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Russia celebrates Pushkin's birthday and Russian language day. Russia celebrates Pushkin's birthday and Russian language day Appeals to people in Russian

Every year on June 6, Russia and other countries celebrate the Day of the Russian Language. The date was not chosen by chance - it was then that the founder of the modern Russian language, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, was born. On this holiday, it is customary to congratulate teachers of Russian and literature, teachers and students of philological faculties, librarians, linguists and other representatives of professions whose activities are directly related to the language. On this day, the saying “a book is the best gift” is especially relevant.

history of the holiday

The first steps towards the establishment of this holiday began in 1996. Then, for the first time, members of the Russian Community of Crimea celebrated the Day of Defense of the Russian Language, coinciding it with the birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And in 2007, they initiated the creation of the festival of Slavic culture "The Great Russian Word". The same year in the Russian Federation was declared the year of the Russian language. In an article about its results, which was published in the Parliamentary newspaper by Ivan Klimenko, the idea was expressed that one year is not enough for the development of the language.

Thus, according to Mr. Klymenko, educational events should be held annually, and for greater effect, a special holiday date should be introduced. But then this idea was ignored by the legislative and executive authorities of the state. Although in 1996, representatives of the Russian community of Crimea began to celebrate the Day of Defense of the Russian Language on June 6.

In 2010, the UN developed a program to support and develop linguistic diversity. According to it, holidays were introduced for each of the official languages ​​of the organization. Among them, of course, was a Russian. As a memorable date, it was decided to leave June 6. And a year later, the President of Russia by a special decree established the Day of the Russian Language in Russia.

The holiday was established at the initiative of the United Nations in 2010. The prerequisite for this was the support of multilingualism and cultural communication. Russian is one of the six official languages ​​of the UN, along with Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish and French.

Each of the representative countries proposed the date of the celebration, reflecting the priority for speakers of a particular language. For example, the Chinese wanted to glorify the person who invented their writing with a memorable date. For the Russian people, a special date is June 6, associated with Pushkin, and specifically with his birthday. It was thanks to his genius that the unification of the folk, colloquial dialect with the book dialect took place: the literary Russian language took the form that it has now.

On the first anniversary, the date became official for Russia by decree of the President. Russian is spoken by one sixth of the entire population of the planet. This is the official, national language for the Russian Federation; has state status, on a par with native, in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and a number of other countries. Even in those states where it is not a priority for the authorities, there are too many native speakers to ignore it. Unofficially, all the countries of the former USSR communicate on it. Not surprisingly, even astronauts are required to know Russian if they expect to be on the ISS.

The General Assembly supports a special training program and has links with the Russian Book Club. Multilingualism allows the organization to communicate information to ordinary people, including through the website. It is important for the UN that anyone could get access to news, primary sources of information. All events on the holiday are aimed at studying, improving perception, development, knowledge of the most powerful and great.

The festival, which has international status, demonstrating Slavic culture in all its glory, is called the Great Russian Word. There are also concerts, competitions, exhibitions of works of art related to the Russian people and helping to better understand the mentality of native speakers. Special events are held at the UN headquarters in different countries.

Interest in Russia is steadily growing on the part of the world community. With strong administrative support in recent years, it has been possible to raise the prestige and significance of the language. Russian modern writers are able to capture the attention of a foreign public, for example, Dashkova, Akunin, Prilepin, Ulitskaya, Lukyanenko.

But they have to withstand fierce competition from their own compatriots, who only lived a few centuries ago - Russian classics. The opinion that literature helps to comprehend the secrets of the Russian soul makes the names of Chekhov, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gogol famous abroad like never before.

And it doesn't matter that literature is sometimes not read, but watched. For example, Chekhov as a playwright is considered a star of the first magnitude in terms of the number of productions around the world, and Anna Karenina has been filmed about 20 times. Maybe watching a movie is an occasion to get acquainted with the original, the primary source.

Like the days of other official languages ​​of the United Nations, it appeared on the international calendar in 2010, when the UN Department of Public Relations proposed to establish holidays dedicated to the six official languages ​​​​of the organization, as part of a program to support and promote multilingualism and cultural diversity. The corresponding decision was made on the eve of , celebrated annually at the initiative of UNESCO.

Multilingualism, which is an important factor in harmonious communication between peoples, is of particular importance for the UN. While promoting tolerance, it also ensures the effective and more active participation of all in the working process of the Organization. Therefore, according to the UN, it is necessary to preserve and promote multilingualism through various measures in the interests of sharing and communication.

A date has been set for the celebration of the Day of the Russian Language. This is the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, the great writer, poet, playwright. In addition, Pushkin is considered the creator of the modern literary Russian language. It makes no sense to list the works of Alexander Sergeevich - they are familiar to any person living in Russia or speaking Russian.

Russian is one of the largest languages ​​in the world, is the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages, the most widely spoken European language in a geographical sense, and in terms of the total number of speakers, it ranks among the top ten world languages.

According to the latest data, there are more than 150 million Russian-speakers in the world, and more than 100 million speak Russian as a second language.

In addition to the Russian Federation, Russian is the official language of some CIS countries, as well as Abkhazia and South Ossetia. It also remains the language of informal communication in the countries of the former USSR. Interestingly, all cosmonauts who are to work on the International Space Station must study the spoken Russian language without fail.

Various events are held in the building of the UN General Assembly on Russian Language Day. In particular, these are concerts of Slavic folk music, competitions for knowledge of the Russian language and literature, exhibitions of works of art, lectures, film demonstrations and express lessons.

The unspoken existence of the Russian Language Day began in 1996. On June 6, on the birthday of the great poet A. S. Pushkin, the Russian community of Crimea began to celebrate the Day of Defense of the Russian Language. After 11 years, this organization initiated the support of the holiday with the opening of the International Festival of Russian, Slavic Culture called "GREAT RUSSIAN WORD". Curious facts about the "great and mighty" Russian language

1. Russian is one of the largest languages ​​in the world and the most difficult after Chinese to learn and pronounce. Among the Slavic languages, the “great and mighty” has received the greatest prevalence, which Russians can be proud of. It is one of the six official languages ​​of the UN.

2. The Russian language seems incredibly difficult for foreigners. The fact is that it is characterized by the presence of a number of specific features that determine individuality. The Russian language is inflectional: it contains inflections, that is, parts of a word that contain grammatical meanings that appear as a result of declension.

3. Russian is also called a synthetic language. Reason: each word combines two meanings at once - grammatical and lexical. The main principle of Russian spelling is the transfer of significant parts of words using letters. Linguists also call it phonomorphological. These are just some of the distinctive features of the Russian language from a scientific point of view, making it different from others.

4. According to statistics, currently 144 million people consider "great and mighty" as their mother tongue. Thus, Russian is spoken in 33 countries of the world and up to 300 million inhabitants. In terms of prevalence on the planet, it was overtaken by English, Chinese, Hindi, Urdu, Spanish and Arabic, giving the opportunity to take an honorable sixth place in this ranking.

5. The largest number of earthly inhabitants who are fluent in Russian is characteristic of the fraternal Slavic states, namely Ukraine and Belarus. The same applies to the former Soviet republics: Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. There are also many Russian-speaking people abroad. Most often they can be found in the USA, Germany, Bulgaria and Eastern European countries: Poland and the Czech Republic. In terms of the total number of speakers of the Russian language, it ranks fifth in the world among all existing languages, and in terms of the number of those who speak “great and mighty” as their native language, it ranks eighth.

6. Do you know why the Russian language is called "Russian"? After all, the indicated linguonym correlates with the toponym and ethnonym "Rus", which has a rather respectable age. The modern name appeared due to historical changes. Until that time, there were other designations for our native language: “Russian”, “Great Russian”. The first arose in the 17th century and was especially popular three centuries ago. The archaization of the linguonym took place already in the first half of the 19th century. The "Russian" language was spoken by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. The second designation was the result of the existing oppositions between Little, White and Great Russia. Its use was aimed at emphasizing the dialectal speech of the Great Russians.

Now you know about the language in which you communicate daily with others, in which you think and dream more than before. Let this information help you realize the importance of the Russian language as an object of cultural heritage and make your own speech more pure, pleasant and understandable. Do not forget to congratulate all Russian-speaking relatives and friends on the holiday on June 6: they should also feel proud of one of the best languages ​​in the world!

June 6, the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, marks the Day of the Russian Language - a holiday, the decree on the establishment of which was signed in 2010. In Russia, the corresponding document was adopted a year later, on June 6, 2011.

According to 2015 data, published in the reference book "Ethnologue: Languages ​​of the World" (the most famous reference book on the languages ​​of the world),

The Russian language ranks eighth in the world in terms of the total number of people who speak it (177 million people).

The first places are distributed among Chinese (1.3 billion), Spanish (427 million), English (339 million), Arabic (267 million), Hindi (260 million), Portuguese (202 million) and Bengali (189 million).

The Russian language is gradually ceasing to be the language of scientific publications: if in 1970 about 80% of the works of Russian researchers were written in their native language, then by 2010 their number decreased up to about 5%. Currently, 246 journals published in Russia are indexed in the Scopus database of scientific journals, while most of their articles are either translated from Russian into English or published immediately in English. For comparison: only in the US and the UK, 10,805 scientific journals were included in the Scopus database. Considering that journals in English are also published in other countries, it becomes clear that the Russian language in the world of science is far from the first place.

But on the Internet, the position of the Russian language is much stronger: according to the data research, conducted in May 2016 by W3Techs, 6.4% of the total number of sites use Russian. At first glance, this figure is not very large, but nevertheless it is

an honorable second place after English (which is used by 53.5% of sites).

Third place went to German (5.5%).

Accept can not fight

The Russian language, like other languages ​​of the world, is constantly transforming, which is especially felt now, in the age of the dominance of the English language and the Internet. According to the Deputy Director of the Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradova Maria Kalenchuk, there is nothing wrong with borrowing English words. According to the specialist, there have already been two large-scale waves of borrowing foreign words in the Russian language. The first - under Peter I, when a stream of Dutch and German borrowings poured into Russian. The second wave consisted of French words that actively appeared in the language in the 19th century. In both cases, this was due to socio-economic reasons: new realities required the emergence of new means to designate them.

In addition, Maria Kalenchuk is sure that

purposefully fight against borrowing is useless,

citing the activities of Vladimir Dahl as an example. He did not like words of foreign origin and in dictionaries came up with Russian "synonyms" for them: "colon" instead of "atmosphere", "dexterity" instead of "gymnastics". Artificial words, as we see, did not take root.

As another example of the desire to “cleanse” the Russian language, one can cite the activities of the literary society “Conversation of Russian Word Lovers”, founded in 1811 in St. Petersburg by Gavriil Derzhavin and Alexander Shishkov. Members of this society sought to replace borrowed words with Russian ones and invented them themselves. So, instead of the word “sidewalk”, they suggested saying “toptalische”, instead of “cue” - “ball ball”, and replacing “instinct” with “wake-up”. Members of the society were actively polemics with a circle that opposed such innovations. It included Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Pleshcheev and others. There is also a phrase-parody of the "Russian" language of Shishkov: laughing at him,

contemporaries proposed to “translate” the sentence “A dandy in galoshes walks along the boulevard from the theater to the circus” as “A good man in wet shoes walks along the abyss from a disgrace to the lists”.

In addition to the tendency to borrow foreign words, experts pay attention to one more thing: the interpenetration of written and oral speech. Doctor of Philology and a well-known linguist notes that modern smartphones (by the way, here's another borrowing from English) are increasingly being used not for talking, but for writing: we constantly exchange messages in email and instant messengers (call them applications for instant messaging). messages, of course, it is possible, but it turns out to be very long), even when we are with an interlocutor in neighboring rooms. At the same time, such written speech is more and more reminiscent of oral speech: we do not put punctuation marks, we write words as we hear, and not according to the rules of spelling.

How to study Russian

In our country, the study of the Russian language is carried out, for example, by the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin, Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (by the way, it is there that dictionaries of the Russian language are compiled and descriptions of new vocabulary are given).

The question of the interaction of the Russian language with foreign languages ​​was singled out as one of the main problems that linguists will have to study in the near future.

This will be done within the framework of the projects that have won the competition of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) for funding research in the field of the Russian language and other languages ​​of Russia. The competition itself was initiated by the president at the end of last year, and the RSF summed up its results on March 31.

“In total, 78 experts were involved in the examination of the competition, who prepared 324 expert opinions on the applications of the competition,” Doctor of Philology Valery Demyankov, deputy director of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and coordinator of the humanitarian section of the expert council, told Gazeta.Ru. - We did not involve foreign experts this time - the experts were prominent domestic specialists in the field of the Russian language and other languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia. These specialists have a large number of publications, a good level of citation and undoubted achievements in the field of linguistics. Of course, an expert cannot work in the same organization as the applicant, and he should not have an application (as a project manager or executor) for the same competition.

Valery Demyankov also said that the fund received 112 printed applications in total. According to the results of the examination, it was recommended to support 15 of them (14%).

“Several projects are aimed at identifying how a native Russian speaker looks at the world, what are the features of this view, what properties of the outside world are fully highlighted with such a view, and which ones are ignored.

Projects led by Valentina Apresyan (“Study of Russian Linguistic Consciousness Based on Semantic, Statistical and Psycholinguistic Analysis of Lexical Polysemy”, Institute of the Russian Language named after V.V. Vinogradov RAS, Moscow), Ekaterina Lyutikova (“The Structure of Meaning and Its Display in the system of lexical and functional categories of the Russian language, Moscow State Pedagogical University). Leading Belarusian researcher Boris Norman was invited to the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin to study the interpretation of the inner world of a person in Russian.

It is planned to look at the modern realities of the Russian language from time immemorial in the project led by Alexei Gippius “The Cultural Identity of Ancient Russia in the Mirror of Original Writing: Communication Strategies and Linguistic Variation” (V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow).

A project led by Tatyana Demeshkina (National Research Tomsk State University) is devoted to the culture of the Russian people in the dialect language and text,” says Valery Demyankov.