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A17. Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech. Suffix spelling. Spelling of suffixes of different parts of speech Name adjective spelling in suffixes examples

Working with spelling

Read the word.

In the bailiff: n (a, o) went, (a, o) t (a, o) went;

· fundamentally: ;

In the suffix: ;

At the end: ;

on (d, dd) held, in (b, b) rode;

At the junction of a root and a suffix: ose (n, nn) ​​ij, length (n, nn) ​​aya.

(let's go, move away).

· (cloud);


If the root is a vowel sound

Suddenly caused doubt

You him immediately


(bridge - bridges)

· paired consonant -

If you hear a double sound

Be careful, my friend.

Check the consonant sound:

(mushrooms, mushroom - mushroom)

· (joy - joyful), WHAT TO DO? (to be late - late), WHAT? (beautiful - beautiful)

· dividing soft mark -

· doubled consonants -.

Suffix after root and serves for the formation of new words.

(no deputy chk a - soak e to, no key and ka - key and To)

Sun - Wed p., in units. h. spring her (th), a car - f.r., in units handsome aya (yaya), way - m.r., in units duty th (th);

you think you are.

c) you hear sounds [tsy] at the end pliers, ends), you hear the sounds [tsy] In the middle circus, action.



(autumn, long)



An adjective is a part of speech that answers the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH? And it denotes a sign of an object.

Gender of adjectives


A verb is a part of speech. Verbs denote the actions of objects and answer the questions WHAT DOES? WHAT DO they DO? WHAT WILL DO?

The verb changes in numbers: singular and plural(thinks - thinks) . In a sentence, a verb is most often a predicate and is emphasized with two lines.

The verb has an initial (indefinite) form that answers the questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? Indefinite verbs have the ending -TI, -T.

In an indefinite form, after the letter H, a soft sign is written(take care, oven) . In this case, the ending is zero, and WH is the base of the word.

Verbs change in tenses(present, future, past).

Past tense verbs show that the action took place before the moment of speech, and answer the question WHAT DID? (spoke, looked).Past tense verbs have a constant suffix - L.

In the past tense, before the suffix -Л-, the same vowel is written as before -TH in an indefinite form(blowing - blowing).

Past tense verbs change in numbers: singular - have worked , plural- worked.

Past tense verbs in the singular change by gender Masculine - what did you do?have worked;feminine - what did you do?worked;neuter gender- what was doing? worked.

Plural verbs in the past tense do not change by gender.

The gender of the past tense verb is determined by the gender of the noun with which it is associated in the sentence. (A kitten was playing in the garden. The sun was shining. The grass turned green merrily.)

feminine - ending -а;

masculine - zero ending;

neuter gender - ending -o.

The present tense verb indicates that the action takes place at the moment of speech (WHAT DO I DO ?: I say, I look).

The future tense verb indicates that the action will occur after the moment of speech (WHAT WILL I DO ?: I'll talk, I'll see). This is a simple form of the future tense. Future tense verbs answer the question WHAT WILL BE DOING ?: will play (complex form consists of two words).

The verbs of the present and future tense have their own personal endings: -У, -Ю, -ЕМ, -ИМ, -ЭШ, -ИШЬ, -ЁТЁ, -ИГЕ, -ET, -IT, -УТ, -УТ, -AT, - YAT,

If the verb answers the question WHAT DOES? or WHAT WILL DO?, then before - СЯ the letter b is not written: he WHAT IS HE DOING?; studies.

If the verb answers the question WHAT TO DO? or WHAT TO DO?, then the verb is in an indefinite form and in it before - СЯ the letter b is written: necessary(WHAT TO DO?) study.

Working with spelling

Read the word.

2. Determine which part of the word contains the spelling:

In the bailiff: n (a, o) went, (a, o) t (a, o) went;

· fundamentally: obl (a, o) co, m (a, o) st, gri (b, n), rados (t) ny, bird (b) and, a (l, ll) ea;

In the suffix: small (e, i) n'ky, soak (e, i,) k, morning (n, nn) ​​iy, collection (n, nn) ​​th;

At the end: spring (and, e) e sun, you think (s);

At the junction of the prefix and the root: on (d, dd) held, in (b, b) rode;

At the junction of a root and a suffix: ose (n, nn) ​​ij, length (n, nn) ​​aya.

3. If the spelling is in a prefix, remember what prefixes are in Russian: y, in (in), with (co), you, from (out), for, on, over, o, about (about), from (from), by, to, under, pro, pre, per, at (let's go, move away).A prefix is ​​a part of a word that serves to form new words.

4. If the spelling is at the root, determine - which one:

· unchecked unstressed vowel (vocabulary words)- remember how this word is spelled, or look in the dictionary(cloud);

· unstressed vowel being checked -

If the root is a vowel sound

Suddenly caused doubt

You him immediately


(bridge - bridges)

· paired consonant -

If you hear a double sound

Be careful, my friend.

Check the consonant sound:

Substitute a vowel next to it! (Or sound H)

(mushrooms, mushroom - mushroom)

· unpronounceable consonant -change the word by asking him the question WHAT? (joy - joyful), WHAT TO DO? (to be late - late), WHAT? (beautiful - beautiful)

· dividing soft mark -if after the consonant in front of the vowel (e, e, i, i, u) the sound [Y] is heard, then the separating b is written here([pt "ich" y "and] - birds, [stream" y "and] - streams, [in" th "uga] - blizzard)

· doubled consonants -if the consonant is long, write a double letter(Saturday, alley, Russia, class, tennis, bath, column, amount, kilogram, appetite, flu, Philip, collection, hockey, buzzing, yeast, group, Anna, highway, profession, box office, mass, cross, crossword, sneakers , Kirill, metal, millimeter, program, spelling, appetite, neat, suffix).

If the spelling is in a suffix, remember what suffixes are in Russian.

Suffix- this is the significant part of the word that is after root and serves for the formation of new words.

(small, morning, collectible)

Suffixes –ik, –ek are checked as follows: change the word on the question NONE WHAT? If the vowel sound before K has disappeared, then we write E, if it remains in place, then we write AND (no deputy chk a - soak e to, no key and ka - key and To)

6. If the spelling is in the ending, remember the spelling rule:

a) generic endings of adjectives -Sun - Wed p., in units. h. spring her (th), a car - f.r., in units handsome aya (yaya), way - m.r., in units duty th (th);

b) personal endings of present and future tense verbs -you think you are.

c) you hear sounds [tsy] at the end words - write after C the letter Y (pliers, ends), you hear the sounds [tsy] In the middle words - write after C the letter I (circus, action). Remember the words - exceptions:chick, tiptoe, chick, gypsy, poke.

7. Remember, at the junction of a prefix and a root there can be a double consonant spelling(supported),when the prefix ends and the root begins with the same letter!

After prefixing a consonant before the letters e, yu, e, I write the separator b(entered, entrance, announcement).

8. Be careful with doubled consonants at the junction of the root and the suffix, when the root ends and the suffix starts with the same letter! (autumn, long)


A noun is a part of speech that answers the question WHO? (animate) WHAT? (inanimate) and denotes an object. There are masculine gender - (whose?) It is mine, feminine gender - (whose?) She is mine, neuter gender - (whose?) It is mine.

Nouns change in numbers and cases. There are subject, addition, circumstance in a sentence.

Help. spelling in noun suffixes and got the best answer

Answer from?? l ??? ? ? vm? ??[guru]
link, everything is explained in detail and clearly.

Answer from Alexander Yurin[guru]

To check an unstressed vowel in a suffix, you need to find a word with the same suffix where the vowel is stressed. For example: a chain notebook.
In suffixes after c, s (not and) is written in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: fathers, pale-faced, sistersyn (although exceptions may be dug in the spelling of surnames in documents (compare: Spitsin - Sinitsyn).
After hissing under stress, it is written about, in accordance with the pronunciation, in the following cases:
1) in the suffixes of nouns: -ok (favor, badge, strap), -onok (camel, little daw, frog), -onk (little book, little hand);
2) in the suffixes of adjectives: -ov (walrus, reed), -on (with a fluent about: funny);
3) at the end (in suffixes) of adverbs, for example: hot, fresh, in general, naked.
After hissing under stress, e (ё) is written, although [o] is pronounced, in the following cases:
1) in the verb suffix -yova: shade, unfold;
2) in the suffix -ёvk of verbal nouns: demolition;
3) in the suffix - nouns: conductor, trainee;
4) in the suffixes -ёnn, -ёn of passive participles (completed, abbreviated, completed, abbreviated), verbal adjectives in -ёn (stewed, smoked), as well as in derived words (stewed, smoked);

Answer from KRISTINA.[guru]
1. In the unstressed suffix -EN- nouns on -MYA (banner, name, stirrup, time others), the letter "e" is written: about the name, on the banner, in the arrow, during the time.
2. The letters "h" and "u" in the suffixes "chik" and "schik": driver, flashlight.
3. Vowels "o" and "e" after hissing nouns in suffixes: growl, hare, hook, but tiny, pea, lock.
4. Vowels in the suffixes of nouns -ek, -ik. : son-son, nisik - spout.

Answer from Max Russian[newbie]
I don't know myself))

Answer from Olga Volosatova[newbie]
In the unstressed suffix -EN- nouns on -MYA (banner, name, stirrup, time others) write the letter "e": about the name, on the banner, in the arrow, during the time.
The letters "ч" and "ш" in the suffixes "chik" and "schik": driver, flashlight.
The vowels "o" and "e" after hissing nouns in suffixes: growl, hare, hook, but tiny, pea, lock.
Vowels in noun suffixes -ek, -ik. : son-son, nisik - spout.

Answer from Egor Fomin[newbie]
There are few rules for writing adjective suffixes.
1. Vowels O-E after sibilants and C in adjective suffixes: under stress after sibilants and C in adjective suffixes, the vowel O is written, and in an unstressed position - E, for example: reed, brocade, lead; plush, blue.
2. Vowel Y after C in the adjective suffix -YN-: after C in the adjective suffix, a vowel Y is written, for example, kunitsyn, tsaritsyn.
3. Suffixes К and SK in adjectives:
the suffix -K- is spelled:
a) in high-quality adjectives with a short form, for example: impudent - impudent;
b) in relative adjectives formed from nouns with a stem in К, Ч, Ц, for example: Turkish (Turk), weaving (weaver), German (German). This is how they teach in school, but in fact, if the base of a noun ends in -K, then the suffix -K- in the adjective is written only when the alternating K // C occurs in the producing base (Cossack - Cossack, farm laborer - farm laborer). If such alternation does not occur, then the suffix -SK- is written (Turk - Turkic, Uzbek - Uzbek, Bishkek - Bishkek, Artek - Artek, etc.).
the suffix -sk- is spelled:
in relative adjectives not formed from the stem of K, CH, Ts, for example:
French (French), Kazakh (Kazakh).
4. Н and НН in adjectives:
НН is written:
a) in adjectives formed from the base of H with the suffix -H-, for example: pocket (pocket), lemon (lemon);
b) in adjectives formed with the suffixes -OHN-, -ENN-: straw, calm, lecture; the exception is windy;
N is written:
a) in adjectives formed with the suffixes -AN-, -YAN-, -IN-: leather, clay, duck, poplar; exceptions: glass, pewter, wood,
b) in adjectives that do not have suffixes: ruddy, young, green, pork! , as well as in possessive adjectives formed from the base in Н with the help of the suffix -ИЙ-: ram, raven.
And all these rules are in the Russian language textbook for the 6th grade.

Spelling in suffixes Prepared by a student of 11 "B" grade Ivanova Tatiana

The suffix -ek- is written in those words, with the declension of which the vowel E drops out. The suffix -ik- is written in those words that retain I. Examples: Granddaughter (granddaughter), peas (peas), nut (nut) leaf (leaf), boy (boy), bridge (bridge) Vowels E, And in suffixes of nouns -EK-, -IK-.

In the suffix of nouns -chik (-shchik) after the letters d - t, h - s, z, the letter H is written, in other cases the letter Sh is written. Examples: Translator, plumber, newspaperman. Translator, plumber, newsboy. Packer, polisher, glazier. Letters Ч, Щ in the suffix -CHIK- (-SHIK-) nouns.

In the suffixes of nouns, adjectives and adverbs, under stress is written O, without stress - E. Examples: girl, bear, cub, pie, reed. Exception: more. orshek, sack, orshek. IT IS NECESSARY TO REMEMBER: cheap, ghastly, good, hot, brilliant, indignant. Letters O, E after sibilants. in suffixes of nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

Two letters Н are written in adjectives formed: - with the help of the suffix -Н- from a noun with a stem in Н; - from nouns using the suffix -OHN-, -ENN-. Examples: foggy, sleepy. Traditional, aviation, state, public. Exception: windy person, windy weather (but calm). One and two letters H in adjectives derived from nouns.

One letter H is written: - in the suffix -IN-; in suffixes -АН-, -ЯН- adjectives formed from nouns. Examples: Chicken, goose, leather, wool. Exceptions: wood, pewter, glass. In short adjectives, as many H are written as in full ones (except for masculine forms). For example: Long - long, long (but long). One and two letters H in adjectives derived from nouns.

The suffix -К- is written in adjectives: - having a short form; - formed from some nouns with a stem in К, Ч, Ц. In other adjectives the suffix -SK- is written. Examples: Sharp (sharp), viscous (knitted), Cossack (Cossack), weaving (weaver) BUT: Uzbek - Uzbek, Tajik - Tajik. -SK-: pirate (pirate), giant (giant). Suffixes -K- and -SK- in adjective names

If in the present or future tense the verb ends in -yvayu (-ivayu), then in the indefinite form and in the past tense it is necessary to write the suffix -yva- (-iva-). If in the present or future tense the verb ends in -yu (-yu), then the suffix -ova- (-eva-) is written in the indefinite form and in the past tense. Examples: Telling - telling, telling. Conversation - talking, talking; Distinguishing suffixes-ОВА - (- EVA-) and -ЫВА- (-ИВА-) in verbs

In the real participles of the present tense, formed from the verbs of 1 conjugation, the suffix -usch - (- yusch-) is written, in the passive participles - -em - (- om-). -In real participles of the present tense, formed from verbs of 2 conjugations, the suffix -asch - (- ящ-) is written, in passive participles - -im-. Examples: writing - writing - writing; Stabbing - stabbing - stabbing. Breathe - breathe - breathable; glue - glue - glue. Gathers - collected, sees - visible. Vowels in the suffixes of the real and passive participles of the present tense.

Two letters Н are written in suffixes of full passive participles and verbal adjectives, if: - they have prefixes other than NOT (cut grass); But you should remember: smart child; named brother; planted father. - the word is formed from a verb with the suffix -ova - (- eva-) (organized); - these include dependent words (grass cut in July); - the word is formed from the perfective verb. (buy-bought). Exception: wounded. One and two letters H in participle and adjective suffixes derived from verbs

One letter H is written: If the word is formed from imperfective verbs (Exceptions: slow, made, sacred, desired, unexpected, unexpected, unheard of, unseen, chased, unintended, given). In the suffixes of short passive participles (bug fixed). In short verbal adjectives, as many H are written as in full- (his face was agitated). except for masculine forms.

In adverbs in -o (-e), the same number of letters H are written as in the adjectives from which they are formed. Foggy (foggy); agitated (agitated). Note. It is necessary to distinguish a short participle in the neuter singular (it is written with one H in the suffix) from the adverb: the herd is frightened (pric.) - cried out in fright (adv.). One and two letters H in the adverb-O (-E).

In adverbs with prefixes IZ-, DO-, C-, the letter A is written at the end if these adverbs are formed from non-prefixed adjectives and nouns; Examples: Long ago, fed up, right. Letter O - if adverbs are formed from adjectives with the same prefixes: Initially (initial), ahead of schedule (early), coherent (coherent). The letter O is also written at the end of adverbs with the prefixes B-, HA-, ZA-: Left, dry, dark. The letters A and O at the end of adverbs

In which answer option are all the numbers in the place of which one letter H is written correctly? The eruption of Vesuvius is described in detail (1) about in the letters addressed to (2) the Roman historian Tacitus the Younger Planes, wounded (3) in that terrible August month. 1) 1 3) 3 2) 2.3 4) 1.3 Exercises: Answer: 1

The various projects for the transition to alphanumeric writing developed (1) by Chinese linguists were never implemented (2) s: society (3) saw the threat of a break with the centuries-old culture, embodied (4) in hieroglyphic writing. 1) 1.3 3) 3 2) 2 4) 2.4 Answer: 2 If near the pole of the Moon there are (1) leading (2) stocks at the bottom of the eternally shaded (3) crankcase, then the delivery problem will be solved to the satellite of the Earth the most important resources for its development: oxygen, hydrogen, water. 1) 1 3) 1.2 2) 2 4) 1.3 Answer: 3

In the self-portrait, the artist is dressed in a sophisticated (1) cloak, his face is calm and confident (2), his mustache and beard are carefully groomed (3). 1) 1 3) 2 2) 1,2 4) 2,3 Answer: 3 Church of St. Basil the Blessed (1) with a huge, rainbow-colored head, extremely similar to a crystal facet (2) cork of an old (3) decanter. 1) 1.2 3) 3 2) 2 4) 2.3 Answer: 1

In the spirit of classicism, the sculptor created a generalized (1) ideal image, in which (2) unseen (3) power and grace are combined. ( 3) the taiga hunter to the captain. 1) 1.2 3) 2.3 2) 1.3 4) 1.2.3 Answer: 4 In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which НН is written?

Carcass (1) boiled in meat broth with peeled (2) caps were served on a silver (3) plate to the table. 1) 2 3) 2,3 2) 1,2 4) 1,2,3 Answer: 2 In the training of young chess players, it is not the time that was spent (1) about directly (2) about playing chess, but the conscious training based (3) on overcoming, requiring effort. 1) 1,2,3 3) 3 2) 2 4) 2,3 Answer: 4

The vestibule (1) decorated with marble tiles (2) and glass (3) vases and gilded (4) furniture, created by (5) the best masters of Italy. 1) 3.4 3) 1.3.5 2) 2.4 4) 3.5 Answer: 3 Maybe the skates are called (1) skates precisely because in the old days they made trees (2) skates, decorate (3) curled in the shape of a horse (4) curled head. 1) 1.2 3) 1.2.3 2) 2.3 4) 3.4 Answer: 2

A. vyzdorov..t C. to grow B. three .. out G. yellowish..nky 1) A, B, D 2) A, B, C 3) A, C, D 4) C, D Answer: 1 А. B, D Answer: 4 In which answer are all the words where the letter E is missing?

A. overpowering C. enduring .. out B. horniness .. out G. frustrating 1) A, B, D 3) C, D 2) A, B 4) A, C, D Answer: 2 A. carakul..out V. ugly..out B. reclaim..vat G. recap..vat 1) A, B, D 3) C, D 2) A, B 4) A, C, D Answer : 2 In which answer are all words where the letter E is missing?

A.doverch..out V. funny..out B. dance..vat G. zarumyan..allowed 1) A, B, C, D 2) B, C 3) A, C, D 4) B, D Answer: 3 A. not smile .. out V. siren .. out B. open .. go down G. 1) A, D 2) C, D 3) A, B, C 4) A, B, D Answer: 1 In which answer are all the words where the letter I is missing?

A. ozh..govy V.perch..ny B.night..vka G.volch..nock 1) A, B, D 2) A, C 3) A, D 4) B, D Answer: 3 A .resh..tka B. morzh..vyy G. river..nka 1) A, C 3) C, D 2) A, C, D 4) B, C, D Answer: 4 Which answer option contains all the words where the letter O is missing?


Complete the endings of adjectives

The chain is fresh ... traces, took a morning ... walk, on the blue ... sky, under the burning ... sun, at evening ... dawn, by the high ... tree, spring ... frost, under last year ... foliage, bird ... hubbub, with a light ... breeze.

We go out into a (small) clearing. (Young) birch trees crowd around her. From the (nearest) bushes one can hear the (desperate) rattling of thrushes. The (reddish) jay quickly flies across the clearing and hides in the (dark) forest. A (warm evening) dawn spread across the sky. Above the tops of the birches, I saw a (white-tailed) bird. (...)

Write off sentences by expanding parentheses and putting adjectives in the desired case form

Before I had time to walk two miles, they already poured all around me along a (wide wet) meadow and in front, along (green) hills, and behind, along a (long dusty) road, along (crimson) bushes, along a (winding) river (scarlet ) streams of (golden) light. Everything stirred, woke up, began to sing, rustled, began to speak. (By)

Adjective suffixes

Insert the missing letters in the suffixes and endings of adjectives, indicate the conditions for choosing the spelling "Vowels o / e after sibilant adjectives in suffixes", "Vowels o / e after sizzling adjectives in the endings"

A penny ... a thing, a crimson ... a dawn, heaps ... high clouds, a watchtower ... a tower, a hedgehog ... big mittens, a tile ... a stove, pears ... high juice, polar fox ... high collar, lily of the valley ... high drops, glossy ... paper, food ... baking soda.

Creative work.

Replace these phrases with the phrases "adjective + noun", indicate the conditions for choosing the spelling in adjective suffixes.

Calico dress, walrus tusks, spring water, watchman's booth, circus program, shower cubicle, pear jam, plush hat, lead ore, facial nerve, thickets of reeds

Form adjectives with the suffixes –an (-yan), –in-, –onn-, –enn-, –n- from these nouns, select the suffixes.

Sand, clay, earth, silver, snake, swan, eagle, nightingale, rooster, ant, mosquito, lion, elk, ice, skin, bone, canvas, society, art, state, economy, fog, pocket, price, virgin soil, old man.

Insert the missing letters, indicate the conditions for choosing n and nn in adjective suffixes

Wool ... oh, straw ... oh, wood ... oh, mysteries ... oh, crane ... oh, courage ... oh, tin ... oh, clay ... oh, letter ... oh, stations ... oh, operations ... oh, majesties ... oh, falcon ... th.

Karma (n, nn) ​​th, bash (n, nn) ​​th, ante (n, nn) ​​th, length (n, nn) ​​th, slow (n, nn) ​​th, true (n, nn) ​​th, glass ( n, nn) ​​th, horses (n, nn) ​​th, countless (n, nn) ​​th, revolutionary (n, nn) ​​th, foliage (n, nn) ​​th, died (n, nn) ​​th, diva (n, nn) th, thought (n, nn) ​​th, firewood (n, nn) ​​oh, mice (n, nn) ​​th, wave (n, nn) ​​th.

Form adjectives from these nouns using suffixes - к-, - sk-, indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling

Caucasus, Tibet, Slovakia, Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt, Scotland, Iceland, Volga, German, French, sailor, Belarusian, Circassian, Kazakh, Cossack, Eskimo, fellow, blacksmith, weaver, tourist, university, junior, fisherman, children, soldier, brother.

K - or - SK -?

Res (k, sk) ı, elm (k, sk) ı, Kyrgyz (k, sk) ı, Kazakh (k, sk) ı, ukraine (k, sk) ı, Odessa (k, sk) ı, Turkish ( k, sk) ı, brest (k, sk) ı, weaver (k, sk) ı, daring (k, sk) ı, close (to, sk) ı, slipper (k, sk) ı, sailor (k, sk) uy.

Form adjectives from these nouns. In which of them is written b before the suffix -SK-?

April, June, September, December, November, July, January, village, beast, secretary, hero, Kuban, Siberia, Kazan, Tver, Barnaul, Tula, Suzdal, Ural, ambassador, monastery, Latvian, tsar.

Spelling complex adjectives

As a unit or separately?

(Dark) brown, (pale) blue, (bright) yellow, (silver) blue, (white) pink, (black) white, (square) eye, (black) hair, (blue) eye, (black) eyebrow, (chess) checkerboard, (Russian) French, (water) wire, (south) western, (north) eastern, (, (railway) road, (ancient) Russian, (factory) factory.

Creative work. Form complex adjectives from the selected phrases. Indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling.

A house with three floors, products of factories and plants, sanitary and hygienic standards, a collection of works in six volumes, a Russian and English dictionary, a triangle with equal sides, fruit and berry crops, history of the Middle Ages, a work of Ancient Rus, a tree of two meters, a depot for repair of steam locomotives.

Form a short form from these adjectives

Good, hot, volatile, crackling, powerful, dense, clear, light, rare, cunning, kind, sonorous, sharp, wise, evil, interesting, funny, useful, mysterious, soft, smart, soft, timid, slow, strong, majestic.

Merged and separate spelling NOT with adjectives

(Not) daunting look, (not) gallant handwriting, (not) mature, (not) happy, (not) respectable, (not), (not) neat, (not) visual, (not) wall, (not) merciful , (not) bold, (not) kind, (not) necessary, (not) awkward, (not) happy, (not) avoidable, (not) conscientious, (not) friendly, (not) neat, (not) rude ...

(Not) an expected decision, (not) a good answer, (not) a steep, but a shallow coast, not at all (not) a stern look, not at all (not) an interesting story, by no means (not) the only solution, not at all (not) comfortable road, not at all (not) comforting results, (not) a tall, but a low tree, a person (not) cheerful, the weather (not) nasty, gait (not) coy, (not) daring, but cowardly.

Spelling in word suffixes.

Reference material

Part 1. Vowels in the suffixes of verb forms

    SEE - saw, saw, saw

Sow - sow, sow, sow.

BUILD - built, built, (by) building

Hear - heard, heard, (s) heard

In all forms of the past tense, the vowel is preserved - the infinitive suffix.

    Vowels in the suffixes of the passive participles of the past tense

From ch. on - To eat

- IT EN (N): knead - kneaded

- WH

From ch. on –THE

-IAT A (Z) + H (NN): stir - stirred

Pay attention: And is replaced by E; Oh, I persist

    Vowels in the suffixes of real and passive participles, depending on the conjugation of the verb.

From ch. 1 ref. -USCH-, -YUSCH- acting. present vr

- ОМ-, -ЕМ- suffering set time.

From ch. 2 ref. -Ash-, -YaSch- valid set time.

-IM- suffering.sett.vr.

Cherish (1) - cherished, cherished

Hear (excl. 2) - Hearing, Hearing

Note: Ch. on - go in the infinitive refer to 2 ref. + 11 chapter-exceptions: drive, hold, breathe, offend, see, hear, hate, and also endure, twirl, and depend, and watch

The rest of the verbs - to 1 ref. +2 exception verbs: shave, lay

Real participles characterize the action that the object itself performs.

Passionate - an action that is performed on an object.

Substitutions of participles with turns are possible:

Playing - one that plays itself (action)

Playable(etude) - one played by someone (suffering.)

    Spelling -ОВА - / - EVA-, -YVA - / - IVA-

Verbs ending in IMPACT –at, –– have the same vowel before –va as in the beginning. form without them

I overcome - overcome - overcome

Verbs ending in an unstressed -with, and verbs without -va in the beginning of the form do not exist, I check the form of 1l.unit of preset (bud.) Tense: paint(does not exist without VA; the suffix dropped out, I write O), paint, paint.

Assignments and exercises.

    Form verb forms, in the suffixes of which the vowel infinitive is preserved (see paragraph 1 of the "Reference material"):

depend, fold, knead, interfere, deflate, roll out.

    What is the difference between words in pairs:

To decorate - to paint, to be late - to participate, to count - to advise, to manage - to advise, to confess - to educate, to dance - to hum.

Use the reference material to explain the spelling.

    Write down, highlighting spelling and grouping words by columns:

1) action. and Nast. vr., 2) suffering. and present time., 3) action. and NS. time, 4) suffering. And. NS. time. Explain the spelling of words according to the scheme (see "Reference material").

Creeping, barking, barking, driving, noticing, noticed, mixed (in the dough) - kneaded (dough), sawing, stabbing, struggling, developed, cherished, seeded, pumped out (oil from the barrel) - pumped out (from the basement barrel), secured , hung (paintings in the gallery), hung (sugar by a kilogram), circled, groomed, fanned, provided, healing, gluing, glued, enduring, loving, dispelled, traveled, dependent, breathing, pouring.

Explain the difference in spelling of paired phrases.

4. A (Z) or E?

Corrected .. work done by someone, dropped .. some load, cleared .. some paths; The building is about to be built ... but; alarmed by the unpleasant news, crowned .. a friend, confusing .. certain hare tracks, covered with leaves .. along the avenues of a coastal park, offended .. a girl whom someone else, wasted .. a long time; Snow rasta..l unexpectedly; did not offend anyone.

5. Visual dictation.

Aligned alleys of the park, disappearing into the distance

excellent cartridges shot within half an hour,

seen outside the window, illuminated by diffused moonlight,

a trampled sandy path leading into the distance of the forest,

someone sown extremely white flour.

Remember spelling: extremely, institute, institution, excessive.

    Write down the dictation of the phrase.

Aligned paths, a student who does not contradict anyone, woolen and silk fabrics somehow hung, know how to calculate the time, a well-stirred solution, a hung portrait, desperate attempts, did not notice in the dark, an undeserved accusation, tells a delightful, unseeded field, about breathing hotly, with a seer well, hearing an intermittent cry, enduring harassment, an independent opinion, carts dragging in the dust, hearing someone, shot cartridges, a shot predator twirling a ring cherished by someone, from a thawed earth, overshadowing those around him, awarded an award, saw something , waving his hands, to sort out the fog spreading on the ground somehow, examine through a magnifying glass, involved in a crime, repented of his deed, visible from afar, a gilded silver chest.

    Dictation. "New Year's Eve".

The courtyard, lit by dim light, was covered with melting snow. Not so long ago, in the village, a stabbing frost blushed the cheeks of girls and boys, and today the creeping fog, not blown by the breeze, hid young lumberjacks who saw firewood, who love the winter season.

The girls, discussing the plan for the New Year's holidays and demanding silence for this reason, leafed through the book until the morning, recommended to them by their respected elderly aunt. The costumes shown in the illustrations. Pleased to the eye.

The next morning, a policeman on duty on New Year's Eve, adored and cherished by his parents, entered not a wooden, but a stone house, pushing aside a cast-iron bolt forged by a local blacksmith. At this time, a slightly dawning dawn alerted the village roosters that December 31 had come.

The old man dozing on the stove jumped up and began to get ready for the airport, where the expected plane was to arrive in half an hour. On board were artists hoping for a decent fee and a slightly aged Santa Claus.

The car, driven by the pilot, landed, and the city's entertainers preparing for the concert descended the ramp, attracting the attention of passengers.

The old man-guide, like the inhabitants of the taiga villages, was looking forward to the carnival night. (162 words / 22 with spelling).


    Mark the participles that have the vowel -Я- in their suffixes

    1. cherished ..

      patient ... patient

      count ...

      that ...

    Indicate participles that are written with a vowel -E- in the suffix

    1. illuminating

      called ... my

      lele ...


    Find misspelled words

    1. mixed up in history

      barrel pumped out of the basement

      shuffled cards

      hinged door

    Determine the string containing only participles formed from verbs of 1 conjugation

    1. drawn, taken out, sifted

      picked up, grown, lost

      cherished, conceived, watched

      received, parted, soldered

    Mark the participles formed with the suffix -ENN-

    1. pumping a new machine to a new location

      mix..the coals in the stove

      mixed with yeast bread

      chest hung with medals

    Indicate the participles in which the vowel И should be written before the suffix -ВШ-

    1. recovered ...

      multiplied ...

      hated ...

      old ... old

    Find words with the suffix -EM-

    1. hung .. my

      kind .. my

      creating .. my

      describing .. my

    Find the line that gives the wrong explanation for the spelling of the vowel in the participle suffix

    1. shot - from shoot

      shoot - from shoot

      shot - from shoot

      shot - from shoot

    Identify misspelled participles

    1. grinding




    Find words with the suffix -IM-

    1. amulet .. my

      expect .. my

      love .. my

      taking away


    O and E after sizzling and C

In suffixes of noun, adj., Adverbs and endings of beings. and attach. under stress I write O, without stress - E.

In all verb forms and verbal formations I write E, regardless of stress:

pear, but overnight(since the verb spend the night)

a river, but a river

canvas but plush

hot but better

a doctor, but comrades


DO NOT confuse: canvas(from canvas) and cheap(from cheapness) - spelling in different parts of the word. Therefore, they are regulated by different rules!

    Spelling of noun suffixes

    CHIK after D-T, Z-S, Zh: detour - road driver,

- SCHIK after all other letters: stone - mason

(After the letters Д, Т, З, С, Ж I write H, in all other cases - Щ)

    ЕН- in words ending with -МЯ, except for seeds and stirrups

(In the form of words seed, stirrup, banner, flame, tribe, crown, time, burden, udder, name in an unstressed position is written in the suffix E : seed- No seed. What is heard is written under stress: seed- No seed, banner-No banners)

    Suffixes -EK and -IK: son - son; finger - finger(R.p. u.h. and is preserved)

(If the vowel drops out in the form of the R.p.p.un., then E is written; if it is preserved, then I is written).

    Suffixes of nouns and adjectives to remember:

-IN - + - K- - straw(not to be confused with Suf.-ENK-; cherry - cherry;

straw - straw - straw)

-WEH- whiteness

- LIV- distinct

- CHIV- gullible

- IST - cocky

3.Spelling adjective suffixes

K- - after K, Ch, Ts or in a short form, in other cases -SK-

(The suffix -K- is written in an adjective if it has a short form or is formed from a noun with a stem on the letters K, CH, Ts:

Sharp ( since there is a short ph ... harsh)


well done - well done

kulak - kulak

BUT: Uzbek - Uzbek)

    Spelling of adverb suffixes

long ago(out of the window)

dusk(outside the window).

(The spelling of the suffixes of the adverbs -о and -а can be checked with the "window rule": let's imagine that the prefix with which the adverb begins is a preposition; but substitute the appropriate form of the word window, the end of this word will tell you which letter the adverb ends with.)

Assignment and exercises.

1. Using the reference material, explain the difference in spelling of words in pairs:

A pea is a beggar, a kupaleka is a blockage, a soybean is friendly, an eraser is a pencil, a key is a lock, blueness is a blue, a name is a stirrup, occasionally - together, a grease is a bath attendant, a brocade is a cheap one, a hacksaw is an overnight stay.

2. O or E?

When performing this exercise, do not forget to determine whether the letter you are interested in is in the root or in the suffix.

Girls..nka, pear..vka, bech..vka, cheap..vy, sh..rokh, night..vka, boy..nkka, crick..k, with locusts..y, kumach..vy , chintz .. out, canvas .. out, ruff .. m, hot .., good .., grumble .. whine, extinguish .. whine, brocade .. out, h..lka, thicket .. ba, big ..h, from the roofs .. th, bug .. k, scourge .. m, crew .. m, strong man .. m, tornado .. m, pch..lkka, h..tki, shch..lkka.

3. Replace these phrases with one word according to the sample:

Caring person is caring.

Clear, easy to see. Small pea. Constantly bullying. Striving to rise above others. Dazzling white color (in the meaning of a characteristic, for example, material). The tendency to trust everything and everyone.

4. Visual dictation.

Known as a thoughtful experimental researcher,

bitterly crying freckled boy,

charming French speaking German,

by all means, not to concede in anything.

Intermittent sounds of a crane chirping are heard in the vicinity of a forest lake.

If it is difficult to memorize phrases of the entire column, memorize two at a time.

5. Read the phrases, pronouncing the selected words by syllables and trying to memorize their spelling.

Write dictation phrases.

Check what you have written, sort out the errors.

Despise a defector, writes in French, approaches a fishing village, acquire an excellent loom, admire the cityscape, by no means an experienced ranger, count on fraternal help, fascist ideology, with a wide sailor collar, a German-Swedish dictionary, slowly moves along one of the San Francisco streets, day-day leads climbing groups through the Caucasus Mountains, slippery steps of an ancient cathedral, a well-known drummer, playing with a peer, a long-known work of a carver.

(If you find it difficult to spell some of the words, repeat the appropriate section in the Reference Material.)

6. Verification dictation.

The dawn flares up over the scorched steppe, the prizes won in the competition of swimmers, the girl is ill-mannered, to buy a canvas bag, stretches over an unmown meadow, did not prepare a delicious punch due to the lack of pear juice, someone made a pretentious arson of a house, bizarre plants grown by supernatural efforts to achieve the set goal, a bonfire kindled in the dark, a meadow mowed in dew, broken twigs, the size of a pea, settled on a plank terrace, about who hated arrogance, wrongly corrected a mistake, enduring countless oppression; The Turkish delegation will arrive in the city afterwards; paints with oil paints, grows on sandy soil; a decision not implemented within six months; fancy painted clay vases; about an unlucky detective; at a performance at the Nice Opera.


    What word is written AND?

1) drawer..k 2) armchair..ce

3) knife..nka 4)

2. In what word is I written?

1) Mish..nka 2) room..tse

3) fluid ... 4) brother ... c

3. In what word is E written?

1) students ... 2) land-food ... persons

3) curvature 4) blacksmith

4. In which row is there a "third superfluous"?

1) offense ... scout..ik, grease..ik

2) buffet ... order..ick, pass..ick

3) cab driver..ik, roofing..ik, blast furnace ...

4) textiles ... offices..ik, build..ik

5. In what word is I written?

1) sour ... nky 2) accepting..vy

3) geographical ... 4) red ... gray

6. What word has the suffix -SK?

1) sailor ... service 2) no ... no pressure

3) weight ... evidence 4) kalma ... songs

7. In which row is there a "third superfluous"?

1) gesture..y, slippery, miner..y

2) Mongolian, student ..., January ...

3) greek ... weaver ..., deputy ...

4) Circassian ... oh, odes..y, fathers..y.

8. In what word is written A at the end?

1) right ... 2) first ..

9. In what word is written A at the end?

1) dawn 2) hurry ...

3) dry ... 4) hard ..

10. What is the end word for O?

1) occasionally .. 2) dreams ..

3) tight ... 4) red-hot ..

Part 3.

Н and НН in suffixes of adjectives, participles, adverbs

    The spelling of adjectives depends on the composition of the suffix:

I write in suf .: -IN- bee

AN- sandy

YAN - silver

REMEMBER : young, green, ruddy, spicy, reddish, crimson, andalso in possessive adjectives: mutton, pork

НН I write in suffixes: -ОНН- revolutionary

ENN- straw

base on H + H in the suffix (fog-foggy)

REMEMBER: glass, pewter, wooden

windy(day) - wind(engine), BUT windless

In short form, as many H are written as in full.

Foggy - hazy

    Spelling of participles

NN is written in full participles that have one of the following conditions:

    1. prefix, except NOT: scattered excl: named (brother), planted (father), smart (boy)

      suffix - ova - (- eva-): lined EXCL: forged, chewed.

      dependent word : mowed someone meadow

      formed from the main Soviet species: decided

REMEMBER: wounded, BUT wounded in battle; Forgiveness Sunday); combinations: ironed - ironed, washed - overwashed, read - re-read.

N is written in a word that satisfies all the conditions:

1) there is no prefix (the prefix is ​​NOT taken into account and does not affect the spelling of N-NN): mowed

2) there is no suf. ova - (- eva-)

3) there is no dependent word

4) from the main nonconformity species

5) in compound words: plain dyed, homespun, little burnt(the presence of the second root does not affect the spelling of N-NN)

N is written in short participles : things are scattered

3. Spelling of adverbs

In the adverb, as much H is written as in the word from which it is formed: abstract(topics) - says abstractly, confused(answer) - says confused

DO NOT confuse adverbs formed from participles (has as many H as the participle from which it is formed) and short participles (always have one H):

Is talking(how?) absently(adverb from participle absent-minded), can be replaced with another adverb: speaks inattentively; army(what is ?) scattered through the forest(short form of participle absent-minded), can you substitute a noun that answers the question kem ?: the army is scattered in the forest(by whom?) commander.

COMPARE: woman excited(short supplement = upset) – the sea is agitated(short for - excited by the wind)


1.Using the reference material, explain the difference in spelling of words in paired phrases:

The woman is smart and educated. - The commission was formed a few days ago.

The children were inattentive and absent-minded. - The troops are scattered through the forest.

He speaks depressed. - The uprising was suppressed.

The decision is hasty, ill-considered. - The decision has not been thought out by anyone.

Sauerkraut. - Cabbage pickled for the winter.

Come to a dinner party. - Guests not invited by anyone ..

Unmown meadow. - Mown meadow.

A Named Brother - Named after you.

Windy day. - Windless day.

REMEMBER: uninvited



unheard of

out of the blue

2. Write down the rhyme, memorize it.

Sacred and desired

Unexpected, unexpected,

Without applying the rules of knowledge,

Write two -H- without hesitation.

But smart, chewed,

Dowry and forged -

You can remember it easily.

That there is always one thing in them.

Abandoned, given and deprived

Fired up, bought and decided.

Though without a prefix, but a perfect look,

Therefore, two -H- is worth it.

(T. Dmitrieva, E. Tikhomirova.)

    N or NN?

Bees ... honey, wheat ... porridge, with thickened ... milk, oil ... stain, painting, rice ... with oil ... with paints, clay ... vase, wood ... the building, are located on a visit ..tice, notice disadvantages, sowing .. its rusty ... my field, not yet koshe..y meadow, somehow rassov..y things, hanging up..yes in paying .. in the wardrobe, about the purpose ..with the harvest, the girl is very educated .. and, dal tuma .. and, draw a scrap .. a line, silver .. morning ... dawn.

    Rearrange the phrases to illustrate all possible participle spellings.

Sample: stewed vegetables (not the same type, no dependent words, prefixes, except NOT)

Vegetables stewed in a pot (dependent)

Stewed vegetables (app., Except NOT)

Uncooked vegetables (prefix does not affect spelling).

A forged chest, a car loaded with bricks, spent cartridges, mowed meadows, well-trodden paths, a movie seen, sown rye, a wounded in the shoulder, named after someone, hidden gifts.

    Visual dictation

Luxurious living room in a not cheap hotel,

Windmill flapping its wings

Shot down an angry predator

Forged silver chest

Rivers bound by an ice shell,

Uninvited guests who came unexpectedly,

Outlandish plants are climbing

A cleverly applied favorite technique.

Check what you wrote from memory; if there were mistakes in what was written, write down the given words (phrases) again, bringing your examples to the corresponding rules.

An excellent millet porridge with condensed milk, touching the polished surface, a skillfully crafted earthenware vase, a dream unrealized, a windmill flapping its wings.

    Write down the sentences, commenting on the spelling of all spelling, sort the adverbs by composition.

    Suddenly, the gloomy forest parted, and the travelers

field. 2. I desperately rushed forward, as if suddenly guessed where I should go. 3. The meeting with the bear happened unexpectedly. 4. The brown hairy bear definitely wanted to meet us. 5. The shaggy fox flashed anxiously among the reeds.

    Write down dictation phrases.

A wonderful windless afternoon, forged in gold, not a gilded silver chest, a meadow not mowed in dew, touching the sprout of an outlandish plant, the girl is well-mannered and educated, a cheap leather short coat, silk curtains do not match with straw furniture, lined paths are sprinkled with used bricks things and used books, a group of troops scattered over the roadside thickets, a fitted dress, draw a broken line, unlined coated paper, movements are constrained, the river is shackled with an ice shell.

    Checking dictation on the topic "Spelling in word suffixes."

It was a wonderful July day: windless, not hot, but summer-like warm and pleasant.

I slowly, in deep thought, walked along the alley of the wild garden, drowned out by the growth of weeds and thickets of some outlandish bush. Imperceptibly I reached a low wooden house, surrounded by half-rotted chiseled posts. Walking around the building on the right, I found myself in front of an old two-story manor house.

Climbing onto the glassed-in terrace, I sat down on a wicker thatched chair with burnt-out linen upholstery. Near the house, as I noticed, there were old birches; on top of one of them there was a jackdaw nest, in which a restless daw-glutton was constantly shouting. And through a small glass door one could see the parquet-floor living room; the walls were decorated with engravings in polished mahogany frames; in one corner stood a broken piano, in the other two large armchairs.

I knocked on the door with a cane, and a minute or two later an old man in a shabby frock coat, felt boots and a wonderful shaggy hat came out to me. I learned that his name was Philip Kuzmich and that he was the master's valet, who had never come to the estate for all the past years. My new acquaintance kindly invited me to look around the house, and I, of course, willingly agreed. I was especially attracted by the library, filled with works of Russian and French classics. You rarely see such an abundance of books: Lermontov, and Pushkin, and Turgenev, and Tolstoy, and Hugo, and Maupassant - in a word, a Russian-French library.

I examined the house with genuine interest and, thanking the old man, went out into the garden. Only peonies and poppies have survived from the former flower beds, which raised their pale pink and bright red heads from the grass. On the sides of the alley, there were also traces of desolation: here and there tall, uncut poplars and spreading lindens, the same age as the old house, grew. Away from the house, the garden was cleared for haymaking. Here, away from the estate, in the open, there were many beautiful fruit trees: pears, apple trees, cherries, cherries - and their branches touched high above. The paths, once leveled and strewn with crushed bricks, were overgrown and, running ahead, beckoned to the cool thickets.

Peace, silence, abandonment and silence breathed from everywhere.


1. Specify adjectives with -Н-

1.avia ... th


4.attraction ...

2. Define the exclusion words

    2.wind ...

    3. leeward ...


3. Mark the adjectives with the suffix -ENN-





4. Find words with -НН-


5. List adjectives that are spelled correctly






2. educated



7. Mark the words with the suffix - YAN-

1.oil stain

2.oil look

3.oil lamp

4.oil cream

8. Find the line where only adjectives are written

    rook, long, desert

    goose, wooden, (young) scientist

    outlandish, dissertation, woody

9. Specify words with -НН-

1drovyan .. oh


4zhestyan ... oh

10. Identify adjectives with –Н-


4.Earthman ...

Test on the topic H and HH in the suffixes of adjectives, participles, adverbs.

1.What word is H written in?

A) young ... th; B) truths ... th; B) old ... th; D) tin ... th.

2. In what word is NN written?

A) epic ... th; B) windy ... oh; C) herbal ... oh; D) chicken ... th.

3.What word is H written in?

A) remarkable ... th; B) glass ... th;

C) sandy ... th; D) cranberries ... th.

4. In what word is NN written?

A) calm ... th; B) silver ... th; C) snake ... th; D) blush ... th.

5. In what word is NN written?

A) watery ... oh; B) green ... th; C) bottomless ... th; D) quail ... th.

6. In what word is NN written?

A) pig ... oh; B) tin ... oh; C) oatmeal ... th; D) countless ... th.

7. In what case is NN written in all words of the series?

A) incense ... th, traditional ... th, for no reason ... th;

B) scarlet ... th, license ... th, single ... th;

C) intonation ... th, examination ... th, sandy ... th;

D) solemn ... th, sensational ... th, ant ... th.

8. In what case is there a "superfluous third" in the row?

A) hereditary ... th, lifeless ... th, calm ... th (day);

B) mental ... th, leeward ... th (side), true ... th;

C) blush ... dyed, crimson ... dyed, silver ... dyed;

D) discussion ... th, times ... th, leather ... th.

9. In what word is one letter H written?

A) smoked ... walls; B) unexpected ... th;

C) the grass is trimmed ... a; D) heard ... my story.

10What word is one letter H written in?

A) fresh frozen ... vegetables; B)… th hand is tied;

C) the seams are stitched ... s; D) knitted… grandma's socks.

11What word is one letter H written in?

A) generally accepted ... opinion; B)… the interior is stylized;

C) dried ... mushrooms in the oven; D) frozen ... th fish.

12. In what word is one letter H written?

A) justified ... th conclusion; B) the area is cordoned off ... a;

C) spoiled ... th child; D) asphalted ... th street.

13. In what word is NN written?

A) wounded ... th fighter; B) young ... th age;

C) leather ... th chair; D) brought up ... th person.

14 on what basis in the sacrament privatized(apartment) should I write NN?

A) there is a prefix in the word;

B) there are dependent words;

D) formed from a perfective non-prescriptive verb

15 on what basis in the sacrament distilled(water) should I write NN?

A) there is a prefix in the word;

B) there are dependent words;

B) there is a suffix -ova- (-eva -), - irova-;

16. On what basis in the sacrament remelted(metal) should I write NN?

A) there is a prefix in the word;

B) there are dependent words;

B) there is a suffix -ova- (-eva -), - irova-;

D) is formed from a perfective non-prescriptive verb.

17. Which sentence contains a word with two letters НН?

A) The work is done ... but flawlessly.

B) The problem is solved ... but right.

C) The girl is well brought up ... and by her parents.

D) The teacher is strict and restrained ... a.

18 Which sentence contains a word with two HH?

A) The plots are built up ... s.

B) The workers of the enterprise have irregular ... th working day.

C) A loaded… car drove into the yard.

D) The fields are sown ... with wheat.

19When is there a “superfluous third” in the row?

A) bought ... books, spoiled ... child, dried ... apples in the sun;

B) untouched paths, uninvited guests, grass mown ... a;

C) signed ... th contract, solved ... th problem, desired ... th child;

D) expelled ... from school, short hair ... ah, mad ... speed.

su yano in yanno (adverb from the participle scattered), can be replaced with another adverb: speaks inattentively; army (what is it?)


    Specify words with -Н-

    1. knitted sweater

      tied .. to the fence

      knitted by my grandmother

      slow ... slow

    Mark words with -НН-

    1. oil painting

      pisan ... my beauty

      the estate is not unsubscribed ... but

      assigned .. to the army

    Find the line where all words are written with -Н-

    1.,, minted..y, brother, person

      over..your business,,, nameless..y

    Specify exclusion words

    1. a planted tree




    Mark misspelled words

    1. renamed



      written instruction

    Find the line that contains only participles

    1. unheated (house), pork (fat), read (all books)

      fried (seeds), seen (whether it's the case), as with a written one (a bag is worn)

      risky (act), (once) broken, born

      sandy (shore), tinned (pan), pickled (in a barrel)

    Define words with -НН-

    1. burnt coffee

      hot arrows

      bought .. fruits

      uprooted..y forest

    Specify words with -Н-

    1. expedition is limited ... but in funds

      draped ... windows

      faceted glass

      dried fish

    Mark misspelled words

    1. grafted sheet

      obstacle encountered

      homespun tablecloth


Н and НН in the suffixes of adjectives, participles, adverbs.


The birthday boy screamed furiously, frantically waving a ragged shoe over his head, which he had in a hurry pulled from his feet to death by a frightened neighbor. The astonished guests and relatives froze at first, stunned, but then, under a hail of butter dumplings, thrown in their direction by an enraged birthday man, they were forced to retreat to the open doors. “Traitors! Give me a dowry, for which no one gave a penny! " - he screamed desperately, indignantly jumping on a forged chest covered with tattered oilcloth. "She is ill-mannered, uneducated, incredibly stupid and unprecedentedly ugly, besides, she has no dowry at all!" he shouted, tossing a tattered shoe into his recently purchased lemon-colored straw lampshade. A stick of smoked sausage thrown after him hit a glass vase filled with distilled water, and with it collapsed onto the trough-cut, chestnut-dyed head of a dowry woman accused of all sins, clinging to the door with a wounded look. The one wounded in the head with a sausage, waving her hands bare to the elbow in a picturesque manner and squeaking stiflingly, fell into a dough with kneaded dough, taking with her a Christmas tree hung with mica toys, silvered icicles and with a gilded star on the very top. Delighted with the effect, the birthday man danced intoxicated on an oil-painted chest of drawers inlaid with embossed leather, where he moved from the chest immediately after the lady's fall for a better view of the commotion caused by his exalted act.