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How to make cutlets with your own hands. Minced meat cutlets - a classic recipe. Minced chicken cutlets with processed cheese

I cooked cutlets according to different recipes: with a bun in milk, and with fried onions, and with garlic, and with flour, but somehow everything did not add up to an ideal recipe.

And when once again I decided to cook cutlets, and there was no bun, no milk, no flour at home, I added bread crumbs to the minced meat. As a reward for my experiments, I received delicious, juicy and soft patties. The crackers absorbed all the excess liquid from meat, onions and potatoes, and the cutlets turned out to be simply wonderful.

If you are tired of disappointments and want to make delicious minced meat patties, I safely recommend using my recipe for delicious minced meat patties. Cutlets are prepared very simply: if you have an electric meat grinder and a blender, make cutlets from 1 kg. minced meat can be done in 40 minutes.

Subtleties and nuances of cooking

Minced meat for cutlets must be frozen, otherwise the cutlets can "stick" to the pan, even with a non-stick coating.

For cutlets, you can use minced meat from any meat: pork, beef, chicken, turkey. My family loves the combination of pork and minced beef most of all, but any one type of minced meat also turns out delicious.


  • Ground beef 500 gr.
  • Minced pork 500 gr.
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes 300 gr.
  • Onions 250 gr.
  • Breadcrumbs 5 tbsp
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying

How to cook

Pour the minced meat into a large bowl, in which it will be convenient for us to knead the cutlet mass.

Peel the onion and cut it into several pieces so that it is convenient to place in a blender.

We do the same with potatoes.

Put onions, potatoes in a blender bowl, add eggs.

Whisk all the ingredients into a puree and add to the minced meat.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly with a spoon.

Then add the crackers.

Stir and look at the consistency of the minced meat: you should be able to collect the minced meat up a hill, and it should not "float". If the slide does not work out, you need to add another spoonful of crackers.

Let's start forming cutlets:

We take minced meat in our hands, about one chicken egg, sculpt a ball, and roll it from one palm to another. When the meatball becomes smooth, press it down a little from above to make a flat cake.

Thanks to this method, minced meat cutlets will not crack during frying, and will retain their shape as if we were simply blinded them like "snowballs".

To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, you can grease your hands with water or vegetable oil.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat well.

We turn down the heat, and we spread our cutlets to fry.

We fry our minced meat patties on each side for 5-7 minutes, until golden brown.

Ready cutlets can already be eaten.

To make minced meat patties for the child, I added a little water, half an onion and bay leaf to the pan. Brought to a boil, and boiled for 20 minutes.

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Cutlets are a difficult dish to prepare, but will leave no one indifferent. They can be prepared from a wide variety of ingredients - meat, chicken or vegetable cutlets. Even vegetarians can find a recipe to their liking.

Juicy cutlets

You will need:

  • 150 g minced beef
  • 150 g minced pork
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. bread crumbs
  • 1 potato
  • 50 ml milk
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Peel the onion, chop finely and mix with the minced beef and pork.
  2. Pour the rusks with milk and let them swell, then squeeze out the excess milk, and add the resulting mass to the minced meat and onions.
  3. Peel the potatoes and three on a fine grater. Peel and crush the garlic. Add to the minced meat.
  4. At the final stage, drive an egg into the minced meat, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. We make cutlets with our hands.
  5. Fry the cutlets in a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil over high heat until golden brown on both sides (about a minute). Reduce heat, cover and fry for 5 minutes, turning over.

Eggplant cutlets with cheese

You will need:

  • 3 eggplants
  • 1 onion
  • vegetable oil to taste
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • salt to taste
  • 200 g of Adyghe cheese
  • 1 egg


  1. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. Cut the eggplants into cubes, add to the onion and simmer for 10 minutes until soft.
  3. Cool the vegetables slightly and knead with a spatula.
  4. Add the egg, crumbled cheese, crackers, salt and pepper.
  5. Mix the resulting mass well and form the cutlets. Fry them on both sides in a little oil.

Delicate salmon cutlets

You will need:

  • salmon (or other fish)
  • 1 slice of white bread
  • 50 ml cream
  • 1 egg
  • slice of lemon
  • spinach
  • sprig of parsley
  • sprig of dill
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. We chop the fish into minced meat with a knife.
  2. Cut off the crusts from the bread, crumb it and fill it with cream, add the egg, salt and pepper. Mix and add to the minced fish. Stir until smooth.
  3. Finely chop the parsley and dill and add to the minced meat. Then squeeze lemon juice into a mass. Add salt and pepper. Stir and sculpt cutlets.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan; when the water boils, put the colander on the pan so that it does not touch the water. Put 2 small cutlets in a colander.
  5. Cover with a lid and cook in a water bath over medium heat for 8 minutes. We transfer the finished cutlets into a separate container and cover with foil so that they do not cool down (do the same operation with all the minced fish).
  6. Put the spinach in a colander (set aside a few leaves for decoration), cover and cook in a water bath over medium heat for 3 minutes.
  7. Put spinach, fish cakes on a plate, sprinkle with olive oil and serve.

Chicken cutlets

You will need:

  • 800 g chicken breast
  • 4 tbsp. l. corn starch (you can potato)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 white onion
  • 3-4 st. l. sour cream
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley)
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying


  1. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces. Also finely chop the onion, garlic, herbs and add to the minced meat.
  2. Then we introduce eggs, starch, sour cream, salt, pepper. Mix everything well.
  3. Put the minced meat in the pan with a spoon without preliminary shaping and breading.
  4. Fry cutlets in hot oil at medium temperature on both sides.
  • Soak the crumb of white bread in cream and add it to the minced meat and onion in an uncleaned state. Mix the resulting mass with your hands to the desired consistency. Put frozen butter in plastic minced meat and stir quickly. The butter should not melt.
  • Put the cutlet mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Pour the breading on a flat dish, put a dish with hot water next to it, where we will dip our hands before sculpting each cutlet. We take the minced meat for the cutlet as much as the palm can fit and form oval cutlets.
  • Roll the cutlet in breading. It is important to do everything quickly so that the cutlet mass does not heat up.
  • Fry the cutlets in a mixture of the oil remaining from frying the onion (you can add olive oil), browning on each side for a few minutes. Then we bring the cutlets to full readiness in the oven, on a baking sheet covered with foil or baking paper, at 180 ° C.
  • Minced meat cutlets in a pan are perhaps the most desirable dish both on weekdays and on holidays. Every housewife, no doubt, knows how to cook minced meat patties in a pan so that they turn out juicy, fluffy, and most importantly, delicious. The owners of the secrets of making such cutlets simply do not have a price, because minced meat cutlets in a pan are an irreplaceable hit at all times and a lifesaver that decorates any table.

    To cook minced meat patties in a pan, you need a minimum of ingredients. The main thing is to have any minced meat at hand: pork, beef, chicken, fish or assorted, for example, pork + beef (whoever likes it) - fresh, high-quality and preferably homemade. You can also cook cutlets from minced meat bought in a store, just take it with great care in choosing it.

    To add extra juiciness to the minced meat, some housewives add to it finely chopped or finely grated onions, soaked white bread, other potatoes grated on a fine grater, chopped cabbage and other ingredients-helpers that can give the cutlets the very zest that makes them unique original. There are many options for supplements. So, the cutlets will turn out very juicy if you put a piece of frozen butter inside each, and add chopped greens to it. Greens can also be added to minced meat.

    A few words about breading. Some of the housewives are of the opinion that minced meat cutlets in a frying pan must certainly be breaded, others do without this procedure. Moreover, both those and others have wonderful cutlets.

    Fry minced meat cutlets in a pan is also necessary correctly: pour vegetable oil into the pan and distribute it over the entire surface, heat it, reduce the heat to medium, and only then put the patties. Fry for about 10 minutes on each side until golden brown, then add a little water to the pan and simmer for another 10 minutes under the lid until tender.

    Would you like to surprise your family with delicious cutlets? Visit us and choose the recipe you like.

    Mixed minced meat patties in a pan

    500 g minced pork
    500 g ground beef
    1 onion
    1 egg,
    150-200 g loaf or white bread,
    2-3 cloves of garlic
    2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
    vegetable oil,

    Use a loaf or bread for cooking, not the freshest, but slightly stale, so that the cutlets do not turn out to be fluffy and not too sticky. Pour milk over the bread pulp and leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze. Add the onion, finely chopped or grated on a fine grater, and garlic passed through a press, bread mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste into the minced meat and mix thoroughly. In order for the minced meat to become dense, and at the same time juicy, many cooks advise to beat it well. You can simply lift the mass of minced meat and slap it against a table or plate with a tangible effort, or you can put the minced meat in a bag, tie it, leaving enough space and remove air, and clap this structure already. In any case, your cutlets will only benefit from such a massage. Next, form cutlets from the minced meat, roll each in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with heated vegetable oil from 2 sides until golden brown. Then pour quite a bit of water into the pan, cover it with a lid and let the cutlets stew for another 10 minutes.

    Another tip that you may find useful when you cook minced meat patties in a frying pan. Add some dried herbs, after grinding them into powder in bread crumbs. Ready cutlets fried in this mixture will turn out to be very aromatic.

    Homemade minced pork cutlets

    600-700 g minced pork,
    2 onions
    3-4 cloves of garlic
    1 egg,
    1-1.5 stacks milk,
    2 slices of loaf (150-200 g),
    vegetable oil,
    salt, black pepper - to taste.

    Soak the pulp of a loaf or white bread in warm milk and leave for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the onion and add it to the minced meat, knead the mass well with your hands and, adding the squeezed pulp of the loaf, mix the minced meat well again. Add garlic passed through a press, an egg to the meat mass, salt and pepper to taste. Stir the minced meat until smooth and start shaping the cutlets. It is much easier to do this with wet hands. Roll the resulting cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry them over medium heat in a pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. When the patties are browned on one side, turn them over and cover the pan with a lid. After removing the lid, check the readiness of the cutlets as follows. Pierce the cutlet with a fork - if the juice that appears is clear, turn the heat up and cook the cutlets for another 2-3 minutes on each side. The cutlets are browned, which means the dish is ready.

    Delicious minced beef patties

    600-700 g ground beef,
    2 potatoes,
    1 egg,
    1 onion
    dill greens, salt, black pepper - to taste,
    flour for breading.

    Usually ground beef is minced twice. To make the cutlets more tender. If you are using commercial minced meat, do not be lazy, pass it through the meat grinder one more time along with peeled raw potatoes. Or then add potatoes grated on a fine grater to the minced meat. In short, act on your own. Salt and pepper the prepared minced meat, add chopped dill, finely chopped onion and mix well. Form the cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in a preheated pan with vegetable oil on both sides until a beautiful appetizing crust. Add some water to the pan, cover and simmer the cutlets for about 10 minutes. For flavor, you can add black peppercorns or bay leaves to the water.

    Minced chicken cutlets in a pan

    900 minced chicken,
    3 processed cheese "Druzhba",
    1 egg,
    1 bunch of green onions
    1 bunch of parsley or dill
    2 cloves of garlic
    3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
    vegetable oil,
    salt, spices - to taste.

    Grate processed cheese, chop onion, garlic, herbs and add all these ingredients to the minced chicken. Stir, beat in an egg, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything well again and form small patties from the resulting mass. Dip them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

    Fans of fish cakes, according to statistics, are much less than those who prefer meat cutlets. However, the following recipe can force even the most desperate non-lovers to reconsider their views on fish cakes.

    Minced fish cutlets in a pan

    500 g minced fish
    200 g pumpkin pulp,
    1 egg,
    3 tbsp. l. flour,
    1-2 cloves of garlic (for an amateur),
    salt, pepper - to taste,
    vegetable oil.

    Combine the pumpkin grated on a fine grater with the minced fish, add the egg beaten with a fork, the garlic passed through a press and mix. Then add flour to the minced meat, mix it, salt and pepper to taste. Form patties with wet hands and fry them in a pan with heated vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side.

    Minced meat cutlets in a pan - this is a minimum of time and maximum pleasure!

    Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

    Larisa Shuftaykina

    Cutlets are literally our everything. They consist only of advantages: firstly, even the most fastidious member of the family will not refuse them. Secondly, if these are homemade cutlets, you know exactly what you are feeding your precious family. Thirdly, a batch of freshly cooked cutlets can be thrown into the freezer, and when you come home from work in complete exhaustion, you do not need to stand at the stove for an hour - fry the prepared semi-finished products and build a quick side dish.

    Classic cutlets. Watch the video recipe!

    Cutlets from beef, pork, minced meat

    1. Fast schnitzel

    A classic recipe for all time .. Soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. Golden color and so familiar and understandable from childhood. Meet His Majesty Schnitzel!

    2. Greek cutlets with egg

    Light meat cutlets with the addition of buckwheat.? Cook Greek people with egg, it's fast, nutritious and extremely tasty!

    3. Swedish meatballs

    Legendary meatballs from Sweden. Photo: Jamie Oliver finally taught us how to make the legendary Swedish meatballs and classic cranberry sauce with a secret.

    4. Baked meat meatballs

    Know-how of economical and inventive Italian housewives. Photo: Boiled or baked meat cutlets, or Polpette de bollito alle spezie, are a very good way to use boiled or baked meat.

    5. Turkish homemade minced meat cutlets

    Turkish cutlets are very quick and very tasty. Photo: Spicy oriental balls with aromatic herbs and vegetable gravy.

    6. Meatballs-hedgehogs in a pot

    Juicy and tender hedgehogs in a pot. Photo: Prepare our hedgehogs with a secret: a small piece of cheese will give the meat a special juiciness and tenderness!

    Chicken and turkey cutlets

    1. Classic fire cutlets

    These chicken cutlets will make a splash. Photo: site Tender, airy chicken cutlets with a crispy crust will appeal to everyone.

    2. Delicate stuffed turkey cutlets

    Interesting cutlets from turkey fillet. Photo: site Tender turkey cutlets stuffed with spinach, cheese and pine nuts.

    3. Delicious but diet cutlets with a secret

    And cutlets can be for weight loss! Photo: Incredibly juicy and bright dietary chicken cutlets with a secret ingredient!

    4. Chicken cutlets with prunes

    Make the original filling, and the cutlets will be transformed beyond recognition. Photo: The simplest recipe from the Soviet past that you can imagine.

    5. Diet cutlets from turkey with porcini mushrooms

    A little bit of culinary creativity, and unleavened turkey cutlets will turn into a masterpiece. Photo: Low-calorie turkey cutlets from famous chefs Konstantin Ivlev and Yuri Rozhkov.

    Fish and seafood cutlets

    1. Diet cutlets with pink salmon

    A healthy alternative to the usual meat cutlets. Photo: site Spices create a unique sweet-salty harmony of tastes, and the overall lightness of the dish turns these cutlets into an ideal dietary lunch or dinner.

    2. Crab cutlets with carrots and zucchini

    Soul crab cutlets. Photo: Crab cutlets with carrots and zucchini are delicious, juicy and tender. If there are no real crabs, then you can make them from crab sticks.

    3. Steam cutlets from pike

    A proven recipe from the famous restaurateur Saveliy Libkin. Photo: Eksmo Publishing House Delicious and nutritious fish cakes. They are ideal if you are thinking of losing weight.

    4. Canned salmon cutlets

    It is impossible to think of more budgetary than these cutlets. Photo: It's tasty, inexpensive and very fast. The only effort you have to make is to open the can of canned food.

    Vegetable and lean cutlets

    1. Homemade lean cutlets

    These lean cutlets are tastier than meat cutlets. Photo: You can make incredibly delicious homemade cutlets from vegetables and cereals, which are in no way inferior to meat.

    Soviet classics for all time. Photo: It is so simple and inexpensive - prudent housewives, your choice!

    3. Carrot cutlets

    No more frowning at the word "carrot". Photo: site Carrot cutlets are a surprisingly aromatic, tender and very juicy piece of culinary art. Maximum benefits - minimum calories! The perfect solution for a quick breakfast, light lunch or healthy dinner.

    4. Diet cutlets from rolled oats

    So you haven't cooked oatmeal yet! Photo: If you do not like oatmeal, but want to keep an eye on your health, you can make lean diet cutlets from rolled oats.

    5. Vegetable cutlets with suluguni

    Combine vegetables with cheese for super healthy patties. Photo: These patties aren't just delicious. They contain one secret ingredient that will help you lose weight.

    It is probably difficult to imagine a person who has never tasted these delicious cutlets made from minced meat and vegetables at least once in his life. Initially, cutlets were made from the bone part, that is, with bones, and later we remade them in a way that is more pleasing to us. And on this topic you can argue and talk endlessly, and I will only say one thing - in any performance, cutlets are always desirable and tasty ...

    I have already cited more than once, which differ significantly from this. It was that we cooked them with and without filling. And also, she offered a number of vegetable cutlets prepared by other methods. But this time, I decided to cook the most ordinary cutlets from purchased minced meat, and of course I whipped them up. I am pleased to present the recipe ...

    • Minced meat - about 0.5 kg.
    • Bread - 100 g.
    • Chicken egg - 1-2 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 head
    • Salt and spices to taste
    • Frying oil - 100 g.
    Since we decided to cook simple cutlets and quickly, it means that the composition of the ingredients should not be very tricky. And everything else that you consider necessary can be added at your discretion. Of course, it would not hurt to add chopped garlic, which would give our cutlets a special and piquant taste, but this is not for everybody.

    Homemade minced meat cutlets recipe

    Combine minced meat with pre-soaked bread, it can be a small piece of stale roll. It is advisable to pass the onions through a meat grinder, but you can also finely chop and add to the minced meat. Beat eggs, add salt, add a little black allspice. To mix everything. Form small patties.

    Put the pan on fire, add oil and heat. You can roll the cutlets in flour, but I don't, because mine don't like it. Fry our cutlets on both sides until golden brown. The frying process should be moderately fast and the oil should be hot all the time so that the cutlets quickly become covered with a weak crust, while the crusty minced meat will not absorb the oil too much, thus our cutlets will not turn out to be very fatty.

    In order for the cutlets to turn out softer, they should be stewed for a couple of minutes, covered with a lid. When ready, transfer to a separate bowl and allow excess oil to drain. Serve hot.
    As a side dish for cutlets, you can cook anything from pasta or you can stew vegetables with them. And also, as always, at the request of my family, I prepare mashed potatoes for garnish, which I must beat in milk and, as a result, mashed potatoes are very tender and airy, not to mention the taste.

    I want to present a more simplified cooking option, a step-by-step recipe for the most delicious and simple chicken cutlets, the taste of which will appeal to all your family.

    Ingredients: 500 g of chicken fillet, 1 onion, 1 chicken egg, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 of a bunch of fresh herbs and 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    Peel the onion and divide it not too finely, scroll on a blender. If you are using a meat grinder, skip onions last.

    Divide the chicken breasts into certain pieces, place in a blender and chop.

    Transfer the scrolled ingredients to a separate bowl, add the chopped parsley, beat in an egg and salt to taste.

    Stir everything, divide the minced meat, in our case, 8 pieces came out, of which make flat oval or round cutlets.

    Heat oil in a frying pan, place the minced meat with herbs not very tightly.

    Fry the chicken cutlets in a skillet on each side for 3-5 minutes, over medium heat

    Try not to fry for a long time, otherwise the cutlets may turn out to be dry. Chopped chicken breast cutlets cook very quickly.

    Secrets of making delicious cutlets

    Have you ever wondered how some cutlets are so tender and juicy that you want to eat and eat them, while others, on the contrary, are dry and slightly burnt? The fact is that the latter do not know all the subtleties.

    To prepare delicious cutlets, you must use mixed minced meat, which should consist of 3/4 of cape beef, and 1/4 of pork or veal, poultry and lamb.

    You should always add white bread without a crust to the minced meat and always soaked in milk.

    To make the cutlets as juicy as possible, you need to add a small amount of grated potatoes or sour cream to the minced meat, and put a small piece of butter inside the cutlets directly during formation.

    After the minced meat is ready, the latter need to put the egg white, whipped in a separate bowl, but the yolk should not be added in any case!

    Minced meat needs to be kneaded for several minutes, the longer you do this, the resulting cutlets are noticeably tastier.

    When ready, the minced meat should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 15-20 minutes, or even more. Recommended at least 1 hour.

    The frying process should be treated more responsibly, because this is an equally important part of cooking cutlets. The cutlets should be fried in hot oil, especially for the first 30 seconds. In order not to leak the juice, the cutlets should be covered with a light crust, and after that it is already necessary to reduce the heat and fry over medium heat. All the same must be repeated on the other side, periodically pouring oil over them.

    Following these non-tricky tips, you can easily cook the most delicious and juicy cutlets that will charm everyone!