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Prayers for love in the ascension of the Lord. The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord was considered the very edge of spring. What conspiracies are read on the Ascension of the Lord

On May 25, 2017, the Orthodox world will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, which is usually celebrated exactly 40 days after Easter. From the point of view of magic, this day is considered difficult, since there is a belief that it is today that the heavenly forces are ready to listen to all human requests and help in their solution, so many made a wish and sent it up. Many rituals and divination for the Ascension have survived to this day.

It was also customary to tell fortunes, which unmarried girls usually did - they found out what awaits in the future, when the wedding will take place, and what kind of character the other half will be. In this article, we will tell you how to guess Ascension in order to find out about your future. Perhaps someone will have associations with Christmas divination.

Three ancient rites for the Ascension

One of the oldest rites for the Ascension Day: it is customary to bake ladder bread or a pie with onion filling, on which test bars were laid out in the form of a ladder. Each girl tried to bake as long a loaf as possible in order to lay out the maximum number of crossbars. Then all the unmarried girls met in a large clearing and measured bread. The one with the most crossbars will be the first to marry. Another beautiful ceremony was connected with marriage. The girls wove birch or willow branches into braids early in the Ascension morning and watched them for ten days, until Trinity. If they wither, it’s not worth waiting for a wedding this year, but if they remain fresh in a braid, they will get married soon.

On this day, the feast of "ear-growing" was celebrated. All the girls gathered at the highest place in the village, stood in pairs, holding an ear in their hands. Then the last pair passed under the bridge formed from the hands. The couple that was first at the field was considered the winner, which means that these girls will be the first to marry.

TOP 5 Ascension fortune-telling: for girls and not only

1. Hands - to the sky. It was necessary to wake up before dawn and go outside, stretch out your hands to the sky and make a wish, then go home. If the weather does not change before noon, then the plan will come true, but if changes occur, it means that the Higher forces will not be able to help in the realization of the desired.

2. Divination by sounds. On this day, you could find out which side your loved one will be on. Go out into the field and turn first in one direction and ask mentally: “Does my dear live there?”. A bird will give a voice or the wind will blow, which means that a loved one lives there. Then do the same, turning to the other three sides. If sounds are made from several sides, then there will be several guys, and the girl herself will have to choose.

3. Fortune-telling "lottery". The girls prepared fortune-telling objects for what their beloved would be like. It was necessary to take a flower, a blade of grass, a pebble, a feather, a spruce branch, earth, a piece of glass, a twig and a leaf. All these items were placed in a hole dug in the ground. The girls approached her blindfolded and took turns choosing any item:

  • flower - will love and appreciate, carry in her arms and give gifts;
  • blade of grass - will be easy-going, but he will not have his own opinion;
  • pebble - stubborn and stubborn;
  • feather - easy to communicate, but not serious in a relationship;
  • spruce branch - prickly character and touchy;
  • earth - hardworking and mundane;
  • glass - the future husband will develop intuition, thanks to which he will achieve great success;
  • twig - flexible and enterprising, will always find a way out of any situation;
  • leaf - will travel a lot according to the type of service.

4. Fortune telling with the help of birds. The girl got up early in the morning and looked out the window to find out what lay ahead. If he sees a crow - they will gossip, a dove - a meeting with a friend, a titmouse - flirting, a cuckoo - a quarrel, a sparrow - chores, a rook - cash receipts, he will hear a knock made by a woodpecker - to the notice.

5. Fortune telling with pancakes for future children. The girls cooked pancakes and visited the guests. Whoever opens the door first, of that gender will be her first child. If a man or a boy, then the first will be a son, respectively, if a woman or a girl, then the first will be a daughter.

There is an old belief that if read the most powerful prayer on your own - a conspiracy for love and early marriage on the day of the Ascension of the Lord then you can forever bewitch both husband and man and boyfriend on which the action of the love prayer will be directed. A simple marriage ceremony made to Ascension allows get married quickly any woman. Read a love spell on a church holiday to the Ascension of the Lord follows only in the church, it is also held there magic ritual for love with reading a prayer for the awakening of strong love in a loved one. To herself make a love spell and read a conspiracy in the church - a prayer you need to come to the temple to buy 2 candles, for yourself and the person you want to bewitch. Putting 2 church candles at the Crucifixion of Christ is carried out love spell and read conspiracy - prayer :

Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on
That I love you with all my soul and with all my heart,
And to fulfill Your holy will in everything.
Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart:
I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God.
Save me from pride and pride:
Let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me.
Idleness is contrary to You and breeds vices,
Give me a desire for diligence and bless my labors.
Since your law commands people to live in an honest marriage,
Then bring me, Holy Father, to this, sanctified by You,
Rank, not to please my lust,
But for the fulfillment and purpose of Yours, for You Yourself said:
It is not good for a man to be alone, and having created a wife for him to help him,
He blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth.
Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you;
Give me an honest and pious spouse,
So that we, in love with him and in harmony, glorify You,
Merciful God: Father and Son and Holy Spirit,
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Having made rite of love in the church on the holy feast of the Ascension of the Lord go home. Very soon the person on whom the ceremony was done and read love spell - prayer will begin to experience an ardent and very strong love attachment to you and actively show their feelings. Usually, the action of a love spell manifests itself instantly, immediately after leaving the church, the person on whom the love spell was made calls the phone himself in search of a reason to meet and see each other.

© Copyright: Maginya



  • Magic on parental Saturday helps in love and marriage. A love plot read on parental day to attract a rich groom and husband will quickly help you meet your betrothed and successfully marry your loved one if you already have one. Parents' Day was honored by our ancestors, and to this day the rituals of traditions and customs on Radonitsa have been preserved. Radonitsa is a parental day, which is celebrated on the ninth day after Easter, on this day love conspiracies have tremendous power. On this day, women read conspiracies and performed rituals for love in the family or marriage if the girl wanted to get married but she did not have a groom yet. After reading a conspiracy to love, you can fall in love with the person you like very much and, with the help of magic, connect your life with him. Now Maginya will tell you about the oldest and most powerful ritual for love on parental day and give the words of a strong love plot that you need to read on your own on parental Saturday. On this day, you need to go to church and light a candle for the memory of the closest of the relatives of the man who left this world. When you light a candle, read the memorial prayer:

  • A conspiracy - a strong love spell for a man's love should be read on any day of Passion Week before Easter. This ancient love spell is a prayer of great power and instant impact on the feelings and will of a person. You should perform the ceremony and read the conspiracy if you need to strongly and forever bewitch the person you love and are ready to live your whole life with him. A conspiracy to love read on a passionate Easter week will forever bewitch a person and not a single sorcerer can remove the love spell from him. Before doing a love spell on Holy Week, a day of strict fasting is a mandatory requirement, you also need to fast on the day of reading a love spell and performing a love spell. If you are ready to tie your destinies together and make a love spell for your loved one on your own, buy a church candle (the color of the candle and size are not important, but it is better to take the smallest candle). For the ceremony, you need 2 icons, an icon of your patron saint and an icon of a saint with the name of the person being bewitched. Instead of icons, you can use the faces of saints on a small paper icon that looks like a calendar. On the day of the spell, you need to remove all items from the table on which the ceremony is performed. Place 2 icons on the table in front of you and light the church candle. Crossing the icons placed in front of you three times, read the love spell prayer for love:

  • All rituals for Palm Sunday: conspiracies and love spells are of great power and can, with the help of palm magic, change the fate of any person. You want to marry your beloved man, but to this day he has not reciprocated and has not made an offer to become his wife. There is a good working way to fall in love with yourself and marry any man. If you read a love spell on your own on Palm Sunday, then very soon your beloved man will marry you and you will be able to get a strong family in which no one will ever cheat on each other. A conspiracy prayer on Palm Sunday read for pure and eternal love will help you quickly and strongly fall in love with a person and with the help of white magic make him marry you very quickly. Willow can be bought or cut yourself. Bring the willow twigs on which the love spell will be made to your house and put in the water. On the morning of Palm Sunday, read a love spell over a willow. To complete the rite of love on the same day, while Palm Sunday is in progress, give a willow spelled for love and marriage to a person who needs to bewitch and fall in love with yourself. Palm conspiracy love spell is an Orthodox prayer that will forever bewitch a loved one to you without harm and consequences for both of you:

  • A love spell read on an apple saved is a very powerful way to bewitch a loved one and quickly get married with the help of magic. An old love spell conspiracy made on your own on an apple saved will quickly and forever bind the right person to you with strong bonds of love and help you fall in love with yourself with the help of white magic. This is a very simple and quick love spell with reading a conspiracy done on your own at home on a ripe apple under the Transfiguration of the Lord. With the help of an apple, a variety of magical rites and rituals for love and marriage are performed. There are many love spells and love spells with the help of apples, but this love spell on an apple on the day of the apple rescue can bewitch a person in 1 day. If you need to quickly and permanently bewitch your loved one, this love binding is the most suitable way to make a love spell yourself using a fresh apple. For a love spell, you need to independently pick a ripe and not wormy apple from any, even a wild apple tree, on the day of the apple savior, and bring it home to read a love plot on the brought apple:

  • Autumn has come and after a cold, my child and I constantly have a very strong cough, sometimes with phlegm, sometimes dry. I learned from a friend that there is a good conspiracy for a strong cough of various forms with which she treats a cough for herself, her child and her husband. I was very interested in this unconventional method of treating cough with the help of magic, and I also decided to try to cure the cough on my own with a conspiracy in order to try this conspiracy in real work and how happy I was when immediately after reading the conspiracy, my strong dry cough stopped abruptly and did not appear again. The next time my husband started having a severe cough, how to treat him, of course, with a conspiracy. My husband resisted for a long time when I told him about the cough conspiracy, but at night, when he could not sleep for a long time and coughed heavily, he agreed to try. I read it and the cough disappeared after a couple of hours, the husband completely stopped coughing and fell asleep. Now a conspiracy from a strong cough is our favorite treatment. Treatment of cough with a conspiracy is carried out as follows. Buy a new needle and use it to hem the hem of your dress or shirt so that the stitch goes back counterclockwise. Having finished hemming, before tying a knot at the end of the threads, say the words of the cough conspiracy:

June 6th It was on the 40th day after his Resurrection that Jesus ascended in the flesh into heaven, so the day of celebration was not chosen by chance.

A wide variety of folk signs and beliefs are associated with this holiday. Wise people have long noticed that it is on this day that summer really comes. Spring will not return, you should no longer be afraid of frost. In addition, now you can safely swim in open water without fear for your health.

According to folk beliefs, from Easter to Ascension, the doors to heaven and hell are open. At this time, sinners meet with the righteous, and the souls of the dead will be confused to visit the homes of the living. The Ascension of the Lord is one of the twelfth holidays when it is customary to commemorate deceased relatives. According to the traditions, on the eve of this holiday, the housewives baked special cookies in the form of a ladder and pies, decorated with strips of dough, symbolizing the steps of the ladder.

Folk omens claim that abundant dew always falls on Ascension. They say that this earth is crying, seeing off Jesus Christ to the kingdom of God. It was believed that if a girl washed herself with this dew, she would become a beauty and get married very soon. Those engaged in agriculture knew that sunny weather on Ascension is a guarantee of a good harvest, and rain predicts a summer with a lot of thunderstorms.

The weather has been celebrated on Ascension since ancient times. It is believed that if it started to rain on this day, then this year you should not expect anything good - rain portends a bad harvest and livestock diseases. At the same time, it was noted that if bad weather continues in the coming days, then the prediction of crop failure should not be believed. And vice versa, a sunny and warm week is not at all a reason for joy for those who work on the ground.

At the same time, in the old days they knew how to smooth out the negative impact of this sign. For this, unmarried girls gathered all together in a hut. They fried eggs and sang incantations, and then, entrusting the eldest of them with a frying pan, they went with the whole crowd into the field. Pieces of fried eggs were thrown to the ground. At the same time, the men hid at home: during the action, none of them should have caught the eyes of the girls. Our ancestors believed that in this way they save their village from the coming crop failure.

In addition to divination for the harvest, there are many other signs associated with the feast of the Ascension of the Lord. It was believed that if a chicken lays an egg on that particular day, it should never be eaten. Conspiracies were read over him, and then used as a powerful amulet against enemies. What is the reason for this belief? The thing is that it is forbidden to work on Ascension, and even chickens, according to the will of the Almighty, do not lay eggs on this day. But if this happened, then this egg is special and it should definitely be saved.

Also on this great holiday, unmarried girls guessed at their betrothed. To do this, they chose a birch and braided several of its branches, imitating a girl's braid. Exactly 8 days later, the girls returned to the birch and looked at their braided branches. If the birch braid has blossomed and covered with leaves, the girl will soon get married. If nothing happened, she will remain girls this year. Well, if the birch twig withered, the girl will face illness or even death.

The sacred tree was also asked if the wish would come true. For this, a birch branch was bent into a ring and left in this form until Trinity itself. If the leaves on the wreath fade, do not expect your wish to come true this year. Well, if the wreath has blossomed - rejoice, everything that is planned will be fulfilled.

Among other things, it is on the Ascension that each person can directly turn to God and in prayer ask for everything that he needs. As many years ago Jesus Christ communicated with people, so now, on this bright holiday, he will hear everyone. It is only worth remembering that everyone will receive according to their needs - exactly as much as a person needs right now.

On the 40th day after Easter, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of the main 12 holidays of the year (twelfth holidays - UNIAN.) - the Ascension of the Lord.

The full name of the holiday is the Ascension of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ.

history of the holiday

The Ascension of the Lord is the day when Christ ascended into heaven and sat down "to the right of the Father." After his resurrection, he appeared to his disciples, talked to them and taught them, ordered them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. He ascended with his disciples to the Mount of Olives, where he blessed them for the last time and ascended to heaven.

Ascension date 2018

Traditions, signs and divination:

According to the Slavic folk tradition, from this day spring ends and the transition to summer begins, so you can no longer be afraid of cold snaps.

It is believed that if the weather is good on Ascension, then it will last until November 21, Michaelmas Day. A rainy day, according to signs, portends crop failure and disease in livestock.

If you swim on the Ascension in the river, your health will be strong.

If a chicken laid an egg that day, it must be hung under the roof of the house so that it protects the residents from misfortune.

Hearing the cawing of a crow on this day is a good sign.

On this day, they washed themselves with dew: it was believed that on the Ascension of the Lord it becomes healing.

It is customary to pray for well-being and health: on this day, before ascending to heaven, the Lord, as is commonly believed, listens to all the requests of people and fulfills them.

Also on this holiday, you should ask for forgiveness from everyone with whom you are in a quarrel.

On Ascension, there is a custom to "walk at the crossroads" - to visit relatives and friends and give them "ladders" baked from wheat dough with honey and with sugar patterns, symbolizing the path to heaven.

On Ascension, it is customary to set the table and prepare symbolic pastries - bread in the form of a "ladder" / photo

To find out the fate of a sick person, birch branches were woven on Ascension, several of which were braided. It is believed that if the branches do not wither 10 days before the Trinity, then the mysterious person will recover. In the same way, the girls guessed at the future marriage.

If for 40 days (from Easter to Ascension) you help the destitute and feed the poor, the year will be successful in every way.

What not to do on Ascension:

swear, swear;

Engage in gluttony and have fun;

Taking out the trash;

Spit on the ground (Jesus on a holiday continues his earthly journey along the roads);

Refuse strangers;

Have sex;

On this day, the dead are not buried;

Do hard work around the house (it is believed that this distracts from thinking about the Lord);

You can not say the words "Christ is Risen", because on this day the shroud is taken out of the temples.

All true believers know that on the fortieth day (or on the sixth Thursday) after the main Christian celebration - the Resurrection of Christ, one of the great twelfth holidays - the Ascension of the Lord - is established. It was on this day that Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives to heaven in the presence of his apostles and the Most Holy Theotokos.

It is quite natural that such an event, significant for all Orthodox Christians, has long been surrounded by various rituals, signs and traditions.

Folk customs on the Ascension of the Lord

As with any holiday that has been celebrated for several centuries, on Ascension, in addition to attending a church service, it is customary to observe all sorts of rituals and prohibitions.

  • On this holiday, many traditionally visit the cemetery, visiting the graves of loved ones and deceased relatives. After all, this is the last of the forty days after Easter, when the doors of hell and paradise remain open, which allows the souls of the righteous and sinners to meet, and the latter to rest from constant torment.
  • In the Ascension, it was customary to bake special pancakes called "onuchki" or "Christ's bast shoes". It was believed that this flour product is a symbolic "staff on the path" for Jesus Christ.
  • Another special dish was also prepared - “ladders” made of rye or wheat flour, which necessarily consisted of seven crossbars, symbolizing the seven heavenly levels of the Apocalypse.
  • Among the traditional holiday pastries, a special place was occupied by pies with an indispensable green onion filling and decoration in the form of a ladder. After all, it was by this time that the first spring greenery finally appeared in abundance.
  • It was considered obligatory to visit close relatives on this day, bringing traditional pastries as a gift. In the people, the custom was called "walking at the crossroads."
  • Another unshakable tradition was associated with alms to the poor and homeless. It was considered a serious sin to refuse them alms not only on Ascension Day, but throughout the entire post-Easter period.
  • Few holidays in Russia were complete without festivities, and therefore the spring celebration was also never complete without games and round dances. Guys and girls after the church service went outside the outskirts or onto the square. All day long, until dark, songs and laughter sounded in cities and villages, fun sparkled.
  • In the Ascension of the Lord, it was considered a sin to engage in any kind of work. The hostesses did not wash their clothes and did not wash the floors, even urgent gardening worries were postponed until the next day.
  • Rituals established in connection with the holiday

    Ascension Day was one of the signals for the start of the summer season. At this time, the first greenery was already breaking through with might and main, migratory birds flew in, trees dressed in young foliage, and summer loudly declared its rights with hot sunbeams and warm weather.

    • The brightest rite, symbolizing the inviolability of the transition from spring coolness to summer heat, was a fire, which was customary to build in the late evening.
    • Unmarried women and girls have always treated unmarried members of the opposite sex with home-made pastries. It was believed that this ritual attracts potential suitors and promising suitors. For the same purpose, birch branches were woven into the hair. If they were not sluggish until the morning, then before the end of the year one could even hope for marriage.
    • For young men in love, there were also love spells for a girl they liked. One of the most effective was a bouquet of primroses, placed on the threshold of the chosen one. As soon as she picked up and sniffed lilies of the valley or pansies, a response immediately arose in her heart.
    • An obligatory tradition for the weaker sex was decorating yourself with wreaths of the first wildflowers. Ladies and girls believed that such an uncomplicated headdress keeps health, freshness and attractiveness for the year ahead. But for gaining thick and beautiful hair, it is incredibly useful to take a walk with uncovered hair under the “holiday” rain.
    • Traditional "ladders" were also participants in various rituals. They were crushed on the field to guarantee a future high harvest, they were taken to the graves of relatives so that the souls of the dead would go to heaven faster. Often, a freshly baked "ladder" was dropped on the floor near the oven and looked to see if it would break. If the baked goods remained intact, then those who threw them were guaranteed to go to heaven.
    • There was a ceremony to lure wealth. To do this, it was enough to bury a small coin or banknote in the ground. It was believed that after such manipulation, the well-being of the family would certainly rise to a new level.
    • If a person had a cherished desire, then the Ascension of the Lord was the most suitable day to guarantee its fulfillment. It was enough to state your dream on a piece of paper, bake it into a ritual pastry and take it to the temple.

    Beliefs associated with the Ascension of the Lord

    A lot of folk signs are associated with a wonderful holiday, both weather or fruitful, and household.

    • Our ancestors were sure that on this day you should not borrow money. After all, in this case, they will most likely never be returned to you. If a person needs funds, and you are ready to give them, then simply reschedule the meeting for one or two days.
    • A showdown on a solemn day is considered a very bad omen. You should not quarrel with relatives or colleagues, so as not to invite a long conflict that can last a whole year.
    • People believed that the dew collected on the Ascension of the Lord had miraculous properties. If you wipe a wound that does not heal for a long time with it, then it will immediately begin to heal, and the patient, who has drunk a sip of magical moisture, will immediately recover.
    • Among the weather signs, the most common was "rainfall on Ascension". Precipitation on this day predicted bad weather on Trinity, a lean year, illness and failure for all people. The lack of rain promised drought for six whole weeks in advance, but it promised good health and a rich harvest.
    • There were also “feathered” beliefs for the holiday. If a magpie gave a voice under the window of a childless couple, then one could hope for the appearance of an heir. Crows croaking predicted bad news, and cooing pigeons predicted a romantic date.
    • The pre-holiday night is popularly called the "nightingale" for a reason, since it is during this period that the vociferous birds sing louder and more melodious than usual. The one who dares to catch a careless soloist at this time will certainly be haunted by terrible misfortunes until the very end of the year.
    • A person born on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord was considered the chosen one of fortune. His fate promised to be incredibly successful, and his life - long and happy.