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What happens on Epiphany Christmas Eve. Epiphany Christmas Eve - everything you need to know about the evening before Epiphany. Epiphany Christmas Eve: what is it

It is celebrated on January 18 by the entire Orthodox (and not only!) world. The Eve of the Baptism of the Lord is also called differently. It is one of the most revered by the church and the people of the twelfth holidays. Believers need to know about them. And we call them.

Twelfth holidays

There are exactly twelve of them after the Feast of the Feasts of Easter or the Bright Resurrection of Christ. The first is the Nativity of the Virgin - 8 (September 21). Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord -14 (September 27). Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos - November 21 (December 4). Nativity of Christ - December 25 (January 7). Baptism of the Lord - 6 (January 19). The Presentation of the Lord - 2 (February 15). Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin - March 25 (April 7). The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is the Sunday before Easter, a passing celebration. Ascension of the Lord - the 40th day after Easter, is always celebrated on Thursday. Holy Trinity Day - the 50th after Easter, is always celebrated on Sunday, a passing celebration. Transfiguration of the Lord - 6 (August 19). Assumption of the Virgin - 15 (August 28). We emphasize once again - of the twelve holidays mentioned, the main one is Easter - the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Vespers before Epiphany

It so happened in Orthodoxy that Epiphany Christmas Eve is most closely connected with another most important twelfth holiday - the Theophany of the Lord or widely spread under a different name - the Baptism of the Lord, which falls on January 6 (January 19). Figuratively speaking, the first flows into the second. And Epiphany Christmas Eve is the evening of preparation before the Bright Day of Theophany of the Lord, that is, before Baptism, which Jesus Christ received in the Jordan River, and John the Baptist performed the sacrament of the Baptism of the Savior.

John the Baptist

Another name is John the Baptist. Known, in particular, from the mention of him by the Gnostic Heraclion (Herakleon - philosopher), whose excerpts from the interpretations of the Gospels of Luke and John, dating from the second century, have survived to this day. According to the Gospels, John is the closest predecessor of Jesus Christ. And it was he who foretold the coming of the Messiah. He led an ascetic life and lived in the desert. performed ablutions of the Jews, dipping them in water for cleansing from sins and repentance. Somewhat later, washing began to be called the sacrament of Baptism. John the Baptist dipped Jesus Christ into the sacred waters of the Jordan River, in other words, baptized him. The fate of John the Baptist was sad: by the will of the queen of the Jews Herodias and her daughter Solomea, he was beheaded. According to his status, he is a historical personality. His name is mentioned in almost all the manuscripts of the Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus, who called him the Baptist, the Forerunner of the Savior.

Baptism is translated from Greek as immersion in water, dipping, cleansing washing from sins and violations of moral standards. For Christians, it's like taking on the Cross. The baptism of the Jews by John the Baptist had the meaning of a spiritually cleansed action. When the Savior passed the sacrament of Baptism, John began to hold him back with the words: "I need to be baptized by You!" As we said above, the Baptism of the Lord is also called the feast of the Epiphany: God revealed himself to the world in three persons - His Divinity (God the Son Jesus Christ received Baptism in the Jordan River), and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. God the Father witnessed Jesus Christ with a voice from heaven.

As for the word "Forever", it literally means the eve of a church celebration, and its second name is Christmas Eve (Novel) and is associated with the tradition of cooking sochivo - wheat broth with honey and raisins. In view of the importance of the celebrated event, the church established a strict fast for this day. As well as on Christmas Eve, they do not eat food until the candle is taken out after the Liturgy in the morning and the first communion of Epiphany water.

Sochi recipe

He is widely known among the Orthodox and is simple. A glass of wheat grain. The same amount of vegetable oil, the same amount of walnuts, 50 grams of poppy seeds, the same amount of seedless raisins (raisins), two or three tablespoons of honey, sugar. At the same time, the peeled wheat grains are carefully washed, boiled until fully cooked, cooled, honey and sugar are added. Poppy is poured with boiling water for 10 minutes. Then the water is drained. Steamed poppy is crushed in a mortar until soft. Raisins are also poured with boiling water, it is allowed to swell, the water is drained. The ingredients are mixed. The peeled walnuts are lightly toasted and added to the sochivo, everything is thoroughly mixed again and served to the table. Delicious and nutritious!

Great blessing of water

With it in mind, it should be said that the Holy Church sanctifies with the word of God, prayers, and sacred rites not only the person himself, but also everything that he uses - water, air, the earth itself, objects, things, overshadowing them with the blessing of Heaven - for communication through them grace and blessing to man. Along with the great there is a small blessing of water. It is held at the beginning of every month. And believers, coming to temples, collect holy water from special containers. The great consecration of water takes place exclusively on the eve, on the very day of the feast of the Epiphany. That is, on the day of Epiphany Christmas Eve. At the same time, the water in the temples is consecrated according to a special order - the Great Jordanian Illumination and is called baptismal. The consecrated water is tasted on an empty stomach and in a spoon, a little bit. A man got up in the morning, crossed himself, asked for blessings from the Lord, prayed and accepted the great agiasma - from the Greek "shrine". Holy water, by its miraculous effect, is the best cure for all ailments on Earth. She can wash the sick, and sprinkle the bed. But women are not blessed to take baptized water on critical days. However, it is quite possible if she is basically healthy. If she is sick, let the Epiphany water be to her aid! It is believed that consecrated water does not deteriorate. Therefore, there is no need to put it, for example, in the refrigerator. True Orthodox keep it in the Red Corner, next to the icons. It is well known that a drop of holy water sanctifies both the whole sea and any terrestrial body of water. But on the day of the Great Blessing of Water, in no case should one quarrel, swear, commit unseemly acts, allow impious thoughts. From this, the water loses its holiness or most often spills. The Church recommends that you sprinkle your dwelling with holy water while singing the troparion of the Epiphany. Saves from troubles, from evil spirits! And you need to know that from January 19, after zero hours fifteen minutes, a water pipe, a lake, a river, a spring, even ordinary bottled water can serve as sources of holy water. The healing properties of holy water are confirmed by science.

Prayer when taking holy water

It is pronounced like this: "Lord my God, may Your holy gift and your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and weaknesses by Thy boundless mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints! Amen!"

Epiphany Christmas Eve is closely intertwined with pagan and Orthodox rites

Hence the different signs and beliefs. In the old days, for example, they put a bowl of water on the table to see the Baptism of the Lord. At the same time, they used to say: "The water will stir itself!", And this will be a good sign. If at midnight the water really swayed, they ran to look at the open Heaven in order to pray to the open Heaven, and then all desires would come true. In the villages on the Epiphany of the Lord, old women and girls collected snow from haystacks. He made white canvas. Bleached the skin of the girls from which they became even more beautiful. Snow, like holy water, in the Baptism of the Lord has healing properties. And even in deep wells in a drought, it retains water throughout the year. And let us remind you once again - on Epiphany Christmas Eve, the Orthodox must observe a strict fast, they are allowed to eat only lean porridge, vegetable pancakes or juicy. Honey pancakes are not forbidden, juicy with eggs.

To Jordan with a prayer!

Accepting Jordan is a very significant concept. In order to remove spiritual and spiritual sins, it is not at all necessary to go to the place of the Baptism of the Savior. By the way, the Jordan River has been mentioned in chronicles since the thirteenth century BC. It runs in the Middle East. It is 252 kilometers long. It flows into the Dead Sea. The place of baptism of Jesus Christ is called Yardenit (Heb.) - from the diminutive word Jordan. And it is located at the exit of the river from Lake Tiberias. For more than two thousand years, people from all over the world have been flocking here not only to see the biblical place of the Savior's baptism, but also to plunge into the Jordan themselves, be baptized and be freed from their sins. It is supposed to dip seven times, with the head and with prayers. By the way, in the place of Christ's baptism, the water always remains clean. It even contains catfish and muskrats that cannot stand pollution.

As for the optionality of long-distance travel, one can say this - not everyone has the material opportunity to visit the legendary place. Yes, and by age, some good Orthodox long-distance paths are not quite suitable. Therefore, you can take Jordan in every body of water directly in the places where you live. Whether the sea, lake, river - the essence is not important. At midnight, when the water becomes holy, you can even plunge into the hole. Christians give it the shape of a cross. There are priests, doctors, and people from young to old. The Jordan is dipped seven times. In Russia, you can three, but each time, overshadowing yourself with a cross, and with a prayer. Surprisingly, even with a strong cold when taking Jordan, everyone remains healthy and unharmed. Even small children. And the collected holy water stands for itself in the Red Corner, and does not deteriorate! Happy Epiphany Eve!

The Feast of the Epiphany in Ukraine is traditionally celebrated on January 19th. It must be met with an open soul and pure thoughts the day before - on Epiphany Christmas Eve. Find out what this day symbolizes. When can you collect holy water? What dishes should be on the festive table? And what can be the supper on Epiphany Christmas Eve? This holiday has its own history, traditions, rituals.

The history of the holiday, swimming in the hole

For Christians, the Baptism of the Lord is one of the main and important holidays. And even those people who do not attend church so often collect holy water. It is believed that ordinary water on the eve of the holiday has a special power. The evening-preparation before this great Orthodox celebration is Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Before the Epiphany of the Lord's Baptism, the sky opens before the morning service on the Epiphany night. Believers pray and fast on this day. It is advisable to plunge into the hole with your head three times. After all, water acquires healing properties. And is the best healer for all ailments.

It is very good if during an Orthodox celebration a person sincerely prays to the open sky. While swimming in the hole, before each dipping, you need to say: “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” and cross yourself. Thus, a person is cleansed, washes away all sins, lawsuits and hardships. In addition, it heals your body.

Prayer on this day has extraordinary power. If you sincerely pray and believe in God with all your heart and soul, then all good thoughts and wishes should come true. After all, when this church holiday comes, people cleanse their souls and bodies from sins.

Baptism is called Holy Theophany in honor of the three kings. After all, it was on January 19 that John the Baptist performed the rite of baptism of the 30-year-old Jesus Christ. On this day, the Son of God came to him with a request to baptize him in the waters of the Jordan.

John was greatly surprised by such a wish of the Son of the Lord, because he is absolutely sinless in his deeds. But, despite the fact that Jesus Christ did not need repentance, the rite of baptism in the waters took place.

According to the Gospel, it was on this day that the Most Holy Trinity appeared before the whole world for the first time: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the meantime, while the Son of God was being baptized in the waters of the Jordan River, God the Father proclaimed his Son from heaven, having sanctified and cleansed all the expanses of water. It is known that during the sacrament of baptism a white dove appeared. Thus, in his form, the Holy Spirit appeared before the Son of God.

Since then, people have been celebrating Epiphany. It is believed that on this day the Savior provides an opportunity for sinners to repent and gain God's grace through the sacraments of dipping in sacred water. Thus the Lord forgives the sins of the Orthodox people. And guides people on the right path.

Unprepared children should not be dipped in the hole. After all, this can lead to illness. Those who have a weakened immune system, and who are often sick, especially do not need to be dipped. In the cold, you can bathe that child who has tempered and is absolutely healthy.

Do not forget to read prayers for rebirth to a new sinless life. In addition, before Baptism you need to strictly fast. How to do it right and what you can eat on Epiphany Christmas Eve, we will now tell you in more detail.

Hungry kutya on the baptismal table

The January Ukrainian holidays are closed by the Epiphany of the Lord. All Ukraine sanctifies water in temples. It is necessary to drink baptismal water on an empty stomach. One sip is enough. Orthodoxy on Epiphany Christmas Eve fasts until the blessing of the water. And this post is strict. It is allowed to eat lean dishes: sochivo (boiled cereals), vegetable pancakes or berry juices.

In Ukrainian churches, the beginning of the Epiphany begins to be celebrated on January 18. There is an evening service. On Epiphany Christmas Eve, the priest in the church reads special prayers so that the Lord sends down grace-filled power to the water. Then the priest dips the cross three times into the water, which is called the shrine - the Great Hagiasma.

After drinking holy water, you need to eat hungry kutya. On Epiphany Christmas Eve, the festive menu should be as follows: during a modest family feast on January 18, there are 12 Lenten dishes on the table. Everyone sits down at the table. Meals are modest, the main dish is hungry kutya.

It's easy to prepare. But if you can add nuts, dried apricots, raisins to a Christmas dish, then only poppy seeds and honey are allowed in a hungry kutya. Cooking it is simple: cook it from grains of wheat or rice. In addition to the fact that you need to drink holy water before using it, for those who have not plunged into the hole, you should also wash your face with it.

You need to wash, bathe in the water, best of all in the evening of the 18th or early in the morning on January 19th. By the way, before his appearance to the people, the prophet John was in the desert. He led the most austere life there. He did not drink wine, he ate only wild honey and locusts (large locusts, the food of ascetics). From clothes he wore a rough robe made of camel skin.

But what can not a family do on this blessed day? What baptismal prohibitions exist? Find out what to keep on a sacred holiday. And what taboos must be observed.

What can not a family do at Baptism?

Do not forget that after Christmas and the Old New Year, you need to ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended. Such an attitude towards others is the sacrament of Christ for the inflicted insults. Ask for forgiveness from each other, forgive past grievances. Approach with reconciliation to relatives and friends!

If each of us on Epiphany Christmas Eve and on Epiphany itself approaches others with an open soul and pure thoughts, then the whole world around us will become kinder and cleaner. In addition to the fact that you need to cleanse yourself, there are certain prohibitions on this day that you should be aware of.

On a great holy holiday, in no case should one scold, discuss or condemn other people, swear, deceive, gossip. It is forbidden to work: washing or sewing, cutting with scissors, embroidering. You can not clean the house, wash the floors, wipe the dust. And do some hard work.

Orthodox on that day do nothing. A veto is imposed on alcohol and gluttony. It is also not worth giving or borrowing money on this day. But guessing is not prohibited. Despite all the strict prohibitions, it is allowed to look into your future with at least one eye.

Divination, customs, signs, conspiracies

For Christmas fortune-telling, Epiphany Christmas Eve is the last auspicious day for fortune-telling. Both at Christmas and at Epiphany, the church officially does not approve of fortune-telling. However, people still enjoy the process of divination. Especially unmarried girls.

They can recognize their betrothed with the help of apples. You need to take as many of them as there are gentlemen. On each, scratch out the first letter of the guy's name with a knife. Put fruit in a bowl and turn off the light. In the dark, bite off a piece of each apple. Choose the one you like the taste of the most. With this person, life will be better than anyone.

The betrothed may also dream. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to tell fortunes on a prophetic dream. Going to bed on Epiphany Christmas Eve, say: "Saint Samson, show me a festive dream: indicate who my betrothed-mummers are." After that, you can no longer talk to anyone. You need to go to bed, and at night the future husband should dream.

To find out what your desires will come true this year, you need to take 12 strips of paper, each of which will have your desire written on it. They will need to be put on the night of January 18th to 19th under the pillow. Get three of them in the morning. These desires must be fulfilled.

But the most important thing at Baptism is still the cleansing of the soul and body. Swim in the hole or pour yourself in holy water. Orthodox believe that on Epiphany Christmas Eve and Epiphany even snow is healing. The heated water from it should heal from ailments.

Get rid of unholy thoughts! Do not forget that on this auspicious day the sky opens up to you! Pray, ask for forgiveness from God, relatives and friends. Repent and receive God's grace!

Epiphany Eve

January 18 in the Russian Orthodox Church is the day of the Eve of the Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany Christmas Eve. The word "eve" means the eve of a church celebration, and the second name - "Christmas Eve" is associated with the tradition on this day to cook wheat broth with honey and raisins - juicy.

Epiphany Christmas Eve - This is an evening-preparation before a big Orthodox holiday. On the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany - January 18- accepted to comply strict fast, even fish is not allowed. On this day, they do not eat food until the candle is taken out after the Liturgy on the morning of January 19 and the first communion of baptismal water. For food according to the Rule of the Church only one dish is allowed - sochivo (kolivo) . Until the end of the All-Night Vigil on January 18, nothing is eaten or drunk at all on the Eve of Theophany. Only in weakness can you drink, for example, tea or eat a few slices of bread. Fasting is relaxed only for seriously ill people. After the end of the evening service on January 18, you can taste vegetable food with oil , drink water or juice to restore their strength. If Eve takes place on Saturday and Sunday, fasting is facilitated: instead of once, eating is allowed twice - after the liturgy and after the blessing of the water.

In churches on Epiphany Christmas Eve, the liturgy of Basil the Great is served in the morning , at the beginning of which the prophecies about the first Coming of Jesus Christ are solemnly read. The liturgy of Basil the Great is based on an ancient liturgy compiled, according to legend, by the Apostle James, which was in the 4th century. revised accordingly. Basil the Great and St. John Chrysostom.

After the liturgy on January 18, the churches celebrate great consecration of water . The consecration of water is called great because of the special solemnity of the ceremony. This water is called great Agiasma (i.e. the great shrine) , or simply Epiphany water . The consecration of water takes place twice - both on Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18), and directly on the feast of the Epiphany (January 19). Consecration on both days takes place in the same order, so the water consecrated on these days is no different.

There is a pious tradition to sprinkle one's dwelling with Epiphany water on this day while singing the troparion of the Epiphany. Epiphany water is consumed all year on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora. “so that the power that strengthens health, heals diseases, drives away demons and turns away all the enemy’s slander, we could receive from God.”

At the same time, a prayer is read: “Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Your infinite mercy through prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen". In case of ailments or attacks by evil forces, you can and should drink water without hesitation at any time.

As is often the case in Russia, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, pagan traditions are closely intertwined with Orthodox rites. There are a lot of beliefs and signs associated with Baptism. On January 18, according to the Orthodox custom, people put crosses with charcoal or chalk over doors, windows, stove holes. Having protected their house with the image of the cross, they believed that they were protected from demonic influence.

There is a belief that on the night of the Epiphany, before Matins, "the sky opens." It is believed that even in an unconsecrated hole on January 19, the water becomes healing for some time. On the feast of the Epiphany, all water, in all its forms, is consecrated, because for 2000 years the water of the Jordan River, which touched the blessed body of Christ, rose millions of times to heaven, floated in the clouds and returned again as raindrops to the earth. Pieces of her are everywhere.

The custom of bathing in icy Jordanian water after its consecration, it was widely distributed in Russia. According to popular notions, such bathing is especially necessary for participants in Christmas games, accompanied by clownish disguise - "to wash off the filth of demonic masks." Truth, Orthodoxy does not have this custom.

On the feast of the Epiphany, the Lord gives us an abundance of blessed water. Anxiety awakens in every person: what about me? After all, this is my chance to be cleansed! Wouldn't miss it! And now a mass of people without hesitation, without blessing, someone “for the company”, even with some kind of desperation, rush to the hole and, having plunged into the icy water, then talk about their “feat” for a whole year.

Bathing in an ice hole at Baptism is not forbidden, but one should not give this custom some magical meaning, thinking that a person who does not live according to the laws of God is cleansed of all his sins only by dipping in a cold hole. An Orthodox person, on the other hand, goes from one church holiday to another, observing fasts, confessing and taking communion. And he prepares carefully for the Epiphany.

It must be taken into account that swimming in the hole, even at Epiphany, is not good for everyone . Jordan is not Sheep's Font (cm. In. 5:1-4) and must be approached with caution. The strongest spasm of the skin vessels in response to the action of cold water leads to the fact that a mass of blood rushes into the internal organs - the heart, lungs, brain, stomach, liver, and for people with poor health this can end badly. The danger especially increases for those who were preparing for the "cleansing" in the hole with smoking and alcohol. The flow of blood to the lungs will only increase the chronic inflammation of the bronchi, which always accompanies smoking, can cause swelling of the bronchial wall and pneumonia. Prolonged intake of alcohol or acute intoxication and in warm water constantly lead to misfortunes, to say nothing of swimming in the hole. The arterial vessels of an alcoholic or a domestic drunkard, even if he is relatively young, are not able to respond correctly to massive cold exposure, in these cases one can expect paradoxical reactions up to cardiac and respiratory arrest. With such bad habits and in such a state, it is better not to approach the hole.

Not all clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church approve of the custom of dipping into ice fonts in open water on the feast of Epiphany, calling these bathing superstition, entertainment, or even extreme sports. There is a common misconception that bathing in an ice hole at Baptism cleanses from sins. This is not true. If you do not tie bathing to pagan beliefs, there is nothing wrong with it. Whoever allows health can plunge, but you don’t need to look for some kind of spiritual meaning in this. There is spiritual meaning in the very sacrament of consecration of water, and not in bathing. Epiphany water has spiritual significance, but you can drink a drop of it and sprinkle yourself, and it is absurd to think that the one who bathed will definitely receive more grace than the one who drank a sip. This does not depend on receiving grace. We repent of our sins at confession and, by the grace of God, we receive forgiveness. And immersion in ice water is just an old folk custom, which, unlike confession, is completely optional for Orthodox Christians. The main thing in Baptism is to attend the festive liturgy in the temple, if possible, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, think about the importance of this gospel event, thank God for His mercy to the human race.

In the folk calendar, the date of January 18 is called Epiphany Christmas Eve, Hungry Evening or Hungry Kutia. On January 19, the Orthodox celebrate. It is believed that Epiphany frosts begin from this day.

Epiphany Christmas Eve- This is an evening-preparation on the eve of a big church holiday. At this time, ceremonies associated with the blessing of water are performed.

The people on January 18 were also called Hungry Kutya or Hungry Evening. During this period, plentiful feasts and fun ceased. People prepared for the fast, cooked unleavened juice without butter and cottage cheese.

Epiphany evening: divination

Baptism is the last night for Christmas divination. Sometimes the girls went out of the gate to guess at the first comer:

  • meet a young guy - to marriage;
  • old man - to trouble.

It was customary to guess at the harvest. According to popular belief, on this night frost falls on the bread, which is destined to be born in the summer. Bread left dry will not bear fruit. For this purpose, different kinds of bread in cups were put out on the street at night, and in the morning they looked at which frost had fallen.

Fortune-telling about the betrothed was also common. To find out in which direction the future spouse lives, the girl took off her boot or shoe and threw the shoes over a fence or barrier. She looked in which direction the sock would show, from there the groom and wait.

To find out who is destined to get married this year, the girls gathered in the house. The unmarried sat in a circle in the middle of the room. A married woman took off her wedding ring from her finger, tied a woolen thread to it and began to slowly walk around those present. Approaching each girl, calling her name. If the ring after that began to spin strongly, then this year the girl will marry.

Before going to bed, the girls combed their hair with a clean comb tied with a ribbon. Then they put him under the pillow with the words: “ Who will come to comb me?" In a dream, the betrothed was supposed to appear.

Epiphany evening: customs and traditions

"Epiphany evening" was considered a time of rampant evil spirits. It was believed that the devils were especially dangerous at certain times from 12 to 3 am (devil's hour), as well as on and the day before. During these periods, there is a possibility of communication with another world and an evil spirit that strives to get into the house as a werewolf. She can take any form: cats, pigs, dogs, snakes. There are frequent cases when werewolves enter a dwelling in the guise of a baby, a wanderer, a miller, a blacksmith. Sometimes they can take on the appearance of a friend - a husband, a neighbor.

Epiphany evening is a day of strict fasting and repentance, which prepares believers for the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which is distinguished by pomp and solemnity. Two rites of consecration of water are performed:

  • on the eve of Epiphany - inside the church;
  • on the day of Epiphany - on the nearest lake or river.

Epiphany water sanctifies, gives blessing, cleansing, health. At midnight on Epiphany they went to the river for water. According to legend, the water at this time in the rivers sways. In the evening, water was poured into the bowl. If at midnight she herself sways - this is a good sign, the person saw the appearance of the Lord.

According to legend, the snow collected on the evening before Epiphany helps to heal diseases. People washed themselves with snow, and the melt water was stored for a long time, using it for household needs and for washing. Girls, so that their skin was white and smooth, took snow and wiped their faces with it.

Pure snow was added to the food of livestock so that it would not freeze and be healthy, they were collected for a bath: “The bath will fix everything, the snow bath will add beauty.” They believed that if the snow collected on Epiphany Eve was thrown into a well, the water in it would not deteriorate and not dry out throughout the year. They also collected snow in jars for whitening canvases.

On the eve of Epiphany, a strict fast was observed. Kutia, oatmeal jelly and pancakes were obligatory dishes. On Epiphany, pancakes were placed in a barn to appease the brownie and ensure well-being for livestock. At the evening meal, they ate sochivo.

Until the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, sochivo was made from rye grains, and later from rice and wheat grains. The tradition of making sochivo from wheat or rye grains was preserved only in rural areas, where people had the opportunity to purchase this grain. For this reason, city dwellers are more familiar with a dish made from rice.

Epiphany Christmas Eve: what not to do?

On this day, you can not clean the house, wash clothes in the river, swear and be offended by someone. Try to forgive offenders and think positively.

The water collected for Baptism has a strong energy. Mixing baptismal water with ordinary water is not recommended, otherwise it will lose its healing properties. During the collection of water, it is forbidden to swear and think about something bad.

It is believed that Epiphany water can stand for many years and not deteriorate. But if quarrels and scandals constantly occur in the house, then it will become unusable in a month.

On the eve of the holiday and at Epiphany, you cannot borrow or lend. Otherwise, a person will be in poverty all year.

January 18: signs and beliefs

  1. If there is a snowstorm on Epiphany Christmas Eve, then in three months there will also be a snowstorm.
  2. Snowfall on January 18 is a good sign. The bees will swarm well.
  3. Snow that fell early in the morning promises a good harvest of early buckwheat, at noon - middle, in the evening - late.
  4. Clear skies on Epiphany night - to a rich harvest of peas.
  5. Shining stars in the sky - to good bread.
  6. Dogs often bark - there will be a lot of game.

People born on January 18 have a calm and quiet disposition. They are meek and inconspicuous. As a talisman, they should wear an opal or an emerald.

Video: Epiphany Christmas Eve

But it begins, as many are mistaken, not on January 19, but a day earlier, and it is called the Eve of the Epiphany, in other words, Epiphany Christmas Eve.

In itself, the word "eve" in simple terms means "eve", i.e. time before the holiday. But the well-known second name "Christmas Eve" owes its origin to the main dish of this holiday, even the tradition of Epiphany Christmas Eve - sochiva, a lenten dish that is put on the tables at this time. Christmas Eve is needed in order to move away from worldly fuss and prepare your heart for the sacrament.

Origin story

The Church begins to celebrate Epiphany on January 18, and the holiday carries a deep meaning, which determines, in principle, the whole essence of Christianity. He singles out that important event in history, which is described in the 13th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew - the Baptism of Jesus.

John the Baptist was a prophet in Israel and served on the banks of the Jordan, where he told the Jews that the Messiah was coming, and the time of His coming was near. He exhorted the Pharisees to depart from the law and turn to the Living Lord. Jesus Christ was at that time a young man of 30 years old and came to the banks of the Jordan to also be baptized. John felt (the Holy Spirit gave him a vision) that before him stood the same Messiah about whom he was preaching.

When asked by Jesus to baptize Him, John replied that, in his essence, he was not even worthy to bind His shoes. But Jesus insisted on it, saying that what was written in the prophets must be fulfilled. John baptized Christ, and at the moment when He emerged from the river, a white dove flew from the sky and touched Him, and the voice loudly said: "Behold my Beloved Son."

So the Baptism of the Lord passed, but what does it really mean? Jesus Christ was baptized and at the same moment the people who were there appeared the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit. That is why the holiday also has the second name of Theophany or Theophany, when people saw the Trinity.

In the 1st-4th centuries, Christians commemorated Christmas and the Baptism of Christ together on January 6th. It was the feast of the incarnation of Christ and the appearance of the Trinity. At the beginning of the 5th century, the celebration of Christmas was moved to December 25, according to the old style, in order to turn the pagans away from the holiday dedicated to the sun god. And Baptism was postponed to a later time, in the Orthodox Church - January 19th.

The resulting Christmastide ends with the eve of Epiphany.

More about holidays in honor of the Lord:

Icon "Baptism of the Lord"

Epiphany post

Epiphany itself takes place without fasting, but Christmas Eve implies a strict fast - you can’t even eat fish. You can only eat sochivo (traditional dish), which consists of boiled wheat grains, honey and chopped dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots and prunes).

In addition, you can’t eat anything until the candles are taken out immediately after the divine liturgy in the early morning of January 19th. It is also worth mentioning that the first food should be consecrated baptismal water, which should be drunk before the first meal after fasting.

Important! During the Epiphany fast, you can not eat or drink anything except sochiv.

If a person cannot fast for health reasons, he should give up gourmet dishes and be content with fasting simple dishes. If a person, due to weakness, cannot endure abstinence from food, he can drink a cup of tea or eat a few slices of bread.

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After the end of the fast (this happens immediately after the evening service on January 18), you can eat food of plant origin mixed with oil, and drink it with plain water or juice.

When Eve falls on the weekend, you can fast according to the simplified version: eat not once, but twice. The first time you can eat after the liturgy and the second time after the blessing of water.

The progress of the celebration

On the morning of Epiphany Christmas Eve, the liturgy of Basil the Great takes place, the clergy celebrate it in solemn vestments. In front of her, the priest reads prophecies from the Old Testament about Christ.

The liturgy itself is based on a more ancient liturgy, and that, in turn, according to tradition, was written by the Apostle James. Later it was revised into modern language (around the 5th century) by Saints John Chrysostom and Basil the Great.

After the celebration of the liturgy on January 18, the priests begin the process of consecrating the water (usually parishioners bring it directly to the temple). This action is called the great Agiasma, which means "great shrine", or baptismal water.

This process is distinguished by solemnity and is performed twice:

  • on Epiphany Christmas Eve (18th day);
  • on the feast of Epiphany (19th).
Important! Both actions of consecrating water are performed in the same way, so water does not differ in its essence these days. This is done twice, firstly, according to the Jerusalem Rule, and secondly, so that all people have time to come to the temple and bless the water. Consecration on both days takes place in the same order, so the water consecrated on these days is no different.

Traditionally, people, together with the priest, after consecrating the water near the walls of the temple, go in procession to the nearest reservoir to consecrate it. This tradition has its roots in Jewish culture, because the Jews went to the Jordan for ritual washing, and then went there to be baptized by John the Baptist.

There is a good tradition among people to bless their house these days by sprinkling it with holy water and reciting the Epiphany troparion. You can do this yourself or invite a clergyman. Holy water is consumed throughout the year, ideally until the next Baptism, during communion along with prosphora. It can also be used during illnesses or temptations.

Attention! It should be remembered that holy water is a consecrated object, and it requires an appropriate attitude towards itself. Therefore, it is best to store it in a separate container and not use it for washing hands or floors. Water is best stored in glass containers with a lid.

Baptism of water in the temple

Traditions and beliefs

Like any other holiday, Epiphany in Russia was mixed with some folk rituals and traditions. Some of them are prohibited by the Church, for example, divination, while others are not prohibited.

In ancient times, on January 18, people marked their house above all the holes with crosses drawn in chalk, believing that this would protect the home from the attacks of evil spirits and demons. Christians today know that the Lord himself protects their house, but additionally sanctify it by sprinkling holy water. So the folk tradition (having pagan roots) was modified into a Christian custom with a bright meaning.

But the main tradition concerns water.

It is believed that swimming in the hole after the consecration of the reservoir washes away all worldly dirt and sins from a person. Certainly. The Church has a clear position on this matter - only the Lord God sanctifies a person and forgives him all sins, but swimming in the hole is not prohibited, since this is a folk tradition that benefits the human body. Moreover, according to the legend of the elders, on the night of Epiphany Christmas Eve, the water everywhere becomes similar to the waters of the Jordan at the moment when Christ entered it.

Therefore, bathing in such water is more than beneficial for the body and spirit, because the legend also speaks of its healing ability.

Advice! Swimming in the hole at Epiphany is not prohibited, but it should be remembered that this will not bring salvation to the human soul, only sincere repentance is capable of this. This is not a magical ritual, so it should not be given any magical meaning. This is not a magic wand that solves all problems, this is just swimming in an ice hole.

Watch a video about Epiphany Eve