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What barnabas did to her appearance. Ekaterina Varnava before and after plastic surgery: in active search for the ideal. Plastic surgeries - were they or not

As Catherine Barnabas did. The famous TV presenter, the best female comedian in Russia, a beauty with an unusual appearance - all this refers to Ekaterina Varnava. But bad luck - recently, the star has been increasingly hearing negative statements related to her appearance.

If we compare a photo of ten years ago with the current one, these are two different people, since now Barnabas is very strong. This was the reason for the discussion that Catherine Barnabas had plastic surgery.

The artist herself denies this, and assures that she achieved everything only by going to the gym and to the beautician.

Barnabas Catherine. A bit of biography

The star of KVN and the notorious Camedy Woman show was born in Moscow in 1984. But this is only the place of birth, since Catherine spent her childhood mostly in Germany, where her father served. It was there, abroad, during the incubator "fashion" of the USSR, that Barnabas learned to dress brightly, behave as she wanted and not depend on anyone. After the girl returned to her homeland, for a long time she could not integrate into a team with an established Russian mentality. Everyone considered her an upstart, arrogant and too bright.

As a child, Catherine was passionate about dancing and dreamed of a big stage, but a back injury affected the future of her career, and she had to forget about dancing. And yet the girl never stopped dreaming of stage and fame. Like many stellar colleagues, Barnabas also failed to enter the Institute of Culture the first time, so she submitted documents to MISiS. There she got into KVN and was able to get what she had long dreamed of - performances and many fans.

After some time, the girl got into Comedy Vumen as an artist and choreographer. Thanks to this stellar moment, the girl gained fame, even more fans of creativity and, finally, recognition. She took part in a huge number of projects, but the most striking with her participation were "Happy Together", "Deffchonki", "Univer" and others. At a certain period of time, she even broadcast on the NTV channel in the morning.

During this period of time, the star polished only the style and a little appearance, but there were no cardinal changes. But things have changed very quickly in the past few years.

Ekaterina Barnabas - before and after plastic surgery

Since Ekaterina Varnava left KVN, her appearance has changed a lot. In a recent Comedy flash mob, timed to coincide with the new season, the stars showed how they have changed throughout the show. Photos from twelve years ago were brought by such residents as Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov and others. This idea was supported by Ekaterina Barnabas. And here's the thing - many fans could not recognize the star - she has changed so much!

Note that the initial external data of the actress is very interesting - large facial features, a prominent nose and large, wide open. Everyone expressed their opinion about the nose, since only the actress has it so pronounced, in contrast to the miniature noses of her family members.

And although Catherine is charismatic and self-confident, there were still complaints about her appearance. Because of this, she decided to change some of the details of her appearance, but she always denies that she turned to plastic surgeons, and attributes her changed appearance to the successful work of the makeup artist and losing weight.

“Plastic surgeons and experts also disagree. On the one hand, when comparing the photo of Barnabas before the plastic surgery, a colossal difference is visible, but on the other hand, the same effect could be achieved with massage and weight loss. In any case, if Barnabas did plastic surgery, she chose competent specialists who veiled everything under the natural processes of the body (weight loss).


What happened

It is the most replacement and outstanding part of the face of absolutely any person. It is he who prevents many photographers from making the "same" shot, and distracts from the main one. Catherine Barnabas's nose stands out clearly against the background of the face. Since childhood, she had a long nose that hung slightly over her upper lip, which is why she received many unpleasant jokes in her address.

The star got tired of all this, and she decided to get rid of this problem. But was it an operation? Undoubtedly. Looking at the photos of Catherine Barnabas before and after, you can see significant changes that immediately attracted the attention of Catherine's followers. Of course, someone wrote off the change in the shape of the nose for thinness, but this simply does not happen.

What has become

The group of experts believes that no dramatic changes have occurred, because the tip of the nose has not changed, and due to weight loss, the nose could indeed have shrunk. But there is one thing: now the tip of the nose does not hang over the lip as it used to be and has become more even. As you can see, the work of the surgeon really deserves a round of applause, since he was able to correct the nose so that even experts cannot make a final verdict.


Barnabas is the owner of the beautiful and tall. But lately, many have noticed that facial features have sharpened. Because of this, the cheekbones became even higher and the cheeks were sunken.

If we compare the photos from different time intervals, it becomes clear that here too it was not without the hand of a plastic surgeon. Most likely, she did the removal of Bisha's lumps - a procedure that helps to achieve just such results in appearance that Catherine has now appeared. Thanks to the operation, the facial features have become more refined.

In addition to the removal, experts believe that there was also a place for a mid-face lift to stretch the chin. Still, you must admit that it cost more than one diet. In addition, it is noticeable that the actress also used Botox injections, since there is not a wrinkle on her forehead. If we take into account the age of the actress and her inimitable facial expressions, it becomes clear that beauty has definitely not been done without beauty.


Changes with this part of the body are just unusual. If all the stars do what they pump up, then for Catherine it only decreases. Several years ago, the actress agreed to take part in a photo shoot for a men's magazine, where she was in a gorgeous image of a seductress. At that time, her figure was literally perfect, and her breasts were of normal size.

But in the last photos on Instagram, it is noticeable that there are practically no breasts. It is difficult to answer, the consequence of which is breast reduction or weight loss surgery. But one thing is for sure - the actress does not follow all the fashion trends, and chooses only what she likes.


Regarding, everything is much simpler. Ekaterina has never denied that she uses fillers. The fact that the lips are artificially enlarged can be seen with the naked eye. Obviously, fillers and hyaluron were used, which has become a familiar phenomenon for everyone.

Previously, the girl had ordinary lips with medium fullness, but for sensuality and sexuality, it was decided to make them more magnificent, which turned out quite well. Since Barnabas has naturally prominent facial features, plump lips fit perfectly into the image.


I wonder if Barnabas did eye surgery? Her open, wide eyes have looked even more noticeable lately. Yes. This is the result of an eyelid lift. Although some people argue that against the background of losing weight and depletion, the eyes can become larger (visually), the wrinkles will not go anywhere, which means that the operation was carried out.

But the words of the artist are confusing, since she claims that she is on a special diet on which she does not eat meat, fish, and has added more fruits, vegetables and dairy products to the diet. In her opinion, this is a more correct and healthy diet.

How much does Barnabas plastic surgery cost?

For ordinary people, the amount spent on all of the above corrections, procedures and operations is unaffordable, but not for a TV star.

The approximate cost of changing the appearance of Catherine Barnabas is:

  • for one procedure - about 350 rubles.
  • for one procedure - about 55,000 rubles.
  • Removal - about 75,000 rubles.
  • Fillers for - about 35,000 rubles.
  • Lift of the lower / middle part of the face - more than 310,000 rubles.

In general, the transformation cost the actress more than 450,000 - 500,000 rubles.

We haven’t figured out some of the operations, but one thing is clear - the actress is working hard on herself, and is trying to look attractive and sexy. And it is even more important that she does not lose her charisma, zest and uniqueness, for which all fans love her.

The bright and memorable image of Yekaterina Varnava won the hearts of the audience for the first time on the stage of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. A tall brunette with excellent plasticity and bold jokes is an unusual character in numbers in humorous shows.

Barnabas skillfully played all the trump cards that nature awarded her, and the world of stand-up comedy received a new star.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina was born in Moscow on December 9, 1984. A girl with an expressive Spanish appearance prefers not to divulge facts from her life. This caused a lot of controversy regarding her nationality. It is known that the celebrity's father is from Kazakhstan, the mother is Russian. Catherine has repeatedly stated that in this matter, viewers and fans should draw their own conclusions.

Soon after the birth of Catherine, the family, which had already raised two older children, moved to Germany, where the father was seconded to work. For the first 7 years, the girl lived in the city of Wünsdorf, grew up surrounded by brothers Igor and Alexei. When, in 1991, Barnabas returned to Moscow and went to school, she suddenly became an outcast.

The reason was overseas outfits and bright toys of a little schoolgirl. There was an era of scarcity in the Soviet Union at the time, and classmates decided that Katya was showing off to them. With great difficulty, the girl managed to join the new team. Today, the celebrity recalls that period of his life with mixed feelings. As a result, while studying at school, the girl had to hone her humor, which came in handy in the future for a successful career.

From an early age, the future star was engaged in ballroom dancing, which she loved, and her success in her studies indicated that a bright future awaited Barnabas. As a result, the expectations were not destined to come true. At first, the girl rapidly surpassed all partners in height, and then, when the issue with a suitable partner was resolved, 14-year-old Katya was seriously injured in training.

Catherine Barnabas in her youth

During the fall, she had a displacement of the vertebrae, and she had to forget about sports. The future artist was very upset by this blow and, as she herself admits, cannot look at the ballroom dancing competitions, where her friends now perform.

However, the craving for art and creative expression was too strong to discard all ambition. Ekaterina Varnava entered the National Research Technological University "MISiS", where she studied at the Faculty of Law. But the girl did not have a chance to work as a lawyer either.

KVN and Comedy Woman

While studying at the university, the girl participated in the student KVN. The first team of Barnabas was a team called "Our Secrets", and after 2 years it became part of the "National Team of Small Nations".

The artist's first TV debut as part of the KVN team took place in 2004, where she acted as a guest player in the 1/4 finals of the Premier League music competition.

Ekaterina Varnava on the stage of KVN

The next year, Barnabas is a permanent member of the "Team of Minorities". Soon, together with the team, he gets a chance to perform in the Higher League of KVN. The team fails in the first game and disintegrates. Svoi Secrets are also falling apart.

The end of a career in KVN opened new horizons for the young artist. The producers liked her catchy type, and soon Catherine was invited to a bright role - Barnabas was to become the sex symbol of the new comedy TV show Comedy Woman. "Comedy Wumen" becomes the main project in the creative biography of Barnabas.

Ekaterina Varnava in the TV show "Comedy Wumen"

Despite the fact that the name of the project is consonant with the well-known Comedy Club, the producers of the new show did not aim to make another clone of the popular project. As the main director Dmitry Efimovich stated, Comedy Vumen is characterized by a pop style rather than a classic stand-up.

In Comedy Woman, the artist came in handy with her dancing past. Barnabas became the choreographer of the television project. Ekaterina considers it her mission to prove on the show that the weaker sex has a sense of humor equally with men.

In 2016, information appeared that Catherine would leave Comedy Woman. The reason for such assumptions was the statement of Natalya Andreevna (real name -), the producer and ideological inspirer of the comedy show, about the dissolution of the project. The producer explained this decision by the fact that the television show needs "young blood", hinting at a change in the members of the composition, as well as announcing the casting.

Yeprikyan's decision came as a complete surprise to the audience. In turn, the project participants decided to keep the public in the dark, refraining from any comments in the media about the upcoming changes.

Many were worried about the fate of Catherine. The sex symbol of the project published 3 posts on her Instagram, saying that she had not passed the casting. Some Russian publications, referring to these publications, reported that Ekaterina left the project. However, soon the Comedy Woman member herself denied these rumors, saying that, despite all the talk about a complete change in the lineup, she would participate in the project.

Films and TV projects

In the fall of 2012, Ekaterina makes her debut as a TV presenter. The girl begins to host the morning television show "NTV in the morning". Then, after 2 years, he replaces at the post of the leading Ukrainian humorous television project "Who is on top". Ukrainian actor and TV presenter Serhiy Pritula becomes Ekaterina Varnava's partner.

Also, Ekaterina Varnava took part in the 7th season of the entertainment show "The Invisible Man". Experts tried to find out who is hiding in the secret room, and the audience heard a lot of new things from the life of a celebrity.

For the first time Barnabas appeared on television in a feature film, playing a cameo role in the TV series "Univer". A little earlier, the director invited the beauty to the comedy "From 180 and above", but the name of the maestress was not in the credits. In the film, based on the story "Unlucky Saturday", the stars of Russian cinema, Ekaterina Strizhenova, shone.

Then came the comedies "" and "". Around the same period, the actress starred in the romantic comedy "8 ​​First Dates". From the last films in which Ekaterina starred, viewers celebrate the sitcom "".

In 2015, Ekaterina Varnava appeared in the comedy "Double Trouble". In this film, the actress got the role of Alexandra, a socialite and owner of a radio station.

Trailer for the comedy "Double Trouble"

In 2010, Ekaterina starred in a candid photo shoot for MAXIM magazine. Shooting for the Russian version of "Maxim" was not the only one. Also, fans saw the actress almost naked in a bright photo shoot for the XXL men's magazine. True, the celebrity covered herself with flowers or underwear, so the fans had to dream up.

Soon, the celebrity decided to consolidate the furor produced and went under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Social networks immediately began to look for the difference between old and new photographs of Barnabas, taken before and after the operation. Many users believe that Ekaterina underwent rhinoplasty and that her lips were enlarged.

Opinions about the achieved effect were divided, although most agree that the plastic went to the benefit of the artist's appearance. Fans note that the physical data of Barnabas are very impressive even without surgical interventions, because Catherine's height is 181 cm, and she weighs 63 kg.

Personal life

As Catherine herself says, in her life there was a long and painful relationship with a married man. Without naming his name, Catherine Barnabas admits that personal life from a certain moment was like hell, and she is glad that she managed to break that fatal connection.

In 2012, the actress began an affair with a colleague. The couple met on the set of the TV show Comedy Woman. The relationship lasted 2 years, but Dmitry never became Catherine's husband.

Also in the press it was reported that Catherine Barnabas met with, dancer and actor Comedy Woman. The girl did not confirm the relationship.

In June 2017, Ekaterina Varnava delighted fans with a new photo with her fiancé, a dancer. Ekaterina posted a touching photo on her Instagram page.

The new photo of Ekaterina Varnava and Konstantin Myakinkov was appreciated by users, calling the couple beautiful and harmonious. Under the frame, Catherine wrote an ironic post, urging people to accumulate positive emotions in themselves and be filled with happiness, and not comment on someone else's personal life.

Rumors about the wedding of Catherine Barnabas and Konstantin Myakinkov appeared in the summer of 2016. Then the network spread the news that the Comedy Woman star allegedly secretly married. But the artists did not confirm these conjectures. Now the couple is still enjoying each other's company; the lovers have postponed the trip to the registry office for later.

Working in the project "Comedy Wumen", Ekaterina became close to many artists of the project. He has been friends with Barnabas since his student days. The girls stormed the stage of the KVN games together. Barnabas even became the godmother of the daughter of a friend of Victoria.

She also developed friendly relations with the producer of the project Natalia Yeprikyan, actresses,

Childhood of Catherine Barnabas

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Varnava was born into a military family on December 9, 1984. Immediately after her birth, the family went to live permanently in Germany, where the girl's dad was seconded. Katya returned to Russia only at the age of seven. In the family of a military Cossack and a doctor, besides Katya, two more children were growing up (the girl had two older brothers, Igor and Alexei).

In the military city of Germany, Ekaterina finished the first grade. And in the second I went to a Moscow school. The girl clearly remembers how difficult it was for her to join the new team. Katya Varnava came from Germany in beautiful clothes and bright toys. Moscow peers, accustomed to empty store counters, did not see such luxury and thought that Katya was showing off. As a result, the girl became an outcast. She was avoided for a long time, and the schoolgirl sincerely did not understand why. Only now does she know where the childish dislike came from.

“I just had things that they didn’t have, such as a beautiful lacquered pencil case. For several years it was very difficult for me - because there are no friends, and everything around is not the same as before, ”says Barnabas.

From early childhood, Ekaterina Varnava was engaged in ballroom dancing. The parents were sure that a great future awaited their daughter as a dancer. And the girl herself has already seen herself in this sport professionally. However, in adolescence, Barnabas begins to grow rapidly and outgrows all dance partners (now the artist's height is 175 centimeters, and her weight is 62 kilograms). Problems began with finding a suitable candidate. When a partner was found, Catherine had to quit ballroom dancing due to an injury - during training, a 14-year-old girl fell and injured her back before the displacement of the vertebral discs. Forced refusal from sports Katya experienced very difficult. The girl is still uncomfortable when she sees her former dance partners at Russian and international championships.

Nevertheless, Ekaterina Varnava even after school wanted to connect her life with choreography and went to the University of Culture. However, it was not possible to enter this university. Katya received her higher education in jurisprudence at the Faculty of Humanities, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. However, Catherine did not want to connect her life with the profession she received.

Ekaterina Varnava and KVN

In 2003, Ekaterina Varnava, while still in student status, began to play for the KVN team "Their secrets", and since 2005 has been playing in the permanent composition for the "National Team of Small Nations". However, together with her colleagues from the last team, Katya appeared on TV screens back in 2004. True, as a guest player. Then comedians took part in the Music Competition 1/4 finals of the Premier League season.

After the 2005 Premier League season, Yekaterina Varnava plays in the permanent squad of the Small Nations National Team. In the same year, the girl played 5 games in the Premier League, including at the festival. In the final, Barnabas finished fourth. In 2005, Katya, together with the "National Team of Small Nations", performed an out-of-competition performance at the "Voting KiViN 2005" festival.

Ekaterina Barnabas. KVN-2005. Premier League

In parallel with her performances for the National Team of Minor Nations in the Premier League, Katya Varnava plays for the team “My Secrets” in the season of the Higher Ukrainian League and reaches the semifinals. In 2006, following the results of the KiViN festival in Sochi, Yekaterina Varnava and the "National Team of Small Nations" receive a ticket to the Higher League of KVN. But in the first game, the team will fail.

After the Sochi KiViN-2007 festival, the team "Small Peoples Team" ceases to exist, and our heroine plays only in the "Svoi Sekty" team. However, the team will face the same fate as the Small Peoples Team.

Catherine Barnabas and Comedy Woman

The wide popularity of Ekaterina Varnava was brought by participation in the purely female comedy show "Comedy Woman". She enters the stage in the form of a sex symbol, and also deals with the choreography of the participants and the production of numbers. She tried herself in the role of an actress - she played herself in the sitcom "Univer".

Nowadays, there are very few comic programs on Russian television with the participation of women. Comedy Woman is one of the few projects. As Ekaterina admits, she and her stage colleagues are trying to break the stereotype that women have no or a meager sense of humor. And he adds that the team does not want to unite with men, since the humor of one sex is not always clear to the other. In addition, if a man-humorist can afford to be rude on stage and speak outright vulgarities, then a woman cannot do this.

By the way, the participants of Comedy Woman write jokes to themselves. Comic numbers are born literally on the go. The whole team thinks over the lines and intonations of each hero.

At the end of 2010, Ekaterina Varnava took part in a photo shoot for the Russian version of Maxim magazine for the first time. For a long time, the girl did not dare to undress in front of camera lenses, because she was afraid of condemnation from conservative parents. However, the artist accepted the offer of the representatives of the glossy publication, and dad and mom reacted to the daughter's decision surprisingly adequately. However, after the magazine was published, my father showed his displeasure. As a protest, he bought several magazines with Katya on the cover and with the words "I will know that someone will not get this issue" brought the editions home. However, the girl was pleased with the joint work with photographers.

In November 2012, Ekaterina Varnava repeated her experience of a candid photo shoot and appeared on the cover of XXL magazine.

Personal life of Catherine Barnabas

The Comedy Woman star had a long-term relationship with an unfree man. After an affair with a married woman and the role of her mistress, Katya Varnava realized that this was not for her.

“My longest romance lasted two years. Everything was complicated, incomprehensible - both due to the circumstances and emotionally. I understood that dating a married person is bad, wrong, I avoided this relationship for a long time. But love made me turn off the right path - I’m not a robot and I cannot program myself.

Then it was time to move to a new level, to change something, but nothing happened. He could not decide what he wanted, and the status of an eternal lover did not seduce me. And we parted. Having finished that novel, I concluded that I would never have anything like it. A married man is not for me. "

Somewhere in April 2012, Ekaterina Varnava began to meet with her work colleague Dmitry Khrustalev. At first, the couple did not advertise their relationship, but the press often found them together in an informal setting. Although they did not make official statements, you can see from the photographs that they were connected not only by friendly relations. Six months later, Catherine moved to her lover. But the happiness was not long, by the middle of next year the couple broke up.

After parting with Khrustalev, Varnava began dating dancer Yevgeny Borodenko. Young people work together, often rest and fill up social networks with joint photos.

Catherine Barnabas now

Ekaterina is also active in television projects and flashes on the television screen. In 2012, in the series "Happy Together," she played the role of herself. In the same year, the film "8 First Dates" with Oksana Akinshina and Vladimir Zelensky was released on the big screen. Katya played a secondary role - the girl of the main character.

Interview of Catherine Barnabas about humor

Since the end of summer 2012, she has been the host of the NTV Utrom program. She was also one of the presenters of the "Battle of the Choirs" program on the "Russia 1" channel.

In the fall of 2013, she became the protagonist of the advertising campaign for the online shoe store And in 2014 she became the host of the Ukrainian television project "Who is Above".

Good day, readers! Today I want to talk with you about the field of show business. Namely, about one famous girl who has recently gained incredible popularity on television. And her name is Catherine Barnabas.

This thirty-three-year-old TV presenter and actress originally from Russia (although Barnabas spent all her conscious childhood in Germany, due to the work of her father) has literally flooded Ukrainian television recently, namely a new channel. From an actress on the Comedy-Woman show, she became the host of the television show "Who's On Top?" together with Serhiy Pritula, the best Ukrainian TV presenter.

But over the past year, some significant changes have begun to be noticed in Catherine. She not only lost a lot of weight (with a height of 175 centimeters, the girl weighs only sixty kilograms), but she also seems to have had plastic surgery.

Let's take a look at the old photos of Barnabas, even before the transformation. At first, the girl's high growth and large build are striking6 broad shoulders, long legs, round voluminous hips. Plus to all this, in addition to the gorgeous eyes, the girl's nose is very noticeable - massive wings and long in itself.

There is also a very noticeable difference in the size of the actress's lips. By nature, they are thin in Catherine, but the first increase (in 2011) corrected the situation. The lower lip has become more enlarged. After losing weight, Barnabas decided to make them even larger, which did not go unnoticed.

What prompted the girl to take such a radical step? The answer is weight loss. With the loss of extra pounds, Catherine's features sharpened even more, thereby making the already attention-grabbing nose even more noticeable. It has become shorter, the shape has become more noble, the tip is slightly raised. In a word, the nose became absolutely in harmony with the general appearance of Barnabas.

Cheekbones have also become very noticeable. It is plastic or the consequences of losing weight - it is anyone's guess. Conuring (makeup reception) also does its job. With the help of it, Catherine Barnabas emphasizes the already well-defined facial features.

The color of the pupils also changes frequently. But here everything is very clear: the actress simply began to put on colored lenses.

The chest of Catherine Barnabas did not tolerate surgical interventions. This is noticeable even with the naked eye. There is no this usual unnatural volume and "dead stance", as is usually the case after breast augmentation. After losing weight, on the contrary, it decreased in the girl.

The actress herself speaks well of her appearance. She never wanted to radically change something in herself, she likes her appearance, she does not look like either dad or mom.

Barnabas is not afraid of criticism, but conversely translates all the unfriendly statements into a joke. The girl knows how to laugh at herself, this is a great character trait.

Although Catherine's appearance never fit into the usual canons of beauty, there is something in her that madly attracts attention, something different, informal, attractive, different from others.

Envious people and haters began to compare Ekaterina after plastic surgery with Conchita Wurst or simply with a transvestite. But, as it seems to me, the appearance of Barnabas, on the contrary, has become much more sophisticated. The eyebrows have become more natural and wider, the lips are plump, the oval of the face is more refined. The former forms, even after losing weight, have not been lost: chic long legs in combination with high heels have not ceased to attract the attention of men, and, on the contrary, it seems that fans have increased significantly. So we will continue to monitor Catherine's changes, the main thing is to know when to stop.

Before use, be sure to consult with a specialist.

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Many people know Ekaterina Varnava as a former member of one of the KVN teams and the famous show "Comedy woman" in the present. Of course, her striking appearance, choreographic data and the image of a sex symbol distinguish Catherine on the stage of the popular show.

While still in the KVN team, the girl was distinguished by her height, and her appearance could not be called the standard of beauty. They jokingly said that she looked like the pop singer Elena Vaenga. Due to her high growth (181 centimeters), large facial features, an outstanding nose, the girl always concentrated on herself.

Ekaterina skillfully took advantage of her non-standard appearance and beat her in her favor, making the role of a fatal beauty with the help of bright makeup, revealing outfits and high heels.

She gladly ridiculed her image, for which she received audience preference.

Looking at the numerous photos of Catherine Barnabas before and after plastic surgery, you can notice with the naked eye changes in her appearance. For example, the lips have become fuller and more expressive. Despite this, Barnabas herself denies any interventions by plastic surgeons, claiming that she likes her appearance and does not strive for fashionable canons.

By the winter of 2016, Katya shocked the audience with obvious metamorphoses. In addition to the pronounced cheekbones and expressive eyes, the color of her pupils also changed, which can be explained by the use of colored lenses. The star's finely defined cheekbones give rise to controversy among fans and plastic surgeons alike.

Some believe that the cheekbones acquired such features due to rapid weight loss, while the latter attribute blepharoplasty, lifting and correction to Barnabas using liposuction.

The figure of Catherine Barnabas also discourages many and gives rise to a topic for conversation. The actress herself claims that her new film role and a grueling work schedule contributed to her weight loss. In addition, frequent stress hinders appetite. Now you can pay attention that Catherine's upper lip has become a little smaller, which gives the face a sophistication and naturalness.