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Epiphany bathing: Why do people plunge into the ice-hole, and why it is called “Jordan”. Swimming in the ice hole for baptism The tradition of taking a dip in the baptism

The trail of radical feminism, understood as the struggle for the legalization of LGBT people and the right to free abortions, has long and thickly hangs over the international day of women's struggle for their social rights and equality.

The problem of the struggle for equal pay with men and the equal right to work has long been abandoned, turning the topic of the place of women in modern industrial society into a topic of gender confrontation.

It is in the theme of women's emancipation that the fact of the growth of socialist and liberal movements from one ideological root - New Time, understood as the era of Modernity, is most manifested.

When the day of March 8 was just born as the date for holding rallies and demonstrations of the female part of the proletariat, liberalism was still a rightist trend and did not shy away from the childhood illness of leftism. The ideas of feminism at that time had an exclusively social background, where the position of a woman in the family was seen as a continuation of her exploitation, the roots of which lay in production.

Marriage by the Social Democrats was understood as a bourgeois relic to be abolished. Friedrich Engels in his work "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" revealed the nature of marriage in bourgeois society as a kind of transaction, equating it with social prostitution. The reason is arranged marriages, in the absence of sincere love between husband and wife, when property motives prevail in the decision to create a family.

Such falsehood leads to the flourishing of prostitution as a social phenomenon, and the fact that such a marriage was sanctified by the church and the state led the socialists to the conviction of the need to abolish such a state, such a church and such marriage as institutions of enslavement and exploitation, where the most exploited woman is the woman.

Naturally, having freed herself from marriage, and with it from sources of livelihood, having severed ties with the family of her parents and her husband, the woman needed means. So the idea of ​​freeing labor was combined with the idea of ​​liberation from family tradition.

Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, the ideologists of the March 8 holiday, being socialists, did not at all belong to the LGBT community, as now politically correct perverts are called. When they talked about "fighting a hated family, into which women are driven into slavery by hated men," they meant what Hitler later called "a woman's world, limited to three Ks: kinder, kirche, kyukhe."

Children, church, kitchen. Hitler did not invent anything new here, simply repeating the old thesis of the radical right conservatives.

Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg. 1910

The desire to turn a woman exclusively into a means of reproduction of the clan became an extreme, requiring exposure and uprooting. Rebelling against the entire way of life based on private property and the exploitation of man by man, the socialists ran into a value impasse.

When the theory of the "glass of water" became dangerously popular among young socialists, the leaders realized that there had been a substitution and vulgarization of the thesis: they meant something other than the preaching of debauchery. Such a society will perish in one generation.

The value of the family as the primary reproduction unit of socialist society with its basic values ​​has become the main thesis of propaganda, sex outside marriage has become an excuse to fall under the "immorality", to lose a party membership card and turn into an outcast of society.

Thus, socialist society gradually removed its dangerous core from the demand for female emancipation, preventing the elevation of licentiousness and debauchery, already in its new form, into a new social standard.

The political holiday for the liberation of a woman from slavery to a family and a man has turned into “Mother's Day” and simply “Women's Day”, when men just show gallantry to women, not because they are a kind of men, but because they are women, moreover, weak and in need of male protection.

A self-sufficient strong woman is considered a failure in fate and evokes sympathy, which is reflected even in popular culture (“A strong woman is crying at the window” - Alla Pugacheva).

The left in the USSR took the protective position of the traditional right on the issue of gender and family, confirming Stalin's thesis "if you go to the left, you come to the right, if you go to the right, you come to the left." When embodied in life, any thesis turns into its opposite. The stage of denial of denial begins.

However, the former right-wing liberals who moved to the left (radical left liberals - an absurdity that has become a reality in our time) took up the thesis of emancipation and adapted it to their liberal needs.

The liberation of women has become a preaching of liberation not from a social role, but from gender. Gender feminism, as a radical demand for the suppression of one's own feminine essence, once again brought down a woman into slavery - now into the slavery of the dictatorship of aggressive lesbians. And the new evil turned out to be worse than the old one.

The problem of liberation is the eternal problem of humanity, posing before it the deepest questions of being. What to get rid of and to what extent? And is it not so that what is considered slavery is closely tied to what is the basic value of man? After all, the need for love is the main quality of a person, and love is self-denial of oneself for the sake of the one whom a person loves, up to the rejection of his life.

The sacrifice theme makes love a sacred concept. A person is not ready to give up love. The need for love is his first vital need, and the need to love is higher than the need to be loved.

Refusal from love as from slavery leads a person to the kingdom of complete freedom. A person discovers that the complete freedom for which he so strived is the hell of loneliness. Cosmic freedom is cosmic loneliness. Even radical feminists live in pairs and fear the apotheosis of freedom worse than death, for such complete freedom is death.

Suffragettes. 1913

So emancipation becomes suicide. As a way to reduce the "livestock of humanity" over the next 100 years, the global elite are very happy with this. But the feminists themselves do not understand in their fighting frenzy that they are fighting for the right to be cows that are being taken to the slaughterhouse.

After all, feminists are needed only as a means against the traditional family as a breeding ground for humanity. When the family is over, the feminists will be done away with. After all, they also create a load on the soil and exhale carbon dioxide, consuming oxygen and other valuable resources.

In fact, we are dealing with two completely different interpretations of one holiday. Meanings have become a weapon in the modern world, created according to the commandment of eternal life, and not eternal death.

Feminism through the prism of the priority of the LGBT topic, replacing the problem of protecting the social rights of women, becomes a manifestation of thanatos - the instinct of the desire for death. It is no accident that at the center of the feminist problem is the right to abortion - the murder of an already conceived life.

Combined with the demand to stop childbearing and live for the sake of drunken consumption, this is a completely deadly cocktail that the global elite offers to humanity to drink. The disease of feminism is more deadly than any coronavirus, as it entails one hundred percent mortality. The temptation of freedom, unbalanced by fear for life, can teach us one of the most dire lessons. This is hardly what humanity wants.

Preview photo: Demi Moore from Soldier Jane. Dir. Ridley Scott. 1997. USA, UK

Alexander Khaldey

Swimming in the ice hole at Epiphany can be called a popular tradition. Often so many people of all ages gather near the font that it seems as if anyone can handle it. However, we must not forget that immersion in cold water, especially for the unprepared, threatens hypothermia, which can lead to very serious consequences up to a stroke. In order not to risk your health, you should prepare for Epiphany bathing in advance. Valentina Kovsh, therapist of the Kravira medical center, told the TAM.BY team how to do this.

Is it worth it to climb into the hole at all?

In my opinion, you need to immediately ask the question: why does a person do this? - the expert explains. - If he does not temper and does it just for the sake of showing off, you should not let him into the hole, for the body it can become a sentence. The minimum risk is a cold up to pneumonia, the maximum is severe hypothermia, due to which you will have to call an ambulance.

First of all, it is worth remembering that people with diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary, bronchopulmonary systems, gastrointestinal tract, or experiencing problems with pressure, first need to go to a doctor's consultation. The same applies to those who have problems with the spine: for example, osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis. It is also undesirable to allow children and the elderly, whose organisms are least prepared for such shocking conditions, to the ice hole.

Where to begin?

A few months before the actual immersion, you need to start hardening procedures. Best of all - in the summer. By the way, this is generally good for health: the body learns to adapt to extreme conditions, improves thermoregulation, pressure, endurance, muscle tone, blood circulation and metabolism.

It is necessary to understand that hardening is not just preparation for something, it is a person's personal attitude. If he decides to seriously engage in hardening, he should visit a doctor, undergo examinations in order to choose a form and program. Classes take place gradually, a person gradually gets used to the cold temperature. Ideally, this should take at least six months, or even a whole year.

If you just need to plunge into ice water once a year with minimal health consequences, then turn to traditional hardening exercises.

The first method is water quenching. This can be douche or rubdown, a contrast shower, bathing. For example, you can start with the classic douches. You can also go to the river and take a dip there. But the air temperature should be at least 15 degrees. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is worth swimming until you feel vigorous, not chills. As you get used to cold water, the duration of the sessions can be increased.

Also go barefoot more often. This exercise stimulates many points on the feet. This strengthens the immune system and the body copes better with colds.

Aerotherapy, that is, long walks in the fresh air, may seem like something frivolous, but this way the receptors of the skin and the nerves of the mucous membrane are cooled. This not only improves the body's thermoregulation and strengthens the immune system, but also improves the mental and emotional state.

Another way is heliotherapy, or sun hardening. Here, you just need to sunbathe, observing the precautions. Avoid sun exposure in extremely hot weather. The best time for sunbathing is before 10 am and after 5 pm. This procedure strengthens the body and improves blood circulation.

Remember, if the idea to dive into the hole came suddenly and there is no time for full-scale hardening, you can try to tune yourself at least with minimal means. For example, wipe off with a terry towel soaked in cold water. Or take a contrast shower or go out onto the balcony in a T-shirt and shorts in the morning. But keep in mind that the benefit will not be the greatest.

When hardening, it is very important to be in tune with the process. If you feel physically unwell or just not in the mood, then it is better to postpone everything for the next time.

Practicing before swimming in the ice hole

If, before Epiphany, you want to test yourself in cold water, and not in the shower, there are several options for you.

The first, very obvious, but not very safe, is to go to a body of water. Of course, it is better not to go alone, it is advisable to find like-minded walruses who do this professionally and will be able to control you.

Another way is to dive into a hot tub with ice water. Of course, this does not compare with swimming in subzero temperatures, but it can prepare you to some extent.

You can find these fonts in the Minsk baths and saunas. For example, in Robinson Club or Evenings.

What to do before and after swimming in the ice hole

Firstly, it is better to give up alcohol, both before the ice hole and after - it can hit the heart.

If a person takes alcohol before jumping into the ice hole or immediately after, it may seem to him that he is warmed up, warm and even hot, although the body will only get worse.

Secondly, choose comfortable clothes and shoes, with a minimum number of buttons and fasteners, so as not to waste extra time fastening. Don't forget a large terry towel to absorb as much moisture as possible.

Thirdly, before meeting with cold water, it is worth warming up the body and disperse the blood. For this, it is enough to squat.

You should undress gradually before bathing, leaving your shoes at the end. Before diving, you can stand for a while in the snow so that the body picks up the signal and begins preparation. Also, there is no need for a decisive and confident jump into the water - you can start by rubbing your hands.

Already in the water, do not forget that it is better not to wet your head - this can cause arrhythmias. And it is advisable to stay in the hole for no longer than 2-3 minutes.

After you get on the ice, immediately wipe your body with a terry towel, put on dry clothes and pour yourself some hot tea. It is advisable not to stand still while you come to your senses.

In order to more or less properly prepare for swimming in the ice-hole, it is worth tempering. In fact, there are no other options. You cannot prepare for a fall from a great height, there will still be injuries. So it is with swimming. No big meal, fish oil or alcohol will save you. The only thing that will help you recover quickly is warm tea before and after the ice hole, clothes, a heating pad and a warm room.

Are you going to plunge into the hole? Let us know in the comments!

Swimming in the ice-hole is a long-standing tradition not only of the Slavic peoples. Hindu sages in their sacred books (which were written in 1800 BC) said that ablution in cold water has ten benefits! Freshness, clarity of mind, vigor, health, beauty, strength, youth, purity, pleasant skin color and attention of beautiful women.

Where did the swimming in the ice-hole come from, maybe the tradition originated from the time of the baptism of Rus?

Swimming in the ice-hole is an ancient pagan rite of "cleansing" - mass ablution. The roots of the Slavic traditions of winter swimming in icy water date back to the time of the ancient Scythians. Children were dipped in cold water, tempered, accustomed to harsh weather.

And of course, they plunged into the ice hole after the bath!

In winter 1237 Batu Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan) with his cavalry reached Moscow and saw small houses by the river. Naked people ran out of them and threw themselves into the icy water.

"What are these madmen doing?" he asked. He was told that houses are called soap houses, and the inhabitants of Mushkafa (as the Mongols called Moscow) torture themselves there with birch brooms, wash themselves with hot water and kvass, and then throw themselves into an ice-hole with ice water. This is useful, because the Urusuts (as the Mongols called the Russians) are so strong.

The tradition of ice hardening has deep roots and has survived to this day. During the Soviet Union there were many hardening and ice-swimming clubs. Unfortunately, they are not that popular now.

But the tradition of plunging into the ice hole after the bath has been preserved to this day. I did not forget, did not go out of fashion, did not find another replacement for myself. After a good bathhouse and a hot steam room, your feet go to the icy water by themselves! The body itself knows what it needs and how it is good for it.

The body's response to swimming in the ice hole

Sauna heat combined with bathing in ice water causes the capillaries to expand and contract alternately. This kind of training makes the vessels elastic, and their work is activated. The nutrition of the cells of the body, their activity is improved and the metabolic process in the body is better.

The capillaries, our little helpers, become more efficient and their vital activity increases. They change the amount of blood flow to the skin, so our body can regulate heat transfer within certain limits.

Body temperature after dipping in an ice hole and swimming in cold water returns to its original values ​​in about half an hour. Shivering occurs in 12-15 minutes, if you do not do warming procedures.

Baths and hot showers, intense exercise and massage will help to cope with this problem.

Winter swimmers need to know that the capillaries of the head (with the exception of the facial part) cannot narrow under the influence of cold. At a temperature of -4 degrees, half of the heat that is produced by the body at rest is lost if the head is not covered.

The brain is sensitive to a lack of oxygen, immersion of the head in ice water for more than 5-10 seconds can cause spasm of the vessels that feed the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the head from hypothermia, otherwise the blood supply to the brain can be disrupted.

Contraindications to swimming in the ice hole

Swimming in the ice-hole is contraindicated in acute and chronic diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the nasopharynx, paranasal cavities, otitis media
  2. Cardiovascular system (congenital and acquired heart valve defects, ischemic disease with attacks of angina pectoris, previous myocardial infarction, coronary cardiosclerosis, hypertension stage II and III)
  3. Central nervous system (epilepsy, consequences of severe cranial trauma, cerebral vascular sclerosis, encephalitis)
  4. Peripheral nervous system (neuritis, polyneuritis)
  5. Endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis)
  6. Organs of vision (glaucoma, conjunctivitis)
  7. Respiratory organs (pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma)
  8. Genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, inflammatory processes of the appendages, prostate gland)
  9. Gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, cholecystitis)
  10. Skin and venereal diseases
  11. Extensive post-burn scars of the skin

To all of the above contraindications to swimming in the ice hole, I would add a few more important points: unnecessary excitement, undisciplined behavior, bragging, a desire to show your prowess, to win an argument - all this can lead to sad consequences. Ice water knows how to be a doctor, but it does not forgive mistakes and is capable of punishing hard!

What you need to take with you

Be sure to bring a change of dry clothing and a soft towel with you. Clothes should be comfortable to put on (no buttons or hooks). It is advisable to choose natural fabrics without synthetics - they are more pleasant to the body.

For swimming, you need swimming trunks for men and a swimsuit for women, or a simple shirt. For the convenience of walking on snow and slippery ice, slates or flip flops are needed. Shoes can be selected based on personal preferences, the main thing is that it should protect the feet from damage and frostbite.

Take a thermos of hot tea with you, it will be a heavenly drink after emerging from the icy water.

What should be the hole

The location of the hole should be located above the drain of industrial waters, away from piers, piers and piers, oil-loading devices, and so on ...

Optimally, the speed of water flow in the reservoir should be no more than 0.25 m per second. The bottom of the hole should be flat and hard, preferably sandy and gradually deepening from the shore. Pits, cliffs, algae, driftwood and tree roots, large stones can cause injury when swimming.

Before preparing the hole, the bottom must be examined and cleaned. The optimal size of the hole is 6 by 3 meters. In such an ice hole 5 people can be at the same time without the danger of collision and touching the ice edge. Such a hole is usually prepared before bathing at Epiphany.

The minimum size of an ice hole is 3 by 3 meters; such an ice hole is easy to prepare and maintain.

It is not convenient to swim in an ice-hole of a smaller size, they are dangerous. The mini ice-hole is only suitable for dipping the body in cold water.

The optimal depth of the hole should be at least 2-3 meters, in which you can not be afraid to touch the bottom, which can be clogged. In a deep hole, the water is cleaner.

Shallow ice holes - for hardening beginners, the elderly and those who do not swim well.

The hole can be fenced with a lined wall of snow briquettes, it will protect from the wind. Any fence of the hole is installed at a distance of 7-9 meters from its edges.

The edges of the hole can be covered with hay, it is convenient to stand on it with bare feet without fear of frostbite.

How to enter the ice hole

Before entering the ice hole, you need to warm up.

Be sure to do some simple physical exercises, let the blood flow through the wreaths and capillaries! The more you warm up the body, the better - the hardening effect is increased due to the difference in temperature between the skin and water.

It is unpleasant for a cooled person to enter ice water, there will be little benefit from the procedure ...

If you go to the ice plunge pool after a hot steam room, then the sauna heat has already done the job for you!

It is necessary to enter the water decisively; when swimming, you need to keep your head above the water. For the first seconds, use your arms and legs vigorously. Try not to hurt other people in the hole - careless touching in cold water is painful.

What to do after leaving the ice hole

From the ice hole, run to the bathhouse! Warm up in the locker room, pour yourself warm water, rub yourself gently with a terry towel, get dressed and drink hot tea!

If you plunge into the ice hole without bath procedures, then after the ice water you need to rub yourself with a towel, do self-massage, and perform several physical exercises.

Remember that a wet body gives off 4 times more heat than a dry body. To prevent hypothermia, muscle stress, rubbing and self-massage are necessary!

Security measures

Swimming in icy water can lead to accidents and injuries. If you decide to go extreme, remember - it is not difficult to enter the ice-hole. Getting out of it is much more difficult.

Even in moderate frost, hands stick to the wooden (let alone metal) railings. For the convenience of getting out of the water, you can hang a dry towel on the handrail of the stairs. Ordinary snow can become a way out of this delicate position - take a handful from the edge of the ice hole and grab the handrails along with the snow.

If several people are swimming in the hole, then it is advisable to equip two ladders to get out of the water. That there would be no delay of bathers at the exit.

Getting out of the hole in an upright position is more difficult and more dangerous, so every swimmer in the hole needs insurance and mutual assistance. Thus, swimming alone in a large ice hole is a bad idea.

If you feel uncomfortable, dizziness, weakness, stiffness in movements, fatigue appear - stop swimming and ask for help when leaving the icy water.

Conclusion and video story about swimming in the ice hole

There are very few people who practice winter swimming and swimming in icy water all the time. There are no winter swimming sections with qualified trainers and mentors.

In order to start being cold-hardened, a psychological attitude is necessary.

Emotional jolt upon contact with icy water is inevitable. It is at this moment that a person's inner core manifests itself - can he do this ?! And each time is a small victory over yourself! The icy water does not ask you to set records for speed swimming and long stays.

I asked many who swam in the ice-hole - how it happens, what then do you feel and what are the first words when leaving the icy water. And you know, there was not a single negative review! Yes, initial fear and excitement. And the word after the release is one - GREAT!

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times, so I propose to watch a short video about swimming in an ice-hole of a beautiful and courageous girl Irina from Krasnoyarsk, who has been engaged in winter swimming for over 20 years.

And here are her tips for those who decided to plunge into the hole:

  1. In the list of contraindications for bathing in the course. the central nervous system is mentioned in water. Write it right: central nervous system. "Th" at the end.
  2. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated during and at least 24 hours before. before swimming.
  3. You shouldn't be afraid. Fear fetters everything and prevents the body from responding correctly to cold water. Interest, the unknown, the desire to try, I can, I can not ... anything in the sensations and in the head, but if a person is afraid of cold water, afraid to plunge into it, there is no need to convince him to try. The minimum will cost a cold.
  4. For any slightest ailment, you should not dive into cold water.
  5. Cold water is deceiving! It doesn't give you the opportunity to feel pain. For example, if you push away a floating ice floe or an ice floe, even a small one driven by the current will touch you, it is very likely that you will cut yourself on its sharp edge. Blood will flow, but you will not be hurt. You won't feel anything at all. If you peel off a hard nail, for example on a stone or a staircase, you will not feel it either. If you swim in the water longer than you need to, you will start to fall asleep. And it doesn't hurt either. It is important to remember that cold water is ALWAYS fraught with danger and must be treated with attention and respect. You cannot dive alone. There should be like-minded people around. At least one.
  6. Rubbing after cold water is not recommended. For the reason that the sensitivity of the skin is greatly reduced. Got to get wet.
  7. It is important to dive for the first time while inhaling. Approaching the water, you don’t need to think about it, you don’t need to try to imagine how it will be, you don’t need to touch the water with your hands or try to get used to it with your feet ... Distract your thoughts. Occupy them with something else, going to the water. Cold water feels exactly like hot water. It's like going into a hot bath. We go in quickly, about above the knee (up to the level of the bathing clothes). Breathe deeply and quickly squat, diving with the head for the first time. With the lungs filled with air (we inhaled), you will avoid respiratory cramps. The second and third times, plunge as you want - you can and without a head. Take your time to jump out of the water. Sinking down to your shoulders, try to calm your breathing, breathe evenly. Then you can go out. Pat dry the body with a towel. Now you are no longer cold. There is a powerful movement of energy inside. Listen to it, feel it. However, do not stay outside for a long time, go indoors. Do not go to the bath immediately. Wait for the cold to come. As soon as you feel that you are frozen, it starts shaking, go to the steam room and warm yourself as you like). Before entering the water the next time, after the steam room, you need to cool down a little. Too large temperature differences are too great a load on the vessels, they may not withstand. It's not worth experimenting. Take care of yourself.
  8. It is important to dive in a warm state without a bath. From a warm car, for example, or after MODERATE exercise. After diving, you shouldn't count on exercise. All the blood rushed to the internal organs, the muscles are cooled and exsanguinated, you can pull them, tear or stretch, dislocate the joints.
    Remember that cold water is deceiving. Better to dab the body and get dressed right away. The body will warm itself.
  9. And perhaps the most important thing: first plunge, all the same, under the guidance of an experienced friend.
    This will help to avoid troubles, such as loss of consciousness, and therefore unpleasant experiences.
    It is after such unsuccessful, incorrect attempts that a person begins to think that it is harmful, it is not for him, etc.

Something like this.

Good luck and health!)

Every year Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate one of the most significant holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. This holiday is the final and third in the Christmas cycle, and is also one of the twelve most important religious holidays. Today we will talk about the history of the holiday and how to prepare for the ritual of swimming in the ice hole today.

One of the great holidays is the Baptism of the Lord. This holiday is one of the few that is celebrated annually and its date does not change. In 2020, the Baptism of the Lord will be celebrated on the 13th day after Christmas, namely on January 19, Saturday.

Epiphany history

After a long wandering in the wilderness, according to the Gospel, the prophet John came to the Jordan River, in which the Jews traditionally performed rituals of purification. Here he began to baptize people in the waters of the river, telling them about baptism and repentance.

When the Messiah was 30 years old, he also came to the Jordan River and asked the prophet to baptize him. After the ceremony, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on the young Jesus in the form of a dove. Then the words of the Lord were heard, who said that Jesus was his son.

The event itself indicated to John and all those who were at that moment by the river to the divine dignity of the baptism of Jesus. The story goes that it was then that the Holy Trinity was revealed to the people: God - with a voice, God the Son - Jesus and the Holy Spirit - a dove descended ..

When did the tradition of bathing for Epiphany appear in the ice-hole?

Swimming in an ice hole for baptism is nothing more than a folk tradition, and it has absolutely nothing to do with worship or the Gospel. In Moscow, this tradition became widespread only in the 90s. Church ministers declare that the Orthodox do not have such a duty as immersion in a winter ice-hole. This is something out of the range of extreme, personal persistence to prove that a person can fight nature even in such harsh conditions.

This tradition exists today in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. In Greece, for example, the Bishop sanctifies the sea on this day, throws the cross, reading a prayer far into the sea, and Christians dive after him in order to get the cross. This is also a folk custom.

In Russia, for Epiphany, the Jordan is cut down - an ice-hole in the form of a cross, after which the water is sanctified in it. For centuries, the water was blessed by the church in the springs, and then the common people took water from the font. Some wanted to testify to their strength in faith, and they dared to plunge into the hole. This tradition originates from there.

How to prepare an ice hole?

It should be noted that the ice-hole for mass swimming is prepared by specially trained teams. The bathing area is cleared of snow, and then a cross is cut out of the ice with the help of a chainsaw and safety cables. Chunks of cut ice are sent either further along the river or taken out with special equipment.

People who live in the private sector and have a pool cut an ice hole directly in their pool, also using a chainsaw. You will learn more about how to prepare an ice hole in the video.

From what time can you swim in the ice-hole for Epiphany 2020

Mass bathing takes place in the evening on the 18th and early in the morning on the 19th. However, before you try your hand at fighting nature, you must attend a service in the temple, as well as receive communion. After the evening service on January 18, you can already swim. The ideal time period is 00-1: 30 on the night from 18 to 19. It is believed that during this period the healing properties of Epiphany water are the strongest and are able to heal any ailment. Bathing in big cities takes place until lunchtime on the 19th, since a lot of people come.

Baptism swimming in the ice hole, video

How to prepare for swimming in the ice hole?

Doctors recommend preparing for swimming in the ice-hole in advance. Swimming in ice water in deep frosts is a huge stress for the body and so that your body does not fail, you need to carefully prepare and temper. It is better to start preparation in the summer, gradually day by day, making douches.

2 days before Epiphany, you must start the morning with a contrast shower. Be sure to exercise before showering. This procedure is recommended to be repeated several times a day.

The day before bathing, the stay under the contrast shower should be increased. It is advisable that you stand completely under cold water for 5-7 minutes, but not more, and the water should be no colder than 15 degrees.

Swimming in the ice hole should be approached with all responsibility, and even if you are a person of deep faith, but have health problems from the list below, then refuse to dive into Jordan.

You cannot plunge if you have the following health problems:

  • heart diseases;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tendency to seizures;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • private sinusitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
  • asthma;
  • skin conditions (eg eczema and psoriasis);
  • prostatitis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • cataract;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • neurotic diseases.

Also, baptismal bathing will not benefit those who suffer from insomnia.

If you nevertheless decide to swim, despite all the prohibitions, then you should understand that you only take responsibility for your life. Eat a solid meal a couple of hours before swimming. Take dry clothes, a towel and a thermos of hot tea with you.

Immediately upon arrival, you cannot plunge sharply, you must cool down gradually. First take off your outerwear, after a few minutes your shoes, then undress to the waist and only then start bathing.

What do girls and women swim in the ice-hole, and what do men?

There are no special restrictions on clothing for swimming in the ice hole for Epiphany for either men or women. Most of the fair sex swim in swimsuits or nightgowns, and the stronger half in swimming trunks.

Go to the ice hole barefoot or in shoes?

Unlike bathing clothes, don't forget about shoes. You need to approach the ice hole in non-slip and easily removable shoes so as not to freeze your feet while you move to the bathing place. In order to reach the hole, woolen socks and special rubber slippers are also suitable. When walking to the bathing area, remember that the path is likely to be slippery.

How to swim in the ice hole correctly: how many times to plunge, do you need to plunge headlong or not?

The tradition of swimming in an ice-hole implies a three-fold dipping with your head. However, it is best to plunge up to the neck without wetting your head, this will avoid constriction of the vessels of the brain. It is also worth refraining from jumping into the water, this can lead to shock from the loss of temperature from the cold.

Is it possible for Muslims to swim in the ice-hole for Epiphany?

Despite the fact that Epiphany is an Orthodox holiday, the church does not regulate the behavior of representatives of other religions in any way. If you are a Muslim and want to take part in the Epiphany bath, visit the imam and ask him this question. The Church does not prohibit representatives of the Muslim religion from swimming in the ice-hole.

Do Catholics bathe in an ice-hole for Epiphany?

As mentioned above, the Orthodox Church does not prohibit representatives of other religions from bathing for Epiphany, so if you are a Catholic and want to join the Orthodox tradition, then feel free to go to the specially designated bathing places.

How many days do they swim in the ice-hole for Epiphany?

As mentioned above, diving in Jordan takes place on the night of 18-19. In fact, they swim in the ice-hole for 2 days: January 18 and 19.

Is it useful to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany?

Before deciding on such a step, each person needs to understand that bathing for Baptism is nothing more than just a tradition and has nothing to do with the Gospel, as mentioned above, it has nothing to do with. If you do not temper yourself throughout the year, but decided to tickle your nerves and get your dose of adrenaline, then it is important to understand that an unprepared body can react to such a temperature drop with diseases, and in some cases people have a stroke. Therefore, after weighing only all the pros and cons, go to conquer the Jordan. The benefits of such an event are very doubtful, you are unlikely to be able to "wash away" the sins, but there will be enough to earn health problems in full.

For many, the Epiphany holiday is just a tradition of swimming in an ice-hole, but do not forget about its true meaning. Only faith in God can heal!

The Orthodox Church celebrates Epiphany or Epiphany on January 19 (new style). This is the oldest holiday among Christians, and its establishment dates back to the days of the disciples-apostles of Christ. It also has ancient names: "Epiphany" - a phenomenon, "Theophany" - Epiphany, "Holy Lights", "Festival of Lights" or simply "Lights", since it was the Lord Himself who came into the world on this day to show him the Light Unapproachable.

Feast Epiphany

The word "baptize" or "baptize" is translated from Greek as "immersed in water." It is almost impossible to understand the importance and the very meaning of what Epiphany bathing is without having an idea of ​​the symbolic meaning of water in the Old Testament.

Water is the beginning of life. It was she who impregnated all living things that originated from her. Where there is no water, there is a lifeless desert. And water is capable of destroying, as in the time of the Great Flood, when God flooded the sinful life of people and thereby destroyed the evil that they did.

God by His Baptism made the water holy, and now the Blessing of Water is traditionally celebrated in memory of this event. At this time, water is blessed in all Orthodox churches, and then in rivers and reservoirs.


On this day, a folk procession called the "Procession to the Jordan" is traditionally carried out in order to consecrate the water and then arrange Epiphany bathing in the ice-hole.

The baptism of John meant that as a body washed with water is cleansed, so a repentant soul who believes in God will be cleansed from sins by the Savior.

The biblical story tells of how Jesus came from Nazareth in those days and was baptized by John in the Jordan River. When Jesus came out of the water, the heavens opened, and the Spirit descended on him like a dove. And a voice was heard from heaven: "You are my beloved son, in whom is my blessing."

The Epiphany revealed to people the Great Mystery of the Holy Trinity, to which every one who is baptized participates. Then Christ told his apostles to go and teach this to all nations.

Epiphany bathing. Traditions

The tradition of consecration of water among our ancestors appeared from those ancient times, when in 988 the Kiev prince Vladimir baptized Russia. Now, only a priest can perform the rite of Consecration of Water, since at this time special prayers are read with a three-fold immersion in the water of the cross. This is done on the very feast of Epiphany after the liturgy. But first, before that, an ice-hole is made in the reservoir, usually in the form of a cross, called "Jordan".

These days Epiphany water is a real shrine that can heal and strengthen the mental and physical strength of a person. Therefore, such a solemn procession of consecration takes place near the hole in the reservoir, in order to make it accessible for people to swim at Epiphany. Orthodox people take water from the hole and wash themselves, but the most courageous and brave literally dive into it.

Ancestral traditions

The Russians borrowed the tradition of swimming in an ice-hole even from the ancient Scythians, who tempered their babies in this way. They simply dipped them in cold water and thereby accustomed them to the harsh climate conditions.

In addition, the tradition of swimming in an ice-hole was also in pagan rituals, this is how initiation into warriors took place. And to this day in Russia they like to rub themselves with snow or jump into cold water after a bathhouse.

Some pagan rituals have taken root in our lives to this day. Therefore, we swim in an ice-hole and celebrate Shrovetide, which was tied to the beginning of Lent.

Epiphany holiday

According to church rules, on Epiphany Eve there is a "great consecration of water." Believers come to church services, light candles and collect blessed water. However, it is not required to plunge into the ice-hole; it happens at the person's own will.

In general, in Russia it was believed that swimming in an ice-hole on Epiphany promotes healing from many ailments. Water, like living matter, is able to change its structure under the influence of information, so everything depends on the thoughts in the head of a person. Epiphany bathing turns into whole folk festivals, photographs of this celebration always show how fun and interesting they are.

Bathing in Epiphany. How to do it right

But this fun and harmless, at first glance, occupation can lead to a number of unpleasant moments. Epiphany bathing does not imply any special preparation. The human body is adapted to the cold, and therefore only mood is important here.

What can happen to the human body when immersed in an ice hole?

1. When a person is immersed in cold water with his head, he has a sharp excitement of the central nervous system and cerebral cortex, which in general has a positive effect on the entire body.

2. Exposure to low temperatures is briefly perceived by the body as stress, which can relieve inflammation, swelling and spasms.

3. The thermal conductivity of the air enveloping the body is 28 times less than the thermal conductivity of water. This is the hardening effect.

4. Cold water forces to release additional forces of the body, and after contact with it, the temperature of the human body rises to 40 degrees Celsius. And as you know, at such a mark, microbes, diseased cells and viruses die.

Bathing rules

Swimming in Epiphany frosts implies the fulfillment of certain rules. The main thing is that the ice-hole is specially equipped and all this action takes place under the supervision of rescuers. The population is usually informed about such massive bathing places.

Swimming in an ice hole requires swimming trunks or a swimsuit, a terry robe and towels, as well as a set of dry clothes, slippers or woolen socks, a rubber cap and hot tea.

Before you arrange a bathing in Epiphany, how to do it correctly, it is very important to know. First you need to warm up a little by charging, and even better to do a run. The ice hole must be approached in non-slip, comfortable, easily removable shoes or socks. It is also necessary to check the stability of the ladder, and for safety reasons, throw a rope firmly attached to the shore into the water.

It is necessary to plunge into the ice-hole up to the neck and it is better not to wet your head, so that the narrowing of the vessels of the brain does not occur. Jumping into the ice hole with your head is also undesirable, as the loss of temperature can cause shock. Cold water will immediately cause rapid breathing, and this is completely normal, so the body adapts to the cold. It is dangerous to stay in water for more than one minute, the body may cool down. You also need to be very careful about children who, frightened, may forget that they can swim.

You also need to be able to get out of the hole in order not to fall, but for this you need to hold on tightly to the handrails, and at the same time use a dry rag. After bathing, you need to thoroughly rub yourself with a towel and put on dry clothes. After bathing, it is best to drink hot tea made from herbs or berries, prepared in advance in a thermos.

On this day, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited, since it negatively affects the natural thermoregulation of the whole body, therefore, the consequences may be different. It is also important to know that swimming on a hungry or, on the contrary, a clogged stomach is also unacceptable.

Bathing contraindications

No matter how useful Epiphany bathing is, there are still contraindications for this. And they relate to acute and chronic diseases. This is a violation of the cardiovascular system (heart defects, hypertension, heart attacks), the central nervous system (skull injuries, epilepsy), the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus), the visual organs (conjunctivitis, glaucoma), respiratory organs (asthma, pneumonia , tuberculosis), genitourinary system (cystitis, inflammation of the appendages or prostate gland), gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, cholecystitis, hepatitis), skin and venereal diseases; inflammation of the nasopharynx and otitis media, etc.

Medical opinion

Medical specialists in this field believe that in order for swimming in an ice-hole for Epiphany not to bring any unexpected troubles, you need to be absolutely healthy. And this is especially dangerous for those who smoke or drink alcohol, as the flow of blood to the lungs can cause inflammation or even swelling of the bronchi and pneumonia. In young people, not to mention the elderly, the arteries are not always able to respond correctly to cold water, and at this moment respiratory arrest may occur, and then the heart.

If you engage in systemic winter swimming, it will certainly contribute to the health of the body, but when this happens infrequently, then everything will become a strong stress for him, therefore, before swimming, you need to seriously weigh the pros and cons.


Many people on Epiphany heroically dare to swim in an ice-hole, although this idea may be unsafe. However, the folk Epiphany bathing is very glorious, the photographs from these holidays are quite expressive, someone is just getting ready to go into the water, someone is already happy that he bathed, and someone is already warming up and drinking hot tea.

Many believers believe that swimming in an ice-hole for Epiphany is a great blessing for a real Orthodox person. And that's how it is. Only here the main thing is to understand whether this faith is strong and deep enough for you to become a real shield from all troubles at the moment when Epiphany bathing takes place.