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Learning to read. Poems-dialogues, stories-dialogues - I ask for help. Card file of ready-made literary dialogues for the development of dialogical speech in preschoolers Dialogue between girls in kindergarten

Long but beloved. eight-)
Sergey Mikhalkov
Hung on the doors
Locked up
Everybody left
And one
In the House
Locked him up.

We left Trezor
No supervision.
And so the puppy
I messed up everything I could.

Tore the dress on the doll
A tuft of wool tore the hare,
Into the corridor from under the bed
Our shoes are taken away.

I drove a cat under the bed -
The cat was left without a tail.

I found a corner in the kitchen -
Climbed headlong into coal
The black one got out - you don't recognize.
Climbed into a jug - turned over,
I almost choked at all
And lay down on the bed to Sleep ...

We are a puppy in water and soap
We washed with a washcloth for two hours.
No way now his
We will not leave one!

Mustachioed - Striped
Marshak Samuel

Once upon a time there was a girl. What was her name?
Who called
He knew.
You don’t know.

How old was she?
How many winters
So many years -
Forty is not yet.
And only four years.

And she had ... Who did she have?
All striped.
Who is it? Kitten.

The girl began to put the kitten to sleep.
- Here's under your back
Soft feather bed.
Top on the feather bed
A clean sheet.

Here under your ears
White pillows.
Down blanket
And a handkerchief at the top.

She put the kitten down, and she went to dinner.
Comes back - what is it?

The ponytail is on the pillow
There are ears on the sheet.

Is that how they sleep?
She turned the kitten over, put it right:
Under the back -
To the perinka -
Bed sheet.
Under the ears -

And she herself went to supper.
Comes again - what is it?

No feather beds,
No sheets
No pillow
Not to be seen
And the mustachioed,
Got over
Under the bed.

Is that how they sleep?
What a silly kitten!

The girl wanted to redeem the kitten.
A piece
And a loofah
Got hold of
And voditsa
From the boiler
In the tea room
A cup
Brought it.

The kitten didn't want to wash
He knocked over the trough
And in the corner behind the chest
Washes the foot with his tongue.
What a silly kitten!

The girl began to teach the kitten to speak:

Kitty, tell me: ball.
And he says: meow!

Say: lo-shad.
And he says: meow!

Say: e-lek-three-ch-tst.
And he says: meow meow!

All "meow" yes "meow"! What a silly kitten!

The girl began to feed the kitten.

Brought oatmeal
He turned away from the cup.

Brought him radishes -
He turned away from the bowl.

I brought a piece of bacon.
The kitten says: - Not enough!

What a silly kitten!

There were no mice in the house, but there were a lot of pencils.
They lay on Dad's table and fell into the paws of the kitten.
As he jumped, he caught the pencil like a mouse,

And let's roll it -
From under the chair under the bed
From table to stool,
From dresser to sideboard.
Will push - and a scratch-scratch!
And then he drove it under the cupboard.

Waiting on the rug by the closet
I hid, breathing a little ...
Short cat paw -
Don't get a pencil!

What a silly kitten!

The girl wrapped the kitten in a scarf and went with him to the garden.

People ask: - Who is this with you?
And the girl says: - This is my daughter.

People ask: - Why does she have furry paws,
and a mustache, like dad?
The girl says: “She hasn’t shaved for a long time.

And as the kitten jumps out, how it runs, everyone saw
that this is a kitten - mustachioed, striped.

What a silly kitten!

And then,
And then
He became a smart cat.

And the girl also grew up, became even smarter and learns
in the first grade of the one hundred and first school.


A gnome comes to us in the morning.
In Moscow comes straight to the house!
And he says all about one thing:
-Wash your ears often!

And we shout back to him:
- We know for sure, there are no gnomes! -
He laughs: - Well, no, no.
Just wash your ears!

Old Willow's conversation with Rain
Tokmakova Irina

Eight - by the road,
Nine - in the meadow ...
- What do you, Rain, think?
Maybe I can help?
- Two - under the old spruce,
Near the hay - six ...
-What do you, Rain, think
Can't you count?
- Hurrying daisies
To recalculate everything,
Ten - at the edge,
Under the aspen - five ...
Well, how do I count,
How long before the trouble!
Suddenly not enough for everyone
I have water!

Berestov Valentin
How good it is to be able to read!

How good it is to be able to read!
Don't bother your mom
Don't shake your grandmother:
"Read it, please! Read it!"
No need to beg your sister:
"Well, read another page!"
No need to call
No need to wait
And you can take
And read!

Where does the fish sleep
Tokmakova Irina

It's dark at night. Quiet at night.
Fish, fish, where do you sleep?
The fox trail leads to the burrow,
A dog's trail - to the kennel.

Belkin's trail leads to the hollow,
Myshkin - to the hole in the floor.
It's a pity that in the river, on the water,
There are no traces of yours anywhere.
Only darkness, only silence.
Fish, fish, where do you sleep? 05/06/2004 10:13:38 AM, Nata

1 0 -1 0

What did the walnut bush say to the Bunny?
Tokmakova Irina

Stop, Bunny, don't run
On a small path,
You better run
Your tail is kypkysenky.
The fox creeps along the trail.
It is unlikely that he is looking for the fold!

Question and answer

Aunt Trott
English folklore (translated by S. Marshak)

Aunt Trott and the cat,
sat down y the window.
Sat down in the evening
chat a little.

Trott asked: "Kis-kis-kis,
can you catch cattle? "
... "M-myp" - said the cat,
after a little pause.

Marshak (English songs and rhymes

Three very cute fairies
Sat on a bench
And after eating a loaf of butter
Managed to get so oiled
What did you wash these fairies
Of three garden watering cans

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty fell in a dream
All royal cavalry
All the king's men
Can't Humpty
Can't Chatting
Humpty Dumpty
Collect Humpty Dumpty.
Little girl,
Tell me where have you been?
Was at the old grandmother's
At the other end of the village.
- What did you drink at your grandmother's?
- I drank tea with jam.
- What did you say to your grandmother?
- "Thank you and goodbye"

Tell me, our lamb, how much wool will you give us?
- Do not threaten me yet, I will give three sacks of wool,
One bag for the owner, another bag for the mistress,
And the third - for small children for warm sweatshirts.

Willie Winky's cat walks and looks:
Who hasn't taken off their shoes? Who is still awake?
Suddenly knocks on the window or blows into the shelves
Little Willie Winky tells me to go to bed.

The alarm clock is sleeping. The bell sleeps.
The puppy wakes up.
Wakes up and barks
He wishes us pleasant dreams.
"Bayu-bye! Bayu-bye!"
This is what this barking means.


Seagulls, seagulls! Where is your home?
Seagulls, seagulls! Where is your home?
On the ground? On the water?
Or in the blue heights?
- Well, of course, on the ground!
We are born on earth.
- Well, of course, on the wave!
We swing on the wave.
- Well, of course, above!
We fly high.
That's where, that's where we live!
This is where we live!

(Valentin Berestov).

Open the gate, Fox,
Receive, Lisa, a postcard!
The postcard has a picture:
Carrot tail and club.
And it is written in the postcard:

With greetings

Drummer Hare
Berestov Valentin

Behind the ears of a hare
They carry to the drum.
The hare grumbles:
"I'm not going to drum!
No mood
No furnishings
No preparation,
I can't see carrots! "
05/06/2004 10:14:29, Nata

1 0 -1 0

And further:

Why did the milk run away?
-Just the pan squeezed his sides!
I put it on the fire
Made to boil: be patient!
-I feel sorry for the milk ...
- He was hot!
It boiled, puffed out,
It rose quietly!
Trembled, trembled
It was decided: it ran!
-... And now we have these cereals
Eat and don't even have to!

Conversation in a dark room.

You know, behind the curtain
someone breathes and is silent ...
-It's a whale.
-Someone's shadow is sneaking - see? -
up the wall to the ceiling ...
-It's a wolf.
-Someone creaked the cabinet door ...
-Why aren't you scared ?!
-Are you with me.

Escaped milk

Milk escaped.
Has run away far!
Rolled down
Along the street
It started,
Across the square
It started flowing
Under the bench
Slipped through,
Three old women got wet
I treated two kittens,
Warmed up - and back:
Along the street
And crawled into the pan,
Panting hard.
Then the hostess arrived in time:
- Is it boiling?
- It's boiling!
Non-half-hearted firefly

With dawn
The firefly went to bed.
They say to him:
"Turn on your side!"
"It's bright in the yard!" -
they say to the firefly.
Good kids
They have been sleeping for a long time! "

The firefly covers its eyes
And waiting:
When from the room
mom will leave?
Today he can't stand it:
He's with the sun hare
I decided to make friends!

G. Sapgir

Once at the bottom of the glass
The dwarf met the giant
- How did you get into the glass? -
The Giant was surprised.

Roman Sef
-Hello wind,
What is sad?
-I feel bad,
Poor thing:
On the waves All my "lambs".
I graze them
But keep them safe
I can not.
My herd disappears
On the rocky
Teddy bear

A bear wanders by the den,
Legs bogged down in yellow leaves.
- Why are you sighing, bear?
The mouse rustled softly.
The clubfoot answers,
Blotting eyes with a paw:
-Mother Bear
Everyone is angry with me ...
I ask "Give me honey!"
And she: "Sleep for six months! ..."

also favorite, but long:
Above our apartment
(E. Uspensky)

Above our apartment
The dog lives
Barking dog
And does not let you sleep
Doesn't let you sleep

And over the dog
The cat lives
Cat meows
And does not let you sleep
Doesn't let you sleep

Well, over the cat
The mouse lives
The mouse sighs
And does not let you sleep
Doesn't let you sleep

At night on the roof
The rain is knocking
That's why
And the mouse does not sleep
The mouse does not sleep
All night long.

Sad in the sky
The clouds are running
The clouds are crying
And the tears are flowing
Tears are flowing
Let's rain!

And offended the clouds
Little thunder
Which over the clouds
Banged my fist
Banged my fist
Bang bang!

L. Zubkova

We shared
Many of us
And he is alone
This slice -
for a hedgehog!
This slice -
For the siskin!
This slice
For ducklings!
This slice
For kittens!
This slice -
for the beaver!
And for the wolf -
06.05.2004 11:00:49,

Greetings my dears.

Let's start today, perhaps, with a question for you. Where can you start to develop a child's spoken language?

But the truth is! Indeed, at the beginning of its journey, the vocabulary for free conversation of your baby is at the lowest level - if not to say that it does not exist at all. And it is not always possible to speak "not freely" either. So what's the way out? And the way out is this: dialogues for children in English.

Surprisingly, this technique found a response in the hearts of both many children and their parents. The secret here is simple: you can read or listen to simple dialogues - at first I would even recommend mini-dialogues - to disassemble individual words and phrases in them and tell them. Read them with translation, listen to them in audio and learn.

If you are concerned about how to develop your child's reading skill in English, I suggest you go through - it contains step-by-step lessons with pictures and audio. Come in and try it - you and your child will love it!

Today I will give you several different options, on different topics and varying difficulty.

The practice of speech for preschool age is distinguished by its simplicity and subject matter. It is easiest for such little children to remember what surrounds them: colors, animals, family, etc. Let's start with the "Welcome" and "Meet" dialogs. For instance:

-Hi. (Hello / Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening)
-What is your name?
-My name is Maria. And yours?
-My name is Diana.

-Hey . (Hello / Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening)
-What is your name?
-My name is Maria. And you?
-My name is Diana.

This is the easiest option to start with. You can develop the conversation further, for example, in this way:

-How old are you?
-I am five years old. And how old are you?
-I am six years old.

-How old are you?
-I am five years old. And how old are you?
-I am six years.

-Do you speak English?
-Yes, I do. Do you speak English?
- Yes, I do.

-Do you speak English?
-Yes. A do you speak English?
- Yes.

You can also use this addition:

-Where are you from?
-I am from Moscow. And you?
-I am from London.

-Where are you from?
-I am from Moscow. And you?
-I'm from London.

This is the most elementary thing that you can do with your baby today.

And here are the options, for example, for class 2 on the topic of family:

-How many family members do you have?
-I have 4 family members. A mother, a father, me and my older sister. And you?
-I have a father, a mother. I do not have any sisters or brothers.
-This is my mother Tanya and this is my father Vadim. My sister is Olya. She goes to school already.
-My mother's name is Alina, my father's name is Nikita.

-How many family members do you have?
-It's four of us . Mom, dad, me and my older sister... How many are you?
-I have a mom, dad. I have no sisters or brothers.
-This is my mom Tanya and this is my dad Vadim. My sister Olya. She already goes to school.
My mother's name is Alina, my father's name is Nikita.

For grade 3 students, you can combine dialogue and play " I can see something blue ...". For instance:

-I can see something red ...
-It's an apple. It's a towel. It's a shoe.
-I can see something green ...
-It's a flower. It's a coat.
-I can see something yellow ...
-It's a ball.

-I can see something red ...
-This Apple. This is a towel. This is a boot.
-I can see something green ...
-This is a flower . This is a coat.
-I can see something yellow ...
-It's a ball.

Talking about animals will help you quickly learn the right vocabulary.

-Do you have a pet?
-Yes, I have a rat. His name is Bonny. Do you have a pet?
-I already have two dogs and a fish.
-What are their names?
-My dogs "names are Dilly and Tisha, and my fish is called Loopy.

-Do you have a pet?
- I have a rat. His name is Bonnie. Do you have a pet?
- I already have two dogs and a fish.
-What are their names?
The names of my dogs are Dilly and Tisha, and my fish is called Loopy.

A good topic is a hobby. For instance:

-Do you like football?
-Yes, I do. My favorite football team is Barcelona. And you?
-I do not. I like basketball and tennis. What about reading?
-I like reading. I read several books per week. And do you like reading?
-I do not. I like watching films. My favorite films are “Harry Potter” and “Star Wars”.

-Do you like football?
-Yes. My favorite football team Barcelona. And you?
-I don't. I love basketball and tennis. How about reading?
-I like to read. I read several books a week. Do you like to read?
-Me not. I love watching movies . My favorite films are Harry Potter and Star Wars.

In addition to the previous one, you can add the following:

-How did you spend your summer?
-We went to the sea. The town was beautiful and the sea was very warm. And you?
-I was in the village with my grandparents. We played football with my brother and swam in the lake.

-How did you spend your summer?
-We went to the sea. The city is beautiful and the sea is very warm. And you?
-I was in the village with grandparents... We played football with my brother and swam in the lake.

For grade 5 students who already have a good lexical base, you can connect all these dialogues, and reveal all these topics one by one: greeting, acquaintance, family, animals, hobbies, etc.

What I want to say in the end, my dears, is that with the help of these mini-conversations, your little ones can quickly learn new words, as well as get rid of the fear of talking. I can give you some tips:

  • don't try right away embrace something big and complex- take small steps towards your big goal.
  • make sure your child is familiar with all the words when you say something. Memorized words, the meaning of which remains unknown, absolutely no benefit.
  • combine the use of this method with some kind of game so that the baby naturally memorized vocabulary.

I recommend to all, all children and their parents to take such a course from Lingualeo « For the little ones» ... This online course - in a playful and very enjoyable way - will captivate your child and make him ask you "And I also want to play English"... My daughter still likes it)), although we acquired it a long time ago.

That's all, my dears. I hope these materials will help you in your language learning. Moreover, you can get even more materials by subscribing to my blog mailing list. Improve your English every day with my help.

There are many ways to learn English. One of the most effective keys to achieving results is the use of dialogues. Conversations in English for children are a great way to develop thinking, enrich vocabulary, and learn courtesy. The peculiarity of the dialogues is that both interlocutors take an active part in it, who must ask and answer.

To make the speech coherent and competent, you need to think carefully before answering. And here a purely childish character trait comes into play - everyone wants to be better than the other. However, this trait is not only childish, it is also inherent in adults. In any case, the child will try to answer well and be smarter than the interlocutor. And this warms up interest in the lessons and makes you study hard. Forward for new knowledge!

  • Hello!
  • Hello! Nice to see you!
  • Nice to see you too!
  • Are you our new classmate?
  • Yes, I am.
  • We are glad that you are in our group. What is your name?
  • My name is Andriy. And yours?
  • I am Henry. Do you like cakes?
  • Yes, of course!
  • Come with us in canteen. There are very delicious sweets!
  • Yes, great. Come!

And translation =>

  • Hey!
  • Hey! Good to see you!
  • Nice to see you too!
  • Are you our new classmate?
  • We are glad to have you in our group. What is your name?
  • My name is Andrey. And you?
  • My name is Henry. Do you like cupcakes?
  • Oh sure!
  • Come with us to the dining room. There are delicious sweets!
  • Yes fine. Let's go to!

This dialogue can be a little tricky for very young children. But we want to show them that the dialogues can be very different and the phrases in them can be varied. Here's another example =>

  • What is your name?
  • My name is Vadim. And what is your name?
  • My name is Sasha. I want to be your friend.
  • Yes, sure. Let us be friends!

And now the translation =>

  • Hey!
  • Hey!
  • What is your name?
  • My name is Vadim. What is your name?
  • My name is Sasha. I want to be your friend.
  • Oh sure. Let's be friends!

Here are some colloquial phrases in English, in which we will tell you how the children had a rest in the summer =>

First dialogue:

  • Hello! Glad to see you after summer holidays!
  • I am glad to see you too! Are you satisfied with your vacations?
  • Yes, very. I were in village where my close friends live. We swam in river and took fish. And what about you?
  • I were in Turkey. My parents decided to see this beautiful country. We ate delicious sweets and made marvelous photos. I am very happy!
  • Amazing! We had incredible holidays!

Notice the expression to take fish (to fish). Means the same as to fish, only to take fish- more conversational !!

Translation =>

  • Hey! Glad to see you after summer holidays!
  • I am also very glad to see you! Are you satisfied with your vacation?
  • Yes very. I was in the village where my close friends live. We swam in the river and went fishing. What about you?
  • I was in Turkey. My parents decided to see this beautiful country. We ate delicious sweets and took wonderful photos. I'm very happy!
  • Amazing! We had an amazing vacation!

Second dialogue:

  • Hi! Are you Sarah?
  • Hi! Yes, I am.
  • I am your new neighbor. I want to be your friend.
  • Sure! Nice to see you!
  • Do you want to come with me in our school canteen?
  • Yes, come. Do you like bean soup?
  • Oh, yes! I adore it!
  • So come together. And then we will go home. I live near you.
  • Good! I am happy that you are my new friend!

Translation =>

  • Hey! Are you Sarah?
  • Hey! Yes.
  • I'm your new roommate. I want to be your friend.
  • Certainly! I'm glad to see you!
  • Would you like to come with me to our school cafeteria?
  • Yes, let's go. Do you like bean soup?
  • Oh yeah! I love it!
  • Then let's go together. Then let's go home. I live near you.
  • Good! I am glad that you are my new friend!

The family is waiting for an addition. Lisa (5 years old) asks her mother:
- And what is your belly more and more?
- I ate a watermelon, swallowed a seed, now a new watermelon is growing in my stomach! - Mom answers.
Lisa narrows her eyes and rests her hands on her hips:
“Aren't you pregnant, my dear?

The son is 2 years 6 months old. I brought him to the children's hospital for vaccination.
We are sitting in the vaccination room, waiting for my aunt to load the syringe. Suddenly, he
turns to me and says:
- I'll wait for you in the car, okay ?!

In the summer, the son (4 years old) sits and takes a blade of grass in his mouth as if
smokes. Is talking:
- Mom, look, I smoke.
- Kolya, you can't smoke!
- Mom, I’m weed.

Coming back from the fireworks show. Cub (3 years 6 months) all 50
minutes of the show sat as if spellbound. It burst in the car.
He hugs me from the back seat by the neck:
- Mom, I'm so happy! Thank you for giving birth to me.

Kirill (2 years 1 month) saw on the street leaving the entrance
a man and without unnecessary greetings, addresses:
- Have you gone for a walk?
The man was taken aback:
- Yeah.
- Have you put on your hat?
- Yes.
- And put on your mittens. Cold. Very cold.

In the garden, the teacher says:
- What to do? We have two Kolis.
Mine says:
- Call me, Nikolai the first ...

My five-year-old son is standing in the bathroom, looking at his "household" and
profoundly utters:
- I understood - here it is, the end of the spine ...

Anton (6.5 years old) asks:
- Mom, I forgot, cows, sheep, chickens, geese - as in one word
are called? Bastard or bastards?

- Dad, when the renovation is over, how old will I be?

My younger sister once decided to call my father at work herself:
- Hello! Is this dad's job? Call dad!

The other day I found my "diary of young Natasha-mother".
“My son is 15 months old (now 5.5 years old). Can't ride in public
transport, because I'm dying with laughter. Come in, sit down, son
chooses a nearby young man, smiles sweetly and says:
- Dad!
Many "dads" got off at the nearest stop ... "

We were walking with our son (2 years old) in the park and saw the twins. Seeing them and
Looking for a long time in surprise, he says:
- And where is my one ?!

- Yes, Veronica, we probably spoiled you ...
- How is it - you spoiled, and punish me?

From relatives, the daughter has long begged for a brother or sister.
Mom explains to her:
- Well, understand, dear, dad is on the flight, he will not arrive soon, and without dad we cannot have a baby.
But the girl was quickly found:
- On the contrary, let's start it now, and dad will come, and we will tell him: "Surprise!"

I bought myself a silver set (bracelets and a ring) on ​​the ancient Egyptian theme. The daughter (4 years old) examines carefully, then asks:
- Mom, is this Ancient Egypt?
- Yes daughter.
The husband asks:
- Daughter, how do you know that this is Ancient Egypt? What if it's Ancient China?
- Dad, this is your watch - ancient China, and your mom - Ancient Egypt.

Away. Adults are being shy. The hostess says:
- What are you not eating at all? Help yourself, isn't it tasty?
A child (4.5 years old) comes out and gives out loudly:
- You are not at home here, eat what they give!
I brought the phrase from the kindergarten ...

I scolded my son (5 years old) for something. He sat down on the floor, took out paper, pencils, and pouted to me:
- Then I'll draw you fat!

My husband and I got married when the youngest third son was 3 years old. Well, before all somehow hands did not reach. Once we had everything.
A couple of weeks before the event itself, the middle son (9 years old) asks:
- Mom, why are you all fussing with Anya (his godmother), running somewhere all day, what kind of carnival dress did you bring?
Anya laughs:
- Tolik, it’s your mother’s brain that’s going to get married.
Tolik is dumbfounded like this:
- Does dad know?

A friend tried to teach her son to sleep in the nursery. He fell asleep with his parents, she took him to the nursery. After 15 minutes he returns and again to his parents in bed. His mother took him back to the nursery. He came back again. For the third time she carries him to his "place", and through a dream he:
- Well, and how long are we going to run like that ?!

She took the youngest daughter to her work. She walked and wandered there, and entered the director's office. I sit and hear them talking about something, and the little one proudly says:
- And my mom can still grunt!

My daughter asks me:
- Mom, what time was I born?
I told her:
- At twelve at night.
And she is scared to me:
- Oh, I probably woke you up ?!

The grandmother is enthusiastically watching a fashion show on TV. Anton (4 years old):
- Grandma, what is an evening dress?
Grandma, without looking up from the screen:
- Well, Antoshka, imagine that the girl puts on her most elegant dress, the boy puts on his most beautiful costume ...
Anton interrupts impatiently:
- And they go pooping together?

At our grandmother's dacha there is a simple toilet of the "hole in the floor" type.
When Anya had to use it, she asked to be held by the hand. At the same time, she repeated all the time:
- Just hold me tight. Do you remember that I am your most beloved girl in the world?

I watch the news, my son runs in and shouts:
- Oh, Medvedev!
I ask:
- Do you know who Medvedev is?
- Yes - Putin.

The wife went to the hospital to save. I stayed at home, my son Svyatoslav (4 years old) and my son Yegor (2 years old). I can only cook pasta. So, I cooked macaros for them, slightly salted it. The first one came running Svyat, tried it. Without saying anything, he leaves the table. Goes to the nursery. At the door he meets Yegor, who is going to eat, takes him by the hand, takes him to the nursery and says:
- Yegor, don't eat. You are my only brother so far ...

I had to invite my mother.

We went to the store and left the car under a tree. While we were walking, a flock of birds flew in and pretty much shit on the roof and hood. I had to drive the car to the car wash and wash it to a state of cleanliness. After washing, my son looked at the car and said:
- Well, the birds will look at the car and say: "Cocoa, cocoa and it's all in vain!"

The son at the zoo asks his father:
- Dad, if a tiger breaks out of the cage and eats you, what bus should I take home?

Loew is 6 years old. We go with him to a neurologist. Lyovka is naughty - the doctors are tired of him. I tell him:
- This doctor will not do anything to you, he will only talk.
- Is that all?
- Well, maybe he'll knock with a hammer, but it doesn't hurt.
We arrived, let's go. Doctor:
- Hello, Lyovushka!
- Hello! Well, where is your ax ?!

We hope we cheered you up, smile more often!

Oksana Kalinina
Dialogue as a means of forming coherent speech in preschool children

It is proved that the main a form of communication for preschoolers is dialogue... He is the main one for them. form mastering all the components of the oral speech and school of formation social skills and habits that determine the nature of interaction with others.

Dialog is natural environment personality development as a whole. Absence or deficiency dialogical communication leads to various kinds of distortions of personal development, the growth of problems of interaction with people around, the emergence of difficulties in the ability to adapt to changing life situations. It is no coincidence that the concept of lifelong education indicates that in preschool age special attention should be paid to the development dialogical speech.

At the beginning of work, observing the children of her group, she noted their insufficient speech activity, the inability of most of the kids to build dialog, to conduct non-stimulated conversation. Taking into account the results of observation, and based on the relevance of development dialogical speech for preschoolers, I set a goal for myself - to develop children dialogical speech and teach them how to use it as form of communication.

Based on the statements of researchers (V.I. Yashin, A.A. Pavlova and others that dialogue needs to be taught, directed its activities towards creating a holistic approach to the formation of dialogical speech in children.

First of all, at the initial stage for development dialogical speech in children the group created a subject-developing Wednesday featuring games that promote development speeches, subject and subject pictures, albums of various subjects.

In my opinion, an important development factor dialogical speech in kindergarten is a conversation and conversation between the teacher and the children. Therefore, I myself often initiate interesting conversations, I use any occasion to enter into communication with children. For conversations with children, I use all the moments of kindergarten life. The topic and content of conversations is determined by the tasks of education and depends on age characteristics of children.

Special role in development dialogical speech I take it to fiction. After reading a literary work, I get attention children to the dialogues of heroes, we retell or stage them, thereby the guys not only learn to build dialog, but also borrow different shape communication for practical use.

Great influence on development dialogical speech games and play exercises provide.

The advantage of games is that they stimulate dialogical interactions both in preparation for the game and during the game itself. I turn on the games as in direct educational activities, and in the joint and independent activities of kids. I give children tasks that put them in situations that encourage them to enter into dialog.

For the formation of dialogical speech I use the method of verbal assignments. I give instructions to children to turn to a peer or an adult and ask, ask, or learn something, and I always praise them for a correctly built dialog.

To enrich speech experience children various types dialogical remarks, I introduce them to etiquette through playing plots, staging, etc., while teaching them how to correctly lead dialog.

I pay special attention to composing a story on a topic that the child likes. The child is preliminarily given a story plan, consisting of 5 questions - tasks. It is proposed to tell about what is on the site, what the children are doing on the site; what games they play; name your favorite games and activities; talk about activities and games on the site in winter (in summer, etc.)... After that, the child composes his story in separate fragments, before each of which the corresponding question of the task is repeated. The second option - one child begins the story, the second continues it, and the third finishes. Children choose partners themselves, agree on the content, on the sequence of storytelling. It can be an essay based on a painting, a series of paintings, or a set of toys. Stories can be recorded and arrange album of children's verbal creativity. A wonderful technique that sets the stage for children's dialogue, is a joint drawing of illustrations for stories.

Reading poetry by role is one of the methods of this kind. For this I select poems, nursery rhymes with various functional replicas, contributes to the assimilation of the variety of these statements. Reading poems by role allows children with OHP to learn more than dialogue form, but also the rules of the sequence of statements, to learn interrogative, narrative, incentive and other types of intonation.

Play-dramatization is a fertile field for consolidation and formation of dialogic skills... Role-playing dialogues in the game-dramatization are an indicator of not only development children's dialogue, but also an indicator of the development of the game itself-dramatization. The richer, the more varied dialogue in the game, the higher the level of game creativity children.

The theme of the games turns out to be the most varied: it concerns the life of a kindergarten and a family, reflects plots from the life of people, animals and plants, toys, vegetables and fruits, pieces of furniture, dishes, etc. are used as characters in games. , theater as an art form.

Staging games are a free retelling of literary works by role. The organization of such games is preceded by the stage of acquaintance with the work, it, possibly, repeated retelling of roles under the guidance of a teacher, and then direct and indirect assistance to the emergence of such games on the initiative children... The value of staging games and the fact that children draw shape various replicas from a literary sample, imitating which they appropriate them, put them into their active speech baggage.

Director's games are a kind of staging games based on literary works. In these games, the child can "Sound" the role of several characters alone or with a friend. Moving the figures of the tabletop puppet theater (or acting with other types of puppets, children act out performances, exercising in the reproduction of literary dialogues or composing your own"Pieces"... The teacher can guide the assimilation of one side or the other dialogue through the selection of literary works, with the help of tips, advice. And if the children do not object to"Spectators" their directorial games, the teacher, showing attention and interest, stimulates children to speech creativity.

An effective development method dialogical speech are a variety of games (plot-role-playing, didactic, mobile)

Ball games: "Complete the sentence"(the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, asks the question "There is a number behind the number 5 .. .. The child answers the question and throws the ball to the teacher", "Pass the ball - the number (season, day of the week) call ", "Say the opposite"(the child chooses words antonyms for the words that he calls educator: high - low, wide - narrow, catch the color of the fruit (shape, taste) call it. "

Didactic games - loto, dominoes, route (labyrinth, cut pictures. All of them are based on the interaction of the players. The role of an adult organizing interaction when children master these games is great. Then children begin to control the games on their own. directions: your move, go, place a chip, don't peep; arise questions: apple - what shape? What is red? The giraffe is tall, and who can be short. "Wonderful bag", "Find a Pair"- this game contributes to work on the complication of syntactic structures (monosyllabic answers, two-word sentences, sentences of 3-5 words, "Closed Book"(an adult shows an upside-down picture and explains that something very interesting is drawn here. Then he asks children: do the same as the girl does, etc., "Telephone", "Fairy Beast",

"I will tell - I will not tell".

Pair games ( "I know…", "Guess the object that I have in mind", "Complete the sentence", "Edible - inedible" etc., in which:

The ways of working with the language are fixed and refined. information obtained in the course of specially organized group activities form(vocabulary activation, development of grammatical structure speeches, sound culture speeches, etc.... etc.);

Children are guided by a peer partner, his practical and speech skills.

First, children master the rules of communication in games: observance of the sequence of game and speech actions; do not repeat what has already been said; in case of difficulty, ask clarifying questions; politely address each other with a request by name, use the "magic word "please".


As a result of the work done, I achieved the ability children participate in the conversation, answer the questions posed by the teacher, ask them correctly. Children's dialogue became more saturated with adjectives, nouns and various new words. Now the guys themselves want to ask questions and learn a lot of new and interesting things. They have an interest and desire to communicate using dialog... During conversations with children there is an emotional upsurge, in which they, trying to talk to each other, tell me - what interesting happened to them.

My work with the guys is at the beginning of the journey, but I really want to teach children communicate fully using speech, to show independence in statements, freedom in expressing their thoughts and feelings.

List of used literature:

1. Development coherent speech of children 5-6 years in experimental search activity. Preschool pedagogy No. 10 2014 p. 26

2. Play as a factor of development dialogue. Preschool education No. 5 2007, p. 9

3. Development speech in older preschool children. Preschool education No. 3 2007 p. 114

4. N. A. Pesnyaeva "Training dialog- desired or real? " M. 2008