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Culinary competition on February 23rd for men. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, cards, contests for you in the Holiday Center! Take care of your eggs

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate. They attach a belt to their waist, to which a pencil is tied on a thread - this is a fishing rod. Fishing will take place in winter, so you will have to fish in the hole. And the hole is the neck of an empty bottle. Whoever gets into the hole first with a fishing rod won the competition.

The most anticipated gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day

The most anticipated gift for February 23rd is, of course, men's socks. We will dedicate the competition to this garment. Each participant receives 5 pairs of socks. At the start command, each participant starts to put on socks on his feet, first the first pair, and on it - the second, and on it - the third, and so on. The competitor who first wears all 5 pairs of socks will be the winner and will take all the socks as a prize.

Arm wrestling

What men's competition would be complete without classic arm wrestling? The facilitator should provide that there is a free table in the room, which can be conditionally divided into two halves. All participants can measure their strength. Putting their right hands on the table with their elbows, the opponents clasp their hands and try to "knock down" the opponent. The one whose brush touched the table loses and is eliminated from the competition.

Free yourself from captivity

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, one of the participants is tied with his hands on a strong knot, and the second participant is seated on a chair and his hands and feet are tied with a simple knot with a bow. At the start command, participants with a strong knot in their hands must free the person sitting on the chair - with their mouths untie one knot on their legs and the second on their hands, after which the freed participants must untie a strong knot in their friend's hands. A couple in which both participants are freed from captivity faster than the others will become the winner.

Longest charge

Each participant receives the same yule (it can be either a small toy or a large one, the main thing is that everyone has the same one). At the start command, the participants simultaneously start spinning the whirligig. The winner is the one with the longest charge, that is, the one with the spinning top spinning longer than the others.

Troops by uniform

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare pictures of stripes (chevrons) of various troops and, accordingly, pictures of berets of each of these troops, for example, ground, tank, signal troops, air, sea, and so on. Participants are divided into teams with the same number of people. Each participant in each team receives a chevron (the set of chevrons for teams is the same). Each team has a stack of beret pictures in front of them. At the start command, the guys begin to disassemble the berets according to their accessories - in accordance with their chevron. The team that copes faster than the others and distributes the pictures correctly will be the winner.

Top secret

Men are divided into teams of about 3-4 people. One artist is selected for each team. The artists come up to the presenter and receive envelopes with the same phrases, for example, “At 12 in the night, ours will attack” or any other. The phrase cannot be pronounced, but it will need to be drawn. At the start command, the artists of the teams are located at their easels (you can stick a simple sheet of paper on the wall) and begin to draw a phrase, and the teams must guess this very phrase. The team in which the artist can draw faster and more easily, and the rest can guess the phrase indicated in the envelope literally, will become the winner.

A real man

Hands are tied behind each participant. Each man has a glass of the same amount of liquid, such as beer, in front of him. At the start command, the participants begin to drink beer hands-free. Whoever copes first will become the winner, and will also receive a prize, for example, a beer glass or a tea mug.

Blow up the enemy base

Men are divided into teams with the same number of participants. Team members stand in separate circles. Each participant receives a match. At the start command, the first team members light their match and from it they must light the match of the second participants, the second ones light the matches of the third and so on until the last. Only when the match of the last participant lights up, it will be possible to blow up the enemy's base. The team that copes faster than the rest will be the winner.

Throw a lasso

Men are arranged in a row in the same position (sitting, for example). At the same distance from each participant and for each bottle is located (for example, a bottle of beer). Each participant is given a rope. At the command "start" men should make their lasso and throw it over their bottle, and then get the bottle. Whoever copes first will be the winner.

Competitions and games are different, but in our case they should be united by one thing: the holiday is purely male, which means that the participants are men. We will make an exception only for pair contests, in which let women help their “defenders”.

Valuable balls

Inflated balloons should be tied to the ankles and wrists of men. Thus, each participant has four balls on his hands and feet, which they must take care of. The task of the players is not only to try to preserve all their "values", but also to burst other people's. The one who has more whole marbles left wins.

Matchbox "golf"

Empty glass beer bottles are tied to the men from behind, by a belt, on a rope, the length of which is about 50 cm. The "stick" should not reach the floor. “Balls” - matchboxes - are placed in front of the players. At a distance of about 10 m from the start, you need to draw a finish line. The task of the participants is to swing the bottle hands-free and push the boxes to the finish line with it. The best "golfer" is the one whose "ball" is the fastest to "hit the hole", that is, to cross the finish line.


Men are given props - an empty glass and a bottle of beer for each. Their task is to pour the foamy drink into the glass without spilling a drop. But the task is complicated by the fact that you need to do it without the help of hands. Have participants clamp the bottle between their legs just above their knees and gently pour the contents into a glass. The fastest and most accurate bartender wins!

Reel in your fishing rods!

The competition requires a long rope, salted or smoked fish and two participants. A fish is tied exactly in the middle of the string, and a small stick is tied at the ends: these are “fishing rods”. The players take the sticks in their hands and, on command, begin to “reel in the fishing rods,” that is, they wind the rope around the stick. The one who gets to the middle of the rope faster (and therefore to the fish) gets the “catch”.

Anatomical alphabet

Players are given several cards with letters written on them. Their task is for a certain time to make of themselves a kind of "anatomical table", where a person is drawn and the names of all parts of his body are signed, that is, the participants must attach cards to those places of their body whose names begin with written letters (for example, "R" - mouth or hand). Then each participant is approached by a "schoolchildren's excursion" led by a "biology teacher" who check whether the task has been completed correctly and count the cards. The winner is the one who places more "plates" in the right places and manages not to drop a single one during the "excursion".

Paper shredder

Invite your men to try themselves in the role of "paper shredder", which are usually found in offices. To do this, give each of them a sheet of newspaper. Let the participants stand in a row, stretch their right hand with the newspaper forward and try to tear it into small, small pieces. The second hand must be free, it cannot be used in the competition. In fact, the competition is quite difficult, because it is almost impossible to complete such a seemingly simple task with one hand without some skill. The man who has the smallest pieces, the whole newspaper will be torn (in general, whose work will be done better), and wins.


As we know, men are by nature polygamous and adore female attention. Invite them to create their own harem from the ladies in the hall. Give the participants colored rubber bands (each a specific color) or ribbons of different colors. Then the "sheikhs" must run around as many women as possible in a certain time and put one of their "bracelets" on each of them on the wrist or on the ankle. The more ladies the "Sultan" embraces, the more his harem will be. You cannot wear more than one rubber band on one girl. The man who has the most "wives" wins.


To find out which of your men is the most observant, offer them this competition. In addition to several "Stirlitz", you will need one girl. Let the "scouts" examine her carefully and remember her clothes in the smallest detail. Then the lady needs to be taken out of the hall and change one or several small details on her: unfasten the button on the jacket, remove the earrings, put a ring on her finger or something else. Then the girl needs to be returned back, and let the men look for differences between the previous image of the lady and the created one. The one who finds all the differences or more of them is recognized as the most suitable person for the role of a scout.


Another competition for attentiveness and memory. Only for this game you will need not a girl, but a tray and 10-15 different small items (lighters, boxes of matches, key rings, coins, etc.). We put the items on the tray and let our "scouts" look at all this and remember as many things as possible. Then we take away the tray and change something on it: we remove one of the items and (or) add something else. Now the task of "Stirlitz" is to guess what you have hidden and what you have put. The task can be complicated by removing and adding several items at once.

Caring dads

If you are spending a holiday in the company of adults, then surely many men already have children. Invite them to remember the past and try to swaddle the doll. Those representatives of the stronger sex who do not yet have offspring can also take part in the competition, practice. Players are given plastic babies, diapers, ribbons. The speed and quality of the assignment are evaluated.

Fairy tales

To play, you will need a children's book with any of the well-known fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Teremok" or any other. Then you need to write out all the heroes of the tale on separate sheets of paper. If there are many future "actors", then write out as many characters as possible, up to the forest, hemp, the tower itself, etc. Then the participants (not necessarily only men) draw out a card with the role of the character they will portray. The presenter reads the fairy tale aloud, and the heroes stage what they read. As a rule, it turns out to be a very funny and unusual production.

Water carriers

Surely all the men of your team, when they were little boys, carried toy cars along with them on a string. Invite them to remember their childhood and check how their driving skills have improved since then. For this competition, you will need several trucks on ropes of the same length and glasses of water. There are two options for assignments.

1. Men line up along one line and begin to gently pull up cars with glasses standing on them, full to the brim. It is important not only to complete the task faster than anyone, but also not to splash the water: the truck, in which the contents of the glass begins to spill over the edges, returns to the start and starts its journey anew.

2. Participants must go through an obstacle course and at the same time pull the car behind them. Place a few pins, and let the "water carriers" go around them with a "snake", then they can take the truck across the bridge (a sheet of paper or a plank on the floor), go around some obstacle and return to the "garage". The winner is the one who brings the water first and does not splash it.

Inspired poets

At all times, men dedicated poems to their ladies. Invite your participants to write a few lines of poetry, and even help them by handing out pre-prepared rhymes. They have to be funny and kind of ridiculous. For example, "a handful - a cloud", "husband - pear", "song - a ladder", etc. Let the players use these rhymed words in their works.

Model soldiers

For this competition, prepare clothes for future "servicemen" - helmets, boots, footcloths, huge trousers, etc. "Outfits" can be not only for soldiers.

Many people know that in the army, privates must have time to get dressed while the match is burning. Let your men on the command "Rise!" (when a match is lit) run up to the chairs with clothes and begin to put on everything that is given to them. Whoever manages to pull more items wins. To make it more fun, among the typical military paraphernalia, put children's caps, pacifiers, women's toiletry items. And then look at what your valiant defenders of the Fatherland have gathered to intimidate the enemy. The most suitable "soldier" and the most extravagant receive prizes.

Feeding husband

Several heterosexual couples are selected from the audience. "Zhenya" is blindfolded and given a plate with a piece of cake and a spoon. The “husband” sits down on a chair, and his “faithful” tries to feed the “beloved”. A man can tell a lady what to do, but he has no right to help with his hands. The winner is the couple in which the treat was eaten the fastest, and the “husband” was the least soiled in the cake.


For this competition, you will need a few empty beer bottles, an ordinary fishing rod, and a fairly heavy and voluminous sinker or weight. We attach a load to the line, arrange the bottles like bowling pins. Participants take turns taking a fishing rod and trying to hit the neck of the bottle with a sinker, and then make a "cut", that is, pull the fishing rod so that the bottle falls on its side. And now we time the time for each participant (it should be the same). The winner of the fishing championship is the one who catches the most fish, that is, dumps the most bottles.

The festive event dedicated to February 23 must include an original program with competitions. In cool competitions, men and boys will be able to show their resourcefulness, ingenuity or strength. It is necessary to select funny and interesting contests for February 23, based on the characteristics of communication in the team and the age of the participants. For example, guys and students in a school of the same grade can be offered fun competitions. But for dads who attended an extra-curricular event in kindergarten, it is better to choose simple contests. At a corporate party in the office, you should have plenty of fun, taking a break from the usual things. Children's contests should be quite interesting and unusual.

Cool contests for boys and guys on February 23 for a class in school and kindergarten

Entertaining and funny contests by February 23 can be made both thematic and simply interesting. For example, competitions for February 23 at school may concern the behavior of boys and their help to loved ones in normal conditions. Thus, they will be able to show ingenuity and demonstrate how important men are to their mothers, grandmothers or sisters. It is necessary to select cool contests for children for February 23 with simplified tasks: they should be really interesting for boys. Therefore, for a kindergarten, entertaining children's contests for February 23 are more suitable. Among the examples below, you can find good competitions for both school boys and toddlers.

Competition for boys and guys "Tell about the girls" for school and kindergarten for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Teams of children are selected (2 or 3 is enough) and prepare to talk about what a girl should be like. For example, that she should be able to cook, how she should behave. In turn, one boy from the team transmits the thoughts of the rest of the participants. Speakers are constantly changing. The winner is the team that can tell a lot more about the girls.

Competition for kids in kindergarten "Real sailor" on February 23

The group is divided into two teams (both boys and girls can participate). The teacher gives the commands "Forward", "Right on board", "Left on board", "Storm warning", and each team must beat it, as if the children are really on the ship. Those participants who will be able to correctly execute the commands and please the teacher-captain will win.

Competition for boys "Slay the Dragon" on February 23 for a class at school or in a kindergarten

A dragon is drawn on a large Whatman paper. Small red balls are attached to its legs, tail and mouth. They will represent a flame. The boys need to take turns running up to the Whatman paper, tear off the flame and "extinguish" it by bursting the balloon. A similar competition can be held both for the entertainment of the entire group or class, and for the competition of several children's teams.

Funny and interesting contests for men on February 23 in the office

Original performances and contests help to diversify the usual office gatherings. Therefore, by February 23, you need to prepare a program that will include a variety of entertainment. It is necessary to select contests for February 23 for men based on the characteristics of the relationship between colleagues. For example, for employees who communicate exclusively on work issues, you should find simple and harmless contests. Cool and funny entertainment is more suitable for a close-knit team. It is necessary to include contests for February 23 for male colleagues in the program, alternating with other numbers and breaks for snacks and coffee. This will help the representatives of the stronger sex take a breath between competitions.

Cool competition for men in the office by February 23 "Our brave security"

The competition is suitable not only for the entertainment of security guards, but also for the confirmation of their positions by their superiors or any of the leaders. It is he who will become the guard of the prisoner. The male captive is selected from the rest of those present. The guards should tie him tightly to the chair (without fanaticism), and the guards themselves should be blindfolded with a handkerchief or scarf. 2-3 more people are selected from the remaining colleagues. They must free the prisoner, while the guards must "drive away" his friends. If within the allotted time (5 minutes is enough) the prisoner is not released, the guards receive a prize. Otherwise, both the captive and his friends receive rewards.

Cool competition for male colleagues "Nursing Assistance"

Both men and women take part in the competition. They are divided into pairs: each nurse is assigned a soldier. The presenter gives the men cards, which describe their "injuries". These can be either real descriptions (a wound on the wrist) or fictional injuries (for example, a 6th degree triple heel fracture). At the signal, the men should announce their wounds to the nurses, and they, in turn, tie the sore spot with bandages. Whose team will correctly and quickly cope with the task, she will win. To increase interest, it is recommended to support couples or, on the contrary, interfere with them with loud shouts.

Original and cool contests for February 23 for a corporate party at work

A corporate party in the office can be made for men both memorable and very interesting. Cool and funny contests for February 23 will help in this, allowing you to reflect and actively spend time. You can select interesting contests for men in the office based on their preferences. For example, separate competitions between fishermen, separately between fans of virtual games. Among the proposed options, you can pick up cool and kind contests for February 23 for a corporate party, which all male colleagues will surely like.

Unusual competition for adults for a corporate party "Real Fishing"

Arrange metal objects (for example, staples, paper clips) in boxes, carefully distribute them so that there is enough space between the individual elements. Each of the male fishermen is given a fishing rod made of a pen or pencil with a thread and a magnet. They must quickly run to each box and fish out one item at a time. The man who collects all the items faster than the rest will be awarded a prize.

Cool competition "Camping fees" for men for a corporate party

The collection speed and quality competition is great for February 23rd. It is necessary to select several men (3-6 people), who will be given lists for fees. It can be a stationery, small office decor. If necessary, you can rearrange objects in different places so that men look for them, and not take them from their workplaces. Upon a signal, each of the participants begins to gather for the hike and "stocks up" with the necessary items. The fastest tourist wins.

What funny contests can be selected for men and boys on February 23?

Holding a holiday in school or kindergarten dedicated to February 23 requires the selection of competitions for both boys and their fathers. Dads are better off choosing simple tasks that do not require a lot of effort from them. After all, the men came to enjoy the event, and not to run all over the hall. Children should be offered more fun and fun contests. Therefore, when choosing contests for February 23 for boys, it is recommended to pay attention to the tasks that both children and adolescents can cope with. But cool contests for February 23 for dads need to be compiled with the calculation of the comfort and convenience of their implementation by adult men.

Funny competition for boys on February 23 "Pirate Adventures"

The presenter takes the participants of the adventure aside. At this time, his assistant puts (hides) the treasures in the hall or classroom. Each of the pirate boys must find the items indicated by the leader. The more things he can find, the higher the probability of winning. The competition can be held in several stages if the boys find an equal number of items. The game is repeated until the winner is determined.

Cool children's competition "March of the Soldier" for boys

The boys line up in a column one after another. On command, music is turned on, and the presenter starts either marching or dancing. Children must completely repeat his movements. After the music ends, the boy who is out of order or incorrectly repeated the movements is expelled from the group. The competition continues until one child remains.

Funny competition for dads for February 23 "Duel battles"

Grown men are usually reluctant to speak to strangers. But the competition associated with duel battles will surely please all guests of the children's party. The task of the presenter is to distribute gloves to all dads with a small load or without it. Standing near the highlighted line (you can use a rope or tape for this purpose), the dads try to throw the glove as far as possible. The dad whose glove was thrown farther than everyone else receives an award from the children or the host.

Original and cool contests for guys on February 23 - for school and university

If men are more demanding on entertainment at the holidays, then in boys you just need to arouse interest and attract a cool competition to participate. For example, include feasible contests for February 23 for schoolchildren related to searching for objects, active running, or competition against the clock. For children in elementary grades, dance or song competitions are also well suited. Games and contests for February 23rd can be held in the classroom or in the assembly hall. But it should be borne in mind that teenage boys will enjoy spending a holiday in a classroom more. As for the students, they will gladly take part in competitions in the hall and will delight all guests with a brilliant performance of tasks.

Cool competition for guys at school "Is it weak?"

2 people with the same dancing abilities must take part in the competition (you should not pair a dancer and an athlete). To the music, one of them begins to show certain movements. And the second one must skillfully "answer" the dance challenge. At the end of the guys' performance, you can give gifts to not one, but two boys at once.

Interesting contests for guys on February 23 "Who is faster and more tender?"

Such a competition is suitable for students. You need to choose two guys and place the girls in front of the column. Each of the participants must carry all the girls from one end of the audience to the other. At the same time, they need to be transferred in different ways: on the hands, on the shoulder. The winner is the participant who not only quickly copes with the task, but also does it really neatly and beautifully.

The original competition for boys "Not a Child's Race" by February 23

To participate, you will need 2-3 boys who wear racing helmets (or any other). While “driving” along the track, they should not only not knock down the placed obstacles and go around them beautifully, but also collect the objects scattered by the leader on the way. The boy who knocks down the least obstacles and collects the most things will win. In such competitions, both a special jury and guests of the event can determine the winner according to the watched performance.

Various contests by February 23 will help to spend a holiday in an office, school or kindergarten really unforgettable. Interesting and funny competitions will help men and boys show their talents and show the public their skills. You can select contests for February 23 both funny and funny. They will help to cheer up everyone present. For example, for dads, you should choose contests that will help them show courage, show imagination and logic. But the boys in the class can be offered contests with humor. When holding a corporate party in the office, you can draw up a program with contests that allow employees to have fun and have an original celebration on February 23 with their colleagues.

In Russia it has its own special meaning. This is not only the day of the defender of the Fatherland, but also the day when all women, girls and girls show special love for all, even the smallest, men - their main defenders. The day when, first of all, of course, they thank the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who gave us a clear blue sky above our heads and life. But real men are not left without attention either, because they act as defenders on a daily basis.

It's great to get together on such holidays with a big company. Work collective, family, friends, or generally all together. In such situations, it is important not to forget that even the most adult and seemingly serious man is a child at heart. And since this day everything is for our defenders, try to organize a memorable holiday for them.

To do this, it is worth diluting verbal congratulations with contests! Yes Yes! Any age boy with great passion and desire will take part in various relay races! Contests for men on February 23 can be selected below on our website! When organizing, the main thing is to put your soul into everything that you do for family and friends. Have a great celebration!

Protect the orange
The first number in the list of the competition for men on February 23rd is the "Protect an Orange" competition. Two men are required to participate. Each of them should grip a spoon in their teeth, put an orange, potato or egg on it, and put their hands behind their backs. The task of the participants is to drop the opponent's orange with the help of their spoon, while holding their own.

Army cuisine
This is a joke competition. The presenter lays out raw unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that they will have to peel the potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless selected, they are invited to name the potato dishes one by one. The last dish wins.

Four ends
The third men's competition for men on February 23rd is called "The Four Ends". You need 2 thick ropes of equal length. They are tied in the middle, and loops are tied at all four ends. Participants pick up the loops and stand at the corners of an impromptu square. At a distance of two meters from each participant, a stone or any other object is placed on the periphery. At the signal, all players try to grab their stone. The winner is the one who does it first.

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate. They attach a belt to their waist, to which a pencil is tied on a thread - this is a fishing rod. Fishing will be winter, so you will have to fish in the hole. And the hole is the neck of an empty bottle. Whoever gets into the hole first with a fishing rod won the competition.

You will need balloons for this competition. Male / female pairs are welcome to participate. The strong floor is on chairs, on everyone's knees in a balloon. At the command of the leader, the "bombardment" begins - the women take a running start on the ball of their "pilot". The couple whose balloon bursts and the man withstands the blow won.

Test of strength

Towards the end of the evening, when enough beer cans have accumulated among the empty containers, it is time to check the guests' marksmanship. Everyone who wants to, as in a shooting range, orders the required number of bullets, receives a children's Chinese pistol from the host and shoots at the cans. The winner is the one who hits the most cans.

The Defender of the Fatherland Day will come very soon, so the female half is puzzled by the question of how to congratulate their male colleagues on February 23.

You can pleasantly surprise the men and arrange an original congratulation for the holiday on February 23 with the help of a quest. We offer ready-made sets of tasks for this game: you just need to print the tasks and hide them in the office - and the adventure with the search for the hidden treasure is ready!

If your team has free, informal relationships, and sometimes mini-corporate parties are organized by the employees themselves, you can arrange fun entertainment. We offer a choice of interesting games and contests that can also be useful for a home party dedicated to this holiday:

Creative approach to congratulating employees

If the relationship in the team allows it, congratulations from men can be comic, especially if among you there are masters of Photoshop and craftsmen to compose a couple of rhymed lines (costs are minimal, the main thing is the availability of creativity and time to complete such a project!)

First option. Make funny collage portraits of each employee, supplement them with funny epigrams or rhymes, wishes, print on a color printer and give them! Or you put all these photos into a single poster and hang it in a conspicuous place so that it attracts the attention of others - a great mood for the whole day will be guaranteed. The main thing is not to get too carried away in bantering colleagues, remember - after all, March 8 is coming soon!

Second option. You can assign each man a title for the peculiarities of his character or for some distinctive features, or come up with various comic nominations and reward everyone.

Options for "titles" and nominations:

  • "Mister Charm"
  • "Mister Intellect"
  • "Mister Wits"
  • "Mister Scrabble"
  • "Mister Kindness"
  • "Mister Generosity"
  • "Mister Modesty"
  • "Mister Romantic"
  • "Mister Handsome"
  • "Mr. X"
  • "Mr. Bean"
  • Thief of hearts
  • "Best Biceps"
  • "Cool guys can do everything!"
  • "Soul of the company", etc.

Games and contests

Who is the sultan?

For a large and noisy company. The competition is attended by men. Ladies gather in one place. Men, at the signal of the leader, should drag (carry on their hands) as many women as possible to their "harem" (beyond the finish line). The winner is the man who has gathered more women in his harem and is given the title of "sultan" for the evening. As a prize, you can allow him to play a little naughty during the party, using the privilege of his "title".

We offer a variant of the competition: women need to be charmed and lured into their harem by any means, except for the use of physical strength (unlike the first option, they cannot be dragged and carried on their hands). This task is more difficult, as it requires a creative approach. What can men do? They can: seduce women with erotic dances; to sing songs; read poetry; to plead theatrically; give funny, cool promises ... In general, let them try as best they can! Only women should be asked to honestly evaluate the efforts of the participants, and not to choose a “harem” based solely on personal sympathy for the “sultan”.

I am an intelligent, handsome, moderately well-fed man in full bloom

For the competition, you need a bag of lollipops (you can use mini-candies). Two or three male players are invited. According to the terms of the competition, each participant takes turns taking a piece of candy from the bag and puts it in his mouth (it is strictly forbidden to swallow candy!) ... The winner is the one who can articulate the phrase with the most candy in his mouth. Simple and fun!

A compliment is a delicate matter

Several participants (men) are called, each is given a pen and a sheet of paper. The goal of the competition is to collect as many female autographs as possible (kisses as an option) within a certain time frame. For this, participants must compliment the ladies present. But not everything is so simple! Compliments should be genuine and interesting, not empty and banal. A lady has the right to put an autograph or a dash in response to a compliment, depending on the "quality" of the compliment (sincerity-pretense, creativity-banality ...). You can complicate the game by forbidding the contestants to compliment the ladies about the appearance. The most gallant gentleman who will collect the most autographs (kisses) wins.

Here are two more contests on the same topic:

The most eloquent

The competition is attended by men who claim to be the most gallant and eloquent. Their task is to take turns to compliment the ladies on the letter given by the leading, for example, on the letter "l". You cannot repeat yourself. The loser is the one who has no more words left.


A variation of the previous competition.

Male-female pairs are selected for the competition. The participant kneels in front of his lady and takes her hand. Looking into the eyes of their "beloved", the gentlemen take turns saying compliments. Compliments should not be repeated. The one who last "praised" his lady receives the title of "The most gallant gentleman".

Connoisseurs of women's fashion

Two men are invited to participate in the competition. Each of them receives by order (as a guide, you can use an ordinary Chinese stick). Two identical posters with women's dresses depicted on them are brought out. Dresses should have all kinds of details - yokes, tucks, ruffles, flounces, cuffs, slots, cuts, etc. The presenter names the detail, and the men should find it on the poster and show it with a pointer. It is necessary to arrange the posters so that rivals cannot peep at each other. The winner is the one who correctly showed the most details.


This is a joke competition. The presenter lays out unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites the most courageous men to participate in the competition. Everyone thinks they will have to peel the potatoes. But when those who wish come out, they are invited to take turns calling the potato dishes. The winner is the one who names the most dishes.

Live gifts

In advance, you need to prepare cards (the more, the better) with the names of gifts that women usually give to men on February 23rd. The name of the gift must be one word only. I offer you a choice of: cigarette case, ashtray, lotion, perfume, tie, socks, laptop, phone, whiskey, slippers, bathrobe, coffee, spinning, wallet, card holder, fountain pen, razor, mug, backpack, flashlight, thermos, flask, etc. .d.

Only men participate. 2-3 volunteers are invited (more is possible). They sort all the cards without looking so that each player has the same number of them. Each is given a certain time to complete the task, for example, 5-10 minutes (this depends on the number of cards). The task of the players: as quickly and better as possible to depict without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures, the words they got. The audience's task is to guess the names of the gifts. To make the game more active and more fun, you can set a prize for the most ingenious spectator.

Military attributes

A variation of the previous competition.

In advance, you need to prepare cards (the more, the better) with the names of weapons and military equipment (for example: flamethrower, mortar, all-terrain vehicle, plane, helicopter, gun, tank, parachute, etc.).

Only men participate. 2-3 volunteers are invited (more is possible). They sort all the cards without looking so that each player has the same number of them. Each is given a certain time to complete the task, for example, 5-10 minutes (this depends on the number of cards). The task of the players: as quickly and better as possible to depict without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures, the words they got. The audience's task is to guess what kind of weapon or technique it is. To make the game more active and more fun, you can set a prize for the most ingenious spectator.

The smartest and most artistic participant wins. It is also advisable to prepare incentive prizes for the rest of the participants.

Aircraft designer

Many men in childhood dreamed of becoming pilots. Everyone is given the opportunity to try themselves as aircraft designers. Each is given a sheet of A4 paper and markers (felt-tip pens). The task is to make an airplane, decorate it and give it a name (preferably interesting, unusual). Then the participants showcase their "creations". Evaluated: design, quality of performance, originality of the name, altitude and range of flight, pirouettes.

Harsh clothespins

Number of players: any. Props: clothespins (not very hard). This is a competition for the most courageous, and it must be supported by a good prize. The most courageous are called. Their task is to fasten the maximum possible number of clothespins on their face in a minute.

Take care of your eggs!

Competition for a noisy and cheerful company. Props: raw eggs, plastic bags. Only men take part - from 2 or more people. Each is given a plastic bag containing two raw eggs. Egg bags must be fastened in front of the belt so that they hang between the legs. The players split into pairs, then stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly. The task of the participants is to break the eggs of your opponent as quickly as possible. Anyone who breaks eggs is eliminated. The remaining one fights with the next partner, and so on until the winner is determined. And the winner is the one with at least one egg remaining intact. You can only fight with bags of eggs, you are not allowed to help yourself with your hands or try to break someone else's eggs with your feet! Fun guaranteed!

I have the honor!

The task of the players: you need to salute with your right hand, at the same time stretch your left hand forward, clenching your fist and sticking out your thumb and say "I have the honor!" Then clap your hands and do the same, changing hands. It's very funny how to do this and look at each other - the hands do not want to obey and all the time get confused.

Goodbye dear!

Acting competition.

In any film, the most touching scenes are the farewell scenes. It is at the moment of parting that people are especially sincere and tender. They sometimes confess what they have been silent about for many years. The authors of the plays save the most emotional and quivering words especially for the farewell scenes. Try to portray a scene in which you say goodbye ...

  • with a lady of the heart - a knight leaving for a crusade;
  • with the bride - the groom going to the bachelor party;
  • with a harem - the sultan who goes to fight;
  • with his wife - a husband who goes on vacation to Turkey alone (or with friends).

Whoever delivered the most moving farewell speech wins.

All the power in the fist

Strong and dexterous men are invited - no more than 5 people. They are given pre-prepared newspapers. The task of the players: with one left hand (not helping with the right!), Holding the newspaper by the corner, gather it into a fist at the command of the leader. The fastest and most agile wins.

Similar competition:

Tear with one hand

The task of the contestants is to tear a newspaper sheet into small pieces with one hand (right or left, it does not matter). In this case, the hand should be extended forward, you cannot help with your free hand. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and better.


A fun and active game. Those present are divided into teams. A line (line) is drawn, beyond which the attacker is forbidden to intercede. A waste basket (or something else, for example, a basin) is placed at a distance of several meters from the line. The attacking team throws lumps of paper trying to hit the basket with them, and the team defending the "object" can hit the shells. Then the teams are swapped. The winner is the team with more shells hitting the target.

Beer lovers

Two or more young people are called. Everyone is given an open bottle of beer and a glass. The glass is placed on the floor in front of the participant. The task of the competitors: you need to squeeze a bottle between your legs and fill a glass with beer, and then quickly drink it. Whoever drinks his bottle of beer the fastest in this way is the winner.

Another competition for beer lovers:

Beer bread

Men are divided into two teams equal in number of players. Each team is given a pot of beer and cocktail straws (per player count). At the signal of the leader, the team simultaneously begins to drink beer from the pan with the help of straws. The team that does it faster wins.

Draw "Who is stronger"

Two are invited. They are seated on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of three to four steps. The leader ties each of them to the ankle of their right leg with a rope 2 meters long, passes it under the chair, blindfolds each of them and invites them to try, pulling the rope, to tear the opponent's leg off the floor. The presenter changes the ends of the ropes at the last moment, and it turns out that each player tries to tear his own leg off the floor.

The most accurate

The facilitator places a chair in the middle of the room and puts a wide hat (or something else, for example, a round box) on it. The host invites men to compete in accuracy. Each participant in turn tries to throw various objects into the hat: a dice, a walnut, a matchbox, a coin, an orange, etc. For each hit (regardless of the subject), the player is awarded a point. The winner is the one with the most hits.

General's shoulder straps

This team game will be very appropriate at the evening dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The participants are divided into two teams. The leader puts two matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players of each team, saying that these are general's shoulder straps. The task of the "generals" is to run the distance, trying not to drop the "shoulder straps". The game takes place in the form of a relay race: a participant runs a specified path and then passes the match boxes to the next player. The first team to run the distance wins.

Men are encouraged to experience how women feel in an "interesting position." The host attaches large balloons to the men with adhesive tape at the level of the abdomen. A box of matches (or any other small items, for example, mini-candies) are scattered on the floor in front of each player. The task of the players is to collect as many matches (mini-candies) as possible from the floor during the time allotted by the host, not forgetting about their “interesting position”. The one who bursts the ball is eliminated from the game.

Best angler

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate in the competition. They attach a "fishing rod" to their belt - a thread with a pencil tied to it. Fishing will be winter, so you will have to fish in the hole, and the hole is the neck of an empty glass bottle. Whoever hits the hole first with a fishing rod is the winner.


Two volunteers are summoned and blindfolded. Several salad bowls with different contents are placed in front of them. It can be: salt, granulated sugar, flour, millet, buckwheat, rice, beans, etc. The task of the participants is to determine, blindfolded, what is in the salad bowl. The winner is the one who completed the task faster and more correctly.