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Almost the most important. As you say "almost". Index of words to the section “Spelling. XIII Non-Impacted Particles NOT and NO

There are special designs with particles not and neither.

1. The construction with the verb to be able and double negation should be distinguished from the construction with the verb to be able with the preceding not and the repetitive amplifying neither. Wed pairwise examples: 1) It cannot fail to work. - He can neither work nor rest. 2) He cannot but read, he cannot but write, he cannot but listen to music. - He can neither read, nor write, nor listen to music. The first sentence of each pair states that the corresponding action is being taken; in every second, the impossibility of performing these actions is stated.

2. Neither the particle nor the particle can be included in constructions with the pronouns who, what (in different cases), how, where, where, from where etc.

a) Constructions with a particle are not included in exclamation or interrogative-exclamation sentences, in which a particle is often present only, for example: Who did not know this man! What did not delight him at this unusual exhibition! Who doesn't know this house? What does my dormant mind then not enter into?(Hold). How not to love your native Moscow!(Bar.). Wherever he had not been! Wherever he turned to!

Such sentences - negative in form - always contain an affirmation in content. ( Who did not know this man! means "everyone knew this man"; Wherever he had not been! means "he had to go everywhere").

b) Constructions with pronouns and a particle neither (often - with a preceding particle would be) are always part of the yielding subordinate clauses, for example: Whoever dies, I am a secret murderer of all(P.). It's a pity, but you have to give it up. Whatever happens, you need to stay calm. Nobody was asked, nobody knows. Whatever the child is amused with, if only he does not cry(last). Whatever the answer is, it’s better than being completely unknown. He could not distinguish iamba from chorea, no matter how we fought(P.). Wherever he worked, he was appreciated everywhere. Wherever I look - everywhere rye is thick!(Mike.). Whenever they come to him, he is always busy. No matter how much you look for the culprit in this case, you still will not find.

3. Constructions are none other than none other than, in which who and what can stand in indirect cases without prepositions and with prepositions ( none other than; nothing else but; none other than; with nothing but etc.), should be distinguished from constructions that include the pronouns nobody and nothing (also in different cases without prepositions and with prepositions). Wed pairwise the following examples: 1) This is none other than his own brother. “No one other than his own brother can know this. 2) This is nothing more than the most impudent deception. - Nothing else interests him. 3) He met with none other than the President of the country. - He does not agree to meet with anyone other than the president. 4) He agreed to nothing more than direct the entire work. - He will not agree to anything other than a leading position. In each pair, the first sentence is affirmative, the second is negative.

4. Neither the particle nor the particle are part of a number of stable combinations.

a) A particle cannot be part of complex conjunctions: not yet; not that; not that ... not that; not only but; not that (not) ... but; not that (not so) to ... a. Examples: Wait until the transmission ends. Stop it, or I'll scream! The weather is unpleasant: it is either raining or snowing. He is not only a poet, but also a composer. The relationship between them is not only not friendly, but hostile. He’s not only ten minutes late, but an hour late. He is not that rude, but somewhat quick-tempered. She is not so angry, but indifferent.

The particle is not included in the combinations that are close in value to particles: not at all, hardly not, far from, almost, almost, almost, not at all, not at all, not at all, perhaps, almost, almost; no more than, no more like, no more and no less like.

Many stable combinations do not begin with a particle, including those that include prepositional constructions of nouns: not so hot (how, what), not God only knows (who, what, what, etc.), not in an arc, not in spirit, not in credit, not in tune, not in harmony, not in measure, not in lift , not an example, not in joy, not in oneself, not in power, not in count, not a sin, God forbid, not to fat, not to laugh, not to that, not to good, not to liu, not to a place, not to the court, not to haste, in earnest, to the wrong address; by leaps and bounds; not within my power, too tough, not to my liking, not to myself, not even one hour, not from my hand, it wasn’t there, out of work, not a couple and etc.

b) The particle is not a component of many stable combinations.

Combinations that are subordinate clauses in form: by all means, no matter how you turn, no matter how you throw, whatever you say, wherever you throw, wherever you go, out of nowhere, whatever you say.

Combinations with initial single neither: nor aza, nor belmes, nor my God, nor boom-boom, not in life, not in life, not in a tooth (foot), not in any, in no time, in any case, in one eye , not so much, not in anything (to bet), not a penny, not a gugu, not for a penny (perish, abyss), not for a sniff of tobacco (perish, abyss), not for anything, not zgi, not a drop, not a penny, not a spear, not a crumb, not to anything, not to hell (not good), not for a hair, not for a penny, (who, what, what) not, not one iota, not a minute, not a step, not foot, under no guise, nothing to do with it, not a word, not an inch, not from a place, with nothing (to stay), not a fig, not a damn thing, not a step(exclamation) no shisha.

Combinations with repeating neither: neither me, nor more, nor less, neither backward nor forward, neither think of nor guess, neither mother nor father, nor warehouse nor in harmony, neither yes nor no, neither give nor take, nor two nor one and a half , neither the bottom nor the tire, neither day nor night, neither soul nor body, neither hot nor cold, neither alive nor dead, not for anything, not a skin, not a face, not a stake, nor a yard, nor an end, nor an edge, nor to the village neither to the city, nor a spoon, nor a bowl, neither less nor more, nor more nor less, neither hums nor calves, neither ours nor yours, nor an answer, nor greetings, nor rest, nor time, nor pava nor crow, nor pass nor drive, no fluff, no feather, no fish, no flesh, no matchmaker, no light, no dawn, no people, no mood, no hearing, no spirit, no sleep, no spirit, come neither sit down, for no reason , neither shame nor conscience, neither this nor that, neither here nor there, neither this nor the other, neither this nor this, neither this nor this, nor whoever, nor here nor here, nor to subtract nor to add, neither to the mind nor the heart , neither ear nor snout, neither cold nor hot, nor shaky nor roll; more detailed combinations of the same structure: not a candle to God, not a damn poker, not in the city of Bogdan, not in the village of Selifan, not to say in a fairy tale, not to describe it with a pen.

Note. For the spelling of such combinations without commas, see Punctuation, § 26, note 1.

3. In combinations almost ..., almost ..., isn't it ..., not further than ..., not later than ..., not earlier than ...


h at whether not

1. particle

Control. when expressing the uncertainty of the assumption; perhaps, almost, almost, almost.

2. particle

Control. when indicating an incomplete measure of smth. sign; nearly.

Efremova. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is ALWAYS NOT in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    1.particle Upotr. when expressing the uncertainty of the assumption; perhaps, almost, almost, almost. 2.Particle Upotr. when specifying ...
  • ALMOST in the Spelling Dictionary:
    almost ...
  • ALMOST in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    Part I Used when expressing the uncertainty of an assumption; perhaps, almost, almost, almost. Part II. Used when indicating ...
  • ALMOST in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Part I It is used when expressing the uncertainty of an assumption, corresponding by the meaning of the word: perhaps, almost, almost, almost. II ...
  • LEE in the Essential Guide to Weapons:
    KWEI SHUANG FU is a type of Chinese battle ax with a round hatchet and a semicircular tip. Usually double wielded at school ...
  • LEE in the Brief Glossary of Eastern Martial Arts:
    1) (whale) - power 2) (whale) - ...
  • LEE in the Dictionary of Generals:
    (Lee) Robert Edward (1807-70), Amer. military activist, gen. Participated in the war against Mexico. To Grazhd. the war in the USA (1861-65) by the commander-in-chief ...
  • LEE in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Jonas is a Norwegian writer. Most of his life he lived in Zap. Europe 354 (Italy, Germany), ...
  • LEE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Lee) Nathaniel (1653-92) English playwright. Tragedies on ancient subjects "The Queen-Rival, or the Death of Alexander the Great" (1677), "Oedipus" (co-authored with J. ...
  • LEE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • LEE
    (self-names Lai, ha, he, moifu) - a nation with a total number of 1150 thousand people, living mainly in China (860 thousand ...
  • LEE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    unsl., p. A measure of length, area, mass in a number of countries of the Far East. | The size of l. - units of length - varies from ...
  • A LITTLE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    -LOOK, adv. (colloquial). The same as slightly (in 1 and 2 digits). * Slightly (was) not, almost, almost (was) ...
  • LEE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ... 1. union. Attaches an explanatory subordinate clause, an indirect question to the main sentence. I asked if he was studying. I don’t know if they’ll come. 2. ...
  • LEE
    YAN (Lee Yuan) (Yuan Zeli) (b. 1936), Amer. physicochemist. Genus. in Taiwan. Tr. on the mechanisms of elementary acts of chemical. transformations. Nob. ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    YUAN (566-635), China. emperor (618-626); founder of the Tang Dynasty. Before that cr. feudal lord, governor in Taiyuan. Removed from power ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SHIMIN (599-649), whale. emperor (from 627). With him, obligatory ones were introduced. state selection exams for positions ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    QINGZHAO (1084-1151?), Chin. poetess. Landscape and anacreontich. melodious poems (tsy), poems about the invasion of nomads; aesthetic. treatise "Discourse on song ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    TSZONDAO, whale. theoretical physicist, see Lee ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SIGUAN (Li Zhongkui) (1889-1971), whale. geologist, in. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958). Tr. on stratigraphy and tectonics ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SONGE (1335-1408), cor. ruler since 1392, founder of the Li dynasty. Carried out reforms aimed at strengthening the center. ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (self-named - bark), people in China, indigenous to us. O. Hainan. Num. 860 incl. (1992). Language. whether. Adhere to the tradition. ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Lee) Bruce (1941-73), Amer. film actor. For the first time he was filmed at the age of 6 months ("Girl of the Golden Gate", 1941). In 1946 ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Yuan Zeli) See Li Yang ...
  • LEE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Lee Tsung-Dao (b.1926), whale. theoretical physicist. He put forward (1956, with Young) a hypothesis about nonconservation of parity in weak interactions. ...
  • LEE in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak.
  • A LITTLE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: see ...
  • A LITTLE in the Thesaurus of the Russian language:
    Syn: see ...
  • A LITTLE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see barely, ...
  • A LITTLE in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    Syn: see ...
  • A LITTLE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • LEE
  • LEE in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    Lee, nesc., Pl. ...
  • A LITTLE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    slightly, ...
  • A LITTLE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    slightly, ...
  • LEE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    whether, not., pl. ...
  • LEE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    whether 3 or l, particle and union - it is written ...
  • LEE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    li 2, nesc., pl., units. m. and f. ...
  • LEE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    li 1, unsl., p. (measure ...
    barely, barely Ch. alive. Ch. A whisper is heard. a little bit, a little more. as soon as, right after something Ch. ...
  • LEE in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    and eh l Upotr. in interrogative and relative sentences. + Will you come? I don’t know, I’ll come ...
  • A LITTLE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    slightly adverb. chukhotka hard. barely, only, only only, barely, with difficulty, by force; | very little, crumb, crumb. A little dawn, a little ...
  • LEE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    eh, the union is postscript, prefixed, meaning a question, but sometimes: | either, something; | though, at least; and repeated, expresses: or, or, ...
  • LEE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    dynasty in Korea from 1392 (until 1897 kings, from 1897 emperors) until the annexation of the country by Japan in 1910. - (Li Zongdao) ...
    1.adverb barely, barely, a little. And speaks so sweetly, barely breathing. Krylov. The dewy path is slightly noticeable. Nikitin. I got there a little ...
  • LEE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    and l (placed after the word to which it refers). 1. An interrogative particle in a direct question without negation. How far is it here to ...
  • A LITTLE in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    1.adverb colloquial 1) Barely, barely. 2) A little, slightly. 2. union raz. As soon as, now, right after ...

XIII Non-Impacted Particles NOT and NO

Section 48. It is necessary to distinguish the spelling of unaccharged particles not and nor ... These particles differ in meaning and use.

1. Particle not used for negation, for example: I didn’t talk about it. I didn't talk about it. This is not what I was talking about.

It is necessary to pay attention to individual cases of the use of this particle:

a) In the presence of a negative particle not in both the first and second parts of the compound verb predicate, the sentence acquires an affirmative meaning, for example: I can't help but mention ...(i.e. "Must mention"), one must confess ...(i.e. "I must confess").

b) In interrogative and exclamation sentences, the particle not adjoins pronouns, adverbs and particles, forming combinations with them: how not,who is not,who is not,where not, where not,than not,what not, what not etc.; here are interrogative sentences with a combination not whether , For example: Well, how not to please a dear little man!(Griboyedov). Who did not curse the station keepers, who did not curse them?(Pushkin). Why are you not great?(Pushkin). Where has he never been! What did he not see! What is not work! Sprayed the light; do you want to get married?(Griboyedov). Would you please senz?(Krylov).

c) In conjunction with the union bye particle not used in the subordinate clauses of time, denoting the limit to which the action lasts, expressed by the predicate of the main sentence, for example: Sit here until I come.

d) Particle not is part of stable combinations: almost, almost, hardly not indicating the assumption far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, denoting strong negation, for example: almost the best shooter, almost at five o'clock in the morning, by no means a fair decision, not a bad product at all, far from a reliable means.

e) Particle not is a member of creative unions: not that; not that - not that; not only - but; not that not - but; not that not - but, For example: Give back the ring and go; otherwise I will do with you what you do not expect(Pushkin). Above, behind the ceiling, someone is moaning or laughing(Chekhov). The partisans had not only rifles, but also machine guns.(Stavsky).

2. Particle nor used to reinforce denial, for example: I couldn’t profit anywhere with a bone(Krylov). There was not a single gap in the sky behind(Fadeev). Blizzard never even looked at the questioners(Fadeev). There is not a soul in the village now: everyone is in no.(Fadeev).

Repeating particle nor acquires the meaning of a union, for example: There was no water or trees anywhere to be seen(Chekhov). No muses, no work, no joy of leisure - nothing can replace your only friend(Pushkin). But the crowds flee without noticing him or his longing(Chekhov). I don't know who you are or who he is(Turgenev).

It is necessary to pay attention to individual cases of the use of the particle nor :

a) Particle nor used before the predicate in subordinate clauses to strengthen the affirmative sense, for example: Obey him in everything that you order(Pushkin). He could not distinguish iamba from chorea, no matter how we fought(Pushkin). Everywhere I look, everywhere rye is thick(Maikov). Whoever passes, everyone will praise(Pushkin).

Particle nor in subordinate clauses of the indicated type, it is adjacent to a relative word or conjunction, and therefore the subordinate clauses begin with the combinations: whoever,whoever,whatever,whatever,no matter how, no matter how,no matter how much, no matter how muchwherever, wherever,wherever, wherever,whatever, whatever,whoever, whoever,when not, whenever etc.

These combinations have entered some steady turnover: wherever it went, out of nowhere, by all means etc.

b) Particle nor occurs in stable combinations that have the meaning of a categorical command, for example: not from the spot, not a step further, not a word etc.

c) Particle nor is part of negative pronouns: no one, nobody (nobody) etc.; nothing, nothing (up to nothing) etc.; no, no (no) etc.; nobody's, nobody's (nobody's) etc. and adverbs: never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, in any way, not at all, at all, at all, as well as the composition of the particle something .

Is written nor in stable combinations that include pronouns, for example: was left with nothing, was left with nothing, disappeared for nothing.

d) Double nor enters into stable turns, which are a combination of two opposed concepts, for example: neither alive nor dead; neither this nor that; neither fish nor fowl; neither give nor take; neither pava nor crow etc.

Sunderland midfielder Adam Johnson has been accused of having sex with a schoolgirl. Alexander Kharlamov found out what happened to one of the main English talents again.

On Monday morning, an escort of three cars rushed through an exclusive area on the outskirts of one of the most beautiful cities in the UK, Durham (half an hour from Sunderland) and stopped at a posh mansion with six bedrooms, three garages and a host of other luxury goods. Adam Johnson bought it in 2012 for 1.85 million pounds, his friends were often here, but the police came to him for the first time.

“You know, at first I thought it was a robbery,” one of Johnson's all-seeing and all-knowing neighbors soon chattered into The Sun's voice recorder. “Unmarked cars drove up to the house, people in black came out of there, and after a while they took the owner away.” An hour later, the whole world learned that the Sunderland midfielder was charged with having sex with a 15-year-old schoolgirl, and his house was searched.

The fact that Johnson lives in the house with his common-law wife Stacy Flounder, who in early January gave her beloved daughter Isla Sophia, makes the situation even more dramatic. You can imagine the state of such a happy nursing mother who recently posted a photo of the baby on Facebook.

It soon became clear why the police took Johnson "without noise and dust", almost in an atmosphere of secrecy - as it turned out, this was demanded by the father of that same schoolgirl (according to the Daily Telegraph, he found out about the connection with Johnson by checking his daughter's page on social networks) fearing that the press will sniff out her name. The authorities have already announced that anyone who tries to find out will be prosecuted.

In the evening of the same day, Adam, in whose house something was found (a pistol for which, however, he had permission), was released on bail. However, the management of Sunderland, despite the club's struggle for survival in the Premier League, removed the midfielder from playing for the team until the circumstances were clarified. The only good news for the player now is the support that was expressed to him not only by his wife, but also by her parents, as well as all relatives and friends. The rest is a complete paragraph. If proven guilty, it will shine as much as it was initially erroneously (probably to add even more sensationalism) was indicated in relation to the age of the schoolgirl by the Daily Mail journalists - 14 years. Or maybe more, given the sensational story with another footballer.

In order to somehow comprehend what happened, it is important, first of all, to understand that Johnson is from that breed of people who go through life easily, and if something does not work out, they are looking not for the right, but the simplest way out of the situation. For a long time in the life and career of A.J. (the player's nickname), everything was going great - fortunately, God did not deprive him of talent. The famous Johnny Haynes patted 7-year-old Adam on the shoulder after scoring two goals at Wembley in 1994 for his school. At the age of 12, the boy with the magic left ended up at the Middlesbrough academy, and at 17 he made his debut in the main team of the Rivermen in the UEFA Cup.

A. Jay had all the prerequisites to become a real star in Manchester City, where he received the 11th number. However, Adam, it seems, did not understand that it was impossible to leave for such a club with one talent, and it was not in his rules to look for the cause of failure in himself. “Moving to Manchester was a mistake. It was difficult for me to develop at City; young players are not trusted there. This should be a lesson for others, "- presents his version of failure in an interview with The Guardian Johnson, who managed, however, to become the champion of the country in Manchester.

However, there is another version, which is closer to the truth. For some reason, Johnson omits how he ignored Roberto Mancini's instructions to work out in defense, and after a new portion of claims he believed that they were picking on him and once even refused to get on the club bus and go home with the team.

The example of Gareth Bale shows that youth is not the issue, but the ability to improve and change attitudes towards circumstances. Johnson, on the other hand, continued to play his usual football, even in the face of the coach's refusal of pure wingers, finding an outlet in something else. In Manchester, Adam rented a mansion, in which Cristiano Ronaldo had previously lived, and behaved like a star.

"This guy is a real rake," AJ's former neighbor says in an interview with The Mirror. - He was with a new woman almost every day and often returned home after midnight. It's no secret that Adam drank. I have seen more than once how he left his car on the road and called a taxi. "

Back in Sunderland, where he is from, Johnson got what he wanted. The "black cats" paid him a salary even higher than the sheikhs paid - 2.5 million pounds a year, and, no less important, now he was again able to feel not one of many, but the first guy, albeit in the village. Everyone noted that Johnson began to change for the better, including as a person. It was at the beginning of his period at Sunderland that Adam met Stacy Flounder, with whom he developed a serious relationship. The footballer confessed to his friends that the purchase of a house on the outskirts of Durham, away from the alluring lights of nightclubs, was caused, first of all, by the desire to quit revelry and focus on his career.

And it turned out not bad - in 2014 Adam was recognized as the best player in January in the Premier League, until the last he claimed a trip to the World Championship (played only 12 matches for the Lions), and in December of the same year he scored a thoroughbred winning goal in the derby against “ Newcastle ".

But lately Johnson has left his comfort zone again. Gustavo Poyet noted that since Adam had a child, the midfielder looks tired, so the coach often gave him rest. Plus, AJ felt keenly that with Sunderland struggling to survive, he was under much more pressure as one of the highest paid players. Adam, on the other hand, has always been one of those who hates the word "must" - otherwise the England national team would now have a new leader, and the midfielder himself chose not the usual, but some more civilized way to relieve stress. One who, at the very least, would not put his family and career in jeopardy.

The investigation has just begun and, perhaps, the court will even acquit Johnson. But now the main question is different: how many more examples are needed so that Adam's colleagues (and not only them) understand that in life you can not do everything you want.

Sense, I ... Russian spelling dictionary

A LITTLE. 1.adverb barely, barely, a little. "And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing." Krylov. "A little dewy path is noticeable." I. Nikitin. "I arrived a little alive again." Nekrasov. "My fire burns a little." Krylov. "The timid moon is shining a little." I. Kozlov. "Quiet… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

A LITTLE, a little adverb. chukhotka hard. barely, only, only only, barely, with difficulty, by force; | very little, crumb, crumb. It dawns a little, dawns a little. I'm on my feet, a little light. From here you can barely see. I almost fell. I almost got caught. The thread is a little ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

I. adverb 1. Quite a little, slightly, to a small extent; barely, barely. Ch. Further, at a distance. Ch. Above, below. More, less. Says h. Is audible. Trees sway with foliage. C. the light dawned. He said with a noticeable smile. H came alive. Ch. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

a little- Almost (colloquial) seems, probably, apparently. Wait, this happened almost last year. You almost told me about it yourself. A little (was) not almost, almost, a little more and. He almost choked on a bone ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

See only ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. slightly insignificantly; a little, a little, symbolically, only just a tiny bit, at least a little, a little, a little, with a sin ... ... Synonym dictionary

- (colloquial). 1.adverb Barely, barely. Ch. Alive. Ch. A whisper is heard. 2.adv. A little, slightly. Ch. More. Ch. Oversalted. 3. union. As soon as, immediately after what N. Ch. Who enters, I will hear. Almost an expression of almost complete confidence, insignificant ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Honor, almost (what), about, almost, almost, almost, not small, practically, read, almost, one might say, count, almost, almost, the Dictionary of Russian synonyms. almost adverb, number of synonyms: 14 without a small (8) ... Synonym dictionary

Almost...- ALWAYS NOT ... It seems, it seems, maybe. I don’t remember who, but almost V.L. Pushkin, who brought Alexander, called me over and introduced me to my nephew (Pushchin. Notes about Pushkin). The Indians are smeared with something, almost coconut oil, ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language


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