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How to strengthen the muscles of the vagina before and after childbirth. Kegel exercises. Preparing for childbirth. Intimate muscle training at home. Kegel exercises, trainers Vagina muscle tightening balls

Causes of weakening intimate muscles

There are many reasons leading to a weakening of the muscle tissue of the vagina and muscles of the small pelvis. In the risk group, first of all, women who have given birth a lot, those who have undergone various operations and suffer from chronic diseases, as well as women in menopause.

The weakening of the intimate muscles can lead to:

  1. Multiple abortions.
  2. Multiple births. During childbirth through natural ways, the pelvic floor muscles stretch two and a half times! This sometimes leads to rupture of thin muscle fibers, especially in premature or rapid labor, when the birth canal is not ready for the birth of the baby. In addition, in the second half of pregnancy, the mobility of the pelvic bones increases under the influence of the hormone relaxin, which relaxes the ligaments and cartilage that connect the pelvic bones. Therefore, they become excessively mobile /
  3. Multiple pregnancy, in which the muscles are stretched especially strongly.
  4. Tears or incisions in the perineum during childbirth, genital surgery. True, if a woman follows all the recommendations and healing proceeds without complications, the risk of prolapse of the pelvic organs is small.
  5. Operations on the abdominal cavity, if adhesions have formed.
  6. Frequent colds, if they are accompanied by a prolonged cough: due to the tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases for a long time.
  7. Sharp weight loss.
  8. Obesity - it increases the load on the muscles of the pelvic floor.
  9. Sedentary lifestyle, general weakening of muscle tone. At the same time, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall stop working, the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles decreases.
  10. Age changes. After 50 years, the elasticity of the vaginal tissues decreases due to a decrease in the level of progesterone and estrogens (female sex hormones), which ensure their elasticity. A similar condition can also occur at a younger age - with the suppression of ovarian function by drugs (for example, during the treatment of tumors), removal of the ovaries.
  11. Genetic predisposition, congenital anomaly in the development of connective tissue - the weak structure of the main protein of connective tissue (collagen) cannot ensure the strength and elasticity of the ligaments.
  12. Chronic constipation.
  13. Heavy physical activity.

Symptoms of weakening intimate muscles

Perhaps, it will seem to someone that the weakening of intimate muscles is not a medical problem, but simply a defect that can interfere with a full-fledged sexual life. And this is not far from the truth, but ... only at first. If you do not engage in prevention and do not pay attention to the first symptoms, a gradual deterioration in the condition is possible, and even surgery may be required.

Here are the main signs of weak vaginal muscles, in which you should already be on your guard.

  1. Uncontrolled small urination - for example, when coughing, exercising, lifting heavy objects.
  2. Pain during intercourse, itching and burning in the perineum - due to insufficient lubrication.
  3. Constant pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
  4. Feeling of a foreign body in the vagina.
  5. Frequent and difficult to treat colpitis - this happens because bacteria penetrate the vagina more easily through the ajar genital gap.

These symptoms are already talking about the initial stage of the disease, which means you need to contact a gynecologist to avoid complications!

Well, so that it doesn’t come to this, let’s do the training of intimate muscles.

How and when to train intimate muscles

So, our goal is to strengthen the muscles of the vagina in order to prevent or eliminate the unpleasant consequences described above. Training intimate muscles will certainly give a positive effect: they will help in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems, improve intimate life. As a result of training, the tissues of the small pelvis become more elastic, blood circulation in them improves, and more female hormones are produced.

We emphasize that in case of serious stages of weakening of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, when a pronounced prolapse of the organs is already observed, only surgery will help! However, after it, such gymnastics will also be useful to consolidate the achieved effect and prevent exacerbations.
In addition, it is useful to train the pelvic muscles in preparation for pregnancy, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (if the doctor allows!) - in order to avoid ruptures during childbirth and reduce the likelihood of labor weakness.

" And it is especially useful to start training 6 weeks after childbirth, in order to avoid pelvic floor prolapse and reduce vaginal volume. True, if there was a caesarean section, you will have to postpone classes for six months.

If at the word “training” you imagined physical activity “up to a sweat”, then in this case you are mistaken! On the contrary, with too intense loads on the abdominals, the condition is likely to worsen - tension in the muscles of the press leads to an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity. For training intimate muscles, there is a special set of exercises, which is called imbilding (wumbilding) , which helps to strengthen the deep muscles gently, without “pumping up” the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Before we begin to strengthen the muscles of the perineum, we must first learn to feel what exactly we are going to train. You can do this in an easy way:
- abruptly stop urination and remember which muscles worked at the same time;
- compress and relax the muscles in the anus.
At the same time, other muscles - the back, buttocks, abdomen - should not work.

With proper regular exercise, a positive result becomes noticeable after a month and a half. If after 3-4 months there is no improvement, or discomfort or pain is felt during classes, you need to stop training and inform the gynecologist about this!

"Note that there are contraindications for such activities - for example, inflammatory diseases of the genital area.

Exercises to strengthen intimate muscles

Many have probably heard of the so-called "Kegel exercises." These exercises were originally developed by the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel (Arnold Henry Kegel, February 24, 1894, Iowa, USA). Back in 1952, Professor Kegel figured out how to train the muscles of the perineum in women to treat urinary incontinence during pregnancy. These exercises are remarkable in that no special conditions are needed to perform them, they can be performed literally on the go: at work, at home, in transport, sitting, lying or standing.
However, over time, it turned out that these exercises are useful in many other cases.

Gradually, the initial simplest exercises were supplemented by others, and now there are whole sets of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and small pelvis.

The simplest and most basic exercise is the tension and relaxation of the vaginal muscles, as with retention of urination. First, tighten your pelvic muscles for a few seconds, relax, and tighten again for a short while. Then gradually increase the interval between tension and relaxation, from about three to ten seconds. You need to perform this exercise daily, but, of course, you need to know the measure and not overdo it: it is enough to repeat it for 5 minutes three times a day.

Of the other options for this exercise offered below, it is enough to choose only three or four and perform them once a day - the effect will still appear!

1. Quick cuts
Perform the classic Kegel exercise 10 times, while contracting and relaxing the muscles as quickly as you can.
Rest 7-10 seconds and repeat.

2. Inhale-exhale
Take a deep breath, gradually squeezing the muscles as hard as you can. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds, then slowly exhale with relaxation. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Push
Repeat the exercise from the previous paragraph, but exhale not slowly, but sharply, at the same time relaxing the muscles just as sharply, as if pushing air out of the vagina with their help.
Repeat 4-5 times.

4. Hold
Squeeze your perineal muscles as hard as possible and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times, each time increasing the muscle tension time by 1-2 seconds.

5. Elevator
Imagine that you are taking an elevator. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles more and more with each new floor. Having “climbed” 10-15 floors (as far as you have enough strength), start the “descent”, gradually relaxing your muscles.
Repeat 3-4 times.

The next two exercises differ from the previous ones in that they will not work imperceptibly, in passing. However, their benefits are also very tangible.

6. Glute bridge
Lie on your back, bend your knees. Without taking your feet and shoulders off the floor, raise your pelvis as high as possible. Muscles do not need to be compressed. Hold for 5-10 seconds.
Repeat 15-20 times.

7. Dance for the hips
Feet - shoulder width apart, palms on hips. Move your hips from side to side, slightly bending your knees. At the extreme left or right point, squeeze the intimate muscles with all your might, and when the hips begin to move in the opposite direction, relax.
Repeat 20-30 times.

In addition to the complex created on the basis of the Kegel exercise, other exercises have been developed to strengthen the intimate muscles. Here are some of them.

Exercise 1 "Birch" with weak muscles of the vagina

Regular performance of this exercise is an excellent prevention of many gynecological diseases, and will also help tighten the intimate muscles.
It is necessary to accept the position "Birch". It is a shoulder stand, in which the straight legs are extended upwards, and the arms support the body in the lumbar or pelvic region.

  • Lie on the mat, feet together.
  • Raise your legs up.
  • Tear off the hips from the floor.
  • Place your hands on your lower back to help support your torso.

Thus, the body should take a vertical position and rest on the shoulders and arms (the elbows of the hands rest on the floor, and the palms support the back).

"For the first time, it will be difficult to accept this position, so it is advisable to have an assistant. Well, in extreme cases - a wall!

The body should be kept as straight as possible. Then slowly spread and connect the legs, gradually increasing the speed of movements up to 5-7 times per minute.
In the first week, the exercise is performed for 30 seconds - 1 minute, then you can bring the time up to 3 minutes.

When performing the Birch exercise, pay attention to the important rules for its implementation:

  • Relax while doing the exercise.
  • If discomfort is felt, the exercise should be stopped immediately.
  • Never twist your neck or head while doing this!
  • Do not drink alcohol before doing the exercise;
  • After finishing the exercise, lie down on the mat for a few minutes. Getting up quickly is not recommended.
  • It is best to do the exercise "Birch" in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • It is recommended to eat food no earlier than an hour after the exercise.

There are contraindications for the exercise "Birch"!

  • the presence of an inguinal hernia;
  • menstrual period;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • injuries of the cervical and spine;
  • otitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • high pressure;
  • late pregnancy.

Exercise 2

It is best to perform it lying on your stomach, but you can do it in a different position.
Squeeze the groups of intimate muscles, at this time the hips should move slightly forward. The task is to hold the muscles in this position for a few seconds. The muscles of the anus are recommended to be squeezed together with the buttocks.

Exercise 3

Imagine that you are trying to draw a small object inside yourself with your vagina. After "doing" this, squeeze your muscles as hard as you can and slowly count to five. Over time, increase this period to 30 seconds.

Exercise 4

Quickly tense and relax the muscles of the vagina. Start with 10 reps and work your way up to 30 reps.

Exercise 5

Alternate contractions of the muscles of the vagina and anus (20 times).

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Quickly squeeze and relax the muscles for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 8

Lie on a flat surface and stretch your legs. Tighten the muscles for 10 seconds, then slowly relax them.
Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 9 Squats

Yes, yes, regular (more precisely, almost regular) squats can help eliminate weakness in the muscles of the vagina and restore their elasticity!
Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outward. Squat with your arms outstretched forward as if you want to sit on the bench behind you. Do not lift your heels off the floor.

Simulators for strengthening intimate muscles

There are special training devices for more efficient performance of intimate gymnastics, from simple balls to rather complex mechanisms.

"However, it is recommended to learn how to use them only under the guidance of a specialist: exercises with simulators, if they are performed incorrectly or if there are contraindications, are not at all harmless!

We will only briefly introduce you to the main types of simulators for strengthening intimate muscles.

Back in 1947, Kegel created a special device perineometer- a sensor for measuring the strength of the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor. Data from the device is transmitted to the monitor, and, thus, it can be used to determine the force with which the muscles of the vagina are contracting, and therefore, to regulate the correctness and intensity of training. Now such devices are rubber or electronic.

A widespread simulator is vaginal balls of various sizes. The essence of their use is to keep the balls inside the vagina, squeezing its walls. The balls, in turn, slightly squeeze the muscles of the vagina, thereby strengthening them.

Approximately the same principle applies vaginal konu with or, otherwise, kegelkisor. It looks like a metal bell without a tongue, with a ring in the middle. The muscles of the vagina, tensing, put pressure on the kegelkisor, and he, in turn, on them. Such resistance greatly enhances the effect of exercise. Gradually, the weight of the cone increases.

Another simulator also developed by Kegel - wand with inserts in the form of a ball a, which should be taken out of the vagina, overcoming the resistance of the muscles.

A positive result from training with simulators is usually achieved after three to four months of regular exercise: the weakness of intimate muscles decreases or disappears, the quality of sexual life improves.

So that intimate muscles do not weaken: lifestyle

  • Follow a diet. Women prone to weakness of the muscle tissue of the vagina, it is useful to consume foods rich in vegetable estrogens: pomegranates, sesame seeds, soybeans, carrots, green peas, beans. Their diet should include enough whole grains and animal protein.
  • Vitamin E is used to treat vaginal dryness and weakness of the vaginal muscles. Capsules can be used only with the permission of a doctor and if there are no microcracks inside the perineum.
  • Use herbal creams and decoctions to improve the tone of the vaginal muscles. But it is not recommended to use such drugs on your own, without the advice of a doctor!
  • Use only cotton underwear. Weakened vaginal muscles are more susceptible to irritation, which in turn can lead to infections.
  • Avoid fragrance sprays. It is better not to use cosmetics and aromatic sprays for the intimate area with an abundance of chemicals, preferring analogues with a more natural base - chemical components can also provoke infections.
  • Regularly engage in sports: dancing, fitness, swimming, yoga. The load should be increased gradually and eliminate the strong tension of the abdominal muscles and breath holding.
  • Have a regular sex life.
  • Treat urinary tract infections promptly.

It is very important to take care of your women's health and know how to train the muscles of the vagina. Kegel exercises will help with this. When you work out in the fitness room on simulators or with sports equipment, sooner or later these exercises give a visible effect. Either muscle mass increases, or the body becomes more prominent and toned. In turn, the intimate muscles are not visible from the outside, but the degree of their development affects many areas of life, especially the quality of intimate life.


  • First of all, a set of exercises should be performed by those who have weak vaginal muscles.
  • Secondly, these exercises are needed to prevent gaps in the upcoming birth.
  • Another indication for exercise is urinary incontinence, which occurs on its own or when coughing and sneezing.
  • Uterine prolapse or prophylaxis is also an indication for exercise.
  • Sexual dissatisfaction also contributes to starting Kegel exercises.
  • Correct and systematic performance of Kegel exercises will also help get rid of hemorrhoids.
  • In the event that you regularly perform exercises, the aging process of the woman's body slows down, and the onset of menopause is also delayed.
  • With the systematic implementation of Kegel exercises, the blood supply to the pelvic organs improves. All organs in this case function more efficiently.
  • In addition, if Kegel exercises are performed, this contributes to faster recovery after childbirth.


At the very beginning, when preparing, you should learn to feel the muscles of the vagina.

  1. This can be done by stopping urination. At first it will be difficult to do this, then you will understand how to do it correctly and feel the muscles. However, this should not be done often, otherwise such an exercise will have the opposite effect, that is, weakening the muscles.
  2. If you can’t feel the muscles during this exercise, try another exercise. Insert your finger into the vagina and squeeze the muscles with force, as if trying to grasp the finger. In this case, you will certainly feel these muscles. Before starting to perform Kegel exercises, it is imperative, each time, to completely empty the bladder. If this is not done, then, during the exercises, you can feel pain and a little urination. In addition, it can lead to urinary tract infections.
  3. During the exercises, only intimate muscles should be constantly involved. Always avoid tensing your abs, thighs, and buttocks. They do not participate in these exercises in any way.
  4. Your breathing should be even and measured. Under no circumstances should he be stopped. In order to feel whether the necessary muscles are relaxed, put your hand on your stomach, and you will feel that the abdominal muscles are not involved in any Kegel exercises.

  5. The posture when doing exercises at home should be comfortable - sitting on a chair or lying on the floor. However, when sitting in a chair, you will only be able to perform these exercises when you learn to completely relax, and correctly perform them lying down. When you lie on the floor, the arms should be completely relaxed and extended along the body, in turn, the knees should be slightly tucked up and brought together.

Kegel exercises

Once you have learned all the above information, start training the muscles of the vagina.

First, squeeze the muscles and hold them for five seconds, then relax for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times. In total, you need to make three or four visits per day.

After a week has passed since the beginning of your training, begin to clamp the muscles for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times, do 3-4 visits per day.

Pull in your pelvic floor muscles. If you find it difficult to understand how to do this, imagine that these muscles are a vacuum. Tighten up and push your legs up and in. Hold this position for five seconds and then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times. All approaches should take no more than 1 minute to complete.

Squeeze and relax the muscles rhythmically. You should perform 3-4 approaches per day.

When you learn how to perform the above exercises lying down well, you can do them both sitting and standing, which means that now you can perform them not only at home, but anywhere, for example, at work, on vacation or doing any household chores.

Intimate muscle trainers

Experts agree that for a high-quality and complete training of the muscles of the vagina, exercises alone are not enough. As soon as these muscles begin to come into the desired shape, the use of intimate simulators should be included in the classes. They are specially designed and created for this purpose. What types of trainers are there?


Most often, this simulator looks like this - two balls are interconnected by a strong thread, and it also comes out of one of the balls so that by pulling this thread, you can remove the balls from the vagina. The material from which such balls are made can be very diverse - from simple plastic to exquisite glass. However, experts do not recommend using them, because their incorrect use is great and, as a result, the opposite effect occurs.


Such a simulator operates by analogy with a manual expander, however, it was created specifically for training intimate muscles.

Vacuum trainer

Such a simulator is considered the most effective of all existing ones. With it, you can achieve positive results much faster. At first it may seem that the device is very complicated, however, having dealt with the instructions attached to it, it becomes clear that there is nothing complicated in using it.

What should you keep in mind before training your vaginal muscles with Kegel exercises? What should be paid special attention to?

In any case, thoroughness is needed, however, one must not overdo it here. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect, such as pain during urination or even bowel movement.

Urination should be stopped only in order to feel the intimate muscles, this exercise should not be introduced into the daily cycle. Otherwise, you can achieve such an effect as urinary incontinence.

Tune in in advance that the first results will appear no earlier than in a few months. In the best case, if your muscles were not too weak initially, the effect will come faster, but not earlier than after 4-6 weeks.

If during the specified time you do not feel any results from the classes, but at the same time it seems to you that you are doing all the exercises correctly, do not miss a single day, try to consult a gynecologist for advice. It will help to understand why the exercises do not give any effect.

When the first results come, in no case do not stop exercising. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain. And, after a while, the muscles will weaken again, and you will have to start all over again.

Do not hold your breath while exercising. You must breathe evenly and rhythmically.

Also, do not strain the muscles of the thighs, abdominal muscles and buttocks. These muscles are in no way involved in the exercise process, they are relaxed.

Kegel exercises can be done during pregnancy. However, it is still better to play it safe and consult a doctor who observes your pregnancy. It is he who knows you and the course of your pregnancy, so only he can say with certainty whether exercises will harm you and your unborn child.

Always empty your bladder before starting exercise. If this is not done, the muscles of the vagina eventually weaken, and the risk of infection in the urinary tract also increases.

If after doing the exercises you feel pain in the lower back, it means that you have violated the technique of doing the exercises. Here you can also recommend contacting a specialist for advice.

With regular performance of Kegel exercises, and subject to all the nuances, soon you will be able to feel that you have learned to control your intimate muscles. Your improved health will undoubtedly thank you, and, no doubt, will please your sexual partner! Good luck to you!

Vitalina Shelepova

This information is only for those women who do not want to be satisfied with the usual sexual life, but are trying to bring it to a new qualitative level, making it more complete. Such ladies just need to know how to pump up the vagina.

Functions of the vagina

The female genital organ, that is, the vagina, looks like a tube, the length of which is 8-12 cm. It is elastic and contains muscles. Muscles perform the function of adapting to the male penis, which is in a state of erection. It pinches the penis from all sides, due to swelling and muscle tension from increased blood supply when the penis is aroused.

Elasticity after childbirth

As we age, the vagina begins to change. Basically, after childbirth, it loses its elasticity, becomes more flabby and therefore cannot adapt to the man's phallus. This leads to the fact that during intercourse, both partners do not experience those vivid sensations that they used to. During labor, women stretch the walls of the vagina, especially if the fetus is born large. All this exacerbates the tears and seams on them.


So that sex does not bring you one disorder of the nerves, it is better to find out how to pump up the muscles of the vagina with the help of special exercises. So you strengthen the muscles called women - these are especially intimate muscles located near the anus and vagina and contracting during orgasm. If you make an effort, you can even control them during intercourse, which will bring untold pleasure not only to you, but also to your partner.

Exercises for the muscles of the vagina

Exercise 1

Lie on your stomach, if not possible, do the exercise in any position that is comfortable for you. The muscles you plan to build must first be identified. Imagine that you want to use the toilet, reproduce this action and abruptly interrupt yourself, as if you are afraid to wet yourself. Do the same with the back passage. Remember your feelings. Then try to squeeze both groups of these muscles at once. During this exercise, the hips should move forward a little. Hold this position for a few seconds. The sensations will not be pleasant, but you will not experience pain. You will not be able to compress the muscles for a long time, do it as much as you can. Squeeze the anus along with the buttocks to tighten the gluteal muscles in addition to everything else. Just do not overdo it, for the first two weeks repeat this movement once a day and no more. You should only feel slightly tired. Bring the number of repetitions to 100 times a day, five times a week, and in a month you will be pleased with an excellent result.

Exercise 2

You must have the appropriate skills for this exercise. Lie down and make a stand (birch), if it’s difficult for you to hold yourself like that, then lean against the wall. Start spreading your legs, and then bring them back to the starting position. Do it smoothly and increase the amplitude a little, you need to do 6-7 repetitions per minute. The first week, do this for 3-4 minutes, gradually bring up to 10 minutes of exercise per day.


Tighten your vagina as if you want to draw something in with it and hold it in this state until you count to five. Over time, you should have time to count to 30, holding the muscles. Perform this simple exercise every hour, especially since you can do it anywhere, and in a month you will see the result.


Squeeze and relax your vagina. This is done very quickly, starting with 10 times and gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 50 times. Then, with the muscles of the anus, do the same.


Contract first the muscles of the vagina, and then the anus. Alternate repeat 20 times.


Count from 3 to 5. Squeeze your vagina for three and five and stop at each position. In the same sequence, relax, stopping at the same numbers. Do the exercise on the muscles of the anus.

Vaginal muscle training is over.

We all know that heels have a negative effect on our legs, which cannot be said about the muscles of the vagina. It turns out that when our feet are at a 15-degree angle from the ground, the muscles of the penis are trained. Just do not overdo it with a heel, medium is enough, too high is not needed. Still, the exercises listed above will bring you the best result.

Now you know how to pump up the vagina. I hope you will be able to please your loved one by giving him new unspeakably bright sensations!

Since ancient times, women have known the secrets of attracting and further retaining men. Moreover, the main thing at the same time was always considered as a sexually attractive appearance, as well as well-developed muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor. This knowledge appeared in Eastern philosophy and culture of sexual relations between the sexes. Then this knowledge was available only to the elite. At present, the secrets that came from the East have become the property of many and have gained great popularity in the West.

Many women do not experience orgasm during sex because they do not know the important role played by intimate muscles. Often it is their underdevelopment that causes many gynecological diseases, early menopause, frigidity, and difficult and unsuccessful births. You should know that these muscles (like all the others) need and can be developed using special gymnastics, which was invented and developed by gynecologist Arnold Kegel. Its description is found even in the Kama Sutra. The weaker sex practices it in order to perfectly master the art of love, giving pleasure not only to themselves, but also to their partner.

After all, well-developed vaginal muscles contribute to sufficient stimulation during sexual intercourse of all nerve endings by pressing them against the man's penis, which leads to the onset of orgasm. At the same time, a woman in sex ceases to depend only on the skill and actions of her partner, since her sensations completely begin to depend on the strength and flexibility of her vagina.

It is worth noting that all women with trained intimate muscles literally drive their partner crazy during sex. In the East, for example, when selecting concubines for a harem, tests were carried out. The concubines were instructed to bring a man to orgasm, being in a position on top, with the help of soft vaginal muscles alone. At the same time, they were not supposed to make any other movements, but to hold a burning candle or a vase on their heads. Anyone can learn this if they regularly perform the exercises given in this article.

In addition, harmoniously developed pelvic floor muscles make it possible to ensure the normal course of not only pregnancy, but also childbirth. After all, their elasticity (except for useful skills in bed) can significantly facilitate labor and significantly reduce pain during childbirth. In addition, the restoration of the original size and tone of the vagina and pelvic floor after childbirth is much faster.

These muscles play an important role in terms of a woman's gynecological health. After training, many problems in the intimate sphere disappear by themselves. This is due to the fact that metabolic processes are the better, the better they are developed. This reduces the likelihood of prolapse of all genital organs.

Dr. Kegel's exercises are recommended for women during menopause, as they can significantly improve blood flow in the vaginal area and prevent the formation of congestion. A huge plus is the ability to perform them at any time and in any place convenient for you. This does not require any special tools.

However, before you start exercising, carefully feel and understand which muscles you need to use. It's simple enough: try to stop the stream while urinating. Did you feel? They are exactly what we need. The exercise itself consists in the consistent contraction and relaxation of these muscles with an interval of one to two seconds. To achieve the desired effect, several times a day, perform such contractions twenty to thirty times. Now let's move on to the complex itself.

  1. Tighten your intimate muscles and do not relax for 10 seconds. Then relax for 10 seconds and tighten again for the same time. You need to do this exercise every day for five minutes. After doing for one minute, do a few more quick contractions and relaxations with an interval of one second.
  2. Within ten seconds, contract and relax them very quickly. Then contract and hold for three to five seconds. Then again contraction-relaxation (10 seconds) and again contraction and delay (for 5-10 seconds). Repeat five to ten times.
  3. Tighten and relax your intimate muscles as quickly as possible (at least 20 times).
  4. Now contract them in such a way as if you are trying to draw some object into the vagina. Try to hold this tension for five seconds. As you strengthen, increase the interval to ten seconds.
  5. Now perform as if pushing movements (such as emptying the stomach, only not through the anus, but through the vagina). Repeat 10 times for 3 seconds.

This complex is recommended to be performed two to three times a day. As you train, you can reduce the frequency of training to once a day, and then perform them every other day. Be prepared for the fact that at the very beginning the complex will be difficult to perform. However, after a few days you will be able to feel the positive effect, enjoying its implementation. You can also find out some good recommendations on how to pump up the muscles of the vagina by watching this video consultation with a gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Remember at the same time that a woman who knows how to control her intimate muscles can work real miracles in bed, has good genital health, is able to enhance the sensations from one and experience multiple orgasms.

By the way, when performing this set of exercises, an orgasm is possible!

Despite the fact that this article is intended mainly for the fairer sex, men can also use the method described in it. Regular performance of this set of exercises by men will play a significant role in maintaining the health of the prostate gland, obtaining more powerful and repeated orgasms, acquiring an iron erection and teaching you to control ejaculation. That is why it can be recommended to those guys who suffer from weak erections and premature ejaculation.

A few years ago, it never occurred to anyone to pump the muscles of the vagina. Today, such training in the arsenal of women is an effective way to improve sexual health and support their reproductive system.

Why maintain vaginal tone?

Muscles located in the pelvic area in combination with connective tissue provide support for the uterus, bladder, ureter and rectum. They stabilize the pelvic and abdominal organs.

The muscles of the pelvic floor, as well as the back and abdomen, form an important group that provides us with strength endurance in the lower part of the body.

If this group is weak, the support of the internal organs is impaired, which over time can cause urinary incontinence, prolapse of the uterus and bladder.

Childbirth, chronic coughing, aging and a sedentary lifestyle weaken the internal muscles of the pelvis. In addition to the health problems already mentioned, this leads to a decrease in sexual pleasure, as well as to structural imbalances in the muscle frame, pain in the back and abdominal cavity.

As an effect of compensating for the weak muscles of the pelvic floor, a violation of posture can also occur.

Ways to strengthen

There are two ways to train the muscles of the vagina - doing Pilates and doing Kegel exercises.


Pilates is one of the types of fitness, which is characterized by low intensity and speed of exercise, but high-quality study of deep muscles. During training, the pelvic muscles are involved as a natural support for movements that stretch and strain the stomach, back and other parts of the body.

The degree of muscle involvement, or rather the strength of your tension in these places, when performing different exercises, should correspond to the type of movement - strain the more, the greater the amplitude of movement. But you need to start with simple complexes and moderate compression.

There are no specific exercises for the muscles of the vagina and small pelvis in Pilates. Having found and felt that very place, you need to connect it as additional support in all stretches and loads.

With this, many women have difficulty at first. The fact is that in everyday life the muscles of the vagina are not involved in the same way as the muscles of the pelvic floor as a whole. Therefore, even after several trainings, you may still doubt whether you are doing it right.

A good visualization of the correct tension of the desired muscles is the following: feel your sit bones of the pelvis and the space between them, and then imagine that you are trying to bring them together from the inside and lift them up to the stomach. The resulting compression will be an insulating, isolated voltage.

You can also mentally draw the middle line of your torso from the inside - from the entrance to the vagina to the top of the head. As you visualize the current rising up this midline, lift your pelvic floor muscles with it and feel them contract.

Kegel exercises are very specific. To perform them, you need to squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor, as if you were interrupting the process of urination. You can even try to stop the flow of urine several times to find the right muscles, feel them, but you cannot practice stopping urination all the time.

If you do it for a long time as an exercise, it can harm rather than improve sexual health. The Kegel complex is known as a way to restore muscle tone after pregnancy, but it can actually help anyone.

Kegel exercises

Dr. Arnold Kegel created a simple set of exercises for the vaginal muscles. They allow you to isolate and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

If you train every day for 5 minutes, then the vagina will come into shape in a fairly short time - from 6 to 12 weeks.

Basic exercises:

  1. Squeeze the muscles as if you were interrupting the process of urination. Perform 3 sets of 10 compressions. You can even try to stop the flow of urine several times to find the right muscles, feel them, but you cannot practice stopping urination all the time.
  2. Insert your finger into the vagina. Feel that you can isolate the desired muscles in isolation, as described above. Squeeze your finger internally.
  3. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Pull your pelvic floor muscles in and up and hold for 10 seconds. If you can't take that long, start with 4-5 seconds. Relax 10 seconds. Repeat this cycle 8-10 times.

If you are craving fabulous sex and want to know how to pump up your vaginal muscles for enhanced sensations during intercourse, use one of the vaginal simulators - Kegel balls.

What are Kegel balls

Small ball-shaped weights are also known by other names - Ben Wa balls, pleasure balls, Kegel trainer and even orgasm balls.

Placed in the vagina or anus, they stimulate the genitals and also help with the exercises described above. In the West, they are often recommended by obstetricians and gynecologists to improve the elasticity of the vaginal walls and to prevent urinary incontinence.

Light weights allow you to squeeze them almost reflexively, and you don't even need to visualize sensations or search for anything inside yourself.

Beneficial features:

  • help in training on the Kegel system;
  • enhance sexual sensations;
  • increase the sexual pleasure of both partners;
  • increase arousal and sexual desire;
  • develop vaginal muscles so that you can rhythmically squeeze the vagina during intercourse, giving yourself and your partner additional pleasure and prolonging orgasm;
  • help prepare for childbirth;
  • easily and quickly return the shape of the genital organs after pregnancy and childbirth.

Instructions for use:

  1. Empty your bladder before using the machine;
  2. Put the balls into the vagina one at a time. To make them slip better, apply a little gel lubricant to them. Proceed as you would normally insert tampons. If you are not using tampons, lift one leg or do it while lying down;
  3. Tighten your hips first (clench your knees), then tighten your intimate muscles. You should feel fullness and some heaviness, as well as how the weight of the spheres pulls down a little;
  4. The balls should be inside you for at least 15 minutes a day. Moving on to advanced training, you can wear them for several hours;
  5. If the simulator falls out, it must be washed with soap and water and put in again;
  6. You can remove the device in several ways: jump, cough or sneeze - from the contraction of the abdominal muscles, they will fall out by themselves, or purchase balls with a cord attached at one end.

Start training with lighter weight balls, plastic or latex, then move on to heavier and bulkier ones, such as metal ones.