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Commemoration in church fasting. What is prepared for the funeral? Lenten commemoration Wake in Petrov fast what can

The death of a loved one is a great grief. But, unfortunately, it cannot be avoided. If a dear person has died, then loved ones have many questions. Where to bury? How to think over the menu? Is a canteen or cafe better suited for such an event? And this is not a complete list of questions. Today we will talk about commemorations.

Such a meal is not just a meal, but a rite during which loved ones remember the deceased, his good deeds. During this event, people read a prayer addressed to God. They ask to forgive the deceased for all his sins. Of course, a memorial dinner should be properly thought out, the menu of which must be compiled correctly. To make it easier for you to decide on the list of dishes, we will tell you what you need to cook for this event and why.

Memorial Dinner Principles

The lunch itself should be simple. Its main goal is to maintain the physical and mental strength of those who came to commemorate the deceased. Everything must be prepared from fresh ingredients. This is what a memorial service should be like. Its menu can be varied. It all depends on the traditions of the family, wealth, as well as the preferences of the people who come to commemorate. Although, of course, guests are not traditionally invited, they themselves come.

A memorial dinner is not a feast during which you need to feed those who came to satiety. The purpose of the commemoration is to satiate the guests, thank them for their participation, remember the deceased, and pray for his soul. Here, as you understand, the main thing is not food, but people - the dead and the living, who were united by the grief of parting.

Planning a funeral dinner

We will describe the menu a little later, now we will consider the main dishes that should be at this dinner. Firstly, (the second option is Kolivo). What it is? It is boiled from grains (rice, barley and others), sweetened with honey and raisins. Such a dish is consecrated at a memorial service. Grain here is a symbol of the resurrection of the soul, and honey and raisins denote spiritual sweetness.

What do you need?

The list of products is small:

  • 0.5 kilograms of rice;
  • 200 grams of dried apricots;
  • three st. l. honey;
  • nuts (optional)
  • 200 grams of raisins;
  • 1 liter of water (for soaking).

How is the dish prepared? Soak the grains in water overnight or for several hours. This is necessary in order for the porridge to turn out crumbly. You need to cook until done. Toward the end, add honey diluted with water, as well as raisins and dried apricots. This is how kutya is obtained.


This is another must have dish. For five liters of water we need:

  • 700 grams of meat on the bone (preferably beef);
  • three potatoes;
  • two bulbs;
  • one beetroot (small);
  • three tomatoes;
  • one bell pepper (it is best to use red or green);
  • one cabbage;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Cooking borscht for a funeral dinner

For such a dish, first prepare the broth from the meat on the bone (boil for two hours). After that, you need to add chopped potatoes there. Then take a frying pan, pour oil into it, put it on the stove, pour finely chopped onions into it. After about three minutes, add carrots and beets (of course, also chopped) to the pan. If the beets are processed in this way, they will be able to retain their color.

Carrots will take on a bright, orange hue. Vegetables need to be simmered in a pan until they become soft. Remember that carrots, onions, and beets retain their flavor and most of their vitamins when cooked over high heat. Then pour the contents of the pan into the broth, boil everything a little, add chopped cabbage, bay leaf, a few black peppercorns, chopped tomatoes and sweet peppers.

Cook for another 15 minutes. Then you need to try the dish and salt. After that, you can turn off the fire and remove the borscht from the stove. Serve the dish hot, with sour cream. You can sprinkle with herbs.


You can buy pies, or you can bake them yourself. We offer a banana puff recipe. What do you need?

  • package of ready-made dough (500 g);
  • bananas (gram 200-300);
  • powdered sugar (to taste).

Cooking sweets for a wake

Take the finished puff pastry. Let it thaw, then roll it out. Then take a knife and draw rectangles with it. Spread the banana filling on them (fruit cut into small pieces). Then connect the edges of the dough so that the filling is completely in it. Next, pinch the products a little. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for about fifteen minutes. Products should be browned. Sprinkle finished puffs with powdered sugar.


For cooking, you can use both fresh and frozen fruits. Compote should not be sweet or too sour. How to cook? Put a five-liter pot of water on the fire, let it boil, pour in fruit (about 1 liter filled jar). Then add sugar (to taste) and cook until tender (about an hour).

The first version of the menu for thirty people

Now let's talk about what should be a funeral dinner. The menu after the funeral may be different. We offer our:

If you will be holding a funeral dinner for a year, this menu is quite suitable for this event. Kutya, however, can be removed from the list. It is an obligatory dish only at the wake after the funeral. And then - as you wish.

Second menu option for 12 people

Now we will analyze the approximate menu of a funeral dinner in a cafe or at home (for forty days). So, the list of products:

  • fried fish in batter (two kilograms);
  • mashed potatoes (2.5-3 kilograms);
  • salad "Olivier" (two kilograms);
  • cutlets (pieces 12, approximately 1.2 kg of minced meat);
  • sandwiches with red fish or sprats;
  • or potatoes (pieces 12-15);
  • pickled cucumbers and tomatoes (about 1 kg);
  • 5 liters of liquid (water + juices + compote)
  • sweets and sweet cakes (optional).

If you plan to hold another funeral dinner later, the menu for six months, for example, may be the same. Although, of course, you can adjust the list of dishes at your discretion.


Thinking through everything, pay attention to whether the commemoration fell on the post. If the answer is yes, then you need to adjust the funeral dinner (menu). Lenten set of dishes will not only be appropriate. but even necessary. What to prepare for such a wake? How to correct the usual menu, making it lean? Now let's make a rough list of foods:

  • knot;
  • lean borscht;
  • kutya;
  • lean pies;
  • potatoes with mushrooms;
  • cabbage or carrot cutlets;
  • vegetable salad (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers);
  • the vinaigrette.


We described in detail how to think over the funeral dinner, we also discussed its menu. Now let's touch on another important topic. "What?" - you ask. Should you drink alcohol during the funeral? There is no clear answer to this question. Some priests believe that during the funeral dinner, you can drink some red wine. The Church condemns the use of alcoholic beverages during such a ceremony. Therefore, here you must decide for yourself whether you need alcohol at a memorial dinner or not.


Now you know how to make a funeral dinner. We have reviewed the menu in detail. We have offered you a couple of options for approximate lists of dishes for the commemoration. We hope that our tips have helped you decide on the choice of food for such a dinner.

The second, third and fourth Saturdays of Great Lent are the days of universal commemoration of the dead.

IN Saturday morning- the main church commemoration is served - the funeral Liturgy, where all the departed Christians are commemorated, after it - a general memorial service will be served.

Read below how to properly observe the remembrance of the dead in the church.

Tomorrow is Lenten Parents' Saturday again. This is not the first time I will go to this service to honor the memory of my dear departed and, of course, I know what these days of special remembrance in Great Lent mean - Parental Saturdays. But does everyone know how important and necessary for our dear departed our conciliar prayers for them in these days?

The second, third and fourth Saturdays of Great Lent are the days of universal commemoration of all "in the hope of resurrection and eternal life" who have fallen asleep in the Lord. According to the word of Jesus Christ, we must love our neighbors as ourselves, and in the prayerful memory of the departed, our greatest, completely disinterested and secret love is manifested. And this love is very dear to the dead, because we bring help to them, helpless.

In the days of Great Lent, the duty of every true believer is charity and mercy. Through them, we show the Lord that we are also worthy of His mercy and beneficence. One of these deeds, the most important for us, is the commemoration of the dead. Asking God for forgiveness for the sins of our loved ones, friends, relatives during their earthly life, we ourselves receive hope for the forgiveness of our own sins after death.

Another reason for the foundation of parental Saturdays is that on these days of Great Lent, except for Saturdays and Sundays, there are no liturgies, and the dead, as it were, are deprived of the benefits that commemoration brings them during the liturgy. Therefore, in replacing the liturgy, the Church established a special prayer for the dead on Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks. The other Saturdays of Great Lent, dedicated to special remembrances, no longer have the name Parental, and on them the commemoration of the dead is carried out in the usual manner.

It is on these three Great Lenten Saturdays that pious people, coming to the temple, pray with special zeal for their dead relatives and friends, light candles for their repose, serve memorial services, give alms for the remission of their sins, thereby showing love for their neighbors.

Each of us needs to understand the full significance of the commemoration of the dead. A sinful person, falling into the afterlife, and not worthy of the Kingdom of God, can no longer pray to the Lord for himself and for others. Only saints and especially pious people get such an opportunity. If here on earth he can confess his sins and receive their forgiveness, then there he is deprived of this opportunity.

But think, do all people go to another world completely cleansed, do they confess all their sins to a priest, does everyone even have the opportunity to confess before death? And if someone, having sinned in a small matter, forgot it and did not repent at confession? Or, out of false modesty, concealed his sin? And then he died suddenly? It turns out that there is no guarantee that a person will find peace in the next world. After all, even the smallest sin can prevent him from reaching paradise and doom him to eternal torment.

Therefore, a memorial service and home prayer for the dead are useful, as well as good deeds done in their remembrance, alms or donations to the Church. But commemoration at the Divine Liturgy is especially useful for them. There were many appearances of the dead and other events confirming how useful the commemoration of the dead is. Many who died in repentance, but failed to manifest it during their lifetime, were released from torment and received repose.

Anyone who wants to show his love for the dead and give them real help can best do this by praying for them, and especially by commemoration at the liturgy, when the particles taken for the living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words: “Wash, Lord, sins commemorated here by Your precious blood, by the prayers of Your saints.

If we love our relatives in deeds and not in words; if we really are Christians, whose law is love for our neighbor, we must pray for the souls of our relatives and friends, give alms for their salvation. It is only in our power to wash away the remaining sins from them and open the way to Paradise for them. And their commemoration is our direct and immediate duty.

Church commemoration of the dead on parental Saturday

To commemorate your deceased relatives in church, you must come to the temple for worship. On Memorial Saturday, a divine liturgy for the dead is performed, after which a common memorial service is served - your presence at the Liturgy and memorial service is necessary. Moreover, our dead are clear witnesses to whether we were present at the service, whether we prayed for them, or simply unsubscribed with little notes and paid off with candles.

For church commemoration for the liturgy, parishioners are preparing T memorial notes for the dead . In the note, the names of those commemorated in the genitive case are written in large legible handwriting (to answer the question “who?”).

At the same time, it must be remembered that in these notes it is possible to enter the names of only those dead who were baptized during their lifetime, i.e. were members of the Church. For the unbaptized, you can pray at home or over their grave in the cemetery. Read more about how to write a note here.

These days, candles are supposed to be placed not on the icons, but on the Crucifixion, on a special table called "eve". The candle is our sacrifice to God and at the same time the symbol of our prayer. Therefore, when Christians light candles, they always ask God at this moment for the repose of their loved ones, naming the names of the deceased relatives.

Related to this custom is another similar to it: give alms the poor with a request to pray for the dead.

Recently, the opinion has spread that the beggars who beg for alms are almost the richest of all of us. Well, if this bothers someone, you can easily find among your friends or neighbors a sick, weak, lonely person, and even living on one miserable pension. Maybe it is worth bringing a bag of potatoes from the market in memory of your dead parents to such a person ... It seems to me that God will accept our prayer in this form. If only she were warm and sincere, not poisoned by proud self-approval. “Blessed are the merciful; for they will receive mercy” (Matthew 5:7).

In addition, it is customary to bring food to the temple as a donation. As a rule, bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables, etc. are placed on the canon. You can bring flour for prosphora, Cahors for the celebration of the liturgy. It is not allowed to bring meat products.

Have you ever thought during mass, looking at the so-called eve table, on which candles are warm for the repose of departed people? Quietly melting wax, slightly trembling lights somehow especially warmly and touchingly speak of people who have flown off the earth, who have not been forgotten, who are prayed for, for whom the people left without them and who loved them intercede. But what motivates us to pray for the dead? According to the word of Christ, we must love our neighbors as ourselves, and in the prayerful memory of them, our love is manifested as completely disinterested and secret, the greatest. And how dear this love is, bringing help to them, helpless! And, on the contrary, how ruthless we are when we forget about them!

People who know the rites of all religions unanimously affirm that nothing can be compared with Orthodox prayers for the afterlife of the Orthodox who have departed to God. Indeed, the grief of the Orthodox Church over the departed child is imbued with extraordinary warmth and unshakable hope. The Orthodox Church not only does not depart from its deceased member, but shows special concern for him. The highest good that the Church renders to the deceased is the commemoration of him at the proskomedia. The part that is taken out of the prosphora with the pronunciation of the name of a living or dead person marks the soul of this person. At the end of the Liturgy, after the communion of the faithful, all these particles are poured into the chalice and are thus imbued with the life-giving Blood of Christ. Above them are pronounced by the priest the words: "Wash, O Lord, the sins of those who are remembered here by Thy precious Blood." With this visible contact of parts of the prosphora with the Blood of Christ, an invisible contact of the soul of the commemorated person with the being of God takes place. At the same time, light souls feel a special joy - the same whether they are in the body or, at the end of earthly life, outside the body; evil souls - some anxiety from contact with the highest sphere, from which they are so far away; but still a tangible benefit. ( E. Poselyanin)

We must be ardent, we must be strong Orthodox, so that not only, perhaps, we can help ourselves, but also those who are close to us, and on the other side of life. We should not be those who just go to church from time to time, light a candle, cross themselves, fast, but it seems that they don’t fast; when he prays, and when he doesn't - well, it doesn't work. No, my dear ones, life is too serious to be cold, to be warm, barely warm.

Before the beginning of Great Lent, before we take the first step towards Easter, the word of our love for all those who walked the path of life before us sounds under the vaults of the temples: “God give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy servants who have fallen asleep!”. This is a prayer for everyone, because, according to the wonderful words of Tsvetaeva, “there are only believers and non-believers. All the believers are there.” Now they all see what we only believe in, see what they once forbade us to believe. And, therefore, for all of them our prayerful sighing will be a precious gift.

“The week of the Last Judgment has come. On the eve of the deceased relatives were commemorated in the church. At home, kutya was prepared from grains - as a sign of faith in the resurrection from the dead. On this day, the church commemorated all “from Adam to this day who have died in piety and faith” and sent a special prayer for those “whom the water covered, who died from battle, fire and earthquake, killed by murderers, slain by lightning, killed by beasts and reptiles, from frost frozen ... "And for those" even kill a sword, a horse to conquer, even strangle a stone, or sprinkle a finger; even kill the enchanting drink, poison, strangulation ... "" ( V. Nikiforov-Volgin.)

And we will come, we will definitely come, in spite of any worries of today. How else can we express our love for our loved ones who have gone to another world. How can we not fall down in prayer to the Lord for them, bowing the knees of our hearts when the deacon sings “Memory Eternal!”. Why not try to use everything possible to save their souls when we love them so much?! And do not say that those “whom the water covered, from the battle, fire and earthquake of the dead, killed by the murderers ...” are not our relatives. We are all one. We are all interconnected. Have you ever thought during mass, looking at the so-called eve table, on which candles are warm for the repose of departed people? Quietly melting wax, slightly trembling lights somehow especially warmly and touchingly speak of people who have flown off the earth, who have not been forgotten, who are prayed for, for whom the people left without them and who loved them intercede. But what motivates us to pray for the dead? According to the word of Christ, we must love our neighbors as ourselves, and in the prayerful memory of them, our love is manifested as completely disinterested and secret, the greatest. And how dear this love is, bringing help to them, helpless! And, on the contrary, how ruthless we are when we forget about them!

Submit notes on the Parents' Saturday of Great Lent about the repose, a funeral service, order a candle ... Commemoration of the dead. Lenten parental Saturday. memorial service.

If the commemoration fell on the time of Great Lent, then on weekdays the commemoration is not performed, but is transferred to the next (forward) Saturday or Sunday, the so-called counter commemoration. This is done because only on these days (Saturday and Sunday) are the Divine Liturgies of John Chrysostom and Basil the Great celebrated, and behind the proskomedia, particles are taken out for the dead and requiem services are performed. If the memorial days fell on the 1st, 4th and 7th weeks of Great Lent (the most severe weeks), then only the closest relatives are invited to the commemoration.
Pancakes(necessarily must be on yeast)
Wheat flour, you can add a little buckwheat or other flour + yeast, add water until liquid sour cream is formed, salt and sugar to taste, a little vegetable oil. Let the dough rise and bake like ordinary pancakes, only grease with vegetable oil.
Kutya in addition to cereals (wheat or, more often, rice), only a little honey and raisins are added.
Vinaigrette with beans beets, potatoes; pickles; salted mushrooms; beans; onion; salt, ground black pepper; for dressing: vinegar 3%; vegetable oil

Added after 1 hour 6 minutes
Here's a little more
mushroom caviar

Radish with butter

Pickled cucumber caviar

Lean pea soup

Russian lean soup


Sour daily mushroom cabbage soup

Loose buckwheat porridge

Lean dough for pies

Buckwheat porridge shangi

Buckwheat pancakes, "sinners"

Pies with mushrooms




Pie with cabbage and fish

Potato fritters

Spread the finished dough with a spoon on a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, and fry on both sides.

Added after 17 seconds
Here's a little more
mushroom caviar
This caviar is prepared from dried or salted mushrooms, as well as from their mixture.
Wash and cook dried mushrooms until tender, cool, chop finely or pass through a meat grinder.
Salted mushrooms should be washed in cold water and also chopped.
Fry finely chopped onions in vegetable oil, add mushrooms and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Three minutes before the end of the stew, add crushed garlic, vinegar, pepper, salt.
Put the finished caviar on a plate in a slide and sprinkle with green onions.
Salted mushrooms - 70 g, dried - 20 g, vegetable oil - 15 g, onion - 10 g, green onion - 20 g, 3% vinegar - 5 g, garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Radish with butter
Grate the washed and peeled radish on a fine grater. Add salt, sugar, finely chopped onion, vegetable oil, vinegar. Mix everything well, let stand for a few minutes. Then put in a salad bowl with a slide, garnish with chopped herbs.
Radish - 100 g, onion - 20 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, salt, sugar, vinegar, herbs to taste.

Pickled cucumber caviar
Finely chop the pickled cucumbers, squeeze the juice from the resulting mass.
Fry finely chopped onions in vegetable oil, add chopped cucumbers and continue to fry over low heat for half an hour, then put the tomato puree and fry all together for another 15-20 minutes. A minute before readiness, season the caviar with ground pepper.
In the same way, you can cook caviar from salted tomatoes.
Pickled cucumbers - 1 kg, onion - 200 g, tomato puree - 50 g, vegetable oil - 40 g, salt and pepper to taste.

Lean pea soup
In the evening, pour cold water over the peas and leave to swell and cook the noodles.
For noodles, half a glass of flour should be mixed well with three tablespoons of vegetable oil, add a spoonful of cold water, salt, leave the dough for an hour to swell. Thinly rolled and dried dough cut into strips, dry in the oven.
Boil the swollen peas, without draining the water, until half cooked, add the fried onions, diced potatoes, noodles, pepper, salt and cook until the potatoes and noodles are ready.
Peas - 50 g, potatoes - 100 g, onions - 20 g, water - 300 g, onion frying oil - 10 g, parsley, salt, pepper to taste.

Russian lean soup

Boil pearl barley, add fresh cabbage, cut into small squares, potatoes and roots, cut into cubes, into the broth, and cook until tender. In summer, you can add fresh tomatoes, cut into slices, which are laid at the same time as the potatoes.
Sprinkle with parsley or dill when serving. Potatoes, cabbage - 100 g each, onions - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, pearl barley - 20 g, dill, salt to taste.

Chop peeled and washed parsley, celery, onion in the form of straws, fry everything together in oil.
Cut the skin off the pickles and boil them separately in two liters of water. This is the broth for the pickle.
Cut the peeled cucumbers lengthwise into four parts, remove the seeds, finely chop the cucumber pulp into pieces.
Put the cucumbers in a small saucepan. To do this, put cucumbers in a saucepan, pour in half a glass of broth, cook over low heat until the cucumbers are completely softened.
Cut potatoes into cubes, chop fresh cabbage.
Boil the potatoes in a boiling broth, then place the cabbage, when the cabbage and potatoes are ready, add the browned vegetables and poached cucumbers.
5 minutes before the end of cooking, pickle should be salted, pepper, bay leaf and other spices to taste.
A minute before readiness, cucumber pickle is poured into the pickle.
200 g fresh cabbage, 3-4 medium potatoes, 1 carrot, 2-3 parsley roots, 1 celery root, 1 onion, 2 medium-sized cucumbers, 2 tablespoons oil, half a glass of cucumber pickle, 2 liters of water, salt, pepper, bay leaf sheet to taste.

Rassolnik can be prepared with fresh or dried mushrooms, with cereals (wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal). In this case, these products must be added to the specified recipe.

Sour daily mushroom cabbage soup

Boil dry mushrooms and roots. Finely chop the mushrooms taken out of the broth. Mushrooms and broth will be needed for cooking cabbage soup.
Stew over low heat for one and a half to two hours squeezed shredded sauerkraut with a glass of water and two tablespoons of tomato paste. The cabbage should be very soft.
10 - 15 minutes before the end of the stew, add the roots and onions fried in oil, and fried flour about five minutes before the end of the stew.
Put the cabbage in a saucepan, add chopped mushrooms, broth and cook for about forty minutes until tender. You can’t salt cabbage soup from sauerkraut - you can ruin the dish. Shchi tastes better the longer it cooks. Previously, such cabbage soup was put in a hot oven for a day, and exposed to frost at night.
Add two cloves of garlic mashed with salt to the prepared cabbage soup.
You can serve kulebyaka with fried buckwheat porridge with cabbage soup.
You can add potatoes or cereals to cabbage soup. To do this, cut three potatoes into cubes, separately steam two tablespoons of pearl barley or millet groats until half cooked. Potatoes and cereals should be put in boiling mushroom broth twenty minutes earlier than stewed cabbage.
Sauerkraut - 200 g, dried mushrooms - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, tomato puree - 20 g, flour - 10 g, oil - 20 g, bay leaf, pepper, herbs, salt to taste.

Mushroom soup with buckwheat
Boil diced potatoes, add buckwheat, soaked dried mushrooms, fried onions, salt. Cook until done.
Sprinkle the finished soup with herbs.
Potatoes - 100 g, buckwheat - 30 g, mushrooms - 10 g, onion - 20 g, butter - 15 g, parsley, salt, pepper to taste.

Lean sour cabbage tyurya
Mix chopped sauerkraut with grated onion. Add stale bread, also grated. Mix well, pour over with oil, dilute with kvass to the density you need. In the finished dish, you need to add pepper, salt.
Sauerkraut - 30 g, bread - 10 g, onion - 20 g, kvass - 150 g, vegetable oil, pepper, salt to taste.

Potato cutlets with prunes
Mash 400 grams of boiled potatoes, salt, add half a glass of vegetable oil, half a glass of warm water and enough flour to make a soft dough.
Let stand for about twenty minutes so that the flour swells, at this time prepare the prunes - peel it from the stones, pour boiling water over it.
Roll out the dough, cut into circles with a glass, put prunes in the middle of each, form cutlets, pinching the dough in the form of pies, roll each cutlet in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Loose buckwheat porridge
Fry a glass of buckwheat in a pan until it is browned.
Pour exactly two cups of water into a saucepan (it is better to use a cauldron with a convex bottom) with a tight lid, add salt and put on fire.
When the water boils, pour the red-hot buckwheat into it, cover with a lid. The lid must not be removed until the porridge is fully cooked.
Porridge should be cooked for 15 minutes, first on high, then on medium and at the end - on low heat.
The finished porridge should be seasoned with finely chopped onions fried in butter until golden brown and dry mushrooms, pre-treated.
This porridge can be served as an independent dish, or it can also be used as a filling for pies.

Lean dough for pies
Knead a dough of half a kilogram of flour, two glasses of water and 25-30 g of yeast.
When the dough rises, add salt, sugar, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, another half a kilogram of flour to it and beat the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Then put the dough in the same pan where the dough was prepared and let approach him again.
After that, the dough is ready for further work.

Buckwheat porridge shangi
Roll out cakes from lean dough, put buckwheat porridge cooked with onions and mushrooms in the middle of each, bend the edges of the cake.
After laying the finished shangi on a greased form, bake them in the oven.
The same shangi can be prepared stuffed with fried onions, potatoes, crushed garlic and fried onions.

Buckwheat pancakes, "sinners"
Pour three cups of buckwheat flour in the evening with three cups of boiling water, stir well and leave for an hour. If you do not have buckwheat flour, you can make it yourself by grinding buckwheat in a coffee grinder.
When the dough has cooled, dilute it with a glass of boiling water. When the dough becomes slightly warm, add 25 g of yeast dissolved in half a glass of water.
In the morning, add the rest of the flour, salt dissolved in water to the dough and knead the dough until the density of sour cream, put it in a warm place and bake in a pan when the dough rises again.
These pancakes are especially good with onion fritters.

Pancakes with spices (with mushrooms, onions)
Prepare a dough of 300 g of flour, a glass of water, 20 g of yeast and put it in a warm place.
When the dough comes up, pour another glass of warm water, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, sugar, the rest of the flour into it and mix everything thoroughly.
Soak the washed dried mushrooms for three hours, boil until tender, cut into small pieces, fry, add chopped and lightly fried green or onion, cut into rings. After spreading the pastries in a pan, fill them with dough, fry like ordinary pancakes.

Pies with mushrooms
Dilute the yeast in one and a half glasses of warm water, add two hundred grams of flour, stir and put the dough in a warm place for 2-3 hours.
Pour 100 grams of vegetable oil with 100 grams of sugar, pour into the dough, mix, add 250 grams of flour, leave for an hour and a half to ferment.
Soak 100 grams of washed dried mushrooms for two hours, boil them until tender and pass through a meat grinder. Fry three finely chopped onions in a pan in vegetable oil. When the onion turns golden, add finely chopped mushrooms, salt, fry for a few more minutes.
Shape the dough into balls and let them rise. Then roll the balls into cakes, put the mushroom mass in the middle of each, make pies, let them rise for half an hour on a greased baking sheet, then carefully grease the surface of the pies with sweet strong tea and bake in a heated oven for 30-40 minutes.
Put the finished pies in a deep plate and cover with a towel.


Prepare lean yeast dough like for pies. When the dough has risen, roll it into thin cakes. Chop the onion and fry it until golden brown in vegetable oil.
At the bottom of a stewpan or a mold greased with oil, put a thin cake, cover with onions, then again a cake and a layer of onions. So it is necessary to lay 6 layers. The top layer should be from the dough.
Bake the onion in a well-heated oven. Serve hot.

400 g flour, 3 tablespoons butter, 25-30 g yeast, 300 g pike, 300 g salmon, 2-3 pinches of ground black pepper, 1 tablespoon crushed crackers, salt to taste.
Knead the lean dough, let it rise twice. Roll out the dough that has risen again into a thin sheet and cut mugs out of it with a glass or a cup.
Place minced pike on each circle, and a thin piece of salmon on it. You can use minced sea bass, cod, catfish (except sea), pike perch, carp.
Pinch the ends of the patties so that the middle remains open.
Place pies on a greased baking sheet and let them rise for 15 minutes.
Lubricate each pie with strong sweet tea and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
Bake pies should be in a well-heated oven.
A hole is left in the top of the pie so that fish broth can be poured into it during lunch.
Pies are served with fish soup or fish soup.

500 g fish fillet, 1 onion, 2-3 potatoes, 2-3 tablespoons of oil, salt, pepper to taste.
Make lean dough, roll it into two cakes.
The cake that will be used for the bottom layer of the pie should be slightly thinner than the top.
Lay the rolled out flatbread on a greased baking sheet, lay a layer of thinly sliced ​​raw potatoes on the flatbread, sprinkled with salt and pepper. large pieces of fish fillet, on top - thinly sliced ​​raw onions.
Pour everything with oil and cover with a second cake. Connect the edges of the cakes and fold down.
Put the finished fisherman in a warm place for twenty minutes; before putting the fisherman in the oven, pierce the top in several places. Bake in an oven preheated to 200-220°C.

Pie with cabbage and fish
Roll out the lean dough in the form of a future pie.
Lay out a layer of cabbage evenly, on it - a layer of chopped fish and again a layer of cabbage.
Pinch the edges of the pie and bake the pie in the oven.

Potato fritters

Grate peeled raw potatoes, salt, let the juice appear, then add a little water and enough flour to make a dough like for pancakes.
Spread the finished dough with a spoon on a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, and fry on both sides.

The commemoration in fasting is performed in the same way as on any other days. The funeral is performed according to the rank. Death in the Orthodox Church is called the transition, dormition. That is, a person did not just go into oblivion, did not disappear, turning into dust, but only moved into a new hypostasis of existence. But the fate of the deceased in the afterlife is also important for us. Therefore, we pray for his repose. And after the burial, a commemoration is made.

About the commemoration in the post

Usually, the commemoration is held three times, including in fasting. For the first time, the funeral coincides with the commemoration. Then we remember the deceased on the ninth and fortieth days. According to the teachings of the church, it is on these days that the “fate” of the deceased is decided. On these dates, relatives and friends should pray at the service in the temple. A memorial meal is organized at home. Of course, for the Orthodox, it is not the table that is more important, but the memory of the departed. On the day of the commemoration in fasting, you need to remember all the good deeds of a person, his earthly path, remember with a kind word, talk about a difficult life.

For some, these stories commemoration in the post will become instructive, help to gain faith, if the deceased person was an example of faith and a virtuous life. The memorial table is also laid so that all relatives and friends can come together and pray for the deceased. This has a hidden meaning.

Wake in Orthodox Lent

For believers, holding a commemoration in fasting is associated with some rules. For example, before you start a meal, you should pray, read the ninetieth psalm. The whole event requires seriousness, reverence for the memory of the deceased. At such a table, ambiguous jokes, sarcasm, immoral stories are not allowed.

A meal at a wake, as a rule, begins with kutya. This dish is prepared in advance from rice or wheat seasoned with honey and flavored with berries or fruit slices. Kutya is usually at a memorial service - a special service for the deceased. Kutya should be tasted by every guest who came to the commemoration in Lent. The tradition of commemorating kutyas is deeply rooted in church history. The grain prepared for kutia personifies the integrity of the soul, its immortality. Therefore, the table at the wake can be called symbolic.

Do not worry about generous treats, a variety of dishes. At the commemoration, they are not going to gluttony. Especially if the commemoration fell on the weekdays of Great Lent. You can simply move the table to Saturday or Sunday so as not to violate the rules of dry eating on other days. The third day of commemoration in fasting is associated with the resurrection of Christ (he resurrected on the third day after death), the departed will also be resurrected into eternal life. The ninth day of the commemoration during fasting is associated with the veneration of the nine ranks of angels, and the fortieth day of the commemoration is correlated with the Ascension of Jesus Christ.

If you have free time, then read

The text of the Orthodox prayer to the Monk Andrei Rublev

O sacred head, reverend father, most blessed Abbot Andrew! Do not forget your wretched ones to the end, but always remember us in holy and favorable prayers to God: remember your flock, if you yourself have saved it, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for us, Holy Father, for your spiritual children, as if you had boldness to Heavenly King: do not be silent for us to the Lord, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop, for grace has been given to you to pray for us. It’s not imaginary that the creature is dead: if you’ve died from us in body, but you’re still alive after death, don’t depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of demons and the wiles of the devil, our good shepherd. Even if the relics of your cancer are always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with angelic hosts, with incorporeal faces, with heavenly forces, at the throne of the Almighty, rejoices with dignity, leading you truly and alive after death, we fall down and we pray to you: pray for us to Almighty God, for the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, let us go from earth to heaven unhindered, from bitter ordeals, demons of air princes and from eternal torment, let us be delivered, and let us be heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven with all the righteous, who from time immemorial have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: all glory, honor and worship is due to Him, with His Beginningless Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Nika Kravchuk

Great Lent is a very special time in the life of a person and the Church. And not only because we limit ourselves in food and entertainment, go to the canon of St. Andrew of Crete, bow down and read the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian. During the Pentecost, on weekdays only the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served and orders are not accepted. But how then to commemorate the dead in Great Lent? Read more about this.

How to commemorate the dead in Lent at home?

There are no restrictions in home prayer. Believers, as before, in the morning rule read a prayer for the departed:

Give rest, Lord, to the souls of your departed servants: my parents (their names), relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

During the reading of the Psalter, it is customary to pray for the dead on the third "Glory ..."

How to commemorate the dead in the temple?

If the home prayer for those who have departed into eternity has not changed, then the church one looks somewhat different. How to commemorate the dead in Great Lent not at home, but in the temple? There are two options:

  1. Submit a note.
  2. Come to memorial services on parental Saturdays.

Even before the start of the Four Days in Orthodox churches, they accept the so-called fasting notes. They record the names of the dead Orthodox, who will be commemorated every day (in parish churches, the notes are read by priests, and in monasteries by monks and nuns).

Memorial Saturdays

In the Orthodox calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, only eight parental Saturdays are indicated, three of which fall on Great Lent - on the second, third and fourth Saturdays. Why is the dead so often commemorated on Holy Forty Day? Let's try to explain.

The Church serves special services for the dead - memorial services, and also commemorates them at the Liturgy. If you filed a custom note on the candle box, it means that the priest will not only read the indicated names of the deceased, but also take out particles from the prosphora for each deceased. These particles will be immersed in wine and then transformed into Communion - the Body and Blood of Christ.

During the dive, the priest will read a prayer:

Wash away, O Lord, the sins of those who are remembered here by Your honest Blood, by the prayers of Your saints.

It is believed that such a commemoration - on the proskomedia - when the particles are taken out, is one of the most important.

But during Great Lent, the Liturgy in its usual form is served only on weekends. On weekdays, even in monasteries there are no such services. Only on Wednesday and Friday do Vespers take communion, and it is called the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. The name itself indicates that Communion - the Holy Gifts - is consecrated before, that is, on Sunday. Therefore, at the Presanctified Liturgy, they do not celebrate proskomedia and, accordingly, do not commemorate the living and the dead.

In order to somehow “compensate” for the lack of commemorations, three parental Saturdays were established.

Parental Saturday: how to prepare for it and how to commemorate the dead correctly?

The commemoration begins on Friday, when in the evening at the all-night vigil they serve parastas - the Great Panikhida. On Saturday morning, after the Liturgy, they also serve a memorial service.

To commemorate the dead, notes are submitted (only baptized Orthodox who have died a natural death can be indicated in them), and food is also brought. These are bread, sugar, cahors for communion, vegetable oil, vegetables, fruits, sweets, canned food and other lenten products. Kolivo is also prepared - wheat or rice with honey. Grain symbolizes the birth of a person for eternal life, and honey - the sweetness of being in the Kingdom of Heaven.

After the consecration, the products are distributed to the homeless, the poor, people who serve in the temple, sometimes they are taken to orphanages, hospitals or prisons.

It turns out that the memorial service combines two types of assistance to the deceased - prayer and alms.

The commemoration of the dead in Lent is described in this video:

Take it, tell your friends!

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