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Actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite tries to protect her privacy from prying eyes. Smile, posture, love. Women's secrets Ingeborga Dapkunaite Dapkunaite personal life

Soviet viewers fell in love Ingeborgu Dapkunaite back in 1989, when she played in the famous film Peter Todorovsky"Intergirl". But even 30 years later, the actress remains popular: last year the sensational “Matilda” was released with her participation, and in this year the Russian adaptation of the Swedish-Danish TV series “The Bridge” is being prepared for distribution, where Dapkunaite played the main role.

Actress with accent

Dapkunaite is one of the few actresses of the post-Soviet space who managed to build a successful career in the West. "Mission Impossible", "Seven Years in Tibet", "Hannibal: Ascent" - the artist starred in many high-profile Western projects. And today she lives simultaneously in three countries - Lithuania (where she was born), Russia (Moscow) and England (London).

For many years of work in the Russian capital, Dapkunaite has not managed to get rid of the Lithuanian accent, which at first greatly embarrassed the directors. Today, the accent, like a charming wide smile, has become the artist's hallmark.

For Russian viewers, the Lithuanian Dapkunaite remains an exotic character - “another woman”, and the roles are played accordingly. Russian directors usually see her as cold, mysterious, fatal heroines. But the western ones most often offer Dapkunaite to play Russian girls and ... prostitutes. As the actress says, this began with the role of a currency prostitute in Intergirl, but clarifies that in her life with girls of easy virtue she did not have to deal with (the only exception is an English stripper who helped the actress prepare for a theatrical production in which the Honored Artist Lithuania played nude).

Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Intergirl (1989). Still from the film

It is curious that classmates and teachers remembered the future performer of the role of Kisuli as a very modest and shy girl. The beauty Dapkunaite was always critical of her appearance, and even as a student at the faculty of choral and theater arts, she consoled herself: “Well, nothing, of course, you were not lucky with your appearance, but you will take it with talent. You will work hard, work hard, and then everyone will see how wonderful you are. "

Moreover, the actress's hard work is in her blood - her parents (diplomat and meteorologist) disappeared for months on business trips, and her grandmother, who worked as an administrator of the Vilnius Opera House, was involved in raising the girl. Not without her participation, Dapkunaite made her debut in the opera Cio-Cio-san at the age of 4. The boy's inconspicuous role did not make a big impression either on the public or on Dapkunaite herself, therefore, before leaving school, the future celebrity was more attracted to sports, not the stage.

Love outside the cells

“It is difficult to define love. My heroine in the play “Circus” says something like this: “It is impossible to know where love comes from. Maybe from space. But everyone has the right to it, ”the artist thinks.

From the press, you can learn a lot about Dapkunaite's work in cinema and theater, about her participation in popular television shows, but almost nowhere is there information about the personal life of the eternally young actress with an "erotic accent."

Dapkunaite with special zeal hides her personal life from prying eyes, but even this cannot save her from numerous gossip. The media are discussing the tumultuous affair of the Lithuanian woman with the Serbian director Emir Kusturica then with a Russian skater Alexander Zhulin... And exactly 5 years ago, loud headlines appeared in the press: "50-year-old Dapkunaite married a young man."

It took a little time for journalists to find out who became the "young" chosen one of the celebrity - 38-year-old businessman Dmitry Yampolsky with Baltic roots, who has been living in London for a long time.

It's hard to say what brought the charming actress and the pragmatic lawyer together. It is also unknown why Dapkunaite has no children, and because of what her two previous marriages broke up: the first husband of the actress was a fellow student at the Lithuanian Conservatory Arunas Sakalauskas(today one of the most famous actors and TV presenters in Lithuania), the second - an English director Simon Stokes... Rumor has it that during a divorce, the artist concludes an agreement with her ex-husbands not to tell anyone about their marriage, and even more so not to throw mud at each other.

(1989), winner of the 1994 Nika Award for Best Actress.



Ingeborga Dapkunaite was born on January 20, 1963 in Vilnius. The actress's father Peter-Edmund Dapkunas was a diplomat, and her mother was a meteorologist. Parents worked in Moscow for a long time, and their daughter came to them only on vacation. In Vilnius, little Ingeborga remained in the care of her grandparents, as well as her aunt and uncle (musicians in the theater orchestra), who did everything so that she did not feel the long absence of her parents.

At the age of four, Ingeborga, under the patronage of her grandmother Genovaite Sablienė, administrator of the Vilnius Opera and Ballet Theater, first appeared on stage as Madame Butterfly's son in a production of Puccini's opera Cio-Cio-san. After the "opera debut", the dramatic art at first seemed to the little girl not so interesting, due to the lack of dances, songs and music. In addition, childhood and adolescence were spent with a focus more on a sports career: Ingeborga was not without success involved in figure skating and basketball, the national sport.

In the final of the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, held in Russia, she announced the points that the contestants received by voting by viewers.


Year Name Role
f My little wife Aux
f Electronic Granny electronic granny
f Zodiac young woman
f Night whispers Inga
f Chameleon game Veronica
f Sunday day in hell Ingeborga
f Mysterious heir Asya Erikhonova
f Coincidence Veronica Bergs
f 13th apostle Maria
f Fern red Kama-Basya Zalevskaya
f Autumn, Chertanovo ... Maria Navarzina
f Crossing Kama-Basya Zalevskaya
f Intergirl Kisul
cor F minor Katia
f Nikolay Vavilov Natalia Karlovna Lemke
f Cynics Olga
f Good guys / The good guys Sanda
f The Fatal Lie: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald / Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee harvey oswald Lyuba
f Alaska Kid Sally
f Moscow Nights Katya Izmailova
f Burnt by the sun Maroussia
f On dangerous ground / On dangerous ground Asta
f Mission Impossible / Mission: Impossible Hannah Williams
f Letters from the East / Letters from the East Maria / mother
f Seven years in Tibet / Seven Years in Tibet Ingrid Harrer
f Sunburn / Sunburn Carolyn Kramer
f Sex and Death / Sex "n" Death Shona
f Moscow Masha
With Rostov-dad Elya
f Shadow of the Vampire / Shadow of the vampire Michelin
f War Margaret
f Loneliness of blood Maria
f The kiss of life / Kiss of life Helen
f Chic Asya
f Winter heat / 25 degrés en hiver Sonya
f Night seller owner's wife
f By stage faith
f Hannibal: Ascent / Hannibal rising Hannibal Lecter's mother
f By stage Vera Tyunina
f Morphine Anna Nikolaevna
f New earth Martha
f Farewell Deed / L "affaire Farewell Natasha
f Merry fellows Margot, Gena's mother
f Volunteer Lena
With Katya: Military history Maria Alekseevna Barsukova
f Orange juice Dasha
f Cadenzas Lisa
- With Heavenly Judgement Morpheus RU
f 30 strokes / 30 Beats Alice, call girl
f Moscow 2017 / Branded Dubchek
With Wallander / Wallander Baiba Liepa
With Sherlock Holmes Mrs Hudson
f There will be no winter filmed
With Grigory R. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna
f Fast "Moscow - Russia" conductor
f Matilda Kshesinskaya Maria Fedorovna
With Occupied / Okkupert Irina Sidorova
f The artist kills himself / Bloody cakes Clarissa Stern
f Bridge Inga Veerma, detective of the murder department of the Narva police
f Jeanne Jeanne

Awards and nominations

Jury member

  • Programs "Cinéfondation" of the 2003 Cannes Film Festival.
  • International Berlin Film Festival 2005
  • 2005 Mar del Plata International Film Festival
  • 67th Venice Film Festival (

    An excerpt characterizing Dapkunaite, Ingeborg

    “Go, go quickly,” the old man confirmed.
    - Fedor, and you get me the chalk.
    Passing the buffet, she ordered the samovar to be brought, although it was not at all the time.
    Fock's barman was the most angry man in the whole house. Natasha loved to try her power over him. He didn’t believe her and went to ask her, did he?
    - This young lady! - said Foka, frowning at Natasha with a feigned frown.
    No one in the house sent so many people and gave them so much work as Natasha. She could not indifferently see people, so as not to send them somewhere. She seemed to be trying to see if one of them would get angry, if one of them would pout at her, but people did not like to carry out any orders as much as the Natashins. “What should I do? Where should I go? " thought Natasha, walking slowly down the corridor.
    - Nastasya Ivanovna, what will be born of me? - She asked the jester, who in his kutsaveyk walked towards her.
    “Fleas, dragonflies, blacksmiths from you,” answered the jester.
    - My God, my God, everything is the same. Ah, where would I go? What should I do with myself? - And she quickly, knocking her feet, ran up the stairs to Vogel, who lived with his wife on the top floor. At Vogel's were two governesses, on the table were plates of raisins, walnuts and almonds. The governess talked about where it is cheaper to live, in Moscow or in Odessa. Natasha sat down, listened to their conversation with a serious, pensive face and got up. “Madagascar Island,” she said. “Ma da gas kar,” she repeated distinctly every syllable, and without answering m me Schoss's questions about what she was saying, she left the room. Petya, her brother, was also upstairs: he and his uncle arranged fireworks, which he intended to start up at night. - Peter! Petka! - she shouted to him, - take me downstairs. s - Petya ran up to her and offered his back. She jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and he bouncing and ran with her. “No, don’t - the island of Madagascar,” she said and, jumping off it, went downstairs.
    As if bypassing her kingdom, testing her power and making sure that everyone is submissive, but that is still boring, Natasha went into the hall, took a guitar, sat in a dark corner behind a cabinet and began to play the strings in the bass, making a phrase that she remembered from one opera, heard in St. Petersburg together with Prince Andrey. For outsiders, her guitar came out with something that did not make any sense, but in her imagination, because of these sounds, a whole series of memories revived. She sat behind the cupboard, fixing her eyes on the streak of light falling from the pantry door, listening to herself and remembering. She was in a state of memory.
    Sonya went into the buffet with a glass across the hall. Natasha glanced at her, at the crack in the pantry door, and it seemed to her that she was recalling the light falling from the pantry door into the slot and that Sonya had gone with a glass. “And it was exactly the same,” thought Natasha. - Sonya, what is it? - Natasha shouted, playing with her fingers on a thick string.
    - Oh, you're here! - Startled, said Sonya, walked over and listened. - I do not know. Storm? - she said timidly, afraid to make a mistake.
    “Well, in the same way, she shuddered, in the same way she approached and smiled timidly when that already happened,” thought Natasha, “and in the same way ... I thought that something was missing in her.”
    - No, this is the choir from Vodonos, do you hear! - And Natasha finished the chorus tune to make it clear to Sonya.
    - Where did you go? Natasha asked.
    - Change the water in the glass. I'm going to finish painting the pattern now.
    “You’re always busy, but I don’t know how,” Natasha said. - And where is Nikolai?
    - Asleep, it seems.
    “Sonya, go and wake him up,” Natasha said. - Say that I am calling him to sing. - She sat, thought about what this means, that all this was, and, without resolving this issue and not at all regretting that, she again moved in her imagination to the time when she was with him, and he with loving eyes looked at her.
    “Oh, he would come as soon as possible. I'm so afraid it won't happen! And most importantly: I'm getting old, that's what! What is now in me will no longer be. Or maybe he will come today, will come now. Maybe he came and is sitting there in the living room. Maybe he arrived yesterday and I forgot. " She got up, put her guitar down and went into the living room. All the household, teachers, governesses and guests were already sitting at the tea table. People were standing around the table - but Prince Andrey was not there, and everything was the same life.
    “Ah, here she is,” said Ilya Andreevich, seeing Natasha come in. - Well, sit down with me. - But Natasha stopped beside her mother, looking around, as if she was looking for something.
    - Mum! She said. “Give it to me, give it to me, mom, rather, rather,” and again she could hardly restrain her sobs.
    She sat down at the table and listened to the conversations between the elders and Nikolai, who also came to the table. "My God, my God, the same faces, the same conversations, the same dad holds the cup and blows the same way!" thought Natasha, feeling with horror the disgust that arose in her against all her household because they were all the same.
    After tea Nikolay, Sonya and Natasha went to the divan room, to their favorite corner, where their most intimate conversations always began.

    “It happens to you,” Natasha said to her brother when they sat down in the sofa, “it happens to you that it seems to you that nothing will happen - nothing; that all that is good was? And not that boring, but sad?
    - And how! - he said. - It happened to me that everything is fine, everyone is cheerful, but it would occur to me that all this is already tired and that everyone needs to die. Once I didn’t go for a walk in the regiment, and there was music playing ... and so I suddenly became bored ...
    “Oh, I know that. I know, I know, ”Natasha said. - I was still little, so it happened to me. Do you remember, since I was punished for plums and you all danced, and I sat in the classroom and sobbed, I will never forget: I felt sad and felt sorry for everyone, myself, and everyone felt sorry for everyone. And, most importantly, I was not to blame, - said Natasha, - do you remember?
    “I remember,” said Nikolai. - I remember that I came to you later and I wanted to comfort you and, you know, I was ashamed. We were awfully funny. I then had a dummy toy and I wanted to give it to you. Do you remember?
    “Do you remember,” Natasha said with a wistful smile, how long, long ago, we were still quite small, uncle called us into his study, still in the old house, but it was dark - we came and suddenly it was standing there ...
    - Arap, - Nikolay finished with a joyful smile, - how can you not remember? Even now I don’t know that it was an arap, or we saw it in a dream, or we were told.
    - He was gray, do you remember, and white teeth - he stands and looks at us ...
    - Do you remember, Sonya? - asked Nikolay ...
    - Yes, yes, I also remember something, - Sonya answered timidly ...
    “I asked my dad and my mom about this arap,” Natasha said. - They say that there was no arap. But you remember!
    - How, how now I remember his teeth.
    - How strange it is, as if it were in a dream. I like it.
    - Do you remember how we rolled eggs in the hall and suddenly two old women, and began to spin on the carpet. Was it, or not? Do you remember how good it was?
    - Yes. Do you remember how papa in a blue fur coat on the porch fired a gun. - They smiled with delight in recollections, not sad senile, but poetic youthful recollections, those impressions from the most distant past, where a dream merges with reality, and quietly laughed, rejoicing at something.
    Sonya, as always, lagged behind them, although their memories were common.
    Sonya did not remember much of what they remembered, and what she remembered did not arouse in her the poetic feeling that they experienced. She only enjoyed their joy, trying to imitate it.
    She took part only when they remembered Sonya's first visit. Sonya told how she was afraid of Nicholas, because he had strings on his jacket, and the nanny told her that they would sew her into strings too.
    - And I remember: I was told that you were born under a cabbage, - said Natasha, - and I remember that I did not dare not to believe then, but I knew that it was not true, and I was so embarrassed.
    During this conversation, the maid's head stuck out of the back door of the sofa. “Young lady, the cock has been brought in,” the girl said in a whisper.
    “Don’t, Fields, take them,” Natasha said.
    In the middle of the conversation in the couch, Dimmler entered the room and walked over to the harp in the corner. He took off the cloth, and the harp made a false sound.
    - Eduard Karlich, please play my beloved Nocturiene Monsieur Field, - said the voice of the old countess from the living room.
    Dimmler took a chord and, turning to Natasha, Nikolai and Sonya, said: - Youth, how quietly they sit!
    - Yes, we are philosophizing, - said Natasha, looking around for a minute, and continued the conversation. The conversation was now about dreams.
    Dimmler started playing. Natasha quietly, on tiptoe, went up to the table, took the candle, carried it out and, returning, quietly sat down in her place. It was dark in the room, especially on the sofa on which they were sitting, but through the large windows the silver light of a full moon fell on the floor.
    - You know, I think, - Natasha said in a whisper, moving closer to Nikolai and Sonya, when Dimmler had already finished and was sitting, weakly playing the strings, apparently hesitating to leave, or to start something new, - that when you remember that, you remember, you remember everything , you remember so much that you remember what happened before I was in the world ...
    “This is metampsikova,” said Sonya, who always studied well and remembered everything. - The Egyptians believed that our souls were in animals and will again go to animals.
    “No, you know, I don’t believe it, that we were in animals,” Natasha said in the same whisper, although the music ended, “and I know for certain that we were angels somewhere and here we were, and from this we remember everything ...
    - May I join you? - said Dimmler, who quietly approached and sat down next to them.
    - If we were angels, why did we get lower? - said Nikolay. - No, it can't be!
    “Not lower, who told you that lower?… Why do I know what I was before,” Natasha objected with conviction. - After all, the soul is immortal ... therefore, if I live forever, this is how I lived before, lived for an eternity.
    “Yes, but it's hard for us to imagine eternity,” said Dimmler, who approached the young people with a mild contemptuous smile, but now spoke as quietly and seriously as they did.
    - Why is it difficult to imagine eternity? - said Natasha. - Today it will be, tomorrow it will be, it will always be, and it was yesterday and the day before it was ...
    - Natasha! now it's your turn. Sing me something, - the countess's voice was heard. - That you sat down like conspirators.
    - Mum! I don’t want to, ”Natasha said, but at the same time she got up.
    All of them, even the middle-aged Dimmler, did not want to interrupt the conversation and leave the corner of the sofa, but Natasha got up, and Nikolai sat down at the clavichord. As always, standing in the middle of the hall and choosing the most advantageous place for the resonance, Natasha began to sing her mother's favorite piece.
    She said that she did not want to sing, but she did not sing for a long time before, and for a long time after, as she sang that evening. Count Ilya Andreich from the office where he talked with Mitinka, heard her singing, and like a student in a hurry to go to play, finishing the lesson, he got confused in words, giving orders to the manager and finally fell silent, and Mitinka, also listening, silently with a smile, stood in front of graph. Nikolai did not take his eyes off his sister, and took his breath with her. Sonia, listening, thought about what a huge difference there was between her and her friend and how impossible it was for her to be in any way as charming as her cousin. The old countess sat with a happily sad smile and tears in her eyes, occasionally shaking her head. She thought about Natasha, and about her youth, and about how something unnatural and terrible is in this upcoming marriage of Natasha with Prince Andrey.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite was born on January 20, 1963 in the family of a diplomat. Since the parents on duty spent a lot of time on business trips, the girl was in the care of her grandparents. It was thanks to her grandmother, who worked as the head of the troupe of the Vilnius Opera and Ballet Theater, that Ingeborga literally grew up on the stage, more precisely, behind the scenes of the theater. And as the actress later recalled, her stage debut took place at about four years old, when she appeared on the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater as the son of the main character in the opera Cio-Cio-san. Then little Dapkunaite appeared several times in children's roles in performances on the stage of the theater, was a devil in "Faust", an angel in "Demon".

During her school years, Ingeborga Dapkunaite studied in a theater studio, so her subsequent admission to the theater arts department of the Lithuanian State Conservatory was a logical continuation of her romance with the theater, which began in early childhood. As a student, Ingeborga first appeared in a movie, playing in 1984 a small role in the film by Raimundas Banionis "My Little Wife". In 1985, after graduating from the conservatory, Ingeborga was invited to the Kaunas Drama Theater, where she almost immediately began to play the main roles. A little later, the actress was invited to the Vilnius Youth Theater under the direction of Eimuntas Nyakrosius.

In the early nineties, Ingeborga married her classmate Arunas Sakalauskas, who later became a famous actor and TV presenter in Lithuania. The wedding was preceded by a dizzying romance, but the marriage itself did not last long - about a year and a half later, Dapkunaite and Sakalauskas divorced, partly due to the fact that they began to spend a lot of time apart: Ingeborg was invited to work abroad, besides, she fell in love.

In 1992, Ingeborga Dapkunaite successfully auditioned in London for the role in the play "Speech Error" with the participation of John Malkovich (the English theater agency was certainly looking for a foreigner for this role). With this production, the actress traveled around the world. Later, together with Malkovich, she appeared on stage in the play "Giacomo Variations". In London, Dapkunaite married the director of "Speech Errors" Simon Stokes, and from that moment began to live in almost two countries, more precisely, even in three - her native Lithuania, Russia, where she was often called to work, and Great Britain, where there was work. and home. Subsequently, Ingeborga was invited to the Chicago Theater, to participate in the play "Libra" and the infamous "Monologues of the Vagina". At the same time, Dapkunaite periodically played and continues to play on the Russian stage - among the performances with her participation, in particular, “My Blue Friend” at the theater. Pushkin, "Jeanne" at the State Theater of Nations.

In 1989, after the release of Valery Todorovsky's "Intergirl", Dapkunaite became well known to all Russian viewers. Although the director portrayed the actress's Lithuanian accent as a "provincial dialect", Ingeborga's limited prostitute looked very refined, if not sophisticated. The role of the decadent Olga in Cynics by Dmitry Meskhiev (1991) and Ekaterina Izmailova from Moscow Nights (1994) strengthened the acting role of the actress then emerging: Ingeborga looks great in the roles of mysterious, detached, a little strange, often unhappy and almost always fatal women.

From time to time, the actress disappeared from the attention of Russian viewers, from many long-running projects she had to find herself: in parallel, Dapkunaite was building a career in the West. Her Hollywood debut was the television series Alaska Kid (1993), among the most famous films with Dapkunaite's participation are Mission Impossible (1996), Seven Years in Tibet (1997), Shadow of the Vampire (2000), Hannibal: Climbing "(2007). And if Russian directors often see Ingeborga Dapkunaite in the role of foreign women, then Hollywood directors also often offer her to play the heroines of Slavic roots.

In 2013, the actress became the head of the Cinemotion acting school; such stars as John Malkovich, Dean of the British American Academy of Dramatic Arts (BADA) Ian Wooldridge, director Valery Todorovsky, famous theater producer Eduard Boyakov got on the board of trustees and teaching staff of the educational institution she created. , actor Veniamin Smekhov.

In the winter of the same year, the name of Ingeborga Dapkunaite got into all the columns of gossip and gossip: the press found out that in February 2013 the 50-year-old actress secretly married in London 38-year-old businessman Dmitry Yampolsky (Dapkunaite's Stokes quietly divorced in 2009 and retained the same good friendly relations with her second husband as with the first). And for the sake of her third husband, the actress, who no one gives her real age, even dyed her hair red.


  • Dapkunaite's father was a diplomat, and his mother was a meteorologist, as a child she was raised by her grandparents, and she saw her parents mainly during her holidays and their vacations. Ingeborga's grandmother worked at the Vilnius Opera and Ballet Theater, and the future actress spent a significant part of her childhood behind the scenes. She first appeared on the stage at the age of four - as the son of the main character in the opera Cio-Cio-san.
  • Dapkunaite made her film debut in 1984, starring in the film "My Little Wife" by Raimundas Banionis.
  • In 2005, the actress hosted the Russian version of the reality show "Big Brother" on TNT, and a year later she was a participant in the television project "Stars on Ice", in which Alexander Zhulin became her partner.
  • In 2013, Dapkunaite married a businessman, restaurateur and lawyer Dmitry Yampolsky for the third time, who is 12 years younger than her. With her first husband - Lithuanian actor Arunas Sakalauskas - and second - British theater director Simon Stokes - Ingeborga maintained excellent friendships even after divorces.
  • According to rumors, it was for the sake of her third husband that the actress dyed her hair red. Prior to that, she "changed color" only for filming, and only twice: in the film by Stephane Vuillet "Winter Heat" she was a brunette, and in Alexei Balabanov's "Morphia" - red-haired.

1992 Golden Aries Award

1994 Special Jury Prize of the International Geneva Film Festival, Nika Prize

2005 Astra Prize

2014 Prize named after Oleg Yankovsky

1984 My little wife

1985 Electronic Granny

1986 Chameleon Game

1986 Night Whispers

1987 Ferry

1987 Sunday Afternoon in Hell

1987 Concatenation of Circumstances

1987 Mysterious heir

1988 Thirteenth Apostle

1988 Autumn, Chertanovo ...

1989 Intergirl

1990 Nikolay Vavilov

1991 Cynics

1993 The Fatal Lies: Mrs Lee Harvey Oswald

1993 The Good Guys

1993 Alaska Kid

1994 Moscow evenings

1995 Burnt by the Sun

1996 Letters from the East

1996 Mission Impossible /

1996 On Dangerous Land

1997 Seven years in Tibet

1999 Sex and death

1999 Sunburn

1999 Moscow

2000 Shadow of the Vampire

2001 Rostov-dad

2002 Loneliness of blood

2002 War

2003 Prime Suspect 6: The Last Witness

2003 Kiss of life

2003 The Lost Prince

2004 Winter heat

2005 Anna Karenina

2005 Night Seller

2006 Silent witness

2007 Hannibal: The Climb

2007 By stage

2008 Morphine

2008 New earth

2008 Wallander

2009 Merry

2009 Katya. Military history

2009 Farewell affair

2010 Cadenzas

2010 Orange Juice

2012 Sherlock Holmes

2012 Moscow 2017

2012 Heavenly Judgment

2012 30 strokes

2013 Antalya

2014 Fast "Moscow-Russia"

2014 Grigory Rasputin

2014 Heavenly Court. Continuation

2014 there will be no winter

2014 Bloodhound

2015 Matilda Kshesinskaya

Most likely, there is hardly a single person in our country who has never watched "Burnt by the Sun" or "Mission Impossible". The connecting link of these pictures, oddly enough, was a fragile and small woman with a radiant smile - the actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite. For her creative biography, she achieved not only recognition, but world fame and employment not only in the films of Russian and native Lithuanian directors, but also in theatrical performances and films of British and Hollywood celebrities. With all this, personal life, children of Ingeborga Dapkunaite always shrouded in clouds of pitch mystery, which the actress is in no hurry to dispel.

It seemed that Fate itself had prepared for the girl, almost all of whose environment in childhood belonged to the acting environment (grandmother, grandfather, uncle and aunt), with the exception of her parents, an artistic career, although at first she herself cherished completely different plans - playing sports, then ballet and even the faculty of foreign languages. Ingeborga Dapkunaite's connection with the theatrical stage began at the age of four, when she sang her small part on the stage of the opera house, and continues to this day. Any role this little woman takes on turns into a kind of masterpiece. Now, when Ingeborg Dapkunaite is already 53 years old, and her age is completely unreadable on her face and figure, the beauty of the actress seems to be an absolutely indisputable fact. Therefore, it is difficult to believe that in her youth she herself considered herself very gray and inconspicuous. Thanks to this, apparently, she devoted so much effort to the development of artistry and acting talent, with which she wanted to compensate for her not too bright appearance.

In the photo - Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Emir Kusturica

Despite this prejudice, Ingeborga Dapkunaite's personal life did not suffer from this at all. For the first time, the actress married her colleague at the Kaunas Drama Theater, Arunas Sakalauskas, with whom she still maintains friendly relations. The second husband was theater director Simon Stokes. This marriage broke up in 2009. Since Ingeborg Dapkunaite did not acquire children either in the first or in the second marriage, this is considered to be the official version of divorce. What is the reason, in fact, we may never know, since the ex-husbands of the actress, at her request, also do not seek to divulge the details of family life with a celebrity. In the biography of Ingeborga Dapkunaite, for several years there was an affair with the legendary Baltic director Emir Kusturica, because of whom the master's family fell apart.

In the photo - Ingeborga Dapkunaite with her third husband Dmitry Yampolsky and his daughter from a previous marriage

Today, for the third year already, the actress has been happily married to Dmitry Yampolsky, a businessman, lawyer, restaurateur and head of several charitable foundations. Despite the age difference, the couple appears to be happy. And although psychics a few years ago, along with an imminent wedding, prophesied Ingeborg Dapkunaite and imminent motherhood, so far this has not happened.

Actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite is known to the viewer both in domestic cinema and in foreign films. Her filmography consists of more than 50 diverse works in different countries.

Family favorite

The future artist was born in 1963 in the Lithuanian capital - Vilnius. The actress's family was intelligent. Close people tried to convey to their daughter a love of art. Mom was a meteorologist. Even today, Inga notes that she believes the forecasts unconditionally only because of the mom's profession. And dad worked as a diplomat. Due to constant employment, the parents were forced to leave their home country and spend a lot of time in Moscow. The daughter often visited them in Russia during the holidays. Adults often came home.

Despite the fact that mom and dad were far away, Ingeborg Dapkunaite always felt their love. Biography and childhood were inextricably linked with the old city of Vilnius. There, a nanny, whom the girl loved very much, worked with the child. She was also looked after by her grandparents and aunt and uncle on the mother's side. The relatives did not deny the baby anything and tried to make sure that she did not feel the absence of her parents.

First applause

The entire family of the famous actress was associated with art. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl first appeared on stage at 4 years old. My grandmother worked at the Opera and Ballet Theater in Vilnius. The duties included negotiating with the singers about the details of the performance. At that time, little Inga had already managed to get acquainted with acting and knew well what was happening behind the scenes.

Once in their city the Italian star Virginia Ziana was supposed to perform. She took part in the production of Chio-Chio-san. According to the plot, the main character had a son. But at that time the boy who played this role had grown a lot, so little Ingeborga Dapkunaite was preparing for this scene. The biography of the actress even then crossed with the girl rehearsing with the best voices of Lithuania.

Experience gain

When the Italian found out that a girl would play the role, she was indignant. However, later she was fascinated by the talent of a young talent. After the performance, Virginia gave Inge all her flowers. Then the little actress received her first applause, which she still remembers.

In parallel, the girl went in for sports. She especially liked figure skating and basketball. However, the beauty never regretted spending a lot of time in the theater.

One winter day, she was in a hurry to rehearse the next performance, when she stopped and saw her peers who were carelessly skating on the ice. Then little Ingeborga Dapkunaite smiled and thought to herself that she was very happy, because she could do what she loved - standing on the stage.

Throughout her school years, the beauty played a variety of roles. She was equally good at reproducing devils, princesses and animals. The girl perfectly knew how to look for appropriate images for her characters.

years of education

For one play, the actress needed to speak a simple rural language. The girl grew up in where she expressed herself purely and clearly. But her heroine was not a very literate and ordinary country girl. In order to make the scene more colorful, Ingeborga began to speak the language of other grandparents who were farmers. When the child finished the monologue, the audience burst into applause.

The next task was to choose a future profession. Dramatic art seemed to her feigned and unreal. She absolutely seriously wanted to connect her life with opera or ballet. However, at the age of 16, the heroine saw the performance of the Kaunas Theater in Vilnius and immediately fell in love with this work. Friends took her to the circle. Due to her unusual appearance, the girl constantly played boys. After school she entered the Lithuanian Conservatory of Ingeborg Dapkunaite. Biography has since officially merged with the theater.

Led by professionals

The girl was lucky to get on the course of Jonas Vaitkus. This man is known in his homeland as a talented director and stage director.

Then the heroine met her first husband. Arunas Sakalaus, like the beauty, raved about an acting career. Now one of the most popular TV presenters and actors in Lithuania. The former lover does not tell reporters about life with Ingeborga. However, he repeatedly mentioned how she was at the university - cheerful and extraordinary.

Student years became fatal for the career of a young star under the name Ingeborg Dapkunaite. The biography has changed a lot after meeting with the first mentor Jonas Vaitkuse. On his initiative, the girl began to play her first serious roles. Her career began at the Kaunas Drama Theater. From there the young beauty is enticed by another director - Eimuts Nyakrosius. There she also has to play the main characters.

Stage and set

In 1984, she tried her hand at cinema. Her first screen work is "My Little Wife". Here the playgirl played a simple and cheerful girl. The audience fell in love with the young actress right away.

Then she very often appeared on the screens of Ingeborg Dapkunaite. The films, alas, did not gain general popularity. She starred in such little-known films as "The Mysterious Heir", "The 13th Apostle" and "Autumn, Chertanovo".

They began to recognize the actress on the streets after the sensational film "Intergirl". It was released in 1989 and immediately found a lot of fans. In this tape, Inga played the role of Kisuli.

During one of the performances, the director notices the actress. He invites her to the capital of Great Britain. The play "Speech Errors" was staged there. She decides to go to the casting. Subsequently, she was approved, and the lyceum began a new assignment.

Success abroad

Later Ingeborga Dapkunaite moved to England. Personal life at that time did not develop. The first marriage fell apart. For both artists, careers were the most important thing, so the young people divorced, but remained friends. In Britain, Inga meets her second love. was a director. His heart was immediately filled with a charming beauty. They have been married for more than 10 years, after which they also divorced. Now they maintain friendly relations.

After working in London, the actress moved to Chicago. There she played the main role in the production of "Monologues of the Vagina". The performance is distinguished by its special psychological content. The audience was delighted with the brave and gifted actress.

In parallel, she acted in films. So, in 1994 the film "Moscow Nights" was released. For this work, the star received the Nika Prize.

Diverse work

In the same year, the famous Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov filmed her in his Oscar-winning film Burnt by the Sun. The young, attractive and talented actress was invited to play in popular Hollywood films. Among them are Mission Impossible and Seven Years in Tibet.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite received world fame. A photo of the actress appeared on magazine pages every day. In 2004 she took part in the film "Winter Heat". The following year, Inga became the host of the Russian project "Big Brother". She also starred in the "Stars on Ice" show. Her partner was. Journalists more than once attributed a novel to the couple, but this information was not confirmed.

The actress divorced her second husband in 2009. A possible reason for the breakup is the absence of children. In February 2013, Inga got married for the third time. The chosen one was Dmitry Yampolsky, who was not involved in the world of the stage. He has several restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He is 12 years younger than his beloved. When we met, the rich man knew how old Ingeborga Dapkunaite was. However, the age difference does not prevent the couple from living happily.

Art without borders

The actress spends a lot of time in Russia. But he declares that neither formally nor mentally belongs to this country. Her accent practically disappears after a few months in Moscow. But as soon as she moves to another state, the pronunciation changes again. Foreigners, after talking with the actress, believe that she is a native of Sweden. To such a compliment, she replies that her homeland is not far from this country.

Many believe that the actress of international importance is Ingeborga Dapkunaite. The filmography of this talented Lithuanian woman really consists of Hollywood and Russian films. But to this the actress herself declares that her creative career is still too short for such a title.

Often the 52-year-old actress is criticized for giving up domestic projects in order to work abroad. However, Ingeborga believes that there is no limit to art. And a good movie, if it really is like that, will reach the homeland. And then the Lithuanians will be proud of their compatriot.