is customary to divide true hermaphroditism into two types:

  • there are anomalies of external organs on the body (in addition to male genital organs, there are also female ones, an insufficient set of organs of one of the sexes, a complete set of female and male genital organs);
  • there are no anomalies of external organs on the body (secondary male (female) sexual characteristics, or both sexes).

Classification of true hermaphroditism:

  1. differentiation of the genital organs to the female side, which leads to the formation of a separate mouth for the urinary perineal tract, clitoral hypertrophy, a well-formed separate entrance to the vagina;
  2. the site of the rudeminary urogenital sinus has a separate entrance to the vagina and a separate opening for the urethra, the clitoris is identical to the shape of the penis, that is, it is hypertrophied;
  3. the cavity of the urethra of the urethra in the vagina is high, it can form, in rare cases the prostate gland is noteworthy;
  4. a set of genital organs, both male and female. A man who has a full set of genital organs also has mammary glands, uterus and vagina, and a woman has a prostate, scrotum and penis.

People suffering from true hermaphroditism, who do not have any external deviations of the genital organs, as well as secondary genital organs, combine male and female genital organs, and also have gonadal tissue. It is difficult to diagnose hermaphroditism with this outcome.

There are such deviations of the gonads with true hermaphroditism:

  1. one or two testicles of the gonad, the same number of ovaries;
  2. the number of gonads (one or two) is arranged according to the type of ovotestis;
  3. the mosaic structure of the gonads, that is, the tissues of the testicle in the gonad are intertwined mosaically.

Causes of true hermaphroditism

Work on the cause of the appearance of this disease in patients has shown that there may be an unrecognized mosaicism, which manifests itself when examining a particular area of ​​body tissues. There are cases when true hermaphroditism has become a hereditary (family) disease. It can also be affected by non-genetic exogenous factors that affect testicular tissue. A man with a 46XY chromosome field is subject to hermaphroditism, which accompanies scroto-perineal hypospadias, with or without the presence of a genitourinary sinus. In women with 46 XX chromosome field, hermaphroditism is present with or without a urogenital sinus.

Quite rarely, true hermaphroditism occurs with a mosaic chromosomal arrangement (XX ∕ XY; XX ∕ XXYY; XX ∕ XXY). Sometimes there are incidents when a double fertilization of the egg occurs (the phenomenon of chimerism), which can cause the formation of bisexual gonads. Chromosome mutation can also cause hermaphroditism.

So, we can conclude that the causes of the disease are not fully disclosed and additional surveys are now being conducted on this issue.

Symptoms of true hermaphroditism

In some cases of true hermaphroditism, patients suffered from sexual, mental and psychological abnormalities. The clinic of true hermaphroditism manifests itself on the external genital organs and is directly determined by one and the other sex by the gonad, its development and functions. Several signs of a combination of ovarian and testicular tissue may develop. The reproductive organs may be a combination of ovarian and testicular tissue, which is called ovotestis. The magnitude of the formation of ovotestis can be modified, then mature follicles can appear in the ovaries, respectively, in the testicles - the initial stages of spermatogenesis.

External signs of true hermaphroditism

As for external signs, it can be:

  • the presence of a small size of the penis;
  • in the absence of gonads, folds are formed that may resemble the labia or the scrotum;
  • the vagina in patients is often quite well developed and opens into the back of the urethra;
  • clitoral hypertrophy is found, so the genitals are more similar to female ones.

Often, patients may experience pain when bleeding from the urethra or vagina. Analysis of androgens and estrogens may be within the normal range.

Deviations in the process of puberty

During puberty, feminization and virilization, menstruation, etc., may occur. In the form of cyclic hematuria, menstruation occurs in individuals of the male phenotype.

Many times it is the malformations of the reproductive system in humans that are combined with the abnormal development of the genitals and their deviations from the norm.

Diagnosis of true hermaphroditism

It is possible to diagnose true hermaphroditism in a person if there are clearly expressed indefinite or dual nature of the genitals. In such cases, it is worth contacting only highly qualified specialists, since your recovery and your further ability to produce offspring directly depend on this.

Tests performed to determine true hermaphroditism

  1. To determine the genetic sex, specialists do karyotyping, which will help to study the composition and number of chromosomes;
  2. Before an ultrasound diagnosis of the small pelvis and abdominal cavity, which can recognize various deviations and defects from the genital organs, the doctor usually conducts a visual examination, palpates the genital area;
  3. A blood and urine test will help determine the amount of pituitary, sex, adrenal and other hormones;
  4. The final result and diagnosis can only be determined by laparotomy or histological examination of the genital internal organs.

It is imperative to distinguish between true hermaphroditism and false male hermaphroditism (with this outcome, there are no ovaries, only testicular tissue is present), as well as with false female hermaphroditism (caused by virilizing hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, while they are sharply multiplied by the excretion of 17-ketosteroids). When consulting, the doctor may ask you about important factors that affect the development of the disease: successful (or not successful) bearing of the child during pregnancy, whether the mother's body was exposed to any medications, infections, any complications; whether any anomalies of the genitals of the baby were found, for example, the incorrect position of the testicles in the scrotum, etc.; did puberty correspond to age norms; whether there is a violation of normal sexual life, activity. To be convinced of the accuracy of the diagnosis, it is worth having an endocrinologist, a urologist and a geneticist.

Prevention of true hermaphroditism is a regular visit to a urologist (once a year).

Treatment of true hermaphroditism

The treatment for true hermaphroditism is hormonal therapy. To do this, you need to know the cause of this disorder. Hormones used: thyroid glucocorticoids, etc.

If necessary, doctors make prompt correction of dysfunction of the genital organs. The patient has the right to choose his gender.

In order not to be at risk of malignant degeneration of underdeveloped testicles, they are also removed.

For women, an additional estrogen therapy is prescribed, which gives this individual femininity. After that, it is necessary to visit a psychologist for the correct formation of ideas about the current sexual behavior and your gender.

Prognosis of true hermaphroditism

Patients suffering from true hermaphroditism, who were raised as women with a karyotype of 46,XX, can become pregnant and, moreover, it is absolutely normal to bear and give birth to a child. For men, the results are not so comforting, because only a small number of them become parents.

History describes cases when a man had two children, and an ovotestis was removed from a person of a female phenotype. Sometimes true hermaphroditism can remain invisible until old age, if you do not take into account the problem of infertility or some complaints about the lower abdominal cavity.

For normal human life, no threats arise from the disease, people with such a diagnosis can live quite fully. Only the fact that few people can give offspring, or rather, very few, remains disappointing, because the consequence of the disease is infertility.

With such an ailment, all kinds of sexual perversions are observed, such as homosexuality, transsexualism, etc.

Depending on the psychological and physiological orientations, as well as anatomical characteristics, the place of the patient in society is determined, but most often these are maladjusted individuals.

A hermaphrodite is a person who has male and female sex characteristics at the same time. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously say what gender is a hermaphrodite. Many specialists refer such patients to the middle sex. A hermaphrodite is a person who cannot have children. Quite often, hermaphrodite girls instead of ovaries have a mixture of tissues from the ovaries and testes. This hybrid tissue is unable to synthesize any hormones because it does not contain follicles and eggs.

Hermaphroditis is a rather rare occurrence, since such a pathology occurs on average in one out of 2 thousand newborns. There are false and true hermaphroditism.

Etiology of the disease

In fact, there are a lot of reasons that provoke hermaphroditism:

Pseudohermaphroditism in women

A false female hermaphrodite is a female but with male genitalia. As a rule, this pathology develops against the background of certain diseases (arrenoblastomas, adrosteromas, hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex). In some cases, the etiology of the disease remains unknown. Hermaphrodite girls have a female set of sex chromosomes (46, XX), a mixed structure of the external genitalia. In most patients with false female hermaphroditism, the ovaries are formed correctly. In addition, they are able to function effectively throughout life.

Pseudohermaphroditism in men

A false male hermaphrodite is a male but with female sex characteristics. This anomaly occurs in one in 300-400 newborn babies. A hermaphrodite is a person who has two anomalies. One of them is the incorrect localization of the testicles, and the other is the incorrect development of the male urethra. Those who are interested in what hermaphrodites look like can find photos of people suffering from this pathology in the specialized literature.

True hermaphroditism

True intersexuality in humans is extremely rare (about 200 cases have been described in the literature in the entire history of mankind). This pathology is understood as a condition in which both testicular and ovarian elements are present in one organism. If you are interested in the topic: "Hermaphrodite Girls", the photos will be presented below.


The symptoms of hermaphroditism are varied and depend on the form and causes of the disease. The main signs of pathology include the following signs:

  • underdevelopment of the penis;
  • anomaly of the external genitalia;
  • curvature of the penis;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • mixed type of figure;
  • development of the mammary glands in a boy;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • premature puberty;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • inconsistency of the physique and timbre of the voice with the passport gender;
  • difficulties in sexual life;
  • infertility.

Diagnostic methods

To diagnose hermaphroditism, doctors perform a number of examinations and tests:

  • analysis of anamnestic data (how did the mother's pregnancy proceed, the state of health of newborns, are there any anomalies in the structure of the genitals, how did puberty occur, are there any complaints about sexual activity, infertility, etc.);
  • a physical examination is required to detect abnormalities in the development of secondary sexual characteristics (type of body hair and body type, development of muscle tissue and mammary glands), possible symptoms of pathology of internal organs (visual examination of the skin, changes in blood pressure, weight, height, circumference);
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • laparoscopy;
  • intellectual development research;
  • examination by an endocrinologist;
  • biopsy of the gonads;
  • genetic analysis;
  • ureteroscopy (vaginoscopy);
  • gynecography;
  • radiography;
  • karyotyping (study of mutations in the chromosomal composition);
  • examination by a urologist (a specialist examines the external genitalia for developmental anomalies, palpates the scrotum, examines the condition of the prostate);
  • ultrasound examination of the adrenal glands and abdominal organs;
  • biochemical blood test (determination of the concentration of 17-ketosteroids and gonadotropin).

Therapy Methods

Treatment of the above pathology is strictly individual. Depending on the etiology of the disease, hormone therapy is prescribed:

  • steroid hormones;
  • glucocorticoids (hormones of the adrenal cortex);
  • thyroid-stimulating hormones;
  • hormonal drugs that affect the regulatory function of the adenohypophysis.

Anomalies of the genital organs are corrected surgically. Men undergo plastic correction of the external genitalia according to the male type (plastic surgeons form the scrotum, lower the testicles into the scrotum, enlarge and straighten the penis, perform urethral plastic surgery, remove underdeveloped testicles, since they very often undergo malignant transformation).

Consequences and complications

The main complications of the disease include the following:

  • infertility;
  • lack of sexual life;
  • social disorientation;
  • malignant neoplasms in the testes;
  • pathology of urination with the wrong location of the urethra;
  • perverted sexual behavior (homosexuality, bisexuality, transvestism, transsexualism).

Hermaphroditism is a rather mysterious phenomenon and the exact reasons for its development are not clear to medical scientists today. The existence of hermaphrodites has been known since ancient times. According to legend, the first of them was the androgynous son of Hermes and Aphrodite.

There are many cases of this pathology in animals, but sometimes a similar phenomenon occurs in humans. Depending on which gonads predominate, it has an advantage in its significance, certain signs of female or male signs appear. This applies to:

  • external genital organs;
  • mammary glands;
  • voice timbre;
  • hairline.

The predominance of male or female gonads even affects the manner of behavior or gait, the level of psycho-emotional susceptibility, and character stock. The most common is true hermaphroditism, leading to infertility, disruption of psycho-emotional balance, and sometimes even to inadequate and immoral human behavior.


Obvious signs of hermaphroditism are the discrepancy between the established sex of a person and his signs, more precisely:

  • the presence of well-developed mammary glands in men;
  • deformation of the penis;
  • the formation of the genital organs in a man according to the female type;
  • the presence of male external genitalia in women;
  • amenorrhea associated with the absence of the uterus and appendages;
  • the presence of a full-fledged vagina and a significant enlarged (up to the size of the penis) clitoris;
  • the presence of the so-called "blind" vagina and displacement of the urethra.

In some cases, the patient goes to a medical institution with a suspected inguinal hernia, but during the examination it is found that the testicles are located deep in the enlarged labia.

According to scientists, this pathology is caused by a genetic failure and has become the reason that a person has both male and female secondary sexual characteristics. Researchers distinguish between two types of disease:

  • true or natural hermaphroditism;
  • false.

The emergence of both forms leads to a process during which, even during the intrauterine development of the fetus, genes and chromosomes change, they mutate and there is a failure in the hormonal balance in the body of the mother or fetus.

Hermaphroditism in humans, otherwise known as bisexuality, occurs in both men and women. And in both cases it can be true or false. Only a highly qualified doctor can make a final diagnosis and prescribe an adequate solution.

true bisexuality

Ambisexuality, bisexuality or true hermaphroditism is quite rare. According to statistics, this is only 1 case per 10 thousand newborn babies. In this case, the germ cells of both sexes will be found in the body immediately after birth, and a visual examination will reveal the presence of sexual characteristics inherent in both sexes.

Bisexuality determines the presence in the patient's blood of both male and female gonads. True hermaphroditism can be:

  • Bilateral, when at the location of the gonads on both sides there is either an ovotestis containing tissue cells of both gonads, or an ovary and a testicle. Moreover, the ovotestis, like the ovary, is located in the abdominal cavity, and the testicle is in the inguinal canal or descends into the scrotum.
  • Unilageral - on the one hand, the ovotestis, and on the other, the ovary or testis.
  • The lateral is distinguished by the absence of an ovotestis, but on one side is the ovary, and on the opposite side is the testis.

The peculiarity of such gonads is that the ovaries can be full-fledged, and the process of producing spermatozoa is completely absent in the testicles. and estrogens in these cases are produced normally, secondary sexual characteristics are mixed. Hermaphroditism in humans is a rather rare phenomenon, while in the nature around us it is characteristic of many living beings and fungi, plants.

For example, for worms to reproduce, one individual is enough, in the body of which there are germ cells of both sexes. This pathology is so rare that only two hundred such cases were recorded during the entire period of observation and research. Much more common is another pathology associated with the presence of gonads of one sex and secondary sexual characteristics of the other. This is false hermaphroditism.

Pseudobicavity in women

If true hermaphroditism involves the presence of a testicle and an ovary in the patient's body at the same time, then false is a condition in which the structure of the genitals and their appearance inherent in one sex or another does not correspond to the sex of the gonads. The cause of hermaphroditism in women can be intrauterine virilization of the fetus. Is that possible:

  • if there is a tumor in the mother's body that produces or stimulates the production of androgens (male sex hormones);
  • the second reason is the regular intake by a woman of drugs that increase the level of androgen production;
  • the third is congenital disorders in the functionality of the adrenal cortex, which is responsible for the stable production of progesterone and other hormones.

This pathology can be inherited. If it is present, the formation of the gonads proceeds correctly and the ovaries do not differ and there are no developmental disorders. Secondary sex characteristics are both male and female. Depending on how high the degree of mutation is, the severity of the changes also depends. This may be a slight increase in the clitoris, or it may have formed genitals in appearance and size that do not differ from men's.

Additional signs of pathology can be considered the presence of a well-developed musculature, a rough voice, and increased secondary hair growth in a representative of the weaker sex. Often such women perceive themselves as a man, and others treat them the same way. Much more dangerous is the situation in which, even in the delivery room, immediately after the birth of the child, in accordance with his external sexual characteristics, they put the male gender, but only with time it turns out that his sex glands are the ovaries. Living for some time in ignorance, such a person voluntarily classifies himself as a passive homosexual.

False bisexuality in men

Male pseudo hermaphroditism is a pathology in the presence of which a man has male gonads and female external genitalia. There are two forms of this pathology:

  • hypospadias, which is characterized by abnormal development of the urethra;
  • cryptorchidism, when abnormal development is characteristic of the male gonads (testicles).

If true hermaphroditism is extremely rare, and the case when the patient had full female and male genital organs at the same time is not described at all, then false bisexuality is quite common in both women and men. Hermaphroditism suggests infertility, but healthy women are carriers of the genome capable of passing it on by inheritance. In men, the pathology manifests itself in the form of androgen insensitivity syndrome.

The tissues of the male body become insensitive to androgens (male sex hormones), and the sensitivity to estrogens (female hormones), on the contrary, increases markedly. Despite the fact that the patient looks like a woman, he has:

  • the vagina is completely absent;
  • despite the presence of female genital organs, there is no menstruation, since there is no uterus;
  • the mammary glands are quite strongly enlarged (developed according to the female type);
  • secondary hair growth is slightly or completely absent.

The main distinguishing feature is the incorrect location of the testicles. They are not in the scrotum, but in the inguinal canals. They can be found in the depths of the labia majora or in the abdominal cavity.

The feminization of the patient may be complete or incomplete. It depends on how high or low the level of sensitivity of the tissues of the male body to androgens is. In cases where Reifenstein is diagnosed by a doctor, the patient has genital organs almost completely outwardly corresponding to normally developed, full-fledged and functional.

Types of false hermaphroditism

There are three types of false hermaphroditism in men:

  • feminizing, in which the patient has a female body type;
  • virilny - the physique is typically male;
  • eunuchoid - the mammary glands are undeveloped, but there is no secondary hair growth and the timbre of the voice is greatly changed.

Appeal to specialists for the treatment of hermaphroditism is caused by the discomfort and desire of the patient to achieve a correspondence between the inner world and the existing appearance. The possibility of surgical treatment is often determined by the patient's passport sex, but in some situations (with minor defects in the external genital organs), correction is possible.

In any case, therapy is strictly individual, and at the discretion of the doctor, the patient may be prescribed hormonal drugs and agents that stimulate the function of the pituitary gland. It is important to regularly attend psychotherapeutic classes, communicate with a psychologist. Diagnosis and therapy of this pathology should be carried out in early childhood, which imposes a huge responsibility on pediatricians.

Physiological features of hermaphrodites.

We don't often hear about hermaphrodites. Moreover, most of us imagine such individuals as rather strange with genitals like in women and men. In fact, everything is different and more complicated. In the article we will try to figure out who hermaphrodites are.

Outwardly, these are the most ordinary people who get along well in society. The most interesting thing is that hermaphroditism can be impossible to determine before puberty. Many people think that hermaphrodites have the genitals of a man and a woman, but this is not entirely true. Many hermaphrodites initially have the genitals of a woman or a man, and only during puberty are violations detected. A boy may grow breasts, and a girl will have no mammary glands and no menstruation.

Hermaphroditism is a genetic disease that develops when the fetus is in the womb, there are failures in the DNA. At the same time, the father and mother are completely healthy and do not have genetic anomalies. It is not fully understood why hermaphrodites are born.

The main reason is a genetic disorder that doctors and scientists cannot explain. At the same time, outwardly it can be a woman or a man, but inside everything is different.

Types of hermaphroditism:

  • True. In this type, a person has both genitals. That is, inside the ovaries and testicles, and outside the vagina and penis.
  • False. He, in turn, is divided into female and male type. In the male type, a person develops a penis that is small in size. With a female, the chest does not grow, the voice is rough.

The genitals look different, depending on the type of hermaphroditism.

Key Features:

  • In men, the penis is underdeveloped, curved, small in size. The scrotum is dense and resembles the female labia. The testicles are often not descended into the sacs.
  • In women, a large clitoris may look like a small penis. The labia resemble the scrotum, they are large, irregularly shaped.

Hermaphrodites go to the toilet in the usual way. It all depends on the type of hermaphroditism. Urination occurs like everyone else, through the urethra. It can be located in the penis or in the perineum.

There is a very beautiful legend according to which the son of Hermes and Aphrodite fell in love with a nymph. This woman lived in the water and also fell in love with the young man. Then the son of the gods came to his father and mother and asked them to join together. Since then, hermaphrodites have appeared. Although from a medical point of view, the legend has nothing to do with it.

Does a person have a hermaphrodite menstruation?

It all depends on the type of hermaphroditism. If this is a false type, then only sex hormones, female or male, are secreted. But due to the peculiarities of the internal structure, girls may not have periods. They can begin much later than is customary among healthy girls. Due to the presence of sexual characteristics of two sexes, the ovaries in girls are underdeveloped and may secrete insufficient amounts of hormones. Because of this, menstruation may not occur. Although there are cases when hermaphrodites have menstruation and reproductive function is preserved.

In most cases, hermaphrodites are sterile. This is possible due to the underdevelopment of the testicles or ovaries. But there are cases of successful conception and birth of a child in hermaphrodites.

Can a hermaphrodite get pregnant on its own?

No, this is impossible. In fact, sex with oneself among hermaphrodites is not possible. At the same time, due to the underdevelopment of the reproductive system, useless sperm is produced or the ovaries do not produce an egg.

No, It is Immpossible. Since a woman will look like a woman with false hermaphroditism. She doesn't have a penis. The genitals are strangely shaped and look strange too. In this case, sexual function may not be impaired. Such a woman will be able to get pregnant from a man with a normal hormonal background. Another woman will not be able to have sexual contact with such a hermaphrodite due to the lack of a penis.

How do hermaphrodite people reproduce?

Hermaphrodites reproduce like all ordinary people. This is possible only with false hermaphroditism. With the true type, it will not work to get pregnant, conceive or give birth to a child. In the presence of sexual characteristics of both sexes, a man may not have impaired male function. Sex hormones can be produced in normal amounts. Therefore, practically getting pregnant from a false hermaphrodite is real.

It's not the same thing. Transvestites are ordinary people without genetic disorders. They just look different than they feel. Therefore, they resort to gender reassignment. Hermaphrodites are a kind of mutants that have characteristics of both men and women.

Hermaphrodites - famous people: photo

In history, a sufficient number of famous people are hermaphrodites. The saddest thing is that during the time of the Inquisition, such individuals were burned and tortured. That is why many were forced to hide their belonging to hermaphrodites.

Famous hermaphrodites in history:

  • Margaret Mallor. A woman under 21 believed that she was the most ordinary. It was not until 1686 that a doctor who examined her because of her illness revealed anomalies. The certificate indicated that Magreret was more of a man than a woman. That is why she was forbidden to call herself a woman's name and engage in women's work. Outwardly, Margaret was like a woman, of a fragile physique and rounded shapes. Due to her physical features, she could not do heavy male work, so she was forced to beg. Only thanks to another doctor, who issued a certificate that Margaret is more of a woman, gave her the right to be considered as such again.
  • Genevieve de Beaumont. He was more of a man than a woman. He successfully played the role of both men and women. He was a courtier, often spied on kings.
  • Joseph Maso. Until the age of 12, he was brought up as a girl, but then the doctors stated that it was more like a boy. Sexual characteristics were more similar to female ones, parents mistook a small penis for an overgrown clitoris. After an autopsy, it turned out that Joseph has a uterus and ovaries and is more of a woman than a man.

Some of the hermaphrodites have had huge success in deformity rides, such as Diana/Edgar, Bobby Cork, and Donald/Diana, who was publicly speaking as early as 1950.

Genevieve de Beaumont

Hermaphrodite athletes: photo

A sufficient number of hermaphrodites are also known among athletes. History speaks of this. In 1966, sex control was introduced at the Olympic Games, which made it mandatory to check all participants for belonging to a certain gender. After all, cases of hermaphroditism are known in women's sports. At the same time, a hermaphrodite is physically stronger than any woman.

Famous hermaphrodite athletes:

  • Dora Ratjen - high jumper
  • Zdenka Koubova - athlete
  • Helen Stephens - athlete
  • Stanislav Valasevich - athlete
  • Rene Richards - tennis player
  • Maria Patino - athlete

Dora Ratjen

Zdenka Koubova Rene Richards

The saddest thing is that many athletes turn into men due to the constant use of steroids and hormones. Their voice becomes coarse and their hair grows.

As you can see, there are a large number of hermaphrodites among athletes, according to some sources, one in 500 athletes. The presence of male hormones helps to win the Olympics.

VIDEO: Who are hermaphrodites?

There are a considerable number of actions performed by people completely automatically, that is, during the implementation of which a person does not think: why exactly? For example, filling out numerous questionnaires that require information about age, gender, race, etc.

In the matter of indicating gender for most people, everything is clear and understandable: there are men and there are women.

However, not everything is so categorical, and there is a group of people who do not fit into the general framework. For them, this item of the questionnaire is a question that they find it difficult to answer. Earlier, in the time of the ancient gods, they themselves were ranked among the demigods born on earth from heavenly parents.

The concept of hermaphroditism originates in ancient Greek legend. Hermaphrodite was the son of two gods - Hermes and Aphrodite.

The Middle Ages were marked by the beginning of a harsh and cruel persecution of these people with a unique body, declaring them to be the fiends of hell.

Hermaphroditism is considered by many overly suspicious people to be the machinations of evil spirits, and people with this deviation do not have the right to further life in society. Since the Middle Ages, the attitude towards hermaphrodites has not changed much, although they were no longer burned at the stake.

People of science are outraged by this attitude - in fact, hermaphroditism is a consequence of the incomplete development of the human body. Other deviations, except for the special structure of the genital organs, are not noticed in hermaphrodites. Except, perhaps, behavior that is non-standard for an ordinary person, which is explained by two different personalities in one body, but not all of them.

The cause of the problem lies in the genes - sometimes during the development of the fetus, a genetic failure occurs that violates the further order of development.

A little theory:

embryos are initially female, but until 9–10 weeks of development, their sex is not finally determined. That is, before this period, the fetus contains both male and female anatomical features, and its further gender predisposition is, in fact, a lottery.

However, the basic sex of the fetus is female, with its inherent external data. And its development in the event of a genetic error or failure can go the following way:

  1. The transformation of sex into male requires the production of a large amount of testosterone, comparable to its amount in an adult. A mutation or a mistake in a gene leads to a disruption in this process, and as a result, a woman is born with two different indicators: a male chromosome set and characteristic genital organs. That is, a woman on the outside, and a man on the inside.
  2. A similar situation can occur with a female-oriented fetus. Suppose one of the two chromosomes is missing for some reason, or the adrenal glands malfunction, and instead of the sex hormones produced in the female body, they begin to produce intensively. As a result, obstetricians joyfully shout that a boy was born, looking at the characteristic signs, but in fact it is a girl, with all the inherent internal organs.

Such a deviation is not uncommon by genetic standards - one in ten thousand newborns can be a girl in the body of a boy.

Hermaphroditism in humans, in which male and female glands are simultaneously present in a person, is an extremely rare phenomenon.

There are true and false hermaphroditism:

  1. True (gonadal) - characterized by the simultaneous presence of male and female genital organs, along with this, there are both male and female sex glands. The testicles and ovaries in this form can either be combined into one mixed gonad, or located separately. Secondary sexual characteristics have elements of both sexes: a low timbre of voice, a mixed (bisexual) type of figure, more or less developed mammary glands. The chromosome set in such patients usually corresponds to the female.
  2. False hermaphroditism (pseudohermaphroditism) occurs when there is a contradiction between the internal and external signs of sex, that is, the gonads are formed correctly according to the male or female type, but the external genitalia have signs of bisexuality. The reason for this is a failure at the genetic level during the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Fatal mistake

The work of chromosomes is not yet a sufficiently studied process, and raises many questions from specialists. It is still not clear at what stage of fetal development hermaphroditism may appear. Most experts are inclined to believe that the risk of becoming a hermaphrodite may arise even at the time of conception of a child. However, the real reasons for this and the mechanism of development are not yet fully understood. As a result, several external factors have been identified, due to which hermaphroditism can develop:

  • exposure to radiation;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • alcohol and drug abuse.

The mutated gene can belong to either parent, or it can exist in both at the same time. There are frequent cases of transmission of this pathology by inheritance - when in the same genus with constant periodicity children were born with genitals that did not correspond to the sex of the child.

The most famous case in medical circles: when a family of 6 children who looked like girls, but in fact were boys, came to see a doctor.

This is called testicular feminization, and, like the well-known hemophilia, can only be transmitted from mother to son.

However, often such people stand out for their exceptional beauty and sharp mind. They achieve high performance in sports, thanks to male hormones, which significantly affect endurance, speed and strength. Among ordinary women, they are distinguished by stronger physical data, which allows them to easily take leading places in various sports. However, they often suffer from a sense of their own inferiority, largely due to the inability to start a normal family and two opposites, enclosed in one body.

They are also often prone to various kinds of psychological disorders and phobias, mostly they are dominated by the fear of being isolated from the rest of society.

This makes the life of hermaphrodites simply unbearable, and the number of suicides among people with such a diagnosis is quite high. In addition, they breed very reluctantly, fearing that their children may repeat the fate of their parents. Often people with this feature are infertile.

Body transformation

Despite the fairly widespread opinion about the visibility of such deviations, often hermaphroditism cannot be quickly recognized. Indeed, in many cases it does not appear outwardly. Already in adolescents, characteristic signs inherent in the other sex begin to appear: girls can notice with horror the appearance of mustaches and stubble, while boys begin to grow breasts and, in addition, critical days appear.

Among specialists, cases of detection of deviations at the stage of transformation are the most problematic and unpleasant. The fact is that the sooner a feature is identified, the more active the treatment will be, allowing in the future to avoid most of the problems experienced by hermaphrodites. The ideal age for detection and initiation of intervention is the first year of a child's life.

Carrying out correction already at a conscious age means causing significant psychological trauma, after which not everyone can recover. Often, the discovery of the truth about one's gender leads to deep depression and associated suicide attempts or the use of drugs and alcohol.

The most difficult thing for doctors is the correct determination of the future sex of the child. To do this, you need to choose which types of sex hormones - male or female, will be treated. After taking such drugs, there is no turning back, and a mistake can be fatal.

It is not worth making hasty decisions, and even if there is some confidence in the dominance of one of the principles in the body, thorough tests should be carried out.

Genetic expertise has greatly simplified the work of specialists, reducing the likelihood of error to a minimum. Currently, doctors correct the gender of the child at the stage of fetal development, which helps to avoid psychological trauma in the future.

The latest technology helps to reveal the sex of the child and, if necessary, to carry out a correction even in the womb, thanks to which hundreds of healthy and whole personalities are born.

third floor

What about those who did not pass the examination on time and now live with “foreign” genitals? Sex reassignment in adult life is accompanied by severe psychological suffering, because in fact for them it is a second birth in a completely opposite body. Returning to a former life in a new capacity can be a real torture for them, and the help of a psychologist is sometimes mandatory.

However, not everyone can receive timely and high-quality psychological assistance, not to mention the social problems of people who had hermaphroditism at birth. They experience difficulties with the replacement of documents, transfer to another place of study, medical care, etc. And this, given the attitude of others

However, everything may seem like a mere trifle before the further existence of hermaphrodites. After all, a person needs to adapt to think of himself as a representative of the opposite sex, demonstrating the appropriate model of behavior.

In them, female and male behavior is so closely intertwined that it is sometimes simply impossible to separate them.
Doctors have developed their own theory, which will greatly facilitate the life of hermaphrodites. In their opinion, hermaphroditism is a phenomenon inherent in people of the third sex. That is, something in between, not related to either men or women. In modern society, hermaphroditism is quite common: men's skirts, women's trousers, etc.

Now society is gradually blurring the lines between men and women, practicing equality, regardless of gender.

Yes, and the natural mechanism of development itself allows you to think about the emergence of a third sex - embryos are initially bisexual, and this is the norm.

Maybe the old legend about the bisexual creatures that previously inhabited the earth, cursed by the gods and placed in different bodies, with different genitals, is not lying? Then it is quite possible that real human nature begins to gradually win back its positions, producing hermaphrodites.

In any case, with such problems, you need to consult a doctor. And it is also very important, if you met such a person in your life, to remain human yourself. No need to shy away from them, as from lepers, it is indicative to regret, to scoff. However, it is not necessary to elevate this phenomenon to the rank of a new norm for society and propagate it for a massive change in the sex of people.


Hermaphroditism causes difficulties in assigning an individual to any particular sex. It is a form of intersexism. Hermaphroditism has been known since ancient times. This phenomenon lies at the basis of beliefs common in the East and West.

According to one of them, Hermes and Aphrodite had a son of extraordinary beauty, his name was Hermaphrodite. When the young man was fifteen years old, the nymph Salmanis passionately desired him, but her love was not mutual. The nymph was inconsolable and, at her request, the gods united her with Hermaphrodite together, creating a same-sex creature.

If we consider hermaphroditism from a medical point of view, then there is nothing special here, at least in our time. The development of such an embryo is no different from the development of a normal child. However, already in the sixth life, two reproductive systems can be considered - male and female.

Towards the end of its development in the womb, a nine-month-old male fetus develops a rudiment of the uterus, the so-called "male uterus", instead of the usual prostate gland. The testicles correspond to the ovaries, the seminal vesicles to the fallopian tubes, and the clitoris is an undeveloped member.

Since ancient times, hermaphrodites have been divided into two types. The first are female hermaphrodites, that is, manifestation. And, accordingly, men's, the so-called ginandria.

In addition, hermaphroditism can develop according to the lateralis type, that is, the organs of the male body are on one side, and the female on the opposite side. There is also a type of transversalis, when the internal organs correspond to one type, and the external ones to another.

Despite the fact that in our society hermaphroditism is considered a pathology, it must be understood that in each of us there is a kind of double principle that is opposite to our own nature. Oddly enough, but in ancient times, hermaphroditism was very honorable. This phenomenon was sung in ballads and poems, many deities were bisexual. Therefore, one should not think that people with this pathology are worse than we are.

Treatment of hermaphroditism is strictly individual. When choosing a sex, the functional prevalence of the female or male body is taken into account. Basically, operations are performed on the external genitalia, but there are cases of operations for the complete elimination of hermaphroditism. After such operations, constant monitoring by specialists is necessary, but in general the prognosis is favorable. Unfortunately, childbearing in such a case is impossible.

Hermaphrodites are fish that have both male and female sexual characteristics. By itself, hermaphroditism is the simultaneous (or sequential) presence in a living organism of female and male sexual characteristics, as well as organs for reproduction.


For many species of fish, a clear division of their sexes is characteristic and, as a result, they are bisexual. It is curious that some fish are polygamous, while others are monogamous. But perhaps the most curious fish are. It's hard to believe, but some of these fish can even change sex several times throughout their lives. Such an individual can function both female and male. Typically, fish show consistent hermaphroditism, which can be influenced both by the state of the environment and some changes in their population.

There are also hermaphrodite fish that are males at the beginning of their lives, and later undergo cardinal metamorphoses of their reproductive system, turning into fully functional females. Here we are already talking about protoandric hermaphroditism. For example, representatives of the sea bass family have this form of hermaphroditism. Sea wrasses can serve as a striking example of such transformations: all males transform into females with age.

However, in the wrasse family, the reverse process is also observed: if necessary, females can also take the places of disappeared males. This happens if a male is removed from a group of wrasses. In this case, the strongest female will begin to demonstrate the behavior of a male, and already through her reproductive system changes dramatically, starting to produce male genitalia.

Hermaphroditism of fish can be not only natural, but also artificial, occurring under the influence of any chemicals. So, for example, American scientists from the US Geological Survey, who studied the basins of large US rivers, came to the conclusion that mutant fish appeared in certain American rivers, which are bisexual creatures. It turned out that mutant hermaphrodites are both smallmouth and largemouth bass. Scientists have identified the main habitats of these fish: the Mississippi, Yamp, Columbia, Colorado, Pee Dee, Rio Grande, Colorado, Apalachicole rivers.

Biologists from the US State Geological Research Center are confident that this phenomenon is not related to the natural life of these fish. According to them, there is a suspicion that the hormonal restructuring of these creatures occurred under the influence of disorienting chemical signals in their body. It is worth noting that some scientists who previously claimed that these fish change their sex under the influence of various chemicals do not exclude the possibility of other factors affecting them, since some of these creatures were generally found in fairly clean water bodies.

Hermaphrodite - why do people become known to have suffered from hermaphroditism. This phenomenon refers to physiological abnormalities as a result of which the abnormal development of the reproductive system is noted. In some cases, this pathology is latent throughout the life cycle.

Who is a hermaphrodite?

Hermaphrodites are people with abnormal physiology in the reproductive system. In the structure of the reproductive organs, the presence of male and female secondary signs is noted. In medical practice, this phenomenon is called "androgynes". Translated from Greek, "aner" means - a man, and "gyne" - a woman. Such a violation is associated with abnormal development of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy.

In nature, the main representatives of hermaphroditism are distinguished. These include: fungi, invertebrates and many representatives from the plant kingdom. These types of organisms reproduce on their own, thereby increasing their populations several times in one season.

Who are hermaphrodites - symptoms and distinguishing features

In medicine, two forms of this pathology are distinguished. Each of them has its own characteristics and ways of manifestation. These include:

  • true;
  • pseudohermaphrodite.

In its true form, the pathology is presented in the form of a full-fledged person, in whom the presence of a penis and vagina is noted. In addition, there are testicles and ovaries. During puberty, complete dysfunction of the reproductive system is noted. In some cases, there is a fusion of the genital organs into one.

This phenomenon occurs in a single case. Such representatives are called hermaphrodites tse. People with such modifications can have sexual intercourse with both men and women. When visually examined, they are no different from full-fledged people.

Pseudo-hermaphroditism, in turn, is divided into two categories. It is female and male. This pathology occurs quite often, in contrast to the true form. In the structure of the reproductive system, the presence of the genital organs of men or women is noted.

Male pseudohermaphroditism is accompanied by the correct physiology, but the absence of the reproductive system. He usually has malformed testicles. They are at the initial stage of formation located in the abdominal cavity. After a certain time, they do not descend into the scrotum. In addition, the urethra is strongly displaced.

The penis in this case has a disproportionate shape. On visual inspection, it is underdeveloped. In some cases, it is strongly curved.

The mammary glands bear a strong resemblance to female secondary sexual characteristics. They strongly protrude beyond the sternum. Not properly

Female pseudohermaphroditism involves the presence of testicles. In addition, there are pathologies in the structure of the genital organs. The clitoris is large. In some cases, growth of the labia is noted. The labia minora is completely absent. The mammary glands are more like men's.

On the body of a woman there is excessive hair growth in the chest, groin and face. The larynx has an incorrect structure. As a result of this, the patient has a dull timbre of voice, which has some resemblance to a man's.

Types and forms of hermaphroditism

As noted above, this pathology is divided into two types: true and false. The first variety occurs 1 time in 200 cases. The second is found among women and men.

False hermaphroditism in boys begins to form as early as the 3rd week of pregnancy. As the raft grows, a mutation of the genital organ is noted. At birth, babies are found to have a partial absence of the scrotum. The testicles stay in the abdominal cavity for a long time. During puberty, a mutation of the scrotum is noted. On visual inspection, it resembles the labia majora.

False female hermaphroditism develops a little differently. In the fetus at the 2nd week of development, the rudiments of the vagina and uterus are noted. The main cause of the pathology is associated with a violation of the synthesis of cortisone in the adrenal cortex. This is accompanied by a mutation of the genital organs. When viewed externally, they resemble men's.

If the presence of both sexual characteristics is ascertained in the fetus, then this phenomenon refers to true hermaphroditism. According to the location of the genital genitalia and internal contents, it is divided into:

  • bilateral. On each side, testicles and ovaries are observed;
  • unilateral. On the one hand, one of the reproductive organs is present;
  • lateral. Here, female and male gonads are noted;
  • bilateral. In this case, the sex gland consists of male and female genital secrets.

Life of famous hermaphrodite people

Such deviations in the structure of the reproductive system have always been subjected to special attention among strangers. They were most often subjected to constant ridicule or cruel treatment. In the Middle Ages, true hermaphroditism was much more common. People with a similar pathology were considered involved in evil spirits.

For example, Andita Kolas, who was diagnosed with a similar diagnosis in 1558, was imprisoned. She was under constant supervision by doctors and doctors. At that time, experts could not explain the main reason for the appearance of this deviation in the structure of the human body. The main version of the mutation of the genitals was a sexual relationship with Satan. To prevent such a phenomenon in 1560, Andite was burned at the stake.

The manifestation of hermaphroditism in a person of the 19th century was considered an unusual phenomenon. Attitudes towards people with such deviations directly depended on their status and position in society. Marie Dorothy was a representative of a similar pathology from a successful family. She was brought up as a woman, but at the same time she was a representative of the true form of pathology. In the will, she was listed as a man. During this period, doctors began to examine her. Each of them offered their own version, in which she was presented as both a man and a woman.

Caster Semenya, is a representative of hermaphroditism in our time. She noted the makings of a false form of hermaphroditism. During an external examination, the makings of a male body were observed in her. The face has pronounced cheekbones. Such shortcomings did not affect her successful career in any way. According to sources, the Woman won the gold medal in athletics at the World Championships in Berlin in 2009.

Is it possible to cure hermaphroditism

Today, such a deviation is perfectly treatable. Many experts note that hermaphrodite people need to be dealt with in the first year of a young organism's life. This will avoid psychological problems and moral perception of the individual.

The diagnosis of hermaphrodite is established even in the early stages of fetal development. Already on the 2nd week with ultrasound, it is possible to prevent such a deviation. Special drug therapy can minimize these malformations.

Treatment is with hormone therapy or surgery. The second type is used in the presence of serious deviations in the form of matted genitals.

Complications and consequences

There are a number of consequences and complications for bisexual people. They include:

  • with male pseudohermaphroditism, the testicles do not descend into the scrotum, thereby provoking the appearance of cancerous tumors;
  • with false female hermaphroditism, a disturbed urination process is noted. Most of the urine accumulates in the region of the kidneys, thereby provoking the occurrence of anuria;
  • lack of full sexual contact;
  • psychological disturbances in the perception of one's own personality.