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The Church forbids fortune telling on Christmas or Christmas Eve. The best fortune-telling before Christmas Is it possible to guess on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, known as Christmas Eve and celebrated on the evening of January 6, is an important day for Christians.

Christmas Eve and the night before Christmas, in the folk tradition, are associated with many beliefs and rituals, including girls' fortune-telling.

Christmas Eve has always been considered special. According to popular belief, on the night before Christmas, which according to the Orthodox calendar comes from January 6 to 7, all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces penetrate the Earth.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is the last day of the Christmas fast, established in order for people to cleanse themselves by repentance, prayer and fasting, and to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Christ with a pure heart.

Christmas Eve has been called Christmas Eve, as it is believed, because of the tradition, it is compulsory to eat on this day sweet porridge - "sochivo", grains of wheat and other cereals boiled in honey.

Porridge had a special meaning - the grain symbolized the resurrected life, and honey - the sweetness of the future blissful life.

On Christmas Eve, Christians recall the gospel story about the worship of the Infant God of the Eastern wise men. The Magi from the East brought gifts to the newborn Savior: gold, incense and myrrh.

On Christmas Eve, the fast is not as strict as on other days of the last week of the Nativity Fast.

On Christmas Eve, the Vespers service is combined with the Liturgy and is celebrated in the morning, therefore the Orthodox also fast until the moment when a candle is brought out to the center of the church and before which the troparion to the Nativity of Christ is sung.

By tradition, a brew of pears, cherries, apples, plums, raisins and other fruits boiled in water was also served on the table. The table on which the meal was located was covered with hay or straw, as a reminder of the manger in which the newborn Jesus was laid.

In the old days in Russia, on Christmas Eve, it was impossible to use piercing and cutting objects, as it could lead to diseases. Traditionally, these days men did not go hunting or slaughter livestock, and women and girls put off sewing and knitting until the end of the holidays.

People believed that household chores could also bring trouble to the house.

Since ancient times, Christmas Eve has been considered the best time for fortune-telling, since it almost always came true. Therefore, taking advantage of the unusualness of this night, people wondered, trying to predict.

Divination for Christmas has been very popular for many centuries. In the old days, they used to guess using candles, shadows, shoes, and so on. Fortune-telling does not lose its relevance in our time.

Christmas divination and carols

Fortune-telling for Christmas was of the greatest interest among girls who wanted to know the name of their future spouse, or maybe see his reflection in a mirror or in a wedding ring.

The Church has a negative attitude to any manifestation of divination and magic, therefore it condemns any attempts to find out the future, especially at Christmas. Despite this, people wondered and continue to guess.


Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish, for a betrothed or a bride, or for the future remains the most popular.

Girls on Christmas night could find out the name of the future spouse and even see his face in the mirror. For this, at midnight, the girl sat in the dark between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see her betrothed.

The girls with a mirror also wondered at the crossroads - standing with their backs to the month, looking in the mirror and thinking: "The betrothed, disguised, show yourself to me in the mirror." As some claim, after a while the betrothed appears in the mirror.

Christmas divination and carols in Chelyabinsk

One of the oldest divinations in Christmas is in wax. To do this, you need to pour water into a transparent glass or a deep plate and put a ring without a stone on the bottom, preferably removed from the fortuneteller's finger. Melt the wax in a spoon over the flame of a candle with the words "burn-burn a candle, drown-burn wax, tell me the name of your betrothed." Then sharply pour the molten wax into the center of the ring into the water and carefully discern the shape of the frozen wax figure.

Street fortune telling

The name of the future husband on Christmas night can be found in the following way. For this, the girls went out into the street and the first man they met was asked for his name. As he introduces himself, so will the name of the betrothed.

The next fortune-telling will also help to find out the future - for this on Christmas night, at midnight you just need to go outside the threshold of your house. Fate will be predicted by the first sounds that you hear - the ringing of bells means you will be a happy bride.

The betrothed is already in a hurry to you if you hear a man's cheerful voice. If you hear a quarrel or just a conversation in a raised voice - this year your personal life is unlikely to work out.

Christmas divination

But with a slipper, street fortune telling at Christmas is the most famous. The girls threw their shoes over the fence and watched where the sock was looking, respectively, the groom would come from there.

It was possible to find out the future in marriage by clasping the fence with outstretched arms. If a girl clasped an even number of stake-boards, this meant a happy married life. An odd number foreshadowed an unhappy marriage.

Other fortune telling

On Christmas Eve, they also used dreams. You had to eat herring or something salty at night without drinking water. The groom will be the one who gives water in a dream.

The character of the future spouse could also be found out through fortune-telling. Put a spoonful of honey, citric acid, salt and wine in four identical glasses of water.

Stir the contents of the glasses, place them on the tray and cover with a thick napkin and roll the tray with your eyes closed so that you do not know the contents of the glasses.

Then turn off the light in the room, remove the napkin from the glasses and, having chosen one of them, take one sip from it. Your husband will have a great character if you come across a glass of honey. A glass of salt means that you and your husband have to shed a lot of tears, with acid - a sad boring life. A glass of wine indicates that your husband will be drinking too much.

On the floor of the unborn child, they were guessing with a ring or a needle. They lowered the ring into a glass, pierced the woolen cloth with a needle, and then the object was suspended by a thread or thread and slowly lowered near the man's hand. If the ring or needle began to make pendulum-like movements, a boy will be born, if circular - a girl, and if the objects did not move, there will be no children.

A good sign on Christmas Eve is to see a shooting star, as it is believed that a wish made on the night before Christmas comes true. Therefore, on Christmas Eve, you must definitely look at the sky.

Celebrating Christmas dressed in dark colors is considered a bad omen - on such a bright and cheerful holiday, one cannot be sad. Spring will be early if there is a heavy snowstorm on Christmas night.

The people believed that next year you will have a rich harvest if you are preparing holiday dishes and some of your products are constantly falling.

If you stumble on Christmas Eve, be careful for bad news.

During all the holidays, the dreams that you will see will be prophetic, so try to remember them and correctly understand what fate predicts for you.

Material prepared by Sputnik Georgia based on open sources

Since time immemorial, the fairer sex has been waiting for Christmas Eve, which is called Christmas Eve, and the reason for this was not only a festive dinner and kutia, but of course the opportunity to find out their future. We were preparing for this evening in advance. The hostesses organized a delicious dinner, invited guests, and the young girls locked themselves in the room and wondered: for the betrothed, for life, for fate, for children.

The roots of this festive evening go deep into paganism, then the days that became Christmas in Christianity were called Christmastide. With the advent of Christianity, any magical actions became strictly prohibited, but girls and even married women gathered secretly from supporters of the Christian faith in order to carry out fortune-telling on Christmas Eve. Then the relationship was simplified, and the girls got together on this night every year in order to find out their future.

If you decide to find out your future on Christmas Eve 2018, do not forget that the main thing is to know what time to guess. Remember that heavenly forces are activated at midnight, so everything should be prepared in advance.

Fortune telling for girls on Christmas Eve

Fortune-telling on Christmas Eve was an important part of the festivities. Most of the fortune-telling that comes true was done by girls, they learned from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who shared them with pleasure, remembering their youth.

Layout on cards

Cards can do a lot, for example, say whether a wish will come true or predict the future. There are many different ways, we will offer one of the simplest, but most effective, for getting to know your future.

In order for the information to be accurate, you need to be fully prepared: wait until midnight on Christmas Eve, take off all your jewelry, put on your nightgowns without ropes or laces. Light the candles and put them in a semicircle, shuffle the deck and put it in the center of the burning arch.

Then, with your left hand, lay out the cards, organizing them in a continuous circle, face down. You can shoot them from anywhere, but lay them out at specific points for which you need to free up space. First, remove three cards, mentally asking the question:

"What and who will leave my life?"

And put them down, as if at your feet, mentally imagining yourself, pictures to yourself, so that you can immediately see the result. Then ask a question:

"What and who will come into my life?"

Place these three cards on top, as if to the head. On the left should be placed three cards that tell you about your work, and on the right about relationships with people. 5 cards are laid out in the center, which will personify your thoughts and your heart. At the top of the cards is one responsible for how the matter ends.

The values

  • 6 - romantic road;
  • 7 - a joyful event;
  • 8 - good news;
  • 9 - love, confessions;
  • 10 - meeting with a loved one;
  • B - love affairs;
  • D - mother's care;
  • K - narrowed on the doorstep;
  • T - destined to be fulfilled.
  • 6 - fun adventures;
  • 7 - intrusive memories;
  • 8 –intervention of higher officials;
  • 9 - a possible offer;
  • 10 - meaningless, empty talk;
  • B - unnecessary worries about a loved one;
  • D - excessive custody;
  • K - fulfillment of desires;
  • T is an interesting meeting.
  • 6 - serious, business meetings
  • 7 - doubts, remorse
  • 8 - minor experiences;
  • 9 - unrequited feelings;
  • 10 - making a decision
  • B - separation, sadness;
  • D - troubles at work emanating from a woman's face;
  • K - a respectable person, guardian;
  • T is a serious event.
  • 6 - obstacles on the way:
  • 7 - human envy;
  • 8 - longing for the past;
  • 9 - loneliness;
  • 10 - stormy experiences, deceit;
  • B - suffering, treason;
  • D - gossip, insidious woman;
  • K - monetary interest;
  • T is a fatal step.

On desire

You can make a wish on the deck and draw any card from it, the answer will be a picture, suit and color of the card:

  • worms - will come true soon;
  • tambourines - will come true, but not right away.
  • baptize - in the distant future;
  • peaks - will not come true.

If you get pictures, the wish will come true without interference from people (subject to the suit of the red suit), and if the numbers, then perhaps the circumstances will be a little against you, you will have to try to fix everything. In the presence of a black suit, the pictures indicate that people are an obstacle in the fulfillment of desires, the number will say that circumstances interfere with you.

Using a mirror

In this case, a rooster was used.

A mirror was placed in the room, and the girl had to observe the behavior of the rooster:

  • passes by - the husband will be hard-working, caring;
  • admires himself in the mirror - a man will be boastful, loving only himself;
  • cleans feathers in front of a mirror - will be demanding, strict;
  • pecks himself in the mirror - he will be a bully, a drunkard;
  • crows - will be successful, but boastful;
  • overturns the mirror - to widowhood.

If there was no rooster in the house, a cat was used, which is quite feasible in the modern world. You can use a parrot or other bird. Of course, if you are guessing in an apartment, then this option suits you much more.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas on wax

These seemingly simple manipulations require water, a wide candle and a bowl, but not everything is so simple, because the main thing is the interpretation of what you see.

Pour water into the bowl, light a candle, let it light up so that the wax begins to accumulate. After turning the candle over, let the wax drain into the water, but not just randomly, you should draw crosses and circles three times in the bowl.

The meaning of the figures:

  • heart - someone loves you;
  • wreath, crown - wait for the offer this year;
  • flowers - an easy year;
  • triangles - gossip;
  • circle - closed circumstances, boredom;
  • transverse zigzags, waves - obstacles;
  • wavy road, longitudinal - adventure;
  • face - to acquaintance;
  • many points - to noise;
  • stars, sparks - joy;
  • square - routine, emptiness;
  • cobweb - to gossip;
  • longitudinal stripes - fate is in your hands;
  • transverse stripes - a lot of foreign influence;
  • someone's image - changes are coming;
  • a triangle in a square - difficult circumstances;
  • bumps - to obstacles in love;
  • home is a long life.

Sometimes several pictures appear on the water at once, then you need to interpret everything separately and add a little imagination.

On constricted

For this fortune-telling on the night before Christmas, you will need a basin and several types of cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, millet, oats. Everything must be poured and mixed in one basin.

On Christmas Eve, at midnight, you need to put your hand in the basin and scoop up as much grain as possible, then carefully pour it onto the countertop. If there is more white: the husband will be blond, black - dark. If the surface is flat - poor, there will be hills - rich. You can also read the name of the betrothed, but you have to try. Look carefully at the pattern and write down all the letters that you saw in it, you can roughly add the name or initials from them.

To sleep

You need to carry out actions at home, you will find out the name of the betrothed and get answers to some questions, but you need to sleep on a double bed. Before going to bed, write down the names of the men on pieces of paper and put them under the pillow, next to your half, as if your spouse is sleeping there. You need to put numbers from 1 to 12 under your pillow.

Ask the angels so that your betrothed comes to you in a dream, try to remember him, because prophetic dreams are dreamed on Christmas Eve. Pull out a piece of paper early in the morning and you will find out what your future spouse will be called. From under your pillow, the numbers can be taken out several times in a row:

  • first decide: in how many months the betrothed will appear (there will be your wedding, if there is one already);
  • then you can ask whether he is blond or dark-haired: even blonde, odd dark-haired;
  • rich or poor: even rich, odd poor;
  • live in love or not: even in love, odd without it.

Fortune telling in the company

Rarely when they wondered on Christmas Eve alone, most often they gathered in large and friendly companies. The girls prepared in advance for this evening, or rather the night. They gathered for a holiday in a free room and wondered about their fate in different ways.

Ritual on the ring

You will need several rings - gold with a stone, simple, wooden, silver, wedding, as well as millet, a red candle, a basin.

Pour millet into the basin and lay out each ring, if the fortune-telling process takes place in a company of a large number of people, then you can put a pair in the basin of each ring so that there is enough for everyone. The girls take turns taking out the ring with their eyes closed. Elongated rings are interpreted as follows:

  • with a cane - promises a rich life in the near future;
  • simple - nothing will change in your life;
  • wooden - a very poor husband will come across;
  • silver - someone loves you;
  • engagement - an offer awaits this year;
  • golden - sweet life.

On constricted

The most truthful fortune-telling took place in the bathhouse, and not at home. For this fortune-telling you will need: a candle, three basins filled with water.

Exactly at midnight, you should light a candle, wash yourself in three waters, mentally thinking to yourself that you are doing this for the betrothed, whose name you will soon recognize. Wipe off, get dressed and go outside to walk and celebrate. On the way, the first man who calls you or turns to you, you need to find out the name - this will be the name of the future husband. If a girl called out, it means that it is not destined to get married this year.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve for married women

For married ladies, any fortune-telling manipulation on the night before Christmas was prohibited. In the old days, vigilant mother-in-law and sister-in-law watched this, but then it became easier and family representatives of the weaker sex also participated in fortune-telling. Usually on Christmas Eve they were interested in issues related to children, money and happiness.

In a bath with a broom, for children

You have to sit on the shelves and say:

"Bath forces, I will show you the genitive place, in return I expect the number of children from you."

  • many leaves - to be married with rich children;
  • one leaf - prophesies one baby;
  • two - two children (if they are of different colors, the children will be of different sex);
  • three is a good sign telling a woman not only about the number of children, but also that she is destined to be loved in a marriage.

On a bath broom about money

After taking a steam bath, you need to go outside and throw a broom over your right shoulder. Turning around, you need to see how the broom lies - if the leaves are to you, you will be rich in marriage, if the leaves are to the right, a lot of money will go into business, work or, as they say now, into business. The leaves on the left side mean that the rival will receive the money, upward they predict a penniless life or the spouse of the mota.

Be that as it may, fortune-telling is the most truthful and accurate fortune-telling, especially if people who fortune-telling believe in them.

Christmas Eve, known as Christmas Eve and celebrated on the evening of January 6, is an important day for Christians.

Christmas Eve and the night before Christmas, in the folk tradition, are associated with many beliefs and rituals, including girls' fortune-telling.

Christmas Eve has always been considered special. According to popular belief, on the night before Christmas, which according to the Orthodox calendar comes from January 6 to 7, all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces penetrate the Earth.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is the last day of the Christmas fast, established in order for people to cleanse themselves by repentance, prayer and fasting, and to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Christ with a pure heart.

Christmas Eve has come to be called Christmas Eve, as it is believed, because of the tradition, it is compulsory to eat on this day sweet porridge - "sochivo", grains of wheat and other cereals boiled in honey.

Porridge had a special meaning - the grain symbolized the resurrected life, and honey - the sweetness of the future blissful life.

On Christmas Eve, Christians recall the gospel story about the worship of the Infant God of the Eastern wise men. The Magi from the East brought gifts to the newborn Savior: gold, incense and myrrh.

On Christmas Eve, the fast is not as strict as on other days of the last week of the Nativity Fast.

On Christmas Eve, the Vespers service is combined with the Liturgy and is celebrated in the morning, therefore the Orthodox also fast until the moment when a candle is brought out to the center of the church and before which the troparion to the Nativity of Christ is sung.

By tradition, a brew of pears, cherries, apples, plums, raisins and other fruits boiled in water was also served on the table. The table on which the meal was located was covered with hay or straw, as a reminder of the manger in which the newborn Jesus was laid.

In the old days in Russia, on Christmas Eve, it was impossible to use piercing and cutting objects, as it could lead to diseases. Traditionally, these days men did not go hunting or slaughter livestock, and women and girls put off sewing and knitting until the end of the holidays.

People believed that household chores could also bring trouble to the house.

Fortune telling

Since ancient times, Christmas Eve has been considered the best time for fortune-telling, since it almost always came true. Therefore, taking advantage of the unusualness of this night, people wondered, trying to predict.

Divination for Christmas has been very popular for many centuries. In the old days, they used to guess using candles, shadows, shoes, and so on. Fortune-telling does not lose its relevance in our time.

Fortune-telling for Christmas was of the greatest interest among girls who wanted to know the name of their future spouse, or maybe see his reflection in a mirror or in a wedding ring.

The Church has a negative attitude to any manifestation of divination and magic, therefore it condemns any attempts to find out the future, especially at Christmas. Despite this, people wondered and continue to guess.


Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish, for a betrothed or a bride, or for the future remains the most popular.

Girls on Christmas night could find out the name of the future spouse and even see his face in the mirror. For this, at midnight, the girl sat in the dark between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see her betrothed.

Girls with a mirror also wondered at the crossroads - standing with their backs to a month, looking in the mirror and thinking: "The betrothed, mummer, show me in the mirror." As some claim, after a while the betrothed appears in the mirror.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Kondratyuk

One of the oldest divinations in Christmas is in wax. To do this, you need to pour water into a transparent glass or a deep plate and put a ring without a stone on the bottom, preferably removed from the fortuneteller's finger. Melt the wax in a spoon over the flame of a candle with the words "burn-burn a candle, drown-burn wax, tell me the name of your betrothed." Then sharply pour the molten wax into the center of the ring into the water and carefully discern the shape of the frozen wax figure.

Street fortune telling

The name of the future husband on Christmas night can be found in the following way. For this, the girls went out into the street and the first man they met was asked for his name. As he introduces himself, so will the name of the betrothed.

The next fortune-telling will also help to find out the future - for this on Christmas night, at midnight you just need to go outside the threshold of your house. Fate will be predicted by the first sounds that you hear - the ringing of bells means you will be a happy bride.

The betrothed is already in a hurry to you if you hear a man's cheerful voice. If you hear a quarrel or just a conversation in a raised voice - this year your personal life is unlikely to work out.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Kondratyuk

But with a slipper, street fortune telling at Christmas is the most famous. The girls threw their shoes over the fence and watched where the sock was looking, respectively, the groom would come from there.

It was possible to find out the future in marriage by clasping the fence with outstretched arms. If a girl clasped an even number of stake-boards, this meant a happy married life. An odd number foreshadowed an unhappy marriage.

Other fortune telling

On Christmas Eve, they also used dreams. You had to eat herring or something salty at night without drinking water. The groom will be the one who gives water in a dream.

The character of the future spouse could also be found out through fortune-telling. Put a spoonful of honey, citric acid, salt and wine in four identical glasses of water.

Stir the contents of the glasses, place them on the tray and cover with a thick napkin and roll the tray with your eyes closed so that you do not know the contents of the glasses.

Then turn off the light in the room, remove the napkin from the glasses and, having chosen one of them, take one sip from it. Your husband will have a great character if you come across a glass of honey. A glass of salt means that you and your husband have to shed a lot of tears, with acid - a sad boring life. A glass of wine indicates that your husband will be drinking too much.

On the floor of the unborn child, they were guessing with a ring or a needle. They lowered the ring into a glass, pierced the woolen cloth with a needle, and then the object was suspended by a thread or thread and slowly lowered near the man's hand. If the ring or needle began to make pendulum-like movements, a boy will be born, if circular - a girl, and if the objects did not move, there will be no children.


A good sign on Christmas Eve is to see a shooting star, as it is believed that a wish made on the night before Christmas comes true. Therefore, on Christmas Eve, you must definitely look at the sky.

Celebrating Christmas dressed in dark colors is considered a bad omen - on such a bright and cheerful holiday, one cannot be sad. Spring will be early if there is a heavy snowstorm on Christmas night.

The people believed that next year you will have a rich harvest if you are preparing holiday dishes and some of your products are constantly falling.

If you stumble on Christmas Eve, be careful for bad news.

During all the holidays, the dreams that you will see will be prophetic, so try to remember them and correctly understand what fate predicts for you.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

On Christmas Eve and Christmastide, many girls wonder about their betrothed - who he is, who he looks like, when he will meet, and what his name will be. It is better to guess any day until Epiphany - January 19, 2019. This period is the most appropriate time to look into the future.

On the eve of Christmas and the upcoming holidays, many people think about whether it is possible to find out their destiny. The tradition of Christmas divination has become so tightly embedded in our culture that even some Christians allow themselves to be carried away by such things. So is fortune-telling permissible on Christmas?

At all times of the existence of Christianity, the opinion about appeals to magicians and sorcerers in order to find out their future was unambiguous - this is a sin that removes us from God, writes the site molitva-info.r u.

Important! Rule 61 of the VI Ecumenical Council directly indicates the inadmissibility of the participation of Orthodox Christians in fortune telling and the possibility of imposing a penance for as long as 6 years. Those who absolutely do not want to get rid of sin should be completely excommunicated from the Church.

The desire to know his future is inherent in a person who does not trust God... Ultimately, whatever we do, what happens in our lives is in the hands of the Lord. According to the Gospel, even a hair will not fall from the head without the will of the Creator. Therefore, the desire to find out what awaits us next is a demonstration of distrust of God.

Interest in fortune-telling, as in any other occult and mystical practices, comes from the understanding of the simple fact that human life is not limited only to the body. But not having true faith, a person easily falls into any delusions and superstitions.

In addition to the fact itself, many fortune-telling are openly blasphemous and anti-Christian in nature. So, sometimes it is necessary to take off the pectoral cross, which many martyrs refused to do even under the threat of death. And in the case of Christmas amusements, people take off the symbol of salvation for the sake of fun.

Also, very often in such events, sacred objects of church use are used - candles, icons, Epiphany water. You can even hear the opinion that since fortune-telling is based on the use of holy things, then they are not sinful and all predictions come from God. Such an approach is pure heresy, and the desecration of shrines for occult purposes is a grave sin. An Orthodox person must carefully protect himself from such activities.

There are several ways for fortune telling. Experienced girls in this use runes, tarot cards, special stones and even summoning spirits. Of course, the latter, especially on Christmas night, can be dangerous and unpredictable. Therefore, fortune-telling on wax, predictions on cards, on spring water, on candles, mirrors and many others are quite suitable for home “use”.

Fortune-telling on Christmas Eve was an important part of the festivities. Most of the fortune-telling that comes true was done by girls, they learned from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who shared them with pleasure, remembering their youth.

Layout on cards

Cards can do a lot, for example, say whether a wish will come true or predict the future. There are many different ways, we will offer one of the simplest, but most effective, for getting to know your future.

In order for the information to be accurate, you need to be fully prepared: wait until midnight on Christmas Eve, take off all your jewelry, put on your nightgowns without ropes or laces. Light the candles and put them in a semicircle, shuffle the deck and put it in the center of the burning arch.

Then, with your left hand, lay out the cards, organizing them in a continuous circle, face down. You can shoot them from anywhere, but lay them out at specific points for which you need to free up space. First, remove three cards, mentally asking the question:

"What and who will leave my life?"

And put them down, as if at your feet, mentally imagining yourself, pictures to yourself, so that you can immediately see the result. Then ask a question:

"What and who will come into my life?"

Place these three cards on top, as if to the head. On the left should be placed three cards that tell you about your work, and on the right about relationships with people. 5 cards are laid out in the center, which will personify your thoughts and your heart. At the top of the cards is one responsible for how the matter ends.

The values

  • 6 - romantic road;
  • 7 - a joyful event;
  • 8 - good news;
  • 9 - love, confessions;
  • 10 - meeting with a loved one;
  • B - love affairs;
  • D - mother's care;
  • K - narrowed on the doorstep;
  • T - destined to be fulfilled.
  • 6 - fun adventures;
  • 7 - intrusive memories;
  • 8 –intervention of higher officials;
  • 9 - a possible offer;
  • 10 - meaningless, empty talk;
  • B - unnecessary worries about a loved one;
  • D - excessive custody;
  • K - fulfillment of desires;
  • T is an interesting meeting.
  • 6 - serious, business meetings
  • 7 - doubts, remorse
  • 8 - minor experiences;
  • 9 - unrequited feelings;
  • 10 - making a decision
  • B - separation, sadness;
  • D - troubles at work emanating from a woman's face;
  • K - a respectable person, guardian;
  • T is a serious event.
  • 6 - obstacles on the way:
  • 7 - human envy;
  • 8 - longing for the past;
  • 9 - loneliness;
  • 10 - stormy experiences, deceit;
  • B - suffering, treason;
  • D - gossip, insidious woman;
  • K - monetary interest;
  • T is a fatal step.

On desire

You can make a wish on the deck and draw any card from it, the answer will be a picture, suit and color of the card:

  • worms - will come true soon;
  • tambourines - will come true, but not right away.
  • baptize - in the distant future;
  • peaks - will not come true.

If you get pictures, the wish will come true without interference from people (subject to the suit of the red suit), and if the numbers, then perhaps the circumstances will be a little against you, you will have to try to fix everything. In the presence of a black suit, the pictures indicate that people are an obstacle in the fulfillment of desires, the number will say that circumstances interfere with you.

Using a mirror

In this case, a rooster was used.

A mirror was placed in the room, and the girl had to observe the behavior of the rooster:

  • passes by - the husband will be hard-working, caring;
  • admires himself in the mirror - a man will be boastful, loving only himself;
  • cleans feathers in front of a mirror - will be demanding, strict;
  • pecks himself in the mirror - he will be a bully, a drunkard;
  • crows - will be successful, but boastful;
  • overturns the mirror - to widowhood.

If there was no rooster in the house, a cat was used, which is quite feasible in the modern world. You can use a parrot or other bird. Of course, if you are guessing in an apartment, then this option suits you much more.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas on wax

These seemingly simple manipulations require water, a wide candle and a bowl, but not everything is so simple, because the main thing is the interpretation of what you see.

Pour water into the bowl, light a candle, let it light up so that the wax begins to accumulate. After turning the candle over, let the wax drain into the water, but not just randomly, you should draw crosses and circles three times in the bowl.

The meaning of the figures:

  • heart - someone loves you;
  • wreath, crown - wait for the offer this year;
  • flowers - an easy year;
  • triangles - gossip;
  • circle - closed circumstances, boredom;
  • transverse zigzags, waves - obstacles;
  • wavy road, longitudinal - adventure;
  • face - to acquaintance;
  • many points - to noise;
  • stars, sparks - joy;
  • square - routine, emptiness;
  • cobweb - to gossip;
  • longitudinal stripes - fate is in your hands;
  • transverse stripes - a lot of foreign influence;
  • someone's image - changes are coming;
  • a triangle in a square - difficult circumstances;
  • bumps - to obstacles in love;
  • home is a long life.

Sometimes several pictures appear on the water at once, then you need to interpret everything separately and add a little imagination.

On constricted

For this fortune-telling on the night before Christmas, you will need a basin and several types of cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, millet, oats. Everything must be poured and mixed in one basin.

On Christmas Eve, at midnight, you need to put your hand in the basin and scoop up as much grain as possible, then carefully pour it onto the countertop. If there is more white: the husband will be blond, black - dark. If the surface is flat - poor, there will be hills - rich. You can also read the name of the betrothed, but you have to try. Look carefully at the pattern and write down all the letters that you saw in it, you can roughly add the name or initials from them.

To sleep

You need to carry out actions at home, you will find out the name of the betrothed and get answers to some questions, but you need to sleep on a double bed. Before going to bed, write down the names of the men on pieces of paper and put them under the pillow, next to your half, as if your spouse is sleeping there. You need to put numbers from 1 to 12 under your pillow.

Ask the angels so that your betrothed comes to you in a dream, try to remember him, because prophetic dreams are dreamed on Christmas Eve. Pull out a piece of paper early in the morning and you will find out what your future spouse will be called. From under your pillow, the numbers can be taken out several times in a row:

  • first decide: in how many months the betrothed will appear (there will be your wedding, if there is one already);
  • then you can ask whether he is blond or dark-haired: even blonde, odd dark-haired;
  • rich or poor: even rich, odd poor;
  • live in love or not: even in love, odd without it.

Rarely when they wondered on Christmas Eve alone, most often they gathered in large and friendly companies. The girls prepared in advance for this evening, or rather the night. They gathered for a holiday in a free room and wondered about their fate in different ways.

Ritual on the ring

You will need several rings - gold with a stone, simple, wooden, silver, wedding, as well as millet, a red candle, a basin.

Pour millet into the basin and lay out each ring, if the fortune-telling process takes place in a company of a large number of people, then you can put a pair in the basin of each ring so that there is enough for everyone. The girls take turns taking out the ring with their eyes closed. Elongated rings are interpreted as follows:

  • with a cane - promises a rich life in the near future;
  • simple - nothing will change in your life;
  • wooden - a very poor husband will come across;
  • silver - someone loves you;
  • engagement - an offer awaits this year;
  • golden - sweet life.

On constricted

The most truthful fortune-telling took place in the bathhouse, and not at home. For this fortune-telling you will need: a candle, three basins filled with water,

Exactly at midnight, you should light a candle, wash yourself in three waters, mentally thinking to yourself that you are doing this for the betrothed, whose name you will soon recognize. Wipe off, get dressed and go outside to walk and celebrate. On the way, the first man who calls you or turns to you, you need to find out the name - this will be the name of the future husband. If a girl called out, it means that it is not destined to get married this year.

For married ladies, any fortune-telling manipulation on the night before Christmas was prohibited. In the old days, vigilant mother-in-law and sister-in-law watched this, but then it became easier and family representatives of the weaker sex also participated in fortune-telling. Usually on Christmas Eve they were interested in issues related to children, money and happiness.

In a bath with a broom, for children

You have to sit on the shelves and say:

"Bath forces, I will show you the genitive place, in return I expect the number of children from you."

  • many leaves - to be married with rich children;
  • one leaf - prophesies one baby;
  • two - two children (if they are of different colors, the children will be of different sex);
  • three is a good sign telling a woman not only about the number of children, but also that she is destined to be loved in a marriage;

On a bath broom about money

After taking a steam bath, you need to go outside and throw a broom over your right shoulder. Turning around, you need to see how the broom lies - if the leaves are to you, you will be rich in marriage, if the leaves are to the right, a lot of money will go into business, work or, as they say now, into business. The leaves on the left side mean that the rival will receive the money, upward they predict a penniless life or the spouse of the mota.

Be that as it may, fortune-telling on Christmas Eve is the most truthful and accurate fortune-telling, especially if fortune-telling people believe in them.

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Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve is celebrated on January 6 in the evening - for Orthodox Christians, it is an important day.

Christmas Eve, like the night before Christmas, is associated with many traditions and signs, as well as with various fortune-telling.

Christmas eve

Christmas Eve is the last day of the Christmas fast. It was established in ancient times so that people would be cleansed by prayer and repentance before the holiday and met the Nativity of the Savior with a pure heart.

Christmas Eve has come to be called, as it is believed, because of the tradition of eating on this day "syrup" - sweet porridge. Porridge made from wheat grains boiled in honey had a special meaning, as it symbolized the resurrection and the sweetness of the coming blissful life.

Fasting on Christmas Eve is stricter than on other days of the last week of Christmas fast.

By tradition, a decoction of cherries, pears, plums, apples, raisins and other fruits boiled in water was served on the table. The table, according to tradition, was covered with hay as a reminder of the manger in which the newborn Savior was laid.

On Christmas Eve, according to tradition, the gospel story about the worship of the Eastern wise men to the newborn Jesus is remembered. The Magi from the East brought gold, incense and myrrh as a gift to the Divine Infant.

On Christmas Eve, according to tradition, the Vespers service is combined with the liturgy and is celebrated in the morning - the Orthodox fast until the candle, in front of which the troparion is sung to the Nativity of Christ, is carried to the center of the church.

On Christmas Eve in Russia, they did not use cutting and stabbing objects so as not to cause trouble. Traditionally, men these days did not hunt or slaughter livestock, while women put off sewing and knitting until the end of the holidays.

Household chores, as people in the old days believed, could bring trouble to the house.

Fortune telling

Christmas Eve has always been considered special - according to popular beliefs, on the night before the birth of Jesus, all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces penetrate the Earth.

Christmas Eve has long been considered the best time for fortune-telling, and people, taking advantage of the unusualness of this night, wondered, trying to find out the future.

In the old days, they used to guess using candles, shadows, shoes, and so on. Fortune-telling does not lose its relevance in our time.

The greatest interest in fortune-telling on Christmas Eve was aroused by girls - they were eager to find out the name of their future spouse, and maybe even see his reflection in the mirror or in the wedding ring.

The Church has a negative attitude towards fortune-telling, therefore it condemns any attempts to find out the future, especially on Christmas Eve. Despite this, people continue to guess.

Divination by the betrothed

The most popular fortune-telling is for the groom, for the fulfillment of a wish or for the future.

On Christmas Eve, girls could find out the name of their future spouse and even see his face in the mirror. To do this, at midnight in the dark, the girl sat between two mirrors, lit candles and gazed into the reflection, hoping to see her betrothed.

The girls also carried out fortune-telling with a mirror at the crossroads - they stood with their backs to the month and, looking in the mirror, they thought: "The betrothed, mummed, show yourself to me in the mirror." People claim that the “betrothed” appeared after a while in the mirror.

Wax divination is one of the oldest on Christmas Eve. To do this, water was poured into a transparent glass or deep plate and a wedding ring was placed on the bottom.

In a spoon over the flame of a candle, they drowned wax and said: "burn, burn a candle, drown-burn wax, tell me the name of your betrothed." Then they abruptly poured molten wax into the center of the ring into the water and carefully examined the shape of the frozen wax figure.

Other fortune telling

The name of the future husband on Christmas Eve can be found in this way. Girls went out into the street late in the evening and asked the first man they met for his name. As he introduces himself, so will the name of the betrothed.

Another fortune-telling will help to find out the future - for this on Christmas Eve, at midnight, you just need to go outside the threshold of your house. The first sounds that you hear will predict the fate.

The most famous street fortune telling on Christmas night is fortune telling with a shoe. The girls threw their shoes over the fence and looked where the sock was looking, respectively, they were waiting for the groom from there.


Seeing a shooting star on Christmas Eve is a good omen, since a wish made on this night is sure to come true.

It is considered a bad omen to celebrate Christmas in dark colors - there is no place for sadness on a bright and cheerful holiday.

Spring, according to signs, will be early if a strong blizzard rises on Christmas night.

The next year, according to signs, will be fruitful if something constantly drops while you are preparing holiday dishes.

Stumbling on Christmas Eve is a bad omen, you can get bad news.