Repair Design Furniture

Cut nails according to the lunar calendar July. Lunar calendar for nail care. Nail treatment recipes

Today, the question of when is it better to do a manicure and other manipulations with nails, in March or April 2020, no longer seems idle. Everyone remembered the ancient traditions of nail care.
The understanding came that there are no traditions based on empty space - old truths come into life again and we try to cut our nails, dye our hair and do manicure according to the lunar calendar.

Proper nail care can not only improve their condition and bring your health back to normal, but also, more importantly, change your fate for the better.
Therefore, it is important to find out which days are the most favorable for a haircut. Whether it is worth cutting your nails on days of the week, or according to the lunar calendar, this is not always just a tribute to fashionable hobbies.
The manicure lunar calendar is not a whim of astrologers, but a tool proven over millennia for those who want to have beautiful nails and prosperity in life.

Many will ask - "Why is it better to do a manicure only on certain, favorable days?" We do not know the answer to this question, just as we do not know - "Why does our life depend on the phases of the moon?"
It just depends. But we know which days are suitable for nail clipping and manicure in March 2020, and which are not.

As you know, the Moon affects many processes on Earth. Some phenomena that arise at the behest of the Earth's satellite, we can easily see, for example, the ebb and flow in the oceans.
Others, less noticeable, are more important. The moon affects many natural processes, from crops to your health.
And people have noticed this long ago and realized that they need to do hair cutting, nail pedicure and manicure in accordance with the lunar calendar.
The same applies to hair removal or cosmetic procedures ... .. But first, very briefly about the lunar manicure calendar in March and April 2020.

The best time when you can and should cut your nails is Friday, after dark, regardless of the phase of the moon.
If you are lucky and it will be "Capricorn" and the waning Moon, then shortening the length of the nails manicure will not only make your nails beautiful, but also have a positive effect on your health.
But avoid shortening your nails on Saturday, especially in the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. Perhaps, after quiet procedures, they will become fragile and brittle.
Also, Saturday is not a good time for a manicure.
If you want your nails to grow faster, then shorten them when the moon is growing.

Now we will tell you about nail care in March 2020.

We cut nails and do manicure in March 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 31

According to the lunar manicure calendar in March, it is better to postpone the tweezers and nippers on the remaining days.

You can read more about nail clipping according to the lunar calendar below. But first, about the influence of the phases of our companion on our life.

For several thousand years, mankind has used the phases of the moon to measure time.
Even in ancient times, people noticed that the eternal satellite of the Earth controls the tides, determines the time when to plant seeds and when to harvest.
But for us, the influence of the satellite on beauty and health is more important. Many centuries ago, women knew well that there are days for haircuts, days for hair removal, days for skin care.

When the moon grows, hair and nails grow faster. Therefore, a haircut these days leads to an improvement in the quality of hair and nails.
In addition, these days vitamins are absorbed by the body better, cuts and abrasions on the skin heal faster.
And vice versa, a haircut on unfavorable days not only worsens the quality of nails, but more importantly, it can adversely affect your health and even fate.
But it is better to remove acne during the waning moon. By the way, these days it is best to do epilation.

It should be remembered that when determining favorable days, it is necessary to take into account not only the phase of our satellite, but also the constellation in which it is located.

Observe the recommendations of the lunar calendar with manicure and you will put in order not only your nails, but also your life.
But, if you do everything right, and your nails look unsightly, flake off, crumble? The reason may be an individual intolerance to the varnish used,
in metabolic disorders or in fungal diseases. You need to change your varnish, and if this does not help, contact a dermatologist.
It is also useful to eat more foods containing iron, calcium, silicon, a lot of fresh herbs.
Remember nails are an indicator of our body's health and karma. Healthy ones always have a smooth, shiny, pink surface.
Then your life will be wonderful.

When is it possible (and better) to cut your nails in March 2020

date Day Moon day Zodiac Moon phase Best days for a manicure
1 Sun 7,8 Twins Waxing Crescent Who asked when you can cut your nails in March ?? Today is a great day for a manicure and pedicure.
2 Mon 8,9 Take your time to grab a pair of wire cutters or scissors. If necessary, it is better to work a little with a file today. But without fanaticism.
3 W 9,10 Bad day. You can't cut your nails today. Do not overexert your eyes, take care of your eyesight
4 Wed 10,11 Crayfish The day is clearly conducive to cutting nails and creating a new nail image. Length doesn't matter today.
5 Th 11,12 Bad day. We do not do manicure and pedicure. Not together, not separately.
6 Fri 12,13 Leo A good time in March for nail clipping and nail bed maintenance. Decorate and strengthen your nails, they will still come in handy.
7 Sat 13,14 The moon is growing, the desire to cut nails and to do manicure grows. So what's the deal. Today is a great day.
8 Sun 14,15 Virgo It's a good time when you can cut your nails and do an original French manicure in March
9 Mon 15,16 Full moon Bad day. The decision to cut your nails is yours. Lunar calendar, confused. There are pros, but more against.
10 W 16,17 scales Waning moon Unfavorable day in March for nail clipping. By the way, tomorrow, it is better to shorten the horn plates on the dorsum of the fingertips. Tomorrow, alas, is a bad time to create a new manicure.
11 Wed 17,18 Bad day. Who was interested in the question of when to cut nails in March ?? We answer everyone, not today. And prepare a new varnish, it's time for other paints.
12 Th 18,19 Scorpion We take care of nails. You can do anything, and, of course, cut your nails. Put aside other evening activities and do your nails.
13 Fri 19 A good day ahead. You can and should have time to cut your nails and get an amazing manicure
14 Sat 20 Sagittarius Neutral day. In general, it is possible and a good day, but today it is better to cut your nails carefully and not use new varnish.
15 Sun 20,21 A great time of the day to visit a nail salon. On this day, you can cut your nails and apply varnish
16 Mon 21,22 Capricorn Neutral day. The decision is yours. In any case, be careful with scissors and files. Use only proven varnish for manicure.
17 W 22,23 If yesterday, you did not have time to shorten the length of the nails and get a manicure, then this can be done today.
18 Wed 23,24 Cutting your nails and applying trendy varnishes on this day will give you pleasure. Don't wait, dare
19 Th 24,25 Aquarius Clipping nails are not often and the bowl of the Moon calendar, in uncertain balance. Set aside both files and tweezers
20 Fri 25,26 No, no and NO. You can cut your nails in March, but, of course, not today.
21 Sat 26,27 Fishes Anyone who was interested in you can cut your nails today, we answer. Can. And not only to cut, but also to do procedures called "manicure".
22 Sun 27,28 December ends with days that are good for the fantasies of a new manicure. It doesn't matter whether we cut a haircut or not, the main thing is everything, and so that we have time before April ...
23 Mon 28,29 Unfavorable day for a new manicure and nail clipping. The lunar calendar prohibits, but not all. We do not change the varnish, you can, if urgently needed, work a little with a file ...
24 W 29,30,1 Aries New moon Although it is almost full moon and light, it is better not to disturb either hair or nails. Watch a thriller on TV, read a detective story.
25 Wed 1,2 Waxing Crescent No, not today you have to cut your nails. Unlucky day. It is worth starting the procedure on March 26, after 20 hours. Just the time of long female serials.
26 Th 2,3 Taurus Anyone who denied themselves the pleasure of cutting their nails yesterday can do it today, or in April.
27 Fri 3,4 We cut both nails and hair. The moon is waning, and the desire to just pick up and ... bite off your nails grows. We do not tolerate it. Until April, not like a hand, a fingernail ... file.
28 Sat 4,5 It's time, it's time to get your nails done. March 30th is a good day for nail clipping.
29 Sun 5,6 Twins Let's shorten our nails. But not today, but on the day when the Moon recommends it to us.
30 Mon 6,7 Cutting your nails and applying trendy varnishes on this day will not give you pleasure. Don't dare, wait for April 2020
31 W 7,8 Crayfish YOU will have time to cut your nails by the end of March, if, of course, you hurry. Outside the window in April. Let's meet him with a new manicure.

The lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure of nails helps to choose favorable days for these procedures. This will help you find success in business and improve your mood.

Our ancestors also noticed that the Moon affects the energy of all life on planet Earth. Even the seas and oceans react to the phases of this satellite, on some days there are ebbs and flows of sea water, and on others - high tides.

Several centuries before our time, people have learned to draw up a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon. In the modern world, gardeners use, and women of fashion follow the dates of the lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure.

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure and nail extension for 2020

An important factor for the growth and development of organisms on Earth is influenced not only by the lunar phase, but also by the sign of the zodiac in which this planet is located. Each sign of the zodiac controls a certain energy, so there are auspicious days for a manicure, and there are dates on which it is not recommended to visit beauty salons.

  • Capricorn manages the skin and nails of the hands and feet. Therefore, on this day, you can do a manicure, cut the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues.
  • Aries and Taurus- these are neutral signs for manicure, nail extension and cutting. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. Each woman decides on her own whether to go to a beauty salon or not.

Important: If you have already performed a manicure on such a day, and it turned out to be unsuccessful, then refrain from going to a beauty salon on the days when the Moon is under these signs.

  • Twins- a bad period for performing manicure, building and cutting nails, it is worth postponing this procedure for another day.
  • The moon is in Cancer- the nails are not cut, extended or manicured. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases.
  • a lion- the lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure and nail extension suggests that the Moon in this sign of the Zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%.
  • Virgo- you can not only carry out various manipulations with nails, but also treat the skin and the nail plate: do baths, massage, remove calluses and cut an ingrown nail.
  • scales- baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, the use of cosmetics, but not manicure and building - will be useful.
  • Moon in Scorpio- a favorable period for cutting nails, manicure and building, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin.
  • Sagittarius- favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, extension and cutting of nails.
  • Aquarius- the period when cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Any type of manicure, nail extension and nail clipping can be done.
  • Fishes- It is possible to perform manicure, extension, nail cutting, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear.

Important: All that we want to remove on the nails (length) and cuticles, calluses, we do on the waning moon. Perhaps the nails will grow more slowly, but they will be healthier and more beautiful.
For enhanced nail growth cut them under a favorable constellation on the waxing moon. Care, nourishing masks, baths - everything that is necessary to nourish nails and cuticles - we do on the growing moon, when the body absorbs everything into itself.

Cutting nails according to the lunar calendar in 2020

  • The energy balance of a person largely depends on the condition of the nails. Therefore, astrologers advise to cut nails according to the lunar calendar. This will help preserve and even replenish vitality. Therefore, before visiting a beauty salon or before cutting nails, you should look at the lunar calendar.
  • V new moon and full moon, lunar and solar eclipses any nail clipping procedures are not performed. In general, a person may not feel the negative influence of the Moon on himself, but the influence takes place.
  • Therefore, the lunar phases and factors of influence on a person must be taken seriously. Even the seemingly harmless nail clipping procedure can attract trouble if you do not heed the advice of astrologers.

  • It used to be that nails had to be cut on certain days. For example, on Thursday they could not be trimmed, as this could lead to illness.
  • According to ancient legends and superstitions, nails after circumcision had to be burned so that witches could not use the human energy biomaterial for witchcraft.
  • Cutting nails according to the lunar calendar is safe for human energy. If he carries out this procedure on auspicious days. Do nail manipulations only on the specified days - this will help attract success, money and even love.

Important: Do not cut your nails not only in full moon, new moon and eclipses, but also 1-2 days before and after these periods.

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure for January 2020

in January
2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
01.01.20 Growing Moon in Pisces
Growing Moon in Aries
Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Gemini Bad for a haircut
09.01.20 Growing Moon in Cancer These days, the full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative impact. _
10.01.20 Full moon, lunar eclipse... Moon in Cancer _
11.01.20 Waning Moon in Cancer
Waning Moon in Leo Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Libra
Waning Moon in Scorpio Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
25.01.20 New moon
Moon in Aquarius
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
26.01.20 Growing Moon in Aquarius Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure for february 2020

in February
2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Cancer Bad for a haircut
08.02.20 Growing Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
09.02.20 Full moon... Moon in Leo Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and the nail plate: do baths, massage, remove corns and cut an ingrown nail Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for nail clipping
Waning Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for a haircut
23.02.20 New moon
Moon in Pisces
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Growing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure for March 2020

in March
2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
01.03.20 Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
09.03.20 Full moon... Moon in Virgo Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
10.03.20 Waning Moon in Virgo Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful.
Waning Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for a haircut
24.03.20 New moon
Moon in Aries
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Growing Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure for april 2020

in April
2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
Growing Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
07.04.20 Growing Moon in Libra On this day, the full moon has a negative effect. _
08.04.20 Full moon... Moon in Libra Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waning Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
23.04.20 New moon. Moon in Taurus Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
24.04.20 Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
30.04.20 Growing Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure for may 2020

in May
of the year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
01.05.20 Growing Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for nail clipping
06.05.20 Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
07.05.20 Full moon... Moon in Scorpio Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
22.05.20 New moon... Moon in Taurus Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for a haircut

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for june 2020

in June
2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
Growing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for nail clipping
Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin.
However, 06/04/2020 the lunar eclipse is already acting negatively.
Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
05.06.20 Full moon, lunar eclipse... Moon in Sagittarius Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
06.06.20 Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. However, the lunar eclipse still has a negative effect.. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Good for a haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. In addition, there is a solar eclipse ahead. It is already having its negative impact. Bad for a haircut
21.06.20 New moon, solar eclipse. Moon in Cancer Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Growing Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for nail clipping
30.06.20 Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for july 2020

in July
2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
01.07.20 Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
04.07.20 Growing Moon in Capricorn On this day, the full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative impact. _
05.07.20 Full moon... Moon eclipse. Moon in Capricorn Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
06.07.20 Waning Moon in Capricorn The full moon and lunar eclipse are negatively affected.
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
19.07.20 Waning Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
20.07.20 New moon. Moon in Cancer Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
Growing Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for nail clipping
Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for august 2020


2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
Growing Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
03.08.20 Full moon... Moon in Aquarius Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
04.08.20 Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for a haircut
19.08.20 New moon.
Moon in Virgo.
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
21.08.20 Growing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage. _
Growing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for nail clipping
Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for september 2020


2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
01.09.20 Growing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
02.09.20 Full moon... Moon in Pisces Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
03.09.20 Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for a haircut
16.09.20 Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
17.09.20 New moon.
Moon in Virgo.
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Growing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for clipping nails and cuticles
Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for a haircut

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for october 2020


2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
01.10.20 Growing Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
02.10.20 Full moon... Moon in Aries Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
03.10.20 Waning Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for clipping nails
15.10.20 Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for clipping nails and cuticles
16.10.20 New moon.
Moon in Libra
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Growing Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
31.10.20 Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for November 2020

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for November 2020:


2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
Waning Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for clipping nails
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for clipping nails and cuticles
14.11.20 Waning Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Good for clipping nails
15.11.20 New moon.
Moon in Scorpio
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Growing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Growing Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
30.11.20 Full moon... Moon in Gemini Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for December 2020

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for December 2020:


2020 year
Lunar phase
and stay
The moon
in the zodiacal
Extension, manicure Nail clipping
01.12.20 Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for a haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for clipping nails
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicure, pedicure and building - will be useful. Not a good day for clipping nails and cuticles
Waning Moon in Scorpio Favorable period of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution, so as not to harm the skin. Good for clipping nails
13.12.20 Waning Moon in Sagittarius
Solar eclipse ahead
These days, the new moon and solar eclipse have a negative impact. _
14.12.20 New moon and solar eclipse.
Moon in Sagittarius
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
15.12.20 Growing Moon in Capricorn The new moon and solar eclipse still continue to negatively affect. _
16.12.20 Growing Moon in Capricorn On these days, you can do manicure, pedicure, trim the length of nails or make extensions. Any manipulation of the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. It is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics these days, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails trimmed on this day will grow back quickly
Growing Moon in Aries It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Taurus It is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. That is, it is not recommended to do this procedure, but it is not prohibited either. But you can do for example It is better to postpone nail trimming
Growing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Transfer the procedure to other days. Bad for a haircut
30.12.20 Full moon... Moon in Cancer Unfavorable day for any nail procedures.
31.12.20 Waning Moon in Cancer They do not build up nails and do not do manicure or pedicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Bad for a haircut

Manicure, pedicure according to the lunar calendar will make you attractive and your hands beautiful. You are guaranteed healthy and soft skin and strong nails. Adjust to the lunar phases using the recommendations of this calendar, and you will be assured of natural beauty.

Every girl wants to look well-groomed and attractive. Self-care should be comprehensive and systemic, only in this case its results will be noticeable to everyone around. And in order for all measures to maintain your appearance at the proper level to be effective, you need to coordinate them with the beautician, your own needs and capabilities, as well as with the days of the month, depending on the phase of the moon. Let's clarify when to cut nails according to the lunar calendar?

In order to have healthy and shiny nails, it is worth choosing the right day for their haircuts. Astrologers say that it is best to do manicure on Monday, and it is better not to do such classes on Friday and Sunday.
In order to get especially strong nails, it is worth cutting them for the waning month, when the moon is in the house of such signs of the zodiac as Virgo, Aries, Libra or Cancer. And when the moon is in the constellation Gemini, it is advisable not to take on such a manipulation.

When to cut nails according to the lunar calendar, depending on the day of the week?

Monday is considered the day of the moon, cutting nails on this day can be an excellent method to get rid of depression.

On Tuesday, which is under the auspices of Mars, nail clipping will help acquire additional defenses and the favor of space.

By cutting your nails on Wednesday, you get rid of the fuss and confusion in your head and in your personal life. Also, such a procedure on this day of the week will contribute to an increase in immunity and success in school or at work.

On Thursday, nail clipping is especially beneficial for the general condition of the body.

On Friday, this manipulation is not strongly shown, because on this day there is a slowdown in the processes of vital activity in the body.

On Saturday, cutting your nails will help you get rid of various debts, prevent chronic diseases and find your soul mate.

No nail clipping is shown on Sunday.

What is the lunar date to cut nails?

In November 2016, nail clipping is best done on the seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty-first to twenty-fourth, twenty-sixth and twenty-eighth.

Days of nail clipping according to the lunar calendar in 2017

Optimal days of January: 14, 17-19, 21, 23-27.
Suitable days of February: 13-16, 18, 20-23.
It is best to cut your nails in March: 13-16, 18, 20-22, 27.
In April, such a manipulation should be performed: 12-13, 15, 17-19, 22, 24-25.
Optimal days of May: 13, 15-17, 20, 22-24.
Best days of June: 10, 12-15, 17, 19-21.
In July, it is better to cut your nails: 10-13, 15, 17-18, 22.
In August, this procedure should be carried out: 8-10, 12, 14-15, 19.
It is recommended to cut nails in September: 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18-19.
In October, it is best to perform this manipulation: 7-8, 11-12, 14, 16-18.
In November, the optimal days are: 8-9, 11, 13-16.
December: 5-7, 9, 11-14, 16.

Nail trimming according to the lunar calendar in 2018

The best days of January: 3-4, 6, 8-11,13, 15-16.
In February, it is worth cutting your nails: 1, 3, 5-8, 10, 12-15.
And in March, this procedure should be performed: 3, 5-8, 10, 12-15.
In April, it is advisable to cut nails: 2-5, 7, 9-12, 14.
The best days of May: 1-3, 5, 7-10, 12, 14, 30-31.
Optimal dates for June: 2, 4-7, 9, 11, 30.
In July, it is best to cut your nails: 2-5, 7, 9, 12, 28, 30-31.
And in August: 1-2, 4, 8-9, 27-30.
The best days to trim your nails in September: 1, 5-8, 26-27, 29.
In October, it is best to carry out this procedure: 2-4, 6, 8, 25, 29-31.
Optimal dates for November: 1, 3, 5-6, 26-29.
In December, it is best to cut your nails: 1, 3-6, 24-27, 29, 31.

Nail clipping in 2019

It is best to cut nails in January: 1-3, 5, 22-24, 28-31.
Optimal dates for February: 2, 4, 20-21, 23, 25-28.
It is recommended to cut nails in March: 2, 4-5, 23, 25-28, 30.
The best dates for April: 1-4, 20, 22-25, 27, 29-30.
It is best to cut nails in May: 1-2, 4, 20-23, 25, 27-30.
Optimal dates for June: 1, 18-20, 22, 24-27, 29.
In July, cutting nails is best done: 1-2, 18, 20, 22-25, 30-31.
And in August, such a procedure should be carried out: 17, 19-22, 26-29.
The best days of September: 16-19, 23-26.
And the optimal dates for October: 15-16, 21-24, 26.
It is best to cut nails in November: 16, 18-21, 23, 25.
And in December: 14, 16-19, 21, 23-25.

When is the best time to cut your nails in 2020?

In January, such a procedure should be performed: 11, 13-16, 18, 20-23.
In February, it is best to cut your nails: 10-13, 15, 17-20, 22.
The best days of March: 10-12, 14, 16-19, 21, 23.
Optimal days of April: 9, 11, 13-16, 18, 20-22.
It is best to cut your nails in May: 9, 11-14, 16, 18-21.
In June, it is advisable to carry out such a manipulation: 6, 8-11, 13, 15-18.
And in July: 6-9, 11, 13-15.
In August, it is worth cutting nails: 4-6, 8, 10-12, 15, 17-18.
In September, it is advisable to perform the following procedure: 3, 5, 7-8, 12, 14-16.
The best time to trim nails in October: 3, 5, 10, 12-15.
In November, cutting nails is worth: 2, 5, 7, 9-12, 14.
And in December, the best dates for this are: 1-3, 5, 7-10, 12, 31.

Hello everyone!

Do you know when to cut your nails? What day of the week and time of day? I am sure that many have never adhered to omens and did not follow the lunar days. Although I may be wrong. In fact, cutting your nail plates can attract wealth, health, success to you, but also take away all the benefits.

I used to cut my nails every day and did nothing. But lately I've been trying to stick to the lunar calendar. But there is also advice from astrologers and soothsayers, such as the Oracle or Rempel, as well as Slavic beliefs.

It turns out science has found out that we need nails to close the nerve endings on the fingers and toes. But, according to esotericism, the nail plates serve as a kind of shield for us that protects us from negative energy from the outside.

There are several signs, thanks to which we can find out on which day of the week it is better to carry out a manicure or just trim our nails. I suggest you familiarize yourself with them.

  • Monday (Moon) - health.

Trimming your nails on the first day of the week will allow you to improve the genitourinary sphere, as well as relieve anger and negative energy. Monday is suitable for everyone who wants to take off a heavy burden from the soul, despondency, depression, resentment.

  • Tuesday (Mars) is wealth.

Cutting nails on this day promises monetary profit, life in abundance. It also relieves headaches without drugs and improves the circulatory system. Tuesday will allow you to be more collected and react quickly in any difficult situations.

  • Wednesday (Mercury) - news.

When trimming your nails on Wednesday, you should expect some good news. Also, carrying out a manicure on this day, you can significantly improve the nervous and immune systems, strengthen the brain. The environment will help students become more capable. This day will allow you to find peace of mind and peace, and in all matters - complete order.

  • Thursday (Jupiter) - new pair of shoes.

Doing a manicure on Thursday will allow insecure people to increase their self-esteem and take a high position in society. Also, this day will help improve the condition of the liver. But most importantly, who cuts nails on Thursday - he prolongs his life.

  • Friday (Venus) - grief.

If you cut your nails on Friday, then expect trouble or sad news. Also, cutting the nail plates on this day can slow down the work of all internal organs and systems, thereby worsening your well-being. This is especially true for men. But for women, cutting nails promises an increase in external attractiveness.

  • Saturday (Saturn) - love.

Trimming your nails on Saturday will be auspicious in all respects. This day will make you more determined and strengthen your faith in your abilities, you will be able to achieve your goals faster. Also, Saturday will help you find a soul mate, cleanse bad karma and balance all systems and organs of the body.

  • Sunday (Sun) is evil.

Cut your nails that day - the devil will be with you all week. This is what the omen says. Sunday is the worst day for a manicure, as by shortening your nail plates you can break the invisible connection with your guardian angel.

Lunar calendar

The unchanging companion of the Earth, the Moon influences all living things. It causes the ebb and flow of the oceans and seas. And since a person consists of 80% water, it means that the moon also affects you and me. Following the lunar cycles, we can carry out various procedures for caring for our appearance with the greatest efficiency.

A lunar calendar month can consist of 29 or 30 days. Usually, a particular procedure is calculated from the beginning of the month based on certain days. I usually look at the lunar day on a tear-off calendar.

  1. The best lunar days for manicure and pedicure are 11, 20, 21, 25.
  2. Separately for manicure - 6, 19, and for - 4, 9 lunar days.
  3. 16, 28 lunar days are suitable for nail extension.
  4. The worst lunar days for nail care on hands and feet are 18, 22 and 29.

These numbers will always be the same, only the lunar calendar itself will change. Recently, I began to mark in the usual calendar unfavorable days for trimming nails, calculating them using the lunar.

Oracle and Rempel

A magical divine advisor and fortuneteller, the Oracle also adheres to the lunar days when drawing up a horoscope for cutting nails. Keep in mind that lunar days are different from regular calendar days. Here's what he advises:

  • 5 - they will attract monetary luck to you, they promise financial enrichment and prosperity.
  • 8 - will improve your well-being and contribute to the extension of life, strengthen family relationships.
  • 11 - will help you develop psychic abilities, insight and intuition.
  • 13 - will contribute to the rejuvenation of the whole body, improve physical beauty.
  • 14 - they will correct the state of affairs at work, you can expect a promotion or salary increase.
  • 19 - prophesy good luck and success in business, improve health, promote longevity.
  • 21, 23 - will increase external attractiveness and self-confidence, improve the general condition of the body.
  • 26, 27 - you will find joy and happiness, relationships in the house will improve.
  • 28 - relationships with people around you will be flawless, you will gain a unique charm.

  1. The new moon and the first quarter of the waxing moon are the strictest taboo for cutting the nail plates. or a pedicure done at this time weakens the human body and any beauty procedures are not tolerated in the best way.
  2. The most successful time to reduce the length of nails is the second quarter of the waxing and third quarter of the waning moon. Cutting the nail plates these days promises health, material stability, happiness and well-being in the family.

According to old Russian beliefs

Our ancestors had their own superstitions about nail clipping. Let's find out what rules they tried to adhere to in order to maintain their well-being.

  • It is advisable to take up scissors only on Thursday. This is the best day for this procedure.
  • After cutting, the clipped nails had to be burned in a fire so that no one could get them.
  • The growing moon is the main condition that will allow the cut nails to be healthy and strong.
  • To cure a patient, our ancestors cut his nail plates, then burned them, and buried the ashes at the intersection.
  • Babies were allowed to cut their nails only after they reached 1 year of age.
  • You should not touch the scissors on your birthday; in extreme cases, you can only use a nail file. Otherwise, the whole next year will be unhappy.

Times of Day

It is also worth paying attention to the time at which you want to trim your nails.

  1. Do not pick up scissors in the evening or at night. This brings financial losses, monetary setbacks, deterioration of the material condition. Trimming your nail plates at night can shorten your life.
  2. Morning and afternoon are the best times for nail care. It attracts only the best - happiness, health, love and success in all matters.

That's all for me. I hope it was interesting for you to familiarize yourself with the signs and lunar horoscopes for cutting nail plates. Believe in them or not - it's up to you. I try to follow the lunar calendar and not have a manicure or pedicure on Friday or Sunday.

Healthy nails! See you!

Manicure is a nail care procedure that has been popular for centuries. If earlier it was considered the privilege of the rich, now it is available to everyone. Many rituals have passed to us from ancient ancestors, including signs associated with cutting nails. Manicurists and clients notice that a manicure done on auspicious days ensures the health and rapid growth of the nail plates. How to determine this magical time?

When to trim your nails: favorable days of the week

According to the astrological chart, the most suitable day for nail clipping is the first "male" day of the week - Monday. But do not wield scissors and wire cutters from Friday to Sunday.

Each of the 7 days of the week, according to astrologers, is under the auspices of a certain planet. Depending on this, you can plan specific events, including a manicure:

  1. Monday is under the influence of Selena. The manicure procedure on this day will help get rid of blues, depression, stress, bad mood, and will also provide a charge of positive mood and give strength.
  2. Tuesday is the day of the warlike planet Mars. Nail care improves well-being, connects with space and improves well-being. If you want to improve your financial situation, drop by the salon on Tuesday.
  3. Wednesday is the middle of the working week, a "transshipment" day under the auspices of Mercury. Filing and clipping nails will help to streamline affairs and thoughts, strengthen immunity, and achieve success in professional activities. Our ancestors believed that doing a manicure at the height of the week was good news. Wednesday nail trimming is ideal for those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome: a simple visit to the nail salon will help replenish your strength.
  4. Thursday is the patronage of the powerful planet Jupiter. On this day, manicure has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism, it strengthens health. Note to managers and businessmen: putting your nails in order will increase your authority in the eyes of subordinates and partners.
  5. Friday is influenced by Venus, the planet responsible for beauty and attractiveness. Despite these factors, the day is considered unfavorable for a manicure. Due to the slowdown in metabolic processes in the human body, the procedure can negatively affect the state of health. But you can do creative design or art painting of nails.
  6. Saturday is ruled by Saturn, which will help you avoid debt and unnecessary obligations. Taking nail care on the first day off helps prevent chronic diseases of various organs. Manicure will help bachelors and unmarried girls find their soul mate.
  7. Sunday is considered the worst time to cut and file your nails. This weekend is considered the day of the Sun and is perceived as a holiday. According to ancient beliefs, wielding scissors and other cutting tools, you can call upon yourself trouble, attract evil spirits.

Astrologers claim that a manicure performed on auspicious days according to the lunar calendar will help preserve and even replenish a person's vitality.

How to choose the best day for a manicure according to the lunar cycle

There are general rules for choosing the optimal day for a manicure, depending on the phase of the moon. From 1 to 15 lunar days, the month is growing, gaining strength. The nails cut during this period will grow back at an enviable speed. From the 16th to the 30th lunar day, the month is waning. A manicure done at this time will help strengthen the nail plate. It is also a good time to treat fungal diseases, remove burrs and cuticles.

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Auspicious days for manicure are also determined by what sign of the zodiac the moon is in. For example, the procedure will help to strengthen the nail plate, prevent its delamination and fragility during the passage of the month through the constellation of Aries, Virgo, Cancer or Libra. Postponing nail care should be during a period when the moon is in Gemini.

There are also three groups of zodiac signs. When a night star passes over them, it affects the treatment and recovery procedures with nails:

  • Group 1 - neutral (Pisces, Taurus, Aries). Cutting off hardened skin, polishing the print roll, removing burrs and cuticles must be done with great care. These days, the risk of infection increases, and inflammation develops faster.
  • Group 2 - favorable for manicure procedures (Leo, Scorpio, Volodya, Capricorn, Libra, Sagittarius, Virgo).
  • Group 3 - unfavorable (Cancer, Gemini).

To maintain the optimal length and strength of nails, it is enough to trim the nail plate every 10-14 days. The lunar calendar (28 days, 30 lunar days) makes it easy to choose a favorable time for the procedure.

Is there a connection between a manicure and an increase in wealth

Astrologers argue that there is a clear link between nail care and well-being. Moreover, this dependence applies both to the time of the procedure and to the method of decorating nails.

To attract wealth to the house, it is recommended to do a manicure on monetary days of the week - Tuesdays and Fridays. It is best to carry out a full-fledged hand care procedure: steam your fingers, shorten the length of the nails, cut off the burrs, move the cuticles and cover the nail plates with medicated or colored varnish. However, we must not forget about the phases of the night star. The days of the waxing moon and full moon are the most favorable for improving the financial situation.

If we talk about stylistic nuances that affect well-being, then in recent years, manicure has been at the height of fashion, where one or more fingers are decorated. How to choose a cherished nail that can improve your financial situation? Feng Shui masters advise to perform graceful sculpting or decorate the nail plate with fine artistic painting on the ring finger, where the channel of the Sun passes.

Another original method that fully meets the requirements of Taoist practice on raising funds is to stick pieces of a real bill on the nails. For this, a large denomination banknote is crushed (the type of currency does not matter). It is best to make 10 pieces in advance, adjusting them to the size of the nail plates, and leave 2-3 in reserve.

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They do a regular manicure, remove the cuticles and burrs, then cover the nails with a transparent base varnish. On top of it, the prepared pieces of the bill are carefully glued with special glue. When the glue is dry, apply a fixer. As a result - “money goes to money”, well-being will noticeably improve after a short period of time.

Schedule of manicure-friendly days for 2017

  1. January. The 1st and 2nd numbers, as well as the period from 14 to 26 are ideal for putting nails in order. This will have a positive effect on health, add vitality, and attract the attention of the opposite sex. The periods from 7 to 13 and from 27 to 29 January are considered unfavorable. A manicure done these days will bring complications in professional activities, create conflict situations in the family.
  2. February. Favorable dates are considered days from 13 to 24. Manicure will bring success in the professional field, will have a positive effect on career and personal relationships. Days from 5 to 9, from 25 to 28 are not suitable for nail care. Periods 1 to 4, February 10 to 12 are considered neutral, but the trimmed nail plate will grow back much more slowly than on other days. It is recommended to be careful when working with cutting tools throughout the month.
  3. March. Suitable days for hand care and treatment and rehabilitation procedures are from 12 to 26. This will have a positive effect on your well-being. A manicure done on March 9-10 will bring profit, help to relieve the burden of old obligations, and strengthen authority among others. Unfavorable days are considered the period from 5 to 11. Neutral days of the month are from 26 to 31.
  4. April. Periods from 5 to 9, from 13 to 22 are ideal for manicure. Correction of the length of nails will help to recharge positively for a long time, improve personal life. Unfavorable days of the month are from 1 to 4, from 10 to 12, from 23 to 24, as well as 28 and 30. The risk of harming not only the thin skin around the nails, but also health in general, increases.
  5. May. The warmest spring month calls for a change of image. The period from 11 to 18 May is considered favorable. It is worth giving up manicure from 1 to 10, from 28 to 31, otherwise disorders of the nervous system cannot be avoided. In the interval from the 19th to the 27th, it is better to keep the length of the nails, to refuse trimming the cuticle.
  6. June. Auspicious days: from 1 to 7, from 12 to 17, from 26 to 30 of the month. Bright, rich and even slightly flashy shades, as well as rhinestones and glitter, will be popular. The periods from 8 to 11, from 22 to 25 are unfavorable. A manicure performed on these days can negatively affect your health. From the 18th to the 20th, you can do unedged manicure.
  7. July. Auspicious days will be from 1 to 5, from 15 to 20, from 25 to 31. Nail care will bring a good mood and positive news. From 6 to 10, from 21 to 24, it is not recommended to deal with nails, as this will bring failure in business and the ruin of plans. Procedures aimed at strengthening and improving the nail plate are allowed to be done from the 11th to the 14th.
  8. August. Suitable for manicure will be from 1 to 5, from 14 to 17, from 34 to 31. This will help you become sexier and more attractive to the opposite sex. Unfavorable periods of the month - from 6 to 9, from 18 to 23 August. Procedures with nails these days will work against their owner, deprive them of self-confidence.
  9. September. The first autumn month is a time of slight sadness for the outgoing warmth, the sun, the past rest. Another image change is coming. It is recommended to take nail care from the 14th to the 19th. Unfavorable periods are considered days from 1 to 5, from 20 to 30. Manicure can negatively affect the state of finances.
  10. October. Favorable days for manicure are considered from 1 to 3, from 8 to 10, from 13 to 17, from 22 to 25, from 29 to 31 October. This will increase attractiveness and help you acquire useful connections. Days from 4 to 7, from 11 to 12, from 19 to 21 are unfavorable for nail care. The risk of family troubles and material difficulties increases. Neutral days (from 26 to 28) can be devoted to the restoration of the nail plate.
  11. November. The number of favorable days this month is limited - it is better to do a manicure from November 8 to 17. At the beginning of the month, from 3 to 6, it is necessary to stop trimming the cuticle. A manicure made on November 9 will entail misunderstanding, discord in relations with household members. An unfavorable period is considered the interval from the 18th to the 25th.
  12. December. For manicure, days from 7 to 16, from 21 to 31 are suitable. The nail care procedure will help to strengthen the financial situation and find love. Days from 5 to 6, from 17 to 20 December are not suitable for manicure. At the beginning of the month, from the 1st to the 4th, procedures to strengthen the nail plate will be of great benefit.