Repair Design Furniture

I looked closely accustomed to those around me. Higher professional education. Topic: "Doubled consonants"

N.M. Rukhlenko,
with. Orlik,
Belgorod region

"Do not confuse the pockets"

Senior classes

The game "Do not confuse the pockets" is carried out as follows. On the cards that are on the table, one example is written. On the board are attached pockets with one or another specific designation. The game involves two teams. The participants in the game take turns from each team to the table, take a card on which a word, phrase or sentence is written. The student solves the problem and puts the card in the appropriate pocket. The teacher keeps track of the correct answers. Everyone listens attentively to the comrade's answer and concludes whether the problem has been solved correctly. If a mistake is made, the right to respond is transferred to another team. Themes for the game can be very diverse. Let us show this with specific examples.

Topic: "Digits of introductory words by meaning"

Offer cards

The student finds introductory words, determines their meaning, explains punctuation marks, then inserts the card into the corresponding pocket.

1) Here, to Petya's indescribable admiration, a whole locksmith's workshop is set up on the old kitchen table. (V.Kataev)

2) The heroine of this novel, of course, was Masha. (L. Tolstoy)

3) I looked closely, got used to the phenomena around me, or, rather, the wonders of nature. (S.Aksakov)

4) Did you chicken out, confess, when my fellows threw a rope around your neck? (A. Pushkin)

5) He blushes - therefore, he is ashamed.

6) According to the captain, there are two days' journey to the nearest port. (I. Goncharov)

7) To be honest, I was tired after the lecture. (K. Simonov)

8) In my opinion, this behavior does not suit you.

9) Masha, as usual, was unhappy with everything.

10) And Bulychov, I must say frankly, is in a bad shape! (M. Gorky)

11) So, to everyone's delight, everything worked out.

12) And mother, it happened, would cover her blue eyes and lead the song to great heights. (M. Gorky)

13) And he dreamed, perhaps, to approach in a different way, to knock at the window as a welcome guest, dear. (A. Tvardovsky)

14) You, excuse me, would better think about children!

15) By the way, although I risk upsetting you, I must confess - it seems that one of yours blew up too. (K. Simonov)

16) Imagine, our young people are already bored. (I. Turgenev)

17) Yasha, according to the recollections of friends, adored hunting and fishing.

18) The sun was shining yesterday; today, on the contrary, it is raining in the morning.

Topic: "Dash and colon in a non-union complex sentence"

There are 2 pockets attached to the board:

Offer cards

Sentences should be presented to students without punctuation marks.

The student must justify his answer.

1) A terrible thought flashed through my mind: I imagined it in the hands of the robbers. (A. Pushkin)

2) One thing was certain: he would not return back. (I. Turgenev)

3) The cheese fell out - there was a cheat with it. (I. Krylov)

4) Ivan Ivanovich went up to the gate, rattled the latch - a dog barking rose from within. (N. Gogol)

5) The oak is holding on - the reed has fallen to the ground. (I. Krylov)

6) With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and see: my mother meets me on the porch with an air of deep grief. (A. Pushkin)

7) You will move apart the wet bush - you will be overwhelmed with the accumulated warm smell of the night. (I. Turgenev)

8) The arable land is plowed - they do not wave their hands. (Proverb)

9) I woke up: dawn was already falling. * (I. Turgenev)

10) There is only one thing I do not understand: how could she bite you? (A. Chekhov)

11) To plow deeper - to see more bread. (Proverb)

12) Say the word - the nightingale sings. (M.Lermontov)

13) Sometimes I think I need to run away. * (M. Gorky)

14) However, it's time to get up: it's already a quarter to six. (A. Pushkin)

15) An order is an order - that's how he was brought up.

16) There is not a single image on the wall - a bad sign. (M.Lermontov)

17) The birds were not heard: they do not sing during the heat. (I. Turgenev)

Topic: "Comma and its absence in a complex sentence"

There are pockets on the board with the names:

Offer cards

Sentences should be presented to students without punctuation marks.

The student explains his decision.

1) Natasha spoke in a whisper, and the grandfather and the forester also spoke in an undertone. (K. Paustovsky)

2) Calm down, or it will be bad. (A. Pushkin)

3) Soon after sunrise, a cloud came up and a short rain poured down. (A. Pushkin)

4) Everyone's eyes were fixed and their noses extended towards the letter. (I. Goncharov)

5) From sitting for a long time, his legs became numb and his back ached. (A. Kuprin)

6) It was already completely dawn and the people began to rise when I returned to my room. (L. Tolstoy)

7) In such weather, the wolf does not prowl, and the bear does not crawl out of the den.

8) He felt unwell: the body was weak and there was a dull pain in his eyes. (A. Kuprin)

9) According to the hunters, the animal hatched in these forests and the bird disappeared.

10) The strange old man spoke in a very drawn-out manner, the sound of his voice also amazed me. (I. Turgenev)

11) Who are they and what do they need? (A. Pushkin)

12) Let the cold end and the warmth come.

13) How ridiculous he is and how stupid his antics are!

14) The defendants were also being taken out somewhere and had just been brought back. (L. Tolstoy)

15) Take a look around and see how everything has changed here.

16) A hoarse moan and an ardent grinding. (A. Pushkin)

18) Meanwhile, it was full daylight, and it was necessary to go out to sea again. (V.Kataev)

Topic: "Doubled consonants"

The following pockets are attached to the board:

Cards with words

1) Huge theory, 2) rubber ba_on, 3) water ba_in, 4) witty character, 5) air de_ant, 6) picture ga_rei, 7) persistent u_unity, 8) deep dra_a, 9) narrow co_idor, 10) su_ogat coffee, 11) free discus_ia, 12) a_aluminium dishes, 13) crystal shape, 14) interesting ba_ada, 15) a_a_teacher of the department, 16) detailed co_entary, 17) i_itization of the skin.

Exercise 255. Rewrite with the necessary punctuation marks.

1.1. And soon, to the joy of the neighbors-enemies of the grave

will I fall asleep with earth? (I AM.). 2. I unfortunately have to

add that in the same year Paul died (T.). 3. Hands

mine, to my terrible annoyance, trembled slightly, my throat

chlo (T.). 4. No matter how uneven the hour of what has burned? (Ch.). 5.K

our happiness the beautiful sun has risen at last

(Sewn.). 6. To his complete disappointment, the boy

I saw neither weeping willows nor the gray sky (Cat.). 7.K

To Petya's surprise, there were no thieves or drunks in the station

no tramps (Cat.). 8. Found to the amazement of Nagulnov

in one second he brushed the leather jacket off his shoulders and sat down at the table

II. 1. The father, apparently, was knowledgeable only in the council of

drink a penny (G.). 2. But maybe you want to know windows-

Reading Bela's story? (L.). 3. Pechorin was immersed in

thoughtfulness and did not seem to be in a hurry at all

(L.). 4. True, Lisa's laugh seemed forced to me

(T.). 5. In fact, there is nothing edible in my village.

black did not find (T.). 6. The heroine of this novel by itself

of course it was Masha (L. T.). 7. Obviously this city

lived with all the forces of his life (L. T.). 8. The scarf was

excellent and probably cost about forty kopecks (M.-Sib.).

9. The father was apparently in the most complacent

mood (Cor.). 10. The puppy is seen from the thoroughbred

(New-Avenue). 11. Really barefoot boy in his ditch

Noah katsaveike looked more like a shepherd boy (Cat.).

12. Yes, the train has undoubtedly stopped (Cat.). 13. After

this, in fact, and ask about her relationship to Grigo-

Ryu had no need (Shol.). 14. And he dreamed of becoming

approach the other way at the window to knock on the expected

dear guest (Tward.).

Sh. 1. In my opinion, the fire contributed to it

much for decoration (Gr.). 2. After all, as you know from

privates (G.). 3. According to the captain to the nearest time

that remains two days of the way (Gonch.). 4. I as already mentioned

never distinguished for eloquence (T.). 5. But according to rumors

some part of them fought stubbornly near Kamensk.

letting the Germans go to Dashing (Fad.). 6. Weather in their area

at home was, in the opinion of Sophia Ivanovna, much better

more than on the whole street (Pavl.).

GU. 1. So you don't want to take over

Troekurova (P.). 2. Ivan Ivanovich has an extraordinary

the gift of speaking is extremely pleasant. Ivan Nikifo-

Rovich, on the other hand, is more silent (G.). 3. However, he was in

a kind person at heart (G.). 4. In a letter to Petrukhina

ri was sent first blessing second

bows of all and finally the news that Aksinya

went to the people (L.T.). 5. And finally it's always better to fall

in error thinking well (M.G.). 6. Chapaev never

refused to interfere in such matters; on the contrary

mouth he liked to make out everything himself and bring out different of him-

dyayev for clean water (lance). 7. Thus, the game in

ears for the boy has become something of a profitable pro

confessions (Cat.).

V. 1. In a word, they were what they say happy

(G.). 2. I took a closer look and got used to those around me

phenomena, or rather, the miracles of nature (Ax.).

3. Tatiana's disposition was very meek or better.

to find the intimidated one (T.). 4. Confess to say no

time beater is not a gratifying sight

Vi. 1. You were afraid to confess when my fellows

threw a rope around your neck? (NS.). 2. I'll tell you all

the truth, just please do not betray me (L.). 3. Where

does it allow biot? (GHavl.). 4. Do you see never

did not serve (Pan.).

For the right. Commas are used to mark introductory words and

phrases, among which you can outline the following basic

new groups:

1U introductory words expressing the speaker's feelings (joy,

regret, surprise, etc.) in connection with the message: fortunately,

unfortunately, fortunately, unfortunately, to joy, to chagrin, to

disappointment, regret, unfortunately, surprise, amazement,

horror, to shame, to joy, to happiness, to misfortune, what good,

there is nothing to hide, a strange thing, an amazing thing, the hour is uneven

2) introductory words expressing the speaker's assessment of the degree

reality of the reported (confidence, assumption, possible

uncertainty, etc.): of course, undoubtedly, without any co-

opinions, obviously, definitely, of course, of course,

indisputably, indeed, probably, possibly, true, probably by

in all likelihood, maybe, maybe, maybe, should

to be, it seems, it would seem, apparently, apparently, perhaps, in

really, really, really, isn't it, in essence, essentially

stu, in fact, right, tea, I suppose, I think, I hope, I suppose

3) introductory words indicating the source of the reported:

say, report, transmit, according to ..., according to ..., according to

information ..., in the opinion ..., in my opinion, in your opinion, in our opinion, in

yours, according to rumors, according to legend, is remembered with ~ loudly, they say, they say

4) introductory words indicating the connection of thoughts, sequentially

consistency of presentation: so, therefore, on the contrary,

moreover, moreover, above all, therefore, for example

measures, for example, the main thing, thus, by the way, by the way,

to name, by the way, firstly, secondly vi, etc., on the one hand

us, on the other hand, I repeat, I emphasize, etc .;

5) introductory words indicating techniques and methods of design

for the thoughts expressed: in a word, in one word, in other words

you, in other words, in other words, in short, simply say

stealing, to put it mildly, if I may say so, if I may say so

to express myself, if I may say so, it is better to say, so to speak,

what is called, as a matter of fact, generally speaking, or rather,

more precisely, etc .;

6) introductory words, which are calls to

to the saddle or to the reader in order to draw his attention to the message

the stated, to instill a certain attitude towards the stated facts

there: see (do), see (do), understand (do), understand (do),

do you know (do), do you know (do), understand (those), believe (those), listen (those),

agree, imagine, imagine (those) to yourself, sorry (those), just

ty (those), believe (whether), believe (whether), say, let's say, suppose

press, please, etc.

Introductory words can also indicate an assessment of the measure of

than they say (at most, at least at least),

show the degree of commonality of what is reported (it happens, it happened,

happens, as usual, as usual), express expressive

the truth of the statement (in truth, in conscience, in fairness,

no joke, funny to say, no reproach, be it said, confess

to say, I must say, to be honest, to be honest, between

us speaking, between us be said).

Introductory words are separated by commas. If in the introductory word

a word is missing from the combination, then instead of one comma, the usual

but a dash is put, for example: On the one hand, the essay is interesting

in terms of its content, on the other hand, it suffers from unevenness

Thu presentation.

Note. They are not introductory and are not highlighted.

combinations by advice ..., by direction ..., by request, by decision

by order, by design, etc., for example: On the advice

the doctor's course of treatment is continued; To do so according to the local order

was not supposed to.

Exercise 256. Rewrite, inserting, where necessary, signs of pre-

1.1. It must have been late. 2. The letter must

be urgently delivered to the addressee. 3. Bring with you

by the way and notes. 4. Your arrival today "as much as possible

by the way. 5. The traveler's face seemed very tired.

6. The game of chess seemed impossible to save

no moves. 7. The weather is likely to change.

8. The message you received is likely. 9. This phrase

by the way reminded me of an old joke

10. This phrase was said by the way. 11.On one

troops approached the sides of the road,

chu they were the inhabitants of the liberated village. 12.On one

both sides offer to go south is very tempting,

on the other hand, it causes concern because of the usual

years of heat. 13. It goes without saying that I did not deny my

to a friend in his request. 14. Under these conditions, all this

needless to say. 15. My companion felt

excellent after a long walk; I on-

against tired. 16. In the compartment I sat opposite an elderly man.

soot. 17. This theoretical proposition is completely

obviously. 18. Obviously, you will have to seriously prepare for

exams. 19. To the boys' surprise, the road turned out to be

not so tiresome. 20. To the surprise of the boys,

fright and confusion interfered.

P. 1. In particular, I really liked the book. 2. Book

I liked many in particular. 3. In French

language, for example, there is no declension. 4. In some

languages ​​such as French there is no slope

nie. 5. You will be admitted back in five days. 6. Story

cash is admissible in the fifth.

III. 1. This book is very useful, which means it cannot be

It is necessary to hurry up. 3. We are most likely to spend summer

we are conducting in the village, but by the way, this question is final

not yet decided. 4. The river in the neighborhood is by no means shallow, but

on the contrary, deep.

IV. 1. The child is obviously afraid of strangers

rushed to his mother. 2. Child frightened by strangers

apparently rushed to his mother. 3. Child frightened

obviously a stranger rushed to his mother. 4. Rain one

but it seemed to charge for a long time (T.).

V. 1. Heard like a rumble of thunder. 2. Everything is as if

has changed since then. 3. Came just in time for the start of the show

tackle. 4. It supposedly happened not like that. 5. I'm nothing

did not claim this. 6. Let's go back approximately

in one hour. 7. The amount of work turned out to be about twice as large

she. 8. That was exactly what had to be done. 9. Strongly

there was no one to turn to for advice. 10. It's simple

incomprehensible case. 11. He did not even answer my letter-

mo. 12. He used to come to us often.


1. The same words can be used as an input

(therefore, not members of the proposal), then as a member

new sentences (most often predicates or circumstances); Wed:

He may be back soon. - He can be if you want-

nii is very executive. The easiest way to check the syn-

the taxic role of such words by removing them from the composition of the

sentences: in one case (without an introductory word) the structure of the sentence

position is saved, in another (without a member of the sentence) - more often

everything disintegrates. Only in a few cases is this method of checking

ki is unacceptable; Wed: There is a lake behind that forest. - Behind that forest

the lake is visible (in both cases, the sentence structure is preserved

without a word visible). Other techniques are possible for individual words.


The word is finally introductory if it indicates a connection

thoughts, the order of presentation (in the meaning of "and more") or gives an assessment

ku fact from the point of view of the speaker, for example: It is possible,

nets, use the school grounds for sports games; Po-

the disciple's vision finally becomes intolerable. On the contrary

mouth, the word is finally not introductory if it matters

"At the end", "at last", "after everything", "as a result of everything",

for example: Gave three balls annually and finally squandered (P.);

I guessed at last; Finally arrived. Wed close in value to

reading in the end: In the end, everything was resolved well-

luchno (when? - circumstance). - He, in the end, is right (input-

expression). It is often possible to check the indicated difference in

the role of the word finally by adding to it a particle -to: when

For the most part, this is possible, but with the introductory word

no. Wed: Finally he arrived - finally he arrived (but you can't

say: first ..., second ..., finally).

The word in general, as a rule, is not an introductory one. As

adverb, it means "in general", "in general" (In general, this

true, but in this case it is not), "usually", "constantly",

"Always" (the weather here is generally cold), "absolutely", "under no circumstances

conditions ”(He does not want to be treated at all). In the sense of “in general

speaking "the word is generally introductory: To me, in general, this is how

seems strange.

However, the word is introductory if it is in the middle or

at the end of the sentence: He is, however, deluded; He is delusional

there is, however. At the beginning of a sentence, however, a word is usually

has the meaning of an adversarial union, but it is not also a vvo,

nym: The topic is not new, but interesting.

2. If words, for example, in particular, are mainly

Tim, put, say, etc. are at the beginning of a specifying or

connecting turnover, then they stand out along with everything

turnover, that is, after them no sign is placed (see.

Equation 249, item III).

3. Union a (less often union but) is not separated by a comma from the subsequent

an introductory word, if it forms one whole with it: a

chit, and by the way, and therefore, and secondly, but therefore, etc.

To check, the introductory word should be removed or rearranged in

another place of the offer; if such a permutation is possible

without violating the structure of the sentence, then the union is not associated with the input

word and separated from it by a comma, otherwise -

no. Wed: Misfortune did not change him at all, but on the contrary, he became

even stronger and more energetic (T.) - omit or rearrange the introductory

the word is impossible, while keeping the union a in the sentence, since

they are related; Nikita's whole life was not constant

holiday, but, on the contrary, was a never-ending service

(L.T.) - with the help of a union, two homogeneous

a member of the sentence, and the introductory word is not associated with the union.

After other conjunctions, a comma before the introductory word puts-

Xia: It's already late, and perhaps it's time for us to return; He is collecting

it is possible to come to us, but, I must admit, I do not want to meet with him

4. If the introductory word is at the beginning or at the end of a separate

turnover, no sign is placed between them. If

the introductory word is in the middle of a separate turnover, then

it is separated by commas on a common basis.

When two introductory words meet, a comma between them puts-

Xia: So, for example, the union is not among the connecting unions;

What good, perhaps, and marries, from the tenderness of the soul (Ven.).

5. They do not act as introductory words and commas are not highlighted.

particles, after all, now, as if, as if, as if, allegedly, precisely,

just, hardly, hardly, almost, approximately, approximately,

one hundred, decisively, exclusively, as it were, even etc. The particle was

The shaft is highlighted with commas.

Exercise 257. Rewrite with the necessary punctuation marks.

I. 1. For tea, the sky seemed like a sheepskin (I.). 2. Here at

I think better than my eyes (G.). 3. I remember my soul from

I was looking for a wonderful childhood (L.). 4. And this voice is wonderful

the new one still sounded to her (L.). 5. He me you

you know very much respects (G.).

II. 1. The late grandfather, as far as I can remember, was born

grandmother's butler (P.). 2. The first toast was drunk

how readers can guess for their health themselves

new Kherson landowner (G.). 3. These dogs, if not

I am mistaken come from simple mongrels and shepherds

(Kupr.). 4. She was beautiful and more importantly smart.

woman (Paul).

III. 1. Finally, he ordered to harness himself a running droshky

dressed warmly, it was already at the end of September and

I left the yard on the right (P.). 2. On a hot summer morning, this

it was at the end of July they woke us up as usual

th (Ax.). 3.Vladimir Sergeich was the name of the young

the man in the coat looked in bewilderment at his

his man and spoke in a hurried whisper ... (G.).

4. There were three of them ate without paying attention to

Pierre (L.T.). 5. And every evening at the appointed hour or

is it just my dream? maiden loom captured by silks

ny in a foggy window moves (Bl.).


1. Small introductory sentences are usually

separated by commas, for example: You, I think, are used to these

magnificent paintings (L.); He was driving now to the Yauzsky bridge,

where, he was told, was Kutuzov (L. T.).

2. Introductory sentences are marked with commas, beginning

from unions like, if, how much, etc., for example: Tomorrow, how

newspapers report that an art exhibition opens; Not-

how many years ago, if I do not hit, there was an earthquake in

Turkey; This book, as far as I can judge of it, will have

big success.

3. Insert sentences or phrases (ie, such

opinions, amendments to the main statement) are less closely related

with a proposal than introductory, and therefore fall out sharply

from its structure. Such constructions are distinguished by brackets or

dash; they are in the middle of a sentence or at the end of it,

but not at the beginning: My arrival - I could have noticed - at first

somewhat confused the guests (T.). Parasha (that was the name of the beauty

sha) knew how to wash and iron, sew and weave (P.). Stronger

the off-mark are parentheses, which are usually

share the so-called plug-in sentences that differ

from introductory words in that they do not express the speaker's attitude to

expressed thought, but contain various kinds of additional

remarks, accompanying instructions, clarifying the proposal in

whole or a separate word in it and sometimes sharply outgoing

from the syntactic structure of the whole, for example: One evening -

rum (it was at the beginning of 1773) I was sitting at home alone, listening to the howl

autumn wind and looking out the window at the clouds running past the moon (P.);

He promised the Cossacks to welcome them with a cross and a beard (Iletsk

like Yaik, Cossacks - all were Old Believers), rivers and meadows,

money and provisions, lead and gunpowder (P.); Inexperienced soul

having humbled the excitement over time (who knows?), I would have found

friend (P.).

If there is one introductory (insert) sentence

inside the other, the second (so to speak, external) is allocated with brackets-

kami, and the first (internal) - using a dash, for example:

After the new highway is laid, all these "bearish corners" (even

Chudovka - that was the name of the largest of them - was before

this wilderness) turned out to be associated with the district center

Exercise 258 (repetitive) Rewrite by putting where

need punctuation marks.

1.1. At Savva's shepherd, he suddenly herded the lord's sheep -

lambs began to grow (Cr.). 2. According to him, I was discharged

from Pugachev to Orenburg as a spy (J.). 3. I spent the evening

as usual at the commandant (P.). 4. Men

they drank argued and laughed.

but cheerful (P.). 5. The lady seemed to be moved (77.). 6. Both

old man, according to the old custom of old-world manors,

They were very fond of eating (G.). 1. I think, however

what would be needed in a white vest (G.). 8. Brown pig vbe-

sting into the room and grabbed, surprisingly, the

not pie or bread crust but Ivan's request

Nikiforovich (G.). 9. The weather was windy, the wind was

But it was not quite a passing (Goth.). 10. You are driving right

to Stavropol? (L.). 11. Unfortunately, I have not heard about you

nothing but of course I learn a lot from you (J7.). 12. Small

was unprepossessing, to be sure, but still I liked him

curled (T.). 13. The boys lay belly on the threshold

threw their legs up and thus - throwing -

went out the door (T.). 14. Mountain air without any doubt

it has a beneficial effect on human health (T.).

15. Indeed, two or three miles ahead of us,

a column of gray smoke rose slowly from the ground

(T.). 16. There were some weaknesses behind him: for example,

Mer wooed all the rich brides in the province (T.). 17.A

you I see silk (T.). 18. The heat forced us to

not enter the grove (T.). 19. Horse him to the true mo-

To his surprise, she ran very well (T.). 20. During

for a whole week, my position is, in fact, not at all

improved (G.).

II. 1. It is really wonderful here (T.). 2. Young thief

bey fell from the nest, the wind strongly shook the birch of the avenue and

sat motionless (T.). 3. Now, in all likelihood

whirlwinds whirling and dragging dry grass dust from the ground and

feathers rose to the very sky; probably about sa-

my black clouds were flying tumbleweeds, and as it should

they were scared to be! (Ch.). 4. And this teacher of Greek

language this man in a case can you imagine

almost got married (Ch.). 5. So, for all the time while I was counting

as adults, much to the chagrin of my father

I have changed nine positions of a native architect

(Ch.). 6. Once it was on a clear autumn day before

in the evening the old man Tsybukin was sitting near the gate (Ch.). 7. Father

apparently was in the most complacent mood -

nii (Cor.). 8. In some places, as if blue stripes fell

freezing rains (Cor.). 9. There were four bakers of them.

huddled aside from us ^ M. G.). 10. When it was over

and the battle lasted about an hour, the division commander sat on his horse and walked

drove across the plain (A. N. T.). 11. Only the little one

Artamon was in his twenty-first year.

father for writing letters keeping accounts reading different

books (A. N. T.). 12. Caesar was the name of the lion in the menagerie sleeps

and quietly squeals (Kupr.). 13. The Board authorized

to speed up his work, that is, in other words, he is himself

authorized to this (Kupr.). 14. It turned out that

at the same time that, in the first place, a complete environment is difficult to achieve

press due to a natural obstacle from the west and second

rykh that the enemy is preparing to either take battle in places

conditions or disperse in the depths of the pine forest (Fed.).

15. And besides a freshly washed shirt, I will tell you honestly

I don't need anything (Lighthouse.). 16. He will take a platoon or maybe

company (Pinch.). 17. Almost everyone called Petka so out of habit

Isaev stuck out his tiny bird-like

dexterity (lance.). 18. This blizzard is told by the steppe people

has not been for many years (Tuorm.). 19. Terenty added

small locksmith work but first of all the work was

a little and secondly, a lot of time was taken up urgently

business affairs (Cat.). 20. He got up and limping he was on

the prosthesis went to the window (Kae.).

Exercise 259 (repetitive) Write the text under the dict

product, then check the written with the printed.

"Bagration is the best general of the Russian army", -

so expressed his opinion about Bagration as a commander

tse Napoleon, who, by the way, more than once satisfied

but unsuccessfully sent his best mar-

And indeed, the favorite and right hand of Suvoro-

va, a friend of Kutuzov, Bagration was the "eagle" of the Russian ar-

missions; so, at least, the soldiers called him. Bug

rathion was a great master of offensive combat. For

this he possessed all the necessary qualities:

first, with a tactical eye, and secondly, with an iron

perseverance and, finally, truly legendary brave

tew. He was always in the most dangerous places. "On

he found moments of inspiration, - says about him

eyewitness. - The fire of battle kindled something in his soul.

His eyes were shining; he commanded, and in a burka, with a whip

in his hand, on a simple bottom, he rushed, ahead of the columns,

so that from a commanding general to become a simple re-

a dovym warrior. " It was seen and appreciated by the soldiers and loved

him the way they loved Suvorov and Kutuzov.

It is known, by the way, that only a very few

from the generals of the past enjoyed a sincere attitude

the position of the mass of soldiers. But to serve under the

Bagration's scrap, although it was an honor, but, according to reviews

contemporaries, it is very dangerous: Bagration's adjutan-

you were considered doomed people.

Bagration's military service began in 1782,

when he was 17 years old. She was incredibly heavy with

the very beginning (after the first skirmish, he was found

among the killed) and to the end. He participated neither more nor

less than 20 campaigns and 150 battles. My glory

he carried the brave man from the walls of Ochakov through the mountains of Italy

and the peaks of the Alps to the Borodino field, where the French

kaya grenade put a bloody point in his brilliant

Noah biography.

(According to S. B o risov u)


Exercise 260. Rewrite with the necessary punctuation marks.

1. Sleeping in a coffin, sleep peacefully; use your life

living (Beetle.). 2. Stepanushka dear-do not give me-

lyy! (A/?.). 3. The star of the sad evening star is your ray

silvered the wilted plains and the slumbering bay and black

rocks of the summit (Ya.). 4. How good are you about the sea at night-

noe! (Tyutsch.). 5. Wake up your shoulder! Wave your hand! You

smell the wind in your face since noon! (Kolts.). 6. Father father was

Threats your Tamara, do not scold (L.). 7. Well, fullness,

To the fullness of the joker you are a joker (T.). 8. I have my whole

I give you the sonorous power of the poet attacking class (Lighthouse.).

9. Strike a horse's hoof harder, striking a step! (Bagr.).

10. Grow a country where by the will of a single people all merged into

one people bloom a country where a woman with a man in

in some rows, the free one is coming! (OK.). 11. Well, you move,

otherwise I'll smack my butt (Ya. O.). 12. Death and death still

Will you give me one word to say? (Tward.).

For the right. Cases are highlighted or separated

commas along with all words related to them.

If the address at the beginning of the sentence is pronounced

sits with exclamation intonation, then after it is put

exclamation mark, for example: Eh, brothers! It's not good with us

Particle o, standing in front of circulation, is not separated from it

no sign, for example: Yours is not right, oh heaven, holy

If a widespread appeal is broken down into parts, then each

giving of them is highlighted with commas, for example: Split, smart, bre-

what are you, head? (Cr.).

Personal pronouns you and you are usually not

appeals, but act as the subject. However, they

can be part of a common call, for example

Mer: Yes, are you really not enough, you are insatiable! (Drst.). V

as an exception, personal pronouns you and you can

itself to perform the function of address, replacing the name

the person to whom the speech is directed; in these cases they stand out

commas: Hey you, stop!

In rare cases, words that do not belong to

nouns, calling any sign of a person, to

who is being spoken to; such words are highlighted with commas-

mi, for example: Hey, with a round hat, how do I get to the station?

If there is a particle a between repeated calls, then

a comma is put in front of it, and after it there is no sign

curls, for example: Mom, and mom, let me walk a little!

Between two calls linked by a non-repeating-

with a connecting union, the comma is not put (as with one

members in these conditions), for example: Hello, sun

Yes, the morning is cheerful! (Nick.)-

Slide 1

Lesson topic: Introductory words. Teacher Kuznetsova E.V. MBOU "Secondary school number 2", Tarko-Sale. The purpose of the lesson: To systematize the knowledge gained, to consolidate the setting of punctuation marks in sentences with introductory words.

Slide 2

Slide 3

1. EXPRESS THE SPEAKER'S SENSE. To happiness, to unhappiness, to joy, to grief, to vexation, to regret, to surprise, to horror, to shame, to happiness, to trouble, amazing business, etc.

Slide 4

For example: Fortunately, the river has a great depth along its entire length. Unfortunately, the frequent and heavy rains interfered with the successful course of the trip. To my great chagrin, Shvabrin ... announced that my song was not good.

Slide 5

2. Express confidence, uncertainty, assumption, opportunity. of course, undoubtedly, without any doubt, undoubtedly, of course, indisputable, perhaps, perhaps, should be, apparently, perhaps, in essence, etc.

Slide 6

For example: The birds seemed to be freezing in the snow and therefore huddled together. Undoubtedly, there must be many mines in this area. Perhaps I am guilty before you more than you are before me. He seems completely upset. Indeed, voices were heard below.

Slide 7

3. Indicate the source of the message. they say, report, transmit, according to ..., according to ..., according to ..., according to ..., in my opinion, in your opinion, in our opinion, in my opinion, according to rumors, etc.

Slide 8

For example: In my opinion, the fire contributed a lot to her decoration. After all, I, as you know, from the rank and file. According to the captain, there are two days' journey to the nearest port. The weather in the area of ​​their house was, according to Sofya Ivanovna, much better than on the whole street.

Slide 9

4. Indicate the connection of thoughts, the sequence of their presentation. So, therefore, on the contrary, on the contrary, then, finally, by the way, by the way, in general, in particular, first of all, in addition, therefore, for example, for example, the main thing, thus, by the way, in the first place, etc. etc.

Slide 10

For example: However, he was a kind person at heart. Thus, playing with ears became for the boy something like a profitable profession. Ivan Ivanovich has an extraordinary gift to speak extremely pleasantly. Ivan Nikiforovich, on the other hand, is more silent.

Slide 11

5. Indicate techniques and ways of forming thoughts. in a word, in a word, in other words, in short, simply put, if I may say so, if I may say so, it is better to say, so to speak, what is called, etc.

Slide 12

For example: In a word, they were happy. I looked closely, got used to the phenomena around me, or rather, the wonders of nature. Frankly speaking, at no time does the Beater present a gratifying sight.

Slide 13

6. Words addressed to the interlocutor in order to attract his attention. see (do), understand (do), know (do), understand, believe, listen, agree, imagine, imagine, excuse me, forgive, please, notice to yourself, please, etc.

Slide 14

An excerpt from the song about "Little Red Riding Hood" If for a long, long, long time, If it takes a long time along the path, If it takes a long time to stomp along the path, go and run, Then, perhaps, then, of course, Then, probably, right, Then, perhaps You can, you can, You can come to Africa.

Slide 15

For example: Did you get cold feet, confess, when my fellows threw a rope around your neck? I'll tell you the whole truth, but please don't betray me. Where is it, excuse me, was it? And I, you see, never served.

Slide 16

Remember! The following words and word combinations are not introductory. literally, as if, in addition, all of a sudden, after all, in the final analysis, here, hardly, after all, hardly, even, exclusively, precisely, as if, just, meanwhile, approximately, approximately, moreover, moreover, that no less, etc.

Slide 17

Examples: Heard like a rumble of thunder. Everything seems to have changed since then. We arrived just in time for the start of the performance. We'll be back in about an hour. The volume of work turned out to be approximately doubled. That was exactly what had to be done. He didn't even answer my letter.

Slide 18

Homonymy of introductory words and members of a sentence. The word is introductory. The word is not introductory. Finally, it indicates the connection of thoughts, the order of their presentation (= and more), completes the listing. Finally, you can turn to a specialist for advice (= and you can still turn to ...). Performs the function of circumstance (= and finally, finally, after everything, as a result of everything). We climbed higher and higher and finally reached the top. In this value, a particle is possible. Finally we got to the place to stay for the night (= finally got there ...).

Slide 19

The word is introductory The word is not introductory, however, If it is in the middle or at the end of a sentence. Look, however, be careful. How much of a hassle, however. If it is at the beginning of a sentence (part of a complex sentence) or connects homogeneous members (in these cases, the adversary union is meaning but). We didn’t hope to meet, but we did. However, his behavior did not offend me.

Slide 20

The word is introductory The word is not introductory. means If it is synonymous with the words therefore, therefore: the sunspots have completely disappeared, then the sun has already bowed at noon. If it is between the subordinate clause and the main clause: If spring comes, then it will be warm. If it is between the parts of a complex non-union sentence: The bell rang, then the lesson is over. If close in meaning to the word means, then it is a predicate: a person means immeasurably more than it is customary to think about him. If it stands between the subject and the predicate, then a dash is placed in front of it: To fight is to win.

Slide 21

The word is introductory The word is introductory not mainly If it serves to highlight a fact, to express its assessment: The manual should be corrected and, mainly, supplemented with new material (mainly = the most important). If it matters first, most of all: His success is largely due to his hard work.

43. Transcribe the sentences, describe in them the first ten non-repeating sounds.

1. Man himself creates a poetic state around his work. (Paust.) 2. The roads are washed out. A yellowish foam, like a whipped squirrel, drifted along the river. (Paust.) 3. I looked closely, got used to the phenomena around me, or the wonders of nature. (Ax.)

44. Transcribe these words. Designate with numbers the levels of sonorous sounds (4 - vowels, 3 - sonorant voiced consonants, 2 -

noisy voiced consonants, 1 - voiceless consonants, 0 - pause; at the sound [and]

sonority is weakened in comparison with other vowels and is equal to 3.5). Emphasize syllabic sounds, build schemes for the sonority of these words, determine the number of syllables in them.

The word boletus has five peaks of sonority, i.e. five syllables formed by five syllable sounds.

The kayak, e¸, exceptional, yelped, whose, longer.

45. Prove that the words below can be pronounced with different numbers of syllables. Build sonority diagrams for both options.

Centaur, theater, Hercules, arbiter, meaning, ship.

46. ​​Analyzing the rhythm of these lines of poetry, determine with how many syllables the selected words are pronounced. Build sonority schemes.

I. 1. As if looking through binoculars upside down - Everything that is left behind is reduced.

At the station, covered by a blizzard, Somewhere a distant woman is crying.

(K. Simonov)

2. At Pulkovskaya Mountain, a mustachioed general was pointing binoculars at the Vitebsk railway station¾

(R. Rozhdestvensky)

II. 1. And crazy, ruffled hair,

 confusion, the meaning of darkness, Dumbfounded you with a bad, Stupid fairy tale about me.

(B. Pasternak)

2. Ruslan languished in silence, And the meaning, and losing memory.

(A. Pushkin)

III. 1. The theater is already full; the lodges shine; Parterre and chairs, everything is boiling.

(A. Pushkin)

2. Here is your marble. The region is rich in marble, the theater will be round and high.

47. Transcribe the words, mark in numbers under the signs of transcription the levels of sonority of sounds, break the words into syllables, describe each syllable (covered-open, open-closed).

 which of these words is a variant syllable section possible? Why?

Î b raz ets: cool [greatə õëà´ äíûə è] - [ïðàə -õëà´-äíûə è].

1st syllable covered, open; 2nd syllable covered, open; 3rd syllable covered, closed.

Commander, stoker, cruising, astronomy, her, gloomy, standard, petal, portrait, spelling, surrounding, naughty, sparkling.

48. Determine the place of the syllable section in words consisting of sounds of the following sonority:

1 1 4 3 2 4 1 4;

4 3 2 4 2 3 4 3,5; 4 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 4 3,5

Find words with similar sounds.

49. Transcribe the texts, break words into syllables, give a description of each syllable (covered or uncovered; open or closed).

1. The stream thickens and grows dim,

È hiding under hard ice

È the color goes out, and the sound grows numb In a daze and icy.

(F. Tyutchev)

2. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the azure blue, Like the towers of the Christmas trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there, in the foliage of the through Clearance in the sky, that little window.

3. Summer butterfly suddenly whirled under the midnight lamp: Everyone wants to rise up above the fragile fortune. Summer butterfly suddenly wished to come to life in December, Without ranting, not thinking about Good and Evil.

(B. Okudzhava)

4. I'm lying on the grass - One hundred fantasies in my head.

Dream with me together - There will be not one hundred, but two hundred.

50. Transcribe the text, break words into syllables.

Who discovered a stranger's mainland, Who died from an accidental arrow, Everything was covered with sea water,

Everything was filled with cool mystery.

(E. Bagritsky)


51. Determine what is the meaningful function of stress in the following pairs of words (distinguishes between different forms of the same word,

some forms of different words, different words in all their forms).

Be'gom - bego'm, mugs - mugs ', hands - hands', cotton - cotton, but 'wear - carry', a'tlas - atlas, Machine - wave ´na, ask - ask, vo´los - hair´s.

52. Using the explanatory dictionary, determine in what cases the difference in the place of stress in these pairs of words is associated with a difference in the lexical meaning.

Ha´os - hao´s, ele´ktrik - electrician, wet´ta - sputum´, at´golny - ugly´s, otherwise - otherwise, linguistic - lingual, nagolo - bald ', thy'rog - curd'g, connected - connected.

53. Determine whether the formative stress is movable or fixed in the following words.

Monogram, eyebrow, stupidity, lip, elephant, horror, face, deep, strong, say, cry.

54. Select the words derived from them for the words given below and determine whether the word-formation stress is mobile or fixed in these derived words.

About the sample: summer´t - pilot (mobile), summer´t - flight´t

(motionless), etc.

Cloud, stomp, star, sky, bitter.

55. Transcribe the texts, find proclamations and enclitics in them. Determine the type of clitics - absolute or relative. Argument your answer.

1. Ox, summer is red! I would love you

If it weren't for the heat, yes, dust, mosquitoes, and flies.

(A. Pushkin)

2. I saw everything, looked out; from surprise, believe me, there will be neither the ability to retell you, nor the strength.

It is really true that there is a chamber of miracles!

(I. Krylov)

3. From complaints against judges, against the strong and the rich

Leo, out of patience, He began to inspect his possessions himself.

(I. Krylov)

4. An elephant was planted in the voivodeship in the forest. Although, it seems, elephants and an intelligent breed, However, the family has its black sheep:

Our voivode

He was fat to his relatives, But he was not simple to his relatives;

And with intent, he will not offend a fly. Here is a kind voivode sees: A petition entered the Order from the sheep:

"That the wolves are completely ripping the skin off us."

(I. Krylov)

56. In the following texts, find the words: 1) unstressed (proclitics

è enclists); with a weak accent; 3) with secondary stress.

1. The hydrometeorological center reports that the day will be dry and warm tomorrow, the air temperature is about five degrees Celsius.

2. You, brother, wait. Nobody but you will do it. Although you were about to leave, you will have to stay for two days. Although our energy sector is on its feet, we cannot cope without you.

57. Arrange phrasal and syntagme stress in this text. Is the word highlighted with such an emphasis the most important in terms of meaning?

The sky has not yet lightened and the forest and mountains are sleeping under the cover of darkness, when suddenly a lonely and indistinct scream or groan will burst out from somewhere Then a breeze swept through the forest, a stream will respond with a ringing murmur, and, regretting the short night, an owl will cry sadly in the old spruce forest or owl.

58. Come up with four dialogues that include the phrase Teddy bear amuse the zoo visitors so that in each of the dialogues the accent falls on a different word.


59. Read aloud sentences with different types of intonation structures (IC). Make IC diagrams. Consider whether it is possible to change the center location in the given examples and the type of IR. Think up and say out loud three or four phrases with the same intonation structure as the one being analyzed.

1. The girl goes to school. 2. Why are you doing this? 3. Have you heard the weather forecast? 4. What is your name? 5. What about your surname? 6. What wonderful weather! 7. How she cooks!

60. Read these texts aloud, mark the boundaries of syntagmas and phrases with vertical lines, emphasize the centers of intonation structures, schematically depict the movement of tone, determine the types of IC.

1. - Is this cinema far from the metro?

- No, very close.

- All the guys have already seen this movie. And your brothers?

- You should have heard how they laughed when they talked about him.

2. Are you tired? Yes, I can see it myself: you're tired. Well, nothing: you are tired, and we will help you!

3. Is your baby crying? Look: your baby is crying!

À you? Look the other way!

61. Read passages from poems aloud, draw diagrams of intonation structures, determine their types.

1. I haven't slept for three nights. I'm tired.

I should sleep. Relax But as soon as I lay down - a call!

Who is speaking?



- Áåäà! Áåäà!

Run here quickly!

(K. Chukovsky)

2. And what the chatterbox Lida, they say, is Vovka invented.

And when should I talk? I have no time to chat!

Drama circle, photo circle, Khorkruzhok - I want to sing, For the drawing circle Everyone also voted.

62. Think of situations in which the phrases Autumn and Everything is lost would be pronounced with different types of IR.

63. Come up with dialogues that represent all types of intonation structures.


64. Due to what positional alternations of consonants are the following rhymes possible?

1. Grandfather is the answer, arap is a slave, a trace is a poet, a row is gilded.

2. Day - booths, boards - birches, notebook - a glove, sweet - a tent.

Find examples of such rhymes in the works of poets who prefer precise rhyme (N.A. Nekrasov, A.K. Tolstoy, etc.).

65. Transcribe the following combinations of a preposition with a noun. Determine which positional alternations of consonants occur at the junction of the official and significant words. Pick up where

necessary, examples confirming the existence of such alternations.

1. From the garden - from the garden, from ¾ - from brother, to the water - to takeoff, through ¾ - across the field. 2. Without a father - without a wife, without ¾ - with a fur coat, through ¾ - through a magazine, from ¾ - from a pike. 3. From the window - from the sun, from the game - from the noise, under ¾ - under the jasmine, above ¾ - over a sliver.

4. Without a home - idle, from a garden - from a village, with juice - from ¾, from an ax - from ¾. ...

66. What positional alternations of consonants are indicated by the pronunciation of sounds at the junction of words watchman with a fur coat, a wardrobe in the foyer, painting with


67. Transcribe the given word pairs. Determine which positional alternations of consonants occur in them. What is the phonetic position due to these alternations? Find examples, where necessary, to demonstrate the presence of positional alternation.

1. Sixth - six, bridle - bridle, push - settle, rustle - ¾, nest - ¾, track - ¾, meat - ¾, ugly - ¾, pull apart - ¾, bow - ¾.

2. Wagon - trailer, drum - drummer, glass - ¾, race - ¾, log - ¾, deception - ¾.

68. What positional alternation of consonants is observed in these pairs of words? Determine the phonetic position causing this alternation. Find examples, where necessary, to demonstrate the existence of alternation.

Participation - participant, propagandist - propaganda, heart - heart, sunny - sun, Dutchman - Dutch, news - ¾, selfishness - ¾, tourist - ¾, plaintiff - ¾, Scotsman - ¾.

69. Transcribe these phrases. In what morphemes of words included in these phrases, positional alternations of consonants can occur? Prove your point by looking for other words with the same morphemes as in the data. In each case, indicate the phonetic position that determines this or that alternation.

1. The merciless sun roasted us in the desert frying pan. 2. A group of seven young boys furiously encouraged the fighters. 3. Aim more carefully - even the worst of the participants managed to get in from six steps. 4. Glasses rattled from a flying supersonic aircraft.

70. Find in the words of the texts morphemes in which positional alternations of consonants can occur. Argument your answer.

I. Makhov's hut really turned out to be nothing more than a tightly sewn, albeit dilapidated log hut, surrounded by a spindle. On one side it adjoined the forest, on the other side there was a vast meadow. A hundred paces from the fence, a mighty birch grew, vainly trying to cover the meadow with its shadow.

(According to V. Soloukhin)

II. And in the morning everything crunched around: frozen roads, leaves on the porch, black stalks of nettles sticking out from under the snow.

(K. Paustovsky)


71. Give examples of alternating vowel sounds in one morphe-

[î] - [àə ] - [ə ]; [ý] - [èə ]; [à] - [àə ] - [ə ]; [î] - [èə ].

Prove that these alternations are positional. What factor are they caused by?

72. Determine the strength of each syllable in the given words by the AA Potebni formula.

Throwing away, outstretched, hunting, retraining, enchanting.

73. Find related words for fly. Analyze their structures using the formula of A.A. Potebni.

74. Transcribe these texts. Above unstressed vowels, indicate the degree of their reduction (1 - reduction 1st degree, 2 - 2nd degree reduction).

I. The snow began to fall from the village early dinner, it fell incessantly, hour by hour, thicker and stronger. I have always loved looking at a refreshing quiet fall or snow sinking.


II. The hour was approaching when the sun, having glowed, had just disappeared behind a hillock, and twilight, illuminated by the dawn, fell on the village.


75. Give examples of the alternation of vowel sounds in one morpheme. Prove that these alternations are positional.

Î á ð à ç å ö: [à] - [à] (ì[à´]ìà - ì[à´]ìå). [ó] - [ó]; [î] - [î]

76. Determine which vowel alternation is observed in the selected service morphemes of these words.

The one who escaped - to run, the one who shouted - to shout, I will say - I am silent, with a knife - a key, if you go, you lie, the people of Kiev are Parisians.

77. Transcribe word combinations. Determine which vowel alternations occur at their junction. Where necessary, provide examples to demonstrate the existence of such alternations.

The oriole's feather is the cry of the oriole, rain and hail are snow and hail, Ira's guest is Ira's friend, ¾ - no interest, ¾ - the world of art.

Prove that these alternations are positional.


78. Explain why the significative and perceptual positions are evaluated this way in the following words.

ï. − + +

Î á ð à ç å ö: êîò [ ê + °î+ ò− ].ñ.

Consider the significative positions in the word [to ° from]. The sound [k] stands in a strongly significant position before the vowel sound, since only the phoneme / k / can be realized in this position by this sound; in the sound [k °], any other phonemes cannot be matched or neutralized. The same can be said about the sound [o] - only the phoneme / o / can be realized under the stress of this sound; hence it is a significatively strong position for [o]. The sound [t] stands in a significally weak position, since the sound [t] can realize not only the phoneme / t /, but also the phoneme / d / (go [d] s, but go [t] - the phoneme / d / is represented by sound [t] at the end-of-word position).

Consider perceptual positions. The sound [k °] is in a perceptually weak position, since under the influence of the subsequent labialized vowel it also becomes labialized; the main variation of the phoneme / k / is the sound [k] (for example, in the word [crane]), not [k °]. The sound [o] stands in a perceptually strong position, it is the main representative of its phoneme. The same can be said about the sound [t].

[ï° óò’], [àə ñ’°î´ ë], [÷’ à´ è ê ə ].

79. Give examples of sounds in the following positions: 1) Significantly strong, perceptually strong; 2) Significantly strong, perceptually weak; 3) Significantly weak, perceptually strong; 4) Significantly weak, perceptually weak.

80. In Russian, there are three significatively strong positions in deaf sti-voicedness:

1) before vowels: [t] om - [d] om;

2) before sonorous consonants: [k] lad - [g] lad; 3) before / in /, / in ’/ + vowel or sonor consonant: o [t] gate -

along [d] gates.

Why are such positions called distinctive? Continue with a series of examples for each type of position.

81. In Russian, there are three significatively weak positions in deaf sti-voicedness:

1) at the end of a word: pru [d] s´ - pru [t] s´ - pru [t]; 2) before noisy voiceless and voiced consonants: ko [s '] and' t -

re´ [z] at - ko [z '] ba' - re [z'] ba, podko´ [s] ka - re´ [s] ka;

3) before / in /, / in ’/ + noisy consonant: o [t] water - by [d] water, but

o [d] views - by [d] views.

Continue with a series of examples for each type of position.

82. In the Russian language, there are the following significant significant positions in terms of hardness-softness:

1) at the end of a word: six [t] - six [t ’];

2) before vowels: [v] ol - [v ’] ¸l;

3) front-lingual before the back-lingual and hard labial: ba [n] ka - ba [n '] ka;

4) some front-lingual before hard front-lingual:

ko [n] sky - yu [n '] sky; 5) [l] - [l '] before all consonants: by [l] ki - by [l ’] ki. Bring

examples for each type of position.

83. Transcribe the sayings, designate the significative positions, for consonants, designate the significative positions by deafness-voicedness and hardness-softness (do this under the sign of transcription, first denoting the position in terms of voicelessness, and under this designation - the position in terms of hardness-softness).

1. The snow is deep - the year is good. 2. The native bush is dear to the hare. 3. An old friend is better than two new ones. 4. The ring has no end.

Introductory constructions- these are words, phrases or sentences with the help of which the speaker expresses his attitude to what he communicates. This attitude can be different: confidence, assumption, doubt, reference to someone else's opinion, regret for some reason, etc.

Introductory words are not members of the sentence and are not associated with the members of the sentence either by a compositional or subordinate connection. Semantically introductory constructions are closely related to the entire sentence or to its part, since they are used to more fully express one or another meaning that the author puts into the sentence.

In oral speech introductory constructions are distinguished by a special intonation, and in writing - by commas.

By value introductory constructions are divided into several groups:

1) Introductory constructions expressing confidence or vice versa, uncertainty the speaker in the reliability of the reported: of course, of course, of course, of course, of course and others - confidence; probably (probably), perhaps, perhaps, it seems, perhaps, apparently, apparently, probably and under. - uncertainty, assumption, doubt: We, of course , started talking about yesterday (F. Dostoevsky); I didn't know then, of course , the double meaning of Andersen's tales (K. Paustovsky); This painful and joyful story, apparently, was necessary for Natasha (L. Tolstoy); Maybe we won't see each other again (M. Gorky).

2) Introductory constructions expressing emotional attitude to the reported facts (joy, pleasure, surprise, regret, annoyance, etc.): fortunately, for my happiness, for our pleasure, for the general joy, unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, to the surprise, what good and under.: To my delight, Father agreed to my request (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin); I have not heard of you, unfortunately, nothing (M. Lermontov).

3) Introductory constructions indicating to the source of the message, source of a certain opinion, certain information: in my opinion, in your opinion, according to press reports, according to the director, according to them, according to Pushkin, they say, they say etc. (Indirectly, such constructions often indicate the speaker's incomplete confidence in the reliability of what is being reported.) In my opinion, such winters were the best time in Batumi (K. Paustovsky); In my judgment, the fire contributed a lot to her decoration (A. Griboyedov).

4) Introductory constructions pointing to logical connection thoughts, their sequence (with their help, the speaker emphasizes various kinds of logical relationships between parts of the statement). For example, constructions like thus, in a word, so, therefore, means signal the wording of the conclusion; first of all, first, second, finally and under. are used when there is a need to emphasize the quantitative composition of a list (most often - a list of arguments) and to establish the degree of importance of the components of this list; the words by the way, by the way, by the way testify to the secondary nature of the statement in the general logic of dialogue or monologue presentation; the words for example, in particular, in addition and others signal the introduction of examples to illustrate the general situation; on the contrary, on the contrary- about the contrast of phenomena, etc. The silence at dawn did not calm him down, but, on the contrary, intensified his worries (K. Paustovsky); So, the proposal was accepted (I. Turgenev).

5) Introductory constructions pointing to techniques and ways of forming thoughts or on the nature of the statement (on the style and tone of the statement): in short (speaking), or rather, more precisely, in a word, in one word, frankly, speaking roughly (softly), speaking in good conscience etc. I looked closely, got used to the phenomena around me, or, rather, to the wonders of nature (S. Aksakov); Arkady Pavlych, in his own words, is strict, but fair ... (I. Turgenev).

6) Introductory constructions performing contacting function. They are used when directly addressing the interlocutor in order to simply attract his attention. (listen, listen etc.), win over the interlocutor with the polite nature of the request or question (please be so kind etc.), to express the confidential nature of the relationship to the interlocutor (you see, you know, believe, you understand etc.): It is impossible, you see, to treat some serious illness in absentia, without seeing the patient himself (A. Kuprin); Imagine, our young people are already bored (I. Turgenev).

7) Introductory constructions evaluating degree of commonness phenomena: it happens, it happened, it happens, as usual, as usual, as a rule and under.: Sometimes, he made fun of fun, knew how to fool a fool and an intelligent fool nicely, or obviously, or on the sly ... (A. Pushkin); As often happens, Elena Vasilievna instantly understood everything (N. Pogodin).

8) Introductory constructions indicating measure assessment of what is being said (indicate a restriction or clarification of the statement): at most, at least, at least and etc.: ... I, at least, not too willingly visit him ... (I. Turgenev).

Compound are called complex sentences , in which simple sentences are equal in meaning and are connected by compositional unions. Parts of a compound sentence do not depend on each other and make up one semantic whole.

Depending on the type of the compositional union that connects parts of the sentence, all compound sentences (CSP) are divided into three main categories:

1) SSP with connecting unions(and; yes in the meaning of and; neither ..., nor; also; also; not only ..., but also; as ... and);

2) SSP with dividing unions (then ... then; not that ... not that; or; or; either ... or);

3) SSP with adversary alliances (but, but, yes, in the meaning but, however, but, but, only, the same).

The semantic connection of simple sentences combined into a complex is different. They can transmit:

Phenomena occurring simultaneously.

For example: And a battle was going on far in the south, and in the north the earth trembled from bomb attacks, clearly approaching at night (in such sentences, a change in the sequence of parts of the sentence does not change the meaning);

Phenomena occurring sequentially.

For example: Dunya sat down in the wagon next to the hussar, the servant jumped on the bed, the driver whistled, and the horses galloped(in this case, the permutation of sentences is impossible).

1. SSP with connecting unions (and, yes / = and /, neither - nor, how - and, not only - but, also, also, and).

In compound sentences with connecting unions, the following can be expressed:

- temporary relationship.

For example: Morning came and our steamer approached Astrakhan(compare: When morning came, our steamer approached Astrakhan);

Alliances and yes can be either single or repetitive:

For example: The transparent forest alone turns black, and the spruce turns green through the frost, and the river glistens under the ice(A.S. Pushkin) - the described phenomena occur simultaneously, which is emphasized by the use of repeated conjunctions in each part.

I AM shouted and an echo answered me- the second phenomenon follows the first.

- action and its result.

For example: Pugachev gave a sign, and they immediately released me and left me.

- cause-and-effect relationship.

For example: Several especially powerfully blocked dugouts remained completely intact, and the chilled, exhausted by the battle people, rolling from their feet from fatigue and the desire to sleep, with all their might were drawn there to warm up;
I was not feeling well, and therefore I did not wait for dinner.
- the second phenomenon is a consequence of the first, caused by it, as indicated by the concretizer - the adverb because.

Neither the sun can I see the light, nor for my roots there is no space(I.A.Krylov).

The narrator froze in mid-sentence, I also heard a strange sound- unions too and also have the peculiarity that they are not at the beginning of the part.

Alliances too and also add the meaning of the comparison to the sentence, for example: And now I lived with my grandmother, she also told me fairy tales before going to bed. Alliances too and also always stand inside the second part of a compound sentence. Union too, usually used in colloquial speech, union also- in the bookstore.

Conversational also has a union Yes in meaning and.

For example: It was useless to hide the truth, and Serpilin did not even consider himself entitled to do this.

2. SSP with adversary alliances (but, yes / = but /, however, but, but, but).

V compound sentences with adversarial alliances, one phenomenon is opposed to another.

For example: The thunderstorm was there, behind them, over the forest, and here the sun was shining.

With the help of the union, however, a reservation is conveyed to what was previously said. For example: She could hardly force herself to smile and hide her triumph, but she soon managed to take on a completely indifferent and even stern look.

The sentences of this group always consist of two parts and, having a common opposing meaning, can express the following meanings:

She was about thirty, but she seemed like a very young girl- the second phenomenon is contrasted with the first.

Some helped in the kitchen, while others set the tables.- the second phenomenon is not opposed to the first, a correlated with it (replacement of the union a on but impossible).

Alliances but, but indicate reimbursement of what was stated in the first sentence.

For example: The elk left, but a sound was heard nearby, made by some living and, probably, weak creature; He has a lot of work ahead of him, but in winter he will rest.

In the meaning of adversarial conjunctions, particles are used the same,only.

For example: The head still ached, but the consciousness was clear, distinct; The war did not cancel anything, only all feelings became sharper in the war.

Union the same like unions too and also, always stands not at the beginning of the second part of the sentence, but immediately after the word that is opposed to the word of the first part.

For example: All the trees have released sticky leaves, but the oak is still without leaves.

3. SSP with dividing unions (or / or /, or, not that - not that, or - either, then - that).

In compound sentences with dividing unions, it is indicated such phenomena that cannot occur simultaneously: they either alternate, or one excludes the other.

For example: In the stuffy air, the blows of picks on the stone were heard, then the wheels of wheelbarrows sang mournfully; It rained, then large flakes of snow fell- union then- then indicates the alternation of phenomena.

On Peresyp, something was either burning, or the moon was rising- union not that -not that

Only sometimes a birch tree flickers or a spruce tree appears in front of you as a gloomy shadow- union or indicates mutual exclusion of phenomena.

Either the gate creaks, or the floorboards crackle- union whether - whether indicates mutual exclusion of phenomena.

Separating unions or and or can be single and repetitive.

For a more detailed description of the types of SSP there are three more types of SSP: SSP with connecting, explanatory and gradational unions.

Unions are accessory yes and, too, also, placed in our classification in the group of connecting unions.

Unions are explanatorythat is, namely:

For example: He was kicked out of the gymnasium, that is, the most unpleasant thing happened for him.

Gradation unions - not only ... but also, not that ... but.

For example: Not that he didn't trust his partner, but he still had some doubts about him.

Compound sentence should be distinguished from a simple sentence with homogeneous members connected by creative unions.