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With the power of fire, charge with the power of the earth, flourish. How to properly charge and "revive" talismans. Charging with the elements

When an amulet has just been purchased or made, it needs to be charged. This is the activation of the magical qualities inherent in it. Without this procedure, it will be just a beautiful thing. If it is made by someone else's hands, it is required to remove extraneous energy from it. We offer a description of the rituals for cleaning amulets and charging them with the help of various elements.

What is an amulet

This word in Arabic means "to wear". It is an item endowed with magical powers. According to the plan, he should bring benefit to his owner and protect him from all troubles.

Amulets are often used as body jewelry. They are often found in cockpits, cars and other vehicles.

Place them in houses. They can surround a barnyard. The materials of the amulets are different. This is wood, steel, and silver.

It is very important to clean and charge them in the right way. There are natural types of amulets. They do not need additional recharge. By default, they already have powerful natural strength. These species include many animal elements, for example:

  • He gives his master remarkable strength, like a bear.
  • A stone with a hole in the center. He protects livestock.
  • Clover with four leaves.

Cleansing procedure

It is based on prayer. A frying pan is used. Salt is poured into it. It is calcined for 10 minutes. The fire mode is slow. During these minutes, you need to stir the salt and say prayers, for example: "Our Father." The salt is removed from the flame when it turns a little yellow.

After cooling, it is poured into a cup. An amulet is placed in this dish. The salt should cover it completely. In this state, he remains all night. You can charge it in the morning.

There are different methods for this. They are outlined below.

Church candle operation

How to charge an amulet in this way? A church candle is placed on the table. You need to say prayers, while moving the object over the fire. The displacement vector does not matter. Then the amulet should receive a charge of your energy.

It is taken in the left hand. You need to look at him and beg for help. You need to explain to him its purpose, what do you expect from him. After that, the amulet is covered with the palm of the right hand. You should feel how the energy flow is directed from it. He fills the amulet. The transformed energy flows towards you through the left hand. So this object becomes one with you.

Using the elements

As you know, there are four elements: water, air, fire and earth. How to charge an amulet for one of them or for all of them?

The rite requires components associated with them:

  • A handful of earth.
  • A glass of water.
  • Fire.

Working with the ground

The earth is poured into an earthen bowl. The amulet itself is buried. At the same time, a prayer should be read.

It is important to observe the following criteria here:

  • The ground must be dry.
  • The duration of the stay of the amulet in the ground is the whole night. Under these conditions, he will receive the necessary charge.
  • When you get the amulet, dig up the place where it was.

Application of water energy

How to charge an amulet from water? First, it comes from a spring or other natural source. Secondly, it must be poured into a crystal glass. Place the amulet in this bowl. Read conspiracies over it that match your goals (for protection, for luck, and so on). You need to focus very much on your desires.

You can go to a natural source. There, put your amulet on the bottom. Ask the water spirits to fill it with power.

If the material of your amulet is afraid of water, you can simply sprinkle it lightly on it.

For this ritual, one should not use waves running on the shore and backward. They are believed to bring a lot of negativity.

Working with air

How to charge an amulet with this method? To solve this problem, wind is usually used. If it is on the street, this is the right moment for the intended procedure.

It is required to stand where it blows more powerfully. Pick up the amulet and pick it up. It should be well ventilated. At this moment, you can ask for help from the Higher powers and the wind.

You can also charge with smoke. Most often, they burn juniper or wormwood. You can use them together.

Juniper has been considered a Veles plant since ancient times. They drove out evil spirits. Place the amulet so that the smoke envelops it. Then, light a twig of this plant. When smoke appears, ask the deities and nature to fill the amulet with power.

Rite of passage with fire

In order for the amulet to receive the energy of fire, a fire is often used for this. It can be bred on any important day for you. For example, on the day of Perun or Mokosh. It's Thursday and Friday.

The effect of the fire will increase if it is laid out with specific types of wood. It should be free of rubbish and debris.

Make a fire. Place the amulet in the palm of your hand. Carry it over the flame. Ask for help from fire, gods, ancestors. In many cases, this is enough.

If the amulet is fire resistant, you can briefly put it directly into the fire, but so that it can be reached without any problems. Noble fiery power will eliminate all negativity and fill the amulet with its energy.

For the ceremony, you can use a new candle. Use only a match to light it. The amulet sweeps over her flames. In this case, you can ask for help from both fire and the gods. Task - the amulet must acquire protective abilities.

After the procedure, the candle should burn out completely.

The color of the candle is also important. If it is green, the amulet will be directed towards healing. If - white, for the reign of kindness and understanding in your home. If red - for love.

If your amulet is not flame resistant, then hold it in your palms. It will charge even after a short contact of your hands with fire.

Solar energy is also equated to the energy of fire. On a clear day, put the amulet in an open place so that the sun's rays fall on it.

You can charge the amulet on a full moon. The second acceptable option is during an ascending month. Better to act on a clear night. So the moonlight will completely touch the amulet.

Territories of power

A special energy is concentrated in the cult zones. It can be transferred to objects if the material from which they are made is energy-intensive. Then the amulet will acquire tremendous power. Precious metals have such qualities.

How to charge an amulet if it is made of silver or gold? First, the desired location is selected. Power is there where rituals have been carried out since ancient times, sanctuaries worked, pagan celebrations were held.

Ancient settlements will also work for this purpose. Even though today only ruins remain of them, all the same, magical power has been preserved here.

Examples of similar places:

  1. Blue Stone
  2. Horse-Stone.
  3. Jesters stone.
  4. Arkaim.

You need to listen to the selected place. Its energy should correspond to your intentions. You must feel it. The amulet is charged as follows:

It is located on an earthen or stone surface. You ask the spirits of the given territory to grant him power. Leave it here for 10-20 minutes. If conditions allow, you can leave it for a day. But 10 minutes is enough for a full charge. The transfer of energy is instantaneous.

After the procedure, be sure to thank the spirits of the place for their support.

Elements in the complex

How to properly charge an amulet using all the elements at the same time? For this, all the necessary components are taken from nature. This is a handful of earth, a little spring water, smoke from lit twigs, the sun or the flame of a fire. You can also use a candle.

How to charge an amulet at home with such a kit? The following algorithm is implemented:

  1. The amulet is sprinkled with a handful of earth.
  2. Sprayed with water or placed in a container with it.
  3. Fumigated with smoke.
  4. Held over a lit candle.

You can also perform the ritual outdoors. The same steps are followed. The place for the ceremony can be a clearing in the forest, some area in a meadow, on the bank of a river, in a garden.

Strength from trees

Trees can also impart positive energy to an amulet. If you have your highest patron, then the amulet is charged from his tree. Then the amulet will acquire the potential that you personally need.

The Slavs dedicated a certain tree to each deity:

  • Oak to Perun.
  • Spruce and juniper - to Veles.
  • Maple to Rod.
  • Birch - Lada.
  • Aspen - Makosha.
  • Walnut - Chernobog.
  • Ash-tree - Yarila.

How to charge an amulet with wood energy? For the ceremony, you need to find the right places on the tree itself. This could be:

  • Hollow.
  • Flaking bark.
  • Branching.

Place the amulet in any of these places. Contact the deity of this tree and the spirits of the forest with a request to help realize your plans.

Charging through yourself

This implies a connection with space, the transmission of its energy through oneself. And then it already penetrates the amulet. It feeds the person himself. The ritual is contraindicated for people with very weak energy. They can faint and become seriously weak.

How to charge an amulet at home in this way? Retire. Light a green candle. Hold the amulet in your hands. Look at the burning candle for a couple of minutes. This will make it easier for you to go into a trance.

Sit in a chair. Feet should touch the floor surface. This is the connection to the earth. Maintain an upright posture. Imagine this picture: a beam of light comes out from the top of your head. With it, you are in contact with space. It expands, you take in large amounts of positive energy. The whole body is gradually filled with light. You feel warm.

When the cosmic light with the help of your imagination is in your hands, imagine that it penetrates the amulet. At this moment, you merge with the amulet. You can say the following words:

"Grant me me when I am weak, because you are me."

Then return to the real world. Complete this connection. Such a procedure and one visual contact with the amulet is enough to feel a surge of fresh energy.

Ritual at home with water and conspiracies

How to charge an amulet at home using water and conspiracies? Follow the amulet to the bathroom. Use only cold water for the ceremony. Wash your hands with soap and water. Wash yourself. Say three times:

"Vodichka, wash my face, remove the pendulum, grant me lightness."

Grasp the amulet with your hands. Place it under a stream of running water. Indulge in the sensations of this stream of water. It's easier to get out of trance this way. Say: “The purest water washes away all obstacles on the road. Nothing and no one can cope with its powerful flow. Take away, little water, all the dirt from my amulet, turn it down with your noise. To leave all the dirty tricks from him, all the sensations left him. Let him be reborn and brighten anew. Thank you, water. "

Another conspiracy can be applied. There are many ready-made options. Choose any you like.

After that, hold the amulet under water for a while. It is important to grasp your own and his energy. After the ceremony, sleep one night away from the amulet. For example, place it in a different room. So it will finally recover and charge.

Love rites

How to charge an amulet for love? Usually, the actions depend on the type of amulet with such a program. They are as follows.

Special runes

For example: Laguz, Kano and Gebo. A runescript is formed from them. The main requirement for him is harmony. You should feel that the structure you have created carries strength. Signs can be of different colors. The color depends on your purpose:

  • Red is for ardent love.
  • Pink is for romance.
  • Green is for calm and deep relationships.

On the back of the amulet, write your details (date of birth and full name) and goals. Take it in your hands with the signs up. Imagine charging each rune from penetrating light. Then fully charge this entire rune system.

Pouch of Gris-Gris

Its material is red suede. Dimensions: 5 x 10 cm. It holds ruby, turquoise, dried verbena, rhodolite, rosebuds and horse chestnut. Also add to this set an item related to you, such as a ring, scarf, etc.

The required number of components is here: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, or 13. Odd order. You have to stick to it. Before being placed in the bag, all items are consecrated on the altar. They can be christened or conspiracies can be pronounced over them.

When the bag is complete, a special mixture is added to it. It is created from amber, cardamom, rose and lavender. The bag is coated with it from the outside. It needs to be pinned on the inside of the garment. So he runs.

Intuitive amulet

It is created from those components that you think are associated with love. For example: a figurine of a heart, a red ribbon, or a rosebud.

A red candle is used for charging. The process goes over her flame. In this case, you are casting spells invented personally.

If you have difficulties with such an amulet, seek assistance from experts in this field.

About money amulets

For this purpose, it is optimal to work with several amulets at once. This opens up more ways to replenish the budget.

Amulets are divided into the following categories:

  1. Type of exposure.
  2. External appearance.
  3. Compliance with certain customs.

Amulets of the first category presented can be aimed at:

  • Getting a sudden amount. As a rule, it is insignificant.
  • Growth in income from an existing business or job. The increase in cash flow depends on the starting position of the business and the power of the amulet. The effect lasts for a very long time.
  • Creation of new money paths. For example, often people have a hobby that can bring them significant profit, and they do not even know about it. Thanks to the amulet, the road to additional income opens.

The appearance of amulets can be graceful, like coins with holes, or simple, like ordinary banknotes or pebbles.

According to custom, these items can be Scandinavian, Chinese, Egyptian and Wiccan.

The most popular money amulets are:

  • Imperial coin.
  • Chinese

How to charge amulets for money? The methods depend on their types. They are outlined below.

First bill

Having received it, mentally say "I open the way to prosperity." During the year with income, say that money is attracted to money.

How to charge an amulet for money differently? You can imagine that other banknotes are attracted to this bill. Over time, this will happen.


You need to buy it on the first day of the new moon. You should not bargain and take change. Bringing the toad home, say that this is her domain today. Here she should bring financial well-being. Put it in its proper place and thank it. Clean it with water once a week.

How to charge the money amulet "Toad" in another way? With each arrival of finance, put part of the funds under it. One coin or bill is enough.

Imperial coin

If it was done correctly, then it will certainly attract monetary well-being to its owner.

How to charge and handle an imperial amulet? Charging happens with your own energy. It is as if you are communicating with the amulet as with your best friend. Ask him for help. This procedure must be repeated 1-2 times in 14 days.

Proper handling of the amulet implies compliance with the following formalities:

  • Hide this item from everyone.
  • Do not give or donate it to anyone.
  • Don't tell anyone about him.
  • Keep it clean and tidy.

It is optimal to always carry it with you. It is effective both at home and at work.

About the Slavic "Istok"

How to charge the source amulet? This question is often of interest to those who wish to purchase this item. By default, Slavic amulets are already charged. They bestow solar clean energy on their master.

However, there are opinions that such an amulet cannot be charged. This is true in many cases, but only for the average user.

This amulet is charged by the master for a specific person. This is a purely individual amulet. He speaks only with the consent of the customer. This takes into account its goals.

Details Created: 21.04.2012 19:52 Views: 24569

We clean and charge the amulet of power ourselves

Any stones bought in a store, inherited or donated by a loved one can be used as amulets or lucky charms... To do this, they need to be cleansed of previous energies, to establish your relationship with the stone and to charge them with the help of a special ritual. It's practically accessible to everyone, meaning you can charge DIY amulets.

Ancient Ritual of Power

To carry it out, you will need the symbols of the four elements: air, fire, earth and water.
Air Release - a fan, incense sticks or a drop of scented oil.
The element of Fire is a candle.
The element of the Earth is a handful of ordinary earth.
Release of Water - water in a transparent glass (without patterns and edges).

Place the stone you want to make in the center of the table. mascot... Become your own face to the north - you are now working with the element of the Earth. Take a fan or an incense stick in your hands and with the words: "With pure Breath I give you forgetfulness of your former existence, be here and now" - direct the stream of air to the stone.

After that, take the stone in your palms, close your eyes and think about it. Try to feel some kind of unity. Calling on the Release of Fire, pass it crosswise over a burning candle four times, saying: "With the power of the Heavenly Fire I cleanse you from the south."

The next step will be to appeal to the elements of the Earth, so pour a small handful in the center of the table and put a stone on top. Cast a short spell: "With the power of the generous and fertile Mother Earth, I charge you, I give you will and strength."

Turning to the Release of Water, you need to sprinkle the stone with water or completely immerse it in water. Say the final part of the spell: "With the Power of Water I cleanse you, remember only goodness and help, be with me, your master at all times."

Ritual finished, so thank the elements for participating in it and remove their symbols until the next use. If you are thinking of returning to rituals more than once, then get a special box for this, where it will be convenient to store everything you need.

After the ritual, set the stone aside. Use amulet it will be possible only in a day, when the energies of the elements finally complete its transformation.

This ritual is suitable for cleansing and charging not only stones, but also objects representing other elements. It will only be necessary to slightly change the first stage so that it corresponds to the desired element.

A talisman or amulet begins to perform its main functions only after charging. By this action, all the forces that are inherent in the magical object are activated. Therefore, it would be quite logical to ask a fairly common question about how to charge a talisman.

If you decide to charge your talisman yourself, it is recommended that you do this immediately after the magic item is ready.

The whole process should be carried out by the person who will use the stone or other little thing.

A stone charged by a stranger will not bring any benefit to its owner, but can only negatively affect a person's life.

The entire activation process involves the creation of a subtle connection between the magical item and its owner. Without activation, a self-made, donated or purchased talisman will be just a beautiful decoration or toy.

The first stage is cleansing

This stage is considered mandatory if you use a stone that you inherited, as a gift, or purchased. Since the talisman could be in the hands of a person with poor energy, it must be cleaned without fail. A self-made item does not need cleaning, and in this case, you can immediately proceed to the second stage.

To clear the item, you need a white candle. It is advisable to carry out the ceremony at noon on a sunny day. Over a lit candle for ten minutes you need to move your magic object, holding it in your left hand.

In this case, the cleansing words should be pronounced:

"My troubles, my troubles turn to smoke!"

Then for several hours you need to leave your amulet in the open sun, making sure that the sun's rays fall on the little thing. This way, you will do a sunlight cleansing that will help rid your stone of any negative influences.

These simple manipulations can also be carried out when you feel that the power of the amulet has decreased or someone touches your magic item. It is also recommended that you clean your amulet at least once a year. This guarantees its effectiveness and cleansing of the negativity that it takes away from you, taking the whole blow on itself.

  • dedication to the forces of the earth;
  • dedication to water;
  • loading with fire;
  • air charging.

And the last stage is the activation of the powers of the amulet for its owner.

A self-made talisman or a purchased or donated item that has passed the purification stage must be charged with the power of the earth. This process involves the development of resistance to negative influences in a magical object.

In addition, the stone is endowed with the strength that will best protect the owner of the product from troubles and other incidents.

In order to charge the amulet with the power of the earth, you need to bury it in the ground and leave it there for a day. A garden is ideal, and city dwellers can use a flower pot. Put a stone in a small hole in the ground, bury it and step over this place three times. After 24 hours, the amulet can be removed from the ground and proceed to the next stage.

Dedication to the powers of water

Water has unique properties: it cleans and removes any negative from a magical item, giving the amulet pure energy. Only pure spring or river water can be used for the ritual. The stone is left in water for a day in a secluded place, inaccessible to the eyes of strangers. The talisman must be lowered and taken out carefully.

After 24 hours, the amulet can be removed from the water, however, it should not be wiped dry. The stone should dry on its own. The water that was used for charging is poured out in a deserted place or at an intersection.

Charge with fire

The next stage involves charging a magical thing with the power of fire. This ritual involves the activation of all the positive characteristics of the stone. After this ceremony, the talisman will be able to attract good luck and luck into the life of its owner and change everything for the better.

To charge a talisman with fire, you need one natural wax candle. An amulet is held over a lit candle with the words:

"All the power of fire in my subject!"

The words are repeated three times, after which the candle must be allowed to burn out.

Forces of the air element

The last stage in the process of activating a magic item is the impact of the air element. To do this, you need to bring the stone to your lips and blow on it with all your might three times.

At this stage, the activation of the amulet is completed, now it remains to charge the little thing with your energy and it is ready for use.


To activate the talisman after all the manipulations that include charging it, you need to take the stone in your hands every day for a week and hold it in your palms for several minutes. This should be done at the same time, without missing a single day. By these actions, you will accustom your stone to you, it will be saturated with your energy and get used to your hands.

Taking the talisman in hand, you need to tune in to a positive mood, think about pleasant events and important desires, the implementation of which will make you happier.

After a week, it is advisable to take the stone in your hands at least once or twice a month. It is also recommended to hold the talisman in your hands at the moment of making an important decision or if trouble happens. Thus, you will accustom yourself to an amulet, and it will serve you faithfully for a long period of time. In addition, remember that you cannot give your amulet to anyone's hands and it is advisable not to even show it.

After activation and charging, the magic item is ready for use and assumes respect and constant presence in the life of its owner.

Why are some lucky while others are haunted by endless failures?
How to become loved, happy and rich?

The secrets of success and well-being are usually kept in the strictest confidence.
One thing is obvious - "the lucky one is lucky." Successful people are very active, and on the way to their goal they act in all directions. Including, do not refuse the help of ritual magic. But is it - this magic? To all skeptics, we are ready to answer: “Is there a current in the outlet? There is. Do you see him? What do magnetic storms look like? " The invisible world is always present in our life, and in practice its laws are stronger than the logic of foreseeable events.

The secrets of ritual magic are available to everyone - today almost everyone can use them! Information about rituals and ceremonies is becoming more and more open to a wide audience. It turns out that weddings, weddings, decorations, ritual dances and holidays, all this is nothing more than ceremonial magic! Rituals have accompanied our ancestors for centuries. Each family member had personal amulets and talismans, which were often inherited. Our ancestors knew how to create, charge and "revive" them.

Why charge talismans?
According to psychics, only those talismans that have undergone a special ritual of "revitalization" can provide reliable protection. magically tuned in to their owner and correctly charged to solve a specific problem (to attract love, to financial well-being, to family happiness).

And so you want to quickly achieve your goal!

Question: If the talisman or amulet is not charged, will it work?
Answer: No. Will not!

In order to work and fulfill its purpose, the talisman must be directly related to your mental personality. Only then is he able to activate the strengths of your personality and neutralize the shortcomings. To endow the object of your choice with magical power, you must literally breathe energy into it, transfer life force to it. And only after that, the chosen item will become a real talisman that can help you.

If your amulet is not charged - do not worry! If you want to, you can charge it yourself.

There are many rituals for "reviving" talismans and amulets. They are all very interesting and easy to do at home. Some depend on the religion of the person, but there are also universal ones.

The ritual using candles is one of the simplest and most common rituals that are used in their practice not only by magicians, but also by ordinary people. One or two candles of classic white color are lit. It is even better if the color of the candle matches the dominant shade of the talisman.
Lit candles should be placed on a real or impromptu altar.
The talisman is held in clasped palms and stands in front of the altar. Magic talismanic items in this rite are charged by the owner's own energy, so it is important to be in good shape. How much of his spirit a person puts into this object, how much he can concentrate, so much power will subsequently be added by his magical assistant. You need to stand for several minutes and hold the talisman in your hands, focusing on what it is intended for. Imagine the purpose that your magic item will serve. When the feeling comes to you that enough of your own strength and energy has been invested in the ceremony, you need to exhale sharply and try to blow out the candles at a time. The talisman itself can give you a sign when you need to make a sharp exhalation - it will become noticeably warmer in your hands. Listen carefully to your feelings! The duration of the ceremony is determined by individual feelings.

The animated talisman takes on its own character, a new energy structure is born, which will communicate only with you and with higher powers!

Ancient Ritual of Power
A very beautiful and interesting rite of "revitalizing" amulets with the help of 4 elements - the Ancient Ritual of Power, practiced for many centuries by European magicians.

To carry it out, you will need: a handful of earth, a candle, a fan, a drop of aromatic oil, incense sticks, ordinary water.

The future amulet is placed in the center of the table (preferably round). It is necessary to face north and start working, first of all, with the air element.

Take an open fan in one hand, and an incense stick in the other and say the words: "With pure Breath I give you forgetfulness of your former existence, be here and now!" While pronouncing ritual words, you need to direct the flow of aromatic air to the amulet with the help of a fan.

Then take a magic item in your palm, close your eyes and imagine an image of it, think about it for a couple of minutes. Turn to him mentally, as to a living being, inform about your request to help you achieve a certain goal. You need to feel oneness with your amulet. At this moment, it is time to call upon the forces of the fire element. Make the amulet a cruciform gesture over the burning candle 4 times, repeating: "By the power of the Heavenly Fire I cleanse you from the south."

Next in line is the appeal to earthly elements. In the very center of the table, you need to pour a small handful of earth and put the future talisman on it. Say once, referring to a magical object: "With the power of the generous and fertile Mother of the Earth, I charge you, I give you will and strength."

To turn to the element of water, you need to take a transparent glass (without drawings and edges) of running water and put an amulet into it with the words "With the Power of Water I cleanse you, remember only goodness and help, be with me, your master at all times."

Finally, the charged amulet must be placed in a dark, dry place for a day to complete all transformation processes.

In no case do not treat your talisman carelessly! It cannot be thrown on the table, put in a common jewelry box and stored anywhere!
A magical object is a mediator between you and the higher powers, so it needs to be cared for and cherished, treated very respectfully and with love. Each talisman needs a separate box. Charged amulets should not be shown to anyone, even close people! The fewer eyes he saw, the better. Magic objects react to all living things and absorb all information! Therefore, safely hide your magical objects away from prying eyes, preserving their original energy, which was invested during the ritual of "revitalization".

The ancient Ritual of Power is quite simple, but effective for charging and "reviving" any amulets, talismans and charms in the form of any magical items, including, of course, stones.

Your protection against energy shocks

We often forget that our life is absolutely magical. Even surrounded by new technologies and high-tech design, we do not cease to be living beings with the presence of energy shells, which, with a strong desire, can be easily destroyed.

There is an energetic basis in every action. You beat your business competitor and immediately received a large dose of negative radiation for this. At the energy level, this is a completely understandable physiological process, since negative waves torpedo your aura. Such symptoms are well known to all - tingling in the heart, headache, loss of energy. And if it is not for yourself to experience such "bombings" every day, how can you withstand all this? After all, you can lose not only good health, but also health, and even - life!

The degree of damage depends on the strength of the ill-wisher, how "from the heart" the rays of hatred have sent you. This is where the law of interaction comes into force, and if you turned out to be stronger, then not only repel the attack, but also, according to the law of inertia, send a backward wave reaction. But our strengths are not unlimited. Sooner or later, any margin of safety can run out, and while from the cornucopia, troubles and troubles can fall on your head, after which it is incredibly difficult to recover. There are many examples in life when people “break down” under the unbearable burden of life. And nothing can make them the same.

Therefore, as they say, God protects the saved. A strong amulet and amulet will never hurt anyone. A properly charged and "animated" magic item will help you to strengthen the protection of your aura, make it "bulletproof armor". With such protection, you will easily and simply repel energy blows, as well as quickly recover in case of harm to you. It is in vain that many underestimate the power of our magical assistants. Ritual magic has been tested for thousands of years and has proven to be effective. Many today do not trust magicians and psychics - and such fears are not unfounded. Our ancestors, too, did not trust anyone with their amulets and themselves performed magical rituals, investing in them the forces of natural elements and a piece of their heart.

To protect the aura from damage, special rituals were performed with amulets and amulets, which we can repeat today. An additional energy shell is passed through the magic object, which protects our aura from energy shocks, leaving it safe and sound. Protect yourself, be careful when dealing with unfamiliar people. Your psyche is in your hands and neglecting the means of its protection is simply life threatening!

Rite of the Four Elements

Another rite of charging a talisman with the help of four elements: fire, water, air, earth. A universal ritual that is popular with many peoples of the world.

Take a handful of earth, a glass of running water, an incense stick, and one candle. Sprinkle earth three times on your future talisman. Sprinkling, each time say: "I give you the power of the earth." Then sprinkle it with water 3 times, saying three times: "I give you the power of water." Well, in conclusion, also hold the talisman three times over the smoke of an incense stick with the words: "I give you the power of air", repeating these words three times. The same should be done over the candle, repeating three times: "I give you the power of fire." Then take your talisman in your hands and breathe your energy into it, saying: "May you live with my breath." The talisman can now be used.

It is very important to choose the right time for charging the talisman. Practicing magicians and psychics do not recommend performing this rite on the waning moon. The best time is immediately after the appearance of the new moon. A good result will turn out on the growing moon. The ritual can be performed both at home and in the bosom of nature.

Before performing the ceremony, experts recommend taking a shower to wash off negative energy flows from yourself. Water will take on negative information. It's also best to wear clean clothes. These conditions will help the talisman get the maximum amount of power from your energy fields.

Mascot legend

An ancient Chinese legend tells about a sage, thanks to whom talismans appeared in the Celestial Empire.

One day, the sage, watching how the inhabitants of his small village were sad, called upon the Spirit of the Wind to sing his beautiful song and instill hope in the souls of people.

The Almighty Spirit of the Wind was outraged by the insolence of a mere mortal, but asked the elder: "Why should I, the almighty Spirit of the Wind, sing to ordinary people?" The gray-haired sage replied: "People love the air most of all."

The Wind Spirit only laughed at this. But the sage told him again: “A person can live for some time without water and fire, without light and food. But without air, it will die right away. " The Wind Spirit laughed again and did not believe him. Then the sage decided to prove the truth of his words to the Spirit of the Wind, stopped breathing and died. And then, moved by such an act, the Spirit of the Wind sang its most beautiful song to people and breathed it into a bamboo stick so that it would always sound and give people life and good luck. Since then, people began to make talismans from bamboo sticks and give them to each other. In China, to this day, bamboo sticks are treated with great respect, they are used both in everyday life and in numerous rituals, and, of course, as talismans. In the famous Feng Shui practice, bamboo sticks symbolize happiness and good fortune.

Today it is enough just to buy beautiful amulets with runes and other Slavic symbols. If you simply hang such a talisman around your neck, it will not work. It is necessary to "bind" the magic item to the source of power and to its owner. Slavic culture has preserved many rituals and rituals, including for charging amulets and amulets. They are all mystical and beautiful.

One of the common rituals:
Choose a warm, sunny morning. It is very important that on this day you are in a good mood and well-being. First of all, rinse your magic item in salt-vinegar water. And immediately rinse the solution from the amulet under cold running water. After that, put the talisman on a board and leave it in the sun until 4 pm. It is advisable to turn it every two hours. In the period from 16 to 17 hours, the peak of activation of the biological forces of the body occurs. You need to go outside and turn to face the north. The woman needs to hold the object in her left hand, and the man in the right. Take a deep breath and imagine the sun is focused on the top of your head. Then you need to mentally transfer the beam of energy from the crown to the solar plexus region and hold it until you have enough strength (without exhaling!). Then, slowly exhaling and mentally passing the energy through the left hand (for men - through the right) into the left fist, whisper: “Reality. Glory. Rule. " Repeat the ritual 3 times. After that, firmly squeeze the talisman with two palms and, pressing it to the solar plexus, quietly say 9 times: “Reality. Glory. Rule "(inhale, hold, exhale). The ritual is over, the talisman is activated according to your energy.

Revitalization of the Slavic amulet in the "native land"

The revitalization of the Slavic amulet in the "native land" is one of the most powerful rituals in the Slavic culture, with the help of which amulets and talismans are "revived".

The ritual is directly related to the place where the person was born. To carry it out, you need to get to the places where the owner of the amulet spent his early childhood. It should be a site of nature. If you know where the "places of power" are located on it, you need to be located exactly there.

It is desirable that the place be deserted during the ritual. It is recommended to perform the ceremony in the early morning, at dawn. Ideal places where you played as a child. And if there are trees and plants planted with your hands, it’s just wonderful.

We need to make a fire. If the ceremony is held in the summer, it would be good to take off your shoes and stand barefoot to enhance the energy.

The main part of the ceremony begins with the quiet singing of any hymn to the Slavic Gods. You can sing the hymn mentally. At the same time, the amulet must be held in hand. Then he is sprinkled with a handful of his native soil, washed in running water and dried over a fire.

If you paid attention, then again all the elements are included in this ritual: fire, water, ether (hymns to the Gods), air and earth.

If it is impossible to carry out a ceremony in the bosom of nature, then the Slavic amulet can be charged at home. But for this, the presence of elements of all 4 natural elements is necessary.

For this ceremony, you will need water, a candle, grain (or millet), a knife, and a magic item.

You need to choose the largest, most lighted and warmest room in the house. It is very good if you have a towel embroidered with Slavic symbols. If not, a clean white towel will do. Spread it on the table and put your future magic assistant on it. On the table, any object symbolizing Slavic culture - figurines, drawings, faces, etc. will also not be in the way. Decorate the room a bit with fresh flowers and head to the bathroom. After a refreshing shower, put on light, clean clothes. Some people prefer to perform the ceremony naked, if you are comfortable, then you can perform the ceremony in the "Eve costume".

Stand near the table, light a candle and draw a protective circle around you with a knife. You cannot leave the circle until the completion of the ceremony.

Then very quietly call on the Slavic Gods in simple words: "I call on you, Native Gods." You can call on one Slavic God and ask him to connect your amulet to the common egregor of the clan.
You need to take an object in your hands, hold it three times over the fire of a candle in a clockwise circular motion, repeating in a whisper or mentally: "Fire-Father, Fire is the Bright King, consecrate my amulet for happiness, health and well-being."

Then sprinkle the amulet with grain three times and refer to the earthly elements: "Mother Earth of cheese, Mother Earth is generous, consecrate my amulet for happiness, health and well-being."

After that, sprinkle water three times on the amulet with words or thoughts: "Well done water, pure sister, consecrate my amulet for happiness, health and well-being."

At the end - an appeal to the air element: "The wind is good, brother is a daring fellow, consecrate my amulet for happiness, health and well-being."

At the end of the ritual, say or mentally repeat the general appeal: "For the glory of the Family, for the glory of the Ancestors, for the glory of the Native Gods, so be it!", Pressing your right palm to your heart and lifting it up to Heaven.

After that, the Slavic amulet is consecrated. The charged amulet must be put in a new box and left for a day in the ritual room. And don't go to bed in this room.

It is best to revive the Slavic amulet and combine your energy with it on the first (full) day of the new moon. In the first phases of the Moon, they always take actions aimed at achieving any goals - they cut their hair, start new business projects, etc.

Immediately after purchase, put the item in the pocket of your favorite clothing - not dirty or washed. And wait for the beginning of the new moon.

On this night, when the first stars light up in the sky, the ritual can begin. If the night is cloudy, the ritual will fail. Try it the next night, as long as it is the Waxing Moon.

It is very important that during the ritual you are in solitude and in a good mood, so that you are not tormented by worries and any problems. Negative emotions are out of the question! At this hour, you are putting all your power into a magical object - and it should only be positive. You need to take the object in your hands, gently squeeze it with your palms as if you are saying a prayer. Relax completely and take your time. Think seriously about why you need a talisman, what do you want to achieve? Create a thought form of what you need to come to.

Then clearly imagine that you are within the pure divine light that is around you and protects you from all bad things. Imagine that at this very moment in this light are thousands of your ancestors - the spirit of each of them is next to you. With love and tenderness, think of your loved ones who surround you in life. Think about your homeland, which is thousands and thousands of years old.

While performing this ceremony, in no case remember your illnesses and problems! The point is to be able to concentrate all your forces in the lightest point of consciousness. Even if you charge a talisman and amulet from damage, evil eye, betrayal, separation and other troubles, try to concentrate only on the ideal, only on your goal - imagine it as clearly as possible, create the future in your imagination, feel this joy with all your soul and live in this new reality you are creating, a few minutes.

When creating the desired images, you must eliminate the word "want". You should try your best to think about your desire as if it already exists! At the very moment when you reach the highest point of realism, you need to open your palms and breathe your energy into your talisman 3 times!

After that, the item must be wrapped in a soft (not black) cloth and put in a new box. The talisman can be used after a day.

Slavic rituals of "revitalizing" talismans can be carried out with objects and without Slavic symbols.

Silver talismans are a special chapter in ritual magic. Silver is a very “living” metal that instantly reacts to all negative energy structures. Silver amulets and talismans are extremely popular because they are universal helpers in achieving happiness and success. For many centuries, people have made talismans from pure silver. Their size was quite large - about 5 centimeters in diameter and 1.5-2.0 millimeters in thickness. Special magic signs and symbols were carved on them, which were supposed to realize this or that task, to fulfill the dream of the owner of the talisman.

Before you start using the talisman, a special ritual of "revitalization" is carried out in order to "infuse" a certain Spirit into it, which will work with the owner of the talisman and perform a specific task.

Charging a silver talisman is very simple - you need it to lie down for one night in the rays of the growing moon (yes, only on the growing moon!). Before leaving your talisman on the windowsill, to activate it, hold it in your palms a little and mentally form an intention - a task that it must implement. If the night turns out to be cloudless, then it will be enough to hold the talisman on the windowsill for one night. If the Moonlight is interrupted by cloudiness, then a couple more nights on the growing moon will be needed. Before going to bed, the owner of the amulet can read a prayer-appeal to the goddess of the moon or one of the traditional new moon prayers:

This night I let go of everything old
This night I absorb the power of the new.
May all my sorrows disappear
Let all my sorrows melt!

Prayers for good luck, Guardian Angel and others are also suitable.

After several moonlit nights, the power of the silver talisman will increase significantly.

The work of the "animated" silver talisman is obvious - with energy attacks, the silver medallion instantly turns black! Therefore, the first time it has to be cleaned almost every day. Immediately after the ceremony, "animated" talismans are worn daily, without removing. After 2-3 months, when all the attacks that emanate from the environment of the owner of the talisman are repelled, he will turn black much less often, only when he meets new people with negative energy.

There are a lot of rituals of "revitalizing" talismans. Some of them are carried out in nature using special items - herbs, drinks, various materials, etc. If you have the opportunity to pay more attention to the ritual and devote the whole day to this ritual, be sure to do it! After all, the more you "invest" in your talisman, the faster you will reach your intended goal! With a charged talisman and amulet, you can make any NEW decoration - with or without symbols.And don't forget that talismans, charms and amulets are very personal items. They should only belong to you.

Remember: the success in achieving your goals depends on how much mental strength and energy will be invested during the ceremony of "reviving" the talisman. During the ritual, in our minds, we form an image of a magical object and attach a thought form to it, which we endow with our energy. And also we connect the talisman with the forces of the four elements. After all, a talisman is a mediator between the secret and the obvious. Invest in the magic rite "to the fullest", and may the talismans bring you good luck and help you get closer to your dream!

Jewelry with this stone is recommended for all unmarried girls! Since ancient times, rose quartz has been considered a stone of love, spiritual harmony and good mood. Its delicate charming shade symbolizes nascent feelings ...

If you are thinking about purchasing or making any magical item - an amulet, talisman or amulet, then most likely you know that you need to charge it before using the artifact. This is especially true for artifacts purchased in the store. During the period of charging and cleansing, the amulet, like a talisman or amulet, brings its energy in line with yours and begins to work and protect you.

How amulets are charged

The procedure for charging an amulet is a series of some sequential actions before using a magic item, that is, immediately after acquiring it. The meaning of the procedure for charging the amulet is simple - you must “charge” the magic object with your own energy, harmonize it with your personality. The importance of this step cannot be overemphasized, because without completing it, you will not receive a magical protector, but simply a stylish memento.

Tibetan Dzi Bead

Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but in this case there are very few exceptions. They relate to those items, the manufacture of which is allowed only by the hands of the future owner, or the secret of making which has been lost to our time. Such amulet includes, for example, Dzi Beads. It can be purchased exclusively from hands, and then, if you are very lucky.

It is characteristic that the procedure for charging amulets is almost identical in the most diverse, completely dissimilar cultures. The differences relate to small details, and against the background of the general similarity, they can be considered insignificant. This fact alone suggests that the procedure for activating (charging) amulets and their subsequent use is very difficult to attribute to any common superstition.

Basically, when sanctifying magical objects, they refer to one or more forces of the elements or, if the thing has a clear relationship to one of the religions, to the corresponding higher forces.

Self-made amulets, for the most part, also require a charging procedure. The exception in this case are items made on the basis of a symbol that has its own charge and does not require the involvement of human energy. More often, amulets are made to solve specific life problems - getting rid of diseases, building relationships in the family, attracting wealth and others like that. It is these amulets that require mandatory initial charging and periodic recharging after a certain time. You can familiarize yourself with the methods of carrying out such procedures below.

How to charge a charm, amulet or talisman bought from hands

Any amulet must be cleaned and charged before use.

Before you begin to get acquainted with the procedure for carrying out the rite of charging talismans, you need to have a clear understanding of the absolute necessity of such actions. First of all, you need to realize that any talisman, amulet or talisman (even if the item was purchased in a store) was once created by someone. The second step will be to understand that the manufacturer of a magic item during the period of its creation could have a far from optimistic mood, and not the purest thoughts. And thirdly: even if we assume that the amulet was made by the master from the heart and with the purest thoughts, then it is far from the fact that the master's energy will be fully compatible with yours.

Factory-made talismans and amulets, for the most part, do not bear any energy imprints. Therefore, in any case, without the activation ritual, you will have a beautiful trinket in your hands, and nothing more.

Another argument regarding the need for a ritual of charging amulets. In some cases, in particular, if the item was purchased from a stranger, its energy can be not only neutral, but also negative for you. Artifacts with a long history could have superimposed streams of negative energy due to any negative events, thoughts and intentions of the former owners and other undesirable factors. Therefore, hand-acquired artifacts, in addition to the ritual of charging with your energy, will require an additional purification ritual.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusion: any magic item, regardless of how it got to you, requires a ritual of purification from any energy available on it, and then a ritual of charging with your energy. The ceremonies and rituals, descriptions of which can be found in the legends and tales of various peoples, for the most part combine the procedures for cleansing and charging the amulet into one rite. This is especially true of those artifacts, the creation of which invokes the forces of the elements.

How to charge a talisman or amulet using the power of the elements

Purification by the forces of the four elements - a universal rite

The method is quite simple, it can be used by people of any religion and is suitable for almost all amulets. Only amulets, the basis of the power of which is any one specific element, require a special rite. The ritual using the power of the elements can be called universal - it includes cleansing, charging the amulet and harmonizing its energy with your energy.

To cleanse the power of the earth, the amulet must be buried

The power of the earth is used first. In order for the talisman to absorb the power of this element, you will need to bury it in the ground for several days. However, if you are afraid of possible external damage to the amulet from this procedure, then salt can be used instead of earth, and the time can be significantly reduced. The element of the earth is a powerful, solid, but slow force, therefore the talisman must spend at least three hours in the soil or salt. In a shorter period of time, the power of the earth will not have time to absorb all the accumulated flows of someone else's energy, and this is precisely the main purpose of this stage of the rite. In addition, the power of the earth programs the talisman for long-term work, and not for a short period of time.

The flame of a candle is perfect as the element of fire.

Next, the element of fire should work. You will need an open flame. But it is not necessary to make a large fire, a candle flame will be enough. The talisman must be placed on fire for a couple of seconds. If it's made of wood, don't worry. Fire is a fast element, a moment or two is enough for the flame to complete the work of the earth's power and completely burn out the remnants of alien negative energy. At the same time, the element of fire will give strength to achieve any life goals. Rather, fire will give the amulet the ability to convey such powers to you.

Incense smoke will erase traces of someone else's energy

Then comes the turn of the action of the forces of the elements of air. It's quite simple for you - hang the amulet at a certain height and leave it for two or three days. Another way, even simpler, is to carry the amulet through the incense. The air will blow away traces of energy, which were not left by the manufacturer or previous owners, but, for example, by buyers who viewed this copy, suppliers or your friends whom you introduced to the purchase. The main task of the air force is to endow the talisman with the ability to cope with your problems and control the load on your energy.

To cleanse the amulet, only running water is suitable.

The rite is completed by the power of the element of water. Ideally, to complete the ceremony, the amulet should be placed in natural running (not standing!) Water for a while. There is no such possibility? Well, in this case, use a regular water tap. If the material or decor of your talisman is afraid of water, then you still need to observe the symbolism of the ceremony - sprinkle the talisman with a few drops, and the ritual will be performed. The power of the element of water does not have a specific specialization, but it has great and versatile cleansing power. It is this property that served as the basis for the rituals of ablution, which are found in almost all world cultures.

It should be noted that the above procedure for the ceremony is not so strict. The stages can be carried out in a different sequence, the main thing is that the forces of opposite elements do not follow one after another. This will inevitably lead to some kind of conflict in the energy sector, which will not do anything good.

About conspiracies

There are special conspiracies that also serve the purpose of charging amulets, amulets and talismans. Most often, conspiracies are used when an artifact is intended to perform any one function. For amulets of this class, as a rule, improvised items are used. It can be, and similar things. However, for each of the items there is a conspiracy to get a magic item from a simple thing.

Good, working amulets are obtained from household items, but they do not last long. Their powers become thinner with every non-ordinary event that takes place in the house. For example, new tenants have appeared, or a situation has occurred that dramatically changes the style and nature of life of the inhabitants of the house, or a birth or funeral has happened in the family - also very strong energetically events. That is, all situations that violate the usual way reduce the strength of the object, spoken and acting as a talisman. However, its powers can be fully restored by performing the same actions (rituals or conspiracies) that were done during the initial (or previous) activation.

A conspiracy is such a rite that can turn almost any thing in the house into a magical object. And if this item has been in your house for a long time or is of great importance to you, then its potential power will be much higher. The energy of such objects has long been identical to yours, and in order for the object to become your reliable guardian and protector, you need only a little effort.

Although charms from household items each require their own conspiracy, nevertheless there is a conspiracy that can be called universal. It must be pronounced on a full moon, putting a thing that is significant for you on the windowsill under the moonlight. The conspiracy words are as follows:

Luna-mother, I appeal to you, I appeal to you for help!
Give my silushki a talisman for righteous and pure deeds!
I will look at you, I will thank you with a glance!

For a thing dear to you, such a simple conspiracy will be enough to make it your reliable protector. Moreover, you can feel the strength of such a talisman the very next day.

An important warning: if you have chosen a thing for the amulet that you constantly use in everyday life, then after the ceremony it will no longer be possible to use it as before, otherwise the powers of the talisman will be wasted.

Charging the Slavic amulet

Almost all Slavic amulets are dedicated to ancient pagan deities. Charging such amulets requires special care, since you need to refer to the forces that patronize a particular symbol. Although it is among the ancient Slavic artifacts that there are many that do not require a charging ritual, such talismans are charged by themselves from the forces of nature and the Universe itself.

A bonfire built by a well

If you bought a talisman of the ancient Slavs, and did not make it yourself, then it must be consecrated in accordance with the traditions that existed in the ancient Slavic culture. First of all, find out for sure which of the ancient deities patronizes the symbol you have acquired. Then you need to offer gifts to this deity. Gifts can be fruits, honey, or bread burnt in a ritual flame. The fire place for the ritual must be laid out in accordance with traditions - it should look like a truncated pyramid or a well. On top of the fireplace is the so-called treba - the gifts you brought.

Light a fire and appeal to the deity who patronizes your amulet. You can speak in your own words (most importantly - heartily and sincerely), or you can find traditional texts in books or on information resources dedicated to ancient Slavic traditions. You will learn the answer of God by the state of the demand. If your gifts are in the fire, you are heard, if they remain in the same place, then repeat the ceremony after a while.

Amulets, talismans and charms are charged during this ceremony; for this, the artifact simply needs to be placed next to the fire pit. Important: the ritual fire is not extinguished! You will need to wait until it burns out completely.

As you can see for yourself, the rituals of cleansing and charging the amulet do not contain any particular difficulties. Never neglect the ceremony if you want to have a reliable working amulet!

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is enough only for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

You may have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of money.