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Full moon in September calendar. The magic of numbers. Lunar calendar of auspicious days

The second phase of the waxing moon is characterized by emotional and energetic upsurge. During this period, everyone feels an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, causing the desire to embody grandiose projects and plans.

In the second phase of the waxing moon, it is worth starting the implementation of important business projects and negotiations, since the likelihood of success is very high. It is also a good time to change jobs or even a field of activity.

Before the Full Moon, luck and luck increase, so you can conclude deals, sign contracts, invest money. Has time and money to spend - purchases and investments will be successful, debts will be returned.

Communication in the second phase of the Moon will not bring unpleasant situations in the form of conflicts or quarrels. A good time for events and meetings, both with family and friends, and with business partners. Acquaintances and dates that have taken place in the current period will bring a lot of positive emotions and will improve relations.

In the last days before the Full Moon, you should not engage in skin care, as well as plan medical manipulations. Now wounds heal quickly, but scars and scars may remain, so it is recommended to postpone cleansing and peeling until the waning moon.

Physical activity is now increased, so intense sports and other physical activities will not be superfluous. There are no restrictions on food, drinks and sex.

In the second phase of the growing moon, an exacerbation of viral and infectious diseases, a decrease in immunity due to stress is possible.

The positive impact of the second phase of the growing moon:

  • increased activity of the growing moon will have a positive effect on work affairs and projects;
  • the time is right for the implementation of big plans and changes;
  • on the last days of the growing moon, you can invest and spend money - investments will be profitable, and purchases will be successful;
  • a suitable period for communication, making acquaintances and business ties;
  • events in the circle of relatives and friends will be held with great success and promise the strengthening of family ties;
  • the activity of the moon will have a positive effect on lovers of physical activity and sports.

The negative impact of the second phase of the growing moon:

  • it is not recommended during the second phase of cosmetic procedures that cause damage to the skin - peels, cleansing, depilation;
  • surgical interventions and stressful situations that can provoke a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of infectious diseases are unfavorable to the growing moon.

Moon in Capricorn

When the Moon is in Capricorn, it is time for clear thoughts and concrete actions. The actions taken are intended and calculated. These days, all activities are aimed at achieving a specific goal. Interfering components fade into the background. People hide their emotions and feelings behind a mask of calmness and composure. Romance is relegated to the background, priority is given to work issues: promotion, new projects. The most suitable time for solving everyday problems, putting things in order in the house. On such days, you want to work according to a knurled pattern, you should not expect inspiration in the creative field. It will be useful to establish communication with influential people of the older generation, to listen to their wise advice.

Health status

The moon in Capricorn does not have a very beneficial effect on the knee joints. Bones become brittle and vulnerable. There is a high likelihood of fractures and sprains. For such a period, it is better to give up mountain hiking and skiing. If possible, do not perform operations on the knees, tendons, gallbladder. The stomach works best of all human organs. Treatment of ulcers and gastritis gives positive results. You can safely go on a visit and enjoy a variety of dishes. On such days, the stomach will be able to digest heavy food more easily.

Relationships and love

Cases on the love front proceed in a quiet, peaceful course. Due to the fact that reason prevails over feelings, connections between lovers acquire a calm character. On such days, people are especially acutely aware of their loneliness, they are afraid of never meeting a soul mate. Moon in Capricorn requires patience in love affairs. She rewards especially patient people with long-term and reliable relationships.

Influence of a lunar day

11 lunar day

On this lunar day, it is good to continue the business you have begun at work, trying to avoid starting new unplanned projects. Also, close communication with colleagues and management is not recommended. If possible, it is best to focus on household chores such as cleaning the house.

This time is also not suitable for conducting large financial transactions - the energy of the surrounding world is still too unstable and you can be very seriously hurt by investing money in some project or recklessly lending it to the wrong person.

The day is not very successful for communication either, today it is better not to make new acquaintances and not attend events where people unpleasant to you gather. There is a high likelihood of conflicts. This also applies to personal relationships with the other half.

Since the 11th lunar day is full of energy, it would be a very good decision to go to the gym or the pool. In food, you should adhere to a fasting diet. The day is more successful than ever for sexual relations.

Influence of the day of the week

A beautiful day of the week ruled by Venus. It is advisable to postpone all difficult cases, hard work, solving complicated problems and unpleasant communication. This is a day of beauty, creativity, romance, emotions and love. It is worth spending time with pleasure in all its forms. Pamper yourself. On Friday you can afford it.

What not to do on Friday

This is an unfavorable day for the following:

  • hard and focused work;
  • making important decisions;
  • complicated household chores;
  • serious financial transactions.

What to do on Friday

  • Beauty. Friday is the most favorable for everything related to beauty. Any manipulation of the appearance will be successful. Visit to a hairdresser, beauty parlor, solarium, manicure or pedicure salon. Experiment with hair, makeup, colorful clothes and jewelry.
  • Any purchases of beautiful things will be successful: decor and interior items, flowers, clothes, shoes and jewelry.
  • Love and relationships. Venus is the goddess of love. This romantic day is simply meant for sensual emotions. Meetings with loved ones, dates, acquaintances, romantic evenings, intimate relationships are what you should do on Friday.
  • Creativity and art. This is a good day for any business related to creativity: music, handicrafts, painting, floristry, etc.
  • Fun, entertainment and great food. Venus is a feminine and terrestrial planet. She is very fond of fun, pleasure and sweets. Therefore, any events related to entertainment and delicious food on Friday will be successful.

The lunar calendar will help you make your future more favorable. In doing so, your life can become much more meaningful and productive. Astrologers will give you the most important advice for the coming month.

The waning moon always has certain characteristics, and each time its energy is different. It is necessary to conduct a more in-depth analysis of how to behave correctly in order to match the mood of the moon. The lunar calendar will tell you how to become happier and correctly plan all your affairs for the period of the waning moon in September.

When the moon wanes

The decreasing phase will begin on September 7, and will end on 19. In September, there will be only one such period, because it falls in the middle of the month. This is good, as you will have a chance to prepare for it and see the fruits of your labors at the end of September. Of course, it's not worth making overly ambitious plans for these 13 days. The point is not that failures await you, but that the period of waning of the lunar disk itself speaks of the requirement to reduce energy consumption. This is a calm time that you need to rethink everything that has been, and everything that you would like to see in the future.

This is the time of thoughts, planning, observation, searching, adaptation to difficulties. On the waning moon, astrologers advise against starting travel, repairs, love affairs and anything that requires planning in advance. On such days, you just need to relax and go with the flow, but not completely surrender yourself to the will of fate. If you are too lazy, the Moon will take your luck and burden you with problems.

Negative sides of the waning moon in September

Jealousy and envy will be anathema to these 13 relatively quiet days. These feelings will begin to awaken on the 8th and 9th, when the Moon is in Aries. Still problems of this kind can arise on September 15 when the Moon is in the Sign of Cancer, as well as on the 16th when it is in the Sign of Leo. This will all happen due to the sheer dissonance of the stars and the Moon. It will be most distinct on Saturday, 16 of September... Leo will put your ego first, and the Moon will not be able to oppose anything to it. It will be a one-sided game, a dangerous game. 15 numbers in the first place will come out your experiences, which will awaken the constellation of Cancer. September 8 and 9 you will receive a powerful release of negativity from Aries, which the Moon cannot contain either.

Only 4 days will be unsuccessful in terms of astrology, but they will be more than enough to make us worry about trifles and take reasons for frustration from nowhere. In business, too, it is better not to look around too closely. Yes, someone at work may be doing better than you. It can make you go astray, lose faith. In order for all this to bypass you, you will have to learn to be an optimist. If you don't look for the positive in everything that happens around you, you will quickly fade away. It will be a very painful fall down, but you can save yourself at the beginning of the journey.

On the waning moon, you may have a feeling of permissiveness and omnipotence. It is again the Moon and the stars will try to pull the blanket over themselves. In this game, the stars are likely to win, so when starting new businesses, make sure that they do not require a huge expenditure of energy. Everything must be in harmony. One day you may think that you are kings, and the other you just fail. Don't take risks and don't get involved in adventures now. Save all this for later when the moon is finished waning.

Positive sides of the waning moon

In September, the waning of the moon will favorably affect the luck of every person most of the time. Everything will begin from September 7 when the night star is in the Sign of Pisces. This is a great combination because Pisces does not provoke people to act. They only increase the desire to postpone everything and just relax. On Thursday, the 7th, do not overwork in any case.

10 and 11 numbers it will already be necessary to step out of the comfort zone a little. This is especially true in the field of finance. The secret of abundance will be revealed to you if you look at the world not through rose-colored glasses, but so that you can see all the problems at once. Spend these two days planning business and finding new hobbies, new sources of income.

September 12 and 13 Gemini will take the stage. This will mean that you can rest and relax a bit. For everyone around you, the illusion that you are working tirelessly must remain. Nobody needs to know what you are really doing. Let everyone at home and at work think you are very busy. It will be better for everyone. Do not ask unnecessary questions and do not make loud statements during these two days, then they will become very successful for you.

14 september Cancer will come to replace Gemini, so the day will not be very easy, but very productive. Think more about yourself and your loved ones, solving family problems, rather than your own. On this day, you will need to fully and completely devote yourself to your loved ones.

September 17 will be a positive day because Leo will lose some of their strength. Get some rest on this day. It will be a great Sunday, a good day off and a great day for creativity. On the 18th and 19th, on Tuesday and Monday, the Moon will move into the Sign of Virgo. Virgo and waning of the lunar disk are a great combination. The last, final days of the descending period will be extremely successful for financial transactions, work and solving the most difficult problems. In love, fortune will overtake you, giving you its help.

One way or another, but do not underestimate the strength of the Moon, even if it is in the phase of "rest", that is, waning. Check out Pavel Globa's horoscope for September if you want to know even more about what awaits you in the first month of autumn. Do not lose faith in yourself and follow the tips of astrologers. This way you can keep yourself safe and make your life more predictable. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

The beginning of autumn will turn out to be a quieter period of time than August. The general characteristics of the first month of autumn are quite favorable both for business and for building long-term relationships.

Moon phases september 2017

Check this to yourself in order to effectively plan your work activities. After the corridor of eclipses, there came a period of comprehension of the experience and an attempt to harmonize his life. The period from September 1 to the Full Moon in the sign of Pisces (September 6 at 12.05) is good for completing previously started activities and taking care of your health.

During these days, the Moon will pass such zodiac constellations as Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, so work related to social activities will be most successful. Although it is better for the time being to "test the waters" for future projects than to take decisive steps. But starting from September 7, an excellent period for active activity opens. Until September 15, you can safely implement those plans that were postponed in August due to a partial lunar eclipse on August 7, a total eclipse of the Sun in the sign of Leo on August 21.

The happiest days of September are 11 and 12, when the waning moon will be in the sign of Taurus. This configuration of stars in the sky is good for those who dream of finding a more promising job, expanding their business or moving to a new place of residence. You can get rid of all the negative that previously made it difficult for your life and reach a new level of life.

What successful and unlucky days will be in September, you always need to hope that the Higher Forces will give people a break and there will simply not be a single critical or dangerous day in September. The maximum is even, unremarkable days, when many people want to hang in the clouds instead of working. But do not ignore, which can disrupt your plans and throw you out of balance.

Bad days September 2017

The time that is not suitable for active financial activity falls on the period between September 8 and 9, when the waning moon will pass the constellation Aries. There is a great risk of deception, as well as unreasonable waste of money. Also, be careful with your financial activities on September 15 and 16, when the Moon passes the sign of Cancer. On these unfavorable days, bypass the entertainment establishments and slot machines. Fortune will not be on your side, but the risk of getting into debt will increase many times over.

The exact same recommendations can be made for Friday 22 September and Sunday 24 September. These days you need to rest, but spend money very carefully so as not to repent of your naivety later. will always indicate in which direction to move.

And the last unfavorable day in September 2017 falls on Friday, September 29th. The growing moon will be in Capricorn, but the 9th lunar day portends difficulties in communication between people. The conflicts that began on this day can drag on for a long time and destroy the old good beginnings.

When is the full moon and new moon in September 2017

The full moon phase in accordance with the lunar calendar for September 2017 will take place on Wednesday, 16 lunar days (12.05 Moscow time). The full moon in September will be held under the sign of the Pisces zodiac, which promises a special magnetism in relationships between men and women. This is an excellent period for rituals and conspiracies for reciprocity in love, as well as turning to clairvoyants for help. The day the Full Moon in September 2017 is in full force will give you the opportunity to start a new phase of life and get rid of past fears and failures. will tell you individually for each sign what the day is preparing.

Pay attention also to September 20, when the New Moon will cause the Moon to reset its monthly cycle and prepare for a new phase of growth. The new Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo portends depressive moods, delays in business and the inability to quickly get what you want. Nevertheless, the energy of this lunar day can be used to go to a beauty salon in order to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body, as well as get rid of imperfections. The Moon's rising phase, which will follow immediately after the New Moon in September 2017, will open up great opportunities for active people. Until the end of the first month of autumn, you can safely develop your business, attract new allies to your side, improve your talents in any area of ​​life. The stars promise only auspicious days from September 20 to 30, when any activity will find support from reputable people.

Having carefully considered unfavorable and auspicious days in September 2017, we can say that September will be the most successful month of the year for many. This is a very good sign, since it is the beginning of autumn that opens the school season for children and a new working period for adults. The vacation season is over, days of active work and the search for more promising sources of income await us.

In contact with

The new moon came on September twenty-first, and from then until the end of the month, the moon will continue to grow. The twenty-seventh - twenty-ninth Moon will be in Capricorn, and September will end with the moon in Aquarius.

The growing Moon in Capricorn gives confidence and prudence, and the element of Aquarius can bring dreaminess and ease in communicating with people.

The growing moon in September 2017 when, from what date: Rites and rituals

Many rituals were carried out by our ancestors only on the new moon, using the magical power of the growing moon.

Here, for example, is the rite of attracting love and romance into life. It was held on the first lunar day before sunset. The girl took a large, beautiful pear without wormholes and flaws and cut it into two parts, saying: "As the whole came apart, divided, disintegrated, so I alone yearn, divided with the constricted."

Then the two halves of the fruit were fastened together with matches - one stuck from the bottom, the second from above, the third in the middle. The girl said: “As the two parts were stitched together, they became one whole, so I will find my half, I’ll drive away longing from my heart. In the name of the Holy Trinity! "

The fruit was then wrapped in a clean piece of cloth and left under any fruit tree.

The growing moon in September 2017 when, from what date: Signs of a new moon

The new moon is the best time to start new business. During this period, you can achieve success and change for the better. There are signs that are valid only during the new moon.

If a bird flies into the house of an unmarried girl on a young moon, she will soon receive an offer to marry.

If on a new moon you dream that a tooth was pulled out, this is a quick separation from your beloved.

Pour bulk products - salt, flour at this time is impossible. This also portends quarrels and separation.

Things started on the new moon are going well.

On the new moon, you cannot borrow and lend money - money will not be kept at home.

If you substitute money under the moonlight during the waxing moon, then they will grow with the moon.

Moving to the days of the new moon is good, this is a growing prosperity and wealth in a new place.

Those who first saw the young moon to their right will be happy and lucky this month. Otherwise, you need to be more careful, intrigues of enemies are possible.

The growing moon in September 2017 when, from what date: Moon and health

During the new moon, the body is most weakened and exhausted, the body's energy resource is at a minimum. As the moon grows, energy will accumulate until the full moon. Men react to the new moon more strongly than women, they have fits of aggression and anxiety.

The first days of the new moon are good for cleansing procedures, healing. A visit to the sauna, a variety of peels, detoxification of the body and unloading diets - this is what the body needs in the days of the waxing moon.

During the growing moon, courses of preventive treatment are recommended: taking vitamins, enriched with necessary elements, nutrition, etc. It is beneficial to carry out procedures that nourish the skin, nails and hair. At this time, the human body absorbs everything from the environment like a sponge. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet: it should be vitamin and healthy, but in no case excessive.

The growing moon in September 2017 when, from what date: Full moon

The full moon sharpens our perception, makes us hypersensitive. In women, exacerbation of gynecological problems is possible. On the days of the full moon, you cannot quarrel or raise your voice, although the desire to sort things out right now will seem overwhelming. These days, as a result of the increased excitability of drivers, accidents on the roads are more frequent.

The moon fascinates us, it is sung in poetry and prose, it is painted in oil, it is not admired, it is extolled. But the Moon is not just a beautiful planet that illuminates our path through the night. The moon is a natural earth satellite and the closest planet to us.
In addition, the Moon has a special effect on earthly processes and organisms. For example, the ebb and flow of the oceans, seas, rivers and streams depend on the lunar rhythms. Our well-being, health and state of affairs also directly depend on the Moon.
In this section, we present to your attention the lunar calendar for September 2017. Here you can easily find the date when the moon will be in the phase of the full moon, new moon, as well as the days of the waxing or waning moon. To calculate the desired lunar day, you no longer need to watch the silver night beauty and carry out complex calculations and calculations. Now it is enough to go to our website and select the month you are interested in at the moment.
With the help of the lunar calendar, you can plan your actions and important moments in life thirty days in advance and be sure that everything you have planned will come true. This is very convenient both for ordinary people who follow their rhythms of life, and for gardeners, businessmen, doctors, hairdressers and even dog handlers!

Moon phases in september 2017

Full Moon - 6 September 2017
Third quarter - September 13, 2017
New Moon - 20 September 2017
First quarter - September 28, 2017
The waxing moon - from September 1 to September 5, 2017 and from September 21 to September 30, 2017
Waning Moon - from September 7 to September 19, 2017

Lunar calendar of auspicious days

Auspicious lunar days in September 2017 for beginnings

The lunar calendar for September has 30 days. The first lunar day falls on the new moon. This is a good day to start, analyze the past, learn lessons, forgive old grudges. If you want to quit smoking, it is best to do so on or shortly after the new moon.
On such days, we quarrel less, understand those around us better, and tolerate illnesses more easily. Energy, strength appears, everything conceived can be fulfilled. 14, 20 lunar days guarantee lightning-fast success - on these days you can open companies, sign contracts, make deposits.

⦁ September 20, 2017 - 1 lunar day / new moon /
⦁ September 21, 2017 - 2 lunar day
⦁ September 22, 2017 - 3 lunar day
⦁ September 24, 2017 - 5 lunar day
⦁ September 25, 2017 - 6 lunar day
⦁ September 26, 2017 - 7 lunar day
⦁ September 29, 30, 2017 - 10 lunar day
⦁ September 1,2, 2017 - 12 lunar day
⦁ 3,4 September 2017 - 14 lunar day
⦁ September 9, 10, 2017 - 20 lunar day
⦁ September 10, 11, 2017 - 21 lunar days
⦁ September 14, 2017 - 24 lunar day
⦁ September 18, 2017 - 28 lunar day

In September 2017, the New Moon is in Virgo. Forget about sex and spending on this day, so that you do not get disappointed from not getting pleasure. Better take care of your children and your home. Work tirelessly and then the day will not be in vain.

Unfavorable lunar days in September 2017 for beginnings

These days, the moon passes from one phase to another. At this time, people behave inappropriately, do not understand what is happening. The number of accidents is increasing, everything is falling out of hand. On 9, 15, 29 lunar days, you must refrain from moving. This does not mean that you cannot leave the house, you just need to be as careful as possible.
In satanic days, you should not start new business, sign contracts, because everything will not turn out as planned. It is better to postpone all serious matters for more successful days. The full moon is also considered an unfavorable day when quarrels and conflicts arise from scratch.

⦁ September 23, 2017 - 4 lunar day
⦁ September 28,29, 2017 - 9 lunar day
⦁ September 4.5, 2017 - 15 lunar day
⦁ September 6, 2017 - 16 lunar day / full moon /
⦁ September 7, 8, 2017 - 18 lunar day
⦁ September 12, 13, 2017 - 23 lunar day
⦁ September 16, 2017 - 26 lunar day
⦁ September 19, 2017 - 29 lunar day

September 2017 Full Moon in Pisces. At this time, many have a dull sense of reality. Many expect from the environment sensitivity, delicacy, a deep understanding of their inner world, but this often does not happen.
On this day, many overreact to rudeness, attacks on them. And even the most harmless jokes seem to be an insult. This day is especially difficult for people who do not know how to really look at things, the world seems to them hostile on this day.

Moon without a course in September 2017

⦁ 02 September 19:30 - 02 September 23:06
⦁ 05 September 8:15 - 05 September 8:28
⦁ 06 September 23:29 - 07 September 15:01
⦁ 09 September 18:52 - 09 September 19:22
⦁ September 11 3:54 - September 11 22:29
⦁ September 13 21:35 - September 14 1:12
⦁ September 16 0:23 - September 16 4:09
⦁ September 18 3:55 - September 18 7:52
⦁ September 20 8:30 - September 20 13:06
⦁ September 22 16:04 - September 22 20:40
⦁ September 24 10:33 - September 25 7:01
⦁ September 27 14:08 - September 27 19:24
⦁ September 30 3:13 - September 30 7:40