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Saints Day 3 June. How to congratulate relatives on the day of saints helena and constantine. Day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and his mother, Queen Helena

The history of the Christian faith knows many examples of real deeds that people went to, sincerely believing in the help and intercession of the Lord. It was these qualities that later bestowed upon them the recognition of their loved ones, those around them, and a place of honor among the saints and the righteous. Not every person in the name of his faith can sacrifice something important and meaningful, so such people should not only be respected, but also appreciated.

History of the holiday.

On June 3, a bright holiday is celebrated annually - the Day of Remembrance of Saints Helena and Constantine. Today in the history of the Church of Constantine everyone knows as Equal to the Apostles, that is how he was christened for all good deeds in the name of his faith and all Christianity in general. The story of a mother and son begins at the time of the Roman Empire. Elena was the wife of the ruler of the Western half of the empire, since at that time the whole country was divided into two parts. Elena was a true Christian, and her husband did not infringe on her in his faith, therefore, from childhood, the child was brought up not only in the attention of this religion, but also in respect for the entire Christian world. It should be noted that the ruler's loyalty to Christians did not end only with his wife. In those countries where he was the ruler, no one was persecuted for the fact that a person chose Christianity as his faith. In the rest of the empire, such people were not only transmitted, but also brutally tortured in front of others as an example.

Constantine became ruler of Gaul and Britain after his father died in 306. First of all, immediately after he ascended the throne, Constantine declared complete freedom to practice the Christian faith. This tactic did not like the two dictators who ruled in the adjacent parts of the empire, they all the time tried to kill Constantine, but his faith in the Lord and his intercession helped to get rid of all enemies, they were defeated, none of their insidious plans came true. According to legend and sources, during one of the battles, the ruler sincerely prayed to the Lord to send his troops a sign that could inspire them and instill confidence in victory. After that, people saw in the sky a shining Cross and the inscription "By this, conquer."

Gradually, Constantine's power was fully established in the western part of the Roman Empire, and in this part of the country he issued a decree "on religious tolerance" after he became the sole ruler of the entire empire, by his order the edict was extended to other regions. Constantine stopped any persecution and punishment of those people who professed Christianity. For the first time in several hundred years, people stopped hiding their true beliefs, they had freedom and the right to choose what to believe, the choice of God to worship and according to which commandments to build their lives.

These were not all the changes the emperor made during his reign. Byzantium became the capital of the state, named after some time Constantinople. The ruler really believed that a single faith among the people would help everyone to unite and, as a result, a large and strong state with common views on important things and common goals would be obtained. Constantine tried in every possible way to provide all possible assistance to people who chose their occupation - preaching among the common people. The clergy could always count on the help and support of their ruler in all good endeavors.

The life-giving cross.

Constantine was deeply convinced that he simply had to find the Life-giving Cross, which became the mortal haven of Jesus Christ. In order to implement this plan, Constantine asked his mother Elena for help, since she fully shared his views in relation to religion and was a real support and support. Elena went on an expedition to Palestine, endowed with very great powers from her son and significant material resources that might be needed in this matter.

In her search for Helen, Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem helped, together they slowly searched for the Life-giving Cross, overcame the obstacles that arose and eventually found this significant shrine. While on the expedition, Elena was busy not only with the search for the Life-giving Cross, at that time many recognized her as a determined woman who was able to do a lot for her brothers in faith. It was by her order that all the holy places that touched the life of Jesus and the Mother of God were freed from the traces of the pagan faith. All monuments and altars were destroyed, and in their places she ordered the erection of Christian churches.

At that moment, when a burial with a cross under a pagan temple was discovered, Elena saw three crosses there, and in order to understand which one is life-giving, they applied each one in turn to a dead person. And only one of them was able to return his life. This shrine was left for safekeeping to the Jerusalem patriarch, and Elena took with her only a part of the life-giving cross. Before leaving Jerusalem, Helen ordered to prepare a generous feast, at which she herself served the poor and sick people. The guests of this banquet were not only able to eat deliciously and communicate with Elena, but also receive generous alms from her hands, with the warmest sincere wishes.

A holiday today.

Today Equal to the Apostles Constantine and his mother Elena are revered in all churches. People remember their accomplishments for the sake of their faith, their dedication to the people and the desire to give Christians as much as possible. On this holiday, you must definitely go to church and thank the saints for the opportunity to freely speak about their faith and not be afraid of anything.

The history of Christianity knows many beautiful names and it is the duty of every person today not to leave this memory in books, but to share it with their children, passing on the history further and further.

The third of June is a special day for believing Christians. This date is marked in the church calendar as the day of Tsar Constantine Equal to the Apostles and his mother, Equal to the Apostles Queen Helena.

Elena from an early age was brought up according to Christian precepts and followed this faith all her life.

Day of Saints Helena and Constantine congratulations: the history of the holiday

The Day of Saints Helena and Constantine marks a celebration of the great biblical saints who made a huge contribution to the development of Christianity. Despite the strict prohibitions on supporting Christians that existed in the pagan times of Rome, the emperor's wife Elena managed to raise her son in accordance with the biblical canons and traditions, convincing her stern husband not to subject believers to persecution and torture. Having ascended the throne, the young emperor Constantine officially recognized the Christian faith and began the construction of temples.

In addition, Saint Helen, in spite of her high rank, made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, bringing from there a cross, which in the owl became the place of the crucifixion of the Savior. Today, Orthodox and Catholics around the world turn to these saints with prayers for intercession and support and difficult times. It is believed that their sacred help can strengthen the spirit and get out of the most difficult situations.

Day of Saints Helena and Constantine congratulations: how to celebrate the holiday

Of course, on such a day, you must definitely go to church, raise your prayers to Constantine and his mother for the fact that Christianity today is not only a religion for many, but real salvation and faith in miracles. You can ask for health and well-being for all your loved ones. Ask for something for yourself. The main thing is that thoughts are pure and bright.

As a gift for someone close or for the whole family, you can buy an icon that will protect the house and guide people on the right path.

You can also tell the children a story about how much the mother and son did for all people, letting them forget about the fear of their faith, and giving them hope of salvation in the eyes of the Lord. Their life can become a vivid example of how, while caring about the fate of others, they themselves can become better, cleaner and brighter, thus drawing closer to God. Such righteous deeds will never be erased from the memory of people, remaining an eternal reminder, in the form of the fact that today every person can proudly say that he is an Orthodox person.

The bright holiday of mother and son must be remembered and honored. These two people who lived so long and far away have done so much for the whole world. It is imperative to praise them on their holiday, but it is even better that such words be spoken from the bottom of your heart every time a person crosses the temple of God.

Day of Saints Helena and Constantine congratulations: congratulations in verse

Happy Saints Helena and Constantine

I hasten to congratulate you, friends.

So that life does not seem like a routine

a person needs a family,

So that the heart does not grow stale inside,

so that each of us is kind

You need to think about the life of Elena and Constantine,

think and hurry,

After all, their path, their thorny paths

unwittingly suggest a thought

That it is not for nothing, not in vain for us

God has given life.

Happy Saints Constantine and Helena Day!

Let thoughts be as pure as sea foam,

May this day be remembered for the elevation of the soul

And may all thoughts be always good.

On the Day of Constantine and Helena

May all be blessed

On faith, good deeds,

The Lord's hand will help!

Who glorifies Christianity

The Lord lets him into his house,

And the world is getting kinder

The soul is wiser and brighter!

May faith reign forever

In the name of the deeds of the saints and the Lord Christ!

Constantine and Elena glorified the faith,

They helped people to become brighter!

For souls to be invariable

Always blessed by the Lord!

We remember good deeds

Their holy lives, names,

Better to become and cleaner, we promise

Praise the Lord Jesus!

Queen Helena and son Constantine,

served so faithfully for faith in Christ,

that the feast is in June and your holiness,

they undoubtedly deserve from everyone!

Let all prayers go to them,

and souls will find only their cleansing,

let Elena and son Constantine,

for the believers will give forgiveness!

Once upon a time there was a Roman ruler Constantine,

and the queen mother Elena gave birth to him,

they are glorified for righteous deeds in the world,

and to this day their merits are incorruptible!

June is the day now for these there are saints,

and the people celebrate the day of remembrance of Helena, Constantine,

their holiness to all now gives a worthy example,

true epics were composed about their deeds!

Saints Day - Helena, Constantine

Our country celebrates in summer.

In faith with all her soul, she is one,

We need faith like the sun.

Roman Empire ruled

Konstantin. He honored the church from childhood.

And he directed his deeds

To protect those he loved.

And Elena, mother queen,

She was a devout Christian.

To educate under the wise hand

She was able to have a son as an apostle.

Day of Saints Helena and Constantine congratulations: congratulations in SMS

Great biblical saints

Today we will honor the prayer

And we will light candles for them!

Elena and son Constantine

Orthodox all people

Celebrating June holiday!

Grace may descend -

We sincerely wish!

We ask the great saints,

So that they cover us with their good,

May the world bring their warmth to us!

We have opened hearts for faith!

On Mother Saint Helena's Day

And glorious Constantine

We want on our knees in churches

Their people thanked everyone,

On the day of Helena, Constantine

We want to wish you

Bright life so that the picture

Turned back time.

Tradition has preserved for us information that the Holy Empress Helena was not of noble birth. Her father was the owner of the hotel. She married the famous Roman soldier Constance Chlorus. This was a marriage not for political reasons, but for love, and in 274 the Lord blessed their union with the birth of their son Constantine.

They lived happily together for eighteen years, until Constance was appointed ruler of Gaul, Britain and Spain. In connection with this appointment, the emperor Diocletian demanded that Constantius divorce Helen and marry his (the emperor's) stepdaughter Theodora. In addition, the emperor took the eighteen-year-old Constantine to his capital in Nicomedia under the pretext of teaching him the art of war. In fact, the family understood very well that he was in fact a hostage to his father's loyalty to the emperor.

At the time when these events took place, Elena was a little over forty years old. She was torn away from her husband for political gain, and, obviously, the spouses have never seen each other since then. She moved as close to her son as possible, to the town of Drepanum, near Nicomedia, where her son could visit her. Drepanum was later renamed Helenopolis in her honor, and it was here that she became acquainted with Christianity. She was baptized in a local church and for the next thirty years was engaged in the purification and improvement of her own soul, which served as preparation for the fulfillment of a special mission, a work for which she was called “Equal to the Apostles”.

Soon after her conversion, Constantine, who often visited her, met a Christian girl named Minervina at her house. After a while, the young people got married. Two years later, the young wife died of a fever, and Constantine gave their young son, Crispus, to the care of his mother.

Fourteen years have passed. The father of Constantine, a military leader who was dearly beloved by his soldiers, died. Constantine, who displayed considerable military prowess, attained the rank of tribune, and, thanks to the general respect in the army, was elected his father's successor. He became the Caesar of the western lands. The emperor Maximian, seeing in Constantine a future rival, decided to “play it safe”: he gave his daughter Fausta to the young military leader, reinforcing his loyalty by ties of kinship. However, it was an unhappy union, and in the next few decades Constantine had to devote more time and energy to fight the relatives of his wife than with the enemies of Rome. In 312, on the eve of the battle against the troops of his brother-in-law Maxentius, Constantine stood with his army at the walls of the capital. That night, a fiery cross appeared in heaven, and Constantine heard the words spoken by the Savior Himself, who commanded him to go into battle with the banners with the image of the Holy Cross and the inscription “In this you conquer”. Maxentius, instead of defending himself within the walls of the city, went out to fight with Constantine and was defeated.

The next (315) year, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, according to which Christianity received legal status, thus putting an end to the Roman persecutions, which lasted (intermittently) for several centuries. Ten years later, Constantine became the sovereign Emperor of the eastern and western parts of the Empire, and in 323 he exalted his mother, declaring her Empress. For Elena, who had by that time realized how transient the joys and bitterness of earthly glory were, the Imperial power itself was not very attractive. However, she quickly realized that her new position gave her the opportunity to participate in the spread of Christian evangelism, especially by building temples and chapels in the Holy Land, in the places where the Lord lived and taught.

Since the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D., this land has no longer belonged to the Jewish people. The temple was razed to the ground, and the Roman city of Elia was built on the ruins of Jerusalem. The temple of Venus was erected over Calvary and the Holy Sepulcher. Elena's heart was burning with a desire to cleanse the holy places of pagan filth and rededicate them to the Lord. She was already over seventy years old when she sailed from the coast of Asia Minor to Palestine. When the ship sailed past the islands of Greece, she went ashore on the island of Paros and began to pray to the Lord, asking him to help her find His Cross and promising to build a temple here if her request is fulfilled. Her prayer was answered and she fulfilled her vow. Today, the Ekatontapiliani Church, inside which there is a temple built then by Saint Helena, is the oldest Christian temple in Greece.

Arriving in the Holy Land, she ordered to demolish the Temple of Venus and take out the debris outside the city walls, but did not know where her servants should dig to find the Cross in huge piles of earth, stones and debris. She fervently prayed for discipline, and the Lord came to her aid.

Here is how her life tells about it:

The discovery of the Holy Cross of the Lord took place in the year 326 from the birth of Christ as follows: when the debris left from the buildings that stood here was cleared on Calvary, Bishop Macarius performed a prayer service at this place. People who dug the earth felt that a fragrance emanated from the earth. So the cave of the Holy Sepulcher was found. The true Cross of the Lord was acquired with the help of a Jew named Judas, who preserved in his memory the ancient tradition of his whereabouts. He himself, after gaining a great shrine, was baptized with the name Kyriakos and later became the Patriarch of Jerusalem. He was martyred under Julian the Apostate; The church celebrates his memory on October 28.

Following the instructions of Judas, Elena found three crosses east of the cave of the Holy Sepulcher with inscriptions and nails lying separately. But how could you know which of these three crosses is the True Cross of the Lord? Bishop Macarius stopped a passing funeral procession and ordered to touch the deceased one by one with all three crosses. When the Cross of Christ was placed on the body, this man was resurrected. The Empress was the first to bow to the ground before the shrine and venerated it. People crowded around, people tried to squeeze forward to see the Cross. Then Macarius, trying to satisfy their desire, raised the Cross high, and everyone exclaimed: "Lord, have mercy." So on September 14, 326, the first "Exaltation of the Lord's Cross" took place, and to this day this holiday is one of the Twelve (greatest) Feasts of the Orthodox Church.1

Helen took a particle of the Cross to Byzantium as a gift to her son. However, most of it, enclosed in silver, remained in the temple, built by her on the site of her finding. Every year on Good Friday he was taken out for worship. A small part of the Holy Cross is still in Jerusalem. Over the centuries, small particles of it have been sent to churches and monasteries throughout the Christian world, where they are carefully, reverently kept as priceless treasures.

Saint Helena lived in Jerusalem for two years, supervising the restoration of holy places. She drew up plans for the construction of magnificent churches in places associated with the life of the Savior. However, the modern church of the Holy Sepulcher is not the same church that was erected under St. Helena.2 This large building was built in the Middle Ages, inside it there are many small temples. Including there is the Holy Sepulcher and Golgotha. Under the floor, at the back of the Calvary Hill, there is a church in honor of St. Helena with a stone slab at the site of the discovery of the Cross.

The Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem is the same one that was erected by the Empress. There are other churches in the creation of which she was directly involved, for example, a small temple of the Ascension of the Lord on the Mount of Olives (now it is owned by Muslims), the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin near Gethsemane, a church in memory of the appearance of three angels to Abraham at the Mamre oak, a temple on Mount Sinai and Stavrovouni monastery near Larnaca city in Cyprus.

In addition to the fact that Saint Helena invested tremendous energy and strength in the restoration of the holy places of Palestine, she, as the Life narrates, remembering her own years of life in humiliation and oblivion from the rich and powerful of this world, regularly arranged large dinners for the poor of Jerusalem and its surroundings. At the same time, she herself put on a simple work dress and helped to serve dishes.

When she finally returned home, bitter, sorrowful news awaited her. Her beloved grandson Crisp, who had become a valiant warrior and had already shown himself in the military field, died, and, as some believed, not without the participation of his stepmother Fausta, who did not want this popular young military leader to be an obstacle on the way to the Imperial throne her own three sons.

Labor in the Holy Land tired her, grief fell on her shoulders like a heavy burden. After the news of the death of Crisp, she lived only a year and died in 327. Now her relics (most of them) rest in Rome, where they were transported by the crusaders, besides, in many places in the Christian world, particles of her relics are kept. Emperor Constantine outlived his mother by ten years.

The church celebrates the memory of the saints Equal to the Apostles Tsar Constantine and the mother of his queen Helena on May 21, old style.

What happened to the Life-giving Cross of the Lord after its acquisition?

After Saint Helen found the Life-giving Cross of the Lord in 326, she sent part of it to Constantinople, the second part in the same year she took to Rome, another part she left in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. There she (this third part) remained for about three centuries, until 614, when the Persians, under the leadership of their king Chosroes, crossed the Jordan and captured Palestine. They mistreated Christians, destroyed churches, and killed priests, monks and nuns. They took away from Jerusalem the sacred vessels and the main treasure - the Cross of the Lord. Patriarch Zechariah of Jerusalem and many people were taken prisoner. Khozroy superstitiously believed that by taking possession of the Cross, he would somehow gain the power and authority of the Son of God, and he solemnly placed the Cross near his throne, on his right hand. The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius (610-641) offered him peace many times, but Chozrai demanded first to renounce Christ and worship the sun. This war has become religious. Finally, after several successful battles, Heraclius defeated Chosroes in 627, who was soon deposed from the throne and killed by his own son Syrah. In February 628, Syroi made peace with the Romans, freed the Patriarch and other captives, and returned the Life-giving Cross to the Christians.

The cross was first taken to Constantinople, and there, in the Church of Hagia Sophia, on September 14 (September 27 in the new style), the celebration of its second erection took place. (The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was established in memory of both the first and second triumphs.) In the spring of 629, the Emperor Heraclius took him to Jerusalem and personally placed him in his former place of honor as a token of gratitude to God for the victory given to him. As he approached the city, holding the Cross in his hands, the Emperor suddenly stopped and could not move on. Patriarch Zechariah, who accompanied him, suggested that his magnificent robe and royal appearance did not match the appearance of the Lord Himself, who humbly carried His Cross. The emperor immediately changed his magnificent outfit to rags and entered the city barefoot. The precious Cross was still enclosed in a silver chest. The representatives of the clergy checked the safety of the seals and, opening the chest, showed the Cross to the people. From that time on, Christians began to celebrate the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross with even greater reverence. (On this day, the Orthodox Church also recalls the miracle of the appearance of the Cross of the Lord in heaven as a sign of the impending victory of Emperor Constantine over the troops of Maxentius.) In 635, Heraclius, retreating under the onslaught of the Muslim army and anticipating the imminent capture of Jerusalem, took the Cross with him to Constantinople. To avoid its complete loss in the future, the Cross was divided into nineteen parts and distributed to the Christian Churches - Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Roman, Edessa, Cyprus, Georgian, Cretan, Ascalon and Damascus. Now the particles of the Cross of the Lord are kept in many monasteries and temples around the world.

Day of Saints Helena and Constantine - June 3.

Memory of the ruler of the Roman Empire, Equal to the Apostles

Tsar Constantine and his mother, Queen Helena

the Orthodox Church honors annually on June 3.

Raised by a Christian mother and father,

not allowing the persecution of adherents of the Christian

religion, Constantine from childhood absorbed special respect

to faith. After becoming a ruler, he directed all his efforts,

so that the freedom to confess faith in Christ be proclaimed

in all countries subject to him. Tsarina Elena, mother

Constantine, also made a great many

good deeds for the Church, she built temples and, at the insistence

son, even brought from Jerusalem the same

Life-giving Cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified,

for which she was also awarded the title of Equal to the Apostles.

For Elena ...

Congratulations to Elena

Paris was right to choose

Greek Goddesses Helen!

Let this fact led to war

And the walls of Ilion fell.

But what are the peoples and kings!

What cities they live in!

If Paris chose beauty

His subject of adoration!

That was in the ancient years

Troy has become a legend for a long time.

But Elena is forever

It remains a wonderful symbol!

@ Names in verses

For Constantine

There are light wines

There are strong wines

And for Constantine -

You need a middle.

Need a middle

Not empty at all.

No, for Constantine -

Need a gold one!

Found the middle.

So let's break out three times:

Vivat Constantin!

Vivat! Vivat! Vivat !!!

The meaning of the name Elena

The female name Elena has Greek roots and occurred

from the word "helenos", meaning "light", "light",

"Shining". It was originally pronounced "Selena"

(this is what the Greeks called the moon), and then it was transformed

to Elena. In Russia, this name has always been the prototype of the female

beauty, a kind of subtle, intelligent and malleable

Elena the Beautiful. Interestingly, the popularity of the name

Elena has survived many centuries and is now

is just as widespread and popular,

like before.

Characteristics of the name Elena

Elena's character is distinguished by emotionality and

cheerfulness. She is usually very sociable,

open, kind, charming and witty woman,

attracted by all that is beautiful. In childhood

this is a little reserved, modest and obedient child.

Little Elena studies well, but diligence

usually does not apply. But she likes to dream, maybe

even invent a whole world of her own in which she

a wealthy, luxurious, self-confident beauty.

Adult Elena is often quite lazy, but in general

loves work. She easily finds a common language with people,

knows how to flirt beautifully with men and diplomatically

avoid conflicts. She has a lot of friends, but not all

Elena reveals herself completely. Since she is very

gullible, it is easy to deceive her. The owner of such a friend

He will not forgive this name, and even try to punish him.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Elena will suit many signs of the zodiac, but best of all

name them a girl born under the auspices of Cancer,

that is, from June 22 to July 22. Alternately open and

melancholic Cancer is in many ways similar to Elena, who is under

his influence will feel a great need for a family,

home comfort, but at the same time in society will show

charm and sociability. In addition, it will become

homely, sensitive, bohemian, kind,

diplomatic, appreciating family traditions and loving

sit alone.

Pros and cons of the name Elena

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Elena?

This name is positively characterized by its gentle beauty,

familiarity, a good combination with Russian surnames and

middle names, as well as the presence of many euphonious

abbreviations and diminutive forms,

such as Lena, Lenochka, Yelenka, Lenusya, Lenulya, Lenchik.

And if you consider that Elena's character also causes more

positive rather than negative emotions, then obvious disadvantages

in this name is not visible.


Elena's health is quite strong, but many owners

of this name throughout life there are problems with

pancreas, kidneys, intestines, or


Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Elena takes great care

about husband and children, but always makes it clear that washing and cleaning -

this is not what she wants to do. In youth

pretty amorous Elena, having met her future

spouse, transforms and, as a rule, very jealous

refers to the fact that the husband has some separate

from family hobbies. She chooses life companions

a man with a status or material perspective,

but it happens that she falls in love with a person whom

I just regretted it.

Professional sphere

As for the professional sphere, from Elena

you can get a successful artist, actress, writer,

journalist, psychologist, interior designer, architect,

director, masseur, hairdresser.


Name days according to the Orthodox calendar Elena notes

Every year on June 3, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Tsar Constantine and his mother Equal to the Apostles Helena.

During the time of persecution of Christians in Britain and Gaul, Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine, son of Emperor Constance Chlorus, revived faith in Christ on his lands. Love and respect for this religion was instilled in the boy from childhood, since his mother was a Christian. In addition, the emperor-father himself did not persecute the adherents of Christianity, unlike their co-rulers, Deocletian and Maximian, who showed particular cruelty in the persecution of people of this faith.

After the death of Constance, Constantine came to power. He immediately proclaimed the freedom of Christianity in his lands, and soon throughout the Roman Empire, delivering from persecution all who believe in Christ. The new emperor made a lot of efforts to get rid of the opponents of this religion. Queen Helen, with the advent of her son to the throne, did many good deeds to maintain and develop Christianity. At her behest, many churches were built in places where paganism flourished, and the same Life-giving cross was brought on which Jesus Christ was crucified, for which she was called Equal to the Apostles.

During his reign, with the support of his mother, Emperor Constantine managed for the first time in 300 years to give people the opportunity to freely remain faithful to Christianity.

Day of Saints Helena and Constantine 2020 - congratulations

We dedicate to the great saints
Light prayers today
We glorify Constantine,
Who was the savior of the people

I won with my faith
Pagans in their native land,
With beautiful mother Elena
He bestowed his mercy

To all Orthodox Christians!
Stand untouched for centuries
Great, glorious temples
With gold in the bells!

Saint Constantine we
We dedicate our prayers,
He saved us all from darkness,
Driving paganism away,

He is with his sweet mother,
Wonderful, kind Elena
Saved the peoples of these lands
From grief, death, pain, decay!

We will not forget the names
Beautiful, dear saints,
Let the bells ring
Let the prayers sound for them!

On the day of the fairest saints
Constantine and Elena
Let the candles be lit in honor of them,
Their exploits are priceless for us,

They, keeping in their hearts
Belief in the true God
Shown for others
Blessed road!

We will praise at this hour
Holy mother with a great son,
Let the prayers sound
In honor of Elena with Constantine!

Postcard for the Day of Saints Helena and Constantine 2020

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