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Weapons of the apocalypse or the third world war. Premonition of the Apocalypse: World War III in the predictions of analysts and the Holy Fathers. Vladimir Zhirinovsky's predictions

We live in an interesting and at the same time terrible time. Something is wrong with the world. Every thinking person asks himself the question: "What is happening and how will it all end?" In this article, I present the opinions of different people in different eras, from the secular to the religious. They all agree on one thing: "The third world war is already underway and its consequences will be both catastrophic and blissful"

"For the complete triumph of Freemasonry it will take three world wars; in the third of them the Muslim world will be destroyed, after which we will provoke a gigantic social upheaval, the horrors of which will show everyone the ruinousness of disbelief. The revolutionary minority will be destroyed, and the majority disenchanted with Christianity ... will receive from us the true light of the teachings of Lucifer. "

Albert Pike (1809 1891 ) - lawyer, military man, writer, prominentfreemason, reformer Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ... For his services as an officerArmy of the Confederate States of America a monument was erected to him inWashington

When did the chain of events begin, the development of which we are witnessing now?


Alexander Prokhanov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Zavtra": Apocalypse tomorrow

- The trigger has already been pulled, which should be followed by a whole chain of catastrophes. Following Lebanon, Syria and Iran should be included in the war. Strikes on Iran by America and Israel will inevitably cut off oil supplies to China and Europe. Their economy will collapse. This will lead to chaos in the vast Asian spaces.

Pushed the detonator of this new apocalypse of course the Americans. They believe they can control chaos. But the United States no longer even controls its underbelly Venezuela, Bolivia, Mexico. We can only hope that Russia will not be dragged into this world nightmare.


Alexander Vladimirov, Major General, Vice President of the Collegium of Military Experts of Russia: This is a clash of civilizations

- This war is absolutely meaningless for both sides. And therefore it is especially dangerous, as it does not have logic. But its biggest danger is that Israel (and possibly already Iran) has a nuclear bomb and can use it. And this will mean the beginning of a new world war because other countries will not be able to remain indifferent to such a global and destructive clash of civilizations. "

D. Makhnaev, "THE WAR IN LEBANON WAS UNLINKED BY THE USA" (Business newspaper "Vzglyad", 04.09.2006,

"According to the vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Leonid Ivashov, the world community is undergoing cardinal metamorphoses today:" the system, which was formed on the basis of the balance of forces and interests, is being broken, and it is being replaced. " global dictatorship". Thanks to the efforts of a number of Western countries, and primarily the United States," the ideology of democracy, freedom and justice is being changed by the ideology of global fascism ... "Israel is destined to be a strike force global fascism ", - thinks Leonid Ivashov" .


"Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Leonid Ivashov current events are reminiscent of the beginning of World War II in the late 30s. At the same time, Ivashov believes that now the world community "is fundamentally changing its essence." "Today, the system that was formed on the basis of the balance of forces and interests - the Westphalian-Postdam system, is being broken down, and the system of global dictatorship is being established in the world," Ivashov said. .

4 ... L. Ivashov, "THE ISRAELI-LEBANIAN CONFLICT: WHO IS BEHIND THE STAGE?" (electronic edition "Fund for Strategic Culture", 04.08.2006, www. fondsk. ru):

“In order to answer the question of what is happening in the Middle East, it is important to consider what forces are behind the operation of the Israeli armed forces in Lebanon and what they are striving for. Israel would not dare to go to such a large-scale military action without US cover and assistance. The third subject interested in the operation is Great Britain as an ally of the United States (represented by T. Blair and his team), an active participant in political games in the "Greater Middle East". Yet these three states are not the main organizers of the bloody drama.The main subject is the world financial oligarchy, which is in the political shadow. , consistently and persistently changing the political and socio-economic structure of the planetary community in its own interests. The famous American economist Lyndon LaRouche calls this force " world financial dictatorship of bankers"».


“The Middle East now resembles ... the" indomitable planet "from the works of science fiction writer Harry Garrison. This conflict will grow and grow, and therefore the crackling of resolutions passed around it serves only one purpose - so that the people who make these resolutions feel that they are not just like that, that something depends on them, that they are like - they do participate, but, in general, in fact, it is a pity and a shame. I must admit that the third world war has begun and live with this new reality. "

B. Dolgov, "LEBANON: A NEW PHASE OF THE ARABO-ISRAELI CONFLICT" ("Strategic Culture Foundation", 14.08.2006):

« The Israeli operation in Lebanon is only the first phase of a broader plan suppression of all forces opposing Israel in the Middle East, above all Syria and Iran . Behind this plan, one can see the interests of not only Israel, but also the United States, which considers Israel to be its main strategic ally in the region. Apparently, the United States (and Israel) hoped that the Israeli military action in Lebanon would provoke Syria and Iran to openly speak on the side of "Hisb Allah", which would give Washington the opportunity to strike at these countries, accusing them of supporting "international terrorism" ... This did not happen, although it does not follow from this that such a development of the situation is absolutely excluded in the future. Such an experienced Arabist as E.M. Primakov spoke about the possibility of striking Syria and bombing nuclear facilities in Iran, in particular, in his interview to Russian television. " .

A. Areshev, "ON THE WAY TO THE GREAT MIDDLE EAST WAR" ("Strategic Culture Fund", 01.08.2006):

"The situation in the region is in crisis, and the adoption of the anti-Iranian resolution in the UN Security Council will further exacerbate the crisis in the region," said a spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry. It's hard to disagree with him. Before our eyes, the UN Security Council is turning into an instrument for the implementation of the foreign policy plans of the American administration ... According to the director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary Iran, R. Safarov, only the desire to preserve the positive spirit of negotiations on the nuclear program kept Iran from taking a more active position in the Israeli-Lebanese conflict ... "If Iran is deprived of this incentive, it is quite possible that the current local Israeli-Lebanese conflict may very soon develop into a big regional war with absolutely unpredictable consequences ", - believes R. Safarov, in whose opinion the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council will serve as a provocation. The forces capable of preventing the outbreak of a large-scale war in the Middle East are not yet in sight ... It seems that the institution of international law has finally ceased to exist. The American administration is defrosting the potential for conflict not only in the Middle East, but also on Russia's borders. This is due to the increased activity of Matthew Bryza in the Karabakh issue, his statements about support for the actions of official Tbilisi in the Kodori Gorge, a number of other steps. "


“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, who has been harshly suppressing the excessive activity of his fellow citizens on the Internet for several months, got his own Internet diary at the end of last week. In the first message, presented in the blog in several languages ​​at once, the Iranian leader tells in color about his difficult childhood, in places the sad history of his great country and asks for the opinion of website visitors regarding the aspirations of the United States and Israel to unleash a third world war ... resource and to the now fashionable practice of interactive voting. The question put up for general discussion to begin with sounds like this: " Is the attack on Lebanon an expression of the intention of the United States and Israel to unleash a third world war?"By yesterday, more than 8 thousand network users took part in the voting, 82% of whom answered the question of Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad in the affirmative."

According to many experts, World War III is already underway. How will it go and how will it end?

“The thought tells me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because 1/3 of the Turks will become Christians, 1/3 will die and 1/3 will go to Mesopotamia.
The Middle East will become the arena of wars in which the Russians will take part. A lot of blood will be shed, and even the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River, having an army of 200,000,000, and reach Jerusalem. The destruction of the Omar Mosque will be a characteristic sign that these events are approaching. its destruction will mean the beginning of work on the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon, which was built on that spot.
In Constantinople there will be a great war between Russians and Europeans, and a lot of blood will be shed. Greece will not play the leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to it, not because the Russians will be in awe of us, but because there is no better solution, and they will agree together with Greece, and difficult circumstances will put pressure on them. The Greek army will not have time to get there, as the city will be given to it. The Jews, since they will have the strength and help of the European leadership, will become insolent and show themselves with shamelessness and pride and try to rule Europe. Then 2/3 of the Jews will become Christians. "
“During the Procession of the Terrible Representative in 1992, the umbrella over the icon of Panagia was held by the ensign from Ioannina.
- Come on, pray well, and you will be the standard-bearer in the City (Constantinople) when we enter. "

Elder Paisius of Athos

In support of these predictions, I will cite Islamic sources.

The predictions of the famous Arab scholar Musta-Eddin to Sultan Amurat:

"Sire, you will live in peace as long as you yourself will. You will defeat all your enemies; no people will be afraid of you and your kingdom, and no one will win victory over you; but only until you keep peaceful relations with the people living from midnight to the east. This people is strong and glorious, and his name will thunder throughout the whole world, and everyone will obey him1. From this great people the power of your inheritance will fall - such is the will of the Most High! "

1. The time appointed by Allah will come when Mecca and Medina and other Arabian cities will be destroyed, and all this will be done by a certain Christian King who will come from the countries of the North. He will occupy Egypt and Palestine.
2. The kingdom of Mohammed will last only until the arrival of the Belarusian youths, the white sons of the North, according to the prophecy, which reads as follows: "The Tsar will come from the northern countries to the tenth indict, take Eptalophon, and he will reign, and there will be the greatest war."
3. The Turks themselves confess and say that their Koran contains confirmation that Constantinople will be taken by Christians. These confirmations are:
a. The first caliph was Abbas, then the name of the last caliph will begin with the same letters;
b. Mohammedans should be wary of the Christian people that have the initial P in their name;
c. Before the fall of Istanbul, three bloody battles will take place, Christians will prevail over the Mohammedans and take the city, and its inhabitants will perish from gladness and sword. The Mohammedans will be driven first to Aleppo, then to Damascus. Jerusalem and all the countries belonging to it will be conquered by Christians.
These beliefs spread throughout Turkey. They are often found not only among commoners, but also penetrate the upper strata of the Turkish people. Capital Turks, out of their primary love for Asia, the cradle of their religion and nation, prefer to be buried on the Asian coast. But a more motivating reason for the love of the Turks to be buried in Asia is as follows: the Turks have many predictions about the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the predictions of the Sultan Soliman and the Arab astronomer Musta-Eddin are especially common among them that the people of the North will take possession of the whole kingdom. They believe these predictions and consider their stay in Europe temporary; for the time must inevitably come when the Christians, the fair-haired conquerors, will take Istanbul into power and drive them out to Asia. For this reason, all the more prosperous Mohammedans try to bury their relatives on the Asian coast, so that the graves of the "faithful" would not be trampled under the feet of the "infidels" when, by the will of Allah, they again take Constantinople. Probably, on this basis, Sultan Abdul-Majid said about the Golden Gate to the architect who renewed the Sophia Mosque in 1849: “Paint over the mosaics as easily as possible so that you can always erase the paint. Who knows, maybe my successor will want to completely open them "

You ask: "200 million Chinese army, how is this possible?"


"Currently, - notes the famous analyst Valery Petrov in the article "Russia has nothing to respond to the Chinese threat"( Y tro. ru , November 18, 2004), - The PRC has the largest and most numerous army in Asia and, perhaps, in the whole world - about 4 million people, but if necessary, almost 200 million

You ask: "How is it possible to transfer so many troops across Tibet?"

Maybe. It is enough to look at the construction of East-West highways and railways in China and what colossal funds are spent on this.

And now the predictions from Europe:

Rev. Martin Zedeka (+1769)

Listen, my friends, what am I going to tell you about future times and why the whole world will be surprised with horror. - Constantinople will be taken by Christians without the least bloodshed. Internal rebellions, civil strife and incessant disturbances will completely ruin the Turkish State; famine and pestilence will be the end of these calamities; they themselves will perish in the most pitiful way. The Turks will lose all their lands in Europe and will be forced to retire to Asia, Tunisia, Fetzan and Morocco. Restless Poles will be completely pacified. A storm will rise upon them such as they never expected. The Kingdom of Poland will get a new look, because many Germans [Bavarians] will move to it. The unhappy Turks will leave Greece and all of Hungary; their mosques go broke, alkoran exterminated and the tomb of Mohammed will be burned. France will spread her branches and leaves over most of Gaul. Papal Rome will come to exhaustion. Rome will be occupied by the French; but they will not spread their root there and will have to yield to another power. Great Sovereign [Russian Tsar] almost all of Europe Asia will conquer Your Power, and no power enemies cannot hold him. Unfaithful Mohammedans will be completely exterminated. All Asia will accept the Christian Faith, and after many centuries of darkness, the Light will come in her. The Turks, before their death, will be in an unspeakable fury, and will try in every possible way to eradicate all Christians; but the Lord God is already preparing a worthy punishment for them. The Thirsty Enemies of Christians very small number of Orthodox will be amazed and in a few years they will be completely exterminated.

How this prediction echoes with I. Kronstadtsky:

“... The kingdom more omnipotent than the Russian-Slavic will not be on earth. By the combined forces of Russia and other countries, Constantinople and Jerusalem will full. With the partition of Turkey, she completely destroyed.

And what about Russia itself?

“... Many countries will then turn against Russia, but it will hold out. This war, about which the Holy Scriptures and the prophets narrate, will become the cause of the unification of mankind. People will choose a single government - this will be the threshold of the reign of the Antichrist. Then Christians will be persecuted in these countries, and when trains leave for Russia, we must have time to be among the first, since many of those who remain will perish ”

Elder Hieromonk Seraphim (Vyritsky) (Eternal Life "No.18-19, 1996, No.36-37, etc. 1998)

“Russia will merge into one great sea with other lands and Slavic tribes, it will make up one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God has spoken from ancient times through the lips of all Saints: all nations will be in awe.
And all this, all the same, like twice two - four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times predicted about him and his formidable dominion over the earth. Constantinople and Jerusalem will be full of united forces of Russia and other (peoples). With the division of Turkey, almost all of it will remain with Russia ... ".

Saint Reverend Seraphim of Sarov, 1832

The Slavs are loved by God for the fact that they will preserve the True Vѣ ru in the Lord Jesus Christ. During the time of antichrist they totally rejected and do not recognize him as the Messiah, and for this they will be rewarded with the great Benevolence of God: there will be an omnipotent language on earth, and there will be no other Kingdom more omnipotent than the Russian-Slavic Kingdom on earth. By the combined forces of Russia and other countries, Constantinople and Jerusalem will full. With the partition of Turkey, she almost all will remain with Russia. Russia, joined forces with many other states, will take Vienna, and about 7 million native Viennese will remain behind the Habsburg house, and the territory of the Austrian Empire will be settled there. France for her love for the Mother of God will be given up to 17 million French with the capital city of Reims, and Paris will completely destroyed. The house of the Napoleonids will be given Sardinia, Corsica and Savoy. The invariable score of the World War will be 10 years.

St. Right. John of Kronstadt (+1908)

“Russia will new life. And rise again the righteous from our land, and again, for the umpteenth time, the Mother of God will show us how to deal with the Russian Land. Russia will rise again but through great difficulties, tears and poverty. Let's be poor but strong in spirit- topics and we'll save ourselves. As a result of world war the whole world will pass to the Russians. In the Third World War, Russia and stay away from the conflict, without retaliating [nuclear] strikes. The main fight will take place between USA, Europe and China which are mutually bleed each other, eliminating government, defense, power potential and ruining the economy. After the war only in Russia integrity and sovereign potential for global leadership will remain. Going towards the universal petition of the peoples, she will declare world patronage, proclaiming education Of the Holy Russian Empire. At the same time, as a global Power, it will leave autocracy: for weapons, for the state information apparatus, for the military-scientific-industrial complex, and, most importantly, for to the Church of Christ.

Over time, the entire territory of North America and Eurasia will become part of the Holy Russian Empire. Russia will enter Asia: Mongolia, part of China up to the Przewalski ridge and the Great Wall of China, Korea, Kyushu and Hokkaido, Japan. Moreover, a series of underwater eruptions will wash away most of the population of Japan in waves. In the Middle East, Russia will literally tumble into the Indian Ocean. A part between the Russian (Black) and Mediterranean Seas, the Suez Canal, the Red (Red) and Arabian Seas, and above the Indus River will go to it. In Europe, Russia will be joined by the primordially Slavic-Russian lands: part of Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, East Germany (Bavaria), Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark), as well as Greece and Italy below the Arno River. In North America, lands above 60 degrees will go to Russia, namely: the state of Alaska, USA, part of Canada, Greenland and Iceland. The Orthodox Church will occupy dominant position. The Supreme Authority and the Priesthood will exclusively from the Great Russians. Those who oppose will be evicted to deserted areas at the Grace of God. Holy Russia, She who reigned with Christ for a thousand years and did not worship the beast, will save the nations with an iron rod. "

Prepmch. Jerome Sanaksarsky (+ 6.O6.2001)

I foresee a lot of sarcastic comments about this article. But all the same, I will end it with beautiful verses:

Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky

The storm will pass over the Russian Land.
The Lord will forgive the Russian people

And the Cross with the Holy Divine Beauty
It will shine again on God's Temples.

Abodes will be reopened everywhere

AND IN ѣ Ra to God will unite everyone
And the bell ringing all our Holy Russia
He will awaken from sinful sleep to salvation.

Formidable adversity will subside
Russia will win its enemies.
And the name of the Russian, the Great People
How thunder will thunder throughout the universe

Terrorist attacks, armed conflicts and disputes between the leaders of the leading countries ... Recently, such events are happening more and more often and give rise to thoughts of a new war that will affect all states of the world. There is an opinion that the Third World War has already begun. It is not conducted on the battlefield, but on the Internet: through mutual attacks and data corruption. Alas, if the battles turn into reality, they can use nuclear weapons and other modern technologies. This threatens with a huge number of victims and destruction.

It is not surprising that more and more people are thinking: is the third world war waiting for the planet? There are a great many opinions on this matter. We have collected all the information available to give you the big picture.
Clairvoyant prophecies

In difficult times, even skeptics turn to the works of astrologers and psychics in the hope of positive predictions. Unfortunately, this is not the most reliable source. Fictitious "revelations" are often printed under the name of a well-known or not-so-famous seer. On the Internet you can find surprisingly detailed "prophecies" of Wanga, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and other prominent clairvoyants.

Many clairvoyants predict a cataclysm, but will it be a world war?

Many of the predictions relate to the Third World War, the role of Russia and Ukraine in the battles, the conflict in Donbass, and so on. Such data is worth checking carefully. The "older" the prediction, the less clear information it provides. As a rule, real prophecies of clairvoyants are very vague and can be interpreted in different ways. Here are some of these predictions. Believe them or not - the choice is yours.

Wanga's predictions

At the end of the last century, the Bulgarian seer promised the beginning of destructive battles: “ War will be everywhere, between all nations". According to Vanga, the events described by her will be equal in scale to the biblical Apocalypse. They will begin, " when a person loses the ability to compassion". Religion must be the cause of the conflict.

It can be assumed that the danger comes from the Islamic East, where the terrorist organization ISIS operates. According to Vanga, the war will be accompanied by a huge number of catastrophes and natural disasters. But the seer did not give exact dates. She told the listeners that it was not they who would see the war, but their children - today's youth.

The prediction of Matrona of Moscow

A blind Russian seer made similar predictions. One of the saint's most recent predictions has been the subject of much controversy. " There will be no war, without war everyone will die, there will be many victims, all the dead will lie on the ground ... Without war, the war goes on!"- this is how these words sound. But what does that mean? One of the interpretations assumes a cosmic catastrophe, the other - an incurable disease, from which many people will die. An ecological cataclysm is considered as an option.

According to the predictions of Matrona, the earth is not awaiting the Third World War, but an inevitable ecological catastrophe.

On the Internet, you can read that the words of Matrona refer to 2017. But this is not the case. The seer, like many of her colleagues, rarely mentioned clear dates. By the way, the creepy prophecy has a continuation: “ At the end of the day, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will be different". Matrona promised salvation and rebirth to the Russian people.

The prediction of Nostradamus

The legendary seer interpreted the future according to the movement of celestial bodies. He passed on his knowledge in collections-almanacs, consisting of quatrains - one for each year. These quatrains should not be taken literally. This cryptic verse refers to the coming year 2017:

“Out of rage, someone will wait for water,
The army is agitated by great fury.
The nobles are loaded onto 17 ships
Along the Rhone; the messenger arrived late. "

Most likely, the fortuneteller was referring to a disaster at sea. The Rhone River is located in France, and the events described are likely to occur there. But this quatrain hardly portends a global conflict. As for the immediate future, disturbing hints can be seen in the following quatrain. The verse dates back to 2018 and contains the following lines:

"The fortress is undermined, and the old freethinker
Will show the people of Geneva the traces of Nira. "

According to one interpretation, World War III will break out in Iran

The mysterious "Nira" is considered as an anagram of the word "Iran". Accordingly, the threat of the Third World War can come from this country. The Non-Aligned Movement becomes a possible initiator of the war. The "Genevaites" can be understood as the United Nations. Its headquarters are located in the Swiss city of Geneva.

The prediction of Pavel Globa

The well-known Russian astrologer is sure that the confrontation between the superpowers will not go beyond the Cold War. At the same time, the world will face serious economic shocks. Poverty and unemployment peaks in many countries. The United States and Europe will lose their positions on the world stage.

But Russia will improve its well-being thanks to energy resources. Subsequently, the former Soviet states will join the Russian Federation: Kazakhstan, Belarus, possibly even Ukraine. Russia's eastern ally, China, will also grow stronger. Natural disasters await the world. However, Globa believes that it will not come to global conflicts and a third world war.

The prediction of Malakhat Nazarova

A modern prophetess from Baku also gives quite clear forecasts. In her prophecies, she speaks of 2017 as a turning point in history. According to Nazarova, in September it will become clear whether the Third World War is coming. At the end of each century, plus or minus ten years, chaos reigns on Earth. This period will end in 2017.

World war will be the inevitable outcome of the conflict of the superpowers

The start of a war depends on the situation in the political arena. If the conflicting superpowers reach a compromise, the threat can be avoided. Nazarova believes that many natural disasters will befall the world in 2017. States will throw all their forces into the fight against cataclysms, and things will not come to international clashes. The seer also believes that in 2017, China will face a conflict with Japan. However, it is unknown if it will affect other countries.

The clairvoyant does not believe that the war will end with the Apocalypse. Life on earth is eternal, says Nazarova. According to the theory of hierarchical catastrophes, the end of the world awaits us in 2017. But let us note that almost every year the followers of this or that doctrine are waiting for the Apocalypse, and so far in vain. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on the opinions of the seers. It is better to pay attention to the statements of politicians and experts.

Military-political forecasts

The prospect of World War III frightens not only ordinary people, but also those who influence the fate of the world. In 2015, American political analyst and former military man Joachim Hagopian published an article on the GlobalResearch portal. The expert draws attention to the "warning signs" that speak of the approach of war. Hagopian writes that the strongest powers - the United States and Russia - are preparing for a possible conflict. The parties enlist the support of their allies. The states are guided by the EU, Russia - by China and India.

The depletion of natural energy resources, which support the well-being of many countries, is another prerequisite for hostilities. The expert believes that America is facing bankruptcy in the near future. This will lead to war. The opponents will be the United States, NATO and Israel on the one hand, and Russia, India and China on the other. Australia will take the side of the USA. But between South and North Korea, a separate conflict will begin. Hagopian predicts that entire nations could be destroyed in the course of a war.

The most likely parties to the conflict are the United States and Russia

Another US officer, former NATO chief Alexander Richard Shirreff, presents his prediction in 2017: War with Russia. The work is not documentary, but behind the fictional events it is easy to discern the main idea: the rash US policy leads to a conflict with the Russian Federation. The result will be the defeat of the States.

According to the plot, Russia captures the Baltic states, which are members of NATO. This event marks the beginning of the war. Reduction of funds allocated for the needs of the army leads to the defeat of the United States ... Western media found this version of events plausible. But the Russians themselves hardly believe in the seizure of the Baltics. Such a decision would be reckless for the Russian government, whose position is stronger than ever.

Possible outcome of the clash between the United States and Russia

But if you imagine that the events described will occur, you can estimate the strengths of both sides. According to British aviation colonel and professor of international relations Ian Shields, the number of NATO military units significantly exceeds Russia's resources. Let's compare: the North Atlantic alliance has more than 3.5 million soldiers, Russia - 800 thousand. The number of NATO tanks is 7.5 thousand against 2.7 thousand for the Russian Federation.

But in a battle, it's not just the amount of resources that matters. Many factors can be decisive. According to Shields, the Third World War will be little like the Second. In battles, ultra-modern technologies, including computer technologies, can be used. The battles will become less protracted, but the losses will be greater than in any of the previous wars.

There is a possibility that World War III will become a war not of weapons, but of minds

Unlike many political scientists, Shields does not take the risk of atomic war seriously. The use of atomic weapons will entail global destruction that neither side wants. The expert adheres to this opinion in relation to chemical and bio-technologies. If this type of weapon is used, it will not become the main one.

Alas, this does not mean that the Third World War will not bring significant consequences. Shields believes that the conflict will encompass all areas of human life. An important role will be played by the so-called "information war", which will unfold on the Internet, television screens and newspaper pages. In addition, the war will affect the economy, finance, politics, and so on. The expert believes that the battles will be transferred even into outer space.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky's predictions

The threat of the Third World War is being discussed not only in the United States. In April 2016, the head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that the West is preparing for a world war, which will be carried out "by the hands of the Slavs." According to the politician, the American method is for Ukraine to fight against Russia, and the United States to receive financial benefits.

Zhirinovsky stressed that the States entered all wars at the very end, when the outcome was clear. After the end of the conflict, the United States imposed conditions on other states that were beneficial for America. According to Zhirinovsky, it will happen this time as well. The states will enter the war when Russia seizes the capital of Ukraine, and will dictate to the Russian Federation which regions of the country to transfer to neighboring states. When will these events take place?

One of the likely scenarios is a clash between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

The politician is confident that the war could break out from 2017 to 2025. After that, the world is waiting for a technical breakthrough, comparable to a manned flight into space. Such military resources will appear in Russia that no country will dare to confront the Russian Federation. This radical scenario is consistent with the spirit of the Liberal Democratic Party. But Zhirinovsky's statements rarely come true.

The thought of the Third World War has been stirring the minds for several years. Everyone wants to know if this terrible event is threatening the planet. But should anyone who claims to be a political expert or clairvoyant be trusted? After all, this is how we are constantly in anticipation of trouble and miss the joyful events that happen at every step.

Against the background of a completely unexpected for many, and also taking into account his, considered "constructive", position in relation to Russia and personally to Comrade Putin, the topic of a hypothetical military confrontation between Russia and the United States began to rapidly slide into a fog, and now suddenly talk about the third world it became just as irrelevant and eccentric as three years ago.

But, nevertheless, since some have not yet been removed, and also taking into account the rather expressive nature of the new president of the "hegemon", I want to note that from the current state of relations to a possible military escalation for any reason - one step, and this you need to understand. In this connection, I believe that the thoughts I have on the topic of the "project of the apocalypse", its goals and beneficiaries make sense. At least within the framework of theorizing ...

P.S. At the same time, I really hope that this is my last ... So.

It is absolutely clear to everyone that, since it is impossible to win in it. And although the "pre-war" hysteria is being whipped up from all sides (note: the text was written several months ago), but the majority perceive everything that happens only as a "cold war 2.0", which will never turn into a "hot" war, since, as already mentioned, "there can be no third world war, because it is impossible to win in it ..."

It would seem, what else to talk about here? But I had one unusual thought.

Yes, it is impossible to win in the 3rd World War. But to whom"Impossible" to win in it? And this question is very important. The answer is obvious - to the participating countries.

How, in itself, the use of nuclear weapons does not mean the automatic death of all life on earth, since, firstly, not all missiles will take off (you can take care of this); secondly, humanity already in aggregate, more than a thousand warheads were detonated, and the "ball" did not crack, we did not mutate, and the majority did not notice this and may even, in general, be unaware of this fact; thirdly, thermonuclear weapons, under certain conditions, introduce very little radiation compared to conventional nuclear weapons, and its main effect is “only” the explosion itself and the accompanying shock wave (that is, territories subjected to thermo-nuclear bombardment can be then relatively quickly reclaimed); fourthly, after all, not only the Americans have ABM (anti-missile defense systems), but also we (S-300, S-400 and older systems, as well as new systems unknown to the general public, interceptor aircraft, finally) , therefore, not every warhead will reach the target. Thus, it must be understood that after the use of nuclear weapons, vast territories of the United States and Russia (and, possibly, partly of Europe) will be contaminated for several decades, several tens of millions of people will die almost instantly, and approximately the same number will then suffer from “radiation disease ”, and ... And that's all. The earth will survive, humanity will survive.

Who needs it? Who might be interested in this? Here's the right question!

As, in this theoretically advancing "new world" there is no place for "national" states, but the onset of a new "feudalism" is expected, which will, of course, differ significantly from the previous one, but the essence will remain approximately the same - the world will be divided into very small territorial education (some municipalities), which will be managed, in general, by international corporations (). Well, or something like that. That is, there will be “local authorities” (municipalities and other “local governors”) and some kind of “world government” (and again I ask you not to laugh at this). And the "world government" is supposed to be some kind of supreme (advisory?) Governing body (of the united corporations?).

Monopoly is the highest form of existence (concentration) of capital. Global monopoly is a natural continuation of evolution capitalism and the highest goal for"Global capital" ()."New world" under the control of "world government", created from representatives"Global capital"is the highest form of globalization.

Such a radical change requires an equally radical reason, doesn't it ?! How can “global capital” destroy “nation states”? Very simple - with the help of a global apocalypse!

It seems to me that if large "national" states unleash another "world" war, this will become a sufficient reason and basis for an attempt to abolish all large "national" states in principle. At least, there is a sense and a certain logic in this. Especially in light of the above.

Hop! - and the puzzle was formed.

What are the risks of "global capitalists"?

Yes, the number of future subjects will decrease, but this is not very important in comparison with the goal set - a new world order under the control of an unlimited "global capital".

In addition, all old (American and European) debts will be eliminated at the same time, and a new currency will be introduced. “”, He is, of course, “golden”, but only now he has a lot of debts to the rest of the world, and he will have to do something about it anyway, sooner or later. A global war is a good reason to, among other things, change money and get rid of old debts, from which there is no way to get rid of in a normal way (In general, this is nonsense: the "richest" country, so to speak "hegemon", with the most armed army in the world, everyone around should and does not have any real opportunity to pay off without collapsing its (and the world) economy. And what is the logical way out here?) At the same time, those who will own this "new money" will again , but already completely, without unnecessary and burdensome " democratic»Fictions, own the whole world. That is, in fact, "global capitalists" do not suffer, in general, any losses - only profit and a sea of ​​power.

The future "masters of life" are not exposed to any personal danger: they will definitely know -. And they have the means and opportunities, which are more than enough to thoroughly prepare for the "apocalypse". Including prepare in advance their small, but very armed "private" armies. And as the experience of ISIS shows: relatively small units of thugs can successfully fight even with the large armies of the world, and if they are better armed, motivated (and almost unlimited power is a good motivation) and create disorganization in the "regular" troops of "national" states, then the rout and collapse of large countries and the establishment of a "new order" in their place are guaranteed.

In addition, in the near future (20-30 years after the "global" war, and in the case of the use of thermo-nuclear weapons, and much earlier), Russian natural resources will become available. At the same time - what is important! - without the "harmful" indigenous population. This is a nice bonus. Naturally, control over all natural resources will belong to the new "world government".

In order to control the disparate peoples, the former huge armies will no longer be required, as well as the used nuclear weapons - powerful mobile and decisive (brutal) "police" armies of private corporations will be enough. At the same time, of course, the remaining media will present this to the people as a "new great historical world achievement", no other way.

Therefore, it seems to me that the project of the apocalypse is already being written. It’s a pity that if I’m right, I won’t experience the feeling of satisfaction from the realization of my perspicacity, since I will evaporate, along with others, in the very first minutes ...

Such is the tin.

P.S. By the way, you probably noticed that China is not mentioned in this whole scenario. I wonder why, what do you think?

On the other hand, to be honest, it seems to me that China will also be partially "vaporized", if that ...

P.S.2 And finally: why, in fact, is everyone so happy about Trump's election?

Firstly, this is just such an extravagant and expressive person who is the best suited for the role of the detonator of the "apocalypse".

Secondly, Trump is the new president of the very "most armed country" that has been facing the insoluble problem of external debt for many years, and this debt of theirs from year to year only acquires more and more cyclopean proportions and is less and less likely to be paid off, and more and more it becomes obvious to everyone.

Thirdly, Trump is the flesh of the flesh that same "global capital". That is, it is Trump and people like him who are primarily interested (theoretically) in the implementation of this scenario ...

Well? Do you keep laughing? .. :)

As a result of a new global military conflict, more than half of the inhabitants of our planet may die.

The Anglo-Saxons want to rule the world on their own. The United States, Great Britain, Canada and Australia are no longer satisfied with the current world order established after the Second World War. Washington and its allies are striving to build a unipolar world through a new world war and establish a new world order at their discretion, depriving Russia and China of a decisive voice in the international arena. But the geopolitical plans of the United States can cost humanity dearly, since the Third World War (TMW) in its consequences could become a real apocalypse.

War as a way to solve the financial problems of the Anglo-Saxons and their allies

The ground for a new world war is created by the West's desire to zero its external debts and take control of the regions of the world rich in energy resources. In the past three decades, the developed countries of the West - the USA, Great Britain, Italy, France, Spain and others - have been rapidly increasing their external debt. They borrowed mainly from China, Arab oil-exporting countries and the rich economic "tigers" of Southeast Asia. In 2014, the total external debt of Western countries and their allies exceeded $ 100 trillion. The external debt of the United States alone exceeds $ 18 trillion, of which about 1.3 trillion Americans owe China.

But Western countries, primarily the United States and Great Britain, are unable to repay their huge debts. Living at the expense of others, Western countries have a highly developed economy, advanced technologies and powerful armed forces equipped with the most modern types of weapons and military equipment. And the creditor countries of the West with their developing economies act only in the role of catch-up. In addition, the main creditors of the West have abundant energy reserves. Therefore, the economic giants of the West - the United States, Great Britain and their allies, having a clear technological and military superiority over their creditors, not only do not want to return their external debt, but do not even want to pay huge amounts of money to the countries of Africa, the Middle East for oil and gas. Persian Gulf, Latin America.
The main targets

China, the Islamic world, primarily Turkey and Iran, as well as the recalcitrant countries of South America - Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil - are the main targets of the West in TMV. In recent years, China has become a serious threat to the military and political interests of the United States and the main competitor of the American economy. The negative balance of trade between the United States and China in 2013 reached $ 300 billion and China became the world leader in terms of trade. In 2014, China overtook the United States in terms of the size of the economy and came out on top in the world.

Having destroyed the "Chinese dragon", the United States wants to solve two strategic tasks at once: 1) remove America's main economic rival from the world arena; 2) deal a severe blow to Russia, since after the collapse of the Chinese economy, Moscow will lose its main buyer of Russian oil and gas, which will devastate the Russian state budget and stagnate the Russian economy for many years.

The PRC will be "attacked" from two sides: a Sino-Japanese war will begin in the east over the Senkaku Islands in the Chinese Sea, and in the northwestern outskirts of China, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, a powerful wave of separatism will rise with the help of American special services, armed radical Islamic groups and there will begin large-scale hostilities comparable to the current war in Iraq and Syria. It is obvious that in the war with China, the United States will also fight on the side of Japan (at the initial stage only behind the scenes), which deprives Beijing of the chance to win this war.

The next targets are Iran and Turkey. Having defeated these countries, the Anglo-Saxons will gain complete control over the Islamic world. Further in the countries of South America - in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil through the "color revolutions" large-scale hostilities can be provoked.

The United States wants to involve Russia in the Ukrainian conflict in order to weaken the Russian armed forces and "touch" their strengths and weaknesses. Russia's participation in the Ukrainian war is a kind of "test" of Moscow's readiness for a new global war. If Russia wins the "Ukrainian party" from the United States without direct military intervention and without serious losses, while keeping its armed forces "safe and sound" and in full combat readiness, then the United States will avoid a direct military clash with Russia and try to weaken it by economic means, and then try to destroy from the inside with the help of the Russian "fifth column". Therefore, the United States, with the help of its puppets from the Arab world - Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait and others, are sharply reducing oil prices in order to create financial problems for Putin's Russia, and with the help of its European allies-vassals - they want to strangle Russia economically by imposing various sanctions ... Thus, the United States wants to create a revolutionary situation in Russia in the coming years in order to distract the President of Russia with the help of the "fifth column" Vladimir Putin from international problems. As conceived by the Washington geostrategists, while Russia is solving its internal problems, the United States will be engaged in the redistribution of world oil and gas reserves and the establishment of a new world order based on the American unipolar world.

After that, many European countries will plunge into economic, and later on, into military-political chaos, as a result of which the European Union will cease to exist. The reasons for the "indignation" of a united Europe will be socio-economic cataclysms arising in the wake of the economic crisis, mass unemployment, as well as strong anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic sentiments of the inhabitants of the EU member states.

Ten signs of a global apocalypse approaching

The first signal that TMV is approaching will be the signing of a peace treaty between Japan and Russia. The initiator of a peaceful solution to the problem of the Kuril Islands will be Tokyo, which unexpectedly recognizes the sovereignty of Russia over these territories. At the end of November, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that his government "intends to resolve territorial disputes with Russia in the near future and conclude a peace treaty with her."

The signing of a peace treaty with Russia Tokyo needs to "neutralize" its northern neighbor on the eve of the war with China over the Senkaku Islands, so that Moscow does not provide military assistance to China in the war against Japan because of the peace treaty. Therefore, the start of the Sino-Japanese war over the Senkaku Islands in the Chinese Sea will be the second signal of the TMV approaching.

The third sign is a sharp aggravation of disputes over the division of the Arctic into national territories. The UN will be unable to satisfy the claims of the USA, Canada, Denmark, Great Britain and Norway, as a result of which this issue will acquire a military-political character. At the same time, all Western countries claiming on the territory of the Arctic will act as a united front against Russia.

The fourth sign is the disintegration of Ukraine, after which the neighboring countries - Poland, Austria, Hungary and Romania will begin a struggle for the western regions of the collapsed Ukrainian state. There is a high probability that the struggle between these countries for the former Ukrainian territories will not be peaceful and will turn into a major military conflict.

The fifth sign is that NATO can provoke Russia into a military conflict in the Baltic States in order to distract Russia from the division of Ukrainian territories and from the Sino-Japanese war. Baltic dwarfs - Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia will be used by the Anglo-Saxons as bait in their geopolitical games against Russia.

The sixth sign is that Turkey, Iran and Israel will be involved in the war in Syria and Iraq. The United States will seek through this conflict to destroy Turkey and Iran, which are trying to get out of the Western influence. The disintegration of these countries will occur through the creation of a large Kurdistan controlled by Washington, which will include the territories of compact residence of Kurds in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran.

The seventh sign is that armed Islamic radicals from Afghanistan will attack Uzbekistan. At the same time, Islamic extremists will become active in neighboring Kyrgyzstan and the southeastern regions of Kazakhstan. The goal of the Islamists, behind whom the American intelligence services will stand, is to create an Islamic Caliphate with radical Sharia law in post-Soviet Central Asia in order to put pressure on Russia and China.

The eighth sign is that in the countries of South America - Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and other countries of the region that oppose American influence, "color revolutions" will begin with the aim of overthrowing the regimes unwanted by Washington. After that, American troops will be sent to Venezuela and Bolivia at the call of the leaders of the "color revolutions" in these countries.

The ninth sign of the approaching TMV is the disregard of the United Nations by the United States and Great Britain as the main international institution. Washington, together with its allies, will sabotage the work of the UN Security Council, accusing it of inability to solve the main military-political problems of the world. To destroy the UN, the United States and Great Britain can withdraw from the Security Council of this organization and call on their allies-vassals, including temporary members of the Security Council, to leave the UN altogether. Such a scenario is quite real, considering that last year one of the main allies of the United States, Saudi Arabia, refused to take the place of a temporary member of the UN Security Council, accusing him of inability to solve global peace problems, including resolving the military conflict in Syria.

The tenth sign, after which the Third World War may begin within the next few days or hours, will be the collapse of the single Internet space and the suspension of electronic trading in the world currency, commodity and stock markets due to high volatility as a result of a sharp drop in liquidity and the inability to conduct further cashless payments between countries in an extremely tense international situation.

The dire consequences of the apocalypse

TMV could be the worst war in human history. Its victims can become not tens of millions, but hundreds of millions and even billions of people in different parts of our planet. Moreover, a significant part of people will die not in the course of the war itself, but as a result of its dire consequences in the post-war years. If the new world “meat grinder” is nuclear-free, then several hundred million people may become its victims, given the size of the population of the countries involved in TMV.
But the likelihood that TMV will be nuclear is very high. To intimidate their main opponents, the United States, Britain and France can use nuclear weapons against Muslim countries engulfed in Islamic radicalism. The West will justify its action by the fact that Islamic extremist terrorists commit cruel crimes against humanity and threaten the whole world.

But Russia and China can also become targets of nuclear strikes from the West. Today, no country dares to conduct a ground operation against Russia. But at a critical moment, the United States and its allies can deliver a nuclear strike against Russia and China to intimidate and demonstrate the "seriousness" of their intentions. Former Assistant on Economic Policy to the United States Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts in June 2014 published an article "Are you ready for a nuclear war?" eliminate any challenge to Washington's global hegemony. " According to Roberts, “US strategic doctrine has changed, nuclear missiles, which were previously assigned the role of retaliatory strike, are now assigned the role of first offensive strike .... Washington believes it can win a nuclear war with little or no damage to the United States. This belief makes nuclear war possible. "

If TMV is nuclear, then in the course of the hostilities themselves, about a billion people may die, since the population of the countries participating in the future global military conflict is several billion people. But the number of people who died after the war due to its dire consequences will be many times greater and may amount to three billion people or more. Basically, the population of Muslim countries, South America and China will be destroyed. The densely populated India will also be affected by the tragedy. The initiators of the monstrous world massacre will not be able to avoid losses either. Even if US cities survive a nuclear retaliatory strike with anti-ballistic missiles, radiation and a nuclear winter from the use of weapons against Russia, China and other states will also destroy the US, Canada, Australia, Britain and European countries themselves. The fact is that after a nuclear war, many inhabitants of our planet will die due to a sharp increase in the level of radiation, from unknown diseases that appeared against the background of the dire consequences of the war, and medicines for the treatment of these diseases will either not be found yet, or will be insufficient.

In addition, after a nuclear war, a large-scale food crisis will arise and a massive famine will begin around the world, since the territories of countries that have been subjected to nuclear strikes or are near nuclear strikes will be unsuitable for agricultural needs. Thus, most of the people who survived after a nuclear war will die as a result of three main troubles: abnormal cold weather (nuclear winter), hunger and various incurable diseases.

As a result, many cities and countries may remain deserted. After such an apocalypse, it will take humanity hundreds of years to return to normal living conditions.