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Which iPhone is better 4 or 4s. What is the diagonal of the screen of the iPhone. The radio of the mobile device is a built-in FM receiver

Today we will talk about Apple smartphones, which continue to excite the modern world. We'll start this Apple iPhone 4S review with a short introduction.

So, the new smartphone from Apple in three days from the start of sales broke all imaginable and inconceivable records - about 4.5 million iPhone 4S were sold. In this article we will try to find out why the new Apple product has become so attractive for buyers. The price of the iPhone 4S was quite high, but this did not stop people around the world. Could it be an excellent camera, or maybe a high performance of the device? Let's try to talk about everything in order.

So let's start with the look. Apple iPhone 4S has minimal differences from the old version of iPhone 3G. The device consists of two glass sheets, which are united by a metal edging. But on closer examination, small differences begin to emerge: now the metal edging is divided into four parts, the control buttons on the side surface have slightly shifted.

The device measures 115.2x58.6x9.3 mm and weighs 140 g.

There is a touch screen on the front surface of the device, and a camera with flash on the back, so there are no innovations here.

The assembly of the Apple iPhone 4S was made at a fairly good level: there are no squeaks and backlash during operation. But nevertheless, it is worth noting a few details: after a week of operation, small scratches began to appear on the body of the smartphone, so it is advisable to clothe the iPhone in a case, there is also a problem with the falling volume control button. But the voiced problems were in the first games, and now the situation is likely to have changed for the better.

The smartphone is available in two colors - white and black.

Performance and software

The iPhone 4S is powered by a dual-core Apple A5 processor, which has a clock speed of 800 MHz. RAM in the device is 512 MB. It is also worth noting the presence of the PowerVR SGX543MP2 graphics chip in the smartphone, which is also used in the iPad. The increased main characteristics favorably affected the device's performance, so web surfing has become very convenient, pages are loaded very quickly, games are also loaded promptly, no "glitches" and brakes are observed.

iPhone 4S is available in several versions with 16, 32 and 64 GB of internal flash memory. The device does not support microSD cards.

The smartphone runs on the proprietary operating system iOS 5.0.

Also worth noting is the emergence of an HDMI port, which allows you to view the image from the iPhone on the TV screen.

The device provides most of the necessary applications for Apple iPhone 4S - a video player and a music player, as well as an html browser and many other games and useful programs.

It is worth noting that the iPhone 4S can work in 3G networks, and also has Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 4.0 modules, and what is most surprising is the presence of support for the GLONASS system.


Apple iPhone 4S is equipped with a 3.5-inch display, which is made using IPS technology and has a resolution of 960x640 pixels. The density of dots per inch was 326 units, which is a very good indicator. The clarity and quality of the picture on the 3.5-inch screen of the iPhone is very good, there is no distortion, and the screen brightness reaches a maximum value of 500 cd / m2, and the contrast ratio is 800: 1.


We'll continue our iPhone 4S review by looking at photographic capabilities. The device is equipped with an 8-megapixel camera, which has an aperture rate of f / 2.4. The camera is equipped with LED flash, stabilizer and autofocus functions. The quality of the photos taken with the iPhone 4S is impressive and very good indeed.

The camera is capable of recording Full HD video at 30 frames per second. The video quality is also excellent.


Since the performance of the new iPhone 4S has increased compared to the old models, now the device is equipped with a Li-Pol battery with a capacity of 1420 mAh, which, according to the manufacturer, will allow the smartphone to work without recharging in standby mode up to 200 hours, in talk time up to 14 hours. hours, and when listening to music - up to 40 hours.


The price of the iPhone 4S at the start of sales in the United States ranged from about $ 650 to $ 850, depending on the amount of permanent memory in the device, while in Russia in April 2012, the iPhone 4S costs from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Apple iPhone 4S video review:

Accordingly, in this material I can only talk about the device itself, without touching the operating system. Although I will also have to say a few words about it. To better understand where the legs of the iPhone 4 grow from, you can also read an article about the iPhone 3Gs, in the fall I wrote a detailed review.

Design and construction

The new iPhone is no match for the iPhone 3Gs, the successor to the plastic tradition of the iPhone 3G. Everything that was said at the presentation by the head of Apple is absolutely true. And I have something to say about this.

We are accustomed to seeing that steel, glass, special coloring are the lot of expensive fashion devices. Some manufacturers, when introducing new material, do not care about functionality. Whether Vertu is even three times the most beautiful, in fact it is - a simple phone for calls, and nothing more. I like Vertu, and I do not hide it, they are not joking and they make really excellent "pipes".

But the iPhone 4 is something special. No other "functional" device on the market has such a fusion of image and functionality. You know, you take it out of the box and you understand once again - Apple designers do not eat their bread in vain. A metal edging with antenna holes is a sore spot, but beauty requires sacrifice. Glass front and back. Very neat volume buttons, a pleasantly clicking Mute lever, a taut but precise sleep mode button. Speakers covered with nets - and every time you look at it, you feel moral satisfaction. While in Russia the prices for the iPhone 4 are prohibitive. But in England or France, the device is quite comparable to any Nokia N900. What to choose - let everyone decide for himself.

There seems to be nothing left of the old iPhone, but continuity is felt, from the Home button to the characteristic contours of the case. The new member of the family is heavier, it fits perfectly in the hand - a thing. Naturally, when talking in the current heat, sweat perfectly covers the front panel, but there is an oleophobic coating that allows you to bring the device into a divine form in a second.

Dimensions are 115.2x58.6x9.3 mm, weight 137 grams. The dimensions increase slightly with the bumper. By the way, let's talk about this accessory too. I got a black bumper, as you can see, the buttons are made in the same way as on the device itself. Plastic sides, silicone backing inside. The holes match those on the phone, the volume does not change, Mute is easily accessible, although at first you have to get used to the new location and size. In the photos, the bumpers look prettier than in real life, but given their unexpected main task (to prevent the device from losing signal), it is quite acceptable. And the perception of the apparatus is not strongly affected. It seemed to me that the accessory does not sit on the body like a glove, there is a slight backlash on the side parts.


The so-called Retina display, resolution 960x640 pixels, 3.5-inch diagonal. If Super AMOLED is bright, then "retina" wins over with a certain concentration. The impression is that the picture is drawn. The viewing angles are incredible. As well as saturation. Naturally, the new display not only looks better, but also enhances functionality to some extent. It became more convenient to browse sites, work with mail, YouTube, well, it suits perfectly for videos. As in all previous iPhones, working with the touch screen is intuitive, multitouch works quickly and accurately, on this sample I did not notice yellow spots - this is kind of like another well-known "bug" of the iPhone 4. The glue they have there is not dry. then.

Yes, the display behaves well in the sun, it fades slightly, but the information is readable.


I compared the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 3Gs in a very simple way - by running different applications. Here's the bottom line:

  • YouTube, the devices launch the application equally quickly, but the videos are loaded for a second (and sometimes more) faster on the iPhone 4
  • AppStore, the same picture, processing of uploaded data is faster by a second or two on iPhone 4
  • GoogleMaps, here's another story, loading takes much longer on iPhone 4
  • Guerilla Bob game, iPhone 4 launches it twice as fast
  • Mail, for trial I downloaded a letter with an attachment (PDF), download times are the same

Indeed, the iPhone 4 appears to be slightly faster than the iPhone 3Gs, but this is not the gap between 3Gs and 3G. In any case, the new product is quite productive both for games and for simple tasks. For example, the keyboard and contacts open really instantly, and the search for the desired subscriber is just as fast.

Speaker and sound

Still, the first impression is deceiving. The new device is not much louder than the iPhone 3Gs. Some tunes, especially the pre-installed ones (like my favorite "cricket"), can be heard even in hell. But in general, it is not about the volume, there is a stereo effect. Like the display, the sound has become richer.

I tried to check the sound quality in the headphones, I used an Apple headset that was not included. Included, by the way, is an old lady from the past, droplets, inconvenient, but there is a remote control and volume buttons. Suitable for rural areas. So, WARNING - iPhone 4 is much louder than 3Gs! About fifteen to twenty percent. It's hard to listen at maximum values, the ears curl up. And the sound quality seemed to me much better, I didn't play with equalizers, but the detail came from somewhere. No, this is not an audiophile player, but it is not the age-old iPod either. Better, cooler, louder.


I must report to you that you can already find micro SIM cards from some operators on sale, but I solved the problem radically and ended up spending a couple of fun hours. The trouble came from where it was not expected. I haven’t made such cards before, so I want to tell you in advance - stock up on unnecessary SIM cards or ask to cut out the sellers' card (or look for ready-made solutions on sale).

You need a regular SIM card, scissors, a ruler, and a zero skin to adjust the size. Please note that the card must be placed in the slot with the contacts down and the corner must be cut off on the same side as the large card. Your task is simple: cut out the contacts in such a way that only they are visible in the opening of the slot and the amount of plastic to the sides is the same.

After training on two cards, I managed to achieve the correct result.

And all this is needed to activate the device. ALWAYS check if the PIN-code is set on the card, if it is activated, this is important. Basically, if you buy an adapter for “microsym”, then you can then use it with devices where there is a regular slot, this accessory costs a penny and is still popular. For now - because soon, hopefully, microSIM will be on sale on every corner.

After activating the iPhone 4, you need to connect to a computer with iTunes installed, select an Apple ID, set up as a new iPhone, or restore from a backup. I set it up as new, when using MobileMe, all contacts, email accounts, bookmarks and so on are synced automatically, very convenient.

I’ll say right away that my sample was brought from England, it can work with any SIM card. The same devices ("sim-free") can be bought in France. True, now it is difficult to do this, there is a deficit - there are also many fans of Apple and iPhone 4 in Russia.

Working hours

We can safely keep silent about the announced figures, since everyone uses the device in very different ways. After the purchase, one of the owners charged the phone and walked with it, constantly doing something, for about a day.

I think it makes sense to walk a little with the iPhone 4, at least a week, and then update this information. I suppose that the operating time of the device will pleasantly surprise me, there are suspicions that in a more or less quiet mode it can hold out for a couple of days. It's just that in 3Gs you can almost see for yourself how the green bar of the charge indicator decreases before your eyes. On the iPhone 4, you don't need to keep an eye on it.


A five-megapixel camera, there is a digital zoom (unnecessary if you do not want to spoil the pictures), focusing on the area where you literally poked your finger. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the photo. I shot quickly, I really lacked stabilization - expectedly not good. Although the frames look pretty good when viewed on the device. The video is better, but nothing special is worth waiting for - you can download and watch the video yourself.

The bottom line is that the camera is far from the best here.

Examples of pictures from the camera:


You may ask, why is there so little? The answer is at the very beginning of the material, much has already been said in advance. Yes, and I would like to stretch the pleasure and pamper myself and you with a detailed story about using the iPhone 4 for some time. What we liked. What didn’t like. How it is, and all that.

At the moment, the market in Russia is slowly being saturated with the iPhone 4, free from pegging to the operator, prices from 95 to 110 thousand rubles, there will be a fall, but then there will be a new rise. For in England and France they cannot cope with the influx of Russian tourists. The bumper on Gorbushka costs from five to ten thousand.

Should I buy an iPhone 4 in Russia now? If only one of your friends flies to Europe and is ready to provide you with such a service. If you want to have an apparatus right here and now, like that of the leader of our country - go ahead, prepare coins.

By the way, the PR turned out to be excellent. Happiness for those who trade in "gray" goods.

But let's go back from a hundred thousand for an iPhone to reality. Sales in our country may start in the fall. There may even be subsidies from some operator. The price, quite possibly, will be similar to the "price" of the current 3Gs. Thirty-five thousand for the version with 32 GB of memory. In my opinion, even such a price would still be quite good. What I liked about the iPhone 4:

  • Design, materials, build, feel in hand - beyond praise
  • Good display
  • The device is high-speed, just have time to "tap" on the display
  • Good sound quality
  • A huge number of programs for all occasions
  • iOS 4 with multitasking and other features
  • Probably great to use FaceTime, I haven't tried it yet
  • Long-range Wi-Fi, 802.11n support
  • Thanks to the gyroscope, the controls in many games are simply transformed. For the better. I deliberately did not focus on this in the review, I did not notice any special difference with existing games

This is perhaps the main thing. Now about the cons:

  • I did not feel a breakthrough about the camera, it is great to watch pictures on the display of the device. The situation is the same with the video. But definitely better than it was
  • Bluetooth 2.1 with EDR, file transfer profiles still not supported
  • There is no built-in software for working with documents, they could have given iWork for free
  • The light sensor sometimes does not work quite correctly
  • For many, the disadvantage is the closed nature of the device, the lack of support for common audio and video formats. With audio, okay, albeit, but there is an excellent display and processor. Well, why not give users the opportunity to spin their avish cards without conversion. No, great again - torrents, iPhone 4 video search, let's go. Tired of
  • Scarce headset included. It is clear that metal and glass are worth something, and you need to make money on accessories. But complete "pills" are monstrously inconvenient!

In general, the iPhone 4 does not leave the smack of "we've tried this, again great, already tired." Plastic - no. There are no brakes. Worth in other countries is more than acceptable. You don't even need to talk about feelings: those who feel the world with their hands will love the body, for neurasthenics and cocaine users, speed will cause extremely positive emotions (yes, the phone is on "speed", class), big-eyed will get a buzz from the display ... And even the smell, even the great scent of NEW Apple TECHNOLOGY is handpicked with exceptional taste.

P.S. Wait, after a while I will tell you in more detail about a number of different points and features. You just have to walk around with the device for a while.

Apple first introduced the iPhone 4 in June 2010. As a successor to the iPhone 3gs, the four is considered a worthy improvement.

Dimensions and weight

One of the functions of this device is FaceTime, the ability to make video calls. And also use as work with video, audio files, games, reading e-books, watching videos, listening to audio files, to access the Internet. The biggest difference compared to earlier versions of the iPhone 4 is due to the new design, namely:

  • Non-insulated frame made of anti-corrosive steel.
  • The internal set of parts is located between two durable glass panels, which acts as heat, electrical insulation.
  • It has the most powerful processor compared to its predecessors, the difference is 2 times.
  • The screen, referred to as the Retina Display, has a 3.5-inch (89 mm) LCD with a resolution of 960 x 640 pixels.
  • Graphics processor.

IPhone 4 design features read more

The back and front of the panel of the smartphone in question are made of aluminosilicate glass. This heavy-duty glass is quite resistant to mechanical stress and impact. This glass is also used in industrial engineering.

The diagonal of the screen is 3.5 inches, in the presence of a reduced body, which in turn is 0.5 mm smaller and 3 mm narrower compared to the predecessor iPhone 3gs.

The difference between the described smartphone is its metal body and a silver strip along the entire edge of the device. The appearance of the iPhone 4 bears a great resemblance to the subsequent version of the iPhone 4s.

IPhone 4 screen characteristics

Screen diagonal 3.5 inches (89 mm) diagonal, 1.5: 1 aspect ratio

LCD TFT display with LED backlight

Screen resolution 640 × 960, 326 ppi
Contrast 800:1
Pixel density 330 ppi (pixels per inch)
Screen technology Retina Display
Color depth 24 bit (16777216 color)
Touch screen Yes
Touch screen type Capacitive
Anti-scratch screen Yes
Glass screen Yes
Aspect ratio 1.5 (3:2)
Auto-rotate screen Yes
Ambient light sensor Yes
Proximity sensor Yes
Additionally oleophobic anti-fingerprint coating on front and back glass

maximum brightness 500 nt

Gradually, we came to the features and differences of the screen diagonal of the iPhone 4.

IPhone 4 diagonal

A fairly capacious indicator when choosing an iPhone is the size, that is, the diagonal of the screen in inches. There are many descriptions on this topic on the Internet. In online stores you can always find a description of the size of the required iPhone. For quite a long time, Apple manufacturers have presented miniature versions of smartphones, and the updated appearance of the fourth model of iPhones is no exception. Which in turn turned out to be a good decision of Apple. And they were in no way inferior to the design features in comparison with earlier models.

For 4 years, users have been content with 3.5-inch sizes. This indicator in no way begged for the quality performance and functionality of Smartphones from iPhone 2g to 4s inclusive.

Thanks to these models, the beginning was laid to improve the size of subsequent models, additions in design and other technical parameters of smartphones.

Impact of iPhone diagonal size

When buying an iPhone, that is, choosing it, the size of the device plays a decisive role. It depends on whether it will be convenient for us to handle it. You can consider 5 inch devices to be suitable for use, but 4.5 is still better, and 3.5 is convenient and easy to use. In fact, these desirable qualities, such as ease of handling and ease of handling, depend on other dimensions as well.

It is the change in size with each new version of smartphones that is considered the most distinctive feature. The screen size was changed incrementally. But the correction of the technical parameters of the devices could not pass without affecting its functionality. And of course it could not continue indefinitely, due to its size and ratio to the size of the hand.

The standard of practicality in terms of the size of devices is considered to be an iPhone that fits easily in the palm of the hand, between the thumb and the base of others. Such a smartphone can be easily operated with one finger, while the device will be firmly gripped in the palm of your hand. Therefore, the difficulties in handling smartphones grow with its size. And in the use of large models, so that it is more convenient to have to use both hands. Due to this, Chinese extension cords or fingertips appeared, increasing the finger by a few centimeters.

Changing this indicator of convenience becomes noticeable when the width of the devices is approximately 70 mm. This indicator of the distance from the base of the thumb to the base of the other fingers when bent has a significant impact on the speed when working with a smartphone. Accordingly, the very narrow width of the device will significantly complicate operations with it.

Due to this, manufacturers began to remove extra millimeters. This happens when the screen expands, by reducing or completely removing the frame. Thus, the screen diagonal gains several inches without damaging the functionality of the devices. Due to this, the indicators of the dimensions of the diagonal of the device with the smallest difference with the overall size of the front panel of the device will indicate its perfection.

In a small case, it is much more difficult to fit the entire perfect “brain” of iPhone, without compromising its functionality. Due to this, there is an increase in smartphones. Also the thickness of the device, which looks bulky due to the powerful batteries. Here, the ratio of beauty to performance is different. The duration of the phone charge depends on this, of course. A thin device runs out of battery much faster. IPhone screen size is an indicator of toughness. ” And of course, the stylish design or beauty of the device cannot win in relation to ease of use and functionality.

The originality of the iPhone components

In Russia, only the display can be considered a 100% original element of the design of new iPhones. Only a few factories in China are engaged in their manufacture, using individual technical features. These original displays, strictly controlled by Apple during the manufacturing process, are shipped to dealerships in Europe. Due to this, the cost of a branded iPhone display is half the cost of the smartphone itself. Therefore, more often the components of spare parts for iPhones in Russia are elements of original, used devices. Most parts are non-Apple quality controlled parts.

The main spare parts of this kind in Russia are not practical, not durable Copy Class.

Influence of the display type on the price

An iPhone display is made up of several complex technological layers. Of course, the most expensive will be a proprietary display made under the control directly by Apple. Cost varies due to camera, display, sensor, speaker.

A Copy Class display manufactured without "original" quality control, in factories of unknown origin, will have the lowest price on the market. The quality of such components is also quite low.

Displays manufactured without Apple's quality control in the factories will be of average quality and cost.

Back in 2011, the iPhone 4S smartphone appeared on sale. Its performance at that time was one of the best, but now it is no longer a premium device. Nevertheless, its hardware and software components make it easy to solve most of the tasks that are relevant today.

Smartphone hardware

The computing basis of the smartphone is a 2-core chip "A5". The clock frequency of each of them is 800 MHz. If such a CPU were installed on a device under the control of "Android", then it would clearly not be enough for comfortable work. But Apple devices run iOS, and this chip is enough for the normal and smooth operation of the system. Of course, you won't be able to fully experience the latest innovations of this platform on this smartphone, but it is quite enough for most everyday tasks. This is watching movies, and listening to music, and reading books - he can cope with all this without any problems.

Screen, cameras and graphics

The iPhone 4S display is quite modest by today's standards. Its characteristics are really not impressive. The display is based on a high-quality IPS-matrix, the resolution of which is 640 by 960. Its diagonal is 3.5 inches. The image on the screen is not grainy, the picture quality raises no objections. But working on such a small display is not very convenient. There are two cameras at once on this gadget. The main one is based on an 8 megapixel sensor, which is reinforced with additional optical elements. As a result, the quality of the photos is flawless. The situation is similar with videos that are recorded on this device in HD quality. based on a 0.3 megapixel sensor. It is quite enough for making video calls. The connecting link of the graphics subsystem is the PowerVR SGX543MP2 video accelerator.


The memory subsystem in "iPhone 4S" is organized in an interesting way. The characteristics of each smartphone of this model may vary significantly. Each device can have a different amount of integrated memory, and its amount varies as follows: 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB. The larger the capacity of the built-in storage, the more expensive the gadget is, but at the same time the device turns out to be more functional. The situation with RAM (random access memory) is much simpler, the capacity of which in "4S" is 512 MB anyway. The only thing that gives rise to criticism is the lack of a slot for installing an external drive. But this is already a "disease" not only for this model, but also for all devices that run iOS.

Body and ergonomics

Unusual appearance of the iPhone 4S smartphone. Characteristics, instructions and user reviews indicate that aluminum and glass are connected in the device's case. It is this decision of American engineers that sets the gadget apart from its competitors. In essence, it has no analogues. The side edges are made of aluminum, while the front and back covers are made of glass. Moreover, the entire front of the gadget is covered with impact-resistant glass "Gorilla Eye". Otherwise, this is the same "iPhone 4" of the previous generation, but with a more powerful CPU and an improved camera. At the same time, as noted earlier, its display diagonal is 3.5 inches, which means that it is not difficult to operate it with one hand.


The nominal battery capacity of this smartphone is 1432 mAh. It is integrated into the iPhone 4S. The description, characteristics and reviews of the owners of the gadget indicate that one charge is enough for 2-3 days with an average level of use. But if the phone is used to the maximum, then you can count on 1 day of battery life. On the one hand, the build quality of the smartphone raises no objections. But if the battery fails, then it will be problematic to replace it yourself.


As noted earlier, iOS is used as the system software for the iPhone 4S device. Characteristics, reviews indicate that this is a well-run system, the functioning of which raises no objections. It immediately has everything you need to work. If something was not in the basic configuration, then the necessary software can be easily installed from the Apple app store, and you can even find free programs.


The iPhone 4S has an impressive set of interfaces. Characteristics, reviews of gadget owners distinguish such of them:

  1. Full support for all 2nd and 3rd generation mobile networks.
  2. Built-in CDMA communication module.
  3. Wi-Fi allows you to transfer information at speeds up to 150 Mbps when connected to the Internet.
  4. You can use bluetooth to exchange small files, as well as to connect a wireless headset.
  5. A wired port for connecting to a PC and for charging the battery.
  6. 3.5mm audio port for connecting a wired stereo headset to a smartphone.
  7. It is also integrated into the device ZHPS-transmitter, which allows you to easily turn this device into a full-fledged navigator.

The only thing that causes the lack of support for 4th generation networks. But at the time of the release of the device, they were still on and it was not entirely advisable to install such a radio module at that time.

The screen is the main component of any smartphone. In smartphones, the screen is used for input / output of information and occupies almost the entire front of the device, which greatly affects the impression of the design. Therefore, when choosing a new smartphone, users pay a lot of attention to what kind of screen they need.

In this article, we have collected information about iPhone screens. Here you can find out what is the diagonal of the screen for all iPhone models, from the first iPhone to the iPhone X. You can also find out the diagonal of the screen, its resolution and pixel density. Using this information, you can decide which iPhone is right for you.

How many inches is in the iPhone

IPhone Model

Model number

Screen diagonal

Screen resolution

Pixel density

A1865, A1901, A1902

A1864, A1897, A1898

A1863, A1905, A1906

A1723, A1662, A1724

A1661, A1784, A1785

A1660, A1778, A1779

A1634, A1687, A1699

A1633, A1688, A1700

A1522, A1524, A1593

A1549, A1586, A1589

A1453, A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530, A1533

A1456, A1507, A1516, A1529, A1532

A1428, A1429, A1442

Please note that in addition to the model name, the table also contains and. This information can be useful if you want to know what is the diagonal of your iPhone, but you do not remember the exact model name. The model number is always located on the back of the iPhone and looks like “Model A123.