Repair Design Furniture

How to mold a plasticine pony with your own hands. Plasticine hedgehog - the hero of the cartoon "Tryam! Hello! Cartoon characters from plasticine

Plasticine modeling for children is one of the very first creative activities. This type of activity is very beneficial for both toddlers and adults. This is a great way to spend quality time for your child. Many mothers teach their child this technique from the age of 2, because it is during this period that the development of fine motor skills of the hands occurs, and the kids also learn to apply their imagination in business.

For children of the middle group of kindergarten, as well as for children of the older group, modeling from plasticine is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the hand. This will allow them to further master their writing skills and develop their creativity. If the child refuses to use plasticine, invite him to make crafts from soft dough.

There are a lot of sculpting techniques and techniques. Let's take a look at some of them.

  1. Constructive - the child sculpts a figurine from separate parts, hence the name. The baby learns this method of sculpting in 2-3 years;
  2. Sculptural - the child conceives an image for himself, and then sculpts it from one piece of plasticine, giving the necessary shape to his product;
  3. Combined - combining the two previous techniques. Most often, children sculpt large parts with a sculptural method, and small ones - in separate parts. A child masters this method of modeling, as a rule, at the age of 5;
  4. Modular molding - construction from individual parts, thereby creating an image from modules, animals are usually sculpted. This technique is used by older children, usually 1-2-3 grade.

You can make anything you want from plasticine, whether it be cars or bunnies, crickets or spiders, ice cream or lollipop, or maybe it will be flowers for mom - it's up to your little sculptor to decide, and you, in turn, can help the baby do an incredible thing.

For the little ones


Let the child do everything himself, and you can just observe and give a little hint. Take a piece of red plasticine and roll a large ball out of it, flatten it a little.

Next, we will make a smaller ball out of black plasticine - this will be the head. It should be attached to the calf with a toothpick. We also divide the insect's wings with a toothpick. We mold small flattened balls from black plasticine - these will be dots on the body.

Make the eyes and mouth and horns using red wire.


Blind 2 balls: white - larger (body), green - smaller (head).

Decorate the head and connect it to the torso. Make horns and legs from wire.

Sculpt wings from black plasticine.

The craft is ready!

Favorite cartoon characters

After watching cartoons, every child dreams of making his favorite characters from them. In this article we will tell you how to mold characters from the cartoon "Cars".


We will make 4 identical balls from black plasticine, flatten them - these are the future wheels of the car.

Take blue plasticine and make 2 squares of different sizes, connect them, as shown in the photo. Let's flatten the back a little. Let's make a smile in front.

We take white plasticine and form a rectangle, roll it out, make a windshield. We fasten the wheels, and also make tires from blue plasticine on them. We sculpt eyes, headlights and side windows and a smile.


Using black plasticine, we make 2 balls, flatten them, we got wheels. We make 2 rectangles from blue plasticine, connect them, as shown in the figure.

We make a windshield and Guido's smile from white plasticine. We make a visor from blue material, hands to a typewriter and side windows - from gray. Shaping the eyes.

Based on our lessons, you can also make other characters of this cartoon step by step.

In order for you to get bright and interesting figures, you need to choose high-quality plasticine. The Play Doh material is made using the latest technologies, it is absolutely safe for children of any age, both for babies 4 years old and for a child 10 years old.


First you need to knead the plasticine well. Take a piece of red plasticine and make a ball out of it, then draw the ball into an egg-shaped shape. The body of the scorpion is ready. We will make claws from the material of red color. To do this, take 2 identical pieces, form 2 balls, then mold the details of the required shape.

Using orange plasticine, we make 4 "fingers" of the scorpion in the form of drops. We make 6 legs from the material of the same color. Sculpt 6 black dots for the end of the scorpion's legs.

We sculpt the eyes. We make several balls of yellow plasticine - this will be the tail. At the end of the body we make a hole and insert the tail into it.

Making figures of Cheburashka, crocodile Gena and Shapoklyak from plasticine, it is useful to read a book with your child or watch a cartoon. You can organize a table theater with figurines. A very colorful character, Lev Chandr, can supplement our company of cartoon characters from plasticine and expand the repertoire of dialogues.

Lev Chandr - the largest plasticine figurine
among the heroes of the cartoon "Chuburashka".

The Cheburashka is about 4 times smaller than the Chandra lion. To make the whole company look the same as in the cartoon, you will have to make either a very small Cheburashka or a rather large lion. When working with children, the second option is preferable. In order for a large plasticine figure to retain its shape, it is necessary to use sculptural plasticine. It is necessary for making the stand, legs and body of a lion.

Chandra Lion Head

1. Head is pear-shaped and large enough. We will process the junction with the body with PVA glue and stick in a toothpick. While we are preparing the rest of the parts, the glue will have time to dry.

2. Eyes are performed in three stages. The white balls of plasticine must be lightly pressed down. Next, stick small pieces of black plasticine on them and press down again. Finally, stick the eyelids on top of the same color as the head.

3. Nose it is performed in the form of a long drop and is darker in color than the head. A small black triangle at the tip of the nose makes it more expressive.

4. Muzzle. Roll up two white balls, one slightly larger than the other. Cut the larger ball into two halves, leave the smaller ball intact.

5. Brows made of small cylinders of the same color as the nose.

6. Mane we perform in the form of dark brown flagella. It is better to roll the flagella for the mane with your fingers, since some unevenness in this case will make the figure more natural.

Figurine head details
from plasticine "Lev Chandr".

We assemble the head of the Chandra lion in the following order:

1. First, we connect the parts of the nose and stick to the head.

2. We fix the white hemispheres and the ball under the nose.

3. From the top of the nose we retreat about a third of its length and at this level we fix the eyes.

4. Fix the eyebrows above the eyes.

5. We spread the lion's mane from the flagella. The length of the flagella may vary slightly.

Assembling the head of the figurine
it is better to start with the nose.

Mane flagella can
be of different thickness.

Coat and Pants

made in the form of a bell with a depression at the bottom, trousers in the form of cylinders and sleeves in the form of long cones. We make the details of the coat and trousers from sculpted plasticine and cover with thin white plates. This is needed not so much to save white plasticine, but to keep the figure well in shape.

For torso, legs and stand
better use
sculptural plasticine.

Details of coat and pants
cover with a thin layer
white plasticine.

Since the process is quite lengthy, you can tell the children along the way that the famous sculptor of Ancient Greece Phidias used this technique when creating a statue of Zeus. The upper part of the statue was made of wood and covered with thin sheets of ivory and gold leaf. Thanks to the wood, the statue had less weight, and thanks to the ivory plates, it had a color close to flesh. In addition, this technology allowed Phidias to significantly save precious metal. The two-layer technology was also used by the sculptor Thutmose, the author of the world famous bust of Queen Nefertiti. The base of the bust is made of limestone. The final shape was given with the help of a gypsum-anhydrite mixture, on which the paint adheres well.

2. Cover the upper body with PVA glue.

Roll out a thin piece of white plasticine and cut a right angle out of it. Place the plate on the front of the body and flatten on the side, slightly fold back the corner.

The side of the coat figurines from plasticine "Lev Chandr"

Cut the side of the coat
from the plate and apply
on the main part.

5. Buttons in the cartoon they are metallic, but in the absence of silvery plasticine, they can be made brown or black.

For dressing up clothes
Chandra lion figurines will be needed
thin even flagella.

Paws, umbrella, scarf and stand

Lower legs are in the form of drops, and upper- hemispheres made of the same plasticine as the head of Chandra the lion. On each paw, we designate the fingers with four cuts.

The paws are not difficult to make.
Show your child how to do
stack cuts and give chunks
plasticine of the right size.

Black umbrella cane can be made on the basis of a toothpick.

Scarf made of long red flagella, stuck together along.

An umbrella and a scarf can
completely entrust to children.

Stand 7-8 mm thick made of solid sculptural plasticine is necessary for the stability of the figure. The top of the stand can be covered with gray or green plasticine. It is advisable to stick a circle of cardboard from below.

Assembling the Lion Chandra Figurine
1. Put on the toothpicks parts of the trousers and lower legs.

2. Place the paws on the stand, press them together.

Secure the legs of the figurine
from plasticine on a stand
using toothpicks.

3. Place the torso on top of the open edges of the toothpicks.

4. Attach the upper legs to the sleeves.

5. Stick the sleeves to the torso.

6. Fasten the scarf.

7. Stick your head in.

8. Bend the lion's left paw and secure the umbrella.

Ready-made figurine of the lion Chandra.

Lev Chandr is the largest of all the cartoon characters. This must be taken into account if you are going to make other characters as well.

What to instruct a child in modeling from plasticine lion Chandra?

The work is quite laborious and will take about an hour of time even if it is done by three people. Think about what else you can talk to the children about. In the process of work, you can watch the cartoon again in order to better imagine what its characters look like.

Paired parts can be performed together. You do one, child, repeating after you - the second.

Everyone will have to roll the flagella for a scarf, hair and stripes on clothes, since there are a lot of them. Entrust the hair tie for the youngest child, for the scarf, for the older child, make thin hair tie for clothes yourself.

The work of covering the sculptural plasticine with white is also enough for everyone. Assign trousers to the younger, sleeves to the elder, and leave the torso for yourself.

In the assembly, it is important to securely place the lion's legs on the stand. Do it yourself. Provide the final chord to the children: the younger to set the head, and the older one to do the final touch - to hand the lion an umbrella.

Most likely, children will want to play with plasticine cartoon characters. Play along with them. Do not be afraid that children will damage the figures, you can always fix them.

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Everyone loves plasticine and crafts made from it: applications, figurines of animals and people, transport, food and much more. Even with a minimal level of skill, but following step-by-step instructions, crafts very similar to the original are created. From plasticine of any quality - soft or traditional - you can mold the characters of your favorite cartoons, Russian and foreign. A child will really like this craft. The process itself is fascinating, and later you can even play with such plasticine heroes. Moreover, plasticine characters can become characters of a self-made cartoon.

What could be more pleasant than returning to childhood, and at the same time telling your child about it? Heroes of Soviet cartoons are less and less flickering on the screen, but it is quite easy to mold them from plasticine.

Let's get started!

Crocodile Gena

To sculpt Gena's crocodile, you need dark green plasticine. Roll the plasticine into a ball, form a head in the shape of a droplet. The nasal part is pointed, the forehead is raised.

Make two indentations for the eyes.

Using the stack, cut through the mesh on the face.

The eyes are made like this:

  1. Eyeballs are formed from white balls.
  2. The blue dot of the pupil is stuck on top.
  3. The blue point is black.

A hat in the shape of a cylinder is made of black plasticine.

The crocodile's body is molded from lilac plasticine. This is his coat. A match is attached to the top so that the head is held firmly.

Around the match-neck, you need to form a white collar and make a bow tie from black plasticine.

Sleeves are also molded from lilac plasticine, hands are glued down - green squiggles.

The next step is to stick buttons on the tailcoat and make the legs:

  • Pants made of blue plasticine;
  • Boots are made of black.

It is important that the child helps the parent in this matter. Let the shape of the toy not be perfect, but Gena is made with a soul!

The crocodile's head is attached to the match's neck.

A tail made of green plasticine is attached to the back (also on a match). With the help of a stack, a grid is also drawn on it.

The cartoon character is ready to delight the child and parents!


Gena's comrade is a big-eared animal Cheburashka, it's done a little easier! For crafts you will need:

  • brown plasticine;
  • a piece - red;
  • a piece of white;
  • beige and black.

From brown plasticine, you need to roll one larger ball and two smaller ones.

From the small balls, you need to form two flat cakes - the ear. They are attached to the head.

The face of the animal is made from a beige cake.

It is necessary to make indentations for the eyes and a triangular nose.

Cheburashka's eyes are made of white and black plasticine.

Eyebrows and an orange mouth appear on the face.

The body for the animal is made of brown plasticine. A match sits at the top to securely attach the torso to the head.

From beige plasticine, you need to make a cake for the tummy.

Legs - Legs and handles are made from small pieces of plasticine. All of them have an oblong shape and are alternately attached to the body.

Three black plasticine marigolds must be glued to the droplet-shaped handles.

The adorable animal is ready and can take its place next to its comrade Gena!

Winnie the Pooh

Soviet Vinnie is a kind fat man with sad eyes. It is not difficult to make his figurine out of plasticine.

Everything starts in the same way as in the previous work: two brown plasticine balls are taken. They will be needed for the torso and head.

The balls are connected with your fingers and the joint is smoothly, well smeared. After all, Vinnie does not have a neck as such!

The blank looks like a strange nut-like shape.

Take two small pieces of plasticine of a darker color - dark brown or black.

Buns roll from the pieces of sausages. These are the ears. They are attached to the bear's head.

A nose appears on the muzzle - a black ball. A white droplet on it will add similarity to a cartoon character.

A cake of the same color as the ears is added to the front part. The eyes will be located there.

The eyes are two white droplets and dark pupil dots. It's that simple!

Paws appear next:

  1. Two legs for the legs.
  2. Two sticks for pens.
  3. Claws are attached to all legs.

When the legs and arms are in place, cute Winnie the Pooh is ready!

You can create decorations for the characters and shoot your own cartoon with their participation. It will be fun!

For example, it is very easy to make treats for the animals and play with them like real toys.

plasticine treats


Soviet cartoon characters are quite simple to perform. From plasticine of several colors, you can create a bright craft and a toy in one bottle.

Plasticine modeling for children is one of the first creative activities that they can do. Even the smallest, under the supervision of adults, will be able to sculpt the simplest figures from plasticine. This activity is very useful for the child, he learns the world, communicates with his parents. During sculpting, fine motor skills of the hands improve, which has a beneficial effect on the brain and promotes the development of speech.

Plus, it's a very relaxed activity, which is why many parents put it off until the evening to make it easier to fall asleep. Plasticine crafts can be very diverse, the main thing is that they arouse the interest of the child.

It is important for parents to provide the child with high-quality and safe plasticine, it is advisable to have a set of a large number of bars of bright saturated colors. The wider the palette, the more room for imagination the child is provided with when working. You will need a wooden or plastic board for work, a small plastic knife, a stick. Empty ballpoint pens, paper clips, matches, toothpicks are useful for connecting individual parts. Stock up on wet wipes.

Cartoon characters

All children adore cartoons, and they will be interested in how to mold their favorite cartoon characters from plasticine, what kind of plasticine smeshariki will look like.

Let's try to blind one of the heroes - Barash. Roll one large ball for the body from lilac plasticine, several small ones are useful for curls. From the same plasticine, we will prepare the arms and legs, we will shape the hooves. From the white and black bars we will prepare circles for the eyes, the white ones are larger, and the black ones are very tiny. Use a wooden stick to shape the ears. You will need purple plasticine for the nose and horns.

Put all the details together, our beloved Barash is ready to participate in your games. How, by changing some details, you can make the rest of the characters in this cartoon.


When playing with dolls, girls will find food made from plasticine very useful. They will gladly take part in the creation of sweet delicacies for their toy daughters. Let's try to make plasticine ice cream in a waffle cup.

You will need two colors of plasticine. For a glass, you need to take light brown or beige plasticine, and for the ice cream itself - any, because its variety today is simply amazing. To make a waffle cone, roll out a round crust to the desired size. Using a stick or ruler, using light pressure, mark out a mesh that simulates a waffle pattern.

Make a cone out of this cake so that the notch remains on the outer surface. Place a ball of a different color in the horn. Ice cream is ready.

Computer hero

All parents know that computer games completely absorb the attention of children. To distract them like that on the screen is not an easy task. Offer them to mold their favorite characters of the Minecraft game from plasticine. Let's figure out how to sculpt a Hirobrin together with a child.

To make it, you will need brown, beige, blue and light blue plasticine. Roll a ball out of brown; you can easily mold a cube from it. The result is a head on which you need to attach a face - a piece of beige plasticine. Make the eyes from the white bar, and the nose and mouth from the dark one. The body of Hirobrin will be light blue and will require one parallelepiped and two cubes. Use toothpicks to join them together for a short sleeved T-shirt. Prepare a blue parallelepiped, connect a black plate to it using matches or toothpicks.

Connect the torso with the head and legs. Hands should be beige. Apply a grid to the surface, it should look like small squares. In the same way, you can mold the rest of the heroes of this computer game.

For the little ones

Heroes of computer games will interest older children, the smallest are interested in learning how their favorite animals are made from plasticine. You can try to create a hero of many cartoons, a big and kind elephant.

To make it, we need a blue material. If the kid wants to make a pink elephant, there is no need to forbid him. We make a ball from a piece of blue material, from which we draw a pipe. For the body, you need to make an elongated ball - an oval. The elephant has four legs, we roll out four columns for them. We connect all our blanks. Now you need to attach the head and tail.

The ears of an elephant are large, if made of plasticine, they can fall off. Try cutting them out of cardboard of the same color and attaching them to your head. Do not forget to make eyes for the elephant. So a new toy for your child is ready.


Most likely, girls will really want to make plasticine flowers for their mother or grandmother as a gift. To make any flower, you must first prepare all the small elements, such as cores, petals, twigs, which are then connected together. You can make an interesting gift from colorful bright flowers.

It is convenient to lay out an unnecessary CD at the basis of this craft. You will need brightly colored plasticine, toothpicks. We start by sculpting petals and leaves of the intended flowers. We sculpt leaves and stems from the green mass. With the help of a sharp stick, we make relief lines on the leaves and petals. We spread the drawing on the disk, completely covering its surface. The original souvenir is ready.

Do not think that a child, who for the first time picks up plasticine, will be able to create a masterpiece. He needs to be taught everything. After you and your baby have mastered the making of the simplest figures, you will be able to create more complex characters and make volumetric panels. To begin with, the main thing is to arouse interest in the peanut, and after the first animal he will want to dazzle the whole zoo. It is clear that the first plasticine crafts from your creator will only remotely resemble the original. It doesn't matter, over time everything will work out, most importantly, do not forget to praise the baby more often.

We sculpt our favorite characters from the cartoon "Smeshariki". Detailed photo instructions will help you learn how to mold smeshariki from plasticine with your baby.

Sculpting figures from plasticine is not only fun, but also rewarding.

This activity contributes to the general development of the child, his creativity, fine motor skills.

In the process of sculpting, the baby's nervous system stabilizes, visual memory develops, coordination and imaginative thinking improve.

With plasticine Sovunya, Krosh, Pin, Losyash, Nyusha, Karych, the child will spend many pleasant and useful minutes.

Workplace. Naturally, it is convenient to sculpt figures from plasticine at the table. But in order not to get it dirty, it is better to lay the oilcloth first.

Plasticine. It is better to choose sets of plasticine in bright juicy shades so that a child has a correct idea of ​​beauty from an early age.

Another requirement for plasticine is that it must be soft enough. Too hard plasticine should be warmed up by placing it in a cup of warm water for a few minutes.

To mold your favorite characters from the animated series from plasticine, it is better to put them in front of your eyes Images... Then it will be possible to more accurately recreate the figures.

If your child loves to sculpt, he will certainly be interested in something. Use our instructions and have fun with your child!

Ours will tell you how to mold a machine out of plasticine. Choose which one you like best: car, truck or racing!

Plasticine Sovunya

From a bar of purple plasticine, you need to break off a piece and roll it into a ball. It will be the base of the whole figurine.

It is necessary to make triangular ears from the same color and fix them on the base.

In order to make Sovunye's eyes, you need white plasticine, you need to roll two balls from it, to which you should attach the eyelids with a "visor".

Eyes with eyelids also stick to the body.

Now you need to mold the beak from red or orange plasticine. It can be rolled into a small cone, and then the tip is notched at the point where it should open slightly.

Fix the finished beak on the base directly under the eyes.

If the set contains black plasticine, then pupils can be made from it. But you can use fine black peppercorns for this.

By rolling sausages from dark plasticine, you can get paws.

To make the wings, you need to roll out two plates from the base color.

Plasticine lamb

The base will be a ball of pink plasticine.

To make Lamb's fur, you need to roll up several small balls of the same color and attach them to the base.

Ears, arms and legs should also be pink.

The eyes are made, like Sovunya's, from white and black plasticine.

Brown will be needed for the horns, nose, eyebrows and hooves of Barash.

You can make two thin strips for the mouth from red plasticine.

The material for making the Hedgehog's little ball will be red plasticine.

Half of the base must be covered with thorns made of black plasticine.

In the cartoon, the Hedgehog wears glasses that must be blinded along with the eyes and fixed on the body.

Ears, arms and legs should be red.

How to blind Losyash

This cartoon character should be sculpted with yellow material.

White eyes with pupils and eyelids must be attached to the finished body.

Losyash has a big nose in the animated series; he should be sculpted from a brown piece of plasticine.

The legs and arms of the character must be made from the base color.

From dark brown plasticine, you need to roll sausages for horns and eyebrows.

How to make Crochet

The basis for the Krosh figurine will be a turquoise or blue plasticine ball.

The eyes, as well as for all previous characters, will be two white balls with black dots.

To make Krosh's mouth, you need to arm yourself with a knife for cutting plasticine. On the torso ball, you need to make a shallow incision in the shape of the mouth and bend it down so that a smile is formed.

Now, in the resulting shape for a smile, you need to place a piece of red plasticine, and then, against its background, attach two teeth prepared from white plasticine.

Krosh's paws and ears should be turquoise.

Pink plasticine will be needed to mold Nyusha's torso ball.

Round eyes should be dazzled from white plasticine, pupils should be made from black.

Red plasticine will be needed for a round nose, eyelids and Smesharik's cilia.

From red plasticine, you need to mold two round plates and attach them to the head. A pyramid of four small balls imitating a pigtail is laid out on them. At the tip of the pigtail, you need to fix the "ponytail".

A flower is cut out of white plasticine and attached to the tip of the pigtail.

The arms and legs are harvested from pink plasticine, the hoof - from red.

Making Pina

The main Pin ball is made of black plasticine.

Large round eyes are molded from white plasticine, pupils from black.

Roll a cone from a piece of red plasticine, cut the narrow part. Then stick to the body in place of the beak.

You need to mold a hat from a piece of brown plasticine. Using black and blue plasticine, you can recreate aviator goggles and attach them to the penguin's hat.

Pin has a white tummy. In order to mark it on the figure, you need to roll out a round plate from a piece of white plasticine and stick it to the body of the Smesharik.

Wings need to be made from black plasticine. The character's paws should be red.

These are the main smeshariki from the animated series of the same name. If the child shows interest in this activity, you can try to blind other characters as well: Kopatych, Munya, Mouserik. Or you can dream up and mold your own new hero with a child.

Also try to mold more complex plasticine crafts with your child. Find out according to our instructions.

Blind the dragon will help you. You will see that dragons are different and choose the one that your child likes best.