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What does the Line of Travel (Migration) mean in palmistry. Interpretation of the crossing line on the hand what the emigration line looks like

The travel lines on the hand are one or more lines of the hand, which are located horizontally on the hill of the Moon, and originate from the outside of the palm (the rib of the hand). If there is a travel line on hand, it indicates an important trip for a person, which can be both long and very distant in distance.

As a rule, basically, people almost always manage to achieve their goal, raise money and go on a trip. However, it is often possible to meet a person with travel lines on his hand, and the person has never traveled further than his native place of residence - life circumstances did not allow him to see the world around him and make the planned trip.

Therefore, travel lines can appear on a person's hand, even if he has not traveled anywhere, this can occur on the basis of the subject's illusions and dreaminess, the constant presentation and reproduction in the head of beautiful unforgettable exotic places, even seen on TV, especially for people with a developed restless hill The moon and bending or extending from the head line with an offshoot towards the hill, which indicates a developed imagination and daydreaming of a person. In the example of the picture, the travel lines are marked in red. The lines can even be called the lines of restlessness, because individuals who have many such lines in their hands are constantly striving somewhere, want to take the maximum from life and expect something new from wandering. They cannot stand the routine, they need a change of scenery, a change of "pictures" - these are restless people, they love change and variety. Most of them dream of traveling to exotic countries, and it is these fantasies that disturb the imagination and find their imprint on their hands.

But in most cases, each line of travel means an important trip, and mainly related to rest or fateful, related to a career or significantly influencing the fate of a person. It is clear that for a person whose profession is associated with constant long-distance trips, travel lines will not indicate this, since work is a habitual way of life and is not appreciated as travel. At the same time, a short trip or a long-awaited successful fishing trip or hunting of such a person can be reflected on the hand as a real adventure, because a conceived dream, which may never have had free time, has come true.

The travel line will always be reflected in the palm of your hand If the journey took place on water, the more important the trip and the impressions received, the deeper and longer the line on the arm. Sometimes on the lines of "adventures" signs can be formed, by which palmists determine special trips or non-standard events, cases. For some people, the line is so long that going out to the hill of the Moon can connect with other lines of the hand. Often, in practice, the travel line is connected with the lines of influence, the so-called lines of marriage or marriage in palmistry, such a merger of lines indicates a relationship between people who started on the road, or in other words, partners met on vacation while on a trip. The countdown of the time travel lines, especially if there are a lot of them in the palm of your hand, occurs from the lower part of the hand upwards; it is almost impossible to accurately date events or the time of travel on a given part of the hand.

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Intuition line

If the line of Communication on the palm has the form of a semicircle starting on the hill of the Moon, curving towards the center of the palm and ending under the little finger, it is called the line of Uranus, or the line of Intuition (Fig. 195). In its perfect form, it is found in the hands of clairvoyants, mediums and healers, testifying to the powerful work of the subconscious and supernatural abilities.

Much more often, this line is visible in an incomplete form and appears as a short segment running diagonally across the hill of the Moon towards the center of the palm. Its owner subconsciously feels all the impending changes in his life - both positive and negative. He is very sensitive to the opinions of others, acutely feeling their dissatisfaction or hidden irony, but at the same time, the emerging forebodings help to navigate the events of the future. If the owner of such a hand learns to correctly decipher such signs, then he will be able to gain a precious "sixth" sense, which can be fully trusted in matters of love, sexual and professional relationships.

Money line

Usually the line of money begins on the hill of Venus and stretches to one of the hills under the fingers (Fig. 196). As the name suggests, this line indicates the owner's ability to make money and gives recommendations on the best ways to achieve sustainable material well-being. As a rule, such a line is present on the palms of bankers, successful merchants and businessmen. It is also interesting that a stable line of Money will be found on the hand of a very young offspring of a wealthy family. In any case, this is a happy sign, even if it marks the palm of a young man from a family with an average or modest income. Most likely, he will get rich - either by gaining money and gratitude with his own skill, or by inheriting them.

Rice. 196. Possible variations in the location of the Money line

The way of obtaining wealth can be clear from the study of the special characteristics of the Money line. So, if this line goes from the base of the thumb to the index finger, we have the hand of a born banker. When the Money line stretches to the middle finger, it means that its owner should seek well-being by working together with the team. The hand on which the Money line ends at the base of the little finger indicates a fortune obtained by chance. It can be a find, winning the lottery, sweepstakes, casino, or just a coincidence.

The star at the end of the Money line is considered a sign of a huge fortune. Palmists call this the Midas Touch. Figuratively speaking, such a hand will turn into money everything it touches, belonging to an incredibly successful businessman or financial genius.

It doesn't matter if you don't find the Money line on your hand. This does not mean at all that you will drag out a miserable existence, having received the fate of a poor man. Sages say: "Money is not happiness!"

And, perhaps, without receiving a rich inheritance, you will gain immeasurably more, having a good heart and loyal friends.

Mercury line

This line may not exist at all, or, in most cases, it is difficult to distinguish. Its name comes from the place of localization, but its synonyms can also be found: line of Health (since it is one of the main indicators of a person's physical health); Hepatic (Gastric) line (according to its condition, one can judge about diseases of the stomach and liver); Genetic line (by the similarity of its outline on the palms of members of the same family, hereditary diseases can be traced).

Many palmists consider the absence of the Mercury line in the palm of their hand to be a good sign, since it indicates good health and a strong physique given to a person from birth. If there is a long, solid, deeply drawn line of Mercury on the hand, then its owner monitors his health and is not inclined to take money lightly. In this regard, some palmists believe that this line is no less important for determining vitality than the Life line. And if it begins at the hill of the Moon, while being sharp, deep and well-colored, it means that its owner, who does not even have outstanding physical data and excellent health, regularly monitors the well-being of his body and has every chance of a long life. For example, if the line of Mercury starts from Rosetta and ascends without obstacles to the hill of Mercury, then it can to some extent "correct" the weak line of Life (Fig. 197). This beneficial effect is observed even in such a critical case, if the Life line is very short.

Rice. 197. A clear and long line of Mercury starts from Rosetta and ascends to the hill of Mercury, compensating for the weak line of Life

It is believed that in real life, starting from the age where the Life line breaks off, a person's health will weaken, but he continues to live thanks to the strong corrective influence of the Mercury line.

A broken or split line of Health indicates possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, as well as gynecological diseases in women (Fig. 198). By itself, this line is not related to human relationships, but can affect sexual and family problems, given the connection with serious ailments.

Features of the outline of the line of Mercury determine the attitude towards money and can carry information about a person's professional affiliation. So, with a clear and straightforward branch, one can assume the presence of professional flair, efficiency, commercial ability and the desire to make money.

The double line of Mercury increases the possibility of success in starting a new enterprise (Fig. 199). Such signs also indicate extraordinary achievements in medicine and mathematics and belong to a person who is prone to scientific activity.

If an island is formed at the beginning of the Mercury line, this means that its owner will reach such professional heights that competitors will envy him and ill-wishers will plot.

Rice. 198. Weak and Broken Line of Mercury

Rice. 199. Double Line of Mercury

If there is a square on the line of Mercury, then this means timely assistance in professional matters from the side of an influential person.

Neptune line

The Neptune line is also known as the Poisons line and is found in many people in the highly developed countries of America and Europe. Its outline is often poorly expressed, and the contour is broken, but in the classical version the line of Neptune comes from the line of Life towards the Upper Hill of Mars (Fig. 200) or the Hill of the Moon. Based on the exotic name, the presence of this line indicates a high sensitivity of the body to drugs, tobacco, alcohol and other toxins.

Rice. 200. Line of Neptune comes from the line of Life towards the Upper Hill of Mars

Sometimes the line of Poisons is present in people who are dependent on one or more toxic substances, which can also include caffeine and sugar, as well as in subjects with severe allergies to food or medicines. Thus, the presence of this line acts indirectly on the nature of relationships in the family and society, meaning the all-round detrimental effect of bad habits and addictions on the body and worldview of the owner of the hand.

Ironically, people with a Neptune lineage may have an interest in natural healing, such as homeopathy or herbal medicine. This may be due to the fact that many of them in childhood had an increased sensitivity to chemically synthesized substances contained in traditional medicines, as a result of which they began to show an interest in healing with natural remedies.

Travel line

It is also one of the minor lines and, as its name suggests, is pronounced in the hands of fidgets and avid travelers. If a person is attached to his home and never travels far from his hometown, such a line on his palms will be absent.

Rice. 201. Numerous Travel Lines located along the edge of the palm

Typically, the Travel lines are multiple and appear as small horizontal lines along the edge of the palm. Depending on the time of travel in relation to the age of a person, these lines pass through the hill of the Moon and Mars towards the line of the Heart (Fig. 201). Each line corresponds to some important or even fateful trip. The more important the journey, the longer and deeper the line that reflects it.

Some palmists believe that the multiple, thin and chaotic lines of Travel means that their wearer spends his life carelessly and cheerfully at resorts, cruises and voyages that cannot be called significant. At the same time, one bright line marks a trip, a trip to rest or a change of place of residence and work, which have a decisive influence on fate.

If many lines of Travel are expressed along with one or more branches from the line of Life, this means that a frequent change of setting and environment is the basis of the existence of the owner of the hand. If both partners have similar “worry lines,” the couple may seek to travel together to combat boredom and psychological problems.

The situation when the line of Travel crosses the line of Destiny (Fig. 202) means that the trip will have a great positive impact on the destiny of a person.

Rice. 202. One of the lines of Travels crosses the line of Destiny

If the Travel line crosses the Life line along its length, this is a sign of a trip made due to health problems.

It is believed that the outcome of such an event, marked in palmistry signs, is always positive and health will invariably improve.

The square on the Travel line is considered a good sign of protection from disasters, accidents, accidents and other surprises on the journey. On the other hand, gaps and gaps in this line indicate unexpected delays and problems along the way.

Samaritan lines

The grooves on the hill of Mercury (small parallel vertical lines extending downward from the little finger) are called the Medical Stigmata, the Samaritan lines, or the signs of the Doctor (Fig. 203).

Rice. 203. Lines of the Samaritans on the Hill of Mercury

Based on these characteristics, they mean a caring and compassionate nature, sensitive to other people's pain. Such a person sees his duty in caring for the less happy, he is endowed with pity for the unfortunate, sick, or simply less capable. Like no one else, he sympathizes, helps, worries. At the same time, in such an amazing person there is a craving for knowledge, especially for medicine and psychology. It is noticed that the lines of the Samaritans meet in the hands of talented doctors and kind-hearted nurses.

Ring lines

Describing the hand, palmists distinguish the so-called circular lines associated with the base of each of the four fingers. Usually this is a very clear sign that marks the expressive properties of a given person.

Rice. 204. Ring of Jupiter

Rice. 205. Ring of Saturn

The ring of Jupiter, surrounding the base of the index finger (Fig. 204), testifies to outstanding mental abilities, as well as to a special perspicacity and the gift of clairvoyance. Even at a very young age, such a person knows the true value of phenomena and things, and also sees through all the secrets of the soul. He knows how to predict the future and read minds. You need to listen to his advice, especially if such a sage turns out to be your close friend or beloved. Followers of karmic palmistry claim that in the body of such a person is the soul of a sage. That is why this line is called the Ring of Solomon.

The ring of Saturn is a circular line covering the middle finger (Fig. 205) and denouncing the negative qualities of its owner: cynicism, cruelty, a tendency to depression and melancholy. On the other hand, she also points to a philosophical mindset and remarkable occult talents, especially if the hill of the Moon is well developed.

The ring line at the base of the ring finger (Fig. 206) is, accordingly, the name of the Ring of Apollo, however, it indicates the complete absence of any artistic taste and craving for creativity. This ring, as it were, blocks creative energy, not letting it into the space of the palm. This statement applies not only to art, but also to intimate scenes, in which there is hardly a place for the romantic flavor or courage of an experimental lover.

Rice. 206. Ring of Apollo

Rice. 207. Ring of Mercury

The ring of Mercury on the little finger (Fig. 207) is also called the Family Ring, which indicates a high sense of responsibility towards the family. This person is extremely responsible and obligatory, sacrificing for the sake of his loved ones personal interests. If you notice this ring line on the hand of your chosen one, then the likelihood of a successful marriage increases significantly.

Family in the palm of your hand

Types of sexual relationships

Fortunetellers can read love stories and the fate of marriage unions by hand. Love is one of the most powerful human feelings, but each of us puts something different in his interpretation. For one, love is a fire in blood and passionate hugs, for another - romantic dates and conversations under the moon. But in most cases, sexual relations bring two people closer together, striving to live for each other and, in the end, form a marriage union. Sexologists argue that marriage (especially at a young and mature age) is based mainly on the sexual satisfaction of both partners, and the degree of such satisfaction depends on the specifics of the sexual essence of each person. According to psychologists, close relationships are divided into two main types - physical and idealistic, and the fundamental palmistry sign is the character of the Heart line.

Physical type(fig. 208).

This type includes people who have a long, clear, deep and straight Heart line ending between the middle and index fingers. These people build close relationships mainly on the basis of "basic instinct."

Rice. 208. Physical type of close relationship (straight line of the Heart)

These are optimists who know how to appreciate the external beauty of the opposite sex and have a pronounced love of love. They are always ready to flirt. Their choice, as a rule, falls on the most sexual and outwardly attractive partners with a small age difference: women prefer men a little older than themselves; men, respectively, women are several years younger. People of this type never experience problems expressing their feelings. They do not hesitate to discuss intimate details, like to talk about their love affairs and the merits of their former partners.

Adherents of physical love are alien to conservatism and all kinds of restrictions. They fall in love easily and also easily endure breaking up with a partner. They are driven by their sex drive and their level of physical comfort with the person. Some of them, in search of thrills, may develop several romances at the same time without experiencing the slightest discomfort. In communicating with the opposite sex, such people take an active position: they are the first to get acquainted and the first to initiate a break in relations. An intimate life begins early, often changes sexual partners, lifestyle and occupation. At the same time, they are always focused on material wealth and do everything to ensure a comfortable existence for themselves. These are temperamental persons, usually extroverts, always open to contacts and new sensations. Women of this type have special sexuality and femininity, and the stronger sex - masculinity. They enter into marriage for love, and when running a household, they share responsibilities into purely female and purely male.

Idealistic type(fig. 209).

This variant of the hand is much more common and is the exact opposite of the physical type. It is marked by the curved line of the Heart, which forms a smooth bend in the classic version. According to the observations of palmist BK Akimov, such a line is found in every fourth person.

Rice. 209. Idealistic type of close relationship (curved line of the Heart)

People belonging to the idealistic type, in the first place in love, put not sex, but romantic relationships. They often have high demands for a partner, but at the same time, paradoxically low self-esteem. Their ideal should have all the virtues: intelligence, nobility, life experience, material prosperity, etc. Women of this type prefer to have a relationship with a man who is 10 years older on average or even more. Men also choose their companions with a noticeable difference in years - both younger and much older. These people keep their feelings secret for a long time and try not to show them once again. Moreover, they do not like to discuss their intimate life. In a relationship with a loved one, they behave, as a rule, passively, trying not to take responsibility for what is happening. Rarely are their love relationships equal. More often, there is a distribution of roles on the basis of "father - daughter" and "mother - son". At the same time, women often show sacrifice and “live in the shadow of their ideal”, which leads to the loss of their own individuality and, consequently, of interest on the part of the husband. When the period of idealization ends, the "idol is thrown from the pedestal" and scandals and accusations await him in every possible way.

In sex, "idealists" are not as active as people with a "physical" Heart line, showing a tendency toward monogamy. They are going through a breakup with a partner hard and alone. They can do without sex for a long time and without a partner at all. Under unfavorable conditions, they easily become misogynists or feminists. All this, however, does not mean that idealists rarely fall in love. However, this does not mean that they are prone to physical cheating. They jealously guard their marriage, but in their thoughts they can fantasize romantic relationships with others.

Some palmists believe that people with a curved but short Heart line and tightly clenched fingers on a narrow, thin palm are prone to marriage of convenience.

In addition to the two main types of relationships, specific line patterns can be used to determine the presence of certain sexual preferences.

Rice. 210. "Trident of Love"

It is a great omen when the long line of the Heart ends in three branches, similar to a trident (Fig. 210). This configuration in palmistry is called the "trident of love." As noted in an Indian sex treatise called the Kama Sutra: "Love is the fusion of three senses: mind, soul and body."

A person who has a trident on the Heart line happily connects all these components in their heart relationships. For him, both the physical and the moral qualities of the partner are equally important. His love is harmonious, and his marriage is long and happy, built on an even, stable and long-term relationship. In addition to pleasant sex, spiritual closeness and responsibility to home and family are associated with a partner.

In particular, by the hand you can determine the lover of erotic fantasies. According to psychologists, such fantasies can have several reasons. Thus, the most common form of sexual fantasies in men can be called "boredom escape." It is believed that, on average, a strong and healthy male tribe indulges in such sweet dreams once every three minutes. This is a sure way to at least mentally distance yourself from the banal reality and boring family life. The second type of fantasy is deeply personal and is often associated with an unsatisfied desire or attraction for a particular person. A husband dreaming of his wife's younger sister, or a spouse imagining herself in the arms of a sexy neighbor are two examples of this. And finally, the third category includes what experts call “deviant fantasies,” which include elements of violence, humiliation, exhibitionism, etc. They are believed to seriously affect the psyche and are often associated with deep moral trauma suffered in childhood. Since these kinds of fantasies are often accompanied by feelings of guilt or shame, they are usually kept secret, heating up passions, which can cause them to come true and cause serious harm to others.

Having carefully studied both hands, the palmist can draw a conclusion about the hidden potential of sexual fantasies, determining whether all passions will pour out into the pages of the author's novel about hot love or the owner of the hand is able to wait with incredible persistence for their embodiment in reality.

Rice. 211. Hand of a lover of sexual fantasies (the line of the Head ends on the hill of the Moon)

In general, the line of the Head, going to the hill of the moon (Fig. 211), speaks of rich imagination, as opposed to the "realistic" line of the Head, drawn in a straight line across the palm. If the line is clear and long, then sexual visions are bright and varied, although the dreamer himself does not lose touch with reality. Signs that enhance fantasy are a weak thumb, a very flexible palm belonging to the artistic or mental chiotype, and a special curvature of the fingers (especially for the middle and ring fingers). If the line of the Head is torn or with islets, this may indicate neurotic tendencies, which, in combination with the small size of the thumb and the large hill of Venus, means the likelihood of obsessive attempts to translate sexual fantasies into reality.

The bending of the Heart line towards the palmar hills (Fig. 212) can be a sign of a tendency towards same-sex love. According to some palmists, if the line of the Heart is short on the hand and ends under the ring finger, and the line of Apollo is very wide or looks like a chain, then the person is not only not attracted, but even repelled by the representatives of the opposite sex.

Rice. 212. A sign of a tendency to same-sex love (bending of the Heart line towards the finger hills)

It is very rare to find a hand that has a short and straight line of the Heart, as well as a small hill of Venus in combination with a noticeable gap between the origins of the lines of Life and Head (Fig. 213). Palmists call such a palm "the hand of a monk", emphasizing the amorous coldness, emotional restraint, psychological stability and isolation.

Rice. 213. "Hand of a monk" (short line of the Heart; large gap between the lines of Life and Head, poorly expressed hill of Venus)

An island on the line of the Heart speaks of unrequited love or separation. Some emotional people do suffer, being deprived of the attention of the object of their passion. In this case, it is imperative to carefully examine their palms for dangerous and warning signs.

Breaks in the line of the Heart speak of betrayal, betrayal or loss of a loved one. Another unfavorable sign may be branches (lines of influence) extending from the line of the Heart to the line of the Head. Such a subject needs to control his feelings, since they can prevail over the mind. An imbalance of character can cause a quarrel with a partner or even lead to a complete breakup.

In palmistry, along the line of Travel in the palm of your hand, you can guess the number of travels a person has. It shows where the person will go, what awaits her on travel, and how often they will occur.

Lines on the hill of the moon

The hillock of the moon is located opposite, i.e., on the outside of the palm. Fits close to the wrist bracelet.

The appearance of the hill of Venus is judged on the success of a person. In palmistry, such variations are distinguished.

The Travel Lines on the hand, running along the hill of the Moon, indicate a person who should not get married early (get married) and have children. It is important for him to visit all the desired countries in the world. This personality is bright, cheerful, the real soul of the company.

Signs on the line of Life

The Trait of Travel, passing along the line of Life or near it, indicates a person who will end his life in a foreign land. If it is an offshoot of the Life trait, then a person will have a frequent change of place of residence, constant travel.

If the Travel lane exists as a lonely lane, then one, but significant trip should be expected. It will be fateful and will radically affect some aspects of life. It may be associated with meeting a future loved one, a dream job, moving to a desired country or city.

The Travel Trait takes on different meanings depending on the form of the Life trait.

  1. Short. There will be few travels. They will not leave vivid impressions, but they will affect the change in thinking or habits. The owner of such a Life line often lives with illusions.
  2. Thick. Traveling will be useful for a person and will have a positive effect on well-being. He will find peace of mind, harmony, peace. Eliminates the feeling of mediocrity and congestion in life. Clears thoughts of negativity. People with this Life trait should choose Asian destinations.
  3. Long. A person is easily influenced by outsiders. Often goes on trips at the request of friends, for the company. The climate in the team is important for him, so he tries to think over the entertainment program while traveling as much as possible. During the trip, his thinking may change, and the boundaries of perception expand.
  4. Has many dashes at the bottom (they are travel lines). They allow you to find out the exact time of trips, the age at which they will occur, and approximately predict the experience. The longer these stripes are, the more fun and exciting journey awaits the individual.
  5. Discontinuous, but with branches. Says that travel will be a turning point in a person's life. It will happen after something bad happens: the death of loved ones, divorce from a spouse, a serious illness.

Sometimes the Life line can be too high and literally touch the Heart line. This is a sign of a good and helpful person. He travels frequently, sometimes has financial difficulties. But thanks to his good nature, he finds the same good people who make trips special, sincere.

If the Life feature is poorly visible or completely absent in the active palm, then the person will not travel or trips will be rare. He feels his destiny in another, therefore, he receives joy from other activities. He believes that it is only necessary to travel with a large supply of money, but since he is experiencing material difficulties, he cannot afford it.

Which countries to go to

The Travel trait in the palm of your hand is needed to see how often and where a person will travel. In palmistry, using its location, you can find out which countries a person will definitely visit.

  1. Between the line, a person should go to Scandinavia and Europe. These countries will positively influence his thinking, behavior and habits. Spend time with benefit, learns about the peculiarities of these regions.
  2. It is located near the end of the Mind line. For travel, the countries of Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East are ideal. Business travel will be associated with the latter region.
  3. At the intersection of the hills of Mars and the Moon. The owners of such lines are better off choosing the countries of Latin and North America: the USA, Canada, the Caribbean, Brazil, etc. Travel will bring a lot of unusual emotions and impressions. Such a person will be able to build his own business in America or start a labor activity in Canada, which can also become a reason for travel.
  4. Middle of the lunar hillock. India, Sri Lanka, Seychelles are perfect for visiting. They often go there for peace of mind, in search of themselves. Daily meditations will help you tone up and get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
  5. Lower part of the hill of the moon. When choosing a country for a trip, you should pay attention to China, Japan, Korea. If the travel line is long, it is highly likely that one of these countries will be chosen by the person for permanent residence.
  6. Intersection with Pluto's line or hillock. The owners of such stripes should choose Australia or New Zealand for permanent residence or a long trip, since people with similar lines value kindness and sociability in others, it will be easy and pleasant for them to be in these countries. Those who have the trait on their active hand (especially men) are encouraged to consider Australia as a place to develop their business.

If the travel lanes are deep, long and pronounced, travel will be the main way of earning money for a person. The occupation can be varied: taking beautiful photos as a photographer or model, organizing tours, helping with travel planning, etc.

A short but even line indicates the possibility of developing a business abroad or setting up an international company. Such a person would travel to analyze possible work sites.

Small and curved lines indicate that the person will travel through successful university studies. Another similar option is that the purpose of the trip will be the desire to get an education in another country. If the lines are pronounced, then in the place of training the person will remain for permanent residence.


In palmistry, signs help to interpret in detail the meaning of the lines. But not everyone has them. Traits without symbols are common.

The following signs may appear on Travel Lines.

  1. If this figure ends the streak, then the journey will backfire. The person will become ill or depressed. Sometimes the trip turns out to be bad because of the unpleasant personalities with whom the owner of such a sign traveled on the lines.
  2. He talks about a possible disaster that will happen during the trip. Indicates that the person will often get sick (not seriously) or just feel bad.
  3. Square. Tells about the upcoming serious test. Often predicts the need to travel to another country to fight as a soldier, especially if this symbol is on a passive hand. The journey will make a serious impression on a person, as a result of which there will be a shock. Mental problems are possible.
  4. Triangle. A good sign that protects a person from trouble. Says that nothing bad will happen on the trip.
  5. Lattice. An indicator that trips in which a person goes without desire will not bring anything good. Will negatively affect mental and physical health. Signals that you need to go only with a strong desire to learn another culture.


The science of palmistry will help you understand not only the length of life or the peculiarities of a future marriage, but also prompts upcoming trips using the Travel line in the palm of your hand. Not everyone can quickly find and correctly interpret these strokes. The signs of wanderings are poorly expressed, they may not be on the wearer's hand: the strokes mark only important trips that can change life and bring something new into it.

Location of traits

The wandering lines are marked on the wearer's right hand. The strokes begin from the edge of the palm, heading to the hill of the moon. Another trait of wandering can be found next to the life line. The location of the lines indicates the type of the proposed trip:

  1. Dashes heading down from the sign of life will tell of a long trip to the ocean.
  2. The trip to the sea is foreshadowed by the touches in the lower region of the Moon's hill.
  3. Adventure overland is marked by features located near the upper edge of the hill of the Moon.

The length of the line will tell you about the duration of the trip. A short touch bodes well for a short one to two week trip. A long, clear line is a long journey or even a temporary move.

Features of the stroke shape

Travel Lines on the hand can open the veil over a person's personality. So, in the presence of weakly expressed strokes, we can say that a person cannot be in one place and loves moving.

The crisp, striking features mark an important journey influencing the life of the wearer and prescribing important changes.

There are situations when there are many strokes in the palm of your hand, but a person has never traveled further than his city. This means advanced fantasy, often found in writers and screenwriters.

The wandering trait can promise a move to a new place of residence for the carrier. Then it leaves the line of Life and is clearer and more pronounced than the sign of Life itself, and can have bifurcations.

  1. A new place of residence within the home country means an offshoot of the stroke at the center of the arc of Life.
  2. A clear and deep branch at the end of the Life strip speaks of moving abroad associated with changes in personal life or career.

Which countries to visit

Many palmists are convinced that by the location of the Travel lines, a conclusion can be made about a specific direction of travel. Not everyone shares this opinion, but there is a lot of evidence for this theory. The dependence was revealed as follows:

  1. Traits located at the very wrist promise a trip to Australia or New Zealand.
  2. The strokes in the lower region of the Moon's hill represent travel to China, Japan, or Korea.
  3. The lines in the center of the lunar hillock indicate a possible visit to India, the Seychelles or Sri Lanka.
  4. The journey to America is foreshadowed by the stripes between the hills of Mars and the Moon.
  5. Business trips to Central Asia or Eastern Europe promise strokes located next to the sign of the Head.
  6. The space between the lines of the head and heart is occupied by features that speak of acquaintance with the countries of Europe and Scandinavia.

Travel line signs

Palmistry always takes into account additional marks and signs on all important lines. The Wanderings trait is no exception, the signs on it warn of many nuances.

  1. A lucky sign for a good trip is a triangle or square.
  2. An excellent sign is a vertical stroke that crosses the line of travel - it will tell you about an important acquaintance or an event that has the ability to change the course of life.
  3. Gaps warn of a change in plans, an obstacle in the implementation of a plan.
  4. The island at the end of the Travel line will tell you about the bad ending of the trip.
  5. The circle warns the owner of the danger, do not get carried away with extreme entertainment on the trip.
  6. The cross on the sign promises disaster. The exact time will tell you the location of the cross. The mark at the beginning of the stroke will indicate the difficulties at the start of the journey, at the end - about the trouble at the end of the journey.
  7. The scar on the Travel Lane also requires attention and is not a very good sign, promising serious problems during the trip.

One of the most important signs of significant movement is not associated with the trait of wandering. This sign is the bifurcation of the line of Life at the final segment. It speaks of a journey that can greatly affect life and radically change it.

Relationship of the Travel trait with other signs

In many cases, the travel lane touches or crosses other important lines in palmistry. This situation requires attention and clarifies details.

  1. The business trip marks the intersection with the Mind line.
  2. Touching the sign of Influence will predict a meeting with a possible marriage partner.
  3. The line of Saturn, intersecting with the sign of Travel, will tell about an important journey that changes the life and worldview of the wearer.
  4. A stroke reaching the hill of Jupiter means a promotion.
  5. The travel sign, located on the border with the Hillock of the Sun, promises glory to the owner.
  6. Crossing the hill of Mercury marks an improvement in material condition due to travel.


The Travel Line in the palm of your hand will tell you about all the details of the trip: the time, the possible country of visit, the consequences of the journey. The trait marks only important, significant travels that affect the fate of the wearer. Another line can tell about a person's dreamy nature, about a penchant for writing. Having correctly interpreted all the messages, you can get ready for the journey and not be afraid of surprises along the way.

The general rule is this: subtle clear branches from the Life Line downward - travel; fuzzy - common health problems.

Long, beautiful lines descending from the Life Line towards the Hill of the Moon , talk about long and long journeys. The longer these lines and the clearer they are, the farther, longer and more important the trip.

Travel Lines in the form of long, clear branches from the Life Line in the middle of it - trips to other countries (Fig. 4).

Small clear branches from the Life Line towards the middle of the edge of the hand - moving to another city within one country (Fig. 4).

Long Travel Lines extending from the Life Line at the bottom predict emigration (Fig. 5). This is a move to another country. On a soft hand, such lines are a sign of nervousness and the danger of alcohol addiction. In some cases, such lines are a sign of forced emigration or flight from problems, resentment, shame to distant cities and countries.

The Travel Line from the Life Line connects to the Destiny Line - a sign of several crossings within a certain time (Fig. 6). For example, the length of the Travel Line is 10mm, which, when converted to the Life Line, is equal to 8-10 years. This means that during this time a person can change his place of residence several times (move between cities or from apartment to apartment).

If the Travel Line cuts the Destiny Line and goes to the Moon, then this is already considered as a normal crossing.

Travel line is wavy or changes direction - changing the route, maybe even against the will of the person.

The Life Line bifurcates and one part rushes to the hill of the Moon - a very long stay in another country. If this offshoot looks stronger than the main Life Line, then the person leaves forever.

The Life Line leaves its usual channel and goes to the sector of the Moon - 100% sign of moving to another country without attempting to return back. Emigration overseas (Fig. 7).

The Life Line goes beyond the Destiny Line - a sign of emigration (Fig. 8).

Powerful offshoot from the Line of Life to the Hill of the Moon - emigration. As a rule, the owner of the mark leaves the place where he was born or makes several global moves (Fig. 9).

Fork at the end of the lifeline - a person will die far from the place where he was born. In practice, this is a move in old age to a children's home / related exchange of housing.

Here I have to make a short digression. Be careful with this sign because forks on the Life Line very often symbolize serious health problems, the cause of which is the vessels of the brain or heart. Check the accompanying signs, otherwise, instead of moving to old age, a person may have a stroke. Keep this in mind.

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Crossing the Line of Destiny

Compensated gaps on the Line of Destiny are also some of the crossing signs. Prospects are assessed according to the position of the new site: displacement to Jupiter - moving will bring a material surplus or career advancement. Displacement to Apollo - deterioration of the material and social situation, financial difficulties in a new place.

If with an offset break, the ends of the lines are connected by a thin bridge - we are talking about a long trip related to work or study for a period of more than one year.

The initial section of the Line of Destiny forms a "sleeve" to the Line of Life - fateful, often forced relocations (Fig. 10). If the Line of Fate, after the infusion of its initial section into the Line of Life, continues further, then the move will benefit. If the Line of Destiny is lost after contact with the Line of Life, then it is troubles when moving, or professional and social failures in a new place.

Sometimes it happens that the beginning of the Line of Destiny is replaced by a branch from the Line of Life.
It turns out that the "sleeve" of the Life Line plays the role of the beginning of the Line of Destiny. The drawing is interpreted as traveling and living in another country with the parents.

The beginning of the Line of Destiny from the Travel Line on the Hill of the Moon - a change in a person's place of residence is due to his dependence on other people or circumstances (Fig. 11).

In real life, this is often observed in the event that parents move and the child travels with them - such a sign appears in the child. Or when a wife leaves for another region to stay with her husband. That is, these transfers are not associated with a person's own aspirations, but due to the prevailing circumstances.

The beginning of the Line of Destiny from the Travel Line on the Life Line - the beginning of labor activity in another country.

Small oblique strokes on the Moon appear as offshoots from the Line of Destiny. - long journeys overseas.

The Fate Line starts from the top of the Moon Hill and goes to the Saturn Hill. There is one travel line from the Life Line - the person left the parental home early, but started working late. This occurs among young people who have gone to study in another city. As a rule, they do not return home (Fig. 12).

But a similar combination of lines can be found in people of any age. For example, in the photo below, the hand of a 38-year-old woman. At 32, she emigrated to England.

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

Fig. 12

There are also return crossing signs ... This is the so-called failed move, when a person left for the purpose of resettlement, but was forced, due to circumstances, to return. Research on this topic was carried out by a permanent member of the groups "Palmistry. Crystal of Spirit VK" and "Club of Palmists" under the nickname Lu Readhands.

The main, most characteristic sign of a return move is, as a rule, the presence of an alternative Line of Fate, which, due to some reasons (different in the picture), is interrupted by the main Line of Fate, sometimes stronger, but not always. Perhaps a gradual "atrophy" of the line, blurring, weakening of the picture. This suggests that life in a new place was becoming more and more impossible, conditions, incomes, etc. deteriorated. But a sharp interruption of an even continuous line is also possible - circumstances suddenly intervened. In this case, you need to look at the moment of interruption / entry into the main Line of Destiny or the entry of other lines - interference to this point, and just as strange as it may seem - the tail of the line, signs of reasons can also be manifested there.

As a result of the studies, it was found that this sign is found not only among people who have had the so-called "return" move, but in general, in most cases, among people who have had emigration or a long / significant move in their life. In addition, a sign was identified and recorded, symbolizing this event. It is worth noting that it turned out to be the same for all emigrants who submitted photographs of hands for analysis, which makes it possible to apply it in practice within the framework of an error-free method for predicting a change of residence.

In support of my words, I present photographs of the hands of people who have survived emigration or long-distance travel, indicating the described sign (Fig. 13, 14, 14-1, 15, 16, 17, 18).

Fig. 13

Woman, 50 years old. Emigrated at the age of 28.

Fig. 14

Fig. 14-1

The girl, 32 years old, left for the USA at the age of 24.

Fig. 15

Woman, was emigrated at 28 years old.

Fig. 16

A girl, 33 years old, leaves for Moldova.

Fig. 17

Woman, 38 years old, emigrated to England at 32 years old.

Fig. 18

Woman, 42 years old. She left Ukraine for permanent residence in Israel.

Fig. 19.

A woman, as a child, often traveled to the CIS countries (different periods of stay), then frequent trips across the Russian Federation and moving to another city.

Fig. 20

The hand of a man. Moving to another city at 15 and 18 years old. Life in 2 cities. At the same age, travel abroad.

There is also usually one more event marker - the Mandra-rekha line on the thumb. As a rule, the final or, at least, non-returnable move to the previous place will be "registered" there by the presence of this line.

Mandra-rekha- travel and travel line (fig. 21). People with such a line cannot stand monotony and always strive for change. If the line on the finger is deep, then in life there will be the most important karmic move or emigration to another country.

The number of lines does not indicate the number of travels, but indicates that a person will not live where he was born.

Fig. 21

In the course of our research, we found this line on the hands of people in whose life there was emigration or long-distance travel. It is worth noting that it can also appear in cases where people spend a lot of time on the road. For example, a pilot of international airlines, or a sailor who is on a flight for 6 months a year, or a trucker who constantly travels to different cities and countries and can spend several years on the road in total (Fig. 22).

Figure 16-M shows all the signs symbolizing emigration, incl. Mandra line (circled in black).


Fig. 22

Male, 46 years old, truck driver, has traveled all over Europe and Russia.

Fig. 23

Girl, 25 years old. He has been living in Poland for 2 years and plans to stay there for permanent residence.

Mercury Line Crossings

The trip line merges into the Mercury Line - in a number of cases, a well-visible, deep line rising from the Moon's zone adjoins the Mercury Line. Lines of this type are also referred to as trip signs. Traditional interpretations:
a) professional trip, business trip;
b) the owner's professional activity is related to travel;
c) a trip or trips stimulate professional skills, experience, increase the financial situation of the subject,
d) intuition helps work;
e) prudence is supported and / or enhanced by intuition.

The Mercury Line starts from the Life Line Travel Line.
a) professional travel;
b) specialization abroad;
c) work abroad generates income and improves professional level;
d) relocation for reasons of service, professional and / or material growth.

The same meaning has branch from the Line of Mercury to the Line of Journey from the Line of Life - professional travel. Work abroad.