Repair Design Furniture

How to make a radio-controlled plane with your own hands drawings. How to make a radio-controlled model of an airplane from a micromachine. Where does the choice of model begin?

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Radio-controlled model aircraft - an upper plane trainer for beginner aircraft modelers with their own hands from ceiling tiles

Not so long ago I set myself the goal of making a photographic instruction for making an overhead plan. The main goal is to create an aircraft model for beginners.

The upper plane is good because it has a tendency to self-stabilize in flight. This helps the beginner in case of difficulty - release the control sticks and the model aircraft will automatically take a horizontal position.

I chose a little-known Soviet aircraft SAM-5-2bis as a prototype.

Cessna and Pipers do everything and everyone, and they undeservedly forget about Soviet planes.

The prototype was famous for the fact that in September 1937 it flew 3513 km in 19 hours 59 minutes, thereby setting a new world record for flight range.

I don't use hard-to-find or hard-to-find materials in this RC model airplane, such as carbon fiber or carbon fiber pipes. Everything is maximally sharpened for making at home from improvised material.

After the end of production, you will have such an aircraft model:

This model aircraft belongs to Akzegutor and was made according to this photo instruction.

Many THANKS to him for the photos provided!

So, for manufacturing we need the following:

Ceiling tile packaging.

Stationery knife

Metal ruler - for cutting the ceiling in straight lines

Fine-tip marker or capillary pen.


Colored or transparent tape for covering a model aircraft.

You can use any of the glue described in the article Adhesives in Modeling.

The production of an aircraft model is simplified as much as possible (but not to a deterioration in the quality of an aircraft model). I tried to get rid of the operations of bending the ceiling tile, since bending 2 identical wings is usually problematic for a beginner.

The span of the model aircraft turned out to be 96 cm without endings, the flight weight was 760 grams.

Questions can be asked in ours, I will definitely answer!

The electronics used on the Sam5Bist are as follows:

For leisurely flights, you can choose from the following engines:

Turnigy 2830 Brushless Motor 800kv

Turnigy 2213 22turn 924k

hacker Style Brushless Outrunner 20-22L

Take any that is available.

The propellers for these motors are suitable for 10x6, 10x4.7, 11x4.7. There are 6 screws in the package, I advise you to take two packages - the first and the last. This will allow you to change the propeller according to the weather or mood.

Faster flights require a higher RPM engine:

hacker Style Brushless Outrunner 20-28M

TURNIGY 28-30-azj 14A 1100Kv

hacker Style Brushless Outrunner 20-26M

Propellers for them 8x6 and 9x4.7

The motor needs a regulator, we take 18-20 amperes or more.

Hobbyking SS Series 18-20A ESC

TURNIGY Basic 18A v3.1

TURNIGY Plush 18amp

TURNIGY Sentry 18amp - with battery bank control

TowerPro w18A

More powerful 25 amps can be supplied if you experiment with screws.

TURNIGY Sentry 25amp

Hobbyking SS Series 25-30A ESC

TowerPro w25A

The servos are used as follows:

3 HXT500 5g / .8kg / 10sec Micro Serv

1 servo per elevator of the following:

The HXT are very good servos, cheap and reliable. It is not worth taking the cheaper ones.

The battery needs 3S with a capacity of about 1000 mah.

ZIPPY Flightmax 1000mAh 3S1P 15C

ZIPPY Flightmax 1300mAh 3S1P 15-25C

Turnigy 1000mAh 3S 20C Lipo Pack

ZIPPY Flightmax 1300mAh

Turnigy 1000mAh 3S 25C Lipo Pack

Take any that are available. It is better to take a couple of batteries at once. Since going out into the fields with one battery is too little to fly.

With electronics finished, it's time to move on to manufacturing.

I did not put endings, since without them the aircraft model performs the drums more clearly, but in the future I plan to use the CAM-5-2bis for canopy with a camera, so I will place them under upward slopes, this will improve flight characteristics - self-stabilization in flight and reduce the load on the wing ...

Reducing aileron control for shooting from the sky is not critical :)

Drawing of the aircraft model CAM5Bist can be downloaded with Depositfile or our website

The archive contains drawings in PDF and photo files of the prototype CAM-5-2bis. Print, glue sheets together and cut templates.

DIY Aircraft Wing

I start making an aircraft model with the wing. Since the wing is the most important part of the aircraft model. As practice has shown, an aircraft model can fly with a curved fuselage (for example, after being repaired in the field using tape), but with a curved wing, a radio-controlled aircraft model flies badly, or does not fly at all.

We transfer the wing drawing to the ceiling. This can be done using a ruler or by printing a PDF file.

The sheet of the ceiling bends in one direction better than the other; it is necessary to orient it in such a way that the length of the wing is located just on the most poorly bent side.

We cut out the lower part of the wing and stick on the spar-leading edge.

The spar is just a 1 cm wide section of the ceiling. I made it taper towards the edge of the wing, but then I regretted it.

Better to do just 1 cm wide.

This spar will add deflection stiffness to the wing and allow the leading edge of the wing to be formed without resorting to

Which boy doesn't admire designs like airplanes? And do-it-yourself aircraft models made of ceiling tiles are a great gift for children who are fond of aviation. Especially if they took part in the assembly of the airframe. The article will show you how to make a simple model of an airplane from a ceiling tile.

Aircraft modeling

Airplane model construction is a popular technical sport that is of interest to schoolchildren, students, workers and engineers. At the same time, everyone chooses for himself a class of aircraft models that meets his interests.

In aircraft modeling, there are three fairly large detachments of aircraft models, presented in the table:

Model class Peculiarities

In such models, the intervention of the designer is impossible during the flight. All adjustments and tweaks to the aircraft are completed upon launch. They can be: - non-powered - gliders; - with the simplest, very small, internal combustion engine, which is attached to the body with an elastic band. The motors on the models work for a few seconds to throw light-winged structures up to a hundred meters up, and then they smoothly go down.

To turn off the engine and transfer the steering wheel to planning, timers or special clock mechanisms are used.

With such models, the athlete controls wire threads, which are called cord. The vehicles fly in a circle with a diameter of about 40 meters. The "pilot" is located in its center with a control stick. When the handle is pulled towards oneself, the elevator deflects, and the device obediently takes off upward. And tilting the handle away from itself makes the model go down.

Devices are:

  • Aerobatic, capable of performing all aerobatics.
  • High-speed, developing speeds of up to 300 km per hour.
  • Racing, combining economy, starting reliability, serviceability and high performance in flight.

They are controlled remotely, without wires. For this, there is a set of radio equipment, which includes a transmitter in the hands of the operator, and a receiver with steering mechanisms mounted on board the model.

Aircraft model device

Tip: Before making an airplane out of ceiling tiles, you need to familiarize yourself with its design.

The device of all models is very similar. The main components of a radio-controlled aircraft model are shown in the photo.


  • Fuselage... This is the basis of the entire model, on which are mounted:
  1. bearing structures;
  2. tail part;
  3. chassis.

Inside are installed:

  1. engine;
  2. aircraft control equipment: receiver, rudder controls, batteries.
  • Wing. Serves to create lift. The wing keeps the model in the air.
  • Ailerons- steering surfaces located at the rear end of the wing and deflected up or down in antiphase. They allow the plane to tilt left and right.
  • Tail unit... In its composition, the vertical part is the keel, and the horizontal part is the stabilizer. This device provides the aircraft with stability so that it can fly straight and level, without tumbling in the sky, chaotically changing the direction of its movement.

The rudder is installed at the rear end of the keel.

  • Chassis... Allows the model to take off from the surface and then land on it.

Advice: In the absence of a landing gear, the model should be launched from the hands, and the aircraft should be landed on its belly.

  • Engine... Creates movement of the model, allows it to climb to the desired height, and then maintain a given speed.
  • Tank... Serves for the fuel required to run the engine.

  • Receiver... Receives the signal of the transmitter, amplifies it, processes it. And then it transfers it to the steering machines.
  • Steering cars... The signal output from the receiver is converted into the movement of the rudders of the model through the connected rods.
  • The receiver and the car are powered by the on-board battery... Usually these are four "finger" elements.

Model selection

Advice: Choosing an airplane for making a ceiling tile with your own hands, it is necessary to provide it, first of all, with the reliability of takeoff and landing, and then the satisfaction of aesthetic requests.

The aircraft model must have the following properties:

  • Stability: It is good to stay in the air without much pilot input.
  • Easy to repair thanks to the ceiling tile aircraft models.
  • Sufficient strength, but without compromising flight performance: withstand hard landings, and fly well.

We do it ourselves

To work you will need tools and materials:

Making any design, including an aircraft model, with your own hands begins with the development of drawings. To do this, you can use the services of specialists or copy them from sites by printing templates on a printer or drawing to size.

After the printer:

  • Printouts on A4 sheet formats are laid out on a flat surface according to serial numbers. As a result, you should get an image of the elements of the aircraft in full size.
  • All necessary sheets are glued together.
  • When gluing sheets without violating the dimensions and geometry of the future aircraft.
  • Cutting lines are outlined by connecting special crosses drawn at the corners that define the boundaries of the image.
  • The resulting drawings of aircraft from the ceiling tiles with fragments of the structure are connected, glue is applied to the uncut edges of the sheets, and all the parts are carefully glued so that their joints coincide very accurately.

  • This is how all the fragmented elements of the model are glued together.
  • Paper templates are cut with scissors.

Manufacturing of blanks

Blanks for the assembly of the aircraft are cut from the ceiling tiles according to prepared templates.

Tip: To prevent the sheets from moving off the tile, they must be fixed to the surface of the material with glue. After finishing the marking, the glue does not have time to dry and the paper can be easily removed without being damaged for further use.

  • To mark a simple part, with straight lines, it is enough to pierce all its corners with a needle.
  • Remove the stencil and using a ruler from adjacent puncture points on the tile, cut through the material with the edge of a knife.
  • The ruler is shifted to the next adjacent points, until the complete cutting of the part is completed.
  • A workpiece with a complex shape with rounded sides can be cut completely according to the template.

  • It is advisable to mark each part in order to facilitate its assignment, according to the assembly drawing.

Airplane assembly

Before proceeding with the assembly of all parts, it is better to watch the video.

The aircraft assembly technology can be roughly described as follows:

  • Double partitions, consisting of several parts, are glued together, which increases their strength. For example, fuselage bulkheads.

Tip: For work, you should use Titan glue, its price is the most affordable for novice modelers. It is more convenient to apply the glue with a syringe without a needle, using it as a dispenser.

  • So that the ends of the cut parts are even, they are cleaned with sandpaper.
  • The fuselage sidewall is placed on the table with the front side facing the outside of the aircraft. All mounting holes are cut out on it.
  • For this part, the same holes are made on the second half of the fuselage.
  • Glue is applied to the glued side of the blank of the front partition of the compartment and the part is pressed in place of installation. After smearing the composition on the mating part, the workpieces are separated and left to partially dry the glue, for about 30 seconds. The parts are connected again and pressed with a force of about 10 seconds.
  • When assembling the aircraft, it is necessary, if necessary, to adjust the dimensions of the battery compartment, constantly checking the perpendicularity of the abutting parts with a square or ruler.
  • This is how all the partitions of the fuselage are gradually assembled.

  • After installing all the baffles, the second fuselage sidewall is glued.
  • The nose of the aircraft and the frame mount for the motor are being completed.
  • The upper part of the fuselage is being installed.
  • The tail blanks are glued. At the same time, reinforcement made of reinforced tape is immediately laid to fix the rudder and toothpicks for rigidity.

  • The gluing is clamped with a board and clamps, which will ensure an even gluing.
  • The tail is glued into place.
  • The vertical of the elements is controlled and strictly adhered to.
  • The elevator parts are glued together. At the same time, a bamboo skewer and tape are placed inside to fix the steering wheel. For the reliability of gluing the halves of the ceiling, the adhesive tape can be perforated with holes.
  • The elements are compressed with a board and clamps, and left for about a day until the glue is completely dry.
  • The edges are grinded with sandpaper or a stone at an angle of 45 °, which will allow them not to rest against each other when the planes of the model are tilted.
  • The wing is assembled, lines are marked on it for gluing stiffeners, neurons, spars.

  • A wooden axle or spar can be made from a 50 cm long wooden ruler.
  • The spar rail is glued.
  • The center joint is reinforced with two small strips.
  • Foam plastic neurons are glued in.
  • The desired shape of the wing plane is set. For this, the substrate or ceiling material is rolled on a piece of pipe.
  • Glue is applied to all mating elements and the final gluing is performed. The wing is fixed during the setting of the adhesive in any available way: with a load, clothespins, tape.

  • Small dents formed from clothespins are sanded with sandpaper.
  • Cavities are closed in the center of the wing, inserts are glued in.
  • After the glue dries, the ailerons are marked. In this case, it is necessary to additionally look at the node through the lumen so as not to get on the partition.
  • Cut from both sides with a cutter, remove the finished aileron.
  • The opened cavities are sealed with strips of tiles.
  • Ailerons can be glued immediately with reinforced tape or later, before the main fitting of the aircraft model.
  • The front part of the wing can be reinforced with reinforced tape.
  • The entire model is covered with adhesive tape, which serves for beauty, and most importantly gives the structure greater strength, which will allow the product to withstand impacts from falling.
  • The scotch tape is smoothed with a warm iron, which permanently attaches it to the ceiling tile.
  • A slot is made in the body of the aircraft, into which the wing is installed.
  • Servos are installed on the wing. For this, the elements are applied and outlined with a marker, a footprint is cut out.
  • The wires are pulled with a homemade wire hook.
  • On the contrary, the hogs are mounted on ailerons and connected to the servos with a rigid wire.
  • Two servos are installed in the aircraft fuselage, for rudder and elevation.
    For fixing, it is better to use double-sided tape glued to all contact areas of the servo.
  • The elements are installed in place and the supporting walls are additionally glued. Rigid wire rods are laid up to the handlebars.
  • A frame is made for mounting the motor.
  • From the side of the motor mounting, thin plywood is glued, bolts will be screwed into it to fix it.
  • The frame for the motor is glued into place.
  • A motor driver is mounted in front of the fuselage, wires are brought out through the ventilation window and connected.

Car modeling, motor glider, foam aircrafts. Installing the motor

  • The direction of rotation is checked.
  • The fairing is put in place and secured with tape.
  • To strengthen the installation site of the wing, it must be fixed by gluing plywood or thin shingles.
  • The receiver is put in, and all the wires from all the electronics are collected together.
  • The bottom of the fuselage is glued, a hatch is cut for mounting the battery.
  • The total weight of the model is approximately 450 grams.
  • You can fly around a model airplane. The video will show you how to do this.

Assembling planes from ceiling tiles is the simplest option that a beginner amateur of aircraft technology can perform if desired. The main condition is to do everything carefully, adhering to the assembly technology, and it is better to use the advice of a specialist.

Here's what we did (video)

Probably every adult in our country knows how to make an airplane out of paper. After all, this unpretentious toy, originally from childhood, invariably delights and delights in its ability to fly. Before the dominance of tablets and other gadgets, it was ordinary paper airplanes that delighted boys of all ages during recess.

And how many collection schemes for this toy do you know? Did you know that many different types of aircraft can be folded from an ordinary A4 sheet of paper, including long and long flying, as well as military models?

Are you already intrigued? You can start folding the planes right now. After all, this requires only paper, desire, a little patience and our schemes. Let's fly!

The simplest diagrams of the basic aircraft model

Before embarking on complex models, let's brush up on the basics of aircraft construction. We present to your attention 2 of the easiest ways to fold an airplane.

Using the first scheme, it is easy to get a universal aircraft familiar from childhood. It does not differ in special takeoff and landing characteristics, but it will not be difficult even for a child to fold it. And an adult will cope with the assembly in just a minute.

If even the first scheme seemed too complicated for you, use the simplified method. It allows you to get the desired result as quickly as possible.

He's on the video:

An airplane that flies for a long time

The dream of any child is a long flying airplane. And now we will help you make it a reality. According to the diagram provided, you can fold the model, which is distinguished by the duration of the flight.

Remember that flight performance is influenced by the size of your aircraft.

Excess weight, which means the length of the wings, prevents the plane from flying. That is, a glider plane should have short wide wings. Another planning friend is the absolute symmetry of the model.

You need to throw it not forward, but up. In this case, it will stay in the sky for a long time, smoothly descending from a height.

Find answers to the remaining questions and all the subtleties of folding a paper planner in a step-by-step video tutorial.

Schemes to ensure fast flight

Want to take part in a model airplane competition? They are easy to arrange at home. Just fold high-speed airplanes out of paper and you can set your own records.

Following our photo instructions step by step is the key to success. A number of general guidelines will also help beginners in paper aviation.

  1. To improve flight performance, use only a completely flat piece of paper. Ideal for a regular office for printers. Any bruises and folds significantly impair the aerodynamic properties of the model.
  2. Smooth all the folds with a ruler to make them clearer.
  3. Sharp nose of an airplane increases its speed but at the same time reduced range flight.

Ready-made crafts can be painted with children. This fun activity will allow you to turn a folded piece of paper into a real attack aircraft or an unusual fighter.

Approach the creation of your models as a scientific experiment. The speed and ease of assembly of origami airplanes allows you to analyze their flight and make the necessary changes to the design.

Be sure to check out the video master classes for creating fast paper airplanes in order to avoid annoying mistakes and learn from someone else's experience.

Paper long-range fighter

Describing this model aircraft, many enthusiastically promise that it can fly 100 meters, and call it a super-aircraft. At the same time, they are not at all embarrassed by the fact that the officially registered record for the flight range of a paper airplane is only 69 m 14 cm.

However - away from doubts. In any case, such a cool handsome man deserves that you work hard to create it. For this craft, stock up on a sheet of A4 paper (you can take thick colored paper to make the airplane as beautiful as possible), unlimited patience and accuracy. If your goal is a realistic fighter, build it slowly and follow the photo instructions step by step.

Also at your service is a video from which you will learn how to properly assemble a paper fighter plane that keeps in the air for a long time.

A model that features stable flight

The paper airplane takes off and immediately begins to fall or, instead of a straight line trajectory, writes out arcs. Does this sound familiar to you?

Even this children's toy has certain aerodynamic properties. This means that it is the duty of all novice aircraft builders to approach the design of a paper model with full responsibility.

We invite you to fold another cool airplane. Thanks to the blunt nose and wide deltoid wings, it will not go into a tailspin, but will delight you with a beautiful flight.

Do you want to perfectly master all the subtleties of building this glider? Check out the detailed and affordable video tutorial. After a powerful charge of inspiration, you will definitely want to fold an airplane with your own hands, which will flutter like a bird.

The corn plane is an original craft for young aircraft modelers

Do you have a boy growing up who already loves to tinker, glue and cut something? Give him some time and you can make a small model of a corn plane together. It will definitely bring a lot of joy: first from joint creativity, and then from having fun with a toy made with your own hands.

For work, you will need the following materials at hand:

  • colored paper;
  • double-sided colored cardboard;
  • Matchbox;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.
The process of creating a toy is as simple as possible: forget about the exact drawings and the need to first download and then print a complex template. Even a small child will be able to build their first airplane under your guidance.

First of all, glue the matchbox with colored or white paper. Cut a 3 cm wide strip of cardboard. Half the length will correspond to the length of the aircraft fuselage. Fold the strip in half and glue it to the box.

Cut out two identical rounded wings, their width should be slightly wider than the width of the box.

Glue the wings to the plane. This can be entrusted to a little helper, he will be glad of such an important mission and will do everything well and carefully. Cut and glue a rectangle in the front to hide the box.

Cut out two elongated ovals for the tail of the plane and a strip for the vertical piece. It needs to be folded as shown in the photo.

Glue the blanks to the corn tail. The resulting cardboard masterpiece is left to decorate as you wish. You can glue stars or small pictures to it. A propeller made of thin strips of paper would be a good addition.

Such a wonderful plane can be taken to the kindergarten as a craft or please dad on February 23rd.

Video bonuses

Do you want to get a plane that can not only take off high, but also come back into your hands? Do you think this cannot be? And here you are wrong.

Tireless craftsmen-experimenters have developed the scheme of an amazing airplane boomerang.

With it, you can show your friends a stunning trick: the launched airplane will obediently descend right into your hands every time. To get your reputation as the lord of paper planes, check out our video - you are sure to succeed.

It would seem that all the samples of paper airplanes have already been revised and tested in practice, but we still have something to surprise you with. We invite you to watch a video tutorial on how to create a realistic glider plane.

You don't even need origami folding skills, you just cut the outline out of paper. This model has excellent flight characteristics, and the secret lies in ... ordinary plasticine. Watch the video, be amazed and amazed.

Making various paper airplanes is not only a wonderful experience to drive away boredom and put aside the ubiquitous gadgets. It develops intelligence, accuracy and fine motor skills of the hands. This is why it is so useful to include this type of activity in the program of joint leisure with children.

Perhaps the first unsightly model will be your child's first step towards serious hobby of aircraft modeling. And it is in your family that a brilliant designer of passenger airliners or new jet fighters will grow up. Anything can be. It makes no sense to look far into the future, but devoting an hour or two to folding paper airplanes is definitely worth it.

Aeromodelling is an entertaining hobby, the logical continuation of which is the aeromodelling sport, in which there is the European Championship and the World Championship.

Models are: flightless, flying and replica models (large-scale (from 1: 2 to 1: 200 and more) and prefabricated).

Flightless models are, perhaps, one of the most undemanding class of models in terms of manufacturing materials. Necessarily - this is an external correspondence to the original. It is these models that are not considered as objects of modeling, because assembling an airplane model of this type with your own hands will require: perseverance, knowledge of historical accuracy, a lot of time for assembly and care.

Flying models, according to the official classification, are divided into five groups:

  • - Category F-1- free-flying models.
  • - Category F-2- line aircraft models.
  • - Category F-3- radio controlled models.
  • - Category F-4- model-copies of aircraft.
  • - Category F-5- radio-controlled models of aircraft with an electric drive.

Duplicate models usually do not fly. Constructors for assembling them can be purchased in stores selling children's toys or in the DeAgostini store (section).

How to make the first model of an airplane yourself?

The next stage is the search for drawings (in DeAgostini they are supplied with an assembly manual, instructions). Beginners do not need to take a too complex model (a small model from the collection "Aviation Legend: Russian Bomber Ilya Muromets" will do), because you might end up not figuring out how to make an airplane model yourself, abandoning work at the initial stages. The sources can be the DeAgostini online store, a library, specialized magazines, an aircraft modeling club or a forum (at least just to establish correspondence with one of the members). For clarity of the process, we propose to take the patterns of the gliding plane.

Before starting work, the model aircraft designer must figure out in detail how to make an airplane model himself, because the event is long and painstaking. The creation of a model of an airplane begins with the fact that you need to allocate a place to work and equip it. To make a paper model of an airplane, you only need scissors, a ruler, paper and glue. If you like the hobby, then in the future you will need: a table with brushes, blades, white dry rags, rulers, compasses, protractors, squares, tape, scissors, good lighting (along with a magnifying glass), awl, knife, vise and other equipment.

When the object of modeling is found, you need to convert and print out patterns and drawings to scale (in the DeAgostini collections, popular models are supplied in a scale of 1:32, 1:43). We cut out patterns, along the way making cuts and bending along the fold lines. When the blanks are completely completed, it remains only to glue and glue them together so that it turns out to make an airplane model with your own hands. When the glue is dry, the first job can be considered completed.

Types of materials for creating aircraft models

Paper, whatman paper, cardboard are some of the most affordable and simple materials for creating the simplest models or copy models, but they are not suitable for making serious products.

Making a model of an airplane out of cardboard or wood is already a little more difficult, since it requires more accuracy and the ability to handle tools well, besides, the number of operations for making models from these materials is higher, it is not by chance that one of the first points is the equipment of the place for work.

Models created for competition or for their own exhibition usually consist of a variety of materials.

  • - Coroplast- cellular polypropylene or plastic. The material is quite dense, amenable to processing, plastic.
  • - Styrofoam- the cheapest and one of the most affordable materials, since we are talking about panels that are used for decorative finishing or filling the interior space, for example, wings or the interior of the body. Depron is used in Europe.
  • - Balsa (balsa) or light wood can be purchased in the form of profiles, strips or bars - this is the best material for those who want to make an airplane model out of wood. Thickness from 0.5 mm to 3-5 mm (the thinner the better).
  • - Carbon fiber.
  • - Epoxy resin.

With the proper skill, some parts of the wings and fuselage can be made or ordered by 3D printing (from thermoplastic).

Gliding models and flying models do not have to be equipped with an ICE (internal combustion engine) or electric motor. The flight radius of the glider (small) can be increased by installing a rubber motor (see "rubber motor"). On gliders, you can practice understanding and study aerodynamics well.

Making a flying model of an airplane with an electric motor or an internal combustion engine was a kind of test exam for any model airplane builder.

Making copy models

If making flying models is not particularly interesting, then you can glue aircraft models - flightless copies (large-scale or prefabricated models). In the DeAgoshop online store, you can find a set with ready-made plastic parts by subscription, which you just need to correctly connect, paint and stick stickers (decals). How to glue the model of an airplane correctly is indicated in the insert instructions, but in the general case, small parts are combined into large products, after which the structure is joined together and painting and gluing are carried out. After painting, it is important to properly attach the stickers to the aircraft model. We will tell you how to properly glue decals on the model:

  • - Cut out the decal along the contour.
  • - We collect water in the container (room temperature), leave the decal in it for 2-3 minutes.
  • - We take out the decal, remove the film.
  • - Carefully apply the decal to the model.
  • - Remove moisture / water drops with a cloth or napkin.

If the work is done neatly, beautifully and presentably, then the model can be placed in a prominent place as a decoration or placed on a homemade stand. For example, the Douglas DC-3 model has a special one.

This article is intended for those who first decided to do aeromodelling. It will help solve the most difficult questions facing newbies: "Where to start?" and "What will this result in?"

The article concerns only simple models of airplanes and gliders, with which beginners begin their way in modeling.

Few terms

Even if you are not interested in the process of making a model, its structure, and the only thing you need is to fly, fly and fly again, some knowledge about the design of your aircraft is still necessary. They will not load your head too much, but they will bring a lot of clarity to the question. In the end, you will not, after banging your model, tell your colleagues at the airfield that "that piece of wood and this rail" broke, and "this thing" was cracked. And present the process of possible repairs in a more meaningful way.

All models are arranged quite similarly, so let's consider some generalized radio-controlled model of an airplane.

Fuselage... It is the basis of the entire model. The bearing planes, tail unit, landing gear are attached to it. As a rule, the engine is installed on it. The control equipment is placed inside - this is a receiver, batteries, steering cars.

Wing... Actually what creates the lift. It is the wing that allows the model to stay in the air. It consists of left and right consoles... The consoles can be installed at a slight angle to one another, in this case, their tips will be located slightly higher than the root parts. When viewed from the front, the wing will be slightly V-shaped. The wing angle V is used to increase the roll stability of the model.

Ailerons- steering surfaces located on the trailing edge of the wing and deflected up and down in antiphase. With their help, the plane is controlled by roll (tilts left and right).

The left and right wing halves are called consoles.

Tail unit... In the classic version, it consists of a vertical part, which is called keel, and horizontal - it is called stabilizer... The tail unit ensures the stability of the aircraft so that it flies straight and evenly, and does not tumble in the sky, randomly changing the direction of movement.

On the trailing edge of the keel there is rudder, on the trailing edge of the stabilizer - elevator... The names of the steering surfaces speak for themselves.

Chassis... Allows the model to take off and land on the ground. The presence of the chassis is optional, in this case the model starts from the hands, and the landing is "on the belly".

Engine... That which propels the model, allowing it to gain altitude and maintain the required speed.

Tank... It contains the fuel required by the engine.

Receiver... It receives the transmitter signal, amplifies it, processes it and distributes it to the steering cars.

Steering cars... They convert the signal from the output of the receiver into the movements of the rudders of the model by means of the connected traction.

The receiver and the cars are powered by the onboard battery - as a rule, it is a battery of four "finger" cells.

Where does the choice of model begin?

People who have never flown an RC model before often choose their first model based solely on external features, buying the aircraft they like most. And this desire is quite justified - you want to have the most beautiful model ... And as a result, the first purchase sometimes turns out to be a difficult-to-fly aerobatic aircraft or a good copy of an aircraft from the Second World War, which may be even more difficult to control. Is this decision correct?

Unlike models of ships and cars, flying models do not allow you to learn "on the sly", choosing a lower speed first. They have a minimum speed, upon reaching which they are poorly controlled and just fall to the ground. On a car or ship model, if you are confused about the controls, you can simply turn off the gas and brake. It won't work like that with an airplane. If you have already taken off, then you need to make a landing, otherwise there will be "firewood". Therefore, the first model should teach you how to do without "firewood". And only aerobatics and other aesthetics with true pleasure from flying - this is later.

Let's better remember what and why we are choosing a model. First of all, we need to learn how to fly - take off, hold the model in the air, land it safely. Therefore, the model should first of all be well suited for teaching and training, and last but not least, it should satisfy your aesthetic needs. What properties should a tutorial model have?

  • The aircraft must be stable, that is, it must keep well in the air without the active participation of the pilot, at least for some time. Stable airplanes "forgive" many of the piloting mistakes inherent in beginners.
  • The aircraft must be maintainable. The bitter truth of life is that your first (and the second too) model will sooner or later turn out to be more or less broken, or even broken into dust - for the simple reason that you are learning to fly. Therefore, the tutorial model should allow for simple and quick repair of damage and be made of wood or foam, but not molded from fiberglass.
  • And of course, the model should have a fair amount of durability, but not to the detriment of flight performance. It should be able to withstand hard landings, but also fly well.

The requirements, of course, are contradictory, but there are training models that successfully combine all the necessary properties.

So if you really want to learn how to fly, be prepared to compromise a little on the look of the plane and choose the one that works best for training as your first model.

If you try to classify all flying models in general, the list will turn out to be very long, and the close relationship of classes is quite confusing. In general, classification is a difficult and thankless task. And is it needed now? Remembering that we are choosing a model for training and learning the basics of piloting, we can limit ourselves to only a few of the most common options.

What can a beginner choose for learning piloting?

  • Airplane with an internal combustion engine (ICE)
  • Electroplane
  • Glider or motor glider

Let's talk about each type of model in more detail.

Aircraft with internal combustion engine

An ICE trainer is generally referred to as a "trainer" or, for short, a trainer. This is an airplane with an overhead wing, which has a pronounced angle V, which gives the model the required stability. A photograph of such an aircraft is given at the beginning of the article.

The trainer is good first of all because it allows not only to learn how to take off, land and stay in the sky, but also to perform the simplest aerobatics - drums and loops. Another advantage of the coach is the ability to fly even in strong enough winds. And of course, it most of all looks like a "real" plane.

However, this type of training model also has a number of disadvantages. First of all, you need an instructor - a person who will teach you how to start and adjust the engine of your aircraft and will guide you through the entire flight training process from start to finish. It is almost impossible to independently learn to fly a trainer without serious damage to it. So in the absence of an instructor, consider flying other types of models.

A trainer with a span of 1400… 1600 mm, with an engine with a working volume of 6.5… 7 cc and a mass of 2000-2500 grams, seems to be optimal for training. It will not be very afraid of the wind, and due to its large scope it will be clearly visible even at high altitudes. However, an airplane with a span of 1200… 1300 mm with an engine volume of 3.5… 4 cc will turn out to be no worse. And in order for the small plane to be clearly visible in the sky, the bottom of the wing can be painted with bright fluorescent enamel.

The trainer can be made both of wood (balsa or linden and pine), and of corrugated plastic - a material that looks like corrugated packaging cardboard (such planes are also called "cardboard"). Both models have their pros and cons. A wooden aircraft has a lighter weight and significantly higher aerodynamic characteristics compared to a corrugated plastic one. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to crash an airplane made of "corrugation" - it only crumples and bends upon impacts, from which the wooden airplane half falls apart. And from the third ... from the third it turns out that "kartonich" is rarely capable of anything more than the initial training in flight and aerobatics. A wooden trainer in experienced hands can work wonders. As a rule, a more powerful engine is installed on the "carton" than on a balsa trainer of the same size.

However, there are exceptions to any rule, and there are very well-designed "cardboard boxes", which are not inferior in flight characteristics to models made of balsa.


The main advantage of the electric jet is the absence of the need to adjust the engine and ease of starting. And here lies the main disadvantage of the electric flight - the lack of traction. As a rule, models with an electric motor are much worse in dynamics than models with an internal combustion engine. Another disadvantage is some high cost of the electronic filling of this model.

However, an electric flight is easier to control than a trainer with an internal combustion engine, and less frisky. It allows you to learn to fly without an instructor, alone - if for one reason or another you have not found an instructor.

Again, a high-wing plane with a fair V wing angle, a span of just under 1000 mm, seems to be optimal for training in electric flight. The motor unit is a class 400 motor with a direct propeller drive (without a gearbox) or a class 280 motor with a gearbox.

Gliders and motor gliders

The slow flying glider is the ideal training desk for those who do not have an instructor nearby and their financial situation leaves a lot to be desired. Let this be my personal opinion, but a person who has learned to fly a glider and immediately learns to take care of every meter of altitude and think over every maneuver, moving on to a motor model in the future, will fly much more consciously and accurately.

The main advantage of the glider model is the speed and simplicity of preparation for the launch. There is no need to start and tune the engine, take care of the fuel. Due to the lack of a motor, the glider is the cheapest training model possible.

But in the absence of a motor, there is also a big disadvantage. To launch the glider (and it launches like a kite), you need a friend who will not mind running all day long - or a rubber catapult that you will stretch yourself.

However, this disadvantage is easily eliminated by installing a small internal combustion engine or an electric motor on the airframe, while maintaining all the main advantages of the airframe - the slowness of the flight and some delay in reactions to the movements of the transmitter sticks.

The reduced maneuverability of the glider due to its large span can be attributed not to minuses, but to pluses. A less maneuverable model will forgive the pilot for gross mistakes and will allow you to learn to fly without an instructor. Skeptics who claim that it is impossible to perform loops and rolls on a glider can be convinced of the opposite at any competition for radio-controlled glider models.

A glider with a span of 1700-2200 mm and weighing about 1 kg is best suited for training. The glider will be of the same size, but heavier - up to one and a half kilograms, depending on the weight of the motor unit.

Build yourself or buy?

Okay, we have chosen the model. Where to get it from? Buy? Do? It's up to you to decide.

There are three options:

  • Buy a ready-made aircraft or ARF-set (Almost Ready to Fly / Almost Ready to Fly)
  • Buy a set of blanks for assembly (Kit)
  • Do everything yourself, from scratch.

The option of receiving a model as a gift, inheritance, for debts or purchases for a case of beer in the nearest mug are not considered due to their obviousness.

Do it yourself - cheap, almost free if desired, but longer. Depending on your skills, time availability and materials used, it will take from a month to six months. If you are going to build yourself - check out this material.

But in any case, try to immediately take care of where and from whom you will consult, because with zero initial experience, you can make a lot of mistakes that will make it difficult or even impossible to fly your winged miracle.

Buy a set? If the prospect of making your own model scares you to the point of losing consciousness, and there is not enough money for a finished one, try to consider an intermediate option - a set of blanks (Kit). It is cheaper than a ready-made model, and you can do it yourself. The set is easy to assemble - the instructions, as a rule, show everything clearly. You will assemble the set quickly - someone has already thought about everything for you, your task is to follow the instructions.

Well, if you don't have the skills, desire or time to build, we buy a model in a store or from one of the modelers.

How to figure out what you want, build or buy?

Here you can build on the meaning that your hobby is filled with. If you just want to fly, buy a ready-made model. If you want to build and fly - then buy a set or make a model yourself according to drawings found on the Internet or in magazines. The approximate timeframes for preparing models for flight are as follows:

  • ARF: a week or two of quiet work in the evenings
  • Kit: from a week to a month
  • Self-made model: in the absence of modeling skills from 1 to 6 months, depending on your talents

Immediately I want to warn amateur designers: if you have never made radio-controlled flying models before, in no case make any changes to the design proposed in the magazine !!! Do as instructed. Even if something seems irrational to you. When a novice pilot brings to the field his first (in his opinion) improved design from a magazine, it happens that the hair of the surrounding modellers stands on end. And some even cry with admiration, although initially the model described in the article had excellent flight data ... Naturally, there is no question of flying on a model that is overweight and weakened in the power nodes.

One way or another, if your goal is to learn to fly in the shortest possible time, it makes sense to buy the first model so as not to get bogged down with its production for six months. Even if you really want to do it yourself.

Those who want to make planes themselves in the future can be advised to assemble the first model from a set. During the assembly process, skills will be developed and knowledge about typical design solutions of certain model units will be acquired, and the time spent on construction will be much less than the time spent on creating a homemade aircraft.

What you need to start

Well, let's assume that now you know enough to consciously choose your first model. Or, at least, formulate a question for knowledgeable people. A question for which you will not be laughed at or sent to read books, but will be answered with understanding. Therefore, let's go ahead and try to find out what else is required to run the model.

Radio control equipment

It is a transmitter with sticks with which you will control the aircraft, as well as on-board electronics (receiver and steering cars). The choice of hardware is not an easy question, and a topic for separate articles that you can find on this site. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the equipment must be necessarily with the type of modulation FM, not AM, with four proportional channels, no less. The training model does not require more than four channels, more often two or three, but it just so happened that equipment with the number of channels less than four is unlikely to be useful to you in the future, and having bought two or three channels, you will buy a new one for your second model equipment.

Model aircraft simulator

An absolutely irreplaceable thing in the household. On it, you can perfectly work out the initial management skills, without the risk of breaking your first model and without spending time and money on repairing it.

Launch equipment

In addition to the model itself and the hardware, you will need additional accessories for launches. For example, a rail for a glider, or a starter and fuel for an internal combustion engine. In addition, some common tools and materials will be useful in the field for quick on-site repairs. All of this is covered in the next chapter for different types of models. It will not only be about what you will take with you to the field, but also about what will remain at home. After all, you need a more or less complete picture of what to stock up for flights and what to equip a workshop with.

Equipment for starting models with internal combustion engines

Fuel and refueling devices... Typically, the fuel used is 80% methyl alcohol and 20% castor oil. It should be stored in a hermetically sealed container, preferably in a canister.

To refuel the model, you will need a special pump, manual or electric. In the absence of it, you can do with a plastic bottle with an appropriate tip.

Power for starter and spark plug... A 12-volt battery is used to power the starter: either a 7.2 A / h sealed lead-acid battery from the computer's uninterruptible power supply unit, or the one installed in your car.

In order to power the engine plug at start-up, you will need a start panel that connects to the same battery, or a separate 1.2 V battery with a sufficiently large capacity - several A / h. The panel is preferable, since it allows you to smoothly change the voltage on the candle, and even in this case you do not need to carry a separate battery with you to glow the candle.

Let's not forget the collet clamp for connecting wires from the panel to the candle.

Starter... It will allow you not to bother manually starting the engine. The thing, although not necessary, is very useful. At least in the field, it can save you a lot of time starting the engine.

Tools, spare parts, materials for repair... Comments are superfluous. You take with you not only the model and launching equipment, but also the tools and materials for assembly, tuning and possible repair of the model.

Flight box... This is where you will put all of the above. You can buy a box, you can do it yourself. The main thing is that everything should fit in it - the transmitter, and the fuel, and the instrument. Therefore, pay special attention to the purchase or manufacture of this container - it is still inconvenient to carry the model in one hand, the box in the second, and the transmitter in the third, which for some reason does not fit into the box ... you need to drag the model and everything you need from the entrance to the car, do not neglect the drawer - it will allow you to keep tools and equipment in order and do not forget anything when leaving the field.

The photographs above show two different flight boxes - with so-called "horns" - a fuselage support for easy assembly of the model - and without them. Fuel cans and launch panels are clearly visible.

Equipment for starting models with electric motors

The set of tools remains unchanged, the flight box will become smaller. "Electric trains" do not require fuel, a starter - and require other additions required for takeoff.

Travel accumulators... In addition to the batteries that power the transmitter and receiver, you will also need batteries to power the travel electric motor, which can deliver high current. It's best to have two batteries - while one is flying, the other is charging.

Fast charger... This is a charger that allows you to charge running batteries from the vehicle's on-board network directly in the field, within 30-60 minutes.

The photo below shows running batteries and a fast charger.

Another necessary addition is travel adjuster for the electric motor model. Despite the fact that this device is installed on board the model, it is mentioned in this section - because purchasing it will also require certain costs.

Glider launch equipment

Once again, the tools and the flight box will make up our luggage. By and large, for the first flights, when your friend launches the glider from his hand, and you steer it, nothing else is needed. But when you have mastered flying in a straight line from your hand - and this usually happens in one or two days - you will want to throw the glider higher. Here's what you need to do this:

Leer... Fishing line with a diameter of 1 ... 2 mm. With its help, the glider is launched like a kite, and having reached its maximum height, it unhooks and flies independently, controlled by the pilot. To accelerate the movement of the glider when tightening, it is often used block... In this case, one end of the handrail is fixed in the ground with a steel pin, the other end is hooked onto a hook on the glider, and the one who pulls the glider holds the block in his hands.

In the absence of an assistant, it is quite possible to use a catapult - this is the same handrail tied to a rubber harness fixed in the ground. In this case, it is enough to stretch the rubber, attach the glider to the rail - and you can fly.

Things to think about before it's too late

Aircraft modeling is a fascinating thing, and it draws you into it, like into a whirlpool. And then it is very difficult to quit, and most importantly, I don’t want to. So think again, are you ready to dive into this pool?

How strong is your desire to be engaged in aircraft modeling for a long time?

If you're just curious to give it a try, don't splurge yet and run to the store. Find a crowd of modelers, make an appointment on the field. When you come to them, honestly and directly explain that it would be very interesting for you to try flying, but you are not sure if you will like it enough to start modeling yourself. See how that flies. Ask to try to steer the model - an experienced pilot will always be able to let you steer a little, unless he has a super expensive plane. Modelers, although they look ferocious people, rarely refuse help if this help is tactfully asked.

Take your time with the purchase if you are not at all sure that you really want to fly !!! Ripen at least to the state of "the desire to fly seems to be strong, but not 100% sure" and then already think about acquiring your own hectic flight system. Well, if it doesn’t "insert" you even after a sortie to the airfield, then you should give up this business. Otherwise, having bought an airplane and a bunch of equipment, you will then be selling all this for a long time and painfully at a loss. Take a look at the forum - there are probably a couple of announcements about such a sale hanging there ...

Do you have a friend who knows how to fly a flying model who will agree to teach you how to fly - that is, an instructor?

Let's say you have a strong and stable desire to fly. Do you have an instructor who will teach you how to fly? If there is, that's great. If not, then the range of choices for the tutorial model will be slightly narrowed. Your training model will be a glider or a motor glider, and the glider may be simpler - there is no motor that needs to be regulated (or to charge batteries for it). It is quite possible to use the electrolyte. On such models it is much easier and cheaper to learn to fly alone, after training in the simulator - by trial and error. On an airplane, of course, you can also learn to fly on your own, but you will spend an order of magnitude more time on this - both on training and on repairs. But on the plane, you also have to deal with the engine - how to start it, tune it ...

However, this is rather the author's opinion. Many instructors believe that training on an airplane is faster - it does not need to be dragged out like a glider, which allows you to make more flights per unit of time, and a powerful motor allows you to "stretch" the model in a critical situation.

Can you imagine the amount of financial investments that an aircraft modeling hobby will require?

Ultimately, all reasoning about the first model comes down to a single denominator - money, money, and again money. Alas, one cannot do without them. And here a severe blow of disappointment falls primarily on the youngest modellers - those who are not yet employed and to whom their parents cannot give at least fifty dollars for used equipment ... but without a minimum amount of money for equipment, you can only count on flying free-flying models that you will build yourself.

But aircraft modeling requires much more than $ 50 for half-killed equipment. Of course, not all at once, but depending on the class of models that you will engage in in the future, your hobby will require certain financial investments.


I would like to hope that after reading this article you will not go to the forum with the question "Help !!! I am a full teapot, but I want a radio-controlled model !! Which is the best? !! And what do you need to start? !!!". Now you already know what's what, and most likely, after studying what is on the market, post a modest announcement on the forum: "I will buy a trainer, with equipment and an engine, as well as a starter and a lighter for a candle." Or, having bought equipment, look for blueprints for a simple glider, already knowing approximately what it is intended for, build it yourself, and, having learned to fly, you will become the first modeller in your hometown ...

Do not forget that the choice of your model - only yours, and no one will ever give you 100% correct advice. Don't torture other modelers by asking them to make your choice for you. After all, now, knowing the basic criteria for choosing the first model, you yourself will find what suits you best.