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Personnel motivation system. Where is the bonus payment scheme most often applied? And there are no bonuses at work

Who doesn't want to be rewarded for hard work and faithful service? Everyone wants it, but not everyone gets it. Be that as it may, bonuses, albeit small, always motivate the employee to work better.

For a start, what are the bonuses? Material incentives for work is a system of measures aimed at ensuring the material interest of workers in achieving certain results of work.

The measures of material incentives established by Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation include the payment of bonuses and rewarding with a valuable gift. In addition, in accordance with Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer establishes various systems of remuneration, which include additional payments and allowances for compensation and stimulating character, as well as a bonus system. These wage systems should be enshrined in collective agreements, agreements and local regulations.

Now let's figure out what bonuses are and what they are eaten with.

First, there are material incentives and intangible. Non-material encouragement is most often praise: “Here, Petya, look how Vasya works well!” And Vasya puffs up with pride, blushing awkwardly for decency. Or such an option: “You, Seryozha, do not smoke? Don't smoke. This means that you can come to work half an hour later, and leave half an hour earlier ... ". And everyone who wants to sleep a little longer and get off early is tied up with nicotine, starting to be a role model.

Material bonuses, respectively, can be touched, touched, you can even buy something with them. "500 rubles to the prize for the one who comes up with the best headline for this article!" - in editorial offices it usually works with a bang. “I have an untouched can of delicious coffee lying around here - whoever finishes with the layout first gets a present.” Even if it's ridiculous little calendars or unnecessary notepads, work gets done better when an atmosphere of healthy human competition is provided.

Salary bonuses are most often used to incentivize workers. This is understandable. Who in modern conditions do not want to receive more? Often this is a trifle, but nice.

The only thing that needs to be clearly defined is what these bonuses and incentives will be paid for: for closing a complex project, for delays at work, work on weekends, business trips ...

It should also be emphasized that both bonuses and incentives are a fickle part of income. Often employees get used to to complementary reward, and not having received it, they begin to demand. To avoid this, it is necessary to convey to the staff as clearly and clearly as possible: whoever does not work well will receive nothing, and vice versa.

Bonuses, as a rule, are material rewards, while incentives can be very diverse: from a photograph of an employee on the honor board and ending with a trip to warm lands for two. The main thing is that the person has pleasant impressions and the desire to continue moving mountains for the benefit of his native company.

It should be noted that the material and intangible incentives are inseparable. According to research psychologists, only one motive of professional activity is associated with money, all the rest - with recognition, relationship with the leadership, achievements, career advancement, interest in work.

Only with a competent combination of these two parts is it possible to achieve effective work of employees and, as a result, increase labor productivity.

When talking with employees or candidates for vacancies they talk about a dream job, then almost everyone says that they would dream of working in the offices of Yandex, Vkontakte, Google and other modern technology companies? They are so desirable not because of high salaries, but because of the motivational bonuses that are given to employees: delicious food, lounge areas, opportunities for development and other nice features. Smaller companies are also starting to pull themselves up: here and there you will see guys who dissect around the office on a scooter, or occupied capsule chairs in which you can take an hour's nap. Table football or tennis has become commonplace in general.

2014 has shown that motivational bonuses for employees have become a tradition. Among them there are already some kind of "leaders" who are periodically talked about in the news and written in the press. Forbes magazine has collected interesting ways to win not only wallets, but also the hearts of employees. I supplemented them with interesting examples that I met.

Game rooms

What can attract the best programmers and tech minds of today? Games only. Any company needs a smart programmer, sysadmin, engineer, or other techie (even if it's a private library). Therefore, game rooms with tennis, darts, PS or X-box are now ubiquitous. They quickly become the brain center of the company, in which I constantly come up with something on the go.

Some companies have already outgrown rooms: for example, has a climbing wall, and Google, which has been one of the world's top 5 employers for six years, offers employees a bowling alley and a bocce lawn. And that's just the top of the list.

Good food

It doesn't have to be full meals: someone gives a discount at a nearby cafe, someone organizes a cafe right in the office. Some provide workers with cookies, and others with donuts on Thursdays.

This kind of vacation can be much healthier for the brain than going to the beach with your wife and children.


Freebies can range from coupons and discounts to free food, educational courses, and more. Food Corporation J.M. Smucker, for example, pays 100% for a second degree for its employees.

Here are some of the funnest ways to make your employees happy with something free:

  • Subscription to magazines.
  • Babysitter for children.
  • Tickets to the movies or somewhere else.
  • Spa services.
  • Massage.
  • Maintenance of equipment.

Free surprises don't have to be everyday. They can be a great gift for a birthday or any other occasion. Freebies can be themed: for example, free laptop repairs and other gadgets for programmers, or paying for a fitness center for a chef.

Finally, here are the words of Larry Page (CEO of Google), who can safely be considered the trendsetter in motivational bonuses: “When you take care of people, you increase productivity. Instead of counting working hours, count the result. We must always think about what else can be done for our employees. If our team becomes happier and more productive, we will become happier too. "

These are some interesting examples. Choose those that seem effective to you and apply.

A bonus is any financial compensation, reward or return in excess of the recipient's normal expectations. The bonus can be provided to employees and managers of the company, potential employees or shareholders. Bonus is an additional compensation paid to an employee above his or her regular salary. The cash payment can be used as a reward for achieving certain goals set by the company, or for loyalty to the company. In an office setting, bonuses are usually provided either to reward an employee or to reward an excellent job.

Bonus as an incentive

Examples of bonuses that are offered as incentives include signing bonuses, referral bonuses (see also what is) and retention bonuses. The cash payment upon signing a contract is a cash offer to potential employees who are perceived as the best talent for the firm. The bonus is designed to stimulate potential hiring, so that the best people can not get a job in competitors' firms.

A referral bonus is awarded to an employee whose recommendation of a person for an open position with a firm results in the hiring of that person. The firm offers referral bonuses to their top performers to get people to vouch for in terms of great work ethics, high skills, and positive attitude. If the recommended person ends up getting a job, the referrer will be given a bonus.

The corporation offers retention bonuses to key employees to encourage them to stay with the corporation, especially during times of crisis or organizational change. A financial incentive aims to provide an employee with confidence that his or her employer values ​​the contribution to the corporation and would like to retain it.

Performance bonuses

Rewards may also be offered to employees as incentives for some exceptional work that has been completed and completed. A performance bonus is offered when a project, quarter, or year is successfully completed; when a team or employee goes beyond the required job responsibilities; when a special remuneration should be provided to an employee. The bonus can be given to an individual, team, department or everyone in the company according to the contribution of each entity. The bounty bonus can be a one-time offer or a recurring payment for employees and executives. Reward bonuses are not always monetary rewards. Sometimes they are paid in kind in the form of promotions, gift cards, weekends, holiday turkey, or just a verbal appreciation. Examples of bonuses provided to an employee for a job well done include an annual bonus scheme, a point bonus, a bounty bonus, a bonus participation fee, and a milestone bonus.

Some businesses have an annual bonus structure built into employee contracts. In the event that the firm makes a profit during the financial year, the profit will be distributed among the employees, a and C-Suite (C-Suite, or C-Level, is a widely used slang term used to collectively refer to the most important leaders of the corporation. C -Suite gets its name from top management titles, which tend to start with the letter C, as CEO (), CFO (), COO ()) and will get the most of the pie. A bonus bonus is a microloan payout, usually valued at around $ 50, given to an employee or team that deserves special recognition. An employee benefit bonus can also fall under a bonus program, or it can be a separate benefit plan provided to an exceptional employee. Employees who reach a milestone with a firm say they have been with the firm for ten years may also be eligible for an enterprise that would offer him or her additional compensation in cash or in kind.

Other bonus schemes

Not all bonuses are offered as incentives or rewards. Some bonus payments paid to employees are not earned and are provided only because the person is part of the company.

In addition to employees, shareholders can also receive a bonus as a return on their investment in the company. One type of shareholder bonus is a dividend that is paid to shareholders out of the proceeds generated by the profits realized by the company. The board of directors must approve dividend payments and can also decide to stop payments at its discretion.

The company can also issue bonus shares to shareholders, thereby increasing the total number of issued and owned shares. The bonus problem is usually based on the number of shares already held by the shareholder and is very similar to the spread of shares, except that there are no breaks with the bonus shares and the balance sheet changes in the Equity section of the balance sheet.

Bonus plans are not limited to employees and shareholders. Other stakeholders in the company's supply chain may receive additional compensation, such as subscription bonuses, from the company to qualify for the contract. In addition, professional sports groups also offer bonuses to highly qualified players who want to join the team.

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An employee who is satisfied with the working conditions will work for the good of the company, bringing it profit and numerous benefits.

Such a subordinate does not think about how to rest for a week on sick leave - he holds on to the position, clutching a stranglehold.

Incentive bonuses such as equipping a break room or reimbursing the cost of a pool pass are ubiquitous.

And what do world-renowned companies offer their employees?

1. Intel: eight weeks of paid vacation

At Intel, every employee is entitled to eight weeks of travel, every seven years of collaboration. You must admit that the previous six years will fly by like an instant if a magical vacation with the whole family awaits you in any part of our planet.

2. Google: compensation for baby food

The well-known company Google reimburses the cost of babysitting services for children when parents are late at work, or pays for the purchase of prepared meals for children. The amount is no less than $ 500.

3. Microsoft: "highly intelligent" delivery to the workplace

Microsoft employees start their morning by visiting Facebook or any other web page. The bus, which brings workers to their addresses, is equipped with computers with Internet access. Everyone can have fun online on their way to work.

4. IBM: the ability to work remotely

About 40% of IBM's workforce works from home. The employee is provided with everything necessary for effective work remotely. Imagine that the management doesn't care where you are sending the report from: from your own apartment, lying in bed, or from a cafe ... in Bangkok.

5. Quiksilver: Surfing the Workplace

Quiksilver, an Australian surfboard and apparel company, insists that employees take the time to ride the waves during their workday. The company strives to ensure that surfer enthusiasts work on products for this sport.

6. Deloitte: compensation for adoption costs

Deloitte employees receive about $ 5,000 in reimbursement of child onboarding costs. A somewhat unusual bonus, don't you think? On the one hand, this is a noble gesture on the part of the leadership, and on the other, it is like advocating the abandonment of pregnancy in favor of adoption. After all, this way the company will not have to pay for long-term maternity leave.

7. Nike: education for employees and their children

Nike took a step forward in the educational program. Now, not only employees, but also their children can be trained at the expense of a company specializing in the production of sportswear. The management does not deny scholarships to anyone.

8. Patagonia: paid volunteer work for the environment

Additional vacation at the expense of the organization can be afforded by a Patagonia employee. A sportswear company provides employees with additional vacation days if they agree to participate in eco-volunteer programs.

9. SouthWest Airlines: Free Flights for the Whole Family

SouthWest Airlines allows its employees and their families to fly an unlimited number of times in any direction during the year. Free flights for employees are a common bonus, but this airline has an unprecedented generosity: fly as often as you want. Over the years of work, you can fly around the entire planet!

10. NuStar Energy: Double Pension Fund

Many companies offer employees alternative retirement plans in the form of opening an additional account. NuStar Energy has gone even further: for every dollar an employee places in a savings deposit, another dollar is added. Workers retire with peace of mind and live in abundance for the rest of their days.

It seems that any measures taken by management to further motivate employees will be approved by the latter.

What motivational bonus would you like to use?

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In the battle for the best employees, large IT companies and promising startups not only build luxurious offices with a bunch of bonuses in the form of free food, comfortable work areas and entertainment (that's how they are), but also offer various useful features that will surely delight employees.

We are in site collected the coolest of them and, frankly, envied a little.

9. Bonuses for young parents

The management of many companies is very sensitive to replenishment in
families of their employees. So, the head Facebook, young father
two kids Mark Zuckerberg, offers his employees a paid
maternity leave for both men and women
(by the way, he
also took breaks from work after the birth of children and helped his
spouse). Also, parents receive monetary compensation in the amount of $ 4,000 after the birth of the baby. Both leave and payment can be received including after adoption.

In company Netflix also provide bonuses for those who have small children: you can agree on flexible hours or work from home. And the Swedish giant IKEA provides paid parental leave even for part-time employees.

8. Help in the treatment of infertility

Another unusual bonus, which so far is offered mainly only by such giant companies as Apple and Facebook, - this is material compensation for employees in the treatment of infertility, as well as in the freezing of eggs... By the way, the cost of the last procedure is quite expensive and, for example, in the USA it can be about $ 15-20 thousand.

7. Travel at the expense of the company

Some companies try to monitor not only the health of their employees, but also to ensure that they properly rest. So, to all those who work in the popular rental service Airbnb Offers $ 2,000 Annual Travel Benefit To Anywhere In The World.

By the way, the leaders of this company try to keep employees in the office not bored: they are allowed to bring their own pets to work, and themed parties are held every Friday.

6. Unlimited vacation time

Already back in 2004 in Netflix introduced the following system: the company abandoned the system for calculating vacations and their strict control... In other words, you can take vacation whenever you want and for as long as you see fit. This option can be chosen by an employee who does a good job of their duties - of course, management expects projects to be completed on time.

This idea has inspired many other companies as well, such as Twitter, Visualsoft, Pinterest and Virgin... In addition, in some of them there is no fixed 9-hour working day - the most important thing is that the assigned tasks are completed on time.

5. Compensation for education

Many companies are interested in the fact that their employees do not stop developing. So, in Google ready to pay for any courses: you can take advanced training, learn a new language or go to sewing and sewing courses - choose whatever you want.

Starbucks also known for her good attitude towards employees: in her coffee shops they often work students for whom the company is ready in some cases to fully compensate for the cost of training... And some remain with the company after graduation, but in a more prestigious position.

4. Meetings with celebrities

Ex-employee of the company Spacex recently talked about how Elon Musk motivates his employees. First, he writes for subordinates motivating letters and occasionally makes speeches... Secondly, invites celebrities to the office who share their success stories and just charge people with a good mood. Jennifer Aniston, Will Smith, Morgan Freeman and others came to visit the office. And Musk also does not restrict employees from moving around the office, therefore absolutely any employee can see how, for example, a rocket is going.