Repair Design Furniture

Presentation on the theme of the hall of my dreams. Project "design of my room". Municipal educational institution

"Types of technology lessons" - Requirements for the demonstration method. Algorithm for solving. Academic Council. Illustration. Correct selection of educational material. Technical models. Classification of principles. Pie. Variants of designing educational goals. Development of mental qualities. Presentation of new material. Teaching method. Requirements for technology lesson.

"Technology in School" - Primary vocational education. The legislative framework. Formation of culture and worldview. Conditions for the success of training. Etks is a unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions. The tasks of specialized and pre-profile education. Learning students' knowledge of their abilities, capabilities, resources.

"Knowledge Test" - * Advertising of a fabric made of chemical fibers. *Crazy hands. Summarizing. Homework check. For each correct answer, the team will receive two points. R e b u s. "House of Models". Lesson objectives. "Work for the head is a holiday for the soul." My light, mirror! Let's play! "Seamstress". "Home". Comic competition.

"Technology Rules" - Your Actions in Emergency Situations! Take good care of your equipment and tools. Leave the workshop during recess. Technology is an interesting subject. Finger pricks. Put on overalls before starting the lesson. Instruction on labor protection when working on a sewing machine. Maintain order and cleanliness at the workplace.

"Methodological developments" - Methodical developments (grade 8 - 2nd option). Methodological support of 6th grade students (new items 2007-2008). Additional materials (new items in 2009). Methodical developments (grade 9 - 2nd option). 2007 Normative Documents Service Labor ". Methodological support of students (notebooks and textbooks) Grade 7 - girls (2006).

"Lesson in labor training" - Winners of the Olympiads: And all taken together allows my students to achieve victories at regional Olympiads in technology. My students with their works. The author of the work. Labor lessons are necessary and important. In my opinion, in some modern schools, for a number of reasons, there is a reduction in labor training lessons.

There are 18 presentations in total

CONTENT OF THE PROJECT 1. Goals and objectives of the project.
2.Problem and solution to the problem.
3. Drawings and sketches.
4. Variants of the choice of materials.
5. The choice of materials.
6. Economic calculations.
7. Self-esteem and evaluation.


By equipping their apartment, people create their own world. Ordinary dwelling
becomes a home when each household has its own
a corner, his own room, where he can feel comfortable.
Therefore, in my work, I wanted to consider one of the options
organization of living space: my room. Need to equip
a comfortable and cozy room for me and my sister.
The room should be multifunctional, universal,
beautiful, modern. Our room should have two beds
table, wardrobe, bookcase and dressing table.

Problem and solutions

The area of ​​the room is small - 15 sq.m. But you need to equip
a room for two.
Various solutions.
We decided to stick with the second option, as we like it more and take less

DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES. In a computer program, I created a sketch and a drawing of the room, which we then worked on.

In a computer program, I created a sketch and
a drawing of the room we worked on later.


We took this headset as a basis. And went with this sketch to
a company that manufactures furniture. We
supplemented this headset with their own details, matched their
sizes and got a full-fledged headset for our room.


Wallpaper is the most common material, known for a long
years. Every year there are more and more new types of wallpaper,
their quality improves, the number of materials expands,
used for their production.
Wall murals are sheets of special paper on which
a drawing broken into fragments. With photo wallpaper you can
visually expand the walls of the room (for example, cityscapes,
streets, avenues, deserts and fields), make the ceiling higher (mountains,
trees, architectural monuments).
Wall paint is a suspension of pigments combined with
film-forming substances, having a homogeneous structure.
It is used when decorating rooms and interior items, when
this on the treated surface forms an opaque
coating that has protective and decorative properties.


Stretch ceiling. To the advantages of PVC ceilings you can
refer to the fact that they have more than 200 colors and textures,
including matte, satin, translucent and
perforated. The ceilings are approved for installation in
children's and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, which means
they will not harm your health.
Water-based paints are very popular,
promising and high-quality repair material.

Parquet is a type of wood flooring. Depending on the type of execution
parquet flooring is distinguished: block parquet, panel parquet and inlaid parquet.
Linoleum - a type of floor covering made of polymer
materials. Available in rolls.
Laminate - wood fiber based flooring
high density slabs. The word "laminated" in translation from
Latin means layered. The top layer is a protective decorative wear-resistant film.


After looking through the options, I realized that I want, solid bright
wallpaper, as they will not be annoying. For example, wallpaper with bears,
flowers, etc. quickly get bored. And plain wallpaper is always possible
diversify with vinyl stickers.
We stopped at a bright yellow wallpaper and sea color
waves. They go well together. And also yellow carries in
yourself a positive start. Light yellow is associated with daytime
light, sun, warmth, summer. Yellow with a slight addition
orange gives a magical golden hue, which
is perceived by us as the color of wealth, success, prosperity. But all
the main meaning of this color is activity. Bright and
saturated, it literally inspires action, stimulates
to movement and energizes. Heavenly hue is closely related to
emotional sphere and has a unique ability
have a calming effect on a person. For this reason,
blue color in psychology is often used in
psychotherapeutic work with aggressive and hot-tempered
clients. It is so comfortable and so easy
perceived, which arouses only trust and desire
will submit. It is also known that blue "awakens" intuition,
relaxes and promotes inner harmony.
Thus, we have selected the colors that will be
associate with something bright, airy.


Having considered all the pros and cons of choosing a material
for the ceiling. We settled on stretch
ceilings. There are a huge number of them: glossy,
satin, matte, with drawings. My sister
loves butterflies, so the stretch ceiling will
white matte with a pattern of 3D butterflies.
Analyzing the pros and cons of laminate flooring in
comparison with other floor coverings,
high moisture resistance can be distinguished,
wear resistance, as well as environmental friendliness at
heating. So, we have chosen the laminate "light


We ordered a suite for our room. The headset includes: 2
beds, wardrobe, bookcase, table, 2 chairs, pouf,
dressing table.


Since we have light-colored furniture, we decided to buy only
bright decor
These are various candles, clocks, butterfly stickers,
decorative pillows, blankets, frames, soft bedspreads,
beautiful bedding, delicate pots and flowers


Wallpaper yellow
3 pcs.
RUB 585
Wallpaper blue
3 pcs.
764 RUB
RUB 7,500
Stretch ceiling
RUB 7,200
2 pcs.
RUB 18,000
2 pcs.
RUB 2 800
1 PC.
RUB 1,300


1 PC.
RUB 4,500
1 PC.
RUB 10,000
Book shelf
1 PC.
RUB 7,000
Dressing table
1 PC.
RUB 5,000
RUB 6,700
1 PC.
RUB 2,700
1 PC.
RUB 6,000
Table lamp
2 pcs.
RUB 1,600
Total: 77 149 rubles.


I liked our room arrangement. The room turned out
multifunctional, but at the same time spacious. I set myself
My family also loved the room. She also puts me
"Great". We are glad!

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Research activities of students in the implementation of the project "My room - my world"

Working on the textbook, ed. I.A. Sasova, at the end of each section is the development of a creative project. Educational research is seen throughout all stages of a creative project: from substantiating the idea of ​​setting a problem and ending with an assessment of the project. Today we will consider research activities on the example of the creative project "My room - my world" under the section "Household technologies" grade 6.

The project "My room is my world" Completed by: Chevina Ksenia Pupil of the 6.3th grade of the MAOU "Lyceum No. 36" Supervisor: teacher of technology Matutina OP

Dreams Come True! I was very often told by my grandmother, whom I love very much, that I have to dream and dreams will definitely come true. Having made repairs in my room, my parents entrusted me with the most interesting thing - to change the arrangement of furniture. I took up this business with a great desire, tk. dreamed about it for a long time.

Research route map 1. Task; 2. Criteria; 3. Research wheel; 4. Search; 5. Color palette; 6.Plan of the room; 7. Sketch of the room; 8. The layout of the room; 9. New interior; 10. Project evaluation.

Point # 1 - Task I started by setting the task - to change the interior of my room by drawing up a plan, sketch and layout of the room.

Item # 2 - Criteria My room should be: cozy, light; create a good mood; have a work area, a recreation area.

Item # 3 - Research Wheel

Point # 4 - Search And what is an interior? Design? To answer these questions, I need to know exactly what these words mean. First you need to look at my favorite internet.

"Interior" in French means "internal": the interior space of a room. "Design" is a creative method and process of functional placement of furniture in an interior.

Item # 5 - Color palette What color combinations do I like? The color of the furniture cannot be changed, and I decided to choose colors that go well with brown. These are such colors as: yellow, orange and shades of blue.

Color contrasts

Item number 6 - Room plan 1 - bed 2 - wall 3 - wardrobe 4 - bedside table 5 - computer table 6 - shelf 7 - flower 8 - window 9 - palace 10 - door 11 - monitor 12 - keyboard 13 - chair 14 - lamp

Item number 7 - Sketch of the room (in pencil)

Item # 8 - Room layout

Point # 9 - New interior And now I'm starting to arrange the furniture according to the plan and sketch. When completing tasks, I like to have everything convenient and “at hand” on the desktop. Therefore, I put the table to the right of the window and fix the shelf above the table. I put the bed with a bedside table to the left of the window and hang my favorite panel above the bed. I decorate the wall using an aquarium and other accessories. I put the wardrobe in a free corner.

Assessment of the project: After all the work was completed, the room acquired a completely different look: it is divided into two zones - a work area and a recreation area. Parents and my friends who saw the room after the renovation, highly appreciated the new interior of the room. It was pleasant and joyful for me to hear it doubly, because and I was very pleased with the work done. And now I have the opportunity to dream about something else ...

Conclusion: As a result of the project activities, the student also carried out research activities at all stages of her route. The work done will not pass without leaving a trace for her, but, on the contrary, will enrich and most clearly reveal individual abilities.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school number 8"

with. Grushevsky Alexandrovsky district

Stavropol Territory

Technology project "My room"


student of grade 6A Abakarova Arina


technology teacher Gorgosova L.N. .

Determination of the need and a brief statement of the problem

By equipping their apartment, people create their own world. An ordinary dwelling becomes a home, when each household has its own corner, its own room where he can feel comfortable.

Therefore, in my work, I wanted to consider one of the options for organizing living space: a children's room.

How to equip a children's room?

It is very important that even a small room is spacious. Do not clutter up the space. Therefore, furniture for this needs to be chosen multifunctional and mobile, one that can always be rearranged, taken out or used at your discretion.

Even the same sofa can be chosen as a folding one. It is only important to consider that it must be of exceptionally high quality, because the children's spine is still being formed, and it will be necessary to assemble and disassemble such a sofa every day.

The Internet has helped to find many images of modern interiors. And the question arose, what is needed in order for the idea of ​​changing the interior of the children's room to come true.

I learned:

  • what are the wallpapers
  • what furniture can be purchased at present
  • how can the ceiling be changed
  • influence of color on mood

Wallpaper - These are specially decorated paper sheets widely used for indoor wall decoration.

Wallpaper is the most common material known for many years. Every year more and more types of wallpaper appear, their quality improves, and the number of materials used for their production expands.

White color has a special place in the interior.

You should choose wallpaper made from natural materials, preferably plain. Wallpaper drawings are distracting and distracting.

When white is used as a linear path, it ensures that any colors are adjacent.

Stretch ceiling

The advantages of ceilings include the fact that they have more than 200 colors and textures, including matte, satin, lacquered, "metallic", translucent, "velor".

The ceilings are approved for installation in children's rooms, which means they will not harm your health. In the "nursery" only environmentally friendly materials are used, which are absolutely harmless.

  • The floor covering must be extremely effective in soundproofing. Cork flooring is very beneficial to health, it has an orthopedic effect, which is very beneficial for a growing body.

Project result

Work zone

Rest zone

  • Work zone
  • The interior of a child's room plays a huge role in the process of forming a child's personality. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right comfortable and functional furniture, as well as interior items that will not strain children's eyesight.
  • Rest zone
  • In the children's room there should be a place for rest, for the child, in mine this is the place where the TV, video system is located, my favorite toys and my girly things are placed.

  • The children's room should meet the general requirements: be bright, well-ventilated.
  • Psychologists have established that each age group differs in its own nature of the relationship between an adult and a child and that each age has its own leading activity.
  • All the parameters that I considered at the beginning of the presentation are fulfilled.