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Vitamin B12: who needs it, what is responsible for and how to calculate the deficiency. Vitamin B12: what does the body need for, symptoms of deficiency, sources For what diseases vitamin B12 is prescribed

The chemical name for vitamin B12 is cobalamin. This important substance must be obtained from external sources, since the body does not produce it on its own, so you need to pay attention to foods rich in vitamin B12.

Most likely fitness enthusiasts and athletes will not be deficient in B12. However, it is important to make sure you are consuming enough of this vitamin and to know exactly which foods contain vitamin b12. With low levels of cobalamin and other B vitamins, you will experience lethargy and loss of appetite.

Research from the University of Oregon, published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Metabolism, has shown that deficiencies in B vitamins in people with active lifestyles have decreased performance during intense exercise. In this article, we will analyze in detail what vitamin b12 is for the human body and what health problems can be avoided with its help.

# 1 Generating Energy in the Body

It is important to understand that vitamin B12 will not provide you with energy if you are already deficient.

However, B12 and seven other B vitamins will help the body convert food into glucose for energy. Among other things, B12 helps to produce elements of DNA and red blood cells. It is also beneficial for the repair of bone marrow, the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, and the respiratory tract. B12 also promotes nervous system health and prevents megaloblastic anemia, so it is important to know what it contains and whether you are getting enough of it in your diet.

Thus, while it does not directly affect energy levels, B12 supports body health in many other ways.

# 2 Improves cardiovascular health

For athletes, bodybuilders, and every person, it is important that the heart can function at full strength. It delivers oxygen-rich blood to all organs of the body, especially the muscles.

Since the lungs are closely connected to the heart, problems with the cardiovascular system also affect breathing. And without full breathing, high-intensity workouts are impossible.

Vitamin B12 improves the condition of the cardiovascular system by decreasing the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood - this is also what the body needs this vitamin for. High homocysteine ​​levels are associated with damage to the arterial lining and an increased likelihood of clogging.

# 3 Reduces joint pain

Optimal freedom of movement depends entirely on the joints. Years of working with weights load them, forcing them to wear out and even tear over time.

For example, with a constant bench press and incline bench press, the shoulder joints are subject to intense friction and compression. Overtraining and lack of rest also worsen connective tissue health. Even if you are young and do not yet feel any pain, it is very important to keep an eye on your joints.

Vitamin B12 relieves pain and reduces inflammation that leads to joint pain and causes effects such as arthritis. Now you understand why you need it, even if now nothing bothers you.

# 4 Improves Brain Function

It's no secret that the brain serves as our control center - it regulates balance, attention and mood. Thus, a healthy brain directly affects how we work with our own body.

As part of the one-carbon cycle, vitamin B12 found in foods and supplements helps your brain and nervous system function properly. This cycle allows the production of DNA, neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and serotonin), and myelin.

We all need rest to succeed in the gym and in life. Sleep helps repair muscles, allowing them to grow and develop. On top of that, it gives you stamina. According to a Stanford University study, football players who slept for at least 10 hours a night increased their average sprint speed.

Sleep quality can be improved by consuming B12 in foods, with dietary supplements, or as an injection. You've probably heard of melatonin. It is a hormone secreted by the brain to regulate sleep. B12 influences its production - this is also what vitamin is useful for.

# 6 Healthy complexion and skin

I already mentioned that B12 is involved in the process of DNA synthesis. The fact that it plays an important role in cell replication makes it an essential vitamin for beautiful and healthy skin. And what makes people eat foods that contain high amounts of vitamin B12.

With a high workload, it can sometimes be difficult to remember to eat right and take nutritional supplements. But healthy skin will certainly add to your self-confidence, be it the gym or everyday life.

B vitamins are responsible for protein synthesis, and without enough protein in the body, there will be no healing effect - this is their benefit.

4 forms of vitamin B12: which one is better?

The ability to absorb the vitamin into the bloodstream depends on the health of the digestive system. A special table could demonstrate this.

The parietal cells of the intestine produce Gastric Intrinsic Factor (GIF). It is largely responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12. However, nearly 40 percent of Americans have a problem with it. This is why intramuscular injections are suitable for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike, whose instructions for use make use simple.

Delivery of the vitamin intramuscularly allows you to bypass the digestive system and inject it directly into the bloodstream.

The absorption rate of B12 depends on its type. The four types of this vitamin are listed below:

  • Methylcobalamin - This form of vitamin B12 is easily used and absorbed by the body. Methylcobalamin does not require a lot of energy for its absorption. Most often it is recommended to take it in the form of dietary supplements.
  • Cyanocobalamin - As a synthetic form of the vitamin, cyanocobalamin contains a cyanide molecule, but it is not dangerous. However, it requires energy to transform into a usable form.
  • Hydroxocobalamin - This form is commonly found in a variety of foods. It also effectively treats B12 deficiency when given intramuscularly.
  • Adenosylcobalamin - Adenosylcobalamin is the least stable form of vitamin B12. This explains why this form is not found in food supplements.


For the needs of bodybuilders, vitamins are indispensable. Vitamin B12 is beneficial in that it affects healthy sleep, proper muscle growth, energy levels, and more.

Vitamin B12 is the only organic substance that contains cobalt, which is essential for the proper functioning of human organs.

This vitamin is the only one that is soluble in water. It tends to accumulate in the kidneys, spleen and liver.

Contained only in animal products. In its pure form it is a brown-red powder.

In the narrow sense, vitamin B12 is called cyanocobalamin, since it is the most common and most easily absorbed form of cobalamin. Most of the cobalt enters the human body in the form of cyanocobalamin.

Consider what the body needs vitamin B12 for.

First, it is very important for the normal function of hematopoiesis. Its deficiency affects the maturation of red blood cells, as well as the length of the life cycle of these red blood cells.

If normally the erythrocyte lives for 120 days, throughout this period it performs well its functions of delivering oxygen to tissues and organs, then with a deficiency of cyanocobalamin, the active phase of the erythrocyte's existence is reduced, and the maturation of new blood cells is lengthened.

The name "B12" unites a group of cobalt-containing substances.

The result will be anemia, the symptoms of which are constant fatigue, lack of sleep, and poor health.

Secondly, vitamin B12 has a special effect on the proper formation and functioning of the nervous system.

The nerve fiber is covered with a myelin sheath - it performs roughly the same function as an insulating layer for electrical wiring. B12 deficiency provokes depletion of the myelin sheath, and nerve impulses are directed in the wrong place and not with the same intensity as they should.

A serious lack of cyanocobalamin leads to the death of nerve cells, and this is fraught with dangerous neurological disorders, as well as mental illness.

Multiple sclerosis often results from a constant lack of this vitamin.

Third, cyanocobalamin affects the fermentation of the folic acid derivative. This is especially important during the formation of the embryo for normal cell division.

How much vitamin B12 do you need per day?

Adequate intake of B12 is essential to prevent deficiencies in this essential nutrient.

The approximate daily dose is 3 mg for an adult.

However, the exact need is calculated individually, depending on age, gender and physiological state. It can range from 1 to 4 mg.

In most cases, a person receives a sufficient amount of cyanocobalamin from regular food, but it should be borne in mind that alcohol consumption, smoking, adherence to a strict diet or fasting, and vegetarianism contribute to a decrease in digestibility.

During pregnancy, a woman's need for this vitamin increases. Athletes also need an increased dose of cyanocobalamin for muscle recovery after exercise.

  • liver and kidneys;
  • beef;
  • pork;
  • eggs;
  • various fish;
  • cheese and sour cream.

Many cereal, muesli and energy bar manufacturers add this vitamin to their products.

The healing effect of B12

It is not for nothing that this vitamin is called antianemic - in case of severe anemia, an appointment is mandatory. Even a single injection of this substance can save and normalize the function of hematopoiesis. With a small degree of anemia, taking the drug in capsules is sufficient.

Vitamin B12 can be in ampoules, capsules, tablets and in liquid form

Clinical depression may be due to a lack of vitamin B12. In this case, the appointment of an adequate dose of this substance (most often in capsules) helps better than antidepressants, and, importantly, without side effects.

Vitamin B12 is needed for hepatitis. Recent studies have shown the remarkable effect of cyanocobalamin injections on hepatitis C. It multiplies the effect of interferon-based drugs. It was found that vitamin B12 prevents the introduction of hepatitis C virus DNA into healthy cells.

Various nervous disorders, including attention deficit disorder, have recently been successfully treated with B12 preparations, the doctor prescribes a certain course (3-6 months), during which the patient takes cyanocobalamin in tablet form.

How else is this vitamin used?

In addition to direct ingestion, the use of this substance in cosmetology is widespread.

When directly applied to the scalp, cyanocobalamin helps active hair growth and the awakening of dormant hair follicles. With this treatment, brittle and dull hair can be revitalized.

Masks with B12 can slow down the aging process and prevent the formation of wrinkles on the skin, as well as promote deep nutrition and regeneration of dermis cells.

The liquid form of vitamin B12 is used to treat hair. Shampoos and masks with B12 can be manufactured industrially, or you can enrich your favorite cosmetic product by adding vitamin B12 from an ampoule to it.

Vitamin B12 refers to a water-soluble vitamin that is deposited in the liver, spleen, and lungs. Cyanocobalamin is a crystalline red powder and is odorless. The main function of B12 is to improve the composition of the blood, it takes part in the formation of erythrocytes, nerve fibers, and also has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. As a rule, cyanocobalamin accumulates in sufficient quantities in the liver, and its intestines produce very little. If the daily norm is 3 mcg, then for athletes, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, the dosage is increased by 4 times. What is the significance of the substance for the body? How to use it correctly?

The benefits of vitamin B12

Due to this substance, fat is exchanged in the liver tissues, the nervous system is restored, and cholesterol in the blood decreases. It is worth noting that it synthesizes amino acid molecules, DNA, affects the production of carbohydrates and fat.

Cyanocobalamin is a kind of stimulant for cell division, therefore, the state of skin cells, blood, immune cells, intestinal cells depends on it. Also, vitamin B12 does not affect the sheath of the nerves. In case of a lack of vitamins, irreversible processes occur.

B12 deficiency symptoms

You should be alerted by such changes in the body:

  • You are constantly nervous.
  • You get tired quickly, are weak.
  • Disturbed by neuroses.
  • The skin is yellow and slightly pale.
  • It's hard to walk.
  • Painful sensations in the back.
  • Lost appetite.
  • Muscles often go numb.
  • Stomatitis is repeated in the oral cavity.
  • Disturbed by severe shortness of breath, during physical exertion, the heartbeat increases.

If you eat well, the liver stores a sufficient amount of B12, and the deficiency can only make itself felt after a few years, when the pathology has already begun to progress.

Who needs vitamin B12?

The doctor must prescribe the drug in such cases:

  • Polyneuritis.
  • Migraine.
  • Sclerosis.
  • Diabetic neuritis.
  • Cerebral palsy in a child.
  • Hepatic pathologies - hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration.
  • Radiation sickness.
  • Skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis, photodermatosis, neurodermatitis.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Stress.
  • Prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Sources of cobalamin

Many studies have already proved that the main source of B12 is mold, bacteria, yeast. It is important to understand that the vitamin is absorbed only if a sufficient amount of proteins of a specific structure is produced in the stomach. Most often, the deficiency is associated precisely with internal disorders in the body.

Animal and plant food does not produce vitamin B12, but it accumulates in order to replenish reserves at any time. Therefore, your menu should have:

  • Cod.
  • Salmon.
  • Halibut.
  • Seaweed.
  • Squids.
  • Marine plants.

In addition, it is necessary to include the following products: brewer's yeast, baker's yeast, raw yolk, carrots, tops, radishes, turnips, beef, pork liver, liver pate, spinach, wheat.


Do not get carried away with B12, otherwise everything will end with pulmonary edema, thrombosis, heart failure, urticaria, and in a severe case, Quinck's edema, anaphylactic shock.

What is the safe dosage? If your body needs B12, it is injected intramuscularly, under the skin, and sometimes into a vein, 0.2 mg once every two days. We note that after internal administration, cyanocobalamin is not absorbed, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to take it together with folic acid.

Vitamin is poorly absorbed due to potassium, therefore, you should not get carried away for a long time with diuretics, as well as antigperlipidemic agents, otherwise the vitamin will not be absorbed.

Consider! Antipsychotics, corticosteroids lead to B12 leaching.

Sometimes a substance deficiency is associated with taking anti-tuberculosis drugs. Also, do not get carried away with vitamin C.

Vitamin B12 and vegetarianism

With the constant refusal of meat, iron deficiency can develop, therefore, medical treatment is required. Vegetarians are 100% sure: there is enough vitamin B12 in the body, so it will be enough for later. Not so simple! Plant foods do not contain enough cobalamin, which is why almost all vegetarians have anemia.

Remember! Vitamin B12 strengthens the immune system, which is why it is essential for HIV-infected people. If you take it for a long time, you can improve your condition. Only during the intake will it be necessary to exclude sweets that do not allow the vitamin to be fully absorbed.

Nystatin and vitamin B12 for the treatment of thrush

Are you constantly worried about candidiasis? It is necessary to carry out such a procedure. Crush a tablet of Nystatin + vitamin (1 ml). Mix everything, make sure that the product dissolves well.

Take a small sterile bandage (small cut), soak in the medicine. Wash your hands with soap, then rub with rubbing alcohol. Then gently apply the compress to the affected area. Everything must be done with extreme caution, otherwise you injure the inflamed mucosa.

We draw your attention to the fact that fungus can often be an internal problem, so it is better to get tested and undergo a full course of treatment.

So, vitamin B12, like other substances, is necessary for the body. Without it, the work of many systemic organs is disrupted, but the most dangerous disease is anemia, which weakens a person and leads to serious consequences. When treating with vitamins, always remember about the measure, if you do not take into account the dosage, there may be hypervitaminosis. Watch your health!

Vitamin B12 is naturally produced only by bacteria and archaea. Some bacteria synthesize B12 in the human colon. However, we cannot absorb it from there, since most of the nutrients are absorbed by us from the small intestine. Unlike humans, ruminants like cows and sheep are able to absorb the B12 produced by bacteria in their intestinal flora. To do this, they only need to get enough cobalt from food. Therefore, the meat of cows and sheep is the main source of vitamin B12 for humans.

What food products contain the greatest amount of this vitamin? And how can vegans and vegetarians replenish their supply? You will find the answer to these and other questions later in this article.

Why does the body need vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is required for the synthesis of fatty acids in myelin and, in combination with folate (folic acid), for DNA synthesis. It also plays an important role in the absorption of amino acids and the maturation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Simply put: Vitamin B12 is needed by the body for the normal functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems.

With a deficiency of vitamin B12, a person has symptoms of a hematological or neurological nature. The former are usually indistinguishable from the symptoms of anemia and folate deficiency: pale skin, lack of energy, fatigue, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. The main reason for this is abnormalities in DNA synthesis, leading to the formation of abnormally large red blood cells. Neurological complications occur in 75-90% of people with an overt B12 deficiency. They include:

  • sensory disturbances in the limbs;
  • movement disorders;
  • cognitive changes - from memory loss to dementia, with or without mood swings.

Vision problems, impotence, and difficulty with bowel and bladder control may also occur. For a woman's body, a lack of vitamin B12 is fraught with menstrual irregularities.

Daily intake of vitamin B12

How much vitamin B12 does the human body need per day? The table below shows the recommended daily intake of this vitamin for children from birth to 18 years of age and for adult men and women.

What foods contain vitamin B12

According to scientists (studies by Cobiac et al 1999 and Baghurst et al 2000), about 25% of all vitamin B12 comes to the human body from red meat, 50% - from dairy products, 30% - from milk. Note that these figures are typical only for developed countries and may differ depending on the region of residence. Also vitamin B12 is present in eggs, seafood and mushrooms.

Due to the availability of animal food and food additives in developed countries lack of vitamin B12 is rare... Its main cause is called problems with the absorption of B12, when there is not enough enzyme in the stomach ( Xala factor), or part of the stomach was removed as a result of the operation. In addition, this vitamin is more likely to be deficient in people over 60 and in children whose bodies require more nutrients to grow.

Which product contains the most vitamin B12

The richest in vitamin B12 are animal foods such as liver and kidneys. It is these organs that create the largest supply of this vitamin in the body. The table below compares the B12 content in 100 g of raw liver / kidney in different animals. Here and further in the article, the numbers are taken from Database on nutrients from the USDA.

Product (100 g) Vitamin B12 (mcg) Calorie content (Kcal)
Lamb 90,05 139,00
Veal 59,85 140,00
Beef 59,30 135,00
Duck 54,00 136,00
Goose 54,00 133,00
Pork 26,00 134,00
Turkey 19,73 128,00
Chicken 16,58 119,00
Lamb 52,41 97,00
Veal 28,20 99,00
Beef 27,50 99,00

Is B12 retained in food after cooking?

You don't have to worry about this: vitamin B12 remains in food even after heat treatment. Moreover, since the liver, kidneys and other meat products usually lose weight during the cooking process, the concentration of vitamin B12 in 100 grams of the finished dish will be slightly higher. In the following table, you can compare the vitamin B12 content of some ready-to-eat animal foods.

Are there plant sources of B12?

The forms of vitamin B12 found in algae (including spirulina) and fermented foods (such as tempeh), previously considered good sources of B12, have been shown to be inactive and do not benefit the human body. Moreover, consuming them can be dangerous for vegans, as blood tests will show normal B12 levels, which in fact are not. In addition, scientists suspect that eating such foods can accelerate the onset of B12 deficiency in vegetarians, as it can block cell metabolism ().

In addition to mushrooms, vegetarians can get vitamin B12 from dairy products and eggs, while vegans can only get vitamin B12 from supplements.

Vitamin B12 content in eggs and dairy products (table)

The main source of vitamin B12 in eggs is the yolk. So, chicken eggs per 100 g contain 0.89 μg of vitamin B12 (with a caloric content of 143 Kcal), while in yolks alone - 1.95 μg (at 322 Kcal). At the same time, eggs of domestic ducks, geese, turkeys and even quails are much more generous with this vitamin:

  • Duck eggs contain 5.40 μg of vitamin B12 per 100 g (at 185 Kcal);
  • Goose - 5.10 mcg (185 Kcal);
  • Turkey - 1.69 μg (171 Kcal);
  • Quail - 1.58 mcg (158 Kcal).

As for dairy products, you can get the most vitamin B12 from cheeses, as well as from cottage cheese or yogurt.

Product (100 g) Vitamin B12 (mcg) Calorie content (Kcal)
Swiss 3,06 393,00
Gateust 2,42 466,00
Mozzarella made from whole milk 2,28 299,00
Tilsit 2,10 340,00
Feta 1,69 265,00
Fontina 1,68 389,00
Bree 1,65 334,00
Gruyere 1,60 413,00
Gouda 1,54 356,00
Edam 1,54 357,00
Other dairy products
Greek yogurt, fat-free 0,75 59,00
Sheep milk 0,71 108,00
Curd, 1% 0,63 72,00
Yoghurt, plain, low fat 0,56 63,00
Milk, 2% 0,53 50,00
Greek yogurt, low fat 0,52 73,00

Since the human liver is able to accumulate vitamin B12 in itself, its deficiency in people who completely abandoned animal products may not make itself felt for several years. though long-term vegan diet without the consumption of nutritional supplements vitamin B12 contains risk of developing hematological and nervous problems mentioned above. To avoid this, vegans should start taking supplements containing the active form of B12: cyanocobalamin or hydroxycobalamin. It is better to consult your family doctor about their dosage.

Other foods high in vitamin B12

Our list of foods that contain vitamin B12 would be incomplete without fish and seafood. The following table contains data for raw shellfish and fish.

Product (100 g) Vitamin B12 (mcg) Calorie content (Kcal)
Octopus 20,00 82,00
Pacific oysters 16,00 81,00
Mussels 12,00 86,00
Bivalve molluscs 11,28 86,00
Sea snails 9,07 137,00
Fish products
Caviar, black and red, granular 20,00 264,00
Mackerel 15,60 105,00
Atlantic herring 13,67 158,00
Pacific herring 10,00 195,00
Blue tuna 9,43 144,00

Crustaceans are also a good food source of vitamin B12. When raw, they are not very high in B12, but 100 grams of cooked (boiled) shrimp or crabs will also help cover the RDA. In the last table for today, we will consider how much vitamin B12 you can get from ready-made meals containing seafood.

Product (100 g) Vitamin B12 (mcg) Calorie content (Kcal)
Bivalve clams, boiled 98,89 148,00
Octopus, boiled 36,00 164,00
Oysters, boiled 28,80 163,00
Mussels, boiled 24,00 172,00
Mackerel (baked, grilled or dry roasted) 19,00 262,00
Sea snails, boiled 18,14 275,00
Atlantic herring (baked, grilled or dry roasted) 13,14 203,00
Mackerel, salted 12,00 305,00
King crab, boiled 10,38 115,00
Cod, dried and salted 10,00 290,00
Pacific herring (baked, grilled or dry roasted) 9,62 250,00

At the end of this article, it remains for us to say that the absorption of vitamin B12 from different foods is different. So, about 11% of vitamin B12 is absorbed from the liver, from eggs and trout - 24-40%, from lamb and chicken - more than 60% (studies by Doscherholmen et al., 1975, 1978, 1981 and Heyssel et al., 1966 .). The low absorption of B12 from the liver is most likely due to its very high levels there. There is no data yet on the absorption of vitamin B12 from any other foods, including red meat, pork and milk. When developing the recommended daily intake, scientists took an adjustment in the form of 50% bioavailability of this vitamin for an adult with healthy stomach function.

As for vitamin B12 supplements in crystalline form, they have a similar absorption rate when added in small amounts (<5 мкг на дозу) и очень низкий уровень поглощения (>1%) when added at 500 mcg per dose or higher (studies by Berlin et al., 1968 and Heyssel et al., 1996).

Eat nutritiously and stay healthy!

Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin of all in its group, which contains cyano groups and cobalt necessary for any living creature. Therefore, scientifically, its name sounds like cobalamin, cyanocobalamin.

Unfortunately, not all people know about the benefits of vitamin B12, what it is for and how to use it correctly without harming the body. Although his role is invaluable for every living being on the planet.

The benefits of cobalamin were proven back in the middle of the 19th century. It participates in the synthesis of amino acids, the development of red blood cells, is necessary for the natural formation of DNA and cell division.

Without vitamin B12, the production of choline, which is responsible for a balanced diet, would be impossible.

Without vitamin B12, the production of choline, which is responsible for a balanced diet, would be impossible. Mental performance, strong nerves, well-oiled work of the cardiovascular system, all this would be impossible without cobalamin.

Categories of people who need a lot of vitamin B12

Today, almost every woman knows about the existence of vitamin B12 and why the body needs it.

Cobalamin promotes youthful skin, improves hair growth, relieves fatigue and controls cholesterol levels.

Cobalamin promotes youthful skin, improves hair growth, relieves fatigue and controls cholesterol levels.

There are certain indicators indicating that a person needs to undergo a course of vitamin therapy with an active dose of cobalamin.

These indications for enhanced intake of B12 include:

  1. Various diseases: eczema, osteoporosis, stomatitis.
  2. Deterioration of the skin condition: pallor, dryness, hyperpigmentation.
  3. Deterioration of memory and attention.

The child's body needs vitamin B12 for growth and good appetite, what all parents should know. It energizes and supports the nervous system of a fragile body, improving attention, reaction, memory and reduces irritation.

A child's body needs vitamin B12 for growth and good appetite, which all parents should know. It energizes and supports the nervous system of a fragile body, improving attention, reaction, memory and reduces irritation.

Carefully! Cobalamin is sold without a doctor's prescription, but this does not mean that it can be used without the advice of a specialist. Moreover, if the intake of the vitamin concerns children.

In no case you can not give a small child vitamin B12 without the consent of the pediatrician... This can lead to an excess of vitamin in the blood and, as a consequence, the emergence of various ailments.

Daily dose

So that there are no cases of overdose, you can not self-medicate.

Many people treat vitamins like eaten chocolate, and do not understand that the consequences of improper intake and dosage can be dire.

If the doctor has prescribed the intake of cobalamin, then you should clearly limit yourself to the daily dose that is prescribed in the prescription.

If the doctor has prescribed the intake of cobalamin, then it is necessary to clearly limit yourself to the daily dose that is prescribed in the prescription. Typically, for children, it ranges from 0.4 to 2.4 mcg, depending on age. For an adult - 2.6 - 3 mcg, depending on the situation of use.

For example, pregnant women are advised to use 2.6 mcg of vitamin per day, and with lactation already 2.8 mcg.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body

Vitamin B12 deficiency may not manifest itself in any way for 5 years. Only after this time, a person begins to notice increased nervousness, weakness and rapid fatigue, difficulty walking, specific pallor of the skin.

Vitamin B12 deficiency may not manifest itself in any way for 5 years. Only after this time, a person begins to notice increased nervousness, weakness and rapid fatigability.

At the reception there are frequent complaints about:

  • lack of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • belching;
  • back pain;
  • increased sensitivity of the eyes to bright light;
  • inflammation of the tongue.

This is only a small part of what a cobalamin deficiency can pose.

The patient may even develop diseases such as brain damage and pernicious anemia. Even a person who plays sports and monitors proper nutrition begins to understand why the body needs vitamin B12 and what effect it has on vital functions.

In case of B12 deficiency in the body, possible back pain.

The reasons for such consequences may be:

  • lack of food;
  • competitive consumption of B12;
  • malabsorption;
  • decrease in vitamin reserves.

Therefore, even such frivolous at first glance ailments as morning fatigue, insomnia, irritability can become a reason for contacting your doctor.

Even such frivolous at first glance ailments as morning fatigue, insomnia, irritability can become a reason for contacting your doctor.

Excess vitamin B12 in the body

In addition to deficiency, there may be an excess of the vitamin, which also has a destructive effect on the life of any individual.

Due to an overabundance of cobalamin, they can:

  • develop blood clots in peripheral vessels;
  • pulmonary edema occurs;
  • heart failure and even hives will appear.

Basically, these diseases account for a part of people who unknowingly consume vitamin complexes without consulting a therapist.

Basically, these diseases account for a part of people who unknowingly consume vitamin complexes without consulting a therapist.

Indications for use

Only a doctor can prescribe medication containing vitamin B12, based on specific indications.

Indications may include:

Even a variety of skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, dermatitis can be a reason for taking a course of vitamin therapy.

Vitamin B12-rich foods (list)

What you need to be wary of when using such products is a low-quality product and improper storage of the product, since they may not only not contain useful substances, but also harm.

When prescribed vitamin therapy, attention should be paid to foods rich in vitamin B12 in order to maintain the natural needs of the body.

The following natural sources of cobalamin are worth paying close attention to:

  • beef, beef liver and kidneys;
  • mutton;
  • pork;
  • Turkey;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • cod;
  • shrimps;
  • chum salmon;
  • mussels.

Do not resort to violent measures when using these products, it is enough to simply organize the menu for the coming week so that it contains some of the products from the list above.

Most of all cobalamin contains meat of beef, pork and lamb, as well as mackerel and chum salmon.

Not surprisingly, vegetarians look pretty pale and skinny. This is due to the fact that vitamin B12 is found only in animal products, in plants, its production is zero.

Diets associated with the rejection of meat food entail the consequences that occur with a deficiency of cobalamin.

Animal products

So that a person does not have questions about vitamin B12 and why the body needs it, it is worth remembering the most important rules.

If everything is in order with the body and symptoms of cobalamin deficiency are not observed, then it is quite possible to maintain its norm with proper nutrition. For this you need to eat enough animal products.

Meat or fish should be included in the diet every day. Pork, beef, lamb, cod and carp are easy to find at the nearest grocery market.

Meat or fish should be included in the diet every day. Pork, beef, lamb, cod and carp are easy to find at the nearest grocery market. Sometimes this menu should be diluted with liver and seafood such as squid and shrimp.

Vegetable products

Of course, there should be a lot of plant foods in the diet, but we must not forget that no plant product contains vitamin B12.

Scientists have long tried to prove that neither spirulina (algae) nor soy products and barley contain cobalamin. The scientific facts tell only one thing: the content of vitamin B12 in plant substances is zero.

Scientific facts say only one thing: the content of vitamin B12 in plant substances is zero.

No matter how skeptical people are about the use of vitamins and their content in the body, once you feel the symptoms of cobalamin deficiency on yourself, everything falls into place. It is better not to bring yourself to such a state.

Vitamin therapy prevention is important for everyone. Therefore, every year, especially in winter, you need to contact a therapist for examination to identify vitamin deficiency and to undergo a specialized course, if necessary, of a vitamin complex, including B12.

Vitamin B12-rich drinks

You need to know about drinks, which can become an additional source of vitamin B12, for which the body needs each of them. For instance, milk contains approximately 1.3 mcg of cobalamin and helps to maintain vitality and immunity in normal conditions.

Yogurt is able not only to have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but also be a source of vitamin B12, albeit in small quantities - 0.7 μg.

Milk contains approximately 1.3 mcg of cobalamin and helps maintain vitality and immunity.

Interesting fact! Raw foodists and vegans can go without cobalamin-containing foods for a long time, as they tend to eat only plant-based foods.

Scientists have proved that, over time, such people in the body produce vitamin B12 in those organs where there is a possibility of its absorption.

It is also known that some raw foodists resort to extreme measures, they take preventive injections courses containing a deficient vitamin.

You need to know about drinks, which can become an additional source of vitamin B12, for which the body needs each of them. Basically, these are dairy products.

How to store vitamin B12 in food

When creating a menu, it is worth considering the fact that all products at the time of their use must retain the beneficial properties of B12. Why does the body need food if it does not contain useful vitamins? Such food will be ineffective.

Fish like mackerel or herring are best eaten as salted. All products of animal origin lose their vitamin properties during heat treatment.

Fish like mackerel or herring are best eaten as salted... All products of animal origin lose their vitamin properties during heat treatment. Cheese, sour cream, and yogurt can be eaten naturally or added to a variety of vegetable salads.

High vitamin supplements

Doctors are sure that it is not enough just to consume foods containing vitamin B12, otherwise why does the body need such a volume of this substance - about 2.5 mcg per day. Such a figure can be obtained only with an integrated approach in a fortified course.

It is necessary not only to follow a diet rich in cyanocobalamin, but also to additionally use a number of preparations containing B12.

But as pharmacology keeps pace with progress, medicines have appeared using cyanocobalamin in the form of tablets, which are available in an adult and children's dosage.

Doctors are sure that it is not enough just to consume foods containing vitamin B12, otherwise why does the body need such a volume of this substance - about 2.5 mcg per day.

When choosing a drug, it should be borne in mind that intramuscular and intravenous injections of cobalamin have several disadvantages. With the introduction of only one specific vitamin of this group, the effectiveness decreases. several times than with complex use.

There is a great risk in the occurrence of various kinds of violations. For babies, this form of the drug is a stressful factor. Therefore, it is still better to opt for complex preparations.

Supplements and vitamin complexes

In addition to medicines containing vitamin B12 and used for various kinds of complications, ailments, there are biologically active food supplements and multivitamins that can be used by everyone in a fortified course.

In addition to medicines containing vitamin B12 and used for various complications and ailments, there are biologically active food supplements and multivitamins.

Today there is a huge selection among multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements, among which are the following: "B12 tablets from Nowfoods", "B12 from Solgar", "Neurobion", "Neurovitan".

From this video you will find out where to get vitamin B12 for the body.

In this video, you will learn about the vitamin B12 content in foods and its benefits.

This video contains a lot of useful information about vitamin B12, its content in food and its deficiency in the body.