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Why Hitler didn't like communists. Story. Why did Adolf Hitler look at the Jews with hatred?

Adolf Gitler- talented artist. His wonderful paintings attracted a lot of attention, they were admired by people of different social strata. But, as we all know, the artistic career has not been very successful. Hitler is better known to us as a cruel conqueror and exterminator of entire nations than as a famous artist. I wonder why Hitler killed the Jews? Let's figure it out.

Founder of Nazism

We, perhaps, will not dive deep into the biography of the famous conqueror of the twentieth century. But it is worth saying that perhaps not everyone knows - Adolf Hitler is the founder of the theory Nazism, the foundation of which is racial hygiene. The main principle is the impossibility of mixing races. This suggests that marriages between people of different races were not allowed. The goal is to achieve the dominance of one single race - the Aryans. Hitler decided that Aryans should "stand at the head of the entire planet", since he considered this race to be the highest. In no case was it allowed to mix with lower races, for example, Asians. Undoubtedly, the struggle between representatives of different peoples is the most powerful engine of history. But Adolf believed that it was worth stopping.

According to one of the famous historians, Hitler considered the white Aryans the purest, strongest and smartest. There was not a drop of doubt in him that this particular race was the most civilized. The tyrant hated not only the Jews. Under the string of negativity were both blacks and Asians, and gypsies. But the only certainty was that it was the Jews who were the root of all evil. This served to further extermination of the people.

Adolf Hitler misunderstood the term "race" a bit. For him Jews they just belonged to a separate race, which is trying, let's say, to "get through" to the Aryans, mix with them and thereby destroy them, leaving no purebreds.


After the end of the war, there were rumors that Adolf Hitler suffered from some kind of mental disorder. Allegedly, it was not possible to explain his actions otherwise. But in fact, according to his close associates, there was simply no evidence of mental illness or insanity.

Historian Ricky Peters states with absolute certainty that Hitler was psychologically healthy. Perhaps some small manic syndrome was still present. However, nothing surprising, because it is precisely such a diagnosis that psychologists make to many modern people.

In fact, if the tyrant had visited a psychiatrist, he would have easily identified some personality disorder in him. An evil and cruel character in some incomprehensible way helped the conqueror to find a common language with people, while skillfully manipulating them. Of course, few people can succeed. In the first place were political affairs, and then there was family, happiness and similar human feelings.

Rise of antisemitism

A deviant and dissocial personality is not the first reason for the appearance of hatred towards the Jewish peoples. Adolf Hitler only "fit" into this trend. At the height of his power, the conqueror was not the only one who did not like the Jews. antisemitism existed even before his birth, but the heyday, of course, fell on the years of the rule of the “mustache”. In general, Jews at all times were subjected to persecution and extermination, so they were no strangers to such an attitude towards themselves. But Hitler managed to move to a new level of extermination, killing thousands of people in a day.

Another answer to why Hitler killed Jews in particular is the fact that the latter tried to "take over" the world. Such information appeared from the intelligence protocols created on the territory of our country in the nineteenth century. If you believe them, then there is a real conspiracy of the Jewish estates.

“Adolf Hitler had no doubt that the Jews had created a certain global network, their own habitat. There they develop ideas for dominating our world. Hitler, with the help of written protocols, tried to legitimize the genocide, which, however, he did quite well, ”says Klaus Christensen.
During the First World War, Hitler stood in the ranks of the soldiers of the Bavarian regime. When the war ended, he made the bold statement that the Jews were the main culprits in Germany's defeat. This conclusion was due to the fact that it was they who occupied leading government posts. They simply betrayed the German army by stabbing a knife in the back.

The Nazis are 'glad' at the brewing crisis

In the early thirties of the last century, every country was plunged into a great depression. Of course, Germany was no exception. Due to this crisis in the field of the economy, huge unemployment reigned in the world, accompanied by various troubles in the social strata. At such a time it was most convenient to form views on the "careless" Jews, which Hitler did. He became head of the National Socialist Workers' Party.

“The Germans believed that such a party would help improve the quality of life, therefore Nazism is accepted without contempt of conscience. At that time, racial aspects were found only in Hitler's composition called "Mein Kampf", which translates as "My Struggle". Consequently, until the mid-thirties, little was known about racism. Only after Hitler was at the helm did anti-Semitism become widespread.

In 1932, party elections were held, in which the German Communists, along with the National Socialists, received the majority of the votes. Adolf Hitler is now chancellor. This served to ensure that the future conqueror and his associates actively advertised anti-Semitic views and beliefs. Special campaigns were created that simply humiliated the Jews, considering them an inferior race.

main slogan "Germany for the Germans!" flitted around every corner. He called on the Germans, which is first of all necessary for the preservation of the purebred Aryan race. Other peoples, and especially the Jews, must be weeded out.

Of course, there is also the other side of the coin. In addition to supporters, there were also opponents. They believed that it was cruel to destroy entire nations for the sake of purebred people. Everyone chooses his own destiny. With such people, Hitler dealt with radical methods.

crystal night

One of the well-known events of the extermination of Jews was the so-called Kristallnacht, which took place in November 1938. In just a few hours, shops belonging to a hated people, cemeteries, synagogues, and so on, were wiped off the face of the earth all over Germany. Of course, the most diverse methods were used: from the usual execution to destruction by gas and burning of premises.

Some Germans rebelled against the actions of Adolf Hitler, but this did nothing for them at all. Persecution and extermination continued, each time gaining greater support from the population. A few years later, the close military commander sent millions of Jews to camps, where they were dealt with with the most cruel methods. Even after the war ended, huge investments continued in the construction of camps and murder weapons for the Jews. Although the money had to be spent on more necessary things and simply save resources, which were categorically lacking.

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The point is not that Hitler hated the Jews, the point is that the Jews were hated by many inhabitants of Europe, including Hitler, or maybe he simply took on the shield of the ideology of fighting Jews using anti-Semitism for political purposes.

Hatred of Jews is based on a number of reasons 1) Evangelical - the crucifixion of Christ by the Jewish Pharisees 2) Settlement in Europe of strangers who refuse to assimilate, preserving their traditions, sometimes referring to the local population "haughtily" 3) Strengthening and enriching Jewish communities against the backdrop of a sharp decline in the life of the population . There are probably other factors, perhaps better formulated or even different, but I will characterize these.

Anti-Semitism is an ineradicable phenomenon in most of the European and Middle Eastern world, periodically, for socio-political purposes, fueled by someone.

At that time, the sociologist Werner Sombart was very popular in Germany. He even has a separate book about how everything bad in the economy arose because of the Jews and their damned religion. It is called "Jews and Economic Life". After reading this book, it is very difficult not to hate the Jews.

I especially like one argument from there. Its essence is as follows. The Jewish religion requires Jews to work hard and hard. It would seem that this is a plus. However, it is further explained that this raises a curious problem. Normal people who work not for religious reasons, but for pragmatic reasons, cannot compete with the Jews in almost nothing. After all, normal people sometimes want to relax. They are not inclined to devote to work all the time. And the situation in which the Jews, thanks to their hard work, always turn out to be the best in everything, is completely unacceptable.

Nowhere in the book does it explicitly state that the Jewish question requires a final solution. But the problem is described in such a way that there seems to be no other solution.

Of course, Hitler read this book. But that's not the point. This author was very popular anyway. Hitler simply managed to take control of the energy of the broad masses and direct it to the implementation of a specific political program.

Hitler promoted vehement anti-Semitism for political purposes. Perhaps, deep down, his anti-Semitism was no stronger than ordinary household German. However, nothing unites the masses like a common enemy, which, according to many Germans of that time, were the Jews (in particular, the Jews who were sitting in the German General Staff were accused of losing in the First World War). Germany was embittered and humiliated by the defeat in the war. Hitler, as a corporal who fought in it, understood this very well. He felt the pain point of the Germans, promising to deal with it. Around his racial theory, he was able to rally the nation. He also hoped to rally around him other European peoples, among whom anti-Semitism was also widespread.

It is difficult to say anything for sure, but it seems plausible to me that Hitler's dislike for Jews at the everyday level originated in the 2000s when he worked in Vienna. In what was then Vienna, relations between Germans and Jews, who enjoyed much greater rights there than in Germany, were generally rather hostile. Especially in the artistic environment, where the Jews had a large representation and played a relatively significant role in comparison with other areas.

Well, of course, Hitler was a patriot of Kaiser's Germany, a hero of the First World War, and he perceived the November Revolution as a tragedy. At the same time, he accepted without hesitation the then-widespread legend of "stab in the back" and became a staunch anti-Semite.

The times were like that. Even before the First World War, it was customary to hate the Jews, to invent all sorts of stories, and then to believe in them together. And there, it would be someone to hate, but there is a reason. In the case of the Jews, these very reasons were many. They are different, they refuse to believe in Jesus, they constantly bathe (because of which they get less plague and other similar diseases), they refuse to work once a week, they are too rich, they live in their own communes, they killed Jesus ...

So hatred has survived to this day. The difference between the Nazis is that they raised this hatred to a new level. If earlier Jews could save themselves by changing their religion to the correct one, now such tricks do not work. Jews began to be hated for belonging to the Jewish people. And it doesn't matter what god you believe in, where and how you live, the important thing is that you are a Jew. The Nazis convinced themselves that a Jewish nose can be found in any crime, the Jews want to take over the world and the Jews want to destroy the Aryans with their damned blood.

The Germans, and even more so the veterans of the Great War, accused the communists of having “stab a knife in the back” at the most crucial moment of the war, because of which the Germans lost the war. But before that, for four long years, they fought (and quite successfully) on two fronts. But as soon as the communists tried to make a revolution, Atlanta approaches the walls of Berlin, and the Kaiser abdicates the throne. Well, who is our leader of the Communists, his most ardent followers and, in general, the creators of this philosophy? That's right, Jews!

And on all this beautiful soil fell the seeds of Darwin's theory (which was transformed into social Darwinism) and the thoughts of Nietzsche, who believed that the Aryans, like shepherds, should lead all peoples to a happy future. This whole salad gave what happened at the end: the Holocaust and the extermination of six million Jews only (not to mention many others, including "inferior" Germans with bad heredity).

When Adolf Hitler was unable to enter the art academy, he was left in Vienna without a livelihood and was forced to live in bunkhouses. As a rule, the owners of these establishments were Jews. What he saw and experienced in these places forever made him an anti-Semite. Version with a Jewish prostitute - has no evidence.

Pathological anti-Semitism was not invented by Hitler. It is found much more widely than it is customary to say in a decent society, including among the participants in this project. Moreover, a significant part of anti-Semites with Jews never met and did not intersect in real life. Vysotsky sang it well - "Why should I be considered a thief and a bandit? Isn't it easier for me to become an anti-Semite? True, there is no law on their side, but the love and enthusiasm of millions."

The Jews have long been the universal scapegoat, the eternal answer to the question "Who is to blame?" And this question was acute for the Germans, after the loss of the First World War. So the answer suggested itself.

They say Hitler's anti-Semitism acquired a chronic form after he picked up something extremely unpleasant from a Jewish prostitute in Vienna.

There is an opinion, one of many, that Hitler's Judeophobia developed thanks to Ludwig Wittgenstein. With him, young Adolf studied at the same college in Linz. Wittgenstein was three-quarters Jewish, but that was not why he was not loved. In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote:

True, in a real school I had to get acquainted with one Jewish boy, to whom we all treated with a certain caution, but only because he was too silent, and we, taught by bitter experience, did not really trust such boys.

From a review of Kimberly Cornish's The Jew from Linz in the Berliner LeseZeichen almanac with the ingenious title "These two whistled together":

Cornish is convinced: "Without any doubt, it can be considered that it was Ludwig Wittgenstein who became the reason for turning Hitler into an implacable anti-Semite."

It sounds, of course, strange, but what just happens to the human psyche, especially in the first decades of life.

It is difficult to look for an internal enemy, but you need to fight with someone in order to blame someone else for your failures.

Jews are ideal, they are successful, they have a different religion and language, hence anti-Semitism. Now imagine what you are told every Sunday Kiselev-Soloviev tells how the Jews want to burn Russia, in a week you are smashing the synagogue.

Hitler, by and large, did not care about people, a Jew is not a Jew, he has little regard for the matter.

The history of Hitler's anti-Semitism is long. To begin with, Hitler, like many Germans (by the way, he was an Austrian) fought on the fronts of the First World War. He rose to the rank of corporal. He served as a messenger, that is, he delivered the order of the command to the trenches and sometimes to the front line. Even was presented to the iron cross. During one of the gas attacks, he almost went blind and was sent to the hospital. He met the defeat of Germany in the hospital. Some researchers believe that even then Hitler wondered who was to blame for losing the war. Defeat in the war of the German Empire and

Good day, dear fans of my blog! I think there is no person who, at the mention of the name of Hitler, does not have the most negative emotions.

Let's try to find out why Hitler exterminated the Jews, but I'm sure that history is silent about many things. Imagination immediately creates terrible camps, ghettos and the faces of tortured and torn to pieces people and, worst of all, children.

Therefore, it is impossible to find an excuse either for this dictator or for that cruel nation that did all this.

Although this seems to be nationalism again, because they say that there is no bad nation. It is simply not clear how entire groups of supposedly educated people could do what is now the work of the most cruel murderers and maniacs, who are few to quarter and who are sentenced to the highest measure.

When the Nazis came to power, many anti-Jewish laws immediately came out. It was then that the Germans began to oust the Jews from Germany and various controlled countries.

These processes were assigned SS and Gestapo.

Terrible horrors began after the German troops entered Poland. At the same time, the anti-Jewish policy became tougher to the point of lawlessness.

The National Socialists decided to exterminate the Jews en masse. This is how the real genocide began.

Hitler hated Jews and Gypsies, considered them inferior, and therefore destroyed them in every possible way, burned them and wanted to wipe them clean.

Subdivisions SS carried out mass executions, and then used ghazvans, where people were poisoned with carbon monoxide.

For mass destruction and created concentration camps. Camp only Auschwitz 1.3 million people were killed. By the way, children were killed.
It seems to me that whatever the reasons for such hatred are, they do not justify these atrocities.

After all, if you think about it, then each of the Nazis who did this can be equated with Chikatilo or any other maniac and terrible killer.

How a normal person could look at how people are being massacred en masse simply does not fit in my head. And all this is cultural Europe.

Do you know that some historians believe that such a policy found a lively response from the German people, because all the property taken from the Jews was distributed to ordinary Germans. Here you have the higher matters of "purebred Aryans."

There are many cases in history when hundreds of thousands of people were massacred only on a national or religious basis.

For example, as recently as 1994, such purges took place in Rwanda.
For what and why the Jews were exterminated, you can find out if you study the origins of Nazism. Just the Nazis decided to divide all the people. To the ruling elite, to the true Aryans, of course, they attributed themselves.

To the second group - all Slavic peoples, and to the third group of gypsies and Jews. By the way, blacks were completely excluded from such a gradation as an inferior race. Hitler did not like the Jews, because he considered them guilty of all revolutions and the emergence of Bolshevism.
It is difficult to say in what year the future dictator developed a steady disgust against the Jews.

For the first time he met a Jewish boy while still in school. Then, after reading anti-Semitic pamphlets, he developed a dislike for this nation. At the same time, he decided to completely distance himself from people of this nationality in everyday life.

Consequences for Europe

As a result of inexplicable hatred, what terrible consequences befell Europe itself. About 6 million Jews were destroyed.

After that, the culture of Yiddish began to fade. The surviving Jews settled in Israel, which grew strong and grew.

Roma killed up to 1.5 million people. A huge number of Russians died. The appalling numbers are over 20 million, but a lot of the data was hidden. For example, in 1941, at the Lychkovo station, the Germans dropped bombs from aircraft and shot 2,000 children, and the pilots even tried to hit those children who were trying to hide in the field.

Then the newspapers wrote that only 48 people died. For some reason, this story was hushed up for a long time, although it was possible to find the very Nazis who did it.

The Germans are neat people, they have everything written down. Perhaps Stalin was the reason for not fanning an even bigger conflict.

Russian people and children also did not mean anything. It's just ridiculous when the German government is now trying to say that minority sex is oppressed in Russia.
By the way, small nationalities also fought on the side of the Nazis. For example, Bendera. About the fact that they accompanied the Germans, my great-grandmother also told.

They were cowardly, climbed around the yards and stole food.

Hitler's childhood

Many historians believe that the reasons for the brutality of Hitler's policies in his childhood. He had an abusive stepfather who periodically beat him and his mother.

His family was not well-to-do even in those years, many considered other nationalities to be the culprits of their troubles.
Human life was not valued as much as it is now. Although, again, this cannot be said for the German people.

But the Russian commanders often sent people for meat, for example, the infamous penal battalions.

It is clear that the Russians are prone to exploits, and bravely fought and defended their homeland, but the commanders-in-chief rarely climbed into hell, hiding behind the backs of ordinary soldiers.

In general, the Fuhrer absorbed a lot of hatred as a child, which he later embodied in the service.
In his book, Hitler spoke about his political views, and also gave his assessment of the role of different nationalities in the processes of history.

He considered the representatives of these peoples to be quirky and selfish. And, of course, the Aryans are characterized as people with great dedication and idealistic attitudes.

It is a fact, but the Fuhrer himself never visited concentration camps.

Causes of hatred

Some say that Hitler developed a hatred of Jews because he contracted syphilis from a Jewish prostitute when he was young.

There is also a version that his mother died at the hands of an inexperienced Jewish doctor. Anger was fueled by a failed exam at an art school with a teacher with Jewish roots.

It seems that he wanted to become an artist, but this fateful moment changed everything radically - and Adolf, instead of drawing Jews and the beautiful, began to wet them.

Agree, the reasons, to put it mildly, are so-so.
Rumor has it that the true Aryan himself was a quarter of a Jew by his father, but he tried to hide this fact.
In general, I probably didn’t manage to objectively describe the reasons - I can’t calmly relate to cruelty and any murders.

And especially when children are affected. I think that even now it is still possible to apply to some international court and in the case in Lychkovo, this cannot be hushed up.

What do you think about the reasons for the extermination of Jews, Gypsies or Slavs, why did Hitler do this? You can write your opinion in the comments.
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There are at least two versions of why Hitler did not like (to put it mildly) the Jews. One version is the opinion of historians who have studied his personality. Specialists who can honestly examine the life of Adolf - this is an objective view from the outside. The second version is the opinion of Hitler himself, who outlined the reasons for his hatred in the book "My Struggle". In it, Hitler describes in detail the many factors that provoked such an attitude.

Hitler's biographer Joachim Fest believes that Adolf's hatred for everything manifested itself in his childhood.. Hitler's comrades claimed that he constantly entered into conflicts, felt hostility for no reason. Raging anger found an outlet by focusing on anti-Semitism.

Why did Adolf Hitler look with hatred at the Jews:

  • Uncleanliness and untidiness. According to the Fuhrer's personal observations, the Jews do not like to bathe. They do this very rarely, so they are easily distinguished from other people by an unpleasant smell. If we take into account the constant untidiness in clothes, then the prejudiced attitude towards the Jews on the part of the neat people becomes understandable. Adolf from early childhood was taught to treat personal hygiene responsibly. For him, all those who ignored cleanliness and tidiness became annoyance factors.
  • Moral dirt. Hitler devoted a lot of time to studying the activities of Jews in various spheres of life. The conclusion was clear: all these people are involved in certain "unclean" deeds. In his book, the Fuhrer compares an unpleasant nationality with worms or nasty larvae in an abscess. The activity was culturally equated with the plague. The worst thing is that their worldview spread with great speed and was not cured by anything, penetrating into every corner of consciousness. The constant thirst for profit was mixed with the absence of moral restrictions on the way to achieve the desired result.

  • Split personality. The strangest thing is that on one issue the Jews could express completely opposite thoughts. The answer depended on the circumstances and surroundings. Such duplicity could cause extremely negative emotions. Even in historical terms, there were many negative moments. For example, the leaders of the Social Democracy belonging to a given nationality showed hatred for their own people. Such behavior dishonors the history of the country and its great figures. For Hitler, this situation was absolutely unacceptable. Leaders reflect their people, so the chosen path of development casts a black shadow on all representatives of this nationality.
  • Fight against Germany. It was the Jews who ensured that the neutral states became members of the anti-German coalition. It was created before the World War. It is difficult to say whether the Jews really had a hand in these events. What purpose could they pursue in this way? The destruction of the German patriotic intelligentsia would lead to the complete subjugation of Germany, after which the whole world would open up. At least that's what Adolf thought. That is why he decided to enter politics. Only in this way could the country be saved from the interference of the cunning people.
  • A quirky and rich mind. Hitler rightly considered Jews to be very intelligent people. Their intellectual properties have been developed over thousands of years. Sharpening the skills of politics and trade was absorbed literally with mother's milk. Not without reason among the Jews, the family line is transmitted through the female line. They say that a smart man learns not from his own mistakes, but from others. Most often, Jews did this, carefully observing what was happening around them. The resourcefulness of this nationality caused the Fuhrer a mixture of admiration and hatred. How could they act so low with their global capabilities?
  • The spread of syphilis in the country. The Jews, who penetrated into the area even of sexual life, promoted commercial marriages without feelings. Accordingly, they allowed the satisfaction of love instincts elsewhere. This approach to intimate relationships led to the rapid spread of venereal disease. Why did Hitler not like the Jews in their promiscuity? Where there is room for dirt, you cannot build the future of the country. Sick people can infect quite healthy neighbors! Therefore, it is easier to “remove” a possible source of problems in the bud.

    Which version is more objective: the revelations of the person himself or a view from the outside? Everyone decides for himself. Most experts agree that the cause of hatred is an obvious mental disorder. There are no flaws that make it worth killing tens of millions of people. Moreover, not only Jews suffered.

    The persecution of the Jews

    played a role and attitude towards Jews in society. The fact is that they represented not only a national, but also a religious minority:

    1. Forced to wander the world, people did not have their own homeland.
    2. In the new lands, thanks to intelligence and perseverance, Jews often occupied leading positions and lived quite well.
    3. Separate areas were completely occupied by Jews, representatives of other nationalities somehow survived from them.
    4. In a sense, the first migrants in history were depriving the “living space” of the natives.
    5. This was especially noticeable in the years of crisis, when inflation, unemployment and poverty came.
    6. But at the same time it was necessary to blame someone else for their troubles.
    7. The first ghettos for Jews appeared in Italy in the Middle Ages.

When Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, no one doubted that an ardent anti-Semite had come to power. Hateful attacks against the Jews took up a lot of space in Mein Kampf, and the Nazi Party program forbade the admission of Jews into it.

The anti-Semitism of the National Socialists had its traditional reasons: the Jews were accused of controlling a disproportionate part of the economic and spiritual life in Germany, using this power solely for their own interests. In addition, the Nazis saw the Jews as the vanguard of the Communist Party. At the same time, they referred to the fact that the Jews played a leading role in the October Revolution, and in the short-lived Bela Kun regime in Hungary, and in the even more short-lived Bavarian Republic.

The coming to power of the NSRPG in Germany was an unpleasant blow for the German Jews, who for the most part were assimilated and considered themselves good patriots. For some time they hoped that by taking on the burden of state responsibility, the National Socialists would become more moderate. After all, anti-Semitism did not play a leading role during the election campaign. They voted for the NSRPG not out of hatred for the Jews, but because they thought that Hitler would give the Germans work and bread.

After the burning of the Reichstag on February 27, 1933 and the triumph of the National Socialists on March 5 of the same year in the elections, repressions did not take long, but almost only leftists, primarily communists, became their victims. The first concentration camp appeared in Dachau at the end of March, followed by other camps. There were also Jews among the prisoners, but not as Jews and Jews, but as left-wing activists (or criminals).

At this time, only individual fanatics or hooligans allowed themselves antics against the Jews, but the government did not approve of them.

Hitler took the first action against the Jews on April 1, 1933, calling for a boycott of Jewish shops. More serious and all-encompassing were the various sections of the law on the legal profession, which came out six days later, as well as the decision to restore the professional bureaucracy. Most of the Jewish officials were dismissed, often under the guise of retirement. The rulings against the Jews were not as harsh as the Nazis wanted, for Hitler had to reckon with his partners in the conservative camp.

With the help of these decrees, the number of Jewish lawyers and notaries was greatly reduced. Shortly thereafter, a 1.5 percent quota was introduced for Jews in medical and law faculties. In the months that followed, many Jews who served in government offices or educational institutions were fired, retired, or banned from their profession. Then, for a while, it seemed as if the storm had subsided, and 10,000 of the 60,000 Jews who had left it after Hitler came to power returned to Germany.

But those were illusory hopes. In September 1935, the "Nuremberg Laws" came to the Reichstag, which prohibited marriages and extramarital relations between Jews and "Aryans", but then there was a pause again, partly due to the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. The year 1937 brought a large-scale "arization" of the German economy, which meant the forced sale by Jews of their enterprises and firms for a price generally less than the real one.

In 1938, the National Socialist regime tightened the screws even more. In June, Jews sentenced to more than a month's imprisonment were sent to concentration camps. In November, Herschel Grynszpan, a Polish Jew, killed a German diplomat in Paris, leading to the famous Kristallnacht.

Excessions took place throughout Germany, during which many synagogues were desecrated, Jewish shops were looted and burned, from 36 to 91 Jews were killed and many were injured. In Germany itself and Austria, which became part of the Reich in March, 31.5 thousand Jews were arrested and placed in four camps: Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Dachau and Mauthausen. True, most of them were soon released, but the shock of Kristallnacht and the subsequent arbitrary measures taken by the government - for example, a fine of one billion marks was imposed on the German Jewish community - dispelled among the Jews all hopes for an improvement in their situation. Until October 1941, when the order to stop emigration was issued, two-thirds of German Jews left Germany, and among those who remained, already in 1939, more than half were over 65 years old.

The same process, but at a faster pace, took place after the Anschluss in March 1938 in Austria and in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia after the partition of Czechoslovakia in March 1939. Within a short time, most of the Austrian and a significant number of Czech Jews emigrated.

This mass exodus fully corresponded to the plans of the National Socialists, and then they supported it with all their might. Jews were driven to emigrate by various oppressions to which they had been subjected since 1935. To reinforce it The Nazis worked closely with the Zionists circles interested in resettling as many Jews as possible in Palestine. This cooperation, which is mostly hushed up these days, is very well told in the book The Order of the Dead Head by Heinz Hehne, a classic study on the SS, which is based on the following facts.

In the autumn of 1934, Leopold Edler von Mildenstein, who later became an SS Unterscharffihrer, published an article in the Nazi organ Angrif on the prospects for a Jewish state in Palestine. As a regular participant in the Zionist congresses, Mildenstein saw the solution of the Jewish question in the emigration of Jews to the British Mandatory Territory, where the State of Israel later really arose. This article was brought to the attention of Reinhard Heydrich, the head of the SD (security service), who liked the idea. All German Jews must leave for Palestine, if possible voluntarily or under duress. Of course, a minority of Jewish emigrants chose Palestine as their new homeland, while the majority preferred to go to other countries, mainly to the United States.

Mildenstein's plan was to "dissimilate" the assimilated Jews and turn them into Zionists. On Himmler's orders, he organized the "Jewish Sector" to stimulate emigration. This sector supported re-education camps where young Jews received agricultural training for work in Palestinian kibbutzim. In August 1936 there were at least 37 similar camps operating in Germany. One of them is mentioned in Neudorf even in March 1942!

One of the most active employees of the mentioned sector was the SS Adolf Eichmann, who on February 27, 1937, met in Berlin with the Zionist leader Feivel Polkesh, who held the position of commander of the Jewish militia of the Hagan in Palestine. Polkesh told Eichmann that he wanted with all his might to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine, so that in time there would be more Jews than Palestinians. In October of the same year, Eichmann met in Cairo with Polkesch for negotiations for the second time. After them, the SS man Herbert Hagen, who accompanied Eichmann, stated that the Jewish nationalists were more satisfied with the radical German policy towards the Jews, because it contributed to an increase in their number in Palestine.

However, the described plan soon ran into difficulties, as it caused unrest among the Arab population of the mandated territory and the British decided to slow down emigration. In December 1937, the first relevant orders were issued, and in May 1939 the White Book appeared, according to which only 75,000 Jews were allowed into Palestine in the next five years, although illegal immigration, of course, went on by itself. The beginning of the war in September 1939 dealt a crushing blow to the Palestinian plans of the SD, because the Germans did not really want to alienate the Arabs, their potential allies in the war with the British.

After the United States and other countries took measures to reduce Jewish emigration, Germany began to think about resettling Jews in Madagascar. Franz Rademacher, chief of the Jewish sector in the German section of the Foreign Office, was a supporter of this idea. The implementation of this project became real after the defeat of France, whose colony was this huge island. However, Petain opposed, but even if he agreed to the plan, it would be difficult to carry it out, since there were few ships for transportation and the British kept the sea routes under control.

After the capture by the Germans at the beginning of the war with the USSR of large territories in the East in Berlin, an idea arose to create a zone inhabited by Jews there. On 31 July 1941 Göring wrote to Heydrich:

“In addition to the task set by the order of 01/24/1939, the possibility of a favorable solution of the Jewish question in the form emigration and evacuation in accordance with the circumstances of the time, I instruct you to carry out all the necessary preparations of an organizational, business and material nature for the general solution of the Jewish question in the German zone of influence in Europe. Other competent central authorities may be involved. Further, I instruct you to submit to me in the near future a general plan of preliminary measures of an organizational, business and material nature for the implementation of the envisaged final solution of the Jewish question.

Holocaust supporters cite this letter all the time, interpreting it as the beginning of the extermination of the Jews. Since the words "in the form of emigration or evacuation" get in the way, sometimes they are simply omitted. When correctly quoted, for example, by Raul Gilberg, these words are presented as a disguised "extermination". Gilberg also concludes that, having received the letter, Heydrich firmly took control of the process of genocide into his own hands. True, he does not explain why the second-ranking National Socialist had to resort to allegory in his informal letter to the head of the Nazi police. Since not a single written order for the extermination of the Jews was found, adherents of the myth of the Holocaust have to conjecture what is not in the text. Speaking of the emigration and evacuation of Jews, Goering meant only this and nothing else. Indeed, beginning in 1941, Jews from Germany and the occupied regions were transported to the East, first to Poland, and then in increasing numbers to Russia. Since hundreds of thousands of Jews were taken to the camps, their fate was unenviable even without a plan of extermination.

There were three reasons for the Nazis' behavior. First, they urgently needed a work force at a time when most of the combat-ready men were at the front, and as such, well-trained Jews in general were especially suitable. The transportation of old people and children to the camps is simply due to the fact that the families did not want to be separated. Secondly, the Jews were considered unreliable, for they undoubtedly always stood on the side of the enemy. As already mentioned, the percentage of Jews in the occupied countries of the resistance fighters was very high. Thirdly, the Nazis thought of using favorable circumstances to hasten the "final solution" of the Jewish question, by which they meant - contrary to the legend of the physical extermination of the Jews - their emigration or resettlement in territory on the eastern fringes of the German sphere of power.

Although emigration was said to have been officially banned in the autumn of 1941, the law was not strictly enforced and Jews could leave Europe during the war. The ban on emigration was, of course, aimed at preventing the fact that combat-ready and technically educated Jews could enter the service of the enemy. That is why Jews began to be deported to the East from the end of 1941. Below we will return to the fate of the deportees.

In the European countries occupied by Hitler, Jews had to suffer deportation to varying degrees. It unexpectedly strongly affected the Dutch Jews, most of whom were deported, while the Jews of Belgium and France were not affected much - foreign Jews were mainly deported from these countries. Since the goal of the National Socialists was to oust the Jews from Europe, they naturally began where there was the least difficulty. In France and Belgium, they had to reckon with local governments that opposed the deportation of Jews, their fellow citizens. After the German attack, the government fled from Holland, and therefore the Nazis could do whatever they wanted.

By the way, the deportation and internment of Jews in the Nazi Reich has a historical parallel: the United States and Canada interned most of the Japanese, even holders of American and Canadian passports. And this despite the fact that - as Reagan acknowledged decades later - not a single case of espionage or subversion by Japanese Americans was revealed!

Now let's risk touching on a very delicate topic - the question of how consciously the Zionists, especially American ones, provoked the persecution of Jews in Germany and the occupied countries and what is their responsibility - if not legal, then at least moral - for the plight of the Jews.

American Jew Edwin Black describes in his sensationally frank book "The Transfer Agreement", published in 1984, the stages of the economic war unleashed by Jewish organizations against Germany immediately after Hitler came to power, i.e. even before the first anti-Semitic decrees. On March 27, 1933, a large rally was held at Madison Square Garden in New York, the participants of which demanded a complete boycott of Germany until the day the National Socialist government was overthrown. Mac Connell, one of the speakers, stated in part:

“... Even if the persecution in Germany weakens for a while, protests and rallies against the Nazis must continue until they are removed from power.”

And Stephen S. Wise, president of the Congress of American Jews and one of the organizers of the rally, warned that:

At the same time, a boycott began in other countries. In Poland, "... at mass rallies, in unison with the rally of the Congress (of American Jews), it was decided to extend the boycott begun in Vilnius to the whole country. In Warsaw, the three largest Jewish trading firms pledged to “take the most drastic measures of protection by boycotting goods imported from Germany. In London, almost all the Jewish shops in the Whitechapel area slammed their doors on German merchants.

The consequences of this economic boycott were disastrous for Germany:

“The trade unions have taken measures against especially important branches of industry, which brought primarily foreign exchange earnings, such as dressing furs. According to estimates, the total losses of the Germans in this area alone in 1933 amounted to 100 million marks.

It really seemed that the words from the article "The Jews declare war on Germany", published on March 24 in the Daily Express, began to come true:

“The Jews of the whole world unite in order to declare financial and economic war on Germany… All frictions and contradictions are forgotten in the face of one common goal… to force Nazi Germany to stop its terror and violence against the Jewish minority.”

Black justifies this economic war by the German government's ruthless suppression of the Jews:

“The Nazis started a war with the Jews, mobilizing all of Germany. For their part, the Jews launched a war with the Nazis, inciting the whole world. Ahead - a boycott, protest marches, rallies against Hitler. It was necessary to isolate Germany politically, and even economically and culturally, until the Nazi leadership fell. So Germany was once again being taught a bitter lesson.

The author’s mistake is only that at that time there was simply no “war unleashed against the Jews with the mobilization of all Germany”, no “terror and violence against the Jewish minority”, “unreasonable killings, starvation, extermination and diabolical persecution” (These are the words of Samuel Untermeyer, government advisor and chairman of the Non Sectarian Anti-Nazi League). There were only a few antics of anti-Semitic hooligans, against whom the new regime took all possible measures, as the statements of German Jewish organizations unequivocally testify to. On March 31, Max Naumann, honorary chairman of the Union of National German Jews, answered in the Neue Wiener Journal:

“First, I want to tell you that I oppose this anti-German persecution through the escalation of horrors. This campaign reminds me of the recent persecution of the Germans and their allies during the war. Even the details and methods coincide exactly when it was written about severed children's hands and gouged out eyes and about the use of corpses to obtain fatty substances. In this context fit the current statements that the dismembered corpses of Jews are lying in the cemeteries, that as soon as a Jew goes out into the street, he is attacked. Of course, there were separate tricks, but that's all... And I know that in these cases the authorities acted without ceremony. We German Jews are at least convinced that the government and the leadership of the NSRPG really want to maintain peace and order.”

Everyone understood that the Nazis, unable to get to the instigators of the boycott campaign, would unleash their wrath on the German Jews. In vain, however, Dr. Loewenstein, chairman of the "Imperial Union of German Frontline Soldiers", in a letter to American Jews sent to the US Embassy in Berlin, called for an end to this madness:

“We think the time has come to dissociate ourselves from the irresponsible persecution that is being carried out abroad by the so-called. Jewish intellectuals. The arrows that you throw from your protected hiding place, although they harm Germany and the German Jews, still do not honor the shooters themselves.

The terrible mockery of German Jews in 1933 existed only in the imagination of the propagandists, which confirms, describing the situation of that time, such an absolutely impeccable eyewitness as the Jewish historian Arno Mayer:

“Among the first prisoners of the Third Reich, there were relatively few Jews and, characteristically, they were arrested as politicians, lawyers or writers of the left orientation.”

One thing is clear - no one at that time was arrested just because he was a Jew. Elsewhere Meyer speaks of the reason for the boycott:

"On March 20, a committee of prominent American Jews, preoccupied with ominous instructions in Streicher's Stürmer, decided to call a mass meeting at Madison Square Garden on March 27."

The reason, or rather the pretext, for the unparalleled boycott campaign was the "ominous instructions" in an unofficial leaflet, which, due to its primitive and pornographic nature, was despised even by many Nazis!

Hitler responded to the international boycott with the aforementioned one-day boycott of Jewish shops, which, by the way, was held on Saturday, when most of them were already closed. In a huge number of school textbooks there is a photograph taken that day: outside a Jewish store, SS men point to a poster "Do not buy from Jews!" The textbooks, however, do not say how long this boycott lasted or what caused it. This is how history is falsified.

In the future, Jewish organizations in the US and other countries did not hesitate to do anything to provoke new measures against German Jews. In August 1933, Untermeyer, in a speech that was broadcast over the radio throughout the country, stated:

“Each of you, be he a Jew or a non-Jew, who has not yet become a participant in the holy war, must today become one ... It’s not enough that you don’t buy German goods, you shouldn’t communicate at all with merchants or shopkeepers selling German products, or with using German ships ... - To our shame, there are a few Jews among us - fortunately they are few - who have so little pride and self-respect that they sail on German ships ... Everyone should know their names. They are traitors to our nation."

In January 1934, when in Germany no one - with the exception of some fanatical criminals - touched a single Jew with a finger because of his religion or nationality, the radical Zionist Vladimir Zhabotinsky wrote:

“All the Jewish communities and each individual Jew, all the trade unions at each congress and at each congress have been waging a worldwide struggle against Germany for months now. We will launch a spiritual and physical war against Germany on the part of the whole world. Our Jewish interests demand total destruction Germany".

In Berlin, such statements were taken literally. The German Jews had to pay for them, and no one asked them if they agreed with the chatter of the Untermeyers, the Wises, and the Jabotinskys. The Zionists knew what they were doing. As always, they used the German Jews as a bargaining chip in the struggle to create their own state. During the war, the persecution intensified even more. On December 3, 1942, Chaim Weizmann, head of the World Zionist Organization, declared:

“We are a Trojan horse in the enemy camp. Thousands of Jews living in Europe are the main factor in the destruction of our enemies.”

It was these phrases that the National Socialists referred to when ordering the deportation of Jews to camps and ghettos.

Even before the US entered the war, the American Jew Nathanael Kaufman published a book called "Germany Must Perish", in which he demanded the complete extermination of the German people through sterilization:

“If we remember that vaccinations and sera benefit the population, then the sterilization of the German people must be regarded as a wonderful hygienic measure on the part of mankind in order to forever protect ourselves from the bacteria of the German spirit.”

Although Kaufmann's book went almost unnoticed in the United States, Goebbels and Streicher skillfully took advantage of this craft, ordering it to be immediately translated into German and published in large numbers. In this regard, the German Jew Gideon Burg rightly remarked:

“It looks like tomboys in a circus throwing stones at a lion into whose mouth a tamer put his head. There would be nothing for the tomboys - between them and the danger is the ocean, that is, the bars of an animal cage.

Frivolity or naivete? Unlikely. It should not be forgotten that the Zionist strategy was to incite Hitler to increasingly harsh anti-Semitic measures to oppress the Jews. On the one hand, this pushed the German Jews to emigrate to Palestine, on the other hand, the Zionists proved to the governments of the Western powers that a national home was necessary for the Jews. The propaganda of "horrors" about the extermination of the Jews, which began in 1942, was aimed at the same thing. This is not difficult to judge from statements such as Weizmann's March 2, 1943, op-ed in The New York Times:

"Two million Jews have already been exterminated... The task of democracies is obvious... they must negotiate through neutral countries, seeking the release of Jews in the occupied areas... May the gates of Palestine open wide for all who hope to see the shores of the Jewish Fatherland."

It is a lie that two million Jews were exterminated at the beginning of 1943, but by that time tens of thousands had ended up in the camps.