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Presentation for children on the topic of knowledge day. Presentation "September 1". To make friends with me

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From the history of the holiday

  • Julius Caesar said: "Knowledge is power."
  • And Knowledge Day is always an exciting holiday for everyone. Probably, there is no person in Russia who would not remember the day of the first call, his first teacher, schoolmates with whom he began his journey into adulthood.
  • Gaius Julius Caesar is an ancient Roman statesman and politician, dictator, commander, writer.
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    This day is celebrated by schoolchildren and students, because today they start a new school year. The Day of Knowledge was officially established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984. The history of the emergence of this holiday (as well as a number of others) is associated with the Krasnodar school number 12 named. Makarenko under the arm. honored teacher of the school of the RSFSR, FF Bryukhovetsky.

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    Fedor Fedorovich Bryukhovetsky (May 15, 1915, Yekaterinodar - March 18, 1991, Krasnodar) - Soviet teacher, school director, honored school teacher of the RSFSR, candidate of historical sciences. FF Bryukhovetsky continued the ideas of A.S. Makarenko on organizing the team, created many school customs that were widespread in the schools of the Union, including such as the Day of Knowledge, the holiday of the first bell and the holiday of the last bell, worked on the creation of a cultural center on the basis of the school.

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    Traditionally, on this day, solemn lines and meetings dedicated to the holiday are held in schools. As always, first-graders are greeted with special solemnity at schools. For first-graders, this is the First Bell holiday, and in general, the holiday of the beginning of the new school year, primarily for pupils, students, students, teachers and professors.

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    Initially, the day of September 1, after it was given the status of a public holiday, was still a school day in schools: a holiday in schools began with a solemn ruler, then a Peace Lesson was held, then other lessons. Now in schools only ceremonial lines are held (when students of schools line up according to their class) and other festive events, in which special attention is paid to first graders.

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    On September 1, students and their parents give flowers to teachers, congratulate them on the beginning of the school year. The first persons of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on the Day of Knowledge. Various educational institutions are visited by district administrations, heads of cities and countries.

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    In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without rulers (a solemn meeting is held for freshmen, but senior students study), but this does not diminish the solemnity of the moment. In addition to the holiday of the first bell and the presentation of student cards, students have recently celebrated September 1 on a large scale: sailing on motor ships, parties in cafes and in the fresh air.

    Ksenia Zhukova
    Knowledge Day for the preparatory group-presentation

    All schoolchildren of the country in this day go to school.

    They come in uniform and with flowers.

    Who meets them at school? Teacher.

    What do schoolchildren take with them to school? Briefcase.

    What are the guys carrying in the briefcase? Textbooks.

    And school supplies.

    Schoolchildren study in the classroom, sit at their desks, the teacher writes on the blackboard.

    The bell calls for the lesson.

    Take a break between lessons at school.

    In kindergarten, children are met by a teacher.

    Pupils sit at tables, not desks.

    V the group also has a board, but less than at school.

    After class, the children walk with the teacher on the street.

    At school, pupils do not sleep, and in kindergarten they have a rest after lunch.

    A little time will pass, and you will become first graders, your first bell will ring for you.

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    Slide captions:

    All schoolchildren of the country go to school that day.

    They come in uniform and with flowers.

    Who meets them at school? Teacher.

    What do schoolchildren take with them to school? Briefcase.

    What are the guys carrying in the briefcase? Textbooks.

    And school supplies.

    Schoolchildren study in the classroom, sit at their desks, the teacher writes on the blackboard.

    The bell calls for the lesson.

    Take a break between lessons at school.

    In kindergarten, children are met by a teacher.

    Pupils sit at tables, not desks.

    The group also has a blackboard, but smaller than the school.

    After class, the children walk with the teacher on the street.

    At school, pupils do not sleep, and in kindergarten they have a rest after lunch.

    A little time will pass, and you will become first graders, your first bell will ring for you.

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