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Swiss cheese: features, varieties and description of preparation. Famous Swiss cheeses Swiss hard cheese for hot dishes

Among the various varieties of hard cheese, Swiss is deservedly popular. He has a special, self-possessed character. No harshness, excessive salinity or sweetness - in a word, a real classic. From the end of the 18th century to the present day, cheese has become the main export product of Switzerland.

Swiss cheese is made from pasteurized or raw. It differs, for example, from the French one in that it is hard and semi-hard, while the French variety is only soft.

There are different varieties of Swiss, depending on the canton (region) in which they are made. The most popular varieties are made in several regions and other countries, for example, Russia.

Cheese varieties

All types of cheese are classified according to the ripening period. They are: extra-hard, solid, semi-solid. Technological features are caused by the need to make the storage of the product as long as possible.

Hard varieties

The most popular variety is "". It is named after the place of the same name. It differs in that there are no holes at all. Has a nutty-fruity taste. To make it, milk is poured into a special container with a volume of up to 450 liters and heated to a certain temperature. Then they wait until it cools down, they heat it up again and select the cheese, which will have to ripen over time and under special conditions.

"Swiss Alp Bellew" - this cheese is made from cow's milk of fifty percent fat. It has a dense homogeneous structure, a spicy crust and a wonderful scent of alpine herbs. The product does not include. Ripening period - 6 months. Great as a quick snack or as a component of cheese slices.

Mont Vully is another hard variety. It has an interesting taste and a specific crust. As the product matures, the crust is rubbed with a special sponge, which is moistened in the cake of red Pina Noir wine. Actually, it is customary to use it with wine of this type.

Semi-hard varieties

"", Made in the canton of Thurgau, has an unusually delicate taste. It is light yellow in color. Ripening in duration is from three to five months. It also goes well with dark varieties, salads,. Complements and makes memorable flavoring features of sauces or just sandwiches.

"Appenzeller" is called the most fragrant in the world. The longer the ripening period of the product, and in this case it is from three to 8 months, the more spicy components are revealed. It is made only from freshly milked milk. It goes well with pasta in the form of a cheese ball.

"Tete de Moine" - this cheese is made according to the old recipe of Belle Abbey. It is made from whole cow's milk, and, moreover, only the milk yield of the summer period. A distinctive feature of this cheese is an extraordinary piquant note: a combination of light spiciness with a slightly distinguishable sweetness. The fat content of this cheese is 51%. Has a dense texture and a brown crust. The ripening of the product takes place within 75 days on spruce boards. All this time, it is rubbed with a solution of beneficial bacteria.

"Raclet" - has a heavy, oily odor and a delicate oily structure. This cheese is not for everybody. Someone will like it very much, but someone, primarily because of the smell, will give their preference to another.

Extra hard cheeses

"Sbrinz" is considered to be almost the oldest variety. His homeland is Central Switzerland. The product is based on milk from brown cows. It has a fat content of 45% and a golden crust. The ripening period is long: from eighteen to thirty-six months. It has a very hard, brittle texture. It literally melts in your mouth. With its excellent aroma, pizza is great as well.

Hobelkese is a cheese produced in Bern. It has a very dense structure. It tastes very good. Before eating, it is recommended to carefully cut into thin pieces.

In the canton of Emma, ​​there is a valley of the same name. It is considered the birthplace of the Emmental cheese, which is very popular all over the world. It has a spicy, colorful taste. The feature of the product has large holes. This variety is made not only in Switzerland, but also in Russia and a number of other countries.

Known and appreciated by gourmets from all over the world and Blueschatel cheese. Its distinctive feature is blue mold. Due to the salty tastes of the product, some people may not like it.

Nutritional value of the product

(per 100 g) (per 100 g) (per 100 g) (per 100 g)
394,63 25,11 0,82 31,83

Best Cheese Dishes

Almost all of Switzerland's national cuisine is based on the use of cheeses in dishes. Let's consider the most famous of them, because the recipes for their preparation are not very complicated, the main thing is to have all the ingredients.

Gruyere is great for onion soup. "Raclet" is the basis for the preparation of the national dish of the same name. To do this, the cheese is placed in a special oven, a raclette maker. You need to place at least half of the head there - with a cut to the warm part. When the cheese begins to melt, it is scraped off with a special rocket knife and placed on a plate. This dish is especially popular in ski resorts. Sbrinz is an essential ingredient in the preparation of pasta, risotto and pizza.

Any hard cheese will work well for the final chord in a dish like Viennese Potatoes. When the potatoes with finely chopped meat have already been baked in the oven, sprinkle them with grated cheese on top, and after a couple of minutes you can take them out.

In general, the cheesy taste is felt in almost all Swiss dishes, be it: casseroles, pies, soups, soufflés or batter. At the same time, all the most exquisite dishes are essentially the prototype of a simple peasant food, which was used by peasants, in particular by shepherds: cheese, etc.

Why is Swiss cheese good for you?

The secret of the benefits of Swiss cheese lies in the fact that it has a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals. These products contain a lot, which is extremely important for the formation and strengthening of teeth and bones in the human body. This property of cheese will be appreciated by parents with children and elderly people.

Abundance is another positive factor. It is known to make bones, teeth and nails strong. Also, Swiss cheeses, made on the basis of cow's milk from the Alpine valleys, contain a large amount that is important for good vision, health of the skin and mucous membranes of a person.

To get rid of the effects of stress and normalize the nervous system will help, which are also contained in these products. Among other things, they have a beneficial effect on insomnia and body fatigue.

Final part

Swiss cheese is one of the most delicious and sophisticated foods on earth. Some varieties cost quite a lot. Unfortunately, no one is insured against the purchase of a fake, especially if the product is not purchased in their homeland. Therefore, it is better to purchase this wonderful product from a trusted and reliable supplier. Analyzing all the pros and cons in the issue of buying or not buying this dairy product, there are much more advantages. Swiss cheese is always a sign of good taste and wealth. However, everyone can afford a little delicacy to celebrate a holiday or a memorable date.

The main types of Swiss cheeses presented in the catalog:

Legal import only! Declaration of conformity of the Russian Federation on demand

Assortment of cheeses from Switzerland online catalog

Switzerland produces more than 450 types (wrong varieties) of cheese, most of which are made from cow's milk. Sheep and goat milk is rarely used.

* grade - in Russian means the quality of food products (premium, first grade, etc.) and, accordingly, cannot be used to name cheeses.

Dear prosecutors, judges and their assistants! There are NO "sanctioned" goods!
Use taxpayer money wisely - request a CCD!

Almost all Swiss cheeses have origin-controlled AOC denominations such as Appenzell, Emmental, Gruyère, Sbrinz, Tilsiter, Tête De Moine and others. Cheese with a precisely defined place of production is marked with a special label.

Due to their geographic location, most Swiss cheeses are hard and semi-hard with a long shelf life. This happened historically due to the abundance of snow during the long winter and the previous difficulties in the communication routes between the provinces (cantons).

Some countries with mass production of cheese seek to ban the production of cheeses from unpasteurized milk, while in Switzerland they believe that only from this milk can be obtained high-quality cheese with a unique taste.

Trade marks presented in the assortment:

On the pages of the catalog, you can familiarize yourself with the names of the types (varieties) of Swiss cheeses, learn about their characteristics and value as a food product of dairy gastronomy and culinary arts, as well as get to know their manufacturers. The information in this section is not a public offer and part of it, as well as some of the products presented in it, may only be for informational and informational purposes. To get acquainted with a detailed description of the product of interest and receive information about its availability, you must go to its page. To buy Swiss cheeses available for order, just add the product to your shopping cart and place your order.

For any foreigner, Switzerland is associated with watches, as well as chocolate and cheese. Moreover, if France is known for its delicate soft cheeses, Switzerland, on the contrary, has received worldwide recognition as a manufacturer of elite hard and extra-hard cheeses.

What it is?

True Swiss cheeses are made from fresh milk, usually cow's milk, a little less often sheep's or goat's. As a rule, each region of this state produces its own special kind of cheese, from where the product gets its name. In most cases, the manufacturers are small family workshops, not large dairy factories, since for the inhabitants of this country cheese is not just a food product, but a real tradition, an integral part of life. An Alpine milk product can only be solid or semi-solid, and, remarkably, it has a fairly long shelf life. It is this property that made it so popular in trade centuries ago - when neither refrigerators nor thermal backpacks were invented, and caravans with food for a long time moved under the scorching rays of the Mediterranean sun.

It is noteworthy that absolutely at most stages of the production cycle, work is done by hand, that is, manual work is used. Cheese makers warm up pasteurized milk in a large saucepan up to +35 degrees for a long time, then add a special component that stimulates fermentation, filter it from the resulting whey, salted it and bring it back to +45 degrees, after which it is pressed. After these manipulations, the semi-finished cheese ripens and goes on sale.

When purchasing products from Swiss manufacturers, you should pay attention that a real branded product must mature for at least 3 months and have a fat content of at least 50%. It is usually pierced with small oval-shaped holes.

In addition, the following distinguishing features are characteristic of a genuine product:

  • a special sign of the corporate quality control AOC;
  • the formation of a cheese crust;
  • thick yellow color, due to the increased percentage of fat content;
  • long shelf life (at least 12 months).

The taste of the product is bright, rich and spicy; it is served with rye bread and various vegetables.

Gourmets suggest the following serving ideas:

  • with ham and spicy pickled vegetables;
  • with potatoes and stewed vegetables;
  • in the form of muesli.

Composition and calorie content

Swiss cheese is high-calorie - 100 grams of the product contains 396 kilocalories, while the composition of the BJU includes: 2 g of proteins, 32 g of fat, and there are no carbohydrates in this product. Cheese made in Switzerland has an excellent nutritional structure, it contains vitamins A, D, E, as well as folic and niacin necessary for the body. It contains quite a lot of vitamin B type and useful trace elements - calcium, magnesium, as well as sodium, iron, cobalt and zinc. Such a high-quality composition determines the exceptional nutritional value and healthiness of the cheese product.

It is extremely important that Swiss cheese contains tryptophan - a special amino acid that stimulates the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin, as well as the hormone of sleep - melatonin.

Benefit and harm

Real Swiss cheese is a storehouse of vitamins, so eating it helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and optimizes the functioning of the brain. Swiss cheese is often recommended to be used for depression, severe nervous fatigue and prolonged insomnia. The therapeutic effect is due to the presence of tryptophan in it, which has the most beneficial effect on the central nervous system, well-being and mood of a person.

A lot of phosphorus is accumulated in cheese, which together with calcium helps to strengthen bone and muscle tissue, and in addition, it is considered a fundamental element for teeth. This is extremely important for people of absolutely all ages. But it is especially important for children and adolescents during the period of active growth, as well as for people in adulthood, since, as a rule, with age, the calcium content in the body decreases, and a variety of problems with the musculoskeletal system begin. According to the presence of vitamins E and A, the product ranks second after butter, this is what causes a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, the state of the mucous membranes, as well as a slight antioxidant effect.

As you know, everything needs a measure. With frequent and excessive consumption of Swiss cheese, the likelihood of an increase in cholesterol levels and the development of obesity is very high, since this product is characterized by an increased calorie content. Patients with pathologies of the liver, stomach, and also the pancreas should not lean on food. In addition, it is contraindicated for all those who suffer from severe intolerance to milk protein. The product of Swiss manufacturers should be eaten with caution in case of gastritis and ulcerative conditions in the acute stage, as it can create a serious burden on the digestive system. And, of course, the product is not recommended for inclusion in the diet of those people who are actively fighting extra pounds - during the period of losing weight, the intake of such cheese should be minimal.


More than 400 types of cheese are produced in Switzerland.

It is worth dwelling on an overview of the most popular flavors.

  • Gruyere Is the most famous type of Swiss cheese. It belongs to solid foods, has a brown crust and a rather piquant rich smell with nutty notes. The cheese is so popular that it is even made in many other countries. For example, in France, the French Gruyere is widely represented, which differs from the Swiss in the presence of large holes.
  • Raclette Is a creamy semi-hard cheese that is used to melt into fondue. It is an oily product with a delicate milky-creamy aftertaste and light odor. It is used for the second course of the same name - the cheese is carefully melted in a special oven, then the resulting mass is scraped off and served along with the potatoes.
  • Emmental Is another semi-hard variety with creamy notes. Its distinctive feature is its large holes. It is made from regular cow's milk, has a sweetish taste and is well suited for mouth-watering fondue with Gruyere.

  • Hobelkaze Is an extra-hard type of cheese that has become a real brand. He acquired a world-famous image in culinary due to the fact that he is served rolled into a tube. This cheese is prepared by hand.
  • Appenzeller Is a very spicy cheese, smooth with small holes, made from raw milk of Alpine cows. For the first time this variety was released in the 18th century. This cheese has a unique taste and smell, as it is quite heavily saturated with cider and also processed with herbs.
  • Tete de Moine Is an extra-hard type of cheese with a pleasant crumbly structure. Translated, its name means "monk's head", which is due to the fact that the first manufacturers of this product were the priests of the church back in the XII century. According to the traditions accepted in the country, such cheese is not cut, but carefully scraped off with a sharp knife like shavings.

  • Vashren-Mont-d "Or- This is a rather peculiar cheese with a semi-liquid consistency. It is made from pasteurized cow's milk and has an amber or red-brown moldy crust.
  • Washren Friborgois- this is a brand of semi-hard cheese, has a very interesting nutty taste, a brown-brown washed crust is considered a distinctive feature. This type is ideal for grilling fondue, but it is also often placed on the dinner table as part of a cheese platter.
  • Sbrinz Is an extra-hard type of cheese that has a rich yellow-orange color. This species is considered elite, its full maturation lasts 3 years - during this period it acquires a light taste and a rather dense structure.
  • Etiva- This is a delicate semi-hard cheese, similar in taste to Gruyere, but slightly less spicy and more salty.

  • Tilsiter This is a yellow cheese with small holes, which is well known to Russians. The production of this species began in the city of Tilsit, the Kaliningrad region, which at that time was part of Prussia. In Switzerland, its production was launched in the 1890s.
  • Blasher- This is a rather soft cheese with a blue mold, textured veins are carved in it. The taste is very specific - salty-sour-sweet, with unobtrusive mushroom notes and a taste of fruit and honey.
  • Sabziger- This is an interesting type of cheese of a light green hue, which is made with the addition of fenugreek sprouts. Its production was mastered back in the 18th century, and is popularly called "green Swiss cheese". As a rule, it is served grated.

  • Tom Vaudoise Is a rather soft product with a light moldy crust. It has a pungent aroma and a very pungent aftertaste, served with fruit.
  • Belper Knolle- this is one of the "youngest", but at the same time unusual types of cheese. It has a crumbly texture and a sprinkle of black pepper, which is why it is very popular with fans of spicy dishes.

How to cook?

Making cheese according to the Swiss recipe is not so easy, as it requires a lot of effort, special ingredients and a significant amount of time. It is worth considering the recipe in more detail.

To make cheese, you need the following ingredients:

  • milk - 32 l;
  • mixed leaven - 2 tsp;
  • propionic acid bacteria - 1.2 tsp;
  • calcium chloride - 5 ml;
  • rennet component - 7.5 ml.

The process of making Swiss cheese includes several stages.

  • Milk should be pasteurized and then cooled to +30 degrees. After that, it is necessary to collect 50 ml of cool water in two containers. In the first, you need to introduce a preparation of calcium chloride, and in the second - a special rennet component. After that, both mixtures should be divided equally, the first parts should be poured into the prepared milk (you should also take half of its volume).
  • Then you need to wait for the ripening of the clot. To achieve this, you must cover the container with a lid and leave at normal temperature for half an hour. After this time, you will notice a curd of cheese - a gel-like structure with a thick layer of creamy whey. It should be checked for cleanliness of the fracture - a small incision is made with a knife at an angle and the clot is partially lifted. If the edges look aligned, and the incision is immediately filled with serum, this means that you can come to further manipulations. If the product is not ready, you should keep it for another 15–20 minutes.
  • The resulting clot must be cut into small cubes with a side of 1.5 cm and gently stir, bringing the temperature to +45 degrees. In this state, the workpiece should be maintained for half an hour, after which the fire is turned off, but the mass must be stirred for another 30 minutes.
  • After all the steps taken, it is necessary to drain the serum. The cheese grains must be transferred to a drainage container, wrapped and placed in a warm place - there it should be while the second portion of milk is being prepared.

  • The same manipulations should be done with the second half of the workpiece, after which a new portion of the future cheese must also be added to the first portion that has already cooled down and mixed thoroughly so that no difference is noticeable between the layers. The mass must be compacted, covered with a lid and left for final self-pressing for 20–25 minutes.
  • After the allotted time, the cheese is taken out, turned over and its pressing begins, then it is placed in brine based on the proportion: for every 0.5 kg of product it is salted for 3 hours, that is, for example, a 1 kg head is in brine for 6 hours. After that, the cheese should be removed, turned over and left again for the same time.
  • Finally, the cheese dries - this usually takes 5-6 days in a cool place, such as the refrigerator. After that, it is moved to other conditions with a gradual temperature rise to +22 degrees. Thus, the cheese is processed within a month. During this time, eyes appear, it increases significantly in size, and its shape becomes more rounded.

Remember to turn the product over every three days. After 30 days, the cheese can be returned to the refrigerator, where it should finally mature. This usually takes at least 3 months.

See how Swiss cheese is made in the next video.

Alexander Krupetskov 28 years, eight of them he worked as a programmer. In July, Alexander opened a European cheese shop in Moscow Cheese sommelier, and a month later it became impossible to import cheese from Western Europe. but Cheese sommelier did not close - gorgonzola and roquefort were replaced by cheeses from Argentina, Serbia, Morocco, Belarus, Krasnodar Territory. As they say, no fish, because there is no gastronomic substitute for French and Italian cheeses and you should not indulge yourself in the illusion that Krasnodar Camembert can be an alternative to French. Can not.

However, some of the Old World cheeses remain in our stores. We decided to do with Cheese sommelier several interviews on how to properly prepare fondue, assemble a cheese plate, choose wine for cheese and, in principle, how to learn to understand cheese. Today - in Swiss.

Swiss classics

Sasha, if we talk about taste - French cheese, Italian, Swiss, what is the fundamental difference between them?

They are radically different. Most French cheeses are soft. That is, of course, there are also hard varieties, but soft cheeses are the hallmark of France. Italian cheese pool - with mold, parmesan and sheep. And in Switzerland, most cheeses are made from cow's milk, and these are cows raised in alpine meadows. Alpine milk cheese can be hard or semi-hard, but always matured, with its own character. Swiss cheeses do not have very flashy tastes, but Alpine milk is clearly felt in them.

Are the cheeses made in the French, Italian, German cantons of Switzerland very different?

Each Swiss cheese has its own region of origin and its own protected name. Let's say that Gruyere is the Canton of Friborg, Neuchâtel, Vaud and Jura, and it cannot be produced anywhere else.

Which cheeses are famous in Switzerland? Let's start with the most popular cheeses and end with cheeses for aesthetes and advanced gourmets.

The world's most famous Swiss cheese - Emmental... While it comes from the Emme Valley in the Swiss canton of Bern, its name is not a registered trademark and Emmental is made in France and Holland besides Switzerland. Even in Russia, it can be done using a certain technology. But I would say that these are all parodies of the real Emmental.

Why? What are Emmental's taste standards?

Spicy sweetish taste with a slight nutty flavor. Many people like it precisely due to the recognition of its taste; in the world it is called "Swiss cheese". The huge heads of Emmental, up to 130 kilograms, are covered with a brownish-yellow crust, and in the body of the cheese there are holes-eyes, which are formed during the release of carbon dioxide during the ripening of the cheese. There can be no fondue without it: the proportions of classic Swiss fondue are 2/3 Emmental, 1/3 Gruyere.

Gruyère - as far as I understand, Swiss cheese is number two in popularity?

Yes. This hard yellow cheese without holes is made in the canton of Friborg. The center of this canton is the region Gruyere... There, about 60 farms are produced by Gruyeres. But in fact, the consumption of this cheese is gigantic. A distinctive feature of Gruyere is that a lot of milk is used for its production. If an ordinary hard and semi-hard cheese is 8-9 liters of milk per 1 kg of cheese, then about 12 liters of milk are consumed per kilogram of Gruyere. Gruyere can be aged from 5 to 15 months. Naturally, the flavor of the cheese depends on the ripening time. The classic Gruyere taste is nutty and fruity, but in cave-aged cheeses, one can already feel a richer and more mysterious flavor bouquet.

Sorry, Gruyere is that cheese for a sandwich?

No, what are you! It is a cheese for a cheese plate and as an addition to dishes. It needs to be cut into cubes, not slices. It melts perfectly. For example, onion soup is not possible without Gruyere.

Third Swiss hit?

Raclette! A cheese with a heavy, strong smell, but it has a noble spirit. This is the name of both the cheese and the dish. Like fondue, Switzerland's national gastronomic specialty. It is cooked in a special tabletop oven - raclette, a quarter or half a head of cheese is inserted into it, cut to the lamp, as the lamp heats up, the cheese melts and is scraped right onto a plate containing potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, meat ... This is very popular a winter dish in Swiss and French ski resorts. By the way, it is traditionally prepared for Christmas.

Everyone is brought from Switzerland Têtes de Moines - do you think, only because of the spectacular presentation, or is it so tasty?

Semi-hard cheese, with a bright aroma and taste and no less bright presentation. Yes, this is one of the few cheeses in the world that comes with a special rotating knife "fat", with the help of which the head is cut in the form of shavings. Tete de moine- translated from French "monk's head". Since the twelfth century, the production of this cheese was carried out by monks from a monastery located in the west of the country. Now Tête de Moine is produced only in the cantons of Jura, Münster, Cortelari, Bern. It is made from cow's milk, obtained exclusively during the summer months. Tete de Moine ”can be of different aging - the more seasoned, the tastier. By the way, the knife was invented not so long ago and in order to cut the cheese as thin as possible. And here a certain skill in cutting is required.

Swiss avant-garde

These were classic Swiss cheeses. How do you surprise your clients?

In my opinion, the most interesting Swiss cheese is Mont Vully, from the canton of Friborg. It is a hard cheese with a crust that is soaked in a pinot noir red wine cake. During ripening (4-6 months), it is rubbed several times with sponges soaked in grape cake. It makes a crust that you can eat. All cheeses that are rubbed with wine or a damp sponge are called washed rind cheeses. And they usually have a strong smell. Mont Vully is naturally an excellent gastronomic pairing with red wine.

By the way, how does it taste to distinguish good cheese from ordinary cheese?

Good cheese opens up a bouquet in your mouth, but as soon as you eat it, the taste begins to subside, and the aftertaste sets in. And if there are no taste memories in your mouth, or they quickly go away, chances are you tasted a mediocre cheese. When tasting, to pause between cheeses and refresh taste buds, you need to eat a piece of pear.

We continue to taste ...

The next cheese is Swiss Alps in herbs, it is sprinkled with dry alpine herbs - basil, rosemary, sage ...

This is one of the few Alpine cheeses that are cooked - in a large copper pot, under the open sky, a fire is made on pine wood, and then the cheese is sent to mature in a cave. There is very little production of this cheese in Switzerland - only a few heads a day.

Are there blue cheeses in Switzerland?

Blasher Is a rare example of Swiss blue cheese. It has a specific taste, it is a winter, heavy cheese. Usually, blue cheeses have a taste of mold, but here it fades into the background. Bluschatel has a salty taste, it seems too salty to many. But in a situation where French, Italian, English blue cheeses have come under sanctions, Swiss blue cheese has every chance to become famous in our country.

Is it possible to replace the parmesan that is now missing in our stores with the Swiss Sbrinz?

Sbrinz and there is the Swiss equivalent of Parmesan. It appeared much earlier than Parmesan. Traditionally, Italians traded wine and salt with the Swiss, and the Swiss gave them cheese. The road that crosses the Alps and connects Switzerland with Italy is often called " Sbrinets way". According to legend, the Italians rolled 40-kilogram heads of cheese along this road - they rolled uphill, drenched in sweat and cursing everything in the world. At some point, they got tired of it, and they came up with their own Parmigiano. Sbrinz is a hard cheese that is aged for about two years, but during this time it manages to become harder than Parmesan. Cutting it is practically impossible, just stabbing it with a special knife. The Swiss add Sbrinz to pasta, risotto and many other dishes where Italians put Parmigiano. Sbrinets has a sweeter taste than salty Parmesan. Parmesan is made from skim milk, while Sbrinz is made from fat.

Cheese for girls

Is there in Switzerlandcheeseswith low fat content?

There are quite a few low-fat cheeses in Switzerland. 20 percent fat is very little, and 9-10 percent cheeses are not found anywhere else in Europe. Except Switzerland!

Moreover, they are not only low-fat, but also tasty, which is generally a rarity. One of them - Chef Savier, it is aged, with a thin crust and a fat content of only 20 percent. Cheese for girls! Its taste is slightly reminiscent of Gruyere. Produced in 60 kg squares. It is believed that the larger the head, the better the cheese will ripen.

Our next conversation with Alexander Krupetskov will be devoted to fondue and the art of making a cheese plate.