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How to use Google SketchUp. How do I use Google Drive? Explaining complex things in a simple way How to use google program

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In the era of digital technologies and high-speed Internet, you can find out any information. In a few minutes we find recipes for a delicious cake or get acquainted with the theory of particle-wave dualism.

But often you have to sow the necessary information bit by bit and spend more than one hour on it. site collected for you the most effective ways to help you find precious materials in a couple of clicks.

1. Either one or the other

Sometimes we are not exactly sure that we have memorized or heard the necessary information correctly. No problem! Just enter some suitable options using the "|" or the English "or" and then select the appropriate result.

2. Search by synonym

As you know, the great and mighty Russian language is rich in synonyms. And sometimes it doesn't work at all. If you need to quickly find sites on a given topic, and not just a specific phrase, put the "~" symbol.

For example, the results of the query "healthy ~ food" will help you learn about healthy eating principles, introduce you to healthy recipes and foods, and suggest eating healthy restaurants.

3. Search within the site

4. Strength of the sprocket

When an insidious memory fails us and hopelessly loses words or numbers from a phrase, the "*" sign comes to the rescue. Just put it in place of the forgotten snippet and get the results you want.

5. Lots of missing words

But if not one word, but half of the phrase fell out of memory, try to write the first and last words, and between them - AROUND (the approximate number of missing words). For example, like this: "I loved you AROUND (7) not quite."

6. Time frame

Sometimes we desperately need to get acquainted with the events that happened in a certain period of time. To do this, add a time frame to the main phrase, spelled out with ellipses. For example, we want to know what scientific discoveries were made between 1900 and 2000.

Follow the instructions. Please read them carefully as the instructions may change depending on the type of your computer.

Run the program. You will see three perpendicular axes, which immediately give the impression of a three-dimensional space. Check out the toolbox. It has tools like Line, Circle and Polygon. Each of them provides you with a variety of options for creating the shapes you want.

Check out the main navigation functions of the program:

  • The first thing you need to know about Google SketchUp is that it has 10 simple tools to help you create your model. The first group includes such tools as: Orbit, Panning and Scaling. You can use them to move around the drawing and view it from different angles. In this description, you will find a brief explanation of the purpose of these tools.
  • To move the entire screen, simultaneously press the center mouse button and hold down the Shift key on the keyboard.
  • To remove an object, use the Select button (with an arrow) from the toolbox. When an object is selected, it will be highlighted in blue. To delete the selected object, press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  • To save your work, select the "Save As" option from the "File" menu (top left corner). Select the folder where the file will be stored. Enter a file name and click “Save”. Your file will be saved with the .skp extension.
  • Draw some lines. Line mode is set by default when you start SketchUp. This mode obviously allows you to draw lines. Try it and see what happens, just to get familiar with how to draw lines. Keep in mind, however, that the line has only one dimension, so it will not be possible to attach it to the axis.

    Draw the shapes. Besides lines, you can also create 2D shapes using the appropriate tools. To practice this, draw some rectangles, circles and polygons. All that is needed for this is to select the appropriate tool by clicking on its icon in the menu.

    • Considering that this is a 3D rendering program, you will see that the 2D shapes are arranged in a horizontal plane. And if there is an underlying surface, then the shape will be attached to it.
  • Move on to creating 3D objects. This can be achieved by "extruding" or "pushing in" a 2D shape from / to a 3D shape. Use the Pressure / Extrude tool and manipulate the already created 2D shapes. Watch what happens.

    Learn to use panning and orbit. In any 3D image processing program, you need to be able to view the created objects from different angles, and SketchUp has this opportunity too. Pan mode allows you to pan the drawing to the right, left, up and down. You can also combine these methods. Orbit mode allows you to rotate around the created object to view it from all angles. Thus, by changing the projection, you can see the object from any angle.

    • Use your mouse's center scroll button to rotate around the image. For the same purpose, you can also use the Orbit button in the upper toolbar (this button has two red arrows).
  • Move and rotate objects. This is self-explanatory and quite useful as it gives you the ability to change the position of the created objects. Experiment with the Move and Rotate modes to make sure you can reposition objects.

    Color in the object. The finished object is usually painted blue-gray. If the object is under construction, it cannot be colored. Using the Colorize mode, objects can be given color or texture. If you choose a texture, SketchUp will automatically align it to the surface, making your work easier and more interesting.

    Learn to use the scalability. This tool will allow you to zoom in or out of the generated shapes, as well as view the shapes in more detail. If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you will find that turning it in one direction increases the scale, and turning it in the other decreases it.

    Explore the models built into SketchUp. There are many such models. If you find a model that suits you in this set, then you do not have to reinvent it. The collection of 3D objects offers a choice of objects in the fields of architecture, landscape design, construction, images of people, playgrounds and transport. It is recommended that you use this library of ready-made components to decide if any of them are of interest to you and can be used in your work.

    Learn to use the guide lines. SketchUp lets you place control lines anywhere in your drawing. You can then use them to align objects. Control lines appear as dashed lines in your drawing.

    As you learn how to use the standard tools, explore the more advanced tools in SketchUp. These include: Resize, Proportional Resize, Follow Me, Arc, Text, Angle, and Roulette.

    • Resize Tool: To use this tool, select an object and drag one of the small cubes located in the corners and on the surfaces of the object to resize the object to any size. This way you can create wide, tall, short or low objects.
    • Follow Me Tool: This tool allows you to create a new object by moving an already created object along a specific path.
    • Proportional Resize tool: If you click on an object's surface with this tool, the exact same surface will be created. You can enlarge or shrink this surface, depending on how far you drag the cursor.
    • Arc Tool: This tool works in the same way as Line. The only difference is that if you create a line and drag it to the side, the result is an arc.
    • Type Tool: This tool will allow you to add text to the surface of an object. The Angle tool helps you unfold an object by clicking on the surface of an object and flipping it with the cursor.
    • Roulette Tool: This tool will allow you to determine the size of an object, as well as create identical sections of shapes by entering values ​​into a special window in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Try to create something with SketchUp. There are many tutorials on wikiHow to help you create buildings, structures, and other objects.

    The Google search engine has become so firmly established in our lives that many have already developed a conditioned reflex: at the slightest difficulty, they immediately fill in a query for a hint. Both pioneers and retirees are able to use Google, or as they say now "google" - there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. But not everyone knows how to use the Google search engine most effectively. We will now remind you of a few simple effective search techniques that are useful for everyone to remember.

    The Google search engine is an extremely intelligent tool that tries to understand and even anticipate any of your wishes. However, in order for the search results to best match your request, you need to clarify your question in as much detail as possible. For this, there are special search operators, the existence of which we want to remind you of in this article, and some, perhaps, will get to know them for the first time.

    "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass" (Quotation marks)

    If you need to find a word or phrase in exactly the same form as you entered, without any changes in the form and order of words, then enclose your search query in quotation marks. This is most convenient for searching for a specific movie by its title, lyrics by line, or an excerpt from a book.

    There was a grasshopper in the grass (Minus)

    If you need to exclude from search results all pages containing a certain word, then put a minus sign (without a space) in front of it. So you will find out who else is sitting in the grass, except for the grasshoppers.

    A grasshopper was sitting in the grass (Tilda)

    The tilde icon will ask you to search Google not only for the specified word, but also for similar words and synonyms. For example, in this case, the system will look for grasshoppers not only in the grass, but also in bushes, fields and mountains.

    In the grass sat a scout OR a grasshopper (OR)

    Google normally tries to find pages that contain all the words you specify. If you insert an OR operator (in capital letters) between words, you will get pages in the search results that include at least one of these words.

    In * sat a grasshopper (Asterisk)

    The asterisk symbol can be used to replace unknown words in your query. For example, if you do not remember exactly where the grasshopper was sitting, then simply enter the word * instead.

    There are also many other very interesting and useful tricks for using the Google search bar that you can check out.

    Fast, and most importantly, effective search for you!

    There are many note taking apps. Google Keep may not be as powerful as Evernote, but its value lies in its simplicity. Let's talk about how to make the most of it.

    What is Google Keep

    Keep is a free-form note-taking app. When Keep was first announced back in 2013, there was a lot of talk about whether we needed another note-taking app. People made comparisons to Evernote and other similar services. But at the end of the day, Keep offers enough features to become a powerful service.

    Price: Free

    Here's a quick overview of Google Keep's features:

    • Grocery list: this is probably one of the most common reasons people use Keep.
    • Meal planning: it looks like a grocery list, but it is not the same. Here you can plan your meals for several weeks, so you know which groceries to buy.
      Ideas for work: Keep is great for this.
    • Random notes to remember: if you need some kind of random list - both short and long term - you can create it here.
    • Synchronization between devices: since there is a sync with google account, you can copy / paste text between devices this way. If you need to get some of the text from your computer to your phone (or vice versa), Keep is the place to go.

    Now that you have an idea of ​​some of the uses for Keep, let's take a closer look at how you can make the most of it.

    Color code of your note

    When you use Keep, it can get jammed with all sorts of notes. If you leave everything at the default white, it can be a real pain to sort out and find what you are looking for. There is a search function, but it is possible to organize everything from the very beginning.

    Since Keep allows you to change the color of your note, it's a great way to keep things organized. For example, you can make all of your work-related notes blue, food-related lists green and hobby-based notes red. So when you need to quickly find something work-related, you can scroll and quickly see all the blue notes. It's simple.

    To change the color of a note on a website, open the note and then click the palette icon at the bottom.

    On a mobile phone, tap the three dots in the lower right corner and then select one of the colors at the bottom.

    Label your notes

    You can also add shortcuts to organize your notes, and if you have a lot of notes, a good labeling system can save the day.

    From the main Keep menu, just click Edit next to the label. Here you can add, edit or delete tags.

    To add shortcuts to notes, you can click the menu button on the note and then select the Shortcuts option. You can also simply type hashtags directly in the note to open the tags menu. Very simple.

    The real find of shortcuts is that you can view all notes with a shortcut, making it easy to view associated notes.

    Use checkboxes for lists

    If you use Keep for to-do lists - be it a to-do list, a grocery list, or any other list - then you can mark completed tasks.

    There are two ways to create a checkbox list. You can either use the New List button or add checkboxes after the fact by clicking the + button and then selecting the Multiple from List option.

    From now on, just check these boxes when you are to-do to move them to the bottom of the list. You can also hide or show them by clicking on the small arrow.

    If at any time you want to remove the checkboxes, uncheck all items, or remove the checked items, you can do so by clicking the three dots next to the list name on your mobile device or by clicking the menu button on the website. From there all the available list options appear.

    Share your notes and lists

    From there, enter the person's email address and Keep will send a notification and automatically add a note to their Keep.

    Plus, if you have a Google Play Family plan, you can share notes with your family group with a single tap. This is great for families looking to stay organized.

    Use reminders

    You can use another reminder app, but if you want to keep all your boards, lists, notes and reminders in one place, Keep can do it for you. Just open the main menu in the sidebar and then select the "Reminders" option.

    Adding a new reminder is almost identical to adding a new note: open a note window, give it a title, and add text. The main difference here is that you can also choose a reminder time.

    Keep will remind you when the time is right, and the rest is up to you. Keep will also add this reminder to Google Calendar, which is nice. But if you do, you will likely receive double notifications.

    Add voice memos, images or graffiti to your notes

    Sometimes you need more than just typed words. You can also add images, draw images (or write words), and even add voice memos (mobile app only).

    To do any of this in a new note, use the buttons on the bottom panel:

    To add any of these things to an existing note, click the "+" button at the bottom and then select the appropriate item.

    Keep customization

    Keep doesn't have a lot of options in the Settings menu, but what it does is very useful. To access these options, open the main menu and then tap the Settings option.

    Here you can change the way you use lists by choosing whether new items appear at the top or bottom. You can also choose whether the checked items move down or stay in their current position in the list.

    Likewise, you can set up specific times for reminders, although the default options are great.

    Finally, you can enable or disable sharing as well as advanced link previews. The latter basically adds a preview snippet and thumbnail to any links you add to Keep, which can take up a lot of space.

    Kepp is simple, it doesn't have a full text editor like Evernote, but it's powerful enough for simple notes. This is great for lists and for quick discussion of ideas. Shared lists are great for families, and color and label coding systems keep things clean and organized. If you're looking for a new way to organize, give it a try. And if you are already using it, we hope this list will help you make better use of all that Keep has to offer.

    This article provides tips to help you find the information you need quickly and easily in Google.

    Whatever you are looking for, start with simple queries like where is the nearest airport... If necessary, you can always add a few qualifying words.

    If you are looking for a place or product in a specific region, please specify the location. For instance: bakery moscow .

    If you are not comfortable typing the text of the request, use the voice search. Just say "Ok Google" or click on the microphone icon.

    When creating a search query, choose the words that are most likely to be present on the site you need. For example, instead of I have a headache enter headache, since this term is more likely to be used on medical websites.

    • Spelling. Google recognizes the word even if it's misspelled.
    • Use of capital letters. Search query New Newspaper identical to request New Newspaper.

    Google can quickly show answers to almost any question you may have in the results. Some information, such as sports teams, is not available in all countries.

    • Weather. Search for the request weather to find out the forecast in your region, or add the name of the city you need yourself, for example Weather Sevastopol .
    • Dictionary. Enter a word definition before any word to find out its meaning.
    • Calculations. Enter a math expression like 3*9123 to calculate the result, or find a solution to a complex graphing equation.
    • Conversion of units of measurement. Enter any unit you want to translate, for example 300 RUB to EUR.
    • Sport. Search for your favorite team to see schedule, scores and more.
    • Interesting Facts... Search by name of a celebrity, place, movie, or song to find interesting information about them.