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Student portfolio as a tool for getting a promising job. How to write interesting about yourself? Sample portfolio resume

The best way to sell yourself as a designer is to build yourself a quality portfolio. In it, you reflect your work and attract clients. Every designer should have a portfolio. If so, first ask yourself a few questions: How much time are you spending on improving your portfolio? What do you think is the best work in it? One thing is for sure - no matter how your portfolio is presented, it can always be improved.

Nothing is more important than presenting the best of your work in a clear, engaging way. This article will help you achieve all of this. Below are 20 tips for creating the perfect portfolio. These tips are for both individuals and online portfolios. Keep these tips in your mind. Sew in the comments what you think - I'll be glad to get a response.

Physical design portfolio

20. Size

One of the main questions to be answered is how much work should your portfolio contain? A comprehensive portfolio needs at least 20 examples of your best work to make the best impression. Although practice shows that sometimes 5-6 really coolly designed best works are enough.

19. Relevant Examples

If you're applying for an in-house designer position, it's best to include examples that are relevant to the position. If, for example, you want to get a job as a web designer, then showing a potential employer a set of logos will not work. Real or fictional sites and prototypes are what you need ideally.
Reference image:

18. Context

The designer or artist must be able to create graphics that are appropriate for the job. You should be able to understand the brief well. If you have lonely pictures in your portfolio, add context to them. Where did these images come from? How did the idea come about? What was your train of thought? Anything that supports the concept of the image is required to be included in the portfolio.

17. Work for pleasure

A portfolio should include more than just work for clients. Design should also be your hobby. Submit your own projects, because they often turn out to be much more interesting than custom work.

16. Keep it fresh

As the experience grows, the portfolio also grows, replenishing with more and more new projects. This does not mean that the portfolio should contain all the work. Clean it up periodically, leaving only the best and most recent work.

15. Examples

A portfolio is not just about your work. Very good. when there are also recommendations. Allocate them fatter and attach to work. Moreover, sew transcripts and cases for work, often they also serve as a plus. All this shows your capabilities. If suddenly you ever find yourself without work, ask for recommendations at the previous place, they always help.

14. Step back

Look at your portfolio from a third-person perspective. Look at it with an experienced eye, instead of waiting for criticism from real customers. It is very important that you know your strengths and weaknesses. Based on this, you can prioritize graphics improvement and practice.

13. Demonstration of skills

Think of a portfolio as a creative curriculum vitae. You need to make an impression, show that you are a professional. Make a solid note of how your professional course skills are including communication and especially meeting deadlines. Try to give the impression that your skills include communication and meeting deadlines.

12. Sell yourself

What other creative talents do you have? Are you a good photographer? Or even a singer? You need to let your potential employer know about your other creative abilities as well.

(picture from the site

11. Indexing Portfolio

When you read a book, or glide over it or surf the next site, you usually mark or add pages of interest to your favorites. That is exactly what your potential employer will do. This is easy - make sure all pages have numbers (sites have unique URLs).

Online Portfolio

10. Platform

To build your portfolio online, there are several options. If you want a clean, personalized space, you can simply buy a domain and create a website for yourself. Or just set up a WordPress site yourself. If you are not ready to spend so much effort, try special sites, for example,.

9. Objectives

You need to make sure you understand the purpose of building an online portfolio. Is this a means of feedback? Or is it for employment? Answering these questions will help you better customize your portfolio and increase your chances of success.

8. Be selective

You don't have to post all of your work on the Internet. Be selective - pick the best ones and different examples. Nobody has to see everything. You have to make people want more, this is the task that your portfolio should do.

7. Present work carefully

A London-based illustrator says: “Lay out your work neatly. There are the same wishes for online portfolios as for physical ones: you must tell a story and show projects so that a common flow is created and everything interacts. If this means that the old project should be deleted and replaced with a new one, so be it. "

6. Show, don't tell

A website, like a business card, says a lot about you. More precisely, it shows a lot about you. You need to make sure your visitors are seeing and getting the first positive visual experience before they read.

5. Constantly update

It is very important to constantly replenish the portfolio with new works. If you leave your site without updating for several months, people will no longer want to buy what is already hosted there.

4. Update quickly

You need an effective design in order to update your portfolio regularly. It should be easy, two or three clicks, no more. If not, then you will get bored with posting new pictures due to the complexity of the process.

3. Photos of printed projects

Have you thought about showing your printed work in your online portfolio? Get a good camera, position your work in good lighting, use equipment if necessary. Make sure the photos come out really well, otherwise viewers won't be able to appreciate the finesse.

2. Marking

Publish your work online. This will allow your clients and visitors to refer to your work when they talk about you.

1. How did you work?

It is important to show the final product. But more importantly, show how you managed to achieve the final product. Give your clients an idea of ​​how you made the details

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This article is for freelancers who have recently set sail and do not yet know what to present to a client as a resume for dating. You do not have a website yet, you have not managed to create platforms in social networks, but you want to look like a professional in the eyes of potential customers. This means that you need self-presentation - the “dress” by which you are met.

By the way, many old-timers of the freelance market do not have self-presentation either. If you don't have it either - this article is for you too.

So, self-presentation of a freelancer includes a resume and portfolio.

What does a resume consist of?

1. Your name

Notice, not the network name, "nickname", but your real name and surname. Unless, of course, you have a compelling reason to hide under a pseudonym. If there are such reasons, choose a pseudonym, but remember that now you are starting to build up a reputation, you will live with this pseudonym for many years, so choose responsibly.

2. Information about your project and proposal

  • Specialization and / or USP.

We have already talked with you more than once that a "man-orchestra" who takes on any order is usually less valued by clients than a specialist in a particular field. Specify this area: for example, medical copywriting or character design.

It is good if, in addition to specialization, it is what distinguishes you from all competitors, without exception, and at the same time is appreciated by customers.

  • Information about the completed training.

Where and how did you study? This is not about higher education, or rather, not primarily about it. Of course, if you received a diploma in the profile in which you are working now, tell me about it. It is useful for copywriters to be philologists, journalists, marketers. It is useful for a medical copywriter to be a doctor. But if you are a locomotive designer by education, and now write selling texts, this information will be superfluous for the customer. Cross out.

But we indicate the training for your current profile in full. It is good if you can present certificates confirming the fact of training. It's even better if you've learned from those who are the authority for your customers.

  • Experience of offline work.

This item may or may not be included in the resume - just like with a higher education. If you worked as a designer in a glossy magazine for 10 years, and now you do custom-made printing, this experience will come in handy. If you worked in the sales department of a construction company and now offer the development of commercial proposals for construction companies - great! If you worked as a pediatrician, and now you are making up websites, cross them out.

  • Extra skills.

Only if they are relevant to your project and proposal. When offering a copywriter service, consider whether information about your experience in conducting psychological trainings or your ability to embroider with a cross will help the customer make a decision. If the skills can be useful for offering a comprehensive service, you can turn it on. Otherwise, delete it.

  • Interests.

And here is a controversial moment. Many times I have come across recommendations not to place interests in the resume, because it will definitely not be useful to the customer. I would argue. First, your interests tell about you as a person. They show how active you are in life and what you do in general. Active people are the best workers. Second, interests can match well with your specialization. For example, you are a copywriter writing about a healthy lifestyle. And besides, you are a yoga instructor. It goes well and makes it clear that you are "in the subject."

3. that will show that other people are already happily and profitably working with you.

  • Reviews and recommendations.
  • Cases, that is, stories about how you helped clients.
  • The list of projects with which you have already collaborated can be in the form of a "board of honor" with logos.
  • Links.

If you have a website / blog dedicated to your work, be sure to provide a link. If there is no website, it is a good idea to provide links to your personal resources - for example, pages on social networks. This, like interests, allows you to get to know you better. Just make sure that only what you are ready to show potential partners is published on your pages. And always remember this.

  • Contacts.

We need several ways to contact you. The required minimum is email and skype. If it is possible to communicate with you via social networks - write about it. Although, for my taste, there is enough mail and Skype for the eyes.

But you won't be full of a resume. The customer needs to see not only WHO you are and WHAT you do, but also HOW you do it. Therefore, the freelance self-presentation package also includes a portfolio.

What should be your portfolio

I recommend making a portfolio not a part of a resume, but a separate document. Because experience says: sometimes you need one thing, sometimes another, sometimes both at once. Make sure you are able to present all the options.

Important! A portfolio is not a collection of links to different resources based on the principle "See this over there, and this here, and I also have a publication here."... And not many separate documents. Although these are the options sent by most copywriters who want to cooperate with my agency.

An online portfolio is an interactive document. That is, either a file or an online resource that contains your work and all related information. Accordingly, at the request of the client to send your portfolio, you need to either attach the document to the letter, or give one link, you can do both. But not a million links or a million attachments.

What the portfolio consists of

There are two types of portfolio: collection of works and presentation of achievements. You can have one option, or both options for different purposes, or even an integrated option - two in one.

What is the difference?

If you write texts or develop websites, you have the materialized expression of your work: texts and websites. Accordingly, in a portfolio you can collect your work, conveniently divide them into sections, add a short self-presentation and a table of contents - and your portfolio is ready.

And if you are an administrator of an Internet project or an SEO-promotion specialist, then it will be problematic for you to make such a collection of works. But this does not mean that you will not have a portfolio. It's just that you will have it in the format of a presentation of achievements. In this document, you collect completed projects, the main results for each project, some figures and facts that characterize you as a professional. Etc. It is enough to make a presentation of 10 slides to show your achievements to the customer.

If there is an opportunity to add specific indicators and achievements to the collection of works, it will be great. Let's say you have compiled a collection of screenshots of the texts you have written. For each you can add a link to the publication and a conversion rate.

A more advanced portfolio option is a marketing kit. But at the initial stages of work, it is difficult to form such a document, it is better to gain experience, gain achievements, and then think about a marketing kit.

“What if there are no jobs or achievements yet? -

You may ask. Don't need to make a portfolio? "

You still need it! Of course, as much as possible.

It is unlikely that you decided to start freelancing from scratch altogether. It does not happen that you have never studied to become a designer and have not been engaged in design and suddenly decide: should I start earning money as a design? Absurd, huh? You still have some achievements and achievements. At least you have studied somewhere and you have educational work. Or you educated yourself, trained and also worked out something. So.

For a collection of works by a novice freelancer, the following are suitable:

  • work performed in the learning process
  • work for a fictional client
  • work for review

For the presentation of achievements, the following are suitable:

  • achievements in offline work
  • learning progress
  • internship

What to do with all this?

  • Upload to the site.

You can completely build the structure of the site in accordance with the structure of the freelancer's resume, you can make the resume and portfolio as separate pages. Or you can post them on the website for downloading in the form of documents.

  • Share on social networks.
  • Send it to the customer by mail in response to a request or together with a commercial offer.

About requests from customers, I think you know yourself. If a client comes through word of mouth, social networks and other external sources, he always wants to get to know you and asks for at least a portfolio. Send along with your resume.

With regard to commercial offers. I will not teach you how to compose them now. But I will hint that your self-presentation can be a good application to the compred. Not a part of it, but an application - a separate document or documents.


You can use this article as a checklist. Write down all the items, put a checkmark in front of those that you have - you will see what else needs to be added or worked out.

And I will ask you: what other important sections of self-presentation have I forgotten? Maybe you are successfully using something else that I did not mention? Share in the comments.

The main pages (pages separators) of the portfolio of an elementary school student have been released in the editor.

A built-in collection of ready-made templates will help you create the necessary pages.

In the future, using the clip art library, you can create your own inimitable and unique works, with subsequent saving to a local disk.

A4 file size 1132x1600 .jpg

Title page

The portfolio begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name, patronymic, contact information and a photo of the student.

Section "My World"

The section contains any information that is important and interesting for the child (Separator page)

My name

Information about what the name means can be written about famous people who bore and bear the same name. If the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can find information about what it means

My family

Family composition. You can talk about each family member or make a short story about your family.

My city

A story about the hometown (village, village), about its interesting places. Here you can place a diagram of the route from home to school drawn with your child.

My friends

Photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies.

My hobbies

A story about what the child is fond of. Here you can also write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education. (Separator page)

My school

A story about the school and about teachers, small notes about favorite school subjects. (Page separator)

My favorite subjects

School Subjects - Notes on favorite subjects. (Page separator)

Section "My studies"

The section is devoted to school subjects (control and test work, projects, reviews of books read, graphs of the growth of reading speed, creative work ...) (Separator page)

Section "My community work"

All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be attributed to social work (assignments). (Separator page)

Section "My Creativity"

You can put your creative works in this section: drawings, crafts, poems, creative works, competitions, olympiads, projects, awards, classes in institutions of additional education. (Page separator)

Section "My achievements"

Subject Olympiads, subject tests, contests and events, diplomas, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, final certification sheets, etc. (Page divider)

Section "Reviews and wishes"

At the end of each academic year, the teacher writes a characteristic to the student, which is included here. The child himself here can write his wishes to the teachers and his native school, how he would like to see them and what he would change. (Page separator)

Section "Works I'm proud of"

In this section, the child places what is most valuable to him. (Page separator)

Additional sheets

Lined sheet

Photo sheet (4 vertical)

Photo sheet (4 horizontal)

Recently, more and more people are interested in the question “ how to make a portfolio ". Portfolio people of various professions are used: actors, photographers, web designers, photo models, artists, musicians, copywriters, students, teachers, educators. Recently, even schoolchildren and parents for children in kindergartens have made a portfolio.

What is a portfolio?

Portfolio - this is a properly designed collection of photographs, projects, orders made by a specialist, artist, student. Portfolio- a kind of analogue of a resume, with visual samples of work and experience, revealing a person.

The most important thing when preparing a portfolio is to correctly compose it, thereby demonstrating your exclusivity and unique experience to potential clients. In the portfolio of a specialist, it is important to show responsibility and efficiency, the ability to fulfill client orders accurately and on time, which will not be superfluous to write about in a cover letter or resume. Don't be shy about talking about business and professional benefits.

If you offer multiple services and do multiple jobs, your portfolio should contain winning examples of those jobs. However, you should not include in only one super-successful projects - let the selection include a few average works, so that customers do not expect permanent masterpieces from you.

Popular portfolios options

Portfolio for actors

Actor's portfolio should contain as much information as possible about the actor's appearance from all angles, full-length photographs and, preferably, without makeup. The director must be able to fully appreciate both the external data of the actor and the role, the ability to get used to the role, to show the various emotions of the characters with his facial expressions.

By the way, how to make an acting portfolio so that it "hooks" the director, watch the following video:

Portfolio for photo models

Model portfolio should contain photographs from different angles, but show the model in the most advantageous positions. The task of the photographer is to make an incredible beauty out of an ordinary girl, to show how much she knows how to work for the camera, take the right poses, and change her facial expression.

Model portfolio should be fundamentally different from similar ones, have 1-2 unusual photos. Also, do not forget to invest in such a portfolio photographs of magazine covers, videos of advertising in which you starred.

This video will show you how to create a portfolio of a photo model:

Portfolio for web designer

Web Designer Portfolio contains samples of the most successful sites created by the designer, as well as logos, advertising banners, presentations. If you have been working for a long time and have hundreds of completed projects, increase the number of works of your portfolio.

If you are a beginner, then it is best to post 2-3 of the highest quality and most successful projects.

When posting your portfolio online, don't forget about freelance sites. These sites can attract up to 80% of your customers. A detailed example of creating a portfolio for a web designer is presented below:

Teacher portfolio, class teacher portfolio, first grader portfolio, class portfolio

Teacher portfolio contains a description of the teaching experience and experience of an educator, data on additional education, on refresher courses at which the teacher was trained. Indicate what teaching methods you own, tell us about your experience in writing articles and material base. And if you also received letters of thanks - be sure to include them in portfolio... Also, the quality of a teacher's work is characterized by the success of his students, therefore, it is worth including information on the participation and victory of his students in various competitions and olympiads in the teacher's portfolio.

Another experiment of the Ministry of Education has reached us. At parent-teacher meetings at the school, the teachers informed the parents that a primary school student portfolio.

Puzzled parents started asking teachers a lot of questions. What is student portfolio how to do it? What should it be? What should be included in a portfolio? Why do you need portfolio for primary classes?

After the parent meeting, I met friends with whom the children study in another school and learned that they were also delighted with this innovation. But at their school they decided to do it easier, they ordered ready-made portfolio for a student for all grades of primary school. The portfolio was given to them at the parent meeting, at home they filled out the pages and handed over to the teacher.

To facilitate the fate of the parents of our class and mine, I came up with a proposal to the teacher about the purchase of ready-made school portfolios in the school where my child is studying. But, as it turned out, compiling a portfolio is a creative process that helps a child to reveal his creative abilities, as well as to conduct an introspection of his school life over a certain period. Motivates the child to take part in educational activities and creative work. Increases self-esteem and confidence in one's abilities. Therefore, ready-made school portfolios are not welcome.
Then I started to study the information ... Having plowed through the vastness of the Internet, it became clear that so far there is no single standard for designing a portfolio.

Having passed this difficult path, I would like to help other parents who have just faced the question of HOW TO MAKE A PORTFOLIO OF A SCHOOLBOY.

So what you need for a portfolio:

1.register folder
2.files ... no, not right, many files
3.A4 paper
4.colored pencils (for making drawings by a child)
6.and, of course, patience and time

The task of parents is to help children build a portfolio. Suggest HOW TO MAKE A PORTFOLIO OF A SCHOOLBOY, how to fill in the sections correctly, choose the necessary photographs, drawings.

At the moment, the portfolio has sample sections that can be supplemented with various interesting information:

1. Title page student portfolio

This sheet contains the child's data - Surname, First name, Patronymic, child's photo, educational institution and city in which the child studies, start and end date of the portfolio.

2. Section - My World:

This section adds information that is important to the child. An example of the pages:

Personal data (About me) - date of birth, place of birth, age. You can specify your home address, phone number.
My name - write what the name of the child means, where it came from, you can indicate after whom he was named (for example, grandfather). Also, indicate famous people bearing this name.
My family - write a short story about your family or, if there is a desire and time, about each family member. Attach photographs of relatives or a drawing of the child as he sees his family to this story. The pedigree of the child can be attached to this heading.
My city (I live) - in this section, we indicate the city of residence of the child, in what year and by whom it was founded, what this city is famous for, what interesting places there are.
Route to school- together with the child we draw a safe path from home to school. We mark dangerous places - roads, railways, etc.
My friends - here we list the friends of the child (last name, first name), you can attach a photo of friends. We also write about a friend's hobbies or common interests.
My hobbies (My interests) - on this page you need to tell what the child likes to do, what he enjoys. At the request of the child, you can talk about the circles / sections where he goes additionally.

3. Section - My school:

My school - the address of the school, the telephone of the administration, you can stick a photo of the institution, the full name of the director, the beginning (year) of study.

My class - indicate the class number, paste a general photo of the class, and you can also write a short story about the class.
My teachers - we fill in the data about the class teacher (full name + short story about what he is), about teachers (subject + full name).
My school subjects - we give a short description for each subject, i.e. we help the child understand what he is for. You can also write your attitude to the subject. For example, mathematics is a difficult subject, but I try because I want to learn to count well or I like music because I am learning to sing beautifully.
My community service (community service) - it is advisable to fill in this section with photographs where the child took part in school life (for example, spoke at a party, decorated a class, a wall newspaper, read poetry at a matinee, etc.) + a short description of the impression / emotions from performing social activities.
My impressions (school activities, excursion and educational activities) - everything is standard here, we write a short review-impression about visiting a child with a class for an excursion, museum, exhibition, etc. Feedback can be made with a photo from the event or draw a picture.

4. Section - My successes:

My studies - we make headings of sheets for each school subject (mathematics, Russian, reading, music, etc.). Well-done work will be embedded in these sections - independent, control, book reviews, various reports, etc.

My art - here we place the creativity of the child. Drawings, crafts, his writing activities - fairy tales, stories, poems. We also do not forget about voluminous works - we take pictures and add them to our portfolio. If desired, the work can be signed - the title, as well as where the work participated (if exhibited at a competition / exhibition).
My achievements - we make copies, and boldly place them in this section - certificates of commendation, certificates, diplomas, final certification sheets, letters of thanks, etc.
My best works (Works I'm proud of) - work that the child considers important and valuable for the whole year of study will be invested here. And we spread the rest (less valuable, according to the child) material, freeing up space for sections for the new school year.

5. Reviews and wishes (My teachers about me) is a page for teachers where they can write their comments and wishes on the work done or the results of their progress.

- this is a page for teachers, where they can write their comments and wishes on the work done or the results of academic performance.

6. Content - on this sheet we list all the sections that we considered necessary to include with the child in the portfolio.

- on this sheet we list all the sections that we considered necessary to include with the child in the portfolio.

Additional pages that can be attached to the portfolio:

- I can - we describe the child's skills at this stage (for example, he solves problems well, tells poetry beautifully, etc.)
- My plans - the child sets certain goals for himself, what he would like to learn or improve any skills in the near future (for example, learn how to write beautifully, learn the English alphabet, etc.)
- My daily routine (My daily routine) - make a daily routine with your child and try to stick to it
- Reading technique - all test results are recorded here
- Report card for the academic year
- My Holidays (Summer Holidays, Holidays) - a short story by a child about how I spent the summer. Do not forget about a photo or drawing about the rest
- My dreams

You can see templates for portfolio.