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Exercises for the treatment of the prostate. Preventive exercises for the prostate: gymnastics, physiotherapy and physical education. What kind of prostatitis will exercise cure

Sports are very important for maintaining health, including in the treatment of this disease. It has been proven that exercise with prostatitis has a good effect on the condition of a man and can reduce the amount of drugs used. This is not surprising, since the right load significantly strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and helps to quickly restore gland tissue.


Prostatitis is one of the most well-known diseases of the genitourinary system of men. The main causes of this disease are:

  • bactericidal infections;
  • venereal diseases transferred earlier;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • hypothermia.

Most often it appears under the influence of several reasons. However, no matter how it occurs, inflammation of the prostate can be identified by feelings of heaviness, problems with urination and dull pain in the lower abdomen. If, after the appearance of these signs, you do not seek medical help, then prostatitis will develop into chronic. After a certain time, all the symptoms will begin to fade, but the neglect of the disease will from time to time make itself felt with exacerbations. In addition, at this stage, a very serious complication may appear - erectile dysfunction.

Types of exercises

Simple - they include one of the most effective Kegel complexes. This technique is made up of latent, namely imperceptible to other people, squeezing and relaxing the anus.

Of medium difficulty, they are done in a lying or sitting position. Such loads include “bicycle”, “scissors”, rolls on the ball, leg swings, hip rotations.


All sports loads that are relevant for the disease can be divided into categories:

  • cold and hot shower;
  • Kegel exercises;
  • special yoga;
  • physical Culture.

The most important thing is to learn how to perform loads regularly and correctly in order to slow down blood stagnation and improve the movement of oxygen through the cells of the gland.

Influence of sport

Prostatitis exercises for men play an important role in treatment. They have a strengthening and beneficial effect on the body, and in particular:

  • help intensive contraction of all pelvic muscles;
  • improve metabolism and blood circulation in the gland;
  • provide a natural massage of the organ, due to this, a drop in intra-abdominal pressure begins, which helps to improve the condition;
  • remarkably restore the nervous system;
  • remove the residual effects of inflammatory and stagnant processes;
  • contribute to the improvement of working capacity;
  • strengthen the adrenal glands and their work.

The most effective exercise for prostatitis

The Kegel technique is very popular, as it is optimal for everyone. Its basis lies in the alternate relaxation and contraction of the muscles of the anus. In order to understand how to do this correctly, you just need to stop the process for a couple of seconds during urination, and then relax the muscles again.

Kegel exercises are similar exercises, only in their normal state. Initially, in the first days of treatment, it is enough to do this five times, performing 15 movements. Next, you need to increase the daily number of approaches to 30 and up to 150 compressions in each.

Exercises for the treatment of prostatitis at home have an excellent effect on potency, and they can also be easily performed anywhere and at a convenient time. For others, they are completely invisible and therefore will not cause discomfort.

Physical complexes

In order for men's health to always be on top, it is necessary to perform fairly simple gymnastics:

  • To strengthen the abdominal muscles, you need to lie on your back and raise two legs, which are kept straight for 20 seconds, and then slowly lower them. Everything is done in 10 sets, 3-5 times a day.
  • An excellent exercise for prostatitis is push-ups. It not only makes the figure very beautiful, but also improves blood circulation.
  • For treatment, it is also good to use walking on the buttocks. The man should sit on the floor, and stretch his legs, and then with the help of his hands begin to move forward and then back. Gymnastics is performed at any time in unlimited quantities.
  • Static loads on the muscles of the abdomen, hips and pelvis will be useful for the treatment of male disease. If you regularly perform such an exercise with prostatitis, then the effect achieved will be long-term. To do this, you need to sit on the floor and draw in your stomach as much as possible, and then strongly tighten your knees. In this position, the patient should be until the whole body begins to shudder.
  • The lightest physical complex is the “bicycle”, it perfectly warms up the blood flow of the small pelvis, thereby regulating the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the gland. To complete the task, the man lies on his back and raises his legs, which are previously bent at the knees, and then begins circular movements on weight.
  • Stand up straight, and then do slow squats, spreading your knees in different directions, then bring them back, this is an excellent gymnastics for prostatitis. The set of exercises is aimed at training the inner thigh area.
  • Leaning against the wall, the legs are brought together, and after with a straight back, you need to start raising each of the knees as high as possible. Due to this, the abdominal muscles are tightened.
  • Simple manipulations that are performed while sitting or lying down will help to cope with the signs of the disease. A small ball is pressed between the legs for 10 seconds, and then the muscles are completely relaxed.
  • An excellent exercise for prostatitis is birch, as it improves blood flow and helps relieve swelling and inflammation. Such a load is performed 8-10 approaches for 15 seconds each.


It helps to treat the disease, as it fights well with venous congestion in the pelvic area. In order for the complex to give the maximum effect, you need to use the right techniques:

  • It is necessary to take into account the fact that in order to regulate blood circulation, first of all, it is necessary to ensure a horizontally turned position of the body. It should be calm and static. It can also be used as a prophylaxis for prostatitis in men. Exercises that fully meet these requirements are: shirshasana, sarvangasana, karaniviparita and others.
  • It is recommended to use nauli and dhauti complexes. They can qualitatively engage the abdominal cavity due to manipulations with which strong pressure drops can be achieved, thereby ensuring the outflow of blood from the heart and vice versa.
  • To remove the stagnation of urine, it is recommended to pay attention to the hip joints, as they directly help to influence the functionality of the pelvic organs. As a rule, yoga is often combined with other physical activities, as it provides a great sense in the treatment, so this is a very effective gymnastics for prostatitis.

A set of exercises from oriental experts

It is an obvious fact that various techniques can significantly improve the condition of a man. Methods that came from China and India are more often recommended to be used more as preventive ones, and their implementation after complete recovery is not excluded. Particular attention in case of diseases of the male genital organs and osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is given directly to the coccyx. It is recommended to knead with light touches. It is necessary to hold with fists on both sides and massage this place in circular motions and pointwise. In the supine position, the coccyx is stroked and sways on different sides.

European experts recommend doing this exercise for prostatitis on a fitball, which should be slightly inflated. Before starting the lesson, you need to sit down and relax, and then inhale and exhale deeply with your stomach about 20 times. Thanks to the use of this technique, the lower back is warmed up. Next, you need to lean on the back of the chair and perform circular movements with the pelvis and muscles of the anus, then retract, then relax. Approximately 15 rotations are required. Then it is recommended to do the “running against the wall” exercise, for this the patient becomes so that his hands touch the surface and are slightly bent at the elbows, and after that the man begins to imitate running with his feet, while keeping his socks on the floor. And you can also do squats and tilts at the moment of emphasis.

Stock up on patience

After the patient has learned what exercises to do with prostatitis, you need to understand that he will not receive miraculous healing from the first lesson. Indeed, according to statistics, the result becomes noticeable not earlier than after 10 days of using such therapy. Various complexes have a rather beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism, so you should not treat them with disdain. To eliminate stagnant processes after waking up in the morning, physical education will help, which can be performed even when you are healthy as a preventive measure. The longer the treatment is carried out, the more visible the positive result.


Despite the rather high efficiency and the most positive reviews about therapeutic exercises, nevertheless, its use must be discussed directly with the specialist who will observe the patient. It is not recommended to perform complexes of such exercises in acute prostatitis and elevated body temperature. And also some caution is recommended for men who, along with inflammation of the prostate gland, still have injuries of the hip joint, osteochondrosis or hypertension, as it is possible to exacerbate the disease or even harm the body.

Sport helps to improve the condition of the prostate gland. Exhausting workouts are not required - it is enough to allocate 10-15 minutes every day for simple exercises. The most effective exercises for the prostate are squats, swings and leg circles, glute raises, Kegel exercises and tennis ball exercises. Regular performance will stimulate blood circulation in the tissues of the perineum, increase muscle tone - this will improve the condition of internal organs in men, protect against relapses of prostatitis, and strengthen potency.

A set of exercises

Exercise therapy (therapeutic gymnastics) is included in the official set of medical measures for prostatitis and adenoma. Alone, she will not cure the disease, but will enhance the effect of medicines, folk remedies. The benefits of gymnastics are in stimulating blood supply, due to which tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients.

  • Physical activity eliminates circulatory and secretory stagnation in men who move little and lead an irregular sex life.
  • Exercises do not allow a natural decrease in the tone of smooth muscles, therefore they are recommended for the elderly.
  • Gymnastics "accelerates" metabolism and helps maintain normal weight (obese men are prone to prostatitis and prostate adenoma).

Physical exercise should be performed for people after surgery (including after removal of the prostate). This is necessary for the prevention of complications, the fastest recovery of urinary and sexual functionality.

Kegel exercise

You should start training with gymnastics, which replaces prostate massage. It is done according to the Kegel method, based on alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. The execution technique is as follows:

  • Take a comfortable position. Strongly tighten the muscles of the anus and perineum, linger for 4-5 seconds and relax.
  • Repeat the “compression-unclenching” block 10-12 times. Every day, add a couple of additional approaches to the complex.

You can do gymnastics anywhere, from any position - lying, sitting, standing and even on the go. Since it is outwardly imperceptible that a person is doing the exercise, it is really possible to carry it out at work, in transport, while walking.

urinary retention

In the lower part of the pelvis are muscle fibers stretching from the pubis to the coccyx. They pinch the exit from the rectum, are responsible for the work of the penis during an erection, as well as for emptying the urethra. With an exacerbation of prostatitis, this pubococcygeal muscle becomes flabby, as inflamed tissues pull it. To restore muscle tone, it is recommended that after the completion of the main treatment, an exercise with an intentional retention of urination is recommended. For men, such prostate training is also useful - it improves potency.

Perform the exercise as follows: in the process of emptying the bladder, stop the process in the middle, wait 5 seconds and then continue. One such procedure per day is enough. Starting from the second week, for one act of urination, you should try to make two short delays. After 14 days, you should take a break of 7 days, and then repeat the two-week course again.

Walking on the buttocks

We sit on the carpet, the back is straight, the legs are extended forward. We hold our hands behind our heads or at our sides (as in normal running), you can’t help yourself by resting your palms on the floor. Raise the left buttock and push the left leg forward. Same thing with the right side.

"Walk" on the buttocks to start 15-20 times. In the future, it is recommended to bring the “walk” to 100 steps (you can move both forward and backward). When even a hundred repetitions seem simple, it is recommended to complicate the workout - after each forward movement, pull your knees to your chest and lower them back to the floor. Exercise perfectly massages the perineum and anus, providing an intense rush of blood to the prostate.

Tennis ball exercise

You will need two balls. In terms of diameter, it is better to choose the largest ones (tennis players call them “slow”). Children's lightweight balls will not work - they will rub painfully. Also pay attention to the color - it should be yellow. Real tennis balls are not made in other colors or in pictures - do not buy fakes, as they can burst during exercise.

For the prevention or treatment of chronic prostatitis of the first stages, the following daily exercise helps: we sit on the balls so that they are under the buttocks, now we begin to drive the body over them, running from the coccyx to the hips. The body must be well pressed to the surface of the balls so that they do not roll away.

The first days the exercise may not work due to lack of skill and balance. When you get to roll the ball, you should try to do it 5-7 times. With each week, you can add 2 additional "rentals".


Dr. Bubnovsky claims that lowering the pelvis from a standing position allows you to determine whether a man is at risk for prostatitis. If a person can do 50 deep squats without pain and muscle fatigue, everything is fine. Otherwise, discomfort signals a poor condition of the muscles and blood flow to the pelvic organs, which is a factor in the development of congestive inflammation.

To strengthen the muscles of the prostate and improve blood circulation, an exercise is used, which in the test - you just need to do squats daily. The first weeks untrained men need to do 50-60 times. Starting from the 14th day of daily training, do 100 repetitions.

Push ups

In the presence of prostate diseases, it is not recommended to do push-ups in the opposite direction (face up) or with legs raised (when the feet are on a stand above head level). These exercises are not suitable for strengthening the prostate, they only give a load on the press, which is not at all useful during exacerbations.

For prevention, push-ups from a small stand will be sufficient (at home it can be a sofa or a bench). You can do 20 to 50 sets per day. During classes, it is important not to forget to breathe properly. You should go down on the exhale, at the moment of tension you need to say “Ha!”, go up on the inhale - only then there will be no increase in intracranial, intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure.

Exercise "bike"

With prostatitis, exercises that include circular movements of the legs are useful. The most simple and effective is called "bicycle". Starting position - lying on your back with your lower back firmly pressed to the floor, legs bent, hands behind your head. Due to the tension of the press, it is necessary to start alternately stretching the knees to the opposite elbows, while the legs make circular movements that imitate the torsion of the pedals.

If there is inflammation in the prostate, the exercise should be done slowly. A safe pace is 3 to 5 seconds for each pull of the elbow to the knee. Many approaches are not required - 20-30 "twisting" with each leg is enough per day.

Scissors kicked

This movement is strictly prohibited for prostatitis and adenoma. It increases intra-abdominal pressure and can cause severe pain. It is better to add a modified version to the set of exercises, which is done according to the following instructions:

  • Lie on the floor, lean on your elbows.
  • Raise the outstretched legs to the most comfortable height without straining the abdominal muscles.
  • Start swinging your legs - inhale to spread to the sides, exhale to cross.
  • Repeat the exercise daily 20-30 times.

"Scissors" at home should be done only to maintain the health of the prostate for men without diseases or with pathologies at the initial stage and only during remission. When exacerbated, refrain from exercise.

Back arching

Gymnastics for the prostate gland should include simple exercises that allow you to massage the lower abdomen and stretch the muscles of the peritoneum. Arching the back from a prone position works well for this purpose.

Physically unprepared men should start with a simple version of the exercise. Lying on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor (palms at chest level). As you inhale, slowly raise your upper body. The pubis and legs remain pressed to the floor. As you exhale, slowly lower back. 10 repetitions are enough.

If an exercise seems easy, it can be made more difficult. During the deflection, strain the muscles of the back and the press as much as possible, tear off the hands and feet from the floor, grab the shins with the palms of your hands. Stay in this position for 15-20 breaths.

Hip lift

To work out the muscles of the inner side of the thigh, you need to put one foot on the floor, as shown in the picture below. Raise and lower the second leg from the side pressed to the floor.

For the treatment of prostate inflammation of the congestive type, a good exercise called "Shell" is suitable. It is necessary to take a position on the side, bend the legs at the knees, and then rhythmically take the leg lying on top up and put it back. Make 15 movements, and then change sides.

Buttock lift

The best yoga exercise to stimulate blood flow to the prostate area is the shoulder bridge. Lying on your back on a hard surface, put your hands under the shoulder blades. Bend your knees, rest your feet on the floor. Take a breath and bend at the waist. Tighten your buttocks, stay in this position for 3-4 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat at least 15 times.

After 3 weeks of daily training, you can gradually complicate the exercise. One option is to raise the hips with support on the shoulders and one leg, the other foot should be placed on the opposite knee.

General exercise

Prevention of prostatitis with exercise therapy can be combined with walking. While walking in the park, it is recommended to look at the sports ground, where you should pay attention to the following outdoor exercise equipment:

  • "skier";
  • "leg press";
  • "running tape";
  • "twister";
  • "orbitrek";
  • "stepper".

Experts advise not to waste time even in front of the TV. For example, while watching, stand up and walk in place with high knees; swing your legs to the side. This helps to disperse the blood through the vessels and protects against congestive prostatitis.

Another good exercise for men, which experts recommend doing at an increased risk of prostatitis, is the “birch tree” known since childhood (in yoga it is assana sarvangasana). It is necessary to stand in a pose 2-3 times a day, the duration of each approach is 15-30 seconds.


An important rule: exercises to strengthen the prostate gland are allowed only in the chronic stage of the disease. During an exacerbation (when severe pain, acute urinary retention), neither massaging the prostate nor exercising is recommended.

When removing the prostate or other surgery, physical activity should be progressive. The first days are assigned to bed rest. Then it is only allowed to make light circular movements with arms and legs, unhurried walks around the room and corridor. You can start gymnastics from the 5-7th day, the number of approaches should be increased gradually.

If spasms or convulsions appear during exercises for men, you need to take a break and try to repeat the complex after a couple of hours. If the pain returns, it means that the chosen type of training is not suitable - the urologist will find out the reason after an additional examination.

You found what you were looking for?

The main reason for the development of prostatitis is stagnant processes in the prostate gland. The disease develops against the background of impaired blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the pelvic organs.

Physical exercises for prostatitis are aimed at normalizing these processes and strengthening the pubococcygeal muscle. The daily performance of simple gymnastics is indicated both for the prevention and treatment of the disease.

As a warm-up, you can do Kegel exercises. Contrary to popular belief, such training is shown not only to women, but also to men.

The advantage of exercise is its simplicity. You can practice anywhere, even at work.

  1. Tighten the pubococcygeal muscle for a few seconds, and then relax. The exercise is done slowly, with a gradual increase in tension time. The number of repetitions is from 10 to 50. It is recommended to repeat several times a day.
  2. Quickly tighten the anus and immediately relax. Repeat 10-20 times.
  3. Feeling the urge to go to the toilet, during urination, you should strain the corresponding muscle, trying to stop the stream for a few seconds, and then continue to urinate. Repeat several times during the day.

These exercises are the best prevention of prostatitis for people with a sedentary job. They strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle and improve local blood circulation. You can contract the pubococcygeal muscle and anus in any position. It is recommended from time to time to change the starting position by contracting the muscles while lying down, sitting on a chair or squatting.

"pelvic pendulum" and "bridge"

The following exercises are notable for their ease of execution and effectiveness.

"Pelvic pendulum" is performed while standing. It is necessary to spread your legs, put your hands comfortably on your belt and sit down deeply. From this position, forward and backward movements are made. The body is motionless, only the pelvis works. On inspiration - the maximum movement forward, on exhalation - backward.

The bridge exercise is done lying down. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor, the legs are bent at the knees. It is necessary to pull the feet as close to the buttocks as possible. From this position, while inhaling, the pelvis rises as high as possible, while the buttocks are tense, and the upper body is motionless. As you exhale, relax your buttocks and lower your pelvis to the floor. To complicate the exercise, you should linger in the upper position for 10 seconds.

Another elementary exercise is the simultaneous tension of the anus and thighs in the prone position. The buttocks are pressed to the floor.

Such simple physical exercises for prostatitis should be repeated 10 times daily, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

Squats for prostatitis

Squats help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve local blood circulation. It is recommended to perform 3 types of exercises.

  • Classic squats - legs wide apart, the pelvis drops perpendicular to the floor. Be sure to ensure that the knees in the lower position are on the same level with the feet, but do not go forward;
  • Half squat. It is performed as if a person wants to sit on a high chair, but has recently changed his mind and straightens up. In the lower position, you should linger for 5 seconds;
  • "Plie". The exercise came from ballet. Legs are widely spaced, feet look to the sides. It is necessary to sit down as deeply as possible, lingering for 5 seconds. You can complicate the task if you perform squats while standing on your toes. To maintain balance, you can hold on to the back of the chair with your hands;
  • Stand near the wall, pressing against her buttocks and back. From this position, slowly squat down without breaking away from the wall. When performing the exercise, the knees should be closed;

To reduce the stagnation of the secret, any physical activity is indicated in which the pelvic muscles are involved. Static loads on this area and stretching have a good effect.

With inflammation of the prostate, you can do yoga or do exercises on a fitball. The main thing is the regularity of training. Simple physical exercises for prostatitis do not require special training, they do not require sports equipment. Charging will take no more than 10 minutes a day, and some exercises can be performed in any environment, including work.

Regular gymnastics and drug treatment will bring tangible results if they are not neglected. As a bonus, a man will quickly notice an improvement in potency, as this directly depends on the tone of the pubococcygeal muscle.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of activity, stress - all this quite often leads to disorders in the prostate gland, which eventually develop into serious diseases such as prostate adenoma or chronic prostatitis.

Most men do not think about why it is important to train the prostate. Experts say that daily exercises, specially selected by the doctor, significantly reduce the risk of prostate diseases.

The doctor often talks about the benefits of exercises for the prostate in men at the appointment. Exercises are useful both as preventive measures, in absolutely healthy men, and as wellness measures, in combination with medication and physiotherapy in the presence of existing diseases.

Physical exercises are prescribed as a complex treatment for many diseases of the prostate gland, as well as as preventive measures for patients of the "risk group". Prostate massage exercises are of great therapeutic value in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

The effectiveness of exercises directly depends on how regularly they are performed.

  1. Retraction of the anus. It is recommended to inhale to retract the anus, exhale to return to its original position, relax. Repeat the exercise about 20 times.
  2. Exercise "scissors". In the supine position, raise your legs up, spread them in different directions, cross, return to the starting position. Repeat about 15 times.
  3. Bicycle exercise. From a position on the back, bend the legs, gradually pulling them one by one to the chest. It is recommended to perform 25 exercises for each of the legs.

Since any disease is better to prevent than to cure, training for the prevention of prostate diseases is of great importance in this. There are a number of simple exercises that serve to prevent prostate pathologies.

This complex consists of the following exercises:

  • Bring the sexual organ into tone, then relax. Repeat 10 times several times a day.
  • Introduce the sexual organ into tension, holding it in this state for as long as possible, and then sharply relax. Do 10 times in several approaches per day.
  • Tighten the muscle, while counting up to 5, then also gradually relax.
  • Quickly tighten the penis and also quickly relax, repeat 10 times.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect and maintain it for a long time, it is necessary to perform the exercises every day, following the instructions and increasing the number of repetitions.

Exercises for the treatment of adenoma are also performed in a complex, in compliance with the rules and mandatory regularity:

  • In a sitting position, squeeze your knees as tightly as possible, draw in your stomach, hold this position for about 1 minute. Then relax for 5 minutes. Repeat 30 times.
  • From a supine position, raise your legs, trying to keep them in this position for as long as possible. Then rest for a couple of minutes. Do 15 times.
  • Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Move without the help of arms and legs on the buttocks.
  • In addition, for the treatment of prostate adenoma, push-ups from the floor and the “bike” exercise are shown.

Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the prostate should be prescribed by a doctor, self-medication is contraindicated.

Exercises after prostate surgery are prescribed as a complex rehabilitation therapy.

They help strengthen muscles, accelerate tissue regeneration, improve blood circulation, and also prevent undesirable postoperative consequences, such as involuntary urination.

These exercises are done under the supervision of a doctor and have no regulatory restrictions. They should be performed as many times as the condition allows.

  • In a sitting position, place your foot firmly on the floor without lifting your heels off the floor. Put one hand on the pubic bone, lift the buttocks off the floor.
  • Sit on the roller, bend your back with a deep breath, straighten it as you exhale, trying to slightly bend the spine back. At the same time, strain the sphincter, wrap the pelvis around the roller.
  • From a position on your back, stretch your legs and arms up, in a slightly relaxed state. Stay in this position for as long as you can.
  • On your knees, bend down, resting your elbows on the floor. Place your forehead on your hands and keep your back straight. Remain in this position for about two minutes.

Exercises for prostatitis: therapeutic effect and contraindications

With regular exercise from prostatitis, blood circulation and its flow to the genitals improve, the pelvic muscles strengthen, urination is restored and the tone of the whole organism as a whole increases, thanks to which it itself begins to fight the disease.

The most effective exercises for prostatitis are exercises for the press, running, jumping, squats, and exercises according to the Bubnovsky method, which mobilize the body's forces, are also recommended.

It is important to remember that the therapeutic effect of exercises for prostatitis is achieved only after some time with regular performance.

Many patients are often interested in what stages and forms of prostatitis they should be used for. Doctors say that exercise is effective as a preventive measure, as well as in the early stages of prostate disease.

Along with the use of medications and physiotherapy, exercises give a significant chance for a complete cure for the disease. In the later stages, exercise helps relieve pain and relieve symptoms of the disease. The effect of exercise can be achieved in all forms of prostatitis, but it is forbidden to perform them in case of exacerbations of the disease.

Despite the benefits of physical therapy, there are some contraindications.

Exercises for prostatitis are contraindicated in: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, high blood pressure, heart disease, acute forms of prostate disease, as well as in old age.

Physical exercises for prostatitis: technique and feedback

Recommended exercises for the treatment of prostatitis:

  • Stand up straight, put your feet together, put your hands behind your back. Bend one leg in front, then slowly turn on its side, straighten, return to its original position. Do the same with the other leg.
  • From a prone position, bend your legs at the knees, placing your hands under your head. Move the pelvis from one side to the other, until the lumbar region warms up.
  • In a position lying on your back, put your legs next to each other, bend your arms at the elbows, raise the pelvis, while leaning on the elbows and heels.
  • In the supine position, perform the exercise "cycling".
  • Lying on your back, bend and press your legs to your stomach, feel your buttocks with your feet. Raise the pelvis, leaning on the feet, shoulders and elbows. Return to the previous position, repeat.
  • Get on all fours, sit on your heels and narrow the muscles of the buttocks and perineum. Make an exhale. At the moment of returning to the starting position, inhale.
  • In a sitting position, you should inhale as deeply as possible and inflate your stomach. Then you should hold your breath for 8-10 seconds, draw in your stomach and take a deep breath. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Lean on one leg, while the other is making swinging movements back and forth. It is recommended to do 30 to 100 movements with each leg, depending on physical fitness.
  • Standing in a straight position, tilt the body to the sides. It is recommended to perform 25 slopes in each direction.
  • In a sitting position, stretch your legs in front of you, while not bending at the knees. For 20-30 minutes, reach your feet with your fingertips.

Acute and chronic prostatitis is widespread among middle-aged and elderly men. In addition, today an increase in the incidence of this pathology among young men is recorded.

As predisposing factors for the development of the disease, a sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity), irregular sex life, as well as previously transferred infectious and inflammatory diseases that led to the migration of pathogenic microorganisms into the glandular tissue of the prostate are distinguished.

The outcome of prostatitis therapy directly depends on the timeliness of diagnosis and the adequacy of the treatment. One of the most effective ways to improve blood flow in the prostate gland is a set of gymnastic exercises. Therapeutic gymnastics has a positive effect not only on the condition of the prostate, but also on the genitourinary system as a whole.

Do you need gymnastics

Not every man who is faced with the problem of inflammatory lesions of the prostate fully understands the relevance and effectiveness of therapeutic exercises. Many patients need lengthy preliminary conversations with a doctor who tries to explain the importance of this treatment and prevention technique.

If a man prefers to rely only on the effect of pharmacy medicines, then he should not expect a quick recovery and restoration of lost functions. Those patients who reconsider their views in favor of the fight against physical inactivity, smoothly but surely lead their body to internal recovery.

Regular exercise for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis helps to improve metabolism in the prostate, eliminate swelling of the gland, as well as normalize the act of urination and erectile function.

Indications for gymnastics

Despite the fact that a set of gymnastic exercises is not the only option for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, its inclusion in a comprehensive treatment plan will speed up the healing process and strengthen the whole body. If pathological changes are just beginning to emerge in the male body, then therapeutic exercises will stop this process in a short period of time and prevent its progression.

The degree of effectiveness of therapeutic exercises directly depends on the cause of prostatitis. If the disease was provoked by congestion in the prostate gland, then gymnastics will solve this problem to the fullest. In chronic prostatitis of an infectious nature, physiotherapy exercises activate the hidden reserves of the male body to fight the disease.

Important! As a rule, therapeutic exercises are prescribed for patients with chronic infectious and non-infectious prostatitis. It is difficult to perform gymnastic exercises in the acute course of the disease, since a man feels severe discomfort and pain, which tends to increase with physical exertion. That is why medical experts recommend starting therapeutic exercises outside the phase of exacerbation of prostatitis.

Subject to the technique of performing gymnastic exercises for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis in the male body, the following changes occur:

  • acceleration of the process of removing decay products and toxic substances;
  • normalization of cellular nutrition and intracellular metabolism;
  • stimulation of blood flow in the organs of the pelvic region;
  • an increase in the contractility of smooth muscle elements located in the prostate gland.

Standard complex of therapeutic gymnastic exercises easy to implement at home and does not require specialized skills and equipment.

What to look out for

Initially, this gymnastic technique was developed by specialists in the field of manual therapy and osteopathy for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the hip joint. During the use of this gymnastics, doctors noticed a positive effect of exercises on the state of the urinary and reproductive systems of men. After a number of clinical trials, it was proved that the regular implementation of this complex helps to eliminate prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis.

  • the presence of an infectious-inflammatory focus in the body;
  • early postoperative period;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • the first 6 months after a stroke or heart attack;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • exacerbation of any of the chronic diseases of the internal organs.

In addition to contraindications, there is a list of conditions in which a man must be careful and increase physical activity gradually. These include:

  • exacerbation of chronic prostatitis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • hernia of the white line of the abdomen and inguinal hernia;
  • tendency to increase blood pressure.

Important! If, when performing therapeutic exercises, a man’s general condition worsened, pain of various localization, dizziness and other variants of malaise appeared, then he was recommended to stop performing the complex and consult a doctor.

A set of exercises for chronic prostatitis

It is necessary to perform each exercise from the medical complex on a flat and hard surface, while the head should be on a small roller or pillow. Each exercise should be performed systematically, avoiding jerks and sudden movements.

In order to prevent and treat chronic infectious and non-infectious prostatitis, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. While lying down, put your hands along the body. Having chosen the fulcrum of the feet, the man needs to carefully slowly bend the legs at the knees, pull them towards him and spread them as much as possible in the knee joints. After that, the lower limbs are returned to their original position. The recommended number of repetitions is 15 times.
  2. Starting position - lying on your back with outstretched arms along the body. The lower limbs must be bent at the knee joints and bring the feet together. After that, gently spread your knees to the limit of your capabilities. Then the legs are returned to their original position, pressing the knees to each other as tightly as possible. The repetition rate is 15-20 times.
  3. While lying on the stomach, the arms are laid along the torso. After that, the right lower limb is bent at the knee joint and gently lifted up, returning to its original position. When performing the exercise, you should not try to raise your leg to the maximum height. A similar technique is performed with the left lower limb. The repetition rate is 8-10 times.
  4. Starting position - standing with legs set at shoulder level. In this position, it is recommended to perform neat slow squats, stretching both arms in front of you. In the process of squats, the lower limbs should not be fully extended, so that the squats are shallow. The repetition rate is 8-10 times.

This complex of therapeutic and preventive exercises can be perform at any time of the day before a meal or 2.5 hours after a meal.

Gymnastics with congestive prostatitis

Main the purpose of this gymnastic complex- increased local blood flow in the prostate gland, activation of local immunity and improvement of metabolic processes. In order for the exercises to effectively eliminate stagnant processes, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with such rules:

  1. The main criteria for high-quality gymnastics is a pleasant feeling of warmth in the pelvic region and perineum.
  2. Each exercise must be performed sequentially, without interruption and without violating the recommended number of repetitions.
  3. During a session of gymnastic exercises, it is necessary to strain and relax the muscles located in the anus. This condition is necessary to improve the drainage function in the prostate gland.
  4. Before performing therapeutic exercises, it is recommended to do a few simple exercises that allow you to warm up the skeletal muscles and activate them for full-fledged work.

As an effective means of preventing and treating congestive prostatitis, the following gymnastic exercises are used:

  1. While sitting on the floor, the patient needs to alternately raise the left and right thigh, performing the so-called walking on the buttocks. Each movement is performed smoothly and slowly. This type of manual exposure is an effective means of preventing diseases not only of the prostate gland, but also of the rectal region.
  2. In order to perform this exercise, a man must first stock up on a football or volleyball. Being in a standing position, the ball is placed between the thighs, gently squeezed and held in this position for 5-10 seconds. The repetition rate is 15-20 times.
  3. Being in a sitting position on the floor, the lower limbs are placed straight, and the hands rest on the floor. After that, it is necessary to carefully raise both feet above the floor by 10 cm. It is recommended to bend both legs at the knee joints and pull them towards you. The repetition rate is 10 times. This type of load can be overwhelming for men who are overweight. In order to adapt to the load, it is necessary to increase the repetition rate gradually, starting with 1-2 times.
  4. Starting position - lying on your back with outstretched lower limbs. Being in this position, a man should slowly spread and bring his feet together, gradually increasing speed. The duration of the reception is up to 1.5 minutes.
  5. This exercise consists of running in place. In the process of its implementation, a man should try to raise his knees as much as possible, bringing them to the level of the chest.
  6. This technique consists in jumping with the maximum raising of the knees. The number of jumps in one approach is 10 times. The recommended frequency of approaches is 3 times.

Gymnastics for the prevention of prostatitis

The considered complex is effective not only for the prevention of inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland, but also for the treatment of the disease in the initial stages of its development. It is necessary to consistently perform the following gymnastic exercises:

  1. Kneeling, the feet are directed back and the heels apart, while the knees are pressed against each other. After that, they sit on their feet apart, placing their palms on their knees. Being in this position, alternately compress and relax the muscles in the anus for 3 minutes.
  2. This gymnastic exercise is recommended to be performed on an empty stomach. Standing on the floor, you need to gently tilt your torso forward, resting your palms on your knees. After that, take a deep breath, draw in the abdominal muscles as much as possible, exhale and return to the starting position. The multiplicity of repetitions is 15 times.
  3. The patient needs to stand with his back to the wall, bend the right lower limb at the knee joint and rest the plantar part of the foot against the wall. In this position, you should carefully try to sit down on one leg. The lower limbs are changed alternately. The repetition rate is 10 times.
  4. Lying on the floor, a man should raise both lower limbs, bend them at the knee joints and slowly perform the bicycle exercise. The duration of the reception is 2 minutes.

Exercise for a sedentary lifestyle

Hypodynamia - a potential development factor chronic prostatitis. If the nature of a man's work activity involves a long stay in a sitting position, then he is recommended to perform the following methods of therapeutic and preventive gymnastics daily:

  1. Being in a sitting position on a chair, the palm of the right hand tightly clasps the palm of the left hand, clenched into a fist. In this position, the hands are placed on the lower abdomen, take a slow breath and exert a gentle pressure on the lower abdomen, after which they exhale and return to their original position. The criterion for the quality of the reception is the feeling of warmth in the lower abdomen.
  2. Starting position - sitting on a chair or in an armchair. In this position, it is recommended to try to squeeze the muscles located in the anus as much as possible. It is recommended to strain and relax the muscles until the man feels slight discomfort.
  3. In a standing or sitting position, the patient is recommended to perform slow respiratory movements, using mainly the abdominal muscles. While inhaling, hold your breath for a few seconds. The repetition rate is 10 times.

Kegel gymnastics

A specialist with a well-known surname has developed a set of therapeutic gymnastic exercises that are actively used to treat diseases of the female and male reproductive systems. Those techniques that are included in the Kegel complex, have a number of such positive effects on the male body:

  • strengthening erectile function and increasing the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • stimulation of the blood supply to the prostate gland;
  • prevention and treatment of premature ejaculation.

Important! An indispensable condition for the effective conduct of Kegel gymnastics is the presence of an erection. That is why it is recommended to perform gymnastics in the morning, when the male genital organ is in an erect state.

The patient needs to tie a small weight in the area of ​​the external furrow of the penis. After that, try to lift this weight as much as possible by means of muscle tension.

In addition to existing methods of therapeutic exercises, men are recommended for the prevention and treatment of chronic prostatitis outdoor hiking, swimming pool, jogging and horseback riding.