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Weak biofield in humans are signs. Strong biofield in humans, signs. Does a human biofield exist

In Eastern religions, the aura is considered a manifestation of the human soul. Its study has a long history; ancient sources describe the biofield as a bright glow that surrounds a person. People with developed extrasensory abilities see an oval cocoon, in painting they are depicted in the form of a halo or halo.

Not everyone knows what a person's aura is, how to see and clear it yourself. This is an energy shell that surrounds a person from the outside. Violation of the shape, loss of the integrity of individual membranes are fraught with health problems. In hopeless people, it fades, it can completely disappear during life. Sometimes they even correct the situation on their own, without leaving home.

The aura does not have an unambiguous definition, and many sources interpret it differently. It is often called biofield or energy field. They are united only in that it is the outer shell of the body.

The human biofield is a part of cosmic energy. It becomes stronger when in contact with other energy carriers:

  • positively charged places (temple, church);
  • Sun;
  • water;
  • trees.

After visiting the church, going into nature, many experience peace of mind and a state of peace. The reason is that the aura was charged from the general energy of the cosmos. Animals and plants also have an energy shell, so communicating with pets and caring for flowers improves your mood.

There are people with whom it is unpleasant to communicate, to be around. They cause a feeling of discomfort, deterioration of health. These are energy vampires living off someone else's aura. Their strength depends on many factors, including age. Old people are charged with the energy of young people, children share it with their parents.

The size of the aura directly depends on the energy potential of a person. A large shell indicates leadership, strong will. A small aura occurs in vulnerable, sensitive people with weakened energy.

Biofield structure

The aura consists of several layers associated with the chakras, which are responsible for individual functions. Even shells are in constant motion, odd shells are stable. Intertwined with each other, being at the same spatial level. The ability to see them depends on the abilities and skills of the person. The biofield consists of 7 elements:

  1. Physical body. It exists in three-dimensional space, biochemical processes and mechanical actions take place in it.
  2. The etheric body shows the physical condition, the vitality of a person. It follows the contours of the body, only slightly going beyond its limits (10–12 cm).
  3. The astral layer is associated with the emotional sphere. At this level, desires and feelings are manifested.
  4. The mental shell governs thinking. Responsible for intelligence, thinking ability.
  5. The causal body refers to the current incarnation. It contains a life scenario, the reasons for actions and their consequences. It is sometimes called karmic.
  6. The Buddhist (intuitive) body is responsible for moral guidelines, wisdom.
  7. The atmic layer is the higher body. Located at a distance of up to one meter from a person. Provides protection from outside influences, connects with the Higher Mind.

What do the colors of the aura mean?

The aura, as if in a mirror, reflects the soul, thoughts, emotions of a person. A person is diagnosed by the predominant color. Shades change, but there is a main color that is constant throughout life. Meaning of colors:

  • Red is the color of the leaders. They prefer to make decisions for themselves and be responsible for them. Material well-being is important for them. Energetic and bold, realists. Temperament - choleric.
  • Orange is a strong personality with a positive attitude. Self-confidence, creativity. Temperament - a combination of a choleric person with a sanguine person.
  • Yellow is creativity. A person is smart, strives for self-expression. Sensitive, willing to enjoy life and be liked by others. Developed intuition, the ability to concentrate on achieving a set goal. Sanguine.
  • Green is the color of bankers. These are respectable people striving for material security and stability. Smart, strong-willed, good organizers, equally demanding of themselves and those around them. Stubborn and secretive, suppress others, it is difficult for them to find a suitable partner. Reliable, there is the gift of a healer. Phlegmatic.
  • Blue is a sign of intuition. These people do not like to sit in one place for a long time. They are drawn to travel, to change their social circle. They do not grow old in soul, sincere, it is difficult to hide feelings, they often say what they think. They try not to inconvenience others. It is easier for them to work alone than in a team. Melancholic.
  • Blue is spirituality. They are caring people, devoted to the family. Smart, responsive and kind. Hanged emotionality, mood is unstable.
  • Purple is wisdom. They love to study, to learn something new. For them, independence and freedom are important. Leadership ability, life is stormy. Failures, dangers will not stop them, will not become discouraged, but will continue to achieve what they want. Craving for intellectual, spiritual communication. They are interested in mysterious, unsolved phenomena. Intellectual, but physically weak.
  • Silver - nobility, creativity. They make grandiose plans, they love to dream. There is intuition and a rich imagination. They will never be deceived, they are gullible, they try to see only good qualities in people.
  • Pink - dedication, stability. They plan their lives, strive for financial success. It is difficult to convince them, they always defend their views.
  • White - wisdom and mercy, enlightenment. They are modest and caring, do not like conflicts. Money is not the main thing in life.

How can you see the aura

Anyone can learn to see the biofield. You don't need to have a unique gift for this. There is a modern way to develop this ability through specific exercises. Rarely does anyone succeed the first time; persistent studies are necessary.

To begin with, they train on their hands:

  1. Dim the lights to keep the room dim. Get into a comfortable position. There should be a white surface in front (wall, large sheet of paper).
  2. Stretch your arms forward so that your palm is facing you.
  3. Focus on the space near your fingers. This will be difficult, but the success of the lesson depends on it.
  4. If done correctly, you will see a faint glow emanating from your fingers.
  5. Try to change the position of your hand, move it a little. The translucent cloud will follow with her.

This is the first step towards the development of abilities. After regular exercise, you will see a colored biofield. To go to the next level, you need a mirror. Concentrate your gaze on the head and shoulders of your reflection. Try to see the aura around them. At first, it looks like a translucent haze.

Practice on plants, animals. Sitting in the park, relaxing on the beach, try people-watching. This will allow you to improve your skills faster.

Bruce's way

The method of Robert Bruce will help develop psychic abilities. He developed a simple way to work with the human energy field. This is a step-by-step process available to anyone, regardless of age, health, experience of spiritual practices. Stages:

  1. Sit down so that no light falls forever, the lighting is diffused and dim. Relax, close your eyes.
    Extend your hand with fingers apart and rotate the hand. Squeeze and unclench it several times.
  2. Concentrate on where the hand feels like. A movement will appear in the mind's eye. This exercise is easier to do if you look straight ahead. Then the shadows from the movement of the hand will not fall on the eyelids.
  3. Turn your head so that even with open eyes it is impossible to follow what the hand is doing. Repeat the exercise. With your inner vision, you will see everything that happens. At first it seems like a flickering of a fuzzy shadow.
  4. Continue moving your hand while observing the images that appear.
  5. Repeat the exercise with the other hand, then with two at the same time. Look straight ahead, eyes closed.
  6. Do the same with one leg, moving the foot, then with the other.
  7. Repeat the movement with the arms and legs involved. Move them to different positions, rotate them in all directions, remembering to closely watch what is happening.
  8. Switch your attention to your torso and head. The body consciousness continues to scan everything that happens.

With each new repetition, the picture observed by the inner eye becomes more detailed, the image is clearer. Regular exercises will allow you to see your own body in such detail, as if your eyes were open. The ability to observe the biofield requires some effort, which will be rewarded by the development of psychic abilities.

How to restore the aura

In healthy people, the biofield palette is radiant, there are no extraneous inclusions, gaps. Indicates physical, spiritual and mental well-being. The invisible shell protects a person, but sometimes it has to be cleaned, restored. Start by analyzing your life to understand the root cause of the problem.

Why does the biofield collapse?

Psychics believe that people most often spoil their own aura for themselves. The most common reasons are:

  • bad thoughts;
  • sinful deeds;
  • wrong feelings, desires.

In order not to harm yourself, try not to be angry, not to envy anyone and not to wish evil. Treason, betrayal will also return to you like a boomerang. People themselves provoke many diseases by their unworthy behavior.

Cleaning the aura

There are several ways to restore the biofield on your own. The most effective and efficient:

  1. With water. Take a cold shower. During the procedure, try to clearly imagine how the negative energy is washed off, goes far along with the trickles of water. Finally, pour the holy water of the church on top. Take a warm, healing bath with citrus aromatic oil or juniper. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes.
  2. By the power of imagination. Make a ring from your index finger and thumb. Imagine a flood of white light around you that protects you. Another option is to mentally create a transparent dome around you, through which nothing gets inside. This is done several times a day.
  3. Church. Reading a prayer, communion, confession will restore the energy balance. Buy a candle, light it and run it around your body. Crackling and soot means a violation of the biofield. During the ritual, imagine that all the troubles in the form of a black clot burn up in a flame.
  4. Meditation. Several sessions, especially with an aromatic lamp, will restore the aura.
  5. Nature. In the courtyard, in the park, go to the tree that you liked the most, press your back to it. Wait a few minutes. Recreation in nature is an excellent way to restore strength and energy. The earth has the ability to cleanse from negativity. Useful procedures - mud wraps, burying in the sand, or just lying on fresh grass. The fiery element destroys the negative. Many unconsciously feel how pleasant it is to look at the flame of a fire, forgetting about all the troubles.
  6. Smoke. This method has been known for a long time. A few twigs of juniper, wormwood, sage or St. John's wort set fire to and fumigate your home.
  7. Recording of church bells, sounds of Tibetan bowls.

Save biofield

People who use foul language, painfully perceive even minor troubles, do not play sports, experience stress, have little chance of preserving their energy shell. Protect it with a positive attitude. Do not be angry with people, take it for granted that ideal does not exist. Do not envy others' successes, do not judge others. Don't hang out with people who are willing to spend hours complaining about their problems.

Life is easier for those who do good deeds, the universe will not let them be offended. The following will help to strengthen the energy potential: giving up bad habits and auto-training - speaking out loud positive moods that incline to positive.

The human aura is unstable. Changes throughout life, responding to changes in mood, well-being, outside influence. Usually people are interested in how to care for it and restore the biofield only after serious problems. To get rid of them forever, it is not enough just to eliminate the negative consequences. We'll have to look for their source, which is most often hidden in the person himself. Do not waste energy on resentment and clarification of relationships with others, it is better to direct them to love for family and loved ones. And then everything will work out.

You will need:

What is it and why is it needed

It is assumed that there is energy throughout the entire earth. Every living creature or plant has its own special energy. It is released into space. It is the living force that allows you to feel the connection with the Universe.

The internal energy of a person influences his personal life, physical processes, diseases, success.

It is believed that the biological component of the biofield is located in the chakras. Although they are not visible, they are located in the body.

Treating each one improves health. Chakras store energy in the body. Lack of active vitality and illness reduce immunity, impair mental health and lead to serious illness.

The biofield is what we carry into the Universe. These are our thoughts, emotions, lifestyle.

Destructive thinking, constant complaints, anger, aggression, quarrels with others accumulate in the body. All negativity settles and destroys the biofield.

You need to regularly cleanse your body and mind from harmful influences. The energy source should saturate and bring joy.

What negative actions destroy the aura

It is customary for people to make money, improve their personal lives, and relax. But the inhabitants of most developed countries have forgotten about the most important thing - their own health. Regular check-ups and medication are needed. But many healers believe that positive energy is fundamental. A few minutes of prayer, repetition of affirmations, meditation will enhance emotional, mental and physical health. But there is also something that undermines it in a matter of weeks.

  • Viewing news;
  • gossip, condemnation;
  • envy, irritability, aggression;
  • replaying old grudges or negative memories;
  • voltage;
  • tiredness and unloved work;
  • wasting time, including watching TV series, TV;
  • low physical activity;
  • lack of hobbies, interests, goals;
  • inability to love;
  • dependence on something or someone.

Signs of a disturbed biofield

Numbness in the legs or arms may occur. Pain throughout the body, especially in the chakra region. Swollen muscles. General weakness, increased fatigue. Sleepiness and decreased interest in life.

A person often complains of a deterioration in the state of the body. Disorders of the hormonal cycle, loss of vitality occur.

A person seeks to find out what is wrong with him, he can check the condition with a doctor. But the obvious reasons are hard to find. Biological activity decreases. The previously active personality becomes lethargic. He feels a devastation, a lack of something. He tries to explain his condition by low pressure, magnetic storms. His relations with loved ones deteriorate, problems begin at work and in life.

Biofield purification methods

Energy recovery is a complex process. You can start it yourself or contact a specialist.

A woman needs to return lightness and a sense of security. A man needs to believe in himself.

Meditation will help restore vitality. Complete relaxation of the body and concentration of attention on positive thoughts eliminates the feeling of loneliness, fear, disappointment, anger.

Correct breathing is an excellent method. The person sits down or lies down as comfortably as possible. He controls every inhalation and exhalation. In this case, you need to be aware of the process. It helps to heighten the sense of meaning in life. This is protection from negative influences, because the patient is tuned in to get rid of the negative. For example, he believes that inhalation brings him strength, luck, love, and exhalation takes away all the bad things from his life. It is recommended to breathe like this every day before going to bed.

Recovery exercises

  • Sit in the lotus position and imagine that everything around you is set up to bring you joy. You need to thank each thing for its presence in your life, forgive the offenders and sincerely tune in to success. Deep self-knowledge, the ability to value life and thank the Universe for its gifts and trials will improve the general condition.

  • Sit down as comfortably as possible, take a deep breath and imagine that oxygen fills every cell. It only saturates you with positive things. The aura is filled with what you need (light, love, knowledge, protection from the evil eye). Oxygen spreads throughout the body and flows out smoothly through the skin. He creates a dome over you that protects you from outside influences.

Almost all Eastern religion and medicine is inextricably linked to the concept of energy. So, yoga fans often hear about prana, followers of Taoism and healers of Chinese medicine talk about qi energy, and in occultism the concept of "ether" is often found.

Such attention to the energy component of the human body is justified, since the sages of antiquity spoke about this, building their sometimes incredible theories, precisely on the existence and movement of various energies. And only relatively recently, the term human energy field came into use, which today is increasingly used in esoteric teachings.

Energy and biofield concept

However, before considering this term in more detail, I would like to talk about what energy is and why it is so important in our life. A wide variety of energies are described in scientific and pseudoscientific theories. At the same time, one must understand that energy as such does not exist by itself. It is a property, a certain parameter or quantity, as well as the rate of qualitative change in matters.

The latter, in turn, is the main component of everything that exists in the Universe. At the level of the macrocosm, the interaction of matter and space is constantly taking place, which leads to the emergence of completely new phenomena (galaxies, planets). At the level of the microcosm (man), this interaction leads to the appearance of such small particles as atoms or molecules.

Each such process is invariably accompanied by the appearance of energy. Now imagine that apart from matter that can be "felt", there are various types of matter that are very difficult to physically feel. For example, these include various emissions. And all these matters, when interacting with space, lead to the emergence of energy, which has the property of transforming from one type to another.

And the transformation of energies is accompanied by the emission of energy waves, which create a kind of field around the particle, which emits this energy. And if you remember how many of the smallest particles make up a separately taken living being (for example, a person), then you can imagine this energy network surrounding the body. This structure is called the energy field or biofield.

Biofield studies

Today, you can often hear about bioenergy - this is a field of knowledge that primarily studies the emergence and transformation of energy in the life processes of organisms. Scientists were the first to pose the question of the existence of something else besides the physical body of a living being, who, by chance, managed to see unique phenomena. Their explanations and study led to a more detailed examination of the question and even some answers.

For example, the researcher S. Kirlian, with the help of high-frequency photography, saw how the shell of a young plant has the image of an adult and discovered an invisible phantom of a DNA molecule, which absorbed photons and at the same time kept them in the form of a spiral corresponding in appearance to a DNA molecule. And further research by Barr confirmed the presence of energy fields in young salamanders, which, nevertheless, repeated the shape of an adult.

All these experiments led to the idea that in addition to the existence of a visible physical body, there are other shells. They are a matrix or framework for the development of the organism in the future. As the cells of the body grow, they seem to take their proper place. Thus, the biofield is the energy basis for all living organisms.

Rice. 1. Deformation of the field can enter the physical body at the level of any center, which indicates a possible disease of the organs of this area.

Figure 1 shows a fairly typical variant of field deformation, which can cause a wide range of problems: from mild discomfort to severe physical pathologies. The deeper the field boundary is "pressed" into the physical body, the more severe the pathology of organs and systems of the physical body corresponding to deformation, and the wider the diameter of the "depressed" zone, the more systems and organs are affected.

This type of deformation indicates that a person has a strong resentment - a severe, long-term, steadily generating state of criticism. It is sometimes said about such states: "He (her) is suffocated by a heavy resentment." Or: "Resentment presses on the chest." Or: "Everything in my chest clenched from bitter resentment." A person carries such an offense in himself, criticizes the one whom he is offended, repeatedly “scrolls” his critical calculations in his mind, as a result of which he “sinks” into his offense even more. By "winding" himself in this way, he finds himself in a vicious circle of stable fixation of emotional reactions to emotional reactions. At some point, the source and cause of the resentment already lose their original meaning, since a person “catches the buzz” of self-pity and self-contempt from his own emotional states. And the deforming tendency, which was "outlined" by the primary offense itself, develops into a stable and steadily developing deformation of the field.

An example from life: my daughter went to school completely healthy, and returned home with a high fever and cough. The mother diagnosed and identified this type of deformity at the chest level. Investigating the cause of the deformation, the mother found out that the girl had a falling out with her best friend and was very upset about this event, resenting her friend and inside herself criticizing her attitude towards herself. The mother was able to explain to her daughter the groundlessness of her resentment and criticism, and showed the mutual inability of her friends to come to an agreement. After that, the daughter performed the forgiveness ritual (the technique for performing the forgiveness ritual will be presented below) and got rid of the deformation. After a few hours, not a trace of fever and cough remained. The next morning the girl came to school completely healthy. And her friend didn’t come to school. It turns out that her condition was exactly the same, but her mother was not "seer" and therefore decided that the girls simply contracted one from the other with some kind of viral infection. The week of the standard treatment generally accepted in such cases ended with the girl's seemingly recovered, but the deformity of the field caused by the offense was never eliminated. The potential for the transition of the disease into a chronic form in this case is more than a likely outcome of the "energy situation". When working with field deformations, it is most important to “reach” the true psychoemotional causes of their occurrence. Otherwise, full treatment is impossible.

Self-identification and elimination of deformations of the etheric field caused by resentment

Take a comfortable posture, calm down and normalize your breathing - make it even, calm, shallow, rhythmic (1-2 minutes).

Revealing the fact of the presence of resentment

A very important stage. As a rule, we strive to look beautiful in our own eyes, and therefore do not want to admit to ourselves any "unseemly" emotional reactions, especially when it comes to our loved ones. Self-honesty is critical in identifying and addressing the causes of etheric disturbances. Just ask yourself the question: "Do I carry a grudge against someone?" Don't rush to answer right away. Remember friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, in short, try to sort out in your mind everyone with whom you communicate, communicated, met, collaborated, feuded, etc. Follow not the logic of answers, but your internal emotional reaction. It often happens that during the practice of this technique, a person unexpectedly realizes some purely emotional "ties" in which he did not realize until that moment, identifying them with himself.

Release from resentment

When working on identifying the fact of resentment, as a rule, three variants of psychological situations are found.

A) Recurring typical situations of criticism and resentment when mentioning a particular person (or when remembering him).

B) Typical situations that are repeated when different people are mentioned. The emotional coloring of these situations may be less vivid than in case (A), however, the typicality of these situations indicates that we have a "weak spot" that makes us emotionally react in some standard way to certain manifestations on the part of other people. The result is accumulated grievances, the internal mechanism of which developed according to the same logic. Naturally, they all lead to the same type of anomalies of the etheric field. A classic example is the resentment of one of the representatives of the older generation against each of the children or grandchildren on the same occasion: “I love you all so much (demonstration of affection) ... I gave you so much (I gave) (fixing the feeling of an unpaid debt) ... I am so waiting for you (here the offense is already beginning to sound that the debt is not being paid) ... And you ... rarely come in, do not love ... ungrateful, etc. (criticism went). "

B) Less often, the reason for such a deformation is the "abstract fallout" about someone's way of life, actions, actions, etc., that is, about what we seem to care about, but - " I understand, I don’t want to understand, and I cannot accept ”. Usually, such a state develops into resentment (behind which, in fact, something like envy is hidden - “how can he afford what I cannot ?!” - which, of course, no one will ever admit to himself), and then this is - offense in the first version. Sometimes, instead of a grave resentment, an active thirst for criticism “cuts through” - in this case, the situation is more reminiscent of the second option: “How can he live this way, how he can act, I don’t understand this; for a well-bred person this is unacceptable. " Naturally, "good manners", that is, the degree of conformity to the attitudes of society in each social stratum, means something different - conformity to social attitudes, say, among the creative intelligentsia, among business people and among thieves, implies fundamentally different forms of "good manners." Therefore, depending on which social stratum a person belongs to, the reasons and reasons for the same emotional reactions may differ, up to the exact opposite. However, the emotional reactions themselves and the disturbances of the etheric components of the energy structure generated by them will be one and the same.

With some practice, identifying the very fact of resentment does not cause any particular problems. But the process of getting rid of revealed deeply hidden emotions and achieving an emotionless attitude towards the persons and events that provoked these states in the identified situations is no longer an easy task. Its solution can require quite a significant "investment" of time and effort.

Psychoanalysts in such cases use the method of comprehensive analysis of the situation from the standpoint of all the participants involved in it. However, this method does not always give the desired result. In addition, it is impossible to rise above the level of the mental body when using this method of psychocorrection. This means that the full awareness of the situation with a purely psychoanalytic approach is unattainable. However, the psychotherapist's personal experience and personal strength can sometimes change the very essence of the approach ...

Perhaps more acceptable would be the way of realizing the deformation through the contemplative-meditative technique "Contemplation of the past without self-identification with it." In Osho - "Consider your past without identifying yourself with it."

"Contemplation of the past without self-identification with it"

The object of meditation can be not only any one specific situation that led to the occurrence of a specific deformation, but also many life events that are vividly imprinted in your memory. "Repainting memory in the colors of detachment" can be an unexpected way out of seemingly hopeless dead ends. Any event with an intense emotional coloring "eats up" some part of our vital energy, "fettering" it with so-called "stress blocks" in our energy structure and thereby making it inaccessible for use. Any stress block is formed by the emotions that we experience about the events we are experiencing. No emotion - no stress - no stress block - no life force "blocked" by it. The release of the "stress block" associated with a particular experienced situation relieves the energy structure from emotional dependence on the past at the most "subtle" levels. Naturally, the elimination of the causes of deformation of its denser components relieves many stresses in the body and mind. As a result, many diseases disappear without a trace.

Meditation technique

Think back to the situation. Look at her without getting involved in events related to her. As if you are recalling not your own life, but the life of a completely stranger, to whom you absolutely do not care. And when the events that have happened are scrolled again on the screen of your consciousness, be careful, be a witness from the outside.

For example. You remember your first love, you see yourself in some situation together with your first beloved. This is you in the past. Separate yourself from the situation with your loved one. See as if someone else loved someone else, as if all this did not belong to you. All this is alien, and you are only a witness, an observer.

The technique of contemplating the past without self-identification with it belongs to the category of fundamental basic meditative practices. This technique was used by Buddha. It has many varieties *. You remembered, for example, how someone offended you, and believe that this situation was the cause of the "field deformation". Consider her situation in the "reverse order" - from the end, that is, from the moment when the formation of resentment has already been completed. Now try to see yourself in this past situation, as an "empty body shell" that someone once offended. But you yourself are here, in the present, and without getting involved in the past, you observe it. However, if, remembering, you find yourself feeling the same emotions again, then you are identifying yourself with the memory. That is, you have missed the main idea of ​​meditation. In this case, you need to understand that you yourself have unwittingly re-created this situation.

* The technique that Mr. Antario Ar Mate is describing here has a truly immense "liberating potential." There is a variety of it, in which the practitioner in contemplation "pulls" himself out of the contemplated situation into the present, and then destroys the very image of the situation, depriving him of energy. All images stored in all "gross" and "thin" layers of our memory are "held" on our own energy stuck in past situations. It is enough to extract it from there and return it to itself - to the one that is here and now - and the situation will literally "dissipate". In order to extract your energy from the situation, you just need to draw it into yourself in a state of immersion in contemplation, letting it through the "sieve" of the detached state. If you succeed, the images associated with the situation fade, darken and dissolve.

If a person suffers from any disease and no medical remedies help, perhaps this wonderful method will be able to help him.

Moving in our contemplation back to the past, we kind of “unwind” the states of our consciousness until the moment when the deformation arose, we return back to the moment when we were attacked for the first time with a disease associated with the deformation. Having reached this point, we come to an understanding and awareness of this situation, and the cause of the disease disappears.

Having passed "through" the moment when the deformation has arisen, we suddenly realize what psychological factors constitute its basis. No special actions are needed, it is enough just to realize the psychological factors that form this basis (resentment, anger, criticism, ambition) and continue to move in the opposite direction. Many problems will disappear, as awareness itself contributes to the elimination of a certain mental complex ("attitude"). When you begin to be aware of your mental attitude, to be aware of the moments of its triggering, you will be able to cleanse yourself of it, since there will no longer be a need for it. This will be a deep cleansing, traditionally denoted by the term "catharsis".

The main thing in realizing and freeing from any field deformation is to understand the EXPERIENCE that is behind the situations that led to the violation. If a similar situation causes the same stable reaction, then some experience has not been acquired. In this case, it is necessary to consider all the fundamental laws and their motivations that led to possible violations of these laws in a situation that, despite the "meditative study", still excites and directs the energy of attention to the past or the future. It must be remembered that the main thing here is not a mental analysis of how to behave in a given situation without energy losses, but an emotional rebuilding of the situation.

For example, if you identified a situation that caused an emotional state of resentment in you, you need to mentally relive this situation again, ensuring that it loses all emotional color. And even if such situations are repeated, then you will not be "led" on them, since you will become a different person in something. If the experience is real, of course. As a rule, truly acquired experience is determined not by the fact that we acquire the ability to formulate it, but by the fact that our state changes.

If it is not possible to get rid of the emotional "sinking", it makes sense to turn to Osho's "Vigyana Bhairava Tantra", which describes the possible variants of this technique for all possible human psychotypes.

At the end of the practice of this method, focus on the point between the eyebrows (or any other that you feel appropriate to focus on at the moment) and with your whole being try to realize the experience you have acquired at the moment. In conclusion, perform a ritual, which consists in mentally pronouncing something like this phrase:

“I have learned from all the situations that I analyzed today, this is my experience, here it is - here and now. The experience that came to me today will remain with me forever from the very moment of its acquisition ”.

Helping another person to eliminate field deformities caused by resentment

If you are engaged in healing or psychoenergetic therapy and you are faced with the task of helping an ordinary patient realize the fact of resentment - an unprepared person who does not practice any martial arts, yoga, or any other spiritual practice, that is, someone for whose psyche there is a direct "violent" retraction in tough meditative psychoenergetic manipulations can end unfavorably, it is best to use the method of transferring attention from personal resentment to the general theme of the “offender-offended” relationship. Due to this, you may be able to save the patient from concentrating on his personal specific emotions and bring him into a state, albeit remotely, but reminiscent of the detachment necessary for an impartial analysis of the situation.

Technically, it might look like this.

You "lead" the patient through the "uninvolved" viewing of a number of analogous situations, abstract for a given individual, that supposedly happened with someone somewhere, sometime, but having a common root of the psycho-emotional coloring of the situation of the "offended-offended" pair, similar to the one in which your patient is “emotionally stuck in”. The roles and motivations of both are comprehensively reviewed and thoroughly analyzed. It is important that this is done in terms that the patient can perceive and understand. It is necessary to bring him to the realization of the simple fact that everyone acted in this situation according to their interests, their outlook on life and their upbringing. As a result, it is necessary to bring a person to a conclusion that is completely obvious in any such "scenario": the offense is fundamentally groundless and meaningless, moreover, it does not exist at all and did not exist, but was just a life situation in which people simply could not agree, because failed to understand each other. Work of this type is carried out until the state of a person's unemotional attitude to the situation that gave rise to the offense is reached.

Such work requires subtlety and utmost precision from the healer. You must be careful not to emotionally "push" your patient into the past, not to release control over the energetic aspect of the analysis being performed. If a person unconsciously begins to emotionally relive the past again, you risk getting a channel for the outflow of energy into the past and instead of eliminating the deformation of the patient's etheric structures due to his awareness of the psycho-emotional essence of the situation, only aggravate his condition.

Commonly asked questions and answers

For what age is this deformity most likely?

In childhood, it is rare, as children quickly forget the offense. The most likely age at which this type of deformity can manifest itself is 13-15 years. From this age, psychoemotional states can already acquire the character of chronically fixed.

How can hand passes practiced by psychics help restore the field in this deformity?

Extrasensory influence on the deformation itself will have a short-term effect if the offense is not eliminated.

With such a deformation of the field, an energy clot ("wedge") is formed in the zone of its projection onto the spine (Fig. 2). In this "wedge" the energy of the accumulated resentment is concentrated. If you remove the "wedge", then the effect can be longer than after "external" alignment of the field. But if the mental attitude towards offense is not removed, the likelihood of turning on the mechanism of the formation of the "wedge" remains very high. The awareness that comes as a result of the practice of the contemplative-meditative technique “Contemplation of the past without self-identification with it” “unwinds” a concentrated vortex of “resentment energy”, which, in fact, is the “wedge”. The “wedge” disappears because the energy released from it changes the quality, transforming into the energy of awareness. The result is a complete recovery.

Rice. 2. Energy is concentrated in this wedge
emotional reactions (in this case, resentment).

How soon do manifestations of deformation such as resentment disappear on the physical plane after its elimination on the etheric?

Usually, when the psychological causes of resentment are eliminated and the boundaries of the field are restored, the accompanying deformations of this type of disease are eliminated in two to three days, if they can be captured in the initial stages. However, if the disease has already led to serious functional or organic disorders, the recovery time can be much longer. First, the deterioration of the condition will stop, then the restoration of the affected organs and systems will gradually begin. In this case, general health measures, massage and other physical methods of restoring damaged tissues are additionally required.

How quickly can you get rid of such a deformation?

The release from the revealed deformation depends on the duration of the "whipping up" of the resentment and the person's ability to be aware. If you purposefully use the methods outlined above, then success will not be long in coming.

In addition, people who are not engaged in any spiritual practice in this life, but for one reason or another, have a certain "past" spiritual experience, can, without realizing it, eliminate this deformation without using special methods. But this sometimes takes them years, maybe the whole life. “Well, how much can you be angry with him, take offense? ..”, “so much water has flowed under the bridge since then, what should we divide now? ..” - such reflections weaken the effect of the causes, and if they do not remove them at all, then they significantly reduce the deformation. This is already a kind of ability to look at oneself from the outside, even if not the acquisition of a fully conscious experience, but still a tendency to reduce the force of "sinking". And, in the end, there comes a moment when it turns out that there is practically no "depression" as such: "Well, let him be so mean, but now it doesn't matter anymore." Thus, a person, without outside interference, can remove this deformation if the situation for which he is "sunk" ceases to be a reason for an emotional reaction on his part when remembering it.

What organs are most often affected by this type of deformity?

As a rule, deformations caused by the experience of resentment lead to complex lesions of systems and organs. The most frequently affected organs are the respiratory system (90% of cases), the heart (70%), in isolation - the upper respiratory tract and organs of the neck (50%), the genitourinary system (40%), the gastrointestinal tract (30%) of cases.

In women, the genitals are most often affected. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this happens as a result of resentment against a man. In this case, the motivation of resentment is often associated with the wrong (from the point of view of a woman) behavior of a partner during sexual intercourse. "My God! He came and did not even ask if I wanted or did not want, tuned in or not in tune ... ”And in such a state of irritation and resentment, a woman takes part in sexual intercourse. The main reason is the lack of openness, inner freedom and the ability to speak directly about sexual relations. Objectively, this state of affairs is due to centuries of implanted ugly social attitude of "shame" of discussing any sexual issues and the resulting massive sexual ignorance. Subjectively - internal psychological problems, incorrect distribution of the social roles of men and women, etc.

The same deformation and accompanying diseases arise at the level of the sexual center in case of grievances against men for the wrong, from the point of view of a woman, attitude towards children in a state of pregnancy and lactation, that is, when the woman's genitals are directly involved. In cases where children are older, this is more often expressed in the form of heart disease.

A stable deformation formed by an offense at the level of the heart center (Anahata chakra) most often manifests itself in the form of a tendency towards aggravating respiratory diseases. Frequent bronchitis - bronchitis with an asthmatic component - bronchial asthma - this is one of the typical chains of development of chronic pathologies of the organic body with etheric deformations caused by a long-term insult. Out of 100% of the patients we examined who suffered from some kind of respiratory diseases, in 90% of cases, a deformity of the type described above, localized at the chest level, was revealed.

In addition, such a deformation, localized at the level of the heart center, can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is based on resentment plus criticism, that is, the same reasons as in respiratory diseases, but complicated by the experiences of the so-called "pity complex", which, as a component, may include feelings of guilt and awkwardness in combination with the desire to get rid of these feelings. The result of prolonged pumping of the above-described emotional complex can be arbitrarily highly complicated pathologies of the cardiovascular system up to conditions fraught with death.

Resentment can manifest itself in active and passive forms. The passive form is expressed in the fact that a person closes in himself, in his inner experiences. This can lead to an aggravation of the condition, which, in turn, can give impetus either to the search and analysis of the causes of the condition, or to the development of a complex of self-pity. In the passive form of offense, as a rule, there is no motivation to react to the offense and search for a victim as a point of application of this reaction.

Resentment in an active form can be expressed in one form or another of aggressiveness, which in some situations leads to liberation from the grip of resentment. In its extreme manifestations, an active form of resentment is transformed into a thirst for revenge (in thoughts, intentions, actions), when resentment, or rather, an emotional reaction to resentment, turns into the meaning of life. In this case, we are dealing with a transition to another mental state. In a number of cases, with such a transition, the energy of resentment exhausts itself, which can result in a leveling of deformation. True, the latter occurs only in those cases when an offense on a given specific occasion, in general, is not a typical emotional reaction characteristic of a given individual and is a single outburst due to some specific single situation.

As an example, consider the following situation. The woman allowed free partnerships in sex with different men. Naturally, the fact that they, too, allowed themselves to have sexual relations with other women, did not become a reason for resentment on her part. But when a person appeared in her life, in relation to whom she had a special relationship, the desire to be only with him alone and with no one else, she expected from him the same attitude towards herself. Therefore, his betrayal caused a violent reaction of resentment in her. However, since this was, in general, an unusual single reaction to this particular situation, the resulting surge of aggressiveness evened out the deformation that arose as a result of resentment.

In many cases, we can talk about resentment as one of the key factors in the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). These are situations when a state of resentment follows a violation by any of the partners of the principles and agreements in the field of business relations (in production, at home, in the family, etc.). At the same time, the offended, as a rule, considers himself a model and standard in fulfilling the contractual relations that are meant: "Look (those), I fulfill and observe all the conditions, and you (you) ..." , it can lead to pathologies of various levels of intensity, ranging from stomach cramps (deformation at the level of the umbilical center) and biliary tract (deformation at the level of the solar plexus) to chronically high acidity, which, in turn, will aggravate the further state of the gastrointestinal tract.

The deformation of the resentment resulting from the manifestation of excessive qualities of the Fire Release, such as vanity and hot temper, can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and (or) the duodenum, followed by aggravation up to an ulcer.

Deformation of the type of resentment at the level of the solar plexus usually indicates the aggravation of the actual state of resentment by the induced states of irritation and anger. As a result, on the physical plane, disorders of the function of the liver and gallbladder may occur from minor disorders and temporary disruptions to very serious pathologies such as gallstone disease, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.

Diseases of the pancreas caused by the same deformation indicate that the actual emotional state of resentment was aggravated by a somewhat different induced concomitant psychoemotional complex, which, as a rule, is composed of hatred, rudeness, pride, arrogance, etc. The results, as a rule, are diabetes, various sexual dysfunctions caused by general disorders of hormonal metabolism, gastrointestinal diseases, which are based on functional insufficiency of the pancreas.

Such deformation at the level just below the solar plexus leads to dysfunctions of the spleen. In this case, resentment is not the primary cause of deformation, but secondary to the state of obstinacy. Here is a ridiculously banal example. It's cold outside and the man himself is going to put on a warm hat. And then his wife says to him: it's cold today, be sure to put on a warm hat. At this moment, obstinacy can work: unwillingness, even to the detriment of himself, to do what he himself wanted to do, since this created the appearance of a non-independent decision. And there was a reaction: I will not do as you say, and went out into the street (wearing a cap or even bareheaded). And when the frost made itself felt and the ears were thoroughly frozen, a state of resentment arose at his wife, at himself, at the whole world and in general ... And such a seemingly trifle was the reason for the appearance of deformation.

The cause of the same deformation at the level of the kidneys is persistent envy, followed by a reaction of resentment. For example, a woman thinks that her friend has a successful family life and is jealous of it. She has a very normal family life "does not work out". The result is an insult to your unlucky fate. Such a psychological state will lead to deformation, which, in turn, can lead to inflammation of the kidneys, and the occurrence of, say, kidney stones.

Serious psychological problems in the area of ​​sexual relations can lead to resentment as a secondary factor. Fears, strong emotional reactions, affects by their nature are less stable and short-term, and can stably exist in the psyche only as a potential opportunity for manifestation (an outburst, for example, of anger or fear is short-term, but anger or fearfulness can be stable in the psyche). Resentment, on the other hand, gives a more stable psychological state, which causes the deformation of the field. For example, fears about certain forms of sexual behavior can easily lead to resentment during moments of sexual intimacy, when these confusing moments manifest themselves. For example, a woman is characterized by a fear of intimacy in the light, and her sexual partner insists on this. Naturally, she develops an emotional state of resentment about his ignorance of her understanding of the "correctness" of sexual relationships. Resentment arising from this kind of reasons can lead to disorders in the genitourinary sphere: from temporary spasmodic pains to serious functional disorders (for example, inflammation of the ovaries in women or the prostate gland in men, which, in turn, leads to hormonal imbalance in the body , the consequences of which are manifested in accordance with the general mental and physical state of a person).

But this does not mean that resentment is the cause of all diseases of the genital organs. They may also be based on psychological reasons that cause other types of etheric deformations. Of 100% of the cases studied, the cause of diseases of the genitourinary sphere was deformity of the type of resentment only in 40%.

Resentment can cause throat diseases (deformation at the level of the Vishuddha chakra - the throat center), if it is followed by such a psychological state as "unfulfilled desire". At the same time, a person has a need and a desire to either express a response to the offender, or tell someone about the situation of insult (complain), but, due to his ideas about moral and moral principles, he does not do this. The state of resentment persists. The severity of the pathological condition that develops as a result is in direct proportion to the stability and depth of the offense: from a slight reddening of the throat and hoarseness of the voice to serious chronic infectious diseases. Of 100% of the subjects with various throat diseases, 50% of the cause of their occurrence was this deformity.

Deformation of the type of resentment at the level of the coccygeal energy center (Muladhara chakra) has the form shown in Fig. 3, and arises in the case of "rejection" about paternity-motherhood or about life support.

Rice. 3. The deformation that occurs when falling back about paternity-motherhood or about life support.

The emergence of resentment that is not able to adequately ensure the safety and life of the family, children leads to the emergence of fears: "Something can happen, someone will get sick, for example, but there is no money for treatment ..." you will be able to provide a proper education for the child, "put him on his feet." Long-term experience of such fears will lead to the appearance of this deformation. In addition, fear of the inability to earn money, fear of the difficulties associated with earning a livelihood, manifests itself as a deformation at the level of the navel energy center (Manipura chakra).

In women, this deformation at the level of the Muladhara chakra often occurs due to abortions performed as a result of resentment against fate, against a man, against oneself for having to do this. The consequence can be very serious diseases of the reproductive organs.

In addition, situations are quite common when deformations of the type of resentment arise at the level of the coccygeal center, not as a result of the psychoemotional states of the injured individual, but as a result of external magical influence. Professional magicians and people, from birth, possessing magical abilities, can use the flow of the Earth Force to introduce into the energy structure of the object of the impact of destructive attitudes such as spells "for damage", for "the impossibility of having children", for the fact that "you will never be firm stand on their feet ”, etc. This kind of impact can lead to the deformation shown in Fig. 3. In such cases, it is necessary to seek help from competent healers.

A powerful biofield in humans can be easily identified by the following features:

  • No chronic diseases, perfect health and physical condition;
  • Without visible effort, a person achieves success in any endeavors. Luck is clearly with him;
  • Attracts people, behaves friendly, easily makes new acquaintances;
  • He knows how to learn a lesson from trouble, does not get upset over trifles, looks with optimism to the future;
  • Can draw crowds with him, often occupies leadership positions;
  • Strives for change, does not sit in one place for a long time, is in continuous search;
  • When touched, energy is felt in the palms - this is a strong biofield. Often such people have psychic abilities, they can relieve pain.
  • The inner warmth emanating from a person is clearly felt.
  • Acts as a wise mentor, knows how to listen, gives practical advice.

The owner of a strong biofield can be easily identified in a crowd. Man - radiates powerful energy flows. He knows how not only to take energy from the outside, but also to give it, shares it with others. Gives a powerful impulse of positive mood into space.

Signs of a strong energy biofield are found in people with negative thoughts. They carry in themselves a huge clot of negative energy, aimed at destruction and chaos.

Varieties of energy potential

Receiving energy, a person, due to his natural characteristics, disposes of it in different ways, directs it in a positive or negative direction. The energy potential of a person is divided into the following types:

  • Mirror energy. Feeling a positive or negative impact on himself, a person always gives back energy flows. Protecting yourself from any external influences. An effective technique for the development of mirror technology: mentally imagine a reflecting surface in front of the interlocutor, if the thoughts are unclean, then everything said will come back without reaching the goal.
  • Protective wall. Alien energy flows, like a ball, bounce off a person and fall into space. The disadvantage of this type is that a negative message can bounce off the wall in the opposite direction and affect an innocent person.
  • Energy absorption. Like a sponge, it absorbs any information flows. Strives to participate in all social processes, to be aware of all events. Such a person has a powerful effect on the energy of the environment. Able to process negative, radiating positive vibrations into space. That subsequently weakens the biofield.
  • Self-destruction. A person collects all energy waste on himself. It processes it, multiplying it many times, fencing it off from the environment. Creates a cocoon around itself, saturated with negativity.
  • Energy filter. Man has the strongest biofield. Can absorb energy in large quantities and transform it. Charging the interlocutor with positive, changing his thinking, clearing his mind.
  • Mediator. Every third person is endowed with this energy potential. People accept flows of information, without doing anything with it, return it back to space.
  • Energy leech (vampire). Due to the lack of their own energy, they feed on the emotions of others, depleting the interlocutor's biofield.

How to strengthen internal energy

It happens that a person feels constant fatigue, problems are driven into a corner. This is a consequence of the violation of the integrity of the energy shell. Questions arise: "How to make the biofield strong?", "How to protect yourself from negative influences?" There are several effective ways:

  • Give up bad habits completely. Alcohol and smoking for a short period of time create a false sense of happiness. Subsequently, they take many times more, depriving them of vitality.
  • Negative emotions: resentment, pain, fear, hatred, anger - kill all the good in a person.
  • Music is a powerful charge of vivacity. Favorite pieces of music are able to restore energy balance in a few minutes.
  • Favorite hobbies. Activities for the soul that bring true pleasure attract positive information flows. People doing what they love always achieve great success.
  • Circle of friends. It is necessary to understand whether someone from the immediate environment has a strong biofield. It is with such a person that you should spend more time.
  • Meditation. The ideal path to self-discovery. After meditation, the biofield is cleared of negativity and receives many times more positive information.
  • Clear life goals. If there is a cherished desire, the universe will fill a person with the energy necessary to fulfill it.
  • Charity. Do good without thinking about self-interest. The soul becomes easy, free.
  • Service in the temple. After a church service, a person's biofield increases several times. Sincere prayer works miracles.
  • Sports activities. With physical exertion, the accumulated negative comes out of the body.
  • Pets. They are able to cleanse a person's aura, take on the negativity, and protect from diseases.
  • Love. The power of love will destroy all barriers, fill the heart with warmth.