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Petya valtsman poroshenko biography. Hereditary prisoner Peter Poroshenko-Waltsman. Petro Poroshenko: biography and the whole truth about the "chocolate king" of Ukraine

48-year-old Moldovan Jew Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko (nee Valtsman, who took his mother's surname) - a native of the Odessa region - the President of Ukraine. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the president is Jewish, of course. For example, in Israel all the leaders of the state are Jews, and at the same time we see a successful state. But why does Peter Waltzman hide his nationality? Why does he declare himself a Ukrainian, and even a Ukrainian nationalist?

The answer is obvious - it's a bastard, a thief and a scoundrel.
Every Jewish family has its own secret, one or several. In this sense, the Poroshenko-Valtsman family is no different from others.

In 1956, Aleksey Valtsman, Petra Poroshenko, married Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko and changed his surname from Valtsman to Poroshenko. And this, of course, is not a crime, although it clearly characterizes Alexei Valtsman ...

On June 11, 1986, a native of the village of Sofiany, Izmailovsky district, Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR Valtsman A.I., a Jew, a citizen expelled from the CPSU members in connection with this case, having a higher education, liable for military service, married, who worked from September 26, 1977 to December 9, 1983 year director of the Bendery Experimental Repair Plant, was arrested and was under investigation awaiting a verdict.

He was accused of committing crimes under Articles 155, 123, 184, Part 1, Art. 220 h. 2, art. 227 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the MSSR and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR:

- "deliberate commission of postscripts

- “theft of state property by abuse of his official position, misappropriation and embezzlement, by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, again in the amount of 2,235 rubles. 91 kopecks "
- "illegal acquisition of property, obtained knowingly by criminal means, committed on a large scale"
- "illegal possession of weapons"

Here is such a petty provincial scam.

How in 1982 could the son of the director of a small factory from provincial Bendery enter the prestigious Kiev State University at the most prestigious faculty of international law and international relations? Probably, the Valtsman-Poroshenko family needed a lot for this.

In 1983, Aleksey Poroshenko moved to work as the head of SPMK-7 of the Moldselkhozmontazh trust and moved to the city of Tiraspol.

Small Tiraspol, small SPMK, small…. And the sons are growing!

Therefore, nothing prevented Aleksey Poroshenko's conscience from taking out two coils of enameled cable worth 204 rubles from his native enterprise. 16 kopecks, buy 64 liters of stolen rectified alcohol for a total amount of 1629 rubles at a cheap price. 48 kopecks, dilute it with water and open a small business selling an alcoholic surrogate.

FIVE YEARS of imprisonment with confiscation of property was accumulated by such labors ...

The son of Alexei Valtsman - Petro Poroshenko - went all over to his father. Only the time has come differently, and it blossomed in independent Ukraine, like mold on a spoiled loaf of bread. He stole everything and everyone. This rascal had nothing sacred. As they say, genes took their toll.

Now this thief has a new super task in turn - now he intends to steal Ukraine and privatize the post of President for himself. If it is necessary to destroy the entire people of Ukraine for the sake of their own self-interest, they are ready for that too. And I have been ready for a long time. Perhaps from the very times when Waltzman Sr. became an example in this matter.


... With the exception of Ostap, all the Antelopeans
were somewhat worried about the ceremonial meeting ...
I. Ilf and E. Petrov

We present the psychological characteristics of Petr Valtsman (Poroshenko) (born on September 26, 1965). It was prepared with the participation of a well-known Kiev psychiatrist-psychophysiologist, who wished to remain incognito. He carried out an analysis based on the clinical and psychological method, which consists in a kind of "recoding" of the facts of a person's life into mental phenomena.

Psychological picture

High intelligence, but average erudition.

More often it is closed. Constantly tense. Extremely selective in establishing and maintaining contacts and personal connections. The social circle is limited to friends and family. The need to communicate with people is mild.

Distrustful of others, secretive.

Critical of himself and at the same time narcissistic.
Extremely wary of new ideas. Conservative.

Generally emotionally stable.

Demonstrates an extremely respectful attitude towards parents and family values.
Able to mobilize to achieve the set.

He accepts criticism with irritation.

Organized in a business-like manner.

Experiencing great difficulty in responding to other people's requests.

Continues to establish itself as a leader.

The impression leaves in many respects pleasant: reasonable, calm, smiling. As the French say - loin des yeux, loin du coeur, which means “cold hands, hot heart”.

Prefers silence to outright lies.

It is not easy for him to maintain the image of a European democrat, since in spirit he is the one he criticizes - a “red director”.

I would like to, but does not know what to say new, which would amaze the audience, increase public attention to his person, and awaken the people's love.

Likes to debate.

Escaping, perhaps, from himself is his characteristic psychological trait.

Aims at the need to "change this world" by improving your own.

Such people are called darlings of fate, it seems that she protects him from the moments from where some are chosen with the help of loved ones, others need a psychotherapist or medicines, and still others - into higher powers. Most likely, religion for Petr Valtsman (Poroshenko) is nothing more than an effective tool for creating the necessary image.


Non-European politician with a European perspective

Petro Valtsman (Poroshenko) is perhaps the most "exposed" oligarchic figure in the political horizon. A state manager who successfully multiplies his own capital (and who multiplies openly, with pride, with his head held high) is a unique image among such people as Pinchuk, Akhmetov, Zhevago, Firtash, Kolomoisky, etc.

In a Western European state, a businessman who changes from one government chair to another is something of a fantasy.

After all, Valtsman (Poroshenko) became a politician of the highest rank for the European elite;

It is very likely that Valtsman (Poroshenko) is prepared for the role of the second incarnation of Yushchenko: for some reason, Pyotr Alekseevich, both in gestures and words, began to resemble Viktor Andreevich, who, as you know, is his godfather, and this (according to Ukrainian traditions) means more than a reliable companion or a longtime political ally.

d'Artagnan from Odessa Gascony, pointer! important; max-width: 660px; padding: 5px; "title =" (! LANG: The fate of the president (resident) or Saturn is almost invisible." />!}

... Peter did well in training (not a single four in the school report card), and in sports (he was engaged in wrestling).

Involuntarily, a guy of tough disposition with a heightened sense of justice appears in the imagination. A kind of "Die Hard", d'Artagnan from Odessa Gascony.

In one of his last interviews, Valtsman (Poroshenko) tells how, at the recruiting center for army conscripts, he "did not like the behavior of four drunken warrant officers, and I beat them." It is strange, but for this, by the standards of the then Soviet army, Valtsman (Poroshenko) was sent a serious crime not to the disbat, but "to the most distant part, to the scientific testing institute of the air force, located in the desert on the territory of Kazakhstan."

True, the service was - different to envy, "drove the head of the institute." And when Peter had a child, he was transferred closer to Kiev, to the Vasilkovsky military aviation technical school named after V.I. 50th anniversary of the Leninist Komsomol.

The Odessa resident who moved to Kiev had no problems with the housing issue. The newlyweds lived in the apartment of the wife's parents. By the way, Pyotr Alekseevich's father-in-law was the deputy republican minister of health, and later worked for three years in Ulan Bator (Mongolia) as an advisor to the ambassador. But family life was not so easy.

“… You go from the university, there is less than a ruble in your pocket, and in the passage near Bessarabka they sell pies with liver for five kopecks,” the head of the family recalls about the same time. - And there is no way to buy them, because there is nothing at home ... "

It is difficult, of course, to believe in such a dire need of children of such respectable and wealthy parents, whose "opportunities" are at least indicated by the fact of transferring Pyotr Alekseevich to a service closer to home (there were a lot of young fathers in the SA at that time, but how many of them did they meet halfway?) However, for the Waltzman family (Poroshenko), difficult times really came.

Father Alexey Ivanovich and son Peter Alexeevich
Unlike Henry Ford, who was ready to answer any question, except for the question of how he earned his first million, Petro Valtsman (Poroshenko) is ready to account for his first one. He became a millionaire already in 1991, having bought, according to him, 4% of the world production of black pepper, and, playing on rising prices, resold it in Western markets. "And this operation brought in the first million dollars."

And he began with the fact that, having returned from the army in 1986 (at that time, laws on individual labor activity, small enterprises, cooperation were adopted one by one), he created one of the first small enterprises in Ukraine, engaged in legal advice, working with firms who tried to independently trade with foreign countries - with metallurgical plants, defense enterprises, construction departments., pointer! important; max-width: 660px; padding: 5px; "title =" (! LANG: The fate of the president (resident) or Saturn is almost invisible." />!}

The pepper was followed by cocoa beans, the sales of which by Valtsman's (Poroshenko) firm began to bypass Soyuzplodoimport, the geography of supplies of this raw material from Holland and Belgium stretched all the way to Barnaul and Khabarovsk.
So, if we rank businesses according to the degree of their application of the mind, then Valtsman (Poroshenko), even at the beginning of his career, had a smarter business than, for example, Kolomoisky, who earned his initial capital on "consumer goods", the sale of sneakers, computers, etc. - bought, imported, sold, bought a larger batch ...

The operations carried out by Valtsman (Poroshenko) were much more complicated - he imported raw materials for state-owned enterprises in industrial batches, which means that one had to delve into the intricacies of financial calculations and, of course, the shadow sides of accounting, and study the issues of state guarantees.

In 1992, his father also entered the business. This happened after Pyotr Alekseevich took his parents out of the war-torn Bendery. (“I went and independently organized the evacuation of my parents ... and invited my father to work with us”).

Residents of Bendery will not let them lie that there were no problems with leaving the city even in the midst of the conflict.

Valtsman's father (Poroshenko) was responsible for coordinating logistics and supplies in the south of Ukraine and Moldova, led a number of large industrial enterprises. Then he took up the agricultural direction. He was engaged in both the cultivation of sugar beets and the production of sugar in the Vinnitsa region, which eventually became the real estate of Alexei and Petro Valtsmanov (Poroshenko).

It was from here that Petr Alekseevich himself was repeatedly elected to the Verkhovna Rada.

Others believe that Aleksey Ivanovich is not in any way the receiver of the dividends of a successful son, but a solid foundation of family prosperity. But Petr Alekseevich positions himself as the owner of the family business, giving his father the role of a hired manager.

REFERENCE "2000" 1

Spouses Marina Anatolyevna and Petr Alekseevich

According to the last declaration of P.A.Valtsman (Poroshenko) (which he himself made public on his Facebook page), last year he earned 86 million 605 thousand UAH, his wife Marina Anatolyevna Valtsman (Poroshenko) - 41 thousand UAH. Acquired a hectare of Kiev land for UAH 8 million. (to the already owned 8.5 hectares). Has a country house in "132 squares". Valtsman (Poroshenko) has two more apartments in Kiev (134 and 82 sq. M.), One in Vinnitsa and a very small one (35 sq. M.) In Odessa. The declared amount in bank accounts is UAH 192 million, and in 2011, UAH 155 million was deposited into accounts.

Into politics - by popular demand

Established in 1993, the Valtsmanovskaya (Poroshenko) corporation Ukrprominvest began to acquire assets.

When we came to the Vinnitsa confectionery factory, its warehouses were full of products, and the whole team was on vacation at their own expense. And it was not a state-owned enterprise. There are no privatized factories in the Roshen structure. All factories were rented, they were privatized by "red directors" and labor collectives. We purchased them on the secondary market or in the process of bankruptcy. People came and asked - we sit without work for six months, we have no money. "

Similarly, according to Valtsman (Poroshenko), in the business area of ​​Ukrprominvest, there was also such a “uninteresting” industry at that time as shipbuilding.

According to economic analysts, business is most successful in the main "pearl" of the Valtsman (Poroshenko) business empire - the Roshen confectionery corporation, which is one of the twenty largest confectionery companies in the world and is estimated at $ 1.5 billion.

However, of course, Pyotr Alekseevich has enough reason to consider himself an effective manager, however, as we have already noted, he is known much more as a politician than a businessman.
True, he himself says: “It was not Valtsman (Poroshenko) who asked to become prime minister, head of the NBU, speaker, vice-speaker. And Valtsman (Poroshenko) was promised and offered. I have never fought for any position and will not fight. And the fact that the proposals are received with an enviable regularity pleases my vanity. " Note that he named exactly those positions that he did not manage to occupy. In general, the "Freudian slip".

But back to the beginning of the political path of Petro Valtsman (Poroshenko). In the 1998 parliamentary elections, he occupied the eleventh position on the SDPU (u) party list, but received his deputy mandate in the majoritarian district of Vinnitsa region.

He was a member of the parliamentary faction of the United Social Democrats, was even elected a member of the political bureau of the party (although he did not join the party itself). The break with the "Social Democrats" (which occurred at the beginning of 2000) is explained by a purely financial conflict - for a place in the checkpoint part of their list was paid with the condition of a refund if it passes through the majority. Money was not returned ...

Then Valtsman (Poroshenko) created his own center-left faction "Solidarity", which soon merged with the Party of Regions. As Valtsman (Poroshenko) later said, the Party of Regions, it turns out, was created “under Yushchenko” (with whom he already had a close alliance), but, they say, Kuchma, having given Yanukovych the prime minister’s post and the status of “heir”, “regionals” “intercepted ".

Therefore, six months later, Pyotr Alekseevich left the Party of Regions. In December 2001, the Solidarity party entered Viktor Yushchenko's Our Ukraine electoral bloc, and Petr Alekseevich became the head of the bloc's electoral headquarters in the 2002 elections.

From May 2002 to September 2005 - the chairman of the parliamentary committee on budget issues, after the victory of Yushchenko, in February 2005, he was appointed secretary of the NSDC, since February 2007 he has headed the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine, since October 2009 - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ukraine, since March 2012 - the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, but after working for a little more than half a year, he preferred deputy activity to ministerial work.

About the "stars" of journalism and other "x ... not"

As expected, a wave of compromising evidence covered Valtsman (Poroshenko) shortly after the creation of Channel 5.

And, of course, that desperate fervor of Valtsman (Poroshenko), with which he smashed the “stars” and “stars” of opposition journalism, into the tail and mane of opposition journalism, instantly brought down the role of “Channel 5” embedded in the mass consciousness as a “channel” honest news ”and exemplary journalistic standards.
"I, b ..., not a single" bastard "has shown in Donetsk, - Valtsman (Poroshenko) yelled at the chief editor of the information service of" Channel 5 "Vladislav Lyasovsky. - I climbed the barricades with cancer! Did they "go crazy" or something, b ...! Who are you promoting, e ... your mother? What, b ..., is being done?
You answer personally, and you can at any time make proposals to remove the "stars" and about other x ... not. They, b ...., we still have the faces of the channel. No more and no less. Here's an information block, my dears, laid out for you, so you read it. You do not like what you read, write a statement and fuck off ...!
I don't care ... whose they are! I don't care ... where they came from! Until then ...! Understood? I'll find journalists for you in an hour. For the money they get! "

This fragment also testifies to the fact that inside Pyotr Alekseevich is not at all the Olympic calm that his face radiates into the lenses of television cameras.

But at that time, and the conversation took place in 2003, this manner of communication, always so smiling in public, Pyotr Alekseevich discouraged many a lot.

On September 5, 2005, an ally in the Maidan and the former political camp (they were part of the SDPU (u), the secretary of the Presidential Secretariat Alexander Zinchenko (now deceased) resigned, stating that his decision was primarily due to the inability to overcome corruption in the apparatus of the Council security, which at that time was headed by Valtsman (Poroshenko).

Zinchenko said that he “long sought the president’s dismissal of Valtsman (Poroshenko) from the post of chairman of the National Security and Defense Council, since“ the achievement of the Orange Revolution is under threat.

And already on September 6, 2005, on the website "Criminal Ukraine" a material is published, which tells in detail about the machinations associated with non-payment of VAT, as a result of which the state budget missed UAH 8.4-14 million.

In addition, it was said that Petro Valtsman (Poroshenko), through a number of enterprises belonging to him - "Ukrprominvest-auto", LUAZ, "Bogdan-service" - organized and established a fictitious export of goods from Ukraine to the United States. As payment for the goods, the actual cost of which was ten times lower than that indicated in the cargo and customs declarations, huge sums of money were “driven” back from the USA - to the same structures Valtsman (Poroshenko). It was alleged that as a result of this scam, in 2003 alone, UAH 141 million 658 thousand 456 were “pumped in” to Ukraine.

Of course, Yushchenko gave the predictable answer that they were not guided by "rumors and suspicions", and the Prosecutor General's Office did not delve into the specifics of US-Ukrainian cooperation.

Let us remind you that the "slap in the face of Alexander Zinchenko" crowned the most active period of the "orange" government in carrying out political repressions against those who supported Viktor Yanukovych.

Ordinary meanness

The second resounding "slap in the face" Petro Valtsman (Poroshenko) received quite recently from the leading journalist "2000" Sergei Lozunko, who, after analyzing the reasons for the Russian-Roshen scandal, described his activities as vile.

Recall that in August this year, Rospotrebnadzor imposed a ban on the supply of Roshen products to Russia. As explained by the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, Gennady Onishchenko, an examination of Roshen products selected in Moscow retail chains showed that the confectionery "does not correspond to the declared parameters." According to Onishchenko, benzopyrene was found in Roshen milk chocolate. For the examination, the products of the Kiev, Vinnitsa, Mariupol and Kremenchug factories Roshen were selected.

The journalist came to the conclusion that the funds earned thanks to Russia (Roshen annually earns hundreds of millions on the Russian market)

Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko is a Ukrainian statesman and politician, businessman and oligarch, one of the five richest people in Ukraine (fortune - $ 1.8 billion), the fifth president of Ukraine (from June 7, 2014 to May 2019). In April 2019, he suffered a crushing defeat in the second round of elections from Vladimir Zelensky, who received about 3 times as many votes.

Childhood, family

Poroshenko Petr Alekseevich was born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region. Father - Aleksey Ivanovich Poroshenko (born in 1936), a native of the village of Safiany (Bessarabia, Kingdom of Romania, now the Izmail district of the Odessa region). Mother, Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko (née Grigorchuk, 1937-2004), originally from the village of Kugurlui-Matroska, Bessarabia, Kingdom of Romania (now Izmail district, Odessa region). Elder brother Mikhail (1957−1997).

In 1974, the Poroshenko family moved to the city of Bendery, Moldavian SSR, where Peter graduated from high school. Despite excellent studies, Petro Poroshenko did not receive a medal. As he himself said, “for bad behavior” - because of conflicts with teachers who did not like the caustic injections and excessive self-confidence of Peter. At school, Poroshenko has always been a leader, went in for sports (he fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports of the USSR in judo). He speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English, Romanian.

After graduating from school in 1982, Poroshenko decided to enter the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Kiev State University. His father was skeptical about Peter's choice, and even advised him to prepare to join the army. Nevertheless, he helped his son to obtain the necessary reference documents for admission to a prestigious university.

In his second year, Peter got married, and almost immediately was drafted into the Soviet Army. He served away from home at the Air Force Research Institute in Kazakhstan. Subsequently, Poroshenko was proud that he "took part in hostilities." However, the service was - one can envy - "drove the head of the institute." And when Peter had a child, he was transferred closer to Kiev.

Demobilized in 1986, Poroshenkoch returned to the third year. In 1989 he graduated from the university, becoming a specialist in international economic relations.

Poroshenko's business

After graduating, Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko started his own business selling cocoa beans. In the 1990s, he acquired several confectionery enterprises, which were later merged into the Roshen group.

The business empire of Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko is great. After the transformation of its enterprises in 2006, PJSC “Closed non-diversified corporate investment fund“ Prime Asset Capital ”(ZNKIF), CEO, was organized. 100% of its shares belong to Mr. Poroshenko.

In the photo: a truck at the warehouse of the ROSHEN confectionery factory (Photo: TASS)

This included the ROSHEN confectionery factory, communications (Ekran company), the media (Channel Five, TRT, Tvoe radio, Pilot-Ukraine, Radio Next, Radio Niko FM, Radio 5), shipbuilding - the Sevastopol Marine Plant (nationalized by the Russian authorities Sevastopol) and the Leninskaya Kuznya plant. And also Ukrprominvest-Agro, the Bogdan corporation, the Peskovsky glassware plant, starch production enterprises, the Kraina insurance company, Energoavtomatika PO, the service sector (Monitor Sports and Recreation Complex, 5 Element Sports Club), etc.

Petro Poroshenko succeeded in business, his material well-being grew steadily.

Poroshenko's political career

With such efficiency, P. And Poroshenko could not help but become interested in politics. He understood perfectly well that in Ukraine this promised additional profits.

"The owner of factories, newspapers, ships" Poroshenko actively joined the Ukrainian political games. And here Pyotr Alekseevich felt himself in his midst.

For the first time, the young politician Poroshenko won a seat in the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament of Ukraine) in 1998 as a member of the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (United) (SDPU (o)). Then he created his independent center-left parliamentary faction "Solidarity".

In the photo: Boris Nemtsov, member of the political council of the Russian Union of Right Forces, Yulia Timoshenko and Petro Poroshenko with his wife (from left to right) during the anthem at the civil inauguration of President Viktor Yushchenko on the Independence Square in Kiev, 2005 (Photo: Alexey Ivanov / TASS)

During the "parade of resignations" of the Ukrainian governments, Petro Poroshenko was on the side of Viktor Yushchenko. Later he became the head of the campaign of the oppositional bloc of Viktor Yushchenko “Our Ukraine”. After the parliamentary elections in March 2002, when Our Ukraine received the largest share of the popular vote, Poroshenko headed the parliamentary committee on budget issues. In 2000-2004 P.A. Poroshenko - Deputy Chairman of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine.

In the photo: candidates for the post of Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Petro Poroshenko (Our Ukraine) (left) and Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT) in the conference room, 2006 (Photo: Vladimir Sindeev / TASS)

Its successful promotion, of course, was facilitated by irrepressible ambition, dedication and the ability to win the sympathy of the "necessary" people. Prior to his highest achievement in politics, Petr Alekseevich served as minister of foreign affairs, minister of economic development and trade - in this post he was under President Viktor Yanukovych.

Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Petro Poroshenko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left to right) during a press conference after the talks at the Foreign Ministry's mansion on Spiridonovka, 2009 (Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS)

Finally, after the Euromaidan and the ouster of Viktor Yanukovych from the presidency of Ukraine, new presidential elections were scheduled for May 25, 2014. On March 29, Petro Poroshenko announced that he would run for president. Poroshenko's campaign was carried out under the slogan "Living in a New Way". He pledged to break the oligarchic bond when rich Ukrainians buy political influence to get richer. We will not argue that they believed Pyotr Alekseevich, in fact, one of the oligarchs, but there was no one to choose from, and Poroshenko became president.

Photo: Ukrainian presidential candidate Petro Poroshenko during a rally in the city center of Kirovograd, Ukraine, 2014 (Photo: Mykola Lazarenko / TASS)

On June 7, 2014, the inauguration of the new president took place, during which Petro Poroshenko spoke about his main goals in office: he promised to return Crimea, guaranteed the free use of the Russian language, gave his word that Ukraine would receive a visa-free regime and membership in the European Union, pledged to strengthen the military the power of the country.

Photo: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko (foreground) during the inauguration ceremony at the Verkhovna Rada. In the background, the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Alexander Turchinov, June 7, 2014 (Photo: Nikolai Lazarenko / TASS)

But it soon became clear that the new president was not going to keep his promises. Petro Poroshenko unleashed a bloody massacre in the South-East of Ukraine, became a pathological opponent of the Russian language, quarreled the fraternal Ukrainian and Russian peoples.

From the first steps of the president, Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko began to demonstrate his true face. On September 25, 2014, Petro Poroshenko announced that the time had come to resolve the issue of the status of the soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA *) as defenders of Ukraine at the state level.

On October 14, 2014, by the decree of Petro Poroshenko, the day of the celebration of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos was proclaimed a holiday “Day of the Defender of Ukraine”. This day is also considered the date of the creation of the UPA.

In the photo: Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (left to right) during an inspection of modern weapons and equipment "The Power of the Unconquered" on the occasion of the Defender of Ukraine Day on Mikhailovskaya Square in Kiev, 2015 (Photo: Mykola Lazarenko / press- Office of the President of Ukraine / TASS)

The real essence of President Poroshenko was revealed in many of his actions. Petr Alekseevich is an opponent of the rapprochement of the peoples of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The president of a multinational country, in which about 20% of the Russian population and almost 80% of Russian-speaking people, is a staunch opponent of the Russian language in the state.

Positioning himself at all international meetings as the president of the world, Petro Poroshenko not only failed to fulfill his promise to end the war in Donbass, but, on the contrary, only achieved an escalation of the conflict. He ignores the implementation of the "Minsk Agreements", constantly calls Russia an aggressor. Whatever Poroshenko does, hatred for Russia runs through all of his actions.

Poroshenko got into a difficult position after Donald Trump's victory in the US elections. Always careful, he was so confident that he would win Hillary Clinton that he imprudently allowed himself to hurt Trump even on social media. Now he is doing his best to proclaim his respect for the newly elected American president.

According to media reports, Petro Poroshenko was a parishioner of the Kiev Ioninsky monastery, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. There, Poroshenko was ordained a deacon.

Nevertheless, it was on the fight against the UOC that Petro Poroshenko decided to build his election campaign in 2018.

On December 15, 2018, the so-called "unification council" was held in Kiev, at which Metropolitan Epiphanius (Serhiy Dumenko), who is a follower of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate (UOC-KP), was elected the head of the non-canonical Ukrainian church. The council was attended by only two representatives of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).

In the second round, Petro Poroshenko could not oppose anything to Vladimir Zelensky. In the opinion of the majority of experts, he lost the debate to his opponent, and in the elections on April 21 he received almost 3 times fewer votes.

According to the national exit poll, in the second round of the presidential elections held by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, the Kiev International Institute of Sociology and the Oleksandr Razumkov Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Research, 73.2% of voters cast their votes for Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and Petro Poroshenko voted 25.3%. Crossed out both or spoiled the ballot 1.05%.

“Never give up” I hear even now, when I see the results of these exit polls. And they are obvious, and give reason now to call my opponent and congratulate him. For the first time in the practice of Ukraine, it is necessary to do as is customary in civilized European states. I must always remember that tomorrow is April 22nd and we need to unite and defend Ukraine. Dear Ukrainians, next month I will leave the post of head of state. The majority of Ukrainians decided that, and I accept this decision. Yes, I will leave the office, but I want to emphasize that I am not leaving politics. I will remain in politics and will fight for Ukraine, "Poroshenko himself commented on the news.

In the parliamentary elections in the summer of 2019, Poroshenko again did little. The party of the former president of Ukraine "European Solidarity" won only 8.10% of the vote. The party of the country's President Volodymyr Zelensky won - Servant of the People won 43.16% of the vote. Next come Opposition Platform - For Life with 13.05% of the vote and Yulia Tymoshenko's Batkivshchyna Party with 8.18%.

Petro Poroshenko's income

Despite the war and the rapid poverty that has swept over Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko is getting richer as president. In 2014, only in the first year of the presidency, the income of Petro Poroshenko increased, his income increased 7 times. According to the 2016 Forbes rating, against the background of a decrease in the incomes of Ukrainian oligarchs, Poroshenko managed to increase his fortune by $ 100 million, in total he now has 858 of them.

In April 2017, Poroshenko submitted an electronic declaration for 2016, in which he showed his salary - more than $ 13.5 thousand.

In the fall of 2018, the Unified Register of Declarations of Ukrainian Officials indicated that in three weeks of October, the income of the President of Ukraine amounted to 34.8 million hryvnia (approximately $ 1.2 million). The head of the Ukrainian state received 28.8 million hryvnias (about a million dollars) from the sale of securities and corporate rights, another 6 million hryvnias (210 thousand dollars) - as dividends from the work of the investment fund "Prime Asset Capital".

As the news reported, since the beginning of 2018, Poroshenko has submitted 15 declarations. The total amount of income on them amounted to about 125 million hryvnia (4.4 million dollars). This was almost eight times its 2017 earnings.

Poroshenko's Internet memes, alcoholism and fainting

According to rumors, President Poroshenko, despite his illness (they say he has diabetes), loves, as they say, "to use" and, in a state of drunkenness, surprise with his speeches. Poroshenko's video during a visit to Mariupol in 2014 caused a lively discussion on the network, according to the president's speech and his gestures, one could assume that the head of state was intoxicated. I also remember Poroshenko's clause according to Freud, when he called those who robbed and killed Ukrainians "cynical Banderas". The president's entourage, however, is trying to monetize such dubious cases, for example, T-shirts with the words "cynical Bandera" were produced. From the last mysterious statements of Poroshenko, I remember that what was said in the same Mariupol, "the Ukrainian occupation is temporary", the local residents, who are still part of Ukraine, could cheer up.

Former adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, Ilya Kiva, on the five-year anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity, recalled how the current President of the country, Petro Poroshenko, and the mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, got drunk during protests.

However, in Poroshenko's camp, from time to time they come up with their own versions, fighting rumors about the alcoholism of the President of Ukraine. Journalist Yuri Butusov told his version of the appearance of the "myth" about the drunkenness of Petro Poroshenko. According to him, in 2015, Poroshenko arrived in Novi Petrivtsi, where a demonstration of new models of military equipment purchased for the National Guard took place. The president was offered a rifle shot, and although there were many military men of different ranks nearby, plus Poroshenko's personal security, no one warned him about the recoil, and the Ukrainian president received a sensitive blow in the eye, pressing too close to the telescopic sight.

Allegedly, then he pulled a cap over his eye and went out to the press, after which a widely replicated photo appeared.

Another feature of President Poroshenko is fainting during his speeches. Even his son fainted during a prayer service for Ukraine. The episode with the fainting of a soldier at the inauguration of Petro Poroshenko is also well known. In the summer of 2017, the head of the State Border Service of Ukraine Viktor Nazarenko lost consciousness right during a briefing by the presidents of Ukraine and Belarus.

On Independence Day in the summer of 2018, Poroshenko set a record for the fainting of soldiers listening to him - two fell exhausted at once.

In December 2018, Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova fainted during Poroshenko's speech.

Poroshenko's real estate

In 2009, Mr. Poroshenko completed the construction of his grand estate in Koncha-Zaspa at the former recreation center for workers of the Kiev confectionery factory named after Karl Marx "Chaika". In social networks, there is a photo of this palace, which resembles the White House in its architecture.

The recreation center of the Ukrainian society of the blind "Ivushka" was not lucky either. Two plots of her land were seized. Petr Alekseevich is also the owner of a luxury villa in Spain, where he recently transferred part of his assets. Photos of the President of Ukraine in Spain periodically appear in the media.

Poroshenko family

In the photo: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with his wife Marina (right) and children Alexandra, Evgenia and Mikhail during prayer for Ukraine in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev (Photo: Mikhail Palinchak / TASS)

Petro Poroshenko has four children, daughters Eugene and Alexander and two sons Alexey and Mikhail. Grandson Peter and granddaughter Elizabeth are the children of Alexei. The godparents of the daughters are Viktor Yushchenko and Oksana Bilozir.

In the photo: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with his wife Marina (Photo: FA Bobo / PIXSELL / PA Images / TASS)

Wife - Marina Anatolyevna Poroshenko (nee Perevedentseva), daughter of Anatoly Perevedentsev - Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from Kiev Medical Institute, cardiologist. She worked as a doctor in the cardiology department of the October Clinical Hospital in Kiev. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Now she is a housewife. Chairman of the Board of the Petro Poroshenko Charitable Foundation. Her photos can often be seen in glossy magazines.

were somewhat worried solemn welcome ...

I. Ilf and E. Petrov

At the last congress of UDAR, where delegates came to elect their leader Vitaly Etinzon (Klitschka) as a candidate for President of Ukraine, and unexpectedly for themselves elected a completely different candidate, Petr Alekseevich and Vitaly Vladimirovich publicly proclaimed an indestructible coalition of "Udarovtsy" with "Poroshenkovites" (i.e. e. by representatives of the Solidarity party).

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We present the psychological characteristics of Petr Valtsman (Poroshenko) (born on September 26, 1965). It was prepared with the participation of a well-known Kiev psychiatrist-psychophysiologist, who wished to remain incognito. He carried out an analysis based on the clinical and psychological method, which consists in a kind of "recoding" of the facts of a person's life into mental phenomena.

Psychological picture

High intelligence, but average erudition, which makes it difficult to navigate in problem situations. Understanding the essence of the problem, the choice of options for its solution require additional intellectual effort and time from him. He has been looking for optimal solutions for quite a long time.

More often it is closed, since the range of activities requires constant concentration. Constantly tense. Extremely selective in establishing and maintaining contacts and personal connections. The social circle is limited to friends and family. The need to communicate with people is mild.

Distrustful of others, secretive. Even trusted people (TV crews of Channel 5) have not shown Valtsman (Poroshenko) in “human glory” over all these years, did not dare to touch upon the deep motives of his mood and behavior.

Critical of himself and at the same time narcissistic. But he can admit his guilt in conflicts. Cannot withstand their long-term development.

Extremely wary of new ideas. Conservative. When solving life problems, he relies on methods and techniques proven by experience.

However, he is able to show courage even with a dubious advantage. However, he avoids a lot of risk, experiences anxiety and anxiety in situations that are unusual for himself. It often complicates things.

On the whole, he is emotionally stable - rarely “loses his temper”. Independent, practical, reasonable, firm, persistent. Feels protected, able to cope with various difficulties.

Demonstrates an extremely respectful attitude towards parents and family values. In people, he values ​​reason first of all, he rarely relies on the sensory sphere. First - own interests; friendship, love, the fate of the world - then.

Able to mobilize to achieve the set goal in spite of internal resistance and personal circumstances. He tends to rationalize his own emotional experiences and impressions. It does not seem that serious blows of fate (he experienced deep personal shocks: in 1997 his older brother Mikhail died, and in 2004 his mother Yevgenia Sergeevna died. - Author) knocked him out of his rut.

He perceives critical remarks with irritation, but soon finds a rational grain in them, which removes the irritation. Maintains self-control, is able to regulate emotions, preventing their external manifestations.

Organized in a business-like manner: implements what was planned, clearly understands the order of the tasks to be performed. Responsible, with a strong sense of duty.

Experiencing great difficulty in responding to other people's requests.

Analyzing the motives of people's behavior and dealing with social and social schemes, he is looking for an opportunity to rely on someone's opinion.

Continues to assert himself as a leader, his point of view must always sound, and sound convincing. Only then can you be at the head of a team when the behavior and opinions of others are focused on the leader.

The impression leaves in many respects pleasant: reasonable, calm, smiling. As the French say - loin des yeux, loin du coeur, which means "cold hands, hot heart."

Prefers silence to outright lies.

It is not easy for him to maintain the image of a European democrat, since in spirit he is the one he criticizes - a “red director”.

I would like to, but does not know what to say new, which would amaze the audience, increase public attention to his person, and awaken the people's love.

Likes to debate. Feels agitated arguing on talk shows. The speech is assertive, the voice is loud, but the phrases, as a rule, are banal, sometimes pretentious. Formal speech is easier to isolate yourself and avoid uncomfortable questions. He tries not to dwell on the discussion of the opponents' plots.

Escaping, perhaps, from himself is his characteristic psychological trait.

Aims at the need to "change this world" by improving your own.

Such people are called darlings of fate, it seems that she protects him from the moments from where some are chosen with the help of loved ones, others need a psychotherapist or medicines, and others need faith in higher powers. Most likely, religion for Petr Valtsman (Poroshenko) is nothing more than an effective tool for creating the necessary image.


Non-European politician with a European perspective

Our today's hero is still making timid and, let's say, unnatural attempts to get closer to the people.

It is difficult to imagine Petr Alekseevich in the role of, for example, Yeltsin, tap-dancing with wooden spoons in his hands, or in the role of Putin on a bike, or Clinton with a saxophone, or Tymoshenko on skates. The boring Valtsman (Poroshenko) is some kind, insipid, all of himself correct. And it looks like a deep psychological complex, and the inability and unwillingness to surprise and charm for a public figure, in general, is a disaster.

Not to mention, for example, Azarov and others, who, we suppose, would have lost ground from under their feet, they ranked their Forbes magazine as a very wealthy person.

In a Western European state, a businessman moving from one government chair to another is something of a fantasy, these are inevitable suspicions of abuse of office, although ... have we deeply studied the fundamental constructions of European political and business alliances and their figurants?

After all, Valtsman (Poroshenko) became a politician of the highest rank for the European elite;

Citizen of Ukraine. Has lived in Ukraine, in particular for the last ten years prior to election day.

Higher education. In 1995-2000. studied at the Kiev National Economic University with a degree in Jurisprudence, qualified as a lawyer.

1997-2003 - actor, screenwriter, artistic director of the team of the Club of cheerful and resourceful "Kvartal 95".

2003-2011 - Artistic director in the limited liability company "Studio" Kvartal 95 ".

2011-2012 - General producer in the private joint-stock company "TV Channel" Inter ".

2013-2019 - Artistic director in the limited liability company "Studio" Kvartal 95 ".

Founder of the NGO Youth Center League of Laughter. He did not occupy elective posts.

He has 10 full-length feature films. Winner of more than 30 awards of the National Television Prize of Ukraine "Teletriumph". He is also the winner of awards and laureate of many international film, television festivals and media forums.

He starred in the Servant of the People series, which won the WorldFest Remi Award (USA, 2016) and was one of the four finalists in the Comedy Films category at the Seoul International Drama Awards (South Korea). The Servant of the People was also awarded the Intermedia Globe SILVER in the Entertainment TV Series category at the WorldMediaFestival international media content festival in Hamburg (Germany).

From the very beginning of hostilities in Donbass, together with the Kvartal 95 studio, he helped the army. The actors donated funds, equipment to the fighters, attended the front line and various military units with concerts.


Married. Wife - Elena Vladimirovna Zelenskaya. Has a daughter, Alexandra, and a son, Cyril.

He has no convictions that have not been canceled and not removed in accordance with the procedure established by law.

On April 21, 2019, he was elected President of Ukraine in the next elections, receiving the support of 73.22% of voters. On May 20, he took the oath before the people of Ukraine as Head of State.

The rumor is persistently circulated in the wadded media that Poroshenko's real name is Valtsman.
I must say, I took their word for it and ignored this information on a deaf ear.
Well, you never know, the man took the name of his wife. Or his grandmother was Jewish. Or something else. Quilted jackets always react sharply to the presence of Jews in a person's family.
Well, a Jew and a Jew. It happens.

I am not a Nazi and would forgive even if his real name was Ivanov.

However, it so happened that I decided to check who was a Jew in Poroshenko's family.

So, the intelligence test has not passed. Vata, as expected, vomited a bunch of anti-Semitic remarks and offered nothing constructive.
Okay, then I’m giving you the correct answer.

A stupid mess is contained in the NAME and ACCOUNT OF "Alexei Ivanovich Valtsman". Not a single quilted jacket wondered why a RUMANIAN Jew suddenly had a Russian / Ukrainian NAME and PATRONYALITY. In general, the Jews, oddly enough, have Jewish names and patronymics. A Romanian Jew may have a Romanian name as a last resort. But it is very rare for a Jew to assimilate.
Now, if he had the name Natan Lvovich or Abram Solomonovich Valtsman there, I might have believed it. But dull cotton wool fundamentally cannot make a competent fake. Stupid, sir!
Vatnik met Jews with Russian names and this is familiar to him. But the Jews had Russian names only in the USSR and only because in Russia it was difficult for a Jew to break through and they often took Russian pseudonyms and gave their children Russian names.

That is why the quilted jacket simply cannot understand that a Jew in Romania with a Russian / Ukrainian name and patronymic is nonsense.