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What is the correct name for the electricity meter. Electricity metering device: types and main characteristics. Electric meters Energomera


Electricity is the best selling commodity. But unlike other energy carriers, there is no state of aggregation for it, as for water, gas or oil products. Until now, there has been no other way to estimate its quantity, except for the use of an electricity meter. The latter determines the income of the electricity seller. The consumer is no less interested in the properties of the electric meter. Next, we will acquaint our readers-consumers of electricity with useful information regarding electric meters. Consider the following questions:

  • what are the electric meters;
  • what is the difference between a three-phase induction electric meter and a single-phase meter;
  • why now they demand to replace a used induction model with a modern electric meter for an apartment;
  • which electric meter is better to put in the apartment;
  • types of electricity meters recommended for installation in an apartment and in a private house, as well as their rating.

Electricity metering today

As new energy-saving technologies emerge, household appliances and industrial equipment are becoming more cost-effective. Refrigerators, washing machines, televisions and many other household electrical and electronic devices consume orders of magnitude less electricity than their predecessors approximately 20-30 years ago. In those days, induction models of electricity meters were working everywhere. It could not be otherwise - there were no other devices at all. The digital era was just beginning.

The induction single-phase electricity meter was at one time the most common electrical appliance. We installed a meter in an apartment, non-residential premises and in many other institutions. Its structural reliability was the guarantor of its durability. Until now, a considerable number of these metering devices regularly wind up kilowatts where the need to replace them with more advanced modern digital models has not reached them. The weak point of induction meters is the metering of small powers. And since the prices for electricity have increased many times lately, every watt, or even its share, must be taken into account.

The design of the induction electricity meter resembles an electric engine. All similar electricity meters, regardless of the model, contain a voltage winding and a current winding. A disc-shaped rotor is located between the cores of these windings. Its rotation speed is directly proportional to the current in the windings. In the course of rotation, the disc performs the work of moving the wheels on which the numbers are applied. This counter mechanism requires a certain force generated by the disc for its operation. This explains the lack of accuracy provided by electric meters of this design.

  • At low load currents, the disk cannot move the counter mechanism.

Because of this design feature, induction electricity meters are being replaced everywhere. And not only single-phase. Since a three-phase meter has a similar design, but with two discs, it is difficult to place all the necessary windings on one. It can be used not only with three phases, but also as a two-phase electricity meter. However, due to the even more massive two-disc mobile system, energy meters that take into account 3-phase energy consumption are characterized by an even higher error at low load. Today, for both home and industrial needs, electricity meters must combine reliability and accuracy.

Which counter to choose

So, everyone will have to decide in connection with the requirement of the organization supplying electricity, which meter to choose to replace the induction model. However, this decision has one important nuance. The choice of an electric meter for an apartment must necessarily take into account the opinion of the electricity supplier. If the apartment electricity meter should be properly installed with your own hands, it still needs to be sealed by calling the appropriate specialist for this.

And no matter how reliable, convenient and attractive to the owner this copy is, if it is not on the list of recommended meters of the electricity supplier, it is very likely that it will have to be replaced with a model from the list. Therefore, when choosing to replace an outdated induction metering device for electricity or otherwise, you must first contact the power supply service with the question of which meter to choose in accordance with the existing requirements.

Nevertheless, which electric meter to choose is finally decided by the owner of the apartment or house. Undoubtedly, experts will recommend which meter is best for the specific conditions of electricity consumption. However, it is good to know in advance what counters are. A modern electricity meter for an apartment is an accurate, reliable household electrical meter.

Modern electronic meters can differ markedly from each other. The single-phase or three-phase version today contains an electronic circuit that calculates the power consumption. This is the main common design feature of all digital models. But you can easily notice how one model differs from another in many cases. First of all, this is the principle of operation of the scoreboard in the counter. It can be either with a mechanical device, as in the induction model of previous years, or with liquid crystal indicators. LED indication in these electrical appliances is almost never used.

Considering the differences in the scoreboard, one cannot say which of these models of the electric meter is better for an apartment. In an apartment building, the choice of an electric meter is usually not required. The specialists responsible for this install their own meters instead of induction meters. In private homes and summer cottages, the situation may be different, especially in dacha cooperatives and similar collective organizations. Recently, it is customary here to delimit areas of responsibility. Moreover, the meter belongs to the area of ​​services supplied by the power supply service.

Therefore, the question "How to choose an electricity meter?" receives a specific condition for such a zone:

  • the electricity meter is installed outdoors in a special box and must remain operational in the entire temperature range that exists at the installation site.

For such operating conditions, it is preferable to choose an electric meter with an electromechanical display. This device is generally more reliable than the liquid crystal display. Wheels with numbers are not exposed to temperatures and, in principle, cannot break even from a lightning strike. In this case, the last reading is always kept by the position of the wheels. But in an electronic meter with a liquid crystal display, data is accumulated in a special chip. Whether this microcircuit will withstand a lightning strike is not known for sure. But other reasons for the failure of this chip are not excluded.

  • It is possible to take readings from the LCD display only when the meter is in operation. If a power outage occurs, after a short time, the indication disappears in many models. But readings can be taken from the electromechanical display regardless of the state of the device.

Among other nuances, before choosing an electric meter, it is necessary to study the existing electricity tariffs. Since a two-tariff device provides an opportunity for significant energy savings, it is better to buy it right away and install it if such a division of tariffication exists. But the tariffication can be more extensive. This means that a two-tariff electricity meter will not be able to provide full benefits.

Therefore, you need to buy a meter with a large number of connected tariffs. Such models are available on the market as shown in the image below.

There is such information regarding the rating and popularity of electric meter models. According to 2016, the greatest demand was for the TM "Mercury", "Energomera" and "Neva". Six meter models correspond to these brands with the following evaluation criteria:

  • construction with electromechanical scoreboard;
  • the same, but with liquid crystal indicators;
  • design for multiple rates;
  • three-phase electric meter.

For the listed models, the mechanism for fastening the case during installation was also evaluated, including the possibility of using a DIN rail. It was also taken into account how clearly visible the numbers of the scoreboard, the convenience of the case design, taking into account the sealing. An important value is attached to the meter model by the maximum value of the current that can be taken into account. This is especially true for private houses and summer cottages, since it is often difficult to do there without heating electrical appliances, which are switched on at least for a short time.

But at the same time, the consumed current increases many times, which should be overlapped by the capabilities of the electricity meter. Therefore, in principle, it is important immediately when connecting a house to the mains to choose its most suitable type, and, accordingly, the counter. If the total current consumption is significantly more than 20 amperes, it is more correct to choose a three-phase connection. In this case, the electric meter is not necessarily installed on a three-phase model.

The choice of electricity metering devices on the market is now large, and you can select a separate single-phase meter for each phase and summarize their readings. Such a metering system can provide more useful information to optimize energy savings. Another important convenience that is used in many modern meters is remote data exchange. For this purpose, a special radio module is built into them. Its operating frequency determines the distance from which power consumption data can be obtained.

At the same time, a personal meeting with a representative of the power supply service is not required, as was previously the case with the widespread use of induction meters. In a word, the technical capabilities inherent in digital models are now numerous. Their reliability mainly depends on the build quality and components. By purchasing products from well-known brands, you can be sure that this device will work for a long time and without malfunctions.

Available in every apartment. The exceptions are houses that have a completely autonomous power supply (solar panels, wind turbines), but there are relatively few such houses. That is why today we will talk about the types of electricity meters and everything connected with them. After all, the question is very relevant.

Types of electricity meters

There are several types of devices of this type, they differ in the principle of their operation and in execution. All existing electricity meters can be divided into two large groups, these are:

  • induction models;
  • electronic counters;

Different types of devices work on their characteristic principles, but it should be noted that the type of device does not in any way affect the accuracy of the electricity meter, because before the sale, all energy meters are calibrated and checked in the appropriate organizations that have the right to carry out such activities. These companies are independent, so there can be no catch in this matter. Although there are errors, they are within the limits of permissible norms, but more on that below.

Induction electricity meters

It is also worth knowing that electricity in rural areas is cheaper for the consumer than in the city.

Automatic counters

This is a novelty for our market. Automatic counters are a kind of electronic models. The electricity meter transmitting the readings works independently and does not require your participation. It is comfortable and modern. Many people combine the work of such meters with automatic payment for electricity from a bank card. This is practical, because you do not participate in the transfer of data or in payment for services at all. Everything happens automatically. Electricity meters that transmit readings have not yet become too common, but they are chosen by more and more people who install or change an electricity meter. According to experts, such models will firmly enter the everyday life of our fellow citizens in 10-15 years.

Benefits of multi-tariff

Of course, such counters also have advantages, let's try to name the main ones:

  • Noticeable savings in money (the meter will pay off in a year or even faster).
  • Help for power plants (reducing repair costs and saving fuel).
  • Reduction of hazardous and harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

For the average user, the help of a power plant and emissions into the atmosphere are usually of little interest, but reducing money spending is always an important and pleasant moment.


You can always find both pros and cons. We have already said about the advantages of this type of meters, it's time to touch on the issue with the disadvantages. There are not many disadvantages, the most important of them is a special way of life, adjusted to the tariffs of the meter, if you do not adjust to the tariffs, then no savings will work, and perhaps the costs will also increase. How much does a multi-tariff electricity meter cost? It all depends on the specific model. Multi-tariff models are more expensive than single-tariff counterparts, but they quickly pay for themselves.

Instrument accuracy class

This parameter implies a certain error in the readings, which is inevitable, but its value can vary significantly. Under current rules, it should be 2 or higher. You can always find out this parameter by buying yourself a counter in the store. Most often, the accuracy class is indicated both on the device itself and in the instructions for it.

Counter power

This is perhaps one of the most important characteristics. Power must be taken into account when buying an electric meter. Before buying, you need to calculate the energy consumption of you and your family for one day. After these calculations and based on them, you can go for the device. There are household electricity meters that are designed for currents from 5 to 100 A. How much does an electricity meter cost, depending on the power? Models that are designed for serious loads always cost more, but the price difference is not critical. A 100A model can be bought from 2 thousand rubles. The 60 A model will cost 800-1000 rubles and more.

Fixing method

Many people think about how to remove an electric meter? This is done by a qualified craftsman, if you do not have the appropriate permit, then you should not perform such work, it would be more correct to turn to specialists. All modern electric meters are fixed on a special, so-called, DIN rail or bolts.

Terms of use for energy meters

There are meters that can only work in heated rooms, but there are also all-weather outdoor models of devices. You yourself determine which option you need, taking into account all the features of operation. Warm room models are cheaper.

Which model of electricity meter to choose

Initially, determine with To do this, add up all the power consumption of the devices and add a third of the resulting figure to the stock. If your power does not exceed 10 kilowatts, then buy a 60 amp model. If the average power per day exceeds 10 kilowatts, then buy a 100 amp model. This is a calculation example.

Next, decide on the type of device (mechanical, electronic, one-rate, two-rate). Sometimes, in such a matter, the financial aspect becomes key. If the financial issue does not interest you, but you still have problems with the choice, then consult a specialist, he will definitely help you. For example, a single-rate mechanical device is suitable for a summer residence. After all, saving energy only once a week is very impractical, and you will not need to guess over time when the main devices are turned on.

After that, you need to resolve the issue with the type of counter attachment. Experts recommend the DIN rail option. It is convenient, simple, modern and versatile. Also pay attention to the manufacturer of the device, this is an important factor. A quality meter from a good and reliable manufacturer can only be found in a specialized store.

An electricity meter is a measuring device for measuring the consumption of electricity consumed. Depending on the modification, the device can operate in DC or AC networks. The unit of calculation for consumption is kW / h or A / h.

Classification of meters

Counters are usually divided according to three criteria:
  1. The type of measured value.
  2. Connection method.
  3. Constructions.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to all three criteria, choosing the optimal device for the required parameters of the electrical network and the level of energy consumption.

Varieties by type of measured value

The classification of meters by the type of measured value is the easiest for understanding even for a person who is far from knowing the principle of operation of power grids. All devices are divided into single-phase and three-phase. A single-phase electricity meter is designed to be connected to 220 V, 50 Hz alternating current networks. Three-phase devices work with 380 V, 50 Hz power grids. At the same time, they can take measurements when connected to a single-phase network.

Single-phase appliances can be found in any apartment or house. They are designed for household use. Three-phase devices in most cases are used at industrial facilities where a three-phase power network is laid, which is required for the operation of powerful equipment. Depending on the modification, three-phase meters can be connected with three or four wires.

Classification by connection method

According to the connection method, the meters are divided into only two groups. There are direct-on and transformer devices. The former are directly connected to the network, and the latter need to be connected with a special transformer, which is included in the circuit in front of the meter itself.

Varieties by design
Modern meters come in 3 design options:
  • Induction.
  • Electronic.
  • Hybrid.
Induction counter

An induction (mechanical) electricity meter has fixed conductive coils inside, which creates a magnetic field. The field received from them affects the moving element, which is a disk that works on the principle of a conductor for electric currents. When electricity passes through the disk, it begins to turn around under the influence of the magnetic field of the coils, thereby triggering a mechanism with a counting board. The more intense the passing current, the faster the disk rotates. The counting mechanism of the device is designed in such a way that a certain number of revolutions corresponds to a change in one indicator on the dial.

Mechanical devices are losing their relevance, since their design is far from perfect against more modern electronic meters.

The disadvantages of induction meters include:
  • Impossibility of remote reading.
  • Single tariff measurement.
  • Low sensitivity.
  • Insufficient protection against electricity theft.

Induction meters are often unable to correctly calculate the energy consumption. Quite often, in the presence of low consumption, for example, when the indicator in the charger unit of a phone or a household appliance is in standby mode, the meter does not react at all, although there is minimal energy consumption. In addition, individual modifications of meters have completely opposite problems. When a powerful consumer is turned on, their disk turns around much faster than the real level of energy consumption.

The advantages of mechanical meters include their really long service life and complete independence from power surges. They are cheap and fairly reliable. But their accuracy class corresponds to the level of 2-2.5%, which is rather low in comparison with electronic devices.

Electronic electricity meter

The electronic meter works on a different principle. In it, currents act on special electronic elements that transform them into pulses. The number of pulses is proportional to the actual amount of energy passed through. An electronic or electromechanical device can be used as a reading mechanism, which displays data on an LCD display. Electronic counting elements are suitable for devices that are installed inside apartments and houses. The electromechanical mechanism is used on meters mounted on the facades of buildings.

The main advantage of such devices is their high accuracy. They correctly display the amount of energy that was passed to consumers. In addition, their electronic components allow you to keep track of energy at several rates. That is, they are able to remember information about how much energy was consumed during the daytime and how much at night. This allows you to pay for the consumed electricity at several rates, if this is provided for by the contract with the supplier company.

These devices have a long calibration period. Depending on the manufacturer, the meter needs to be checked every 4-16 years.

The electronic meter has a non-volatile clock and counting elements in its design, which store data in the event of a power failure. Due to this, when turned on after an emergency power outage, all information about the level of used electricity will not be reset. Moreover, such devices have their own software that automatically adjusts the time, which is important in the case of counting in several tariffs. Also, such devices are protected against unauthorized access, which records such attempts in the event log.

Electronic meters have a high accuracy class of at least 1%. Such devices allow remote verification of indicators without the need for access to the house. Thanks to this, the controller does not have to enter the apartment, which is especially convenient if the tenants are not at home on weekdays. Nevertheless, the electronic electricity meter also has a disadvantage, which is expressed in its high cost. It is much more expensive to repair such devices than mechanical ones. These devices are very sensitive to voltage surges. In the event of an emergency, it is likely that the device will burn out, which will require its replacement.

Hybrid counters

There is a hybrid electricity meter, which is a device that combines elements of an induction and an electronic device. The permeability of the consumed energy is read by rotating the disk, and the readings are displayed on an electronic dial. Such meters, unlike purely induction meters, are capable of counting according to tariffs.

Technical parameters of electricity meters

Many meter models designed to operate under the same conditions differ in accuracy and other characteristics. The main technical parameter of an electric meter is accuracy. Until 1995, all instruments had a maximum permissible error level of 2.5%. After 1996, the requirements for meter manufacturers were tightened, after which devices with an error of 2% began to be installed for the private sector. At the same time, old-style meters are not uncommon and are still in operation with verification. All currently produced metering devices have an error of no more than 2%. Usually you can find meters with an accuracy class of 0.5, 1 and 2%.

In addition to the error, the throughput is an important parameter. Household meters designed for a maximum consumption of 5A and should be operated only when powerful electrical appliances are not used that consume more energy. If the electricity meter is overloaded, a short circuit may occur. Especially for this, it is equipped with electrical circuit breakers that disconnect the circuit to prevent such consequences. The installation of more powerful machines has become a frequent occurrence to prevent emergency shutdowns in order to be able to power more energy-intensive consumers. Such techniques are prohibited and contrary to safety precautions. If you need intensive energy consumption, you need to contact the power supply company with an application for installing a more powerful meter designed for a current of up to 20A or more if 380V is supplied.

Features of filling

The electricity meter, like any other metering device, is equipped with seals that cannot be broken, since there are fines for this. Two seals are installed in single-phase meters. One is tightened on the casing fixing to prevent its disassembly, and the second on the clamping cover. In addition, if the device was removed for verification, additional seals can be installed on it, confirming its suitability and the absence of outside interference after the performance check.

1. By the principle of action:

  • induction
  • electronic (static)

2.According to the accuracy class, the counters:

  • workers
  • exemplary

The accuracy class of a meter is its largest permissible relative error, expressed as a percentage.

In accordance with GOST R 52320-2005, GOST R 52321-2005, GOST R 52322-2005, GOST R 52323-2005, active energy meters must be manufactured with accuracy classes 0.2S; 0.2; 0.5S; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0 reactive energy meters - accuracy classes 0.5; 1.0; 2.0 (GOST R 5242520-05).

3.On connection to electrical networks:

  • single-phase (1ph 2Pr single-phase two-wire)
  • three-phase - three-wire (3ph 3Pr three-phase three-wire)
  • three-phase - four-wire (3ph 4Pr three-phase four-wire)

4. By the number of measuring elements:

  • single-element (for single-phase networks (1ph 2Pr))
  • two-element (for 3-phase networks with uniform load (3ph 3Pr))
  • three-element (for three-phase networks (3ph 4Pr))

5. By the principle of inclusion in electrical circuits:

  • direct connection of the meter
  • transformer connection of the meter:
  • connecting the meter to a three-phase 4-wire network using three voltage transformers and three current transformers
  • connecting the meter to a three-phase 3-wire network using three voltage transformers and two current transformers
  • connecting the meter to a three-phase 3-wire network using two voltage transformers and two current transformers

6. By design:

  • simple
  • multifunctional

7. By the number of tariffs:

  • single rate
  • multi-tariff

8. By types of measured energy and power:

  • active electricity (power)
  • reactive electricity (power)
  • active-reactive electricity (power)

Active power for a 1-phase meter, W: PA1ph2 = UphICosφ

Active power for a 3-phase two-element meter included in a 3-wire network, W: PA3ph3Pr = UABIACosφ1 (UABIA) + UСВIСCosφ2 (UСВІС)

Active power for a 3-phase three-element meter included in a 4-wire network, W: P3f4Pr = UАIАCosφ1 (UАIА) + UвIвCosφ2 (UвIв) + UсIсCosφ3 (UсIс)

Counter types:

- a counter in which the currents flowing in the stationary coils interact with the currents induced in the moving element, which sets it in motion, at which the number of revolutions is proportional to the measured energy.

For instance:

Single-phase electric meter SO-505, accuracy class 2.0. Single-phase electric meter SO-1, accuracy class 2.5.
Three-phase electric meter SA3U-I670, accuracy class 2.0. Electric meter SR4U-I673, accuracy class 2.0.

- a meter in which current and voltage act on solid-state (electronic) elements to create pulses at the output, the number of which is proportional to the measured energy.

For example, a single-phase electricity meter Mercury 201 or Mercury 200.02, accuracy class 2.0. Or three-phase electric meter Mercury 230A, accuracy class 1.0. Three-phase electricity meter ALPHA A1R, accuracy class 0.5S.

- an electric energy meter equipped with a set of calculating mechanisms, each of which operates at set time intervals corresponding to different tariffs.

- a meter designed to transmit the size of a unit of electrical energy, specially designed and used to obtain the highest accuracy and stability under controlled conditions.

Basic concepts, terms and definitions

Counting mechanism(reading device): Part of the counter that allows the measured value of a quantity to be determined.

The reading device can be a mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic device containing both a memory device and a display that store or display information.

Measuring element- the part of the meter that generates output signals proportional to the measured energy.

Current circuit: Internal connections of the meter and the part of the measuring element through which the current of the circuit to which the meter is connected flows.

Voltage circuit: The internal connections of the meter, part of the measuring element and, in the case of static meters, part of the power supply, supplied with the voltage of the circuit to which the meter is connected.

Direct connection electricity meter(or direct connection): As a rule, a 3-phase electric meter connected to a 4-wire network, voltage 380 / 220V, without the use of measuring current and voltage transformers.

Transformer meter- a meter designed to be switched on through measuring voltage (VT) and current (CT) transformers with predetermined transformation ratios.

The meter readings should correspond to the value of the energy passed through the primary circuit of the instrument transformers.

Basic concepts of electricity metering

Custody transfer of electricity- electricity metering for cash settlement for it

Technical metering of electricity- accounting for controlling the consumption of electricity within power plants, substations, enterprises, for calculating and analyzing electricity losses in electrical networks, as well as for accounting for electricity consumption for production needs.

Counters installed for settlement accounting are called settlement counters.

Counters installed for technical accounting are called technical accounting meters.

Meters that take into account active electricity are called active energy meters.

Meters that take into account reactive electricity for the accounting period are called reactive energy meters.

Measuring instrument- a technical device designed for measurements.

Measuring complex of electricity metering devices- a set of devices of one connection intended for measuring and metering electricity: current transformers, voltage transformers, electricity meters, communication lines.

Starting current(sensitivity) - the lowest current value at which continuous recording of readings begins

Base current- the value of the current, which is the starting point for establishing the requirements for a direct-connected meter

Rated current- the value of the current, which is the initial value for establishing the requirements for a meter powered by a transformer

Maximum current- the highest current value at which the meter meets the accuracy requirements established in the GOST R 52320-2005 standard.

Rated voltage- the voltage value, which is the starting point when establishing the requirements for the meter.

Technical requirements for electricity meters

General requirements:

  • Accuracy class not worse than 0.5S
  • Compliance with the requirements of GOST R (52320-2005, 52323-2005, 52425-2005)
  • Type approval certificate

Functional requirements:

  • Measurement and accounting of active and reactive electricity (continuous cumulative total), power in one or two directions (interval 30-minute increments of electricity)
  • Storage of measurement results (load profiles - at least 35 days) and information on the state of measuring instruments
  • The presence of a non-volatile clock that ensures the maintenance of date and time (the accuracy is not worse than ± 5.0 seconds per day with external synchronization, operating as part of the COEB)
  • Maintaining automatic time correction
  • Automatic self-diagnostics with the formation of a generalized signal in the "Event log"
  • Protection against unauthorized access to information and software
  • Providing access to the measured values ​​of parameters and "Event logs" from the USPD or IVK TsSOD

The "Event log" should record the time and date of the occurrence of the following events:

  • unauthorized access attempts
  • the facts of communication with the meter, which led to any changes in the data
  • changing the current time and date values ​​when synchronizing time
  • deviation of current and voltage in measuring circuits from specified limits
  • lack of voltage in the presence of current in the measuring circuits
  • power breaks

- The meter must ensure operability in the temperature range specified by the operating conditions. (-40 .. + 550С)

- Mean time between failures not less than 35000 hours

- Calibration interval - at least 8 years

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Control over the consumption of electrical energy is necessary both in industrial and domestic conditions. It helps to organize the correct operation of the network, and in some cases to identify problems and failures. For these purposes, special equipment is used - electricity metering devices (also called meters). The devices have a different principle of operation, which depends on the design features.

Types of electricity meters

The classification of electricity metering devices is carried out depending on the following parameters:

  • connection type;
  • measured value;
  • design features.

Let's consider each of the points separately. By the type of connection, the meters are divided into two main types:

  • devices with direct connection to the power circuit;
  • meters connected to the power circuit by means of measuring transformers (the so-called "transformer connection").

The first type of devices is intended for household metering, while transformers are necessary for large buildings and enterprises that consume high currents (more than 100 amperes).

Depending on the measured value, electricity metering devices are divided into the following types:

  • single-phase (for 220V current with a frequency of 50Hz);
  • three-phase (for 380V current with a frequency of 50Hz).

It is worth noting that modern three-phase meters with an electronic design are also capable of single-phase metering.

Depending on the design features, there are three groups of devices for metering electrical energy:

  • Induction (electromechanical electricity meters). Devices whose operation is based on the action of an electromagnetic field. The fixed, coil-shaped conductors through which current flows create magnetic pulses. They set in motion a special mechanism, which is a movable rotating disc. The amount of electrical energy consumed in induction devices is calculated by the number of revolutions of this disc.
  • Electronic (static electricity meters). The principle of operation of these devices is as follows: a solid-state measuring element converts the incoming analog signals of alternating current and voltage into counting pulses, the number of which indicates the value of the measured active energy. The counting mechanism has an electromechanical or electronic type of construction and, in addition to the measuring element, includes a device for storing the obtained values ​​and a display for displaying the results.
  • Hybrid devices. Models in this group represent an intermediate option. They are equipped with a digital interface, but they are measured using an electromechanical method. Currently, these devices are rare, as they are inferior to electronic electricity meters in price and functionality.

The catalog of the MosEnergoSbyt online store contains a wide selection of one- and three-phase electronic meters from manufacturers such as Mercury, NEVA, Matrix and others. You can find a complete list of devices on the company's website.

Basic parameters of electricity meters

The main parameters of electric energy metering devices include:

  • Accuracy class. A technical characteristic showing the maximum possible measurement error. Until 1996, inclusively, all measuring devices that were equipped with living quarters had an accuracy class of 2.5 (in other words, the measurement error was 2.5%). In the online store "MosEnergoSbyt" you can find electricity meters that meet the modern standard in the household sector (with a deviation of no more than 2%).
  • Calibration interval. In the process of continuous operation, individual elements of the device wear out naturally and cease to perform their functions correctly. As a result, the accuracy class of the measuring device inevitably decreases. Therefore, the instruments must be checked periodically for accuracy. The time interval from the moment of the initial verification (in the production process) to the next is called the calibration interval (abbreviated as MPI). This characteristic is calculated in years and indicated in the passport of the measuring device.
  • "Tariff". This parameter determines the ability of the electric meter to make measurements at different tariffs (or modes). All electricity metering devices based on the induction method of calculation operate at only one tariff. In contrast to them, electronic meters are capable of operating at two (the so-called "day / night" mode) or more rates (for example, taking individual readings by seasons or days of the week).